#jamie and claire otp
isthisclever · 1 year
39 Days | Outlander Fanfiction
Ch. 13 // Days 31 & 32
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Claire had never been a lucid dreamer. No matter if she was struggling to run through quicksand or hopscotching across turtles over a bubbling orange lake suspended in midair, her dream-self accepted the dream-world at face value, never suspecting it was nothing but mist and fancy.
But standing on the beach after Gillian called her name, half a dozen pairs of eyes lancing right through her, she wondered for one hysterical moment if this was what lucid dreaming felt like: the world’s surreality closing in around her, a frantic need to claw herself back onto safer ground. Her hand itched with the temptation to slap herself awake. She restrained herself. It would’ve been futile.
This was a nightmare, but it was no dream.
She should’ve refused to go along on the reward excursion. Maybe Gillian would’ve picked someone else, someone who actually wanted to enjoy dockside brunch and uninterrupted time with their loved one. But in the moment, dread paralyzed her. It seemed to move her instead of her own will to step forward, meeting no one’s eyes even as their resentful stares bored into her back.
And how could she blame any of them?
The day was incongruously gorgeous, as though the island itself had put on its very best to impress their visitors. A cloudless sky cradled the sun, its heat tempered by a constant salty breeze. Perfect teal waters lay calm beneath their boat; the only white-capped waves in sight came from the wake off the back.
Claire wished she could relish it all.
As the speedboat listed slightly to the right to follow the curving shoreline, Claire stole her first glance at Jamie. He looked much as he had the first time she’d seen him on a boat: tense, and a mottled combination of green and grey. If today had gone how it was meant to—if Lamb were beside her—she’d have teased him about it.
Almost as if he could hear the longing and bitterness of her thoughts, Frank wrapped an arm around her waist. The reminder of who actually stood at her side tightened in her chest like a python squeezing the life from her. She shuddered and stepped out of his reach, bracing herself against the seat several inches away. In the very edge of her periphery, Jamie and Will shifted with identical terse rolls of their shoulders.
She wished she could’ve ribbed him about that too.
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elysabeththequeene · 2 months
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pensbridgertons · 8 months
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GIFTOBER 2023 • day 17: mirrors
OUTLANDER (2014 -) 7.04 A Most Uncomfortable Woman
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thefrsers · 10 months
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We're supposed to be in Scotland. I'm sorry. I know you couldn't say no, but you scared me, Jamie.
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fraserstanclub · 2 years
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"I will have you any way I can. Always." "Dinna lock me out. Let me join ye. We have to face this together."
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delphiniumblooms · 1 year
something hit me today.
character A:
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(Afterlife, Hailee Steinfeld)
character B:
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(Gone Gone Gone, Phillip Phillips)
yeah. Patrochilles, Jamie and Claire Fraser, Stucky, etc.
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lullabylove2345xxx · 8 months
So I just started watching Outlander and I so baddddddly want to check out the tags. But I'm determined not to spoil it for myself.
Wish me luck.
Update: I haven't even posted this yet and I went to look at gifs and goddamnit......
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acourtofthought · 27 days
'Yet a mating bond snapping first without the couple getting to know each other does not allow for those same positive connotations. It's akin to a non consensual arranged marriage.'
Said as if the trope of arranged marriage isn't one of the most delicious trope to read (Claire and Jamie are my ultimate OTP).
And sjm already has a couple contradicting the dynamic of 'falling in love before the bond snaps' with Danika and Baxian. Actually, I don't remember if their bond snapped right away, but they barely knew each other when they decided to be together and I DO remember that they loved one another truly and deeply. It was heartbreaking reading the scenes with Baxian missing his mate, and we didn't even have the chance to see them together on page.
But it's clear that sjm wasn't establishing a pattern where the couple is doomed if they discoverer the bond before falling in love or even getting to know their mate. And with Elain and Lucien, sjm gets the opportunity to write this situation *on page* and we get the opportunity of reading how this scenario unfolds *on page*.
And the part where the anon said 'There can never truly be choice, because a higher-power has willed it before the character (such as Elain) even knew the other person existed (Lucien)' just proves that they have a real problem grasping the meaning of the entire series. Did they forget the part where it says that Rhysand was dreaming of Feyre years before they met? There is and there will always be a higher power behind each and every mating bond, whether the couple falls in love before the acquaintance of it or not, because that is the fated mates/destined to be together trope. That is probably the way sjm feels about her relationship with her husband.
We're not the ones in the wrong place, hoping for a book that would require the author, famous for writing a certain trope, to ignore everything she believes and loves to portray in her books. They're just too stubborn to see it.
Yes! The entire concept of fated mates is that a higher power wills two people together. There is still choice of course but it's just silliness to claim that any of SJMs mated pairs truly came about organically when a mating bond was involved. Fate led them to one another, fate created an unexplainable link even if they were unaware of exactly what that was and that higher power was always behind the wheel to some extent. Also (in regards to your point about Outlander), I'm not sure why they think it's a good idea to try and diminish Elucien's ability to end up happy together just because their bond instantly snapped when the author herself said she's obsessed with the show. Do they truly not realize they're insulting something Sarah herself enjoys when they say that? Claire was absolutely not in love with Jamie when they got married, she was still in love with her husband. She was FORCED into marrying Jamie and he was forced into marrying her. Claire was even forced into having sex with him in order to make the married official though she felt like an adulteress, it's not something she actually wanted to do hence why she got herself completely drunk. She did enjoy it but it was very apparent she wasn't comfortable with having to do it in the first place. People don't have to like the setup of Claire and Jamie's romance in Outlander but the author of the ACOTAR series does so e/riels arguments that Elucien can't end up happy together when their situation mirrors that of the show / book only has them wasting their breath. I'm not saying that because SJM likes Outlander it definitely means Elucien is happening but I am saying that because she likes Outlander, Elucien as endgame is very realistic possibility.
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elysabeththequeene · 7 months
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Sam Heughan and Caitriona Balfe as Jamie Fraser and Claire Beauchamp in Outlander (S1 E12 LALLYBROCH)
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pensbridgertons · 3 months
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you make the world look beautiful, i thought i'd seen it all before, but looking through your eyes, it looks like paradise (x)
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hangon-silvergirl · 1 year
top 5 otps
Eddie x Chrissy (Stranger Things)
Edward x Winry (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Remus x Sirius (Harry Potter)
Claire x Jamie (Outlander)
Anne x Gilbert (Anne of Green Gables)
Thanks for the ask, anon!
(From the Ask Me My Top 5 Anything dash game)
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theawkwardterrier · 1 year
Fandom-Related Questions: A, F, O, and Y?
A: Your current OTP.
No surprise to anyone who's been on here for the last little while: Jamie/Claire from Outlander
F: What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom? What fandom was it?
I've been writing Buffy fic for 15 years and I was a fan of the show before that, so that's probably my longest running active fandom relationship, and I'm having a breakdown seeing that number rn.
O: Choose a song at random, what ship does it remind you of?
Want You Back by Haim is very much Rory/Logan in lyrics if not tone/musical style
Y: A fandom you’re in but have no ships from.
This is an interesting question, because there's plenty of media that I consume and enjoy that I don't have ships or at least strong ships for, but I tend to feel that for me I'm not really in a fandom until I've created something for it, and pretty much the main reason I'm inspired to write or create stuff is because of a ship 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
Ask me some fandoms!
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patwrites · 1 year
Claire and Jamie holding off over a dozen all on their lonesome. Big OTP Energy
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isthisclever · 3 years
Me outlining the last seven chapters of “The Other Side”
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phaedrecameron · 6 years
The Accused, James Fraser, Chapter 10 - Sandbag
“Are you sure this is a good idea…he’s the prosecutor!?” Phaedre whisper screamed in Claire’s ear as they entered the Boston criminal courts building.
“We’ve got to find Jamie. His defense lawyer won’t risk us screwing up the case,” Claire replied, directing them to first floor café. “Grey released Jamie without prior authorization. I’m sure of it. I’ve been around long enough to know that protocol wasn’t followed. He’s hoping Jamie will lead him to accomplices. He’ll have people watching him.”
Phaedre nodded in acquiescence. She’d just have to trust this Beauchamp woman. Claire was taking a hell of a risk helping Jamie and she seemed to care for him a great deal.
Once Phaedre had explained her connection to Jamie, Claire had offered her a place to stay, which happened to be Geillis’ home. Geillis had an entire shelf on her guest room bookcase dedicated to Jamaican and Haitian voodoo. Phaedre would definitely need to ask her about that later.
Phaedre looked at Claire as they sat in the café. She was definitely pretty, but in a sort of untamed, ethereal way. No wonder her best friend was a witch. But she couldn’t say whether Claire was Jamie’s type. Phaedre had been around Jamie often enough to know he attracted the eye of many women. He was always polite, but he was looking for something or someone else. And there was the issue of Beauchamp being married to Frank Randall. Ugh, thinking of that man was like smelling rotten milk. Yet, Jamie must feel something for Claire. While Phaedre had been unpacking her things at Geillis’, Claire shyly entered the room.
“So..do you speak any Gaelic…I mean for your research?” Claire had asked.
“Speak, no. But I’ve gotten to understand a few things.”
“I see.” Claire had tugged at the hem of her shirt. “Well, Geillis doesn’t know any Gaelic and google translate is useless because of the phonetics of that bloody language.”
“What is it you want to know?” Phaedre had been tired and the way Beauchamp had been hemming and hawing was akin to waiting for water to boil.
“Well… do you know what ‘mo cree’ or ‘mo rye’ means?”
“Mo chridhe. Mo ghraidh. My heart. My love.”
“Oh.” Whatever Beauchamp had been expecting it wasn’t that. She’d started to glow and the stupidest smile had formed on her face. She’d left the room as though Phaedre had given her the Holy Grail.
Clearly, Jamie had spoken those words to her, not something he would have done lightly.
Yes, Phaedre would follow Claire’s lead.
****************************** “What the fuck were you thinking! Releasing Fraser from custody!?” Harry Quarry screamed at Grey.
“I didn’t release him, he posted bail,” Grey replied.
Harry was red faced, with a vein protruding from his forehead. John worried his boss would have a coronary right on the spot. Harry walked around his desk to glower over Grey.
“Don’t! You know damn well capital defendants can’t get bail. You dismissed the death penalty allegation!”
“Harry, this is the best way to catch..”
“We have the killer! You know Grey, I stood up for you when everybody thought you were a spoiled blue blood who bought his way through life. I recommended you for homicide when everyone thought you needed more experience. It’s nice that you can blow up your career, go yachting for six months and get another job, but this job is my life’s work and my family needs my pension!” Harry sat back behind his desk, turning his attention to a stack a files. “I’ve already spoken to Brown. You’ll stay on the Fraser case. The optics of removing you now would make the office look even worse, but once this case is over you’ll be lucky to even prosecute a speeding ticket. Leave.” Harry didn’t look up.
Grey went to the downstairs café, wishing he had some MacKenzie Whisky to add to his coffee. If he was wrong about Fraser, he’d hunt the man down and flip the switch himself.
“Hullo.” Suddenly Dr. Claire Beauchamp was sitting across from him. She looked more poised than the last time he saw her, but she was clearly up to something. “I need the location of James Fraser…for the eval.”
Grey sipped his coffee. She would make a terrible spy, no finesse.
Claire continued, “I need a follow up exam. I don’t want to miss the court deadline.” She smiled pleasantly. “I’m sure he provided an address as a condition of pre trial release…maybe even agreed to an electronic gps device?”
“Yes, and he surrendered his passport, but surely you know how…irregular it would be to release the defendant’s address to the court appointed psychiatrist. Contact Ned. He can arrange a meeting or my office can coordinate the interview at police headquarters.”
“I understand it’s unusual, but there are extenuating circumstances,” Claire pressed.
“Which would be……?”
Beauchamp looked as though she intended to grab his coffee and throw it in his face. Grey moved his coffee out of her reach. He was more than willing to wait her out.
“The circumstance of his innocence,” Claire hissed.
“If you had any such evidence, you’d have told Ned or the police. This is clearly personal for you.”
“And if you thought he were guilty, he wouldn’t be out on bail.”
“Do you know that woman?” Grey pointed his chin at a woman a few tables over. She was eavesdropping while pretending to read a kindle.
Claire groaned and waived the woman over. “This is Dr. Phaedre Cameron, Jamie’s cousin. She’s…helping me.”
Grey ignored her use of a nickname for Fraser and watched as this woman joined their table. “Hello, pleased to meet you,” Phaedre extended her hand. Grey shook it as he looked from Beauchamp back to this Dr. Cameron.
The woman was clearly an American and not from Boston.
Sensing Grey’s confusion, Phaedre explained, “distant cousin, on his paternal side. We have an 18th century ancestor in common, Simon Fraser, Lord Lovat, The Old Fox.”
Grey blinked. He definitely needed something stronger than coffee.
“Lovat was executed by the English,” Phaedre added triumphant. “Did you know Scottish people came en mass to colonial America; some were indentured servants and some were involved in the trans Atlantic slave trade and….”
Claire lightly put her hand on Phaedre’s arm. She knew all to well the signs of a historian about go on a very long and very convoluted explanation of historical events.
“Oh, sorry,” Phaedre looked sheepish.
Grey cleared his throat, “Well it’s good Fraser has…. maintained contact with his American relations…..are you a doctor of psychiatry also?”
“Goodness, no. History. I’m a professor at UNC, Chapel Hill.
Grey sat forward. “North Carolina! That’s what Fraser was doing down there. Visiting you.”
Cameron’s face went blank. She had a far better poker face than Beauchamp. She looked to Beauchamp, “this will help Jamie, yes?”
Claire looked to Grey, “I don’t know. Can we trust you? To help find the true killer?” Her face was earnest and open.
Grey looked at the two women. Both highly educated, both convinced of Fraser’s innocence and willing to help him at great cost. Grey, himself was in a similar situation. He’d be ruined if releasing Fraser turned up nothing. Grey sighed. What was it about damned James Fraser.
“Yes, yes, you can trust me, but I want to know everything! What was Fraser doing in North Carolina and how do you really know him?”
Beauchamp nodded to Cameron. Cameron began, “what I said was true; Jamie and I are distantly related. My historical focus is the culture of enslaved Africans living in islands along the southern Atlantic seaboard in Colonial to antebellum America. These people developed a distinct culture and language; a language that is dying. I knew of programs to revive and protect languages— like with the Maori language in New Zealand and Gaelic in Scotland. I discovered MacKenzie Whisky was a huge sponsor of the program in Scotland. I reached out a few years back and Jamie responded. We became friends. He educated me on Scottish history and it was really interesting. I found great overlap and contact between Scots and putative African Americans. I researched some of my own history and found the common ancestor.”
I see, so he came for a visit?” Grey asked.
“He called me about two months before the murder. He wanted to know if I could put him contact with experts who could keep quiet.”
“Historical experts; archeologists, anthropologists, antiquities specialists, renaissance art dealers, indigenous peoples researchers. I didn’t think much of it.” Phaedre shrugged. “I figured it was for his Foundation. “Said he would fly to North Carolina to discuss it.”
Phaedre stopped abruptly and looked at Claire, “He really is special, tries to help those he can.” Claire’s blush was not unnoticed.
“Anyway,” Phaedre continued, “he brought this.” She handed Grey a stack of photos of artifacts and copies of documents. “Those are historical items of note; spanning centuries, across multiple cultures and all stolen. Jamie asked me to authenticate some pertaining to Colonial America and get the right experts for the rest.”
“Jesus,” Grey flipped through the pages. There was also references to purchases of conflict diamonds from Africa, emeralds from Colombia, rhino horns, items looted from the unrest in the Middle East.
“These items are all in possession of Mackenzie Whisky. Amassed over the last two years, and easily traceable to Janet Murray & William Fraser, Jamie’s siblings,” Claire added.
John sat back in his chair. “A set up.”
Both women nodded. Grey knew if this information got out Fraser’s siblings would be jailed and the company would be ruined. This was a PR disaster in every market where Mackenzie Whisky was sold. This is what Minnie would call a scorched Earth attack.
“Jamie said he knew the liaison who was procuring the items on behalf of the company. He was flying to Boston to meet her. It must have been Laoghaire.” Phaedre stated.
“Once he was arrested, I didn’t know what to do.” She looked between Claire and John, “He wouldn’t return my calls. I didn’t want to go to the police or his lawyer for fear of everything going pubic….I thought maybe with doctor – client privilege…I… I…” Claire grabbed Phaedre’s hand.
“We’ll fix it, we’ll find him and figure it out,” Claire continued to squeeze Phaedre’s hand and looked at Grey.
Grey, while sympathetic, was extremely skeptical of Beauchamp being able to help Fraser.
“He’ll already have a plan,” Phaedre stated, wiping at the corner of her eyes. “We’ve just got to convince him we can help. He’s got a reason to live now.” She smiled at Claire. ***************
Claire fiddled with her hair and wiped her hands on her jeans for the third time as she rode the elevator to the 7th floor of the luxury apartment building where Jamie was staying. What if he refuses to see her? What if he sent her away? Before she could lose her nerve, Claire exited the elevator, walked to his door and knocked.
She knocked again.
When she thought she could no longer bear it, she heard Jamie’s voice through the door, “Ach, took ye long enough! Where’d ye go, Memphis?!”
The door swung open and she instinctively stepped back. Her mouth fell open. Jamie stood before her. He was wet and naked, save a gps ankle monitor and an entirely too small hand towel he was grasping around his waist.
He stared, but said nothing.
Claire moved forward.
“Sorry, it’s me, Claire.”
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displaceintime · 2 years
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"I dinna care what the right or wrong of it may be, so long as you are here wi' me."  "I'd do it all again, and more, to be with you."
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