#jaia fic
dickarchivist · 11 months
For the make your OC clones suffer questions.
Oh boy there's some good ones. I would love to hear about Dax and Banshee if that's okay?
It's hard to choose, but I'm going with these. Could I hear:
16: What haunts them?
21: What's their relationship to sex? Modesty?
25: Have they tore someone to shreds with their bare hands?
Thank you
I'm so excited to tell you about Banshee, but first:
For Dax too? Oh thank you for asking about Dax'Malkin, he is so complex and lore rich, thank younfor asking about him too ♡♡♡
What haunts them?
Dax: Ready for some lore? The thing that haunts Dax'Malkin most is the lose of his twin brother, Krazus. The two were younglings together with the jedi, twin sons, always together. This made it easy for the Night Sisters of Dathomir to take them together. In a ritual to turn them both dark side for The Night Sister's favor, something went wrong. Dax'Malkin's body was changed, beastial spikes growing from his back, his teeth pointed and sharp, the whites of his eyes now an inky black. But still, his heart stayed in the light. When he awoke, the jedi who saved him told Dax that his brother had been lost to them... Dax didn't question this, thinking that his brother had died in the ritual.
After this, Dax'Malkin has always had darkness whispering in his mind, in his heart. He fights hard to keep it at bay, but the ghosts of his past never leave him. He sees them in his reflection every day.
Banshee: Aside from o66, something that haunts Banshee is his first botched mission. He and his brothers were trying to save some refugees from a war-torn planet, but things didn't go exactly as planned. He was moving forward with a small group of the refugees, taking them from a covered area through a field, back toward transport. He didn't see the separatist forces closing in from above, silent as the night... the only one that didn't make it was a kid. The mother screamed and yelled in pain the whole way to the camps, it was the only time Banshee didn't try to drown out the sounds of the battlefield.
If Banshee were ever to have a child, he'd insist on naming them Jaia, after the kid Banshee feels responsible for losing.
Have they torn someone to shred with their bare hands?
Dax: Yes, and it terrifies him. Once Athena fell and Dax went full dark side, he fucking lost everything. He's killed every single clone in the 404th except for Grave Squad, and he does everything he can to hunt them down for the death of Athena. (Don't worry he gets better and gets a reunion with Grave and Athena its not even an AU or a fix it fic its for real)
Banshee: Not with his bare hands, but he is an explosives expert. He's juiced a few people. But Droids? Yeah, he's ripped them apart many, many times.
Modesty and sex question under the cut ✂️
What's their relationship to sex? Modesty?
Dax: oh for sure this Jedi Master fucks. His view on the "No love" policy is "fuck that. Have objectivity. Do not sacrifice the good of the many for the good of the one. Obsession is not love." For this he would straight up hate Anakin lmao, because Anakin is obsessed with Padme. Yeah he loves her, but he's also obsessed with her.
But anyway back to Dax. He's not like, running around telling everyone about his exploites, but he's open about them when he's asked. His padawan and adoptive daughter, Annika Cree, asked once when she was little, "Have you ever been in love?" He replied no, not romantically, but physically, and has experienced deep familial love. When she was older, he told her about the safety and precautions she'd need to take around sex and relationships, and he made sure to create an environment where she could always come to him for guidance and advice on these things.
Banshee: it takes Ban a good while to finally be intimate with a partner. That's not to say he doesn't have the drive, often he has it right away, but he's very sensitive and docile. He wants to make sure everything is true on both sides, that they both want it, that it's not the only thing they both want, and that sex isn't the end of their time together. Ban's sex drive is very very high, but his need for intimacy is even higher than that.
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alecmagnuslwb · 5 years
Day Twenty-One: Friends to Lovers (Jaia)
Read on AO3
Maia has a problem. A big Jace Lightwood sized problem. They’ve been friends for ages, always in classes together, always sassing each other until they ran out of things to be sassy about. The little blonde boy she’d grown oddly fond of in middle school is now an annoying blonde man who she spends most of her time outside of work with.
They’ve stuck by each other through it all, bad relationships and good, hiring’s and firings, the big moments and the little. They’ve always had each other’s backs and they’ve always been best friends. Until recently an air of something new has come into the mix, something that’s far less platonic than what she’s always put their relationship in the realm of.
She drags a finger along the edge of her drink as she watches the pretty brunette behind the bar blatantly flirt with Jace and she’s hit with a twinge of jealousy. Jealousy. That’s never been a part of them. She’s seen plenty of girls and guys flirt with Jace, just like he’s seen plenty do the same with her. Hell, they’ve been each other’s wingman for as long as she can remember. Jealousy has never been a part of the game.
Jace smiles at the girl handing her the cash to settle their tab before turning back to Maia and extending a hand.
“Ready to get out of here?” he asks with one of those big smiles he’s always directing at her. They’re far less cocky than the ones he directs at everyone else and with this newfound stirring of feelings inside of her she starts to try and feel like there’s something important about that fact.
She nods taking his hand to stand and pull them through the crowded bar out onto the street. They walk quietly all the way back to their building, because on top of the best friend’s thing they’re also neighbors, not saying a word. It’s comfortable, much in the way silence always has been between the two of them, but it’s also deafening because it gives Maia way too much time to think.
Time to think about the way he doesn’t let go of her hand until they’re blocks away from the bar or how he offers his jacket when a shiver runs through her. She’s fairly certain it’s all in her mind, it’s her own messy feelings misreading every action he takes. Every action he’s been taking with her since high school. It’s just how they are and she really needs to get this new burgeoning crush that she’s starting to feel like is a whole lot more than a crush under control.
“Wanna keep the binge-watch going?” Jace says coming to a stop. Maia hadn’t even realized they were in front of their building. Maia shakes her thoughts, truthfully no she doesn’t because alone time with Jace has had this weird vibe to it lately all because of whatever the hells going on with her, but she also doesn’t want him to worry. If she turns him down when it’s barely even nine he’ll think somethings wrong, think he did something wrong which isn’t the case at all, it’s her muddled feelings that are getting in the way.
“Sure,” she says putting on a bright smile that she hopes is convincing. They settle in at his apartment comfortable on the couch sharing a blanket covered in kittens that she constantly makes fun of Jace for owning.
They’re two more episodes deep into their latest binge watch or at least she thinks they are, she’s frankly uncertain since she’s only been half paying attention sneaking glances Jace’s way every now and then and weirdly catching him sneaking his own looks right back. She thinks it’s all in her head, it’s probably just him worrying about her being weird, but she also can’t help but wonder if it’s more.
Somewhere around the halfway mark of the latest episode while looking at Jace from the corner of her eye watching the lights from the television bounce of his damn pretty heterochrome eyes she starts to think she’ll never be able to go back to what she felt before. Onscreen two characters who’ve been lifelong friends fall in love. It feels important, feels like a message. So, before she even notices the words coming out of her mouth she’s diving in head first.
“You know when sometimes you meet someone so beautiful and then you actually talk to them and five minutes later they’re as dull as a brick?” she starts not daring to look at Jace just yet. “Then there’s other people, when you meet them you think, ‘Not bad. They’re okay.’ And then you get to know them and,” she pauses breathing in deep.
“And their face just sort of becomes them. Like their personality’s written all over it. And they just turn into something so beautiful,” she finishes finally brave enough to look Jace in the eyes who’s listening closely, hanging on every word. “I think that’s what happened to me with you.” She finishes and silence carries between them, strong and heavy. It feels like hours before Jace responds, but when he does it’s not with words.
One second he’s sitting there mouth agape like a fish out of water and the next he’s leaning in hesitating for just a second when their lips are a breath away from each other and when Maia doesn’t make any move to stop him he leans in completely his lips pressed to her.
It’s a soft simple kiss with a simmering fire underneath that she knows could ignite at any second, could cause a wildfire. She wants that, but she also needs to know this isn’t just some fast move, mean nothing kiss that she’s seen Jace give dozens of other pretty girls and boys before.
He pulls back after a moment seemingly stopping the burn between them but keeping their faces close. She opens her mouth to say something, to explain, but as he always does with that big mouth of his he beats her to it.
“Fuck, Maia, I’ve been in love with you since high school,” he says lips quirking up on a small smile shaking his head a little bewildered.
Maia’s eyes widen, stunned. So those looks she’s noticed and caught lately, that smile she’s been interpreting a little differently these days wasn’t all just in her head.
But high school? Even at its latest that would mean Jace has been feeling something she just recently started to feel for at least six years. She feels like she is way behind.
“I won’t lie,” he says continuing on. “Being your best friend has been worth every second even if I never got to tell you how I felt, but damn if this doesn’t feel good.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” she says and it’s not really what she wanted to say first. I mean she’s been harboring this crush or whatever it is for months and hasn’t said a word so she understands the fear of saying it out loud, of messing up what they already have.
Jace just shrugs, shy, Jace Lightwood shy, she never thought she’d see the day.
“I guess I just never thought you’d see me that way. I mean you were dating Clary and then Bat and that whole mess with Jordan happened right when I finally thought I’d worked up the courage to say something and I didn’t want to pressure you or make you feel uncomfortable when you needed me to just be there,” he says. “And I mean it sucked, but your friendship has always meant the world to me, so I found a way to be okay with it.”
Maia reaches out a hand holding Jace’s cheek, rubbing her thumb across the bone lightly. She smiles when he leans into it.
“I won’t say it’s been that long for me,” she says honest. “But lately it’s like I finally noticed you in a way I hadn’t before and how you always fit in a way no one else has and it just changed, shifted. I’m sorry it took so long for me to catch up.”
Jace immediately starts shaking his head. “You have nothing to apologize for, ever,” he says strongly, a determined and endearing edge in his voice. “And you don’t have to say it back. Not right now, it’s okay, I get that it’s still hard for you.”
The big L word is what he’s referring to. She hasn’t said it since Jordan, hasn’t felt it until maybe right now, but the word even in passing has become a tough one to say aloud. Her fondness for Jace just grows tenfold in the moment with his understanding.
“I want to,” she says quietly, meaning it, letting her brain call this what it is for the first time instead of the crush she’s been trying to play it off as. “Even if I can’t say it just yet, know that I want to.”
He nods, his smile growing as he pulls her in close for a tight hug. They hold onto each other for a long while, the show still playing on the television long forgotten.
“So what the hell do we do now?” Jace says with a chuckle still holding her close. “By my account we go on at least two dates a week as is.”
Maia laughs thinking about their dinners and drinks and things that normal friends always do, but have been carrying emotion on one side and eventually another for ages now that makes them seem a whole lot more like dates.
“We keep doing just that,” she says pulling back her hands resting on his biceps. “Except now we can just add bonus hand holding and kissing and stuff to the mix.”
Jace smiles again. This time one of those cocky, infuriating ones of his.
“Stuff, huh?” he says waggling his eyebrows. Maia laughs curling her hand into a fist and punching him in the shoulder lightly.
He falls back feigning injury rubbing at his shoulder with a pout.
“You’re the worst person I know,” she chuckles rolling her eyes at him. He lifts back up, cocky little smile still on his lips. She wants to kiss it off of him and a second later she realizes now she can.
He’s just about to say something, no doubt some retort that will divulge into one of their epic back and forth rounds of friendly insults and jibes, but she has no time for the sass right now.
She leans in shutting him right up. She giddily laughs against his lips happy to find such an enjoyable way to shut him up.
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ketzwrites · 6 years
Malec and 5, and/or Jaia and 42? P.S. You're amazing.
Thanks, nonny! and why not both?
This is an AU in canonverse where Alec and Jace meet Magnus and Maia in a different way.
5. “Why are you helping me?” + 42. “I’m only here to establish an alibi.”
Magnus just wanted an easy, uneventful night for a change. Really, all he wanted was to have a drink or two, talk to Maia for a couple of hours, and head home. Downworlders weren’t supposed to be idly hanging out these days anyway, not with so many Shadowhunters disappearing and coming back as corpses the Hudson River washed back into town. Apparently, minding their own business was suspicious now.
Really whoever was murdering Shadowhunters shouldn’t have been walking around in Brooklyn. Magnus didn’t want a team showing up at his door and demanding his help in the case. High Warlock or not, Magnus was pretty disinclined to aid.
So, yeah. All Magnus wanted was a quiet night and a good, strong drink.
Of course, all his plans were foiled when two freaking Shadowhunters walked into the bar and took a table. Blondie ordered two beers just as Maia was about to kick them out, though Magnus paid attention to the other one. Tall but with big, gentle eyes. Now, that was a man.
Too bad Magnus hated him on principle.
“This is a Downworlder bar,” Maia said, crossing her arms as a refusal to move. “We don’t serve your type here.”
A blatant lie but, considering the situation, Magnus blamed it on the half-angels. As he did with most things, justifiably.
“You don’t need to serve us,” the blondie said and had the audacity to walk up to the bar and grab two cups, pouring down the first type of beer he found. “We won’t be here long.”
“Jace,” the other one called, his tone clearly a warning. The Shadowhunter’s eyes were glued at the windows and Magnus could swear one of his runes was activated. “They’re coming.”
Jace nodded, grabbing the two glasses and going back to the table. “Just pretend we’re not here.”
“I wish,” Maia retorted but just picked up a glass to wipe when the doors opened suddenly. Three Shadowhunters walked in this time, all geared up and angry-looking. Maryse Lightwood herself lead the trio, all sharp in a boring pencil dress.
Magnus vaguely wondered what the Head of the New York Institute wanted in the Hunter’s Moon. Not exactly a place he pictured her or any of her precious Shadowhunters. Apparently, the feeling was mutual, since Maryse seemed thrown-off by the other two guys’ presence. Still, she decided to ignore them and turn to Magnus.
“Bane,” Maryse said in a commanding voice. “Where were you tonight, at 8 p.m.?”
Magnus frowned. What was that about? “I don’t see how that is any of your business.”
“A suspect escaped from the Institute’s prison cells earlier this evening. He had help doing so.” Maryse greeted her teeth as if sharing the information was somehow a problem. “Your wards keep non-angel-blooded creatures out, but they seem to have failed. Or, they didn’t and the extraction was your doing.”
Oh. Someone had broken Meliorn free. So many had suspected he was behind the attacks and the Shadowhunters had captured him the week before, for ‘questioning.’ Magnus hoped the Seelie Knight was safe now. He had no lost love for Seelies, but nobody deserved to be at the mercy of panicked Shadowhunters.
“Unfortunately,” Magnus cocked his head to the side, sustaining Maryse’s vicious gaze. “It wasn’t my doing. I’ve been here all night.”
Maryse was ready to object, but then the tall Shadowhunter spoke up. “He’s telling the truth,” he said calmly, his voice smooth despite the situation. “Jace and I got here at six, after practice. Mr. Bane came in not long after that and he’s been here since.”
For a second, Magnus was sure the lie wouldn’t work. Maryse narrowed her eyes at him, looking for any signs of contradictions. When Magnus just smiled at her, she turned to the Shadowhunter. “Are you sure, Alec?”
Magnus didn’t understand. That Shadowhunter had just hushed in, had his friend grab a half-full glass of beer, and now was lying to his superior officer in Magnus’ behalf. Why?
“Do you want us to come back and help with the investigation?” Jace asked, his body language relaxed just enough to mask an underlining tension. These guys were hiding something, Magnus was sure of it.
But Maryse wasn’t. She actually smiled and shook her head. “No, you two enjoy your night off.” All traces of affection left her expression just as fast as they showed up and she turned to Maia. “I have a few questions for you.”
As Maryse and the other two Shadowhunters approached the bar, Magnus stood up and gave them space. Maia held her ground well enough on her own and, from behind, Magnus had a better maneuver space if any of the Shadowhunters tried something against her. He could also keep an eye on the other two.
Alec and Jace. What weird duo they were. “Why are you helping me?” Magnus asked when he moved close enough that his voice wouldn’t draw Maryse’s attention.
“Because they think it was you but it wasn’t,” Alec said, all smoothness gone from his voice. There was only certainty left.
Magnus narrowed his eyes, examining Alec better. He was a gorgeous young man but that wasn’t the most impressive part of him. That would the iron resolve underneath the calm exterior, a confidence that laid just close enough to be felt but that didn’t overbear the sense of rightness.
“I’m only here to establish an alibi,” Jace said, shrugging. Once again, his posture was too relaxed, too undisciplined. Magnus could see right through it. Jace’s eyes followed what happened at the bar like a hawk making him ready to interfere at any time.
Thanks to Maia, though, he didn’t have to. She answered the Shadowhunters’ questions firmly as ever and she was smart enough to know not to pick a fight. Maryse seemed as satisfied as her stiffy ass could get and she took her buffoons with her on her way out. But not before turning to Magnus. “Come in next week to reinforce the wards,” she ordered and left.
Well, that would be her problem. Magnus had a conference in Berlin to attend. But, for now, he was more interested in understanding why Maryse’s absence had Jace sigh in relief so heavily or why had Alec frown as he clearly calculated their next move.
“What the hell,” Maia said, enunciating every sound, “is going on?”
That was when Magnus figured it out. They were there to create an alibi all right, but not for Magnus. “Someone broke out Meliorn tonight, but it wasn’t a Downworlder,” he smirked, cocking his head to the side and looking straight at Alec, “it was you.”
A shadow of a smile crossed Alec’s lips, but he didn’t answer.
“Don’t look at me,” Jace said in his place and winked at Maia. “I’ve been drinking here since 6 p.m.”
“Does that mean you’ll be paying four-hours worth of drinks?” Maia asked, crossing her arms against her chest and popping an eyebrow up.
Jace gaped, ready to refuse, but Alec snorted. “He will.”
As a smiling Maia took Jace’s begrudging money, Magnus stared at Alec. He seemed to catch the stare, since he cleared his throat and smiled sheepishly. What a weird Shadowhunter indeed.
Magnus smiled. “Careful out there,” he heard himself say, “we wouldn’t want you to go missing, Pretty Boy.”
Alec smiled too, this time a little more confident. “I’ll watch out.”
“Come on,” Jace said abruptly, all but dragging Alec away to the exit. “Before she rips me off some more.”
“You’re welcome back anytime,” Maia laughed from the bar, waving Jace away with a fan of bills.
Letting himself be pushed, Alec just had time to look over his shoulder at Magnus once more time before he and Jace disappeared through the door. Magnus huffed, still not quite sure of what had happened there. He went to his place at the bar.
“That was something, hm?” Maia said.
Yes. It definitely was.
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lewispandawrites · 6 years
If any writer wants to talk about writing/fic ideas - hit me up here or @gingerangelofthursday. I loooooove to talk about those things.
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lgbt-malec · 7 years
🐬 malec and jaia double date where alec and jace realize how much happier their parabatai is. sorry if that's too vague
(i hope this lives up to your expectations. thank you for sending one in!) 
(writing is under the cut so i don’t take up too much dash space)
“Magnus! Jace nor Maia is going to care what color eyeliner you’re wearing, I promise. You look lovely with both the blue and the purple.” Alec walked into the bathroom that had become his and Magnus’ over the time they have been together, only to find that Magnus had his whole makeup collection scattered across the counter and see that Magnus was leaning against the countertop, nearly touching the mirror with his nose. Alec had to stifle his laugh, instead pursing his lips and leaning against the door frame. He stood there a moment, watching with fascination as Magnus attempted to fix his eyeliner without magic.
“Alexander, I don’t care what they think. I just- it’s not turning out how I wanted it to. It looks alright, but Magnus Bane never looks just alright.” Magnus set his purple eyeliner pencil down and huffed with obvious frustration. With a few blew sparks coming up from his fingertips, he snapped, and the eyeliner seemed to change in the slightest so that both sides matched and were perfect. With one last look in the mirror, Magnus nodded his head in satisfaction and turned around, a smile now on his lips. “Now it looks better than alright, and we can go. Come on handsome, don’t wanna keep Jace and Maia waiting at the restaurant.”
Jace tightened his grip on Maia’s hand, he never got nervous over anything, yet here he was, nearly sweating in a fancy restaurant in uptown Brooklyn. He felt Maia’s thumb rubbing circles over his hand, forcing him to focus on her and not the situation currently. He took a deep breath in, his grip on Maia’s hand becoming less tight and more relaxed.
“Jace, it’s literally just Magnus and Alec . There’s no reason to be nervous? You’ve grown up with Alec, and Magnus isn’t an asshole.” Maia wasn’t nervous, she got along great with both Alec and Magnus, so there was no reason for her to be anxious about tonight, yet Jace was nearly bouncing in his seat.
“I just, I don’t know. Magnus make Alec so happy, and Alec is giving his full self to Magnus. Like- I’ve never seen him happier since the day I met him. He has never smiled like this before, Magnus just makes him so- what’s the word- himself. If that makes sense.” Jace was tripping over his own words, but Maia knew what he meant. She brought her free hand up to his face and cupped his jaw in her hand, forcing him to look at her and not to distract himself with anything else that could have brought attention away from him.
“Listen to me. Magnus likes you, and you love him and Alec. Alec is your brother, and tonight is going to be so much fun. We’re in an expensive restaurant, you’re with me, and I’m gonna be right by your side all night. There’s nothing to be nervous about. Now, relax and just breathe.” Maia pressed a soft kiss to Jace’s lips, and when she felt her boyfriend relax, she pulled away, pressing a quick kiss to his chin. “Love you.” Her words were soft, but Jace heard her, and it helped him relax a bit more. He squeezed her hand under the table before he took a sip of the wine sitting next to his plate. He set his glass down and his focus went towards the front of the restaurant when he heard Alec and Magnus walk in, their laughs unmistakable.
“Maia! Jace! Glad you’re still here,” Magnus turned to Alec before they sat down, humming in a sort of ‘I told you so’ way before turning back to face Jace and Maia (who, as he noticed quickly, had rather confused looks on their faces). “Alec here thought that I was going to make us late, but I called bull shit and said that we’d be fine. Now look at us, perfectly on time.” Magnus felt his lips turn up into a grin when he heard Alec grumbling to himself, so he turned to face him, having to bite his lip so his smile didn’t take over his whole face. He shoved Alec’s shoulder gently with his own before he picked up the wine glass on the table, taking a sip of it and nodding with satisfaction when the flavor was one he recognized. “It’s alright, Alexander, I forgive you for being wrong.” He ignored Alec’s offended expression, knowing he hadn’t really offended his boyfriend, and instead started up a conversation with Maia.
“In my defense, you were taking longer than usual to get ready. It isn’t my fault that I was trying to get here on time. I bet Maia didn’t make Jace late, that’s why they were here before us.” Alec knocked his knee against Magnus’ under the table, wide smiles already on both of their faces as they looked at one another for a few moments. A laugh from Maia caused both of them to turn their heads to face the two. Alec glanced at Maia first and then at Jace, his heart warming as he noticed a hint of a smile on his lips. He noticed the way Jace’s eyes kept flickering over to Magnus and Alec, but he was focused mainly on Maia; he noticed how the pair were sitting, how Jace was nearly pressed up against Maia’s side, how Jace’s left hand and Maia’s right were nowhere to be seen, how, when Maia talked, Jace gave her his full attention the whole time she spoke. Jace had seen so much pain, he’d been through so much hurt in his life, he has lost so many people, but Alec can tell that Maia takes his pain away, that Maia helps him see the light in life. It brings a smile to his own face, his hand going to rest of Magnus’ knee when he hears his boyfriend start speaking, presumably in response to Maia. He shifts his focus to Magnus now, a smile automatically on his lips when Magnus started telling one of his many stories to Maia.
Jace finally tears his eyes away from Maia only when she’s done speaking and when Magnus has started his reply to her. He listens to Magnus, but only for a few seconds because he let’s his mind start to wander as he glances at Alec. Alec, the Head of the New York Institute. Alec, the big, strong, tall Shadowhunter who always protects his siblings before himself. Alec, the one who (before Magnus) would never allow himself to feel any emotions because “Emotions cloud judgment”. But here he saw Alec, the kind, soft-hearted man who has given all his love to Magnus. He noticed both of Magnus’ hands on the table, the man illustrating everything he was saying with his hands movements, but he only saw one of Alec’s hands. He knew Alec was holding onto Magnus in some way, and he knew that solely because he was doing the same with Maia. He noticed the way Alec was smiling, there was a light in his eyes that had only appeared after Magnus had come into their lives; he noticed how Alec was acting, with not a single care in the world. Alec had always worried so much, he had always been on high-alert, all the time. But here, with Magnus, Maia, and Jace, Alec was so at ease. Jace knew he was staring, but he didn’t care, so when Alec finally looked back over at him, he gave Alec a genuine smile and nodded his head.
The two of them didn’t need to say anything, Jace remembered all those months ago when he had first told Magnus how he could physically feel that Magnus made Alec happier. He knew now that Alec could feel how happy he was with Maia. And hell, if the both of them don’t deserve utter happiness, then he doesn’t know who does.
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finnicks · 7 years
( fic ) i'd tell myself you don't mean a thing
i’d tell myself you don’t mean a thing shadowhunters | maia, jace; jace/maia | pg, 2367. i think your scar is cool. or the one where jace and maia's scars look good together. | future fic.
She watches his face, noticing how his eyes are focused. His lips part, perhaps unconsciously, and his other hand is lifted slightly off the table, like he’s ready to reach forward and wrap his other hand delicately around her neck.
It goes on for too long, she thinks. This tenderness, this break in who they are. They’re sharp bits coming together, like teeth. Sometimes his touch is soft, but it’s often when she’s caught in the crossfire of work, when her ass needs saving, when she’s saved his.
Overthinking, Maia does her best not to flinch, but she draws up her shoulder like a bridge and traps his hand at the curve of where neck and shoulder meet.
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visander · 3 years
Desperation | Ao3.
Jace didn't go to the bar to watch Simon sing but when he realized Simon was on stage, he could think of nothing else. Afterwards, Jace knew he needed a distraction and he needed it now. Thankfully, Maia was more than willing to shove every thought right out of his head.
This is my 'free space' square for @shadowhunterbingo! This is also written because of the @malecdiscordserver‘s rewatch (come join us, it's fun).
When Jace walked into the bar, he’d been intent on one thing. He was going to find Maia and he was going to fix what he’d done. That was the only thing Jace was there for. He had business to take care of after. He had mission reports to go over and though, that was normally something Jace would put off until the very last second he could, he was determined to get it done tonight.
Jace Wayland might have been someone who would slack off and push his work on everyone else but Jace Herondale was not. Jace Herondale also had a lot on his mind as of recently and if he was set on working himself until he couldn’t remember a single other thing that was ringing in his head, well that was all the better. He was being productive. It was a good thing. That’s all anyone needed to know.
But the moment Jace walked inside the bar, he found himself side tracked. Clary was there, which was more than Jace had been prepared to deal with. He’d rather face Maia to swallow his pride and apologize than have to smile at Clary like nothing was going on. A moment later Jace realized that Simon was there too, which was objectively a million times worse.
Jace could avoid Clary. Jace could stay away from her and refuse to look at her but the moment Jace walked inside, all he could think about was Simon because Simon was standing on stage, front and center, impossible to ignore. Not even to mention the fact that Simon was singing and if Jace was expected to think of anything other than Simon while Simon was singing, Jace failed miserably. Of course, he failed. It wasn’t even Simon’s singing that did Jace in. It was just Simon himself.
Whenever Simon was in the room, Jace could focus on nothing else and Jace didn’t really know what to make of that. He couldn’t be attracted to his ex-girlfriend’s boyfriend. He couldn’t be jealous of her for having his attention and yet, that’s exactly what was happening.
Jace ripped his eyes away from Simon. He couldn’t like Simon but deep down, Jace knew he did and that was more than pathetic. If there was one thing Jace was thankful for, it was that Simon hadn’t noticed him staring but of course, Simon hadn’t noticed him staring. Simon was too busy staring at Clary, who was standing in the crowd smiling up at him like she could see no one else in the room.
Neither of them saw Jace and Jace knew it was better that way. Jace had nothing to say to Clary and he certainly had nothing to say to Simon. So, why Jace found himself gravitating towards the wall to lean and watch instead of finding Maia and doing what he came to do in the first place, Jace wasn’t sure.
Maybe, he just liked torturing himself. In fact, he certainly did because Jace found himself standing and watching nearly all of Simon’s performance. Jace had never and would never say it to Simon but his voice was one of the most beautiful things Jace had ever heard. People often forgot that Jace was a musician but he was and he knew how to appreciate beautiful music. It was times like this when Jace could almost close his eyes and imagine his fingers drifting across keys as Simon sang behind him.
It was a stupid fantasy. Jace didn’t like playing around anyone anyway. Having an audience reminded him too much of being a kid and sitting before Valentine, waiting for his fingers to get snapped when he inevitably messed up. The moment someone was watching, it was no longer the relaxing mindless thing it had been before and Jace played worse because of it.
But in Jace’s fantasy, Simon’s presence didn’t stress him out like everyone else did. In his fantasy, Simon sat next to him on the piano chair, singing softly as Jace’s fingers danced across the keys.
It was a stupid thing to think about. It would never happen. Jace would never let it happen. If Simon ever caught him playing, he’d have some quip on the tip of his tongue that would put a prompt stop to any serious and touching conversation they could have. Jace would stop playing, stand and ask Simon why he was bothering him.
He’d never let Simon sit next to him and rest his head on Jace’s shoulder as he played but in the privacy of Jace’s head, he longed for that. He wanted that more than anything.
Jace broke out of his thoughts as Simon turned towards him and made eye contact for a brief second. Jace jolted off the wall he was casually leaning on, looking away from Simon suddenly as if he could possibly pretend he hadn’t been watching him the whole time.
Jace was a shadowhunter. They were supposed to be calm and in control of themselves. Emotions were merely a distraction and all. So, why did Simon glancing at him get Jace’s heart pounding in his chest? Why were Jace’s cheeks bright red?
Jace glanced to the stage again. He was convinced that Simon would still be looking at him, wide eyed, wondering why Jace was there and what that expression on Jace’s face had been but when Jace finally looked up, Simon had already looked away.
Of course, he had. Why would he care if Jace was there? Why would he be thinking about Jace when his girlfriend was standing in the crowd watching him? Why would he think of Jace for even an extra moment?
Yet, Simon had been all Jace could think of for days. Simon had captivated his every waking thought. It was pathetic. Jace knew it was. Had he ever said a kind word to Simon? Had he ever tried to talk to him, beyond the witty front he put up around everyone? Had he ever stopped rolling his eyes and groaning every time Simon spoke to let him know that he did in fact like listening to him talk? No and he wouldn’t ever, even if the Jace in his head hung around after the show to compliment Simon on his performance.
That Jace didn’t exist because in that universe, Simon would smile, hug him and ramble about everything that had happened and Jace would not act annoyed when he wasn’t. That Simon would like Jace and not find it very weird that Jace had stopped to watch Simon’s show. That Simon would not be someone Jace had pushed away and kept at a far distance the whole time they’d known each other. That Simon would know him, the real him, and he’d still like Jace anyway but that would not happen in real life, not with Simon and not with anyone.
Everyone thought that Jace was so handsome. The thought of him having problems finding partners would be laughable to most people but that Jace that most people thought of was a character. The real Jace had never had a relationship, beyond Clary who Jace was starting to think didn’t count. The real Jace had never had anything with anyone that wasn’t explicitly a hook up. The real Jace knew that the moment anyone got close, they’d dislike what they saw and they’d go running.
Clary knew they weren’t siblings and yet, she did not care. Jace should be relieved. He didn’t want to get back together with her and he’d been dreading trying to explain that to her but he’d also been sure they’d have that conversation. Whatever Jace had with Clary had been the most real thing he’d ever had with anyone. They had to have a conversation about it. Clary had to have felt what Jace did when they were together.
But she knew they weren’t siblings and still, she said nothing to him. It didn’t matter to her. They hadn’t broken up because they were siblings, like Jace thought. Jace clearly just hadn’t been as important as he thought he’d been to her.
Everyone thought Jace could get whoever he wanted but like Clary, people didn’t stay and even when Jace thought they would, he was never good enough to get them to stick around. He was good for hookups but anything more than that and people started to see Jace’s facade slip and they did not like who he really was underneath.
Jace would never let Simon in. Even if he hadn’t been dating Clary, even if he’d been interested in Jace in return, Jace would never let them be anything. Why would he do that to himself? Why would he try knowing Simon would leave when he realized being with Jace Herondale wasn’t actually as amazing as everyone liked to think? Why would Jace ever try with anyone again?
He’d tried with Clary. He’d tried so hard. He’d finally thought he found someone who would love him and cherish him for who he was but apparently, whatever they’d had wasn’t even worth a conversation.
Jace was done with all of that. He was done with trying. He’d decided that years ago but Clary had been the first person to make Jace forget exactly how unlovable he was and Jace was not going to make that mistake again, not for anyone.
On stage, Simon’s performance was just coming to an end. He was thanking everyone and laughing breathlessly, like he was astonished that so many people had been watching him, as if anyone standing in the bar listening to him sing could think about anything but him.
Jace glanced up and found Simon’s eyes flickering to him again. He looked confused and Jace knew the moment he stepped off the stage, he’d be asking Clary if she invited him and why he’d come.
Jace threw himself off the wall and spun around. He spotted Maia across the bar, making her way outside and he sprinted after her, suddenly desperate to get away from here before Simon, if he even cared enough to, bothered to ask why he’d come.
Jace knew what he’d say. He’d laugh and tell Simon he just happened to walk in when he was singing (which was true. Jace would never choose to torture himself like this) and then, he’d insult Simon somehow. He’d say something that wasn’t harsh enough to upset him but harsh enough to make it clear that Jace did not come to be supportive.
Jace didn’t want to do that tonight. He didn’t want to see Clary roll her eyes at him and tell Simon to ignore him. He didn’t want to see Simon kiss her or hold her hand or whatever else they’d do that was sweet and adorable and nothing anyone would ever want to do with Jace.
Jace just couldn’t do it tonight. He couldn’t be the Jace he had to be around Simon, around everyone.
Jace burst through the door and into the cold night air.
Maia was a few steps in front of him but she turned when he walked outside so forcefully, raising an eyebrow when she noticed who he was.
Jace took a deep breath. Right, he’d come for Maia, not Simon. “I’m sorry if I hurt you,” Jace blurted out.
Maia’s eyebrow raised a little higher. “If?” Maia asked. She turned to take a few steps towards him and Jace had to resist the urge to back up. “You were willing to let the entire downworld go to hell because you’re still in love with Clary.”
Jace scoffed softly. He tried to sound annoyed but he knew he didn’t quite hit the mark. He’d been hoping they’d talk about anything but this because he most certainly was not ready to have a conversation about Clary of all people. “I’m not in love with Clary,” he said, meaning it.
“Please,” Maia rolled her eyes.
“I’m not,” Jace murmured. He knew Maia wouldn’t believe him but he still wondered what she’d do if she knew he was telling the truth. He wondered what she’d say if she knew that all Jace had been able to think of for days was Simon Lewis.
Maia blinked, eyeing him for a long moment. “Prove it,” she said finally.
They both stared at each other. Jace knew what she was saying. He knew what she was offering him. It took Jace by surprise but it was what he’d had with countless people - a distraction, one that would never mean anything more because Jace wasn’t good for anything else. He shouldn’t have been surprised. Maia didn’t need to like any part of him to offer this.
Jace rushed forward. Their lips met for only a second before Maia was shoving him backwards towards the wall. Jace’s back hit it and his breath hiccuped in his chest with the force of it. Jace stared at her and the expression on his face had to have been too pleased because Maia kissed him and then shoved him again, just to watch his reaction.
Jace had to hold back a soft moan. He wanted to tell her to do it again. He wanted to tell her to shove and push him and do whatever she wanted. Jace was always the one in charge. He was always the one leaning in, always the one making the move, controlling the pace, doing it all and the whole time, Jace had to keep his guard up and be Jace Wayland or as of recently, Jace Herondale - which was even worse.
He couldn’t just relax and be Jace. That wasn’t what people came for but maybe with Maia, Jace wouldn't have to be anything. Jace didn’t have to be anything, when she was the one shoving him and doing exactly what she wanted.
“Don’t think this means anything,” Maia hissed before her mouth was there again, claiming his own.
Jace didn’t respond. He didn’t think he had to. Of course, this was nothing. No one ever wanted anything more than this with Jace and he was just going to have to get used to that again. Clary had gotten his hopes up. He’d let himself go soft until all he could think about was Simon and how it would feel if Simon had followed him outside, until all he could think about was if it was him Jace was kissing right now.
Maia bit his lip and Jace gasped, opening his mouth and letting her tongue slide in. Simon drifted in the back of Jace’s mind but as Maia kissed his swollen lips, it was easy to forget about him. Fuck Clary. Fuck Simon. Fuck everything. Jace needed this. He needed to just stop fucking thinking for an hour and when he was struggling to breathe into Maia’s lips, that was rather easy to do.
Jace could not forget about Simon but for the night, he let Maia’s harsh grip chase away any thoughts of him. Simon would never be anything to Jace and getting slapped around was just what Jace needed to forget about the vampire entirely.
Jace didn’t get the reports done that night but it worked out anyway because the next morning, he got to throw himself into all the paperwork he’d put off and try desperately not to think of Simon again.
That night, Jace got a text that could only be from one werewolf. ‘Tonight?’ She asked.
Jace responded quickly, telling her when he’d be free to leave.
‘Don’t forget this isn’t anything,’ Maia responded.
‘Wouldn’t dream of it,’ Jace wrote back before sighing and pocketing his phone.
Clary and Simon ended up stopping by the Institute together. Jace left early and he had an excuse ready for Maia about why he’d shown up before he was supposed to but she didn’t ask. She just pushed him onto the couch and kissed him.
Jace couldn’t have been more thankful for her silence. Maia was getting something from him. This was of their mutual benefit but Jace also knew Maia had no clue just how much he needed this. Like every other feeling Jace ever felt, he wouldn’t tell her that. That would be weird and too personal.
This meant nothing. It would always mean nothing and Jace tried to remind himself of that whenever he started to slip. This was all he’d ever have and he tried to be okay with that. If he wasn’t, well he’d never tell anyone that anyway - not Maia, not Clary and most certainly not Simon.
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lesbianclaryfray · 4 years
utter my love when it counted
Rating: M
Pairing: Jace/Maia
TWs: mentions of blood, violence, and past abuse
Square Filled: “memories”
Read on AO3
The door to Alec’s office clicks softly closed behind Maia. She lets out a long breath, her relief so intense it’s almost tangible, and slumps against the wall.
“It’s over,” she says, the faintest smile on her lips. “ Finally .”
Jace wants to smile back at her, say something reassuring, but he can’t. He can’t, because he’s never seen her look this tired before. If he were to smile, it would be fake, and she would know. If he were to try to talk, he wouldn’t even know where to begin.
“I’m so glad you’re okay,” he says anyway, because she deserves to hear it, and because it’s the one thing he can say with absolute certainty is true. “What did Alec say?”
She shrugs. “I’m free to go home.”
But she doesn’t.
“Home” is the docks. “Home” is closed off by police tape. “Home” has blood on its floors that she’s never going to be able to scrub out.
“Do you wanna stay the night?” Jace asks.
Maia lets out a brief, sad chuckle. “Not really,” she admits. “But… please .”
Jace’s room is colder than hers, but Maia’s had worse. She kicks off her shoes and sits at the edge of his bed, feeling a little out of place. Feeling a lot out of place, actually. She’s never really been in here before. In the Institute, yes, but never in Jace’s bedroom. And now, she has no right to be. Not after she ended things so suddenly and so ruthlessly, without so much as a last kiss. Not after she’s failed her whole pack.
She snaps out of her thoughts when Jace steps up, holding out a long grey sweater towards her. She raises an eyebrow at him.
“You have blood on your clothes.”
“Oh,” Maia says, remembering. She takes the sweater and begins to take off her jacket and top. Jace politely turns away, and it’s like the small gesture is reminding her once more that they’re over, and it was her fault. It was her choice to be alone.
She recognizes, somewhere deep down, that this is just her self-pity talking. That if she were still fucking Jace, it wouldn't make anything better - her friends would still be dead, their blood would still be on her hands. And so would Heidi's. But she also knows, in an even deeper corner of her mind, that if she hadn't ended things, they wouldn't just be fucking now, because she had seen the adoration in his eyes, had felt her heart race whenever he kissed her cheek goodbye, had stayed up late drinking and talking with him long after she'd been satisfied with the sex. That was why she'd ended things, wasn't it?
She pushes the thoughts away and shrugs off the rest of her bloodied clothes.
“I’m decent,” she says once she’s dressed. He turns back around and, to her surprise, steps up to her and raises a gentle hand to her neck, brows furrowed in concentration as he examines the wound Heidi’s fangs left there. The medics at the Institute patched her up pretty well, and with her werewolf healing already kicking in, the bitemark is the least of Maia’s worries. But apparently not Jace’s.
“I should’ve been there,” he says quietly. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine,” she whispers back. “I’m fine.”
He shakes his head, but doesn’t say anything else. So they stand there for a minute, then two, then five, with his fingers gently rubbing her neck and her head slowly inching forward to rest against his chest, and for a moment she feels safe.
It doesn't last.
The second she closes her eyes and starts to relax into Jace’s touch, it’s like she’s living it all over again, faster and more intensely: Glenn choking on his own blood. The light leaving Russell’s eyes. Jordan bleeding out in front of her. Jordan taking a knife for her. Jordan staring down at her in the rain, hatred in his eyes and her blood on his claws.
She pulls back from Jace, and he immediately lets go of her. She turns away from him, trying to ground herself, but it’s hard in the unfamiliar, dimly-lit room where she can still see her blood-soaked clothes at the foot of the bed.
She kicks them out of sight and crawls under the covers. “I’m taking the bed.”
“Of course you are.”
She can almost hear his fond smile.
She pulls the sheets up over herself and scoots over to the side of the bed she always sleeps - slept - on when they shared a bed. Not this bed, though, and rarely for sleeping.
She shakes her head free of the memories. It was fun while it lasted, that’s what they’re telling everybody. It was never serious. It wasn’t a heartbreak. She’s not any more alone now than she was before. It’s fine .
Except that she is alone. More alone than she’s been since she ran away from home. And this time, it’s not going to be fine.
She looks up to see Jace looking at her, as if asking for permission, and when she gives him a look that basically says, “duh!”, he slips under the covers on the free side, still leaving a generous amount of space between them.
She appreciates it.
“I don’t think I can actually sleep tonight,” she admits after a moment.
“I know what you mean,” he says. “What can I do to help?”
Maia shakes her head. “Unless you have a way to travel back in time, I don’t think there’s really much you can do.”
“I’m sorry,” Jace says, quiet and full of sincerity.
“It wasn’t your fault.”
There is a pause. Jace sighs. “Wasn’t your fault, either.”
She looks at him without really meaning to. It’s a mistake - he’s already staring at her with sad eyes and a sadder smile, and she can tell he wholeheartedly believes what he’s saying.
“It’s not that simple,” Maia says, turning away again. “I was supposed to protect them. And Jordan…”
She cuts herself off. He can see the tears welling up in her eyes and he wants to reach out to touch her, offer some sort of comfort. But he doesn’t. He knows better than to try when she’s not in a position to stop him if she needs to.
Instead, he keeps the conversation going to keep her from getting lost in her thoughts. “Is he gonna live?”
“I don’t know,” Maia says. She hopes he does. But she can’t tell whether she wants him to be okay because she cares about him, or because he got stabbed to save her life.
Or maybe, it’s because she doesn’t want to be the only person who got to walk out of the Jade Wolf.
She can feel Jace’s eyes on her. “ What ?” she demands.
“Did you know,” he begins quietly, “that Valentine took an arrow in the chest for me once?”
Maia draws her knees up to her chest. “I didn’t know that.”
“Yeah,” Jace goes on, an edge of bitter humour to his voice. “I still don’t know whether it was part of his manipulations or actually instinct, but… he pushed me out of the way without hesitation. Probably saved my life.” He pauses. She hears him swallow. “And he cooked for me, and taught me my first words, and told me he loved me…and still didn’t hesitate to stab me in the heart the second I got in his way.”
Maia doesn’t say anything.
“Jordan could be a fucking saint now, for all I know,” Jace says. “He could spend his time rescuing puppies and cooking for old ladies and he could never hurt you - or anyone - again. You’re still allowed to hate him for what he did to you.”
Maia quickly wipes at her eyes with the back of her hand and shakes her head. “It’s not just that…”
“What is it?” Jace prompts gently.
“I don’t-” She sniffles, willing away the tears again. “Why am I always the one who gets to walk away from it all?” And once that first sentence is out, it’s like a dam breaks: her words spill out as freely and as easily as her tears. “I feel like I’m living in-between disasters. Every time I think I’m happy, or just content, or- hell, even stable , the world falls apart and everyone I love gets taken away from me and I’m all alone but I have to be strong and I have to be okay. Because somebody has to put the world back together and if I got to hide while my friends got their throats slit in front of me, it's the least I can do!”
She’s not sure when or how it happens, only that the next thing she knows, she’s clutching onto Jace’s shirt and crying her heart out and he’s letting her fall apart right in his arms.
He doesn’t say anything to convince her that it’s going to be okay. She appreciates that, too.
When she’s done sobbing, she looks up at him, too exhausted to feel embarrassed by her outburst. He smiles gently at her and wipes the stray tears from her cheeks with his thumb. “Not tonight,” he whispers. “Tonight, you just have to get some rest. We’re gonna get through this, okay?”
He bumps her nose with his. It’s a small, sweet, ridiculous enough gesture that it almost makes her smile.
But it fades quickly. “Jace,” she says. “I need a lot more closure. With Jordan and…you know. Before I can…”
“I know,” he says. “That’s okay. Just let me be here for you? As a friend?”
She swallows thickly and nods, resting her cheek against his chest again. He holds her, like he used to after nights of drunken laughter and wandering hands, until, miraculously, she falls asleep.
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noncanonfan · 4 years
Just a Shadowhunters High School AU that no one asked for
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enkelimagnus · 5 years
Selfish Chapter 3: Someone who isn’t dead
Chapter 3 of Selfish, a canon divergence fic set in the gap year during 3x22
Warning: addiction, recovery from addiction, mourning
Read on AO3
How do you mourn someone who isn’t dead?
Jace has never thought he’d wish for someone to be dead the way he wishes that she would be, right now. It would be so much easier.
He doesn’t really understand how Alec, Magnus and Izzy have moved on so easily. How Simon isn’t fighting to bring her back, every second of every day. Maybe it’s the fact that their adversary would be Raziel himself, that keeps them all from reacting.
Jace is angry. He’s angry that he’s the only one who seems to be missing her. Izzy and Simon are in love. It’s like they don’t care about her being out there, waiting for them.
Jace oscillates between anger and pain. All he wants, is for it all to stop. All he wants, is to be okay again. He was finally happy, at Magnus and Alec’s wedding. Jonathan was dead, his parabatai was happy, his sister was happy, everyone was happy, and he was with Clary, and for once, for a couple of hours, he’d felt... free. And calm. Like he could finally rest.
It’s so unfair that he cannot. That he had to search for her everywhere in the Institute and find her letter.
Jace takes his phone in hand and texts Lydia.
How do you mourn someone who isn’t dead? JH
The reply arrives a few minutes later. I cannot tell you that, Jace. I can tell you how to mourn the love of your life though. LB
How? JH
Time. But you will forever miss her. LB
Jace throws his phone onto the bed, and he’s thankful that he didn’t throw it against the wall. He’s been getting better at this. He’s been getting better at managing his anger.
He’s seen a therapist, pushed by Simon and Izzy. Simon trusts mundane therapy and Izzy... she’s taking his advice, and it’s working for her, recovery wise. So Jace goes to therapy.
He’s managed to find a Downworlder therapist, and with some convincing, became their patient. He’s doing so much better. He wishes she could be there to see him.
Jace sighs and walks over to pick up the phone. There’s a message, from a couple minutes ago.
Do you want to have coffee, Jace? In the mundane world. We can talk about them. John, and Clary. LB
Jace closes his eyes for a second. He swallows, and opens the message app again.
Yeah. When are you free? JH
Isabelle sits in the Addicts Anonymous meeting room, worrying her hands and trying not to focus on the overwhelming guilt she feels for even being here.
She should be doing her work in the Institute, not attending a meeting that she objectively doesn’t need anymore. Or does she?
She’s been wondering lately, about the state of her recovery. She’s been wondering if she’s really doing as well as she thinks she is. She rarely has cravings anymore. They always happen when she’s alone with Simon, not when she’s in the field.
They used to come when she missed the feeling of heightened senses that came with the vampire venom in her system. Now they come when she’s cuddling with her boyfriend, watching a movie, or when they are making out, and her addiction starts playing a fantasy in her mind, Simon’s fangs digging into her skin and his venom flowing into her body.
She hates it. It’s like it has hooked itself in the one thing she was happy about after Clary left, as if it’s trying to keep ruining every part of her life.
She doesn’t want to burden Jace, not when he’s having such a hard time mourning. She doesn’t want to burden Alec either, he’s too busy dealing with the job of Inquisitor in Alicante, and he trusted her with taking care of the Institute. What would he think if he knew she is still weak?
Other recovering addicts are trickling into the room. Isabelle knows it’s stupid to be here. She cannot tell them the exact truth, that her boyfriend is a vampire and that she craves his venom. She’ll have to find some kind of metaphor if she wants to talk about it. And even then... it won’t be exact.
A skinny woman with dark hair and blue eyes sits on the chair next to her and Izzy nods slightly in her direction. She wears expensive shoes, Izzy notices. Givenchy.
She doesn’t pay much more attention to her, turning to the meeting leader who walks into the room and towards the stand. It’s a tall man with shoulder-length hair, who speaks in a soft but firm voice that Izzy very much enjoys hearing.
When he asks who wants to share, the woman next to her stands up and walks towards the stand.
"Hey," she says. Her voice is a little hoarse, and she looks like she does not want to be speaking publicly. "I’m an addict," she whispers. "I’ve been sober for a year and two months now, but I think I’m not... I think I’m not making the right choices."
Izzy perks up and looks up from her nailpolish.
"You’re with friends here, you can talk to us about it," the meeting leader says, soothingly.
Givenchy woman nods, and swallows. "I have been dating someone," she starts. "And I knew from the start that... he might not be the right choice. We’ve been dating for... it’s going to be a year next month."
Maybe coming here wasn’t as useless as Izzy originally believed. It’s strange, how it seems like the Angels have decided to put in her path this woman, whose situation seems to be so similar to hers.
"And I love him. Or at least I think I do," Givenchy continues. "He takes great care of me. He’s sweet, and he understands my recovery and he cares so much about me being healthy. But he’s... he’s a dealer. Of what I used to take."
There is a small gasp, and Izzy realizes that it came from her. She blushes and looks down again, but she keeps listening. Her hands are shaky, but she doesn’t feel the cravings and... She’s afraid, she realizes. She isn’t shaking from cravings. She’s shaking from the fear that she might have to break Simon’s heart.
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khunvegas · 5 years
Tagged by @qpraphael  💖
20 First Lines and you just copy the first lines of your most recent stories. Bonus: Look for a pattern.
So, let’s see, I have 24 works so far, so that should work. A mix  between Malec and Saphael.
1. “In retrospective, Magnus should have thought this through. Mixing his life with a demon wasn’t the best idea one could have and agreeing to some kind of deal that involved sex was foolish at best but Magnus didn’t care. He just wanted this.” From my angel!Magnus, demon!Alec ongoing series. (Is it desire?)
2. “Raphael looked around him, the pleased and content faces of the people of New York, the bustling of energy and determination knowing they were doing something good tonight. It was going to get colder tonight and while Raphael couldn't shelter for all of them, at least he could do this: provide food for the nights to come.” This one was before 2x17, about that Saphael sneak peak when they were talking in the shelter (?) with my own twists. (Unspeakable truth) 
3. “Magnus slammed against the wall, hands immediately on his hips, not letting him move.” Same series I said before, also kinda love how I started this one, not gonna lie. (There’s no way)
4. “Angels. Heavenly creatures that have one purpose and one purpose only and it's to keep peace on earth, keep an eye on the humans. Maintain the balance between good and bad, keep the darkness at bay and always one step ahead to prevent any trouble.” The first one on that on going series, which I don’t know how to end, honestly. (Perfectly wrong)
5. “Magnus would forever regret this decision for the rest of his immortal life. Being an angel didn’t give him enough time to regret about his decisions, since he had to keep an eye on every mortal on earth because Father was bored all those years ago and come up with the amazing idea to make these breakable bodies and insufferable attitudes.” And this is, originally, the first one-shot I wrote for the series, even thought I didn’t know it would turn out to be one. (Blurred Lines) 
6. “As much as Alec liked being back to work, getting knees-deep on the whole Clary-missing situation and a greater demon on the loose, there was only one person on his mind. Magnus.” I wrote this even before this half season started, basing it on the sneak peak we had back in december, about Magnus losing his magic. (I’m here for you) 
7. “Simon wasn’t known for his great ideas. In fact, those were scarce in the midst of the bad ones. Probably, the worst one was to follow Clary to the end of the world (meaning the downworld) and consequently turned to a vampire and the kicker was that he couldn’t go back. No, it wasn’t one of those things that could disappear once you figure out how to fix it” A Saphael one, where I pour all my bitterness on how they were treated and how Simon treated Raphael, specifically. Hard and cold truths, my kind of thing. (I had you)  
8. “In a world where beautiful people were paired with more beautiful people, there was Simon who still was working out the tricks and whatnot of a relationship.” Another Saphael one, a prompt really. I think this was a meet-cute in the AU *universe* and that I turned it into a series too. Also, Salec brotp vibes in this one (You and me, how that sounds?) 
9. “Magnus Bane’s life was good, really good. He lived in a comfortable apartment in Brooklyn, a job that gave him the opportunity to have every luxury he could have ever wanted. Really, it’s a good life. Except, he didn’t have someone to share that life with. But he wasn’t complaining because, while he couldn’t have that romantic life for himself, he could help others to find it.” The love of my life, my baby, the story I’m so proud of. My first WIP that wouldn’t be finished if it wasn’t for my beta ( @wewalkadifferentpath babe what’s good). This one is based from a movie that I liked so much I turned it into Malec and Saphael. (Can you find me someone to love?) 
10. “Four years ago, Alec was happily searching for a hook up, not a care in the world if someone described him as a playboy because in truth, he was one and he was unapologetic about it. Alec wasn’t one to regret his past, of course not, it was part of him, but he had changed ever since he met Magnus at the Mad Hatter party.“ A study in fic where Alec has no chill but also wants to make his wedding as perfect as he can with the love of his life. Part of the AU series (Keep me forever).
11. “Whoever said that being single it was a way to find yourself, find new hobbies, meet new people, have fun and whatever shit, they were a big fat liar. Being single was sad and dare Simon say, miserable.” Another Saphael one with the whole gang on the side (Mind if I call you boyfriend?) 
12. “There was something so calming, so relaxing when it came to the beach. Magnus didn’t like swimming, but staring and letting the wind mess up his hair and bringing his body at ease? Sign him up.” Malec. Thirst all around (Hotter than hell)  
13. “If someone were to say that Simon would end up being a vampire and head over heels for another no-nonsense attitude vampire, Simon would say that this person had spent a lot of time reading YA novels because he was going to be an accountant and get his shit together and ask Clary out.“ The longest one-shot I ever written and this one is based from a bunch of headcanons, after season 3A. This is mainly Saphael, fluff and happiness all around, what they deserve. (One Big Happy Family) 
14. “Magnus came to the conclusion that senior year could be the same thing as previous years or he could make this year his bitch, because why the hell not? It was his last year.“ A high school AU, a funny one because I can’t do serious stuff. Based only from one line “too tall to be gay” from another story- credits given of course (#TooTallToBeGay) 
15. “"So, I told him 'listen, if you think this is too much, you better leave'" Magnus took a sip from his milkshake, "you know what this douchebag did? He left!"” *ahem* This one is a bunch of all my guilty pleasures in one with comedy on the side and UST vibes. Like, I don’t even follow people that likes this stuff- that I’m aware of- but it’s there, it’s good. I like how it ended and people liked it too, so there’s that. (X2CU)  
16. “In all honestly, Alec loved working as a barista and while a lot of customers could be a pain in his ass, there were some that had lighten up his days and those tranquil moments where the coffee shop was quiet, he would stand there and just enjoy the smell of freshly brewed coffee. Black coffee with a lot of sugar was his weakness.“ A meet-cute sort of thing, barista!Alec, lawyer!Magnus. No chill whatsoever (Large frappuccino for the cutest guy on sight)
17. “"Again? Simon, this is the fifth time we come to this cafe. The coffee is not that good" Magnus complained, turning to look at Simon with his arms crossed and a raised eyebrow.“ Another Saphael one, a cute one I’ll tell you. (Boy’s Got Game) 
18. ““Honey, I’m home!”“ That’s it, that’s the fic. Mainly Saphael, because I’m still trash for them (Their little “gang”) 
19. ““Jace, how many times do I have to tell you I’m fine? I don’t need to date someone.”“ A single parent!Alec AU with Magnus as Rafael’s teacher. Cuteness Alert (I should thank your son)
20. ““Seriously, Ragnor, I must be cursed because how the hell this guy have the nerve to break up with me?” Magnus asked while bringing a glass of white wine to his mouth.” I would say that this is a Malec meet-ugly, Alec as a waiter but it has a happy ending (How do you feel about marriage?) 
I think everyone did this already but let’s see @katychan666 @lesbarton @measurelessdreamer @castleoffandoms @thesorrowoflizards @wewalkadifferentpath @raphaelxantiago @octoberdecemberwrites @kinkymagnus
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takaraphoenix · 6 years
A quick non-UA thing: After last night’s episode, somehow dad!Luke and Jace bonding is accidentally hijacking my Jaia fic a bit? Ooops? I am not sorry it is what we all deserved after Jocelyn’s death and while everyone still thought Jace was Jocelyn’s son.
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alecmagnuslwb · 5 years
Day Eighteen: Pranks (Jaia)
Read on AO3
Jace settles the bucket perfectly and precariously over the door frame and follows the string back to his hiding space with glee.
The bucket sloshes a little when he tugs lightly to ensure it’s all connected, a bit of pink gooey slime sloshing over the edge and down the back of the front door. He shrugs knowing he’ll have to clean it up later anyways.
This prank war with his roommate Simon has been going on for months. And after his girlfriend, Maia, had stressed it was getting out of hand when Simon released a live pig into the shower while Jace was in there he’d backed off.
Then Simon had replaced his shampoo with temporary pink hair dye. His beautiful blonde locks are still a shocking shade of pink despite Simon’s cackling reassurance it would be gone within a week. He’s rocking the look confidently, of course, but Jace couldn’t let the prank stand unanswered any longer.
Which is exactly why now a large sloshing bucket of clothes staining, hard to wash pink goo is about to meet Simon’s head. And Jace knows for a fact Simon left this morning in khakis and a white shirt, he’ll be devastated. It’ll be great.
A key turns in the door and Jace hunches down behind the large fake plant near the hall, as soon as the door open just enough he tugs hard. The splashing sound of the goo spattering everywhere.
“Prank Sinatra!” Jace yells appearing from behind the plant, but then he freezes dead in his tracks when he sees who’s in the doorway. Maia stands there covered in the pink goo looking ready to commit exactly one murder. His.
“I’ll make sure that’s the name they put on your gravestone,” she growls. Jace knows that growl, it’s not the sexy kind she does when things get heated between them. No. That’s the one she lets out when he’s done something that ensures he won’t be hearing the sexy one for at least two weeks. Actually, judging from the glint of pure rage in her eyes, it will more likely be a month.
“Oh hell,” he says moving closer to her and then thinking better of it when she takes her own angry step forward. “Sweetheart, I am so sorry. I thought you were Simon; I never would have pulled it if I knew you were coming over.”
He drops the pet name hoping it will soften her a bit. It doesn’t. She squints an eye angrily, “I thought you had called a cease fire on the prank war.”
Damn, she sounds mad. Angry in a way he has never heard her sound towards him, not even in their early days of flirtation when he drove her absolutely crazy.
“I did, but then, ya know,” he points to his shocking hair. “But it doesn’t matter, because you were right I should have just let it lie and I’m sorry. So, sorry. The sorriest a man can be. Very sorry. Sorry.”
Admitting fault, many apologies, a little pleading. He knows he needs to pull out all the stops here.
She reaches up a hand and for a moment Jace tenses, she then wipes her hand across her face removing some of the goo.
“I’m going to go take a shower and put my clothes in your hamper so all your precious white t-shirts that fit oh, so perfectly are ruined too,” she says stepping away carefully and giving him another death look.
She purposely slaps him on the chest with a gooey pink arm as she passes.
“Here’s dinner by the way, came to surprise you since you got off work early,” she says angrily tossing a paper bag he hadn’t noticed before onto the counter. Another thing he’ll now have to clean up. “You better make me something damn good to replace it and then I might consider forgiving you.”
She moves towards the bedroom a trail of pink goo footprints in her wake.
“I will, promise,” he calls after her.
“You’re also not getting any for like a month,” she says before slamming his bedroom door shut. Yup, that tracks.
He cleans the floor, counter and door while she showers for a long time. He does feel truly bad, he wanted Simon to have to take a nearly two-hour shower, not his girlfriend. He only likes for her to have to take those with him.
He tosses out the remnants of the goo and the bucket and gets to work on a damn fine dinner. Just as he starts his phone dings with a text from Simon informing him his normal subway route was shut down and he’ll be home late.
“Thanks for the late notice,” Jace grumbles at his phone.
He makes a damn fine dinner, cooks all her favorite things, pulls out her chair and dotes on her like the world’s greatest waiter.
When Simon comes home Maia drags them both by the ears to the kitchen table and makes them sign a typed-up agreement she worked on while Jace did the dishes and laundry, which was hopeless, that will cease the prank war for good.
“I’m a law student and I know so many lawyers I will sue you both if you break this contract,” she says pointedly as she slams the document in front of them. They sign it without hesitation.
Later that night, after a whole lot more doting, that still lands him sleeping on the couch, he shops online for exact replacements of her clothes. He finds them all except the jacket and considering how much she loves her jackets he buys her two that look nearly the exact same. He throws in a choker with a crescent shaped pendant on it and one of those bath bombs she loves so much as bonus forgiveness incentive.
The next morning he wakes her with breakfast in bed. She leans over the tray and kisses him when they’re finished the sweet bitter taste of coffee and maple syrup on her tongue. When she pulls back he knows he’s at least halfway forgiven.
By that night she stays again and he gets to sleep in his own bed.
“You’re forgiven,” she says curling up onto his chest. He pulls her in close missing the comfort of her beside him while he’d been exiled to the couch. “But I wasn’t joking about suing you both.”
He chuckles knowing good and well she was not. He’s forgiven though, which matters most; he still doesn’t get any for three weeks however, which he respects.
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ketzwrites · 7 years
Hey there, I just saw your blog on Jaia tag and checked out and saw that you write fics... can you please ( if you want ) write a Jaia one + book club, or something like that? thanks anyways.
Hey! I’m so sorry for the delay! This is the very last prompt I had sitting in my inbox, so it took me some time to finally write it. I hope that’s okay!
Also, fun prompt! I hope you like what I did with it.
Jaia + Book Club
To say that Jace was surprised when Maia arrived at his house with a pile of books was an understatement. That really wasn’t was he had expected when he invited her to, your, a ‘book club’ session. Everyone in their school knew what ‘book club’ meant. And it did not mean actually reading books.
Sure, Maia was new at their school, but still… She was cool enough to know that, right? Jace was pretty sure he had used the term in front of her at some point. He distinctively remembered both Clary and Simon asking him if he read on separated occasions because of that. Maia had to be present for one of them. They all hang out a lot, even before Maia and he began dat- hooking up. Even before they began hooking up.
Because whatever they had, it was not dating. It was just a casual thing. No matter what Izzy had to say about it. Hence, the book club.
Jace coughed and let Maia in. He had the house all to himself that night, with their parents at Washington with Max, Alec out on a date with his boyfriend, and Izzy sleeping at Clary’s. All of that, Maia knew. Yet another reason for her to realize what book club really meant. “… You brought books.”
Maia cocked an eyebrow at him. “Is that surprising?” She snorted, putting the books on the central table in the living room. “You didn’t say what we were reading so I thought I could bring some options.”
“Right…” Jace blinked, closing the door behind her. Should he just tell her? Would that be creepy? Hey, Maia. I actually called you here so we could hook up, no reading necessary. For some reason, it sounded extremely douche-y in Jace’s head. “Ok, so… I made us pasta.”
Frowning, Maia stared at him for a second. “You know how to cook?”
Jace shrugged. “I’m not just a pretty face. Besides, Alec and Izzy suck at cooking. Someone had to make our mother company so I ended up picking up some tricks. I hope you like spaghetti.”
An amused smile spread across Maia’s lips. “I do, actually. But don’t expect any praises just because you can boil water and wait until the pasta softens. That’s like, basic cooking.”
“And yet, a complete mystery to anyone born a Lightwood.” Jace smirked and gestured for her to follow him. Jace had prepared a nice table for them. Even if it was just a hookup, it didn’t mean he didn’t put on some effort. He liked Maia, she was his friend. His beautiful friend who didn’t put up with his bullshit and that made him laugh.
You know, like a good friend does.
Maia snorted but followed him. In the end, she did praise him as they ate. The spaghetti was especially good and Jace couldn’t help to feel proud of it. He’d spent a better part of the afternoon making sure their dinner would be good. He even got Maia’s favorite dessert, cheesecake.
“Okay,” Maia said once they climbed onto the couch. “Which one do you want to do first?” She held out two of the books she’d brought.
Jace suppressed the urge to answer ‘you.’ She just looked so beautiful that night, sitting comfortably in his living room. Whatever they had, had started out in Kaelie’s party, about a month ago. Jace had never imagined he’d see Maia there in his house, smiling excitedly at him. Dammit, if he had to actually spend the night reading a stupid book to get that, he would. “Hm, whatever you choose.”
“Alright, then. Let start with this one.” Maia handed Jace one of the books – he really didn’t care about the title -, and then grabbed her phone. “I have a digital copy. We read to the second chapter and then we can discuss. How about that?”
“Sure.” Jace sighed. He opened up the book, frowning slightly. He could do that. Two chapters weren’t much. Maybe he’d be able to steer the conversation away after a while.
Inhaling sharply, Jace started reading when he realized Maia was staring intently at her screen. He really had no choice, if he didn’t want to be scolded and/or come across as a jerk. Dammit, Jace should’ve known better. Maia really liked reading: of course, she would take it as a literal invitation. He had no one to blame but himself for being stuck in that situation.
After a few minutes in which Jace looked at the sentences, too busy cursing himself to read anything, his phone buzzed. Annoyed, Jace picked it up, ready to turn it off. It was probably Izzy trying to pry on his non-date.
Never picked you for a Jane Austin guy, read Simon’s text. What the fuck...?
What r u talkin about nerd? Jace answered.
The response took a second to come but it was not in the form of a text. Instead, Simon sent him a picture of Jace himself, with the book he was holding in his hands. Jace blinked, his jaw dropping. However, it was only when Maia burst into laughter that Jace figured out what had happened.
“You-” He blinked, completely stunned. “You sent that picture to Simon... You set me up!” Jace blinked. “You know what book club really means!”
Maia laughed even harder after that, hugging her own stomach. She felt into Jace’s arms, too busy laughing to realize what she was doing. Jace was too outraged to join in at first but suddenly he too started laughing. The books, the ride or die attitude. It had all been a rouse. Maia had played him perfectly.
“Oh, man,” Jace said once he caught his breath. “Well done.”
“Thank you,” Maia said cheekily, still recovering. “And yes, I know what ‘book club’ really means. I just wanted to know how much further I could take this before you stopped me. I really thought sitting quietly for two chapters would do the trick.”
Jace rolled his eyes. She was so close now, he could feel her breathing as she chuckled. “I know it might be surprising for many of you, but I do read.”
Maia smirked, leaning a hand on Jace’s thigh. “Oh, I know. But is that really what you want to be doing right now?”
“No way,” Jace said. Maia giggled but Jace didn’t give her a chance to tease him any further. He kissed her, tasting the laughter right from her lips. The giggles died as Maia kissed him right back, moving to seat on Jace’s lap. All the books were quickly forgotten after that.
Now, that was the book club Jace wanted and with the only reading-partner he could think of.  
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“I thought you said this was an 80's party…”
Alec grimaced, as he looked around Magnus’ now suspiciously-spacious loft. “Why are people dressed up like that?”
Alec was specifically referring to the several partygoers who danced in wild, wide circles, all dressed up in elegant corsets and powder-white wigs.
Although, the pulsing electronic music didn’t suit their conservative wear, with the dignified visual clashing with the unrefined aural. Alec quietly watched as sophisticated dresses and expensive three-piece suits were tested to their limits, as partiers spun in impossible time with the throbbing beat.
“It is an 80's party. I just left it up to the people to decide which century they liked best.” Magnus smiled up at Alec, before offering him a swift kiss on the cheek. “Unsurprisingly, it appears that immortal beings prefer the past to the present.”
“Yeah, but the 1980's was like a million years ago.” Isabelle tossed back her dyed blonde hair, while adjusting her over-sized men’s suit. “How could the 80's still be the present?”
“Izzy, my love, when you’ve lived a thousand years, the decades start to run together.” Magnus suddenly gave Isabelle a slight curtsy. “And my apologies for not greeting you properly, Ms. Madonna, my queen.”
“Oh, it’s not a problem, darling.” Isabelle grinned, as she put on an awful, British accent. “Now, where’s your alcohol? You know, vodka really helps me express myself.”
“It’s all laid out on the kitchen table. Catarina will help you find it.”
“Thank you, darling.” Isabelle eagerly made her way to the loft’s kitchen, seemingly stepping in time with the loud music’s rhythm.
“And what are you supposed to be, Alexander? You look like you’re still wearing your clothes from work…” Magnus frowned, as he scanned Alec’s outfit up and down.
“I’m the guy who’s letting his boyfriend throw a themed party in this loft on a weekday.” Alec grinned, as he bent down towards Magnus. “You’re welcome, by the way.”
“Thank you.” Magnus beamed up at Alec, before leaning forward into a soft kiss. “I’ll be sure that you know how truly thankful I am later tonight.”
“Or…we could just go to bed now…” Alec’s suggestion was followed by wrapping his arms around Magnus’ waist. “Just kick everybody out. They’ve been here for at least an hour, right? They’ve partied enough.”
“Alexander.” Magnus’ answer came out like a warning, even though he couldn’t stop a smirk from appearing on his face. “Come on. Don’t be so rude. Go say hello to Catarina for me. I believe Ragnor may be somewhere around here, too, probably reading a bland book in one of these corners…”
Alec wanted to respond to Magnus, but his thoughts were cut short by a rough pat on his back.
“Alec! Magnus! Party!” Jace’s words were slightly slurred, as he winked over at Magnus. “But I bet you two are gonna’ party in private, yeah?”
“Jaceeee. You can’t just…you can’t just ask…” Maia stumbled over her phrasing, while soon appearing at Jace’s side. “Holy shit. I’m so drunk. Oh my God.”
“What the hell? You two just got here? How are you already—”
“PREGAMING BITCH!” Jace screamed right in Alec’s face, before carelessly waving his arms back and forth. “Hunter’s Moon! $1 Tequila shots!”
“Tequila! Tequila! Tequila!” Maia noisily chanted, as she leaned towards Jace’s chest—
And instinctively, Jace held her close, close enough to press a gentle kiss on her forehead.
“You two are made for each other.” Alec’s voice was thoroughly stoic.
“Thank youuuuu.” Maia’s reply was warm and sweet…
And Magnus reached out to tenderly pat Maia’s shoulder. “Would you like to lie down? There’s plenty of room on the sofa.”
“Yes. Yeah. We’ll take that deal. Fuck yeah.” Jace began to move towards the sofa on the other side of the room, with Maia holding onto his side. “Come on, princess.”
“Don’t…don’t call me princess…that’s so lame…” Maia groaned, as she fully put her weight onto Jace, now letting him carry her in his arms.
Alec watched as his drunken parabatai somehow carried Maia as if it was the easiest thing in the world, managing to not trip over his feet even once—
But Alec’s attention was soon drawn to Simon, who now stood in front of Magnus.
Alec was a little taken aback by Simon’s outfit, not used to seeing him all dressed up in an open beige vest, with a perfectly matching beige hat atop his head and a faux whip thrown over his shoulder.
“You remind of the babe…” Simon’s smile went wide, as he excitedly clapped. “You’re supposed to be Bowie from Labyrinth, right? I freakin’ love that movie, dude!”
Magnus spun around a few times, happy to show off his costume. “I met Bowie in London back in the 70s, wearing this exact outfit. Imagine my surprise seeing it on film! I think he wore it pretty well, though...but I’m still not sure he wore it quite as well as me.”
“No one could wear anything quite as well as you, Magnus Bane.” Clary smirked, while pulling Magnus into a tight embrace. “Awesome party, by the way.”
“Thank you, Ms. Lauper.” Magnus idly ran his fingers through Clary’s cotton candy pink wig. “I’m happy you made it! Alexander told me that you’d been locked up in your room, working on a new rune or two.”
“Hey, I would never miss one of your parties, Magnus.” Clary stepped away from their hug, as she reached for Simon’s hand. “Besides, girls just wanna’ have fun.”
“G-irls! Just w-anna’ h-av-e f-un!” Simon sung the next line of the song, as he nodded along to music that wasn’t actually playing. “Okay. I’m gonna’ go whip us up a drink or something. Awesome party, Magnus!”
Once Simon and Clary were out of earshot, Alec moved closer to Magnus’ side. “Magnus, what’s Labyrinth? I thought you were just wearing something from your closet.”
“Alexander, weren’t you listening? I am wearing something from my closet! Bowie stole that look from me!” Magnus whined, before taking in a deep breath. “But no matter. I have the film, somewhere. We can watch it on one of your days off.”
“Honestly, Magnus, I could just watch it right now...just sneak to the back and let you enjoy your party. You know this isn’t really my scene—”
“KARAOKE TIME!” Jace was shouting again, but Alec couldn’t place where his voice was even coming from. “First up! Magnussssss Baneeeee!”
“Fun!” Magnus clasped his hands together, as he looked up at Alec. “Sing a song with me, Alexander? Please?”
Alec blanched at the thought of embarrassing himself in front of what seemed like the entirety of the New York Downworld.
He wanted to say no, and the more seconds that passed, the more sure he was of his answer—
But then he looked back down at Magnus…
The warlock’s eyes were all adorable and pleading, with obvious hesitation etched into his expression—
Because Magnus was worried that Alec wouldn’t say yes—
And Alec’s heart twisted at the thought of letting Magnus down, especially when it came to such a harmless request. “Yes. I’ll sing with you, but just one song, okay?”
“Okay.” Magnus snapped his fingers, calling for blue sparks to appear in his palms. “Just one song.”
Another snap of his magic, and two mics appeared, one in each of Magnus’ hands. He gave one of the mics to Alec, as blue sparks swirled upward towards the loft’s ceiling—
And the song immediately shifted into something that sounded incredibly loud—
And incredibly cheesy.
“I don’t know this song—” Before Alec could even finish his sentence, a lyric sheet appeared between his fingers. He scrunched up his face as he tried to read the words in time with the grossly upbeat rhythm. “Uh… ♪ Lookin' in your eyes, I see a paradise ♪ This world that I've found is too good to be true ♪ Standin' here beside ya, want so much to give you ♪ This love in my heart that I'm feelin' for you…”
Magnus calmly cleared his throat, before moving his mic towards his mouth. “♪ Let 'em say we're crazy, I don't care about that ♪ Put your hand in my hand, baby, don't ever look back ♪ Let the world around us just fall apart ♪ Baby, we can make it if we're heart-to-heart…”
Magnus then suddenly grabbed onto Alec’s mic, and offered it to a passerby on the dance-floor. They excitedly took the mic and began to belt out the chorus—
And soon, Magnus gave his own mic away to another passing partier.
He then turned back towards Alec, barely able to contain his growing smirk. “Oh, Alexander. You sang for me.”
“Well, I tried to sing for you. I’m not really that great—”
Magnus stopped Alec’s self-critique with a lingering kiss on his lips. “Shh. You did beautifully…although, your pitch could use a little work.”
“I thought you just said I did beautifully—”
“You did! You have the voice of an angel, Alexander…” Magnus nuzzled his face into Alec’s chest. “But you have the pitch of a Shax demon.”
Alec laughed as he held Magnus even closer, letting his hands rest on Magnus’ sides. “You’re completely ridiculous.”
“And yet, you still find a way to love me.”
“Always and forever—” Alec’s declaration of love was broken off by a mic directly hitting him in the neck. “What the fuck? Ow! What the fuck?”
“Alec! You’re on verse 3!” Jace screamed from across the room, as he now stood on top of the living room table. “Simon! Verse 2!”
Simon held up a glass of what looked like wine, but what was probably blood, as he nodded over towards Jace.
“Magnus! Can you do your…thing?” Jace proceeded to enthusiastically wave his hands around, obviously imitating Magnus’ magical moves. “I’m not a big fan of the 80s. You ever heard of Migos?”
“Of course. Just because I’m ancient, doesn’t mean I live under a rock.” Magnus’ magic swirled once again towards the ceiling—
And soon, a strangely catchy beat that was emphasized by whistles and…a human making dog sounds?
Carried through the air.
“♪ Dance with my dogs in the nighttime! ♪” Jace confidently yelled into his microphone. “♪ Trap n—”
“Oh my God, Jace, if you say the N word, if you fucking say the N word—” Maia was already shaking her head in disappointment, as she sat up on the sofa behind him.
“What? I wasn’t gonna’ say it! I was gonna’ say Nephilim.” Jace scoffed, as he held the mic to his chest. “Do you really think I’d do something like that, babe?”
“Maia, no. I would never disrespect you like that! I like…love you, my little wolf baby.”
“Jace. You’re drunk.”
“Yes! I’m very fucking drunk!” Jace brought the mic back to his lips. “And I’m very fucking in love with you!”
“Shut up! Stop screaming!” Maia wobbled as she rose to her feet, and she eventually stood on the table in front of Jace. “I love you, too…even though you’re the most annoying man in the world.”
“Not as annoying as Simon.” Jace casually suggested, before chuckling directly into the mic.
“What the fuck, Jace?! I thought we were cool.” Simon gave Jace a pained expression—
And Jace then looked down at the mic in his hands. “Oh. Sorry, man. I…uh…I thought the mic was off.” Jace nonchalantly shrugged, as he placed the mic down by his feet.
Clary then reached for the mic, as she pulled Isabelle closer to her side. “Ooh! Izzy! Let’s do a Madonna song!”
“Magnus, do you know ‘Dress You Up’?” Isabelle politely asked, as she leaned into Clary’s mic.
“Do I know it? I co-wrote it! Of course, I was only given ghostwriter credits, so you won’t see my name anywhere on the album, but the lyrics? All mine.” Magnus smiled, as he soon sent the opening notes of Madonna’s hit song through the loft.
“♪ You've got style ♪ That's what all the girls say ♪ Satin sheets And luxuries so fine… ♪” Clary perfectly belted out the line, keeping her eyes on Simon as she sang. “♪ All your suits are custom made in London ♪ I've got something that you'll really like… ♪”
“♪ Gonna’ dress you up in my love ♪ All over, all over…♪” Isabelle joined Clary in the chorus, taking the mic into her hands. “♪ Gonna’ dress you up in my love ♪ All over your body! ♪ ”
“Are they…are they both singing to Simon?” Magnus whispered his question up at Alec. “What’s that all about?”
Alec shook his head in confusion, before letting out a shallow sigh. “Don’t know. Don’t care. My main focuses are The New York Institute and the High Warlock of Brooklyn. Everything else is just background noise.”
“Your sister is either in an unfortunate love triangle or a loving, trusting poly-amorous relationship…and you consider that background noise?” Magnus lightly laughed, letting his fingers splay across his chest. “I hope I’m truly not that distracting.”
“Not distracting. Just more deserving of my attention.” Alec smiled—
And Magnus happily smiled right back. He then reached for Alec’s hand, as he shuffled towards the middle of the living room. “Dance with me, Alexander.”
“I don’t really…uh…” Alec hemmed and hawed, as Clary and Isabelle harmonized through another verse. “Maybe I could just watch?”
“Okay.” Magnus subtly nodded, as he twirled in front of Alec. “You can just watch.”
Every swing of Magnus’ steps were both effortless and so very thoughtful. His moves matched the pace of the music, and as he expertly, ecstatically rolled his hips, Alec felt like he caught a glimpse of a different side of Magnus, one entirely unconcerned with the affairs of the Downworld, completely removed from the day to day of his warlock responsibilities—
And Magnus, in all of his fitted freedom, had never been quite so beautiful.
“I love you…” The words came out as a murmur, as Alec’s eyes were still transfixed by Magnus dancing in his line of sight.
“I love you, too.” Magnus returned the sentiment without a second thought, still focused on staying in the groove. “Ooh. After this, I’ll try to get Ragnor to sing ‘Wang Chung Tonight’. He hates that song. But he loves it when he’s drunk—”
Alec’s sudden kiss cut off Magnus’ thoughts, as Alec rested his hands on Magnus’ waist. He chose to deepen the kiss even more, letting his tongue momentarily explore Magnus’ mouth.
“I love you, I love you, I love you.” Alec broke away from Magnus, just long enough to catch his breath.
“Alexander…” There was a blush creeping across Magnus’ expression. “Are you feeling alright? You’re being a bit more…publicly amorous…than usual.”
“You’re just…so incredible…when you’re…happy.” Alec nearly stuttered, before he let out a shallow sigh. “And I just love you. I love seeing you so…happy.”
Magnus leaned forward, as he let his palms softly find their place on Alec’s shoulders. “Then you should know that nothing in the world makes me happier than being with you.”
In that moment, Alec could feel an invisible weight threatening to press down on his shoulders—
Threatening to bring him to his knees—
Something in him suddenly and desperately wanted to propose to Magnus Bane.
Right here. Right now.
And it wasn’t as if Alec was totally unprepared. He’d been waiting for the perfect time for weeks, already having purchased the ring and currently carrying it in his jacket pocket.
“Magnus…” Alec’s knees felt so strange and unbalanced, as he slightly began to move towards the ground. “There’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you—”
“Wang Chung!” Ragnor came up behind Magnus, playfully nudging his friend in the back. “Play ‘Wang Chung’ next!”
“Ah, old friend! I thought you would never ask.” Magnus spun towards Ragnor, his blue magic already shining in his hands—
But Magnus then quickly turned back towards Alec, with a puzzled look on his face. “Wait. Alexander. Didn’t you want to ask me something, as well?”
“It can wait.”
“Are you certain—”
“It can wait, Magnus. I promise.” Alec bent to give Magnus a hasty kiss on the cheek. “Go. Sing drunk karaoke with your friends. Have fun.”
“I’ll be right back in a few minutes.” Magnus beamed up at Alec—
Before he intertwined his arm with Ragnor’s, soon magicking a mic in each of their respective hands. “Come on, Ragnor. It’s time to show these people what one and ½ inebriated warlocks can do.”
Alec smiled to himself, as he watched his boyfriend confidently climb on top of the living room table, with Ragnor still in tow.
The resultant song that soon blared from the loft’s ceiling made Alec’s skin absolutely crawl—
And he inwardly decided that he’d had enough of the party for now.
He wordlessly headed for his bedroom—
And made sure that the door was locked, tight.
Alec woke up with Magnus curled against his chest…
He’d felt his warlock slip into their bed, sometime around 5AM or so.
The clock near the bedside dresser blinked out 8AM—
And Alec turned away from it, instead choosing to tenderly runs his fingers alongside Magnus’ spine.
Magnus grunted at the touch, burying his face even further into Alec’s skin. “Alexander. Stop. I’m barely awake. I’m barely alive.”
“I have to go into work soon. I just wanted to say goodbye before I—”
“No.” Magnus groaned through his statement with finality. “You have to stay. What if I need to throw up?”
“Magnus, you’re a warlock. Can’t you just…magic your way through a hangover?”
“I couldddd.” Magnus groaned again. “But what if I wanted my boyfriend to take care of me?”
“Oh. Well, in that case, I guess I would have to stay, wouldn’t I?”
“Mmhmm.” Magnus nodded against Alec’s warm skin. “You would have to stay the whole day…and then…stay for the rest of your life…and we were already halfway there…last night…”
“Already halfway there?” Alec prodded, as he slightly shifted under Magnus’ frame. “What are you talking about?”
“You…you were going to ask me to marry you…Weren’t you?” Magnus stayed in the exact same position, his voice not wavering for a moment. “Before Ragnor and I sang that wondrous duet…or maybe I was already drunk…maybe you have no intention of marrying me at all—”
“Yes, Magnus. I was going to ask you to marry me.”
“Askkkkk. Ask. Ask.” Magnus pleaded, now raising his face so he could look Alec in the eye. “Please?”
“Okay…” Alec steadied his breathing, as he stared down at Magnus. “Magnus Bane, will you marry—”
“No! Not like that!” Magnus firmly shook his head, before resting it once again on Alec’s chest. “Ask when I’m…sober. And maybe not in the middle of a party. Maybe something nice and sweet. Like at dinner with your family.”
“Are you trying to give me instructions on when I can ask you to marry me?”
“Yes. No. Be spontaneous! But also, not so spontaneous. Whatever you decide will be perfect.” Magnus nodded into Alec’s chest.
“This seems like the karaoke thing all over again.” Alec softly chuckled under his breath. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll figure something out.”
By the time Alec finished his sentence, Magnus had already fallen back asleep…
And so, Alec reached for his phone, swiftly dialing Isabelle’s cell number.
She picked up on the third ring, as she groggily sighed right into the phone. “Hello? Alec? What the fuck? It’s so early.”
“It’s not that early. You’re just hungover.” Alec shook his head, even though Isabelle couldn’t see the movement. “But I do have a question…uh…How do I pop the question?”
“To who? Magnus?”
“Yes, Izzy, oh my God. Who else would I even be—” Alec stopped his own words, realizing that his sister’s response was most likely due to her just waking up. “Yes. Magnus. My boyfriend. Yes.”
“Uh…you should just….brrrrrgoooooooo…”
“You know what I’m talking about, Alec. You just…um…pffbttttt. And then, congrats! You just made a baby.” Isabelle’s tone was self-assured—
And Alec brought a hand to his face in frustration. “Did you drink Seelie liquor last night?”
“Maybeeee.” Isabelle giggled into the line, before snorting with a laugh. “Hey, can you put Magnus on the phone? I wanna’ ask him about Bowie.”
“Bowie was amazing.” Magnus somehow replied to Isabelle’s question, even though Alec’s phone wasn’t on speaker. “And Izzy, if you got into the Seelie liquor, you’ll need to sleep it off for about three days, my love.”
“Freetooppppppp! Freevornnnnn.” Isabelle wistfully sighed, before suddenly clicking her teeth. “Okay. I’m going back to bed. I’ll see you on Mars, big bro.”
“See you on Mars, Izzy.” Alec hung up the phone, as he peered back down at Magnus. “And I thought you were asleep—”
Magnus was once again already deeply asleep, with his back quietly rising and falling…
“You are the oddest, most magical creature in the entire universe.” Alec’s voice was lined with awe, while he kept his eyes on Magnus’ frame. “And one day, you’ll be all mine.”
“Already yours. You just need to sign the receipt.” Magnus’ reply was low, before he was seemingly knocked out for good.
“Mmhmm. Just need to sign the receipt…” Alec smirked, as his own eyes came to a gentle close. “Can’t wait.”
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bitheangel · 7 years
jace/maia - g - 388 words
The place they were meeting was neutral ground. Somewhere Maia wasn’t familiar with and wouldn’t be disheartened by having a bad date attached to it.
for the @shadowhuntersrarepairnetwork‘s valentine’s challenge day 1 prompt “blind date or parallel”. i kinda managed it? sort of, anyway.
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