#jacqueline o'lantern
Jackie: Where did all this come from!?
Kim: the store, duh
Jackie: No HOW did you get this, these all look very expensive
Kim: oh I just got it and left
Jackie: You stole evrything
Kim: uh huh
Jackie: everything that is in front of me right now
Kim (seeing at how the jewelry looks on her) : yep
Jackie: deep breaths Jackie, she's your partner.... Aaa Maka does it on the daily
Kim: wait wait wait-
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rxsiki · 1 year
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My merch pieces for the @souleateryearbookzine! 💀💥
I made a print and polaroid for it! Had a blast working on these illustrations and have been dying to post them ever since i finished them 🩹
Leftovers sale is available here!
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lune-tic · 5 months
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Something about Stein trying to fight while holding Maka, Kim, and Jacqueline at the same time is so cute and funny to me.
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pink-yuri · 1 month
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♡ Soul Eater NOT! ♡
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toweroftunes · 3 months
snippet sunday ☀️
Hello!!! It's a six sentence/snippet sunday! Many thanks to @chickycherrycola for the tag! I haven't been visiting the SteinMarie backstory fic lately, unfortunately 😭. So this is from a Jackie POV one shot I've been working on. Kinda a Jackie & Maka friendship fic set during/before the salvage arc? Idk. But here's Jackie snapping a little hahaha:
Jackie throws a “HA!” back at Maka, snatching the broom out of her hands. Maka’s eyes drain of that dark, stormy jealousy, and go wide with surprise. “You’re–!” Jackie shouts, pointing the broom at Maka “You’re not the only one with problems, you know! So what, nobody calls you angel?! Nobody calls me angel either!” Though she doesn’t transform, she feels her palms grow hot and set spark to the wood in her grasp like kindling. She sees her fists set aflame in the reflection in Maka’s eyes. “Don’t you think the rest of us are frustrated and angry and lost, too?!”
I honestly hope to have this out SOON. Just getting the ending and revisions down has been a little ugh-blegh-ack, ya know?
And I know you've already been tagged, @silluuuu, but I'm tagging you again lol. Also gonna tag @memethebum and @justpocketchange if y'all have anything ya wanna share (no presh, obviously)!
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memethebum · 20 days
Here’s me and @alcruid’s entry for Reverb 2024! If you like Hell’s Paradise, murder/gore, Soul going through the horrors, and wacky character interactions check it out hehe
Summary: Soul is sentenced to death but is visited by Maka, a head strong woman from a clan of executioners who offers him the chance to be pardoned.
He and other death row convicts are sent to the lost island to obtain BREW and bring it back to the shogun. In order to prevent escape, each convict is supervised by an executioner from Lord Death’s clan.
Rating/Warnings: M (mild violence, swearing, minor character death)
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Say what you will about Soul Eater, but I'll be damned if Jacquéline O'Lanterne Dupré isn't one of the absolute greatest, most fitting, and most fun to say names I've ever heard in my entire life
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mellancholy-morose · 7 months
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Valentines Gift Exchange
for @chickycherrycola
I agree that we don't get nearly enough B team and had been thinking about them recently before we got our giftees so thank you for giving me the excuse to draw them. I hope you like it This took so long, thank god for whoever asked for the extension
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bcbdrums · 2 months
Soul Eater NOT - part 5 (MAJOR SPOILERS)
Ox, Kim, and Jackie. This felt like a combination of providing neat backstory that did in fact feel valuable, but also frankly a bit of the author living out his lesbian teen fetishes. Let's start with the positives, which are many!
Of the many reasons a person should read the Soul Eater manga canon, Ox Ford is one of them. In the anime he's played more for laughs, but in the manga we get to see his depth (which I won't go into here since this is about NOT). This depth is elaborated on in NOT. But we have to back up first to Kim...
Kim is shown to have arrived at the academy with long gorgeous hair, sailor suit, and sweet disposition that gained her instant popularity. Even a major fan club! But trying to avoid attention, she cut off all her hair and became a bully. She manipulates people and steals from them on the regular, the reason being to try to keep everyone at arm's length so she can keep her secret (she's a witch with healing powers).
Back to Ox... He is just as devoted to her as in SE, and he works extra jobs to earn back the money she steals and return it to her victims in secret! And he tells these people not to hold it against Kim, that she's really a good person and there's gotta be something else going on. Ox Ford, you wonderful human... Anyone who has only seen the anime may find this strange, but once you read the SE manga which gives him a LOT of attention and character development of his own apart from Kim, and you see that all of this is fully in line with the fantastic character he is.
Now we come to Jackie... Poor, confused girl. Presented entirely differently from the spitfire she is in the SE manga. Here, she's a conservatively dressed, straight-edged, rule-following girl and she's already in the EAT class, while Kim is in the NOT class. Her journey is all about wanting to be partnered with Kim, and wondering why she's so fixated on this. Is it love? Is it protectiveness? Is it simply one of those things that's meant to be? Soulmates, as it were.
The long and short of it is, Jackie spots Kim using her witch powers to heal an injured dog. Kim confesses everything, and Jackie agrees to keep her secret if they're partners. It's all very soft and not at all blackmail... And Jackie concludes that protectiveness and a heart for the underdog is her motive for wanting to be Kim's partner. Later in the manga, Kim denounces the partnership but still hangs out with Jackie, which Jackie teases her about. A hinting at deeper feelings?
Comment - overall I really enjoy this bit of backstory, except I think there were a few missteps.
With what we see of Kim's desperation to hide her witch side in SE canon to the point she runs away when found out and joins Arachne, I don't think she'd have simply confessed and given in to Jackie. Besides, she couldn't stand Jackie in the story! I think it would have been more in line with Kim's established personality to have her frankly just killed Jackie after she found out.
I do think the argument could be made that if meisters and weapons are soulmates, if there's truly a best match out there for everyone, that perhaps an instinct is what led Kim to confess and be merciful. But that would be headcanon.
Additionally, we never see Jackie lose her hard edge and turn into the fierce spitfire she is in the SE manga. Not even a hint of this appears in NOT. Again, one can headcanon it happened over time, but it would have been a really great to start to see that shift begin here, in my opinion.
And this is where it comes back to...the author just wanted to write lesbian teen romance (Kim and Jackie are exhibit B... Exhibit A are...the three main characters, who I've yet to mention). Overall though, the story of these three characters was very well done.
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serpentfeverart · 1 year
Jacqueline O'Lantern Dupre from Soul Eater, please.
Hope you don't mind I drew Kim too <3
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maguro13-2 · 10 months
War of Shadow Realm ~ Origins of the Ink Demon Chapter 4 Pt. 9 ~
[Space Gadget - Jun Senoue]
Ashley : Stay with me, Partner! We got a war to win!
Kimial Diehl : I'm right behind you!
Penny Crygor (via Communicator) : Can you read me, Ashley? Things are heating up in the field of battle! Make sure you need to clear out the war zone! Head to the Mad Scientist's Whale shark flagship, the final fortress, by passing through the armada! It's better to stay clear to be in combat!
Fox (via Communicator) : Star Fox here! This is Star Fox leader, Fox McCloud! All ships reporting in!
Falco (via Communicator) : Falco! We got some space war going on here!
Peppy (via Communicator) : The enemy forces stronghold is shielding down, but we're coming in to hot!
Krystal (via radio) : We have to protect the Space Colony at Costs!
Fox (via Communicator) : Heads up, Ashley, enemy intrusion is on your tail!
Ashley : I got it! (Cast a fire ball spell to attack the swallow robots behind her) Bull's eye!
Kimial Diehl! : Nice shooting, partner! There's more where that come from! Which is why I got some tricks left under my sleeve! (Cast a lightning spell on the red fish battle ship, causing it to be destroyed) Direct hit! This is going to be awesome! Hey, Jacqueline, how are you doing?!
Jacqueline O'Lantern Dupre : Doesn't this look like I have to be in battle?! but yelling like this is kinda awkward! We can shake these bad guys if you know what I mean!
Kimial Diehl : I felt that way to ya, sweetheart! This is our time to shine! A battle of the century!
Grim (Metal Sonic) : Can't say how third-parties are getting into serious console wars like this one! And the only time that the Sega Dreamcast lost to the PlayStation! That's how both consoles still worked in the console wars!
Jacqueline O'Lantern Dupre : Great! Even you can say that!
Samus (via Communicator) : So we're heading into war and there's chaos all over it! This is really nuts to start a battle like this! Make sure you gotta ease up!
Mario (via Communicator) : Bowser's at it, again! Going to conquer the Galaxy, and I do not like it! Better take a use of action if we want to get through!
Samus (via Communicator) : We got a long ways to stop this conflict, the planet's fate is in our hands!
Ashley : Loud and clear, guys!
Young Cricket (via Communicator) : Ashley! I figured it out where the Death the Kid's brother is! He's located on the moon that Ohkubo designed! It's located next to the real moon!
Kimial Diehl : So that's where the so-called Kishin Is located at! You're talking about that creepy ass moon over there? It's yellow like cheese.
Moon from Majora's Mask : What? No, Not me, you nincompoop! He meant the moon from the Ohkuboverse! (Points his thumb to the Moon from Soul Eater/Fire Force)
Kimial Diehl : Oh that's the moon that Ohkubo designed!
Dingo : Hey, looks like you could really use a hand here.
Kimial Diehl : Who are you guys?
Dingo : You don't remember? We're the runners!
Ashley : Say, didn't Kojima accidentally abandoned you guys after he made that statement about third Zone of the Enders?
Dingo : Eh, that was Konami. I put the blame on them. Not Kojima. But actually, you're right about that. There was a never third Zone of the Enders. It was Kojima's statement that Konami made Kojima scrapped zone of the enders third installment and they abandoned us.
Ashley : Guess we all felt that way! Now's not the time to chat, we got baddies to blow!
Dingo Egret : Roger that!
Leo Stenbuck : You're ready to kick some robot butt in space?
Dingo Egret : Hell yeah! Ashley, you go ahead for the Flagship, I'll take care of the bad guys! Enemy movements are just up ahead in the front lines!
Ashley : Okay!
Dingo Egret : Alright, Leo! Last's blast these suckers away!
Moirai Albarn : It's a good thing that I escaped with mom and dad! Hope that my sister is safe and sound. Now then, off to find to my baby sister.
Moirai Albarn : Hey! Who goes there!? Show yourself!
Maka Albarn (?) : (chuckles) So, you must be Moirai Albarn, the older sister of my loathsome copy, or should I say the "real" Maka Albarn. So nice of seeing you into getting yourself into a sticky situation like this.
Moirai Albarn : Maka is that you? Why are you acting so strange? (Hears something dripping) Is that dripping black blood? Did you get infected or...(smells something) Wait, that smell. It's Ink.
[Mephiles' Whisper - Hideaki Kobayashi]
Moirai Albarn : (points her blood-shaped gun at Maka) Who are you? Friend or enemy, or monster in disguise?
Maka Albarn (?) : Oh, very clever of you, Captain Obvious, I'm not the Maka Albarn you expected it, I'm the demon queen that ruled Bendy's world for many years. And to tell you this that my name isn't Maka Albarn, my real name is Inky Albarn, the Demon queen of Inky Darkness!
Moirai Albarn : Ah-ha! So it was you! You're the one behind all of this! You're the one that is responsible for the attacks in Japan! Pretending to be my sister! And for abusing her friends that she did know! But why on earth would you do it!?
Inky Albarn : Revenge, sister of Maka Albarn. Soul World was never the same when the people of square enix chose me as the one and only" Maka Albarn". Making me the hero of that world's title, Soul Eater. But something cringes me that Soul World was not the same without Bendy's World, the place that I was once ruled the world of all toons that was nearly covered darkness before the technicolored toons sealed me away underneath the depths of Brooklyn. However, thanks to the help of Sammy Lawrence and those heartlesses, my seal was broken and I had no choice but to escape the place that I lay dormant.
Moirai Albarn : So you once ruled a world that was nearly covered in inky darkness, but who were the technicolored toons that sealed you away? What was your purpose of protecting Soul World and the Kusakabe legacy, right? What was the reason?
Inky Albarn : The reason that I was chosen to protect the devil's legacy, because I was planning on destroying it! I worked my way out as Maka Albarn that is the perfect disguise of a hero that the people of Japan chose me. But that man-made son of the devil treated me like a slave, so I treated them back. And to think that I put the blame on her, in which the mobian death God Grim captured and imprisoned her for 8 years prior before the conflict.
Moirai Albarn : And I bet that you're the one responsible for framing my sister! I bet she never met a kid named Crona, and instead met the masked boy named Makoto.
Inky Albarn : But it's simple, I gave my trust to someone that she didn't know, a kid named Crona had the ability to turn into Bendy, a form that resembles my former loved one, and with that, I just wanted to give this world my courage of overthrowing the Kusakabe legacy. Unlike you, I'm a demon that wants nothing but a future, a utopia for all humans, witches, and demons to understand their true master! Pain and suffering are the best teachers to them! [Attempts to Attack Moirai, but she dodges by jumping over]
Moirai Albarn : Wait a sec. All of this Crona stuff that my sister was talking about, you got one of Sammy Lawrence's experiments that was involved of the terrorists attacks just for that?!
[Mephiles Phase 1 - Hideaki Kobayashi]
Inky Albarn : See it for yourself, I'm only willing on overthrowing the Kusakabe legacy and it's connection with Soul World will be always a pain in Bendy's ass. I decided to tell you that I'm gonna be making Soul Evans to forgive to his foolishness of his will, that is why he chosed me as his personal soul mate. Very well, then Let's see if you can entertain me in battle. (Behind her is an army of lost ones)
Moirai Albarn : Heh! I don't feel like that I bothered to deceive by you, aren't I? I know how to stop you and the darkness itself! Let no one pass through! I have to find to get rid of these inky people called the Lost Ones. She'll might start an uprising and might take over the world. But I can't let my guard down! Time for me to take out the trash! (Uses her blood magic to create a battle axe) So, you're ready to get crazy on defeating you and your army of lost ones? I'm all ears to give myself a showdown!
Kirby : Hi-ya!
(Super Ability Theme plays)
(Lost Ones yelling)
Kirby : Hiii! (Waving hello to Moirai)
Moirai Albarn : What's this, a pink marshmallow with a giant sword?
Waddle Dee : That's our friend, Kirby, you're standing next to a star warrior that you've never seen before!
Moirai Albarn : What? (Behind her is Kirby's group) So, the pink puff has some company. Hmm? You're that masked warrior who helped the witches on that incident.
King Dedede : It's time for a stomping on these inky people that needs a little washing!
Meta Knight : So, a demon disguising herself as the hero we all know. That's what is responsible for the monster attacks on earth. It was all part of her plan of taking over the planet. Time to pay for your actions!
Waddle Dee : And will put a stop to your evil ways! Hope you're reading for some butt-kicking action, Faker Albarn!
Inky Albarn : You insolent fools! You'll never beat me! I will be an unstoppable brute and make the world my rightful domain! You shall feel the power of a new Maka Albarn! A perfect size fit for a queen!
Moirai : I won't let my guard down! This is for my sister and for my family! I won't let the Albarn family name be in ruin!
~ Fifty-Ninth Scene : Declaration of War Pt.2 ~
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soul-dwelling · 1 year
I'll be honest before reading the whole manga I truly believed that "wow the B-team get a whole lot of focus!" but after reading it it seems that even if they get more in the end they still feel like negligible parts of it all (besides the Ox-Kim thing and some little scenes) If I was cheeky I would say that it is actually a plus of the anime that they got shown so little because they didnt matter in the end so not focusing on them was the right call.
I mean, I think Team B gets short shrift in the first anime. 
Granted, we get a lot of Kim and Jackie in the NOT anime, thanks to that anime sticking close to the manga. And we get most of Ox’s big moments in the first anime, such as the Ultimate Written Exam, and some anime-only stuff in the Excalibur episodes. 
But we miss out on the big Ox moment, that being his dedication to bring Kim back to the DWMA. 
And we don’t get to see Kilik wielding four weapons. (Anime reboot stans? _That_ is the moment that needs an adaptation.) 
I think losing Ox’s Baba Yaga moment and Kilik’s contributions to fights is enough to make me think they got better served in the manga (although, at least the anime removed the worst parts from the Hiro and Excalibur episode with regards to Kim and Jackie). 
In comparison, I struggle to think how the anime serves Team B better. We get some more scenes with Ox in the Excalibur episodes, and those scenes are funny. Jackie is a non-entity in the first anime. Kilik’s participation in the fight during the third Excalibur episode is well done. We get their disguises in Baba Yaga Castle, but they don’t do something as big and flashy as Team A in that anime finale--important for infiltrating the enemy headquarters, just not as memorable or built up in a way to let us love these characters and cheer them on. I find it hard to act like this anime sequence compares at all to how emotional Kim and Ox get in the manga’s Baba Yaga arc, or Kim’s dramatic arrival on the Moon (before slapping Ox for shaving his head), or Kilik firing Azusa at Asura from the Earth’s surface. 
But you’re not wrong that the fandom response to Team B would give the impression they must be a big part of the manga--because, honestly, this fanbase is usually excellent at giving attention to underserved characters. Maybe that’s more noticeable with how fans give us a lot more depth to Maka and other main characters. But they don’t slouch on giving Kilik and the Pots attention, as well as attention to Kim and Jackie and Ox. 
Too bad Harvar is a rather blank slate. 
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pink-yuri · 1 month
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♡ Soul Eater NOT! ♡
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liquidstar · 2 years
I started watching soul eater with my friends today and every time a character was introduced I thought “wow.. Finn really wasn’t exaggerating about the names huh”
I WAS NOT!!! i will say people in the notes of that post did point out some that ladies outside of the main cast get weird names too, such as: medusa & arachne gorgon (these didnt strike me as too weird but maybe bc im greek lol), blair witch, eruka frog, and my personal favorite.... jacqueline o'lantern dupré
they also noted that while marie has the most "basic" name her last name is mjolnir. like the hammer. and also tsubaki’s name has legit symbolic meaning bc its the name of a flower that represents her and the episodes that focus on it are really really cool
also there are some guys with Just Some Guy named like justin and sid lol
ANYWAY I HOPE YOU HAVE FUN W THE SHOW its absolutely insane and so so so much fun lol
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bitchapalooza · 1 year
Forget canon, Soul Eater characters from tallest to shortest based purely on vibes alone— and what I think is the funniest lmao
Lord Death
Justin Law
Spirit Albarn and Sid Barrett (same height)
Azusa Yumi
Franken Stein (he would be second tallest if lined up, but I think this fucker wears platformers lmao)
Marie Mjolnir and Medusa Gorgan (same height)
Liz Tompson, Tsubaki Nakatsukasa, Crona Gorgan (same height)
Ox Ford
Jacqueline O'Lantern Dupré
Maka Albarn and Kim Diehl (same height)
Soul Eater Evans
Black*Star and Kilik Rung (same height)
Patty Tompson
Death The Kid
Thunder and Fire
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