#jake knapp
untilthenexttee · 4 months
(via Next Tee News - Sweet Chili Heat (February 27th, 2024))
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themnmovieman · 3 months
Movie Review ~ Road House (2024)
The latest sacrificial lamb in a ceaseless parade of plundering and repackaging beloved ‘80s titles that nobody requested, Road House is an unnecessary endeavor and is a prime example of an industry approaching a creative bankruptcy.
Road House (2024) Synopsis: Ex-UFC fighter Dalton takes a job as a bouncer at a Florida Keys roadhouse, only to discover that this paradise is not all it seems.Stars: Jake Gyllenhaal, Daniela Melchior, Billy Magnussen, Beau Knapp, Jessica Williams, Lukas Gage, Joaquin de Almeida, Conor McGregor, J. D. Pardo, Arturo CastroDirector: Doug LimanRated: RRunning Length: 121 minutes Review: OK, before…
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boomgers · 5 months
¡Llévalos a fuera!… “El Duro”
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En esta readaptación cargada de adrenalina del clásico de culto de la década de 1980, el expeleador de la UFC, Dalton, acepta un trabajo para encargarse de la seguridad en un lugar a un lado de la carretera en los Cayos de Florida, solo para descubrir que este paraíso no es lo que parece.
Estreno: 21 de marzo de 2024 en Prime Video.
La película está dirigida por Doug Liman y protagonizada por Jake Gyllenhaal, Daniela Melchior, Billy Magnussen, Jessica Williams, Joaquim de Almeida, Conor McGregor, Lukas Gage, Arturo Castro, B.K. Cannon, Beau Knapp, Dominique Columbus y Darren Barnet.
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thenerdsofcolor · 5 months
Watch the Trailer for ‘Road House’ Starring Jake Gyllenhaal
Amazon MGM Studios has just released the official trailer for Road House, which is based on the original 1989 Patrick Swayze movie. This time, Jake Gyllenhaal will be taking on the lead role as Dalton. Continue reading Watch the Trailer for ‘Road House’ Starring Jake Gyllenhaal
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alghadouni · 1 year
Reviews Sprint: How to Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just Five DaysReviews
Sprint: How to Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just Five Days Reviews Sprint by Jake Knapp is an enlightening book that provides an excellent framework for solving big problems and testing new ideas in just five days. The book is well-written, easy to read, and packed with practical advice that can be applied in various fields, from startups to corporations. The author’s approach is…
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lionfloss · 1 year
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by Jake Knapp
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mywingsareonwheels · 11 months
Why is my character smug? (a meme I wish to encourage others to share in...)
Endeavour edition:
E. Morse: I have solved a crime using classical music, historical, and/or literary references, and made an arrogant don look silly.
Fred Thursday: I have contributed to solving a crime using my knowledge of Italian, natural history, and/or poetry, thus subverting class-based expectations. And/or Morse has done something clever. And/or something bad has happened to a fascist.
 Dr Max DeBryn: I just made an even better one-liner than usual. I have also mildly grossed out Morse. And I am still the best-dressed person in Oxford.
Peter Jakes: Do I need a reason? Tsk.
Joan Thursday: I have made one of my father’s detective’s ears go red. And I stole the last truffle. And I’m able to do much more good as a social worker than the police detectives I am entirely surrounded by.
Reginald Bright: someone underestimated me and my team, and they now greatly regret this.
Shirley Trewlove: I am yet again the most competent person in Oxford. I would be more smug if anyone outside my immediate team actually recognised this...
Some other characters I love edition:
Mathias Barneville: I have fixed something for the company in a way that personally advantages me and makes my colleagues look foolish. I deny that I now feel physically unwell.
Douglas Richardson: I have fixed something for the company in a way that makes me look terrific and I am now eating the majority of the cheese tray. I deny that I am also now basking in a team-dad glow.
Carolyn Knapp-Shappey: Douglas saved the day but then had to admit that he was wrong about something. This is going to make me happy for weeks.
Aziraphale: *beams enigmatically*
Sam Gamgee: I made stew in the middle of the wilderness. It’s delicious.
Elena Alvarez: some excellent social and environmental justice success has occurred. *does victory dance*
Uncle Newt: well, since you asked me for a tale about why I am smug...
So, anyone who has read this: why is *your* comfort character smug? :D
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art-of-manliness · 3 months
Odds & Ends: March 22, 2024
Thymes Frasier Fir Reed Diffuser. Our family took a spring break trip this week, and the lodge we stayed at had this amazing, manly smell — a mixture of fir, cedar, and sandalwood. I loved it and wanted my house to smell like that, too. I asked a clerk at the hotel what the smell was, and she told me it was from a Thymes Frasier Fir Reed Diffuser. You fill a reed diffuser (a jar, essentially) with fragranced oil and then put the reeds in the diffuser, and the sticks absorb the oil and waft its scent into the air. When I got home, I immediately bought a bundle for our den. Can’t wait for our house to smell awesome.  Books Are Cheap. Upcoming AoM podcast guest Jake Knapp makes the case that books are a bargain. They’re usually $15 to $25 each. And think about all the value you get for that money: Books synthesize months and often years of research and thinking into an accessible package. If it’s a non-fiction book, you’re likely to get one or two good ideas that can improve your life. If it’s a fiction book, it can provide hours of entertainment and might help you see the world in a different way. You can get books for free at the library, of course. But when I see a book that interests me, I don’t hesitate to buy it. It’s a great return on investment.  The Chief: The Life of William Randolph Hearst by David Nasaw. William Randolph Hearst created a publishing empire that spanned the country in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He pioneered yellow journalism and was a lightning rod figure who attracted the ire of business leaders and Theodore Roosevelt. I didn’t know much about the guy, so I picked up this tome of a biography about him by David Nasaw. I couldn’t put it down. I learned that Hearst came from money (his dad was a 49er who struck gold), a mama’s boy (he depended on his mother financially all through his life), and ran for the US House of Representatives, mayor of New York City, governor of NY, and even president of the United States (he lost all of those elections except the first, but played a huge role in transforming the Democratic Party). There Will Be Blood. There Will Be Blood is a character study in what happens to a man who becomes ruthlessly consumed with besting his fellow man — with winning at all costs. Daniel Day-Lewis, in what may be his finest performance (though his turn in Gangs of New York comes close), at first garners the audience’s sympathy and admiration, only to invite their repugnance as he loses his humanity in the pursuit of ambition. This hauntingly-produced movie leaves a lasting impression, and it’s just as good on subsequent watchings as it is on the first. One of my all-time favorite flicks. Quote of the Week Measure your health by your sympathy with morning and spring. If there is no response in you to the awakening of nature, if the prospect of an early morning walk does not banish sleep, if the warble of the first bluebird does not thrill you, know that the morning and spring of your life are past. Thus may you feel your pulse. —Henry David Thoreau Help support independent publishing. Make a donation to The Art of Manliness! Thanks for the support! http://dlvr.it/T4Tf2J
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kwebtv · 9 months
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Aliens in the Family - BBC - November 18, 1987 - December 23, 1987
Science Fiction (6 episodes)
Running Time: 30 minutes
Grant Thatcher as Bond
Sophie Bold as Jake (Jacqueline)
Clare Wilkie as Dora
Sebastian Knapp as Lewis
Rob Edwards as David
Clare Clifford as Phillipa
Elizabeth Watkins as Solita
Granville Saxton as Wirdegen Leader
Tony Birch as Wirdegen
James Woodward as Wirdegen
John Glover as Wirdegen Teacher
Sue Soames as Wirdigen
Petra Markham as Pet
Rupert Bates as Customs Official
Patricia Gallimore as Istara
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untilthenexttee · 4 months
Next Tee News - Sweet Chili Heat (February 27th, 2024)
In this edition of Next Tee News, your golf summary of the week in 5 minutes or less because 3 and 4 minutes were way too tough) we have a look at the week that was. The hottest golfer on the planet (for the moment at least), a rookie and former guest on TeeBox Chatter: “The Golf Podcast” breaks through on the PGA TOUR. A sabbatical spanning 12 years comes to an end and one could say that it…
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saintmachina · 2 years
Heya, first off its good to se you posting again, but I'm sorry things are rough right now, it seems like it's that kind of month in my own circle as well. Secondly, if it's not too person, do you have go to music for your writing? Your spiritual practice? I'd be super curious about both!
Hey there! Good to see you too! Thanks for the kindness; I'm having a better day today and using that positive momentum to catch up on old emails and get some errands run.
I am nothing if not an amalgamation of playlists. I make character and vibe playlists for every project and my Spotify is a mess because of it. But here's some of my current favorite God-haunted songs I use in my spiritual practice. This is a mix of secular, spiritual, and cross-genre tunes.
~ when you're angry with god ~
The entire Violence album by My Epic, but particularly Black Light
~ upbeat sunday morning tunes ~
Angel At My Door - Need to Breathe
Undo Me - Jennifer Knapp *Lesbian artist!
Temple - Parson James *Gay artist!
I Am Mountain - Gungor
You Don't Care At All - Mercy Me
~ when you need to cry it out ~
Circles - Tow'rs
Rejoice - Julien Baker
Build My Home - Harp + Arrows
Beloved - My Epic (this was the inspiration for my poem The Lamentation of John)
~ connecting with the feminine divine ~
Mother - Florence and the Machine
Dance With You - Live
~ contemporary church music that slaps ~
Spirit Break Out (Live) - Kim Walker Smith
Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) - Hillsong United (If you don't want to support Hillsong, you can always listen through Youtube instead)
The Goodness - John Mark Macmillan, Sarah Macmillan
~ the awe-inspiring terror of the divine ~
Lazarus - Bellarive
Behold God Is Great - Jake Hamilton
~ not today Satan ~
Mockingbird - Anais Mitchell
Hopefully you find something you like in here! If ya'll want me to do a witchy version of this rec post, let me know!
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a-neverending-story · 2 years
"Bist du immer noch wütend auf mich?"
Vor einer verschlossenen Tür zu stehen war an sich nichts verrücktes. Vor einer verschlossenen Tür zu stehen, hinter der sich jemand verbarg von dem man nicht wusste, was er in diesem Moment für einen empfand, war merkwürdig. Und vor eben jener Tür dieser Person zu stehen, obwohl die Person das letzte Mal stocksauer war, war lebensmüde.
Lily kannte das Temperament ihres Bruders, wie sie ihr eigenes kannte. Immerhin war das einer der Punkte, in welchem sie sich bis aufs kleinste Detail glichen. Sie waren vielleicht von unterschiedlichem Geschlecht, hatten einen gewissen Größenunterschied und befanden sich nur selten am gleichen Ort, doch wofür verdammt hatte man einen Zwillingsbruder, wenn man nicht Angst haben musste, sich im nächsten Moment gegenseitig den Kopf ab zu reißen? Vor allem, wenn man nur Sekunden später füreinander vor eine Kugel springen würde, um den anderen zu retten. Denn wer hätte schon das Privileg den anderen zu töten, wenn nicht die eigenen Geschwister?
Nervös trat Lily von einem Fuß auf den anderen, die Hand erhoben, bereit zu klopfen, nur um doch wieder einen Rückzieher zu machen. Sie fluchte nicht gerade Ladyhaft, während sie sich von der Tür weg drehte und sich die Haare raufte.
Jacob war wohl der einzige Mensch auf diesem gesamten Planeten, bei dem Lily tatsächlich so etwas wie Nervosität spürte. Allerdings erinnerte sie sich auch an dieses eine Mal, als sie sich so sehr gefetzt hatten, dass Jake ihr aus einem Reflex heraus in die Schulter gebissen hatte. Wie so etwas passieren konnte? Tja, gute Frage, nächste Frage. Bis heute hatten weder Jake noch Lily eben diese Frage ihrem Vater beantworten können.
Als sie sich das nächste Mal zur Tür drehte um zu klopfen, blickte sie gegen eine muskulöse Brust unter einem schwarzen, eng anliegenden T-Shirt. Lily biss sich auf die Unterlippe, bevor sie die Augen ganz langsam an eben jener Brust nach oben gleiten ließ. Es war fast, als würde sie in einen Spiegel sehen. Zumindest was die Augen anging. Ihre Augen waren, als hätte man Copy Paste gedrückt und etwas, was einfach wundervoll vom Universum gestaltet worden war, zwei Mal auf dieser Welt verewigen wollen. Der einzige Unterschied waren die herrschenden Emotionen. Während Lily am liebsten eine Runde um den Block gerannt wäre, waren die Augen ihres Bruders umschattet von unterdrückter Wut. Doch er sagte nichts. Stattdessen verschränkte er die Arme vor der Brust und Mädels, wenn Lily das mal so als Schwester dieses Prachtkerls sagen durfte: Es sah verdammt gut aus, wie er da so stand.
„Bist du immer noch wütend auf mich?“
Lily klimperte mit den Wimpern, während sie zu dem Hulk von knapp 1.90 Metern aufsah und die Nervosität hinter ihrem perfekt einstudierten Engelsgesicht verbarg.
Sekunden vergingen.
Minuten vergingen.
Jake seufzte und Lily konnte das siegessichere Grinsen nicht verbergen. Doch statt etwas zu sagen drehte er sich einfach nur um und ging in seine Wohnung. Die Tür blieb sperrangelweit geöffnet. Ganz nach dem Motto Komm rein oder lass es bleiben.
Lily trat ein und ließ die Tür ins Schloss fallen.
Es war nicht das erste Mal, dass sie ihren Bruder besuchte und doch glitt ihr Blick über die Inneneinrichtung. Alles war Minimalistisch gehalten. Es befand sich allein das Nötigste in der gesamten Wohnung. Keine Familienfotos, keine Fotos mit Freunden, keine Pflanzen, keine Haustiere. Die einzige Deko waren die gerahmten Abschlüsse ihres Bruders. Die Farben beliefen sich auf schwarz, grau und weiß. Abgesehen vom Schlafzimmer und dem Wohnzimmer. Rote Decken und Kissen gaben diesen Räumen einen Farbtupfer.
Lilys und auch Jakes Lieblingsfarbe.
Ihr Bruder war nirgends zu sehen, während Lily die Doc Martens von ihren Füßen trat, ihre Lederjacke auf die Couch schmiss und die abgegriffene Packung Zigaretten aus ihrem Rucksack zog, bevor auch dieser auf ihrem Weg zum Balkon auf dem Boden landete.
Kaum drei Sekunden hier und schon brachte sie Chaos in das so penible und minimalistische Leben ihres Bruders.
Sie sagte nichts, als sie sich eine Zigarette zwischen die Lippen steckte und ihrem Bruder die Schachtel entgegen hielt, damit er die Letzte daraus nehmen konnte. Danach wanderte die leere Schachtel auf den geradezu winzigen Tisch, der zu den eisernen Stühlen passte, die der einzige Schmuck des Balkons waren. Lily ließ ihren Hintern darauf fallen und verzog sofort das Gesicht, als das kalte Metall ihren Körper berührte.
Es dauerte eine halbe Zigarette, bevor Lily erneut die Stimme erhob: „Also die Kleine, die du letztens in deiner Insta-Story verlinkt hast… ich würde die ja auch nicht von der Bettkante stoßen.“
Ihre Augen wanderten von der hässlichen Fassade des Nebengebäudes zu dem Profil ihres Bruders, der mit seinem Hintern an dem Geländer lehnte und durch die Scheibe in sein Wohnzimmer sah. Sein Mundwinkel zuckte. Nur ein ganz kleines bisschen, doch Lily hatte es genau gesehen. „Kira. Sie würde dir gefallen. Lässt sich nichts sagen, will immer mit dem Kopf durch die Wand und hat letztens einen ganzen Zoo aus einem dieser Versuchslabore gerettet.“ Lily begann zu lachen. „Ach, bist du jetzt wieder bei der Sorte Frau hängen geblieben? Ich dachte du wolltest die nächste Mutter deiner 30 Kinder finden und nicht deinen nächsten Fall vor Gericht.“ Als nun auch Jake begann zu lachen, war die Welt wieder in Ordnung. „Sagt die Richtige. Wie viel Geld schuldest du mir mittlerweile, weil ich quer durch alle Bundesstaaten gefahren bin, um deinen Arsch vor der Polizei zu retten?“ Immerhin sah er die zerknüllte Zigarettenschachtel nicht kommen, die Lily nach ihm warf. Sie traf ihn genau gegen seinen Dickschädel, um dann vom Balkon aus fliegen zu lernen.
„Jake, es…“ Doch sie konnte nicht einmal aussprechen, da war sie schon umschlossen von muskulösen Armen und ihr Gesicht verschwand an der Brust ihres Bruders. „Verstoß nicht gegen deine eigenen Prinzipien. Nicht mal für mich.“
Drei Sekunden. Drei kurze Sekunden lang hielt dieses schöne und geschwisterliche Verhalten an, bevor ihr Bruder sie in den Schwitzkasten nahm und ihr eine Kopfnuss verpasste. Darauf folgten allerlei Schläge und Beleidigungen und Lily wusste, dass es egal war, was sie tat. Ihr Bruder würde immer auf ihrer Seite sein.
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bookeysnewsletter · 1 hour
The Free Book Sprint: A Collaborative Effort in Public Knowledge
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Chapter 1 What's The Free Book Sprint by Jake Knapp
The Free Book Sprint by Jake Knapp is a guide to help teams and individuals successfully navigate the challenging landscape of innovation and creativity. This book offers practical tools and techniques for generating ideas, making decisions, and solving problems quickly and effectively. Drawing on his experience as a design partner at Google Ventures, Knapp shares valuable insights on how to streamline the brainstorming process, foster collaboration, and overcome common obstacles to innovation. Whether you're a seasoned professional or a novice looking to expand your creative skills, The Free Book Sprint is a must-read resource for anyone seeking to achieve breakthrough results in their work.
Chapter 2 Is The Free Book Sprint A Good Book
"The Free Book Sprint" by Jake Knapp is a good book for those looking to improve their writing skills and create content efficiently. The book provides practical tips and techniques for organizing ideas, collaborating with others, and completing a book in a short period of time. However, the book may not be suitable for everyone, especially those who prefer a more traditional approach to writing. Overall, if you're interested in learning about the Book Sprint process and how to write a book quickly, this book could be a valuable resource for you.
Chapter 3 The Free Book Sprint by Jake Knapp Summary
Book Sprint is a method for rapidly producing a book in just five days with the help of a team of experts. The process involves bringing together a diverse group of individuals with different skill sets and knowledge to collaborate and create a book in a short amount of time.
The key elements of a successful Book Sprint include a clear goal or objective for the book, a dedicated team of participants, and a structured process for brainstorming, writing, editing, and publishing the book. The process also involves setting aside distractions and focusing on the task at hand to ensure that the book is completed within the five-day timeframe.
Book Sprints can be a powerful tool for organizations looking to quickly produce valuable content, facilitate collaboration among team members, and generate innovative ideas. By following the Book Sprint method, teams can create high-quality books in a short amount of time, leading to increased productivity and creativity.
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Chapter 4 The Free Book Sprint Author
Jake Knapp is a New York Times bestselling author and creator of the Design Sprint process. He is best known for his work on the book "Sprint: How to Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just Five Days," which he co-authored with John Zeratsky and was released in March 2016.
"The Free Book Sprint" is a book that was released by Jake Knapp in 2021. This book is a collection of essays and insights from various authors about the innovative Book Sprint process, which helps teams quickly and collaboratively create books.
In addition to "Sprint," Jake Knapp has also written the book "Make Time: How to Focus on What Matters Every Day," which he co-authored with John Zeratsky and was released in 2018. This book provides practical strategies for managing distractions and maximizing productivity in daily life.
In terms of editions, "Sprint" has been the most successful book by Jake Knapp, with multiple editions and translations available worldwide. It has been widely praised for its practical approach to problem-solving and innovation.
Chapter 5 The Free Book Sprint Meaning & Theme
The Free Book Sprint Meaning
The Free Book Sprint is a workshop conducted by Jake Knapp, a bestselling author and design partner at GV (formerly Google Ventures), that helps participants create a book in just a few days through collaboration and rapid iteration. The goal of the Free Book Sprint is to break down the traditional barriers to publishing a book, such as time and resources, and empower participants to share their knowledge and ideas with the world. By providing a structured process and supportive environment, the Free Book Sprint aims to make the book-writing process fun, fast, and accessible to all.
The Free Book Sprint Theme
The Free Book Sprint by Jake Knapp focuses on the concept of creating a book in a collaborative and time-constrained manner, where participants work together to produce a high-quality book in just a few days. This innovative and fast-paced approach to book creation allows for creativity and teamwork to flourish, resulting in a unique and engaging final product. The theme of the Free Book Sprint is centered around the idea of breaking down traditional barriers to book publishing and embracing a more open and collaborative process. By working together in a free and open environment, participants are able to share ideas, learn from each other, and ultimately create something that is greater than the sum of its parts.
Chapter 6 Other Accessible Resources
1. Google Books: The Free Book Sprint by Jake Knapp
2. Amazon: The Free Book Sprint by Jake Knapp
3. LinkedIn: Jake Knapp's profile with updates on The Free Book Sprint
4. Twitter: Tweets about The Free Book Sprint by Jake Knapp
5. Instagram: Posts about The Free Book Sprint by Jake Knapp
6. Medium: Articles and posts about The Free Book Sprint by Jake Knapp
7. Goodreads: Reviews and ratings of The Free Book Sprint by Jake Knapp
8. YouTube: Videos discussing The Free Book Sprint by Jake Knapp
9. Podcasts: Episodes featuring interviews or discussions about The Free Book Sprint by Jake Knapp
10. News websites: Articles and features about The Free Book Sprint by Jake Knapp
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Chapter 7 Quotes of The Free Book Sprint
The Free Book Sprint quotes as follows:
1. "The best way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing." - Walt Disney
2. "You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step." - Martin Luther King Jr.
3. "Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful." - Albert Schweitzer
4. "The only way to do great work is to love what you do." - Steve Jobs
5. "Don't watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going." - Sam Levenson
6. "The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today." - Franklin D. Roosevelt
7. "Success is not in what you have, but who you are." - Bo Bennett
8. "If you want to achieve greatness, stop asking for permission." - Unknown
9. "Believe you can and you're halfway there." - Theodore Roosevelt
10. "The only way to achieve the impossible is to believe it is possible." - Charles Kingsleigh
Chapter 8 Similar Books Like The Free Book Sprint
1. "No Filter: The Inside Story of Instagram" by Sarah Frier - After delving into the world of social media and the impact it has on society in "The Free Book Sprint," "No Filter" offers a deep dive into the rise of Instagram and the behind-the-scenes struggles and controversies that have shaped the platform.
2. "Digital Minimalism: Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World" by Cal Newport - This book explores the idea of intentional technology use and offers practical strategies for reducing digital clutter and distractions in order to lead a more meaningful and focused life.
3. "The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains" by Nicholas Carr - In a world saturated with technology, Carr examines how the internet is shaping our brains and affecting our ability to concentrate, think deeply, and retain information.
4. "Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other" by Sherry Turkle - Turkle analyzes the impact of social media, smartphones, and other technologies on our relationships, exploring how digital communication is changing the way we interact with others and ourselves.
5. "The Art of Stillness: Adventures in Going Nowhere" by Pico Iyer - As we navigate a constantly connected world, Iyer reflects on the importance of slowing down, finding stillness, and cultivating moments of reflection and peace in our lives.
Book https://www.bookey.app/book/sprint
Quotes https://www.bookey.app/quote-book/sprint
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AuktI4lBj6M
Amazom https://www.amazon.com/-/zh/dp/150112174X
Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25814544-sprint?from_search=true&from_srp=true&qid=hABA5V5QuO&rank=1
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olehswift · 1 day
1) QES
2) Elon Musk
3) Vladimir Putin
4) Jensen Stoltenberg
5) Prince Edward, Duke of Kent
March 1
6) Alexander Bortnikov
7) Emmanuel Macron
Eighth) Xi Jinping
9) Alex Soros
10) George Soros
11) Avril Haines
April 20
First coffin phone
12) Billie Eilish
13) Nathaniel Philip Rothschild, 5th Baron Rothschild
14) Jurgen Stock
15) Larry Fink
16) Narendra Modi
17) Sergey Shoigu
18) Nikolai Patrushev
19) Nikolay Bogdanovsky
20) Andrei Yermak
21) Mohammed Bin Salman
(+8 or 10)
May 16
Second coffin phone
22) Alina Kabaeva
23) Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen
24) Vitalik Buterin
25) Ebrahim Raisi
26) Hossein Amir-Abdollahian
27) Malek Rahmati
28) Mohammad Ali Ale-Hashem
29) Mehdi Mousavi
30) Second Vladimir Putin
31) Viktoria Godunova
32) Dmitry Medvedev
33) Georgia Meloni
34) David S. Cohen
35) Priscilla Chan
36) Paul Abbate
37) Jon Lenzner
38) Jake Sullivan
39) Ronald L. Rowe Jr.
40) Larissa L. Knapp
41) Christopher Asher Wray
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lionfloss · 1 year
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by Jake Knapp
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movienized-com · 11 days
Bleeding Love
Bleeding Love (2024) #EmmaWestenberg #ClaraMcGregor #EwanMcGregor #VeraBulder #JakeWeary #KimZimmer Mehr auf:
Jahr: 2024 (Februar) Genre: Drama Regie: Emma Westenberg Hauptrollen: Clara McGregor, Ewan McGregor, Vera Bulder, Jake Weary, Kim Zimmer, Travis Hammer, Devyn McDowell, Clint Obenchain, Kristin K. Berg, Sale Taylor, Jacob Browne, Mat Mahboub, Fischer Knapp, Erica Bitton … Filmbeschreibung: In der Hoffnung, sein entfremdetes Kind wiederzufinden, nimmt ein Vater (Ewan McGregor) seine inzwischen…
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