#jang Wujin
still-love-the-moon · 2 years
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I already knew the sorrow of being a survivor, but I didn't know just how heavy that sorrow would be.
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glitterfairy-21225 · 1 year
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Ideas for AoUAD season two, some good, some bad, some absolutely terrifying. Not to say that I want everything on this to happen, obviously, some of these keep up at night shaking in fear (Ha-ri, get behind me). But all things I can see the show maybe doing.
Will reblog once the season comes out. 
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Woo-jin: You can’t tell me what to do, you’re not Ha-ri!
Woo-jin: And Ha-ri’s not my mom!
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louvfee · 2 months
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━━━━ IN WHICH lee su-hyeok's non-twin twin discovers that 'train to busan' is more than a movie, it's a guide to survival.
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Prev 07 - Next 09
Everyone took a step back except for Cheong-san who decided to fall back instead while the zombie that was just hanging from the hose by it's leg thrashed around, reaching out toward the students as it growled. 
"It's coming in!"
"Cheong-san, come back here." 
"Hey, watch out."
Cheong-san looked around and spotted a mop in the corner. He rushed forward, "Bring Cheong-san back here!" Gyeong-su reached out for Cheong-san but missed him by a centimeter. 
"Hey, wait!" Once Cheong-san grabbed the mop he immediately stepped back and went in a protective stance to hit the zombie with the mop. He quickly began to push the zombie away.
"Push it! Push it away!"
"Did you get it?"
"Does it look like he did? Don't ask stupid questions!"
"Push it!" Each time Cheong-san would try to push it away it would grab the mop.
"Push it! Push it more!" Gyeong-su soon after went to aid Cheong-san and tried to help him push the zombie away. The zombie grabbed onto the window frame away it tried to go in, "the hand!"
"Hey, watch out!" As Gyeong-su was moving its hand away it switch from grabbing the window frame to grabbing his hand, "step back!" He managed to remove his hand and took a few steps back with Cheong-san. The zombie continued to move around, trying to pull itself in. Cheong-san grabbed the broom as a bat and hit it once on the back of the zombie. He looked at the zombie and the wooden mop that was now broken, the mop was now just a stick.
"Don't go near it!"
"Should I go or should you?"
"Move over. Hold on, I can't."
"Go, Dae-su."
"Should I go?"
Su-Hyeok who was nearby on the side watching Cheong-san, rushed forward, "what are you doing?!" He took the stick away from him. Accidentally hitting Gyeong-su in the nose as Su-hyeok pulled back and poked the zombie harshly on its shoulder. The zombie was dormant for a few seconds before it began to screech and pull itself more in rapidly. 
"We're fucked."
"Just push it!"
"Just push it! Push it away!"
"Push it away already!"
"Fuck. It's coming in."
"Su-hyeok! Just throw that away!" Gyeong-su looked at the computer box before snatching it off the table, "Su-hyeok! Move away!"
"Move, Bare-su!" Su-hyeok moved as Gyeong-su raised the computer box above his head and ran towards the zombie. He smacked the computer box hard on the zombie, and both fell. Almost everyone stood in shock with their mouths open, some went over to the window and saw the zombie that had fallen get up and run off, there lay the computer broken.
"That scared me."
"I'm exhausted." 
"Are you okay?" Su-hyeok walked away from the window with Dae-su and Wu-jin as he dropped the stick on the floor, "I'm good."
"Where did it come from?"
Soo-jin looked around in search of the short black-haired girl. Hwa-young walked off to a chair nearby, Na-yeon looked over at Gyeong-su who was beside Cheong-san, and Wu-jin who walked over to him to ask if he was okay.
"Everyone okay?"
"That was scary. I'm okay." Gyeong-su patted Wu-jin's shoulder and walked off, "good thinking." Gyeong-su's nose began to bleed from the hit he had received earlier from Su-hyeok. Na-yeon stared at him before calling him out, "Hey. You..."
Everyone looked over at Gyeong-su wary and far away from him, "Gyeong-su, your nose is bleeding." Gyeong-su wiped his nose confused, "it is?" He stared at his hand for a few seconds deep in thought before remembering that Su-hyeok had hit him accidentally, "this is because Su-hyeok hit me with the mop." He reached over for some tissues and began to clean his nose. Soo-jin squinted her eyes a bit before nodding, "I saw."
Na-yeon shook her head and took a step back, "stand back. Don't come closer. You were bitten, weren't you?" 
"No, I wasn't. Su-hyeok hit me..." He pointed over at Su-hyeok as he held the tissue up to his nose. Just as Gyeong-su moved Na-yeon took some steps back, which bothered Gyeong-su, "why do you keep picking on me?" 
"You were bitten."
"He just said no, do you see any bite marks on his hands or wrists? Huh?" 
"I-sak got a nosebleed just before she turned. On-jo. You know. That's how I-sak was before she turned." Na-yeon looked at the teacher before turning to look at On-jo.
"I wasn't bitten! I swear!... Damn it." He sighed knowing that no one was believing him. 
"Your hand. What is that? What is it?" Gyeong-su looked down and saw three small scratches, "This was from when I picked up the computer! Don't you trust me? This happened while I was saving you. How could you do this?"
"Yah, I'm sure Gyeong-su is fine. I was nearby and I didn't see him get bitten." Soo-jin looked at Hwa-young and nodded her head, "it happened all too fast though." Some students agreed. Cheong-san walked around the table and grabbed Gyeong-su's hand to inspect it, "it's not a bite. It's a scratch. Whoever wants to check, come and check." Dae-su and Su-hyeok were the first to go check. Joon-Yeong checked for a brief moment as he passed by to go check the computer.
"It's a scratch?" 
"It is a scratch. I'm sure of it." 
"Ms. Park, please take a look." 
"Okay." Ms. Park went over to look at Gyeong-su's hand, "I don't see a bite. It's a scratch. Thank goodness. He's okay." Ms. Park let go of his hand and went to go do something. Na-yeon stared at Gyeong-su who in return stared at her bothered, "satisfied?... I asked if you were satisfied!" 
Joon-Yeong frowned slightly as he looked over at Gyeong-su, "but the computer's gone."
"Then the internet... Did you have to throw that of all things?" Dae-su exclaimed slightly. 
"What could I do? It was trying to get in."
"I'm just saying, but yeah you did good. Thank you. Don't get mad. Hey, Na-yeon. Say you're sorry and end this." 
"Why should I?"
"Because you caused all this, he did it to save us while all you did was just stand there doing nothing like always. So apologize." Soo-jin spoke up glaring at Na-yeon in annoyance.
"Stay out of it bitch."
"Are you calling me a bitch? Ha did you bite your tongue while saying that?" 
"Hey. Just say sorry."
"Why should I be sorry? I saw everything. I saw it grab your hand. I'm right. He may have been infected." 
"Na-yeon, that's enough."
"It really touched him."
"Does being touched mean he's infected?"
"Who knows? It might."
"I held I-sak's hand before she fell. Why am I okay."
"He has a wound on his hand. It's different when it's an open wound."
"No, it's not. It's the same thing." Hwa-young looked at Na-yeon weirdly.
"Why, that-"
"Hey." Su-hyeok and Cheong-san moved close to hold back Gyeong-su who was going for Na-yeon. 
"Don't yell at me. Think about it!"
"Na-yeon. I know you've always hated Gyeong-su, but this is completely different from badmouthing him. This is about life and death."
"She's always like this," Ji-min spoke up looking at Na-yeon for a moment before looking away as Na-yeon turned her head to glare at her.
"If it weren't for him, we may all be dead." 
"And now he may kill us."
"I'm about to die because of you."
"Watch your mouth."
"I'm fine right now."
"That's enough, all of you! Shut it."
"Ms. Park-"
"Shut the hell up," Min-jee said while staring into Na-yeon and Gyeong-su's eyes. 
She had just opened her eyes not that long ago and stretched, she could hear some students arguing especially Na-yeon and Gyeong-su. She sighed and closed her eyes again trying to sleep some more until she heard Na-yeon yell again, she heard Ms. Park too as she too was getting frustrated from their argument. Min-jee got up harshly with her jaw tense and an annoyed expression, she was pissed.
She was trying to sleep and here is this crazy girl screaming as if that wouldn't catch the zombies' attention then the other continued into her trap. Everyone turned to look at the short hair girl who still had sleep in her eyes, but you can tell she was extremely peeved. Looking at her caused them to just look at her from their peripheral vision. Gyeong-su kept his stare on the ground while Na-yeon just made a face putting up a facade.
Soo-jin and Hwa-young took a step back, Soo-jin sucked in her teeth creating a tch sound, "we pray for you both." Even Ms. Park took a step back due to the aura the girl had at the moment. 
"I sleep for a few minutes and you're already arguing? What are you? 4, huh? What grade are you in? Elementary? Hell, I think even elementary kids would act better than you two. Get serious, look at the situation we're in. Whether you like it or not you both need to pull your differences aside and help each other survive. If not, you might as well just die." Everyone looked at the girl who kept her glare on Gyeong-su and Na-yeon. No one said anything for a few seconds until Ms. Park spoke up and gently patted the girl's shoulder, "Min-jee is right. Now more than ever we need to help each other out."
"Hey! Let's do this. Stay in the recording room for just 10 minutes, Gyeong-su. I know it'll be hard, but I think that's better than being suspected."
"But he's-"
“He nothing, end of argument. Gyeong-su come on.”
“Wait what?” The Short haired girl grabbed his hand and pulled him to the recording room with her, “If he doesn’t turn Na-yeon I will fuck you up, and I keep my word.” Min-jee said as she passed the light brown-haired girl.
"The others don't suspect me. It's just her."
"Gyeong-su, would you do that, please?"
"Forget 10 minutes. I'll stay half no, a full hour."
"There's no need for that. It takes less than five minutes to turn. Stop overreacting."
"Let's just be sure."
"Will that do? If nothing happens, you'll sincerely apologize, right?"
"Don't ask her. Tell her she will, it's the least she could do." Min-jee said as she looked at Na-yeon who wouldn't look at her. 
"You guys are all okay with that, right?"
"He's clearly fine. If we do this, who would step up next time? Everyone will hide."
"You're right, too, but... Let's consider this a way to learn to trust each other."
"I trust Gyeong-su."
"See you in an hour."
“Me too,” Min-jee yawned and followed Gyeong-su, “wait what?”
“I’m going in with him.”
“No, you aren’t, what are you going to do in there?”
“Uhh… sleep duh.” 
“Min-jee really?” 
“yes, Gyeong-su needs me and.. and Cheong-san for.. for moral support so-“
“Min-jee, it’s okay.” Gyeong-su moved his arm away from her softly as he pushed himself off the table and walked to the recording room. Min-jee stepped aside to let him pass and watched him go in. She looked at the ground for a few seconds before turning around to walk over to Soo-jin and Hwa-young after bumping Na-yeon's shoulder with hers intentionally.
"Should I go in with you?" Asked Dae-su, Gyeong-su only responded by raising his hand up to give them the middle finger. He closed the door glanced over at the glass and sat on the chair facing the wall.
"That stubborn punk." 
"Ten minutes would be fine."
"He's nothing compared to her." Na-yeon shook her head with anger, glaring at Ji-min who had made that comment, and Min-jee who returned the glare but looked away as she saw the black-haired girl smile warmly. She knew it wasn't a warm friendly smile and that caused chills to go down her spine. Out of everyone in the room, Hwa-young and Min-jee scared her the most, and a little bit Soo-jin too as she hung out with them. Many supposedly saw what Hwa-young, Min-jee, and Soo-jin did to two upperclassmen that had been bothering a friend, but those were just 'rumors' just like the other ones of them being in a gang which made people decide that they didn’t want to be on their bad side. 
As Na-yeon looked away her eyes landed on the stick that had been propped up leaning against the wall in a corner. It had blood and not just any blood, zombie blood. 
City council
Everyone crowded around the paramedics. Nam So-Ju held a small flashlight up to the person's eyes, Park Young-hwan was covering his nose and looking at the person in front of them, Kim U-Sin stood on the other side of So-ju watching. The person they were checking had been infected and was tied down on a chair by the others before the paramedics arrived. 
"He's our youngest aide. He collapsed and started convulsing when he returned from the council office..." Said the chief's aide.
"Captain, he smells like a rotting corpse."
"And then he got up, growled, and charged at Assembly Member Park. So we tied him up. We didn't know if we should call the police. Yes?" The chief looked back over at the Assemblywoman, Park Eun-hee, "Why are you telling them that?" 
So-ju looked at the rabid male before speaking up, "let's gag him and move him."
U-Sin grabbed the things and went to stand behind the male who immediately snapped its teeth toward them. 
"One, two, three." Immediately all three sprung into action, So-ju went for the right shoulder pressing it back and holding his head from the top. U-Sin put his arm around it and put them in a chokehold position. Young-hwan quickly moved the gauze bandage towards its mouth so it could bite it, in the progress he got bit and retreated. So-ju looked at him still holding the zombie down, "did you get bitten?"
"It's okay. It's a small bite." Young-hwan glanced at him before going back to gagging the zombie, "wrap him up!" 
"Wrap him." U-Sin removed his arm and started to wrap him with another gauze bandage. The zombie continued to squirm around and snarl. So-ju walkie spoke up for an urgent emergency, knowing they had it under control he took a few steps back and answered as he walked away, "Rescue Team One." 
"As of now, issuing level-three disaster in Hyosan. Everyone report to temporary headquarters." Everyone's phone went off.
"Did you say level-three disaster?" 
"I repeat. Issuing level-three disaster in Hyosan. Everyone report to temporary headquarters." So-ju sighed with a worried expression. Park Eun-hee walked over to him, "what is it?"
"This is the director's order."
"Report where?" 
"Mobilize immediately. Over." The walkie-talkie stopped and So-ju looked over at the Assemblywoman, "Well... Our headquarters was relocated outside the city due to an emergency. The disaster and safety management will control the situation directly." In the background, the Chief's aide is heard complaining on the phone asking the other line if an evacuation order was necessary. He hung up the phone and went over to the Assemblywoman once So-ju had walked back to his crew, "they think it's an acute infection. They expect an evacuation order of Hyosan soon." 
The council sat nearby a corner talking about politics and the situation they were in. So-ju waited for a moment until he received a call and walked away from the chatter, "A virus? What type of virus?"
"I don't think it's a droplet infection, but it hasn't been confirmed. You seem to get infected if you get bit, so don't get bit or make physical contact. We don't have any information on the virus yet, make sure to avoid contact. I hear an assembly member is there." So-ju listened to his Chief until he mentioned not to make any contact. He looked at Young-hwan as realization began to dawn on him, "hold on." He mumbled as she brought the phone away from his ear. 
In that moment while U-Sin was aiding him Young-hwan got a nosebleed, "Young-hwan... Young-hwan, are you okay?" Young-hwan shivered and snarled, he was now bleeding from the mouth, in result, he coughed slightly some blood splattered onto U-sin who was in front of him helping him. He then fell to the floor beginning to spasm, "Young-hwan. Hey." He turned around facing upward, his body twitching and moving in an inhumane way, bones cracking in the process. The council people began to move back, and the chief's aide pointed over at Young-hwan, "that's what happened to our aide earlier. It's the same." Everyone stared at Young-hwan, a few gasped as he lay there still, "is he dead?" U-Sin asked, the body moved, bones cracking, and the now zombie snarled and went straight to attacking U-sin. The council backed up in a corner as they watched, "hey!" So-ju ran over to help U-sin, So-ju removed Young-hwan off of U-sin before pinning him to the ground, "U-Sin, grab the rope! Hurry!" 
"Tie him up!"
"Tie him up, hurry," U-sin immediately went to grab the rope, once he did he tied the zombie's legs and then quickly its arms. 
High school Cafeteria
"Go get it." Whispered Gwi-nam to Hyung-seo who was under the stove with him. 
"You little..." Gwi-Nam reached out and grabbed the back of Hyung-seo's neck. He quietly cried as he pleaded for Gwi-nam to let him go and to stop. In response, Gwi-nam was pushing his head out telling him to go get the knife. Gwi-nam managed to push him out, which cause Hyung-seo to panic more and try to crawl back in even though Gwi-nam was pushing him out.
"Move. Stop that." Hyung-seo grabbed Gwi-nam's leg and pulled him out too. Gwi-nam kicked him off into a zombie that was behind Hyung-seo. He quickly stood up coming to face with another zombie. He crawled out to the other side making whimpering sounds from fear as he tried to get away. He grabbed the cooking table and pushed it under, trapping the zombie that was going after him underneath. As he backed up another rose from the ground and walked out to him, he put a cart in its way causing the zombie to fall. Gwi-nam had reached a dead end until one of the lunch ladies whisper out to him to join them from where they were hiding. Rather than taking her help he grabbed her and used her as a shield from an upcoming zombie who fell by the cart. He pushed them both back, the elder screamed in pain as she and the zombie that was latched onto her shoulder fell back. Gwi-nam kept running around with no plan in mind seeing as he had to dodge two zombies. He fell to the floor and quickly grabbed the knife that was right there in front of him. He pushed another off of him and another came up. He held him away with his arm and grabbed a colander nearby putting it on the zombie's face. He pushed it back to the wall and stabbed it once in the stomach and twice in the neck, he went for the third time but the zombie fell. Gwi-nam stared at it and the knife in shock at what he had just done, but pulled himself together as he fought another one.
"Maybe they're drawn to smell. They go after you like crazy." Wu-jin said as he looked at Dae-su who was deep in thought and shook his head, "I don't smell."
"You sweat a lot." 
"I sweat, but I don't smell." Dae-su sniffed as he looked down at the table, "what is that smell?"
"Your sweat." 
"I think they're more sensitive to sound than smell."
"Yes, sound." Joon-Yeong was sitting at the table as he used a hairbrush from the back as a mirror to check his neck, Su-hyeok was sitting at the table too, just listening to their conversations. Ji-min sat in between Dae-su and Wu-jin at the table. 
"This isn't a movie."
"That's how most zombies are and you saw their eyes. They can't see with those eyes." 
"Sound or smell, I don't know, but..."
Hyo-ryung was behind Wu-jin, she was on the floor sitting beside Ms. Park, "Ms. Park... Some kids probably left the school, right" Ms. Park looked at her before looking at the floor as she nodded, "yes, probably."
"Should we consider ourselves the lucky ones?"
"The fact that we're alive... Means we're lucky." 
"Is that true?" Ms. Park looked at Hyo-ryung and nodded while humming 'yes' she then pulled the teen into a side hug. 
Min-jee leaned on the walls of the corner they were in and yawned, "I could go for another nap."
Soo-jin shook her head, "Lazy ass."
Hwa-young smiled and shook her head, "Dude what happened to your shoe? I forgot to ask earlier." Min-jee looked down at her foot which didn't have a shoe, showing the world the type of socks she wore, today she went with grey socks that had Snoopy and Woodstock on them, "some zombie stole it. It grabbed my leg as I was going out the window, so I pushed it, and bye-bye shoe. I made it, but it cost me my shoe." She pouted as she dramatically told her story. The girls laughed and playfully pushed her, "That's sad Mj."
"Rip Mj's shoe."
"I'm glad you're okay."
The three girls were talking until one of them got quiet, “Do you think we’ll make it out of here?” 
Both girls stopped talking and looked at Hwa-young before nodding, “I- yes of course, the three of us will make it we just have to stick close together and be careful you know.”
Min-jee nodded agreeing with Soo-jin, she can still see the small fear in Hwa-young’s eyes, she stuck her hand out forward and looked at both girls, “I promise to stick close to you guys and we will make it, I won’t leave any of you behind no matter what.” Soo-jin and Hwa-young looked at Min-jee before moving a hand toward her that was in the middle.
“I promise.”
“Me too, Promise.” All three fell into a small comfortable silence before Min-jee moved and tapped on Hwa-young asking if she can nap on her lap, Soo-jin giggled and both girls let the short girl nap. 
Nam-ra sat in a different corner on a chair looking at the ground. Na-yeon sat nearby the door 
On-jo sat on a chair resting her hand on the table as she looked down with a solemn expression. Cheong-san looked at her and walked over to her, "Are you okay?" 
"I keep thinking about I-sak."
"But you held onto her, until the very end." On-jo shook her head, "stop it. That's not comforting." 
"You did nothing wrong. Be strong. Your dad or somebody else will come to save us." They both stared outside the window, Cheong-san stayed there for a bit before deciding to move away to let On-jo be. 
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allofuswantgwinam · 2 years
i shoulda done a kinktober for Yoon Gwi Nam. Maybe i still will for funsies, i thought of that last night OR WAIT, I could do it for just All Of Us Are Dead and do other characters too?
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airbendertendou · 2 years
you are in love! ♥︎
synopsis : various best friend!characters realizing they like you a lil more than they should [including rk900 nines, wujin, gyeong-su, arisu and chishiya.]
no pronouns used ; gender neutral but reader is wearing lip balm / gloss / stain lmao ; [name] used in place of y/n
song inspo ; you are in love by taylor swift
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if you have a blank blog [no bio, no user, no header or profile pic, nothing reblogged, etc] do not interact with my content. you will be blocked.
the department is slow today. the usual hustle and bustle had calmed down immensely, sounds of typing and idle chatter taking over. your mug is sat to the left, empty as you squint at the computer screen in front of you. nines had been assigned the desk in front of yours — a blessing for quick cases, but a curse when he decided to ignore his tasks and simply stare at you.
as he was doing right now. blue eyes watch you as his led light slowly swirls yellow, head tilting as you blantantly ignore him. “want a refill?”
you hum, glancing at your stained mug before finding his gaze. you smile his way, “sure, if you don’t mind. i’m almost done here, though.”
without another word, nines makes his way to the breakroom to refill your mug with a steaming beverage. he hums at the steam, wondering if it was too hot for you to drink. he brings the cup to his mouth without thinking, the scalding liquid hitting his lips.
as he pulls it away — he’ll let it cool off a little longer, he decides — his lips feel sticky. a tingling sensation takes over, cooling and poking his lips at once. they taste sweet — minty — and it makes nines think.
is that how you tasted?
it had to be the lip gloss he’d always seen you applying. nines takes the mug back to you, loitering beside your desk as you look up at him. you grin again, ”thanks for the drink! you really didn’t ha—”
his lips are pressed against yours within the next second. pressing closer — harder — nines lets out a sigh as he finally releases you from his hold. he licks his lips, smacking them a bit as your gloss sticks to them.
“tingles.” is all he says before sitting across from you and continuing to stare. you blink, startled at his sudden and intense movements.
this changes things, you think. you’re unable to get back to work ; unable to meet nines’ eyes now that you’ve felt his skin against your own. you take a sip of your drink — this changes a lot of things.
daesu had invited to you meet up with the group ; a new store had opened and everyone needed a break from their studies. namra met up with you so you could both walk to meet your friends, arms linked together as you talked about how difficult your last test was and how drained you were.
onjo squealed when she caught sight of you both, her and isak running to collide with you. you dispersed in a pile of giggles only to be pulled into a hug by daesu, who loudly and joyfully greeted you.
gyeongsu nudges you with a laugh as you pass through an art supply store, teasing you about the abundance of pens you always brings to class. this argument always happened but you always replied with the same thing — “need a different color for each subject!”
this, of course, applied to highlighters as well.
“hey,” a shy shoulder budges against yours. the clothing store you’re looking at now isn’t that interesting to you and the distraction is welcomed. wujin’s half-smile greets you, “glad you could make it.”
you let out a sigh, “needed a break from school so badly. how was your test? did you do okay?”
wujin shrugged. his mind was on other things ; eyes sticking to the new lip tint you’d put on. it was a darker color than usual, a cranberry and wine color that he couldn’t look away from. clearing his throat, wujin says, “that’s new. your— lip color.”
you perk up immediately, animatedly talking about the sale you stumbled upon and the new scents of hand lotion you grabbed. and that was interesting — wujin hung off of your every word — but he couldn’t look away from your lips.
your lips and their wine stained smile that he imagines pressing against his neck. would the color stick to his skin? would it mark him as yours ; and you as his?
letting out another whine, gyeongsu flops back onto his carpeted floor. studying was hard ; it was tiring and boring and mentally exhausting. sighing, he goes to sit up and get back to it when the doorbell rings.
lo and behold, his savior. you’re standing in the doorway with a grin and your school bag, takeout bags looped around your wrists. you’re talking to gyeongsu’s mom ; giggling at her words and nodding along to what she says.
you look so comfortable at his house, so natural there that it almost hurts. his mom is in her nursing uniform, scrubs making their weird noise as she moves around. wordlessly, you hand her one of the takeout bags before setting the other one on the living room table. you’d been friends since you were young — had visited his house numerous times before — but, time and time again, gyeongsu thought about how well you fit in with them.
how well you could fit with him.
“hi, ‘su!” you grin his way and his heart aches. the boy melts where he stands, smile ghosting on his face immediately at the sight of you. he walks your way, both arms looping around one of yours with a sigh as he pulls you to sit on the floor beside him. “all good?’
he whines again, “brain hurts.”
“yeah i thought you might have some trouble,” you speak as you pull out your food. sighing, you smile his way timidly, pushing the food his way. “so, i retook the notes in a way i thought you’d understand.”
gyeogsu stares as you begin to dig in. his eyes are heart-shaped — they have to be. he softens entirely as he watches you.
the walk back from a game was always serene in the most devastating way. the beach wasn’t as safe as he’d originally thought — wasn’t as friendly and kind as the name suggested. but, arisu needed company and needed to understand what was happening and why he was sucked into the borderlands.
one good thing about the beach was you. you’d been ‘teamed up’ with usagi since you popped into the games, your wit and her athleticism saving you both more often than it let you down. one smile at arisu and— oh, he was a goner.
you’d met at the tag game and he’d stuck to you since. you always tried your best to be paired up with him, knowing what the loss of a friend could feel like ; what dark roads it could lead your mind to.
and he appreciated it so much — appreciated the way you took care of him and looked after him in the gentlest and most subtle of ways. with a sigh, arisu gave the two of hearts card to hatter, no closer to the end of the game than they’d been beforehand.
dried blood itched on his face ; stained his hands and coated his skin in a lingering scent he could never get rid of. a hand was latched onto his own, pulling and tugging him gently to a bathroom.
“come back to me,” a voice whispered. arisu always disappeared into his head after a game, screams and surrendering laughter haunting his mind. “come on, ‘su. come back.”
with a foggy blink, you came into view. you held a warm rag to his face, washing the blood off of his skin tenderly with a smile that made him melt. arisu slouched, relaxing forward into your open arms. “[name].”
“hi, ‘su.” you brushed your fingers through his greasy hair. “welcome back. i’m glad you’re alive.”
arisu snuggled further into you, arms winding around your waist as he thought. it was so easy to get lost in you ; too easy to think of you both getting out of the borderlands and settling down together and staying together.
he wish you knew, but he couldn’t be the one to tell you. not yet ; not with blood still dried on his hands.
slight season two spoilers!
you’d been separated. you’d clung to chishiya since you arrived at the beach and now you were apart. worry and panic induced pacing caught kuina’s sight as you mindlessly picked at your skin. 
she slung a backpack around her shoulders, looking at arisu and usagi as she spoke. “i’m off to find chishiya and ann.” she turns to you again, noticing the way you perked up at his name. “want to join me, [name]?” 
you didn’t have to think before you were grabbing your own supplies and leaving with a hug to arisu and usagi. a promise to come back — to see them alive — and you were on your way. 
then you were alone. 
kuina had let go of you while you ran from the king of spades [again], and you’d found yourself lost. a blimp for the jack of hearts had just exploded a few feet in front of you. 
lost in thought, you watched it tirelessly. and then a familiar voice. “[name]?”
you blink, coming back to reality as he walks up to you. 
“chishiya,” you sigh out before running to meet him. without thinking, you throw your arms around his neck and pull him close. you let out a breath, closing your eyes and savoring his warmth. he was safe — alive. you go to pull away, “sorry. i got a little excited.” 
chishiya grabs your right wrist, pulling it back around his neck as your left one is guided to wrap around his waist. he sinks into you, letting out his own sigh of relief as he relaxes. 
“s’okay. need this — need you.” it’s out of character for the blond to be so loving ; so touch-starved as he clings onto you and makes your hold tighter. it wasn’t nice being alone in the games, not even to someone like chishiya. a feather-light touch hits the tip of your cheekbone. “you tell anyone about this, and i’ll kill you.” 
the threat makes you laugh into his shoulder — even though you know he isn’t joking.
——♥︎—— there will b an anime version of this up soon!
airbendertendou © do not copy, plagiarize, repost, or translate my content on any platform. if you see my content under any other name than my own, let me know. i only have this tumblr and an ao3 account under the same name.
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whatsk-poppinhomies · 2 years
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Lee Cheong-San (이청산)
~coming soon~
Lee Su-Hyeok (이수혁)
And So You Thought… {Angst -> Fluff}
Because The Rain Makes Rainbows {Fluff}
Han Gyeong-Su (한경수)
~coming soon~
Yang Dae-Su (양대수)
~coming soon~
Oh Joon-Yeong (오준영)
~coming soon~
Jang Wu-Jin (장우진)
~coming soon~
Yoon Gwi-Nam (윤귀남)
~coming soon~
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soleurs · 2 years
▎  HUG,  ft. gyeongsu, wujin, cheongsan, suhyeok
mediums, gn! reader & how they cuddle: aouad edition. genre, fluff / comfort. setting, post-apocalyptic / canon divergence. warning, allusion to near death, apocalypse.
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𝐢. han gyeongsu
the activity lasts for at least ten minutes before his playful nature barges in to make itself known
cuddle session? more like the floor is lava challenge
as in he tests how long you can endure his tricks before you roll onto the floor and get 'eaten' by the imaginary lava
but if you're in the sweetheart cradle, he tones himself down and turns into a human-sized pillow that's reserved for you only
to figure out who will be cradled, you just need to answer one question: who needs to be nurtured?
and that's how gyeongsu frequently ends up with his head resting on your chest, right where he can hear your heart beating steadily in tandem with his
that’s a simple yet most effective reminder of his humanity
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𝐢𝐢. jang wujin
rarely resorts to cuddling to show his affection, but that doesn't mean he hates it
boy is so whipped for you that if you ask, he'd drop everything and not let go of you unless it's for bathroom breaks
unless hari's around—that's the only time he shyly approaches you with his eyes trained on you so he can't see the look his sister is giving him
he most probably is a 'bear nuzzle' person a.k.a someone who places themselves behind you then wraps their arms around like a pretty ribbon
every time he does it, he can't help but feel you look like a gift that anyone would be happy to receive
which is why he never takes you for granted. rather, he frequently lets you know that you’re the biggest blessing of his life
because of you, he knows how it feels to be someone's first choice
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𝐢𝐢𝐢. lee cheongsan
look, cuddling is reserved for sleeping time only
as ashamed as he is to admit it, physical touch is something he's still trying to grow used to again
that's why he's so grateful to have you, his understanding partner who helps him get back up when he stumbles
i feel like he loves the lounge chair: slotted between your legs, his back resting upon your chest, and hands cradling yours
it's not the most comfortable position to fall asleep in, yet you never complain about it
little does he know it's because he's done so much for the people he loves, even going as far as to hang his life on the edge
it's about time that the favor is returned to him
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𝐢𝐯. lee suhyeok
ninety percent of the time, he's initiating the cuddles
feeling tired? cuddle. reached a personal achievement? cuddle. got a project that must be completed by next week? okay.. but cuddle after!
one look at this babie is all i need to be sure of two things: he loves spooning, especially when he's the little spoon
it's the best when winter comes around and the heater is barely doing its job
yeah he's already wrapped in the thickest blanket, but he needs you holding him too so he can get through the chilly season
or perhaps he loves it so much because your embrace always takes him away from the horrific memories that still haunt him
so please, let him stay in this safe space a little longer
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© SOLEURS — 2022.
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still-love-the-moon · 2 years
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Even if you're gone, I'm gonna drive
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glitterfairy-21225 · 1 year
Shut up, I want them to be forty. And married. And for Joon-yeong to say, “Good morning, beautiful,” every time they wake up. Followed by a kiss on the temple.
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Woo-jin: I’ll fight anybody.
On-jo: Even Joon-yeong?
Woo-jin: Yeah. And then I’ll fight myself. Cause I’ll fight anybody who fights Joon-yeong.
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louvfee · 2 months
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━━ song sang━yeon as jang woo━jin. eighteen. class two━five.
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Beginning to end//01
Aouad x OC
Series Guide - 02
"Ah, now I get it." Jung Min-jee whispered to herself as she jotted down the answer to the last problem of her homework. She quietly thanked Choi Nam Ra as both girls began to pack up.
Glancing up she noticed Park Soo-jin waving her arms around trying to get her attention. Before the short girl could mouth something small to her, Nam-ra spoke up, "message me if you need help with anything, see you tomorrow right?" Min-jee nodded and mumbled to her a quick thanks and bye. Nam-ra walked away, heading home. Min-jee looked over at Soo-jin whose attention was on some random kid Min-jee didn’t know. She slung her backpack on and walked out of the library going over to Soo-jin quietly. Soo-jin bid a quick bye to the person she was talking to and just as she was going to turn around Min-jee extended her arms out and tickled Soo-jin's side, "Boo!" The brown-haired girl shrieked and turned around with a smile on her face, "why must you do that?" She lightly pushed the black hair girl before slinging her arm around her, "you scared me." "That was the plan." Soo-jin shook her head as both walked down the hallway slowly, “well now that I almost died because of you we must go get Hwa-young, she's in a club right?” Min-jee nodded and glanced around, “tsk, yeah, gardening right?” “I think so,” both girls then began to walk around the school looking for Hwa-young. Finally, they found her, she had just finished cleaning her area not that long ago and was talking to a classmate that was in the same club as her. Kim Hwa-young saw the two girls and bid her club members byes and see you next week. She then walked up to the girls smiling brightly, “hey.” “Hey.” “S’up” “gaming later on?" The two girls who had met up with Hwa-young parted and went on each side of her, "sure, discord right?" "yes, although I won't join until later on due to having family over." Soo-jin looked at Hwa-young and shook her head, "it's okay, we won't start until 6 pm which is the usual time we finish homework." Min-jee nodded agreeing with Soo-jin, " no need to stress sunshine. Now come on, the bus should arrive soon." The trio picked up their pace and got on public transportation once it arrived.
They soon got off after thanking the driver and walked into the convenience store, a beep went off as the group entered the store, "meet back by the drinks." All three nodded and immediately split off in different directions and began to search for the snacks they wanted.
Min-jee grabbed a Snickers candy bar, Hwa-young grabbed a bag of Reese's peanut butter cups, and Soo-jin grabbed a bag of Skittles. The three girls met up in the front and looked at each other before moving a hand forward quickly for a game of rock, paper, and scissors. Hwa-young won the first round, and Soo-jin and Min-jee stared at each other for a moment before they thrust their hands out... Min-jee lost. She grabbed their snacks and went up to pay at the counter. Last time it was Hwa-young who had to pay. After she paid for the snacks, she walked out and handed them their snacks. Soon after the trio walked next to each other on the peaceful street. The trio ate their snacks in silence until Hwa-young spoke up, "You guys should join the gardening club with me, it’d be fun.” Min-jee thought about it for a moment before shaking her head, “can’t, I study with Nam Ra on Math.” Soo-jin giggled, “makes sense, you’re really stupid in math." Min-jee looked over at Soo-jin, "would you like to see a trick?" Soo-jin stared into the shorter girl's eyes and shook her head, "n-no thanks... But back to Hwa-young's question, I got roped into soccer." "Wait, really? Congrats." "Ooh that's good, u always wanted to try out and you finally did." Soo-jin smiled and looked at both girls, "yeah, I have practice tomorrow." Soon their chatter died down as they all arrived at the street their home resides. Min-jee bid them a small bye and rushed home since hers was three streets down. The two remaining girls conversed as they walked together. Hwa-young and Soo-jin both lived in the same apartment building, although Hwa-young was a level below and further down. …………….. "Wait so when do you plan to confess Jinie, have they been showing you any signals?" All three girls were on call on discord as they played PUBG. They had their mics off in the game due to already talking on discord. Since 6 pm as the other two finished their homework, they have been playing Roblox and other multiplayer games. It was now 10, in Hwa-young's background her mom was telling her to head to bed, and as she yelled out a small okay she turn back to the girls, "I have to head to bed guys, see u tomorrow at school." "Okay, sleep well sun," "Alright, rest well, and goodnight." Hwa-young hung up, and Min-jee and Soo-jin played 3 rounds before deciding to stop. "So... Mj I have a question." "Hmm?" "Remember that deal we made?" "Yeah, the one where if one of us were to confess then the one that did can choose and they'd have to confess, right?" "Yeah, well... I choose you." "You're kidding right?" "No. Hwa-young and I both decided we'd pick you. Besides, we believe in you, and you'd both would look cute." Min-jee blushed and shook her head, "it's time for bed," "Yah! Don't change the topic-" "Goodnight Jinie, rest well, and see you tomorrow." "Mj don't you dare, wait-" Min-jee hung up and smiled. Soo-jin shook her head as she went into the chat, 'you can't escape it. A bet is a bet, it's your time to shine, goodnight.' ……………..
Morning came, it was 6:10 A.M. Out in the streets of Hyosan were high school students walking to school. Going down a small hill two girls were in a deep conversation about the events of yesterday in the game. While Hwa-young and Soo-jin conversed a voice from afar can be heard telling them to pick up their pace. As the voice got closer they turned around and there Jung Min-jee was running in their direction, "Yah hurry up losers!" Jung Min-jee called out upon spotting her two best friends up in the distance, two other students were running right behind her. Both girls looked back and panicked slightly as they saw Min-jee, Nam On-jo, and Lee Cheong-san, All three of them were running towards the two girls, Hwa-young checked the time quickly and realized why they were running, "fuck, RUN!" …………….. All 5 students raced to the school, only 3 made it barely on time while the others didn't. Cheong-San snickered toward On-jo while Soo-jin did the same thing toward Min-jee. Once they had written down their names all 5 began to walk to class. The 5 students walked up the stairs and headed toward their classrooms in a hurry. As soon as they entered On-jo went to her seat beside Yoon I-sak. Soo-jin went to her seat that was behind I-sak, the two girls followed and stood beside her as Soo-jin moved her chair to face them. Min-jee looked outside with a bothered expression. Hwa-young and Soo-jin stopped conversing and looked at Min-jee who hadn't said anything since they got to school. "Mj are you okay?" Min-jee looked at Hwa-young and Soo-jin before shaking her head. "I feel like something's off." Both girls glanced at each other while waiting for her to continue. "I feel sick and out of it. It's probably nothing." Hwa-young glanced at Soo-jin as they wondered why, but soon dropped it calling the feeling nothing but just anxiety. Deep down they knew what the feelings meant, but decided to brush it aside seeing as Min-jee didn't wanna pursue the topic. Hwa-young thought for a moment before looking at the short girl who stood beside her, "Tell us if you feel worse okay." Soo-jin nodded at Hwa-young's response whereas Min-jee just gave them a simple nod, "I will, I think I'm going to head to my desk now." Both girls nodded and looked at each other. "Cut it out! You're so dirty." Na-Yeon yelled grabbing her bag harshly that forced Gyeong-su to move his arm that was trying to clean her desk from 'germs'. Soo-jin rolled her eyes and pouted, "I wish you didn't have to sit beside her. How do you manage?" Hwa-young shrugged, "not sure, gotta go now." Hwa-young walked to her seat and sat down ignoring the girl beside her as she fixed her stuff before class started. Once Min-jee had arrived at her seat she greeted Nam Ra before turning to look at the girl beside her only to see that she looked pale and uncomfortable. "Hee-su, are you okay?" Park Hee Su noodled at the girl beside her before muttering a small hello to her. Min-jee continued to look at her before she jumped in her seat due to one of her classmates yelling at another classmate. She glanced over at them and looked at Hwa-young who was heading to her desk. "Hey, you punks. Come on, guys. Take your seats." Ms. Park Sun-hwa said as soon as she walked into the classroom. Most students who were still up scattered to their seats. "Annyeong, there." "Annyeong!" "Annyeong, good morning. Time to hand in your phones." 25 students stood up to turn in their phones. "Who's in touch with Hyeon-ju? Nobody? So none of you tried calling her today?" Oh Joon-Yeong cleared his throat before looking up at Ms. Park Sun-hwa, "uh, we cleaned the science lab together yesterday, but I haven't seen her since." Ms. Park sighed for a moment as she thought, "okay. If anyone hears from her sometime in the next few days, let me know right away, okay?" "Okay." "Exams start next week, so get your acts together." Ms. Park said as she sent a message to the class group chat. Two students got caught Yang Dae-su and Soo-jin. Soo-jin and Min-jee glanced at each other as they looked at Hwa-young with a 'haha you got caught,' smile. Hwa-young narrowed her eyes a bit as she smiled and sat back down. Soon after almost all phones had been collected, Ms. Park began her lecture. …………….. Min-jee kept glancing over at Hee-su noticing the girl gripping the table's sides. Just as she was about to tell Ms. Park that Hee-su didn't look well, Hee-su stood up asking to go to the bathroom. The short girl watched her friend walk out. Min-jee kept her stare at the door Hee-su had just walked out from. The unsettling feeling in the pit of her stomach wasn't settling and it seemed to keep wanting to continue strong.
Soo-jin stared at the blackboard in boredom as the teacher tapped on it before looking down at her book and skimming through the page they were reading. She looked up and turned her head over at Lee Su-hyeok direction who had been called on before looking at Hwa-young who had met her gaze. Soo-jin wiggled her eyebrows while giving Hwa-young a smirk. Everyone's attention shifted towards the front, over at the door that had slid open. In walked Kim Hyeon-ju.
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lullips · 3 years
when i'm with you — l. sh
pairings : lee suhyeok x fem!reader
genre : fluff, lowercase intended
summary : in this catastrophe, you and suhyeok feel the safest when you are with each other.
the cold wind slips past through the broken window. a bunch of kids who were just experiencing their first-ever zombie apocalypse scattered around the room, finally feeling at peace as their eyes closed, roaming in their own dreams.
the two lovers sat together near the window, your head on suhyeok's chest and his arm under your neck and the other one wrapped around your waist, pulling you close to make you feel warmer, one of your arm on his stomach, legs tangled together, and his blazer on top of you both.
your breaths were steady, hair framing your face perfectly and the moonlight hit your face as you sleep, escaping this nightmare for a little while, secretly wishing that this was all dream, and by the time you woke up you were in suhyeok's room, doing your make-up on him or play mario kart together while the smell of his mum's cooking fills the entire house.
suhyeok didn't sleep though. instead, he keeps his eyes on you. holding you so dearly and watching you as your chest move up and down at a steady pace. he didn't want to sleep, at least not yet. this could be the last day you guys were together and he didn't want to waste it.
oh, how he wished all of this didn't happen. how he wished that right now, at this hour (honestly he doesn't know exactly what time is it but he guessed it's around 9 pm) he could take you out to an empty park, being dummies together.
he sighed, giving you a long forehead kiss before deciding to close his own eyes as drowsiness starts to kick in. he pulls you even closer, snuggling into your neck to find more warmth in this cold night.
the group of the teenage survivors sat by the fire on the school's rooftop, comfortable silence fills the night. after a tiring and thrilling struggle to get to where they are right now, they finally get to rest again. though they were extremely upset the helicopter left them, they have no other choice but to stay here, wishing for another one to come and finally taking them to a safe place.
"should we do a deep talk? like confessions or something? you know like in the movies." you said, chuckling while leaning your head to suhyeok's shoulder.
"okay, first of all, please stop that lovey-dovey stuff, it's grossing me out." daesu said, only to make suhyeok plant a hard kiss on your cheek which makes the group—and you—scream and gasps in shock.
"just say that you're jealous, daesu." suhyeok teased, sticking his tongue out at the boy who had a sour expression on his face, causing everyone to laugh.
"oh, i think we should do that. what y/n said, i mean." onjo spoke. all of them nods and there goes the conversation.
from jimin's not-so-pleasant story about how she should just move to seoul, to how namra felt so glad that she finally had some friends, to daesu's singing, and to cheongsan's confession for onjo. you can say it was quite nice, it brings closure to all of you and you liked it. you like how it felt safe and comfortable.
you feel suhyeok's hands on your shoulder. you look up and smile at him before closing your eyes and rest your head on his chest. "what are we gonna do after this?" you said.
"what do you mean?" suhyeok asked, looking down at you.
"you know, after all of this is over, what do you want to do?" you opened your eyes to meet his.
"well, what do you wanna do?" he asked again.
"i want to eat your mum's jjajangmyeon, it was my favorite. i want to put my make-up on you and play mario kart together. or maybe roblox, anything on your computer. and then we can watch peaky blinders, we haven't finished that." you said, looking at the night sky above. the only thing that remains the same in this hell hole.
suhyeok smiled sadly, he wants to do that too, really. he would do anything to eat his mum's jjajangmyeon while watching your favorite shows, constantly throwing comments and arguing here and there again. but he didn't even know are they gonna be able to do that anymore? but nonetheless, he answered softy, "then we'll do that after this."
suddenly you felt a wet drop on your cheeks which make you open your eyes. "are you crying?" you asked.
"no." suhyeok shake his head.
"are you drooling?!" you said again, sitting straight.
"what? no!" your boyfriend replied, hands up in defense.
"wait..," you trailed off. another drop hit your face, and then more drops hit your face again. "it's- it's raining!" you yelled in joy.
"everyone, it's raining!" getting on your feet, you opened your mouth to drink some of the rain waters. "oh my god, it's raining! woohoo!!" you yelled again, twirling and jumping, feeling freer with every drop of rain that hits you.
suhyeok watches you with loving eyes, seeing you bubbly as that making butterflies form in his stomach. god, how he loves you so much.
the tall boy got up, coming towards you and picking you up with a genuine smile. he spins you around, the melody of your laughs combined as well as the others'.
after a few spins, suhyeok finally put you down, never breaking the eye contact. he keeps his hands on your waist and your hands on his neck. you both smile at each other before closing the gap between you both. sharing a soft loving kiss with each other.
you broke the kiss, looking straight into his eyes and playing with the back of his hair as you whispered. "i love you." a tear dropped from your eyes as the stress, anxiety, and tiredness starts to overwhelmed you, followed by a sob.
suhyeok's hand finds its way to your cheeks, wiping the tears away as he brings you to his embrace. "i love you too."
you walk hand in hand with your boyfriend, couldn't help but let out a small sniff when you saw the armies with their guns, the feeling of relief washed you over. finally, it's all gonna come to an end.
you put your hands up, signaling the armies that you guys bring no harm. memories of the difficult process for all of you to get there, the people that didn't make it, your friends that didn't make it. namra, cheongsan, wujin, joonyeong, everyone creeps up to your mind. leaving a bittersweet feeling in your chest.
suhyeok rubbing your hand in a small circle, giving comfort and reassurance as much as he can.
"there are survivors!" the army shout, bringing their guns down and rushing to you guys, checking here and there.
you're safe. suhyeok is safe, all the pain, all the tired, are worth it. even though there have to be painful sacrifices.
the armies led you guys to the quarantine camp, giving you clean clothes and all. you look around, looking at the people inside the rooms, crying and hugging together.
you look up to suhyeok, only to find him already looking at you. "we made it." you said, letting out a breath of relief.
he smile and nod. "we made it."
four months have passed. you and suhyeok sat together on one of the sides of a tent. both of your hands inside his as he constantly blows it to bring warmth, watching the kids running around and playing with each other. it started to snow, which you were so happy for. you love winter, you love the snow. it was such a peaceful scene to see after the catastrophe behind.
"are you hungry?" you said, leaning on him.
"mhm, what do you want to eat?" he asked.
"i don't know, anything. but i really want hotteok right now." you look at him with a scrunched face. "do you think they'll give us some hotteok for winter?"
suhyeok chuckled softly, ruffling your hair a bit. "maybe? we'll see. i'll make you one if they don't." he rubs his nose against yours. you laughed as you feel the tingling sensation.
suhyeok give you a peck before hugging you so tightly. rocking you forward and backward. "aahh, you're so cute, i love you, darling."
how you guys wished this moment would last forever. the situation isn't the best but it's enough, you like it. now that everything has passed, you swear you would cherish every moment you had. with your friends, with the people around, and most importantly... with suhyeok.
not very happy abt the ending cuz i'm not sure how to end it but well oh well here you have it <3
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iheartcake123 · 3 years
hi! may i request a wu-jin x reader where dae-su catches them eating together during lunch and tease them abt it afterwards in class + the whole class catching on and now teasing the new couple <3
helloo :) i’ve started writing in second person so i hope that’s okay and that i didn’t make any mistakes anywhere as i am trying to make my fics more inclusive <3 also i hope you like the fic!! i really enjoyed writing it :))
☁️just lunch-jang wujin☁️
warnings: none
-2nd person p.o.v-
“come on, it’s just lunch…please?” wujin looked at you with a small pout.
“okay, fine but I swear if people start teasing us. im blaming you” you smiled giving into the boy in front of you.
“let them tease..then i can finally show off my beautiful girlfriend/boyfriend” he grinned and you rolled your eyes playfully.
“yeah yeah” you gently nudged him and he pecked your cheek before leading the way to the football pitch seats.
“did you really have to pick this place to eat lunch…the seats are so hard” you grumbled before sitting next to him.
“ah, stop complaining and eat your lunch” wujin smiled as he pulled a chocolate bar out of his pocket.
“fine..but you better share that chocolate bar with me after i eat my grapes” you couldn’t help but smile as he nodded his head stuffing his face with more of the chocolate.
“why aren’t you playing football with everyone today?” you then questioned, popping a grape into your mouth.
“we haven’t eaten lunch together ever since we became a couple and i thought it would be nice” wujin placed his free hand on your leg.
“ah look at you, already so whipped for me” you chuckled.
“not whipped enough to share my chocolate bar” wujin then quickly put the rest of the chocolate in his mouth.
you fake gasped and shook your head holding back a laugh as you took a grape and threw it at his head. he immediately stared at you with wide eyes before reaching down into your tub to get a grape but you quickly hid it under your school jumper.
“i’d like to see you try to steal one of my grapes” you warned with a smirk on your face.
“don’t think i won’t get some of your grapes” he reached his hand to lift your school jumper as you let out a laugh trying to push him away.
“hey! brother-in-law, ive been looking for you everywhere” you both heard dae-su’ voice and wujin quickly pulled back.
both of you fell silent.
“oh, what were you both doing just then?” dae-su paused now standing by the seats in front of you.
“nothing. we were just eating lunch together” wujin shrugged and dae-su nodded slowly.
“anyway brother-in-law. i’ve been looking for you all over. ha-ri is looking for you” he looked at wujin and wujin turned to you with sorry eyes.
“reign-check?” he asked and you nodded with a smile on your face.
“of course” you answered and he placed a hand on your leg once more before standing up.
“are you sure? i see my sister at home all the time and-”
“it’s fine, just go…plus it gives me a chance to eat my grapes in peace”
“ha ha very funny” wujin rolled his eyes dramatically.
“yah hurry up! don’t make my future wife wait on you” dae-su then hurried wujin along.
“okay okay” wujin sighed and then turned to you “see you in class?”
you nodded before waving as the two began to leave.
“ah you always have to interrupt me” you heard wujin complain as he smacked dae-su over the head.
a small laugh left you lips as you watched them walk out of your sight.
as you walked into class, you noticed that wujin was already there.
“hey” you greeted a grin appearing on your face as you placed your bag down and went to sit in your seat.
“hey” wujin said back as he walked over to stand in front of your desk.
“did you find out what your sister needed?”
“just the house keys” wujin rolled his eyes as he then leaned over your desk “i know i kind of ditched our lunch but it’s just lunch…come over to my house tonight and we can have dinner”
“okay mr.it’s just lunch, i’ll come over but you still owe me for eating the chocolate all by yourself” you stared up at his eyes.
“hm and what do you want?” he leaned closer, to the point you could feel his breath on your face.
“kiss! kiss! kiss!” dae-su chanted, earning a laugh from the rest of the class.
wujin sighed before pulling back and turning to his friend.
“what’s your problem? you keep interrupting my conversations” he fired and dae-su let out smirk.
“oooh sorry for interrupting your couples moments..im disappointed in you. you didn’t even tell me you and y/n are a couple!” dae-su teased before complaining.
“you and y/n are a couple?!” cheong-san gasped as he looked at his friend.
“it’s been obvious for a while now, they can’t keep their eyes off of each other!” gyeong-su then teased as people laughed.
you felt your cheeks get warm and you hoped that no one would point out the shocked but embarrassed expression on your face.
had you really both not have been as lowkey as you thought you were?
“what are you saying y/n, it’s true isn’t it? you’re both in love!” hyo-ryung giggled and you thought about it for a second.
there was no point in hiding it any longer.
“it’s true, wujin and i are a couple” you admitted before standing up and kissing wujin’ cheek.
this caused the rest of the class to erupt in cheer.
“you’re okay with everyone knowing?” wujin turned to you with a confused look on his face .
“like you said right? you can finally show off your beautiful girlfriend/boyfriend”
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