#jake really really likes brooke he thinks shes super cool and sweet
lohstandfound · 1 year
maybe its just me who sees them this way, but i love how like intertwined the popular kids are with each other. you can't isolate one relationship without acknowledging how the others fit into the picture
jake and chloe, chloe and brooke, brooke and rich, rich and jake, jake and brooke, rich and chloe
they hate each other at times, downright loathe, despise but god forbid someone else express how much they detest one of them
and then post fire, post play, post show
everything changes and they're even more messy than before
but somehow it's better because at least they're being honest to themselves about who they are and how they feel
no one is putting up a front (and no one is being controlled by a supercomputer)
they will never be perfect, they never were, but this may be the best they ever get
#lohst.txt#brooke lohst#jake dillinger#chloe valentine#rich goranski#jake and chloe are each others first loves and they will never let each other go#jake doesn't realise how much he needs rich until he thinks he's lost him and rich does almost anything for him#brooke is so used to being in chloe's shadow and chloe is so used to always having brooke beside her until they have a moment of separation#brooke learns how it feels to not be second best to chloe and chloe learns to see brooke as more than an extension of her#brooke and rich are often there to pick up the pieces from yet another jake and chloe break up#they hear the shit that gets said about jake about chloe about their relationship#and they can plead as much as they want for them to not run back to each other but its no use#but they get along well#brooke sees some of the rare moments where squipped rich is soft and rich doesn't mind that#and they have a lot of time to talk when jake and chloe ditch them#jake really really likes brooke he thinks shes super cool and sweet#and brooke may be cautious around him with chloe always in close proximity#she shouldnt become friends with her best friends ex but they are#and she hates him but she cares so so much for him#and shes the next best person next to rich when jake is at his most vulnerable#(although i like to think it was chloe who was around to piece jake back together when he found out his parents skipped town)#and while chloe and rich dont talk often#there's an unspoken bond between them#sure maybe chloe doesn't know whats really going on but she knows that this whole asshole tough guy thing is an act#i mean she's doing the exact same thing with this bitchy queen bee shit#goddammnit i should just write a fic or something about these characters#instead of writing like full essays in the tags
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violent-bulldog · 4 years
Chloe Valentine: Book VS Musical
Oh boy, here we go
(Mentions of “Rape”)
In the book, Chloe is one of the “Hot Girls” and is therefore, popular and whatnot. However, she isn’t the ‘main’ hot girl, that would be Katrina. They’re basically the Heathers only none of them die. Well, after the party, we never hear from any of them again so I’m just assuming that they’re still alive.
During chapter fifteen, Rich asks Jeremy which one of the “Hot Girls” he’d want to get with and Jeremy replies with Chloe. He previously states that he stares at her the most, most likely due to her costume. Jeremy essentially wants to use Chloe to get to Christine, as per the Squip’s guide. Jeremy doesn’t care about using her to get what he wants.
Chloe takes a genuine interest in Jeremy during chapter twenty-two as Jeremy flirts with her in the mall. He presses his leg against hers and asks for her number. She becomes jealous when Anne cries into Jeremy’s shoulder, pushing her leg against his even more. They do this in the back of the car too, just before Chloe gives him her number.
After Jeremy fails to get Christine (one of many times) and his failure at hooking up with Brooke due to an infected nipple piercing (which, by the way... yuck) his Squip tells him that he needs to focus on getting with Chloe as Christine is still with Jake and Jeremy needs to make her jealous. Jeremy’s reply to the Squip is “Woo-Hoo! Deal” which shows that he is very much down with the idea of sleeping with Chloe just to get with Christine.
Jeremy calls Chloe and they make mostly small talk until Jeremy suggests doing something together and Chloe tells him about Jason Finderman’s party. She asks if he’s going to be “Rolling” (which means doing drugs, I gather?) and Jeremy actually goes against the Squip’s advice and says that he is. Chloe replies with “Really? You will? With me? Aww, Jeremy, you’re so sweet” which further proves that she has a genuine interest in him. She then asks if he’ll have a car and he says he will, leading him to steal his mother’s car for the party, just to impress her.
Chloe is already “Rolling” by the time Jeremy (and Michael) arrive at the party. She instructs Jason’s brother, who’s guarding the door, to let them in. She enthusiastically runs up to Jeremy (probably due to the drugs, but it could also be because she’s happy that he actually showed up) and gives him his pill. She then starts to lead him somewhere, but he tries to blow her off for Christine. The Squip tells him that Chloe is about to have sex with him, but Jeremy just cares about the fact that Christine is currently alone. 
Chloe notices that he’s distant and says that he’s in his own little world. Jeremy goes to make up an excuse of some sort, but she interrupts him. “”Come!” Chloe grabs my shirt. “I like you” She adjusts my baseball cap. “You can go back to your world later. Be in mine for a while”” This is the first time that she states that she genuinely wants to be with Jeremy, unlike Christine. Jeremy lets her lead the way to where she was originally going.
They go into a laundry center (which, as a Scottish person, I’m assuming is the same as a utility room) and they start to make out, with Jeremy pulling Chloe into his lap and groping her (all with consent). He then starts to dirty talk and ends up telling her that he wishes she had a tail. Chloe calls him weird and straddles him. They start to make out again and Jeremy takes off her shirt and she takes off her bra. Things are about to escalate further before Chloe’s boyfriend, Brock, interrupts them by breaking the window. Chloe tells Jeremy to watch out, before dressing and leaves, blowing him a kiss.
Jeremy ends up in a bathroom with Stephanie (the third “Hot Girl”), hiding from Brock. Stephanie states that Jeremy is “That guy Chloe likes!” and then talks about how Jeremy is apparently super cool, which means that Chloe must have talked about him between the events in the mall and when she invited him to the party.
Chloe ends up getting back with Brock (and snorts Ritalin...) and everything is fine with the trio. Jeremy even drives Chloe and Brock home and that’s the last we really hear from them.
Chloe had a genuine interest in Jeremy, despite having a boyfriend, but Jeremy was only using her to try and get with Christine. If Brock hadn’t interrupted, Chloe and Jeremy would have most likely had sex and it would have been 100% consensual. Jeremy isn’t in a relationship with anyone, so he isn’t cheating. Chloe technically is, but her boyfriend really doesn’t seem like that good of a guy and there’s a very high chance that they broke up at some point. Especially since he calls her a slut and a whore...
In the musical, the “Hot Girls” don’t exist. Chloe is the only one out of the trio to appear, most likely due to the entire situation with Jeremy. Brooke and her are the equivalent to the “Hot Girls” with Chloe being at the number one spot and Brooke being at number two. The musical focuses a lot more on Jeremy and Michael’s friendship than the book did and a lot less on any other romantic relationships beside Jeremy and Christine’s. 
Chloe and Jeremy barely interact during the musical before the Halloween party, which has merged the Halloween dance and Jason Finderman’s party, the only interactions being Chloe stating that he was getting of to her discussion with Jenna and Brooke about Jake and Madeline/Chloe asking what he was staring at when Jake says that they should see other people and the scene in the clothes store in the mall, where Brooke offers Jeremy a ride (like how he asked for one from Anne and Chloe in the book) and Chloe just goes along with it mainly. Their only real interaction is at the Halloween party.
(I have never seen any production of the show live, I am going off of any visual bootlegs on youtube, a copy of the script I found online and the audio bootleg of the London showing. I apologise if anything is incorrect)
During the song “Halloween” Chloe tells Jeremy that she’s been sent to get him because Brooke has a surprise for him. She leads him to an upstairs bedroom, telling him that it’s Jake’s parents. Jeremy says that she knows her way around and she tells him it’s because she’s had sex in most rooms in the house. Jeremy gives he a shocked look and she defends herself, saying that it’s because she dated Jake and asks what kind of slut Jeremy thinks she is. 
Jeremy asks where Brooke is and Chloe says that she isn’t coming. Chloe starts singing “Do You Wanna Hang?” and dances around Jeremy. She’s been drinking from her flask (which is a baby bottle) and it’s clear that she’s very much wasted. Jeremy says that he should leave, but his Squip prevents him from standing up. Chloe then starts to talk about how she doesn’t understand why Brooke is so crazy about Jeremy, and how she isn’t as innocent as she seems.
There’s a pause and Jeremy accuses her of being jealous. In the Broadway version, Chloe gestures to herself and states that she’s obviously not jealous, but in the London version, she snaps at him and says that she’s not jealous but she just doesn’t understand why people like Brooke more than they like her. In both versions, Jeremy asks why anyone would be jealous of her because she’s the hottest girl in school. He goes to take back his words, but Chloe kisses him. He tries to tell the Squip to make it stop, but the Squip says it doesn’t understand what Jeremy wants to stop for.
Chloe continues singing “Do You Wanna Hang?” and offers Jeremy the baby bottle flask, stating that it’s not actually milk. The Squip forces him to drink before making him kiss Chloe again. 
Brooke interrupts and knocks on the door, asking if Jeremy is there because she was told by Jenna that he had gone upstairs. Chloe and Jeremy stay silent and Brooke goes away. Jeremy ask Chloe if she doesn’t care about Brooke finding out, but Chloe just replies by telling him that he’s not as cute when he’s talking. Jeremy asks the Squip for help, but due to the alcohol, the Squip shuts off.
Chloe says that she’s had enough, until Jake pounds on the door shouting for Jeremy. She then says that the fun is beginning. Jake yells that Jeremy better not be having sex on his parents bed or else he’d have to rip Jeremy’s balls off. Chloe says that they can both be ball-less and Jake pauses before asking if it was her and tries to break the door down. Chloe, who is jumping on the bed, yells that they’re having sex all over Jake’s parents linens and Jeremy tries to protest. 
The banging of Jake trying to break down the door stops and they both think that he’s gone away until Jake punches through the window and climbs into the room. Chloe straddles Jeremy (who may be shirtless at this point, but I’ve never seen that in the bootlegs) and Jake tells him that he’s dead. Chloe tells Jake to go away because they’re busy screwing and Jeremy moves away from Chloe and goes to the door, opening it to find Brooke standing there. Jake climbs completely through the window and Jeremy apologises to her before shoving past her and running from Jake.
Many people call the events in this scene “Attempted Rape” and I think that is way too far. From what I’ve seen, they go no further than kissing and Chloe states that she’s had enough and is about to leave before Jake arrives. It’s not Chloe’s fault that Jeremy couldn’t refuse or deny consent. That’s the Squip’s. Chloe was lead to believe that Jeremy was into it as he showed no attempts to stop her or deny what she was doing. It was a miscommunication due to the Squip’s attempts at getting Jeremy to sleep with the popular girl. It wasn’t Jeremy’s fault. It wasn’t Chloe’s fault. It was the Squip’s fault. 
I don’t know why Chloe and Jeremy’s relationship was changed like this. Maybe due to the musical not having a long enough run-time to support the development of it as well as the development of Jeremy’s relationships with Michael and Christine. Chloe played a fairly important part in the book, but the musical makes her seem like a completely different character. Book Chloe was popular and hot, but also kind and genuinely interested in Jeremy, whereas musical Chloe is popular and hot and that’s about it. She’s mean and blunt and is a major part in making Jeremy cheat on Brooke. She doesn’t seem to care about her actions and only seems to think of herself until “The Play” and, unless you’re like me and you dive deeply into what her mental state may be like, she is seen as the secondary-antagonist (the Squip being the primary-antagonist).
They did her character dirty in the musical. But, she isn’t a rapist. So please, for the love of god, stop calling her one. She’s a sixteen-year-old who made a drunken mistake that people like to blow out of proportion. 
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phoebenavarro · 5 years
in honor of bmc closing here’s some notes I took on my phone after I saw the show in may and never actually got around to posting lol
under a cut cause long
Jeremy’s striped shirt is very reminiscent of Ness’s shirt in Earthbound (hc: Jeremy is a huge Mother fan, he loves Earthbound and he’s played fan translations of Mother 3) (he always wanted a group of friends like Ness has in Earthbound, people he could save the world with. He’s always had Michael of course, but he wanted to be part of a party like in an rpg) (and by the end of the show he does)
Love all the details behind Jeremy’s bed-- empty soda cans, the n64 and NES, and ROB
All the details in the set are great, like the posters at school and in the mall. There’s a poster for the GSA that says “Don’t fear queer”
Jeremy sounds like he’s about to cry as he says “I was just trying to get to my locker” when Rich is writing on his bag :(
“No, I always sweat this much” *furiously wipes forehead with sleeve*
“I get it, you’re a virgin!” the look of pure MORTIFICATION on Jeremy’s face
Christine touching Jeremy’s chest and he clutches his heart and looks like he’s about to have a heart attack (MOOD)
Christine stopping herself from info dumping at the beginning of ILPR but then seeing that Jeremy’s interested and the words spilling out of her is SUCH an ADHD mood
Jeremy mouthing “fuck, no” when Jake first is talking to Christine
Anthony Chatmon is a very cute Jake. He makes him very endearing. He’s very earnest but also a complete dumbass LMAO
When Rich’s Squip glitches and he’s laying on the ground, Jeremy just walks away lol
When Rich is singing about his penis in the Squip Song, Jeremy points at his crotch and is like “your....?”
The projections behind the Squip people are SO COOL (all the projections are super cool I love them)
“All I have to do is give the Guy Who tor........... ments me six. HUNDRED- yeah he’s scamming me”
I adore two player game!!!!!! The choreography and the projections are great and its a super creative way to make a song where the characters are doing something as visually boring as playing a video game interesting to watch
Michael when Jeremy and his dad are talking is really the epitome of “your friend and their parent are arguing in front of you and you don’t know what to do”
“I think I just blew my bar mitzvah money on a wintergreen tic tac” is SUCH A GREAT line I love it
The squip: “You make everyone around you nauseated” Jeremy: huge smile, mouths “wait what”
The Squip likes to be tall
Literally being able to see the gears turning in the Squip’s head as it watches Jeremy interact with people. It’s absolutely fascinated
The Squip looks so happy and supportive when Jeremy does something good unprompted? Like it gives Jeremy a little thumbs up when Jeremy adds the “She’s french” line when talking about Madeline
Sync up is so awesome and I straight up can’t imagine the show without it now that it’s there. Like I love how Jeremy masters the Squip hand choreography and he’s totally in sync (ha) with everyone else
Okay but I am DYING at the play being set in Athens............. Georgia (like... I went to school there! Go dawgs!) (I saw a production of midsummer once where the “you’ll know him by his athenian garb” meant that Demetrius was wearing a bulldogs sweater)
The Squip is absolutely BAFFLED when Jeremy is talking with Christine and being a huge fucking dork and she’s actually into it. And it’s just fascinated by here. Love it. I think it realizes then and there that she can’t be as easily manipulated as someone like Brooke, and I think that’s why it tries to kind of steer Jeremy away from her.
The Squip is like. So pleased with itself during all of Guy I’d Kind of Be Into
“DID YOU KILL EMINEM” “Noooooooooooooooot exactly” (low key the funniest line in the show)
Brooke and Jeremy are actually really cute and I get really sad for her cause she clearly likes him a lot and he just ends up hurting her (which was not his intention, but like, it still happens)
You can see the beginnings of the Squip’s plan forming as it watches everyone sing “I’m tired of being the person that everyone thinks that I am” during Upgrade
Loser Geek Whatever is. God. So relatable. And so many lines in it hit me so hard because like, someone put that experience into words
You can see Michael on the screens in the set walls saying Jeremy’s name for a second after the “optic nerve blocking on” line
I need a recording of the intermission music it’s so funky and I love it
I LOVE brooke’s dog costume it’s adorable
Jeremy says “fucking incredible” while the Squip is dancing during halloween
The Squip rolls its eyes at Jeremy for not realizing that Chloe is hitting on him and gives Chloe a look like “I know, he’s so oblivious” when Chloe laughs at Jeremy for not getting it
Chloe falls over on the bed during Do You Wanna Hang
The Squip flops face down on the bed when it gets shut down because of the alcohol and then it just stays there for the rest of the scene
Literally everyone in the audience gasped when Jeremy called Michael a loser
Michael does some of the same choreography from Two Player Game during Michael In The Bathroom and it hurt my heart
“pucking your way through the cast of midsummer” okay but what cast of midsummer HASNT had that one person that dates/hooks up with multiple people in the cast
I realized that the reason the Squip tells Jeremy that he has to leave NOW is cause it knows Rich is about to set the house on fire, not because everything else went poorly for Jeremy
Rich set a fire is SUCH a fun number, I love everyone’s slippers/pajamas and I love Brooke throwing her banana peel off stage and flinging her headphones off
I love Jeremy’s outfit in the scene where he yells at his dad. He looks really good okay, even if he’s being a dick
Pants song is lovely, also at the “do you love him” line there was like a record scratch sound effect (Michael: yup, that’s me. You’re probably wondering how I got into this situation.)
God... I love Pitiful Children. It manages to be funny at the beginning and then it turns into an incredibly threatening villain song by the end of it... Extra disturbing because Jeremy is so into it
I LOVE everyone’s costumes in the play - all the sequins, and I love Brooke and Chloe’s wigs. (Bit unrealistic that those would be costumes for a high school play but they’re so cool I’ll let it slide)
Gotta mention Jeremy’s vocal glitches, they blew my mind. Can’t believe Will Roland just does that (also I’m sad the line about vinyl isn’t on the cast recording cause that was low key my favorite glitch)
Jeremy flipping off the Squip and then the Squip twisting Jeremy’s arm >:(
The Squip’s death is so cool... I love the effects. Technical theatre rules
I love everything about Rich realizing he’s bi. Compulsory heterosexuality really do be like that sometimes
“Hi Rich........ Bye Rich” Michael I love you
Rich like, trails his hand up Michael’s stomach and Michael laughs and smacks his hand away and then he’s horrified cause he hurt Rich’s burns
I gotta mention the Hello Kitty shoes because I still can’t believe they’re real!!!! I love them and I love Jeremy with all my heart!!!!!!!
“Embrace the traits that make you so odd!” Love is stored.... In the Brooke (She’s so sweet and also I think she really did like Jeremy in part because he’s “odd” so get fucked Squip)
Troy Iwata’s Michael has a different jacket for VIMH. He’s got a Japanese flag patch and there’s a different thing on the back. I couldn’t read it but it’s different from George’s. The details!
Voices in my head is lovely and it makes me so happy
(Sorry I still can’t believe BMC didn’t get nominated for at least sound design cause the sound design was amazing. Imo it also deserved a lighting design nom. Sigh. Maybe if they’d gotten more Tony noms it wouldn’t have closed so soon.)
But yeah. It’s been two days and I already miss BMC on broadway. But I am looking forward to the show having a very successful future being licensed for school productions and other local productions!
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bwayfanficblog · 5 years
Opinions on the BMC OBCR!
(Friendly reminder this is just my opinion! I think this cast recording is over all insanely good, I’m just being a little nit picky because I’ve loved BMC for a while. I had the privilege of seeing BMC in NYC in March, which was amazing and the live performance did influence my opinions a bit. If you have doubts about Will Roland as Jeremy, seeing it live will flip your opinions. Trust me. ❤️)
(edit: my overall opinion of this is that it’s great, but it’s trying WAY too hard. Am I the only one who thinks that the try hard sound completely erases the actual message of BMC? that you don’t have to be someone or soemthing you’re not to impress someone? I feel like the old score was just as amazing and the new actors could’ve done it justice without all of these wild changes. They basically took the creepy retro vibes out of BMC to keep up with modern broadway. I don’t have a problem with it, I just think that it erases the actual message of the show to an extent. I am so in love with Will Roland! He was wonderful live. Feel free to message me and discuss this!)
More Than Survive
- Inclusion of more dialogue is good but I kinda think it breaks up the flow a little
- Will Roland yesss, this song is actually how he sounded live, I wish you could see how incredible he looked and acted during this song
- Inclusion of the “Boyf” dialogue is cute and definitely should’ve been added to begin with
- The new harmonies on “Christineeee” where Jeremy goes up a step is so nice
- Michael’s new part is just as adorable as before, kinda sad they took out the “so own it!” line tho
- Buttt more sweet giggles from Michael makes up for it!
- I don’t like how they cut off the last Canigula so quickly to make room for the chorus singing though idk
- The louder beat slaps tho
- I don’t like how Chloe’s last “I like gay people” is isolated unlike the original cast recording
- Will gives a heartbreaking “I’m never gonna be the cool guy” performance though like damn I almost cried
- The “na na na” is now “na ahh ahh ahh” if that makes sense and it doesn’t give as much impact which makes me wanna die bc that part was so pretty
- Will’s riffs at the end make up for it
I love play rehearsal
- There’s more instruments at the start and I think a flute which is so pretty!!
- Stephanie yessss with those improved vocals
- I think the extra instruments overpower her soft sweet sound at some points in the song tho
- YESS the dialogue that’s now included yesss
- The extra instruments at the end actually add more tho I love it
- A little more dramatic
More than survive (reprise)
- nothing bad to say other than I’m not a fan of the weird pop-y instrumental at the end, when I saw it I think it was a little more spread out instead of included in the song but I could be wrong
The Squip Song
- Gerard’s vocals have gotten even better like yes
- The instrumental sounds about the same as the old recording which makes me glad they didn’t change it too much
- Jeremy sounds scared when he says “you got quick” and I don’t know why ? That’s kinda odd like buddy are you good
- Is rich ok like at all in this song
- The song isn’t as like soft if that makes sense
Two Player Game
- Michael sounds like wants to die when he says “apocalypse of the damned” at the start shaksksks
- BUT THIS SONG IS SO GOOD it’s another one they didn’t change very much
- The instrumental is a little more pop-y but otherwise it’s still got that retro vibe
- George was keeping it real and not changing his vocals in the song for us thank u
- Will Roland come thru with those harmonies once again
- Jeremy’s verse is really soft and sweet and I love it he just sounds done
- The extra lil video game sounds are spot on
- The “You know that you are my favorite person” lines are done so perfect but I’m sad Michael’s little giggle isn’t as prominent
The Squip Enters
- Jake’s “that freak is freaking out” isn’t that funny in this recording sjsksksksk I’m sad
- The Squip’s surfer voice was less prominent live and more realistic and I’m not sure I like it that much in the recording
Be More Chill PT 1
- The Squip has a solo part at the start!! It’s adorable
- Jason Tam yessss
- The Squip calling Jeremy Bae and Boo makes me wanna die tho
- The first part isn’t sung anymore which makes me wanna die too bc he has such a nice voice
- The Squip’s vocals in the chorus tho yes ma’am
- Instead of Jeremy saying “Jesus” he just has a lil panic attack that poor boy
- The Squip kinda sounds British in some parts of it
- You can hear George doing a funny voice for his mall character which makes me laff
- “Jerry?” —“jerry-ME” I love Will
- Chloe is a lot more pissed in this song
Do you wanna ride
- The instruments overpower Brooke in some parts
- They didn’t change the vocal lines too much but they did slow the song a bit ?
- The harmonies are really nice though come through Brooke and Chloe
- The end is also sped up a little
- Brooke’s giggle and the little French at the end was so cute
Be More Chill PT II
- “Everything about me makes me wanna die” LINE WAS SO SAD
- the instrumental build up was so incredible !!
- This is probably my favorite song for the Squip he just brings it vocally
Sync Up
- This replaces the original More than survive reprise
- I don’t like how it takes Michael’s little part out of it because I think it was necessary plus the instrumental part of that slapped
- Also I think it gives us a good insight into the characters but it could’ve been placed somewhere else maybe?
- I also think the beat isn’t very uniform and is kinda messy and the dialogue is more interesting than the actual song
- It shows how nice Jeremy is tho
- I liked this song live better because the actual song just isn’t interesting enough to be a song on its own
- Jeremy and Brooke’s interactions in the song is really nice
- I love the distorted little “na na na” from more than survive though you can tell it’s slightly off
- I don’t like “head to play rehearsal” instead of “drama practice” though I don’t think it flows well
- I’m sad they changed one of my favorite songs !!
A Guy That I’d Kinda Be Into
- Once again stronger instrumental, especially guitar
- The vocal track doesn’t seem to be changed very much again thank u god
- Weird clappy sounds ??
- The harmony on “absolutely” YES
- Christine’s little breathy laugh after “I guess there’s a part of me that wants to” yes sir
- Brooke speaking French at the start SNSKSKSKSOSK
- I think the dialogue gives more insight into Brooke and Jeremy’s relationship
- “Jere-Bear” NAJAKAKA
- Jake and Christine’s part is cute but it felt a little out of place for some reason and I don’t know why, like the little sad dialogue they have about Jake’s parents feels weird but it’s really
- “I’m tired of being the person everyone thinks that I am” feels like it should’ve been a part of sync up instead of upgrade
- Brooke saying she was happy Jeremy looking at her instead of Chloe first made me wanna bawl
- Also it makes me wanna punch Jeremy
- Poor Jenna got like 1 like in this song
- I feel like it wasn’t smooth transition into Loser Geek Whatever at the end I don’t like the whole weird chorus thing leading into it at all
- Feels out of place without Michael’s little part at the end, I’m sad they’re cutting significant Michael parts, I know they kept it in LGW but it felt more in place in upgrade
Loser Geek Whatever
- It’s great and Will re recorded it for the album because it seems to have more emotion and be more genuine
- He sounds super excited at the start and it makes happy
- One of the few songs that managed to keep BMC’s kinda creepy computer tech vibe which is weird because it wasn’t even in the original album I wonder if it was written newly or was a draft from the first run back in 2013-2015
- A little more upbeat but in a good way
- Will’s vocals sound a lot better than the first recording
- Extra beeping at “my one real friend” was nice
- Brooke does a little bark at the start awe
- The beat doesn’t go as hard as the OG cast recording which sucks bc it went hard
- Everyone kinda sounds like they wanna die at the start again which seems like common theme??
- The chorus doesn’t slap either what
- The song also got cut a little short I think unless I’m crazy but I feel like it was longer than this?
- Extra verse at the end and I don’t really like it
- Kinda boring now and doesn’t give you a panic attack vibe like the OG one did
Do You Wanna Hang
- Only song where they changed a lot that made it better
- Included the dialogue at the start which makes the song make more sense
- The Squip’s Voice is so smooth ssnskskskw
- Chloe’s losing her mind a little but I love it
Michael in the Bathroom
- Jesus George’s vocals OWN MY WHOLE ASS
- He’s only gotten better somehow
- No to the new pop-y sounds in it it takes sad creepy feel out of it
- Too much instrumental added bc it doesn’t sound like ballad anymore
- I dunno how I feel about it because George’s vocals are perfect but the instrumental is doing him dirty and not making it sad enough
- This song gives me anxiety now wjsjsksks and I don’t know if that’s good or bad?
- The few lines and instrumental lines are the same as the OG which is good
A Guy That I’d Kinda Be Into (reprise)
- Whoever’s playing that flute was told to play that shit LOUD
- Jeremy’s “Christineee” omg he’s so in love
The Smartphone Hour
- The new instrumental sounds at the start sound bonk
- The phone sound effects make me wanna die dndkjssk
- Tiffany Mann’s voice COME THROUGH
- The “whoaaaa” was changed which makes me sad
- I’m glad they specified it was Jake’s house because when I listened to the OG one at first I was like did he just burn down a random house ??
- The dialogue between Chloe and Brooke is kinda dramatic now but it’s not a bad thing
- the whistle noise has gotta go that’s what my track coaches whistle sounded like when I wasn’t running fast enough
- I’m scared now the dance break sounds like salsa music
- “Matches, ashes” was changed to “drama, drama” girl what
- Brooke’s screams yes
- The random auto tune voices in the back are trying to capture the creepy vibe that this song originally has but isn’t doing it
- This song isn’t changed much though and still has the OG vibes which is good
The Pants Song
- The weird piano at the start scares me
- The lyrics have changed a bit too
- I’m not too familiar with this song because I don’t listen to it so often but it doesn’t sound too different from the OG cast recording which is good instrumental wise
- The chorus sounds different though I don’t know how I feel about it
- The “Michael in the bathroom” melody playing in the back during the dialogue YES
- Omg the dialogue where Jeremy’s dad tells him to say it like he’s in the army omg I’m weak
The Pitiful Children
- My fav song
- Not this version I don’t think but
- I don’t mind the lyric changes but I think it takes the dark creepy techno vibe out of the song
- If it was anyone other than Jason Tam singing this version I wouldn’t like it
- The chorus lost its punch with this new pop sound
- I’m really confused as to why the lyrics had to change tho these make less on an impact, I think a solo song with Jeremy and the Squip about Christine would’ve cooler
- The Squip and Jeremy’s harmonies tho like fuck me up
- The techno voice singing “lets save the pitiful children” is eh like it makes it cheesy
- I’m scared of the Squip singing “Squip Squip Squip”
- “Everything about us” run is still amazing as always
- I just realized the Squip is using Christine to manipulate Jeremy into squipping everyone that makes sense that’s why the lyrics are changing
The Play
- The dialogue at the start is different but it makes sense, it’s Jeremy realizing the Squip made him Squip the whole cast
- The instrumental sound is the same thankfully
- “Michael makes an entrance” sounds like Michael wants to die is he good
- It adds Michael and Jeremy’s fighting dialogue in it which I like and adds the two player game melody in the back
- Jake’s “living the upgrade” line was cut short :((( I love his voice
- They changed the “having sex” convo between Brooke and Chloe which doesn’t make it relevant to that scene anymore ?? But they also validate each other so idc
- The “I love play rehearsal” melody playing when Christine talks yes ma’am
- “I’m stronger than you think I am” I LOVE JEREMY
- The LGW melody playing when Jeremy is telling the Squip to fuck off
- Jeremy and Michael saying “oh god” back and fourth to each other in different tones of voice is an accurate representation of having a best friend conversation
Voices in my head
- The start sounds like pac-man and I’m so here for it
- RICH HAS HIS LISP YES QUEEN also his harmonies !!
- This instrumental is kept pretty much the same too which I’m happy about
- “Don’t dump her on Halloween” BYE I love u Brooke
- “We are your squad” AWE
- It’s so pure
- The second verse has some lyric changes but I like them more
- LGW melody is playing when he and Christine talk which is so soft bc he’s like owning being a loser?
- The “bowling alley performance art” line wouldn’t make sense if you haven’t watched the show but it’s cute
- The loud flute is present again shsksksksks
- Awe the ending harmonies are soft
- The Squip was tripping balls in the end of that wtf
- The “na na na” runs at the end don’t sound like the more than survive ones sjsksksk
- “You ready?” I LOVE
- Jeremy is such a dork and I love that so much in this song
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cleverbroadwayurl · 5 years
Prom Queen (Jeremy Heere x Reader Pt 20)
Song: Prom Queen by Catie Turner
Word Count: 2629
Need to Catch Up? Again, everything is linked in my masterlist because Tumblr is being silly about links! 
A/N: Please enjoy this new installment! I’ve been working hard on making sure that this piece is wonderful, and actually over a year ago, I started writing and rewriting this piece! I am so happy with how far it’s come and the support on it is amazing!! Thank you so much! 
Taglist: @retrogarden @be-more-heidi-hansen @scarsonthecuffsofyourjeans @catatonic-kuragin @bluhimaweirdo @stargirl-murphy 
Trigger Warnings: Jeremy self depreciating, mentions of alcohol, extreme concern, mentions of an abusive boyfriend, mentions of traumas happening to a main character, mentions of the SQUIP, if I MISSED ANYTHING LET ME KNOW
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Jeremy reaches his hand out, shaking as he tries to move the cursor away from the piece of media. He stops. Sharply, quickly, he shuts his laptop and casts it aside. Rolling over, the tears that had been forming in his eyes now spill down his cheeks. He can feel his legs contracting, toes curling so hard that his muscles begin to hurt, hands gripping the blanket. You were okay. You had to be okay.
It’s been two weeks since Jeremy had packed up his entire room with Michael and landed himself back at home, in his own room, with his own bed, and his own bathroom. The change had been sudden, weird, foreign to him. There was a though as he had looked at his house—a simple one, a new one: I don’t live here anymore, do I?. As the bags rolled up and into the house, Jeremy felt himself hesitate, like the world had stopped for a second to allow him to just take everything in. Sure, he was happy to be back and see his friends, but he missed some of the people that he’d met at school. He missed being able to have explicit conversations at Michael at literally any time of the day, the 3 AM Super Smash Bros. battles on a random Tuesday. All of this even before he’d stepped into the house that he’d come to know so well. It was weird, frightening almost.
But that melted away when he set up his room and finally got things unpacked. Once everything had its place once again, it felt normal again. It had taken him a week to do that, and the second he finished, Brooke texted the group chat and asked about having a get together while Jake was still in town on vacation before his job started back up again—owning two places as an independent student wasn’t practical, so he just chose to move to the town his college was in and get a job there. He’d only be in town for a week or two, so this event would be important. It would be the only time that the group would see him before their own semesters restarted in four months.
Within the hour, it’s decided: a bonfire in Brooke’s large country backyard. The weather was finally warm enough to actually enjoy Summer activities, rather than just dream about them in the middle of class—Brooke’s words, not his. But the ability to wear a t-shirt with no coat was definitely a liberating feeling. And so it was planned. The date was set, Jake was free, and Jeremy snapped back into reality as he looked around at the done-up backyard that Brooke obviously put time into.
He glances around at the golden lights above his head, the ones from Target that are as big as your fist. The department store called them “patio lights”, but Brooke had just strung them overhead on just part of her large yard, wrapping around beams, and making what would be soon twilight calming, despite the loudness of conversations and people. Within minutes after everyone arrived, the fire was started—safely—and the party officially started. Jeremy kicked the dirt and the lemonade in his cup swished before going back to its static state.
For the safety of everyone driving, Jake mainly, who’d have to drive two hours back the next day, no alcohol was served. It just made things easier for everyone, alcohol had too many reasons to it, too many bad memories, and was too social in such a way that if one person had a drink, it’d be awkward for everyone else and visa versa. But that didn’t mean there weren’t options. There was soda, lemonade, pink lemonade, juice, and water. Of course, you could also mix different drinks together to create something new, which apparently Rich liked to do, because that’s what Jeremy ended up with after he’d asked “can you get me something to drink?”
It wasn’t a bad taste, it was just different. He’d asked for no caffeine, shockingly, because it was late and he kinda wanted to sleep that night. And Rich had kept his promise not to do that. He wasn’t going to intentionally go against someone’s wishes for no reason—that was dick move he’d been done with for almost 2 years now.
A breeze goes by, and for the first time in months, it feels good. It’s a cool 65, warm enough to wear a t-shirt and jeans, but not get cold when the breeze does hit you. The sun continues to set and the area goes from the golden that Jeremy envied and avoided so much to the darker hues of blue around him. The lights in the larger country house go on, the little kitchen window overlooking the backyard now prominent against the forest behind the party. As Jeremy zones out of conversation, he can feel heat in his chest—he missed this. He’d missed his friends, missed the get togethers, and while he really loved having people on his college campus that didn’t know anything about his junior year, he liked having people that he could relate to. He liked having a support group that didn’t need words to operate, but knew just by your actions what was happening. He enjoyed the way that he relaxed around the group, the way that everything seemed to click. No one was alone in the group, unless that person asked to be alone. He liked it. College was spent alone usually, this was…nice was the best word he could come up with.
Daisy runs through the party and stops at Jeremy. He can’t help a smile as he leans down and pets the yellow lab, her face reflecting the smile. The dog pants and enjoys the pets she gets before dashing off to a new part of the yard, chasing or following or doing something sweet that big dogs do. His heart swelled as she did so. Jeremy wasn’t sure why, but big dogs had such a soft spot in his heart. With a fluid motion, Jeremy decides to actually socialize with the people around him. His lemonade concoction swishes as he walks, and he’s careful to not spill it on himself or onto the ground. Jeremy decides to join the group of Chloe and Jenna; it’d been a while since he spoke to either of them, probably since around the holidays.
He joins in at the seemingly wrong time: Jenna’s talking about her social work classes for her major and prelaw track. She’s smart, she’s confident, and the prelaw track was unexpected, but it suits her. The information she now stores in her head is to indefinitely help people instead of using it in the snake-like way she once did. While not the social butterfly in high school, Jenna sure seems to be one in college. Good for her.
There’s an exchange on conversation, shifting to Chloe’s interest in design. She’d been debating on which design for a while, but was now narrowed down to two different kinds: textile or interior. Jeremy was sure she’d choose interior. Chloe continued to talk on, but Jeremy couldn’t pay attention to her. The things she was saying were interesting, and he’d remember the silly facts later when talking to her. He knew how much Chloe loved to talk about design and creating—he’d get the spiel later.
No, instead, something felt off. There was something ominous about the Summertime for some reason. It felt like something was missing, like there was a loose connection somewhere. It had happened before, but nothing this strong, this out of place. It was that feeling you get when first starting a horror game. That edge, that something’s wrong but I don’t know what feeling. He kicks the dirt once again, lemonade drink clonking against the sides of the cup. This time, the drink doesn’t matter, the ground is just dirt, everything just felt like shapes. Fuck, maybe Night in the Woods had gotten to him too much. It wasn’t the same kind of shapes, though. It just…everything mattered to him, but the shapes persisted around him as the feeling kept haunting him.
As a distraction, he looks at the road and the neighbor’s house across the street. It’s a wooden house, and seems to only be stained and not painted. There are shutters, but Jeremy doesn’t notice them right away. It’s almost like a much larger version of a cottage in the woods. Instead, this is in an almost field area, out in the country but not owning any land for farming. It doesn’t matter. Jeremy can’t shake the feeling that there’s something odd. The air felt different, his mind is thinking about what that one thing is. He’s too distracted for a distraction.
Another breeze passes through, and Jeremy gets a chill this time as the leaves begin applauding the night. But instead of being set back into the present, Jeremy is escorted to the past. He can remember the wooden bench, the white paint, the architecture, the light in the octagon in the center of the roof, the that he—stop. It’s a command to himself. He can’t think about you. He can’t have the memories that include his senses happen here, not now. That would ruin the night, he’d have to go home, and not by himself. There’s no possible way to operate a car while his brain is giving him flashes, beautiful moments he’d shared with you—the way you’d clutched that coffee mug in the café, the way you’d been so afraid of everything, except, for the most part, him. The way you’d fallen asleep against the window of his car as he drove you home that first night, the Instagram posts, the moments of reluctancy, how everything came crashing down during one of the longest nights of Jeremy’s life. But he couldn’t start thinking about you now. He couldn’t think about the butterfly effect, the evidence that screams at him that you’re not okay or even worse.
Now is not the moment to think about that. Those times usually end in him playing the switch until 4 in the morning, trying to rid his head of you. All anyone had to do was ask Michael about it, he’d been the one to tell Jeremy to save for fuck’s sake and go to bed. Jeremy shakes his head of those thoughts, eyes searching for Michael around the yard, but fuck, he must be hallucinating because Michael isn’t anywhere to be found. Plan B: look for Rich.
But as soon as Jeremy’s eyes scan for Rich, he can’t spy that usually easy to spot red streak that Rich had kept so nicely. It was a trademark at this point, but not being able to find the trademark was terrifying. It was at this moment that Jeremy had to find someone who could just distract him until he could find one or both of them. And that’s when the conversation at hand seemed perfect for him. Jenna’s studies were interesting, an easy distraction was laid right in front of him. So he tuned in for a bit, but his brain was only retaining little information. The conversation had turned to white noise long ago, and his hand gripped the cup in his hand, knuckles turning white from forcing himself to attempt to be calm for just long enough to pass off that things were at least okay.
His eyes finally fix on the forest that surrounds the backyard, calming trees standing proudly against the golden light from the house and string lights above them. The yellowish glow gave the scene a heavenly glow. How ironic. As the darkness continued to seep into the area, the backs of the forest better fit Jeremy’s mood. On the surface, it was light, it was easy, like the beginning of Oxenfree. But underneath, everything felt dark, something was ominous, something was missing. With that thought, Jeremy realized just how destructive to himself he was being. This wasn’t the time to be thinking about you or trying to avoid thinking about you. Wikihow was right, he shouldn’t focus on forgetting you, he should just let things happen, let thoughts happen, and not dwell on them. It was easier to stop thinking about something when you aren’t trying to actively stop thinking about it. And the logic of it made sense, it’s just much easier said than done.
So his eyes refocus on the people around him, the sky, the idea of this chill party-turned bonfire and how nice it was to see everyone again. He thought about the moments before, the plans he had afterwards, but Michael had been weird about that. They usually played games after get togethers with all of their friends, but Michael had bailed this time, claiming that Jeremy probably wouldn’t want to. It was an odd excuse, and gave Jeremy that same feeling that he’d been feeling all night—and that was it. That was why everything was so odd, so weird, and of course reintegrating yourself back into your hometown is a weird feeling by itself, because again, Jeremy definitely felt like he’d moved. With a swish of his drink, Jeremy hears footsteps growing closer and the chain link fence to keep the dogs in click open.
With a quick assumption, Jeremy assumes that it’s just Jake or Rich or something coming back from getting more ice. It wasn’t warm, but the ice was melting like it was. He supposed that the breeze couldn’t cool it down—god that was a dumb joke. But it didn’t matter. He didn’t say it out loud. Jeremy blinks, and finally he’s able to focus on the conversation again.
But the minute that he’s ready to contribute to the conversation, Chloe and Jenna had backed away a little bit, sitting near the outskirts of the yard as they look at him. Jeremy gives a shrug, a confused look, before noticing that almost everyone had backed away from him and were talking quietly. He whips his head around and locks eyes with Christine. She smiles wide, wider than he’s seen all night, and she gives him a nod before taking another sip of whatever she’s drinking. Panic starts to spread around Jeremy, worried that this was a prank. Was someone about to spill water onto him? Where was Michael, and more importantly, where was Rich? Would they need Mountain Dew Red? Had things gotten bad again? Was that the reason behind the rude prank that he was sure was going to happen?
With another second, Jeremy spots the trademark; Rich’s red streak. He’s sipping his drink, almost trying to hide the large smile on his face. Now that Jeremy notices, everyone is following suit. They all have this playful look in their eyes, almost like he was again—about to be completely punk’d by Michael Mell himself. And then, almost all at once, everyone is telling him to turn around. But he’s not falling for that, he’s not falling for Michael standing right behind him to scare him. No way, not again. Finally, there’s a sound that Jeremy can hear.
It’s from behind him, and he recognizes Michael’s voice. Tensing and almost preparing for the worst, Jeremy starts speaking, justifying his reasoning as he does so: “Michael, I swear to god if you’re—”
And then everything stops. Jeremy’s brain stopped functioning, worse than it had in months. His mouth hung open, drink dropped and now spilling onto the dirt. If it was seeping onto his shoes, Jeremy sure as hell didn’t notice. He wasn’t even sure if he was breathing as Michael stepped out of his line of sight. Jeremy can feel his mouth dry, his hands get sweaty, mind running fast enough that every motion that he’d done felt like a million years long. He wanted to say something, he prayed for something coherent and at least kind of smart to say, something that would be perfect, new, and beautiful. Something that captured everything that had been happening, but it didn’t matter. The silence was filled soon enough.
It was you.
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runningonmarvel · 6 years
little things in be more chill
Act 1
-the subtle lyric changes throughout. I was skeptical but they were good
-the intimacy of the theater. every single seat was good and we were all so close. it was such an experience. add to that the fact that there were only 8 or so actors and it was just amazing
-the band in the background at first. they were awesome
-Will Roland’s facial expressions were killer. and his high notes/head voice were so so good
-the huge cheer when Michael came on
-I LOVE GEORGE SALAZAR. just putting that out there
-the gay pride patch on Michael’s jacket
-after the Boyf Riends backpacks Michael saying “my moms would be proud” and it was the sweetest ever
-all of Christine in I love play rehearsal
-and her green flower dress
-Christine almost kissing Jeremy before she starts running around screaming 
-“and today… that dream dies”
-Brooke humming do you wanna ride
-“parting… is such… sweet..”
-christine being appreciated by Jake. can this be a regular thing please
-jake dabbing while describing how sad juliet’s death was
-getting zapped by the squip :(
-rich slapping himself when he lisps
-he was almost crying when he said “so suicidal”
-the hand dance I love it okay
-and then everyone was doing it in the background
-two player game aka the iconic boyf riends bop
-their knees were literally touching oKaY
-soft smile when Jeremy says “you know that you are my favorite person”
-Michael’s concern when Jeremy gets mad at his dad: he was so worried and you could see it on his face
-controller flips™
-the apocalypse of the damned screen around the edges
-honestly the whole set. the screens were so cool and versatile and the sliding pieces and they did so much with so little and honestly I should make a whole post about it
-the sketchy payless man gives me life
“well what does it taste like?” “LiKe gHoSts”
-the squip’s ICONIC entrance: the signs all slide off and he steps in with that suit like damn son
-I won’t rant long but his voice okay. his voice. and his mannerisms. and his— I need help
-brooke sliding her straw into her cup very vigorously in do you wanna ride. plus the dance moves
-the squip checking out chloe (several times). I’m uncomfortable but same tbh
-BMC part 2 breaks me every time. jeremy is so sad. it’s awful
-the squip looking out into the crowd before more than survive part 2
-and then tucking in jeremy like okay
-all the squip’s super quick costume changes give me life
-“Hello?” *silence* a beat… *shrugs and grabs laptop*
-the entirety of More than Survive part 2 for this reason and this reason alone: the awful look on Michael’s face. he kept mouthing “Jeremy” but Jeremy never once noticed him. and he already looked so torn apart
-rich being nice finally. and them being friends while Michael has to watch alone
-iAMbic PENtamETer (thanks brooke)
-jenna slaying the play. theater kid yes and thank you. with her iconic outfits
-christine and jeremy were dancing during a guy that i’d kind of be into and jeremy’s hands on her waist was the cutest purest thing ever
-jeremy adamantly saying “I want Christine.” buddy. she’s a person.
-“pursue…. other options” *brooke dances in*
-“I don’t know why I’m crying” yup me neither jerry
-jeremy and brooke making out alright then
-christine didn’t get her ad lib but her confused-shocked expression was on point
-so the squip got jeremy’s lines about “Tried to be genuine and true. but now it’s time for something new” and etc. which i think actually makes sense. and then we got to see everything from Jeremy’s point of view
-seriously the stage was clear just him. it was kind of awesome
-UM THE WHOLE NEW SONG??? “Loser Geek Whatever”- those notes at the end and his power oh my god
-noooooo the optic nerve blocking
-it was awful because Michael looked so happy that Jeremy was back and then the cover just flew down over him and it all went black
-and then the squip’s costume oh my gosh
Act 2
-the halloween decorations
-THE HALLOWEEN COSTUMES. Jenna Rolan as a huge clown is the mood of the year.
-“a loaf of bread will do” *swings baguette*
-jake, rich, brooke, chloe, and jenna being such a squad
-“I—I’m Juliet”: heartbreak
-Jeremy’s costume was really cool honestly
-Christine being so out of place at first but then everyone’s dancing and she’s found her place
-chloe crawling like a baby oh my god
-jake coming in the window
-Michael’s trash costume
-when Jeremy called Michael a loser I broke
-all of Michael in the bathroom. George has perfected it and he was crying real tears
-rubbing his eyes the way real people with glasses do
-everyone knocking on the door but then they all left because no one cared about him
-who was that abominable snowman though
-Christine and Jeremy were such cute little nerds at the party awww
-with their little grunting or whatever
-rich’s squip is a girl so yeah that’s a fact
-it was so sad when he got out the gasoline. he had nothing else to do and he would rather die it was awful
-the smartphone hour was genius
-and Jenna’s riffs omg I loved her actress so much
-that selfie of jenna with the house literally burning down but it’s fine
-their silhouettes again wow
-jeremy in the all black outfit. I know he’s in trouble but wow
-they put the pants song before pitiful children but it worked so well
-“smoking…. incense”
-“do you love him?” *caught red-handed, with the whole audience staring you down while not wearing pants* *coughs* “uh… what?”
-his face was red and everyone in the audience just knew -michael got to sing, by himself “when you love somebody, you put your pants on for them.” and if that’s not boyf riends idk what is. he loves Jeremy. it’s canon
-decorating rich’s locker
-“I’m a person, you know.”
-the squip’s last costume with the streamers and the wig
-“What’s wrong with me now?” THANK YOU CHRISTINE
-ATHENS, georgia. Center for Disease Control
-so they also changed pitiful children: the squip wanted to possess everyone in order to make them all happier which would stop christine from being sad and stressed out. and it worked better than just squipping the whole school because
-“Michael, call Michael” *kicks phone away*
-MICHAEL MAKES AN ENTRANCE is the most iconic thing ever don’t change my mind
-“wait, you came to see me in the play?” gets me every time
-“great, give it to me” “sure— NOPE”
-Michael demanding an apology because he knows his self-worth
-“I’m jealous that you care!” “Yeah, well I’m jealous that you don’t!” genius
-their fighting while the squip shadowboxes
-and the sad parallels to two-player game
-everyone getting zapped except Michael and his confusion
-the hilarious play costumes
-the changed part between Christine and Michael: “I’m not— she is”
-he sacrificed everything for her
-Michael joining in on the screaming
-and then the squip was alone on stage. and it was fitting because he got wiped away the same way Michael was in Act 1
-and then the screens all go black
-and then the be more chill colored pixels
-and then black
-rich with all the broken bones
-and rich being an iconic bi
-Michael to Rich, suggestively “I’m sure you’ll find a *very* special friend.”
-but then he runs over to Jeremy and his faced was concerned so idk what to tell you
-chloe and jake totally being a thing at the end
-jenna and brooke *totally* being a thing? It was hard to tell
-jeremy giving christine the cutest, most awkward kiss of all time and her pure cinnamon roll surprise and shock
-and then they kissed again and it was adorable
-the na na nas
-everyone getting off stage except Jeremy, Christine, his dad, and Michael because those are the three most important people in his life
-and Michael was last to leave may I mention
-and then it was just Jeremy, as it should be. and his smile was everything
-the cast having a dance party after the final bow
-Jason Tam (the squip) and Will Roland were dancing and it was hilarious 
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Be More Notes: my very long ramblings on BMC as I finally listen to the whole thing
Ok!  I’m finally doing it!  Now that the cast album is out I’m going to really give all of Be More Chill a listen, try to put the things that annoy me about the show aside, and give it a fair chance.  And have decided to do running commentary here for the nobody who gives a shit lol.  Going in I wanna say I’ve heard 4 full songs and random bits of other songs from the original soundtrack.  And I’ll be listening now to the OBC album plus watching a b**tlg, I’m not totally sure when it took place I just know Will Roland is in it so at the very least New York.  Keep in mind whatever I think of this show, if I end up hating it, if you like it you’re right.  My opinion in no way invalidated anybody else’s or is above anyone else’s in my eyes, frankly I don’t enjoy not liking things, it just means I don’t get to come to the party and that’s not fun.  So I might be poking fun at the show sometimes but if this speaks to you, that is fucking awesome!  Also I’m old now and I guess no longer the target audience for stuff like this.  
Spoilers for those who haven’t watched the show and don’t want to know stage stuff because I’ll be commenting on that.  This ended up being really long, eh.  
More Than Survive -ok this song I’ve heard before, and it both turned me off the show and also made me respect the hell out of it, because much like I give a salute to Black Mirror having the balls to make pig sex their pilot, I salute a musical that starts with jerking off -So far like Roland a little more than the previous guy.  From what I’ve gathered from clips, while that dude is hella talented and cute as a button I kind of buy Roland as a terrified, desperate, frustrated high school kid more   -Man I really do dig the hell out of the score and there is no denying this is catchy but some of these lyrics are so cringe -WHY IS A TEEN IN 2019 REFERENCING JOE PESCI?! -Ok I love the idea of a short bully calling somebody “tall ass” -I do like Jeremy’s body language better in this one. Also does he vocally remind anyone else of Max from Goofy Movie?  Maybe this song just reminds me  of “After Today” for no reason. -“super pimp” “mac daddy game”....OK!  I’m going to try not to list every time I cringe.  I just have questions -You don’t  want to be Clooney...high school child in 2019 is Clooney really your reference for cool?  Sorry I just struggle with this stuff because I keep hearing how this show is so in touch with kids these days but I just see:
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-lol Michael came on and people went apseshit in the audience.  All my nitpicks aside I bet this room probably has some great energy. -..Michael the clerk at 7/11 doesn’t pour your slushie, it’s self serve.  Are you trying to seem cool to Jeremy right now? -Aah the boyfriend backpacks.  I know of this ship -Yeah Christine brings the flutes!!!  I was a flute player, we never get love -HAHA when Christine is doing her weird ass dance, in the recording I’m watching somebody right in front of the person recording just went “I don’t get this show”.  Like me too darlin, but you got 2 hours left so suck it up -Oh but sir, check the playbill.  The story is indeed about you -in summation this song kind of encapsulates everything I feel about this show, good performances and catchy as fuck and musically interesting and a lot of me asking “why”.
Play Rehearsal   -Well Christine is adorable -wow wait what?  wtf was that weird self harm comment???  Are we just gonna skip that??? -Ok I was a band kid in HS so I guess I don’t get this level of extra.  Band rehearsal is just tuning and then fucking around until somebody makes you play Bach -...is Christine ok??? -Ok I think at least for now I may hate her.  But I like that Jeremy likes her, likes her passion and such.  I approve of her conceptually!  I just don’t wanna be around her -I thought play rehearsal was gay, Rich?!  WHAT YOU DOIN AT PLAY REHEARSAL RICH?! -...I mean I’ve seen Romeo and Juliet as a zombie wasteland movie, I would watch Midsummer zombies
More Than Survive Reprise -”least I didn’t have a breakdown and have to go the nurse” Ok fair, I can relate to that high school experience -this set is kind of working for me, basic but fun and the floor is neat -I know high school bullies are a thing I guess? But I always just saw them in movies?  Now Middle School bullies were legit and terrible and I got the shit kicked out of me, but by HS I feel like everybody was too into their own shit to care much about anyone else??  Maybe that was just my school -Will Roland’s body language is real good in this show
The Squip Song -Oh!  Surprise Rich lisp. Creative way to show how this thing alters you -..ok now we know about Rich’s dick size.  I mean hon your short, maybe your penis is just proportionate?   -DO I DETECT SOME THEREMIN IN THIS ORCHESTRATION?!   Gimme all the theremin!   -Ok so the squip made him be an asshole?  Does he secretly want to be buddies with Jeremy? -Ok what the fuck are the people in the background doing here?!? -I know people ship Michael and Jeremy but I feel like Rich kinda wants to jump that tall ass??
Two Player Game -Ok the little sign for the game that came up was cute -These guys are kinda cute, even if I wish they’d tone down Michael’s “I’M QUIRKY!!  YOU GET IT?!?” shtick -That is accurate!  Y’all will be cool in college and I don’t see that brought up often -This is the first time I’ve found the choreography fun   -...why is this dad allergic to pants?? -ah.  Depression=no pants.  And now I get why Jeremy’s so desperate not to stay as he is.  Well points for making it not just about the girl -awww Michael is his bae -bro I’ve heard Loser Geek Whatever, you’re tellin lies right now to your buddy -LOL!  WTF IS THIS WINDOWS SCREENSAVER OF A VIDEO GAME?!? -oh wow dancin went off the rails here at the end
Squip Enters -Mountain Dew?  Well, better than Surge I guess.   -Ok the Ecto Cooler line legit made me laugh.  And I guess I could come down on the show for making Michael psyched about a drink that came out before he was born, but I have a pretty intense Crystal Pepsi obsession and that shit came out when I was maybe 4?  So I get it Michael, you go enjoy your liquid ghosts -well that squip thing doesn’t look fun -Oooooh Ok Keanu is like factory setting, alright I’ll accept this.  Though I will say this show would be 35% better if he was dressed like Keanu from Bill and Ted
Be More Chill Prt 1 -Hey stop shitting on Jeremy.  I think I kinda like him -wow Keanu, I didn’t think you’d be so mean -I mean everyone chanting “everything about you sucks” is just how peeps with anxiety feel constantly.  Eminem shirt ain’t gonna fix that -”Jerry-me” ok Will Roland is kind of making this work for me.   -Him repeating everything the squip said is a fun little sequence.  Like I dig this conceptually, scifi musicals are rare and can be neat - Lol the hate who they hate thing is pretty accurate
Do You Wanna Ride? -hey Jeremy what about Christiiiiine
Be More Chill Part 2 -the beginning of this song broke me a little.  Hey!  I’m feelin a thing! -this song is pretty fun!  It works!   -though the cast of like 10 people that just keep putting on different wigs make it feel like a high school play or a starkid production
Sync Up -ok so now I know I’m watching previews?  Because sync up isn’t here -I do think this song is a really good addition.  I mean it’s not like a stand out fantastic song but it does a good job getting across the themes and drives home the whole “everybody has problems” thing too which I like -Ok..dairy line was weird.  
A Guy I Could Kinda Be Into -Ok the weird girl fighting stuff about Jake is unpleasant and sort of unnecessary -a squip gives you a deep voice and the ability to kinda do accents.  Cool -ooo this is catchy, this is gonna make the spotify playlist -the goofy background hearts are cute.  I still don’t know why she’s into Jake or why she’s friends with Jeremy or if they should be together since legit the only thing she thinks they have in common is theater which he doesn’t care about..but this song is still cute -lol squips understand friend zone
Upgrade -DID THIS SHOW JUST KILL EMINEM?! -How did the squip know that?!  Does Eminem have a squip??  I mean it kinda makes sense.. -Don’t you see Jerbear?! The key to popularity is in this girl’s vagina!  Happy they cut the “I’ll tenderly guide you just take me inside you” thing, little creepy -Why did Jake make a kicking motion to illustrate cricket?  I’m like 85% sure Jake doesn’t know what cricket is... -the “feel all the feels” like is a little goofy but I really like the rewrite for this song, showing some depth of character.  Good job, show!  And I’m seeing some chemistry between these two, but I don’t know if I’m meant to? -Oh no!  The whole “you looked at me” thing from Brooke was so sweet and sad.  And the player two thing.  Yeah this OG version of this song can go fuck off, the rewrite is a really good tune.  I’ll admit the original maybe built up the horror a little, the squip sounds more threatening coming in at the end but I like where there going making this about everyone and not just Jeremy
Loser Geek Whatever -Squip blocked Michael??  You’re a dick, Keanu Reeves -I didn’t love this song when I first heard the single but hearing the version on the album and the stripped down piano version, I really really like it.  Gives me some of those old geek feels from back in the day -sort of surprise by how little is happening on stage though?  I sort of assumed something was happening as the song built?  But nope, just Will rocking his wee heart out -LOL!  What is Squip’s new outfit???
Halloween -Ah, it’s this show Big Fun.  This is a lot catchier than Big Fun though -I went to exactly one of these kinds of parties in HS, just replace Halloween with punks after a rock show and add a lot more drugs.  I didn’t hide in a bathroom but I did hide next to the stairs until my mom came and got me.  Memories!!  You know what this show is succeeding I suppose, it’s making me have HS feels -...is Jake dressed as Thomas Jefferson? -Jenna you’re too cute for that costume.  You should get to wear something sexy too!  Unless you just dig clowns in which case enjoy yourself hon -Ooooooh Prince, I get it -this is not this show’s fault at all but I struggle with dancing in shows.  I mean the title of my blog is The Girl Who Used to Hate Musicals because I did, and while I love them now extended dancing sequences still take me out of a show real fast.  I know I’m in the minority here -...what the fuck is that weird fuzzy thing with the big teeth -Hot damn!  Go Rich!  Dancin fool
Do You Wanna Hang? -I don’t like any part of this plot line... -Ok!  Didn’t realized she was dressed like a “sexy baby” so the diaper line sort of horrified me.  I mean it still does!  I just understand it now
Michael in the Bathroom -hey the bathtub!  Ok I know enough to know what happens now -Jeremy why you gotta be so mean -I mean what is there to say, great song.  I wondered if they’d change anything for the new recording and I dig the arrangement, especially the stripped down acoustic guitar and piano parts!! Also as a lady who maybe once or twice since discovering this song has gotten tipsy and sung it karaoke-like, appreciate the slower and the higher.  It’s not a lot, just a bit, but makes it less of a struggle to match.  Thanks bro!
A Guy That I’d Kinda Be Into (Reprise) -Finally!  They’re both giant doofs but I see some connection!  And I mean my roommate and I have noises we always make at each other like a call and response, so I gets it -He asked it!  So proud.  Rejected but proud of the boy, and rejected for good reasons
The Smartphone Hour -Heard part of this song before.  Really like this Jenna more than original Jenna, her performance was a little much for me -This is one of those songs where I really do feel like I’m watching a HS original production..but a good one?  Maybe cause I haven’t seen something like this on Broadway, but that’s a good thing.  Always good to see new kinds of things on Broadway -lol what is the middle of this song?!  I feel like I’m suddenly watching a cheer squad or like a John Waters inspired musical, which from what little I know of Joe Iconis I think he’d be cool with that comparison
The Pants Song -Jeremy don’t be mean to your dad! -Yipes is this the Break in a Glove or Dead Gay Son of BMC?? -....yeah it totally is -”Do you love him??” Has Jeremy’s dad finally given up on finding a girl in Jeremy’s room? -Ok ok I’m gettin the ship
The Pitiful Children -So squip just looks like this now, I thought maybe he was just being fancy for Halloween -Hot damn Jenna!  Why were we savin that voice?! -I feel like I’m missing something with these weird hand motions the squip is always, do they actually mean something? -goosestepping...alright.  Oh no Jeremy did the hand motions, I think that means a thing
The Play -Jeremy is being so creepy but he means well?  I guess?   -lol using the play to spread the squips is pretty clever -wtf red mountain dew?  Really?  You know what fuck it, discontinued drinks for the win.  Maybe my saved bottles of Crystal Pepsi will stop an apocalypse one day! -Michael’s entrance was cute, and hey he just happens to have code red.  I wish ecto cooler was what shut it off. -The glitching voice is crazy when Jeremy is fighting Michael and I love the way Jeremy is sort of bobbing up and down in fighting stance like a video game character,  Fun touch -squip is making Jeremy go all Idle Hands! -I prefer the recording version of the guys making up, the whole “I just wanted to be liked” “I just wanted to be seen” thing -the squip has to be so extra even in death
Voices in My Head -hey lispy Rich is back!  And bi now I guess? -Oh is that why people think Michael/Jeremy are a thing?  The squip blocked Rich’s bi thoughts from him and it blocked Michael from Jeremy’s vision?  I mean it would be an interesting story, I’d take it. -This might be my favorite song and I don’t really know why, I don’t super love that Jeremy still gets Christine in the end but I just love how this song sounds -I’ve never heard a character wearing pants get an applause? -improved lyrics in the Broadway version, and since it got more into the popular kids as people you can kinda see why they’d still stay friend with Jeremy -”I’ll throw you a rope home slice if you need some dope advice” like is this parody?  What is this??  Well..still my fav song despite this line.  A line they liked so much it’s the one original popular kid line they kept in the new version??? -don’t know if I see much future for these two, but Jeremy’s reaction to the kiss was cute -”Of the voices in my head the loudest one is mine” is my favorite line of the show -lol Rich’s little sneak hug.  I feel like Rich always wanted to be friends with Jeremy?  Or had a crush on him and that’s why his squip made him beat Jeremy up?  Is this pairing a thing?
Final thoughts:  This was so stupid long, nobody read this but that’s ok!  It was fun to take notes anyway.  Listening to it all, I liked it more than I thought I would, especially with the lyric changes.  I don’t know if I would like it as much if it wasn’t Will Roland, the dude just really made this character likable when he could very easily not be.  Some of the lines still bug me, there’s still a lot of cringe here but there’s also a lot of good stuff.  This show introduced me to Joe Iconis and I’m slowly falling in love with him from his other work and CANNOT WAIT for Broadway Bounty Hunter because that sounds so like my jam.  Overall I do get why people like this show, especially younger people because you can relate to the characters but maybe you want something a little peppier than DEH.   I don’t think this is a soundtrack I’m going to ever listen to all the way through, but I’m for sure grabbing a handful of songs and sticking them on my musical play list.  And when this thing goes on tour and ends up in LA, I think it would probably be worth checking out if I can, looks like a fun watch.  Though with all the young fans and internet fans if they’re smart they’re gonna record this bitch.
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todays-jeremy-heere · 6 years
opinions on your friends?
A-All of them? Uh…
@todays-michael-mell is my favourite person. He’s a huge n-nerd and I love him for it, he gives the least fucks anyone has ever given about what others think about him a-and that’s kinda, contagious? So I’m super grateful to him also.
@todays-rich-goranski is uh… l-loud? He’s always the most enthusiastic person in the room a-and I don’t know how he does that. Super resilient and also s-secretly a nerd. 
@todays-jake-dillinger is the perfect person, I d-don’t know what else you need, w-we all think it. Good grades, g-good at sports, super nice, he’s cool.
@todays-brooke-lohst is really sweet and caring. She s-said she wants to pick out my prom suit and I d-don’t have any complaints since she’s good at fashion stuff. M-Much better at Mario Cart than you’d expect and she’s great at pep talks.
@todays-jenna-rolan is uh… quieter than you’d expect? B-But she’s really nice and funny, good at t-trying to motivate us to do things. S-She always has something new to tell us every lunch, which is cool. I-I like her.
@todays-chloe-valentine is a massive mom friend. D-Don’t try sulking in front of her she will come and make you feel better. Super intimidating and e-empowered, queen of Middleborough, always has great advice. Good friend.
@todays-christinecanigula is too good for this world. S-She quotes musicals every five seconds, happy, e-energetic, apparently watched horror films ‘for the plot’ which is adorable. A-And really smart, r-really really smart.
(I know you probs expected something shorter but I wanted to do this.  -Mod Sophie)
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lovinglohst · 6 years
I Wanna Dance With Somebody: Chapter 2- Nothing Good Ever Happens At The Mall
Story Pairings: Boyf riends, Pinkberry, RichJake
Chapter Characters: Michael Mells, Brooke Lohst, Jenna Rolan
Chapter Warnings: N/A
Story Summary: On the night of the Halloween Party, Michael is about halfway through having his infamous panic attack when Brooke comes tumbling into the bathroom, in the middle of her very own teenage angst. Michael lets her stay and the two sit in the bathtub and bond over their anger at their friends/super-mega-crushes. That’s when they get the idea to start fake dating to both get back at Jeremy and Chloe and win them over. Chaos, bonding, and gay ensue.
Authors’ Note: Chapter 2 has arrived! We hope people enjoy it! - Aly and Nik
AO3 Link
His phone was buzzing.
Even in his half-conscious state, Michael could register that. His tired mind immediately went to Jeremy, who was the only person who could possibly be texting him at such an early (ungodly) hour. Slowly and reluctantly, he pushed the thick covers away from his face and blindly reached out his hand to feel for his phone.
It was only when he finally got a hold of it that he realized he was also missing his glasses if the blurry screen was anything to go by. With a tired groan, he once again reached over to his bedside table, grabbing his glasses and slipping them on.
With his sight restored he could see that the messages were in fact not from Jeremy because, oh yeah, they weren’t friends anymore. Michael pointedly ignored the aching throb his heart made at this realization, instead choosing to focus on the two texts from an unknown number waiting patiently on his home screen (a very cringey picture of him and Jeremy from last year’s Halloween).
UNKNOWN: Morning ‘Boyfriend’ ;)
UNKNOWN: Got any plans for today?
Michael did a double take, rereading the messages a few times to be sure he wasn’t hallucinating.
What the fuck…?
ME: Who is this?
It took a few seconds before the three dots indicating the other person was typing popped up, quickly followed by a message.
UNKNOWN: It’s Brooke! Who else would be texting you that lolllllllll
UNKNOWN: Don’t tell me you have another fake girlfriend
Michael couldn’t help but smile down at the screen, remembering their scheme from the previous night. After finishing their slushies, Michael had dropped Brooke back at Jake’s so she could get her car (her mother’s, she’d told him after unlocking the dark cadillac), and then he had stumbled home to crash in his bed.
ME: I have five actually :)
BROOKE: Haha very funny
Before Michael could type out a reply assuring her that he was in fact a very funny person, there was a knock on his door followed by his mother’s soft voice. “Michael? You awake, honey?”
“Yeah!” He called back just as another text popped up on the screen.
BROOKE: So, plans???
“Hey mom? Is it cool if I have a friend over?”
The question seemed to be enough cause for his mom to open the door, poking her head inside his dimly lit room.
“Honey, you know you don’t have to ask if Jeremy can come over, right? He’s practically family at this point.”
Michael hoped the way he flinched at the name wasn’t all that visible and he quickly shook his head. “Not Jeremy, another friend.”
“Another friend?” The surprise in his mom’s voice was almost enough for him to be insulted. Then again, he himself never would have thought he’d be having anyone other than Jeremy coming to his house. Guess things had really changed.
“Yes mom, I do have those contrary to popular belief.” He replied before adding, “So can she come?”
“She?” His mom raised a brow, surprise written all over her face once more before she shook it off, “Sure, she can come over. Though you should probably get dressed first.”
“I will.” He assured her, picking up his phone and typing out a quick text.
MICHAEL: My house in an hour?
Exactly an hour later the sound of the doorbell rang through the house and Michael got out of his bed in a rush, hoping to answer the door before one of his moms could.
But Michael didn’t seem to be getting much of what he wanted the past few days, as when he’d made his way down the stairs he was greeted by the sound of his mom’s making small talk with Brooke.
“There he is! Michael, you didn’t mention that your friend was so pretty!” His Ma teased and Michael did his best to refrain from rolling his eyes.
“Girlfriend, actually.” Brooke corrected, smiling brightly at Michael who had instantly turned bright red at the comment.
“Michael didn’t mention that either.” His Mom said shooting him a look.
“I thought you were gay!” His Ma exclaimed, much more bluntly, never being one for subtleness.
Brooke seemed fairly amused by his mothers and he made a mental note to get back at her for this.
“Okay relax she’s not my girlfriend. I mean she is...but she’s not! I’m still very gay! We’re just….fake dating.” He tried to ignore how lame that sounded while his mothers stared at him in confusion.
“Fake dating? Why?” He sputtered helplessly at the question, looking over at Brooke to help him. She giggled, crossing the room to stand beside him and give his mothers a warm smile.
“Well you see, Michael is mad at Jeremy and I’m mad at my friend Chloe, so we decided to fake date to make them jealous,” She paused as if realizing she had forgotten something before adding in, “Oh, and the reason we’re mad at them is because we’re kinda in love with them, and they’re both acting like assh-I mean, jerks lately.”
Michael didn’t even bother to hide his grimace at her blunt honesty. He had never spoken to his Moms about his feelings for Jeremy. In fact, he had actually denied being in love with his best friend various times when they had questioned him.  He could already feel the anxiety inching through him but the laughter from his Ma managed to quickly calm his nerves over the whole thing.
“That’s great, good for you two!” She exclaimed, ignoring the look her wife shot her.
“Just be careful.” His Mom cautioned.
Be careful. Huh. Michael was pretty sure that being careful wasn’t exactly an option when you were fake dating Brooke Lohst but he nodded anyway to quell her concerns.
“Can we go upstairs now and pretend this horrible conversation, like, never happened?” Michael questioned, already beginning to tug on the sleeve of Brooke’s sweater, inching her towards the stairs.  
“Of course, let us know if you want any snacks.” His Mom responded, her smile sweet as always. His Ma wore a mischievous grin beside her and before she even spoke Michael was mentally facepalming.
“Yeah, or any fake-condoms!” She added in followed by laughter at her own very horrible joke. Michael hoped neither of his mothers saw his bright red face as he grabbed Brooke’s arm and led her upstairs. He pointedly ignored the sound of his Mom disciplining his Ma, who was giggling hysterically, on making improper comments in front of guests behind them.
“Your moms are awesome!” Brooke said as she plopped down on his bed, smile bright.
“They’re embarrassing.” He corrected her, although deep down he knew his moms were in fact very awesome. “So are you for the record. You didn’t need to tell them everything, especially the part about me being in love with Jeremy.”
He took a seat beside her, fixing her with a look to which she merely shrugged, “Honesty is very important. Plus, I’m pretty sure just about everybody knows you love him. Well...except maybe him.”  
“I’m not that obvious! And if honesty is so important, why don’t you tell Chloe about your feelings?” He questioned pointedly causing Brooke’s smile to drop, replaced with a playful frown.  
“So, what’s on the agenda for today?” He inquired, watching as she stood up, beginning to look around his messy room. He felt self-conscious all of a sudden, wondering anxiously if he should have tried to clean up more before she came. Jeremy never really minded the clutter, so Michael didn’t bother with cleaning.
“Well, we need to figure out what we’re doing on Monday. I mean people are going to want a story on how we got together. We should also-” She stopped in her tracks staring into the closet that she had just curiously pulled open. “Michael what is this!!!”
“What is what?” He questioned standing up and joining her in front of the closet. It was actually fairly clean, in fact most of the stuff that probably should have been in there was laying around his room. All that was in there was his clothes.
“I can not walk into school with my boyfriend wearing this stuff. I kinda assumed you had some secretly nice clothes stashed away somewhere! Not all...this!”
“Wow, I love it when you flatter me, keep going.” He quipped playfully, too amused by her distress to actually be offended by her comment.
“Michael! This is serious. All you have is a bunch of ratty hoodies and jeans! I mean, is this seriously all you wear?”
“I feel like you don’t want me to say yes...but, yes.”
Brooke groaned, closing the closet door and leaning against it as if to keep his oh-so-hideous clothes from escaping. “Okay, new agenda. We’re going to the mall. Your wardrobe needs a serious upgrade.”
“What?! Brooke, no. Last time I went to the mall, my best friend left me for a stupid floppy disk in his brain. Nothing good ever happens at the mall!” He argued, crossing his arms defiantly.
Brooke mirrored his position and tilted her head, “Michael. I will fake-break-up with you.”
“Over clothes!?” Michael questioned, laughing in disbelief. His laughter quickly died off under the heat of Brooke’s unrelenting scowl. “Are you serious?”
He sighed glancing around his room in thought, avoiding her scathing eyes. “Fine. But, if I’m going shopping then you’re learning to play video games.”
“Deal.” Brooke grinned excitedly and grabbed his arm, “This is going to be so fun!”  
Michael didn’t think he’d ever be able to look at jeans in the same way ever again. Brooke must’ve made him try on at least fifty pairs over the course of the past hour, and he wasn’t even going to mention the shirts. All of them were way too preppy for his casual tastes, and too expensive.
“You look great!” Brooke squealed, as he stared at himself in the mirror. The reflection bore no resemblance to Michael Mell, instead looking like an off-brand Jake Dillinger.
“I look like I belong in a really bad porno.” He deadpanned, watching Brooke’s face fall in the mirror.
“You look cool, which is-“
“-Exactly what I don’t want!” Michael turned to look Brooke in the eyes. “Look if this whole thing is going to work, we need to lay down some ground rules. I’m not gonna go changing myself to get people to like me. I’m not like him, I like how I am.”
Brooke considered him for a moment.
“Compromise then? You can wear hoodies or whatever, but none of those fabric scraps you call jeans.” She held out her hand to shake, and Michael took it happily. And with the compromise in place, they finally settled on a few outfits that met both of their standards. With multiple bags hanging from Michael’s arms, the two soon arrived at the food court. Brooke didn’t pause for a moment, leading him straight towards a particular eatery. As they sat in the uncomfortable metal chairs, Michael eyed the yogurt with a critical eye. He’d promised Brooke he’d try it but it just looked so… unappetizing.
“Just try it.” Brooke urged, already attacking the creamy dessert with her spoon. Michael paused, before obeying. As soon as the yogurt hit his tongue, a million bursts of flavor hit him right away. His eyes widened comically, before eagerly spooning more of the frozen dairy into his mouth.
“I can see why you like this stuff so much.” He moaned, shoveling yet another spoonful of frozen yogurt into his mouth. Brooke simply smirked triumphantly, spooning another bite into her own mouth.
“Pinkberry is, like, the greatest thing to ever exist. It beats pretty much every other frozen food or drinks.” Brooke proclaimed, ignoring the faux-scandalized gasp that escaped from his throat.
“You take that back you heathen.” He commanded, brandishing his little spoon at her threateningly. “Slushies beat this any day.”
“Never.” Brooke teased, schooling her features into a solemn frown. There was a split second of silence before the two dissolved into laughter. He didn’t know what it was about Brooke that made this so easy. The two of them were practically from different planets- different in every possible way. And yet here they were, laughing over nothing at all. As skeptical as Michael was about their ‘relationship’, he couldn’t imagine a better person to be fake-dating.
The partially muffled sound of some generic pop song that Michael couldn’t bother to remember cut through their laughter, interrupting their moment. Brooke dug a hand into her purse, pulling out her phone with ease. She glanced curiously at the screen, and her smile fell.
“What?” Michael questioned as she continued to stare at the ringing phone. Lifting himself out of the seat just enough to peek at the screen he saw Chloe’s name in big bold letters, along with a picture of her. Narrowing his eyes, he looked at Brooke’s crestfallen face with determination. “Don’t do it.”
“I know,” Brooke replied unconvincingly, still staring at the screen.
“Don’t you dare answer that phone, Brooke.” He deadpanned, watching her eyes flick up to him for a moment. “You’ll regret it if you do.”
“No buts!” He commanded, watching as she slowly lowered her eyes to the phone again. He could see it clear as day that she wasn’t going to be able to resist answering the phone. Quicker than lightning, Michael snatched the phone from her hands, sending Chloe straight to voicemail.
“Hey! Michael, what the fuck?!” The blonde demanded angrily, trying to reach across the table for her phone. Michael held the device away from her, shoving it in his hoodie pocket swiftly. “Give me my phone!”
“Not until I can trust you not to call her back!” He told her sternly, watching Brooke’s eyes narrow. “Brooke- holy fuck!”
He hadn’t been expecting her to jump across the table, catching the attention of several shoppers. She knocked him flat on the ground, her legs straddling him on either side as her hands darted for his pocket with a steely determination. He only just barely batted them away, staring up at Brooke with a resolve just as strong. She was so much better than this, and Michael wasn't going to let her lower herself back down to Chloe’s punching bag.
“Brooke will you just- fucking chill out!” He yelled, blocking her attempts to steal back her phone. “I didn’t want to have to do this, but you leave me no choice!”
His fingers found her sides rather quickly and Michael felt no remorse as he began to tickle her aggressively. A shrill shriek escaped Brooke as she reflexively began to giggle at Michael’s attacks.
“Ohmygod please stop.” Brooke finally got out between her desperate giggles, breathing heavily when Michael slowly removed his fingers. She glared at him playfully, her eyes now full of humor. “Never do that again you dick!”
“It was for your own good!” He defended, smiling at her goofily. “You’re way too good to go back to Chloe treating you like shit. We’re gonna show her that you deserve better, that she needs to be better. Or else you’re not going back.”
Brooke blinked at him in surprise, before offering him a watery smile.  
“Thanks Michael… I mean it.”
“Glad I could help! Now can you, uh, get off me please?”
The two of them laughed as Brooke pushed off of him, opting for sitting beside him on the floor, ignoring their abandoned chairs. Neither of them noticing Jenna Rolan sitting a few tables away with a shark-like grin, a phone in hand brandished like a deadly weapon.
<--- Chapter One | Chapter Three --->
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hi-hey-there · 6 years
BMCNYC Thoughts 8/24/18
hi this gets real long so i’m gonna put it all beneath the cut. spoilers below so proceed with caution!
a girl came cosplayed as rich and there were so many michael hoodies and even one kid wearing the jeremy iconique striped shirt (and of course the creeper shirts)
they had the most amazing soundtrack playing beforehand that just set the mood
the band was super awesome - they were waving at us before the show started
i don’t know what i was expecting out of will roland but it certainly wasn’t this
he was soooooooo perfect as jeremy and i will touch on this later
we were so close that i could see every drop of sweat/spit that was excreted and it was kind of amazing
i knew this was going to be good from the moment will walked out in his boxers and my mom went “oh my god” in a deadpan
he squirted lotion into his hand from six feet away like what the hell boy
at the beginning of more than survive, jeremy puts on the most grandmotherly cardigan ever and i was like you wonder why you get picked on (also, he must have been dying, it was so thick)
every time mr. heere came out in his underwear, my mother went “oh sweet mother of god”
the chroreo, man - fabulous
when jeremy almost runs into the gossip trio he goes “ah! girls” and veers so hard
whenever christine does anything, it’s slo-mo and the lights are pink and the little lift thing to sign the sign-up sheet was brilliant
when george came out in the first song for michael’s solo, the cheering was so loud and he had the biggest smile on his face
he delivers the “you look like ass, what’s wrong?” line in the most exaggerated stage whisper
my mom was like “what the hell does boyf stand for?” and i just shushed her until the whole backpack thing happened it was fantastic
“my mothers would be thrilled!” this just makes me think that michael’s moms tease him about liking jeremy all the time (cause they totally know) ((and jeremy knows they ship him and michael)) and he couldn’t help but make a comment
she truly embodies christine and all her amazing quirks
jeremy has the most intense love struck smile on his face while christine sang ILPR and she, like, patted his face and he was totally blissed out it was so cute
when she asks if she had seen her in any of the plays, jeremy nods super enthusiastically and christine is obviously surprised when she says, “oh, thank you”
christine gets kissing-close to jeremy and then runs away to make car noises and he looked so flustere
brooke and chloe come on stage for play rehearsal holding hands
jake fucking dABS when he’s taking to christine during rehearsal about serious stuff
the bathroom scene
rich calls jeremy “tallass” and mr. reyes was like “me?” and rich goes “not you”
“stalls are for girls *gasp* *high “genuine” voice* are you a girl, jeremy?”
the penis line made my mom shake her head so hard
he still lifts his shirt at the end of the song and friends, i am only human
he winked before he left after the squip song and hot damn
two-player game is so gay, so gay and they slap the controllers a lot like i wasn’t expecting that and jumped every time it happened
“i think he’s scamming you, i think he’s scamming you super weirdly”
“are you gonna be too cool for... video games” bOI YOU KNOW YOU WANTED TO SAY IS HE GONNA BE TOO COOL FOR YOU FUCK I’M NOT CRYING, YOU ARE
jason w. as the scary stockboy fulfilled every hope and dream i has about this show
michael goes to spencer’s for some ghostbusters soda instead of crystal pepsi and he says it tastes like ghosts in a really gruff voice
the way will acted out being synced with the squip was perfect i couldn’t have imagined it any other way
he like rolled around the front of the stage and screamed and tried to avoid being touched
the squip would like “control” his dance moves by moving his finger
also, the squip touches jeremy a lot like on the face and the shoulders and jeremy looks so uncomfortable
the way the squip speaks i can only describe as surfboarder genius - like real smart, but with a smooth flowy, well... chill voice
nothing could’ve prepared me for the outfits the other cast members were wearing during be more chill pt. 1. nothing.
george looked like the fucking gay sugar daddy i know he wants to be deep down
stephanie totally stole the show with her electric scooter
george and gerard’s characters almost kissed in the background and a mini little squeak come out of my mouth
when jeremy mentions madeleine, chloe breaks a fucking hanger and it’s glorious
brooke carries a la croix with a straw everywhere and it’s hilarious
do you want a ride? was also exceedingly gay even though brooke was trying to get in jeremy’s pants
jeremy just so truly hates himself
be more chill pt. 2 broke my heart bc will just looks ready to cry at any given moment
when jeremy wakes up the next day, he whispers to ask the squip if it’s still there and taps his neck and goes “are you still on?”
mr. heere: “are you talking to yourself?”
jeremy: “i guess i am”
it’s so sweet the way that christine kind of just lets go of what little filter she had and the hug she gives jeremy is perfect
the squip starts to malfunction when he finds out the song was about jake
when the squip gives jeremy the “me or michael” ultimatum, they stand on opposite sides of the stage with jeremy in between them and i got chills
listen. bruh. honeybruh. i knew that the optic nerve blocking on thing was gonna hurt me in my soul but i was not expecting it to hurt that bad
so will  c. gave the line with conviction like he was doing it for the greater good
but will r. delivered the line with such a sad voice it sounded like he was gonna cry and then the black thing came up and blocked off michael and i gasped. i was shook™️
loser geek whatever was so good!
he was like trying to convince himself that cutting out michael was the right thing and he was so torn up like he felt the universe owed him one but what if that came with getting rid of the only true friend he’s had and he looked like he was tearing up
my mom: he is so mean! me, thinking she means the squip: who? mom: jeremy!
there was a girl crying in the front row and i was like honey me too
something i noticed right at the beginning of act 2 was that the longer jeremy had the squip, the neater his hair became
the dance break in halloween was so cool and i kinda wish i was doing it with them and jeremy’s costume made everyone go oooooh
during do you wanna hang? chloe walks her fingers down jeremy’s chest to his belt and he looked like he was about to die
she also climbed along the back of the bed and fell off and it made me laugh so hard
the squip makes jeremy drink alcohol and after he spouts off some japanese, he fucking face plants into the bed and is offline what a way to go
jeremy escapes to the bathroom and michael does a dramatic and super unnecessary hand flourish before grabbing jer’s arm and nonchalantly going “sup?”
when jeremy called michael a loser, the most outraged gasp went through the audience it was such an amazing solidarity (“a shared negative emotion is the quickest way to blah blah blah blah blah”)
and now my favorite: michael in the bathroom
i was so close that i could see every pained face and teary eyed look and ALL OF THE FIDGETING LIKE THIS BOY DAMN NEAR HAD A PANIC ATTACK AND I ALMOST CRIED
he sounds more upset with himself than anything like all of this is somehow his fault and i was sitting there like BABY NO IT AIN’T YOU’RE IN LOVE WITH AN IDIOT
he genuinely gets more and more afraid/panicked when people start knocking on the door like he was trying so hard to make it seem like he wasn’t crying i cri
he curls in on himself the whole time and george just does an amazing job of portraying someone with anxiety
“some of us need the bathroom” “i’m having my period!” pause “take your time, honey”
(okay i’m done now)
the most jolting part of seeing this was the fact i couldn’t go back and listen to mitb 5 times in a row
((now i’m done))
the big white thing is asleep on the couch while chris and jer are talking and when he gets up and walks away, chris like stops laughing and goes: that’s an adult
rich slaps himself when he’s upset/overwhelmed/doing something his squip deemed wrong and i sat there going “baby, no!”
okay so i knew that the other people came on as girls during the smartphone hour bUT I WASN’T READY I WAS. NOT. READY.
tiffany’s voice is just incredible and if you’ve never heard her sing you’re missing out
brooke just fucking yeets her banana off stage it’s incredible
also her scream at the end of the song is me realizing i have to go back to school soon (yike)
jeremy’s interaction with his dad right after that had me going “jesus fuck, jer, you went too far calling your own father a loser unreal”
they switched the pants song and the pitiful children and it kind of made more sense like that
michael gets slid on stage smoking a fucking bong and he desperately tries to hide it as mr. heere talks to him
“do you love him?” michael just... freezes and plays it off: “w-what?”
as they were doing their thing, george’s (buildt) thighs were on full display and, as i have stated before, i’m only human! i really couldn’t help but stare
christine knows about squips because a kid at her theater camp got one and was sent to a mental hospital and she’s really pissed and upset that jeremy was using one to talk to her
i felt so bad for my daughter jenna because she goes “no one’s ever asked me that before” after jer asks how she’s feeling
i anticipated there was going to be a boss ass dance break during the pitiful children and DAMN IT IT WAS SO GOOD
they had people “on stage” for a midsummer’s nightmare about zombies facing away from the audience so we saw their “backstage” area
the costumes for that are a+ like super futuristic and kinda extra and amazingly glittery
MR. REYES IN JEREMY’S COSTUME: i assume you’ll want your costume back, mr. heere
when brooke gets the pansy serum, she takes out her straw to drink it and i was like how the fuck is a squip getting up that?
there was such an anticipation for michael makes an entrance and it got so much applause they had to wait until it died down to go on
when jake’s squip is synced with jeremy’s and he’s walking without his crutches he’s like slapping his legs to show he’s not in pain anymore
when christine sings “jeremy, i love you” he looks like he’s in physical pain because he’s realizing this isn’t how he wanted his to happen and i felt that
michael starting to scream with everyone disconnecting from their squip because he has no clue what’s going on is a big fat mood™️
as the squip died it spoke in japanese and i thought that was an interesting little addition to make it more authentic
it made me real happy to see that they followed through with the hair thing because jer’s was a mess in his hospital bed
when he wakes up, rich is in a full body cast and he’s speaking with his lisp which is so pure
he has his whole totally bi revelation and, again, so pure and the largest cheer went up you could tell gerard was super happy it was adorable
he says that michael has visited jeremy a lot and asks if he’s his boyfriend and all that
michael shows up while rich is saying “is he single? he’s kinda hot. yep, totally bi now” pause as he sees michael “oh, hi” michael, obviously flattered and a little confused: “hi, rich”
during voices in my head, after christine says yes to a date, jeremy does the cutest giggle and bends over to her height so they can kiss - PURE™️
the whole. fucking. cast. flosses together at the end. (the dance, not the teeth thing)
i thought it was a really interesting choice to have the last three people on stage with jer be michael, chris, and his dad
during bows, george did the fucking fist to the head+body roll thing and i was just like “the love of my life is a huge dork”
everyone except gerard came out to sign stuff and take pics and i got my playbill signed and a pic with george
i also got the creeps shirt and i love
i told jason t. that my school did a chorus line (cause he was paul!! in 2006) and he was like that’s a great show
i also told tiffany that i love rise (an amazing tv show please go watch) and we had a little conversation about how we thought it sucked that it ended it was really nice
overall: 1,000,000/10 recommend if you love this show and even if you don’t because my mom really liked it at the end of the night. would definitely see again if i had the time/money
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boyf--riends · 7 years
review of Be More Chill!
i’m about to talk a lot about the show and the cast! if you don’t wanna read but you wanna hear about the talkback, the audio posts have just gone up and for those of you who want the review it’s under the cut!!!
- you can see jeremy violently pull down his pants before More Than Survive starts 
- the bus ride was so cute!! the actors jostled around like they were actually on a bus and it was super fun to watch even though it was literally only 5 seconds long
- the reason why chloe calls jeremy out is because he tried to sneakily snake his arm behind brooke to get to his locker and it looked like a weird pervy move
- rich walks straight into jeremy and we were blessed with “dOn’T TouCH Me TaLL aSs!!1!” and jeremy just stands there as rich violently scribbles on his back pack
- michael entered from the audience and accidentally hit my friend in the face with his backpack strap and did his lil marley jam session and the crowd went fucking nuts
- ”boyf. what does this mean?” jeremy turns around and so does michael so their bags read boyf riends and michael turned to jeremy and made kissy faces/noises the mom behind me violently whispered “what the hell is a boyf” tbh its a mood 
- jake lifts christine up in all her glory to sign up for the play and tbh,, i aspire to be that extra
- christine is so excited the whole time and god did her actress fucking kill the part
- when jake talks to christine it was pretty obvious he was nervous but tried to play cool and i really liked that
- two player game started and i shit you not the person in front of me started crying
- jeremy does not like to talk to his dad or about his mom
- “im your favowite pewson” michael nuzzles jeremys shoulder and jeremy shoves him off and he dramatically falls on top of the bean bags
- they had two of the ensemble actors as the payless employees and it was kinda weird but i went with it
- when they said it was top secret stuff michael was behind jeremy taking pictures of the stuff inside the box and it was super funny
-i thought jeremy picked out some kinda unisex blue v-neck ladies shirt not a sparkly pink tube top what the fuck
- “BecauSe SHe chEaTEd on MEeeEEEeeee” he rolled on the ground so fucking dramatically
- Do You Wanna Ride made 89% of the audience so uncomfortable but everyone went wild when brooke went “pi-i-i-i-i-i-i-ink beeeeerrryyyyy”
- jeremy’s voice cracked when he said everything about him made he wanna die and the squip turned the whole thing around but he kept that evil smirk on his face the whole damn time
- jeremy sleep singing Be More Chill while being carried to his bed and getting tucked in was so cute dont make me mention the “sleep tight slugger” bc my heart broke
- chloe totally psychs out christine before Guy That I’d Kinda Be Into and when jeremy enters christine pulls out of that whole funk and it was super freaking cute
- whenever christine does anything jeremy looks so love sick its adorable
- when christine said jake you could see physical pain on jeremy’s face before he grabbed his stuff and ran out
- brooke and jeremy had sex during upgrade (he comes out from backstage after making out with brooke, buttoning up his pants an smoothing out his shirt) and i was so fucking SHOOK 
- michael looked so angry and hurt but he got all excited when he figured out the squip worked but jeremy just stood there and didn’t even move to go after michael
- the costumes for halloween made me nut holy shit the barking unicorn was my favorite
-after the song is over rich is the only one still on stage and he’s twitching and repeating “halloween” over and over again until he walks off stage
- brooke was so excited to see jeremy and christine was so excited to see jake but they both were pretty rude and both girls loked pretty upset afterwards
- chloe rubbed herself all over jeremy and when she gave him the baby bottle full of alcohol jeremy loked genuinely panicked when the squip made him drink it
- Do You Wanna Hang also made 89% of the audience uncomfortable but it turned pretty funny when jake punch through a fucking window
- michael covered head to toe in trash is such a mood but jeremy look so relieved when he finally saw michael
-  “I had this whole spiel about 12 years of friendship going right down the drain” jeremy looked so guilty but michael looked so hurt and betrayed especially when he was trying to explain why the squip was bad
- jeremy shoved michael into the bath tub after he called him a loser, and all the parents who had no idea what BMC was gasped, and everyone was already crying
- Ryan Everett Wood is such an amazing actor and he really made Michael In The Bathroom the best scene in the whole show
- while jeremy and christine exchange weird noises, the dude in the unicorn costume sits up and just starts barking at them before he passes out again
- they make fun of rich for spazzing and asking for mountain dew red before the squip tells jeremy to skedaddle before the fire
- all of the shiny metallic costumes in Rich Set A Fire really highlighted the guys’ muscles and i liked it
- pitiful children was so well choreographed and i really want a pair of those sick light up sneakers
- as the show goes on and the squips control over jeremy gets stronger, the make up gets more intense and the squip starts to look more dishevelled and corrupt
- jeremy totally fucking roasted his dad (his dad looked so sad and shook) and what does his dad do?? run half naked to michaels house of course
- michael is getting high asf and sitting in a onsie burning stuff
- mr reyes is wearing jeremys costume and he looks so proud of himself until he sees jeremy 
- michael made his entrance through the audience and everyone lost their god damn MINDS
- michael is such a petty bitch like,, jeremy is literally on the ground in pain and he’s just “hmmm no sorry u gotta apologize ://///” and if that ain’t me,,,,,
- michael literally holds jeremy with his arms and legs and jake just shrugs and grabs the mt dew red before pouring it out and michael looks so SHOOK
- “did the squip heal your legs???” in the most evil yet nonchalant high school jock voice i’ve ever heard “No I just can’t feel any pain. and its AWESOME”
- when christine comes out michael starts to walk away like “whoops theres christine looks like he won’t give up the squip now” but gets so excited when jeremy tells her to drink the mt dew
- everyone starts shrieking and michael looks terrified and starts screaming too and when everyone passes out michaels still screaming “AAAAAAAOOOOOOOOHHHHHH FUCK”
- rich is in a legit full body cast but he looks so happy once jeremy wakes up and starts talking to him
- “oh my god i am totally bi” rich sounded so excited and the audience clapped and cheered
- rich and michael kinda had that “you were the only other person in this hospital room i could talk to and you’re not that bad of a person” vibe when voices in my head started playing
- jake looks like he’s about to punch jeremy but he sends him off with a lil bro hug and it’s such a pure interaction!! jeremy looks so stoked that everyone is still talking to him after the play!!!!
- “i think that all of us want to go out with you” they have sweet make out kiss thing and the whole cast is on the high beams looking down at them so fondly 
- the squip comes back and jeremy just started to sing louder and it was so good and such an empowering moment
LITTLE NOTES ABOUT THE CAST: Everyone was so good and they all fit their roles so well! So much respect goes out to Matt, Ryan, Sal, Lizz, Jason, Billy, Vincent, Lisa, Katie, Emily, Carly, Frankie, and Bridget because without their hardwork and dedication to the show, it wouldn’t have been so good!!
You could also tell how much effort was put into the details of the show like, nothing was there to just be there, everything had a purpose and there was never any weird “i dont have any lines so i’ll just awkwardly stand here” moments with any of the actors!! overall the show was  out of this world amazing and i’m so greatful that I had the chance to see it and meet the wonderful actors behind the original and the revival show!!!!
overall rating: hell yes/10
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doubleedgecat · 7 years
I saw Be More Chill
I bought opening night tickets for my birthday and apparently, I bought second row seats. It was a fantastic production. Also, the theater’s in the perfect place. Most (if not all) of the businesses mentioned ARE right down the road (Hobby Lobby, Kohl’s, not sure if Cherry Hill has a Sbarro’s and a Payless, though). I’ll put more info under the cut about my experience. Also, there’s spoilers, so... yeah.
Actors and Characters
I have a list from the playbill, so that’s good. They have cute quotes too. It’s very in character.
Matt Dalton, plays the role of Jeremy. He looks like a nerd, so perfect. Also, he looked amazing in his post SQUIP outfits. His outfit was different than the one you’re probably use to. Still maintained the striped shirt, but the hoodie was replaced with a long-sleeve solid white shirt. He’s a great actor. He maintained a slouch through most of the first act. Plus, he has all of those scenes where his actions are powered by the SQUIP. Fantastic acting. Fantastic actor. Singing was great too. Definitely different from the one you probably hear a lot. Still enjoyable. I think he has a higher range, so less falsetto. Not entirely sure. He’s with Exit 82, so if I go again, I’ll probably see more of him.
Ryan Everett Wood plays the role of Michael. Michael was way more chill. If you’ve heard the original production, Michael’s super happy, eager, and excited like.... in everything. Nothing wrong with that. Nothing wrong with a way more chill Michael either. I mean, he does do a lot of pot. Also, he doesn’t show up that much, which if you knew the play you knew that, but watching it I realized he’s really not in there much. During The Play, I couldn’t keep my eyes off him. So expressive as Jeremy has to make the decision. Also, he leap frogged like a pro. He’s a union member and not a part of the theatre group, so I might not see him again, but you know. Mad kudos. (Also, he ran right past me and scared me when he did his first entrance)
Elizabeth Ritacco plays the role of Christiiiine~ Canigula. SHE WAS AMAZING! OH MY LORD HER OUTFIT WAS SO CUTE SHE HAD CAT STOCKINGS! Also, she had great breath control. Also, she was so adorable throughout her performance. So cute! So happy and cheerful! She’s also barely in it, but I feel like she fully embraces the role. Also, there’s the play sign up in “More than Survive” and she was so graceful in the arms of Jake. Edit: Something I forgot to mention because it was in the very beginning, but Christine went to go get her pen from her bag and a water bottle that looked like a refillable slurpee cup from 7-11 FLEW OUT INTO THE AUDIENCE. She remained combosed, so good job.
Sal Pavia is the SQUIP and photographer. Great work on both. He died really well. (spoilers, he dies twice). It was certainly a different experience with him. He sounds quite different from the originator of the roll. I think he has a lower range or his voice is just naturally lower than the other. Still great at what he does. I have no complaints. His timing was impeccable. I’m not sure if there are visual/audio cues for when he has to do his hand movements to shock Jeremy, but it was all timed really well. Then there was this part where he was spinning. He did a great job maintaining eye contact with the audience. Also, he lit up, which was awesome. Sad I might not see him with Exit 82 again.
Jason Arellano played sweet sweet Rich to which he did an amazing job. Very confident. Very small (only a few inches shorter than Matt while slouching). Very sexual. He had a little something extra to his voice that was absent in the originated role. Later when the SQUIP’s influence is gone, he speaks as if he has a retainer in his mouth. Nice touch. He wasn’t as freaked during the Halloween party, but he did some pretty crazy stuff during scenes where he wasn’t the focus. Some of it involved hitting people with his bread machete, which upon introduction, he held in a manner very true to the character. Another, which I thought was cool was this one scene, I forget which, but he was climbing through the high rise like a monster and it was just perfection in physical form.
Lisa Adams played Chloe. She’s really pretty. The people I sat with were disappointed she wasn’t a blonde, but she was really pretty. She had such a nice outfit too. It was so cute, yet mature. Not mature in a bad way, but I guess classy would be more appropriate? She played her role as gossipy queen bee so well. All of her scenes that didn’t focus on her, she had such perfect body language and looked really convincing. Only thing, she didn’t have great breath control and it was noticeable. That’s my only criticism.
Katie Clair McGrath played Brooke. It was really different than I imaged. She had these two buns in her hair and her outfits were kind of bizarre. It was out there, but still cute. She played the role of wounded puppy well. Her delivery on somethings was different, like the Eminem scene, she was not as extra. Nothing really wrong with that, I guess. She was just really different than how I envisioned, but she was still good.
Emily Nielsen played Jenna Rolan perfectly. Oh my goodness. She was perfection. In everything she did she was great. She was an orc clown, which was scary, but her other outfits were so beautiful. She was stunning. Also,her belts were fantastic. Belts as in the singing kind. Also, she had her phone out, gathering receipts(?) like Jenna would. Such great direction and such great acting. Also, Smartphone Hour? Smartphone Hour. It was sooooooo good!
Billy Cardone played Jake. Now this one was super stunning. He differed the most from expectations. However’ that’s not to say he wasn’t still a great actor. He looked like a fuckboy (sorry Billy. I mean that in a good way) which I think fits Jake way better than playboy. Also, he looked more jocky, also more appropriate. ONE MORE THING he said “extra circular” which implies stupid. Another great thing. So overall, I think his character was actually better than the originated role (of which I have no idea what happened because I never saw it, so I’m going off the way people typically depict him) and as such really speaks to Billy’s acting ability and the director since the other actors could have gone off the past performance while he had to portray this different archtype without reference. Also his strength was super impressive. He lifted Christine, which she looked light, but he maintained that lift for a long period of time.
Vinny Distefano played Jeremy’s dad, Mr. Reyes, and the bus driver. He’s scary close to the originated actor. As you can see, he did not play the stockboy. Like, he practically sounds the same, but it’s not him. He played his roles very well, but he had a NOTICEABLE BULGE WHEN NOT WEARING PANTS, but it’s not like. “HE HAS A BONER” more like, “THEY REALLY STUFFED THAT UNDERWEAR SO YOU DON’T SEE HIS DICK” and I couldn’t help, but stare. He was in the “Top 100 Most Sexy Men of Musical Theatre” after all. He climbed a ladder with just socks and I was scared. Then he ran past me with NO PANTS DURING “THE PANTS SONG” and I was scared. Again.
Carly Cosentino, Frankie Confalone, and Bridget Hughes were ensembe stars. I think Frankie played another student (he was fabulous) as well as the stockboy. Bridget played Madeline (she was tres French). I don’t remember Carly in Halloween, but I think she had the super cute punk-ish outfit with the pink hat and she also played the stockgirl (a nice addition to the play). Bridget did a lot of transitions between scenes. Carly did a lot of char taking. I’m not sure what Frankie did, but I think he played a unicorn, so that was something. 
The Production The set was pretty simple. It was a two-tiered stage: the stage and what looked like metallic scaffolding. The scaffolding served as Jeremy’s head and as such was dominated by the SQUIP for most of the production. It’s also the place where you’d most likely find the SQUIP. When the SQUIP entered, two circuit things descended from the “ceiling.” They remained there until the SQUIP was defeated. When Jeremy upgraded, two more way larger circuits appeared (which explains how he upgrades). Finally, I think during  “The Pitiful Children,” two more circuits appeared. These were just one line with a circle. The lights would shine on them, making them blue even when the set was lit by different colors. I’m not sure if they disappeared during the reprise of “More Than Survive” and descended as the SQUIP came back on stage. During “Voices In My Head” these circuits were descending as the SQUIP said his final words, ascended when Jeremy reaffirmed himself and eventually went away. Not sure if it was all three sets of circuits or if it was just the first set. I think it was all.
The stage had a moving metal-frame staircase that looked like the scaffolding. It allowed for access to the scaffolding if characters needed it. It moved a lot. On stage, off stage, most notably in the opening number and “The Pitiful Children.” It was so cool.
Set pieces that identified the room were fairly simple. Jeremy had a bed and a desk. Jeremy’s bathroom had a rolling car that acted as a sink. It had toothbrushes in a cup. The bus used yellow chairs. These chairs were reused for any classrooms. School had functional lockers and an opposite wall for sign ups. The play room had a whiteboard. A very well written whiteboard. The school bathroom had a urinal. Two beanbags for “Two Player Game.” The Payless had a counter. (There were lights in the shoe box, which I saw in the exit82theatre instagram). Mall food court had a bench with two fake trees. Very light. Jake’s house had a couch. This was later replaced by his parent’s bed and two windows descended. Bathtub in his bathroom. Two hospital beds for... the hospital... Great set design by Mike Lindenmeyer. Also, shout out to Desiree Davenport the Costume Designer. Every costume was amazing! Highlights: Jenna Roland, Chloe, Brooke, Christine, all of the SQUIP’s outfits, and everyone in “Smartphone Hour.”
Edit: OMG I’m an idiot and forgot the best part. “The Play” closed the curtains and Christine did some audience interaction. It was so cute. Then it opened up and there was this huge blue and white sparkly curtain in the middle of the stage. Table for props and a costume rack completed the set. Then, the curtain fell? The sparkly one and strings of lights came down and everyone held onto them. So goregous!
Music, Dancing, Lines So the band had a really loud trumpet player. Everything else though was great. I could see the conductor (behind the scaffolding) along with other members.
While the original cast recording has some spoken parts during singing (ex. “Because it’s the best!” in “I Love Play Rehearsal”), I believe everything was sung. Nice change. Everyone sung well. Even thought I said Lisa had bad breath control, she had a great voice. EMILY WAS AMAZING! OH MY GOODNESS I LOVED HER! Some parts were quiet, like big group scenes (”The Pitiful Children” was a big one I remember).
Some lines changed delivery. I mentioned some. Chloe was different in “Smartphone Hour.” Still fit though. Then in “The Play” the girls spoke more like they were brainwashed than excited twinsies. I’m sure there were a few others, but I can’t remember. But just because it was different, doesn’t make it terrible. Everything still felt it fit within the context of the ply and as I stated earlier, some of it was even better. It all has to do with direction, which I think Sean Openshaw did a great job with both Directing and Choreography. Lots of jumping on people. Lots of carrying people. Pretty impressive. Also, that staircase in “The Pitiful Children” was amazing.
Personal Stories I went to the Cherry Hill Mall since it’s a midpoint and I wanted to go look at stuff. I got lost in a circle, desperately trying to avoid the turnpike. There was an accident, so I was like, “Of course...” I was almost late. Made it on time. Even better, the play didn’t start until 20-30 minutes later. My goodness it was packed. I sat with a bunch of teens. They screamed a lot. Had to cover my ears. The lady in front of me also did not appreciate the screaming, but I accidentally misgendered one, so karma? I apologized and corrected myself immediately. The same person apologized for screaming a few times, so they were nice.
Post play! So there were these two teens. They were a couple(?). They were holding hands, so I’m assuming so. I saw them earlier holding hands too. I took a playbill sitting on a ledge table thing. It was the last one. I thought “Oh mine’s a little bent.” The two didn’t see me take it, but the one in the checkered shirt looked upset, so I put it back. Checkered shirt seemed really happy it magically appeared.
I was the last one to get merch. They had three shirts: Up Up Down Down Left Right A, a Midsummer Nightmare With Zombies and I L<3ve Play Rehearsal (the heart is a picture of a heart. Not less than three and it is oriented portrait style not landscape). I bought a hat with 82 on it. Last one to get merch! Also, I asked if they were going to release a cast recording. No such luck according to (I think) the Executive Producer, Keely Davenport. Oh well.
So that’s everything. I loved it. It was so great. I drove a total of about four hours (there and back) in pitch blackness and it was worth it. Oh also. I think they’re doing a production of Dear Evan Hansen next year. They did Heathers a year prior. I might go. Don’t know much about it, but I thought I’d mention it just in case anyone wanted to go.
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yutaya · 7 years
Things About the Be More Chill Revival (Nov 12, 2017 performance)
This actually got really long so I’m putting it under a cut. Warning for Be More Chill spoilers below, I guess.
Before the show and during intermission they were running tweets from the audience on the backsplash
In the program there’s a spread that’s like yearbook photos with in-character photos and quotes
This is just an Exit 82 theater thing but on the wall were the heckling muppets
When Jeremy’s Theme started the silent “oh my god oh my god oh my god is this really happeninggggg” emanating from EVERYONE IN THE THEATER was physically palpable
Every time a new scene or song would start or when a character would enter the stage the crowd would cheer
Jeremy does not bump into Rich trying to escape the girls prompting the “don’t touch me, tall-ass!” line and the “boyf” writing. Instead, Rich actively seeks out Jeremy and shouts the line about not touching him, even though Rich is the one who just ran up and grabbed him from behind completely unprompted.
Rich also runs straight over to Jeremy’s chair when he enters play rehearsal even though Jeremy’s not even looking at him to start shaking him and humping his chair.
An interesting thing: Jake and Rich do not seem to be the same kind of friends here. In the 2015 version, we saw them greet each other coming in opposite directions down the hallway with a high-five-low-five sort of custom-bro-fist-bump, semi paralleling Jeremy and Michael’s secret handshake later in the same song, and start talking about the weekend or previous day or w/e and Madeline. However, in the 2017 version, much like Rich just ran up to and instigated the "Don’t touch me!” interaction with Jeremy while Jeremy wasn’t paying him any attention, Jake just walks right past them and Rich is the one who runs at him from behind, calling out the “Yo Jakey-D!” greeting and weaving his way into Jake’s space to get Jake to look at him. It definitely brings to mind the whole “Rich is a sad suicidal loser who wants to be a part of the It crowd so he got a Squip but honestly he’s still stuck on the outside looking in and even when everybody is talking about him and what happened to him and what he would want if he were here nobody even bothers to fucking visit him in the hospital - the first visitor he sees is Michael but Michael is only there for Jeremy and is an anti-social headphones kid so Rich has to wait for Jeremy to wake up to have someone to ask about what people are saying about him at school” thing
I know everyone ships Rich/Jake because best bros or something but honestly the person Rich seemed to devote the majority of his attention to in this version was Jeremy haha
For the first “Christiiiiiiiiiiiiine” part of More Than Survive, rather than loads of super Extra twirling and stuff by Christine, she was doing things like wiping her mouth with the back of her hand - things that normally might not be considered super attractive and highlighting how she’s super special in Jeremy’s eyes when other people would just see a random person.
She does get SUPER excited later when she sees the play sign up sheet though. Slams her hands on the wall to stare hungrily at it, dives to the ground to rifle through her backpack for a pen, and Jake lifting her up while they do contemporary dance poses lasts for the entire time Jeremy and Michael are singing her name.
When Jeremy has the verse about “why can’t someone just help me out” he legit sounds like he’s about to cry
On his way out after inviting Christine to the mall later, Jake pauses while passing Jeremy and lets him know that “Someone wrote Boy-Eff on your backpack” in the same sort of sweet considerate way that Christine did during More Than Survive. This is interesting because it 1. Shows Jake being kind (directly after putting him in a situation that might normally paint him as the love-rival-therefore-enemy - but, oh, fuck, no, he’s nice) and 2. implies that Jake does not know about Rich bullying Jeremy. See: Rich and Jake might not actually be close friends^
In the bathroom, when Jeremy says “aren’t you gonna wash your hands?” Rich walks up to him and pointedly RUBS HIS DIRTY PENIS HANDS ALL OVER JEREMY’S FACE AND CHEST
In Two-Player Game, Jeremy is standing up for the “favorite person” line, so Michael also stands up and walks over to tuck his head against Jeremy’s shoulder while mocking him. Jeremy shoves him away and Michael just stays with his body locked in the same position and lets himself dead fall onto the beanbags
Michael dabs during one of the first “cool in college” lines and it’s like “wow you ARE a loser”
They did this dorky pseudo dancing that was like amateur fighting moves like jump kicks and karate chops, and at one pint they were leap frogging over each other? dorrrrrrks
In the transition from Two-Player Game to the mall to go buy the Squip, Mario runs across the stage and does the little Mario jump like to hit a block and get a new item
By the way, Jeremy really does look SUPER awkward on Day 1. His striped shirt I thought was weirdly over a long-sleeve shirt even though the pattern didn’t lend itself well to that, but then it turns out they are one shirt?? It’s like that on purpose??? The Eminem shirt + vest combo really does look a lot cooler on him after that.
His body language is SO AWKWARD it was all very Evan Hansen
At the Payless, the drug dealers are these two goths so instead of the “sooooo Wolverine, right?” line it’s “soooo My Chemical Romance, right?”
The goth twins are speaking in unison in creepy computer voices and circling Jeremy and like - touching him while he squirms uncomfortably much like later during Do You Wanna Ride
They give him the entire shoebox for the one pill? Which I guess makes it less “???” for Rich to have the shoebox in his locker later”
When Jeremy is jerking around and yelping at the mall, Christine is asking what’s wrong, Jake is recoiling and someone (Jenna maybe? Our seats were really far away we couldn’t see anyone’s faces just their bodies) is recording, but when he escalates to screaming in pain they all just... get freaked out and run away? Leaving him alone on the floor even though he’s CLEARLY in major distress.
The squip stands with a very wide stance, like the standing version of taking up three bus seats. It’s a very obvious contrast especially in his first scenes to Jeremy in his hunched and close-legged position. When not standing, the squip is either crouching in a very predatory Gabe Goodman “I’m Alive” sort of way or lounging in a somehow very cool careless bad boy sort of manner.
When Jeremy is reciting the Squip’s story about Madeline and the shirt to Brooke and Chloe at the mall, he is making all the same arm gestures etc that the Squip is making - though more awkward in execution.
The “Hey Hamlet” actions were HILARIOUS. He literally collapsed over the table, then threw himself onto the floor like Draco Malfoy.
In Do You Wanna Ride Brooke and Chloe are basically dirty dancing on Jeremy and he looks SO UNCOMFORTABLE like he’s about to die and not in a “wow this is too hot my brain will explode” way more like an “extremely fucking terrified” sort of way
Brooke really drew out the “Pi~i~i~i~i~i~i~ink~i~ink~i~ink ~i~ink ~i~ink ah-Berryyyyyyyyyyyyy” riff for forever it was hilarious
Syncing with Rich’s Squip in the More Than Survive Reprise is... really really creepy? It gives of an extremely ominous mind-control sort of vibe like Rich is just Jeremy’s Squip’s puppet
In More Than Survive, everyone was dancing around Jeremy and he looked super awkward and uncomfortable - in the Reprise they do the same dance but this time Jeremy is dancing in sync with them all too.
The electric shocks seemed like they were happening extremely frequently in Act 1? Practically every 5 seconds in some scenes like literally every time Jeremy went to make some move or say anything or pause for too long or think anything at the Squip himself at all.
During Guy I’d Kinda Be Into the Squip talks for Jeremy a LOT. Basically everything he says and does is the Squip there.
When Jeremy does his whole Squip-assisted flawless recitation of his Midsummer part when Mr. Reyes tries to call him out, Brooke is so overwhelmed by his hotness that she drops her script. It just clatters to the floor while she stares at him.
The WARNING WARNING WARNING after Guy I’d Kinda Be Into Squip-controlled walk out is super robotic. A very distinctively robotic walk.
In “Upgrade” the Brooke and Jeremy scene is super sexual??? The Squip puts Jeremy’s hand on her boob while she’s talking. Jeremy draws it back and the Squip just puts it there again. Then the Squip makes Jeremy pull Brooke up against him in a very sexual sort of position. Jeremy jerks back and the Squip just makes him do it again. They end up doing this whole thing with lying on top of your partner holding them down, and then the person on the bottom flips the positions so they’re on top now, and it continues a couple more times so they’re rolling around on the ground with the Squip in control of Jeremy’s body the whole time, and it ends with Brooke straddling Jeremy and thrusting her hips with her head thrown back before he sits up and starts making out with her with her hips still going in his lap. It’s kind of a prolonged making out, too, complete with like... roaming hands by both parties.
Christine’s line “still I’m not sure what I should do” when Jake is asking her out is very clear and is presented like a soliloquy-type narration to the audience about her own feelings rather than as dialogue to Jake, before she agrees and he kisses her.
Some guy in the audience started moaning in distress preemptively shortly before Jeremy’s “optic nerve blocking: on” line
People around me were gasping at that line so maybe there were some people who didn’t actually know it was coming. Or they might have been superfans overwhelmed with emotion. Judging by the rest of what I was hearing from the other audience members the entire time, it’s probably the latter.
For the “optic nerve blocking” scene, Michael is standing alone on the upper level, where the Squip usually is. After Jeremy chooses to turn it on, the Squip walks up from behind him and touches Jeremy directly, wrapping his arms around Jeremy's shoulders - it’s the first time that the Squip is on the ground level alongside Jeremy and the rest of the people instead of alone on the second level just watching over all of them.
The moment Act 1 ended the audience EXPLODED into noise. It seemed like everyone simultaneously turned to their seat mates to start screaming about things. My brother was like “It’s been a long time since I’ve been in this sort of young teenage fangirl filled sort of environment.” Haha
At the Halloween party Rich is FULL OUT GLITCHING. His head and limbs keep jerking like a machine with a wrench in the cogs and he’s repeating “it’s Halloween” like a skipping record
The way he’s glitching here near the start of the party is very similar to the way Jeremy’s Squip starts glitching after the alcohol. It’s like the alcohol making Rich’s Squip glitch causes Rich to glitch in exactly the same way - like after 2 years his body and voice is just a manifestation of his Squip’s movements and words - like he IS the Squip and there is no Rich at all.
In Act 2, Jeremy really is just... walking and standing so much more confidently than Act 1? He looks extremely much more to be a normal, attractive guy. It’s very obvious in scenes when he’s talking to Michael, because we saw them having conversations in Act 1 where Jeremy was relatively comfortable since he was with his friend, but it’s still such a marked different in his body language and even the cadence of speech after having the Squip for a couple weeks. Again, it was very Evan Hansen vibes.
“What kind of slut do you think I am?” Chloe asks, while draping herself over the bed and pointedly spreading her knees and thighs open at Jeremy
Once the Squip makes Jeremy drink Chloe’s alcohol, the way it starts jerking around instead of being smooth for the first time is still pretty cool and collected / in control looking somehow - it looks like when a video chat is lagging and instead of smooth movement you get a series of jumpy still frames, but the person isn’t in distress or anything.
When Jeremy tells Michael to “Get out of my way. You Loser,” he literally shoves Michael aside with force and walks out, not slowing or looking back once as Michael crashes into the bathtub. Michael just...stays where he fell for the entire first part of Michael in the Bathroom
At the end when he’s in prime screaming mode he sings “it sucks you left me here alone” instead of “it’s sucks he left me here alone” - directing it at Jeremy directly
Christine talking about breaking up with Jake - she mentions the cheating but also outwardly calmly (remember she has mad gigantic feelings about most everything in reality) lists other reasons such as “we just don’t have ANYTHING in common”
When Rich is freaking out about needing Mountain Dew Red, he is glitching like crazy and he is only asking for the Red when he’s facing one direction, as if he has no brain activity when jerked into the other direction, but is repeating the request on a constant loop, it’s just that we can only hear it when he’s on the one frequency. Jeremy and Christine see him in obvious distress with his head like banging clearly without his control against the wall, which must hurt, and they just???? laugh at him?????? What the fuck, kids, why do you all keep abandoning each other in distress in this musical.
Jeremy and Christine actually have really great chemistry though I was like “wow ok I can ship this.” They make you feel it.
When Rich’s WARNING WARNING WARNING goes off he marches out of there in the same robotic way that the Squip marched Jeremy out after his own WARNING alarm after Guy I’d Kinda Be Into. This is further highlighted by the way the Squip marches Jeremy out in the exact same way a few seconds later after reviewing the footage from the evening.
During the Smartphone Hour there were three backup dancers in shiny clothing during the beginning verses with Jenna, Chloe and Brooke, like the old singers used to have.
When Jenna and Chloe sing the chorus that “Rich set a fire” the stage lights go red, orange, yellow and rippling like fire
After the fire, the Squip is full supervillian attire - Black Cloak, LED lights, the works. I couldn’t see it myself because I was too far to see anyone’s faces, but apparently also he gained digital face makeup here?
They really played up the computer effects in The Pitiful Children and The Play - in voices especially. Final Boss Jenna Rolan speaking at Michael at The Play sounded like full computer and not human.
Jeremy’s choreography during The Pitiful Children is super still. He gets shoved to the ground and he just stays frozen there looking up at all the dark squip figures dancing around him. They put him on the staircase and he just stands motionless, staring into the distance while they spin him around and the Squip cradles his head. At the end he lifts the shoebox above his head, but he’s mirroring the Squip’s actions again, like at the mall back before Do You Wanna Ride.
During the Pitiful Children also the Squip keeps putting his hand on top of Jeremy’s head with his fingers splayed like a puppet master. It’s not above Jeremy’s head, it’s resting directly on his skull.
When Jeremy is arguing with his dad before the Pants Song, Mr. Heere has JUST said he’s grounded and scolded him about taking the car (to Jake’s party) and Jeremy just. Very pointedly. Picks up the keys, jangles them in his dad’s face, and says “I’m going out,” like wow fucking slay.
Michael is shredding his Jeremy mementos instead of burning them, presumably because it’s easier for him to carry around a coffee can calling it a shredder than to pull a full Eliza Hamilton and set a fire on the stage (and burn down the house). Mr. Heere still tells him to stop sitting around burning incense though - because of the joint Michael was smoking while shredding all his stuff.
In the play when the Squip activates Jeremy’s kung fu mode to fight Michael, they stage it like a fighting video game with Jeremy enacting ridiculous combo jumpy moves while Michael basically does roll dodges and a cute fighting video game remix of one of the BMC songs plays in the background. I don’t remember which song it was now though.
The Two Player Game reprise involves Michael leap-frogging over Brooke and Chloe and jumping onto Jake’s back and just sitting there for a bit while Jake spins in circles
Michael does not get attacked by Final Boss Jenna? She’s standing on the 2nd level. After tossing the bottle to Jeremy Michael kind of just stands in the same place for the rest of The Play unmolested.
It doesn’t really seem like the Squip actually physically stops Jeremy from drinking the Red? The sound that we’ve been hearing so often this song when the Squip is controlling people isn’t present there. He just yells “you don’t want to do that Jeremy!” and Jeremy just. freezes. and asks why. Like he’s been so conditioned to listen and obey the Squip at this point that even when he’s actively trying to work against it he still knee jerk follows instructions.
The squipped people (except Jeremy) all had LED lights on their shoes during Pitiful Children and The Play. Christine has them too, but when she comes out into the middle of the zombie horde acting normal near the end of The Play, the main stage lights are on so it’s not really noticeable until the reveal that she’s Squipped too and suddenly her shoes are flashing.
The choreography for Guy I’d Kinda Be Into involved Jeremy and Christine slow dancing while everyone walked around them in a circle. They have the same choreography during the reprise, with the obvious implication that because everyone is Squipped now Jeremy can have the exact scenario he was fantasizing about earlier and this time Christine does like him instead of Cho Chang Jake
Everyone shrieks wordlessly and then collapses except for Michael whose yell is more like “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH FUCKKKK!!!!”
After everyone collapses and Michael is standing there terrified the Squip is the only body still moving. He is dragging himself over the fallen bodies of the students as the lights go black.
In the hospital, Rich has NO movement. The full body cast doesn’t even allow him to turn his head to look at Jeremy when’s he’s speaking to him.
Michael does not pull the curtain to hide Rich from view as if that would do anything to stop him from hearing everything they’re saying. It’s not like Rich can so much as turn his head to look at them anyway.
In Voices In My Head, Christine is the one who surges forwards to kiss Jeremy, who is shocked for a second before getting with the program. They stand there and make out for an extended period of time while everyone else cheers and continues singing the song
When the Squip tries to call out to Jeremy he isn’t on the ground level where Jeremy and Christine walk past him. Instead, he stumbles his way along the upper level, where everyone except Jeremy and Christine are lined up, and they all sort of jeer at him and shove at him as he passes like one of those really uncomfortable ending scenes in teen movies where the bully walks down the hallway having everyone in the entire school shove at them and having milk or something poured on them and such in a reflection of one of the main character’s opening scenes.
There was not much dancing in this production at all, which makes sense considering this was only for 1 weekend.
I went to the talk-back too so I will write some about that after getting some sleep
I will try to add to this list if I remember anything else.
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So some of you guys like musicals right? What about Be More Chill? 0;
OK GET READY FOR THIS MOTHERFUCKER I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR SOMEBODY TO SEND IN A BE MORE CHILL ASK. This show is honestly one of, if not my most favourite show on or off broadway.
If you haven’t already go listen to the soundtrack. You’ll probably know a song called ‘Michael in the bathroom’ from it if you’re in any kind of Broadway circles. But basically this show is about a very anxious guy called Jeremy who is a loser, only has one friend called Michael (who I relate to on a deeply emotional level), and is in love with a theatre kid called Christine who is honest to god the sweetest person to live. Jeremy’s bully, Rich, tells him about a thing called a squip, which is a pill that implants an AI into your brain and helps you to ‘become popular’. Jeremy buys and takes a squip in order to win Christine and live the life of a chill teen.
I’m guessing you wanted a dangan ronpa BMC au cause, boi, you are getting one
Jeremy, for me, would be Souda. And here’s why. Kazuichi is a very anxious, emotionally unstable guy. He really wants to be cool and is extremely self conscious about other people’s opinions of him. I think him as Jeremy really fits due to this. Plus, all the decisions Jeremy makes during the course of the show, I can really see Kazuichi making aswell? He would also be very easily manipulated by people like the squip, Rich and Chloe. I just feel like Kazuichi fits this role so well. Also, let’s be honest, you can all picture him singing “I’m waiting for my porno to load,”
Michael was also quite an easy choice for me. Originally I wanted to go with somebody I shipped with Kazuichi, but then I was just like fuck it, it’s obviously Ibuki. Ibuki, again, is alike Michael in so many ways. They’re both music loving dorks who care deeply about their friends and don’t stick to the status quo (stop singing HSM). I also think Michael In The Bathroom would suit Ibuki because, despite her care-free exterior, Ibuki actually cares a lot about the opinions of her friends. If one was to straight up desert her after spending years being her best friend (like her band did), she would get super upset about it. Thus, Ibuki In The Bathroom. Plus I love the idea of Ibuki and Kazuichi being besties. Weird-coloured-hair-bros. So, yeah, Michael and Ibuki, gay music nerds. Nuff said.
Christine was between Sayaka, Chiaki and Sonia for me. But, considering my choice of Kazuichi for Jeremy, it has to be Sonia. Sonia and Christine are both beautiful, positive, amazingly sweet girls who kind of slip under the radar. Christine, because she’s a slightly out-there theatre geek, and Sonia because everybody holds her so highly they don’t want to bother her. They both have weird ass boys head over heels for them, and they are both very strong individuals. I also think Sonia singing I Love Play Rehearsal is fucking squeal worthy.
The Squip is pretty obviously Junko. I would go Monokuma, but Monokuma is more “If you don’t do this I’ll fucking murder you” forceful, and is not in any way selfless. Although it goes about it in a really fucked up, abusive way, the squip is almost completely devoted to Jeremy. And Junko is just a bit more fitting for the manipulative, smooth talking type. I think her singing the squip parts of Be More Chill Part 1 also suit her absolutely perfectly.
Rich was a bit hard for me, since he’s such a unique character he doesn’t exactly have an obvious DR equivalent. The only person I could really think of is Fuyuhiko? I know Fuyuhiko is a lot more isolated and, well, smooth than Rich, but the other aspects of the character fit him pretty well. He’s short, aggressive, easy to swear, and secretly a very emotional boi who just wants love. I also really love the idea of Fuyuhiko with a lisp. Also, “IT’S FROM JAPAAAAAAN!”
Brooke was hard for me. I wanted to maybe venture into the DR1 cast for this, but I like to stay within the realms of one cast from a certain game/anime, just to keep things neat. So I was thinking maybe Mikan? I’m not super satisfied (sick Hamilton reference) with this pick, just because I feel like a lot of the time Mikan is used as the stock ‘dumb, sl*tty, pushover’ character in aus, but I can’t really think of anybody else apart from, like, maybe Nagito? But I already have a part in mind for Nagito. But yeah, Mikan does fit Brooke’s very timid style of sweetness. And I feel like Mikan could also slay all of Brooke’s parts, especially Do You Wanna Ride.
For Chloe it was a bit too cliché to pick Hiyoko for the bitchy character, but she would fit Chloe so well. Her at the start of Rich Set A Fire would be absolutely golden. I was gonna talk about Do You Wanna Hang, but we don’t talk about Do You Wanna Hang. Can that song please just be erased from the show? But anyway, yeah, Hiyoko as Chloe would be A++.
Jake for me was gonna be Gundham due to Sonia as Christine and Kazuichi as Jeremy. But then I backtracked and was like “No, they’re nothing alike, and both of these Amazing Bois™ deserve better than my shitty 11:30 pm brainchild”. So I have now decided upon Akane as Jake. Now, hear me out. Akane and Sonia work out as Jake and Christine because, you know, Sonia x Akane. Jake is a lovable, attractive, popular guy who all the girls (and boys) fall for. Akane is lovable, attractive, popular (?), who I’m pretty sure has a lot of admirers. I know Jake is a lot more chill (haha get it) than Akane. Their characters are quite different from eachother, but I feel like Akane as Jake could really work if you give some leeway for small character changes.
Ok my choice for Jenna is kind of cracky because their characters are very different from one another. I just picked this character because it’s super fucking funny and enjoyable imagining it. Nagito as Jenna. Just. NAGITO AS JENNA. NAGITO SINGING RICH SET A FIRE. It just works. Plus, Nagito is usually all up in other people’s business. I honestly just love this pick because it’s so goddamn hilarious to me. NAGITO. SINGING. RICH. SET. A. FIRE. AND. HE. BURNED. DOWN. THE. HOUSE. (Woa-oa~oa~oa~oah)
Last and not least is Mr Here AKA Kazuichi’s dad. Now, because Mr Here is a man made out of sunshine and dad’s jokes, and Kazuichi’s dad deserved the agonising death he went through, I obviously could not pick Kazuichi’s actual father. I could, however, pick Nekomaru Nidai. Because Nekomaru is everybody’s dad, let’s be honest here. Nekomaru singing The Pants Song is just. Yes.
Ok, that was my BMC DR au. I’m very tired and am going to sleep now. Hope y'all enjoyed!
~Mod Yoyo
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richardgoranski · 7 years
which instruments do the BMC people play??
THIS IS THE BEST QUESTION I HAVE EVER RECEIVED i’m so glad people remember that instrument headcanons are my brand(tm)
Jeremy- Honestly the reason I didn’t answer this sooner is because it took me forever to think of Jeremy’s but I can really only picture him as a vibe player?? front ensemble jeremy 2kforever.......either that or baritone. give me scrawny lil jeremy who can somehow hold up a baritone w/out shaking at all
Christine- piccolo!!!! hard to play but she gives it her all while practicing and she’s so good and the Best Piccolo Player(tm)
Rich- Bari sax!!! huge sax for a tiny guy. like i definitely see him with some sort of saxophone and i think he definitely thinks he is So Cool with his huge ass saxophone thats as big as him
Jake- tbh give me color guard jake or give me death but if you really want me to give him an instrument then tenor drums
Brooke- alto sax!! she is super sweet but also Good at getting what she wants
Chloe- chloe was hard for me tbh but i think she’d be a clarinet player!! she kinda reminds me of a clarinet player i know So
Jenna- TRUMPET LMAO.......
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luminiya · 7 years
be more chill/tales of zestiria au stuff !!
jeremy: human, can see seraphim/was raised by seraphim (yup ripping off sorey rip), will follow michael to the ends of the earth, kinda oblivious and super curious about everything, has known michael for 12 years, honestly just really fucking excited to leave the village (and find that cute girl he likes to look for when he sneaks out w michael), tries really hard to help michael prepare medicines and stuff but honestly he's a bit too clumsy, apologizes a lot, easily manipulated ughhghghhh my poor baby, writes novels about the apocalypse, it started as a small fascination with fiction and dystopian futures because his life was so sheltered and he was interested in history which mentioned "great evil" and "calamity" and he started writing because michael said one day "you have so many ideas about this stuff.. you should try writing it down! i bet a book like that would be pretty popular", bisexual bean, very nervous about being a shepherd and tried to pass it off onto rich at one point shhfhsh
michael: fire seraph, super patient w jeremy, sweet innocent baby, would follow jeremy into the depths of hell, studies herbs and medicines (i had to), sneaks out of the village sometimes to gather herbs, always brings jeremy.. he gave up trying to leave him behind to protect him from a lecture from his pants hating father, encourages jeremy to do what he loves, just a big team mom tbh he wants his friends to be okay (but mostly jeremy *cough*), super ovERPROTECTIVE !!! , always the first one to offer to armatize w jeremy oops, he just likes the comfort of being with his best friend and he wants to help him as much as he can
squip: probably the lord of calamity lbr, but also i wanna make him a party member briefly, a Big Traitor Character, just a shitty bad manipulative dude, based on musical squip not book squip, definitely tries to steer jeremy towards corruption like he wants no part of the shepherd to exist, manipulates rich, m e a n, PROBABLY TRIES TO KILL MICHAEL BUT SUBTLY HFJSBD
christine: human, she has to be human, cute girl jeremy saw sometimes when he snuck out w michael when they were young, an actual precious angel, kinda overdramatic, definitely an actress or smth.. like a performer maybe? something in the arts, can't see seraphim but when she learns about them she's always super courteous of michael because she can Feel the Overprotective Vibes, deserved better than this, (when she finally sees a seraph for the first time she starts crying because holy heck they're real and she can finally see then which means there's hope for other people to see them as well), big theatrical monologues, will punch you if you harm her friends, acearo (fight me)
rich: human (or fire seraph because rich set a fire i hate myself snjdhsbd), can see seraphim possibly, Traitor™ but not even on purpose, accidentally was helping the bad guy, rly likes the squip and thinks he's a cool dude, is fucking shocked when he finds out the squip was using him to further his Evil Plans, "bro.. i thought we were friends, bro", short (of course), lisp, muSCLES
jake: probably water seraph... b-because he's cool.. (yikes), a gentle boy, a lot of seraphim thinks he's stuck up and annoying but he just wants everyone to be happy, kinda follows christine around to make sure no one tries to hurt her and gets very >:( about christine and jeremy becoming friends, briefly had a crush on christine but respects that she's acearo and then he meets rich and is like O: this human is loud and strange and i love him, hoNESTLY I BET HE AND MICHAEL GET UPSET AND RANT TO EACH OTHER ABOUT THE SQUIP TAKING ADVANTAGE OF THEIR PALS OMG, a good friend
jenna: wind seraph.. because i said so, v skeptical about everyone and doesn't really wanna help but she wants the gossip for the tabloid she writes, yes she writes tons of seraph gossip holy shit, everyone is kinda like "oh yeah.. idk those articles are trashy" but they fuckin binge read it they can't lie, TOTALLY THE Information GIRL SHE 100% FINDS OUT EVERYTHING THE TEAM NEEDS, good at finding deals, doesn't want to armatize with anyone because she feels like a bother (but she says it's because she doesn't like feeling that close to someone), secretly afraid she's weighing everyone down, no bby pls you're an angel
brooke: earth seraph, fight me on this, a sweet nervous baby who loves her girlfriend, really likes going shopping w jeremy (and by that i mean taking jeremy around all the shops w her asking if he thinks chloe would like a certain top or piece of jewelry), squip has made her cry at least 6 times, chloe has threatened the squip's life 5/6 of those times, she's not weak though don't even she's an emotional angel but she'll still fuck you up and look cute doing it, a good friend who worries about her human pals a lot, "if you guys need to rest we can stop for the night. it's normal for humans to get worn out more quickly."
chloe: fire seraph probably, i know ur not supposed to have more than one of a certain seraph type but fuck u i'll do what i want, sass queen, has a kinda complex past relationship with jake but they put it aside and she's dating brooke now, Will Protect Brooke With Her Life, if you bully her earth gf she will actively kick your ass, cooks really well !!, the squip is Dead to Her, gets a lil jealous if brooke armatizes with anyone because she can't armatize with her and :( , has a very bad temper but it's p useful in battle because she will tear straight through enemies no fucks given, likes to gossip and loves telling stories to her pals
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