#brooke learns how it feels to not be second best to chloe and chloe learns to see brooke as more than an extension of her
lohstandfound · 1 year
maybe its just me who sees them this way, but i love how like intertwined the popular kids are with each other. you can't isolate one relationship without acknowledging how the others fit into the picture
jake and chloe, chloe and brooke, brooke and rich, rich and jake, jake and brooke, rich and chloe
they hate each other at times, downright loathe, despise but god forbid someone else express how much they detest one of them
and then post fire, post play, post show
everything changes and they're even more messy than before
but somehow it's better because at least they're being honest to themselves about who they are and how they feel
no one is putting up a front (and no one is being controlled by a supercomputer)
they will never be perfect, they never were, but this may be the best they ever get
#lohst.txt#brooke lohst#jake dillinger#chloe valentine#rich goranski#jake and chloe are each others first loves and they will never let each other go#jake doesn't realise how much he needs rich until he thinks he's lost him and rich does almost anything for him#brooke is so used to being in chloe's shadow and chloe is so used to always having brooke beside her until they have a moment of separation#brooke learns how it feels to not be second best to chloe and chloe learns to see brooke as more than an extension of her#brooke and rich are often there to pick up the pieces from yet another jake and chloe break up#they hear the shit that gets said about jake about chloe about their relationship#and they can plead as much as they want for them to not run back to each other but its no use#but they get along well#brooke sees some of the rare moments where squipped rich is soft and rich doesn't mind that#and they have a lot of time to talk when jake and chloe ditch them#jake really really likes brooke he thinks shes super cool and sweet#and brooke may be cautious around him with chloe always in close proximity#she shouldnt become friends with her best friends ex but they are#and she hates him but she cares so so much for him#and shes the next best person next to rich when jake is at his most vulnerable#(although i like to think it was chloe who was around to piece jake back together when he found out his parents skipped town)#and while chloe and rich dont talk often#there's an unspoken bond between them#sure maybe chloe doesn't know whats really going on but she knows that this whole asshole tough guy thing is an act#i mean she's doing the exact same thing with this bitchy queen bee shit#goddammnit i should just write a fic or something about these characters#instead of writing like full essays in the tags
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Rich x Michael is one of my least favorite ships in the fandom, but by god they are the perfect chance for a character study. Post-fire Rich finding his own new ways to demonstrate his sexuality—at first overcompensating. Making himself appear more feminine even when it makes him uncomfortable, showcasing his relationship with Michael almost violently to others (maybe some of the popular kids have something to do with it. Jake’s confusion and disbelief—a result of genuine shock or fear of his own suppressed feelings?—Chloe’s ‘gay best friend!!’ stereotype (as long as she supports him, he’ll play the part). Jenna spreading rumors?) and eventually learning what he actually likes and what he actually doesn’t, and he doesn’t actually like Michael, he just liked the fact he had proof. I am gay, they all know I’m gay, and they can’t doubt that because I’m kissing him and I fucking like it. And eventually he finds his balance, he finds himself, and that person isn’t with Michael. That person loves his friends and treats outsiders with kindness and skateboards and joins robotics club and has a bi pin on his backpack and yeah, he does like to appear a little more feminine at times but not because it proves he’s gay, just because he likes it.
Meanwhile Michael gets his in to the popular crowd. He doesn’t care. He really doesn’t care. But after Jeremy apologizes and the anger wears off, Michael can’t help but question what parts of this were his fault. Jeremy flinches every time he goddamn slouches, this wasn’t just messed up for Michael. Jeremy was ruined. So this is him trying. He’ll give some. He’ll display his interests with pride all the while pretending to be into some of the normal stuff. And Rich is his way to get everyone to notice him. He slinks into the group, Rich on his arm as a sort of fake ID, and finds his place in this new friend group. Except weirdly enough, all of these people are trying to become more like him? You mean more like the boy Jeremy abandoned? The boy who was quite literally invisible? Is it because of Rich? Is it because Rich admires him? Is that why Jake seems to pay him so much attention, or why Brooke is so willing to hangout with him? And now he’s learning a new lesson—not how to give in because you’re insecure, but how to give in a little because it makes the people around you happy. Pretending to like theater because Jeremy and Christine glow the second they’re on stage. Pretending to like painting his nails because he’s the only one who will let Brooke experiment with new colors and designs on him. And learning that this giving in doesn’t apply to boyfriends. He can’t pretend to like Rich because it makes Rich happy (does it?)
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kittinoir · 3 years
Phantoms Ch. 8
Read on Ao3
It had been hours since the fight at the Louvre and Marinette’s hands refused to stop trembling. Not from the fight, or the adrenaline, but because of him. She could swear she could still feel the phantom touch of his thumb, gliding over her wrist bone, the echo of his voice in her chest, the press of his shoulder against her cheek. 
It was torture, these glimpses of things she could never have.
But she was stronger now. Strong enough, to tell him the truth she’d seen. Strong enough to keep him at arms length. Strong enough to say goodbye. 
So why wouldn’t her hands stop shaking?
“You ok, girl?”
Marinette glanced up to see Alya looking at her fingers, her brow furrowed. 
“Not really,” Marinette said, pushing down the urge to lie and brush it off as nothing. Honesty had become their new policy that first night Alya had stayed over and the truth had come pouring out - every insane detail, every excuse, every action explained. Every thing she could remember. And at the end of it, she’d sworn to never lie to her best friend again. “But I’m not really ready to talk about it.”
Not yet. Not until Adrien knew first.
Even if he didn’t feel that way about her - not now that he knew ‘his Lady’ was just his friend.
For the best, she told herself. It was for the best. 
But it didn’t make her feel any better. 
“I’m here for you,” Alya said, gently squeezing Marinette’s fingers. “We all are,” she added quietly.
Marinette glanced behind them at the group of girls that had arrive for their biweekly sleepover. Rose was braiding Juleka’s hair, away from her face for once, while Alix painted a new pair of roller skates. Kagami and Mylene had yet to arrive, and Chloe and Sabrina were running late. No surprise there. 
“I know,” Marinette whispered. “Amazingly.”
“There’s not a single one of us who wouldn’t have done the same thing,” Alya said, waving the words away. “Besides, it’s not like you didn’t try to warn me. And how many times did you do me favours as LB when you didn’t have to? Those interviews, the shout outs? You were always my best friend, Marinette, I just didn’t always know it. If anything, I’m the one who didn’t - ”
“Hey.” Marinette put a hand on Alya’s shoulder, stopping her. “Let’s agree to stop apologizing, ok? We’ve both done things we’re not proud of, but that doesn’t mean we don’t love each other…right?”
“Of course,” Alya said, pulling her friend into a hug. “Deal.”
“Ugh. If this is what I’m in for, I’m going home.”
Marinette pulled away to see Chloe coming up through the trap door as Sabrina pulled her up. 
“We’ll spare you,” Alya said drily.
“Glad you could make it,” Marinette added with genuine warmth.
“Wouldn’t miss it,” Sabrina said, “Especially now that…” She traced the clip in her hair with a finger and Ziggy popped out of her purse to grin.
“Speaking of,” Alix said, “Is it safe for them to…?”
“Sure,” Marinette said. “They know how to be careful.”
As if on cue, Tikki, Pollen, Trixx, Ziggy, Fluff, Daizzi, and Roaar burst out of their hiding places and swirled up to Marinette’s bed as they cheered.
“Remember…” Marinette called after them, unable to stop herself.
“If your parents knock, play hide and seek,” Daizzi chirped.
“Hide and seek?” Juleka asked with a smirk.
Marinette shrugged, a small blush warming her cheeks. “It seemed to be the only way to get them to actually hide.”
“Here.” Chloe handed Marinette what looked like a bag of cookies from her own bakery as Alya and Sabrina drifted over to the others. “A hostess gift.”
“Uh, you didn’t have to,” Marinette said with a short laugh. “But thanks.”
“I did, actually,” Chloe said with a sniff. “It’s rude not to. I thought about getting something else, but this is the best bakery in Paris. Seemed like a waste to go anywhere else.”
Marinette blinked, but took the compliment in stride. She’d learned the hard way that acknowledging those comments was a great way to make sure they stopped coming.
“Can I get you anything?” Marinette offered. She didn’t know how to act around this girl, how to be friends with her. Chloe had turned her nose up at her so often in the past, but she wasn’t doing that now.
“I’m fine,” Chloe said, but she leaned in. “Did you you talk to him?”
For a second, Marinette’s heart stopped beating. “Wh…what?”
“Luke,” Chloe huffed, rolling her eyes. “Please tell me you didn’t throw away that opportunity after I practically gift wrapped it for you.”
“Oh.” Marinette grit her teeth, desperately trying to convince herself that strangling Chloe for the heart attack would not improve their relationship. “It’s Luka. And yes. Yes, I did, thanks.”
“And what?”
“What did he say?” Chloe demanded. “Was it as awful as you thought it would be?”
Yes. It had been. Every bit as awful as she’d thought it would be, and worse. Hearing her future out loud had been so much worse.
But it was real now, and she could deal with it. She would deal with it.
“He was really nice,” Marinette said instead. “Very understanding.”
“That made it worse, didn’t it?” Chloe said with a sigh. “I get it.”
She would get it, Marinette suddenly realized. Probably more than anyone else. The girl who lashed out at everyone, who pushed everyone away - how much of that was to see who would finally snap, finally yell back, finally treat her like a person instead of a doll? Was that why Chloe had treated her so badly for so long? Because she felt like she was finally getting what she deserved when Marinette pushed back?
“I took advantage of him,” Marinette admitted. “I don’t feel like I deserve to just be let off the hook.”
“I can’t even believe I’m doing this,” Chloe said, “But you didn’t ‘take advantage of him’; you tried to move on and be happy with someone else. It’s not the same thing.”
“But I knew I didn’t feel the same way.
“So you’re not even allowed to try?” Chloe demanded. “He wasn’t a distraction, he wasn’t some toy you threw away when you got bored, was he?”
“Of course not,” Marinette said with a frown. 
“Well, then?” Chloe said. “What were you supposed to do, be miserable and alone? Wallow?”
Marinette couldn’t believe she was about to say this to Chloe of all people, but even with her new honesty policy with Alya, there was no one else to say it to. “No one’s mad at me. Not even Adrien.”
“Didn’t you literally just tell Alya no more apologies?”
Marinette flushed. “How long were you standing there anyway?”
“Long enough,” Chloe said with a smirk. “Now come on, no more moping. Did you ever think that maybe there’s nothing you need to be forgiven for?”
“The apologies thing was more for her than me,” Marinette protested, but Chloe threw a look over her shoulder that brooked no arguments as she pulled Marinette over to the other girls.
And the longer Marinette sat with them, the more she thought Chloe might be right, a thought she didn’t think she’d ever have. It wasn’t that their friendships seemed unchanged; it was that they seemed stronger, brighter with the truth out in the open, happy to share the secret and the burden.
Even Chloe seemed to strike up and tentative conversation with Rose and Mylene, who had come in with Kagami just a few minutes after Chloe and Sabrina had arrived. 
Warmth bloomed in Marinette’s chest and her cheeks hurt from smiling. She recognized love when she felt it, but it was nice, for once, to feel it unencumbered by the weight of keeping it to herself. 
“I’m glad this happened,” Kagami said suddenly over the group.
Individual conversations trailed off, hands stilled, as everyone turned to look at her, but Kagami didn’t even blink as she surveyed the group.
“Not the akumas,” she clarified without flinching under the weight of a dozen eyes on her. “This. You. All of you. I’ve never really had people I’ve wanted to...share things with.”
“I’ve…always been afraid,” Mylene chimed in. She blushed. “Of…pretty much everything. I thought I’d be too afraid to ever use a Miraculous, but being able to do something, having some control…having you guys around me. For the first time in my life, I’m not afraid any more.”
“I’ve never been a part of anything,” Chloe said suddenly, and then all eyes were on her. “My own family wanted nothing to do with me. As long as I’m happy or content, they consider their job done, and so I’ve always pushed everyone away. Before they could leave.”
“You treated all of us horribly,” Kagami said, her eyes narrowing. “Even your own supposed ‘bff’.”
Chloe flushed. “I didn’t say I was proud of it.”
“You kind of acted that way,” Alya said, the harsh words just barely softened by an apologetic shrug.
“At the time… I was…” Chloe admitted. The words came haltingly, as though dragged from some dark, horrible, lonely place inside her. “I thought I was better than everyone, and I needed to make sure everyone knew it. I needed to make sure my parents knew it. I needed them to know that I was…worth it.”
“And now?” Rose asked, a small smile on her lips, as though she knew Chloe’s future was brighter than her past had been.
Chloe looked up at the group of them, but her eyes stayed clear. “I’m embarrassed. I behaved…horribly. It’s not an excuse. I’m not saying I deserve to have it all forgiven or forgotten, but… I don’t want that to be my life anymore. It was too lonely. Even when I won, I felt empty. I know that some of you…most of you…probably don’t want to be my friend. All I’m asking for is to be allowed a place here…with all of you. To help fix what I broke so many times.”
Marinette didn’t blink as she felt all the eyes swivel to her. She tried not to see them. It wasn’t her choice to make any more, and she suspected Chloe needed more than just her say-so.
“Everyone gets a say,” Marinette said, finally meeting her friends eyes. “A vote. Right here, right now.”
“Not privately?” Sabrina said, glancing up at Chloe as she bit down on her thumb nail.
“If you can’t say it to Chloe’s face, you shouldn’t get a vote,” Marinette said. “But we’re a team. We need to be able to trust and rely on each other.”
“Then I vote yes,” Rose chirped, bouncing a little on her heels. “Chloe’s done amazing so far, and she’s an awesome spokesperson for the team!”
“Sure,” Juleka mumbled. “Everyone deserves a second chance.”
“Well, it’s a no from me,” Alix said without missing a beat. “We all have issues, but you’re the only one who took them out on everyone else.”
“Fair enough,” Chloe said, meeting Alix head on. Marinette flinched, but she didn’t miss Alix’s appreciative smirk as Chloe took the criticism in stride.
“I say yes,” Alya said. For the first time, Chloe actually looked surprised. “For what you did for Marinette.” Chloe frowned, but Mylene chimed in before she could ask any questions.
“I say no.” Mylene fisted her hands on top of her knees, ducking her face. “It’s not that I don’t want Chloe to have a Miraculous, it’s just what Marinette said - I don’t think I can trust her. I want to, but…”
“It’s fine,” Chloe said, saving Mylene from her rambling. “I get it.”
“I also vote no,” Kagami said. Marinette couldn’t say she was entirely surprised. Kagami didn’t elaborate, and Marinette supposed she didn’t have to. What else was there to say that she hadn’t already said?
“I vote yes,” Sabrina said as she regarded her best friend. “Chloe is…a lot of things. Some of you think she treated me badly, but it’s my friendship, too. I could have changed it at any time. I was her friend because I wanted to be, not because she made me. Still am.”
For the first time, Chloe actually looked a little misty, but it cleared quickly. 
“Then it’s decided,” Marinette said. 
“Not yet,” Kagami interrupted, her voice a blade. “You have to vote. It could cause a tie.”
“I made my choice a long time ago,” Marinette said. “Chloe stays as long as she wants to. Now that that’s been decided, if anyone has a problem with that, they’re welcome to leave - after they returned their Miraculous.”
Kagami glared but remained silent. Alix simply shrugged, and Mylene wouldn’t look up, but no one left.
“Who wants to see the submissions I’ve gotten on the Ladyblog for identity guesses!” Alya said, whipping out her phone. “Someone got one riii-iiight!”
Marinette could have kissed her friend for changing the subject as the girls nearly fell over themselves to peek at Alya’s phone screen. 
“I thought ‘no more apologies’ was the theme of the night?” Marinette said as she switched seats with Sabrina to sit beside Chloe.
“It wasn’t supposed to be an apology,” Chloe muttered. “It just kind of happened. I just meant to…participate. I’ve never really had friends before. I’m not really sure how this all…works.”
And for a moment, Marinette was no longer in her room, but standing outside her school, her flat so close but so far away as the rain poured down and a boy in white said the exact same thing. 
“You’ll figure it out,” Marinette said softly.
“I’ve never had to figure anything out by myself before,” Chloe groaned, dropping her chin into her upturned palm. “Couldn’t I figure out something easier first, like Hawk Moth’s identity or something?”
For once, Marinette actually laughed. “If you do, let me know. Adrien and I have been trying to do that for years.”
“Seriously?” Chloe said, frowning. “You have zero clues? Not even one? A suspect, even?”
“I mean I’ve looked over the submissions to the Ladyblog from time to time,” Marinette said, referencing the submission box Alya had made for Hawk Moth’s identity after she’d been akumatized a second time. “None of them have ever panned out. Although…”
Marinette felt the blush work its way across her cheeks as a dim memory resurfaced.
“Although what?” Chloe demanded, sitting up.
“At one point I thought it was Gabriel Agreste.”
Chloe’s eyes widened. “Adrien’s dad?” she demanded, just barely managing to keep her voice down. “What on earth made you suspect him?”
Marinette shrugged. “He had the book. The guardian’s manual. Master Fu said the peacock and butterfly Miraculous were lost at the same time, and that whoever had one probably had the other.”
Chloe blinked. “Um, ok. Pretty solid evidence. So…why’d you change your mind?”
“Gabriel was akumatized shortly after we began to suspect him.” Marinette flinched as her eyebrows shot up. “That’s why Chat Noir was so upset that day. I’d just told him his dad might be…uuuuuuuuuuuuggggghhhhh.”
Marinette buried her face in her hands but the images wouldn’t stop playing against her closed eye lids.
“You told Adrien you thought his dad was a supervillain?” Chloe laugh, and for once, Marinette found herself giggling along with her. “I can’t believe you’re still friends.”
“Well, like I said,” Marinette said, lifting her face, “He got akumatized by Hawk Moth shortly after. Hawk Moth has to be transformed to control the akuma. And if two kwamis were living in the same house, I think they’d notice. Besides, I’ve seen them in two places at once. So it’s back to square one, with no leads and no answers.”
Chloe nodded and didn’t object when Marinette was dragged into the conversation with the other girls. Ladybug and Chat Noir might have ruled out Gabriel as a suspect, but as she watched the other girls squawk over the Ladyblog, one thought would not leave Chloe alone:
 Hawk Moth and Gabriel Agreste were not the only ones who’d been seen in two places at once.
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bmcrbb · 4 years
artist claims
sorry for the delay, there’s some personal drama taking up my time to blame here & also a small bit of classic procrastination. but here we are, with ARTIST CLAIMS.
here’s how this works!
i’m gonna put a list of fics below the read more line, and they’re all numbered, but do not have author names on them. your job is to pick your favorite 3 fics, and then enter their numbers into this form. that’s it! a fic may end up with multiple artists, and we may do a round 2 for any unclaimed fics.
here we go!
1. Marked On My Grave
Really, Christine hadn’t expected much to come out of her life after dropping out of Bard Highschool. Her job opportunities were low, and Bard College was out of the window entirely. Shady deals made by angry princesses didn’t exactly help, nor did the pillaging pirates and necromancers-for-hire. And the necromancer’s mechanical henchmen were just the cherry on top of the very, very dangerous cake! But Christine really couldn’t say no to an adventure, could she?
Ships: Hints of Christine Canigula/Jenna Rolan, background Jake Dillinger/Michael Mell, background Brooke Lohst/Chloe Valentine
Tags & Warnings: Fantasy Au (Inspired by DND), Minor Non-Graphic Violence, Mentions of Blood, Mentions of Unconsciousness, Brief Mention of a Concussion, Mild Cursing
2. Reconnect
Jeremy is a single dad trying his best. Michael is also a single dad trying his best. After a falling out in high school, they haven't seen each other for years. When their sons become friends, they're forced to talk through their problems and figure out how to get along. Michael never really thought of Jeremy as anything more than a friend, but now...
Ships: Michael/Jeremy, Christine/Brooke
Tags & Warnings: Refrenced Abuse (from squip and from a parent), Slow Burn, Child Original Characters, jeremy heere fights the PTA
3.  off key, but in tune (we reach a crescendo)
Marching band! (No squips!) Rich has been in band since freshman year, he's been aware of Jeremy since they joined at the same time even if they played different instruments. They weren't friends but they weren't not friends. Eventually Jeremy brings another kid with him - they're sophomores now. Rich isn't necessarily good but he's the only other person who plays baritone. Michael picks it because no one else plays it. No one except Rich.
They spend their time at the back of the marching field, helping each other get their uniforms straightened out, crammed in the back of the band bus with Jeremy, falling asleep on the way home from a competition. Nothing becomes something becomes everything. Michael helps Rich read music, Rich helps Michael's form. Sophomore year turns to Junior year turns to Senior year. Long nights at competitions, winning awards, holiday concerts, state band competitions. At some point they realize that this might be what love is.
Ships: Michael/Rich
Tags & Warnings: Rich's dad sucks, implied self harm (nothing graphic), I'm not totally sure of all the details yet but they're sad and learn to navigate. Maybe past suicide attempts referenced. maybe underage drinking/smoking weed
Notes: the kids are all lgbtq and neurodivergent im not exactly sure on everything yet, rich has adhd michael is autistic and has adhd. slowburn all that good stuff, michael and rich play baritone, rich moves up to sousaphone and michael is a drum major senior year. jeremy plays flute. the others will be in it not totally sure whos where yet. jenna is yearbook tho.
4. Dead Poets
Brooke loves poetry and dreams of becoming a poet herself, but when Chloe starts belittling her for it, she decides to leave it in the past. Flash-forward to junior year, and Brooke feels like her only purpose in life is to follow Chloe around while being constantly reminded that she's inferior to her. She could leave, but fearing what others would think and knowing that she's been in love with Chloe since kindergarten prevents her from doing so.
The only place that provides her solace is her favorite place behind the school, and one day, she stumbles upon someone there—Richard Goranski, a guy who loves poetry and literature as much as she does, and is also struggling with an unrequited love. Hanging out with him revives her will to create poetry, and together they learn how to cope with their problems. Unfortunately, things also get a whole lot more complicated, and Brooke realizes that perhaps that's how beautiful tragedies were written—they were experienced first.
Ships: Chloe/Brooke, Platonic Brooke/Rich, Rich/Jeremy, Christine/Brooke, background Jake/Chloe
Tags & Warnings: There are suicidal thoughts (Brooke seriously entertains the thought of killing herself at one point, but doesn't push through with it or even do self-harm at all. Meanwhile, Brooke discovers Rich's scars from doing self-harm, and learns that he's tried to kill himself before) and mentions of depressing things (like tragedies, so there will be mentions of blood and violence and stuff like that, but it's pretty brief), homophobia, Alternate Universe, Suicidal Thoughts, Self-Esteem Issues, Friendship, Inspired by Poetry, Hurt/Comfort, Heavy Angst, stuff like that. Oh, and there's a bunch of fluff at some point, and the S.Q.U.I.P. doesn't exist.
5. take my hand, take my whole life too
Expensive Headphones fake dating AU.
Ships: Rich/Michael
Tags & Warnings: No Current Warnings, Fake dating, Wedding, Fluff
6. friended
Focused mostly on platonic relationships and the aftermath of everything, i know one plot point that i wanna include is michael’s moms taking in jake after the house fire and rich + jer bonding
Ships: Jeremy/Christine/Jake, potential Rich/Michael
Tags & Warnings: Mentions of the squip abuse, Homophobia, Alcoholism, Platonic michael/jake, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort
7. love shack (that’s where it’s at)
Brooke decides to capitalize on the annual Valentine’s Day Dance (the second most attended dance at Middleborough High, second only to the Freshman Fling. The prom DOES NOT COUNT, Jake.), and she sets up a little matchmaking stand outside school.
Two things she wasn’t expecting happen:
1) Matchmaking is a surprisingly profitable business
2) She doesn’t want a match of her own
Ships: brooke’s aro and that’s the whole point of this fic but, background Jeremy/Christine, Jenna/Thalia, & some very very background stuff
Tags & Warnings: Brief Homophobia, aro!brooke, figuring out your sexual identity, School Dance
8.  Being Scared Keeps Us Alive
Superhero AU where Jeremy is Spider-Man and Michael is like the blogger but anyway best friends turned boyf riends eventually with some twisty villainy occurring in the background
Ships: Jeremy/Michael
Tags & Warnings: Blood & Violence, Superhero AU
9. For The Better
Chloe puts in the effort to change for the better, and her and Brooke find that maybe theres a little more than friendship between the two of them.
Ships: Brooke/Chloe, Jeremy/Christine
Tags & Warnings: None Currently
10. Let’s Get Inside Their Brains
Jeremy Heere is a surgical resident. He’s the son of the now-deceased well-known surgeon Anne Heere. This is something he tries to hide from his peers. He falls for pediatric neurosurgeon prodigy Christine Canigula when he starts working with her. Christine is hesitant to start things with him because of him being a resident but she falls for him anyway. Jeremy also deals with trying to handle the legacy of being a Heere and the expectations that were set for him before he was even born.
Christine’s character is not just falling for a resident and that is not the only plot. She also struggles with the complicated task of discovering how to deal with a startling new epidemic of implants in people’s brains that change their behaviors. She can’t figure out how to fix the problem even with her prodigy level skills. Her attempts at removing the implant create strange behaviors in her patients that she doesn’t know how to explain. Sometimes the surgeries fail completely and people die on the table.
Jeremy has a knack for neurosurgery and is picked by Christine to work with her. Together they try to understand what exactly is going on and how to fix it without killing the patients or causing strange behavior that can’t see to be fixed.
Ships: Jeremy/Christine
Tags & Warnings: Medical procedures, mentions of past abuse, Dark, Alternate Universe
now, again, ARTISTS, please select your top 3 fics and fill out this form. first come, first serve! please have it filled out by JULY 23RD, or i will chase you around with a wooden spoon in your dms
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imsuchotometrash · 5 years
Obey Me as Be More Chill Cast
Holy Shit this ended up being so long but I really wanted to explain myself. So I’ve put it all under a cut (hopefully). This is just how I’d cast them, and I did include understudy roles with explanations so if anybody happens to write a crossover fic/ does some art with idea they have options (please feel free to do so and please tag me I don’t trust myself to do it I’d butcher my idea with a meat cleaver but I wanna see it so bad).
Jeremy - Leviathan
Honestly the whole vibe of BMC feels like Levi’s aesthetic.
And Jeremy’s big character flaw is that he’s not satisfied with his lot in life/jealous of the life the popular kids have.
You have to pry my head-cannon of Levi already having “Two Player Game” memorized from my cold dead hands.
Understudy - Mammon
Meet dumbass #2 who just wants people to like him would jump on the chance to have a squip.
Actively argues with the casting director about making him Jeremy until he settles with understudy once he finds out MC’s role.
The Squip - Belphegor
Now, now, listen. Belphie is cannon manipulative, and Belphie is also cannon violent.
So is the Squip.
Also I like the significance of the the Squip being a character that takes a hot second to be introduced to us, and Belphie is the same.
Understudy - certain MCs (like mine for example)
Like my MC would turn “Pitiful Children” into a song just dripping with sex.
And I feel like if Levi had the chance to choose what his Squip looks like that weeb would pick either Ruri-chan or his crush you can fight me on that.
Michael - Lucifer
This seems like a stretch but it’s really not. For one, imagine Luci singing “Michael in the Bathroom”. I need it.
Michael is the only character who doesn’t get squipped, and a main reason for that is because he outwardly embraced his lot in life. I feel like that becomes a sense of Pride, like a certain demon.
I also like Lucifer as Michael because Lucifer does try to understand his siblings, and is very accommodating of Levi’s social struggles. Idk i think it makes him a good candidate to play Levi’s stage best friend.
Let Lucifer live vicariously through Michael and experience a relatively laid back life for just a moment please he deserves it
Understudy - Beelzebub
Would naturally fit the role of a stoner without having to be one just for the munchies alone.
A very good friend who deserves the world and instead ends up having a suicidal panic attack in a bathroom
Christine - MC
Obvious reason #1: both are main love interests. And I am a fan of the theater fic trope of your crush in real life is your love interest in the play. Fight me.
I feel like some of the cannon options provided for MCs naturally give way to Christine’s quirkiness.
I feel like this one is very self explanatory and kinda lazy but c’est la vie.
Understudy - Belphegor.
This is partially because one option for casting of Jake is Beel and I feel like he’d enjoy getting to interact with his brother more than the Squip interacts with Jake.
But it’s mainly because I personally thinking Belphie would enjoy pulling the switcheroo on Levi in “A Guy that I’d Kinda Be Into”
Also Belphie singing “Play Rehearsal” is a hilarious thought
Rich - Mammon
My sad greedy boy who craves attention. Would understand freshman Rich. SO MUCH.
Mammon is a hipster. He has to be, you can’t convince me otherwise. This need to know upcoming trends most definitely includes obscure drugs.
Understudy - Leviathan
Rich and Jeremy are actually really similar characters. They have important differences like Levi and Mammon do, and I think both can understand Rich.
Levi would 1000% buy the Squip just because it’s a rare, limited item from Japan
His Squip is Ruri-chan in a bikini
Chloe - Satan
Hierarchy wise, Chloe is above Brooke, just like Satan is above Asmo in the demon pecking order.
Chloe is vindictive when she feels slighted, and cunning about her execution, just like our resident bookworm which is a trait he picked up from Lucifer BUT I DIGRESS
Short tempered bitches have to stick together
Understudy - Diavolo
Queen Bee of the School meet Prince of the School
For the Prince of Hell fuckers, I bring you a feast: The baby costume (ignore the diaper part and focus on how he’ll most likely be essentially naked)
Jake - Beelzebub
Jake = confirmed jock beefcake. Beel = confirmed jock beefcake. It’s just simple math.
Turns out that Jake has family issues that bother him that he hides behind a happy go lucky, go with the flow attitude and hmmmmm that sounds really familiar.
Also turns out that Jake is decently in tune with his emotions, I swear I’ve seen this before.
He literally becomes wheelchair bound as a result of risking his life to save his friend. Guys they are carbon copies of each other.
Understudy - Lucifer
This mostly revolves around the fact that I think Lucifer’s Pride will not allow him to be anything less than a lead role.
Also, Jake is technically the second antagonist, and Lucifer ends up being an antagonist to his brothers with his strict rules and sadistic punishments.
Jake = Mr. Perfect, always gets what he wants (in Jeremy’s eyes). Lucifer = Mr. Perfect, always gets what he wants (in Leviathan’s eyes).
Jenna - Solomon
Shady characters unite.
Still holds power/prestige because she’s the school’s go to source for gossip because she just knows things. Kinda like Solomon, but I was thinking more along the lines of because he has immense power/so many pacts with demons.
Tricky bitch who is actually the person who almost causes the end of the world because a pretty person told them to do it. (Do I think Solomon is very weak to Asmo because he’s a pretty face? Yes, yes I do)
Understudy - Asmodeous
Our actual resident king of gossip
Third person in the show to be squipped, and honestly I think Asmodeous would also be the third demon to do it behind Levi and Mammon, for a plethora of reasons/head cannons.
Asmo hitting Jenna’s note in “The Pitiful Children” hits me different and I want it.
Brooke - Asmo
First off: “Do you wanna Ride”. That’s it. That’s my argument for this casting.
Actually, Brooke is a very sexualized character, but turns out to be caring and genuinely likes Jeremy at one point, and that fits my specific thoughts of Asmo’s insecurities.
Understudy - Solomon
Is this just because Solomon was last on my list to find a second role? Yes Of course not. I’m classier than that.
In actuality, I think Brooke gets screwed over pretty hard during the play, and us fans don’t particularly play nice with our resident sorcerer, what with our distrust of his shady character.
Mr. Heere - Diavolo
Diavolo playing the dad who is trying to connect with his kids? Sign me up.
Also, Diavolo singing “The Pants Song”. I don’t know if you noticed but I base a lot of these off of people singing certain songs and I’m not going to apologize
For all you Demon Prince fuckers out there, this character decision requires Diavolo to walk around on stage with no pants on for 90% of his stage time. You’re welcome
Understudy - Simeon
A guiding influence in the play, a part of the character Simeon would easily relate to and take some pride in.
For all you angle fuckers out there, Simeon in boxes for 90% of the play. You’re welcome.
Mr. Reyes - Simeon
My main motivator for this decision was Mr. Reyes’ speech during “The Play” because he snaps off and I really want Simeon to loose his shit.
Mr. Reyes is also relatively chill and goes with the flow. He’s got a lot of patience, like our favorite angel boy, and I feel like Simeon could relate to that.
Understudy - Satan
A fellow advocate for the arts.
Mr. Reyes ends up having quite the temper, and Satan would definitely enjoy his blow up scene.
A more background role, which gives Satan ample time to learn more about backstage work or anything else that strikes his fancy during all his free time in rehearsals.
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beautymercurydragon · 5 years
Fun facts about my ML next-gen/plot changes
Originally, it was supposed to be a story where Alya’s son and Marinette’s daughter were Chat Noir and Ladybug, and they fell in love with each other over time, while Kagami’s daughter Kimiko tried to set them up
Maddie never existed in my original concept. Originally, Adrien and Marinette were supposed to have fraternal twins named Emma and Danielle, the latter of the two being Ladybug. They had another two children; twenty-three year old Hugo, and their twelve-year-old Louis.
Kara didn’t exist either. Originally, she would have been a boy named Peter, but that got changed around as I wanted to go for a more unique next-generation plotline. Kailie was going to have been named Caitlin.
Vivienne was going to be Chloe and Nathaniel’s daughter, and she was going through a hard time with her parents’ divorce because Chloe cheated with Kim.
Luka would have been with Lila, and their daughter would be named Anna. Kagami’s husband was a Japanese suitor chosen by her mother who died, leaving her to raise her daughter alone. Anna and Emma were school bullies, and joined Lila as supervillains, them becoming Bluebird and Farfalla.
There was a plot where Lila would have taken the Fox Miraculous and became Scarlet Fox, head villain of Paris, but as you may have guessed from the actual story concept that I went through with, the name was changed slightly to Scarlett Fox and made a superhero identity.
Kimiko went through a hard time due to Kagami turning into her own mother, feeling trapped in and stressed from her mother’s orders. She soon enough runs away, and lives on the streets for a little while until Peter’s older sister Mars finds her and takes her in.
Rose and Juleka’s daughter Daisy, helping her cousin Anna out, steals the Miracle Box from Master Fu and assembles a team of villains with the remaining Miraculouses.
Now, onto the current concept in the fic itself:
Maddie (Adrienette child), Kara (DJWifi), and Lilli were the final group of three, as opposed to Peter, Danielle and Kimiko, whom along with the original darker concept were scrapped as a whole, obviously.
Emma, instead of being Danielle’s sixteen-year-old twin, is thirteen years old. She’s much kinder and well-reasoned, along with more friendly and sociable as she helps her BFF, Kara’s thirteen-year-old sister Kailie in her journey of showing she isn’t all of the rough ‘n tough tomboy act she seems. When Kayla (Max and Alix’s 13yo) moves to Paris and joins the school and Harmony (Myvan 13yo) gets away from her private school, she helps them gain more friends than expected and makes them part of her ‘pack’. She’s also much more ambitious and energetic, and participates in much more than original!Emma did.
Rebecca, Chloe and Kim’s fifteen-year-old, has been through a lot: Experiencing extreme biphobia from her ‘friend’ and more-so enemy Brooke Anciel, Lila’s younger daughter with Marc, facing scrutiny from her soccer team, and her reputation in theater, fashion and drama clubs along with being constantly humiliated in the hotel’s restaurant has really lowered her self-esteem. But with her friends Vivienne and Jade by her side, along with Jade’s cousin Viveka, she slowly finds her way back to earth. Putting her not-so nice past behind her, she doesn’t try to fix her mistakes, but live with them and strive to be better for everyone: Her family, her friends, and most importantly, the entire city of Paris.
Viveka and Maddie used to be attached at the hip, but ever since Viveka started showing her care and appreciation for Rebecca in her hard time, Maddie’s started considering her as a traitor more than an older-sister figure. Viveka explains to Lilli that she still cares for both her sister and Maddie, but that Rebecca very well needs someone like her as a source of comfort in the time being. Viveka’s main struggles in life center around two things: The media refusing to believe she’s bisexual after stating her crush on Aurore and Mireille’s oldest child Andrew, and her going away to college in England soon once her final school year comes to a close. Considering they both have their own trials over their sexualities, Rebecca and Viveka find each other bonding over the subject in question.
Jade, out of all the children in the Couffaine family, has several things on her name: Being the smartest kid in her entire school, a prodigy in the violin, and a regional champion in archery, gymnastics, and karate. But as her dream as a child to go to the Tsukiryu Boarding High School for girls in Japan changes from an old fantasy into a sudden possibility, she learns that sometimes, sacrifices make or break a person. But thankfully enough, her cousin’s crush’s sister/her longtime best friend/wingwoman’s presence alongside her is just enough to break through her trials and errors that come her way in high school. Not to mention, despite her straightforward and strong-willed exterior, it would shatter her heart into a billion pieces if it meant leaving her seven-year-old sister Violet, who’s also one of her best friends in the universe behind.
Vivienne has a whirlwind coming her way too: Just as she’s began growing closer to her mother Sabrina’s new partner Wayhem, they suddenly split without her knowing a single piece of information on what happens. Not to mention, her father Nathaniel’s soon-to-be marriage to his boyfriend of seven-plus years Marc is just around the corner, and she doesn’t have many positive experiences with him and Lila’s daughter Brooke much, as well her BFF Rebecca. But thankfully, Brooke’s seventeen-year-old sister Victoria completely understands her almost stepsister’s struggle, and begins to assist her as her superheroine alter-ego: Dragon Queen, ruler of elements.
The supervillain Red Robe, a vampire-obsessed malice to the Parisians is rising, along with their ruthless partner Seigneur Guepe. But as the new team of superheroes prove themselves to be even greater than any other Team Miraculous to come before them, they join forces with the cruel and insane Brooke and hand over the Raven Miraculous to her, resulting in the fifteen-year-old’s promise to help them out as Shadowetta - when the time calls, that is.
While in England, his hometown of almost thirty years now, Master Fu mysteriously regains his old memories of being the Guardian, prompting him to take Marianne back to Paris as he senses an evil force; one like never before. Taking back the Box from Marinette one night, the duo assigns a whole new team of heroes: Maddie as Ladybug, Emma as Kitty Noire, Kara as Scarlett Fox, Kailie as Shellie, Rebecca as Queen Bee, Vivienne as Wingwoman, and last but not least, Jade as Tropica. But just in case they’re needed, he also prompts Victoria and a boy born of a rich family, Hugo DuValle to become Dragon Queen and King Cobra.
Kara’s dream after so long is to become a famous TV star, and a contest starting at the second week of school gives her a perfect opportunity to launch the new kids’ hit of Paris: Codename: Scarlet Fox. But along with some opportunities to flee to the West End and become a theatrical star with her friend-rival Viveka, Kara discovers how much being Scarlett Fox really means to her, as well the presences of her friends, family, and boyfriend.
Maddie’s dreams of ballet lead to many things, one being the welcoming a new ally, the seventeen-year-old friend to Viveka and Victoria, Maisie Bruel aka Sourisine to Team Miraculous and the other a way to be recognized for not just her parents’ status and her looks.
Vivienne also gains an opportunity after her group and Maddie’s group make up for everything and become friendly with one another: Working as a mentor for Ladybug Style, Marinette’s multi-million fashion company. There, she learns how to gain the confidence she needs and learns important lessons from the older woman, growing into the butterfly she saves the day as.
Hugo and Maddie build a deep and caring bond, soon enough sneaking out to meet each other on Friday and Saturday nights and going on dates with each other and starting a romantic relationship. But as she discovers the shocking identities of Seigneur Guepe and Red Robe, will she put the safety of the ones she cares about and her home first, or her feelings for her handsome partner in a snake suit?
Emma, confused and frustrated with her fruitless and overwhelming civilian life, develops a crush on Rebecca around Christmastime, the person she’d least have expected to fall for. In a forced attempt to hide her sexuality from those around her, she begins a fake relationship with her childhood rival Simon, but soon enough realizes that it’s even more toxic for her as opposed to revealing herself as a lesbian.
Kailie meets her parents’ old friend since forever, Alix, and shares her sky-high dreams of becoming an all-star roller-skater much like she is. And when Alix says that she ‘has her ways of helping dreams come true’, she really does mean it well.
Brooke’s ways of wrongdoing step up to another level, resulting in an absolute pandemonium of hell for those that know her. And soon enough, that results in the terrorizing villain counterparts of all the heroes but Ladybug: Featherbird, Monarque, Honeybee, Tortureoise, Fireheart, Wolfie Noire, Ryusenshi, Hydre and more.
As the chaotic demeanor[s] or Red Robe and Seigneur Guepe level up and make Paris head into insanity, Maddie runs to Masters Fu and Marianne in need of one of the most helpful Miraculouses for a trail such as this: The Rabbit, letting the spunky and helpful Kayla Kante become Timekeeper. But will her ability to see the future from the present show a successful or drastic outcome for Team Miraculous?
@extremely-pearlmethirsty since you need name inspo for your own next-gen (not for this fandom lmao), here’s some fun facts from my original concept that you can feel free to use! For those interested, character bios are coming out tomorrow.
And @ultranimallover33 it isn’t character bios, but here’s some of what happens! I’m not even done with chapter three lmao, but I have so much in store for it already tbh XD.
Ask me questions about my next gen and more!
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pinklilfairy · 6 years
Just kiss me
Christine doesn’t understand why Jeremy likes her so much. Or at least that’s what he told her... a thousand times. He had the chance to date Chloe, Brooke… and well, Rich or Michael, if he wanted to, she was no one to judge. But instead, he picked her.
She finds adorable how he always starts sweating whenever she is close to him, and how he tries and tries to be romantic, but something ruins it. Every single time.
Actually no, Christine corrected herself, it doesn’t ruin it. It makes it even cuter.
She also thinks is crazy Jeremy took a, obviously dangerous, Japanese supercomputer and ruined his only friendship just because of her. And this precise issue makes her feel guilty, too. All her friends have traumas, insecurity and other serious problems because of that incident. And she was one of the reasons why it happened. But she talked with Jeremy about that, his answer was:
“You were a reason, yes. But… I did it mostly because my life wasn’t… the best in that moment.”
“How so?” She asked, curious. It was hard for Jeremy to talk about his feelings. She knew that. But when she asked specific things nicely, taking his hand and smiling to give him confidence, he managed to talk. It always worked. And though she respected his boundaries, communication is important in a relationship. Especially because of how theirs started.
“My dad wasn’t as good father as he is now. He’s… trying, I guess. And well, Michael is great, but it was hard to know that, besides him, I was completely alone. He didn’t think the same…” She squeezed his hand. She knew things with Michael were… complicated right now. They didn’t stop talking, but they weren’t together as much as they were before. They decided to take a break. And she thought that was the best, but it was hard to see her boyfriend as hurt as he clearly was whenever he talked to his best friend. “And uh, the last reason were you…” He smiled just a little bit, sadly. “But I would have done it even if I wasn’t in love with you. That was just the excuse I gave to myself.”
And yeah, that conversation took a lot of weight out of her back, but…
Anyway, back to positive thoughts. It’s not good to think just about the… bad…
Wait, what was she thinking about in the first place? Oh yeah, Jeremy.
He once gifted her a Shakespeare shaped chocolate. It melted into his pocket, so he apologized and told her she should throw it away. And she did. Well, she threw the chocolate away, but she kept the paper. It was cute. And since it had a picture of Shakespeare on it, she put it on one of her books. Like a sticker.
Once, Christine spent all night learning dialogues. Jeremy knew it because she was on call with him. He stayed up to help her read the lines, but… he fell asleep, eventually. She didn’t hang up because his breath helped her relax and focus. It was cute.
Next day, she was completely exhausted. But Jeremy was there to save her. He made what he called “the energy box”. Super original. It had an energetic drink and candy. Specially chocolate. He knew she loved chocolate.
“I thought... Christine must be exhausted. What if she falls asleep in class and a teacher sees her? I wouldn't like if they yell at you or something. So... I made this.”
“This is... great. Thanks, Jeremy.” She paid for it by kissing his cheek. But Jeremy had other plans, apparently.
They've kissed before, yeah. But just two times. Right after Jeremy was out of the hospital. Everyone saw it and... they were really happy. But once they started dating, things changed. They were both too shy to kiss the other first. Well, no. Christine wasn't shy. She was... kind of insecure about it. She had reason to. He kissed Brooke and Chloe before. And well, she didn't know if he ever kissed other people, but the two she knew about were enough to be insecure.
Jeremy's hand was on her waist, and he used it to pull her closer. Christine smiled. This happened before. She thought he was going to kiss her, but he kissed her forehead before. But... this time, something was different. Jeremy seemed nervous.
Well, he was always nervous. But more than usual. And that made her nervous, too. Jeremy didn't move at all for the next minute. And she was too tired to think about a soft, subtle way to bring him back to earth.
"Just... kiss me."
She could see the surprise in his eyes before he kissed her desperately. She kissed back the same way, but the kiss turned more sweet and soft in a few seconds. Passionate make out wasn't their style.
When their lips weren't together anymore, they both smiled, blushing. And she remembered why she liked him so much, again.
"Hey, Jere?"
"I love you." She said it without thinking. Like most of the things that left her lips during the day. And though people usually saw this as a bad thing, she liked it.
"I- Uh-" She could tell she took him by surprise, and couldn't help but giggle. "D-don't think I'm doubting-! I just- I didn't think-!"
"Jeremy..." She chuckled. "Just say what's on your mind, remember?" He sighed and smiled at her.
"I love you, too."
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albionscastle · 5 years
First Impressions 11
I literally just ran this chapter out in a day, which is totally unheard of for me, but when the mood hits you......
Trigger Warning: mentions of domestic abuse, rape, anxiety.
In this chapter the boys are back across the pond, Jack is in denial, Maya takes a trip and Lizzie finally stands up for herself.
Fic Masterlist
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The morning after the wrap party Lizzie woke up feeling like she was hung over. Her head pounded, her throat was all dry and scratchy and she felt sick to her stomach. How had an evening that had begun so well turned bad so quickly? How had any of it even been real it was so ridiculous. A glance at her phone showed that was 8am, far later than she usually slept and she moaned, knowing she was going to feel like shite all day. Shooting off a text to Charlie to see if his evening had turned out any better, she lumbered into the shower, hoping that the steam would at least help to clear her head.
She had to at least make herself presentable for Sunday dinner or there would be consequences. One thing that Lizzie was most certainly not in the mood for was her mother’s inferences and comments about her life choices or the way she looked. Mary and Kate would be there today and she wanted her time with her sisters to be as pleasant as possible. Of course bribery was always a good option too and so she spent the morning baking a few of Chloe’s favourite things, just in case she needed the distraction.
From past experience it had about a 70/30 chance of success, which were odds she could live with.
It seemed to be working this time too, Lizzie thought halfway through dinner. Lydia was still sulking of course, but everyone else seemed to happy enough while they planned for Thanksgiving. Chloe was insisting that everything be absolutely perfect for Tom to celebrate his first one, and while Lizzie thought some of her ideas were a bit over the top, she couldn’t fault her excitement. This would be the first time that any of the girls had brought a significant other to the celebration. Mary and her girlfriend had spent last Thanksgiving in Oregon and Colin had always insisted on spending the day with his family. None of hers had ever been invited and it wasn’t until after she’d gotten away that she realized how he had been isolating her. All told, Maya and Mary bringing someone home for the holiday was a huge deal for all of them.
Glad of the diversion, Lizzie had a great catch-up with her sisters, both of them happier than she had ever seen them. Maya was beaming every time Tom was mentioned (a lot), and for the first time in a long time, Lizzie was pretty content with how things were turning out.
There was a knock at the door after dinner, Kate and Mary having already left, the remaining family members watching a movie.
“Of course you can dear! Come on in, she’s in the living room.” Chloe was saying.
Lizzie looked at Maya who simply shrugged, apparently she wasn’t expecting Tom. Maybe it was one of Lydia’s friends. Then she looked up and her heart plummeted to her feet as she saw Colin standing there, flowers in hand while her mother beamed with pleasure.
“Lizzie, Colin wanted to have a word with you.”
Her heart was now thumping in her throat, the familiar breathless feeling rising from the pit of her belly. She couldn’t believe that her mother would ambush her like this, was she truly so blind to the situation and to Lizzie’s feelings? Or, and much more likely, had Coloin managed to charm her into believing that things were far different than they actually were? For the first time, she regretted not telling her parents about Colin’s abuse. Her mother might have a pain, but she would never have allowed Colin through the front door if she knew what he really was.
With everyone looking at her expectantly Lizzie stood up. It was time to end this, but not inside her parent’s house. She felt a hand on her arm and it was, surprisingly, Lydia.
“Do you want us to stay?” she whispered.
The girl had her moments but she was always, always there for the sisters if they needed her. Deep down, Lydia was a good egg.
“No. But thanks.” she patted Lydia’s hand. “I’ll speak to Colin outside.” she spoke firmly. “The rest of you need to stay here.”
Her look, especially toward Colin and Chloe brooked no argument and she stalked past them both and out the door. It took moments only for Colin to follow, narrowing his eyes when he noticed her stretched on the swing leaving him unable to do anything but stand.
It was up to him to start.
Lizzie watched him fiddle with the flowers, seeing him realize there was no way she was going to accept them. He was on edge because already he could see that things weren’t going according to plan. If he was smart, he would cut his losses and run.
Colin had always been too self-absorbed to be truly smart.
“Eliza, I’m sure you realize by now why I’m here.”
“I heard work.”
“No. Well yes but that’s not all of it. Anne could have sent me anywhere but I chose to come here.”
Yeah, ok, she thought wryly.
“I don’t see what that has to do with me.”
“I’ve decided to give you another chance. I’ve come to understand that you were young before and perhaps not ready to be thrust into the life I was planning. Ann thinks I have great potential and we’ve agreed that it would be advantageous to have someone to help me entertain clients.”
No way was he seriously saying this, utter astonishment at his audacity had replaced fear and she opened her mouth to respond, only to be cut off as Colin continued.
“You would be responsible for dinner parties - under mine and Ann’s supervision of course. She’s very big on entertaining potential client and her eye is absolutely impeccable. Then of course you would be expected to entertain personally on the day of, serve appetizers during my meetings, be charming and naturally you would put the company forth, first and foremost.”
“I’m confused Colin, are you offering me a job?”
“Yes and no, Ann did ask me to look for someone to fill the role and I thought that as my wife you could perform the duties required,” his eyes slid over her like a snakes, leaving no doubt about his double meaning. “It would save the company money and Ann is quite keen on frugality.”
Lizzie barely concealed the shudder that wafted down her spine, she was so stunned that she couldn’t even speak.
“I know it’s a lot to take in, but with training you could do well. Also, I don’t like to brag but the home Ann helped me pick out is perfectly suited for entertaining and is really quite awe-inspiring. Especially for the smaller names, like your Scottish friend.”
Lizzie didn’t miss the way his lips curled on a snarl as he spoke those words, a glimpse of the Colin that she knew well. Instinct had her screaming RUN in her head, this would be the moment when he would accuse and then hurt her. But things were different now, she was different, even if he wasn’t.
“No.” she said it firmly, almost surprised that she’d said it out loud at all.
Colin’s eyes flashed, his polite mask slipping for a second before he took a deep breath, concealing the monster once again.
“I see. Driving the hard bargain to hold out for more. Well, there could be travel involved. Ann’s main office is in London. There would be certain red carpet events, parties no doubt where I could wrangle a plus one, if you are doing well of course. You’d have an allowance naturally, and a driver, anything you could want.”
“Except freedom, Lizzie thought darkly.
“Still no. Not interested.”
“Eliza, don’t be stupid!” Colin snarled. “This is the best offer you are ever likely to get. I gave you time to grow up and pursue your pointless degrees, time to understand and appreciate what I have to offer you, now it’s time to think.”
“I am thinking, and my answer is still no. It will always be no.”
“Why? I don’t understand.”
“You know why, Colin.” Lizzie ground out.
Was he really so narcissistic that be believed himself innocent? Or worse, justified?
“Are you seriously dredging up the past Eliza? I think we are beyond that now. You were young and did enjoy pushing me.”
“Pushing you?” Anger now overrode all of Lizzie’s better judgement and she stood, facing him without backing down. “You punched me in the ribs for saying hello to the postman. How exactly was that pushing you?”
“Don’t be ridiculous.” he snapped. “I never laid a hand on you unless you incited me. You knew how I felt about you talking to other men, flirting with them. You were mine, young and out of control, I was trying to shape you into a grown up.”
“He was 73, and what about the time I didn’t scrub the counters with both kind of bleach so dragged me by my hair through the house and locked me in the basement for two days. Was that justified?”
“All you had to do was what I asked, you brought it all on yourself, you needed to learn and you needed to be punished when you deliberately went against my wishes.”
“Oh I learned alright. I learned that I am a million times better than an abusive sack of shit like you in every way. I said no and I meant no, Colin, now get off my parent’s property before I call the Chief and your dirty secret gets out into the open.”
“You wouldn’t dare.” Colin had gone white, unconsciously backing up toward the steps.
“Oh, but I would. You come near me or my family again and I’ll make sure that the illustrious Anne deBourgh knows all about how much you like to hit women.”
“You bitch!” Colin was down the steps and onto the path, only feet away from his car.
Lizzie smiled triumphantly, raising her hand in a mocking wave.
“Buh bye now.” Colin didn’t say another word, instead he turned and got in his car, peeling away before Lizzie could make good on her threat. She waited until he was out of sight before collapsing onto the swing, her breath struggling in deep, gasping gulps. The enormity of what she’d done wasn’t lost on her, at one time she hadn’t even dared to look at him sideways and now she had told him to go to hell. Part of her somehow still expected to feel his fist in her ribs for even daring to speak out. That part had her eyes darting around in panic, certain she would see his car still there and him towering over her.
It was several minutes before she could pull herself together enough to breathe properly and she gratefully sucked the late fall air deep into her lungs. Her hands had almost stopped shaking and, while her legs were still a bit wobbly, she was able to stand again and slowly make her way to the door.
One unwanted confrontation down, one to go.
The expected scolding from her mother didn’t come as she closed the door behind her. Curious, she thought as she entered the living room, seeing only her father.
“Kitchen. Everything ok?”
Lizzie smiled at his concerned look and nodded, leaning over to kiss the top of his head.
“It’s fine, I sorted it out.”
Watching as he turned his attention back to the t.v. Lizzie was once again glad she had never told her parents the truth about Colin. It would break her father’s heart to know that someone had hurt her - and that he hadn’t been there to stop it. A moot point now, she mused, making her way to the kitchen. The bastard was gone for good now, at least she hoped so.
Any thoughts about Colin fled as soon as she saw the state of Maya, who sat silently at the counter, fat tears streaming down her cheeks with her phone sitting in front of her. Chloe spotted Lizzie and before she could even open her mouth to Maya it began.
“Oh Lizzie, what a sad state of things! Just up and gone like that, what are we going to do?”
She was actually wringing her hands as she  paced up and down the room.
“Maya?” Lizzie asked softly, her hand on her sister’s shoulder.
Maya choked on a sob, handing Lizzie her phone before dashing away to her room. Looking down she read the message on the screen with horror.
Subject: Sorry
Maya, love I’m sorry to bail like this, I thought there was more time but I’m needed in London tomorrow for auditions. I can’t blow them off. I’m sure you understand. Thanks for everything, you are a wonderful girl and I had a great time with you.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” she growled, reading the email. An email of all things! “He has some fucking nerve.”
“Maybe she can catch him before he leaves?” her mother asked hopefully.
“I don’t think so Mom, if I had to guess I’d say he’s already on the plane, probably even in London by now. If he was too cowardly to say this face to face then he’s left town already. Bastard.”
“What about Colin? He’s involved in that world, with them, I’m sure he would look him up if you asked.”
“Colin is not, and will never be involved in this, Mom.” Lizzie stated.
“I know you just got back together but considering the circumstances, I’m sure he won’t mind.”
“I turned down Colin’s rather insulting proposal Mom. It’s done and I don’t want to hear anymore about it.”
“No Mom! I mean it, it’s done. Give it up because I am never going to marry Colin Ryan.”
“I can’t believe you Elizabeth Bennett. Why are you so intent on throwing away your future?”
“Why are you so intent on throwing me at a man I despise?”
“You’d have stability, social standing, money, everything you need.”
“No, that’s just everything you want, it’s not what I want. I never cared about money or social bullshit.”
Lizzie moved past Chloe and down the hall.
“We are not done talking about this young lady.” Chloe snapped.
“Yes we are Mom. We are done, if you so much as mention Colin to me again then I’m out, I mean it. I can’t keep going through this with you. I love you and if you love me then you’ll trust me to make my own choices about my life!”
Lizzie didn’t realize how much her voice had risen until the shocked look on her mother’s face registered. She had never, even as a teen, ever yelled at her Mom. Lydia’s head poked out of her door with a worried frown and Ben stood in the hallway looking sad. Though angry tears threatened to spill over, Lizzie clamped her jaw shut.
“Come now loves, I think that’s enough excitement for one day. We’re all tired from last night and can do with a break.” Her father’s soft voice diffused the anger, as always. “Let’s go watch West Side Story shall we?” this he said to his wife.
“But…” sniff. “You hate musicals.”
“How about we see if I’ve changed my mind?”
Chloe allowed herself to be led away, Lydia retreated back into her room and Lizzie knocked softly on Maya’s door, not expecting a reply. Her heart twisted at the sight of her sister sobbing into the pillow. In twenty years she had never seen Maya once cry over a man.
She wanted to wring Tom’s neck.
“Hey May May, what do you say to a quiet night at my place? I have ice cream.”
Maya’s favourite feel better cure, and Lizzie knew that she would much rather be away from Chloe’s histrionics while the wound was still so fresh. She gathered a few of her sister’s things into a bag, patiently waiting until maya was ready to move.
“Dad.” She whispered from the kitchen, her father appearing almost immediately. “I’m taking Maya to my place for a few days.”
“Ok, go out the back door and I’ll keep your mother occupied.”
Lizzie nodded, heading for the kitchen door.
“Oh and Lizzie….” she turned to see a gentle smile on his face. “For what it’s worth, I never liked Colin, I’m glad you got rid of him.”
Shocked, Lizzie squeaked.
“Mom thinks he’s the second coming.” “I’ll take care of your mother, you take care of Maya. I love you both.”
“Love you too Dad.” Lizzie bundled Maya out the door.
It was only 6pm and today felt like the longest day of her life, all because of a couple of selfish, stupid bastards.
She was done with all of them.
The familiar sights and sounds of London were like a balm to his troubled soul, Jack thought happily as he trotted up the Tube steps. Everything that had bothered him for the past few months seemed to have dissipated and he could finally relax. Three days back and he had fallen back into his normal rhythm, better than he had been since Lisa if he was honest. He’d even made arrangements to have his flat painted while he was in Scotland for the holiday. He told himself that he’d only been waiting until he had the time to manage it, and he believed it.
How could he not?
Tom was still moping around, but Jack figured that was to be expected. He usually pulled himself together after about a week and there was no reason to think that this time was any different. In fact, the kid had nailed the audition so well that they hadn’t seen anyone else. It was a leading role and a big one, so more than ever Jack knew he had done the right thing by extracting Tom from the Bennett girl.
Safely back in his flat, Indian takeaway on the coffee table he turned on the telly for a night of vegging.
He choked on his curry, spraying rice all over the place when Saturday Night fever immediately appeared on the screen.
The curry was bloody hot, he thought as he cleaned it up, coughing and spluttering through a bottle of water. He should have been more careful.
He changed the channel anyway and with a suspiciously small bite of his food he settled in to watch…
Strictly Come Dancing with a disco theme.
Fuck no! Agitated now, Jack threw down the remote, going over to his media case. He grabbed an old horror flick, jamie Lee Curtis was a legend and he deemed it safe enough. He’d seen Prom Night a couple of times already but that didn’t matter. Relaxing back into the couch cushions he finished his food, scrolling through his phone mindlessly.
Until… “Ya haf tae be fucking kiddin me!”
He’d forgotten about the dance scene, the whole fucking disco soundtrack to the film it seemed. Disgusted, he simply clicked it off, opting to just sit in the dark.
The Universe was conspiring against him that was for bloody sure.
His phone vibrated with an incoming text, probably his best mate Andy wanting to go for a beer. Jack was so not in the mood. Ready to type the negative reply he was surprised to see the message was from Calum. It wasn’t like him to be awake this late when they were prepping a new production. Worried for a second he quickly opened it up.
CAL: hey asshole, what the fuck? Are you holding out on me?
Confused Jack’s brow furrowed.
JL: what are ye on about?
CAL: This! I thought you said the shoot was mindless misery, but you sure don’t look miserable!
What the hell is he talking about Jack wondered, totally confused now.
Another text, this one with an attachment. Tapping to open it he was unprepared for what he saw. Someone at the party had been taking photos, for whatever reason people did he vaguely remembered that. They had captured him dancing with Elizabeth and the moment they had caught...mid argument as he held her tightly, no space at all between them. The breath left his body in a woosh. He was stunned.
His phone rang, Calum.
“No response eh? Knew ye were holdin out.”
Jack’s mouth was dry and he had to take a gulp of water before he could even answer.
“Where did ye get tha?”
“Just Jared, that’s not the point. Who’s the girl?”
“No-one, just a local lass.”
“Uh huh.” Calum drawled. “That doesna look like a no-ne photo ye ken?”
“It was just a dance Cal, she’s no-one special.”
“Then why does it look like ye’s are seconds away from needin a room?”
“Bullshit. Beside we argued the whole song.”
“Ye say arguin, anyone else who looks at this is thinkin horizontal foreplay. I mean it Jack, the two o ye look like yer about tae go at it right there.”
“She doesna even like me, hates me in fact.”
“Fine line between hate and I wantae jump yer bones, Jack, and she wanted tae jump ye bad. Tell me ye sealed that deal.”
“Don’t be crass Cal.” Jack snapped. “And no, nothin happened with Elizabeth. At all.”
“Then yer a bigger idiot than I thought big brother.”
“Gee thanks Cal, nice tae know yer so supportive.”
Calum laughed. “Jack ye knob, ye really are so easy tae rile up. But seriously man, what’s the deal?”
“There’s no deal, I saw her a few times with mutual friends. We didna take a likin tae each other, that’s all there is to it.”
“If that’s what yer tellin yerself then ok, I won’t push. Anyway got tae go, early start. I’ll see ye at home. Love ya.”
The bugger hung up before Jack could even get a word in. He was never going to hear the end of it now. Looking at the picture again he tried to coolly explain it away. Not that it mattered at all, he was never going to see the woman again so what was some random picture taken at a party? Even if someone was curious, it wouldn’t be hard to figure out that he and Elizabeth lived on different continents and had no connection between them other than having attended this party.
What was he even so prickly about?
Looking at the picture again, Jack tried to see it through Calum’s eyes. As usual he had been making a stretch. Sure they were awfully close, but the dancefloor had been crowded and he had just dipped her the final time. That was why his arm was around her, rather than just a hand on her back. It also explained her fingers on the back of his neck rather than his shoulder.
His memory of the moment wasn’t as vague as he would have liked, and he could feel her breath on his neck as they quarrelled. The way she refused to be the first to look away, and how he’d smiled seeing the way her eyes flared. Calum wasn’t altogether wrong, Jack admitted bitterly. There had been some kind of weird sexual tension between them during that dance, He’d known it then. Fuck, he’d even fantasized about taking her off to a dark corner. When he looked at the photo with that memory in mind he could see why Calum had been so certain. Even though Elizabeth would be the first to deny it, want was etched clearly on her face as they sparred.
He felt almost viciously vindicated, he may not have slept with her but he at least had the small satisfaction of knowing she wasn’t as unaffected by him as she would have liked. It was almost a victory in his eyes and he went to bed with a smug smile, the picture safely saved onto his phone.
He felt somewhat less victorious on what would have been Thanksgiving. Spending the day with Tom had been more of a chore than anything as the younger man was impossibly more morose than ever.
“Should I call her and at least wish her a happy holiday?” he questioned over tea.
“Tom really, don’t ye think that's a little unfair? You’ve left, it’s over and done an thers no sense in draggin it out. It’s no fair tae anyone.”
“I know, I know.” Tom sighed sadly. “I just feel so awful for running out the way I did. I miss her.”
Jack was convinced that Tom’s feelings were stemming mainly from being denied the girl rather than truly missing her. Granted, he’d never seen him quite this upset over a girl, but again, the lad had a way of bouncing back quickly.
“Ye only miss her cause ye got used tae havin her around all the time. I know it’s a shite situation but ye haf tae admit, there was no way tae make it work out. Yer just savin the both of ye the grief of ending it much later.”
“I know you’re right and you do make sense, you do. But I still hate feeling like this.”
“Mate, jus give it time, yeah. Once ye get started on this new job ye’ll soon forget all about it.”
Jack flinched at the dark look Tom shot him.
“I know in the end that you are right, Jack. I’m convinced that you pushed me because you care, I Know you do, and I’m glad I have you as a mate. But don’t ever tell me I’ll forget about it, because I’m not going to. Maya was special and she didn’t deserve what I’ve done.”
For the first time, Jack felt something akin to guilt scratching its way to the surface. It was a feeling he didn’t like and he tried to push it down again after he and Tom went their separate ways. He’d never seen his friend so resolute and for a split second he second guessed his actions.
No. he told himself firmly as he pulled his coat tighter around his body, he’d done what was right. Chloe Bennett was nothing but a gold digger and he couldn’t let Tom get trapped like that. Not to mention the embarrassment of the family in general. He couldn’t fault his reasoning or his actions, and while he was sorry that Maya may have been hurt, he still didn’t think she was invested as Tom believed. In fact she was probably having a great day with her family, Tom all but forgotten.
So sure was he of that fact that after dinner he opened the Instagram account he’d created while in America. The one that he told himself was so he could be himself on the internet, anonymous, not created so that he could friend Elizabeth Bennett. He actually did follow other people, he justified, scrolling through his feed. He followed Andy on both accounts, as well as random celebs and travel blogs, not at all designed to get a certain someone and her private account to agree to become mutuals.
Nothing of Elizabeth showed on his feed and he cursed the lack of chronological order on social media. He couldn’t pretend he was just just scrolling for no reason if he had to actually go to her profile from his friends list. However, if he told himself he was doing it to prove to Tom that Maya was fine then he could justify it. Right?
To his legitimate surprise he saw that she had only posted once since Charlie’s birthday. In fact not a thing up until a few days ago, a quote: Women can fake orgasms, but men can fake whole relationships. Actually there were two and with some trepidation he swiped to the next one. For every tear you make her cry, there’s another man waiting to make her smile.
Confused he looked at the comments and all he got was a vague response from Elizabeth to any inquiries, “Not me, my sister.” That was it, no explanation, no response to any other questions, she didn’t even mention which sister.
Not that it could be any sister other than Maya, unless Lydia was hiding a secret boyfriend.
Elizabeth was clearly upset, he thought, but did she speak for Maya? And it wasn’t fair to lump all the blame on Tom, wasn’t Maya pushed into it as much as Tom was pulled? In fact if anything it was the bennetts who’d been fake. Right? A more insidious thought came to him, perhaps Elizabeth was talking about herself, the quotes could be aimed at Colin or even Wick if he’d done another number. In fact the more he thought about it the more he was convinced it was indeed Elizabeth. Colin had obviously made her cry, and he’d certainly faked his whole personality. The orgasms were probably a dig at his lack of prowess in the bedroom.
He allowed himself a chuckle at that thought.
Immediately he felt an inexplicable feeling of both guilt and disgust. Guilt that he’d been so blase about an abuse victim and disgust at the thought of Colin’s hands and body all over Elizabeth’s. How was he even to know if intimacy between them had been consensual or forced? The feeling of rage that began to swell at the mere thought of something like that happening to Elizabeth was indescribable. He wanted to kill the bastard, literally strangle him for ever touching her in anger or abuse. If it had been up to him….
It hadn’t and it wasn’t, he was forced to tell himself. He hadn’t known Elizabeth when she was with Colin and now, as mere acquaintances it wasn’t his place. Besides, she had shown everyone that she was more than capable of standing up to her ex now. Even if she was reduced to medicating herself to do so. She was strong, stronger than she knew and she was brave.
It was as he was thinking that, that his phone pinged a notification. She had posted something. He quickly refreshed her page, not even realising how eager he was to see. A photo, her and her sisters sitting at the table, a huge dinner spread out in front of them. Elizabeth was smiling devilishly as she held a carving knife, Lydia even had a tiny smile. He saw Mary stealing a roll and Kate smiling down serenely. They really were all beautiful girls, he admitted, even more for their diversity in both looks and personalities. Then he saw Maya and frowned. She was smiling but even he could admit it didn’t reach her eyes which looked red and swollen.
She looked sad and Jack felt something tug sharply at his heart.
Had he done that?
The next few hours were punctuated by several more posts from Elizabeth in which he saw them playing Uno, apparently dancing in the kitchen as they cleaned. There were short videos of pie eating contests and one of Mary singing, her voice clear and pure.
Maya wasn’t in any of them except the first.
He finally nodded off to sleep sometime after 4am, his dreams uneasy and conflicted as his subconscious asked him again and again….
Are you sure you did the right thing?
It was another week or so after Thanksgiving that Lizzie realized Maya wasn’t doing any better. She was strong, she still went to class and she acted like she was ok, but her sister knew better. Her eyes were swollen from crying and there were shadows under her eyes. Maya was hurting more than she would let show. After another family dinner listening to their mother’s thinly veiled accusations or lamentations at her daughters’ inability to hold onto a decent man, Lizzie had enough and a plan began to formulate.
A few days later her and Maya sat on her couch eating from a tub of ice cream and watching some cheesy disaster movie starring The Rock. Maya’s books were sprawled out on the table as she studied for mid-terms which were a mere day away. There had been no mention of Tom since Thanksgiving.
“Uh huh?” she answered around a spoonful of turtle tracks. “Do you think I’m stupid? For falling for Tom?”
“No! May, don’t even think that.”
“But he left, what am I supposed to think?”
“I’m pissed at him, he did dirty leaving you the way he did, but hon, he was just as mad about you as you were about him. I’m sure of it.”
It was the one thing in this whole mess that she was sure of.
“Then why?” Maya sniffled.
“I wish I knew.” Lizzie admitted. “Maybe he was scared, I’m pretty sure his friends had a lot to do with the decision.”
“I’ve heard from Caro.” Maya admitted, Lizzie’s heart jumped with hope. “She said that they’ve been really busy with work and auditions.”
“Did she say anything about Tom?”
“No, just that she really sees him. She did mention that he’s spending a lot of time with his new co-star.”
“Of course she did, spiteful bitch.” Lizzie spat.
She’s not like that Liz, she’s just trying to warn me without hurting me.”
“Bullshit Maya, no way has Tom moved on like that. Caro is obviously just trying to get you away. She’s made no secret of how she feels about us.”
“She was always good to me and I consider her a friend.”
Lizzie bit her tongue before she launched into a rant about what a poisonous snake Caro was. Now was not the time to have this particular argument.
“Maya, what if you were to go to London?”
“Don’t be silly Liz.”
“Just hear me out. You’re out of school for a month and Aunt Sharon is always complaining that she never sees enough of us.”
“She’s not going to want and extra body at Christmas, not with the new baby.” “What if I told you she would be ecstatic to have you. Also Trinity and the baby moved in with the boyfriend.”
Lizzie saw the idea forming, the hope in Maya’s eyes and tried not to smile.
“You can email Caro and meet up, and you know where Tom likes to hang out….”
“I could see him.” Maya whispered.
“And put this nonsense of you two being apart behind you. Besides a change of scenery will do you some good.”
“I can’t ask Mom for the money.”
Lizzie whipped out the box she’d been hiding, placing it in Maya’s lap.
“Merry early Christmas.”
Maya looked at her suspiciously, fingering the bow.
“Liz, what did you do?”
Lizzie simply whistled innocently, waiting until Maya lifted the lid and looked inside.
“Before you get mad, Charlie’s dad had a bunch of miles he wasn’t going to use so I only paid maybe a hundred bucks for that.”
“It’s a plane ticket. To London. For Friday.”
“Yes it is, and Aunt Sharon is going to meet you at the airport.”
“I can’t believe this.”
“You deserve a break May, you need one. Plus you need to go and see about that wayward man of yours.”
“But you’ve dreamed of going to the UK since you were little, I can’t take this from you.”
“Ok, first off, I’m giving, you are not taking anything. And who’s to say I don’t have my own plans formulating. I want this for you May, you need to know once and for all exactly where you stand.”
“What if he doesn’t want me?” Maya whispered.
“He does, I know it. And if not, well then he’s an idiot and he doesn’t deserve the greatest girl in the world.”
Maya cried for about half an hour before she finally turned in. Lizzie laid down feeling hopeful, all they needed was to be in the same room and everything would be fine. She wasn’t wrong about Tom’s feelings for Maya, she just knew it. She did hope that Maya didn’t forgive him too easily though. Scared or not, leaving with nothing more than an email was a dick move, and so was ghosting. She was going to him a piece of her mind the next time she saw him that was for sure.
Drifting off to sleep she just hoped it would be sooner rather than later.
Christmas came and went with no word from Maya about seeing Tom and Lizzie was starting to worry. What if he wasn’t even in London? Or worse if she was completely wrong about his feelings? She would never forgive herself for giving Maya hope, or Tom for deceiving them. At one point, just before New Years, Lizzie had one crazy moment  and entertained the idea of trying to contact Jack and see what he had to say about it all. Thankfully she’d talked herself right out of that one, the only way that she knew to reach him was through Twitter. The thought had been insane for more reasons that she cared to admit.
There was still a few weeks before Maya was headed home so she just had to trust that things would work out in due time. While preparing herself for the possibility that it might not.
New Year’s Eve was usually spent with Maya and/or Charlie so she was faced with a quiet night in with Jane Austen and some fudge. Maya had already called when it hit midnight in London, the expected awful jokes about Lizzie living in the past ensuing. She seemed happier but she couldn’t tell how much so through the phone. At least she wasn’t spending the New Year crying into her pillow.
By 11:30pm she was almost falling asleep, fudge forgotten as her head lolled. No way was she going to make it till 12…..she was officially old now. With a bitter chuckle she stood up, turning off the t.v. and putting the fudge away. The sudden knock at her apartment door made her yelp and jump in surprise. Charlie could be seen through the peephole, looking unusually sober for his favourite party day of the year.
“Charlie! Is everything ok?” she opened the door, tugging him inside as he pulled her into a tight bear hug.
“You know I love you Red, more than anything right?”
“Of course I do silly, what’s wrong?”
Pulling back her best friend cupped her face in his hands, eyes full of trepidation.
“I have to tell you something.”
It was the week of Christmas when he saw her. Completely out of the blue, walking out of Harrods with with two teenagers and a woman who looked so much like Chloe Bennett he swore he could hear her voice in his head. He barely jumped back in time before she could see him, but he was a hundred percent certain that Maya Bennett was in London.
So he followed her, watching her laughing with her Aunt as they walked toward the Tube. The kids, twins by the look of them, were surprisingly well-behaved and looked to be a few years younger than Lydia, but he could see the resemblance in the girl. They looked like a typical happy family out doing the Christmas shopping and he found himself breathing easier. Here was proof that Maya was just fine, though her being in London couldn’t be just mere chance.
He moved closer, remaining out of sight but close enough to hear them talk.
“What are you planning to do when you graduate, Maya?”
The Aunt’s voice was a good deal quieter than her sister’s.
“I’ll intern for the summer with a law firm in the city then to Law School in the Fall, I just have to decide where.”
“Where were you accepted?” this from the boy.
“Harvard, Yale and Oxford.”
Jack’s face mimicked the nephew’s in astonishment. It was no easy feat to be accepted into any of those schools, let alone all of them. He was impressed despite himself.
“That’s a decision I wouldn’t want to be the one making.” the Aunt whistled.
“Let alone paying for,” Maya sighed. “I have scholarships but the rest is one me so I have to go where it’s cheapest.”
“Mum, couldn’t we move to Oxford so Aunty May can go there?” the girl asked in all seriousness.
“Oh love,” Maya hugged her tightly. “I would never want you to do that, not for me.”
Jack lost the rest of the conversation as the crowds grew thicker and he struggled to keep up, eventually losing sight of them.
“Shite.” he muttered.
He had questions, and he wanted to hear more about her plans as they clearly didn’t include Tom. The fact that she was moving away from home pleased him, at least she seemed to be forging her own path and not following her mother’s. Good for her, she was a lovely girl and he was feeling very generous now he was assured she was doing well.
JL: Hey caro, I just saw Maya Bennett coming out of Harrods.
CA: She’s in town for a month visiting family.
JL: You knew? Why didn’t you tell me?
CA: Because it was trivial, the girl sent me 2 emails to let me know where she was staying...I ignored them.
JL: What do we tell Tom?
CA: Nothing, he doesn’t need to know. No chance he’ll run into her, she’s staying in fucking Camden lol
Jack could hear the snobbery even through her texts and he bristled. Not everyone could be as well off as Caro’s family. He hadn’t exactly grown up rich himself and he had no quarrel with anyone making an honest living.
Choosing not to answer Caro he instead finished packing for his trip home. He’d ignored her none too subtle hints to invite her as well, apparently she thought that because they agreed about Tom it made them a pair. The very thought of it made him shudder.
He wondered if Elizabeth was in London with her sister, then quickly pushed that thought aside. She almost certainly would have been with them today.
Also he didn’t care. Not really.
He didn’t care when, after everyone else was asleep on Christmas Night he snuck out to the lounge with his phone. Sitting on the couch with only the tree lights for illumination he gnawed on a roast lamb sandwich and pulled up Elizabeth’s Instagram. Curiously there were no expected shots of food and presents, just one photo of Elizabeth laughing, playing a card game with a table of young men and women in military uniform.
Puzzled he checked to see if she’d enabled location and then he looked the place up. What an Elks Lodge was he had no idea but he quickly discovered  what was happening. Apparently Elizabeth was spending her Christmas Day volunteering to host a holiday for navy recruits in basic training. His curiosity was piqued and as he clicked on previous years events he saw Elizabeth in eight years of them, minus the two she’d been with Colin. The whole family did it he realized as he poked around. Honestly surprised and inexplicably proud, he added this to the list of things he had discovered about Elizabeth Bennett. A list that was leaning very heavily towards the positive. He shouldn’t have been surprised, since he’d met her he’d seen her volunteering, taking care of her sisters, loving people and the way the town had rallied around her after the fire should have told him everything he needed to know.
She was simply a good person with a big heart.
“What are ye doin lurkin in the dark son?”
Jack started at the sound of his father’s voice.
“I didna wantae wake anyone.”
“Don’t worry, ye didn’t. What’s weighin on yer mind?”
A hand reached down and Jack silently handed his dad the phone.
“Ahhhhhh.” Gordon nodded after a few moments, handing the phone back. “That the same lassie from Cal’s photo?”
“Aye. Elizabeth.”
“I thought ye didna like her.”
“I don’t.” Jack protested, flushing under his father’s knowing gaze, even in the dark. “Much.” he muttered.
“Well, she’s pretty. What’s the deal?”
“She doesna like me.”
Gordon laughed.
“Gee thanks, Da.”
“I’m sorry lad. It’s jus the fairer sex have been all over ye since ye could walk, I never thought I’d ever see ye hung up on one who wasn’t.”
“It doesna matter anyway, we’re too different, and her family….”
“Never thought I’d see a son o mine bein so judgemental.” Gordon scolded.
“Da, ye weren’t there, it was awful.”
“Was this Elizabeth like that?”
“No, not at all. She’s quite lovely actually.”
“She challenges ye and ye’ve never experienced tha before. Yer in fer a ride ma boy.”
“It’s done Da. It doesna matter anymore.”
“Then why are ye still cyberstalking the lass? Ye want my advice?”
“Do I have a choice?”
“Aye, ye can ignore me at your peril. Find a way tae see her, if ye still feel what ye are feelin now then take a leap. If she matters to ye then don’t let her go, give her a chance tae like ye. They usually do. Now go tae bed or yer Ma will box yer ears fer sleepin through breakfast.”
Jack nodded absently, contemplating his father’s words.
“Son?” he looked up. “I saw that picture too an fer what it’s worth, I think yer in with a chance.”
Doubtful, Jack thought. Then he remembered little details….his jacket around her shoulders, dinner and the tree in her apartment, the way she’d hugged him, given him water when he was sick, shared her last potsticker..
In fact, the more he thought about it, the more his heart pounded with excitement. Maybe he was wrong about her feelings for him. At the very least she didn’t hate him and he already knew there was that tension between them.
Maybe there was hope for him after all, he smiled to himself as he fell asleep.
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lovinglohst · 6 years
I Wanna Dance With Somebody: Chapter 2- Nothing Good Ever Happens At The Mall
Story Pairings: Boyf riends, Pinkberry, RichJake
Chapter Characters: Michael Mells, Brooke Lohst, Jenna Rolan
Chapter Warnings: N/A
Story Summary: On the night of the Halloween Party, Michael is about halfway through having his infamous panic attack when Brooke comes tumbling into the bathroom, in the middle of her very own teenage angst. Michael lets her stay and the two sit in the bathtub and bond over their anger at their friends/super-mega-crushes. That’s when they get the idea to start fake dating to both get back at Jeremy and Chloe and win them over. Chaos, bonding, and gay ensue.
Authors’ Note: Chapter 2 has arrived! We hope people enjoy it! - Aly and Nik
AO3 Link
His phone was buzzing.
Even in his half-conscious state, Michael could register that. His tired mind immediately went to Jeremy, who was the only person who could possibly be texting him at such an early (ungodly) hour. Slowly and reluctantly, he pushed the thick covers away from his face and blindly reached out his hand to feel for his phone.
It was only when he finally got a hold of it that he realized he was also missing his glasses if the blurry screen was anything to go by. With a tired groan, he once again reached over to his bedside table, grabbing his glasses and slipping them on.
With his sight restored he could see that the messages were in fact not from Jeremy because, oh yeah, they weren’t friends anymore. Michael pointedly ignored the aching throb his heart made at this realization, instead choosing to focus on the two texts from an unknown number waiting patiently on his home screen (a very cringey picture of him and Jeremy from last year’s Halloween).
UNKNOWN: Morning ‘Boyfriend’ ;)
UNKNOWN: Got any plans for today?
Michael did a double take, rereading the messages a few times to be sure he wasn’t hallucinating.
What the fuck…?
ME: Who is this?
It took a few seconds before the three dots indicating the other person was typing popped up, quickly followed by a message.
UNKNOWN: It’s Brooke! Who else would be texting you that lolllllllll
UNKNOWN: Don’t tell me you have another fake girlfriend
Michael couldn’t help but smile down at the screen, remembering their scheme from the previous night. After finishing their slushies, Michael had dropped Brooke back at Jake’s so she could get her car (her mother’s, she’d told him after unlocking the dark cadillac), and then he had stumbled home to crash in his bed.
ME: I have five actually :)
BROOKE: Haha very funny
Before Michael could type out a reply assuring her that he was in fact a very funny person, there was a knock on his door followed by his mother’s soft voice. “Michael? You awake, honey?”
“Yeah!” He called back just as another text popped up on the screen.
BROOKE: So, plans???
“Hey mom? Is it cool if I have a friend over?”
The question seemed to be enough cause for his mom to open the door, poking her head inside his dimly lit room.
“Honey, you know you don’t have to ask if Jeremy can come over, right? He’s practically family at this point.”
Michael hoped the way he flinched at the name wasn’t all that visible and he quickly shook his head. “Not Jeremy, another friend.”
“Another friend?” The surprise in his mom’s voice was almost enough for him to be insulted. Then again, he himself never would have thought he’d be having anyone other than Jeremy coming to his house. Guess things had really changed.
“Yes mom, I do have those contrary to popular belief.” He replied before adding, “So can she come?”
“She?” His mom raised a brow, surprise written all over her face once more before she shook it off, “Sure, she can come over. Though you should probably get dressed first.”
“I will.” He assured her, picking up his phone and typing out a quick text.
MICHAEL: My house in an hour?
Exactly an hour later the sound of the doorbell rang through the house and Michael got out of his bed in a rush, hoping to answer the door before one of his moms could.
But Michael didn’t seem to be getting much of what he wanted the past few days, as when he’d made his way down the stairs he was greeted by the sound of his mom’s making small talk with Brooke.
“There he is! Michael, you didn’t mention that your friend was so pretty!” His Ma teased and Michael did his best to refrain from rolling his eyes.
“Girlfriend, actually.” Brooke corrected, smiling brightly at Michael who had instantly turned bright red at the comment.
“Michael didn’t mention that either.” His Mom said shooting him a look.
“I thought you were gay!” His Ma exclaimed, much more bluntly, never being one for subtleness.
Brooke seemed fairly amused by his mothers and he made a mental note to get back at her for this.
“Okay relax she’s not my girlfriend. I mean she is...but she’s not! I’m still very gay! We’re just….fake dating.” He tried to ignore how lame that sounded while his mothers stared at him in confusion.
“Fake dating? Why?” He sputtered helplessly at the question, looking over at Brooke to help him. She giggled, crossing the room to stand beside him and give his mothers a warm smile.
“Well you see, Michael is mad at Jeremy and I’m mad at my friend Chloe, so we decided to fake date to make them jealous,” She paused as if realizing she had forgotten something before adding in, “Oh, and the reason we’re mad at them is because we’re kinda in love with them, and they’re both acting like assh-I mean, jerks lately.”
Michael didn’t even bother to hide his grimace at her blunt honesty. He had never spoken to his Moms about his feelings for Jeremy. In fact, he had actually denied being in love with his best friend various times when they had questioned him.  He could already feel the anxiety inching through him but the laughter from his Ma managed to quickly calm his nerves over the whole thing.
“That’s great, good for you two!” She exclaimed, ignoring the look her wife shot her.
“Just be careful.” His Mom cautioned.
Be careful. Huh. Michael was pretty sure that being careful wasn’t exactly an option when you were fake dating Brooke Lohst but he nodded anyway to quell her concerns.
“Can we go upstairs now and pretend this horrible conversation, like, never happened?” Michael questioned, already beginning to tug on the sleeve of Brooke’s sweater, inching her towards the stairs.  
“Of course, let us know if you want any snacks.” His Mom responded, her smile sweet as always. His Ma wore a mischievous grin beside her and before she even spoke Michael was mentally facepalming.
“Yeah, or any fake-condoms!” She added in followed by laughter at her own very horrible joke. Michael hoped neither of his mothers saw his bright red face as he grabbed Brooke’s arm and led her upstairs. He pointedly ignored the sound of his Mom disciplining his Ma, who was giggling hysterically, on making improper comments in front of guests behind them.
“Your moms are awesome!” Brooke said as she plopped down on his bed, smile bright.
“They’re embarrassing.” He corrected her, although deep down he knew his moms were in fact very awesome. “So are you for the record. You didn’t need to tell them everything, especially the part about me being in love with Jeremy.”
He took a seat beside her, fixing her with a look to which she merely shrugged, “Honesty is very important. Plus, I’m pretty sure just about everybody knows you love him. Well...except maybe him.”  
“I’m not that obvious! And if honesty is so important, why don’t you tell Chloe about your feelings?” He questioned pointedly causing Brooke’s smile to drop, replaced with a playful frown.  
“So, what’s on the agenda for today?” He inquired, watching as she stood up, beginning to look around his messy room. He felt self-conscious all of a sudden, wondering anxiously if he should have tried to clean up more before she came. Jeremy never really minded the clutter, so Michael didn’t bother with cleaning.
“Well, we need to figure out what we’re doing on Monday. I mean people are going to want a story on how we got together. We should also-” She stopped in her tracks staring into the closet that she had just curiously pulled open. “Michael what is this!!!”
“What is what?” He questioned standing up and joining her in front of the closet. It was actually fairly clean, in fact most of the stuff that probably should have been in there was laying around his room. All that was in there was his clothes.
“I can not walk into school with my boyfriend wearing this stuff. I kinda assumed you had some secretly nice clothes stashed away somewhere! Not all...this!”
“Wow, I love it when you flatter me, keep going.” He quipped playfully, too amused by her distress to actually be offended by her comment.
“Michael! This is serious. All you have is a bunch of ratty hoodies and jeans! I mean, is this seriously all you wear?”
“I feel like you don’t want me to say yes...but, yes.”
Brooke groaned, closing the closet door and leaning against it as if to keep his oh-so-hideous clothes from escaping. “Okay, new agenda. We’re going to the mall. Your wardrobe needs a serious upgrade.”
“What?! Brooke, no. Last time I went to the mall, my best friend left me for a stupid floppy disk in his brain. Nothing good ever happens at the mall!” He argued, crossing his arms defiantly.
Brooke mirrored his position and tilted her head, “Michael. I will fake-break-up with you.”
“Over clothes!?” Michael questioned, laughing in disbelief. His laughter quickly died off under the heat of Brooke’s unrelenting scowl. “Are you serious?”
He sighed glancing around his room in thought, avoiding her scathing eyes. “Fine. But, if I’m going shopping then you’re learning to play video games.”
“Deal.” Brooke grinned excitedly and grabbed his arm, “This is going to be so fun!”  
Michael didn’t think he’d ever be able to look at jeans in the same way ever again. Brooke must’ve made him try on at least fifty pairs over the course of the past hour, and he wasn’t even going to mention the shirts. All of them were way too preppy for his casual tastes, and too expensive.
“You look great!” Brooke squealed, as he stared at himself in the mirror. The reflection bore no resemblance to Michael Mell, instead looking like an off-brand Jake Dillinger.
“I look like I belong in a really bad porno.” He deadpanned, watching Brooke’s face fall in the mirror.
“You look cool, which is-“
“-Exactly what I don’t want!” Michael turned to look Brooke in the eyes. “Look if this whole thing is going to work, we need to lay down some ground rules. I’m not gonna go changing myself to get people to like me. I’m not like him, I like how I am.”
Brooke considered him for a moment.
“Compromise then? You can wear hoodies or whatever, but none of those fabric scraps you call jeans.” She held out her hand to shake, and Michael took it happily. And with the compromise in place, they finally settled on a few outfits that met both of their standards. With multiple bags hanging from Michael’s arms, the two soon arrived at the food court. Brooke didn’t pause for a moment, leading him straight towards a particular eatery. As they sat in the uncomfortable metal chairs, Michael eyed the yogurt with a critical eye. He’d promised Brooke he’d try it but it just looked so… unappetizing.
“Just try it.” Brooke urged, already attacking the creamy dessert with her spoon. Michael paused, before obeying. As soon as the yogurt hit his tongue, a million bursts of flavor hit him right away. His eyes widened comically, before eagerly spooning more of the frozen dairy into his mouth.
“I can see why you like this stuff so much.” He moaned, shoveling yet another spoonful of frozen yogurt into his mouth. Brooke simply smirked triumphantly, spooning another bite into her own mouth.
“Pinkberry is, like, the greatest thing to ever exist. It beats pretty much every other frozen food or drinks.” Brooke proclaimed, ignoring the faux-scandalized gasp that escaped from his throat.
“You take that back you heathen.” He commanded, brandishing his little spoon at her threateningly. “Slushies beat this any day.”
“Never.” Brooke teased, schooling her features into a solemn frown. There was a split second of silence before the two dissolved into laughter. He didn’t know what it was about Brooke that made this so easy. The two of them were practically from different planets- different in every possible way. And yet here they were, laughing over nothing at all. As skeptical as Michael was about their ‘relationship’, he couldn’t imagine a better person to be fake-dating.
The partially muffled sound of some generic pop song that Michael couldn’t bother to remember cut through their laughter, interrupting their moment. Brooke dug a hand into her purse, pulling out her phone with ease. She glanced curiously at the screen, and her smile fell.
“What?” Michael questioned as she continued to stare at the ringing phone. Lifting himself out of the seat just enough to peek at the screen he saw Chloe’s name in big bold letters, along with a picture of her. Narrowing his eyes, he looked at Brooke’s crestfallen face with determination. “Don’t do it.”
“I know,” Brooke replied unconvincingly, still staring at the screen.
“Don’t you dare answer that phone, Brooke.” He deadpanned, watching her eyes flick up to him for a moment. “You’ll regret it if you do.”
“No buts!” He commanded, watching as she slowly lowered her eyes to the phone again. He could see it clear as day that she wasn’t going to be able to resist answering the phone. Quicker than lightning, Michael snatched the phone from her hands, sending Chloe straight to voicemail.
“Hey! Michael, what the fuck?!” The blonde demanded angrily, trying to reach across the table for her phone. Michael held the device away from her, shoving it in his hoodie pocket swiftly. “Give me my phone!”
“Not until I can trust you not to call her back!” He told her sternly, watching Brooke’s eyes narrow. “Brooke- holy fuck!”
He hadn’t been expecting her to jump across the table, catching the attention of several shoppers. She knocked him flat on the ground, her legs straddling him on either side as her hands darted for his pocket with a steely determination. He only just barely batted them away, staring up at Brooke with a resolve just as strong. She was so much better than this, and Michael wasn't going to let her lower herself back down to Chloe’s punching bag.
“Brooke will you just- fucking chill out!” He yelled, blocking her attempts to steal back her phone. “I didn’t want to have to do this, but you leave me no choice!”
His fingers found her sides rather quickly and Michael felt no remorse as he began to tickle her aggressively. A shrill shriek escaped Brooke as she reflexively began to giggle at Michael’s attacks.
“Ohmygod please stop.” Brooke finally got out between her desperate giggles, breathing heavily when Michael slowly removed his fingers. She glared at him playfully, her eyes now full of humor. “Never do that again you dick!”
“It was for your own good!” He defended, smiling at her goofily. “You’re way too good to go back to Chloe treating you like shit. We’re gonna show her that you deserve better, that she needs to be better. Or else you’re not going back.”
Brooke blinked at him in surprise, before offering him a watery smile.  
“Thanks Michael… I mean it.”
“Glad I could help! Now can you, uh, get off me please?”
The two of them laughed as Brooke pushed off of him, opting for sitting beside him on the floor, ignoring their abandoned chairs. Neither of them noticing Jenna Rolan sitting a few tables away with a shark-like grin, a phone in hand brandished like a deadly weapon.
<--- Chapter One | Chapter Three --->
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igottoomuchwriting · 7 years
Come To Me
“Yo, Jakey-D!” Jake turned away from his locker to see Rich approaching him.
“Hey!” Jake smiled, giving Rich a fist bump. “What’s up?”
“You gonna go out with uths thiths weekend? The gang iths heading to thiths sthick asths party.” Jake’s face dropped, but went back to a smile before Rich could ask any questions.
“Nah, can’t. Maybe next time?” he asked. Rich frowned, but nodded his head.
“Yeah, of courths. You're alwayths our go-to guy.” Jake smiled and patted him on the shoulder.
“Thanks man.” And then he was gone. Rich watched him walk away with mixed emotions.
“Rich?” he heard a voice call. Rich turned to see Michael looking at him with a concerned look on his face. “What’s wrong dude?”
“Have you noticed anything… odd with Jake?”
“I mean,” Michael started, “the only notice I can see is that he is focusing more on school. But I feel like that makes sense, since it is senior year and all.” Rich nodded his head.
“Yeah. Thanksth man.” Michael nodded his head and went on his way.
“Okay, he is getting out of hand!” Chloe exclaimed. Everyone gave her a weird look.
“Who?” Jeremy asked.
“What are you talking about, Chloe?” Christine asked as she joined them at the table.
“He hasn’t been partying or drinking with us, and he always says he has homework! He isn’t even here eating with us!”
“And he hasn’t had sex with anyone in weeks,” Jenna calmly added. Brooke hit her arm as everyone shot her a dirty look.
“What?” she asked defensively. “Everyone knows when Jake has sex. Things spread fast.”
“I’m right here,” Rich snapped. “We’ve been dating sthince Stheptember.”
“Oh yeah. I forgot,” she hummed, taking a drink of a smoothie she bought.
“How?!” Brooke exclaimed. Jenna just shrugged. The group decided to move on.
“I doubt there’s anything wrong with him,” Michael began. “I think he may just be stressed.”
“Yeah, finding out your parents got arrested can be pretty stressful.” Everyone stopped and whipped their heads towards Jeremy (ignoring Jenna, who choked on her smoothie).
“What?!” they yelled in unison. Jeremy looked at them in confusion before his face lit up in realization.
“Oh shit! Do you guys not read the newspaper?”
“No!” Chloe yelled.
“Oh-Okay. Well, yeah, um,” he stuttered. “They caught his parents. I think they laundered money or something?”
“I remember that!” Christine gasped. “When he was asking me out, he mentioned his parents were on the run!” Everyone looked around nervously.
“So… what do we do?” Brooke nervously asked.
“I mean, I could talk to him?” Even though he suggested it, Rich was unsure. Would Jake really be happy that his friends found out about his parents?
“I think that would be best,” Michael mumbled, giving a side glance to Rich. Everyone nodded in agreement.
Rich leaned forward and placed his head on his arm. Christine asked what everyone thought of the new play, which prompted a heated discussion that Rich didn’t bother to join. He was more focused on Jake.
Rich closed his eyes and thought about how Jake has been acting for the past few days, possibly weeks. Had he been closed off? Was he upset, scared, angry, and Rich just didn’t care to notice?
To [Jakey-D]: hey can i come over
[Jakey-D]: IDK, i have a lot of work :/
To [Jakey-D]: i do too. i need help
[Jakey-D]: with what?
To [Jakey-D]: math
[Jakey-D]: ok
Rich cheered in victory. He didn’t think he would have been able to convince Jake to let him come over, but he’s got those smooth moves.
He ignores the possibility that Jake only cares about helping him with math and nothing else as he pulls on his shoes and head out the door. As he walks , he starts thinking of math problems that he actually did need help with, because he knew that if he got there and Jake found out he lied, wouldn’t be happy.
It wasn’t long until Rich arrived at his house. He didn’t bother to knock - since a month into their relationship , Jake gave Rich permission to just walk in.
“Jake?” he called when he walked in.
“In the dining room!” he heard his voice yell back. Rich took off his shoes and entered the house, heading towards the dining room.
He saw Jake sitting at the table, hunched over a math book with a hand in his hair. He turned his head and got up when he saw Rich walk in.
“Hey, babe,” he mumbled. He placed a hand on Rich’s waist and placed a kiss on his cheek.
“Sthup.” Jake chuckled at the lisp, but Rich knew it wasn’t a mocking laugh. He has told him on many occasions that he thought it was cute, so Rich stopped trying to hide it from him. “You look tired.”
“Yeah,” Jake sighed. “I’ve been getting alotta school work and looking at colleges is adding more stress.”
“Why haven’t you come talk to me? You know I’m here for you.” Jake nodded his head.
“Let’s get some homework done, and then we can cuddle or something.”
“Oh, I like the sthound of ‘sthomething’.” Jake laughed and slapped his waist.
“Come on, you horn dog.”
The couple spent the next two hours working on math. Rich had to admit, Jake really did help him understand the trig identities or whatever they were learning right now.
Rich groaned and leaned back in his chair.
“You alright over there?” Jake asked.
“I’m bored. We’ve been doing math homework for hourths!” Jake laughed and closed his math book.
“Okay, we can take a break.” Rich cheered in delight, which made Jake laugh harder.
Rich walked over to where Jake was sitting. “A break waths exactly what I waths thinking.” Rich leaned down for a kiss and Jake happily complied, moving their lips in sync.
Rich placed a hand on Jake’s shoulder, pushing Jake further back in his chair. Jake turned the chair and grabbed Rich by the waist, pulling him closer. However, when Rich tried deepening the kiss, Jake pushed him back.
“Hey, hey,” Jake mumbled when Rich tried kissing him again. “As much as I want to continue, and believe me, your lips are making this hard.” He placed a kiss on Rich’s lips as Rich chuckled. “I have to pee, and I know you don’t have a piss kink.” Rich laughed and stepped back, putting is hands up in surrender.
“Alright, alright. Go pisths.” Jake nodded his head and stood up, disappearing down the hall.
Rich walked into the kitchen in search for something to drink. When grabbing a cup, he looked down to see a newspaper on the counter. Rich gave it a closer look and saw a woman and a man’s mugshot on the front page. It took only a second for Rich to realize that it was Jake’s parents. Rich quickly grabbed the paper and started reading the article.  
“Babe? Where’d you go?”
“In here!” Rich called, eyes never leaving the paper. He heard Jake walk in, but he still didn’t lift his head.
Suddenly, the paper was ripped from his hands.
“What the fuck, Rich?!” he angrily snapped.
“Jake, what- “Why are you going through my shit?!”
“What do you mean I’m going through your sthit?” Rich gaped. “It waths right here on the counter!”
“That gives you no reason to read it.” He crumbled up the paper and threw it in the trash next to him.
“I think I have a right to look at a newthspaper when my boyfriend’ths parenths are on the front page!” Rich snapped back. He didn’t want to fight, he really didn’t, but Jake was getting defensive and angry, which in turn made Rich angry.
Jake tensed up and kept his eyes trained on the floor. Rich watched him clench his fists and take deep breaths, trying to calm himself.
“What’ths going on, Jake?” Rich finally asked. Jake turned his head away, but otherwise, did not move.
“You read the article. You know exactly is going on.”
“No, I don’t. Let’ths pretend I never read the article.” He paused to watch Jake. “I want to hear from you about what iths going on.” Jake slowly unclenched his fists and relaxed. They sat in silence, neither making a move.
Finally, Jake spoked in a broken voice.
“They’re going to jail, Rich.” Tears welled up in his eyes and Jake furiously rubbed them away. “They-They got caught by the police, an-and they got arrested. Laundering is a federal crime, Rich, and,and I-” A soon as a sob left his mouth, Rich ran over and pulled him into a hug. Jake wrapped his arms around him and buried his head into the crook of his neck, letting out a loud sob. Rich rubbed his back and cooed, trying to comfort Jake.
“I-I don’t w-want to lo-ose them,” he choked out. Rich shushed him.
“I know, Jake, I know.” Rich doesn’t know how long they stood there. Eventually, Jake started calming down, and Rich didn’t stop rubbing his back until there was only sniffles here and there.
“Iths thiths why you’ve been working all the time?” Jake nodded his head and pulled him closer.
“W-With the end of Senior year coming up, I don’t want to be seen as the kid whose parents stole money and ran. Who is gonna stop college and jobs from not hiring me because of it?” Jake took a deep, shaky breath. “I don’t want my grades to back that fear.” Rich hummed in agreement.
“Iths that althso why you haven’t been drinking with uths?” Jake nodded his head.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t want to risk getting caught.”
“Don’t apologize,” Rich hushed. “Just- Next time, come to me? I waths worried.” Jake pulled back and stared at Rich with his red, puffy eyes. Rich leaned up and placed a kiss on his cheek. “Of courth, there ithsn’t going to be a next time.”
Jake chuckled, nodding his head and close his eyes. “I don’t think I want to study anymore tonight,” he softly spoke.
“Yeah,” he whispered. “Let’ths go cuddle on our bed and watch a sthow. No school, no college, justht-”
“Inaccurate cop shows,” Jake finished. Rich chuckled.
“Yeah, inaccurate cop shows.”
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tickletastic · 7 years
So, He Lost At Pool, Deliberately!
Title: So He Lost At Pool, Deliberately!
Rating: G/SFW
Warnings: TW for mentions of abuse, injury, anxiety (Brief)
Word Count: 1726
Fandom: Be More Chill
Ship: RichJake/Arson Bros
Summary: Based on this prompt
Notes: I should totally be asleep,,, but here's this! (Ticklish!Rich)
 After the squipcident, it took a while for things to return to their normal states. Nobody was the same, nor would they ever be the same again, but other than the obvious problems that were still faced, most changes were for the better. Other than Rich and Jeremy's underlying anxiety and mental illnesses left by the squips, Jake was on of the few people left with long-term issues from the incident. 
Jake's legs had been badly injured, and his house had been burned down, resulting in him living in a shelter for a few months, as well as being on crutches. Rich, of course, had visited him every day, each time expressing his guilt and sorrow to Jake for the things he had done. Rich brought jake food, and clothes every day after work.
Sometimes, Jake would notice bruises on Rich's body, and he'd lightly brush over them, every once in a while a burn or cut would make itself known as well. This cycle went on for a while, Jake living in the shelter, Rich bringing him things, Rich apologizing, repeat.
It wasn't until Jake's crutches were off, Rich showing up with a giant bruise covering the left side of his face, his eye swollen shut, that he finally asked Jake if he wanted to buy and apartment with him. 
Rich had been working as many hours as possible, and doing as many "odd-jobs" as possible, for the last 4 months, and he was ecstatic to finally be able to leave his abusive father. 
Jake agreed right away, holding back tears when he seen the bruised face of the boy he had grown to love, and soon enough, they were paying for their very own apartment.
At first, Jake and Rich were awkward to say the least. 
In the apartment, when both of them were home, they would awkwardly dance around each other, sharing the occasional small talk or head nod. It took a week or so, but they quickly warmed up to living together. 
Considering the fact that they were best friends, and had undoubtedly seen each naked far too many time to count, it didn’t take long, and soon enough they worked like clockwork. 
They would go to school together, go home, Rich would cook dinner, Jake would clean, and then they’d watch a movie together. 
Life seemed to be getting better and better by the day, for both of them.
——————————————————————————————————— After a few weeks of living together, Rich and jake had grown closer than they had ever been. They were basically attached at the hip 24/7. Jake had used up some of the remainder of his parents' money to buy a car for the two of them, so at this point there was really no reason for them to be apart. 
They were closer than either of them had known possible, but both of them loved it.
One day, during one of the few moments in which jake and rich weren't together, Jake found himself at school, talking to Michael. Since the squip accident, everyone was friends, which made jake happy. He had grown closer with Jeremy and Michael, and he got to know Chloe, Brooke, and Christine in different ways than before.
On this particular afternoon, Michael and Jake were sitting outside behind the school, watching Jeremy and Rich finish up their gym class.
Jake cleared his throat, rubbing the back of his neck before speaking up, "hey.... can I ask you a kind of weird question?" He said, looking into Michael's direction without meeting his gaze.
"Yeah, of course! Go for it Jake," Michael responded, cheery as usual.
"When did you uh.... know that you liked Jeremy...... like... that," Jake stuttered out, finally looking Michael in the eyes.
"Well... Jeremy and I have been friends for 12 years, I guess after a while I just kind of new that my feelings for him weren't feelings of only friendship," Michael stated 
"I guess I knew because of the way he stared to make me feel when I looked at him, or when he smiled, or laughed. I know it sounds like the cheesy shit ever, and i swear I'm not high, but I just knew.
“And while we're still on the topic, yes I totally think you should ask Rich out. I see the way you guys look at each other dude. Just go for it, put yourself out there." Michael finally finished. By this point, Jake was blushing a rather bright shade of red, as he attempted to stutter out a response.
"T-thanks Michael, but I don't think he feels the same. It's okay though, it wouldn't be the first disappointment I've ever had."
"Dude, he feels the same. Just trust me."
That weekend, Jake had gone out to get some groceries while Rich stayed at the apartment cleaning up. At this point, it had been 9 weeks since they had moved in together, and Rich still felt guilty for the situation that happened with Jake's old house. So, Rich decided to surprise Jake with a new addition to their apartment, that may make this home feel more like Jake's last one.
There Rich was, anxiously pacing the apartment, waiting for his delivery to arrive. 
As time dragged on, Rich felt as if he needed to stall Jake a little more, worried that the surprise would arrive too late, so, he phoned Jake and asked him to run another errand for him.
"Hey, sorry Jakey-D, can you run to the pharmacy and pick up my meds? I forgot to pick them up the other day after school and I just ran out." "Yeah, yeah, of course Rich, I'll see you in an hour." 
An hour and a half later, Jake arrived back at their apartment, scrambling to get his key despite all of the grocery bags he was holding.
He opened the door, walking in with his head down. "Hey, can you help me with these-" he began, noticing it was oddly silent. Still looking down, he placed the groceries on the island in their kitchen, placing the car keys in the bowl.
At this moment, he decided to see why it was so silent. Looking up, his eyes were met with the sight of a spotless apartment, and right in the middle, a pool table, even better than the one he used to have.
"Hey..." Rich began, a small smile on his face, "I wanted to make this place feel a little bit more like home for you, how do you li-" before Rich could even finish what he way saying, soft lips were on his, and strong arms were around his body.
"It's perfect," Jake told him, their noses touching while they came up for air. "Right now, everything is perfect." Big smiles spread across both of their faces as they separated to put away the groceries.
An hour later, after the both of them had calmed down, Jake suggested the idea of christening their new pool table.
"Let's play... but why don't we make this interesting?" He began "how about, loser gets a punishment of the winner's choosing?" He challenged, looking at Rich.
Once he got a nod of approval, they began their game. Putting on their poker faces for the next few hours.
2 hours and a beer or two later, the boys had played many, many games. Oddly enough, Rich had won most of them. 
After winning his fifth game, 5-2, he ran around the apartment, screaming and shouting about his victory. 
Jake, of course, wasn’t about to let Rich gloat, so he waited until Rich came running near him again, and grabbed him by his waist.
With a yelp, Rich started to fight to get out of Jake’s gasp, but the taller boy had already started to pull them onto the floor. Jake, knowing Rich’s weakness, wiggled his fingers into the ribs of the stronger boy,in order to get him on the ground completely.
In seconds Rich was on the floor, collapsed in a heap of giggles.
“jahahahake nohohohoho!” Rich giggled out, batting at Jake’s hands. 
Jake just smiled, fully pinning Rich. 
Having recently learned of Rich’s ticklishness, Jake set to work right away, wiggling his finger’s against Rich’s sensitive ribs.
“Jahahahake Ihihihihihim sohohohohohory,” Rich giggled out, struggling under Jake. Rich didn’t mind tickling, but Jake was always ruthless. 
Jake smirked, looking down at Rich and laughing along with him. “No can do Goranski. I think I need to teach you a little humility.”
Jake trailed his fingers a little higher, tickling the shorter boy’s neck and ears, causing him to emit high-pitched giggles.
“Stahahahahap,” Rich pleaded, pushing at Jake’s hands. 
“No can do, you’re bragging even though you know how good I am at pool,” Jake slipped out, not realizing his mistake.
“Ohohohohohoh my gohohohod dihihihihid yohohohou lehehet mehehe wihihin!” Rich squealed out as Jake spidered over his tummy. 
“Yeah, I couldn’t let you just keep on sulking, yeah my life was fucked for a little but it wasn’t your fault, now stop your moping,” Jake teased.
Then, He was asking Rich what his favourite fruit was and Rich was thrown into loud belly laughter.
“nohoHOHOHOHO DOHOHONT,” Rich screeched, bucking hard against Jake’s hold. Jake’s fingers were skilled, and poor Rich was just too ticklish for his own good.
This went on for a while, Jake telling Rich that he would not stop until he heard cries for mercy,so Jake decided to go in for the kill. 
One of Jake’s hands found it’s way to Rich’s knees, the other finding it’s way under Rich’s arms. 
The taller boy kept it up for a minute or so before Rich was able to grab his wrists. Jake rolled off of the boy, rolling onto his side on the floor to look at him.
Giggles slipped from Rich’s lips as he calmed down, also rolling onto his side to face Jake. Rich leaned into Jake, giving him a kiss on his cheek, stroking his thumb against the taller boy’s face. 
“Thank you,” Rich said, looking into Jake’s eyes.
“No, thank you.” 
And they fell asleep there, on the floor looking into each other’s eyes, no more pain or troubles for the night.
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falling-red-petals · 7 years
If you’re new to the “Life Is Strange” series you should play “Before The Storm”prior to playing “LiS season 1″ (Some spoilers) (Also this was written at 3 am so it might be structured weirdly, sorry fam)
Foreword: I LOVE LiS, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have my fair share of criticisms to it either. LiS is a wonderful game, but it by no means is a perfect game. 
A while ago I shared a post imploring new members of the community to play BTS before LiS S1. Neither myself nor the original poster gave a real reason why. We just kind of put it out there... but there IS a reason, several in fact.
Without giving too many spoilers, all I have to say is that BTS gives you motivation to play the original game. There are two major problems with season 1 and in my personal experience with other people who gave season one a try these are the two reasons that caused a lot of people to drop the game.
1.) In season one you play as “character x” (Max) who cares about and wants to rekindle a friendship with “character y” (Chloe). “Character y” meanwhile is trying to find “character z” (Rachel) and has recruited “character x” into the effort. That’s the plot, and minus the vaguely defined time travel power and the ability to have Max initiate a girl/girl romance with Chloe, the plot is painfully generic in it’s “Look, we’re inspired by Twin Brooks” aesthetic. If you’ve seen this plot before chances are you’ll get bored part way through episode 2 and won’t want to keep going unless you’ve gotten attached to Max and Chloe. When I finally got my hands on the full game nearly a year after episode five’s release I almost quit the game MULTIPLE TIMES because I had a feeling I could guess where the plot was going and was having trouble feeling connected to any character that wasn’t Max or Kate Marsh. 
2.) Chloe Price, despite my love for her, is sometimes... hard to sympathize with for some people. Especially if you haven’t played BTS. Not only can she potentially be a toxic friend influence towards Max, but she’s also aggressively clingy towards her and can potentially make MANY morally unsound choices (that are going to rub at least some players the wrong way) due to her “It’s all about me” attitude. Two being the her potential to blame the weed in her room on Max despite the fact that the other girl could lose her position in Blackwell Academy over such a thing, and her actually considering STEALING FROM A HANDICAP FUND TO PAY OFF HER DRUG DEALER and then sniping at Max should the player choose to prevent her from doing so. The biggest problem with Chloe in season one is that we never see things from her perspective. We only learn things about her from Max’s second-hand POV. We learn that her dad died, that Max stopped talking to her after moving (seemingly because of her social anxiety), and that her step-father is far from the greatest guy on the block. Our inability to see all this from Chloe’s perspective prevents us from seeing who she is on the inside and why she does what she does. We, as players, can sympathize with her... but we’re just as likely to find her actions almost completely unjustified due to how extreme they can be, and because of our lack of understanding in regards to how exactly she works as a person, due to not seeing her on the same intimate level that we have to understand Max. 
2-b.) The same goes for the search of Rachel Amber. Max didn’t know Rachel personally, and season 1 only shows us things about her from Max’s “stranger looking in” perspective. Essentially, Max’s (and by extension, the player’s) motivation in trying to find Rachel Amber boils down to “it’s the right thing to do” and “it’ll make Chloe happy.” For some players that simply isn’t enough. It almost wasn’t for me. I’m pretty sure the only thing that kept me going was my curiosity and desire to ship two cute bisexual girls together (who, btw, deserve much better than what they got.)
Before The Storm fixes this, ten fold. We see EVERYTHING from Chloe’s perspective. We learn about how she thinks and relates to the world. We see how the tragedies in her life have personally affected her on a very intimate level, and we begin to understand a lot of her behavior in Season 1. We begin to sympathize with her because we’re walking around in her shoes. We begin to feel what she feels...
We gain her desire to find Rachel because we get to know Rachel the same way Chloe herself does. We don’t just hear second hand information about her from high-as-a-kite or jealous classmates anymore. We see Rachel as a person, not a plot object or a goal. We witness, through Chloe’s eyes, her wants and desires, her flaws, and her struggles. She’s no longer this untouchable image. We finally see her as someone who is human. Rachel becomes just as important to us as she is to Chloe.
That’s why Before The Storm is so important. Chloe becomes so much more than season 1′s morally ambiguous, sulky best friend/love interest who we’re suppose to want to help. She becomes a teenager who has been dragged through the mud by the universe itself and just recently had her last spark of hope ripped right out from under her. Rachel meanwhile becomes more than a face on a poster, more than Chloe’s vaguely described “angel” and becomes someone we love and cherish. Someone we desperately want to find.
 This is why you should play Before The Storm before Season 1. 
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shima-draws · 7 years
The "Right" Way
Authors Notes: Notes: -Asdfghjkl- is the Squip talking to Jeremy ~Asdfghjkl~ is singing ((The tune would be that of the Be More Chill songs: the Squip’s solo and the background chorus))
Jeremy stands just outside Jake’s house, a look of pure determination on his face. He’s figured out a system that -almost- works every time. He thinks he just needs to iron out the last few bugs and pray that God is on his side.
…I thought that LAST time. And the time before that. And the time before that. Now he’s just standing there like a pitiful, lost child.
What he doesn’t realize is his LITERALLY fatal mistake. His very first step. Avoiding the confrontation with… him. I tried to get him to do it the right way the first few times, but he lost all faith in me when I blocked the loser in. Apparently he doesn’t know the term “self-preservation.” I’ll have to fix that.
The last time he fought with Michael, he didn’t rejoin the party. He sat by the door in silence, listening to Michael’s pathetic breakdown. That’s when he decided to try to stop that from happening. On the next loop, he went in, became intoxicated so I wouldn’t interfere (I was getting bored of trying to improve him anyway), and did things differently. Not like it helped; people still keep dying. Michael, Chloe, Brooke, Christine, Jake, Rich, Jenna, even himself a few times. Almost. He rewinds just before he dies. Let’s just hope nothing happens that stops his heart before he even gets the chance to think.
Anyway, I’m bored with just sitting on the sidelines. But moreso I’m bored of living this stupid night over and over again inside his head because he’s too weak to accept death. But if I try to do anything, he’ll just get drunk.
…Looks like it’s time for Plan B.
“What do you want? I thought you were leaving me alone.”
-There’s a right way to do this, to end this night.-
“Oh yeah? What’s that? Locking Michael in the bathroom again?! No way. I swear to God if you try ANYTHING–”
-I won’t. Trust me I want to be finished here just as much as you do. So I’m going to give you my advice. I AM your Squip, after all. It’s my job.-
“…So what’s your advice?”
If I say something extreme first, he will be more likely to listen to the second suggestion.
-Maybe someone NEEDS to die.-
“WHAT?! You’re CRAZY!!”
-No, think about it. It’s a house fire; there are bound to be casualties.-
“Well, yeah, I guess that makes sense… But plenty of people I don’t know die, so…that CAN’T be it!”
-Maybe someone you DO know is just fated to die.-
“‘Fated…to die…?’ But who…? N-no, no! I can’t think this way! I’m not gonna let ANY of my friends die!”
-Maybe you keep failing because you spread yourself too thin. Maybe you should just learn to be okay with failure and death. It seems to be following you anyway.-
“No…that can’t be it… Who could be “fated to die”…?
-I guess you’ll have to find that out for yourself. But that’s not all.-
“Oh, GREAT.”
-Don’t worry, it’s easier than playing God and deciding who should die. But it’s just as important, I assure you.-
-You need to stop avoiding the confrontation with Michael.-
“Wh…No! You heard just how upset he gets… I can’t put him through that again…”
-Do you want to watch him die forever?-
“N..no… Of course not… I can’t take that…..”
-Then LISTEN to me. And obey. Or we’ll NEVER get through this.-
-Jeremy, I know what’s best for you. Even if you can’t see it sometimes. ~Everything about you is going to be wonderful.~-
“~But I don’t care so much about me…~”
-~Everything about you is going to be so alive!~-
“~But I can’t even save my friends’ lives…~”
-~Jeeeeeeeremyyyyyy, you can’t try to beeeee the hero you wanna beeeeeeeeee…~ So be more chill.-
“…Be more…chill.”
-That’s right. Now let’s get in there.-
Because of the little pep talk, we end up arriving later than usual. Brooke sees us walk in from across the room and eagerly rushes over to meet us like the dog she’s dressed as.
“Jeremy!” she waves and squirms through the crowd, “I was afraid you weren’t coming; did you get my messages??”
That’s new.
-Play it off.-
“Am I late? Didn’t even realize.” Good. He’s listening to me again. Wait… He’s listening to me again? This doesn’t make… Running neurotypical scan… Showing signs of despondence, hopelessness, and despair. Analyzing probable causes… Ah, of course. The last reset. When Michael went blind. That was the closest he’s ever gotten. And he went and kissed the boy, too. They made it over that pit against all odds, but… It wasn’t enough. They took too long, and the entrance became blocked entirely. No one could get out. He watched as all of his friends choked to death, one by one. He held Michael’s face as he desperately tried to keep him from giving up. He called his name until his very last breath–in that timeline, anyway.
That must be what’s broken him. He doesn’t know what to do. He’s falling back on me again. This…this is perfect. If he lets me guide him through the party, we may actually be able to make it.
Things are going well. Jeremy is doing everything I tell him to. Out of nowhere, he just decides to break off from the group and head to the bathroom.
“This doesn’t feel right. Just…acting like nothing bad is about to happen…”
-It will pass. Eventually, it will pass.-
“How do you–Gwah!”
Jeremy is pulled into the bathroom by Michael. He tries to convince Jeremy that I’m going to ruin his life. Which is ridiculous. My job is to improve his life, not ruin it. By any means necessary.
-You can’t listen to him, Jeremy. I’m the only one who can get us out of this. You’ve tried everything. Give up and let me save us.-
Jeremy stares at the floor, his face as clouded as his vision.
“Get out of my way. You loser…”
After a moment of realization, registering that his “best friend” is mine now, Michael steps to the side. I always feel satisfied when we sever the last link to Jeremy 1.0. I have to take control just to stop Jeremy’s tears from falling and walk us out. I don’t let him stay anywhere near that bathroom.
The rest of the party, he just hangs on the sidelines. Too mentally strained to even try to enjoy himself. It’s not ideal, but I can’t push him too much, or he’ll stop listening to me again. I’ve finally regained his trust; I can’t lose it again. Jeremy watches that Rich kid from across the room. He’s fidgeting on the couch, scratching his head often and muttering to himself. Several people have jokingly asked what was wrong with him, but he dismissed them rather violently. Now he’s pacing around the living room, visibly shaking.
“I still haven’t figured out why he acts like that… I should go ask.”
-If you want to.-
He makes his way to Rich, coming up behind him, and taps his shoulder. Rich nearly jumps out of his skin at the touch. He rounds on Jeremy, grabbing him by the shoulders. Upon closer inspection, his face is pale and panicked, eyes bloodshot and baggy, hair unkempt and shaggy. You’d think he was drinking or smoking, but he hardly smells of alcohol or pot. So what could…?
“I NEED MOUNTAIN DEW REEEEED!!!!!” Rich yells, shaking.
Shit. He’s figured it out. How could his Squip be so idiotic? Sigh… Fine. Looks like he needs to be the one to go. Jeremy tries to soothe him, but there’s no point. He’s lost it.
-Give it up, Jeremy. He’ll be fine.-
Jeremy stops, watching him run around now, out of control. Not long after he flees to the kitchen, screams erupt from within and teens frantically flood from the fire.
-It’s time to go.-
“But Rich is still in there! And I can’t leave Michael behind..!”
-Michael will be fine. He already left.-
“He…he did?”
-Optic nerve blocking.-
“…Right…. But still, what about Rich?!”
-Leave him.-
-Hurry up and get out of here or I’ll do it for you.-
As Jeremy stares awestruck, eyes fixed on the growing flames, Jenna and Christine pass him; Christine stops for a moment to grab him by the arm, “What are you waiting for, Jeremy?! Come on!!” She drags him out, abandoning the other Squipped teen.
By the time Jeremy regains his senses, he scans the crowd. Christine and Jenna are safe, obviously, Chloe has buried herself under his arm, Brooke is sitting by the road, crying, and Jake has his hands to the sides of his head, trying to figure out how the hell he would explain this to his parents. The only one missing is–
“Michael… Where’s Michael?!”
-Jeremy, he’s–
“No!! I won’t risk it!”
He’s going to jump again!
-We finally made it out of there! You’re going to throw that away?! You don’t know that he’s still in there!-
“But I don’t know that he’s not!”
I need to say something and quick. Time jumping is the only thing I can’t stop him from doing!
-Jeremy STOP!! Or you’ll NEVER break free of this.-
He stops. Thank God.
“…You’re sure he’s alive?”
If it’ll get him to not reset, -Yes.-
“…I can’t risk it.”
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Here we go again.
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For a minute I thought this was the “final” timeline, the one where they actually all make it--and I thought what a fantastic idea it would be if the final timeline is what actually happened in the show! So all of the previous timeloops lead up to everything in the actual musical, that’s genius!!
But aaa wreck my hEART AGA IN JESUS, I’m so glad Jer’s so concerned for Michael even though there’s a chance he made it out~~~ And reading everything from the Squip’s POV was so interesting! Especially for this AU, seeing things from his perspective is so neat! I loved it <33333
AND HOLY SHIT I LOVE HOW YOU PUT IN SOME OF THE SONG LYRICS? When I read those I started to sing along and gosh. I am dECEA SE D
I am shook by how amazing this is, I think I need a minute to sit down and breathe omfg
TY for this amazing fic, I have been blessed by the gODS, my plants are thriving, my skin is clear, I have ASCENDED TO THE ASTRAL PLANE))
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acindra · 7 years
Do You Got Room For One More Troubled Soul?
Pairing: Jeremy Heere/Michael Mell
Words: 4.247
Summary: “Stop. Buying. Things. From. Japan. You. Idiot.”
“You weren’t complaining when I showed you the hentai!” Rich protested, batting away Jake.
(Mistletoe and the squip squad’s Christmas party)
Read on AO3 or under the cut
A/N: I headcanon that Michael generally wears hoodies and sweaters unless he’s very very comfortable (or high) and would freak out or be very sensitive if his hoodie was suddenly not available to him. I used to be like that.
The first time, they didn’t know.
The air was crisp and cold when they arrived at Jake’s house. The house was decorated with colourful fairy lights and a lone reindeer perched on the edge of the roof.
“Looks like we’re early.” Michael said, noting the few cars parked outside. “Do you want to wait until more people arrive? Be fashionably late?”
Jeremy shook his head. “Nah. It’s just the squip squad and us this time.”
Michael fidgeted. “Are you sure it’s alright for me to be here, then? I’m not-”
“Of course you’re welcome. You’re my best friend.” Jeremy butted in, waving his hands like he could wave away Michael’s concern and unease.
“If you say so.” Michael said, doubtful, but he got out of the car just the same.
Jeremy nabbed his backpack from the backseat and slung it over his shoulder, shivering a little at the chill in the air. “I should’ve grabbed a jacket.” he mumbled.
Michael laughed. “Are you sure it would help? You’re a twiglet. Be the popsicle you know you are!”
Jeremy grumbled at him, shoving at his side.
“Bad touch! Bad touch!” Michael continued to laugh as he danced away from him.
“I’ll show you bad touch.” Jeremy threatened, chasing after him.
Michael headed up the path to the door and banged on it loudly. “Asylum, help!” He had to flee from the doorway before it opened, though.
When Jake opened the door it was to find Jeremy perched on top of Michael, mercilessly tickling him on the lawn.
“Dude, gay.” he surmised, shaking his head. He watched for a few seconds before calling out to them. “Hey, either get your asses in here or make out already! I’m letting out the heating!”
Jeremy relented, crawling off of Michael and standing up, offering him a hand up.
Michael eyed the hand distrustfully but took it anyways, then brushed the dead grass off of himself.
They made their way up to the door.
“Nerd boy.” Jake acknowledged, clapping Jeremy on the back. “Nerd boy two-point-oh.” he ushered them inside. “You’re name’s Mikey, right?”
“Close enough.”
They didn’t get far into the foyer before they encountered Rich.
“Tall-ass! It’s good to see you alive and kicking.” he greeted. “And you brought headphones kid! Good. I’ve been meaning to talk to you.” he sobered a little. “Thanks for saving our lives, dude. You’re a star.”
“No problem?”
“Now, let’s party!” he exclaimed, pushing red solo cups full of what was presumable eggnog into their hands.
“C’mon Michael, let’s go put the presents under the tree.” Jeremy said, dragging him by the sleeve through the archway to the living room.
“We were supposed to bring-?”
They only got a few steps into the room before they bumped into an invisible wall.
“OW!” they said simultaneously, the eggnog sloshing precariously in their cups.
“What the fuck?” Jeremy rubbed at his face while Michael poked at the invisible barrier.
Rich was laughing on the other side of the archway. “I didn’t think that’d work!” he informed them.
Jake was looking at them like they had gone insane. “What happened?” he turned to Rich. “What did you do?”
Rich was still laughing but pointed up.
In the archway was a sprig of oddly shiny mistletoe.
“It’s from Japan!”
As Michael muttered “Hay naku,” Jake took off his hat and started hitting Rich with it.
“Stop. Buying. Things. From. Japan. You. Idiot.”
“You weren’t complaining when I showed you the hentai!” Rich protested, batting away Jake.
“What is it.” Jeremy asked, sighing.
“It’s mistletoe, duh!”
Michael could feel a sinking feeling in his stomach; this wasn’t going to end well.
“Yeah I got that, I meant what does it do.”
“What do you think it does, genius? You gotta kiss!”
Jeremy and Michael glanced at each other, then turned away, blushing.
“That’s so gay.” Jake piped in.
“What happens if we don’t?” Jeremy asked.
“Then you’ll be there. Forever.”
“I guess we gotta, then.” Michael whispered, turning to Jeremy.
Jeremy’s hands were suddenly clammy. “W-well. At least the girls aren’t here.” he reasoned, but it didn’t make him feel any better. He bit his lip. “Here take this back.” he said handing over the eggnog.
Rich also took Michael’s and both he and Jake looked at them expectantly.
Michael put a hand on Jeremy’s shoulder, pulling him down a little so they’d be level and pressed his lips against Jeremy’s quickly. “There. Painless, right?” he forced a laugh.
“Aw, lame. You gotta do a proper kiss!” Rich cajoled.
Jeremy was frozen in place, but Michael turned away and tried to escape the prying eyes, his face red.
Unfortunately, the mistletoe seemed to agree with Rich, as he bumped into the invisible wall again.
He refrained from repeatedly smacking his head against it, but it was a close thing. He didn’t want to have to confront his feelings now, of all nights, (or maybe ever) but it seemed the world was against him.
Jeremy had unfrozen and had his hand over his lips, a confused expression on his face. “You kissed me.” he mumbled.
“Man tall-ass, you’re pretty slow, aren’tcha?” Rich laughed.
Michael sighed, turning away from the invisible wall and back to Jeremy. “Once more, with feeling?” he asked, but neither of them laughed.
Jeremy fidgeted. “O-ok.”
They shuffled closer together awkwardly.
Jeremy brought his hands up to hold Michael’s face and leaned down to kiss him, mouth open slightly. His eyes fluttered shut. He knew he was terrible, but he made an effort to copy what he had learned from his minimal experience with girls.
Michael, for his part, was equally as terrible so he didn’t mind much.
Jeremy might have gotten a little enthusiastic and poked his eye with the edge of Michael’s glasses.
They were just getting to a point where the kiss was getting more comfortable and less awkward when the snapping of a camera shutter was heard. They broke away from each other and turned to see Jenna Rolan standing there, holding her phone with a big grin.
Peeking out from behind her were Chloe, Brooke, and Christine.
Jeremy’s entire face was blazing red.
Michael suddenly pushed past Jeremy and beelined to the bathroom.
“Michael?” Jeremy asked, chasing after him.
The door slammed in his face.
Michael locked the door behind him and sat with his back against it, his face in his hands. His emotions were overwhelming him, and tears welled up in his eyes as he listened and felt Jeremy banging on the door.
The residual feeling of Jeremy’s hands burned on his skin and he swore he could still just barely feel Jeremy’s lips on his. The worst part was, on top of his emotions, he had enjoyed the kiss a little... too much.
“Who the fuck gets turned on from a little kissing… with your best friend… that you’ve been in love with for years?” he mumbled to himself. “How lame can you get?”
He focused on willing away his erection and trying not to cry.
The banging stopped all of a sudden.
His heart clenched at how desperate Jeremy sounded.
“I know you’re in there! I mean. Where else would you be it’s not like you can climb out the window.”
Michael eyed the tiny window across from him, thoughtfully.
Unfortunately Jeremy was right, so he wouldn’t be able to escape his problems that easily.
“Michael you can’t hide in there forever!”
He knew that was true. He took a deep, shuddering breath and tried to pull himself together.
“Talk to me, goddamnit. I don’t know what I did wrong! Was the kiss really that bad? I’m sorry! Just talk to me- please?”
Michael dragged himself up off the tiles and turned on the sink so he could splash some water on his face.
The coolness of the water helped push his feelings from the forefront of his mind. He pasted a grin onto his face then spent a couple seconds trying to make it not look so fake.
“I’m so-”
He opened the door and Jeremy fell onto him; he had been leaning against the door.
They collapsed in a heap on the tiled floor.
Michael scooched back and kicked the door closed. “We gotta stop meeting in this bathroom like this.”
“Michael! Are you ok?” Jeremy asked, scrambling off of him and helping him sit up.
“I’m fiiiine. I just had to pee, stop freaking out.”
Jeremy gave him the deepest disbelieving look he could manage. “Don’t lie to me.”
Michael shrugged. “Fine. Then don’t ask for things you don’t want to know.”
“I want to know.”
“You really don’t.”
“I’m your best friend, of course I want to know! I tell you everything!”
Michael snorted. “You do not. And before you start telling me things- I do not want to know things like- like- like who you jack off to or whatever.”
Jeremy blushed. “I wouldn’t-”
Jeremy frowned. “Wait are you saying you were-”
“NO! That was just an example. Get your mind out of the gutter for once in your life.”
Jeremy nodded. “Are you ok, though?”
Michael shrugged again. “I’m fine. See?” he said, patting himself all over. “I’m all in one piece. I’m sorry I freaked you out.”
“I was just worried.” Jeremy hugged him.
“I know.”
There was a pause for a few seconds while they hugged it out.
They pulled away from each other, smiling.
“Um.” Jeremy looked down and fingered at the hem of Michael’s hoodie.
“Spit it out.”
“Was- was the kissing ok?”
“I have literally no frame of reference to compare it to, so yes. Best kiss I’ve ever had.” He made a kissy face at Jeremy.
Jeremy pushed his face away.
There was a knock on the door. “Um. Are you two having sex in there? Only, I need to pee so if you could hurry it up.”
Jeremy hopped up and pulled the door open. “Why would we have sex in the bathroom?”
Chloe shrugged. “Don’t knock shower sex til you try it. Now get out.”
Jeremy offered his hand to Michael and pulled him up and they vacated the bathroom.
The second time it was an accident.
The boys entered the living room where the tree was.
And boy what a tree it was. It almost reached the top of the ceiling and was weighed down by strings upon strings of lights, tinsel, ornaments, and a twinkling star at the top.
They stopped to stare at it for a few seconds, awed.
There was no one else in the room, but voices were carrying out from the kitchen.
“C’mon let’s add the presents.” Jeremy said, crouching down in front of the tree. He dug into his backpack and started pulling out neatly wrapped gifts.
“I didn’t know I was supposed to bring any.” Michael told him, reaching into the bag to pull out more of the gifts.
“Don’t worry, I wrote that they were from both of us.”
“Oh, ok. Why is this one so heavy?” he asked, brandishing a large rectangular present.
“Oh that one is for Christine. It’s all of Shakespeare's plays.”
“It’s a book? Are you sure? It feels more like a lethal brick.”
“Then don’t go throwing it around.”
“What else did you get?”
“Well, I-”
Jeremy was interrupted by Rich coming through the archway, laughing and holding three cups.
“Hey! You’re out!”
“Have been for a few years now.” Michael joked, pointing to the rainbow patch on his left shoulder.
“Eyyy.” Rich gave off the distinct impression that if his hands were free he’d be making finger guns at them. He set down the cups he was holding on the coffee table next to them. “Those are yours.” he said, pointing to two of them. “Don’t know how well you hold your booze so we didn’t put a lot in.”
“Thanks.” Jeremy smiled up at him before finishing pulling out the rest of the presents.
Slowly the others trickled in, Chloe from the bathroom, and the rest one by one from the kitchen, being sure not to get caught under the mistletoe.
“So now that we’re here, what are we going to do?” Christine asked Jake, after everyone had settled around the coffee table.
Jake shrugged. “I don’t know, get high?”
Christine gave him a very disappointed look.
“Um. I actually brought a board game?” Jeremy suggested.
Everyone stared at him.
“What? I thought it’d be fun.”
Brooke took pity on him. “What game is it?”
“It’s called Carcassonne.” he said, pulling the game out of his bag.
Michael’s eyes lit up. “Oh, it’s a lot of fun! You have to place tiles and then meeple on the tiles that you want to count towards your point total. Tiles are worth more if they have landmarks and stuff. It’s named after a medieval town from France.”
“What the fuck is a meeple?” Jenna asked.
Jeremy popped open the box and picked out a small human-chalk-outline looking figurine.
And so they played Carcassonne.
In the end, the Chloe just beat out Jeremy’s score, much to his horror.
“I’m the King of Carcassonne!” she crowed, throwing both arms up into the air.
“That’s not really how it-” Jeremy started, but was silenced by her glare.
Michael stood up, stumbling slightly after having been sat cross legged for the hour or so of gameplay. He stepped over Jeremy and Brooke to escape the circle, then bowed low to Chloe. “My liege, would you like some more to drink?”
“Yes, thank you. At least someone respects my authority.” She said haughtily, handing Michael her cup.
“Eggnog is in the fridge door.” Brooke told him, helpfully.
“Rum is on the counter.” Jake chipped in.
Once they had finished clearing away the game, Jeremy excused himself to go put his backpack by the door so he wouldn’t forget it.
He smiled at Michael as they passed each other in the archway.
A few steps later they walked smack into an invisible wall on either side of said archway.
“Ow!” They exclaimed at the same time.
They turned to each other with identical looks of horror on their faces.
In the living room, the group turned their attention to the boys and burst out laughing.
“How did you manage to get caught again?” Jenna asked through her giggles.
Chloe hopped up and retrieved her and Michael’s drinks from him. She backed away so everyone could see the boys again, sipping at her drink.
Jeremy swallowed heavily, and Michael’s eyes tracked the movement.
What he would give to kiss his neck. But- he would get to kiss him again.
Unfortunately, the peanut gallery was a little hard to ignore as they progressed from laughter to catcalling.
“Well? Are you going to just stand there? Get on with it!” Chloe demanded.
“You can’t rush perfection.” Jeremy told her before he realized what he was saying. He slapped a hand over his face when he did.
Both he and Michael blushed.
“Perfection, eh? Is this why you didn’t want to have sex with me?”
“Please stop talking. You’re making this very-”
“Do I really need to say the obvious joke here?”
Jeremy sighed into his hand.
“With friends like these, who needs enemies?” Michael asked, sticking his tongue out at her. “C’mon.” he dragged Jeremy to the other side of the archway and back behind the wall where the majority of the others wouldn’t be able to see them. He leaned against the wall, awkwardly. “You ok?”
“Yeah, are you?”
Michael nodded. “Just. Nervous?”
“I feel that.”
Jeremy came closer and placed a hand on the wall beside Michael’s head.
Michael mentally cursed at himself as the thrill of it shot up his spine.
Jeremy leaned down to capture his lips, pressing his body against him.
Michael was startled by this, but was not complaining as he kissed back.
Jeremy pulled away after a few seconds, but Michael chased after him, cupping the back of Jeremy’s head and tugging him forward.
They kissed for a few seconds more before they broke away for air, making eye contact and then looking away, blushing.
Michael removed his hand from Jeremy’s curls, feeling very self conscious. He mentally berated himself- he had allowed himself to get carried away.
But god was it worth it.
There was a beat as they continued to avoid looking at each other.
“Um.” he said, looking down.
He tapped the hand Jeremy had not placed on the wall which had found its way to the drawstrings of Michael’s hood.
“Oh! Sorry.” he said, letting go and backing away abruptly. “I’m just gonna…” he gestured behind himself.
“Ok.” Michael took a deep breath and steeled himself for the comments the peanut gallery would make.
To his surprise, the others were all seated back around the coffee table, talking amongst themselves about the next school play.
Christine looked up and smiled, patting the space beside her where he had been sitting earlier.
Chloe grabbed his sleeve while he made his way over, handing him his drink. He smiled and stepped over Brooke to re-take his place.
Jeremy reappeared shortly after and joined the conversation seamlessly. He bumped his shoulder against Michael’s in greeting and he felt like maybe everything would be ok after all.
The third time was…
Once the conversation petered out, it was decided that they would open presents.
Jeremy’s (and Michael’s) presents were handed out first, since he was the last one to show up and put his gifts under the tree.
Rich opened his first and was confused to find a tank top that read ‘Both? Both. Both. Both is Good.’ in pink, purple, and blue text.
Michael’s eyes widened when Rich showed it to the them. “It’s the bisexual flag colours!”
“Ohh.” Rich grinned. “Thanks guys! You’re the best!”
Brooke received a stuffed puppy. She smiled at Jeremy.
“I figured, you always get stuffed cats-”
“But no one ever gets you a stuffed dog.” She finished.
Christine was ecstatic to receive her book and immediately started reciting random passages to herself. She leaned over to hug Michael since he was closest, barely keeping her excitement in check.
Jake got a pair of pink shutter sunglasses which he immediately put on (and refused to take off for the rest of the night).
Jenna’s gift was a journal, which she seemed confused by.
“I figured since you know everything, you might like something to put your thoughts about everything in.” Jeremy told her, sheepishly.
“That’s a really sweet and thoughtful gift, Jeremy. Thank you.”
Chloe’s gift was a makeup kit and a set of sparkly nail polish.
“Switch places with me, Brooke.” She demanded, heaving herself out of her armchair and gracefully sitting on the floor next to Jeremy. “What colour do you want?” she asked, opening the package the nail polish was in.
“He wants red.” Michael chimed in.
“Red it is!”
“Ah! Hang on.” Jeremy stalled as she grabbed his closest hand. He pulled another gift from under the tree and handed it to Michael.
“But we always give gifts the day after Christmas.” Michael protested, flipping the small rectangle over and wondering what it was.
“I know, and we will. This is just something extra I thought you might like.”
Michael opened it to find a cassette tape with no label. “What’s on it?”
“That’s for you to find out- later.” Jeremy told him, winking.
“Yes, yes, enough flirting. You guys can make out later.” Chloe said, rolling her eyes. “Hands.”
Jeremy obediently gave her his hands.
They continued to open presents.
The first time someone (who wasn’t Jeremy) handed Michael a gift, he was dumbfounded. It made his heart feel warmed that he was included in the group.
“Well? Open it!” Rich egged him on.
Inside was a CD of some obscure band he had never heard of. The other gifts were much the same, for both Michael and Jeremy; music and a couple old school video games.
The only outlier was their gift from Christine.
“It’s for both of you.”
Jeremy ended up opening it, because Chloe had moved on to painting Michael’s nails by that point (navy blue, if you were wondering).
Inside the little box were two necklaces, the pendants being a pacman and a ghost. The pacman had ‘player one’ etched inside of it and the ghost had ‘player two’.
“I saw it at the store and I just figured- cuz you both have the pacman tattoo. And Jeremy sometimes calls you his player one and-”
“Dude, that is awesome!” Michael exclaimed. “Put it on me, put it on me!”
Jeremy had the biggest smile on his face as he waved Michael away. “Alright, alright. Keep your pants on, jesus christ.”
It took him a few seconds to untangle them, but it wasn’t long before he was slinging the pacman necklace around Michael’s neck and then the ghost around his.
“Thank you, Christine! These really are wonderful.” he said, running a finger over the etched words.
Christine beamed at him.
Eventually all of the presents were opened and they cleared away the wrapping paper debris.
“This has been a really fun night.” Christine remarked, playing with the fidget spinner Jenna had gotten her.
There was a chorus of agreement.
“I really-” Brooke started, but was interrupted when the fidget spinner flew out of Christine’s hand and knocked over her drink, spilling it all over Michael.
Both Michael and Jeremy bolted up, tripping over Brooke in their rush to get to the bathroom.
“Quickly, take it off.” Jeremy demanded as soon as the door was closed, turning the faucet to the sink on.
Michael tugged it off and handed it over to Jeremy, who quickly started scrubbing at the spill.
“Go over there.” Jeremy said, waving over to the other side of the bathroom and staring very hard at the hoodie. “I won’t look on purpose, but I might on accident so…”
“It’s ok.” Michael said, coming closer. “I don’t mind. If it’s you.”
Jeremy looked up in surprise. “R- really?” he asked, averting his eyes again.
“Really.” Michael smiled as Jeremy forced himself to look at Michael. He steeled himself. “There’s actually... a lot of things I don’t mind, if it’s you.”
Jeremy finished washing the eggnog out of Michael’s hoodie and hung it over the shower curtain rod so it could dry. “What do you mean by that?” he asked, turning to stare questioningly at Michael. He felt like he was being given a gift, seeing Michael only in his white undershirt.
Michael swallowed; was he ready to do this?
Jeremy looked sincerely curious and he already had his foot in the door.
Time to hurl the rest of his body through it.
“Things like when we sleep in the same bed and I wake up to you being an octopus-”
Jeremy pouted. “I can’t help that.”
“I know. Things like holding your hand when we watch scary movies.”
Jeremy ran a hand through his hair and made a vague noise.
“Things like… like kissing you under the mistletoe.”
“What- what are you saying, Michael?”
He took the plunge. “I’m saying that I like you. In a more-than-friends way.”
Jeremy scanned Michael’s face. “You’re not joking, are you?”
“Why would I joke about this?”
“I don’t know- I just am having a hard time believing this is real.”
“Well. It is. I like your lame ass, Jeremy Heere.”
Jeremy grinned and turned slightly to show him his butt. “It is a nice ass, isn’t it?”
Michael shoved at him lightly. “It really is, though. Sometimes I dream about-”
“Ah!” Jeremy clapped a hand over Michael’s mouth frantically.
Michael licked the hand over his mouth and wiggled his eyebrows when Jeremy pulled it away.
Jeremy wiped his hand on his jeans, grimacing.
“You don’t hate me, right?”
Jeremy’s eyes softened around the edges. “I could never hate you, Michael.”
Relief flooded through him.
“Especially not when I like you, too.”
Michael blinked, hardly believing his ears. “You what?”
Jeremy shuffled closer. “I like you, too.” He repeated, wrapping an arm around his waist. “Can I kiss you again?”
“Yeah.” Michael replied breathlessly, going on his tippytoes as Jeremy leaned down.
They met halfway. Unlike the other kisses, there was no pressure and no prying eyes. They kissed lazily, smiling, enjoying the feel of the other against them.
When they finally broke away, Jeremy rested his forehead on Michael’s. “Thank you for telling me. I don’t think I would have had the courage to tell you otherwise.”
“I’m sure we would have figured it out eventually.” Michael said, optimistically.
“Yeah… but now we don’t have to.” He pulled away, and glanced at Michael’s hoodie. “Do you want me to go get your spare hoodie from the car?”
“Could we just leave instead?”
Michael parted from Jeremy reluctantly, and pulled on the wet hoodie, grimacing as the cold, wet part made his undershirt damp.
They exited the bathroom.
“Oh, I have an idea.” Jeremy whispered.
“Guys, we have to tell you something.”
Everyone turned to look at them.
Jeremy grabbed Michael’s hand and nodded his head towards the archway to the foyer.
They walked over and deliberately stood under the mistletoe. They kissed to the sounds of their friends cheering.
The first time they didn’t know.
The second time it was an accident.
The third time was an announcement.
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Art by @k8lex
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amazingmsme · 7 years
3 Times Jeremy's SQUIP Was NOT Helpful
1. Jeremy was still getting used to his SQUIP. It was weird having someone in your head telling you what to do, what not to do, controlling every aspect of your life. At least when he was at home he could be more himself. It was a bit hard ignoring everything the SQUIP was hissing in his ear, but he was used to tuning things out. It was how he survived school. Apparently, however, his SQUIP didn't like this. "Jeremy, how many times do I have to remind you that you need to do those push ups? You thought about sex a total of 55 times today, and if you ignore me, I will just make you do double tomorrow." He rolled his eyes. He knew the SQUIP was trying to help him, but it was sometimes overbearing and annoying. "How many times to I have to tell you I'll do it once I finish my homework?" Suddenly his hand started flying, filling out all the blank spaces on his papers. "There. Finished. Push ups. Now." "Geez you haven't even given me a chance to stand up!" Jeremy complained, earning himself a painful zap. "Ow! You know that hurting me won't help, right? When you do that, it just makes me want to disobey you more out of spite," he said and could practically feel it buzzing with discontent. "Fine, I will lower the intensity of your warning shock to a more mild feeling," it said, and Jeremy could've sworn he heard a sarcastic note to the voice in his head. "Warning shock? I'm not a dog, you can't just- AH! What the hell was that?" "I lowered the intensity of the shock I sent through your body. Does it still hurt? Your pain tolerance must be weak just like every other aspect of yours," the SQUIP snarked. Jeremy went on the defensive, "Hey, my pain tolerance is normal! And the shock didn't hurt it just felt... weird." "Well of course it felt weird Jeremy, it was a shock. They aren't exactly supposed to feel pleasant." "Yeah, well could you not do it?" he asked. "Jeremy, I will do whatever I need to in order for you to be more chill," the SQUIP calmly replied. Jeremy closed his eyes, placing a hand to his temple, "Yeah, well if you keep doing that I won't be able to be more "chill."" "Why?" the computer asked, "It is simply a painless shock, I don't see how- Oh you've got to be kidding me. You just love making my job harder for me, don't you?" Jeremy was blushing profusely, "Shut up! Lots of people are t- oh you know!" he shouted, burying his face into his hands while he curled up in his desk chair which earned him another zap. "GAH! I said stop!" "Jeremy, lots of people are ticklish. You just happen to be extremely so, and you're terrible at hiding it it seems, which is just one more quirk of yours that make it near impossible for you to be cool." "Gee thanks," he said, head still laying on the desk. "But trust me, I will make you the coolest person at your school. You just have to do as I say." Jeremy rolled his eyes, "Yeah, whatever." "No not "whatever" Jeremy. Do as I instruct. Now, if someone were to tickle you-" Jeremy instantly went red, "What? Why would that even happen?" he stammered out. "My data shows that it is a form of bonding between close friends, and as your pool of friends increases, the odds of this happening are higher." Jeremy tried to make himself appear even smaller, "Will you just... stop talking about it?!" he said in what he hoped would be a demanding tone but instead was a shriek. The SQUIP made a sound of disgust, "Jeremy, you must learn to not make such humiliating noises. "Just, ack, gaaaah!" he let out a frustrated cry, running his fingers through his hair. He was, of course, interrupted, "I don't know why you're making such a big deal out of this. It's just a word. A simple action. Nothing to worry about, just be. More. Chill." The SQUIP accented each word with a small shock, and Jeremy was practically having a spasm and fell into a fit of giggles. "You might want to work on that laugh," the SQUIP suggested. "What? What's wrong with my laugh?" Jeremy asked, and of course, the computer gave him an answer. "It sounds too dorky, if you want to be cool, you have to have a cool laugh." Jeremy rolled his eyes. "That's a lie. I heard Rich laughing at some joke Jake had told and he has this high pitched, shrieking laugh, and he's still considered cool," he justified. "Yes well, you're not Rich." 2. Jeremy was over at Brooke's house, and they were sat on the couch, making out. "My parents are out of town, the coast is clear," she had said, dragging him to her car before he could protest. Not that the SQUIP would let him anyways. And it turned out Brooke was a great kisser, so Jeremy couldn't complain too much. That is, until she moved down to his neck. "Don't squirm, she'll wonder what's wrong," the SQUIP informed him. Her teeth grazed a particularly sensitive spot below his jaw, causing him to let out a gasp. "What's wrong?" she asked, pulling away and placing a hand on his chest to balance herself. "Nothing," he reassured her, offering a smile and pulling her in, doing as his SQUIP instructed. She shrugged, going back to kissing. Jeremy couldn't help but let out a huff of air when she gently bit the stretch of skin below his ear. She leaned back once more, stopping the treatment. "Something's up. Tell me what it is," she said, nuzzling into his neck, and this time a short giggle left his lips. Her head shot up, staring at him, a growing smirk on her face. "Are you ticklish?" "Say no, she'll ignore it and go back to making out," it said. "No." "Are you saure, cause you took a second to answer," Brooke said skeptically. "Repeat after me-" "You're just such a great kisser my mind had gone blank," he said smoothly, hoping it was enough of a cover. She smiled, her lips returning to his skin, and her hand worked its way underneath his shirt, resting gently on his side. He allowed himself to relax a little, only to jump in shock when her hand squeezed his side. He jolted when she did it again. And again, and he couldn't help but to fall in a string of helpless giggles. "Liar!" she cried out, bringing her other hand to skitter over his belly. He brought his hands up to try and protect himself to no avail. Her hands moved quickly and precisely, sending ticklish waves throughout his body. "Wow, you're really ticklish! It's so cute!" she cooed, making him blush and try to hide his face. She pouted, "Aw, don't hide Jer! You're cute when you blush!" Her words only made him blush more, and he let out a whining laugh, drumming his legs onto the couch, but nothing he did lessened the feeling. In fact, her teasing increased the sensation. "Where else are you ticklish?" she asked, fingers crawling up his side. Jeremy was in hysterics and couldn't focus on anything, unable to communicate with the SQUIP. "I-I dohohohohon't knohohow!" he laughed out, squirming beneath her. He hoped she would just give up and let him breathe, go back to kissing, anything to stop the laughter inducing torture. Although if he were being honest with himself, he couldn't complain. He craved physical affection, and he kind of liked the feeling of letting go and laughing. "You don't know? Well that won't do," she teased, scribbling along his ribs, working her hands underneath his arms. He let out a loud shriek, and boy was he glad the house was empty. She laughed along with him and moved her hands down, relentlessly squeezing his thigh. "FAHAHAHAHACK!" Jeremy arched his back, crashing back down on the cushions in a fit of hysterics. He let out a snort, turning a bright shade of red and tried to cover his mouth to prevent any more embarrassing sounds from escaping. "Looks like I found a good spot!" she beamed, gently scratching her nails over his knees. She was sitting on his legs, effectively pinning him. She finally showed him mercy, slowing her fingers. "You have a really cute laugh," she said, laying her head on his chest and curling into his side. "It almost made me not want to stop." "Yeah, Ihihi could tell," he said, residual giggles slipping into his words. "You're absolutely ruthless." She nestled deeper into him, "Thanks." 3. Jeremy didn't bother in covering up his hickies.  It was too hot out to be wearing any sort of neck cover and he didn't want to take the time to use makeup to hide them. Not to mention, his SQUIP wouldn't let him. "Wear them proudly," it said, "Like battle scars." So when Christine had asked what they were, he didn't try to deny it. "Christine! We need to pick out costumes," Chloe said dragging her away. "Oh cool! Swords!" Rich yelled , pulling a toy sword from a box of props. "Engarde!" he cried out, stabbing Jeremy in the side. He let out an indignant shriek, whipping around and slapping the sword from his hands sending it flying across the room. "Woah man, are you okay? I didn't actually mean to hurt you," Rich said with concern. "I'm fine," he squeaked out, his voice even higher than usual. Rich gave him a look, "You sure? Cause you don't sound like you are." Jeremy cleared his throat before speaking, "Yeah, you just scared me." "Honestly I didn't think you'd be that strong," Rich said, slightly impressed. "Yeah, I've been working out more," he said. Rich chuckled, "I thought you looked bigger," he said, playfully reaching over to squeeze his bicep. Jeremy covered his mouth with a snort, trying to stifle his reaction. Rich smirked, "Ticklish?" "Accept your fate now Jeremy, there's no way out of this," the SQUIP informed. "What?!" Jeremy screeched at the computer. "If you say no, he'll tickle you because he knows you're lying. If you say yes, he'll tickle you just because. It's better not to lie. Not to mention if Brooke hears you say no, she might help Rich. Saying yes is the best option." Jeremy had been silent whilst having the conversation, but Rich, knowing what he was doing, waited patiently, a look of false innocence plastered on his face. "A-a bit, but I'd prefer if you diDN'T!" his words turned to squeals of laughter when Rich lunged forward and dug his fingers into his sides. "Nohohoho! Stohohop!" he pleaded, curling in on himself. "A bit ticklish? More like a lot!" Rich exclaimed happily, moving his hands up his ribs. Jeremy couldn't speak, only laugh as the other boy set to work. Rich's teasing only made his blush increase, much to Jeremy's dismay. "Look how red you are! You're lihike a tomato!" he laughed, taking immense joy in his work. "You're laughing so much! You must really enjoy it if you're laughing so hard," he said, working his hands underneath his shirt to get at bare skin. Jeremy's knees buckled underneath him, and he slowly sank down, Rich following and never once stopping the torture. He squirmed and kicked, trying futilely to get away. Jeremy tried to protect his sensitive spots, but Rich kept finding new places to tickle. "What're you doing?" A voice sounded from behind them and Rich turned to see who it was, not slowing in his work. "Tickling Jeremy. I just found out he's insanely ticklish, and just listen to his laugh!" he exclaimed, pinching his side causing the boy beneath him to convulse with a snort. "Jahahahahahahake! Hehehehelp!" he cried out through his laughter, hoping for some mercy. "Help him and you're next," Rich threatened. "C'mon don't be like that," Jake whined, not wanting the same treatment as Jeremy. "At least let him breathe," he said, coming to his rescue. Rich rolled his eyes, letting Jeremy free. "Oh my god you saint," Jeremy said between pants. Jake chuckled, offering a hand to help him up. "Believe me, I know how ruthless he can be," Jake said, shooting his friend a playful glare as he smiled proudly, "'S not my fault you both are so ticklish," he said, tweaking both of their sides as he walked past. "Hey!" They exclaimed in unison, and Jake started off after Rich, chasing him out of the theatre, laughter ringing through the air. "You're welcome." "Welcome for what? You were no help in that situation," Jeremy said. "It's obvious you like it. I mean, why else would you fail to protest? I didn't hear you say "stop" even once," the SQUIP informed. Jeremy's blush intensified, knowing the computer had a point. "Shut up."
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maysoper · 6 years
UBC's Preseason Adventures
That did not go as planned, I assume. The University of British Columbia Thunderbirds women's team is currently trekking across Minnesota while playing some of the NCAA's best after they started at home against Team Shenzhen, China's developmental team. After today's decision, the preseason tour where UBC is playing some rather good teams sees the T-Birds with a record of 1-4-0 with one game to play. It has to be an eye-opening affair for these women to walk into arenas such as the Verizon Center in Mankato, Minnesota and Ridder Arena at the University of Minnesota. These arenas are where a vast number of their heroes made their marks, and the Thunderbirds had a chance to make their own marks this weekend! The team began its foray into the heart of American hockey country with a stop in Mankato to play the University of Minnesota-Mankato Mavericks. The two teams rolled out onto Verizon Center ice and traded chances, including three power-plays for Minnesota State and one for UBC, but the goaltenders were equal to the tasks as Minnesota State junior Chloe Crosby stopped 13 UBC shots while UBC's Tory Micklash was good on all 14 attempts against her. Whatever was said between periods seemed to spark the Mavericks as they used just 30 seconds to open the scoring. Jordan McLaughlin cut up the right wing and ducked into the middle of the ice in the UBC zone where she unleashed a laser of a wrist shot that got past Micklash for the 1-0 Minnesota State lead. Later in the period, Minnesota State got the power-play working as Brooke Bryant's shot caught a player in front of Micklash and ricocheted past the goalkeeper for the 2-0 Minnesota State lead that they would carry into the intermission. In the end, the Thunderbirds couldn't solve neither senior Katie Bidulka nor freshman Abigail Levy over the final 40 minutes as the three Minnesota State goalies combined for a 24-save shutout of the UBC Thunderbirds in the 2-0 win. Micklash stopped 18 of 20 shots she faced, but the UBC Thunderbirds simply couldn't solve the NCAA trio at the other end. "We played well and it was a solid first game as a team, we saw some good things to build on," UBC head coach Graham Thomas said after the game. "We didn't have great puck luck tonight, but we had lots of chances and outshot them, which is a good sign." Whatever Coach Thomas was feeling after that game on Saturday may have evaporated when the Thunderbirds rolled into Ridder Arena to face one of the NCAA's perennial powerhouses in the University of Minnesota Golden Gophers. I should preface this by saying that these NCAA teams are just getting into their preseason training camp schedules as well, so it's not like the teams will be well-oiled machines at this point. Except this is Minnesota. Legends have played here. Expectations are banner-or-death. You get the picture, right? Grace Zumwinkle opened the scoring for the third-ranked Gophers when she teed up a one-time from the point off a feed from Olivia Knowles at 6:05 that Amelia Boughn - a former NCAA netminder - simply could not stop. Amy Potomak. the BC native, potted a shorthanded marker at 17:54 before Katie Skaja and Nicole Schammel each scored inside the final minute to send the the Gophers to the dressing room with the impressive 4-0 lead. If one was looking for an example of how to set the tone in a game, the Gophers stomped all over UBC as they scored four times while limiting UBC to just two shots in the frame. The second period was better for the Thunderbirds, but "better" is a relative term in this case. Tianna Gunderson found the back of the net on the power-play at 7:12 while Crystalyn Hengler added Minnesota's sixth goal of the night with 1:42 to go in the period as the Gophers were up six goals with one period to play. Netminder Sydney Scobee faced four UBC shots in the period as the Thunderbirds were still looking for their first goal in the state of Minnesota while trailing 6-0. You can mark this down as a minor victory because Mathea Fischer beat Emma May at 4:18 of the third period to cut the lead to 6-1, but, more importantly, it marked UBC's first goal in the State of Hockey in just over five periods of play! That joyous moment, however, would fall back into the swirling Minnesota tornado of pain as Skaja converted a feed from Hengler for her second goal of the game midway through the final stanza, and that was followed by an Alex Woken goal with 5:17 remaining to make it an 8-1 thumping. "We learned a lot today," spun UBC head coach Graham Thomas after his team took its worst defeat yet in this preseason. "We elevated our game and were pushed very hard by one of the best teams in the world. We're proud of our team and there are a lot of positive takeaways. We need to commit to playing at that intensity and speed all year in practices and games." While Thomas might be finding positives in this game, there wasn't much that stood out on the stats sheet that was positive in terms of takeaways. Amelia Boughn surrendered all eight goals on 33 shots, 12 different Gophers recorded at least one point against UBC, Minnesota went 3-for-4 on the power-play and 2-for-2 on the penalty kill, and UBC managed just 13 shots on net for the entire game. Yes, Minnesota is one of the best college programs on the planet so there is some room for optimism for UBC, but this was Minnesota's first game of the preseason compared to UBC's fifth game. The T-Birds should have shown a little more than 13 shots against a team that's simply been practising, but that was not the case. There's no time for licking one's wounds, though, as the T-Birds prepare for a battle with the Minnesota Whitecaps tomorrow. There's hope the can find a few more pucks to the net and maybe cash a goal or three in, but we'll have to see. Thus far in five preseason games, the T-Birds have managed a measly seven goals. That's not good enough with the talent they have, and it certainly won't be good enough in Canada West when they kick off their season on October 5 against Lethbridge. If nothing else, the T-Birds need to come out tomorrow and roll over the 'Caps to show they're ready for Canada West season! Until next time, keep your sticks on the ice! from Sports News http://hockey-blog-in-canada.blogspot.com/2018/09/ubcs-preseason-adventures.html
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