breelandwalker · 8 months
Heya! In the spirit of me becoming feral about La Fheile Bride/Imbolc/St. Brigid's Day, I was wondering two things: Do you have a favorite piece of art depicting Brigid, and do you have a favorite thing to cook for Imbolc? I like doing Bannock, but I kinda want to change it up this year.
I have a couple of favorite artworks depicting Brighid, mostly random paintings. I do have a print of this one by angelicshades on etsy hanging in my office. I don't know if it was particularly meant to be a depiction of Brighid, but that's how it hit me when I saw it. And I love me some Alphonse Mucha style art nouveau goddess art.
I don't usually cook a particular meal for Imbolc, but my offering on the day always consists of oatmeal, milk, and honey, sometimes with mead or whiskey as a chaser.
There are plenty of thematic options for Imbolc foods, like milk, cheese, eggs, honey, jams and preserves, oats, bread, beer, and wine. So you could try things like quiche, honey cakes, jam tarts, cheese and herb pinwheels, scones or muffins with honey butter, porridge with fixings, and sweet or savory pull-apart bread.
The foods that I see most often associated with Brighid in modern sources are blackberries, apples, potatoes, fish, cinnamon, and rosemary. So any dish using those might be appropriate as well. Perhaps a nice bit of salmon seasoned with honey, wine, and tart preserves and cinnamon baked apples for dessert. You can't go wrong with a nice bit of soda bread either.
Anyway, hope this helps and Happy Imbolc! 😊
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saintmachina · 2 years
Heya, first off its good to se you posting again, but I'm sorry things are rough right now, it seems like it's that kind of month in my own circle as well. Secondly, if it's not too person, do you have go to music for your writing? Your spiritual practice? I'd be super curious about both!
Hey there! Good to see you too! Thanks for the kindness; I'm having a better day today and using that positive momentum to catch up on old emails and get some errands run.
I am nothing if not an amalgamation of playlists. I make character and vibe playlists for every project and my Spotify is a mess because of it. But here's some of my current favorite God-haunted songs I use in my spiritual practice. This is a mix of secular, spiritual, and cross-genre tunes.
~ when you're angry with god ~
The entire Violence album by My Epic, but particularly Black Light
~ upbeat sunday morning tunes ~
Angel At My Door - Need to Breathe
Undo Me - Jennifer Knapp *Lesbian artist!
Temple - Parson James *Gay artist!
I Am Mountain - Gungor
You Don't Care At All - Mercy Me
~ when you need to cry it out ~
Circles - Tow'rs
Rejoice - Julien Baker
Build My Home - Harp + Arrows
Beloved - My Epic (this was the inspiration for my poem The Lamentation of John)
~ connecting with the feminine divine ~
Mother - Florence and the Machine
Dance With You - Live
~ contemporary church music that slaps ~
Spirit Break Out (Live) - Kim Walker Smith
Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) - Hillsong United (If you don't want to support Hillsong, you can always listen through Youtube instead)
The Goodness - John Mark Macmillan, Sarah Macmillan
~ the awe-inspiring terror of the divine ~
Lazarus - Bellarive
Behold God Is Great - Jake Hamilton
~ not today Satan ~
Mockingbird - Anais Mitchell
Hopefully you find something you like in here! If ya'll want me to do a witchy version of this rec post, let me know!
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luc3 · 2 months
A little dramatic video for all the mutuals / friends who are in a heat wave at the moment. I'm sending you all the ocean temperatures and storms I can! Take care of yourselves. 💙
@windvexer @buddyblanc @gamayunsteward @traumarbeit
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torque-witch · 2 years
I was talking to @gamayunsteward the other day about how Capitalism has ruined everything; namely with inflation in mind.
In like 2016 I was making about 15k a year, half my income went directly into rent when my ex left (it was literally like a 300 sq/ft apartment) and yet I still had time and the mental capacity to engage with people on Tumblr regularly, go outside, spend gas money driving around in the middle of nowhere. I had enough food for myself at all times. I was very poor, but life wasn’t bad.
Now, living costs are about $1500-1700 a month. My car costs $400 a month and it was a $10k car, the cheapest I could possibly get brand new. $200 a week for food is not enough. I can’t feasibly attend many events, I have no in person friends to drive around aimlessly with and gas is twice as much now. Contract work is very much at night so I can’t go out anyway. Nothing feels fulfilling. I don’t have the time or mental capacity for a meaningful spiritual practice beyond devotional art. I can’t hike alone anymore for fear of my safety. My health is wrecked in general.
Like, everything centers around paying the next bill and it takes away the joy in a lot of things I used to take for granted. It’s truly a different world now even though I have more money. And I hate that that’s the only thing I can really focus on.
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fierysword · 2 years
I just want to wish a pleasant evening to all my mutuals with cat thumbnails @gamayunsteward @compassionata @janes-hobbit-hole
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pastorwitch · 7 years
Asking you a question because I like you: favorite fairy tale OR favorite supernatural being other than the Obvious Choice.
So, I’m going to tell one of my favorite fairytales:
There was he ali’i who took his people in search of a new home. They found one nestled at the base of a large mountain. The woods on the mountain were full of good fruits. The ocean near the mountain was full of good fish. The people were so pleased with their new home that they built their na hale and planted their taro. They rejoiced with big festivals and went to sleep.
As the people slept, in the wee hours before the sun rose, the ground began to shake. The people cried in terror and ran out of their hale. They screamed and were upset. A special meeting was held with the village’s na kahuna and ke ali’i. They talked back and forth before the sun rose and then long into the afternoon the next day, but they were no closer to discerning why the mountain shook and if they could continue to live there.
Suddenly, right as the sun had set, a small voice rose above the din. “I can help.”
It was he menehune, one of the little folk who were known for their craftsmanship. “You have made your home in the shadow of Pele’s mountain, Mauna Kea, yet you have not created a place of worship to her. We can create a heiau for you to worship Pele. We can make it for you this very night. In return, you must give each na menehune who work on the project he auweke. Do we have a deal?”
Ke ali’i and na kahuna quickly agreed. That night na menehune built a beautiful heiau for Pele. The mountain shook no more.
The next night, ka menehune approached ke ali’i. “You have one month to provide the auweke for each of my builders.”
Ke ali’i was a good man and wanted to do more for na menehune. He ordered his fishermen to catch fifty large na ‘ahi. The fisherman did as they were told. When the sun set at the end of the month, na menehune came out of the shadows. They moved towards the pile of fish, and ke ali’i was so proud. Ka menehune who had offered to help ke ali’i was not pleased. Na menehune are too small to cary such large fish. Realizing that ke ali’i had meant to honor na menehune, ka menehune offered ke ali’i one more month.
In a month’s time, the fishermen had a pile of na auweke for na menehune. Na menehune came and took one each. Ka menehune thanked ke ali’i and they shrunk into the shadows, never to be seen again. And ke ali’i and his people lived in the shadow of Halema'uma'u for the rest of their days.
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notnowtobey · 7 years
the sex questions: 5, 9, 32, 36, 49, 58, 75, 76, 80, 81! Answer any that you actually feel like answering!
5. Are you in love?
I think I’m currently falling in love. Not quite there yet.
9. Describe your perfect mate.
Someone I feel safe and comfortable around, who challenges me to be a better person, and who has something to teach me.
32. Have you ever experienced unrequited love?
Multiple times. It’s not the best feeling in the world, but I feel like I learn from it every time.
36. Have you ever liked one of your best friends?
49. If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, what is your favorite thing about him/her?
They get my sense of humor.
58. What are five ways to win your heart?
1. Brush my hair behind my ear2. Run your fingers through my hair3. Smile after we kiss4. Tell me you were thinking of me or something reminded you of me5. Be there for me when I want or need someone80. When was the last time you told someone you loved them?
Wednesday morning, I told my grandma I loved her when I dropped her off at the airport.
81. Who are five people you find attractive?
1. Jidenna2. Nicki Minaj3. Darrin (someone I work with)4. Liz (my best friend)5. Brett (someone else I work with)
I didn’t answer 75 & 76. I’d rather keep those to myself! Thank you for asking!
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violetwitchcraft · 7 years
In case I haven't already said, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope you have a wonderful day!
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A dearth of hugs? THAT IS AN UNACCEPTABLE STATE OF AFFAIRS! *hugs*Also, happy birthday, I hope you get to do something fun!
Awww thank you!!! *hugs back tightly* You’re such a sweetheart. I’m sending some good vibes your way!
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hereticalapothecary · 7 years
You remind me of a Simurgh
Tbh I had to google what a Simurgh was but damn that’s cool!
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warm-suggestions · 8 years
Happy birthday, I hope it's a good one, and I hope that tumblr sister match up thing goes well, it seems like a really good idea!
Some of my followers actually got together and created it @the-sister-hood is their page if you wanna check it out!!! 
Thanks 💕💕
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breelandwalker · 2 years
I would like your apple variety hot takes, PLEASE.
Oh I have MANY. Chief among them being that Stayman Winesaps Are The Best Apple And You Will Not Change My Mind. Yes, even better than your beloved Honeycrisp - while she is a good fruit, she is not The Best.
Further sauciness, including much dunking on the horrible mess ironically called Red Delicious and the I-Can't-Believe-It's-Not-Butter of apples (Fuji), in the #appleopinions tag below!
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mysteria-sancta · 3 years
🌻Tagged by @christianuniversalistdyke
Three bands I listen to:
1. The Mountain Goats
2. Jay Ungar and Molly Mason
3. Swiss Army Wife (my friend’s band! Check out my favorite song “cactus” on Spotify!)
🌻 @gamayunsteward @blackbirdie1022 @christianwitchery what about you?
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luc3 · 5 months
Cheers friends <3
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Specially to @graveyarddirt, @perduedansmatete, @buddyblanc, @gamayunsteward @passifloramoonlight and @traumarbeit 💜
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torque-witch · 1 year
Tagged by @gamayunsteward
Relationship status: Married
Favorite color: Hmm toss up between rose pink and lime green?
Song stuck in head: WORK by millennium parade. (Hell’s Paradise intro)
Last song I listened to: Probably that or Lost in Paradise by Ali, Aklo
Three favorite foods: Does boba count? Potato chips and lavender wild berry ice cream
Last thing I googled: Bloomfield Farmer’s Market hours
Dream trip: Back to the Alps maybe, I’m not too fond of traveling still. Or Glacier Nat Park again
Anything I want right now: a nap and comfort food after work
Tagging: @whichwitchami @ouranian @niktav @lemonbalmgirl @anotherdayforchaosfay (no pressure anyone)
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Daily reminder that you're a pretty dope human
@chebinger @gamayunsteward @hopeless-romantic-marshmallow @timelordinvalinor @incognita-soul and everyone else
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