#james norrington x ofc
random-of-random · 4 months
The Pirate Queen
Chapter 7 - At the End of All of This
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Author’s Note: Thank you for the reviews and the comments. For every single like! You guys are awesome!
The person sent to escort her to the ship was none other than Lieutenant Groves. He seemed shaken by her, even after the hours had gone by.
“Please…” he asked as he held out his arm and Alice realized they didn’t want to see her shackled as they headed toward the ship. They walked out side by side, as if two courting would go for a stroll. If it weren’t for her dress, no one would be the wiser that anything was amiss.
As they walked he kept a strict eye on her, worried she would sprint at the first chance. However, Alice had no plans for that. It wouldn’t do any good. She would just be stuck on Port Royal.
The ship was deserted, they were the first ones aboard. Of course, she thought, Norrington would not want the men to even see her if he could help it.
She expected Groves to lead her to the dungeon, but was surprised when he led her to the main cabin on the ship. The double doors were accented with opaque windows. The room was, in a word, beautiful. There was a lush bed on the far side. A desk against the wall to her left, behind it a few literary books.
“What is this?” She asked, stunned.
“The Commodore’s quarters.” Groves answered her and she looked to him in surprise. “The Commodore will have other arrangements.” Alice had to give a small chuckle to which Groves raised his eyebrows.
“Did you think I would expect him to stay in here with me? Ravish me, as it were?” She asked.
A hint of pink colored his cheeks. “We will set sail when the men have finished her preparations.” He couldn’t even look at her.
“Thank you.” She said quickly. Groves gave a polite nod before leaving. The locked clicked behind him. In that moment a wave of exhaustion seemed to overcome her. Alice had not slept the night before, her concern for her crew and more had kept her pacing. Sitting down on the bed she took another look around.
Everything about the room was distinctly James Norrington and she feared it would haunt her to madness. More so, she didn’t know what she could offer to help them in anyway. She had no idea how to get to the Isla de Muerta. Even if they managed to catch up to them, she was sure Barbosa and his crew would destroy the entire ship.
In that moment she thought about the things she would miss in life. The laughter with her crew, the smell of the sea air after a storm, the way James’ eyes would light up when he smiled at her. Her thoughts were interrupted as footsteps echoed on deck. They were preparing to leave. There was nothing more she could do as sleep overwhelmed her and the idea of being in Norrington’s bed was more comforting than she expected.
You should never wake a sleeping pirate. They are always ready for a fight. At least, Alice tried when the door opened and she reached for the pistol that should have been at her hip. She grabbed at air and shook her head to wake her senses.
“Well, I am certainly glad I had your weapons taken.” Norrington commented as he shut the door behind him. She shook her head of the sleepiness that remained in time to see him set a plate on his desk. Bread, cheese, meat. Everything to keep her going, as well as a pitcher filled with some liquid Alice could not make out.
“It’s water.” He said, seeming to read her mind. “There is some whiskey in the bottom left drawer of the desk, should you prefer.” He turned to leave.
“Commodore…” Her voice caught him, he couldn’t have left if he wanted. “I’m still me.”
“You’re a pirate.” He said turning to face her. His voice seemed to have lost some of its bite. James tried… he tried so hard to stay as angry as he could, but when he looked at her…. That fire halted. Still, his mind remembered that she had lied. “I know so many of the things you have done.” Alice’s reputation seemed to proceed her - as she have carefully cultivated it to do.
She let out a small laugh before slowly standing. “Most of that has been exaggerated.” She started, her eyes connecting with his. This time he couldn’t look away. “Legends and stories have a way of helping people…. Why am I here? You know I can’t do anything to really help you.” His eyes seemed to darken as she connected the dots. Alice was a pirate Captain. Maybe not as famous as some, but well known none-the-less. “You mean to trade me…” It hit her in an instant. Norrington, at least, had the courtesy to look ashamed. “You think Barbosa will trade Elizabeth for another pirate Captain.”
His words seemed to fault him. “I..I-“
“You don’t understand. You should have just strung me up in Port Royal because Barbosa will want nothing to do with me.” She sat down in the desk chair and let out a harsh breath. “What is going to happen if we manage to catch up to Barbosa and he doesn’t want to make a trade?” Norrington stood quietly, watching her. In that moment Alice opened the bottom left drawer to his desk and took out the bottle of whiskey. She opened it and took a long sip. “You mean me to die anyway.”
“I don’t want you to die!” He shouted before taking a deep breath. “There was nothing I could do.” Norrington admitted. He felt helpless and he absolutely hated feeling helpless. “The Governor found out who you were. I did not tell him.” He needed Alice to know that. Needed her to know he didn’t - wouldn’t - betray her. “Had I not arrested you, he would have gone over my head. It would have happened anyway, but you and your men, would not have made it out of Port Royal.”
“So you made a deal…” she guessed and he nodded.
“I said I would bring you with us to find Elizabeth.”
Alice took another long sip of the whiskey. Her mind reeling.
“If you don’t mind, I only have a few days before I see Sam Bellamy again, so I would like to maintain a nice drunk.” It was as if her words actively moved him. In an instant he was next to her, pulling her out of the chair. He grabbed the whiskey and set it harshly on the desk before putting one arm around her and the other hand to cup her cheek. Just listening to her speaking of how she wouldn’t be there… be somewhere that he could hold her… that was enough for him.
“Alice…” her name on his lips made a her let out a small gasp. She could feel her body shaking, but she was not afraid.
“Have…” she thought about her words for a moment. “Have you regretted that kiss yet?”
His eyes softened as his thumb brushed her cheek. “I told you, that’s not possible.” His forehead rested against hers. He let the moment linger before he stepped backwards and after a longing look, left.
It was late in the day, the sun setting, when Norrington came back. He carried two plates and one of his men shut and locked the door behind him. Alice moved so she was sitting on the edge of the bed as she watched him.
“I thought you would like some dinner.” He offered, setting the plates on his desk.
“Thank you, Commodore.” She stood. He sat behind his desk and her across from him. They were both quiet as they began to eat. Alice risking a glance up at him. He had take his hat off, but not his wig.
“Is it customary to eat with prisoners?” She asked and he finally looked up at her. A handsome smirk crossed his features.
“No.” He answered. “Though it’s not customary to allow prisoners to sleep in my quarters either.”
Several jokes ran through her mind, but she kept them to herself. “So, Commodore-“
“James…” He said softly. “When we’re in here, please call me James.” Alice felt her jaw clench in an effort to push aside emotions.
“James then, what did you tell the Governor about you eating in here?”
“That we were discussing strategy.” He said before taking a small bite of meat.
“And what strategies would you like to discuss?”
“I…” he seemed to think about his response for a few seconds. “I would like to know about you.” Warning bells seemed to go off in Alice’s mind. Was this just his own strategy? A way to find out more about her crew, about her men? Better leverage in how to hunt them down.
“I’m not going to tell you about my crew.” She said quickly and his eyes studied her. It occurred to him - too late - that, while he wanted things to be the way they had before, they couldn’t. James was sitting at a desk as a Commodore, and Alice was his prisoner.
“I don’t want to know about your crew.” He assured her. “I am not trying to get information out of you to use against you.” He watched her amber eyes study him curiously. “You said everything was real except the name and the background. So, I want to know you.”
Alice took a ragged breath. At that moment she really didn’t have a lot to lose. “My name is Alice. It’s Alice Buckley.” She said carefully. “I was born in Ireland, but raised in the colonies in a town called Boston. My father worked on ships and my mother was a seamstress.” Alice couldn’t help but smile at the memory of her parents. “My father died when I was 11. I was their only child. His friends took pity on us and taught me to work on boats, help out where I could.”
“Your mother was alright with that?” James asked.
“She was grateful for the extra income. Plus, I don’t think she could have stopped me if she tried. She got sick when I was 14.” Alice’s eyes misted over. “She died a few months later.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Thank you.” Alice took a sip of her water. “When I was 15 I made my way to Cape Cod and that’s where I met Sam Bellamy.”
“The infamous pirate.” James said with a roll of his eyes.
“Sam wasn’t a pirate then.” Alice explained. “He was recruiting to go look for missing Spanish gold. He didn’t want to take me at first - wary of having a woman on board. But, I impressed him. I knew what I was doing, so he gave me a chance.”
“He didn’t find the Spanish gold though.” James recalled.
“No, he didn’t. We looked, but it wasn’t happening. Then, we figured out another way to get money.”
“Piracy.” She could see the annoyance and fire in James’ eyes.
“Despite what you may think, James, pirates are not all like Barbosa.”
“Is that so?”
“You’re sitting here with me right now. Am I eating with my fingers? Do I have no respectability? Am I not a decent person?” She called back to the night of the party at the Swann house and James leaned back in his seat. “On a Pirate ship, we all are equal. It doesn’t matter what family we were born into, what religion, what race. We become family. We vote for our Captain and our Quartermaster and-“
“You vote?” James asked.
“And if a Captain is not satisfactory?”
“He, or in my case she, can be replaced.” James seemed to scoff. “Look, I am not saying that every pirate is civilized. I am saying, we respect one another - at least on the ships I’ve been on. You may say Sam Bellamy’s name with disdain, but those were his rules that I still follow. I would rather be a pirate a millions time before following the laws of the crown.”
“You are resolute, I’ll give you that.” James poured them both a glass of whiskey.
“You have never had a good encounter with a pirate?” She asked and he looked at her with a raised eyebrow. “Present company excluded.”
James leaned back in his seat and took a small sip of his whiskey, letting himself collect his thoughts. “My father… he hated pirates. Hated them with everything he had. In fact he delighted in tracking them down and handing out the punishments. He was… particularly brutal.”
“I’m sure he would have loved me.” Alice said with a wink before taking her own sip of whiskey. James just stared at her. “James? What is it?”
“My father made me come on a voyage with him once I was around the age of 6. He was tracking down a pirate - had been for a while, but we finally caught up to him.” James eyes seemed to gloss over as he remembered the battle. “We had them, but his crew came to rescue him. I was knocked into the sea and… the pirate, he saved me.” James took another sip of whiskey. “My father was ashamed of that. He yelled that he would preferred to see me die of drowning than be rescued by a pirate.”
“He told me it was my duty to carry the banner of civility and order and eradicate the slime from the seven seas. And now here I am, having dinner with you - a pirate.” He didn’t say it was disdain.
“Who was it? The pirate that saved you?”
“Edward Teague.” He said simply.
“Jack Sparrow’s father.” Alice voiced.
“It is mighty funny how the world turns, is it not?” James asked.
“I’m glad he saved you.” Alice added.
“Isn’t it against a pirates very nature to want a Royal Navy Commodore to be saved?” His tone was now playful.
“Well, you already told me you don’t want me to die, so I’m just echoing a similar sentiment.”
“How did you get your nicknames?” He asked.
“Do you always have to wear that wig?” She countered. To her surprise he let out a small laugh and immediately pulled the white wig from his head. His brown hair was tied at the nape of his neck.
“That suits you.” She remarked and he leaned forward, grabbing her hand and holding it tenderly.
“I promise you, Alice Buckley, at the end of all of this I will not let them harm you.”
“You shouldn’t make that promise, James.” She said softly. “Aligning yourself with a pirate could make some people call you a pirate.” A small smile crosses his features as he brought her hand to his lips and placed a kiss on the top.
A small knock at the door made James stand and replace his wig and hat.
“Rest well, Alice.”
“You too, James.” He gave her a small bow before leaving and Alice leaned back in her chair, trying to stop the tears from coming.
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luthientinu · 2 years
Of Pirates, Healers and Commodores- Chapter 8
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James Norrington x oc fic
AN- Hello again! (*Peeks out nervously*) I won't delay you further. Here’s Chapter Eight!! Thank you for all the feedback and I really appreciate it! Posted on Ao3 and on fanfiction.net.The links are in my masterlist post and on the contents page post
“Sorry. It’s for your safety!”
“Don’t care what the Commodore ordered!” Elizabeth screeched.
“Unhand us Gilette!” Ellie’s eyes flashed with frustration.
Much to the dismay of the girls, they were being dragged to the Captain’s cabin to be locked away under James’ orders. Their pleas fell on deaf ears no matter however they tried.
“The pirates! They’re cursed- they can’t be killed!”
“Listen to her for God’sake!”
 They were unceremoniously pushed in and Gillete strode forward blocking their way, with a sarcastic smirk.
“Don’t worry Misses. He’s already informed of that. A little mermaid flopped up on deck and told him the whole story!” He gave them a smug grin and slammed the doors shut.
“Oh! The nerve of him…”
“This is Jack Sparrow’s doing!”
“It is going to be a slaughter if nothing is done.” Ellie mused out loud, fuming, rubbing her temple. Either Jack had not informed James or he had not been taken seriously.
Lizzie who was quite frazzled and at a loss looked at Ellie. Things were going to get ugly. Jack, James and most of the men were already on the rowboats waiting for the pirates to emerge. Will was still a captive. Ellie paced back and forth quite restlessly. She took a good look at the cabin. It looked opulent and practical enough for a Naval Captain. The floor length windows opened into a balcony. She quickly crossed the threshold, opened one and looked down to see a rowboat just under the balcony. 
“Are you thinking what I am thinking Ellie?” Elizabeth asked behind her.
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Ellie looked on as Lizzie safely got on to the rowboat. Just as Ellie tried to go down the improvised rope made of sheets, she heard knocking on the door.
“Elizabeth? Are you there?” Governor Swann called out.
Ellie swore under her breath and frantically motioned Lizzie to start rowing. Thankfully Lizzie took the hint and began rowing. At the same time Ellie heard soft thuds and rustles coming from the below decks. She quickly crossed the threshold just as the exasperated Governor walked in.
“Where’s Elizabeth? Eleanor, what is the meaning of this?” Governor Swann strode  straight to the open window and looked down.
Ellie ignored him and focused on the faint thuds. Her gut feeling was telling her something was terribly off. Without losing time, she made a beeline towards the cabinets hoping one of them contained a cutlass. She missed her own cutlass and pistol quite terribly with both confiscated and aboard the Black Pearl . Ellie continued to rummage and came across one. She sprang up to her feet and once more ignored the baffled look on Governor Swann’s face.
“Barricade yourself in, Sir. I fear something is quite wrong.”
Without waiting for his reply she darted out and closed the door behind her, hoping the Governor would lock the doors. Another prominent thud caught her attention and she ran out to the main deck, half expecting to be shoved back in the cabin. Ellie looked up just in time to see one of the undead pirates, about to slit a soldier’s neck.
“Watch out! Behind you!” she screamed, chilled to the bone seeing the mangled body of the undead pirate. Just as she shouted, a gun shot rang out and the pirates descended upon them in earnest now that their stealthy approach had been foiled. 
Trying to swallow her nervousness and the dead weight of fear, Ellie began fending off the pirates who had swarmed around her like locusts. A cacophony of clashing steel and gunshots enveloped the eerie silence. Ellie knew they were terribly out numbered and James had to be alerted immediately. Parrying a blow, she ran up to the bell on the intent of ringing it but was beaten to it by a soldier, who began ringing it with all his might, sounding the alarm much to her relief.
Wishing she had her pistol for the millionth time, she ran up to the defence of the injured soldier. The pirate advanced in on her with fury, a lecherous grin on his face. To her mounting horror, she heard canon fire. Ellie fervently hoped none of them was injured. She looked around the deck, noticing they were being decimated.
They were given no respite as the pirates pressed on. Gunshots rang out and more soldiers scrambled on to the deck signifying James’ arrival.
“ ‘Ello lassie” a pirate rasped, jumping in front of her. “Come to play with the big boys?”
Ellie resisted rolling her eyes before moving forward and jabbing him with the cutlass. She had to give it to the pirates. They were quite adept at dueling.
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James moved across the deck shooting and dueling with deadly accuracy when he noticed a quite familiar feminine figure fending off attacks and delivering her own quite gracefully. Flabbergasted, James shot a pirate, who tried sneaking up to her, bits of bone blowing into smithereens.
Making quick work of the pirate together, James grabbed her arm and dragged her towards the cabin, defending them from the attacks simultaneously. 
“You are supposed to be inside!” James gave her reproachful look assessing her for any injuries, relieved to find none except for a few nicks and bruises.
“And do nothing even though I am clearly capable?”
James was silent at that
“Duck!” Without ceremony Ellie shoved him aside, parried a blow meant for him and sent her own which ripped out a piece of spine. 
“See? I can hold my own.”
“I am trained...you are…not!” James called out, doubtful of his own statement when he took in her stances and strikes which suggests years of practice.
“For the love of God James it is not the time!”
"Watch out!" James yanked her quite violently that they almost toppled overboard together. 
The duo fell into a rhythm, parrying blows and defending each other. Gradually, Ellie felt her strength waning. Her body ached with exhaustion, the adrenaline rushing through her powered her on. Jack and Will better hurry up.
James drew back his sword which was coated in blood. The fighting in the vicinity stopped and everyone held their breath, the pirates hoping the curse would not be broken. Ellie saw the terror and confusion on the faces of the pirates as they realised they could be killed even in the face of the moonlight. Their weapons clattered onto the deck as they accepted defeat and surrendered.
“The ship is ours, gentlemen.” James firmly declared.
Ellie sagged with relief and leant against the railing, catching her breath. Cries of huzzahs rang out and she gave a weary smile, moving off the railing. 
Ellie sighed and turned to look at James who had an unreadable expression. She looked at him a bit sheepishly.
“Can’t the scolding wait for a while? There is…”
Instead of the scolding she expected, she found herself in his arms, pulled  into a tight embrace. Ellie felt herself melting into it and she wrapped her arms around him, returning it.
As James held on to Eleanor, he felt contentment wash over him in waves. He relished the feeling of Eleanor’s presence in his arms. After a moment, they withdrew and much to Eleanor’s shock (and delight), James pressed a kiss onto her forehead.
“Never frighten me like that again.”
Eleanor felt absolutely tongue tied and all she could do was nod her head dumbly, hoping that the dim moonlight hid the raging blush on her face.
Previous- Chapter 7
Next- Chapter 9
Series Master List
Taglist: @kenirubes @simplepleasures-liltreasures
AN- Let me know what you think of this chapter! As I mentioned on Tumblr this fic is my baby and I would never give up on it. Updates may be a bit spaced out but I will try my very best to keep them regular. Reblogs and comments are welcome!!
I haven't mentioned it previously. English is not my first language and if there are any errors please point it out to me.
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dancerinthestorm · 8 months
Fic Recs: Awesome OFCs edition
For some reason OCs tend to draw a lot of fire in certain fandom circles but I love them unapologetically. For me they are a brilliant way to add something new, something unexpected to a well known and well loved story. So, here‘s my utterly incomplete list of „fics that should be read for their awesome OFCs alone“.
Make way Lizzie Bennett, Sophie Hatter and Tiffany Aching, there are a some new girls in town! 😁
Theodora Byrne in @esta-elavaris epic "Catch the Wind" (AO3).
Oh dear, where to start. I am forever in love with Theo. I'd kill for her, I'd die for her. Her sass, her indomitable spirit, her way of throwing poor James Norrington off kilter. The whole story is just shy of 418k words and a beautiful, terrifying beast to behold. I unwisely started it on a Friday night shortly before going to bed and simply could not stop until my darling, long-suffering husband put his foot down on Sunday and made me eat, drink, shower, sleep and (most cruelly) sent me off on Monday morning to resume adulting.
I'm not sure if I should own up to it in public but to tell you the truth: I have not been able to pick it up since that day. Not because I do not want to (oh how I want to!) but because I am afraid. Afraid that the story will end and I am not ready for it. Afraid for what might happen to Theo and James. When I left them in chapter 63/101 they were happy, comfortable and (relatively) save but with the whole ordeal of "At World's End" still ahead of them.
Should you still put down everything else to read it? Yes! Absolutely! Go! Now! Shoo! And don't be a wuss like me, the story deserves so much more!
Pirates of the Carribeans. James Norrington x OFC. Rated E.
Nika in "This Destiny is Mine" (AO3) by @messy-insomniac-bookgirl
I knew I was done for when one of my favourite authors decided to let one of her gorgeous female leads tackle one of literature’s most heinous crimes: The fate of Boromir. No way I would not root for her, rage with her, fear for her, laugh with her. A beautifully nuanced and overall kick-ass female lead that I cannot get enough of.
The story itself is not too long yet and is intriguingly hard to place. The author calls it a fix-it. And it is... but also not... not really... It gives us an OFC but she's no 10th walker. It has already made me feel everything it is humanly possible to feel, sometimes within the span of one short chapter alone.
Amazing storytelling and I cannot wait to find out where this journey will take Nika.
Lord of the Rings. Boromir x OFC. Rated E.
Jenya in Bramandian0336's "Black Honey" (AO3)
Having to deal with the emotional hot house that is Kylo Ren/Ben Solo is nothing for the faint-hearted and calls for especially intrepid female leads. So, this list would be utterly incomplete without her.
Meet, Jeyna: historian, archeologist and - suddenly and unnervingly - subject of Kylo Ren's scrutiny. I absolutely devoured her stroy with all it's amazing world building, obscure Star Wars lore and action.
Star Wars. Kylo Ren/Ben Solo x OFC. Rated E.
Asta in "Where I am needed most" (AO3) by @scyllas-revenge
Unable or unwilling to commit to any of the literary behemoths above? Then I have just the thing for you! A beautiful one-shot set in the chaos of the Battle of Helm's Deep. Wonderfully dense story telling garnished with spot on characterizations. Headstrong, brave, resourceful, sharp-tongued Asta is a sight to behold and I could not get enough of her clashing with Eomer.
Eomer/OFC. Idiots in love, shouting matches and kisses. Rated T.
As mentioned: this list is totally incomplete. Please feel free to yell your own favourites at me in the comment section, regardless of fandom! 😁
And as always: a huge shout out to all the authors for your time, your talent and your dedication! You guys are absolute rock stars!
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cauliflowertree · 2 years
hello! i was hoping I could maybe put in a little fic request. if you have time I would like to request a Legolas x reader fic where the reader is dealing with some depression anxiety maybe (if you are okay with writing this ofc I looked at ur writers rules and was unsure. if you don’t feel okay writing this kind of stuff totally understandable).
hi sweets, unfortunately my requests are closed right now unless they’re for james norrington (potc) or faramir (lotr), so i will not be accepting this request. i do write those topics however, so if you’d like to send something similar in the future, i’d be happy to write it !
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theiratepirate · 3 years
Sparrow's Nest Masterlist
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Summary: But the most terrifying thing? Now that her auburn hair is pulled back into a low ponytail, Will can see the glint of dark hooped earrings, dark kohl around her eyes in a style reminiscent of Jack’s, and better make out the shining, puckered scar just below her left ear.
The skin is pulled taut over the burn, stretched and raw. It doesn’t look particularly recent, but painful nonetheless, and in any case it’s clear that Lillian has the pirate’s brand.
Word Count: 20k (ongoing)
Warnings: graphic depictions of violence, sexism, lack of hygiene, mentions of rape, death threats, chapter specific warnings noted at the beginning of each chapter
Author’s Note: Sparrow's Nest is in the works. I'm focusing on my Tolkien fanfiction at the moment, and when my head clears of that then I'll be back! In the meantime, here's the first chapter as a teaser! Read and enjoy!
Chapter 1: Port Royal
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esta-elavaris · 2 years
omg i just finished a series of assessments for the new term. it’s barely the start yet i’m already eager to graduate. anyways, why am i talking about me — aaa! i was washing the dishes earlier and i suddenly wondered if you’ll open a q&a portion as a “commercial break” for catch the winds, because i’m so curious like when did you think of the plot? how long did it take? how did you come up with theodora? i have so many questions! your book has stuck to me a lot that i still can’t get over it, and it’s been what? almost a week since i finished it? i’m a mess!
by the way, how are you doing? i hope you’re fine and practicing self-care! <3
Talk about you! I don't mind at all! I know what you mean, though - I graduated uni like four years ago but I still remember just being so ready for it to be over by the time I got to my final year. I feel like the first year is a novelty, the second year you're used to it all and have a good rhythm, and by third year you're just ready to move on. Or that was my case, anyway! It'll go slow, and then the second the final thing is handed in it feels like it all flew by, it's strange.
ANYWAY - aaaa! Thank you! I'm thrilled to hear it stayed with you for so long. Honestly, I never considered doing a Q&A thing because I just never thought anybody would be interested in something like that! I don't want to bore people who just want the next chapter haha. That being said, I'm more than happy to answer any questions you have on here! Any time, just shoot me an ask or a message, whichever works for you. I do apologise for the insanely long essay I ended up writing you here, I got carried away.
I kind of had the plot in mind for a while but in two different ways. I wanted to write a Norrington fic, and I wanted to write a "modern girl in X" fic for a long time. With the modern girl trope, my first thought was to do a Dragon Age fic, but it's been done so many times in that fandom (I know I'm not the first to do it in POTC either, but it seems to be really prolific in Dragon Age fandoms, whereas I haven't read many POTC fics because I avoid reading in fandoms I write in), so I tried to think where else it could work and Norrington was the answer.
It took a looong time between getting the idea and actually writing it, like at least a year, because I nearly didn't write it at all - and when I did, I wasn't even going to post it. I figured the idea was too far-fetched for me to be able to pull it off, and even if I did that not many people would be interested in reading it because OC fics tend to get a bad rap and "modern girl in X" fics double down on that bad rap. I was also terrified of writing in this fandom because it's so complex with so many difficult characters and so easy to get wrong, so that kept me away for a long time, but my original novel has pirates and a similar fantasy vibe so I figured it would be good practise.
I gave in and finally wrote the first chapter in the middle of the night when we were going through a heat wave that made it impossible to sleep (boo for no AC in Britain) just to get it out of my system, and then I liked the prologue enough to post it, same for the following chapter, and so on, until before I knew it we were at the start of the first movie. It was only ever for my own enjoyment at that point and I was amazed when more than ten people ended up reading it haha, I'm still stunned by how lovely people are about it. It hasn't left me alone since, although I did have a looot of doubt in the early chapters as to whether I could pull it off, because James was a tricky character to get the hang of.
Aaaand where Theodora is concerned, looks wise she's inspired by a mix of Anne Bonny from Black Sails and Sansa Stark (in the later seasons ofc) from GOT, but those aren't exactly who I picture, just a bit of a resemblance. A lot of creating her was trying to think of what sort of woman James would fall in love with, and we already have that with Elizabeth, but I didn't want to just write a second Elizabeth and put her in the story. Although where Elizabeth is concerned, I knew it was important that she and Theodora had to get along and be friends because I really didn't want to go the route of writing a female OC who immediately fought and didn't get along with the one other main prominent woman in the movies, it just felt icky, and it'd take a lot of the nuance out of the difficult situation as far as the three of them are concerned.
The good thing is, a lot of what I imagine James loves about Elizabeth are a lot of the more modern aspects of her (we stan a progressive king), so I felt like he'd be a good fit for a modern OC as long as she tried to understand where he was coming from and the parts of him that still would be rooted in the time he's from. Even the most feminist views by 18th century standards would probably still be a bit backwards by modern standards, so I knew they'd have to love each other enough to put their mutual stubbornness on hold to understand one another rather than just fighting over every little thing, because that would be exhausting.
Most of all with Theo, I wanted her to be able to hold her own in her environment without being a Mary Sue who just magically had these abilities and was good at everything. My thoughts then went to her being a soldier, but I'm sure I've read some LOTR modern girl stories (I considered writing one of those, too, because Boromir is the love of my life but I don't have the balls to touch Tolkien) where that was the case and I didn't want to run the risk of subconsciously copying them. I also don't know enough about the military to be able to portray a modern day soldier convincingly or accurately and I was worried about being disrespectful in that regard, so having her be a soldier's daughter felt like a great middle ground.
It also gives her and James common ground because she understands the mind-set, thanks to her father's influence, and the lifestyle to some extent, even in the different time period. Her father himself is majorly inspired by Ant Middleton (he did a lot of Channel 4 shows over here, I don't know if they're available to stream overseas but they're very good), and a lot of the mental toughness things he teaches her translates well to her being able to hold her own and not having breakdowns over minor problems every other chapter, but doesn't quite put her at a level where she's infallible and doesn't struggle, because that's just not human. She could climb a mountain, she couldn't go to war, y'know? At least at the start of the story. She doesn't have a choice by this arc.
It was also important to me that she felt a bit lost in the modern world and is more suited to a place where day to day life is more difficult because she thrives on that, so it's not a case of she's giving up a place where she was totally happy for the sake of James. I don't doubt that she still would, but it would feel a bit iffy. Having her be Irish also left the opportunity for a good excuse for her weird modern behaviours, a source of conflict early on in Port Royal with the other residents, and I knew I'd be able to write it decently because I'm Scottish and our history with the English/how we were (and still are, in a lot of cases) viewed by them is quite similar, even if it's not completely the same.
As far as how she and James click, I wish I could explain that but they take on a life of their own when I write them and I just let it happen. There's logic to it, I swear, but I couldn't describe what that logic is lolol. Plus this answer is embarrassingly long already so B) I think mostly it's a willingness to abandon their stubbornness to an extent where the other in concerned, and the fact that they're both fiercely loyal. I think her silliness at times also gives him the freedom to loosen up, which he'd appreciate, whereas how good and reliable he is would provide a major source of comfort and a sense of safeness for her.
All of that being SAID - I went into this story with only a few solid ideas. The Tortuga scene from the prologue, the bit where she watches Elizabeth accept the proposal, the end of the first movie, and a few parts that are going to happen between now and the end, so I'm very excited to get to those parts because it feels like it's what all of this writing has been for ahah.
And I'm doing okay, thank you for asking! Just a bit run down, but it's fine, it'll pass, and I had a lot of fun answering these questions, so thank you for that :)
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littlefreya · 3 years
Wait I thought Commodore Norrington's name was James, or was it an OC?
Oh no! You are right. I got confused :D Nah they were both James and Jack and the female character was OFC. But I have to confess, I only loved Norrington when he was Scruffington :X.
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random-of-random · 3 months
The Pirate Queen
Chapter 8 - The Rescue of Elizabeth
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Author’s Note: I am so sorry this took me so long!!
In that moment she wasn’t afraid, more exhausted. The anxiety that had plagued her was more than enough for her liking. Everyone had to die someday, maybe today was hers. At least Sam was waiting on the other side.
She stood with a stretch before pulling her jacket around her and making her way toward the doors. Locked. Of course.
Clenching her jaw she listened carefully to the shouts of the men on deck. They had clearly found something and now she was worried.
Alice began pacing back and forth. Her mind wandered to if she could break the lock on the door, but what could, or even would, that do.
“Commodore!” The man who stood outside her prison said quickly. Alice moved back to the bed and sat down as the door opened. Norrington walked in. He was in full dress, the wig replaced, and the door shut quickly behind him. Alice would have been lying if she said his blue eyes didn’t make her heart race. If the idea of being close to him wasn’t everything she wanted.
“We have found an island.” He said quickly. “There was a thick plume of smoke rising from it.” He began to explain.
“James…” Alice said quickly and he looked to her. “Get to it.”
“We sent a boat ashore and it is Elizabeth.” James let out a sigh or relief. “She is with Jack Sparrow. They are bringing both of them aboard now.”
Alice took a breath and then gave him a small smile. “The Navy has found her. Thank the heavens.”
“Indeed.” Norrington replied. “They are bringing her aboard now. I know you two are friends. Would you come and greet her?”
Alice thought for a moment before quickly nodding her head yes. It was no secret that Alice grew to absolutely care for Elizabeth.
“Good.” Norrington said quickly and he walked to the door, giving it three quick knocks. The officer outside opened it. “Please?” Norrington offered his arm to Alice and the two of them walked on deck. It seemed the sailors were told to avoid her gaze as all of them began to look down. A few brave ones eyes followed her.
The longboat bringing the rescued back had already made its way to the ship. Alice was left against a railing before Norrington took his place beside Groves. It seemed an eternity and simultaneously a moment before Elizabeth and Sparrow were on board.
The first person Elizabeth went for was her father - who had avoided eye contact with Alice as much as he could. Still, when his daughter hugged him his features softened and Alice could tell how genuinely happy he was to be holding his daughter.
“Frances!” The use of her fake name caught her off guard, but she had no time to think before Elizabeth’s arms were around her and holding her impossibly tight.
“I am relieved you are alright, Elizabeth.” Alice said to her as the younger woman pulled from her grasp with a kind smile. Elizabeth moved once again toward her father as Jack Sparrow was brought on board. His eyes went from one person to the next until he fell on Alice and gave her a wide grin.
“We must head for Port Royal.” Governor Swann said quickly.
“But we have to got save Will!” Elizabeth argues.
“No!” Governor Swann interrupted. “You’re safe now. We will return to Port Royal immediately. Not go gallivanting after pirates.”
“Then we condemn him to death!” Elizabeth argued.
“The boys fate is regrettable.” Governor Swann tried to placate her. “But then so is his decision to engage in piracy.” Alice rolled her eyes and immediately took a slight step toward Jack.
“To rescue me!” Elizabeth pushed. “To prevent anything from happening to me!”
Alice felt Jack beginning to step forward. “Jack, don’t-“
“If I may be so bold as to interject my professional opinion.” Jack started as he walked toward Norrington and the Governor. Alice gave a grimace and tried to make herself invisible. “The Pearl was listing after the battle. It’s very unlikely she’ll be able to make good time.” Jack turned his attention to Norrington. “Think about it. The Black Pearl. The last real pirate threat in the Caribbean, mate.” At the moment he turned to look at Alice. “Present company excluded.. though you’re more up toward the colonies are you, love?”
Norrington coughed and Jack turned his attention back to the Commodore. “Yes, sorry, how could you pass that up? Eh?”
Norrington seemed to scoff. “By remembering that I serve others Mr. Sparrow, not only myself.”
“Commodore.” Elizabeth spoke up. “I beg you, please do this. For me.” Norrington began walking up the stairs. “As a wedding gift.” Norrington seemed to stop in his tracks and Alice felt her heart sink. The look on James’ face was one of elation, then confusion. Alice could not bare to look at him a second more. She turned to the horizon. The water offering her the comfort she most desperately needed. Tears were welling in her eyes and she desperately tried to push them away.
“Elizabeth.” Governor Swann interjected. “Are you accepting the Commodore’s proposal?”
“I am.” She answered with certainty.
“A wedding!” Jack Sparrow’s voice jumped over everything. “I love weddings! Drinks all around.” Norrington gave him a hard stare. “I know… ‘Clap him in irons’ right?”
Norrington began walking down the stairs, his eyes focused on Jack. “Mr. Sparrow, you will accompany these fine men to the helm and provide us with a bearing to the Isla de Muerta. You will then spend the rest of the voyage contemplating all possible meanings of the phrase ‘silent as the grave’. Do I make myself clear?” No one saw his eyes flicker to Alice, his heart dropping as he saw her staring into the horizon.
“Inescapably clear.” Jack said quickly before he turned to Alice. “We have to talk, love.” He was quickly dragged away.
Alice stood silent, her heart pounding and her mouth dry. Norrington had accepted Elizabeth’s proposal. Nothing she could have ever wanted mattered. Even in her wildest dreams. Her throat felt painfully dry, yet at the same time she wanted to scream, wanted to cry.
Groves grabbed her arm softly. “I am sorry, ma’am, I have to take you back to your quarters.” Alice barely nodded as she let herself be led away. He took her to the same captain’s quarters, his touch soft and understanding. Still, he left her there and the distinct click of the lock let her know where she stood.
She almost couldn’t feel her legs as they lead her toward the bed and she sat, contemplating everything she had just heard. Her only goal now? She needed to get out. She needed to escape this ship and her back to her men. More than that, Jack Sparrow. She didn’t relish seeing a fellow pirate hung, so now she knew she needed to get him out as well.
Alice was deep in thought and plan when the door opened again. She looked up a moment later, but the person standing in the quarters surprised her. Elizabeth Swann shut the door being her, those eyes dead set on Alice. She needed a talk.
“Who are you?” Elizabeth asked quickly.
“You don’t mince words, Miss Swann.” Alice answered.
“Neither my father, nor Commodore Norrington would bring you here, if it wasn’t vitally important”
Alice let out a small chuckle. “You knew I wasn’t who I said I was.” Alice said quickly. “I told you the truth days ago.” Elizabeth seemed to take a big breath before she walked across the room and sat on the bed next to her friend.
“You’re Mad Alice, the pirate, aren’t you?”
Alice laughed. “I never doubted your intelligence, Elizabeth.”
“So, it’s true?” Her voice seemed quiet and sad.
“I meant what I said. I was going to tell you.” Alice assured her. “I planned to write you a letter when we were safely far away from Port Royal.” To Alice’s surprise Elizabeth wrapped her in her arms and hugged her tightly. It was unusual at the start, but soon Alice’s arms wrapped around Elizabeth as well and the two stayed like that for a moment.
“I need you to know-“ Elizabeth started as she pulled away. “I made my father promise to not have you harmed and to let you leave as soon as we return to Port Royal.”
“Thank you.” Alice said softly. She did believe Elizabeth - that she had made her father promise. However, people that hated pirates as much as Governor Swann were not in the habit of making these type of promises - even if it was for his beloved daughter.
Alice filed that away as a potentially positive thing, but she didn’t know if she could trust it. Did she trust Elizabeth and even James? Yes. Everyone else on Port Royal? Not as far as she could throw them. Alice mind turned to the last days.
“Tell me, Elizabeth. What of Barbosa?”
Elizabeth’s face paled. “Alice…. They.. they are not what you could ever believe.”
“What do you mean?”
“The worst tales I could ever imagine are true.” Elizabeth replied and Alice could feel the young woman’s body shaking against the bed before she continued. “The moonlight shows what they really are - cursed. It’s as if their skin peals away. In the moonlight it shows their skeletons.” Elizebeth’s eyes are wide. “They are stuck that way.” She grabbed Alice’s hands. “I swear to you that I am not lying.”
“Elizabeth…” Alice said softly. “I believe you.” Alice didn’t feel the need to reveal the pirate stories that had already been told. Elizabeth seemed to let out a breath she had been holding. “There are things in this world that we can never explain. Who am I to judge?” They two women sat in silence for a moment. “You must tell me though… Will… tell me of Will.”
Elizabeth’s face softened. “He was the man I was speaking of before the attack. We… the ship I was crossing on a child, we found him in the water. His ship had been attacked by pirates.” Her eyes misted. “His father was a member of the original crew of the Black Pearl. They killed his father before they knew he needed his blood.m to break the curse.”
Alice couldn’t help but laugh and Elizabeth turned to her in surprise. “Forgive me, Miss Elizabeth.” She said quickly. “It just seems that you are one who finds yourself surrounded by pirates.”
Elizabeth chuckled. “Well, I have come to find that not all pirates are bad.” Alice gave her a kind smile.
“Alice… I, I need to apologize to you.”
“For what?”
“Because I am going to have to marry Norrington.” Alice lowered her head. “I know how you feel about him. I see the way the two of you look at each other and-“ Alice held up her hand.
“Please, do not apologize, Elizabeth. What else could have ever possibly happened?” Alice laugh. “A Commodore and a notorious Pirate? That could have never worked.”
“Alice…” Elizabeth’s eyes were soft. “I need to ask you something. Will you answer me honestly?”
“That I can not promise you.” Alice answered. “But I will try.”
“Are you in love with James Norrington?” Elizabeth asked. The silence in the quarters overtook them. The waves lapped against the wood and the sailors shouted orders and walked along the ship, their footsteps echoing. Alice thought about how to answer. If she knew an answer. Or course she knew an answer. Her eyes turned to Elizabeth who seemed to be eagerly waiting. Instead of saying a single word, Alice’s eyes softened. A smile crossed her features. Elizabeth didn’t need to hear a single word.
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random-of-random · 5 months
The Pirate Queen
Chapter 3 - The Ball
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If anyone ever said pirates weren’t efficient, they should be told the tale of Alice and her crew getting ready to host a ball for a new Commodore.
Hiding anything suspicious was the easy part. The locked extra pantry was plenty enough to stow away any of the papers they needed to keep from prying eyes. Their gear was locked into trunks in their personal rooms.
What wasn’t easy was shelling out the money for caterers and extra servants to make the night perfect. While they had the money, Alice had made a fortune sailing with Sam Bellamy and then even more in her exploits, they all hated spending it on posh pricks who would more likely give them a bullet than the time of day under normal circumstances.
Most pirates on ships had duel roles. Everyone chipped in, and just like on a ship, the men dove head first into getting ready.
By the time the night arrived everything was absolutely perfect.
Three of the men would be carefully and quietly sneaking into the Fort while the rest of the town partied at the mansion, courtesy of Vicountess Somers. Their goal was it make it seem like no one have ever been there. They didn’t want to get captured, and they didn’t want to have to kill. Alice and her crew took a page from Sam Bellamy - they didn’t kill if they didn’t have to.
The men left before the extra servants arrived for the night, and Alice went upstairs to get ready. Edward stayed at the mansion, her even present bodyguard.
When he knocked at the door to her room to let her know guests arrived, he couldn’t help but smile.
“You may not be a noble, but you wear the outfits quite well.” She turned to look at him with a smile on her face.
“Let’s be honest, I look better in trousers and my jacket.”
He motioned to her dress. “I see you’ve picked your signature color.” The red dress was her most fashionable. Bright red, matching the bow weaved intricately through her hair. Instead of an updo, she wore her hair down. The black hair fanned across the red dress she had commissioned to match that bow. The dress itself was more old fashioned than she had been wearing and the corset fit just perfectly. There were no color accents except around the sleeves and chest, and was intricately woven with gold and red fabric.
“Well, I wanted to stay partly me.”
“I wish Sam could see this.” Edward said and Alice took a calming breath.
“Me too.”
“Where should I wait during dinner?”
“You’ll be next to me.” Alice said simply and Edward raised his eyebrows.
“I don’t think it’s proper to have your bodyguard sitting at dinner. Robert would faint.”
Alice laughed. “Tonight is our last night with these people. I don’t particularly care what they think and they’re not going to question a noble.”
“Sounds good, Captain.” Edward was dressed in mostly black, fine quality that most would expect of a bodyguard. “People are going to be arriving soon.”
“Alright, let’s get ready to play our parts.” She effortlessly switched into her posh accent.
There were murmurs throughout the party. The red was certainly making some heads turn. When Governor Swann and Elizabeth arrived Alice was there to greet them.
“Lady Frances, you look marvelous!” Elizabeth said with a smile. They two women held hands for a moment.
“As do you, Elizabeth.” Her dress was a light blue which paired with her quite well. Her hair had been curled delicately and put in an updo worthy of a coronation, she was sure of it.
“That is such a stunning color.” Governor Swann started. “You stand out, in the best way.”
“Thank you, Governor.” Alice replied, trying her best not to smirk. “I felt it was appropriate since the ball is on behalf of a member of the Navy. Navy blues seemed a bit too pompous, don’t you agree?”
Governor Swann searched for something to say as Elizabeth politely held her laugh behind her fan. “You look absolutely wonderful, Lady Frances.” He finally said. Safe, complimentary.
“Thank you, Governor.” From behind him she caught the eyes of James. “Please excuse me, sir. I want to wish the man of the night my congratulations.” As she made her way over, James couldn’t seem to even think. She was beautiful. James was in his Navy dress. An outfit that should send Alice’s anxiety shooting upward. Yet, she was sure she had never seen a man so handsome.
“Captain Norrington.” She curtsied and he bowed back. Alice knew that there couldn’t be a repeat of the night of the dinner. The best thing would be to treat James Norrington with civility and step away as quickly as she could.
“Thank you for your generosity with this night.” He started. “And, if I may say, you look absolutely beautiful, Lady Frances.”
“Thank you, Captain. It is a pleasure to celebrate you.” James could tell she was being more formal, putting more of a guard up. He had no right to wish for something different. To wish anything different was downright improper. “Please, enjoy yourself.” She curtsied again and turned to greet her other guests. The bow going through her raven hair caught his eye and something stirred in his memory. Just for one second a moment of fear crept into his mind, but he couldn’t, for the life of him, understand why.
As everyone made their way into the dining room, there were whispers at the fact that while Lady Frances sat at the head of the table, her own bodyguard was to her right. To her left was Governor Swann, beside him Elizabeth, and James was surprised to find himself placed next to her.
Once everyone was seated Lady Frances stood.
“Good evening. I hope you are all enjoying yourselves.” There was some murmurs of approval. “Tonight we are here to celebrate Captain James Norrington, who will not be called Captain in twenty-four hours. Now, I have only known Captain Norrington for a few short days. I could regale you all with the kindness and character he has shown me. However, I wanted someone who knows him more, who served with him, to speak here tonight. Lieutenant Groves, if you would please?”
A few seats down from Edward, Groves stood, and Alice took her seat. She knew her brain would betray her if she was forced to give a speech about James. She could hardly talk about how handsome he looks in the moonlight. She was supposed to be married. More than that, it was about to be James’ job to be in charge of hunting her and the people she cared about. The thought soured her mood considerably. More so when she realized she shouldn’t even be thinking about James Norrington. She should be wondering how we men were doing at the fort. By the time she came back into focus, Groves had finished his speech and she held up her glass in a toast before the first course.
Once the food was cleared and the band had begun to play, Alice whispered to Edward to go and be on the lookout for the returning men. The hope was they would be back quickly and efficiently. One of her men named Simon had offered to help in the kitchen. He had been a chef back in Ireland and then became the chef for her crew, and he would be waiting to move any papers to the locked pantry.
“My dear Lady Frances.” Governor Swann said as he walked up to her. “Would you honor me with a dance?” He held out his hand and she took it immediately.
“It would be a pleasure.” They danced to a lively tune. The laughter around the floor told her everyone seemed to be having a great time. She made sure they had enough stock of wine to last them, and making sure everyone was good and drunk could only help her in the long run.
As the Governor turned her she caught a glimpse of James who was dancing with Elizabeth. He was smiling, she was laughing. Alice felt a pang of jealousy go through her, but she quickly pushed that away. Any thoughts about her and James Norrington needed to stop at that moment. And, more than that, she knew he would make a great husband to Elizabeth. He was kind and gentle. When he showed emotion it was sincere. In the first night she had watched his eyes flicker to Elizabeth which such adoration. Alice knew she would be taken care of and loved. She couldn’t ask for more than that from two wonderful people.
The dance came to a close and there was a small round of applause. “Thank you for the wonderful dance, Governor.” He bowed. “If you would excuse me?”
“Of course.” He beamed. His cheeks were red from several glasses of wine and Alice found herself thinking that wasn’t a bad idea. Find a servant with the wine she took a glass for herself. When she turned back to the party she was surprised to see James walking toward her.
“Lady Frances.”
“Captain Norrington.” She acknowledged. “Are you having a good time?”
“I am, thank you.” He promised. “I came to ask if you would honor me with a dance.” She couldn’t say no. Maybe it was knowing that after tomorrow she would, hopefully, never see him again.
“I would be delighted-“ She was interrupted by Edward.
“I am terribly sorry, my Lady.” He bowed.
“What is it, Edward?” She asked.
“May I speak with you, privately?”
Her eyes turned to James. “My apologies, Captain.” She and Edward turned, heading for another room. James couldn’t pretend he wasn’t disappointed.
The study was a place she had wanted to spend more time in, if they had the time. It was dark wood with books lining the walls. Giles stood outside on guard to make sure no one came within earshot as Edward closed the door behind them.
“Is everyone alright?” Was her first question.
“Yes, everyone made it back safely.” Alice let out a sigh of relief. “They were in and out quickly, no one saw them. It’s what they found that’s concerning.”
“What did they find?” Alice asked.
“A list of spies for the Royal Navy and where they are located. Some are on Tortuga.” Her jaw clenched. “There’s also a few pirate havens that they know about. I think your Captain Norrington intends to go raid them after his promotion is made official.”
“Go, get Robert, will you?” She asked and Edward gave a quick nod before leaving. They would have a head start on anything Norrington had planned, which was key. She sat in silence for a few moments. If her mind wandered too far, she could almost feel tears threatening to spill. So, she pushed them down. Edward and Robert came back in a few minutes.
“Captain.” Robert acknowledged.
“I need you to get to the docs and get first passage that you can. You have to get to Tortuga as quickly as possible.” She put her hand on his shoulder. “Hopefully those pirate havens can be cleared out before the Royal Navy gets their hands on anyone. And make sure the right people in Tortuga know the names of the spies.”
“You can count on me Captain.”
“When you get to Tortuga send someone for us. We’ll want to leave late tomorrow night.”
“I will.”
“The winds be with you, Robert.” She shook his hand and he headed back out the door.
“What’s the plan?” Edward asked.
“Tomorrow, after the ceremony,” Alice started. “We will spend the day carefully packing, not drawing any attention. Once night falls we will gather everything up. We can’t leave a trace of us behind. Not a single piece of clothing.”
“Understood, Captain.”
“We will leave an urgent note with the Swann’s. My husband has taken ill and we were quickly recalled to England.”
“Will they believe it?” Edward asked.
Alice shrugged. “Once we’re back on the seas, it won’t matter.”
“I’ll start telling the men.” He said and she let out a soft sigh. “You should get back out there. The hostess will be missed.”
Alice seemed to clench her jaw. “I can do this for one more day.” He nodded before opening the door for her.
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random-of-random · 4 months
The Pirate Queen
Chapter 6 - A Prisoner
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Author’s Note: Thank you so much to every single person who reads this, who likes this, who comments on this story. You are wonderful! I hope it makes you smile!
It was as if something came over James Norrington. He grabbed one arm and then the other desperately looking for any brand she might have.
“What, exactly, are you hoping to find?” She asked and he didn’t looked up. His eyes just went over the same skin, trying to ignore how soft her arms felt. “The elusive ‘P’ that should be burned about here?” She pointed to her wrist. Finally he looked up at her. “No such luck, I’ve never been caught.”
“Well, you have now.” James said as he took a few steps back.
Alice clenched her jaw before speaking. “James we don’t have time for this, you need-“
“You will call me Commodore Norrington, ma’am.”
“James, Elizabeth has been taken.”
“What?” His jaw went slack as it seemed as if the air had been sucked out of the room.
“That’s why I ran down to the fort. I saw two of the men carry her away from her house.” James immediately started writing. “I didn’t see them take her in the ship but it’s the only explanation.”
“Wait here.” He said coldly as he walked out of his office. She distinctly heard the key click in the lock.
It was only about five minutes later when James walked back in. He closed the door behind him. The anger was coming off him in waves.
“Did you have anything to do with this?” He looked away from her and toward his desk, his voice calculated.
“Are you kidding me?” At that he turned quickly around. “James.. Commodore Norrington, I would never hurt Elizabeth.”
“I’m not in the habit of believing pirates.” He practically spit the word at her like venom.
“Well, I’m still the same woman who saved your life out there! The same one who told you about Elizabeth. The same woman you kissed.” It wasn’t the right thing to say, the hatred she saw in his eyes practically broke her heart on the spot. Well, what she thought was hatred. James didn’t have words for how he was feeling.
“I can not believe it’s a coincidence that you are here and another pirate ship shows up and attacks.”
“I was only here to find out what you know about me, my ships, and the people I care most about.”
It was if a spark ignited in his brain. “The red bow, the red dress…” it had look so familiar to him at the party, sticking out in such a particular way. The color was rarely, if ever, worn unless the party specifically called for it. “Sam Bellamy was known for wearing a red bandana and coat.”
Alice nodded. “He was my Captain.” She confirmed and James swore he felt his heart break further. “The first person I sailed under. That bow was made from that bandana. You can arrest me if you want, Commodore. String me up with the other bodies of pirates you have swinging.” As if thrown in the ocean, his fire cooled immediately. The thought of her hanging. His mind couldn’t even fathom it. “But if you want to catch up with the Pearl? You’ll need the entire Navy. Because it will take that many just to find them.”
A multitude of thoughts ran through his mind in an instant, but only one made sense. “Leave.”
“Consider this me repaying you for saving me. Now go.” There was a million things she wanted to say, but nothing would come out. As she turned to go she heard him ask a question. “Was any of it real?”
“Most of it was real.” She answered truthfully. When she looked at him, he was staring down at his desk. “Every glance, every smile, every touch… Just the accent and the name were fake.” She didn’t wait for a response, she just left. She would never forget his look of betrayal or how cold he sounded when he spoke to her.
Alice walked slowly back to the place she and her crew had been calling home. It was hours before dawn, but all of Port Royal was awake. They were checking on their neighbors and businesses, moving their dead, picking up the pieces of their homes. No one even seemed to glance twice at her as she walked though. Just as well, she thought.
She was almost to the door when it opened and Charlie walked out. He pulled Alice into his arms.
“We were worried about you, Captain.”
Alice pulled back. “I’m alright. How’s Edward?”
“He needs to rest, but the wound wasn’t deep. We should get him to the ship sooner rather than later, get him to the doc.” They walked into the house and Charlie let her to a sitting room where Edward was laid out on a couch. Giles was in a seat next to him.
“Good to see you, Captain.” He said with a tired grin.
“Rest, Edward.” She put her hand on his forehead and was relieved to see no fever had yet set in. “We will be leaving as early as we can.”
“What’s wrong?” Giles asked.
“Norrington knows who I am.” Edward tried to sit, but Alice kept her hand on his shoulder. “It’s alright. He let me leave. Payback for saving his life. Charlie, Giles tell the men to sleep and eat. We will leave shortly after dawn for the docks.”
“Aye, Captain.” Giles affirmed before he and Charlie headed back toward the study and the dining room.
“You get as much sleep as you can.” Alice said as she pulled a blanket halfway up Edward’s chest. “We’ll be back on the ship in no time.”
“Did you tell Norrington?” Edward asked.
“Tell him what?”
“That you’re in love with him.”
Alice let out a small laugh. “The second James Norrington found out I was a pirate was the same second he felt nothing but hatred for me.”
“I don’t believe that.” Edward refuted. “I saw the way he looked at you.”
“Maybe…” Alice sighed. “He used up the goodwill anything before tonight brought me by letting me go. He will try to chase is down soon enough.” She stood. “Now, get some sleep. We will wake you last thing before we go. You’ll need your strength for the journey.”
“Good night, Alice.”
“Good night, Edward.”
The docks were busy, to say the least, and the sun was high in the sky by the time they were ready to go. Though everything had gone without a hitch, getting all of their stuff down to the ship that would sail them to Tortuga. Everything was loaded, the men were on the ship. It was just Alice and Charlie still waiting to board. No one seemed to recognize Alice, not that she was expecting them to. In men’s clothes, that included Edward’s dark brown coat, and her hair down - no one would have guessed all of Port Royal was fawning over her as a noble less than two days before.
“Captain!” Edward called and he pointed up the docks. James Norrington along with his Lieutenant Groves and two soldiers Alice had not seen were walking toward them with a purpose.
“Stay on the ship, Edward.” Alice called immediately.
“Captain…” Charlie’s voice was low. “There aren’t any other soldiers around, we can fight our way out of this.”
“No.” Alice said quickly. “Keep yours hands visible and just stay calm.” As the men moved closer the two soldiers she didn’t know stayed behind as Norrington and Groves came within five feet of her.
“Lady Somers?” Groves asked after a moment.
“That’s not her name.” Norrington answered him before she could. His voice was almost emotionless. “She has been masquerading as a noble. She is actually… a pirate. An infamous one at that.” Groves looked from his Commodore back to Alice before his hand moved carefully to the hilt of his sword. “Alice the Enchantress is what they call her.”
“I always preferred Mad Alice.”
“My God, it can’t be true.” Groves said quietly, his eyes wide.
“Afraid it is.” Alice responded. “What can I do for you gentlemen?”
“You’re coming with us.” Norrington commanded and there was a shift in the tension around them.
“Is that so?” She asked as she raised her eyebrows.
“To help find Elizabeth.” Norrington added. “It’s either you come with us, or we will take you all to jail.” Charlie took a half a step forward. Norrington and Groves pulled their swords a small way out of their sheaths, and Alice put her hand on Charlie’s shoulder.
“Commodore, I don’t know what help you think I can be to you.”
“You’re a pirate.”
“Not all pirates think the same.” She explained, and James rolled his eyes. “Not only have I never met Captain Barbosa, but last night was the first time I ever saw the Black Pearl. If you want a pirate who can help you ask Jack Sparrow.”
“Jack Sparrow escaped.” Groves said quickly. “With Turner.”
“Who is ‘Turner’?” Alice asked.
“William Turner. He is the blacksmith’s apprentice.” Groves answered. Something in her brain pinged on the name, but she didn’t have time to analyze it. At that very moment all she knew was the safety of her crew was at stake. With that there was only one conclusion.
“Fine, I’ll go with you - on one condition.”
“You’re not in a place to be making demands of us.” Norrington reminded her.
“Captain, don’t do this.” Edward pleaded. “You can’t trust them.”
“Then trust me.” Alice said loudly to her men before turning to Norrington. “Just let my crew go. They are going to sail out on this ship, they are never coming back. Please.” Norrington took a moment to think it over before giving her a nod and she quickly turned to Charlie. “Get Edward to a doctor, take care of the man.” She ignored the protests from her crew already on the ship, “And tell Callahan to be careful with my ships.” They shared a nod before he joined the crew. They all took their hats off, bowing to their Captain. Alice bowed back before taking her place in between Norrington and Groves as they walked her toward the Fort.
“It’s funny…” Norrington said as they walked. “Pirates, for a moment, almost seemed civil.”
“They are.” Alice replied, looking straight ahead. “Much more so than the Royal Navy.”
When they got to the Fort she was surprised when they locked her, once again, in Norrington’s office.
This time she didn’t bother to remain standing, she didn’t bother to pace, she sat down in the extra chair and just waited. Her thoughts drifted to her men. If they had gotten out of Port Royal safely. If Callahan was already waiting for her in Tortuga. She hoped Edward made it to a doctor in short time.
She couldn’t have known that Norrington had spent the night pacing in his office. His worry for Elizabeth Swann only surpassed by his anger and hurt at what Frances - no, Alice - had done. In his mind, she had used him, used all of them, to get her hands on the Navy’s own documents.
Another part of him was angry at himself for just how much he wanted to go after her, and not to arrest her. She had told him it was real, but could he even trust a pirate. He paced until Governor Swann barged into his office demanding answers.
When the door opened, Alice felt a jump of anxiety as Norrington walked in followed by Governor Swann.
“Governor Swann.” She acknowledged, but he acted as if she hadn’t said anything. The Governor seemed to be refusing to even look at her.
“You will be locked in quarters on the ship as we sail.” Norrington said, catching her attention. He was looking down at his desk, also refusing to make eye contact. “The men know you will be aboard, but they do not know why. They have been ordered not to speak to you. In fact the only ones you will speak to are Lieutenant Groves and myself.”
“So, I am your prisoner.” She remarked.
“As it should be!” Governor Swann finally spoke. His face was red and his eyes angry. “You are a pirate! You should not be given any leeway. Were it completely up to me you would be locked below deck!”
After his outburst the room seemed almost painfully quiet. Alice recognized his frustration and fear for his daughter, but his hatred for her seemed to almost outweigh it.
“Well, Governor, then I believe when they drop me from the gallows you should be the one to do it.” Her voice was calm and controlled and, by contrast, the Governor looked absolutely scandalized. “Might I remind the both of you that I have been nothing but kind. I held parties for you, fed you. Both of you, more so you - Governor - were fawning all over me.”
His voice raised. “That was before we knew you were a criminal!”
“I am less a criminal than those who trade in human beings - and they’re being paid by the Crown.”
Swann scoffed and immediately left the room without another word, slamming the door as he went.
Once again the silence hung thick, only stopped by the occasional scratching of the quill Norrington was using. Alice was normally good with silence. Now? She felt as if she would absolutely go mad if one of them didn’t speak shortly.
“Maybe you should wear a dress. Keep - keep up appearances.”
Alice stood. “Commodore, I’m going to be sequestered a room the entire time. Well, until the Navy and the Governor see fit to hang me. I think you could do the courtesy of not torturing me more?”
James’ eyes focused on her for a moment and she almost wanted to smirk, but she pushed it as far down as he could.
“Do you know anything about where the Pearl most often makes land.”
“Only a legend.”
“A legend?” Norrington asked annoyed.
“Listen, I warned you I had never seen that ship before. Most haven’t. The few who have are usually survivors. The legend is about an island. Isla De Muerta. No one knows where it is, and supposedly you can only get there if you have already been there. I haven’t.”
Norrington let out a breath he had been holding. “Someone will be along shortly to escort you to the ship.” Without another word he left and she heard another click of the lock. Sitting back down she put her head in her hands. Alice had no idea how she would even begin to get herself out of this situation.
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random-of-random · 5 months
The Pirate Queen
Chapter 5: I’m Alice
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Author’s Note: Whhhatt? A revamped story plus a new Norrington chapter in one day? Yep! I hope you guys like it!!
Alice was sure the servants thought her state of dress was odd, but there seemed to be too much anxiety in the air to give her more than a passing curious glance. Governor Swann was no where to be seen, though Alice suspected he would be at the fort a while after what happened.
The same woman who had come to find her led Alice up the grand staircase and into Elizabeth’s bedroom.
“Lady Frances.” Elizabeth immediately curtsied as her maid left the room. The room was styled very classically. Everything neat and in it’s place. It felt very… not Elizabeth. “Your clothes-“
“Are you alright, Elizabeth?” Alice asked quickly. This wasn’t the time to discuss fashion.
“I…” Elizabeth let out a soft sigh. “I am… I’m just…”
“Today seems to have been an all around trying day.” Alice offered before encouraging Elizabeth to sit on her bed. Alice sat next to her. “You were taken hostage by a pirate, if I am to understand correctly?”
“He was using me to get out of a situation.” She begun to fidget with her hands. “He saved me. I fell off of the fort. If Jack Sparrow hadn’t…” Her voice faltered again and Alice grabbed her hand softly.
“Please continue.”
“That’s the pirate’s name - Jack Sparrow. Commodore Norrington seemed to mark him as a pirate straight away. When they were going to arrest him he grabbed me and held his gun to my head. He escaped, but only for a few minutes before they caught him anyway.”
“That must have been very frightening.”
“I don’t believe he really wanted to hurt me.” Elizabeth’s eyes turned to hers. “I think he just needed an escape.”
“More than likely.” Alice agreed. Sparrow was a lot of things, but downright cruel wasn’t one of them. “Your fall must have been scary too.”
“Oh, goodness, yes. After Norrington proposed I just couldn’t seem to catch my breath. I fainted right off.”
“Norrington proposed?” Alice asked, feigning ignorance.
“You knew he would.” Elizabeth pushed. “I am sure there is no way my father didn’t tell you that arrangement had been made.” Well, Alice had been right when she told James that Elizabeth probably already worked it out.
Alice chuckled. “He did. And now, when you’re married, you will be able to tell people how you fell for James during his proposal.” At first Elizabeth let out a small laugh, but her smile quickly faded. A far off look took over. One Alice recognized well. “You don’t love James Norrington, do you?”
Tears seemed to well in Elizabeth’s eyes. “I do not.”
“You have feelings for someone else.” Alice said calmly.
“How could you know that?”
“Because James is a good man, and you would only be this sad about his proposal if there was someone else you cared for.”
“I have no idea what to do.” Elizabeth seemed to fiddle with the chain around her neck.
“If it were up to me?” Alice started. “I would say choose your own life. Not the life you feel you are supposed to take. You are assured a good life with James. He will be caring, kind-“ her voice softened, “a good husband, but if that is not who you want-“
“So, it’s true.” Elizabeth said quickly. There was no judgement in her voice, just curiosity. “You care for Commodore Norrington.” Alice stood to look out Elizabeth’s window, before giving her a soft smile. “But you’re husband-“
“I can promise you for a fact, Elizabeth, that my husband doesn’t care anything of what I am feeling or for whom.”
“You don’t have a husband, do you?” This time Alice could tell Elizabeth’s anxiety levels were rising.
“No, I don’t.”
“Are you who you say you are?”
Alice took a deep breath in. “No, I’m not.” She saw Elizabeth start to stand. “But I don’t mean you or your father any harm. I need to make that clear.”
“Why are you here then? Are you even from England? Even nobility?”
“I have never set foot in England.” Alice said with a small laugh. “And I am certainly not nobility.”
“I had a feeling about that.” Elizabeth said carefully. Her brain was fighting whether or not to trust Frances. They had been alone enough times that if she meant harm, she could have done it.
“I knew you were smart.”
“Well, that and no noble would ever say to not marry the best social match.”
“They are set in their ways, aren’t they?” Alice asked and Elizabeth let out a small laugh as her anxiety began to calm.
“Who are you?”
Alice watched as the last of the sunset made the sky a brilliant orange and began to fade into purple.
“I can’t tell you right now. It’s getting late. It’s been a long day for you and you need rest.” Alice looked her in the eyes. “I promise you that you will know the whole story, just not tonight.”
Elizabeth seemed to think a moment and then nod. “Alright, but I will hold you to that.”
“I would expect nothing less.” Alice said with a final curtsy before she headed back out Elizabeth’s door and toward where her crew was waiting.
The sun had completely set and everything was packed. Now it was just a matter of taking the next few hours and transporting it down to the docks. A ship was already waiting to carry them and their cargo to meet her ships in Tortuga.
“We can leave nothing behind that would lead Norrington or anyone from the Navy to suspect we are anything more than what we said.” Alice called as they were doing a last search of the house. They left strategic things behind. Cases of clothing, food, instructions that they planned to return once Frances “husband” was better. In reality, a letter would come in three months declaring their intentions of staying in England. The dresses were to be taken to Elizabeth, anything else in the house redistributed.
“Captain!” Giles voice called. “You best come take a look at this!” Giles was standing on the balcony that oversaw Port Royal.
“What is it?” Alice asked and Giles handed her the telescope he was using. Creeping over the water was a dense fog. It seemed to come out of no where - the conditions had not been right for fog. More than that, it moved in an unnatural pace.
“We’ll never be able to sail in that.” Charlie said, his tone annoyed and frustrated.
“I don’t think that’s the reason we won’t be able to sail.” Alice almost whispered. A ship had come through the fog. Black sails, a pirate flag. “Tell me I’m not seeing what I’m seeing.”
Edward took the telescope. “The Black Pearl.” They had heard rumors of the Pearl. It was spoke of in hushed whispers by other pirates over glasses and glasses of rum. Except for Jack Sparrow, of course, who would tell any sod who would listen the tale of Barbosa marooning him and leaving him to die. The rumors though, the ones that started after Barbosa mutinied against Jack. The blood thirsty crew who were stronger than anyone could imagine, the ships that would aimlessly sail the seas, the mysterious island they always returned to. The question was why was it in Port Royal.
The warning bells at the fort began to ring followed by the first echos of cannon fire as the crew was gathered outside.
“What in the hell could Barbosa want with Port Royal?” Elias asked.
“I can’t imagine it’s the naval plans we wanted.” Alice said quickly. “We should get inside. Lock the doors.” The crew did as she said and they extinguished most of the lights except for in the study where they were trying to come up with new ideas. They certainly couldn’t leave while the island was under attack.
Edward was pacing. “Barbosa is so foolish to attack this way. They must want something big.”
“The best way to go about that would be to take prisoners.” Charlie added.
Alice agreed. “And the best prisoners to take would be….” Her voice trailed off as she looked to her men in horror. “The Governor and his daughter.” A gunshot fired from the direction of the Swann house.
“We have to do something.” She said to Edward who nodded. “They could be raiding houses. Everyone else, stay here. If anyone comes in, take care of them.”
“Sure thing, Captain.” Charlie promised. Alice tied her belt tightly and she put her pistol in the hostler on the side. Edward handed her a sword and the two left the front door, running for the Swann residence.
By the time they arrived they could see Elizabeth being carried down the hill by two pirates. She struggled desperately, but it seemed no use. Neither Edward nor Alice had the time to go after them as two more had come out of the house and were on them in a flash. Both Edward and Alice were trained fighters, but these pirates were strong. Stronger than either had anticipated.
The pirate Alice was flighting backed her into the house where they had to step over the body of the Swann’s butler. The sound of their swords clashing echoed in the dark mansion. Though he was strong, the pirate was sloppy. He lunged and she was able to side step and twist, pushing her sword between his ribs. As he fell, Alice waisted no time getting back outside.
Edward sat on the ground.
“Edward!” She was next to him in two seconds. His white shirt was becoming stained with his blood from a large gash on his arm. “What happened.”
“He nicked me and ran off.”
“This is more than a nick.”
“I’ll be alright.” Edward assured her.
“Get back to the crew and see that looked at. I’m going after Elizabeth.”
Edward grabbed her shoulder. “Be careful…. Something about these guys.”
“I will.” She helped him up before taking off toward the heart of the town.
It was chaos. Buildings were burning, people were running in the streets to escape the many pirates that had flooded the shore. Alice headed toward the docks. If they had Elizabeth still alive, she could only assume they were taking her to Barbosa.
As she came upon the Fort, James was out at the front. He and his men fighting off the pirates. From Alice’s vantage point she could see one sneaking up, ready to strike James. She jumped into the fray, stopping the blow. James took a moment to register who was fighting beside him, doing a double take when his mind worked out that it was Frances. Still, he didn’t have a moment to say even a word as the fight continued.
The pirate Alice was fighting laughed as their swords clanged, but then he quickly took several steps backward.
“Fighting for the Navy, are you Alice?” She took her pistol from her belt and aimed it at him, but he slowly backed up more giving her a wide grin.
A memory seemed to flash through her mind. Back from when she first came to the Caribbean, before Sam died. Sam and that man drinking at a bar.
As the man turned to run, the other pirates followed him in some sort of retreat. Alice put her pistol back on her belt and quickly helped James drag an injured man back up and into the fort where a doctor was tending to the wounded.
“What do you think you are doing?” James yelled as he turned toward her.
“Helping!” She replied before they both heard shouts of joy that the pirates were heading back to their boat.
James grabbed Alice’s hand and tore through the fort and into his office. When he slammed the door behind him the candles flickered making shadows on the wall.
“Who are you?” He asked, his eyes trained on her. Alice clenched her jaw and didn’t answer. “You’re not a noble woman. Not fighting like that.” This time Alice let out a little huff of a laugh. “Is your name Frances Craven Somers?”
“No.” She finally said and she watched his brow furrow in anger, but then another look highlighted the emotion that had welled in him - betrayal.
“Is your husband the Viscount Henry Somers?”
“I don’t even have a husband.” With this she dropped her accent and James visibly took a step back.
“You… you’re not….” It was as if his brain was fighting with himself. His piercing green eyes focused on her again. “I will ask once more.” His voice was dangerously low, as if he dared her to lie or not answer. “Who are you?” Alice carefully took out her sword and pistol. James tensed for just a moment before she set them on his desk. Walking around him she looked where her crew described finding the documents until she found the list of pirates they were continuing to hunt.
She set it on the desk in front of him and pointed to her own name. “I’m Alice.”
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random-of-random · 1 year
I’ll try to keep this updated with every story I write. I also post stories on A03.
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
The Secret - Percival Graves x Reader (Completed Series)
Pirates of the Caribbean
The Pirate Queen - James Norrington x Reader (Ongoing)
Can I Save You? - Bane (Dark Knight Rises) x OFC (Completed Series)
Hold My Hand - Robert Romano x Reader (one shot)
With Me - Emil Antonowsky x Reader (one shot)
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luthientinu · 3 years
Of Pirates, Healers and Commodores
James Norrington x OC fic
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"Do not underestimate yourself child. A greater destiny awaits you. Remember that."
Eleanor has her fair share of secrets. Well, a lady is entitled to her secrets right? Going on daring adventures was not exactly on the healer's agenda but it is in the very blood that flows through her veins they say. (Slight AU)
AN- Hello everyone!! Here's me with a brand new story. I watched the Pirates of the Caribbean movies recently and it had been a long time since I watched the movies first as a kid. I just had to start writing this! I will be posting this here on Tumblr, Ao3 and fanfiction.net
My thanks goes out to @kenirubes and the countless other writers who through their amazing writing inspired me to write this story. A big thank you to you all!!
If anyone wants to join the taglist please drop me a message :)
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
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luthientinu · 3 years
Of Pirates, Healers and Commodores- Chapter 1
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James Norrington x oc fic
AN- Here's Chapter one!! Thank you for all the feedback and I really appreciate it! Posted on Ao3 and fanfiction.net. The links are in my masterlist post and on the contents page post.
Ellie sat by a table filled to the brim with plants and various other tools needed to fulfil the task given to her. Agnes had tasked her with replenishing the herb stocks and making various other poultices, teas and salves needed for the slightly accident prone residents of Port Royal.
As she was grinding a mixture of herbs for a salve, she contemplated her life in Port Royal during the course of six months when she had arrived first. Agnes, the kindly healer of Port Royal had taken her in as an apprentice. Under her masterful tutelage, Ellie had the chance of expanding her knowledge in the intricate and vast art of healing and medicinal plants. She flourished quickly and was soon helping Agnes out with the majority of her work.
Life here was a tad uneventful. Early morning chores, breakfast, the daily home visits to the older patients and grocery shopping in the morning. Lunch, patient visitings and medicine preparations in the afternoons. Herb collecting, an occasional dip in the ocean (In secret of course! Imagine the scandal and the toll it would take on the delicate hearts!) in the evening. Dinner, preparations for the next day and a well deserved good night’s sleep.
Ellie got along quite well with the other residents of Port Royal. She was liked and especially adored by the children who would help her out with the herb picking. She would sometimes join them in their games and help them with their frequent cuts and scrapes they bore. She was quite a hit among the older women who she treated for their chronic pains. Ellie was also the frequent target for the women who would constantly ask when she would settle down with a man and have kids on her own. She had to turn down countless suggestions from the concerned women who would try to set her up with their sons and brothers. She was in a bit of a predicament with the women her own age as Ellie has refused to gossip with them whenever they meet each other. If there is one thing Ellie hates that is gossiping. Yes, it may have it’s uses occasionally but it is an awful habit. It put her at odds with them. They did not understand her and she did not understand them (though she has made an effort to do so) but she was on talking terms with the others so that was satisfactory.
"Good God child! Have you been taking dips in the ocean again? Look at your hair! Absolutely drenched! Haven’t you heard of a towel? Go wipe your hair this instant! I do not want you sick with a bad cold as a result of your negligence." Agnes’s ringing voice snapped Ellie out of her reverie.
Ellie laughed. "Of course my lady. Apologies for the trouble." She caught the towel Agnes threw at her and began towelling her hair.
"Have you heard the news? Apparently the new Governor is to arrive today from England. The governor, his daughter and a contingent from the Royal Navy. The pirates are getting out of hand it seems." Agnes grinned at that. "Do not towel so hard child. You are supposed to be gentle."
"Is that so?". Ellie's mind drifted to Jack. She hoped he was doing fine and knowing Jack and his daredevil schemes and plans she kind of worried about him but so far she has not heard of any ill news regarding him so her mind was at ease.
"Have you finished- Who is it?" Agnes was interrupted by a sharp rapping on the door. "I will get it", Ellie said and ran to the door.
On opening the door, she was greeted by the sight of two children and a Naval Officer. A Lieutenant, she mused to herself. The boy was looking a bit worse for wear and the girl had a concerned look on her face.
"Are you Miss Agnes? I was directed here by the dock men saying the healer lives here."
"You have come to the right place. Agnes is here and no I am not Agnes. I am her apprentice."
"You are Miss..?"
"Carter. Eleanor Katherine Carter. Bit of a mouthful. Call me Ellie. Sorry for the ramble and ah! Here's Agnes!"
James had to beat back a smile.
"Speak of the Devil! Has the Governor arrived already?" Agnes inquired.
"Yes Ma'am. We arrived a few minutes ago. Regarding Young Mister Turner here. We picked him up from a shipwreck on the way. Brought him here to check on his well-being." stated James.
Ellie observed the boy who looked to be around twelve years of age. She ran a practised eye over him. He had no physical wounds, though she suspected that he might have some mental wounds from his encounter. He was looking thin and some good meals would do him good. Other than that he was fine.
"What is your name, little one?" she whispered while kneeling down to his level.
"William Turner", the little boy stammered out.
"Is Will alright?", the girl announced, finally making herself heard.
"The lad will be fine, young lady. He needs some good meals and a good rest. He will be as right as rain in a couple of days." exclaimed Agnes, confirming Ellie's thoughts.
"What is your name, young lady?" Ellie turned to her and looked at her expectantly.
"Elizabeth Swann. I came with my father and Mister Norrington."
"And you Lieutenant?" She turned to James and she saw surprise flash across his face and she swore she saw he blushed a little.
"James. James Norrington."
"It is an absolute pleasure to meet you all. This as you all know by now is Agnes", Ellie threw an arm around her, "the resident healer of Port Royal and here's the apprentice", she gestured to herself.
"Does the young lad have a place to stay for now?" Agnes queried and the atmosphere toned down a little.
"I am sure we could keep him for the time being. Besides, we could monitor Will for a couple of days." Ellie suggested and looked at Agnes for the final verdict.
"Of course!" the kindly healer replied. "We will keep him for a couple of days till suitable accommodation is found for the lad."
"That is incredibly generous of you both. Thank you. I will inform the Governor of this. We will be off. Take care Mister Turner. Goodbye Miss Agnes and Miss Carter." James touched his hat in greeting and walked towards the door.
"Bye bye Will, Ellie and Miss Agnes. I will see you soon!" waved Elizabeth frantically and joined James by the door.
Ellie went up to the door and saw them off. Agnes was taking Will for a hot bath when she looked at Ellie with a twinkle in her eye.
"Oh it is nothing", replied Agnes still with a secretive grin and the damn twinkle in her eye.
Ellie sighed. This would be a meeting to remember.
Previous- Prologue
Next- Chapter 2
Series Master List
AN 2- This was fun to write!! Hope I got the characterisation alright. Likes, comments and reblogs are welcome.
Taglist: @kenirubes
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luthientinu · 3 years
Luthientinu's Main Master List
Hello Everyone!! This is a list of all my writings. Go ahead, read and Enjoy :) Likes, comments and reblogs are most welcome!
(P.S- English is not my first language so if you see any mistakes please inform me😁)
Marvel Cinematic Universe
•Mobius M. Mobius x OC Fic
Lost Soul
“ You will never truly be free ребенок (child). This way of life will be ingrained in you for good”
Irina 'Ira' Morozov truly had an extremely dark past. An ex Black Widow with ledgers gushing blood red, making her a highly valuable asset with a hidden power exploited against her will. But as she struggles on dealing with the demons of her mind something unexpected happens that she never even fathomed.
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•ScarletStrange- Stephen Strange x Wanda Maximoff - Requests open (Please read this)
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• Namor/ K'uk'ulkan x Shuri- Requests open (Please read this)
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Pirates Of The Caribbean
•James Norrington x OC fic
Of Pirates, Healers and Commodores
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"Do not underestimate yourself child. A greater destiny awaits you. Remember that."
Eleanor has her fair share of secrets. Well, a lady is entitled to her secrets right? Going on daring adventures was not exactly on the healer's agenda but it is in the very blood that flows through her veins they say. (Slight AU)
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House of the Dragon- Requests open (Please read this.)
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luthientinu · 3 years
Of Pirates, Healers and Commodores- Chapter 2
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James Norrington x oc fic
AN- Here’s Chapter two!! Thank you for all the feedback and I really appreciate it! Posted on Ao3 and fanfiction.net. The links are in my masterlist post and on the contents page post.
“Ellie! Ellie! Over here!!”
Ellie had just finished her daily chore of herb collecting when she heard an excited Will screaming at the top of his lungs. He ran down and met her with a crushing hug.
“How are you? Look at you! You’ve grown taller. It is good to see you dear boy. How is the blacksmith's life treating you? beamed Ellie, returning Will’s hug.
“It is great! I am learning quite a lot from Mr. Brown. He told me I could help him make swords very soon”
“That is incredible of you! I am so proud? You are growing to be a very fine blacksmith and even finer young man. Were you running some errands Will?”
“Thank you so much Ellie! Yes, Mr. Brown sent me. I am in a bit of a hurry. I will drop by later to see you and Agnes. Bye Bye.” Will ran by as fast as he had appeared.
Gracious! That boy is really energetic, she mused to herself as she barely had time to say goodbye. He is growing up to be a fine lad. She somehow knew that this young boy would be destined for greatness but just not in the way most would think or expect.
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“Give Mr. Lewis this tea every morning and every night for three days, Mrs. Lewis. Please tell him to rest as much as possible without over exerting himself,” instructed Ellie as she handed Mrs. Lewis the neatly packed package. “He should be fine in a couple of days.”
“Thank you dear! You are Godsent!”
“Uhmm..about that Mrs. Lewis. You should actually be thanking Agnes. She has helped me quite a lot.” a red faced Ellie replied.
“Please learn to take a compliment, child” Agnes chided over from the other room.
“I will be off then. My heartfelt gratitude to the both of you.” With that Mrs. Lewis left and as soon as she left, a disgruntled James along with a smug Theodore entered.
“Good Heavens! Whatever happened to you James?” blurted out Ellie, noticing the dark bruise on his right cheek and a black eye.
"Mr. Norrington here was supervising a training session. During the demonstration he had a bit of an accident." As Theodore was relaying the events, James face darkened, the scowl on his face turning more severe. This little bruise did not warrant for any treatment. His wounded pride was the only injury.
“You should know better on handling the recoil of the gun James. You are lucky to escape a severe shoulder injury. Quit frowning! This needs to be treated or else the swelling will increase. We would not want that now, would we?" said Ellie, examining his face. James felt himself going red and he fervently hoped he was not going red in the face and felt himself leaning into her touch. What has gotten into him he did not know.
Ellie let go of his face and James was feeling a bit disappointed. Ellie walked over to the medicine shelf and picked up a balm. “This should do the trick”, she then began applying it on the bruises. The balm felt quite soothing to the touch and James found himself leaning to her touch again.
Theodore found the unfolding debacle quite amusing. They were wrapped up in their own world that they completely forgot Theodore existed. How much more oblivious can they get? Even a blind man could see it. He thought, a smirk creeping up. However much he hated interrupting them he had to because there was training to be conducted.
“I hate to interrupt but we might have to get going.” Theodore felt himself blanching at the glare James gave him.
The moment lost, the pair crashed into reality. James stood up and thanked a slightly blushing Ellie.
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Lizzie and Ellie sat on the sprawling lawns of the Governor's residence soaking up the sun which had finally made an appearance after a long bout of rain. Ellie was lying down on Lizzie's lap and Elizabeth was very busy braiding all sorts of flowers into her hair.
"You do realize I have to walk down to the village right?" Ellie mused out sleepily, the sun and the gentle breeze lulling her.
"Don't move Ellie," the fifteen year old Elizabeth Swann admonished the older girl. "This is a very tricky part". Lizzie then moved to weave more of Ellie's hair and braid in a bright yellow flower. "Did I tell you you have wonderful hair? It is a gorgeous black colour and just look how it shines under the sun!!" gushed Elizabeth.
"You have been reminding me about it since you started braiding it Lizzie. Thank you once more." Ellie replied quietly, sleep almost embracing her. A short nap would do, she thought.
"I would really love to see the look on James's face when he sees you right now. He gets this wistful look on his face whenever he looks at you."
Ellie's eyes snapped open, all thoughts of a good nap going right out of the window. Her face exploded in red. That was unexpected!
"What?! That was uncalled for young lady! Way out of line!" gasped out Ellie. "Besides.."
"Ah ha!! See you did not deny it!" a delighted Elizabeth laughed out. "Hold still! This is the final part...and done!! You look gorgeous!" she told a disgruntled and red faced Ellie.
Both girls were startled to see James standing there.
"Good day to you ladies. The Governor is expecting you, Miss Swann."
"Thank you James. Goodbye Ellie and thank you for letting me braid your hair! See you soon!" Lizzie rushed out with her skirts in tow and left a slightly nervous Ellie behind. The cheeky girl!
"I guess I will make my way to the village then. Agnes will be expecting me in a little while. I best be off.." she trailed off, wringing her hands nervously.
"I am going to go down to the docks. Would you like to accompany me?" asked James, offering his arm.
"I would be most honored, good sir. I don't see why not." Ellie replied with a smile that sent the butterflies on a rampage in James, while placing her hand on the crook of his arm.
They made their way and arrived at the healer's a few minutes later. Ellie thanked him, said her goodbyes and was almost at the door when-
"The hair suits you Eleanor"
It was Ellie's butterflies that went amok this time.
Previous- Chapter 1
Next- Chapter 3
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AN 2- I wanted this chapter to be a sort of filler chapter. So Lizzie, James and Will arrived at Port Royal in 1720. The events of Curse of the Black Pearl starts in 1728. Lizzie and Will were born in 1708 and James was born in 1700. Ellie was born one year after James, in 1701. This chapter was to be a filler and to show the span of eight years. I know it is not much but my brain was fried!! I am really nervous about this chapter. Likes, Comments and reblogs are welcome!!
(All the timelines were taken from the POTC wiki page)
Tag List: @kenirubes
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