youngks-smile · 2 months
when did you get the covid vaccine
Cool! So I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're a well-meaning person who has been misinformed about vaccine injury and give you some information.
Here's the CDC's page about adverse events after COVID vaccination. Here are some highlights:
"Anaphylaxis after COVID-19 vaccination is rare." "It has occurred at a rate of approximately 5 cases per one million vaccine doses administered."
"People receiving COVID-19 vaccines are less likely to die from COVID-19 and its complications and are at no greater risk of death from non-COVID causes, than unvaccinated people."
Now this part is interesting, because the J&J vaccine has been linked with higher incidence of Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS)! So that is concerning but in studying this link, they also found that Moderna and Pfizer vaccines showed no increase in GBS. If you were concerned that maybe I had the J&J vaccine, don't worry! I didn't.
"Myocarditis and pericarditis after COVID-19 vaccination are rare." "To date, evidence indicates that the benefits of mRNA COVID-19 vaccination outweigh the risk of myocarditis."
"Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS) has been rarely observed after J&J/Janssen COVID-19 vaccination and has occurred in approximately 4 cases per one million doses administered."
But let's say you don't trust what the CDC says. That's understandable, we should all try to do our own research, especially about things that could affect our lives and health. Ok so here are some specific research papers with some quotes of their conclusions.
COVID vaccine-induced liver injury: "The overall incidence of this phenomenon appears to be exceedingly low." "Providers should remain vigilant [...] and yet feel reassured by the low incidence and high likelihood of recovery."
COVID vaccine-associated myocarditis: "Myocarditis following immunization is a rare event." "At short-term follow-up, all patients with vaccine-associated myocarditis were asymptomatic with no adverse events."
Or perhaps you read the recent report about COVID vaccine injury incidence, or no, sorry, maybe you didn't read it but you saw an inflammatory and irresponsible news report about the study. Well here is a quote from Anne Bass, who is the lead author of the study, about the results: "It is important to note, however, that identifying a harm does not mean that it occurs frequently. Harms associated with vaccines are rare.”
Now, I see you also sent my friend Jack the same ask, thank you for your concern about our health. If you want to know more about my specific circumstances, I've messaged with many people about Long COVID who either sent me an ask or who asked a question in the tags of my Long COVID post, so don't be shy! If you need help understanding any of the studies linked then feel free to message me. And if you're personally concerned about vaccination for yourself, talk to your doctor, they know your medical history.
The funny thing is, I've met vaccine-injured people in Long COVID circles and they were all incredibly nice people who would never go into someone's inbox to anonymously ask and fearmonger about the vaccine. Have a nice day.
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Brazilian-developed vaccine against Covid-19 registered by Anvisa
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The new vaccine against Covid-19 developed by the Brazilian company Zalika Farmacêutica has been entered into the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) this week, Agencia Brasil reported. The drug can be used in people aged 12 and over and is to be administered in two doses, 21 days apart, with boosters after 6 months for those over 18 years of age.
The technology used in the Zalika vaccine is called “recombinant” because its molecules are formed by combining two different sources. In this case, the protein S antigen (spike) -capable of promoting a response from the immune system- and the saponin-based adjuvant allow the mixture to enhance the production of antibodies. This form of production brings greater safety to the pharmaceutical industry, Anvisa explained in a statement.
The new immunizer is the sixth to receive definitive individual registration from Anvisa, in addition to Comirnaty Ipfizer/Wyeth, Comirnaty bivalent (Pfizer), Janssen Vaccine (Janssen-Cila), Oxford/Covishield (Fiocruz and Astra-Zeneca) and Spikevax bivalent vaccines have received this type of authorization. Pfizer/Biontech, Astra-Zeneca, Janssen, Moderna, Sinopharm, and Sinovac also have definitive registration in the form of the Covax Facility consortium.
Continue reading.
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Planned genocide: Covid jabs were designed to cause harm, warns pharmaceutical executive
It’s not that covid so-called “vaccines” just so happened to turn out ineffective and deadly. Rather they were designed as such, according to Alexandra “Sasha” Latypova, a 25-year pharmaceutical industry veteran-turned-investigator who says the Department of Defense (DoD) had “very clear intent to harm” by executing a “mass genocide of Americans.”
Under the DoD’s control and direction, drug manufacturers like Pfizer, Moderna, and Janssen started mass-producing the shots for Operation Warp Speed – long before the first cases of “covid” even appeared, it turns out. These “figurehead” organizations, Latypova insists, were just obeying the DoD’s orders.
What this means is the United States military oversaw the creation and rollout of these “covid countermeasures,” as they were classified before being erroneously dubbed as “vaccines.” This is why they called it Operation Warp Speed: because it was a military warfare operation, not a “public health” operation.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) also played their role by fast-tracking emergency use authorization (EUA) for the deadly drugs, followed by official approval for some of them – and the rest is history.
Covid jabs train the body “to destroy itself,” Latypova warns
“The evidence is overwhelming that there is an intent to harm people by the covid-19 injections, so-called ‘vaccines,’ and other nonsensical covid response measures implemented in lockstep by governments all over the world,” she said.
Again, it is not that the shots were designed to help people but just so happened to be dangerous. Latypova says they were designed that way on purpose as a chemical and / or biological weapon against the people, which she says is substantiated by an extensive body of literature, studies, scientific discussions, (and) evidence published on this matter.”
“There are numerous mechanisms of injury built into the covid-19 injections,” she further explained. “The most important one being that these shots are designed to make your cells attack themselves, make your cells express antigens that are toxic spike proteins, and then create antibodies to attack the cells. So, it trains your body to destroy itself.”
There is nothing safe, let alone effective, about these injections, in other words – unless the effective goal was to massively depopulate the world. In that case, the injections are working exactly as designed – and the worst is yet to come.
From the very beginning, the safety signals were “obvious,” Latypova says. And yet nobody in any position of power seemed to notice, or perhaps they deliberately ignored these safety signals because killing people was the goal.
“There is no efficacy in these shots,” Latypova reveals. “In fact, we know there is negative efficacy, meaning that these shots make you more likely to get sick and die.”
During the shots’ production, good manufacturing practices (GMP) were completely ignored, also apparently by design, to further ensure a deadly product outcome. Had proper safety standards been upheld, the shots might have ended up less deadly, which would have gone against the agenda.
“We found that these products are dirty, contaminated, do not conform at all to what the label says,” Latypova says. “And they’re hugely toxic by design.”
“They should all be stopped immediately, and this should be investigated properly. And we should bring those responsible to justice, to accountability. Until that happens, we cannot move on from this.”
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cultml · 1 year
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unwelcome-ozian · 1 year
What information do you have about Johnson & Johnson?
Alza filed an NDA for the transdermal opioid analgesic product in December 1987 for post-operative use and for the relief of chronic cancer pain. Developed by J&J subsidiary Janssen Pharmaceutica, fentanyl has been marketed since 1968 under the Sublimaze brand. The drug is currently approved for I.V. administration and used primarily as a short-acting analgesic during anaesthesia. "This new drug delivery system will make it possible for the first time to use fentanyl . . . outside the operating room to control moderate to severe pain." Source
US opioids: Johnson and Johnson and drug distributors offer $26bn to end thousands of lawsuits. Source
The drug company Johnson & Johnson (J&J) has expressed regret after court documents unsealed in talcum powder litigation showed that it funded a 1971 study in which Pennsylvania prison inmates, most of them black, were injected subcutaneously with asbestos. Source
Asbestos Prisoner Study May Spell More Problems for Johnson & Johnson
WASHINGTON - Global health care giant Johnson & Johnson (J&J) and its subsidiaries will pay more than $2.2 billion to resolve criminal and civil liability arising from allegations relating to the prescription drugs Risperdal, Invega and Natrecor, including promotion for uses not approved as safe and effective by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and payment of kickbacks to physicians and to the nation’s largest long-term care pharmacy provider.  The global resolution is one of the largest health care fraud settlements in U.S. history, including criminal fines and forfeiture totaling $485 million and civil settlements with the federal government and states totaling $1.72 billion. Source
Johnson & Johnson paused all clinical trials of its experimental COVID-19 vaccine after a study participant became sick with an "unexplained illness."
Johnson & Johnson has suspended international trials of a drug in the same class as an experimental drug made by Portuguese pharmaceutical company Bial, whose tests in France left one person brain dead and five others hospitalised. Source
1982 - McNeil
Product Recalled - Tylenol (acetaminophen) capsules
Reason for Recall - Medicine laced with potassium cyanide (poison) resulting in several patient deaths.
2009 to 2011 - McNeil
Product Recalled - Several OTC medicines including Tylenol, Motrin, Benadryl, St. Joseph aspirin, Sudafed, Pepcid, Mylanta, Rolaids, Zyrtec, Zyrtec Eye Drops (tens of millions of bottles)
Reason for Recall - Unpleasant smells causing nausea; tiny metal shards in liquid medicines; wrong ingredient levels
2010 - DePuy [Pinnacle Systems]
Product Recalled - ASR Hip Resurfacing System and ASR XL Acetabular System (metal-on-metal hip implants)
Reason for Recall - Metal poisoning (metallosis); loosening of the implant or joint dislocation; additional surgeries
2012 - Ethicon
Product Recalled - Gynecare Prolift Kit, Gynecare Prolift+M Kit, Gynecare TVT Secure and Gynecare Prosima Pelvic Floor Repair System Kit (transvaginal mesh implants)
Reason for Recall - Perforation of organs; vaginal bleeding and scarring; mesh erosion; severe pain
2014 - Ethicon
Product Recalled - Power Morcellators
Reason for Recall - Spread of uterine cancer; rapid progression of the disease; death
2019 – Johnson & Johnson
Product Recalled – 33,000 bottles of Johnson’s Baby Powder
Reason for Recall – The FDA found a small amount of asbestos — a known carcinogen — in a sample
Number of Lawsuits - 13,511
Injuries - severe, sometimes deadly bleeding events, blood clots, wound leaks, infection
J&J was involved in seven of 2017’s top ten health-care-related verdicts.
The company was also involved in the third-largest pharmaceutical settlement with the U.S. Department of Justice. In 2013, J&J paid the Justice Department more than $2.2 billion. The settlement resolved civil and criminal allegations involving Risperdal, Invega and Natrecor.
May 2017
J&J paid $33 million to most U.S. states and the District of Columbia. The states charged J&J with misrepresenting the manufacturing practices behind certain drugs. This included its Motrin products. These products were later recalled.
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mcatmemoranda · 1 year
When to worry about thrombosis — Rarely, patients with thrombocytopenia are at risk for thrombosis rather than, or in addition to, bleeding. While most of the implicated disorders are rare, it is important to consider them because urgent treatment may be needed to prevent life-threatening thrombotic events.
Examples include the following:
●Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia – A small percentage of patients exposed to heparin (less than 5 percent) will develop heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) in which antibodies to a platelet factor 4 epitope induced by heparin can cause thrombocytopenia and platelet activation, leading to life-threatening venous and/or arterial thrombosis. This diagnosis should be considered in a patient recently exposed to heparin who develops thrombocytopenia, thrombosis, anaphylaxis, or skin reactions. Treatment involves immediate discontinuation of heparin and administration of a non-heparin anticoagulant (e.g., dabigatran or bivalirudin).
●Vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT) – VITT is a rare syndrome that occurs after vaccination with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) adenoviral vector vaccines (AstraZeneca and Janssen [Johnson & Johnson]). It resembles spontaneous HIT in that there is no prior heparin exposure, and it is associated with life-threatening venous and/or arterial thrombosis. Individuals with thrombosis and/or thrombocytopenia should be evaluated for recent administration of a COVID-19 vaccine within the preceding 5 to 30 days, and for which specific type of vaccine they received.
●Antiphospholipid syndrome – The antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) can develop in individuals with systemic lupus erythematosus, other medical conditions (eg, infection, medications, cancer), or in individuals without an underlying condition. Patients may have venous and/or arterial thrombosis. Treatment involves anticoagulation or aspirin, and treatment of any underlying condition.
●Disseminated intravascular coagulation – Patients with disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) are at risk of bleeding or thrombosis, usually venous. DIC is commonly seen in acutely ill patients with sepsis or malignancy, but it can also be seen in a variety of other conditions.
●Thrombotic microangiopathy – Thrombotic microangiopathies (TMAs) such as thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP), hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), or drug-induced TMA (DITMA) are associated with small-vessel platelet-rich thrombi. These microthrombi can occur in any organ and can be life-threatening. Plasma exchange for TTP may be life-saving and should be initiated immediately when TTP is suspected.
●Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria – Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) is a rare condition caused by loss of glycosyl phosphatidylinositol from cell membranes. Thrombosis (often involving unusual locations such as intraabdominal or cerebral veins) can occur, along with hemolytic anemia and/or bone marrow failure. Treatment depends on the degree of cytopenias and the presence of thrombosis.
●ITP with a concomitant thrombotic disorder – Certain conditions can occur in patients with ITP increasing their risk of thrombosis such as atrial fibrillation or recent or previous deep vein thrombosis. Management of anticoagulation in that population can be challenging; however, it is important to note that the low platelet count is not protective against thrombosis, and anticoagulation is often indicated.
Work up:
Peripheral blood smear — Review of the peripheral blood smear is used to exclude pseudothrombocytopenia (eg, falsely low platelet count due to platelet clumping) and to evaluate morphologic abnormalities of blood cells that could be useful in determining the cause of thrombocytopenia. As an example, giant platelets may suggest a congenital platelet disorder (eg, MYH-9-related disorders, Bernard Soulier syndrome [BSS]); these may be counted as red blood cells by some automated counters.
Pseudothrombocytopenia — The possibility of pseudothrombocytopenia (ie, falsely low platelet count) should be eliminated before any further evaluation is undertaken. Pseudothrombocytopenia can occur in a number of settings, all of which can be identified by review of the peripheral blood smear and/or repeating the CBC using a non-EDTA anticoagulant:
●Incompletely mixed or inadequately anticoagulated samples may form a clot that traps platelets in the collection tube and prevents them from being counted.
●In approximately 0.1 percent of individuals, exposure of patient samples to the EDTA anticoagulant in the collection tube can induce platelet clumps or platelet rosettes around white blood cells (WBCs). These may be counted by automated counters as leukocytes rather than platelets. The mechanism is "naturally occurring" platelet autoantibodies directed against a concealed epitope on platelet membrane glycoprotein (GP) IIb/IIIa that becomes exposed by EDTA-induced dissociation of GPIIb/IIIa [45-52].
If platelet clumping is observed, the platelet count is repeated using heparin or sodium citrate as an anticoagulant in the collection tube. If citrate is used, the platelet count should be corrected for dilution caused by the amount of citrate solution; no such correction is needed for heparin. Alternatively, fresh, non-anticoagulated blood can be pipetted directly into platelet-counting diluent fluid.
RBC and WBC abnormalities — Abnormal RBC and WBC morphologies may suggest a specific condition.
Examples include the following:
●Schistocytes suggest a microangiopathic process (eg, DIC, TTP, HUS, DITMA).
●Nucleated RBCs, and Howell-Jolly bodies, may be seen post-splenectomy or occasionally in patients with poor splenic function.
●Spherocytes suggest immune-mediated hemolytic anemia or hereditary spherocytosis.
●Leukoerythroblastic findings, teardrop cells, nucleated RBCs, or immature granulocytes suggest an infiltrative process in the bone marrow.
●Leukocytosis with a predominance of bands and/or toxic granulations suggests infection.
●Immature WBCs (eg, myeloblasts) or dysplastic WBCs suggest leukemia or myelodysplasia.
●Multi-lobed/hypersegmented neutrophils (ie, more than 5 lobes) suggest a megaloblastic process (eg, B12/folate/copper deficiency).
HIV and HCV testing — Thrombocytopenia has been identified as an important "indicator condition" for HIV infection. Thus, adults with new thrombocytopenia should have HIV testing if not done recently.
Thrombocytopenia may also be seen with hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection; testing is appropriate for adults with thrombocytopenia if not done recently. Other laboratory testing — Aside from the testing mentioned above (CBC, review of peripheral smear, HIV and HCV testing), no additional laboratory testing is absolutely required in a patient with isolated thrombocytopenia. However, additional testing may be warranted in patients with other findings.
Examples of findings that may trigger other laboratory testing include the following:
●Symptoms or findings of systemic autoimmune disorders (eg, systemic lupus erythematosus [SLE], anti-phospholipid syndrome [APS]) may prompt testing for anti-nuclear antibodies or anti-phospholipid antibodies, respectively. We do not test for these in patients with isolated thrombocytopenia and no signs or symptoms suggestive of SLE or APS.
●Findings of liver disease should prompt measurements of hepatic enzymes and possibly tests of liver synthetic function (eg, albumin, coagulation testing), depending on the severity of the liver disease.
●Thrombosis should prompt consideration of DIC, heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) and related syndromes, and APS. Depending on the site of thrombosis and other hematologic findings, paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) may also be a consideration.
●Microangiopathic changes on the peripheral smear should prompt coagulation testing (eg, PT, aPTT, fibrinogen) and measurement of serum lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and renal function to evaluate for DIC, TTP, or HUS; with subsequent evaluation based on the results.
Hematologist referral/consultation — Referral to a hematologist is appropriate to confirm any new diagnosis of a thrombocytopenic condition or to determine the cause of any unexplained thrombocytopenia. The urgency of referral depends on the degree of thrombocytopenia and other abnormalities, and the stability of the findings.
In hospitalized patients, some conditions are medical emergencies that require immediate action. Immediate hematologist involvement in diagnosis and management is appropriate for the following:
●Suspected thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) or hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS).
●Suspected heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT).
●Suspected COVID-19 vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT).
●Suspected hematologic malignancy (eg, acute leukemia), aplastic anemia, or other bone marrow failure syndrome.
The consulting hematologist can also assist in diagnosis and management of patients with severe thrombocytopenia (ie, platelet count less than 50,000/microL) who have serious bleeding or require an urgent invasive procedure, and in pregnant women with severe thrombocytopenia, regardless of the cause.
Bone marrow evaluation — Bone marrow evaluation (aspirate and biopsy) is not required in all patients with thrombocytopenia. However, it may be helpful in some patients if the cause of thrombocytopenia is unclear, or if a primary hematologic disorder is suspected. A possible exception may be a clinical picture consistent with a nutrient deficiency in which a bone marrow would only be needed if a deficiency could not be documented, or if the hematologic findings did not resolve upon nutrient repletion.
The following bone marrow findings may be helpful:
●Normal or increased numbers of megakaryocytes suggests that the thrombocytopenia is due, at least in part, to a condition associated with platelet destruction (eg, ITP, drug-induced immune thrombocytopenia).
●Decreased megakaryocyte numbers, along with overall decreased or absent cellularity (picture 18 and picture 19), is consistent with decreased bone marrow production of platelets, as in aplastic anemia.
●In rare cases, severe reduction or absence of megakaryocytes with no other abnormalities (also called acquired amegakaryocytic thrombocytopenia or acquired pure megakaryocytic aplasia) may occur. This finding is most often reported in patients with SLE, and is typically due to an autoantibody directed against the thrombopoietin receptor.
●Megaloblastic changes in the RBC and granulocytic series suggest a nutrient deficiency (eg, vitamin B12, folate, copper) (picture 20), while dysplastic changes suggest a myelodysplastic disorder (picture 21 and picture 22).
●Granulomata, increased reticulin or collagen fibrosis (picture 23 and picture 24), or infiltration with malignant cells (picture 25) establishes the diagnosis of bone marrow invasion, especially when a leukoerythroblastic blood picture is also present.
There are some general management principles that apply to all patients with thrombocytopenia regardless of the cause, and for which questions may arise before a diagnosis has been established.
●Activity restrictions – Patients who are otherwise healthy and have no manifestations of petechiae or purpura may not require activity restrictions.
Individual considerations apply to participation in certain activities. As an example, individuals with severe thrombocytopenia (less than 50,000/microL) generally should not participate in extreme athletics such as boxing, rugby, and martial arts. However, no restrictions are necessary for usual activities or low-impact exercise.
●Anticoagulant and anti-platelet medications – For anticoagulant and anti-platelet medications, the clinical indications and risks associated with discontinuation (eg, thrombosis) are balanced against the bleeding risk associated with the degree of thrombocytopenia and of continuing the anticoagulant and/or anti-platelet medication [7]. Input from the consulting specialist who prescribed the medication and/or the hematologist may be sought. A discussion of anticoagulation in adults with thrombocytopenia is presented separately.
It is also important to note that thrombocytopenia by itself does not protect against venous or arterial thrombosis, and appropriate use of thromboprophylaxis or anticoagulants should not be withheld from a patient with mild to moderate thrombocytopenia (eg, greater than 50,000/microL) if it is indicated (eg, postoperatively). For patients with more severe thrombocytopenia, decisions are made on a case-by-case basis regarding the risks of bleeding and benefits of anticoagulation.
●Over-the-counter remedies – Patients should be educated about which non-prescription remedies interfere with platelet function (eg, aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, ginkgo biloba). In general, these agents are avoided unless there is a specific indication for which equivalent alternatives are lacking.
●Safe platelet count for invasive procedures – Most platelet count thresholds for invasive procedures are based on weak observational evidence at best. In general, procedures with a greater risk of bleeding are performed at higher platelet counts. While there is some flexibility in individual circumstances, anesthesiologists and surgeons performing these procedures will have the last word. A listing of general guidelines used for different procedures is presented separately.
Optimal methods for raising the platelet count in preparation for an invasive procedure depend on the underlying condition (eg, corticosteroids or intravenous immune globulin (IVIG) for presumptive ITP; platelet transfusion for myelodysplastic syndromes). These approaches are discussed in detail in separate topic reviews.
Individuals with impaired platelet function may require platelet transfusions despite adequate platelet counts, depending on the procedure. Attention should also be paid to correcting coagulation abnormalities if present.
●Emergency management of bleeding – Urgent management of critical bleeding in the setting of severe thrombocytopenia requires immediate platelet transfusion, regardless of the underlying cause.
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How to Request and Get the Suitable Covid-19 Vaccine in Vietnam?
The Covid-19 pandemic is seriously threatening human life. In order to limit and prevent epidemics, a number of vaccines have been quickly developed and produced to promptly limit the spread of disease in the community and bring life back to normal. However, not all vaccines are suitable for all people of all ages. Whether or not an individual could chose the type of vaccine to be injected is still of public interest.
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        How to Request and Get the Suitable Covid-19 Vaccine in Vietnam?
According to the Vietnam Center for Disease Control, up to now, Vietnam has eight vaccines against COVID-19 licensed for use by the Ministry of Health. Vaccines currently being approved for use include: AstraZeneca, Gam-COVID-Vac (also known as SPUTNIK V), Vero Cell, Pfizer/BioNTech’s Comirnaty, Spikevax Vaccine (Alternatively Moderna), the vaccine Janssen vaccine, Hayat-Vax vaccine and Abdala vaccine. Each vaccine has different ingredients, and individuals with a history of allergies to vaccine components could face certain level of risks after vaccination.
The vaccines used in Vietnam have recorded information on cases of vaccine side-effects. Specifically, the British AstraZeneca vaccine causes the injector to have fever symptoms. It is considered a normal symptom after injection, but for people with a history of allergy to the components of vaccines, it is possible to choose the appropriate vaccine for the medical condition. mine.
Specifically, the Centers for Disease Control also recommends that individuals who are allergic to any component of the vaccine should not receive that vaccine. Having said that, if an individual is allergic to any component of a vaccine, he or she can request an alternative vaccine. Vietnam does not allow individuals to arbitrarily choose the type of vaccine to be injected, but if they have special medical conditions such as allergic to vaccine components, they will be considered for alternative if such requested vaccines are available.
To be able to claim the appropriate vaccine, the individual must first be on the vaccination list of the local are of residence or of the company.  The individual can write the request to the local  Department of Health requesting the appropriate vaccine.
Therefore, in order to ensure their own health and the right to be vaccinated, individuals, especially those with a history of allergies to vaccine components, should pay attention to strictly follow the regulations on vaccination. Getting the right vaccines helps limit risks and contributes to limiting the spread of disease, protecting health of community.
ANT Lawyers – Law Firm in Vietnam with international standard, local expertise and strong international network. We focus on customers’ needs and provide clients with a high quality legal advice and services. For advice or services request, please contact us via email [email protected], or call us +84 24 730 86 529
Source ANTLawyers: https://antlawyers.vn/update/how-to-request-and-get-the-suitable-covid-19-vaccine-in-vietnam.html
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Are you feelng better after doing the vaccine?
If not,I wish you speedy recovery😊
If yes: Which of the ROs would agree to do a covid vaccine? What type of covid vaccine would they make if they could choose?
Besides the body ache, head ache, and feeling a tad bit feverish, I'm doing okay so far! Just disliking the fact that I have the urge to throw up for some reason. Been taking it slow with answering asks for a while as I recover. 😷😷😷
Take your vaccines, ya'll. Don't want you suffering from covid and infecting loved ones.
I'm sure all of the RO's would agree to doing the vaccine and getting booster shots, especially Fleur because *wildly gestures to her shitty lung sickness*
Weylyn & Zephyrine: Oxford - AstraZeneca
Fleur & Cooper: Pfizer BioNTech
Eliseo: Johnson's & Johnson's - Janssen
Ophelia: Gamaleya Sputnik V
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didanawisgi · 2 years
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Comptroller finds no culprits for Bolsonaro fake vaccination card
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The Federal Comptroller General’s Office (CGU) has confirmed that former President Jair Bolsonaro used fake Covid vaccination cards (which may have allowed him and his top aides to evade U.S. travel restrictions in December 2022).
Last May, Federal Police agents raided Mr. Bolsonaro’s Brasília home and arrested six people, including three aides close to the former president, as part of an investigation into who falsified Brazil’s official vaccination records.
Mr. Bolsonaro’s former aide-de-camp, Army Lieutenant-Colonel Mauro Cid, was taken into police custody in yet another fake vaccine card scandal — and was released only six months later.
But while the CGU was able to confirm that Mr. Bolsonaro had not taken a single-jab Janssen vaccine in July 2021, as indicated on his vaccination card, it was not able to identify the perpetrators of the fraud.
Continue reading.
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gook54-blog · 18 days
💥 Hackers break Pfizer, Moderna and Jansen servers!  All vaccine death data is now public from all companies! 💥
Hackers broke into all the pharmaceutical companies and stole all the vaccine media data!  The Great Awakening took off!!!  Forward this link everywhere!!!! (some data recently updated)
Here is the link to the site 👉  www.howbad.info 👈 where you can see the live links listed below.  Download and save as many articles as you can in case the site goes down!!!
This website also has the largest database of resources & documents anywhere on the internet regarding the COVID vaccines. Everything you need to expose the Truth is here.
Shows the number of deaths and disabilities associated with each batch/batch number = indication of relative toxicity of one batch/batch compared to another
** Currently no one knows the reason why some lots/batches are associated with excessive deaths, disabilities and adverse reactions (up to 50x).  Until we know, it's best to be cautious.
["Batch code" = "batch number" = the number they write on your vaccination card.]
Check your lot code (lot number)
* Moderna lot codes
* Pfizer lot codes
* Janssen lot codes
* Moderna (outside the US)
* Pfizer (outside the United States)
*Janssen (outside the United States)
Latest information on boosters
* Bad Lots of the month
* Variation in toxicity
* Cumulative toxicity over time PDF
* Video: variation in toxicity between batches
* Death by Lottery PDF
* Video: Non-GMP Conforming Batches Associated with Death and Disability
* Video: Enigma Team - Covid Vax variability
* Video: VAERS reveals supertoxic batches
!!!WARNING : Danger - many childhood vaccines now contain mRNA
Vaccine Manufacturers May Be Changing Many Childhood Vaccines to contain mRNA Like the COVID Shots!
!! WARNING : The latest flu vaccine / booster released since Autumn 2022 contains mRNA for producing three variants of spike protein + the flu vaccine combined into one shot. FDA and CDC have exempted these shots from ALL safety testing. The spike protein causes extensive damage to internal organs, and effects foetal development. Please exercise parental oversight and extreme caution.
In August 2020 Alex Azar, the Health Secretary for the USA, announced that all childhood vaccines would be "countermeasures", and as such, military products for which the ingredients would remain undisclosed. The World Health Organization, Johns Hopkins, and Bill Gates have just conducted another pandemic simulation — this time the virus is deadlier and targets children. The exercise was called Catastrophic Contagion and held in Brussels, Belgium on October 23, 2022. The reason why it specifically targets children is most likely because it is a "countermeasure" injected directly into the arms of children as part of the childhood vaccine schedule.
Let every patient know!!!
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fernsweb · 5 months
Clinical Trials and Drug Development Process
We asked an experienced physician for a solid opinion on needed improvements in the clinical space and pharma’s pursuit of licensed drugs. Dr Kenyatta Cosby, MD, provided us with this perspective. He is a seasoned and published practitioner with many successful and highly-regarded trials under his belt – and someone who definitely understands the strategic and operational pursuits of the drug development process. We are proud to have Dr Cosby provide his expert opinion on today’s clinical climate and opportunities to streamline the drug development pipeline
Dear Colleagues,
If you are a pharmaceutical executive, senior health administrator, or public policy-maker, please indulge me for a moment to be reminded that continued investments into innovative ideas are what’s needed in order to transform current challenges within the drug-development and randomized clinical trial (RCT) process. For decades, scientific and business-centric stakeholders have struggled to produce a pathway that enables the transformation of intuitive workflows, advanced analytics, and smart devices (i.e., cloud-based connectivity) into a robust pipeline for discovering blockbuster medications like Keytruda1, Humira2, Eliquis3, Opdivo4, and Imbruvica5.
New vaccine operations being implemented by leading drug-makers and the federal government in response to the global COVID-196 pandemic have offered renewed hope about a new logistical framework to help accelerate RCT. Surprisingly, it was only in 2014, when a widely-held therapeutic reality was published in _the New York Times_7 which suggested that fewer blockbuster drugs were being produced and the financial requirements for a novel drug to enter the therapeutic marketplace in the United States was becoming too costly.
Today, however, the good news is that the former is no longer true; drug makers are now seeking more novel drug approvals8 from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)9. The automation of many operations and the creation of specialized workflows via biometric and RFID enabled smart devices had a lot to do with integrating biotech labs with commercial organizations. Unfortunately, the part about high costs still holds, and in some regards is getting worse. A new study published by a team at MIT Sloan School of Management and the Laboratory for Financial Engineering10, suggests that the current cost to bring a new drug to the market is estimated to be as high as $2.8 billion11, with two-thirds of this cost going to the clinical trial process, and 90%12 of these trials failing.
Notwithstanding these hard facts and other frustrations throughout the drug commercialization process, there is an emerging consensus by key stakeholders to bet on leveraging artificial intelligence (AI)13 and machine learning capabilities to ensure scientific integrity and contain cost over time. Some of the newest platforms utilizing this technology are geared towards “site-less” clinical trials14 and the acceleration of time needed to receive FDA-approval. A leader in this space is Janssen Clinical Innovation (JCI)15, part of Janssen Research & Development, LLC.
JCI has demonstrated notable successes with clinical initiatives such as their utilization of direct-to-patient and real-world data platforms. Key examples of their business platforms are a large-scale observation and treatment program, mSToPS16 (short for mHealth Screening To Prevent Strokes), the use of digital technology to decrease paperwork and logistical challenges (i.e., eConsent17, registrational clinical trial18) and  iSTEP19 (short for Integrated Smart Trial & Engagement Platform).
However, when it comes to making a significant change at the individual level and maximizing the workflow within a 24-hour work cycle, P360 is a clear leader in this space. They specialize in robust clinical trial management systems, which are easy to integrate and produce a seamless flow of functionality across operations (i.e., start-up, enrollment, execution, and tracking). P360’s most revolutionary tool is Curotrak, which is a cloud-based trial management software suite that allows the clinician centralized safeguards over multiple programs in terms of processes and data safety involved with planning, implementation and closeout activities. These innovative tools provide a broad change in the traditional clinical trial approach that gives corporations a customer-focus within regulatory guidelines. 
To my knowledge, the current COVID-19 RCTs are focus on five clinical stages of the disease process: Pre-exposure prophylaxis, Post-exposure prophylaxis, Hospital admission, Late-stage critical care and Outpatient treatment. The outcome data for each area has been promising, but there is still a need for caution given that various studies have only demonstrated incremental reductions in patient mortality. This is where innovative solutions like Swittons, an loT powered smart device by P360, can use advanced analytics and AI deployment via automated messaging and push/pull data streaming to accelerate sales operations for pharmaceutical organizations. It is these types of solutions that will ultimately enhance commercial value to the “customer experience”.
Forward-thinking companies like Merck48, AbbVie49, Bristol-Myers Squibb50, Pfizer51, and Johnson & Johnson52 have always known the power of innovative-thinking, and such understanding will allow them to remain dominant global drug-makers with incredible therapeutic momentum. The odds are that their sales forecasts based upon investments in innovative ideas will eventually manifest as a great stock performance over the next several years.
The ultimate news for drug-development stakeholders is that the work to develop time-sensitive pathway for streamlining operations with intuitive workflows, advanced analytics, and smart devices has already begun. Bloomberg Press53 reports promising revenues for the RCT service markets, which are slated to grow 10% annually for the next 5 years and will be worth $150 billion by 2030. And this is why smart investments in solutions from companies like P360 is so important. 
To learn more about all of P360’s innovative products, visit P360.com.
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lalsingh228-blog · 6 months
Adenovirus Vector Vaccine Market Projected to Show Strong Growth
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The Latest research coverage on Adenovirus Vector Vaccine Market provides a detailed overview and accurate market size. The study is designed considering current and historical trends, market development and business strategies taken up by leaders and new industry players entering the market. Furthermore, study includes an in-depth analysis of global and regional markets along with country level market size breakdown to identify potential gaps and opportunities to better investigate market status, development activity, value and growth patterns. Access Sample Report + All Related Graphs & Charts @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/165891-global-adenovirus-vector-vaccine-market
Major & Emerging Players in Adenovirus Vector Vaccine Market:- Creative Biolabs (United States), Sartorius AG (Germany), Lonza (Switzerland), Merck KGaA (Germany), Cobra Biologics (United States), Thermo Fisher Scientific (United States), Boehringer Ingelheim (Germany), Oxford Biomedica (United Kingdom), Advanced Bioscience Laboratories (United States). The Adenovirus Vector Vaccine Market Study by AMA Research gives an essential tool and source to Industry stakeholders to figure out the market and other fundamental technicalities, covering growth, opportunities, competitive scenarios, and key trends in the Adenovirus Vector Vaccine market. Adenovirus represents the class of the genetically diverse DNA viruses that can cause non-life-threatening infections related to eyes, respiratory system, gastrointestinal lining and other parts. These viruses represent promising results as a vector for delivering target antigens to various hosts due to excellent ability induce immune response. Due to these property, the new studies concluded positive results for use of adenovirus for both gene therapy and vaccine production. Adenovirus-based vectors shows various benefits when compared to other viral vectors such as wide range of tissue tropism, ease of genetic manipulation especially for large transgene DNA insertions, superior ability to induce robust transgene-specific T cell and antibody responses, easy production of the adenovirus based vaccines at large scale. Due to this, it has emerged as a preferred choice for delivering vaccine for both humans as well as animals.
In February 2021, the Janssen Biotech, a part of Johnson and Johnson submitted Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), for its investigational single-dose coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) vaccine candidate. The vaccine Ad26.COV2.S, is a recombinant, replication-incompetent adenovirus serotype 26 (Ad26) vector encoding a full-length and stabilized SARS-CoV-2 spike (S) protein
In January 2021, Thermo Fisher Scientific, a company offering range of instrumentation, reagents and consumables, and software and services acquired the viral-vector manufacturing business of the Novasep, a pharmaceutical company for approximately USD 875 million in cash. This acquisition is a step towards expanding Thermo Fisher capabilities in the cell and gene vaccines and therapies worldwide. The titled segments and sub-section of the market are illuminated below: by Type (Adenovirus-based tuberculosis vaccine, Adenovirus-based HIV vaccine, Adenovirus-based influenza vaccine, Others), Application (Human, Animals), End-user (Hospitals, Ambulatory Surgical Center, Research Institutes, Others) Market Trends: Increasing investment in vaccine and drug development
Rising collaboration between the pharmaceutical companies and CROs for development of adenovirus vector vaccine
Opportunities: Emergence of adenovirus vectored vaccines for COVID-19      
Production of low cost adenovirus vaccines
Market Drivers: Growing prevalence of chronic medical conditions
Rise in demand for efficient vaccines to treat infectious diseases Enquire for customization in Report @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/enquiry-before-buy/165891-global-adenovirus-vector-vaccine-market Some Point of Table of Content: Chapter One: Report Overview Chapter Two: Global Market Growth Trends Chapter Three: Value Chain of Adenovirus Vector Vaccine Market Chapter Four: Players Profiles Chapter Five: Global Adenovirus Vector Vaccine Market Analysis by Regions Chapter Six: North America Adenovirus Vector Vaccine Market Analysis by Countries Chapter Seven: Europe Adenovirus Vector Vaccine Market Analysis by Countries Chapter Eight: Asia-Pacific Adenovirus Vector Vaccine Market Analysis by Countries Chapter Nine: Middle East and Africa Adenovirus Vector Vaccine Market Analysis by Countries Chapter Ten: South America Adenovirus Vector Vaccine Market Analysis by Countries Chapter Eleven: Global Adenovirus Vector Vaccine Market Segment by Types Chapter Twelve: Global Adenovirus Vector Vaccine Market Segment by Applications What are the market factors that are explained in the Adenovirus Vector Vaccine Market report?
– Key Strategic Developments: Strategic developments of the market, comprising R&D, new product launch, M&A, agreements, collaborations, partnerships, joint ventures, and regional growth of the leading competitors.
– Key Market Features: Including revenue, price, capacity, capacity utilization rate, gross, production, production rate, consumption, import/export, supply/demand, cost, market share, CAGR, and gross margin.– Analytical Tools: The analytical tools such as Porter’s five forces analysis, SWOT analysis, feasibility study, and investment return analysis have been used to analyze the growth of the key players operating in the market. Buy This Exclusive Research Here: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/buy-now?format=1&report=165891 Definitively, this report will give you an unmistakable perspective on every single reality of the market without a need to allude to some other research report or an information source. Our report will give all of you the realities about the past, present, and eventual fate of the concerned Market. Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America, Europe or Asia. Contact US : Craig Francis (PR & Marketing Manager) AMA Research & Media LLP Unit No. 429, Parsonage Road Edison, NJ New Jersey USA – 08837 Phone: +1 201 565 3262, +44 161 818 8166 [email protected]
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decentralvaccine · 10 months
Greedy Pharmaceuticals Charged South Africans More For Vaccines Than In The EU
Pharmaceutical giant Janssen/Johnson & Johnson (J&J) and generic manufacturer Serum Institute of India (SII) charged the South African government more than the European Union for COVID-19 vaccines – and South Africa assumed all the risk in ‘take-it-or-leave-it’ contracts with Pfizer, J&J and SII.
This is according to an analysis of the contracts led by Health Justice Initiative (HJI), a South African NGO that won a court challenge last month to get access to all South Africa’s COVID-19 vaccine contracts.
J&J charged South Africa $10 a dose, 15% more than the company charged the European Union (EU), and the government was required to pay a non-refundable down payment of $27.5 million.
Pfizer also charged $10 a dose, which is 32.5% more than the $6.75 “cost price” it reportedly charged the African Union. South Africa was required to pay $40 million in advance, only half of which was refundable.
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laodongjapans · 10 months
Nhật Bản là quốc gia giàu có về nhiều mặt, từ văn hóa, lịch sử, giáo dục cho đến kinh tế. Chính vì vậy, Nhật Bản thu hút nhiều người Việt Nam muốn đến để du học, du lịch hoặc làm việc. Tuy nhiên, để có thể vào Nhật Bản, bạn cần phải tuân thủ các quy định về visa, giấy tờ và cách ly phòng dịch Covid-19. Trong bài viết này, laodongjp sẽ cung cấp cho bạn những quy định nhập cảnh Nhật Bản mới nhất 2023 cho các đối tượng du học sinh, du khách và người lao động. I. Quy định nhập cảnh Nhật Bản: Trước khi nhập cảnh 1. Quy định về đối tượng nhập cảnh Theo quy định nhập cảnh Nhật Bản, bạn có thể vào Nhật Bản nếu thuộc một trong các đối tượng sau: Người mang quốc tịch Nhật Bản. Người đã có visa hợp lệ để sinh sống, học tập, làm việc hoặc du lịch tại Nhật Bản. Người được cấp visa theo diện thăm thân hoặc đoàn tụ gia đình (có người thân là công dân hoặc thường trú nhân Nhật Bản). Người đã được chứng nhận là thường trú nhân tại Nhật Bản. Người thuộc công nhân viên chức nhà nước, đến Nhật Bản với mục đích ngoại giao. Lưu ý: Nếu bạn từng lưu trú tại các quốc gia có nguy cơ cao về Covid-19 trong vòng 14 ngày trước khi nhập cảnh nhật bản, bạn sẽ bị từ chối vào Nhật Bản. Các quốc gia này bao gồm Sri Lanka, Ấn Độ, Maldives, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Nepal và một số quốc gia khác. Quy định này áp dụng cho tất cả hành khách, kể cả những người đã từng ở Nhật Bản trước đó. 2. Quy định về giấy tờ khi nhập cảnh Để nhập cảnh Nhật Bản một cách nhanh chóng và an toàn, bạn cần phải chuẩn bị các giấy tờ sau: Giấy kết quả xét nghiệm Covid-19 âm tính (trong vòng 72 giờ trước khi bay). Giấy chứng nhận đã tiêm vaccine Covid-19 (ít nhất 3 mũi), có thông tin cá nhân, loại vaccine, thời gian tiêm và số lượng liều thuốc. Giấy chứng nhận này phải được dịch sang tiếng Anh hoặc tiếng Nhật. Hộ chiếu và visa Nhật Bản phù hợp với mục đích nhập cảnh. Lưu ý: Các phương pháp xét nghiệm Covid-19 được chấp nhận bởi chính phủ Nhật Bản gồm PCR, LAMP, TMA, TRC, Smart Amp, NEAR. Các loại vaccine Covid-19 được công nhận bởi chính phủ Nhật Bản gồm Pfizer, BioNTech, Fosun Pharma, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Janssen, Novavax, Serum Institute of India, Sinovac. 3. Quy định hành lý hành khách Nhật Bản là quốc gia có quy trình kiểm tra hành lý rất nghiêm ngặt. Bạn cần lưu ý các quy định sau khi mang hành lý vào Nhật Bản: Các loại thực phẩm tươi sống và một số món ăn bị cấm mang vào Nhật Bản, như thịt sống, nội tạng, sữa, da, mỡ, trứng, xúc xích, nem, chả… Các loại đồ bảo hộ, ủng, quần áo cũ… cũng có thể bị kiểm tra và yêu cầu khử trùng trước khi nhập cảnh nhật bản. Các loại thuốc men và mỹ phẩm có chứa thành phần bị cấm hoặc có nguy cơ gây nghiện sẽ bị tịch thu hoặc yêu cầu xuất trình giấy tờ liên quan. Các loại hàng hoá có giá trị cao hoặc vượt quá số lượng cho phép sẽ phải khai báo và nộp thuế theo quy định. II. Thủ tục nhập cảnh vào Nhật Bản mới nhất Sau khi xuống máy bay tại sân bay Nhật Bản, bạn sẽ phải thực hiện các bước sau để hoàn thành thủ tục nhập cảnh nhật bản: Kiểm tra nhiệt độ và khai báo y tế: Bạn sẽ được đo nhiệt độ bằng máy quét từ xa và phải điền vào biểu mẫu khai báo y tế và điểm đến (Mẫu có sẵn tại Đại sứ quán hoặc Lãnh sự quán Nhật Bản). Nếu bạn có triệu chứng sốt hoặc ho, bạn sẽ được yêu cầu làm xét nghiệm Covid-19 tại chỗ. Kiểm tra giấy tờ: Bạn sẽ phải xuất trình các giấy tờ đã chuẩn bị trước khi nhập cảnh nhật bản cho nhân viên kiểm soát biên giới. Nếu bạn đã tiêm vaccine Covid-19, bạn sẽ được miễn cách ly khi nhập cảnh. Nếu không, bạn sẽ phải làm xét nghiệm Covid-19 lại và chờ kết quả trong vòng 30 phút. Khai báo hải quan: Bạn sẽ phải khai báo về các mặt hàng mang theo khi nhập cảnh. Nếu bạn không có gì để khai báo, bạn có thể đi qua cửa xanh. Nếu bạn có gì để khai báo hoặc không chắc chắn về việc mang theo các mặt hàng nào, bạn nên đi qua cửa đỏ và hỏi ý kiến của nhân viên hải quan. III. Kết luận Nhật Bản là một quốc gia phát triển và hấp dẫn với nhiều du học sinh, du khách và người đi xuất khẩu lao động từ Việt Nam.
Để có thể nhập cảnh vào Nhật Bản, bạn cần phải tuân thủ các quy định về visa, giấy tờ và cách ly phòng dịch Covid-19. Bạn cũng cần phải chuẩn bị kỹ lưỡng hành lý và khai báo trực tuyến trước khi bay. Bạn có thể tham khảo các thông tin trên trang web cục xuất nhập cảnh nhật bản để biết thêm chi tiết về các quy định nhập cảnh Nhật Bản mới nhất cho các đối tượng khác nhau. Tôi hy vọng bạn sẽ có một chuyến đi an toàn và hiệu quả tại Nhật Bản. BÀI VIẾT ĐƯỢC QUAN TÂM [block id="phan-chan-bai-viet"]
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iamnaturalnana · 11 months
Relationship between blood clots and COVID-19 vaccines: A literature review
19. Conclusion Adenovirus vector vaccines (AstraZeneca, Janssen, Sputnik V [no official case reported]) seem to be responsible for developing vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia. However, it is not entirely understood what exactly triggers the immune system to cause VITT. That said, there are some speculations about DNA/RNA-PF4 complex, Spike protein itself, and transcription…
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