#jae cried
mrinafria · 4 months
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The person who saved my life, and the person who made me want to live again, were all you.
Writing this to echo what @thedeathdeelers said in her post. I'm a Seon Jae softie through and through, and yet, when anyone questions Im Sol's choices or calls her names, I want to flip a table pretty much because have you seen the effects her choices have had on people?
Because of Im Sol's choices her mom doesn't have a burn injury on her hand.
Because of Im Sol's choices their house didn't completely burn down.
Because of Im Sol's choices Hyun Joo finally has the best of both worlds, with no regrets about letting go of something for the other. Her brother who was struggling with no motivation or luck whatsoever is definitely better off now.
Because of Im Sol's choices we even have a Tae Sung in the story, otherwise all we knew at the beginning, in episode 1, was he was some guy who dropped out of school after getting into a fight over something. Not the best first introduction to a character (who goes on to become the best second ML ever). I am the most proud about Tae Sung's transformation, because you can see that even in high school, underneath the 'bad boy' facade, he craved some genuine care and attention and guidance, which Im Sol the haelmoni, the yeppo noona provided.
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Im Sol's choices allowed Seon Jae in Alt 2023 to live guilt-free for 14 years (where they confess), instead of him suffering that mental anguish and longing for 15 years out of guilt which the OG Seon Jae had to go through. And we all know what my feelings are about that version of him.
Because of Im Sol's choices, Sonagi exists (/-ed). Because if the 19yo Im Sol had not held the umbrella over him, giving him that dazzling smile of hers that is sunburst and blinding and contagious, capable of stirring storms within the heart, our boy would not be smitten and a loser and a goner for life (well, lives). And now we all know what that means when she chooses not to do that.
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If Im Sol's choices have made anyone's life harder, it's Im Sol herself. She carries around the memories of THREE++ timelines, with the love of her life dying/almost dying in EVERY one of them. She goes through life as if she really didn't live through all that trauma that is enough to drive someone insane. She knows her Seon Jae is gone, for good, and all she has are memories that don't even exist in this timeline, memories that not even a single person can corroborate. You know how utterly helpless and hopeless that sounds like? She has a person in this timeline that resembles her Seon Jae, but she has to constantly remind herself he is not her person, her Seon-Jae, he better not be if she wants to see him alive. Going around in the city and seeing his posters/ads with his face on it, or stumbling onto him and seeing him staring at her with no recognition whatsoever? It's not easy. Becoming a complete stranger to someone who was once your everything, who could've been your everything. Not easy.
And she decides to carry on with life still because deep down she knows that's what Seon Jae would want, that's what Seon Jae had taught her: to live for the people who are thankful to have her around, to live to see another day, rain or shine. She loves life, lives life, as a token of gratitude to Seon Jae. She lives because when she says You saved my life, and you made me live to him, those are not just words she is casually throwing around. She is thankful that he made her find reasons to live one more day, and she is going to pay him back by living a worthwhile life. Because Seon Jae truly wants/ed that. He literally died wanting that, putting her life before him, because he wanted her to live, and by living, I mean not just breathing and spending the remainder of her life with survivor's guilt. Going back to this epic confession scene, he says all that because he is afraid of how Im Sol would go on with her life if he's no more. Here, he wants her to know that she doesn't need to blame herself, or suffer, because it is his choice to save her, and it'll all be worth it to him if she gets to live the best life she possibly can.
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Just like Seon Jae in any timeline never stopped living or appreciating the good things in life despite longing for Im Sol for more than a decade, she will live and keep her love for him alive through herself. Even if she comes back home at the end of the day to cry in secret, or breaks down in tears in public places.
If Im Sol didn't make the choices she did, we won't have a Seon Jae to begin with.
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psalm40speakstome · 4 months
Lovely Runner. Episode Fourteen
HE remembers even when he doesn’t. She is written into the fabric of his life and a little thing like them not meeting and rewriting it all could never change that.
He will ALWAYS remember her.
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jeanvanjer · 2 years
Jeon Jae-jun loves Ye-sol only because she's his blood. He never cared for her before finding out. He can go suck it.
Ha Do-yeong loves Ye-sol regardless. He is Ye-sol's father no matter what.
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rebtrovert-girl · 5 months
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Was it my memories that I lost? Or, was it you?
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xjdkg89q · 5 months
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nemiisnemisis · 8 months
(spoilers under the cut)
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well...we got the explanation
ill be crying my eyes out thanks
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anotherfanaccount · 4 months
People who waited from August to December for part 2 of Alchemy of souls....how????? How did you all manage???
Just finished part 1 and I'm in shambles. Would have been digging my own grave if I didn't have these 10 more episodes.
Jang uk🫂 naksu/mu deok 🫂 park gang gu 🫂 seo yul 🫂 Cho yeon 🫂 crown prince 🫂 madam kim.....these people have my heart. See how the kids are suffering because adults wanted to play with power beyond them. And still are playing with the kids at stake. Madam Kim the only grown up ever.
Also how dare they make this final episode so sweet for all these couples and then just everything goes up in flames.
Like woah. The tone changes and how. With literal death.
Jin Mu is the example of fuck around and find out tbh. Man literally did everything that has Jang UK in full power. I hope he dies a horrible death. Can't wait to see that.
Crown Prince. I just hope you repent a bit. You were not at fault but still. Look what you enabled man.
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hotarufutaba · 4 months
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donghwan fujoshi drawings and hotaru cutieeeee
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perchingominouslysmwh · 4 months
was so NOT expecting to get attacked this early in the morning but apparently someone had the bright idea to go rewatch Day6's I Smile MV just now-
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teafiend · 1 month
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PSA: Watch this ✨
The 6th anniversary of its airing is coming up next month but anytime is good for a shot at this KDrama.
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gcldfanged · 2 months
Maybe I should, oh idk, actually play the Leviathan DLC so I know what canon I'm horrifically mangling.
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nyphantomphan · 8 months
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잶송 ・ Choi Jae-rim & Song Eun-hye
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petrichoraline · 12 days
the bigger the fandom grows the more idiotic mydays come into it and talk shit about stuff they do not understand I am livid
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baeshijima · 6 months
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kozumesphone · 1 month
sun-jae is literally my fav loser bf; come fail some classes with me, baby
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taetr4ck · 6 months
WAZZAP PEOPLE i’m back (kinda) 😋! things got reaaaaally really busy on my end and i’m sorry for that 😭 i’m currently taking a rest and rewarding myself atm by watching way too much netflix and legend of the blue sea (this is my comfort kdrama please 😭) ANDDDDD THANK YOU FOR THE 400 FOLLOWERS PLEASE IM ABOUT TO BAWL ☹️😭😭 i’m so glad people enjoy the works i put out. i literally love you all, and that fact would never change ‘til the end of time. thank you thank you all so much, i’m always grateful to you all 🫶🏻 i’ll work on y’all’s requests next week ! just need to breathe (sleep) for a while. i love you all <3
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