#james mclure
rippleberries · 5 months
I'm 99% sure this is the role that got Jeffrey Combs cast as Herbert West.
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He frequently tells the story that a casting director approached him for the role after seeing him perform a similar character in a play. Based on the date of this article and the description and appearance of Jeffrey's character, this must be it.
LA Weekly [Los Angeles, CA], 13, September 1984, p. 114
James McClure's play about three men in a veterans' hospital receives a near- flawless production under John C. Fletcher's impeccable direction. Though the play's three characters are survivors of Vietnam, this story has nothing to say about that war, or even about the nature of man and his military, other than the vague sanctioning of an individual's right to fight "private wars" of conscience. Rather, the emphasis is upon one of theater's most enduring situations, the heterosexual male triangle. Woodruff Gately is a hick grunt who now spends his time putting together a radio while two other patients vie for his attention and loyalty: Silvio, an Italian-American emasculated by shrapnel, and Natwick, a prissy rich kid hated by everyone but the affable Gately. Silvio's main form of recreation is flashing his nonexistent genitals to the nurses; Natwick's grasping for poetry leads him to a pathetic evening of failed suicide attempts. Both men make Gately's task infinitely more difficult by secretly stealing pieces from his radio, partly to assert their "superiority" over him, partly to insure his stay at the hospital.
Originally written as a one-act, McClure has expanded - and somewhat overextended - his play to two acts, using a lot of blackouts that fail to tighten the dramatic thread as they progress. It's a simple script with a pat metaphor (the radio as Gately's attempt to construct order in a fragmented world), but with enough. sincerity and concern for its characters to overcome its deficiencies. Gregory Grove is touching without being sappy as Gately, Tony Campisi wonderfully vulnerable as the blustering Silvio, and Jeffery Combs is perfectly brittle as the unpopular prig Natwick. Together the three reveal moments that are both refreshingly sad and funny in their depiction of men whose overriding need is to be heard by other men. Zephyr Theater, 7456 Melrose Ave., W. Hlywd.; Thurs.-Sun., 8 p.m.; thru Oct. 7. Call 851-3771. -Steven Mikulan
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astroimages · 1 year
Cupom com 12% de desconto: SPACE   Link: https://bit.ly/TechTShirtInsidereSpaceToday Astrônomos usando o telescópio mais poderoso já construído identificaram uma galáxia massiva e densamente compactada a 25 bilhões de anos-luz de distância. A galáxia - conhecida como GS-9209 - formou-se apenas 600 a 800 milhões de anos após o Big Bang e é a mais antiga de seu tipo encontrada até hoje, dizem os pesquisadores. Uma equipe liderada por pesquisadores de Edimburgo usou o Telescópio Espacial James Webb para revelar em detalhes as propriedades do GS-9209 pela primeira vez. Apesar de ser cerca de 10 vezes menor que a Via Láctea, o GS-9209 possui um número de estrelas semelhante ao da nossa própria galáxia. Eles têm uma massa combinada de cerca de 40 bilhões de vezes a do nosso Sol e foram formados rapidamente antes que a formação estelar em GS-9209 parasse, diz a equipe. GS-9209 é o exemplo mais antigo conhecido de uma galáxia que não forma mais estrelas – conhecida como uma galáxia quiescente. Quando a equipe o observou 1,25 bilhão de anos após o Big Bang, nenhuma estrela havia se formado na galáxia por cerca de meio bilhão de anos. A análise também mostra que GS-9209 contém um buraco negro supermassivo em seu centro que é cinco vezes maior do que os astrônomos podem prever em uma galáxia com esse número de estrelas. A descoberta pode explicar por que GS-9209 parou de formar novas estrelas, diz a equipe. O crescimento de buracos negros supermassivos libera enormes quantidades de radiação de alta energia, que pode aquecer e empurrar o gás para fora das galáxias. Isso pode ter causado a interrupção da formação de estrelas em GS-9209, pois as estrelas se formam quando nuvens de poeira e partículas de gás dentro das galáxias colapsam sob seu próprio peso. GS-9209 foi descoberto pela primeira vez em 2004 por Edimburgo Ph.D. estudante Karina Caputi, que era supervisionada na época pelos professores Jim Dunlop e Ross McLure na Escola de Física e Astronomia da Universidade. Caputi é agora professor na Universidade de Groningen, Holanda. "O Telescópio Espacial James Webb já demonstrou que as galáxias estavam ficando maiores e mais cedo do que jamais suspeitávamos durante o primeiro bilhão de anos da história cósmica. história do GS-9209, que conseguiu formar tantas estrelas quanto a nossa própria Via Láctea em apenas 800 milhões de anos após o Big Bang. O fato de também vermos um buraco negro muito massivo nesta galáxia foi uma grande surpresa e dá uma muito peso para a ideia de que esses buracos negros são o que interrompeu a formação de estrelas nas primeiras galáxias ", diz o Dr. Adam Carnall, da Escola de Física e Astronomia da Universidade de Edimburgo. FONTES: https://phys.org/news/2023-05-ancient-galaxy-traits-revealed-webb.html https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06158-6 #JAMESWEBB #GALAXIES #UNIVERSE
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oldshowbiz · 3 years
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The Lively Set (1964) starring James Darren and Pamela Tiffin is a neglected piece of crap with plenty of hot rods, drag racing, 30-something actors playing teenagers, and killer soundtrack sounds.
It is basically a beach party movie in which the Pomona Speedway replaces the beach. 
Pamela Tiffin plays an insipid character, but is perfectly cast as a drag racer’s long-suffering girlfriend. The film was directed by Jack Arnold of Creature From the Black Lagoon fame. And it was written by the future writers of Dan August.
It also introduced the world to Boss Barracuda by the Surfaris. The surf vocal was co-written by Bobby Darin with Terry Melcher (Doris Day's son and the future producer of the Byrds). But the best song in the movie is a heavy instrumental called the Pomona Drags, featuring anonymous Wrecking Crew session players.
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cultfaction · 7 years
Powers Booth passes away at the age of 68 years old
Powers Booth passes away at the age of 68 years old
It is Cult Faction’s sad duty to report that Powers Booth passed away at the age of 68 years old from natural causes on Sunday.
Boothe was born on 1st June 1948 on a farm in Snyder, Scurry County, Texas, and was the youngest of three boys. He was named after a friend of his father’s that was killed in World War II. He went onto…
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The great Roger Corman produced this mini masterpiece of a monster movie in 1979 called Monster: humanoids from the deep. Truth be told the director was Barbara Peeters who was initially unhappy when Corman inserted scenes of nudity and some graphic scenes depicting the monsters as they started killing. Another fact is they only had one real functioning monster suit and 2 others that were filmed to look like they had more than 3. It’s the way Roger Corman cut corners that he was so famous for. And it worked. He got actors like Doug MClure, Ann Turkel, and Vic Morrow into the production when it had a different title. Again it worked. And with a great musical score by James Horner who went on to score big movies like titanic. So in 1996 Roger Corman remade this for the showtime series: Roger Corman presents. With Robert Carridine and Emma Samms.using most scenes from the 1979 original. Ok I have to say, Roger Corman is. Genius. He never lost a dime on any of his movies, well except for one film called the intruder starring William Shatner. About segregation in the south. Yes this great film with a message about racism and segregation was not a hit. But by all means was a great film. He later blamed William Shatner for the failure. For reasons unknown. But back to humanoids from the deep. The plot is simple. Small fishing town in California is opening a cannery. And there’s a scientific experiment gone wrong to make salmon bigger( sounds like GMO to me) but it turns out this causes mutations that begin killing the men, a young boy, and some dogs. But the women they have other ideas. The creature effects were done by Rob Bottin who also played the monster(s) because they couldn’t get anyone else to do it, Steve Johnson another great make up wiz also was credited for playing the monsters as well as doing the creature makeup. Humanoids from the deep became a cult classic that followed the success of Joe Dante’s Piranha 1978 also produced by Roger Corman. A long way from Cormans first .monster from the ocean floor 1954.
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papermoonloveslucy · 6 years
December 9, 1984
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Directed by Dick McDonough ~ Written by Paul Keyes
Lucille Ball (Honoree), Monty Hall (Host), Nelson Riddle and His Orchestra
Monty Hall was the honorary chairman of Variety Clubs International.  
Featuring Lucy's family: Gary Morton, Lucie Arnaz, and Desi Arnaz Jr..
Lucy's former (and future) guest-stars: Sid Caesar, Sammy Davis Jr., Dean Martin, John Ritter, as well as uncredited appearances by Barbara Eden, Eva Gabor, Bernie Kopell, Rich Little, Cesar Romero, Art Linkletter, Kirk Douglas, Bea Arthur, Ken Lane (Dean Martin's pianist), and Ricardo Montalban
Presenters and entertainers also include: Joan Collins, Cary Grant, Shelley Long, Carl Reiner, and Vicky McLure
Former Variety Clubs honorees in attendance: James Stewart, Burt Reynolds, and Frank Sinatra 
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Also present at the party (all uncredited): Loni Anderson, Lloyd Bridges, James Caan, Sammy Cahn, Ted Danson, Barbara and Marvin Davis (Childhood Diabetes Foundation), Altovise Davis, Charles Durning, Farrah Fawcett, George Hamilton, Barbara Harris (Mrs. Cary Grant), Lisa Hartman, Ted Lange, Vicki Lawrence, Carol Lawrence, Michele Lee, Olympian Carl Lewis, Hal Linden, Karl Malden, Roddy McDowell, Gloria Hatrick McLean (Mrs. Jimmy Stewart), Donna Mills, Stefanie Powers, Barbara Sinatra, Joan Van Ark, Dick Van Patten, Dionne Warwick, Dennis Weaver, Raquel Welch, and Betty White.
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Taped at Warner Brothers Studios on November 18, 1984 and aired on CBS on December 9, 1984. Due to the December air date, the room is decorated in poinsettias. Lucy makes her entrance holding a dozen long-stem roses. At Lucy's center table is her husband Gary Morton, Frank and Barbara Sinatra, Burt Reynolds and Loni Anderson, Jimmy and Gloria Stewart, Cary Grant and Barbara Harris.
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Variety, the Children's Charity is an organization founded in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in 1927, when a group of eleven men involved in show business set up a social club which they named the Variety Club. On Christmas Eve 1928, a baby was left on the steps of the Sheridan Square Film Theatre. When efforts to trace the mother failed, the Variety Club named the child Catherine Variety Sheridan, after the club and the theatre on whose steps she was found, and undertook to fund the child's living expenses and education. Later the club decided to raise funds for other disadvantaged children. The discovery of the baby inspired the film Variety Girl (1947).
The program was the second highest rated show of the night with a 21.7 share, second only to its lead-in “Murder She Wrote” with a 22.3 share.  
Monty Hall says that this is the 9th annual Variety Club All-Star Party. Two years later, Lucille Ball hosted the 1986 event honoring Clint Eastwood. In 1982 she participated in the All-Star Party for Carol Burnett.
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In an interview to promote the program, Lucy said that Lucie Arnaz wrote the lyrics to the “I Love Lucy” tribute song that she and Desi Jr. sang. But on the show, Burt Reynolds claims the special lyrics were by Sammy Cahn.  
Also in the interview, Lucy says she'd never do another series again. Two years later she changed her mind and agreed to do “Life With Lucy” for Aaron Spelling and ABC. She also says she'd like to do a drama about seniors being driven from their homes. It is likely that by November 1984 Lucy was already in talks to do her final film, TV's Stone Pillow, which would begin filming in April 1985 and air in November of that same year.
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To kick off the event, the Nelson Riddle Orchestra plays “Hey Look Me Over” as Lucy's entrance music. Lucille Ball introduced the song in the 1960 Broadway musical Wildcat by Cy Coleman.
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Joan Collins (TV's “Dynasty”) details Lucy's background and rise to fame; 76 films and over 500 television programs. She reminds Lucy that she auditioned for the role of Scarlet O'Hara in Gone With The Wind. In 1987 Collins was honored with her own All-Star Party.
Joan: “Not even Clark Gable could look into that face and say 'Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn’”.
Frank Sinatra sings “You Are the Sunshine of My Life” to Lucy, a 1973 song written and recorded by Stevie Wonder.
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Sinatra says to Lucy “You're the best thing to happen to Adam's rib.” This causes a quizzical look to come over Lucy's face. Later in life, Sinatra was known for his occasional odd references and non-sequitur. He had been honored by Variety Clubs the previous year, 1983.
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Cary Grant reads a letter from President Ronald Reagan. Reagan was honored with an All-Star Party the following year, 1985. When first addressing Ball, Grant says “Lucy, Lucy, Lucy,” imitating his falsely attributed quote “Judy, Judy, Judy.” Grant would also read a congratulatory telegram from President Reagan in 1986, when Clint Eastwood was honored.
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Carl Reiner introduces and interviews Sid Caesar as (all the way from Germany) Professor Ludwig Von Blearyeyes, the world's most renowned viewer of Lucille Ball's television shows. The Professor describes his second favorite episode of “I Love Lucy” which is a crazy mash-up of parts of several episodes, including “Lucy Goes To The Hospital” (ILL S2;E16), “The Audition” (ILL S1;E16), and “Pioneer Women” (ILL S1;E25). The Professor then recounts the same episode in Italian, proving that Lucy is known all over the world. The description of the Professor's favorite episode sounds like the plot to King Kong.
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John Ritter is introduced as a 'member of Lucy's mutual admiration society,' a fellow comedic actor on TV. Lucille Ball had hosted a two-part retrospective of Ritter's show “Three's Company” in 1982. Ritter would be Ball's first celebrity guest-star on “Life With Lucy” in 1986.
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Ritter introduces Olympian Carl Lewis and Vicki McClure, a young woman from Los Angeles chosen to sing at the opening ceremonies of the 1984 Summer Olympics. McClure reprises the song she sang at the ceremonies, “Reach Out and Touch (Somebody's Hand).” The song by Ashford and Simpson was the debut solo single of Motown singer Diana Ross, released in April 1970. McClure, a checkout girl at the Hughes Market in Canoga Park, was at first just the rehearsal stand-in for Ross but she was chosen for the real thing because as an unknown, she reflected the youthful image that organizers hoped to project for the games.
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Shelley Long (TV's “Cheers”) admits that she never worked with Lucy, but admires her as a role model working mother. 
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Long 'passes the baton' to Dean Martin, while the Nelson Riddle Orchestra plays his signature song “Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime,” a song written in 1947 by Sam Coslow. Martin sang it  in “Lucy Dates Dean Martin” (TLS S4;E21), as well as on "Lucy Gets Lucky," their 1975 special. Martin (with Ken Lane at the piano) sings “When You're Smiling” by Larry Shay, Mark Fisher and Joe Goodwin. He changes the lyrics to suit the occasion:
“When you're Lucy,  When you're Lucy, You're never off TV. When you're Lucy, That's all you see, You're own life constantly. On Channel 7, 5, 4, 9, 8 or 10, Wherever you turn, That's our Lucy again. When you're Lucy, When you're Lucy, You're never off of TV.”
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Jimmy Stewart says that Lucy and Gary are celebrating their wedding anniversary. Stewart introduces Gary Morton, who presents Lucy with an Olympic-style medal for being a “gold medal wife.”
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Sammy Davis Jr.'s first remarks incorporate references to the 1961 musical Stop the World – I Want To Get Off by Anthony Newley and Leslie Bricusse. Davis starred in the 1978 Broadway revival of the show as well as the TV special “Sammy Stops the World” that same year. He then gives a heartfelt and emotion tribute to Lucy's world-wide and timeless appeal.  
Sammy: “Lucille Desiree Ball, daughter of Desiree and Henry Ball, who stopped the world and said 'I wanna get on' in Jamestown, New York. On an August the sixth, this world of ours took little note then, but will long, long remember.  Be proud, Lucy, of your legacy.  Very proud.  Be aware, as you sit here among your grateful friends, the sun never sets on Lucille Ball. All over this worried world tonight. Nations of untold millions are watching reruns they also watched the first time around. In Iran and Iraq on this very night, the fighting stops long enough for frightened people to laugh again as you hide the frozen meat in the furnace. In Finland after a long hard day at the factory, husbands and father are just settling down to watch the American girl they love the most get half bombed on her first TV commercial. And in Lebanon, ravished Lebanon, worried parents of many fates share a common experience, with innocent war-torn children, who tune in to forget the debris long enough to feed their hungry souls with laughter as you parade down the Champs Elysee in an outfit that drove the Paris designers to double aperitifs. Across the world in Singapore, Japan, whole families gather for a 'Lucy break' as laughter erases their problems watching you rehearse your trip to the hospital for television's first birth. And in Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Columbia, Honduras, Guatemala, Peru, San Salvador, Venezuela, and other sunshine countries, laughter crosses friendly and unfriendly borders as you try to keep up with the chocolates on the assembly line. Yes, my dear friend, Lucy, you are the one they love most.”
The specific “I Love Lucy” episodes Davis is referring to (in order) are “The Freezer (ILL S1;E29); “Lucy Does a TV Commercial” (ILL S1;E30); “Lucy Gets a Paris Gown” (ILL S5;E20); “Lucy Goes to the Hospital” (ILL S2;E16); and “Job Switching” (ILL S2;E1).  Lucy later said that Davis wrote the above speech himself.
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Monty Hall returns to tell Lucy that Variety Clubs International has added new facilities in children's hospitals dedicated to John Wayne (in Miami), Elizabeth Taylor (in New York City), Jimmy Stewart (in Minnesota), Ingrid Bergman (in Des Moines), Jack Lemmon (in Buffalo), Burt Reynolds (in Atlanta), Carol Burnett (in Los Angeles), and Frank Sinatra (in Seattle).  
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Burt Reynolds recounts his first meeting Lucy, through an introduction by Lucie Arnaz. Lucie and Reynolds dated for a year and a half. Nelson Riddle and the Orchestra play the “I Love Lucy” theme by Eliot Daniel. Lucie and Desi Jr. then sing the song to their mother with special lyrics by Sammy Cahn. Ball struggles to hold back the tears. Lucie Arnaz is noticeably pregnant. She would give birth to her daughter, Katherine Luckinbill, on January 11, 1985.
To the strains of the title song from Mame, Lucy joins Monty Hall at the front of the room where he  informs her of the naming of a research library in her honor at the Barbara Davis Juvenile Diabetes Hospital in Denver, Colorado.
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Lucille Ball thanks everyone for the tribute. She asks Mike Frankovich of Variety Clubs to stand and take a bow.
Lucy: “To everyone who said such wonderful things about me tonight, I just wish you were all under oath.”
At the very end, the entire crowd sings “Happy Anniversary” (to the tune of “Happy Birthday”) to Lucy and Gary, who were married on November 19, 1961.
Oops! Over the entrance music, Lucille Ball can be heard to greet Dionne Warwick saying “Hi Diane.” Did she think Warwick was Diahann Carroll?  When Lucy sees Eva, she just repeats over and over “A Gabor!  A Gabor!  A Gabor!” perhaps unsure if it is Eva or Zsa Zsa. Bear in mind that Ball did not know the guest list ahead of time. While the announcer reads off the guests stars for the opening credits, Lucy can be heard to say “I hope I remember the names.”
When Gary Morton puts the Olympic medal around Lucy's neck, she says “Turn it around!” Lucy wanted the front of the medal facing the camera. She then jokes that she is “always directing.”  
This Date in Lucy History –  December 9
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"Don Juan and the Starlets" (ILL S4;E18) filmed on December 9, 1955
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"Lucy and the Military Academy" (TLS S2;E10) aired December 9, 1963
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"Guess Who Owes Lucy $23.50" (HL S1;E11) aired December 9, 1968
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conversci · 4 years
Transforming Mental Health - The Barwon Region Experience
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We look to the sciences to tackle big problems, sometimes referred to as grand challenges. These big problems are complex to understand, involve many factors and invariably involve many participants to address. Mental illness is without question one of the grand challenges facing humankind. It is largely invisible, silent and devastating for individuals, families, friends and communities.
“There has been some progress, but stigma, discrimination and prejudice remain pervasive influences on the lives of people living with mental illness. As a community, we have struggled to understand mental illness and the varying ways people experience it. Some might say we have lacked the empathy to support people who are struggling.”
Interim Report, Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System, November 2019, p.1
Whilst the challenges of dealing with mental illness in Australia is daunting, the Barwon community is taking on this challenge with optimism and innovation. 
CHIME (The Change to Improve Mental Health Centre of Excellence) is an exciting new partnership between Barwon Health and Deakin University that draws together the people affected by mental health issues, researchers and clinicians in the co-design and co-production of new models of care.  CHIME will transform the delivery of mental health care in the Barwon region and develop a world-leading mental health care system, that can be shared across Victoria and beyond.
The Convergence Science Network is proud to partner with Barwon Health and Deakin University to discuss these positive stories about how approaches to mental health are being transformed in the regional community of Geelong and its environs.  An outstanding panel of people with lived experience, community members, policy experts, mental health care providers, and researchers will converge to share new ideas and initiatives and to hear from those being impacted.  Please join us.
Panel members
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Dr Ruth Vine, Deputy Chief Medical Officer for Mental Health, Commonwealth Department of Health
Mr Tony McManus, Development Manager – Geelong Community Foundation, National Ambassador for Beyondblue and Community Ambassador for RU OK?
Prof Michael Berk, Alfred Deakin Professor of Psychiatry and Director - Institute for Innovation in Mental and Physical Health and Clinical Translation (IMPACT), Deakin University
Dr James McLure, Senior Peer Support Worker, Barwon Health
Prof Steven Moylan, Clinical Director, Mental Health, Drugs and Alcohol Services, Barwon Health
Dr Simon Strafrace, Chief Advisor, Mental Health Reform Victoria
Ms Christine Morgan, CEO, Mental Health Commission
Opening remarks will be delivered by Ms Frances Diver, CEO, Barwon Health with closing remarks delivered by Professor Julie Owens, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research), Deakin University. The event will be moderated by Ms Renae Carolin, Interim Director – CHIME (Change to Improve Mental Health), Barwon Health and Deakin University.
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St Enoch Presbyterian Church W.W.1 war memorial and roll of honour. Duncairn, Belfast
All information is provided in good faith but, on occasions errors may occur. Should this be the case, if new information can be verified please supply it to the author and corrections will then be made.
Erected by this congregation in honour of those who Volunteered in the Great War 1914-1918
These all died.
Thomas Rainey AGNEW.  Stoker 1st Class SS/113435, Royal Navy on HMS Vangard. Born 1892 to Samuel and Dorothy Agnew, of 138, Spamount Street., Belfast.  Commemorated on the Chatham Naval Memorial, Kent.  
Robert BOYD.  Rifleman 582, 10th Royal Irish Rifles.  Born 1879 to Mrs. Jeannie Boyd of 17 India Street, Belfast.  Killed in action 1 July 1916 aged 37 years.  Commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial, Somme, France.
William Hatchell BOYD.  2nd Lieutenant, 9th Royal Dublin Fusiliers.  Born 1887 to the Rev. Samuel T. Boyd, B.A., and Mrs. Boyd, of Dublin.  Killed in action 9 September 1916 aged 29 years.  Commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial, Somme, France.
John BOYLAN.  Private 12558, 15th Royal Irish Rifles.  Born 1898 to John and Annie Boylan, of 166, Alexandra Park Avenue, Belfast later of 23 Annadale Street, Belfast.  Killed in action  1 July 1916 aged 20 years.   Commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial, Somme, France.
Hugh BROWN. 2nd Lieutenant, 6th attached 1st  Royal Irish Rifles.  Killed in action 31 July 1917.  Commemorated on the Menin Gate Memorial, Ypres, Belgium.
John Brown.  Royal Irish Rifles.  Unable to find the correct record for this person recorded with the CWGC
James CAMERON (Military Medal).  Sergeant 160496,  50th Canadian Infantry.  Born 1892 to James and Sarah Cameron, of 52, Brookhill Avenue, Antrim Road, Belfast, Ireland.  Formerly of Ballymena, Co. Antrim.  Died 5 June 1917 aged 25 years.  At rest in Barlin Communal Cemetery Extension, France.  
William CARLISLE.  Rifleman 11211, 1st Royal Irish Rifles.   Husband of Elizabeth Carlisle, of 14, Court Street, Belfast, Ireland.  Killed in action 23 October 1916, aged 24 years.  Commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial, Somme, France
John CARSON Rifleman 24/991 2.3rd  New Zealand Rifles.  Killed in action 15 October 1917.  At rest in Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery, Belgium.  
Jack CRICHTON  Lance Corporal, (Private) 642640, 4th Canadian Infantry.  Died of wounds 5 July 1917  Downview Avenue, Belfast.  At rest in La Targette Britisg Cemetery, Neuville-Sain- Vaast, France
William CLARKE.  Private 18818,  2nd Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers.  Only son of Robert And Agnes Clarke of  40 Christopher Street, Belfast.  Killed in action 3 July 1916 aged 22 years.  Commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial, Somme, France.  
James Wilson CORDNER. (Military Cross) Lieutenant 2nd Royal Irish Rifles. The Manse, Drumbo.  Killed in action 16 April 1918.  At rest in Minty Farm, Cemetery, Belgium.  He was onetime assistant minister at St. Enoch’s Presbyterian Church, Belfast and became a minister in the United Free Church in Lisburn.  London Gazette dated 3 August 1915. Royal  Irish Rifles. The undermentioned to be temporary Second Lieutenants James Cordner. Dated 7th June, 1915. Edinburgh Gazette dated 22 July 1918.  Military Cross Citation. T./Lt. James Wilson Cordner. Royal Irish Rifles. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty while in charge of a wiring party. He wired 500 yards of newly captured trenches in daylight in full view of the enemy and under heavy fire. His coolness and determination were an inspiration to his men. At rest in Minty Farm Cemetery, Belgium.
Hampton CRAWFORD. Corporal, (Private) 25239, 9th Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers.  Son of Samuel and Mary Ann Crawford of 3 Trinity Street, Belfast.  Commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial, Somme, France.   CWGC have his rank as Private
David FERGUSON. 14599, 9th Royal Irish Rifles.  Killed in action at the battle of the Somme, 1 July 1916.  At rest in Serre Road Cemetery No 2, Somme, France.
Frederick George FRENCH.  Private 874792,  27th Canadians.  Son of Thomas and Anne Jane French of 26 Cumberland Street, Belfast.  Killed in action 10 April 1917 aged 31 years.  At rest in Nine Elms Military Cemetery, Thelus, France.
Stewart FULTON.  U S National Guards ?. Residing with his parents at 11 Rosewood Street, Belfast.  Killed in action.  (No further information available).
Frederick William GIRVAN. Captain, 8th Devonshire Regiment.  Son of Robert and Isabella Girvan of 115 Cavehill Road, Belfast.  Later of 24 Easton Gardens.  Killed in action 26 October 1917 aged 24 years.  Commemorated on the Tyne Cot memorial, Belgium.
R GRIBBEN. The CWGC have only two R Cribben’s (no varients)
Robert GRIBBEN.  Stoker 1879T, Royal Naval Reserve of HMS  Queen Mary. Son of William and Eliza Gribben, of Larne; husband of Maggie Gribben, of Larne, Co. Antrim.  Killed at sea 31 May 1916 aged 39 years.  Commemorated on the Portsmouth Naval Memorial, Hampshire.
Robert GRIBBEN.  Rifleman 23/1393, 1/3rd New Zealand Rifle Brigade.  Son of James Gribben, of The Race Course, Lower Broughshane, Ballymena, Co. Antrim.  Died 17 June 1917 aged 28 years.  At rest in Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension, Nord France.
Archibald McMillan HANNA.  15th Royal Irish Rifles.  Residing at 27 Court Street, Belfast.  Killed in action 1 July 1916.  Commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial, Somme, France.
Charles HANNA.  Private 745394 2nd Canadian Infantry.  Son of William and Catherine Hannah.  Killed in action 6 November 1917.  At rest in Oosttaverne Wood Cemetery, Belgium.
Arthur HEENAN.  Private 8966,  1st Royal Irish Rifles. Son of John and Mary Jane of 8 Suir Street, Belfast.  Killed in action 9 May 1915 aged 26 years.  Commemorated on the Ploegsteert Memorial, Belgium.
John KELLY.  Lance Corporal, (Private) 10489 6th Royal Irish Rifles.  Residing at 278 Crumlin Road, Belfast.  Killed in action 10 August 1915.   Commemorated on the Helles Memorial, Turkey including Gallipoli.
William John LAVERTY.  Rifleman 949, 1st Garrison Battalion, Royal Irish Rifles.  Born at Drumagh, Omagh, County Tyrone, Ireland. Husband of Minnie Ann Laverty, of 36, Willow Bank Gardens, Antrim Rd., Belfast, Northern Ireland.  Died in India 10 November 1916 aged 47 years.  At rest in Cawnpore Cantonment New Cemetery, India.  
Thomas Edwin LOWRY.  Lance Corporal, 10/15177, 10th Royal Irish Rifles.  Husband of Minnie Lowry, of 33, Matlock Street, Belfast, Ireland.  Died 12 June 1918 aged 23 years. Laid to rest as Thomas Edward Lowry 15 June 1918  Plot P Grave 300 at the  Belfast City Cemetery.  His wife is also interred in the grave and she is named as Mary Ann.
James MURPHY.  Sergeant 5/12045, 5th Royal Irish Fusiliers.  Son of Mrs. Elizabeth Murphy, of 23, Jennymount Terrace, York Road, Belfast.  Later of 96 Henry Street, Belfast.  Killed in action 10 March 1918 aged 23 years.  At rest in Jerusalem War Cemetery, Palestine including Gaza.
Alfred McCLELLAND.  2nd Lieutenant, 5th Royal Irish Rifles. Son of James and Charlotte Miriam McClelland of 34 Shore Road, Duncairn, Belfast.  1911 his occupation was an office apprentice.  At the time of his death his parents were residing at 105 Cavehill Road, Belfast.   Died of wounds 13 October 1917 aged 24 years.  At rest in trois Arbres Cemetery, Steenerck, Nord France.  
Hugh Beggs McCLURE. Sapper 64264 150th Field Coy, Royal Engineers.  Born 17 February 1885 at Mead street, Larne to Thomas Beggs and Margaret Jane Gleghorn McClure, nee Meekin the residence of his parents. They later resided at 8 Newington Street, Belfast, Ireland   Husband of Maud, nee McClure of 63 Everton Street, Belfast. He was married on the 13 April 1911 at Magheramore Presbyterian Church, County Antrim.  His wife died at Maternity Hospital in Belfast 9 October 1915 of heart failure and septicaemia after child birth.  His son Lorrimer Drummond Mclure died aged 5 weeks at his grandparents Robert and Ellen McClure residence 197 Crumlin Road, Belfast on the 28 October 1915.   On the 11 February 1915 aged 29 years he joined the Royal Engineers and then was posted to the R.E. Depot, Chatham, civilian occupation painter.  On the 30 November 1915 he was posted to France.  He was killed in action 6 October 1916 aged 30 years. His effects went to his father in law Robert McClure, retired compositor.  At rest in Pond Farm Cemetery, Belgium.
Two of his brothers were also serving in the war.
James McClure, married, was serving as Sapper 89976, 145 Army Troops Coy, Royal Engineers Some notes from James’s army record. Born 19 October 1880 at Inver, Larne to Thomas and Margaret Jane Gleghorn McClure, nee McMeekin.  He enlisted at into the Royal Engineers at Larne and joined at Londonderry as Sapper 7156 on the 24 November 1900 aged 20 years, occupation painter.  He married Elizabeth Jane McClean at St Michael the Archangel, Aldershot, Surrey on the 23 April 1904. He was aged 24 years and stationed at Stanhope Lines, Aldershot.  His wife was aged 29 and she resided at Alexander Road, Aldershot.  At some time, his wife died and he remarried in 1913 to Tabitha Hunt.  On the 23 November 1912 he was discharged from the army on the termination of the 1st period of engagement.  No other records to show when he was called to the colours.  His birth certificate show he was registered as James.  When he remarried he used the name of Jams McMeekin McClure
Robert was Born 8 December 1890 to Thomas Beggs McClure and Margaret Jane Gleghorn McClure nee McMeekin of Back Road, Larne.  His father was a house painter.  Serving as Private 18229 12th Central Antrim Regiment, Royal Irish Rifles, Ulster Division at Masters Stores, Base Depot, Le Havre, France.  Both demobilized to Class Z Army Reserve Some notes from Robert’s army record. He joined up at Larne, County Antrim 15 September 1914 aged 24 years and 9 months, occupation, painter.  He was posted the same day to Clandeboye Estate Army Training Camp, near Bangor, County Down.  His parents Thomas Beggs and Margaret McClure of 8 Newington Street, Belfast were his next of kin.  He embarked to join the BEF in France 15 September 1914 and left 18 January 1919, having one period of leave.  On the 16 February 1919 he was demobilized at Dublin to his residence at 5 Newington Avenue, Belfast after serving 4 years and 155 days.  On the 24 October 1927 he wrote to the army requesting a character reference for employment purposes.  His residence at that time was 21 Frampton Street, Strandtown, Belfast, Northern Ireland
Robert Harper McELRATH.  Private 25459, 1st Royal Dublin Fusiliers.  Born 1886 to James and Mary McElrath, of "Mill Farm", County, Antrim.  Died 21 October 1918 aged 32 years.  At rest in Dadizeele New British Cemetery, Belgium.
William McGOOKIN.  Private 17806, 9th Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers.  Son of William and Rachel McGookin, of Black Hill, Cookstown, County Tyrone.  Killed in action 1 July 1916 aged 19 years.  Commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial, Somme, France.
James Bailie McQUOID.  Corporal 9681, 1st Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers.  Son of William and Elizabeth McQuoid, of 94, Chief Street, Belfast.  At rest in Shrapnel Valley Cemetery, Turkey including Gallipoli.
David NELSON.  Private 420210, 43rd Canadian Infantry.  Born in Belfast on the 30 July 1880 to Samuel and Annie McDowell Nelson of 32, Marsden Gardens, Cavehill Road, Belfast, Ireland, husband of Margaret who later re-married to Mr Kelly.  Commemorated on the Menin Gate Memorial, Ypres, Belfast.
Samuel PATTON. Private 3422, 2nd Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers.  Born in the Shankill area of Belfast. Killed in action 16 May 1915.  His grandmother Anne M was granted a war gratuity 17 September 1917, revised 1 October 1919.  Commemorated on the Le Touret Memorial, France.
William PATTON.  Private 17460 Durham Light Infantry.  Son of John Patton of 53 Cambrai Street, Belfast.  Killed in action 7 July 1917 aged 38 years.  At rest in Belgian Battery Corner Cemetery, Belgium.
Paul Gilchrist POLLOCK.  Lance Corporal 15780, 14th Royal Irish Rifles.  Son of John and Marion J.F. Pollock, of Duncairn, Antrim.  Killed in action on the first day of the Battle of the Somme, 1 July 1916 aged 20 years.  Commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial, France.
John Singleton Henry ROBINSON.  Captain, 13th attached to 12th  Welsh Regiment  Born in Newtown Ards, County Down, Ireland.  Killed in action 24 September 1918.  At rest in Marteville Communal Cemetery, Attilly, France
Joseph ROY.  Private 13457, 15th Royal Irish Rifles.  Son of John.  1901 residing with his father and siblings at 27 Christopher Street, Belfast.  1911 residing at the home of his married sister Mary and her husband George French ay 34 Ballycastle Street, Belfast. Died 25 June 1918.  His brother Robert and sister Mary French were both granted a war gratuity 13 September 1919.   At rest in Sarralbe Military Cemetery, Moselle France.
Thomas SILLARS.  Lance Corporal 17/1301, 8th Royal Irish Rifles.  Born 27 November 1888 to John and Anne Jane Sillars, nee Smith at 158 Argyle Street, Belfast.  Husband of Annie Victoria Sillars, nee Black of 3, Ballyclare Street, Belfast.  Died 2 July 1916.  His widow was granted a war gratuity 1 August 1917 revised 15 November 1919.  At rest in Grandcourt Road Cemetery, Grandcourt, Somme, France.    
Thomas Arnold STEAD.  Driver 785526, A Battery, 312th Brigade, Royal Field Artillery.  Son of Sidney and Edith Alice Stead, of 30, Jarrow Road, Sharrow, Sheffield.  Died 29 September 1918 aged 20 years.  At rest in Flesquieres Hill British Cemetery, Nord, France.
Robert James THOMPSON.  Rifleman 3408, 15th Royal Irish Rifles.  Son of James and Mary Ann of 35 Hanover Street, Belfast.  Killed in action 22 November 1917 aged 21 years.  Commemorated on the Cambrai Memorial, Louverval, Nord France.  
John Arthur TREW. Rifleman 689, 12th Royal Irish Rifles.  Born 17 April 1895 to Arthur and Annie Trew, nee Young  of 15, Clovelly Street, Belfast.  Died 25 July 1918 aged 23 years.   Commemorated on the Ploegsteert Memorial, Belgium.   Birth registered as John Trew, residing at 57 Willow Street, Belfast .
Frederick Ramsey WALKER. Military Cross.  2nd Lieutenant 2nd Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. formerly Sergeant Major.  Husband of Josephine Margaret Walker, of 107, Donegall Street., Belfast. Awarded Medaille Militaire (France).  Fought in the Boer War 1899 -1902   Died in Scotland 6 January 1917.  At rest in Dalry Cemetery, Edinburgh, Scotland.
The following extract is credited to Dukie News Issue 8.  June 2017 Frederick was born in the military barracks in Tipperary on 27 July 1882. His father Tom was a staff sergeant in the 25th (the King’s Own Borderers) Regiment of Foot at the time and his mother was recorded as Mary Susanna (nee Lawson). He was orphaned sometime after between 1891 and 1893; and coming from a military background he was duly admitted to the Duke of York’s Royal Military School in Chelsea on 26 May 1893. On leaving the school on 8 August 1896 aged just 14 he joined the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders (Princess Louise’s).
Extract credited to the newspaper The Scotsman Lt Walker who was born in Tipperary in Ireland and joined the army as a boy soldier when he was 13 years old. He died suddenly at Dreghorn camp, in Colinton, Edinburgh, on 6 January, 1917, aged 34. When he died, The Evening Despatch of 10 January, 1917 reported that a large number of people accompanied the cortege from camp to the cemetery, preceded by pipe and brass bands of his battalion and followed by six hundred men from different battalions. There was a graveside service, and shots were fired.
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So Far in 2017 I Watched...
Every movie I’ve seen ranked by how much I enjoyed it.
1. Brigsby Bear
2. The Big Sick
3. Spider-Man: Homecoming
4. Ingrid Goes West
5. The Belko Experiment
6. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
7. Patti Cake$
8. Get Out
9. Captain Underpants
10. The LEGO Batman Movie
11. Brad’s Status
12. Landline
13. Kong: Skull Island
14. The Incredible Jessica James
15. The Fate of the Furious
16. Monster Trucks
17. Baby Driver
18. Logan Lucky
19. Girls Trip
20. Wonder Woman
21. Rough Night
22. Home Again
23. The House
24. Logan
25. The Nut Job 2: Nutty by Nature
26. Maudie
27. Baywatch
28. You Get Me
29. A Ghost Story
30. Kiss and Cry
31. The Shack
More lists under the read more.
Best Characters
1. James Pope (Brigsby Bear)
2. Kumail Nanjiani (The Big Sick)
3. Peter Parker (Spider-Man: Homecoming)
4. Ingrid Thorburn (Ingrid Goes West)
5. Beth Gardner (The Big Sick)
6. Rod Williams (Get Out)
7. Rocket (Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2)
8. Mike Milch (The Belko Experiment)
9. Harold Hutchins (Captain Underpants)
10. Dana (Landline)
11. Robin (The LEGO Batman Movie)
12. Brad Sloan (Brad’s Status)
13. Jessica James (The Incredible Jessica James)
14. Nebula (Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2)
15. Yondu (Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2)
16. Ned Leeds (Spider-Man: Homecoming)
17. George Beard (Captain Underpants)
18. Dina (Girls Trip)
19. Draax (Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2)
20. Alice (Rough Night)
21. Luke Hobbs (The Fate of the Furious)
22. Emily Gardner (The Big Sick)
23. Laura (Logan)
24. Groot (Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2)
25. Maud Lewis (Maudie)
26. Peter Quill (Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2)
27. Tony Stark (Spider-Man: Homecoming)
28. Mantis (Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2)
29. Frank (The House)
30. Carley Allison (Kiss and Cry)
Best Ships
1. Kumail/Emily (The Big Sick)
2. Beth/Terry (The Big Sick)
3. Peter/Ned (Spider-Man: Homecoming)
4. Tripp/Meredith (Monster Trucks)
5. Harold/George (Captain Underpants)
6. Patti/Bob (Patti Cake$)
7. Diana/Steve (Wonder Woman)
8. Ingrid/Dan (Ingrid Goes West)
9. Jessica/Boone (The Incredible Jessica James)
10. Tony/Peter (Spider-Man: Homecoming)
11. Luke/Deckard (The Fate of the Furious)
12. Brad/Craig (Brad’s Status)
13. Sharmeen/Azmat (The Big Sick)
14. Ronnie/CJ (Baywatch)
15. Ali/Jed (Landline)
16. Buddy/Darling (Baby Driver)
17. Scott/Kate/Frank (The House)
18. Greg/Louise (Brigsby Bear)
19. Maud/Sandra (Maudie)
20. Blair/Frankie (Rough Night)
21. Naveed/Fatima (The Big Sick)
22. Alice/George (Home Again)
23. Mike/Evan (The Belko Experiment)
24. CJ/Bob (The Big Sick)
25. Mike/Leandra (The Belko Experiment)
26. Lonny/Bud (The Belko Experiment)
27. Precious/Frankie (The Nut Job 2: Nutty by Nature)
28. Jess/Peter (Rough Night)
29. Holly/Allison (You Get Me)
30. Alice/Pippa (Rough Night)
Sexiest Male Characters
1. Kumail Nanjiani (The Big Sick)
2. Tej Parker (The Fate of the Furious)
3. James Pope (Brigsby Bear)
4. Dan Pinto (Ingrid Goes West)
5. Mike Milch (The Belko Experiment)
6. Steve Trevor (Wonder Woman)
7. Buddy (Baby Driver)
8. Boone (The Incredible Jessica James)
9. Evan (The Belko Experiment)
10. Bob (Patti Cake$)
11. Tony Stark (Spider-Man: Homecoming)
12. Keith Mclure (The Belko Experiment)
13. Brad Sloan (Brad’s Status)
14. Rod Williams (Get Out)
15. Teddy (Home Again)
16. Dominic Toretto (The Fate of hte Furious)
17. Peter Quill (Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2)
18. Logan (Logan)
19. Peter (Rough Night)
20. Scotty (Rough Night)
21. Julian Stevens (Girls Trip)
22. Aaron Davis (Spider-Man: Homecoming)
23. Chris Washington (Get Out)
24. Frank (The House)
25. Clyde Logan (Logan Lucky)
26. Ronnie Greenbaum (Baywatch)
27. Austen (Home Again)
28. Justin Miller (Home Again)
29. George (Home Again)
30. Max Chilblain (Logan Lucky)
Sexiest Female Characters
1. Dana (Landline)
2. Beth Gardner (The Big Sick)
3. Emily Gardner (The Big Sick)
4. Jessica James (The Incredible Jessica James)
5. Patti Dombrowski (Patti Cake$)
6. Leandra Florez (The Belko Experiment)
7. Dina (Girls Trip)
8. Darling (Baby Driver)
9. Dany Wilkins (The Belko Experiment)
10. Ingrid Thorburn (Ingrid Goes West)
11. Alice Kinney (Home Again)
12. Alice (Rough Night)
13. Ramsey (The Fate of the Furious)
14. Kate Johanson (The House)
15. Mason Weaver (Kong: Skull Island)
16. May Parker (Spider-Man: Homecoming)
17. Mellie Logan (Logan Lucky)
18. Khadija (The Big Sick)
19. San (Kong: Skull Island)
20. Nebula (Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2)
21. Louise Pope (Brigsby Bear)
22. Maud (Maudie)
23. Taylor Sloane (Ingrid Goes West)
24. Gabriela (Logan)
25. Victoria Leeds (Baywatch)
26. Mantis (Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2)
27. Gamora (Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2)
28. Melanie Sloan (Brad’s Status)
29. Latoya (Get Out)
30. Ayesha (Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2)
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iriscasefiles · 8 years
Meet the Cast, pt. 3
The pilot episode for The Strange Case of Starship Iris is dropping next week! In the meantime, learn a little bit about the talented actors who are helping to bring the project to life.
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Name: Cindy Chu
Role: Violet Liu
Prior acting experience:  I like to say I was born a performer. As a middle child of five, I'd help organize and perform improvised plays with my siblings, and did theatre and show choir all throughout high school. My favorite high school memories are of being in the comedy troupe, and playing the lead Elizabeth in James McLure's Laundry & Bourbon which we took to nationals. After that, I was involved with the Ann Arbor Civic Theatre performing as Queen Marie in Ionesco's Exit the King.
I also began my film career working on made in Michigan films like Drew Barrymore's Whip It, the remake of Red Dawn, Salvation Boulevard, and Love & Honor, amongst others, and some TV including Those Who Kill, New Girl, Game Shakers, & Rake, commercials for OnStar and Walmart, and several web series including Under the Table which you can stream on BitTorrent Bundle, and Happy Thoughts (upcoming). Currently I'm part of an indie improv team called Treasure Lake in Los Angeles, we all met through our improv classes at Upright Citizens Brigade aka UCB, and we perform all over LA at different comedy venues like the Pack Theater and the Clubhouse.
Hobbies when not recording for an experimental sci-fi podcast: I really enjoy hiking, reading, rock climbing, and photography. You can follow my adventures and photography on my Instagram accounts, @cindychu and @cindychuphoto
If you were actually a crew member on an interstellar ship, what do you think your role would be:  I have a lot of management background so I would probably be the co-captain, managing the doings within the ship, and keeping everything flowing smoothly.
Favorite planet (besides Earth): Mars because humans will be going there next, but I also love Saturn because of its ice rings.
Anything else to share: Please watch my web series Under the Table which I mentioned above, it's already finished and available for FREE from BitTorrent Bundle, and it's hilarious and a quick overall watch, running under 30 minutes for all 5 episodes. We're in talks for a season 2 that is in preplanning stages currently, with our talented writers/producers working on new material. If you like what we're doing, don't be shy to say hi on Twitter! I'm pretty active on there.
You can find me at all of these: IMDB  Website  Twitter  Facebook  Instagram 
Thank you for listening!
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runiround · 7 years
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如同上一篇文章提到的,生酮飲食下的生理條件改變,並不支持肌肉的合成,但因為有足量的酮體、脂肪在供應能量,所以可以有效減緩傳統少吃節食法的「掉肌肉」現象(muscle sparing effect); 那既然肌肉量不會減少,是否運動表現也可以維持呢?
但是,生酮飲食真的有這麼神嗎? 其實只要仔細一看,以上論述依舊是這些生酮飲食鼓吹者的「個人經驗」,從生理學的角度來看,生酮飲食對多數運動表現是會有負面影響的(僅在極少數狀況下可以持平或進步),除了頂尖的耐力型運動選手之外,很少有運動員能夠避免生酮飲食導致的運動能力下降。
1. 肌肉中肝醣濃度的降低,導致在高強度運動時因無氧能量系統供能速度不夠快、表現因而下降。
2. 此外,肌肉中肝醣濃度降低通常還會伴隨著較慢的訓練後恢復速度,換句話說就是肌肉成長的速度也會下降。
但請注意,這些是一個星期訓練至少三十小時的體操運動員,高訓練強度導致他們的蛋白質攝取量遠高於常人(約每公斤體重攝取 2.8 克),這樣的蛋白質攝取量是遠高於一般的生酮飲食的。而在生酮飲食下攝取較高比例的蛋白質,也已被證明可以有效保留住肌肉、所以力量不至於損失太多。
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2014年的這篇研究,找來了八位至少有五年訓練經驗的單車運動員,每個人各使用生酮飲食跟一般飲食四周,採用crossover design (見下圖),並在四周後分別在各種不同強度下運動。學者發現:
1.在中等強度 (50%-70% VO2Max) 運動或者休息狀態下,生酮飲食組有著明顯較低的RER (因身體長期在酮症狀態下使用脂肪的效率會上升)、較低的乳酸濃度、較高的VO2(因為體重的下降導致VO2數據的其中一個分母變小),所以運動表現有機會更好。
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那正常人在耐力運動時,額外補充酮體可以強化中低強度時的運動表現? 如果透過外源性的補充可以幫助身體跳過飢餓/生酮飲食的步驟,而且還同時獲得「酮症」的相關好處,那會相當有趣。如果在耐力型運動中,額外攝取「酮體」的話,在中低強度時不就有另一種燃料可以燒,照理說應該會有更好的表現吧?
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最近有一篇研究,將一群十六小時未進食的單車運動員分成兩組:醣類充足、並攝取額外的酮體vs只攝取醣類(攝取量會依不同運動員的體重做微調,573mg/每公斤體重),受試者會先攝取一半的量,用75% VO2 Max騎一小時後,再攝取另一半的量,之後再接著騎半小時。而這份研究也是採用Cross Over Design,在一個禮拜後,受試者會交換組別。
實驗結果發現,攝取醣類 + 酮體這組的運動表現,比僅攝取醣類的對照組來的好上 2%,血液中也有著較低的乳酸濃度、以及較高的脂肪與酮體。但這份研究能推論出的僅有結合酮體與醣類或許能強化耐力型運動員的表現,2% 對於頂尖運動員可能很重要,但對一般人來說可能就不會差太多。
Paoli, Antonio, Grimaldi, Keith, D'Agostino, Dominic, Cenci, Lorenzo, Moro, Tatiana, Bianco, Antonino, Palma, Antonio. Ketogenic diet does not affect strength performance in elite artistic gymnasts. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 2012, ISSN: 1550-2783, Volume 9, Issue 1, p. 34 Zajac, Adam, Poprzecki, Stanisław, Maszczyk, Adam, Czuba, Miłosz, Michalczyk, Małgorzata, Zydek, Grzegorz. The Effects of a Ketogenic Diet on Exercise Metabolism and Physical Performance in Off-Road Cyclists. Nutrients, 7/2014, ISSN: 2072-6643, Volume 6, Issue 7, p. 2493 Cox, Pete J, Kirk, Tom, Ashmore, Tom, Willerton, Kristof, Evans, Rhys, Smith, Alan, Murray, Andrew J, Stubbs, Brianna, West, James, McLure, Stewart W, King, M Todd, Dodd, Michael S, Holloway, Cameron, Neubauer, Stefan, Drawer, Scott, Veech, Richard L, Griffin, Julian L, Clarke, Kieran. Nutritional Ketosis Alters Fuel Preference and Thereby Endurance Performance in Athletes. Cell metabolism, 8/9/2016, ISSN: 1550-4131, Volume 24, Issue 2, p. 256 Cox PJ, Clarke K. Acute nutritional ketosis: implications for exercise performance and metabolism. Extreme physiology & medicine. 2014 Oct 29;3(1):1. Pinckaers PJ, Churchward-Venne TA, Bailey D, van Loon LJ. Ketone Bodies and Exercise Performance: The Next Magic Bullet or Merely Hype? Sports Med. 2016 Jul 18. PMID: 27430501 DOI: 10.1007/s40279-016-0577-y Sandri M, Barberi L, Bijlsma AY, et al. Signalling pathways regulating muscle mass in ageing skeletal muscle. The role of the IGF1-Akt-mTOR- FoxO pathway. Biogerontology. 2013; 14(3):303Y23.
◎閱讀更多文章:《從專業選手晨訓的內容 了解早起運動的好處》 ◎更多運動第一手訊息:RUNiROUND粉絲專頁
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deltamovies · 7 years
The Belko Experiment Free Full HD watch online & movie trailer
Release Year: 2016
Rating: 6.3/10 ( voted)
Critic's Score: /100
Director: Greg McLean
Stars: John Gallagher Jr., Tony Goldwyn, Adria Arjona
Storyline In a twisted social experiment, 80 Americans are locked in their high-rise corporate office in Bogotá, Colombia and ordered by an unknown voice coming from the company's intercom system to participate in a deadly game of kill or be killed.
Cast: John Gallagher Jr. –
Mike Milch
Tony Goldwyn –
Barry Norris
Adria Arjona –
Leandra Florez
John C. McGinley –
Wendell Dukes
Melonie Diaz –
Dany Wilkins
Owain Yeoman –
Terry Winter
Sean Gunn –
Marty Espenscheid
Brent Sexton –
Vince Agostino
Josh Brener –
Keith Mclure
David Dastmalchian –
Lonny Crane
David Del Rio –
Roberto Jerez
Gregg Henry –
The Voice
Michael Rooker –
Bud Melks
Rusty Schwimmer –
Peggy Displasia
Gail Bean –
Leota Hynek
Official Website: Official Facebook |
Official Twitter
Country: USA, Colombia
Language: English
Release Date: 3 Jan 2016
Filming Locations: Bogota, Colombia
Box Office Details
Budget: $5,000,000
Opening Weekend: $4,137,230
(USA) (17 March 2017)
Gross: $10,164,675
(USA) (19 May 2017)
Technical Specs
Runtime: 89 min
Did You Know?
Trivia: Brent Sexton plays Vince Agostino. In The Killing (2011), he plays Stan Larsen with Brendan Sexton III, who plays Belko Royce. See more »
Goofs: The building became a giant defacto Faraday cage, but they are able to pick up a local radio station from inside the building. See more »
User Review
Rating: 8/10 The concept of director Greg McLean and producer/writer James Gunn's THE BELKO EXPERIMENT won't seem overly original to those who've seen BATTLE ROYALE or really any movie in which people are forced to hunt or kill folks they know and like, but in Gunn's hands it's a whole lot more fun: office workers for a Bogota-based non-profit are trapped in their shiny office tower and told by a mysterious intercom voice that they've got to murder a certain number of their own before a pre-determined deadline or double that number will be killed via the company's "alternate method". To prove the seriousness of the situation, several employees' heads are suddenly ripped open by a mysterious force. After several attempts at teamwork to devise methods of contacting the outside world result in even more bodies as punishment, some of the (literally) more mercenary members of the management team decide that the voice sort of has a point, and set about liberating several handguns from a downstairs vault, not long after other sluggos have raided the cafeteria of its sharpest utensils.
Not surprisingly, Gunn's script establishes a firm balance between action, horror and organic comedy — bother Sean gets some of the biggest laughs as the corporation's resident stoner and conspiracy theorist, who leads his own little squadron of three for much of the film — and he and McLean have assembled a such a strong, fan-friendly cast of familiar heavies (Michael Rooker! Tony Goldwyn! Gregg Henry! John C. McGinley!), lesser-knowns and newcomers to play this likable, believable group of office drones that they're able to smartly subvert expectations on a number of occasions.
The body count is extremely high — most of them on screen — and the blood and gore is plentiful and extremely well-crafted, but it wisely isn't lingered on and there's no off-putting, drawn-out torture scenes to speak of. Mind you, a few of the most audience-pleasing kills are exceptionally squishy, so I could see this eventually hitting DVD and streaming in R and unrated versions. The TIFF audience saw the unrated version for sure last night, so plenty of cheers all around when some of the most devious players met their makers.
This is a great "what would you do" kind of show, and I'd imagine a lot of genre fans will get a huge kick out of it.
The post The Belko Experiment appeared first on The Movie Entertainment of the 21st Century!.
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flauntpage · 7 years
Your Monday Morning Roundup
I don’t have anything to add– just like the picture.
Let’s hit it!
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  The roundup:
WTF is this shit? The Phillies were 11-9 at one point. Since then, they are 4-17. It is almost difficult to be that putrid. Commenter barbecue g sums it up:
I have followed the Phillies faithfully since 1964. I’ve endured entire eras of bad teams and bad baseball. This is by far the worst. The Phillies lost 99-games in 1969 and finished below .400 in 1972. That is it for sub .400 since 1964 until 2015 came along. This team is certain for sub .400 and a 100 losses is probable. I can glean nothing positive about this team. No players to rally behind. No ypung plsyers with legitimate promise. There’s not even a hateful or incompetent GM or manager to root against. How pathetic is losing the rubber game of a series via shutout and claiming a moral victory because your starter pitched well? This team is not even worth the energy of a discussion. Why any sane person would spend a dime to watch them is beyond me. In a nutshell, they suck
I agree. The narrative coming out of the game is that Aaron Nola is not dead – great! – but this team is about as lifeless, useless and unintersting as I’ve ever seen a Philly sports team. Even the Sixers, during full tank, were at least worthy of discussion because they self-created a car wreck attempting to fleece insurance companies. The Phillies just, flat out, suck. I know they’re in this quasi-rebuild, but there’s little incentive to be this bad in baseball like there is in the NBA, and worse, you get the sense that they were at least trying to put a respectable team on the field this year. And worse, their pitchers have shown no improvement whatsoever. Vince Velasquez has regressed to the level Steve Nebraska in a parking garage. Just look at this:
from Corey Seidman
At least people are coming around on Bob McLure maybe being the worst pitching coach in the history of baseball, at least judging by the results. I had written about this in 2013 when the Phillies hired him and again in 2015, and now I’m ready to update it. As pitching coach for the Royals, Red Sox and Phillies, McLure, since 2006, he has only once had a staff with an ERA in the TOP 20 in baseball (16th in 2007 with the Royals). Last year, the Phillies had the 26th best staff in baseball, and this year they’re 28th. It blows my mind that he’s employed. HE HAS NEVER HAD A PITCHING STAFF IN THE TOP HALF OF BASEBALL! Sure, he hasn’t had much to work with, but there has been virtually no improvement. And indeed, high-talent guys like Velasquez have gotten worse.
  Marcus Hayes made poop today. I shall address it later.
  Jordan Matthews in the slot for Philly in 2017? http://pic.twitter.com/ZtqIIapeTY
— Pro Football Focus (@PFF) May 22, 2017
Dude, I’ve been telling you how good the Eagles receivers could be with Matthews playing at his natural slot position. He’s instantly among the league’s best.
  Of course, Peter King has them ranked 23rd in his power rankings:
So many things about this team I like right now, including the drafting of cornerback Sidney Jones in the second round though he’s coming off Achilles surgery in March, and no one knows if he’ll play this year or at what level. This franchise is being built for the long term, with smart two-year pieces like Chris Long plugging temp holes. On offense, Carson Wentz will have more help from a motivated Alshon Jeffery and deep threat Torrey Smith, and Wentz has to progress or the whole program is in trouble. The defense will miss Bennie Logan, and the secondary had better hope Schwartz’s front can bring some pressure; the corners can be attacked. But improvement from Wentz is the key.
That’s too low. They’re better than that. Though I’d be lying if I said I’m not beginning to feel like Howie is chasing wins this season.
  AWKWARD: Just watch Trump's face as MK Oren Hazan pulls him in for a selfiehttps://t.co/XaPL1AbCm5 http://pic.twitter.com/W0iAe2kMWq
— Haaretz.com (@haaretzcom) May 22, 2017
LOL! Melania in Tel Aviv is as MISERABLE, as Melania in the U.S. Watch her push away the CREEP's hand. PRICELESSThis guy is DISGUSTING! http://pic.twitter.com/lhR1JdTi1m
— Voice of Reason (@raggapegs) May 22, 2017
Is there any doubt in anyone’s mind that the president and his wife don’t fuck, don’t sleep in the same bed and perhaps don’t even talk to each other? Have you ever seen a more miserable first lady in your life? Even Mary Todd managed to give Our American Cousin a passing grade when asked about the performance. I don’t blame Melania for being upset about being married to that orange goon, but she can’t even feign interest in him. You know what that means? Gonna have a White House sex scandal on our hands soon!
  Billy Bush wishes the Trump tape never happened.
  LeBron James snipes at a reporter after Game 3 loss: "You only ask questions when we lose… You always come around when we lose, I swear." http://pic.twitter.com/QoIdcbK021
— Ben Golliver (@BenGolliver) May 22, 2017
This is why people give LeBron shit. The Cavs are 10-1 in the playoffs and in no danger of not advancing, and yet he’s got to get prickly with a reporter asking a mundane question. I appreciate how he gets his back up and allows this stuff to fuel him, but jeez, lighten up.
  Vinny Curry blamed his lackluster season on an MCL issue. I’m not gonna jump all over Vinny– he’s been really good to my second uncle or whatever, who’s his neighbor in Ocean City.
  The Union won again. I can’t even pretend to care about a medicore MLS team, but if there’s anyone whose take I’ll read, it’s Ryan Bright’s.
  Ryan Lawrence talked to Mike Trout, who continues to play hard to get and then texts us bathing suit selfies when we least expect them.
  Trout crushed the Mets.
  Joel Embiid and Dario Saric are up for rookie of the year.
  Andy Reid, LeSean McCoy, Fletcher Cox and former Eagles (and current Chiefs) trainer Rick Burkholder attened Jeremy Maclin’s wedding:
Of course Maclin invited the trainer. Of course. McCoy reportedly didn’t kick anyone’s ass at the event.
  ✋you're in a public bathroom takin pics in a dirty ass mirror with a trac phone you can't even take a selfie with that big ass suit on https://t.co/TXRVQOosO7
— LeGarrette Blount (@LG_Blount) May 22, 2017
Here we go.
  Subscribe to Crossing Broadcast to get a new show every Monday, Wednesday and Friday around 7:15 a.m.:
Your Monday Morning Roundup published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
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heritagehub · 7 years
17 May 1917 diary of Dr J S Muir of Selkirk
Beautiful bright & very clear. Sharp E wind. Mrs McCall had good night & was very well. Saw her & Jean McDonald, Mrs M Gill & the Barkers & motored to Gala en route for Ed[inburgh] with Hiddleston to back up his appeal against being called up. We travelled together from Gala. The meeting was at 4 in the R.C.P. [?] our attempt was futile though I said we would be unable to carry on the work. I walked up by the castle to call for Graham but he was with the 3rd K.O.S.B. at Duddingston. Went to Young's and got ring & chain. Bought gold watch bangle for Helen: lunched at Ferguson & Forrest: called for Haig Ferguson*. Spent an hour at the Picture Ho[use] & after the meeting had tea with Eva McLure [and] came out by the 6 nothing wanted.
* James Haig Ferguson (1861-1934), medical practitioner, gynaecologist and obstetrician
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rongalella · 7 years
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"When I first came to #Hollywood, I played about as many guys who save the day and get the girl as I played heavies. It's just that heavies are more interesting and last in people's minds." - actor #PowersBoothe who passed away at the age of 68 on May 14th. #RIP #Powers New York stage debut was in the 1974 Lincoln Center production of Richard III. Five years later, his Broadway theater debut came in a starring role in the one-act play #LoneStar, written by James McLure Here's a nice shot of #Booth seen here playing #guitar at party for " Lone star' on Aug 1, 1979 at Tavern on the Green in NYC. #JimJones #PhilipMarlowe #CurlyBill #Reddawn #Deadwood #attila #hatfieldmccoy #menofhonor #powersbooth #Nixon #SinCity #Tombstone #Nashville #Agentsofshield #bnw #rongalellaarchive #celebsighting#paparazzo #paparazzi📷 #photographer📷 ©Ron Galella http://ift.tt/2qkW2q9
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furniyeyo · 7 years
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#BagoesTeakFurniture Creating A Chic, Cosy Home Library-Best Colors, Lighting and Furniture - laurel home | stylish dining room by William McLure for the Traditional Home Southern Style Now Showhouse. Photo via: Draper James, visit us https://goo.gl/Vr6ud9 BagoesTeak.com
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