#jake Jensen dating
bigtreefest · 3 months
Touch My Butt
Pairing: Jake Jensen x reader one-shot
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Summary: Dating Jake is great, he’s such a gentleman
Word count: 1,506
Content/warnings: mostly fluff, is this what a meet-cute is?, allusions to smut if you squint, the lightest thigh grinding, adorkable awkward Jake, accidental pervy statements, butt-touching, I don’t think I used any pronouns (aka gn!reader), no use of Y/N
A/N: I’ve been wanting to write this for awhile, and it’s one of those things that came out pretty much exactly how I had it in my head, so that makes me really happy.
Who doesn’t love a hot nerd who doesn’t know he’s hot??
Comments, likes, reblogs, and asks are so appreciated. Thank you for reading!!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Main Masterlist
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You and Jake had been going out for nearly a couple of months now. You had met originally at a coffee shop where he had complimented your pants, standing behind you as you both were waiting for your drinks.
“Hey, I really like your pants. So many pockets. And the buttons are really cool on the back ones, here.”
You slowly turned around, eyes trailing up from a slim waist to a broad chest, and eventually a pair of blue eyes, tucked behind glasses, just as they started to go wide with realization at what he had said.
“Oh my gosh, I-uh, not that I was looking at your back pockets on purpose, I mean- I didn’t mean to look at your butt at all- not at you at all”
His cheeks began to tinge red and his gaze was glued to the floor, scared to look back up at your eyes, worried for the confrontation that could come from his awkwardness and inability to read the room. His buff arm was rubbing the back of his neck, bicep bulging as you dipped your head in an attempt to meet his gaze.
You instantly giggled “It’s okay. I think I know what you’re trying to say. Thank you for the compliment, I really like these pants, too.”
You turned back around before you got the chance to embarrass yourself in front of the hot, dorky stranger just as your name was called. You grabbed your drink, turned and winked at him, and left to continue the errands on your list, heading to the grocery store.
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You were making your way through the produce aisles, figuring out which fruits and vegetables would be best for your meals for the next couple weeks when your eyes landed on the sign for an amazing deal on peaches.
You pushed your cart towards the display and grabbed a bag, examining for varying degrees of ripeness so you could have some sooner, and others wouldn’t peak until next week. Just then you heard the stray squeaky wheel of a cart stop behind you, thinking it was just another shopper going about their business until you heard a familiar voice.
“That’s a nice peach. You like peaches? Wait! No- I, uh, that wasn’t supposed to come out so creepy like that.”
You did your best to suppress a laugh as you paused your produce search and whipped around to see the man from the coffee shop bent at the waist with his head in his hands resting on the handle of his grocery cart. His frosted tips the only thing left on display to you.
“So, uh, is all you’re capable of doing…making allusions to my ass?”
From behind his hands, you heard a muffled “no” before he wiped his palms down his face and looked at you sheepishly. “I don’t know why that keeps happening. I really just wanted to start a conversation with you. And I promise I’m not stalking you either, I’m just out running errands today.”
“Wow, you really know how to convince a girl you’re not an axe murderer, that’s for sure.” Your eyebrows raised, but there was still a smile on your face. You believed him. He seemed genuine.
“I promise I’m not! And I promise I’ll never talk about your butt again” He bursted out, hopeful that he wasn’t blowing this. “Can I, um prove it to you? Over coffee? I mean- n-not now, obviously, you’ve still got your cup-”
“Yes.” In an attempt to save him from his adorable rambling you interjected. “Yes, I’d like to see you again, sure. In a more planned manner. But how about dinner? Tomorrow night?”
“Oh, yes, that’s perfect.” You watched as he stood up taller, shoulders back in a new-found cockiness, and grabbed a peach off the display. He tossed it up in the air and caught it in his hand a few times before you cleared your throat gently to get his attention again.
“So do you want to exchange numbers? So we can figure out the details later?” He went to reach for his phone, losing focus on the peach and fumbling it, grasping as it fell out of reach and you both watched it splat at his feet almost in slow motion.
He bent down and picked it up, placing the newly lopsided peach in his cart. “I, uh, I’ll pay for that.” He rubbed his neck again in embarrassment and looked down, scared to make eye contact. Sensing his nervousness to take another step and mess up again, you softly grabbed the phone from his hands and replaced it with your own. The two of you put your contacts into the other’s phone and handed them back.
“Ah, well, it’s nice to meet you officially,” you looked down at the new contact “…Jake. I’ll message you soon.” He was speechless and still red with embarrassment, so he just stood there and waved with a grin on his face as you left the produce and made your way to the frozens.
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Dinner with Jake was great once the two of you had loosened up a little. Conversation flowed easily and you were caught up in his charm that you were sure he didn’t even know he had. This led to another date later in the week at the science center, followed by three other dates the next week, until the two of you were at one another’s apartments each night of the following.
You truly enjoyed spending time together, but you could tell Jake was trying to keep some respectful distance. He’d hold your hand when you walked or drove together, or occasionally put his hand on the small of your back, but it rarely went past that, besides the occasional times where you’d smack his butt and he’d look at you with a playful warning glare. You couldn’t help yourself, it was just so plump. It didn’t necessarily seem to go the other way, though. The one time the two of you had come close to having a heated make out session, he left his hands on your waist while yours roamed through his hair. He did look delicious with it all messed up, though, pairing well with his fogged up, crooked glasses.
Besides that, he would sit on the opposite side of your small 3-seater couch from you, allowing your legs to be tangled, and not much more. That’s what was going on tonight. It was Friday and Jake had come over for a movie marathon. You hoped this would lead to being closer to him, but he seemed enthralled with what was on the screen.
You had gotten up to get snacks, and when you came back, you plopped yourself down right next to Jake, hip to hip. He didn’t seem to mind at all. Maybe he was just trying to do everything on your terms? You snuggled up against him, lifting his arm and placing it over your shoulder, and he let you, for the rest of the movie.
Once the credits began to roll, he groggily stretched and you looked over your shoulder and up at him through your eyelashes. He smirked back down at you. Oh man, how he loved that look. He leaned down do give you a peck. This was your opportunity to push it a little farther, so you shifted to straddle his thigh.
“Is this ok?” He looked up at you in response as his hands gravitated to your waist.
“Yeah, baby. It’s perfect. You’re perfect.”
You placed a hand on his cheek. “If I’m so perfect, why don’t you touch me ever?”
He looked back at you intently, eyebrows furrowed. “What are you talking about? I’m touching you right now.”
You giggled and rolled your eyes playfully. “Yeah, respectfully. You always touch me respectfully.”
His cheeks tinged pink. “Yeah, uh, I want you to know I respect you. And that I’m not trying to sexualize you, especially after my accidental pervy statements when we first met.”
You smiled and shook your head at him, leaning down so your foreheads met as you squeezed his cheeks softly. “And I appreciate that, I really do. You’ve been nothing but a gentleman and I see the reverence in your gaze. I hope you see it in mine, too… And how many times do I have to tell you? I didn’t really think you were a perv” you giggled quietly, still meeting his gaze, “I found it endearing.”
You sat back up and lowered your hands to grab his wrists, guiding his palms to snake around your back and down lower over the back pockets of your jeans.
“And I want you to know, it’s okay to sexualize me a little bit. Touch. My. Butt.” You punctuated with pecks, before leaning in and kissing him hard. He returned the passion with a moan, kneading where you had placed his hands and you ground against him as your hands moved back up to tousle his hair.
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*screech* I love Jakey. Thank you for reading
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krirebr · 6 months
What trope do you enjoy but have never tried your hand at yourself? Any plans to try this year?!
I love fake dating. I think it's maybe because I was a theater kid? And the whole thing just feels like one big improv exercise. I genuinely think real-life me would be very good at it. Someone should hire me to be their fake girlfriend.
As far as the trope and not a random Craigslist ad I may be about to post, there's just so much opportunity for shenanigans, but also family angst - which you know I love to write - and big reveals. I love it.
Plans to write - yes, maybe. If you'll indulge me in getting a little personal here, I say in my bio (and pfp) that I'm aroace and I've kind of been itching to incorporate that into a fic. I feel like fake dating is a trope with a lot of space for that. Lord knows there've been a few big, extended family gatherings that I would have really appreciated having a fake boyfriend along for. Aro awareness week is in February and International Ace Day is in April, so I've been kicking around the idea of doing a fic for one of those. I have no idea if anyone would have any interest in it though.
I've honestly come up with a few more ideas just while writing this answer! So it's probably a trope you'll see multiple times in multiple ways from me this year. 😂😂
Babes I could see getting involved:
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Am I missing anyone?
Join my Krismas Party!
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lexxwithbooks · 2 years
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📖: 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑹𝒊𝒔𝒌 (𝐵𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑟 𝑈 #2) 🏒📰💋
✍🏽: 𝐄𝐥𝐥𝐞 𝐊𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐝𝐲
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ronearoundblindly · 4 months
A Casual Kiss
Bucky Barnes x reader, one of my Valentine's Fics of 2024
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It's just adorable fluff, really. No warnings. Divider by @cafekitsune WC 547
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A lot has happened to Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes over his long life. He used to be a ladies’ man and a traditional sort of soldier. He used to have all his natural limbs. He used to take maybe a touch too much pride in his appearance. A lot has also changed.
Wars change people. Injuries change people. People simply change over time.
And Bucky Barnes has been around a long, long time.
You knew all this from the beginning, of course, because his whole tragic history had already been slashed across newspapers and television by the time you started work in the same building.
He started out cold, then he became reserved, and then he was cautious. You didn’t even know he knew your name until the day he—very formally and awkwardly—asked you out, and the relationship developed…predictably.
That’s the best word for it. Predictable.
There were a few dates before he hugged you goodnight. The next time, he kissed your cheek. The next, you got a chaste peck on the lips. So on and so forth.
Measured increments of intimacy.
It was predictable and still wonderful.
Bucky isn’t good with ‘easy-breezy’ anything, you see. He’s intense and considerate. He plans ahead and for all contingencies, and so you’re taken aback by this random passing in of your department leaving the conference room and Buck’s team coming in.
There’s plenty of people around. Normally, that means a kind smile, perhaps being asked to step aside for a moment so he can say hello and check on your day, maybe check on your plans for dinner, but today? Today is different.
He’s smiling alright, smiling wider and brighter than you’ve ever seen him on the job. His shoulders are relaxed and loose. He’s strutting right for you, and suddenly, like a choreographed dance move, he twists, kissed your forehead, and twists again, still walking but backwards now.
Bucky winks at you as his metal hand finishes a soft graze down your arm.
Butterflies erupt in your stomach.
“Love you, doll,” he whispers though at least half the room can probably hear.
It’s not as if no one knows at work. You’ve dated for months, and for that whole stretch, Bucky’s been a perfect gentleman, just very…not casual. This is new.
So why not make it even stranger?
Your boyfriend snaps his flesh fingers like he just remembered something, nearly skipping the couple of feet to your side.
“Hey, so, I know we were doing movie night, but Sam’s taking some folks out to the corner bar. His treat.”
You can’t help but snort.
“Oh? And let me guess. You—who is unable to get drunk—would like to make him pay for the multiple bottles of top-shelf liquor you can consume.”
Bucky waggles an eyebrow, and you’re stunned.
“Know me so well,” he coos, leaning in to plant one more solid smooch on your lips.
Your lipstick stains his mouth until Bucky’s tongue wipes it away.
“I’ll pick you up at your office.”
You’ve hardly controlled the flutter in your gut but now have a grin fighting to break free. All you can do is nod, heading for the exit, thinking:
People always change over time…and sometimes, change is for the better.
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A/N: Yeah, so, absolutely no one requested this and I don't care because HE DESERVES THE KISSES.
James Mace and a kiss without motive ⬅️ ➡️ Jake Jensen and a kiss to distract
[Main Masterlist; Light Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
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witchywithwhiskey · 6 months
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witchywithwhiskey's rules and masterlist
about me: molly ◦ 30s ◦ she/her rules: ✧ you must be 18 or older to interact with my blog ✧ ageless and blank blogs will be blocked ✧ none of my works should be copied, translated or reposted in any way ✧ don't send asks/dms with nsfw gifs, vids or links unless you've asked me first important notes: ✧ i don't do taglists. do not ask to be added to a taglist ✧ i'm open to requests but i'll only fill them if they interest me ✧ i write for chris evans, sebastian stan and henry cavil characters. no rpf links: ao3 ◦ main blog
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you'll find full content warnings and summaries on each fic. some works contain dark themes and elements such as dubcon and noncon, so proceed with caution. you're responsible for your own media consumption!
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key: 💖 molly's favorites ◦ ⭐️ over 1k notes ◦ 🌟 over 3k notes ◦ 💫 over 5k notes
springtime fun [smut, fluff] multiple characters, springtime-themed
tempting fate on the terrace [smut] bucky barnes, father's business rival ceo
the alpha next door [smut] steve rogers, omegaverse au
trucker prince charming part 2 [smut] jake jensen, trucker au
trucker king part 3 [smut] dark ari levinson, trucker au
steve rogers masterlist
bucky barnes masterlist
other chris evans characters
andy barber (defending jacob):
warm you up [smut] fluffy winter smut, established relationship
by the light of the christmas tree [smut] boss au, established bdsm relationship
the right girl [smut] dad's best friend 🌟💖
a decent man [smut] strangers to lovers in a bar
ari levinson (the red sea diving resort):
the sun and the fool [fluff] lotr au, elf au, meet cute
always keep my heart safe [smut] ceo au, established bdsm relationship (drabble follow up: vacation with ceo ari) ⭐️💖
cole turner (ghosted):
the only man for you ⟨part 1⟩ and the only one for him ⟨part 2⟩ [smut] dark au
lloyd hansen (the gray man):
getting filled for christmas [smut] established bdsm relationship
the fate that found you and part 2 [smut] strangers to lovers, dark-ish
ransom drysdale (knives out):
the way he adored you [smut] fake dating, friends to lovers 💖
these wicked games of his [smut] established relationship
other sebastian stan characters
nick fowler (the 355):
worship your dark lord [smut] lotr au, monster au, established relationship
an easy deal to make [smut] acquaintances to lovers
henry cavill characters
august walker (mission: impossible - fallout):
don't let go [smut] friends to lovers
a bird in a cage [smut, non-con] stalker au
not a part of the mission [fluff] forced proximity, bed sharing ⭐️
geralt of rivia (the witcher):
your love would prevail [angst, fluff] orpheus and eurydice retelling 💖
multiple MMCs
andy barber (defending jacob), ari levinson (the red sea diving resort), ransom drysdale (knives out), nick fowler (the 355), steve kemp (fresh):
giving your body and soul to the warlocks [smut] warlock au (more info and back story about the warlocks) ⭐️
series masterlists
ONGOING: trucker king [dark, smut] trucker au, ari levinson (+ other characters)
ONGOING: a bun in the oven series [smut, fluff] baker au, steve rogers
ONGOING: see you next shift series [smut, angst, fluff] coffeeshop au, bucky barnes, eventual steve rogers
COMPLETE: you belong to me, i belong to you [smut] dark bucky barnes
collections and challenge masterlists
springtime fun [smut, fluff] springtime-themed, multiple characters
LOTR-verse universe [smut, fluff, angst] lord of the rings au, multiple characters
a cozy steve rogers autumn [smut, fluff] fall-themed steve rogers fics
halloween fics [smut, fluff, angst] multiple characters
30 day writing trope challenge masterlist [smut, fluff, angst] multiple characters
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babyjakes · 7 months
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〈 disclaimer: this blog posts content not suitable for individuals under the age of 18. minors are strictly prohibited from viewing, sharing, or interacting with this blog. for more information on this blog's commitment to protecting minors, read our full statement here. 〉
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eun participates in kinkmas 2023, twenty four days of kinky thots, blurbs, and fics!
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please note: prompts have no assigned date. due to an unplanned mini-hiatus, three days feature double prompts.
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flamingo pink | daddy!ari levinson x puppy!reader | prompt: pet play
a diamond's gotta shine | soft!daddy!lloyd hansen x little!reader | prompt: toys
clear blue water | soft!dark!daddies!steve rogers and ari levinson x little!reader | prompt: watersports
lock them out and throw a feast | soft!dark!curtis everett x front-ender!reader | prompt: food play
help me hold onto you | steve rogers x avenger!reader | prompt: sex pollen
devils roll the dice | hitman!robert pronge x innocent!reader | prompts: sex tape + medfet
did something bad | soft!daddy!lloyd hansen x little!reader | prompts: interrogation + weapon play
you all over me | soft!dark!daddies!steve rogers and ari levinson x little!reader | prompt: double penetration
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not trying to play | bf!jake jensen x subby!reader | prompt: nipple play
in the middle of the night | dark!stepdad!pete brenner x reader | prompt: somnophilia
delicate | daddy!ari levinson x little!reader | prompt: virgin
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edging | mutual masturbation | massage | harness | sex shop | threesome | monster fucking | knotting | fucking machine | exhibitionism + piercing
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eulalielatibule · 1 month
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Pairing: Cheerleader!Jake Jensen x Cheerleader!Reader x Quarterback!Ari Levinson
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: Implied smut, fluff, like seriously Jake and Reader are the absolute cutest, threesomes, open relationship, language
Summary: You and your boyfriend, Jake Jensen, want to hook up with your rival team's Quarterback, Ari Levinson.
A/N: Ahhhh I got it done in time!!! I'm so excited. I've been planning on writing this fic for MONTHS but I couldn't think of what to do until @stargazingfangirl18 and @labella420 started their community extravaganza! Please note that Ari, Jake and Reader are in the NFL. My prompts were: Yellow + Feel like you’re being watched + “I can’t believe I’m doing this.”
The locker room buzzed as you and your fellow dancers got ready for the big game. As you finished up your makeup, you thought about how lucky you were to be a dancer on your dream team.
Dance and cheer were your life. Middle through high school you were on the varsity cheer team, and somewhere along the way you started taking acro and hip hop dance classes. Not only were you passionate, but also naturally talented. And it showed when you were out on the field with your dazzling smile and killer moves.
Being on Gladiators’ football field was your second home. Your first home? That was with your boyfriend, Jake Jensen, a fellow cheerleader.
You met him when you were auditioning for the first time. You didn't want anyone to know you were as nervous as a mouse being chased by a cat. So you occupied yourself by going over your routine again and again and again. You only stopped when you felt a tap on your shoulder and turned to see the cutest guy with baby blue eyes and spiky blond hair. He had offered you a snack, and you two got to chatting. One thing led to another, and now here you guys were, dating for three years.
Everyone loved you as a couple. You were very popular on the team's various pages and amongst the fans, which you couldn't blame them- you guys were an amazing couple. Not that you were biased.
“5 minutes!” Your manager called, and everyone finished up their prep and got in formation- two lines that ran out onto the field ready to do the opening dance.
Jake stood next to you in line and he kissed your cheek. “We're gonna do great.” You smiled at how sweet he was and kissed his cheek back, careful not to leave a lipstick mark. The speaker turned on and you grinned as the team was announced.
“Everybody make some noise for The Roman Legion!”
Cheering filled the stadium as you guys ran out, big smiles on your faces as you waved to everyone. The music started and you began doing your dance and pom routine. You were in the zone, your flow state as you let yourself go with the music and performed. At one point in the routine you turn around and you see none other than Ari Levinson watching you. You meet eyes and he throws you a wink which makes your smile brighten.
Ari Levinson was the Quarterback of The Knights, your rivals. You weren't really sure why you guys were rivals- Gladiators and Knights were kinda similar. Perhaps it all started 50 years ago when The Knights beat The Gladiators by a few mere points, making it to the Superbowl.
You didn't really care either way. While you thought the innocent rivalry could be fun at times, you wanted to be the exact opposite of a rival to Ari.
You and Jake loved each other more than anything. You knew that you were going to spend the rest of your life with him, and he knew the same. Another thing you two agreed on was your mutual attraction to Ari.
You felt bad about it at first, how you'd find yourself staring at him and daydreaming about how good he looked when on the field. But then Jake approached you one day, all nervous, and confessed to feeling the same way. You were relieved, and it led to a long talk which eventually ended with you two agreeing to approach him.
There was a rule that cheerleaders and football players on the same team couldn't fraternize, but there was nothing about if they're on different teams.
“Look who's watching us.” You whisper to your man as you get ready for him and another male dancer to lift you. Jake looks ahead and sees Ari, and you see how Ari smirks at Jake. If by some miracle he was into the both of you like you two were, then this would be a lot easier than you thought.
After the game you all signed some autographs and took pictures, and then everyone finally went back to the locker room.
“Ari Levinson was checking us out all night!” You whispered to Jake as you changed out of your yellow-gold uniform. Despite seeing you naked plenty of times and being your literal boyfriend, Jake still blushed when he saw your body- yet also couldn't look away. It was sweet and you giggled as he eyed your breasts.
“Jake! Up here,” you snapped your fingers to get his attention, and he let out a sheepish chuckle before clearing his throat.
“He was, wasn't he? Do you think it was just a coincidence?” You shook your head, 
“No, of course not. Everyone knows we're a couple. And wanting to be in a threesome isn't an uncommon fantasy you know.”
Jake nodded as he changed into one of his favorite graphic tees. “Yeah, but is he even into guys? What if he wants to cuck me or something.” You scoffed and shook your head again, buttoning up your blouse.
“Have you seen the way he interacts with his teammates? That man is definitely bi. And I would never let anyone cuck you. We're a package deal.” You emphasized your point with a kiss before you finished getting dressed in your regular clothes. Jake smiled at you and nuzzled into your hair for a moment before he too finished.
“I know you wouldn't. And that's true. So what should we do?”
“Well, he'll probably be at the after party tonight. I think there is a good place to start, don't you?”
And so you two made a quick stop at your shared apartment to get dressed for the party. You put on a sparkly form fitting dress in your favorite color. Jake, not really being one to dress up, decided to wear one of his nicer shirts and a sports jacket and slacks. He also put on some fun patterned socks, because otherwise, “the outfit just wasn't me.”
The two of you eventually arrived to the party and had a great time. You mingled with your fellow dancers and had some drinks. You danced with your man. The whole time you kept an eye out for Ari but had yet to see him.
Starting to feel discouraged and a little overwhelmed by all the people, you and Jake stepped outside for some fresh air.
“If we don't see him tonight maybe we can hit him up on Twitter or something?” Jake suggested and you smiled with a shrug.
“Yeah, maybe. I just kinda hoped that we'd, you know, have some extra fun tonight.”
Jake scoffed light-heartedly. “You know we have plenty of fun together.” He waggled his eyebrows suggestively which made you laugh.
“Mm, we really do.” You purred as you pressed against Jake, a big stupid grin on his face as he held you close and you two kissed.
You thought you two were alone but you felt eyes on you as you kissed. Whether it was the paparazzi or maybe someone who happened to be looking? You weren't sure but you didn't really care. Being in the spotlight you grew used to having eyes on you.
“Well look who it is, the NFL’s favorite couple.” You heard a playful voice say. You recognized it immediately to be Ari and you grinned against Jake's lips, kissing him once more for good luck before turning around to greet him.
“I don't believe we've met, I'm Ari Levinson.” He enveloped your hand in his larger- and deliciously rougher- one. You gave him your name and also introduced Jake.
“Ah yeah, nice to meet you too Jake.” He shook Jake's hand and patted him on the shoulder. Jake's cheeks had turned pink as he smiled up at Ari- you thought his little crush was adorable.
“Yeah, nice to meet you too! You're great at touch downs and stuff!” Jake babbled out, making you giggle quietly. You wrapped an arm around his waist as you cuddled into him.
“He always got a little shy around pretty people.” You spoke to Ari, making Jake blush more and Ari had an amused smile on his face.
“Oh yeah? Well that's a high compliment coming from you. Thank you, handsome.” He gave Jake's arm a squeeze and then turned his warm gaze to you.
“And you, you're even more beautiful up close. I don't know how you two do it.”
You felt giddy at all the praise being showered your way. You beamed up at Jake who looked like the excitable golden retriever he was. Ari chuckled at how adorable the two of you were and ducked in close.
“I can't believe I'm doing this…” You felt something brush your hand, and when you looked down you saw it was a hotel key.
Ari’s hotel key.
You cleared your throat and flashed the key to Jake, who's eyes widened like he just got a brand new bike for Christmas.
Ari’s big, affectionate smile never left- god you two were the cutest fucking people ever.
“I hope you'll meet me tonight. 10 o’clock?”
You shared another look with Jake, who nodded vigorously and you turned your attention back to Ari.
“We’ll be there.”
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holylulusworld · 2 months
Indecent Proposal (17)
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Summary: Your boyfriend wants to be part of their empire. You are the pawn he’s willing to sacrifice.
Pairing: Mobster!Stucky x fem!Reader
Characters: Natasha Romanoff, Jake Jensen
Warnings: established Stucky, caring mobsters, pregnant reader, fluff, implied needy reader and Bucky, candy theft, polyamory
Indecent Proposal (16)
Indecent Proposal masterlist
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Two months after Bucky and Steve found out about Rumlow’s plan to get information about them using the nurse, said man disappeared.  
No one cared about Brock Rumlow's disappearance. One day, he left town and never got seen again.
People may think Steve and Bucky took care of the annoying thorn in their flesh, but the truth is that they didn’t touch one hair on his head.
“Still nothing?” Bucky watches Natasha stuff the money he brought to her into her bag. Another good investment for the mobster, money for her retirement to Natasha. “Be honest, Nat. Did you take care of him?”
“I told Rumlow that his little stunt with the nurse went too far. He had the order to stay away from your…” she wrinkles her forehead still not understanding your relationship with the mobsters. “Fiancé.”
“We didn’t kill him,” Steve pushes off the wall to look at the pictures on Natasha’s desk. “Even though, we planned on taking him down. Rumlow had it coming.”
Natasha frowns deeply. “If none of us took him down… What happened to him? This doesn’t make sense at all.”
“What if he fucked with the wrong people over?” Bucky scratches his scruffy chin, wondering if the man obsessed with him and Steve annoyed the wrong person. “We can’t be the only people he messed with.”
“I don’t know,” Natasha sighs and rubs her tired eyes. “He’s a good cop.” She rolls her eyes when Steve makes a retching noise. “Believe it or not, he’s not a complete psycho. Rumlow is good at his job. I don’t know what you did to make him lose his mind.”
“We did shit to your little buddy,” Steve grunts. “If someone made him disappear, I owe him one. This way, I didn’t have to get my hands dirty.”
“This must be very funny to you, Rogers,” Natasha wrinkles her nose. “He was a good man and a good cop. It’s too bad he got lost in your web.”
“We didn’t lure him in,” Bucky snaps at Natasha. He glares at her, making sure she knows they did come here to chat. “One day your friend decided he must bring me and Steve down. Does he even know that we maintain peace? No one dares to harm citizens since we took over the throne.”
“I get it,” she huffs. “You are the kings of your kingdom of shit.”
“Careful—” Steve snarls at the redhead. “Our fathers build this kingdom with blood and terror,” the blonde steps closer to Natasha, sizing her up. “Bucky and I changed the old ways. We took their empire and changed it for the better.”
“What do we do about Rumlow now? If he’s dead, people will start asking questions. It’s no secret that he was obsessed with us.”
“I will try to keep you out of this,” Natasha steps away from Steve. She doesn’t want to rile him up even more. 
“You’ll keep us up to date,” Steve points his index finger at the redhead. “We need to know every detail of his disappearance…”
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“Doll, what are you doing,” Steve laughs. You threatened to cut Bucky’s cock off because he dared to steal a chocolate bar from your secret stash. 
“He stole from me!” You pout. “Bucky stole my favorite chocolate bar. It was the last one with hazelnut.” Faking a sob, you look at Steve. “You should scold him.”
“I was hungry after you wanted a taste of Bucky,” the brunette grins. “And you got a whole drawer filled with the sweets. Candies, chocolate bars, all the good stuff. Steve, she’s got a sweet tooth.”
“Not only a sweet tooth,” Steve smirks. “She’s a naughty little minx too.”
“Hey! I’m not little,” you kneel on the bed to glare at Steve. Not months ago, you trembled in fear in front of Steve, and now you talk back and tease the mobster. “You better watch your tongue, or I won’t show you the latest ultrasound picture!”
Bucky watches you and his husband bicker. He smirks and chuckles. The brunette leans back and enjoys the show. “Steve, she’s getting cocky. What will you do about it?”
Steve cocks a brow. His features darken and he smirks at you. “I will spank her cute ass if she gets even cockier.”
You laugh at Steve’s words. He wouldn’t dare put his hands on you. Both men are deadly and strong, but with you, they are soft and gentle. Even if you are a brat and a needy slut sometimes.
“The doctor will be here in half an hour,” Bucky stretches his legs and yawns. It was a long day. Jensen and Bucky tried to find out more about Rumlow’s disappearance over the last hours. “Let’s not fight over stolen candy.”
“I did not forget you stole from my stash, punk!” You poke your index finger into Bucky’s thigh. “You are on thin ice, Sir.”
“Sir, huh?” Bucky licks his lips. “Steve, how long until the doctor arrives.” He looks at his husband.
“Buck. No,” Steve shakes his head. “Last time the doctor almost caught us red-handed.”
“Hmmm…good times,” you nod and sigh dreamily. “Very good times.”
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“Your fiancé is healthy,” the doctor murmurs while scribbling down a few notes, “everything looks good. There is nothing to be worried about.” He looks up from his notes. “We should talk about the results of the ultrasound we took today now.”
He clears his throat and looks at you. The elderly man gives you a soft smile. “Can I tell them?”
The doctor chuckles now. “Of course, my dear.”
“Alright,” you clap your hands before grinning at Steve. “I will blow your mind.”
“Please tell me she’s not pregnant with a Tasmanian devil,” Steve mirrors your smirk. “I bet she is. It would explain her bratty behavior.”
“Stevie, let Y/N talk. I wanna know what she wants to talk about,” Bucky grabs your hand. Anytime you have an ultrasound examination he turns into a softie. “Go ahead doll. We are listening.”
You take a deep breath. Suddenly you’re a little nervous. “I-doctor can you tell them?” You chicken out and drop your gaze.
“Fuck! Is something wrong with the baby?” Steve presses one hand to his heart. “Please tell us.”
“Doll…” Bucky holds your hand a little tighter. The usual tough man looks helplessly at his husband. “Stevie?”
“The baby and your fiancé are healthy,” the doctor hastily says. “We got no bad news for you. It’s rather, good news for you and your fiancé, gentlemen.”
“Good news,” Bucky nods at Steve. “Did you hear…good news. Phew.” He sighs deeply. “Thank fuck.”
“What is the good news?” Steve rumbles. He stares at your swollen belly, awaiting an answer. “Doctor?”
You take a deep breath and look at both men. You don’t know if the news is good to them or not. “We—we are having twins!”
Part 17.2
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213 notes · View notes
lilacevans · 5 months
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༊*·˚ main materlist | pete's place's opening night | the playlist ༊*·˚
✧.* ೃ⁀➷ pairings & future pairings: pete brenner x female!reader. lloyd hansen x female!reader. ari levinson x female!reader. curtis everett x female!reader. steve rogers x female!reader. jake jensen x female!reader. (and others that will be revealed at a later date.)
word count: 1026 | series rating: explicit. ༊*·˚
warnings: implied abusive relationship, homelessness, alcohol, general sadness.
this is a dark au. minors are not welcome here.
✧.* ೃ⁀➷ notes: the intro is here!! it's here!! i proof read as much as i could, however some mistakes may remain. i was gonna share a little more, but i think this is perfect for setting up the first chapter! i'm so excited to share this with you! please let me know what you think! reblogs save lives! mwah! enjoy!!
A year after you packed brown boxes scrawled with black ink, clothes stuffed into various bags, and the hope of true love, into the back of your car, to move across the country to live with your ex-boyfriend, you find yourself one night in a heart pounding screaming match.
Thrown dishes, broken glass, picture frames on the floor. The remnants of a lost love etched by the sounds of your cries into the tattered walls of the home you shared.
With pleading cries, tear stained cheeks, and heart in your throat, you’re grabbed and shoved out the door in nothing but a pair of sweats, and shirt with a coat being darted at you whilst you laid on the ground. One too many hours were spent afterwards pounding your fists against the front door, begging  to at least have your purse so you can get a hotel room. 
Just as you were about to leave, looking down at your battered, red hands, your purse was dropped out of a window; the contents spilled onto the grass below. With a sigh, either sadness or relief; you weren't sure which, you bent to pick up your scattered belongings, cursing the man during. 
Luckily, you had everything you needed; cash, ID, and your shitty, overused phone. 
You called around for a cab, numb fingers shaking as you pressed the blurry numbers, but with it being Friday night, you were looking at a long wait so instead, you decided to cut your losses and walk to find the nearest hotel. 
The downside of moving, and being essentially trapped within the same four walls for months on end, is that you quickly found yourself lost– and being lost on Skid Row was the last place you wanted to be.
You willed your tears to not fall after you walked by tent after tent, stranger after stranger, clutching your purse tight, old key’s spread between your fingers, and finally found yourself outside the Hotel Cecil. You laughed to yourself in disbelief of having to head inside and get a room; but nonetheless, you did just that. 
Lying on a dingy bedspread, surrounded by more nicotine-stained walls, you muffled your cries behind your hands and slowly fell into a sombre slumber and wondered just how the fuck you had gotten yourself here. 
Over the next few days, you walked around, getting to know your surroundings and applying for jobs left and right. You were forced to ration your food while you looked around for cheaper hotel rooms. You were trying your hardest to avoid the sprawls of clubs begging for dancers but after finding yourself downtrodden after applying for yet another job and getting immediately dismissed, and not having any luck finding a cheaper room, you walked back to your grubby hotel and bump— quite literally— into two drunk guys. 
‘’Ooh, one of Pete’s girls,’’ The guy slurred while his eyes glazed filthily over your body making you instinctively wrap your arms around yourself. 
‘’I don’t know who that is and I’m certainly not one of anyone's girls,’’ You defend, slowly backing away as the guy then sighs and points behind you. 
‘’Well, you’d sure fit in with the rest of ‘em.’’ 
With that, the men carried on with their drunken journey while you left bewildered. 
You shook your head and turned to carry on home when you were suddenly blinded by a huge, purple neon sign:
Pete’s Place.
Underneath a small notice hung from the sign read: Dancers Apply Within. 
You looked around and whined quietly while you watched patron after patron enter the club. Two heavily built doormen eyed you. You shook out your bundling nerves, hung your head and followed the thump of the bass into the belly of the seedy club. Red and purple hues guided you into the belly of the club where you found red booths filled with drunk bodies that circled small stages. Girls with perfect form swirled around the pole, capturing the attention of everyone inside. 
‘’And who might you be?’’
You turned to find a man staring intensely, glass warm in hand, sharp suit and sea-blue eyes. Your mouth hung, mind blank for a moment before sputtering out,
‘’Oh, I–  I’m looking for the owner– I was hoping to… Audition…’’ You trailed off as the man began to circle you, fingers pried away your coat slightly, gaze wandering over your body. Calloused fingers tilted your chin upwards while he inspected your face before a slight smile appeared on his lips.
‘’Yeah, you’ll do,’’ He concluded and began to walk away. ‘’Follow me.’’
‘’I take it you’re the owner,’’ you inquired as you followed the man to the other side of the club and down a dimly lit hallway, smiling back at, what you assumed was, one of his girls. ‘’You’re Pete?’’ 
‘’That’s me,’’ he confirmed as you’re led into an office. ‘’Gonna need to see ID, need you to sign a couple contracts, and for you to take your clothes off,’’ he quick fired as he sat himself in his chair and threw a small stack of paper across the table. 
‘’Excuse me? Contracts?’’
‘’All my girls sign to stay loyal to the club, I don’t need anyone running off and taking my profits with him– helps limit competition, and I need to see what I’m working with here, you’re not exactly gonna be wearing a winter coat out there. Usually you’d come during the day, work the pole but, I got three of my regular girls out tonight, so it’s your lucky day.’’
‘’Oh,’’ You answer simply, pausing before a moment.  ‘’Right, yeah, lucky me– Of course,’’ you stumble out as you reach into your pocket and slide your ID on to his desk before peeling your jacket off and taking in a heavy breath before lifting your shirt over your head and sliding down your skirt with shaking hands.
‘’Over here,’’ Pete summoned, fingers tapped at his desk before turning his chair to the side to make use of empty space, relaxing into the chair with parted legs. 
‘’Show me what you can do.’’
262 notes · View notes
thyme-in-a-bubble · 11 months
the murder at evergreen university
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a/n: asdfghjkl I have been writing this since january...... wow. it's never taken me that long to write a story before... also I made a quick student bio about the majority of the people in this story, so if you wanna start off by looking at that, then here is the link ♡
summary:  just a slutty murder mystery
warnings: reader x various CEvans characters (Ransom Drysdale, Curtis Everett, Ari Levinson, Steve Rogers, Frank Adler, Jake Jensen, Lloyd Hansen), DARK content, noncon, smut, violence, university AU, murder mystery, detective!Ari, family friend!Ari, mma!Curtis (I just couldn't resist), surely extremely inaccurate on all levels (the college stuff, the investigation, everything, but this is just for fun so it's okay. lol I got the frat name from fantasynamegenerators.com hehe), polyamory, kissing, alcohol consumption, crying, drugging, murder, somno, daddy kink, dirty talk, choking, penetrative sex, size kink, vomiting, flashback sequences are written in all cursive
word count: 11.100
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
masterlist | join my taglist | evergreen university masterlist
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Walking up the steps of the Kappa Zeta Nu building, you pulled your humming ear pods out of your ears and popped them in the jacket pocket where your phone rested. If it hadn’t been for the big Greek letters above and its proximity to the college, the fraternity house could almost fool someone into thinking it was just any other regular suburban home. 
Giving the front door a rhythmic knock, it quickly swung open to reveal a scruffy-looking mathematics major, still groggy from sleep. 
“Morning Frank,” you couldn’t help but notice the spark in his eye that your presence generated. 
“Angel,” your nickname sounded so good on his sleepy lips, making you smile as he gave you a quick glance up and down, “how do you look like that this early in the morning?” 
Walking past him, further into the house, you chuckled, “8:30 is not that early.”
“Um, on a Saturday it is.” 
Thanks to the open floor plan, you quickly caught sight of Jake sitting by the kitchen island, scarfing down a bowl of cereal. 
“Hey!” the blonde smiled, mouth still full of his breakfast, “I’m guessing by the gorgeous look on your face that you made it through last night?”
“Yep,” you exhaled, thinking back on the major cram session you had to power through in order to meet the paper’s deadline. The lengthy assignment for your cognitive psychology class had been so extensive that it probably hadn’t been that smart of you to keep procrastinating it the way that you had, but somehow you got it done, “turned it in just in time.” 
“Atta girl,” the computer whiz reached over the counter to give you a high five, “I knew you could do it!”
“Speaking of yesterday,” yours and Jake’s fingers lingered a moment before parting ways, “how’s our boy doing? Did he make it through last night?”
Appearing behind you, still sweaty and panting from his morning run, Steve answered your question, evidently catching the tail end of the conversation just as he came in through the door, “Curtis is doing just fine,” he leaned against one of the counters, catching his breath, “better than fine actually, he won.” 
“He did?” a bright smile bloomed on your face, “man, I wish I could have been there…” you were usually so strict about being there for important things, such as Curtis’ occasional MMA fights, but because of your procrastinated schoolwork, you hadn’t been able to tag along. “It’s all Lloyd’s fault, you know. He did the whole oh yeah, we can have a little study date, get that paper done, no sweat, and then distracted me, leaving me with all of the work to get through yesterday.”  
“You wanna turn the faucets on down here, give his shower an icy turn as revenge?” Jake suggested, fiddling with his spoon playfully. 
“Nah, I’ll just give him the cold shoulder for a bit,” you settled your forearms against the countertop, unintentionally giving the guys a better view down your top, “he hates it when I ignore him.”
“He sure does,” Jakes drawled, nearly dropping his utensil into the milky bowl as he unabashedly stared down your cleavage. 
Biting your bottom lip a second, you returned to the matter at hand, “is he up yet?”
“Curtis?” Steve clarified, opening the fridge and plucking out a cold bottle of water. 
“Nope,” Frank shook his head behind you, “he’s still sleeping.”
Only pushing yourself halfway up, you asked “can I go see him?” slightly taking the others by surprise. 
“When have you even needed permission to go barge into his room?” Frank questioned.
“I don’t know…” you muttered, glancing down at the speckled pattern of the counter's surface, “maybe he’s got company or something…”
“Angel,” Steve leaned over the opposite side of the table, craning his neck so that he could catch your timid eyes, “he is not gonna go pick up some random girl just because you miss one of his fights.”
Bowing your head, you opted not to answer, instead just attempted to shake the doubt off you entirely. 
In a bouncy rocking motion, you straitened back up and moved towards the stairs, two of the guys tagging along as they too needed to head upstairs. 
“So,” you glanced over your shoulder at Frank and Steve, “how’s Ransom settling in?”
“The new guy?” Steve spoke, “fine, I think. I don’t know, I don’t speak trust fund kid, so how would I know.”
“I don’t think he’s that bad… Shouldn’t we at least try to include him in our little group? It just seems kinda mean not to since we’re so tight and you all live with him,” reaching the top of the stairs, you heard, from the bathroom directly in front of you, the trickling clues of Lloyd’s luxurious shower, and briefly glanced down at the far end of the hall where the new guy’s closed door was, his vast room mirroring Steve’s at the opposite side, though his was much more secluded from the rest, being closed in by the injection of both the broad staircase and the bathroom before the cluster of rooms came. “Like you said, you don’t know him yet, he might be super sweet and just takes a bit of time to warm up to people.”
“Maybe,” was all Frank cagily, not giving it any more thought. 
Coming to a stop in front of Curtis’ door, you slowly creaked it open, revealing the sleeping display of a bruised buzzcut, still lightly snoring on his back.
“Jesus christ,” you breathed and leaned your shoulder against the doorframe, taking in the beaten form of your friend, “you sure he won?” you asked the men still lingering a second longer, peeking over your shoulder into the room.
“Yeah, you don’t wanna see the other guy,” Frank gave your behind a quick tap before ducking into his own room. 
Turning your head to look at Steve, himself leisurely making his way down towards the room at the end of the hall, “you sure he’s fine?” 
Stopping in his step, he offered you an earnest glance, “he’s fine, Y/n. Go wake him up.”
After shutting the door behind you, you peeled off your jacket and let it drop down onto the desk chair you passed on your way towards the small mattress. Kicking off your shoes, you climbed the twin bed, kneeling beside your resting friend.
“Wake up,” you sang, dipping your smile down low to rouse Curtis. Receiving a less than lively reaction, only getting a soft inhale of breath as an indication that he’d woken, you tried again, swinging one of your legs over his form to straddle his hips, “hey, tough guy,” you felt his palms slide up the curve of your ass and come to rest around your waist, “you alive?”
Just barely fluttering his bruised eyelids open, a bright smile bloomed on his lips, “hi angel,” he sighed contently at your presence, blinking up at your softly illuminated form as the gentle morning light streamed in through his open window, the family of birds living in the tree just outside aiding in the gentle ambience. 
“A little birdy told me that you won last night,” you let your upper body sink down against his, resting your chin on top of your folded palms, right underneath his chin.
“I did,” you saw as the sting of his various injuries woke him up even further, “although I still would have preferred if my good luck charm had been there instead of doing boring homework.” 
“Oh, please don’t make me feel any worse,” you hid your face in his chest, “I already feel like I have too much making up to do.”
“Oh yeah?” he picked your head up for you to see the sly smirk now adorning his face, “what did you have in mind?”
“I don’t know,” you spoke shyly, feeling your cheeks flush as the position the two of you had found yourself in dawned on you, “I just really wanted to have been there,” and you sat back up, wary of where you placed your hands for support on his beaten frame. 
“Ah,” he waved a reassuring hand, “you’ll be at the next one.”
“Oh, I will,” you grinned promisingly, scooting down to the foot of the bed as you watched him sit up, the duvet falling off his body to relieve the rest of the colourful aftermath, “a simple assignment won’t be able to stop me,” your enthusiasm made him smile through the wince he let out as he got up off the mattress.
Tailing after Curtis as he moved out into the hall and made his way down towards the lavatory, you suggested as you followed him into the bathroom, “we should totally do something to celebrate your win! It’s the weekend, we should do something fun!”
Standing by one of the sinks, Lloyd, fresh out of the shower, didn’t take his eyes off his hair in the reflection as you sauntered in. As Curtis grabbed his toothbrush, he leaned down and whispered cheekily in your ear, “I know a way we can celebrate, just the two of us,” flashing you a glance that caused your breath to get caught in your throat. 
Cutting off your flustered giggle, Lloyd spoke, “there’s supposed to be a party tonight down on the other side of campus. Me and a few of the others were talking about going.” 
“Oh, the one Delta Phi is throwing? Nat’s going to that! Said something this morning about meeting the guy she’s been seeing there.”
“What-, guy?” Lloyd finally ripped his eyes away from the mirror, “what happened to that yoga chick?”
“I don’t know, I think she was moving a little bit too fast for Natasha’s speed,” you spoke of your commitment-phobe of a roommate. Saddling up beside the fighter now brushing his teeth, you said, “so, what do you say?” bumping your hip gently against his as you saw him look back at you in the mirror, “it could be fun.”
Pretending to ponder the proposal, Curtis answered, “if you put on a pretty little dress, then I might be convinced to go,” the foaming toothpaste lightly murmuring his flirting.
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“…It’s always the innocent-looking ones you’ve gotta look out for,” Ransom spoke over the loud, bassy music to the moustachioed man next to him on the couch, “and this little charade you’ve all got going on must be a hell of a good time,” he elbowed him suggestively, though didn’t conjure the desired reaction from him, “oh, come on, you can tell me, dude. Just help a brother out with a few details.”
“I wouldn’t know,” Lloyd shrugged with a smirk and took a sip of his beer. 
“What do you mean?”
Huffing out a soft sigh, he answered, “she’s an amazing girl, don’t get me wrong, but she just has a few rules.”
“What, like some bdsm kinda rules?” Ransom’s eyebrows wiggled excitedly. 
“No, man,” he tried not to chuckle at the yearned-for images his inappropriate guess provoked, “back when we met her she-… her heart was fucking broken and there wasn’t a lot of stuff that she wanted to do anymore, that she felt comfortable with, but over time, I guess when she started getting over whomever that fucker was, she began to relax and let us in.”
“So, you’re really saying you haven’t hit that yet?” the prying man furrowed his brows, unmoved by the sob story. 
“None of us have.”
“Then are those stories about you banging her last week just rumours?”
“No, no, well not exactly, we did have fun, trust me,” he chuckled, poking his cheek playfully with his tongue, “but I didn’t exactly bang her.”
“So, let me get this right, you’re all mad for her and she hasn’t given out? To any of you? What, is she still a virgin or something? Waiting for marriage?”
“I don’t think so,” Llyod thought for a moment, “but it kinda wouldn’t surprise me either if she was… I don’t know… it’s kinda complicated, but damn if she isn’t worth it.”
Letting out a low exhale, he shook his head, “I don’t know how you stand it, dude. If she was mine, she wouldn’t be able to walk. Hell, how do you even share someone like her?” 
“Well, I don’t know if she’s mine per se, we all just have fun, you know? Why not share?”
“Hey,” your chipper voice interrupted their lewd convocation as you finally caught sight of them on the dark leather couch in the corner of the party, “there you are,” and immediately grabbed each of their hands in yours, “come on,” you leaned your weight back, ushering them to get up, “we’re doing shots in the kitchen!”
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“Seriously, Barnes? Watch where you’re going!” Ransom exclaimed as the host of the party had rowdily bumped into the rich boy on his way through the narrow kitchen, causing the bright pink shot in his hand to spill all down the front of his white sweater, “this is cashmere, dude!” he yelled after Bucky’s quickly disappearing form, clearly not haven noticed the interaction himself over the deafening music and his drunken haze.
“Oh my god,” you gasped, noticing the huge stain now blooming on the man beside you, “are you okay?” the sharp alcohol still stung in your throat causing your words to come out ragged. 
“Yeah, I’m fine,” he stared down at himself, then over his shoulder in contemplation of whether or not he should run after the guy in pursuit of revenge, “this sweater however is not.”
As your eyes washed over the ivory knit, watching it soak up the colourful cocktail, you thought out loud as an idea struck you, “well, maybe…” and acted quickly, grabbing the man’s hand, “come with me,” you yanked him past the rest of your jovial friends and down the hallway towards the small bathroom.
Catching on to where your head was at, Ransom spoke after crossing the threshold, “Y/n, this is very sweet, but I don’t know if it will work.”
“Just shut up and take it off,” you held out your hand, too blind by your inebriated problem-solving instincts to consider any other outcome.
Gazing back at you a moment, he then chuckled and tugged the sweater over his head with one hand, your eyes widening as he placed the item in your waiting palm, it haven apparently been the only layer he had on.
“Thank you,” you breathed, dumbfounded for a second as you stared at his bare chest, briefly admiring his toned form before shaking it off and spinning around to turn on the sink. Holding the stained material against the slowly trickling cold water, you pressed and pinched the spot gently in an effort to not agitate the delicate fibres. “I swear, I’m always the worst at spilling stuff on myself, I’m like a child, plus the fact that I’m a knitter, so not to promise anything, but I’d say you’re in pretty good hands.”
He didn’t say anything, simply settled in beside you, leaning against the edge of the sink as he watched your face contort in adorable concentration. 
“Oh, dammit…” you gave up after a few minutes of gentle scrubbing. Turning the faucet off, you held the sweater up and looked at the, although lighter, still very much visible pink stain, “well at least it’s a little bit better than before,” you tried, flashing the half-naked man an apologetic look, “maybe if I soak it a bit it’ll get better, but-”
“Hey,” Ransom placed his fingers atop yours still clutching the wool, “it’s fine,” he lowered your hands as he leaned in and closed the gap between you two, his alcoholic breath fanning across your flush cheeks as he uttered a quiet, “thank you,” before unexpectedly pressing a greedy kiss against your lips. 
Feeling his grip tug the sweater out of your hands, you instinctively pressed your palms against his chest for support as the whole move had made your intoxicated body lose its balance. His lips were soft, but his kisses were hungry, determinedly letting it build far faster than you were ready for.
You let out a soft giggle of surprise as he suddenly scooped you up and planted you on the edge of the sink, nestling himself in between your parted thighs, your short dress haven ridden up from the movement.
“So, is this why they all call you angel?” he asked as his heated pecks fluttered down your neck, “because you swoop in and save the day?”
“I don’t know if I do that…” you breathed timidly, the reality of what he was doing just catching up to you now. 
“Oh, but you do. You saved mine,” he smirked, “you’re my hero,” you felt the tickle of his fingers as they snuck further up under your dress, “however can I repay you?” 
“I, um,” you giggled nervously, catching his wrists before they could get any further, pressing your lips against his in an effort to soften the blow as you thought of a gentle way to let him down, “I think that kiss by itself was a pretty good thank you,” you hopped down from the sink even though he made no effort in providing you room to do so.
Enclosing his arms around you as you giggly stumbled further towards the still-ajar door, he uttered, pressing the obvious tent in his pants up against your softness, “but why stop there? I can do a lot better than that if you just give me five more minutes,” but the door conveniently swung open a bit more just as two familiar figures passed it.
“Angel!” Jake, completely blind to the man still clawing at you to stay inside the bathroom, hooked an arm around your waist and yanked you along as he and Frank jovially strolled past, “there you are! It’s almost 11 o'clock, please don’t tell me that you’re bailing on Curtis and truly dooming him to lose to us.”
“I think Curtis would lose to you two in beer pong whether I am on his team or not,” you smiled, thankful of their timing, “you guys are the reigning champions after all.”
“Damn right,” Frank roared, excitedly lifting his fist, “J and F! F and J! Ain’t nothing this duo can’t accomplish.”
“Well, not everything,” you giggled, hooking your arms around their forms as they strolled on either side of you, their arms draped over you in return, “for instance, you’re both terrible cooks.”
“Shut up, angel,” Jake said playfully, “we’re unstoppable and you know it,” he stopped you in your tracks and trapped you against the wall, “say it,” he smirked down at you as Frank, not missing a beat, slipped in as well, enclosing you completely, “say that we’re unstoppable.”
Sucking in a sharp breath, you uttered, “you’re unstoppable,” the sudden proximity awakening memories that made your heart flutter. 
“Good girl,” he purred purposely, and a shiver ran down your spine as you recalled just how hot they both sounded cumming for you, a while back, when they had managed to talk you into playing with them both. 
“You guys are so mean,” you said light-heartedly. 
“Yeah,” Frank scrunched his nose through his warm smile, “but you like it.”
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Twirling you around the dancefloor, Lloyd had been the only one in the mood to satisfy your surge of energy when you came pouting, begging the boys to dance with you. Holding you close, his hands roamed as you rocked to the music, causing you to close your eyes and drift away.
“Hey,” a different hand suddenly tapped you on the shoulder and tore you out of your dream, “I need to talk to you a sec.” 
Eyes fluttering open to look back at your redheaded roommate, you gave her a quick, “okay,” before raising yourself up onto your toes to speak into your dance partner’s ear, “hey, I’ll be right back!”
“Okay,” he shouted back over the loud music, “I’ll just go grab a drink, you want any?”
“Please,” you reluctantly let go of his hand and yelled after him as you followed your friend through the swarm of partying people, “a beer, thanks!” 
Rounding the corner to settle into a comparatively quieter nook, you tugged your wild hair behind your ears as you looked back at Natasha, “what’s up?”
Biting her lip, she spoke, “you love me, right?”
“Well, obviously, I’m about to get down on one knee and everything,” you joked, “what is it?”
“Can I have the room tonight?” she asked with a small winch, knowing damn well how frequent this request was. 
“Seriously?” your eyebrows shot up, “again?”
“Please?” she folded her hands dramatically in front of her and begged. 
Letting out a soft sigh, you said slowly, “if you buy me that super good chocolate with the blue wrapper that they sell down on the corner, then-”
“Oh my god,” she cut you off and threw her arms around you, “thank you, thank you, thank you!”
“You’re the worst roommate ever, you know that?” you smiled, patting her back. 
“And you are the best, a true saint! Me and my sex life pray at your altar.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you chuckled, playfully pushing her away, “go on then, get laid.”
Returning to find that Lloyd had settled in with the rest of the guys, taking up all of the clustered couches, you put on your best miserable expression as he handed you your beer, “guys,” you dramatically caught their attention, “I have some really devastating news to tell you…” faking the need to suck in a self-soothing breath before uttering, “tonight, on this very night, I am homeless!”
“Oh no!” they played along, giggling as you pressed the back of your hand up against your forehead. 
“I know! Whatever am I to do? If only some big, strong, handsome boys would let me crash at their frat…”
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Clutching onto Curtis’ broad shoulders as he gave you a piggyback ride back to the frat, you all laughed at Jake and Frank’s terrible, lewd rendition of the school’s fight song. If Lloyd had been here, if his stamina hadn’t forced him to stay out and enjoy the night a little longer, he would have probably not only joined in, but led the tune, waking up everyone in the dorms you passed. 
“So,” Ransom smirked as you all tumbled in through the destinated front door, “who will have the pleasure of bunking with you tonight?”
“I, uh,” you giggled as Curtis sat you down, your shoes clutched in your hand, “I don’t know…”
“You can sleep in my room if you want,” Steve offered generously, “I’ll just sleep down here on the couch.”
“Really? Are you sure? Because I can just sleep down here on the couch, it’s fine.”
“No, no,” he waved a hand reassuringly, “you’ve had way more to drink tonight than I have, so you should really take the room closest to the bathroom, just in case.”
Smiling widely, you stumbled over and wrapped your arms around his bulky form, “thank you, Steve,” breathing in his scent as you smooshed your face into his t-shirt, “you’re the best.”
“You wanna borrow a shirt to sleep in?” Curtis asked, reaching out a quick arm to steady you as you lost your balance on your way towards the wide staircase.  
“Oh, yeah,” you offered him a fuzzy smile, both the alcohol and the hour causing your eyelids to feel like they weighed a ton, “that would be great.” 
Getting settled into the comparatively more private bedroom located next to the stairs, the bathroom too separating it from the rest of the doors clustered down the narrow hallway, you lazily changed into the t-shirt Curtis soon handed off to you, tugging it over your dress before sliding your party outfit off underneath the grey cotton, keeping yourself somewhat covered purely because you didn’t wanna end the conversation you and the rest of the boys were trying to wrap up.
“Alright, we should probably let the lady sleep,” Steve spoke, watching closely as every time you blinked, your eyes gradually stayed closed just a little longer, nearly falling asleep against Curtis’ broad shoulder.
“No, no,” you protested, inhaling sharply in an effort to wake up more, “I’m just resting my eyes…”
“Right,” Frank chuckled as they all got up from their comfy seat on the mattress, being too tired to fight it, Curtis gently helped you lay down, tugging the duvet over your curled-up form.
“Hey,” Ransom poked his head into the room as the rest began to filter out, “I thought you might like this,” you were surprised to see him have a small glass of water in his hand for you. Not simply placing it on the bedside table by your head, he kneeled down next to you and held it out, “here,” expecting for you to take it, “I swear, chugging a glass of water helps with the hangover,” sliding his free palm under your head to raise it up.
“Thank you,” you smiled wearily as you slowly accepted it and raised it up towards your lips. 
Noticing that you were only taking a small sip, his fingers found the bottom of the glass and pressed it up further, “all of it,” he tilted it for you to down it all, “or else it doesn’t work.” 
Coughing lightly as you lowed the now empty glass, it left an odd taste in your mouth, though you just summed it up to be the handiwork of some of the strong beverages you had consumed during the night working its way up again. 
“Thanks, Ransom,” you groggily patted his cheek, “you’re so sweet.” 
His eyes flickering over your tired face, smooshed against the pillow, he smirked, “goodnight,” got back up and strolled out past Curtis still lingering in the doorway, arms crossed and watching over you like a guard dog. 
“Night,” you quietly called out after him as you saw his frame disappear towards the furthest room down the hallway. Redirecting your attention back to your friend, you hummed, “go to bed, Curt. You gotta still be super sore from last night.”
“It’s not that bad.”
“Oh, so you’re just gonna stand there all night, fall asleep on your feet and act as my sleep paralysis demon for the night?” you joked with half-closed eyes. 
A small laugh bubbled out of him as he finally moved, “sleep well, angel,” he uncrossed his arms and reached out for the doorknob to tug it closed. 
“Goodnight, Curtis,” you snuggled further into the pillow as you felt sleep overtake you like a wave crashing the shore, adding absentmindedly under your breath, “love you.”
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“Hmm…” you hazily blinked your heavy lids open, roused by the pinching pressure between your thighs. Looking up at the dimly lit figure, you mumbled fuzzily, “w-what?” unsure if this was real life or a dream as the whole bed spun beneath you and you felt like you were floating. 
“Shh, go back to sleep, angel,” Ransom’s grunt pierced your ears as his palm pressed over the bottom half of your face, silencing any words you might speak, “It’s alright, daddy’s got you,” a shy cry vibrated against his hand as you felt him rock against you, finally noticing fully the unexpected sensation of his thick girth stretching you out, “just be a good girl and lay right there, let me have a little slice of heaven.”
Keeping your exhausted legs spread wide apart, his determined hips acting as a door stop, he moaned quietly, “fuck, it really did do the trick,” he looked down at your dazed form, awake enough to be present for him, but unknowingly sedated enough for you not to fight back, “almost a shame you won’t be able to remember any of this in the morning,” he slid his hand down to squeeze your throat, pinching your rapid pulse and making the world even more blurry, “look at you, fucking out like a perfect little doll. You wanna be doll, huh? My own personal little fucktoy?”
Fighting to keep your eyes open, your whole body rocked at his movements as he frantically picked up his pace, selfishly pounding into you, melting on top of you and pressing your sedated body further into the bed. 
“You know, I barely needed to touch you a second before you soaked my fingers, you clearly want this as much as I do,” he tightened his grip on your throat, “you need this, you need me,” stifled moans flowed from his lips as he unmercifully pounded into you, scratching his own vile itch, “poor you, none of your boyfriends ever touch you properly. That’s just what you need, isn’t it?” he mocked as your fluttering cunt tried to squeeze him out, expelling him from your body, “you just need your tight little pussy to be stretched out? Just need some good dick? Don’t worry, angel,” you vaguely felt his tongue flicker against your slightly numbed skin, “as long as I am here to help, I’ll keep your pussy sore, keep it filled up,” you just managed to catch him growl before you lost the forlorn battle and your body dozed off again. 
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Waking up with a low groan, you quickly sprung up, feeling the contents of your stomach fighting their way out. With no time to entertain the surprising presents of Curtis already curled up at the foot of the mattress, you bolted out of bed and ran out the door, thankful for the close proximity to the bathroom as you soon found yourself kneeling in front of the toilet, regretting every sip you had indulged in as they burned your entire chest on their way out again. 
Feeling as your loose hair suddenly got picked up and gently held back, you heard the warm rumble of Curtis’ voice as he said, “wow, okay, alright,” his large palm found your spine, soothingly caressing it as you hurled your guts out, “it’s alright, angel. Just get it all out.”
“Urgh,” you groaned, clutching the cold porcelain as you spat out the fowl tang, “I am never drinking again,” keeping your head over the bowl till you were sure you had gotten it all out. With a heavy sigh, you slumped back, colliding softly with the mass of your friend. 
“You okay?” he asked, lightly running his hands over your goosebump-ridden form. 
“I think so,” you blinked up into his steely eyes, the reddened look to them flying over your exhausted head, “at least I made it to the bathroom this time,” you tried to joke with a half-hearted smile. 
Letting your body weakly droop down, sighing in relief as you felt the cold tile hug your form, you heard Curtis notice, “no, no, you can’t fall asleep out here,” feeling his fingers already slide beneath your body. 
“But it’s so comfortable,” you let out a small winch as he scooped you up into his arms, your frame draping over his strong limbs, and a dull pain stung your core. “Hey, what date is it?” you suddenly asked, trying to make sense of the uncomfortable tingle.
“I-, uh, why?” he thought, carrying you back into Steve’s room, your eyes noticing the other doors down the dark hallway were all open wide, even though it was the middle of the night. 
“No reason, I just think I might be getting my period or something…”
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“Miss Y/l/n?” a voice called, though you were a million miles away, “Miss Y/l/n?” 
“Huh?” you blinked, shaking your head slightly as you unsteadily glanced up at the figure, “sorry, yes,” you reluctantly let go of your friend’s hand and rose from the seat you had been waiting in. 
“You’re gonna be fine,” Curtis gave your hand one last squeeze, “I’ll wait right here for when you’re done, okay?” 
He and the other guys hadn’t let you out of their sight since the terrifying news had spread like wildfire yesterday morning and rocked the entire campus to its core. 
“Okay,” you nodded weakly, not truly present as you followed the stranger inside. 
Pulling out a chair at the cold table, you sat down and averted your gaze from the walls of the bare conference room provided by the school for the law enforcements to use for their investigation. 
“The detective will be right in, you just sit tight,” the figure spoke before they closed the door behind them, leaving you alone in the makeshift interrogation room. 
You didn’t know how long you were in there, maybe a minute, maybe ten, but soon you heard the door creak open once more and a voice, long forgotten, found your ears, “hello, I’m detective Levinson, I will be conducting this-”
“Ari?” you blinked up at your elder childhood friend in amazement, the nauseating feeling of grief momentarily washing away at his unexpected presence as he sat down opposite to you, “what are you doing here?” your eyes drifted over his informal suit, the jacket missing and the sleeves sloppily rolled up passed his burly forearms, “and when did you stop being a beat cop?” 
“Uh,” he blinked, a solemn expression washing over his stern face, softening it significantly, “around a year ago,” he then sighed deeply and said, “I really hoped there had just been another Y/n Y/l/n here at this school…”
Effectively bringing you back down to earth, “oh, yeah… will this be a problem? Can you not do this if you already know me?”
“No, no, it’s not that. I just-,” his head tilted gently to the side, “this isn’t something I ever wanted you to go through.” 
Sucking in a sharp breath, you nodded shyly, “yeah, well, I am.”
Looking over you a moment, taking in the small changes you had adapted in the years since you had last seen each other, he offered a genuine, “I’m sorry,” and attempted to catch your weary gaze. 
“It’s not your fault,” you glanced down at your hands as your fingers once again began to dig nervously into your skin, leaving angry little half-crescent marks in its wake, “you’re not the one running around murdering students,” you awkwardly attempted to joke.  
Exhaling lowly, he then opened the file in front of him and laid out a small tape recorder in the middle of the table, “are you ready to begin?” 
Pressing on one of the side buttons on the recorder, Ari then announced methodically, “can you please state your name for the record?” 
“Y/n Y/l/n.” 
“And for the record, are you speaking to me voluntarily?”
“I am.”
Glancing over the open folder sprawled out in front of him, he asked, “what was your relationship with the victim?” 
“Ransom, he-, um… he was a friend. I honestly didn’t really know him for too long, but he lived with some of my best friends, so it just seemed pretty natural for him to also become a part of our little group, if you’d call it that.” 
“And you last saw Mr Drysdale when?” 
“At the party Saturday night. I crashed at their flat after that, so it was probably early Sunday morning that I saw him last, when he was on his way to bed, I think.” 
“Did anything happen to him that night? Anything unusual? His behaviour? Someone he interacted with? Anything you can think of that stands out?” 
“Uhm,” you thought back, remembering the heated kiss you had shared in the bathroom, though looking back into Ari’s studying eyes, you couldn’t help but lie and say, “no, I don’t think so. It was just a party, you know,” the thought of telling your childhood crush that you drunkenly made out with a guy sent your stomach turning, crushing the truth before it could crawl out. 
“Alright,” he nodded, “well, if you do remember anything, please reach out, we’re running the bulk of the investigation from here, so you know where I’ll be.”
“Still have your number,” you forced an awkward laugh.
“Right,” he sucked in a breath and averted his piercing gaze, “so, uhm, I don’t think I have anything else to ask you right now. Thank you for your cooperation with the investigation.”
“Of course,” you watched as his fingers wrap around the tape recorder, clicking the protruding button and making it stop, “it-, um,” you felt a shiver run down your spine as his eyes fell upon you once more, making the polite words seem that much harder to muster, “it really is good to see you again. Nice to see that you’re doing good,” then added jokingly, “that your mom still hasn’t talked you into cutting your hair,” a sincere smile tickled your lips at the mention of the warm woman living next door to your own parents. 
Even though it was clearly forced, your words still conjured a genuine reaction from the guy who used to babysit you, “yeah, no, you know she’s never winning that battle,” he chuckled, shaking his head lightly, “it’s, uh, it’s great to see you as well. You-, um… yeah…” he dropped whatever compliment was on the tip of his tongue and averted his gaze, “I don’t wanna keep you any longer, you can go, you probably have classes to get to.”  
“I actually don’t,” you informed him, though still slowly got up from your seat, “our professors have given us all some time off to-, uh, you know…”
“Yeah…” he nodded understandingly, his vision following your form as you made your way towards the door. 
Pausing just before your fingertips grazed the doorknob, you looked back, timidly chewing on your bottom lip, “hey, Ari?” 
“Yes?” he responded quickly, clearly still completely captivated. 
Finding it difficult to even breathe properly in his presence, especially when those soulful eyes were locked upon yours, you found that your words crumbled before they even got to see the light of day, “I-, um…” then hastily scrambled your brain for a makeshift, “good luck.”
Breathing out a soft smile as he watched you nervously fiddle with the door handle, he said, “thanks, Y/n.” 
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It had been Monday morning that a garbage man had found Ransom’s body in a dumpster on the far side of campus. Even though they had tried to contain the news, it still spread like a wildfire, and come lunch that day, it was the only thing any student could talk about. 
The frat quickly got sealed off as an active crime scene as it had been the last place witnesses had seen him alive, forcing the rest of the guys to temporarily bunk up with friends in their dorms. You felt a bit ashamed about the immense relief you felt at that small detail, the comfort of having each one of them fight over who got to stay with you being something you welcomed with open arms. In the end, it was both Curtis and Steve who stayed with you, Natasha giving you the room and staying with her newfound beau in the meantime, giving you the entire space for a while.  
The guys had always been protective of you, but it almost seemed to have grown over the past few gloomy days. Not a second passed by where at least one of them wasn’t at your side, holding you as you cried, walking with you through the crowded campus or just keeping you company, making sure you weren’t alone. You just added it up to be their version of freaking out and buying into the whole conspiracy that it hadn’t been a drug deal gone wrong as so many had assumed of the recently deceased playboy with a penchant for illicit substances, but actually someone on campus, a stone-cold killer masking as just the person next to you in your lit class. 
“Why don’t you go ask him?” 
“Me?” your brows furrowed in Lloyd’s direction, “why me? If you wanna know so bad, why don’t you just go ask him yourself?”
Chiming in, Jake tilted his head, “well, you did say you know the guy.” 
Exhaling lowly, you averted your gaze, your crossed arms tightening over your chest, “yeah, you could certainly say that…”
“So just go, bat your eyelashes at him for a bit and figure out how much he knows,” Lloyd tried to persuade you, though even his ever-present cocky charm couldn’t sway you this time.
Previously assuming that the whole conversation had just gone over Curtis’ head, as he had just quickly sat beside you and stared out the window, he suddenly perked up, “we just-…” he struggled to vocalise, “if it really is someone here on campus… just the thought you sitting in class with them or-, fuck, anything, it just-…” like a magnet, your fingers naturally found his own in a comforting squeeze, “angel, we just wanna keep you safe and the thought of someone like that running around terrorising the school-… just please go figure out if he has a suspect yet. See if he has got any leads.”
From the moment you had said goodbye to the familiar detective, shame about not telling him the whole truth had nearly eaten you alive. You had lied to not only a person you had known your whole life, but also a law enforcer. It was insufferable, like a snowball rolling down a hill and growing bigger and bigger with each accumulated snowflake. 
“Fine,” you cracked, the shameful storm inside your body becoming too much to bear, “I’ll do it.”
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“Knock, knock,” you said with a small smile as you pushed the ajar door open completely. 
“Y/n,” Ari’s spine straightened in surprise, his eyes no longer glued to the computer screen before him, “what are you doing here?”
“Thought you might be hungry,” you held up your alibi for coming in the form of a takeout bag, “it’s from this little Indian place downtown,” you shut the door behind you before plopping the crinkly bag down on the table, the warm light from the desk lamp illuminating the brimming containers of curry stacked inside, “you like Indian, right?”
“I-, I do,” he said, still taken aback by the kind gesture, “thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Thought it was the least I could do as a thanks for what you’re doing,” you waved a hand in the direction of the cluttered corkboard on the wall. 
“It’s just my job, you don’t need to thank me,” he said modestly, leaning back in his chair and lending you to spot the silver pen his fingers fiddled with. 
Lowering your gaze to stare at your shoes, you exhaled, “right…”
“So, um,” he filled out the awkward silence, “was there anything else you needed?”
“Oh, sorry,” you mumbled, keeping your eyes averted, “you’re obviously super busy and here I am just barging in,” your vision finally flickered up to lock with his, already steadfast on you, “I just, uh…” your breaths became more jagged as his sky-like eyes captivated your own, “there was actually something else I wanted to talk to you about, something I wanted to tell you.”
“Alright…” he nodded, listening intently. 
Blowing out a shaky breath, you revealed, “I lied, something did happen that night.”
“Okay,” his brows furrowed, though not as much as you had feared, “what was it?” your anxious brain haven already thought of a million different dramatic punishments he could penalise you with.
“I, uh…” you squeezed your eyes shut nervously, “I kissed him,” your pained voice rushed to force out, “at that party. It was in the bathroom and almost became something else, but, um yeah… we kissed… me and Ransom…” you peaked just one of your eyes open, your tense shoulders nearly pressing against your ears at this point, “I’m really sorry, I just felt like couldn’t tell you something like that, not you. I won’t be arrested for hiding this information, will I?”
“No, no,” Ari quickly rose from his seat, “Y/n, you’re okay,” he stepped closer to you as he attempted to calm your uncalled-for panic, “you won’t be arrested.”
“Oh,” you breathed, “good,” feeling your shoulders begin to drop back down again, “you know how my mind tends to freak out.”
“Yeah,” he nodded softly, “I do…” his words genuine as memories conjured the whisper of a smile to appear upon his lips, “thank you for telling me.”
Awkwardly, you flashed him a tight-lipped smile, grateful that uncomfortable moment had passed, you recalled the other reason for why you had come, “so…”
“So…” he echoed.
“Do you have any leads, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“That’s classified information, you know I can’t tell you that.”
“I know…” you averted your gaze and scrabbled your brain for what you could do or say to get him to tell you, “it’s just, I’m so scared all the time. The school was always a place that made me feel safe, till now…” although your intentions behind those words weren’t completely truthful, the statement wasn’t that far off, “it was just worth a try asking you.”
Holding your gaze, you could almost see his heartstrings get tugged as his brows quivered in compassion, “I-… I do have something. If you didn’t know, we just finished sweeping the victim’s living quarters, so if they haven’t already been notified, your friends should be able to move back in by tomorrow, but we also found something, not there, but in proximity to the dump site, there was a knife with traces of the victim’s blood on it. It’s in the lab right now as we speak, trying to decipher if there are any identifiable prints on it.” 
“Oh my god…” you felt goosebumps sting at every inch of your skin. 
“You haven’t heard any details about what state his body was found in, have you?” 
“No…” both from avoiding the papers and keeping to your dorm, you might be the only student on campus not aware of how your late friend had died, “he was stabbed?”
“That was decisively what killed him, yeah, but he was brutally beaten before that.”
“Holy shit, that’s-…” you shuttered, your eyes just now noticing the nauseating photos pinned on the board beside you, “fuck… I don’t know how you do this all day, deal with these kinds of things.” 
“It gets easier over time,” he shared, his worried eyes scanning your face a moment before apprehensively uttering, “this might be a really stupid question, but how are you holding up?”
“I-…” you toyed with the thought of lying to him yet again, but then opted to share the truth, “I am not doing so good, to be honest. I could probably count the number of hours I’ve slept in the last few days on one hand, or so I’ve been told. I don’t think it feels like I’ve slept at all, but apparently I have, just a little bit.”
Sucking in a pained breath, he murmured, “I’m sorry. I can help find someone you can talk to, if you want.”
“No, it’s alright,” his kind offer made it easier for you to look away from the horror plastered all over the office walls, “I mean, I’m not alone, that fact has become crystal clear throughout all of this.”
“Yeah, I kinda pieced that together,” he spoke in a much different manner than before, causing your brows to crinkle, “I conducted all the other interviews. It’s nice that you’ve made friends, making the most out of your college experience,” he said in a tone, almost reminiscent of jealousy.  
Averting your eyes, memories you so desperately tried to keep at bay pried their way in and snuffed out the fuming flicker his resentment had ignited, “hey Ari?”
“Did you know?” you asked wearily. 
“Know what?”
“Did you know all of those years, growing up together?” you lifted your vision once more as he offered you a questioning hum, “did you know that I was in love with you?”
Taken aback, it took a bit before he managed to answer, “no, I didn’t.”
“Why didn’t you ever call me? You just left.” 
“I was getting married, Y/n. What was I supposed to do?” 
“Not fuck the girl you used to babysit,” you shot back coldly, “what even was I to you?”
“I-… I don’t know,” his frustrated words came out breathy, “do you think I planned for any of that to have happened? To sleep with you of all people? I didn’t. But when I came home that summer and saw you again, saw who you had become, I don’t know, everything just changed, you changed. I fully thought that you’d to still be that same little annoying brat you used to be, but you really weren’t. I didn’t expect it to happen, I didn’t expect you to suddenly do something like that to me, have that kind of power over me!”
“So, you just decided to break my heart instead? I was mad for you, for as long as I could remember. That summer was the happiest I’d ever been and then you just up and left in the middle of the night without a word. Did you even think to imagine what it was like for me to run around that morning looking for you and instead finding an invitation for your wedding? I had to hear from your fucking parents that you had just come home to prepare things before the big day. You hadn’t even mentioned to me once that you were engaged, or even as much as just in a relationship. Was any of it even real to you or was I just your last bit of fun before you got tied down?”
“It was, Y/n,” he insisted sincerely, “it was the realest thing I’ve ever felt.”
“Then why did you go without as much as a goodbye? You know how much that broke me?”
“Yeah, well you seem to be doing just fine now,” he said pettily. 
“Excuse me? You don’t get to say something like that to me. You were the one who broke my heart, you don’t get to judge how I glued it back together. Just go back home to your wife, why don’t you.”
Suddenly looking back at you in confusion, Ari then illuminated carefully, “Y/n, I’m not married.”
“What?” you blinked. 
“I mean, I know you weren’t there that day, but I thought my mom at least had told you,” the gears turning inside of him were nearly visible to the naked eye, “I couldn’t go through with it.”
“What? Why?”
Biting his tongue as he held your eye, he then exhaled, “because I didn’t think I should get married if I was in love with someone else.”
Sucking in a stunned breath, you saw tears cloud your vision, “b-but… you never even called…”
“I know I didn’t,” he concurred heavily, his eyes unable to look away from your glossy ones. Feeling as if you might faint, you saw his woeful vision flicker down towards your lips, “I’m sorry, Y/n.” 
But just as you saw him slowly inch his face closer and closer to yours, a sharp intake of air stung your lungs as you raised a hand up as a barricade, “I can’t…” too scared of history repeating itself, “we can’t…”
Sighing deeply, his eyes traced the tear that rolled down your cheek, “I know…”
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You had just been helping the guys move back into the frat. That was all you had been doing. One moment you were all laughing, actually having a normal and pleasant moment for once, and the next, two officers were barging down the door and reading Lloyd his rights. 
You’d nearly lost it completely and Curtis had to hold you back so that you didn’t go scratch one of the officer’s eyes out. The man in the cuffs however took it with style, only trying to break through your hazy to let you know that he would be fine and for the others to take care of you, after all, this wasn’t his first rodeo down to the station, although those times it had only been for petty crimes like bar room brawls and such. 
“But I mean, how did it even happen?” you thought out loud a while later, the miranda rights still ringing in your ears like a triggering song you just couldn’t get out of your head, “that’s what my mind keeps going back to,” you had finally calmed down after what felt like forever of the guys talking out of marching down to the station to do something, anything to get Lloyd out. Completely powerless, you sat curled up at the end of the couch as words flowed from your exhausted lips, “how could someone like him be killed? He was such a nice guy.” 
Not being able to stand it any longer, Curtis pipped up from the armchair on the other side of the living room, “no, he really wasn’t,” your bolstering words about the deceased being too much for him to take without cracking, “he was a rich creep and everyone knew it,” frustratingly, he gesticulated, “with everything that he did to you, how can you just sit there and say that he was a nice person? The guy drugged you and violated you in your sleep for fuck sake!” 
The room went dead quiet as soon as those words left his lips. 
“…what are you talking about?” your voice no higher than a whisper as you watched your burly friend shrink in regret. “Curtis,” you repeated more sternly this time as he didn’t offer an explanation, “what do you mean? What did you do?” your voice broke as thoughts about if Lloyd’s arrest hadn’t been a misunderstanding after all entered your mind. 
“You can’t tell her,” Frank shot a glare at the fighter, “we had a deal.” 
“Yeah, well that was before Lloyd got fucking arrested!” Jake chimed in, panic shining clear through in his tone, “she’s a part of this, has been since the very beginning. She has a right to know.” 
Finding your wide eyes in the crowd, Curtis asked you wearily, “you really wanna know what happened that night?” hugging your knees tighter to your chest, you gave him a small nod in confirmation, “fine, I’ll tell you.”
“Is she okay?” Curtis pushed the ajar door open further to ask, haven, on his way to the bathroom,  caught sight of an out of breath Ransom tugging the covers back over your passed out form. 
The head of the cashmere-clad man snapped up at the sign of company, the sudden alarm that began to bloom on his features was quickly drowned out by his usual arrogant air, “yeah, man,” he shot back defensively, rushing to get out of the room, “she’s fine,” sounding like it had been a completely crazy question to ask. 
Furrowed brow staying put, Curtis uttered slowly, “alright, but I think I’m just gonna check myself, if you don’t mind.”
“I said she’s fine!” Ransom slammed the door shut behind him, prohibiting the man now only inches from him from entering, “just go back to your own room!”
Worry and suspicion only growing at the obvious fibs, Curtis demanded, “what were you doing in there? What did you do?”
“What are you talking about?” he scoffed back. 
“What did you do to her?” Curtis took a looming step closer just as their raised voices began to stir some of the other slumbering residents.
“I didn’t do a thing,” he cockily dared a chuckle, “calm down.”
“I will not fucking calm down,” Curtis barked back before attempting to call to you through the closed door, “angel, you okay?”
Leaning against the wall beside his own room, Jake rubbed the sleep out of his eyes as he groaned, “guys, can you not yell in the middle of the night? Some of us are kinda trying to sleep here.”
Frank, as well haven appeared, seemed a little more alert at the sudden commotion in the hallway, “hey, what’s going on?”
“Nothing’s going on,” their suspicious friend waved a hand, “Curtis is just being a little bitch and freaking out for no reason,” the ostentatious gesture granted the opposing man an opportunity to slip past and enter the room.
Nearly kicking the door down, Curtis rushed to your side, examining your unconscious form with worried eyes, “angel?” the dim lights streaming in from the hallway just barely letting him notice how wrinkled and haphazard the t-shirt he’d lent you just a few hours before was on you. 
“Jesus, just let her sleep, dude.”
Ignoring Ransom’s words of warning, Curtis tried once more, “Y/n?” touching your skin lightly before giving you a gentle shake, “come on, wake up for me, baby,” his heart nearly beat out of his chest as he unsuccessfully tried to stir you, the shallow rise and fall of your abdomen not granting him as much comfort as it should have. 
Nearing the end of the hall, Frank asked once more, “what’s going on?” side-eyeing Ransom warily, “is she okay?”
“Of course she’s okay,” the trust fund kid scoffed.
“The fuck she is,” Curtis’ head whipped back in the direction of Ransom’s silhouette in the doorway. Getting back up on his feet, his sharp intakes of air causing his shoulders to rise, he stormed back out and demanded, “what did you do? Why were you in here and why the fuck is she not waking up?”
“Did you not see how much she had to drink tonight?” Ransom defensively gestured to your passed-out form on the narrow bed, “I was just checking up on her,” and with a heavy sigh abandoned the argument entirely and descended the stairs. 
Catching Curtis’ arm just in time to stop him from storming down after the man at the centre of the quarrel, Frank tried to catch the darting eyes of his friend as he asked firmly, “Curtis, what’s going on?”
“I saw him in there, hovering above her like a creep.”
Already worried eyes suddenly growing in alarm, “he was in there?” Frank quickly shared a panicked look with Jake, both now sharing the same inkling of what horrible thing had occurred, “alone with her?”
“Wait,” Frank gasped, “did you say she’s not waking up? She is still breathing though, isn’t she?”
“Yeah, she’s just out cold. Why?”
“Oh my god…” Jake shuttered, his interrupted slumber now long forgotten.
“What? What is it? What aren’t you guys telling me?”
Exhaling lowly, Frank carefully began to explain, “Curtis, you know that my sister goes to Bayshore, right?”
“Um, sure, yeah?” unsure as to why that fact was significant.
“Well, she told me about this student who overdosed after being drugged and raped. The guy was apparently caught and everything but just came from a wealthy enough family to not only never be convicted, but also keep the news out of the papers. Curtis, that’s where Ransom transferred from.”
Seeing nothing but red, Curtis stormed down the stairs. On his determined path to the kitchen where the object for his bubbling rage now stood, leisurely sipping from a glass of water. Curtis narrowly caught sight of Lloyd as he finally stumbled through the entrance from his drawn-out merriment, uttering a hushed apology to the bulky frame of Steve on the couch for the way he had carelessly slammed the front door shut behind him.
Only rolling his eyes at the sight of Curtis, Ransom didn’t even lower his glass as the fuming figure neared, “dude, I already told you, I didn’t do a thing-” though the rest of his provoking words got squashed as Curtis’ fist suddenly collided with his jaw, swiftly grabbing onto his soft sweater before he could crumble like the shattered glass now scattered across the cool tile, “what the fuck!”  water splashing onto both of their feet. 
“What did you give her?” Curtis barked, his fingers digging into the intricate, stained knit so hard that they threatened to poke through to the other side. 
“Give who what?” appalled glare piercing as he fought against the hold. 
“Y/n!” he shook him heatedly, “what did you give her?”
“I didn’t give her shit, man,” Ransom just managed to spit out before white knuckles collided with his face once more. 
“Did you touch her? Because I swear to fuck, if you laid even as much as one finger on her, I’m gonna-”
“Oh, I see,” he actually dared to chuckle, a bit of crimson already staining the pearly whites he flashed, “you’re jealous that you didn’t get with her tonight.”
Landing another raging blow, Curtis yanked him in close and growled, “you shut up and answer my question! Did you touch her?”
Scoffing through his laboured groans of agony, Ransom finally disclosed smugly, “of course, I did, man. She’s been all over me all night long, begging for me to give it to her good.”
The rest of the frat haven now clustered in the kitchen as well, staying in the periphery, Frank accused, “what did you give her? Was it the same as the girl you killed back at Bayshore?”
The deep-pocketed man’s eyes flickered over Curtis’ shoulder, bruises blooming and swelling up his vision, “excuse me?” 
“The rape victim that overdosed at your old school?” the bridge of Frank’s nose twitched in fury, “it was you that killed her, wasn’t it?”
“I didn’t do anything of the sort, all I did was show those girls a good time, it’s not my fault some can’t keep up.”
“Is that what you think happened tonight?” Curtis hauled him against the fridge, gaining the man’s attention once more, “you call assaulting Y/n a good fucking time?”
Keeping his head held high, Ransom slurred, “what are you ashamed you’re not man enough to rough your girl up a bit and give her what she really likes?”
Huffing like a bull, he uttered, “she does not like it like that.”
“Oh yeah? Then tell me why I had her moaning the way I did, dripping down on ol’ Steve’s bed like a cheap whore. Kind of a shame that she won’t remember any of it in the morning, just hope I fucked her good enough that at least some part of her won’t forget…”
“Oh my god…” you shuttered, unable to look any of them in the eye, “oh my god,” your palm shot up to clasp over your lips to choke the shaky cry that forced its way out, “I thought-…” vision darting everywhere and nowhere at the same time, “I thought it had been a dream,” tears streamed down your ghostly face as the hazy nightmare suddenly came into focus, “oh my god! I-… I knew him,” you jaggedly tried to piece it all together as vile stung in the back of your throat, “he was-, he was my friend. I hadn’t known him that long, but he was my friend. I-… he wasn’t just some dangerous stranger in the back of an ally threatening to kill me, he was my friend.”
The incoherent screams of Curtis slowly subsisted as his rampant blows finally slowed down. Slowly backing up, chest heaving, horror took over his eyes as he saw how far he had been pushed, watching as blood bubbled out of Ransom’s mouth, guggling his words.
“Just you fucking wait till my family finds out,” he weakly continued his threats from his wrecked position on the tiled floor, “do you have any idea how much power money gives you? I can squash you all like little bugs, ruin any chance you might have of a pathetic future and keep angel all to myself.”
Unable to look away, Steve suddenly uttered as Curtis shakily retreated into the shadows, “…guys, we have to call an ambulance.”
Whipping his head around, Jake protested, “no, don’t!” ready to swat away any phone that might be raised, “he’s right. He has the upper hand no matter if we get him to a hospital or not.”
“So, what do we do? Look at him,” Steve woefully gestured to the beaten playboy crumbled on the floor, “he’s dying. We can’t just leave him here!”
“No…” Lloyd sighed, his demeanour seeming surprisingly calm and level-headed under the circumstance, “but we can use what little time we have left before the sun comes up to our advantage…” 
“What the fuck are you talking about?” Frank’s brows furrowed frightfully. 
In a wide arc around Ransom’s broken form, Lloyd made his way over to one of the kitchen counters and pulled open a drawer, “he said it himself,” he exhaled lowly as he accepted his fate, “he is more than capable of making not only angel’s life hell, but also all of ours,” his tone cold, he riffled through the utensils, “from where I’m standing, there’s only one way for us to get out of this with minimal casualties,” and fished out a knife, the steel reflecting in the low light seeping in through the other room. 
“You can’t be fucking serious,” Steve gasped, “we’re not murdering him!” 
“So you’d rather try and explain his corpse just lying here in our kitchen? This way we get the upper hand, we speed up the process and use the remainder of the night to our advantage till the rest of campus wakes up, hide him somewhere else, somewhere he won’t be found,” Lloyd stressed, “we have to kill him, it’s the only way.” 
“Shit dude…” Frank breathed, he and the rest realizing that he was right, “where would we even hide him?”
After only pondering it a second, Jake pipped up, “it’s trash day tomorrow,” tensely sharing glances with the rest, “if we get him to one of the big dumpsters on the other side of campus, drop him in there, no one will know! And even if they do eventually discover parts of him out on some dump, they won’t be able to get anything off of him anyways at that point.” 
“I-…” Curtis’ shaky voice finally filled the room, guilt seeping through in his brassy timbre as he asked what no one else would, “…who’s gonna do it?” 
Not letting the others even consider that weight, Lloyd swiftly declared, “I’ll do it.”
“What?” the trembling fighter’s eyes finally lifted.
“If they actually do somehow manage to nail us for this, it should be me that goes down for it,” he stated deliberately, “always knew I’d go to prison at some point just like my old man, this way it wouldn’t be for anything stupid.” 
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© 2023 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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your-eternal-lies · 3 months
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𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓 (AU masterlist) ╰┈➤ ft. various characters
𝒏𝒐𝒕-𝒔𝒐 𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒓𝒆𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓 — do not plagiarize, copy, screenshot, repost/republish, and/or translate any of my work for posting on social media platforms or third party sites. no part of my stories are to be fed into AI software or generators. and please remember: you are responsible for your own media consumption. check for any content warnings before you proceed.
𝐌𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 — 𝐋𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐁𝐨𝐱 — 𝐋𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲
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𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 — various; see below
𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒅𝒖𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 — the local fire department, the famous and beloved station 616, is just teeming with eligible bachelors... but not for long! summers are for falling in love, after all.
𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔 / 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 — modern au, firefighter au, crossover fic, language, fluff, mild angst, sexual content (ranging from mild to explicit), rom-com vibes, no use of y/n, each character gets their own reader (not a poly fic), playboy tendencies, age gap, friends to lovers, workplace romance, enemies to lovers, allusions to divorce/troubled marriages, and possibly more as the stories are written.
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NOTE — Each story is a three-part miniseries and can be read as standalones. I do not currently have any plans to write any more than what’s listed, but I will never say never. There is also no release schedule; I will post at my own leisure so please refrain from asking, thank you!
LAST UPDATED: March 31, 2024 STATUS: Coming Soon
𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞 ╰┈➤ ft. Fire Chief!Ari Levinson x Photographer f!Reader
Ari is the dedicated fire chief of Station 616 who runs the show with an iron fist and a heart of gold, but the one thing he can’t seem to get a handle on is his personal life—until the Station is partnered up with a new bright-eyed photographer for this year’s charity calendar photoshoot. Part 1 ┊ Part 2 ┊ Part 3
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𝐌𝐨𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐨 𝐚 𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞 ╰┈➤ ft. Firefighter!Bucky Barnes x Firefighter f!Reader
There are strict rules to be followed in life, otherwise the world would descend to chaos, right? You insist on never dating a coworker, while Bucky insists on not dating at all. Well, fortunately for the both of you, everyone knows rules are made to be broken. Part 1 ┊ Part 2 ┊ Part 3
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𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐖𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐤𝐞𝐲 ╰┈➤ ft. Firefighter!Jake Jensen x Bartender f!Reader
It’s tradition that the entire squad heads down to the same local hole in the wall for any occasion, no matter what it is, okay? It has absolutely nothing to do with Jensen’s insanely obvious crush on the badass bartender, capeesh?  Part 1 ┊ Part 2 ┊ Part 3
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𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧’ 𝐈𝐧 𝐇𝐨𝐭 ╰┈➤ ft. Small!Firefighter!Steve Rogers x Volunteer f!Reader
At just 5’4” and 95 pounds soaking wet, Steve is the scrawniest yet the most determined member of the 616 team. Often underestimated, he finds solace in a budding relationship with the part-time volunteer at the firehouse, who seems to see right through his physical appearance. Part 1 ┊ Part 2 ┊ Part 3
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𝐁𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐔𝐩 ╰┈➤ ft. Fire Marshal!Frank Adler x Business Owner f!Reader
You are horrified when you head to work one day only to discover that your precious store has gone up in flames. And if that isn’t already terrible enough, it seems the crabby, unsmiling fire marshal assigned to your case is already convinced that you’re guilty of arson. Part 1 ┊ Part 2 ┊ Part 3
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𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐖𝐚𝐯𝐞 ╰┈➤ ft. Firefighter!Loki Laufeyson x Environmentalist f!Reader
Loki, the enigmatic and secretly sensitive member of the team, is dispatched to a scene across town, he’s not expecting anything out of the ordinary. Imagine his surprise when he finds a woman from his past, chained to a tree, and leading an environmental protest that is quickly getting out of hand. Part 1 ┊ Part 2 ┊ Part 3
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𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐦 𝐁𝐞𝐝𝐬 ╰┈➤ ft. Firefighter!Lloyd Hansen x Teacher f!Reader
Lloyd doesn’t actually like teaching fire safety to snot-nosed brats, but he loves going on the prowl for his next one night stand with the single moms, teachers, and school administrators… until he meets his match in a new no-nonsense teacher, who remains frustratingly unimpressed in the face of his uniform and charm. Part 1 ┊ Part 2 ┊ Part 3
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𝐇𝐨𝐭-𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐝 ╰┈➤ ft. Firefighter!Thor Odinson x Grad Student f!Reader
You’re usually very level-headed, okay? You’re not usually the type to get into scrapes like this. All you wanted was a tiny bit of revenge on your cheating, lying ex-boyfriend… you didn’t expect your rage to get the better of you, nor did you expect the fire you set to his car to get so out of control.  Part 1 ┊ Part 2 ┊ Part 3
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𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐨𝐧 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞 ╰┈➤ ft. Firefighter!Pietro Maximoff x Reporter f!Reader
Rumours begin to swirl around Station 616, calling into question the integrity of the fire department’s hiring policies. But when you meet Pietro Maximoff, the firefighter at the centre of all the controversy, suddenly the price of a potentially career-making story is no longer one you’re willing to pay. Part 1 ┊ Part 2 ┊ Part 3
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ronearoundblindly · 4 months
For your Valentine's ask game: #7 Jake Jensen x reader, idk why but it seems fitting 😂
Shut Up, Jensen, one of my Valentine's Fics for 2024!
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Oh, this poor, poor, awkward perv. He's pervy until there's a naked lady around and then 😳 "...when I was four, I shoved pennies up my nose..." Seriously, boi, shut up!
Warnings for spice, i.e. a setup to smutty times, but mostly suggestive. MINORS DNI, just to be safe. There's plenty for you to read on my Light Masterlist, but this one is not for you! WC 1042
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You’ve always had a soft spot for nerds, and now, that’s translating to a damp spot on your fanciest panties you wore for this date.
Jake Jensen goofy-grinned his way through the entire evening, making you almost snort a tequila sunrise through your nose, and he never let up. The humor made you comfortable. It’s endearing to see his nervousness right on his graphic-T sleeve as opposed to being ‘manly’ and aloof.
It’s so, so refreshing to hear someone say, “I’m having a great time,” “I don’t want the night to end,” and know deep down in your bones that they mean “spending this time with you has made me happy” instead of “I’ve done enough to get laid now, right?”
Unsurprisingly, it does mean Jake’s done enough to get laid.
You give him your address so he could park his Jeep outside your building. There are parking meters, but tomorrow is Sunday when they’re free. No big deal. You left the bar (which was after the restaurant, which was after the coffee shop) a minute or two before in order to meet him at one of the open spots and walk him in. He can’t meet you at your door because there is a locked gate to your courtyard, and then a keypad for your building, and then about three corridors to navigate. It’s just easier to show him the way.
You can hear that fucking car coming a mile away.
Jake smiles and waves as he parallel parks—with extreme precision, you note—then hops out, gesturing to the meter questioningly.
“Don’t worry about it,” you shrug, jumping to the edge of the curb before he steps up so you can use the height for a kiss on his cheek.
It’s adorable how flustered he gets at just that tiny bit of affection. Though it’s dark, it’s obvious he blushes ferociously, rubbing at the back of his cropped, short hair, racing to gather his thoughts.
“Did you know there are almost three hundred ways to make change for a dollar? Two hundred ninety-three to be ex—woah—“
You grab his hand to lead him inside.
At the gate, you have to pause for the magnetic lock.
“I’m surprised those things even take change anymore,” Jake muses quietly, courteous for the neighbors’ sake, “because physical money only makes up 8% today’s currency…in the whole world.” He slides past the thick steel grating. “Thank you, digital banking.”
He follows behind you in the maze of concrete paths to the next entry.
“People leave like half a million dollars worth of loose change at airport security. That’s a little shocking,” he whispers when you motion for him to take a left, “think you’d splurge for some decent toilet paper with that kind of dough, or maybe some more cup holders in those row-seats? They could, I don’t know, offset the cost of making pennies. Shit cost two cents. Is worth one. Wild…
“Meanwhile, a dime has 118 ridges on the rim of the smallest circumference.”
Doesn’t even matter what he’s saying, the more his plump pink lips move, the more insanely turned on you get. You have to crowd him through your own doorway before you start stripping in the middle of the hall.
You peel your blouse off the instant your keys clatter onto the dinette table. You spin around to grab him by the screen-printed emblem of his t-shirt.
“There are 1.4 billion $2 bills in circulation.”
He gives a little oof sound when his back hits one of your bedroom walls, and there’s a barely audible whimper as your hands snake up under soft, well-worn fabric.
Holy shit, is this boy cut!
Your thumbs actually catch on the deep ridge of his Adonis belt. Dimes got nothing on you, Jake Jensen…
His breathing has changed significantly. “Did you know they—“ he gasps and swallows “—still make those?”
Ok, why is it hotter when he’s not even trying?
“Fun fact: if you went to Zimbabwe, guess which currency you’d…use?” The neckline of his shirt has to pop over his glasses before he fixes them. “The U.S. Dollar. Seriously! Same damn mon—EH.”
His belt buckle is tricky to navigate from this angle and in the very low light of your bedside lamp. You give up on his pants to unzip your skirt at the hip and let it fall.
Jake stands perfectly still with his hands half-raised.
“You’re…really fucking pretty—sorry—really pret—sexy, not that I—but beautiful. You’re really—”
He sucks in a breath as you step within inches of him again, reaching up to carefully pull his glasses over his ears and place them by the lamp.
Your index finger tucks into the elastic of his boxers where they peek out above the belt.
“Yeah, so I’ve been—I’m—I don’t have a—what I’m trying to say is—“ he squeezes his eyes shut and wiggles his fingers higher in the air, searching for the right thought “—the most commonly printed bill is actually the one-hundr—“
“Jake,” you interrupt, gently smoothing your hands over his thick shoulders. He is so ripped, what the hell? You guess there are nerds and then there are nerds, wow…
“Do you want to continue?”
He nods super fast, eyes growing wide in panic.
You smash your lips to his, hauling him down and you up by the sturdy tower of muscle he is.
“Condoms are in the drawer,” you mutter between breaths.
He lets out a high, choked whine before clamping his huge, warm hands to your waist, melting into you and your touch.
You coax the both of you toward the bed, swatting at his belt as a signal for him to help, and he does, though he’s not the greatest multitasker. He huffs and smirks, breaking the kiss so he can unlatch, unbutton, and unzip.
Then he looks up at you. 
“So you like movies…?”
You cup his jaw in your hand and pinch, a gentle peck on his lips as encouragement to focus. “Less talking, more fucking, Jensen.”
He opens his mouth, clearly running through a series of replies, but thinks better of it and  pushes down his pants and boxers all at once.
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Lloyd Hansen and a kiss on a place of insecurity ⬅️ ➡️ Steve Rogers and a kiss on a scar
[Main Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
@supraveng @1950schick @patzammit @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @yiiiikesmish @ashesofblackroses @spectre-posts @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory @brandycranby @buckysprettybaby @ellethespaceunicorn @peyton--warren Y'all getting sick of me yet???
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witchywithwhiskey · 2 months
🌿🌷 witchywithwhiskey's springtime fun masterlist 🌷🌿
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hello hello friends!!! are we having (springtime) fun yet? 😏
thank you to everyone that responded to my little springtime fun event by sending in asks with prompts!!! i've still got a lot that i want to respond to, so as of now, this event is CLOSED. i'm going to try to get to as many prompts as i can, but may not get to all of them. if i don't get to yours, i'm still so so thankful you sent it in ♡♡♡
here's everything i've written so far:
sakura blossoms are never a bad idea [jake jensen]
a delicious picnic [ransom drysdale]
the kitten and the bear [walter marshall]
waiting out the spring downpour [bucky barnes]
a beautiful spring afternoon [andy barber]
under the springtime sun [ari levinson]
a cozy little home surrounded by flowers [captain syverson]
kneeling among the spring flowers [steve rogers + bucky barnes]
pleasure among the primroses [august walker]
go frolicking in a field of flowers [steve rogers]
a steamy springtime morning [curtis everett]
ruining a perfect springtime date [lloyd hansen]
undone by a pretty spring sundress [andy barber]
a delicious end to a delightful spring day [nick fowler]
tempting fate in the park [bucky barnes]
first-time plant parents [ari levinson]
morning cuddling with the love of your life [captain syverson]
cooped up on a nice spring day [lloyd hansen]
getting what you want on a rainy spring afternoon [bucky barnes]
can't resist a dare [ransom drysdale]
that secret place in the garden [ari levinson]
dreaming of a rainy spring morning [andy barber]
a scheme on a spring day [ransom drysdale]
a fruitful afternoon in the strawberry field [ari levinson]
everything for this event can be found under the tag #witchywithwhiskey's springtime fun on my blog
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thezombieprostitute · 3 months
Imagine this:
accountant!reader x IT tech!Jensen x manager!Andy x CEO!Lloyd
The intent was to write something short and sweet but smutty. The result is approximately 2200 words with a ton of smut! I blame Lloyd.
Warnings: Power dynamics; Creepy boss; Smut, smut, SMUT! Minors DNI!!!!
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“Thank you, Jake,” you half whisper, half moan into his ear. “I really needed this.” You’re not normally one for hookups in the supply closets but you’d had such a stressful day you really needed to let off some steam. Thankfully Jake was always happy to help you out. And he was very good at helping you feel good. 
The two of you had a friends-with-benefits situation that had been carefully negotiated and navigated. Sometimes you got the sense that Jake wanted more and that’s why he was so eager to please. But you were both quick to talk if either of you felt things were getting too serious. It definitely made office parties a lot more fun. Everyone else was enjoying the cheap food and you and Jake got to go to a private office and actually take your time together.
You both do try to be careful at the office but your manager, Andy, has been really ramping up the sad sack shtick with all the women in your department, desperate for a date or some feminine attention and pity. You could only take so much, especially when your coworkers pointed out to him that you’re single. Traitors. 
Every day he would ask you about your plans. You tried being polite and got nowhere. You finally told him, directly, that you weren’t interested in him last Friday. Today you were called into a meeting with HR about “appropriate workplace behavior”. They told you they’d received complaints from your manager about flirting with him despite him telling you “no”. You smiled tightly and nodded, staying quiet and signing the documents saying you’d been talked to. 
You texted Jake on your phone to meet you in the hall closet. One of the things you appreciated? He didn’t ask questions, he just showed up and gave you what you needed. He really seemed to like it when you would repeatedly whisper “thank you’s” into his ear. It’s only a quickie but it definitely helps. You kiss Jake’s cheek and thank him as he blushes. You leave at different times and head back to your respective desks.
 You check your email and find yourself looking at an appointment with Lloyd Hansen, the company’s CEO. Thinking it must’ve been in error you hit the “Decline” button and add the most polite note that you can think of. Just a few minutes after you get yet another appointment notice with Mr. Hansen. No explanatory note. You’re extra grateful to Jake because your brain immediately jumps to Andy complaining about you to Mr. Hansen because your HR visit wasn’t enough of a punishment. 
The appointment is for tomorrow so you silently stew for the rest of the workday. At home you treat yourself to your favorite meal and shows. Your sleep is full of stressful dreams and you wake up more exhausted than when you went to bed. Not wanting to look like a mess in front of Mr. Hansen, you make sure to take extra care of your makeup and clothing choices. Working as hard as your caffeine deprived can to balance “I’m okay” with “I’m not trying to flirt with anyone”. It’s never an easy task.
As you log on to your computer you smell Andy’s cologne and internally wince. You turn to face him, “yes, Mr. Barber?”
“Easy there, tiger,” he chastised. “I just want to make sure that you’re doing okay after that HR meeting.”
Gritting your teeth you reply, “why wouldn’t I be?”
“Well I know a lot of people can have a kind of whiplash when they realize their behavior isn’t acceptable,” he explains in an obviously condescending tone. “I’ll understand if you want to take some vacation time.”
“Mr. Barber,” you seethe, “I think what would help me the most is keeping some distance between us at all times in the office.”
“Okay,” he scoffs. “Just remember who it is that HR listens to.” He walks away and you find yourself trying to not throw or break something. 
As soon as you can you head straight to Mr. Hansen’s office. His secretary lets you in, though he is not yet in. You should probably be upset that he’s late for the meeting he insisted on having with you but it’s better than sitting in your cubicle waiting for Andy to strike. 
The quiet is broken by Mr. Hansen storming into the office, yelling at someone on the phone. You recognize him immediately if only because of the mustache. “And I told you to handle it, Six! Get your head out of your ass and fix it!” He lets out a small huff as he listens to the person on the phone. “I don’t give a shit. It should’ve been handled weeks ago. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a meeting.” He hangs up without waiting for a response and turns to you with a smile that makes you feel like prey caught in a trap.
“So you’re the girl Barber was complaining out,” he starts. You’re unable to hold back your grimace and he laughs. “Don’t worry, sweetheart, I don’t give a shit about that cuck.” You tilt your head in confusion. “See, he tried to play up the whole “women don’t know how to take a compliment” thing but I was able to see through him. He’s pathetic and you weren’t having it. Even flat out told him, “no”. That’s something I respect. Not everyone would do that to their boss.”
He sits down in his chair and continues, “so I started looking into you and imagine my surprise when I find out you and Jensen are hooking up!” Your eyes widen in shock and you start stammering before he holds out a hand, gesturing for you to stop. “You’re not in trouble for that. Hell if I could get laid instead of attending those lame work parties I absolutely would. Which is why I brought you here.” 
He leans his elbows on the desk, “I want in on whatever fuck-buddy deal you and Jensen got going on.”
“S..sir, I,” you’re at a loss for words. 
“Tell you what,” he slaps the desk and stands up, “I’ll make it easy for you. Either you agree to be my own fuck-buddy, occasionally still get some good stuff from Jensen, or I’ll make you Barber’s personal secretary.”
“What if I quit instead?”
“Then I’ll go ahead and fire Jensen,” he quips. “It would be a damn shame, though. Jakey is one of the best IT guys we got. Likely up for a promotion that would get him a private office.”
“Can I talk to Jake first,” you plead. “It is part of our arrangement that we communicate changes before they’re implemented.”
“You know what, sure. I can respect that a deal is a deal.” He goes to the phone on his desk and tells his secretary to send Jake up.
When Jake does arrive he’s shocked to see you. At Lloyd’s gesture he closes the door behind him. Lloyd doesn’t let you speak and lays everything out for him like he did you. 
Jake looks at you, “it’s…umm…I appreciate you looking out for me and my job,” he starts. “But it’s also your body and I would never want you to accept something like this just for me.”
“You know, Jakey here has a point,” Lloyd interjects. “You really don’t know what you’re in for with me. How about a demonstration? I’ll even let Jake join in to help keep you comfortable.”
Knowing that you were being watched shouldn’t excite you so much. The fact that both of these men wanted you was making you wet. You straddle Jake in his chair and start making out with him while taking off your clothes and grinding your hips against his crotch. 
Jake moans as he takes off your bra with practiced ease, “you’re sure about this?” 
“Feel how wet I am, Jake.” He obliges and sticks his fingers inside your panties. He rubs your clit and you arch your breasts into his face as his eyes widen at the wetness he finds there. 
“Holy shit,” he breathes. He gets a dark glint in his eye that you don’t entirely recognize. He removes his hand and starts to unbutton your pants. “You gotta taste her, Mr. Hansen. Sweetest pussy and it’s already drenched.”
You hadn’t realized Lloyd was standing behind you until he grabbed your breasts, lifting you a little as he nibbled your neck. He pulls you off of Jake and the two of them finish undressing you before setting you on Lloyd’s desk. You’re on your back, your head hanging over one side, your legs spread wide for the both of them. 
Lloyd doesn’t hesitate and dives tongue first into your pussy. Your reaction is immediate as he uses his mustache to tickle your clit. You throw your head back and moan before you’re able to stifle it. 
He pulls away from you, “don’t worry about noise, sweetheart. My secretary is gone for the afternoon and no one else would dare be on this floor.” He turns to Jake, “you were right! This is a damn tasty snack.” He gets back to it and you don’t hold back your sounds. It was such a relief to get to be as loud as you wanted. 
“Fuck, I love those sounds,” Jake groans.
You reach out to him, “your cock, Jake? Please, can I stroke your cock?”
“Love those sounds, too,” he grins as he undoes his belt. You look to Lloyd to see if he has any objections but he’s too focused on licking up all of your juices. Jake is already half hard and your hands know just how to get him fully erect. His hands start playing with your tits, gently pinching, pulling and fondling. 
The two of them quickly bring you to the brink of orgasm, then Lloyd sticks two of his fingers inside you and it pushes you over the edge. You cum loudly and Lloyd keeps scissoring his fingers while sucking on your clit, enjoying the show. When the aftershocks fade, he removes his hand and backs away just a little.
“Jensen, you take her mouth,” he orders. “I’m gonna make a mess of this pussy and I want to hear her choking on your cock while I do.”
You let go of Jake’s erection and he starts pushing himself into your mouth, grunting and moaning as he does so. He’s careful with you, like always, and places your hand on his thigh so you can signal if it gets too much.
Lloyd, however, lines himself up with your opening and quickly thrusts himself fully inside. If your mouth wasn’t so full of Jake’s cock, you’d likely have screamed. They fucked both of your holes with abandon and you were loving every second of it. Occasionally Jake would ask for a status and you’d tap his thigh twice for “all good”. 
“Not gonna last much longer,” Lloyd admitted. “This pussy is so fucking tight. I see why you risked your job for her.” He started rubbing your clit and you careened towards another orgasm. As soon as Jake came in your mouth you were done for. You tightened your legs around Lloyd as you came hard and swallowed all of Jake’s spend. You heard Lloyd mumbling, “fuck, fuck, fuck,” before he came with a yell. 
You’re still in a daze as both men pull out of you. Lloyd whistles, “now that’s a pretty picture. What say we get you cleaned up?”
“What the fuck?!” A voice from the office door crashes your post-orgasm euphoria. You look up and see Andy, standing in the doorway.
“Ah, Barber,” Lloyd says as he zips his pants back up. “Right on time.”
“What?!” Jake exclaims as you look, wide-eyed, at Lloyd. 
“You see, Andy,” he walks over to your manager and claps him on the shoulder. “You’re a complete cuck and we both know it.” Andy tries to protest but Lloyd cuts him off. “This is the closest you’re ever going to get to some pussy. Now be a good boy and clean up the mess I made.” He throws Andy to his knees in front of your spread pussy. 
Andy groans at the sight and you feel a stir of courage. “Well,” you scold. “Are you going to be a good boy and do as you're told or am I going to have to clean myself up?” His eyes darken but you don’t back down. He dives into your cum filled pussy and starts cleaning you up.
“Good boy,” Lloyd smirks. “Probably the only way you can actually please a woman.” He looks at Jake, “whenever you’re done with her, call her cuck over to clean up. Sound good?”
Jake looks to you and sees you writhing with pleasure, “I think so.”
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Tagging @alicedopey because I promised I would.
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anurst · 1 year
Girl Bradshaw
Summary: jake makes the first move and now you've got a date for tomorrow night. But for tonight, you're spending the night with your therapist.
Pairing(s): jake seresinx (fem)(bradshaw) reader
Warning(s): language, therapy, self-esteem/self-doubt issues
Part 4: Gorgeous dirty blond, green-eyed, southern babe
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So, training hadn't gone as well as you expected it to. Jensen had the time of his life knocking you on your ass more than once. To make up for it though, you had taken down Carlos more times than you could count.
You moaned as you pushed your chest towards the ground in between your spread leg. Stretching was always great after training.
"You feeling better?" Ethan asked as he sits down next to you, beginning his own stretches. You and Ethan have been friends for years, much like everyone on your team, but there was always this polite distance between you. While everyone felt comfortable asking personal question, Ethan never did. He'd wait for you to tell him what was bothering you. Which is why it made you frown when he asked how you were feeling.
"Uh—better, I guess. My body doesn't feel all tense now. My ass actually hurts a lot since Jen slammed down like a billion times."
Ethan chuckles, "Yeah, well now you know how the rest of us feel when we're paired with him for sparing."
You raise a brow, "What are you talking about?"
Rolling his eyes, Ethan his upper body towards his right leg, "Jensen's always takes it easier on you. Has been since Russia." You scoff at his comment. Ethan also had a tendency to be blunt. Not a bad thing, but it could be when he said something weird, like now. He could tell that his comment rubbed you the wrong way, so he changes the subject. "She's here."
"Who is?"
"The girl—the pilot that ghosted me."
You snort and Ethan glares at you. "Sorry! What you gonna do?" He shrugs and stands. You follow his movement and stand with him.
"Wasn't gonna do anything, really. I think she's into the blond with glasses on her team." You both begin walking to the locker rooms.
"Need me to fight her?" Ethan smiles at your words.
"As entertaining as that would be, I don't think the raiders would find it as funny as I do." You shrug.
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You're talking with Amy and leaving the women's locker room when you see Jake. He's leaning against the wall, seemingly waiting for someone. Waiting for you.
Amy grins as she pulls your arm, "Your prince charming's waiting!"
You grimace at her words. "I don't know about that." Amy visibly deflates.
"(y/n), I love you. I think you are one of the best humans on this planet. But, you are goddamn stupid. There is a gorgeous dirty-blond, green-eyed, southern babe standing right over, who is clearly interested in you!" Your cheeks start to warm up as you stare at Jake. "If you don't talk to him, I will," Amy threatens before taking off in the opposite direction. You take a deep breath in and walk towards Jake.
"You make it a habit of waiting outside of women's locker rooms?" you tease, your heart beginning to beat faster. Jake shakes his head at your question and smiles at you.
"Only for you."
"Oh, I'm flattered," you joke. You reach up to brush a strand of hair behind your ear and you panic. You didn't shower after training since you wanted to in the comforts of your own apartment. Does Jake think you smell bad? That would ruin any chance you have with the dirty blond.
"How was training?" It's an innocent question but makes you panic.
"I don't smell!"
Jake raises an eyebrow with an amused smirk, "No, you don't. You hit your head too hard or somethin'?" Oh shit, his slight southern drawl makes your knees go weak.
"Well, Jensen did knock me on my ass a couple hundred times. He's the best at hand-to-hand in the first battalion, so basically all of the raiders."
Something shifts on Jake's face, but you don't notice it. "Is he your boyfriend?" You frantically shake your head.
"No! God, no! He's like my brother!" You both cringe at your words and you sigh. "I mean— he's my best friend. Has been for the past fifteen years. He's my rock, my person, you know better half or whatever." Jake nods as he smiles again.
"Good. I won't feel bad for asking you on a date then." You let out a shaky chuckle.
"Yep," he replies, popping the 'p'.
"And this isn't some set up?" you ask, doubt beginning to form in your heart. Jake's cute, gorgeous even, but he's friends with Bradley. What if Bradley put him up to this? Would Bradley do that?
"If you're thinking that Rooster put me up to this, you're wrong. So wrong, darling."
"Rooster?" you question.
"Bradshaw— uh Bradley's callsign."
"Really? He went with Rooster?"
"He sounds like one when he snores." Jake laughs with you before he bites his lip. "So, that date?" You struggle to answer.
"Jake. I'm sure you're a great guy, an amazing guy even. But you—"
"Work with my brother and Maverick," Jake finishes. He nods in acceptance, disappointment clear on his face. "It's alright. I get it." He begins to walk away and your stomach flips.
"Wait!" You grab his wrist. "What do you like more pancakes, waffles, or french toast?" Jake looks at you with face full of confusion and you laugh. "No jokes. Just which one do you like more?"
"Waffles," he answers and you grin. He's a waffles guy. Of course, he is.
"There's this place called Casita Ruiz. I've got a hot date with my therapist tonight, so tomorrow night. At 6. If you're late, I know how to break every bone in the human body, just so you know." Jake's smiling wide, and so are you.
"I'll show up at 5:30 then." Before you know what's happening, Jake lean forward and presses a kiss against your cheek. Your face burns up even more. "I'll see you tomorrow, Braidy."
"Call me (y/n). It's my middle name. The only people who call me Braidy are the ones I don't like."
"You like me?"
"Don't push your luck, cowboy."
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No matter how many times you've sat on this sofa, you'll never get use to it. Ava's staring at you with her dark, brown eyes and you shift uncomfortably. Sighing, you decided to just lay on the sofa, even though your feet hang over.
"(y/n)," Ava begins and you groan. "You called me and said you needed to talk to me right away." You cover your eyes with your arm and lick your lips.
"Bradley and Pete are here," you finally say. Ava's eyes widen and she sits a little straighter. She's heard about them many times from you. They're the main topic you talk about. Them, and the nightmares that you get from your countless assignments.
"And, how does that make you feel?" Ava asks, her voice soft and comforting. But, it doesn't have the effect she wants because you sit right up.
"How does it make me feel?" you scoff, venom clear in your voice. "They've been stationed in Miramar for the past two year together! Miramar! 45 fucking minutes away me! You know, I bet they were having the goddamn time of their lives there! As if nothing fucking happened!" You run a hand through your hair.
Ava bits her lips. "45 minutes, huh."
"Yeah," you whisper, voice broken and Ava frowns. You've been seeing her for the past seven years, and you've made a lot of progress. But now? It seems it's all gone down the drain at the appearance of your estranged brother and godfather.
"Braidy," she says, voice now firm, and you glare.
"Don't call me that."
"They call you that."
"Well, Bradley and Pete can go fuck themselves for all I care."
"You do care. You care a lot. That's why we're sitting here," she says and you roll your eyes. You've gone back to lay down and turn your head to look at Ava.
"I don't want to care," you say, your eyes becoming watery.
"But, you do. You care so much that you're hurting yourself." You turn away from Ava's eyes and look at the ceiling. "Have you ever thought about talking to them."
"I'd end up yelling at them if I did."
"Maybe that's what you need. To yell them. Tell them everything and anything." You nod and press your lips into a thin line, debating whether you should tell Ava about Jake.
"There's this guy. His name's Jake and he's a naval aviator," you let out a humourless chuckle, "He works with Bradley and Pete. Before coming here, he asked me out and I said yes."
"That's good. It's been a while since you've been on a date," Ava teases. You snort and look at her.
"You making fun of me, Doc?"
"Just an observation." Your eyes go back to the ceiling. "I can tell there's a but coming."
"But, I'm not sure going out with him is a good idea."
Ava nods, "You think Bradley has something to do with him asking you out."
"Yes and no."
"Do you wanna talk about your doubts?"
You sigh, "Aside from the fact that I'm Bradley's sister, there's nothing interesting about me. I mean, he could have gone for Amy. She's brighter, smiles more, and guys love that. So, why me?" There it is. The self-doubt. It's one of the issues that you've been working on in the past seven year.
"(y/n)" your eyes don't stray from the ceiling, "You're not unloveable."
"I know."
Ava sighs, "Have you given more thought to my suggestion?"
"About the dog?"
"Mhmm, you've always said you wanted one."
"I work too much," you clear your throat. "I wouldn't be around enough to take care of it. It's cruel. To give someone hope that you'll be around and them drop off the face of the earth."
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Taglist: @potato-girl99981 @winterrebel04 @caitsymichelle13 @darhk-angel @madkill44 @cherrycola27 @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @clockworkballerina  @krismdavis @phantomxoxo @piceous21 @laneyspaulding19 @multifandomfangirll @moron-says-what @rhirhikingston @startrekfangirl2233 @mightiestheroes @awesomebooklover17 @gizmodear @meritxellao @adaydreamaway088 @letsgomamas @midnightzonzz @iamaslytherin0 @thesewordsxlibrary @shawnsblue @theficthatwaspromised
808 notes · View notes
holylulusworld · 10 months
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Summary: You believed he’s a nerd but in truth, he’s a force of nature.
Pairing: Jake Jensen x fem!Reader
Warnings: smut, dirty talk, unprotected sex, consensual degrading, sex against a window
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“Fuck, look at my filthy whore,” Jake growls in your ear while he batters your quaking hole. You’re too close to another orgasm and fucked out to even respond.
Before he had you like this, pressed up against one of the windows at his office, Jake bent you over his desk to give your poor cunt a few spanks. He only laughed as you squirted all over his hand.
You never thought that the sweet and smart head of the IT department, the one calling you ladybug and playing with superhero figurines, will fuck you like an animal the moment you let him have his way with you.
“I knew the moment you walked into my office, wearing one of your cute skirts, and glasses, that you only need to be fucked like this to get you out of your shell.”
He’s moving faster, aware that anyone entering his office will find him balls deep inside the newest addition to the IT department. “Fuck, this is the best cunt I ever had.”
You whine even louder at his words. “Aw, you love praises,” he whispers filthy words in your ear. “My little cockslut. I will stuff your cunt every day from now on.”
Pushing back onto his twitching length you try to show him that you are more than willing to take his cock every day. “Please…J—ake.”
His hips slam into your ass, making you cry out at the impact. He’s getting impossible faster as you press the palms of your hands against the window. Your breath fogs the windows, and you can only hope the people in the other building can’t see you.
“It’s Mr. Jensen to you,” he smirks against your cheek, nuzzling you. “If you are a good girl, you can call me your IT God.”
You’d giggle at the awful nickname, but the way he uses your body is a crass contrast to the way he usually treats you. “Hmm…my little slut is going to cum again.”
Pants along with the sound of flesh slapping against flesh fill his office. A crescendo of your lust.
“OH GOD!” You scream his name and slam your hands against the window when your orgasm violently ripples through your body.
“That’s it, princess,” Jake grips your shoulders to hold you against the window. “Now, have my spunk.”
He comes with a grunt, and one last jerk of his hips. “Perfect, my little ladybug. So, fucking perfect.”
Jake carefully pulls out of your well-fucked pussy. He hisses and curses under his breath seeing the cum run down your thighs. “You good? I…wait…I’ll clean you up, Y/N.”
He hurriedly pulls his pants back up to grab his shirt and throw it on. Jake looks on the ground at your skirt and shirt lying torn on the ground. He huffs because it’s his fault you’ve got no clothes to wear.
You turn around on shaky legs to watch him open a drawer at his desk to get one of his spare shirts out. He sniffs at it, making you roll your eyes as it's not clean.
“Uh-I got a shirt and boxer briefs. You can have it. I’ll go and get you some clothes.”
He holds the clothes in his hands, shyly looking at you. “You are strong,” you glance up at Jake. He just screwed your brain out, but this doesn’t mean you know how to act around him now. “Very strong…and big…”
Jake grins. “I knew you’d love it!” He places the clothes on the desk to get another old shirt out. “Let me just…”
You let him guide you toward the couch at his office and sit down. Jake carefully cleans you up and hands you the shirt and boxer briefs.
“I’ll get you clothes, and you stay here.”
“We will go on a date,” he hastily says. “I mean…that’s what I wanted to do first. You just looked so good in that skirt, and I had to have you.”
Jake helps you into his shirt, grinning as it’s too big for you. “Where did you want to take me?”
“Home…my bed…on every surface,” he purrs in your ear. “I hope you know that you’re mine now.”
“Hmm…” you close your eyes and let Jake bury his face in your neck. “Next time, please don’t destroy my clothes. I liked that skirt…”
"I can't promise anything, bug..."
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