#jared cameron twilight
findmeinforks · 1 year
The Incident - Paul Lahote x Fem!Reader
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A little one shot that I just couldn't stop writing. A good angst to fluff (btw my fics will never be all angst, im too soft). Also do not fear, Im working on a Sam fic and part 3 to not letting you go. But you let ME know what you think of this one ❤️ 2K words
"My SISTER, Paul. She's my fucking SISTER!" you yelled, voice hoarse as your throat cracked.
"I could give a SHIT LESS WHAT SHE IS. YOU'RE. NOT. GOING." He screamed, jaw taut as he tried his best to subside the tremors that were threatening to take over his body.
You ignored the teeth he bared, shaking your head and scoffing.
"Aren't you tired of this?! I'm going over there. I HAVE to know she's safe."
It had been like this for a week straight. Ever since the pack stormed through the door announcing their mission to kill Bella and the unborn child within her.
You felt as though your two families had been pinned against each other. Head spinning at the idea of there being a 'choice' between your sister and imprint.
On one hand you were desperate to make sure she was alright, but also exhausted at the never ending battle with your boyfriend.
Sure you had talked to Bella over the phone, but you didn't buy into the lies like your father had. Even though you knew significantly more than he did, she still attempted to downplay the situation. She had done this numerous times since getting thrown into the vampire world, but she could only keep you in the dark for so long before you unraveled the truth.
You had to see her. Even if it was the last time. By fate, or at the hands of the pack. You had to be there for her, as she would you.
Leaving your imprint though? Was at task challenging at best. On at least four different occasions you fought with Paul for so long that Emily and Sam had to intervene, prying you two apart at the pleads of other pack members.
Emily would console you while you ranted and Sam would make Paul run off his anger in the woods. When you faced him again, it turned into a rerun of the same argument. Nobody in the house had gotten sleep, and the things were progressively getting worse.
Quil came through the door, widening his eyes.
"Just a heads up everyone, a little comedic relief does not go over well. I saw my life flash before Paul's eyes." He huffed before sitting down.
"When is this going to be overrrr?" Embry whined. He shoved his head in his hands on the kitchen table while you and Paul went at it in the front yard.
Emily sighed.
"Unfortunately sooner than you think....Y/N packed her suitcase this morning." She said quietly.
"You're not really going to let her go over there are you?!?" Kim stood up, looking at both Emily and Sam.
"If you would like to stop her, please, be my guest." Sam motioned his hand to outside, where you and Paul could be seen through the window. You were throwing your arms up and pointing fingers at him, while his voice boomed loudly, towering his large frame over yours.
Kim winced.
You had always been the calm to Paul's raging storm. 'Made him all soft' as the guys would tease. None of them had actually seen you two disagree with each other. In the mind link they saw glimpses of minor arguments, most of the time being reconciled in the sheets..
Paul eventually got an order by Sam to think about something else while on patrol. 'Literally, anything else'.
"She's not going anywhere. I can count on my hand how many times they've been apart since he imprinted. They'll work it out eventually." Jared said as he pulled Kim on his lap, taking a hunk out of his apple.
Kim didn't share a look that she believed him, worriedly looking out to where you stood.
A few moments passed when her body stiffened and she gasped, making Jared look where she was.
"SHIT! SHIT!" He said, throwing Kim off his lap.
Sam turned to look out the window in time to see Paul phase, his sharp claw making contact with your skin. Your blood curdling scream instantly had everyone else off their seats, nearly knocking each other over to race outside.
You laid on the ground as your body wracked with sobs, clutching your side. Blood gushed through your hand as you started to panic, scrambling to stand. The large silver wolf only stood for a few moments before Paul shifted back, completely horrified as he frantically tried to reach you.
He felt his heart nearly rip out of his chest as you backpedaled into Emily, who was helping to hold you upright.
Sam stood in the middle of the two of you.
Paul could feel his chest caving in, hand out, speaking more gently than he had at all in the past week.
"B-baby. Please. Please, I'm- I'm so sorry baby. Please let me just see-"
"NO! I'm done. I'm done. I'm leaving. I'm done." You repeated like a mantra, limping to the car.
"Y/N you cannot drive like this..." Emily attempted to say as she stepped in from behind you. She could see your anxiety was heightened, and afraid to set you off further.
"I have to go," you choked, on the verge of tears as you tried to open the drivers side. You had yet to even notice the gash in your side, adrenaline pumping wildly through your body.
Paul made his way around Sam, grabbing your other arm that was holding the door.
"You are crazy if you think I'm letting you leave like this. Please come-"
You yanked your arm from his grasp.
"Don't. Let me go!" You said coldly.
Paul froze. He couldn't move. You never spoke to him like this. Even in the numerous fights you two had this week.
Every single instinct in his body needed to help you. He knew you were downplaying your injuries. He knew he just royally fucked everything up. But the absolute last thing you could do was walk into a house full of vampires dripping in blood. Fucking doctor or not.
"Come inside and let me take a look at you, okay? Please." Emily said to coax you, frantically looking at your wound.
This made Sam follow her gaze, looking down to see the blood pouring from your side hadn't stopped, and you were growing paler by the minute.
"Y/N....you're going to stay here and I'll call Sue." He said in an authoritative voice, leaving no room to argue as he turned to start dialing the number.
You almost argued. You almost fought both of them on the subject. Your stubbornness almost won.
But you felt an immense pain. So strong you don't know how the hell you didn't notice it when you stood up.
That couldn't be good.
"....Y/N?" Paul said, barely above a whisper. Tears were now silently streaming down his face as he held both hands out slightly. Not close enough to touch you but to be prepared in case you fell.
You could feel yourself start to float in and out of consciousness. You tried to ground yourself by focusing on something. You looked at his hands that were outstretched.
Those hands that you held on your first date. The hands that hover your back anywhere you go. The hands that lift you up from the couch on movie nights to bring you to bed. The hands that move in just the right way when making love to you. The hands that were now shaking, not out of anger, but fear. You loved those hands.
"Y/N? Baby?" Paul said louder, more urgently as he could see you fading.
You watched him get blurry as the world started to spin.
"Paul," you murmured, before fading into darkness. The last thing you remember were the hands that caught you before you hit the ground.
"Y/N!!!" Paul screamed as he caught your body falling into him.
Sam ran back, telling him Sue was just up the street. He instructed Paul to carry you inside and onto the bed. The pack dispersed, each trying to find something to help you such as towels, an emergency kit and pillows.
Paul held you close as he lay you down, while repeatedly whispering in your ear.
"I'm so sorry baby. I'm so-so sorry. I cant lose you. Youre everything to me. I'll never yell at you again. I swear on my life. You can do whatever you want. I'll do whatever you want. Please, I love you." Paul pressed kisses to your hairline when Sue and her nurse friend entered.
Jared reluctantly came in behind them to lead Paul out of the room as they worked.
"Come on man, she'll wake up soon I promise."
After he was guided out, Paul slid down to sit on the other side of the door, refusing to move. Jared didn't push it, leaning down to sit next to him.
"Sue's seen this kind of stuff before. Just needs stitching up and stuff," Jared reassured as he put his hand on Paul's shoulder.
"It's not the injuries I'm worried about. So much as what she'll think of me when she wakes up. I....I fucked this one up, Jare."
"If Emily can forgive Sam, I think Y/N will forgive you. She's crazy about your ass."
Paul just nodded, praying he was right.
Your eyes fluttered open slowly as you woke. You looked around to see that you had been bandaged up along your left side, an IV attached to your arm sat close by. You attempted to sit up, whining when the pain wouldn't allow it. Within a few minutes Emily entered, her face showing relief.
"You're up! How are you feeling?" She checked the IV before sitting on the edge of the bed, careful of your body.
"Sore...where's, where's Paul?" Your heart ached as you started to replay what happened. There was no doubt in your mind what happened was an accident. You had seen the signs he always warned you about, and chose to ignore them in the heat of the argument. Not only that, but the look on his face when you had refused him was too much to bare.
Emily smiled, not expecting you to want to see him so soon.
"He's just outside the door. Hasn't moved. He didn't know if you'd want to see him..."
"I need to talk to him."
It hadn't even been a few seconds when Paul stood at the door. He looked more out of shape than you did. The disheveled hair and dark circles under his eyes told you he hadn't slept in days.
"I'll give you two some space. Just holler if you need anything," Emily spoke as she stood up, making her way around him and down the stairs.
Paul remained where he stood,
"If you don't want to be with me I understand. I have no words for my actions other than I am so...." he cleared his throat, trying not to cry. "So incredibly sorry I put you through this. I put you in danger when I was trying to keep you out of it. You don't have to stay I-"
"Paul please just kiss me." You interrupted, not wanting to hear the rest as you already made up your mind in forgiving him.
He stood for just a moment longer, trying to comprehend if he heard you correctly. It was when you weakly opened your arms for him that he wasted no time in rushing over to you, cupping your face and gently yet passionately kissed you with everything he had. Tears flowed his cheeks at the relief that you still wanted him. Even after everything he had put you through.
You two pulled back for air after a moment, and you ran your hand through his hair.
"I forgive you, okay? I can't imagine my life without you."
He let out a breath, smiling for the first time in weeks.
"It will never happen again. I swear on my fucking life baby." He caressed your hair, neck, landing his palm on your heart.
You two sat like that for awhile. Almost scared to leave each other's presence. You two talked for hours on the bed. Paul had confessed that the night before, while you were sleeping, the pack had fought with the Cullens. You learned that Paul refused to go, not wanting to leave your side. You were grateful to hear that Sam didn't push on him being there, knowing you were all that mattered to him, and he'd refuse him if he had too. Even if it went against his every instinct as a wolf. Turns out that Jacob had imprinted on your niece, and Bella had survived, now as a vampire.
You weren't particularly thrilled your sister was now a bloodsucker, but as long as she was alive, you were happy.
Paul eventually made his way to the other side of the bed, kissing every exposed inch of you, whispering all the things he loved about you in your ear until you fell asleep.
When your heartbeat slowed down and he was sure you were out, he reached down and felt the velvet box in his pocket. No doubt in his mind about the future you both held.
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prettypinkporkchop · 2 months
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Paul lahote x female reader
Chicken Bone
Kim has been helping Emily with the kitchen while you are outside gathering wood with Sam.
"UGH, Sam, I'm tired. Don't you think this is enough for a year?" You giggle and whipe sweat off of your forehead. He laughs at you, making you glare at him. "You can stop. I don't need Paul getting upset with me for overworking you." He puts his hands on his hips, smiling at you. You hum in response and take off the work gloves Sam gave you.
You walk inside to see Emily and Kim fixing up the plates for the boys. There is enough food to feed all of the reservation but you're used to being around the pack at this point.
"WOOO HOOO!" You hear hooting and hollering from multiple men. You knew it was your imprinter and his family. You smile, and Kim rushes next to you. "Y/n, I have been thinking about this the whole time! Me and Emily have a bet. If you were to take a chicken bone away from Paul, I say he chases you. Emily says he just lets you have it." She laughs.
You burst into laughter and wrap your arm into hers. "Well then, Emily! What do you say? Kim do this to Jared too?" You look at the beauty of a woman who is pouring tea into glasses. She smirks at you two. "I think Jared would play a pity party!" Emily giggles. "I say, Jared simply wouldn't care and just pick up another chicken." You bet with Emily. "Oh goodness. This will be fun." She sighs with a grin as the boys all pile in.
Paul steps in front of you with a wide and bright smile. "I've missed you, my princess." He kisses your lips. The butterflies kick in asyou kiss him back. He pulls away and pecks your cheek and then leaves a lingering and sweet kiss on your forehead. He steps away to sit at the table next to Embry. Jared and Quil have their own conversation. Jacob, Leah, and Seth are currently at Billy's house, cleaning up for him.
After everyone finishes up, the boys do their classic thing. The dog comes out and they have to chew on a bone. You find this so funny and cute! Kim makes eye contact with you. She winks at you, mouthing, 'you first.' As Paul is chewing on the bone and laughing at Embry, you quickly grab it out of his hand and step away from him.
"Hey!" He calls out with confusion on his face. You start giggling and begin chewing on it, too. He watches you with his eyebrows furrowed. "That.. was the best bone in the whole plate." He mumbles in sadness. He sighs and sits down to pout.
Kim grabs Jared's and stands next to you. "Hey!" He gets up and she runs as he chases after her outside.
Emily is cackling while tears form in her eyes. All the men look confused. Paul is just brooding.
"We had a bet. Nobody was right." She chokes out.
So, Kim guessed Paul would chase you, but in fact, Jared chased her. And you guessed that Jared would let her have it, but he chased her! Unexpectedly, the pouts came from the hard ass, Paul Lahote.
Feeling bad, you stand behind Paul and hand him the bone. He grabs your wrist with a small amount of a grip. Not enough to hurt you but to be sure you don't move. "Y/n y/m/n, You pull this shit again, you won't be able to sit down." He growls before kissing your lips and then going back to the bone. You shiver and imagine what he is talking about.
Later that night, you get out of the shower, wrapping a towel around you. You step out of the bathroom and into your bedroom that you share with Paul. He's lying on his back with his eyes closed. You drop the towel and began digging through your drawer.
Paul's pair of warm arms pulls you into his hard body. A surprised yelp escapes your lips. "Ya know," he begins and starts leaving sloppy and wet kisses over your shoulder and neck. "Watching you chew that bone that was just in my mouth was very hot." He groans and grips harder onto your waist.
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wolfpackss · 1 year
“Don’t even think about it” you turn around to face your smirking boyfriend who sneakily runs his hand up your thigh.
He just keeps smirking and nuzzles his face into your neck to pepper it with kisses.
You slightly tilt your head to give him better access and whimper softly as his tongue makes contact with your skin.
“Who’s arguing now, princess” his smirk never leaving his face as he pecks your lips and leaves you and Emily to finish dinner.
Authors note: this was just a little thing I had in my head with Paul but you can imagine every male pack member! I hope you like it :)
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the100thtwilightmaze · 7 months
Could I get an embry imagine, where like you guys are cuddling and things get kinda steamy? Smut if you feel comfortable
Title: Warming Up (Feb. 13, 2024)
Embry Call x fem!reader Imagine (Twilight)
Warnings: SMUT SMUT SMUTTY SMUT/teasing/soft!dom Embry(I guess)/not proof read 😂
so let's see if I still got it 😂 went back through my asks from apparently years ago 😬😂 and picked this one.
The night was ending like many of your others. Embry in the driver's seat, you in the passenger. Leaving another dinner at the Black's. A warm meal surrounded by people you considered family was something you would never grow tired of.
Finally making it back to your apartment, you were greeted with warmth and shelter from the pelting rain.
"I think this storm's gonna be a bad one, babe. Looks like we made it home just in time." you heard Embry call out, making his way to you guy's bedroom.
"Maybe Sam will take pity on you and let you off of patrols tomorrow morning. Then, I can have you all to myself." you replied, pulling off you coat and following him into the bedroom.
In true Embry fashion, his shirt was already forgotten, thrown in some corner of our already cluttered room.
Now, this was also something you'd never grow tired of.
Embry was beautiful. Copper skin, long hair that made it nearly halfway down his back, his tribal tattoo, and a few other tattoos he had collected in the past few years scattered all over his lean physique. Muscles that required no maintenance from him. The sweatpants that hung dangerously low on his hips.
Good God
"Babe, I love your confidence but you know Sam takes more of a No Mercy type of approach." he joked, climbing into bed.
"Now, come on. Let's finish this movie we started the other day. I wanna see this plot twist you've been going on about." he said, pulling the covers back in invitation.
Never one to deny your imprinter much of anything, you accepted his invitation. Stripping of your day clothes and into your..... bear necessaties with a plan in mind.
"Y/N, what are you up to?" he quipped from behind you after you finally nestled yourself between his legs, your back to his front.
"Don't flatter yourself, Call. I'm just trying to warmed up since somebody still hasn't gotten the heat in the truck fixed." you replied, grabbing the remote and flipping to Netflix.
If you say so, you heard him mutter. Wrapping his arm around your middle and pressing a quick kiss to your cheek.
Now, Embry always got a little too engrossed in whatever was playing on the TV. So engrossed that he didn't even notice when your fingers began to trace over one of his numerous tattoos.
Or when you reached behind you and ran your nails along his scalp.
But you know what he did notice? When you slightly readjusted to where your ass was flush against the impressive bulge concealed under his sweats.
A guttural moan and his arm tightening around your middle was his response.
"Still not warm enough, Ms. Y/L/N?" he teased, skimming his lips up your shoulder and right below your ear, grabbing the remote to pause the movie.
"Not quite yet, Call. But I think you can help remedy that." you answered back, turning around to give him your full attention, straddling his growing erection.
A small smile he offered before one of his hands crept up to pull your lips to his. His other hand roaming to your rear.
Everyone thought of Embry as timid and shy. Quiet and reserved. But they never got to see this side of Embry (and they never would if you had anything to do with it). Primal and animalistic. Teeth scraping along your neck. One hand fisting your hair, the other making its way into your panties.
A small whimper escaped you, quickly swallowed up by Embry.
"I've barely even touched you yet baby and you're already soaked." Embry pulled back just enough to tease.
"Embry, please..." you moaned, feeling his thick fingers work through your folds.
"How long have you been waiting for me, baby? Huh?" he questioned, fingers still just barely missing where you need him most.
"Were you sitting at the dinner table, thinking of all the ways I could fuck you? Use your words, baby. Talk to me." he teased, ignoring your plea, using the hand that wasn't teasing your pussy to unclip your bra.
You couldn't even formulate words at this point. If it wasn't Embry, your imprinter and the love of your life, you would be embarrassed with how quickly you were reduced to a whimpering mess.
"Yes. Yes. God, yes." you moaned, legs shaking as one of his fingers teased your clit.
"That's my good girl. Always so eager for me." he replied, flipping you over on your back. Taking off your underwear and throwing to yet another corner of your room.
"God. Would you look at her? Making such a mess. Just waiting to be stuffed full." he teased, his eyes zeroed in to the apex of your legs, teasing your entrance yet again.
"And who am I to deny her?" he questioned while sinking two fingers in your wet walls.
"Fuck, Em!" you moaned at the intrusion.
"You're just sucking me right in, baby. Such a greedy little thing." he mocked, his thumb coming to teasing your bungle of nerves while his other fingers worked magic inside you.
Bringing his lips down, his teeth scraped across one of your harden nipples, making you fist your hand in his long locks.
You felt his hardened length teasing at your thigh, still (to your dismay) fully clothed.
Between the bites he was leaving across your chest, the thumb toying at your clit and the two fingers wreaking havoc inside you, you knew you wouldn't last long. That knot in your stomach was already growing, your legs already trembling.
"Embry, baby..." you managed to whimper. But his face was buried in the crook of your neck now, his lips whispering the filthiest things between kisses.
"Embry. Baby. Fuck. I need you. Fuck, baby. I need you inside. I need to feel you inside, baby. Please." you managed, just slightly louder than before. But he had heard you. Evidenced by the sudden stop in kisses and the halt in movement of his fingers.
"Fuck, Y/N. If that's what you want, I'll give it to you." he groaned, bringing his lips to yours and making quick work of his sweats.
Embry was girthy and just long enough to hit that one spot that had you seeing stars. His dick stood at attention, red and weaping. You moaned at the sight, remembering that delicious stretch.
He teased the head through your folds, smearing your wetness and his precum through your folds, making you both moan at the sensation.
"You ready, baby?" he asked, finally tearing his eyes away from your dripping cunt.
All you could do was nod your head in confirmation.
Bringing his lips to yours, Embry sank into you.
Swallowing each other's moans with a kiss, he set a steady rhythm. The only sounds to be heard in the small apartment were your moans and the sound of skin slapping.
"Fuck, you take me so well, baby. Look at you, creaming by dick. Such a good fucking girl." he muttered, eyes once again zeroed on where you were joined.
You moaned at his praise, involuntarily clenching around him causing his thrusts to stutter.
"You gonna cum, baby? Already?" he smirked, bringing that fucking thumb up to your clit once more.
"Then come, baby. Make a mess on this dick for me." he commanded, claiming your mouth once more.
You saw stars.
And whatever else was out there.
A broken moan leaving you as Embry's orgasm followed shortly after.
Pulling his softening member from you, Embry collapsed next to you. Both of you offering small giggles in between trying to catch your breath.
Covering you up, he pulled you to him. Finally offering the warmth that you were so desperately asking for.
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4oureyesreader · 8 months
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wpack memes ✫彡
which wpack member is who? :D
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mxlti-lover · 1 year
Sick {Paul Lahote}
Summary: You fell sick with a really bad cold, but how were you supposed to tell your werewolf boyfriend you didn’t want him to cuddle you?
Warnings: none, just a sad Paul.
Word Count: 1059
(P.S. please don’t judge too hard if this is terrible, I haven’t written in a while and I’m a little rusty…)
*do not steal or copyright any of my work pls and thank you*
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You woke up that morning feeling horrible. Your nose was so clogged you could barely breathe and you had the worst honking cough.
You laid in bed, curled into a ball watching your favorite Disney movie. You knew you should tell Paul, but you didn’t really want him at the moment. Don’t get it twisted, you loved Paul to death, I mean, he was your mate, but when you got sick like this, his body heat didn’t help.
You knew he would want to cuddle you, give you some scalp massages as he checked up on you every minute of the hour, but right now, you just wanted to be alone.
That is until you heard the front door opening.
“Y/N! Baby! Where are you?!” Paul shouted.
You knew he probably sensed you weren’t okay as he still had an hour before he usually got home from patrol. Probably talking Sam into letting him leave early.
“I’m upstairs!” You called out the best you could, your throat feeling raw from coughing.
You heard footsteps rush up the stairs and soon Paul’s tall figure stood in the doorway, scanning you over, a frown on his face.
“Baby…why didn’t you tell me you were sick?” He asked softly as he made his way over to the bed.
He sat on the edge of the bed as he leaned over kissing your forehead and cheek softly, checking if you had a fever.
“You’re burning up baby.” He spoke sadly, sitting up again to look at you.
You knew you weren’t a pretty sight as you hadn't gotten up at all that morning. Your hair probably a tangled mess, your nose probably red and chapped from how much you had to blow it and your face looking as pale as a ghost.
“I didn’t want to bother you..” You lied, as you spoke barely above a whisper. Your voice raspy as you knew you were probably gonna lose it soon.
“Baby, you wouldn’t be bothering me at all. I would rather be by your side taking care of you, than on patrol.” He says frowning at the idea of you being alone all morning like this.
You sigh as you rub your face sitting up, his hand coming down to softly push you back down.
“You’re not getting up baby. Whatever you need I’ll get for you. Now, have you eaten at all today?” He asked, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
You shook your head no as you leaned into his touch, his warmth radiating against your skin.
“Okay, I’ll be right back.” He says as he gets up and his figure disappears from the doorway.
You sigh as you curl back up into a ball, watching the movie again, guilt washing over you. You knew he would want to cuddle you, as his love language is definitely physical touch. Especially when it comes to taking care of you.
But you didn’t want his cuddles at the moment. Your skin was already burning underneath the thin blanket you chose, let alone having your own personal heater of a boyfriend coming to lay next to you.
You took a deep breath as you let that thought slip your mind for now, closing your eyes as your body needed sleep. That is until you struggled to breath again, groaning softly as you sat up, blowing your nose for the hundredth time that morning.
A few minutes later you heard Paul coming back into the room with a small tray. On it sat a bowl of chicken noodle soup and a glass of apple juice - your two favorite things to have when you were sick.
You smiled up at him as you sat up in bed, fluffing up the pillows behind your back to sit more comfortably.
Paul set the tray down carefully into your lap as you immediately dig into the soup, humming softly as the warmth from the soup soothed your throat.
“Thank you.” You whispered as you looked up at Paul.
“You’re welcome baby girl.” He says sitting down next to you as he leaned over to kiss the top of your head.
He looked over at the TV as he chuckled softly at the movie that was playing. “Should’ve known you were watching this.”
“It’s my favorite movie to watch when I’m sick.” You protested shooting daggers at him as he raised his hands up in defense.
“I know my love, I was just messing with you. Now finish up your soup and I’ll give you some well deserved cuddles, yeah?” He says leaning over kissing your cheek.
You nod as you put on a fake smile, sighing into the bite of soup you took. How are you supposed to tell your boyfriend that you don’t want him to cuddle you?
~ ~ ~
It’s been 10 minutes now since you finished your soup and your boyfriend immediately pulling you into him to cuddle.
Your head laid on his chest, as your arms wrapped around his torso like you usually would. Your legs tangled with one another.
You will admit that it was nice for the first few minutes, sighing contently as you closed your eyes. But now, it was starting to become unbearable. Your skin felt like it was on fire, as you began to squirm uncomfortably.
“Paul, can you please let me go? I can’t do this anymore, you’re making my skin burn up more than it already is.” You mumbled as you tried to get out of his grip.
He looked down at you, hurt. He let go of you as you moved away from him, panting softly to yourself as you enjoyed the cold air hitting your body.
You knew Paul was hurt, and you didn’t mean for it to come off so harshly, you just needed to get away from him.
Paul watched as you relaxed feeling terrible that he made you feel even more uncomfortable than you already were.
“I’ll be downstairs if you need anything..” He spoke barely above a whisper, as he leaned over, kissing the crown of your head softly, before getting up, exiting your room.
“Paul, don’t leave! I still want you with me.” You begged as you tried to reach out for him, but he continued to walk out your room, upset with himself that he made his girlfriend uncomfortable.
~ ~ ~
I hope you enjoyed and thank you for reading!🫶
- Paige
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crazyk-imagine · 9 months
How they feel when they find out you're their Imprint Headcanon
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A/N: I was bored and now everyone has a Twilight Christmas gift!
Shocked but excited to have found his imprint (especially after seeing Sam and Emily), was not expecting it to be the town mean girl but when you two are together, your total sweetheart which throws off the guys except Paul (he's the same way)
Happy that's it someone he knows, even if you two haven't talked in a few years (he always knew you two were meant to be). The pack was happy when he finally quit his moping about how much he missed you and considered himself lucky to ask you out
Thrown off when it wasn't the one girl who showed an interest in him since freshman year but once he got to know you, he knew the fates never messed up and you two were meant to be together
Never wanted an imprint but when he heard you defending him and the pack, he knew you two were meant to be, kind of like the next generations Emily and Sam (Quil and Colin like to joke around and tell him when you're not around)
Dude was downright flabbergasted when he imprinted a year after shifting and it wasn't on his favorite (person and human), Bella. Once he got to know you, he was happy he didn't end up with her (she comes with too much drama while you two are drama free)
Never admitted out loud but after watching Emily and Sam plus Jake and Renesme together, it really made him want to find his imprint and then he found you and he was so happy, everyone jokes and says he acted like an excited puppy
Never wanted an imprint especially after the whole thing with her cousin and ex but after almost dying because she denied the imprint and worked on getting to know you, she found herself wondering how she could ever be without you
Wasn't expecting to meet you so soon after he shifted and was introduced to the supernatural world (and came to believe in the legends he was told for so long), but thinks meeting you was a secret blessing because you can calm him
Didn't know what to expect after hearing brief details about imprints, but boy was he floored when he met you and then you asked him out, he nearly passed out on the spot (the pack doesn't let him forget about it)
Knew he was going to meet his imprint at some point but was not expecting it to happen while he was out getting groceries to replace what he and the pack had devoured from Emily's and then you wind up going to his alpha's place too, boy nearly lost his mind
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panlight · 3 months
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Keeping Up with the Cullens Pack - BD Episode 5, pt 4.
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littybeech · 4 months
Ten things the Twilight animated series can do better than the original movies (if they care enough to, please add all your own points to this as I will, too.) :
1. Include ALL of the book scenes, without having to change them to make them easier to film (for obvious reasons, since it’ll be animated they shouldn’t have much issue there.)
2. Their daughter, Remoulade can actually look like the book described her (or better or worse) and not the CGI monstrosity we got twelve years ago.
3. Make all the characters fit their book looks to complete accuracy. Alice was 4’10 and the movies made her 5’5. They let Edward have brown hair when he’s a ginger. Jacob and the wolf pack had better be above 6’5! I want 23 year old Carlisle and 26 year old Esme playing parents to like three legal adults and two 17 year olds.
4. The parentification of Bella Swan, by both of her parents, mustn’t be ignored. Bella was making sure the bills were getting paid by the time she was 10 cause her mom was ‘too flighty and distracted’ to do things like that consistently, she also learned to cook and clean early on too because her mom’s cooking was inedible and she’d improperly mix cleaning solutions dangerously. She got a job at 14 and took care of the groceries and any other issue necessary on top of being in AP classes in school. By the time she moved in with Charlie, she was basically more of a parent than he was. He did the bare minimum to ensure her car’s safety by installing snow chains on her tires without telling her and she cried because she wasn’t used to being taken care of.
5. How she cries when she’s angry is peak girlhood and I hate that they got rid of that in the movies. She stomped her feet bro, like c’mon she was so angry and anxious and annoyed all the time and they only focused on her angst.
6. Integrate aspects of Midnight Sun too, maybe incorporate them both so we can get a more full story. Twilight on its own was a bit of a snooze fest compared to Midnight Sun. We’re gonna pretend that Edward hunting and eating Esme’s abusive ex-husband isn’t hot af?
7. Add in more character’s back stories. Alice’s abusive father and stepmother, Emmett’s gambling and womanizing as a human in Tennessee, etc.
8. Unfortunately we need to make it clear that Charlie’s not winning any father of the year awards here either. He congratulated Jacob after forcing a kiss on her and joked about Jacob pressing assault charges on her after she breaks her hand punching him away.
9. Maybe ask why the Cullens…’need’ so desperately to come back to Forks every couple of years? Like they’re multi-billionaires, they’re immortal and there are plenty of gloomy, cloudy places they could live in semi-permanently. Why Forks when they know the Quileutte tribe knows what they are and they know it makes them so uncomfortable? It just seems unnecessary.
10. More of Edward reading Mike Newton’s inner-monologue. I know it would depend on whose perspective we get but I think the idea is hilarious.
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prettypinkporkchop · 14 days
Hear me out, paul x reader, who's super oblivious like paul will flirt with them relentlessly, trying so hard to let them know he likes them, but readers just like "Yeah we just made out bet we do that some times because he's such a good friend🤭" and paul and the rest of the pack are just riping there hair out because omfg
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Your phone lights up on the table next to you. Quil is sitting beside you, eating sandwiches Emily made. You knew it's a snap from Paul, but you left it alone for now. The sandwich is too good. Quil side eyes you. "You gonna get that?" He raises an eyebrow. "In a minute." You stuff your mouth more. "You that boy is madly in love with you." He chuckles and looks at Emily for support. "Yes, duh, I'm his imprint. But, it doesn't mean he likes me like that." You roll your eyes. As Paul and Billy Black said, the bond could be anything. "Y/n, don't be dumb. He flirts with you so hard. It's pathetic." He laughs. Emily laughs with him. You ignore them, making Quil open your snap since everyone knows you don't have a pass code. (LOL me). Quil bursts into laughter and shows you what he sent you. You look and see the gif above. He just got off patrol. "He's just letting me know that he's about to be here!" You grab your phone and watch it in awe but try to be chill about it.
Later that evening, you sit in the back of Paul's truck, playing on your phone. Everyone is in the woods on the cliff. The pack is cliff diving. Emily and Kim are wedding planning for Kim and Jared. They sit on chairs right next to you.
You're jumped out of your phone when a pair of hands grab your thighs. Your eyes land on Paul's eyes. He smiles down at you and kisses your cheek. "Hey, pretty lady." He smirks. "Hey, Paul!" You pipe up. He sits next to you on the truck and wraps his arm around you, his hand gripping your waist. "You're driving me crazy today." He whispers in your ear. You giggle and face him. "I don't mean to." You aren't so sure what he means by that.
A couple of days later, you and the pack are playing in the water. It's a bit cold and you didn't pack any extra clothes. It was a last-minute fun thing. You step out of the water, shivering! Sam is sitting in the sand and calls out to Paul. "Lahote! She's cold!" You sit next to Sam and see Paul running up to you. He has the ball in his hand. The pack joins behind him. "Paul! You took the damn ball." Quil calls out. Dropping the ball on the sand, he grabs you and places you on his lap. Your shivering stops as you feel the heat going through you. You lay your head on his chest. "I should get you into my clothes tonight. That'll be hot." Paul laughs. The whole pack groans.
"So, is Paul your boyfriend yet?" Jared looks at you. Embry raises his eyebrow at you. "No, guys! It's not even like that. Boy doesn't like me.' You argue and throw the pen you using at Jared. You realize what you did when you look down at the paper that has the wedding stuff planned out. "Damn it. Jared, could you go-?" He laughs and shakes his head. "You're out of your mind." You groan and lean your head back. "Oop. Here it comes." Embry laughs. You feel a pair of lips on yours. You know who it is, and you grab his face. He pulls back, and you open your eyes. "Hey, my girl." He smiles. "Hey, my friend."
The guys start laughing. Paul pinches the bridge of his nose. "FRIEND ZONED!!!" Embry calls out. Paul starts to walk away. You get confused and walk after him. "Maybe he'll tell her." Jared looks at Embry.
He turns to face you and sighs. "Y/n, you do realize what we have, right?" He grabs your shoulders and looks into your eyes. "Yes. A bond." You reply. "You know everything. Do you... like me?" He asks. You blush and look down. "I do. But I get it if you don't like me back." He groans and grabs your face. "I'm in love with you." He crashes his lips on yours.
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wolfpackss · 1 year
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- A/N: SMUT I THINK. WARNING. you can imagine every pack make pack member.
“Please, so fucking big” you whimper as your boyfriend tugs on your hair and licks the curve of your spine. He halts his thrusting to growl something in your ear but he’s inside you so deep you can’t even hear him. You feel his heartbeat pulsing inside his cock from inside of you and it makes you moan deep. His hand releasing your hair to find its way to your throat, he softly squeezes. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as you can finally make out his words.
“You can take it, baby” he rolls his hips and you finally push back into him. “That’s it, such a good girl for me ey” he groans. He starts pounding faster as you beg him for release. “Please I need to- I need to” you whimper as you can feel your orgasm approaching.
“Cum for me baby, cum all over this big cock”
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xo-hugs-n-kisses-ox · 23 days
(v.) to think deeply about something
After Edward left her, Bella Swan fell apart. Desperate to try and save his eldest daughter, Charlie brings his youngest daughter to Forks to see if she can bring her sister out of her depression.
Now, y/n must try to help her sister find her way back to the light while also trying to navigate her Junior year of high school in the odd town of Forks.
All rights reserved to their original publishers.
Now playing: Long Way From Home by The Lumineers
Chapter One: Forks, Washington
     Moving from Jacksonville, Florida, to the rainiest place in the continental U.S. wasn't an easy adjustment.
     Seeing your sister act like the walking dead was even more trying.
     All of it was because of that boy, who left her when things got hard. Mom only thought of "young love" and said "a little heartbreak builds character!"
     Phil thought Edward was an ass, but that Bella was being a little dramatic about her first heartbreak.
     Charlie and I shared a similar sentiment: Edward Cullen better not come back to Forks. If he does, I'll kill him.
     I'd get away with it, too. Charlie would shut down the investigation because he'd be glad the boy was gone and wouldn't hurt his daughter any more.
     I'd hurt him, especially but not limited to the fact that I wasn't quite sold about Bella falling down the stairs after she ran off. I don't think Edward pushed her, per se, but I don't think they told us the entire truth. Call it a gut feeling, or intuition, or whatever. I don't trust him or his family, aside from the good doctor. He's always seemed the most normal, from what I've heard.
     "Bella," I call, knocking on the door to her room. It was quit still, and I was waiting impatiently for her to answer. We had to go to school before we were late and got another day of detention.
     "Bella!" I shout, knocking on the door again. I hear some rustling and watch as the knob turns, only to find my sister with her pajamas on, her hair a mess, and looking like she had been through a hurricane.
     She blinked owlishly at me, almost like she was deciphering who I was.
     I sighed through my nose, trying to be sympathetic to her. I guided her to the bathroom and made her brush her teeth while I untangled her hair. In an attempt to keep it from getting ratty again, I braided it back tightly and wrapped put oils on the ends to try and keep it from frizzing up.
     "Sorry," she told me, staring blankly at the mirror. All the anger in my chest deflated, and for a second, I felt as hollowed out as she looked.
     Hollow, empty, devoid of soul.
     That's how she looked.
     Anger ignited in my chest again, but not at her. At her shitty ex-boyfriend who left her in the woods because he was a coward and couldn't break up with her properly.
     "Don't worry about it," I told Bella, "I'll get Charlie to write a note or something. I guess the driveway was extra icy this morning."
     The school day passed without much happening.
     Bella's friend Mike tried to get me to pass something on to her, but I couldn't hear what he said before Jessica pulled him away without a glance at me.
     I thought she was stuck up, but she wasn't a bad person.
     Lunch was subpar again, the cafeteria food being lukewarm at best and cold in the middle of the mashed potatoes.
     "I wonder if Charlie could threaten them into making the food better," I wondered aloud, poking at the food on my plate.
     Bella remained frozen in time, staring at the seat beside me as if she was waiting for someone to appear there.
     I sighed, shaking my head.
     I hummed to myself as I continued to poke and prod at my food u til the bell rang to get back to class.
     A few days pass.
     Nothing changes.
     Bella's still depressed and hardly living in the real world. She wakes up screaming from night terrors and Charlie's started to sleep in the couch so he doesn't have to get up from his bed anymore.
     I've started to develop insomnia, I think.
     I don't sleep until the early hours of the morning, since that's usually when Bella stays asleep, too.
     I'm awake from six thirty in the morning until two in the morning.
     My routine consists of waking up, getting dressed and ready for school, then getting Bella up and dressing her. It's about forty minutes allotted to each of us, and then an extra ten to get Bella's lunch ready and packed.
     I go to school with her, go about my monotonous but peaceful day, eat a silent lunch with my sister, finish my day, and go back home.
     When I'm home, I work on anything I didn't finish already. Sometimes I go in for work at the 24/7 diner at the corner of Wheatgrass and 74th, working the night shifts and getting home in time for Bella to stay asleep. I make my lunch from the food I got to take home from the Roy's Diner, I take a scalding hot shower, and I pass out for the four hours before I have to wake up again.
     Angela asked me how Bella was.
     She seemed like the only one that truly cared about my sister.
     Jessica was sour because she was ignored. Mike only wanted in her pants and was stringing Jessica along. And Eric was nice, but really only cared about the news paper and Angela.
     "Is she getting any better?" Angela asked me, sitting down beside me at the table I was reading at.
     "Not really." I replied, looking up at her for a minute. "Charlie's about to send her back to Jacksonville."
     "Oh," Angela said, looking sad at the news. "Is there anything I can do for her? I try to invite her out, but she never shows."
     I shrugged, "Not much to do. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make her drink."
     Angela nodded, her lips thinning for a moment before she got back up.
     She patted my shoulder before she left, and I immersed myself back into my reading.
     Working the night shift at Roy's was never boring. We got loads of interesting people here. Charlie called the diner "a drunk's dream." Sure, it was a little sleazy and a lot of greasy food, but it wasn't horrible to be in. If you ignored the obnoxious 70s disco decor.
     A duo of two men were sat in my section, both of them looking like hell.
     "Welcome to Roy's, I’m y/n. What can I get started for you?" I asked, my peppy customer service voice grating on my own nerves so late at night.
     They both had tanned skin in shades of bronze, and long, dark hair. One had it pulled up in braids down his back, the other's hair loose.
     "A Pepsi, please," the first man said, and he looked to the other boy, "Jared, what do you want?"
  ��  Jared ordered a strawberry milkshake.
     "Be right back!" I told them, spinning on my heel and going to get their drinks.
     "How old do you think those guys in your section are?" Chelsea asked as I filled up the drinks. She was staring at the two I had just spoken to, and I shrugged.
     "Dunno, don't really care." I said, "They look grown enough, I guess."
     "Grown enough?" She parroted, laughing, "They all have to be at least twenty!"
      Again, I just shrugged.
     "Ugh, no fun." Chelsea said, rolling her eyes and disappearing into the back to go gossip with the cooks.
     "Here are those drinks," I said, setting them down before each of the boys. "Anything to eat?"
     "I want two number twos with lettuce, tomatoes, unions, and pickles, please, and a large fry." Jared told me, and I wrote it all down quickly. Two double patty burgers and a large fry was a lot to get down, but boys had large stomachs, I guess.
     Sam spoke next, ordering, "A number three with tomatoes and lettuce only, with a number four with everything and a large fry, please."   
     Spicy chicken sandwich with everything on it and a pulled pork sandwich, I wrote, then said, "Be right back, then."
      I handled my other tables until the food was ready, and I had to ask Kass to help me carry it all. When I set the food down, in front of them, they both thanked me and started eating. I grabbed their cups to refill their drinks, and when I was back to the table, most of their food was already gone.
     "You two sure can put food away, wow," I said, setting the drinks down again. Jared had ordered another milkshake, and a water. Sam still got the Pepsi.
     Sam smiled, looking weary but better. Color had returned to his face, and his eyes looked brighter.
     "We're growing boys," Jared joked, and I smiled.
     When they left, after ordering a slice of pie, I got a nice tip and a doodled wolf on the check.
     Bella went out with Jessica to see a movie, I think. I wasn't paying a lot of attention when she said it, I had a mountain of homework from physics and not nearly enough time to do all of it.
     Charlie found Bella's wallet and told me to go give it to her, so I went to Port Angeles to find her.
     I saw Jessica first, and she was watching in mute horror as Bella spoke to some strange man on a motorcycle.
     "Bella!" I yelled, people glancing my way as I stormed up to her to snag her by her arm and drag her away.
     For a moment, she looked hopeful, like she was expecting to see someone else.
     "Oh my god, you're stupid!" I yelled, dragging her back to my car. "Do you not think about anything anymore? He could have kidnapped you! He could have done worse!"
     "I just-" she caught herself, flinching, "I thought I knew him."
     "Good lord," I said, swearing at her for her recklessness, "I thought Charlie would have told you about stranger danger, but I guess not! Maybe it's time for a refresh!"
     Jessica trailed behind us as I berated Bella and lectured her over the dangers of strangers and dark alleyways and motorcycles.
     I folded my sister into the passenger seat of my car, ordering Jessica in the back seat.
     "But, uh, what about Bella's car..?" Jessica asked, staring at me.
      "I'll get it tomorrow. I don't trust Bella not to do something else stupid with it now." I huffed, reaching over to buckle Bella's seatbelt and peeling out of the parking lot.
     I dropped Jessica home safely and pulled into the driveway, marching back inside.
     "Your daughter has lost all her sense!" I told Charlie, "Dad, you need to tell her about stranger danger again before she gets herself kidnapped!"
     "Y/n, now wait a minute-" he started, glancing at the door as my sister came stalking in behind me.
     "Bella, you wanna tell me what your sister is talking about?" Charlie asked, and I huffed as she just sighed.
     She explained and got a stern talking to, but I wasn't satisfied.
     I started going everywhere with her, after that.
     When we weren't in classes, I was attached to her hip. Hell, I even started sleeping in her room with her.
     She still kicks.
     But the nightmares become less frequent when we have sleepovers every night.
     I make her take care of herself by doing it for her, forcing her to brush her teeth and wash her face as I do her hair in the mornings and at night, packing a healthy lunch for her, and forcing her to keep up with her studies.
     It's exhausting, but it's better than staying up until I cant anymore, and it's slowly getting me my sister back.
     And then Jacob comes back into the picture
     He and Bella are fixing up some old bikes. I have no interest in them, so I sit with them and listen as they talk.
     Sometimes I draw some still life pictures of them, sitting together and working.
     Sometimes I sleep.
     Sometimes I do my homework like a good student.
     Slowly, I started to trust Jacob with my sister. I started picking up more daytime shifts at Roy's, and I started to relax.
     The nightmares still happen, but they've gone down to about twice a week now.
     Sometimes she only wakes up crying, others it's the screaming again.
     But progress is progress.
     "Y/n, I sat a group of three in your section. Booth in the far corner, babe." Makayla told me as I passed the host stand.
     "Thanks, Mak," I said, hurrying to drop off my drinks to some travelers before going to my new table.
     Ryan comes barreling my way to drop some food off, and I spin around him to avoid knocking into him and his tray of food. I get to the booth in the back, seeing some familiar faces.
     "Hey guys," I smile, recognizing two of my favorite customers, "I haven't seen you two in a minute, how've you been?"
     Sam, who I learned later from Charlie, had been the one to find Bella after she was dumped in the woods by Edward. I didn't care if he knew who I was or not, not really, because I knew who he was. I couldn't do much for him, but showing my gratitude for saving my sister through the Family and Friend's discount was enough for me.
     "So busy," Jared complains, pointing an accusing finger at Sam, "He's had me doing chores for days and makes me take more if I don't do my homework! He's like my mom now!"
     Sam rolls his eyes as I laugh, reaching out to flick Jared in the forehead. The two of them have been coming to
     "You're working with me, I'm responsible for you. So sad for you." Sam says dryly, and I shake my head at their antics.
     "Strawberry shake and Pepsi?" I ask them, my eyes tuning towards their new friend.
     He looks rough, almost like Bella did. His long hair is pulled back in a hastily done bun, and his eyes are sharp and attentive. He looks at me oddly, his brows slightly drawn together and his eyes squinting slightly.
     "What can I get for you?" I ask him, an odd feeling rising in my chest as I meet his eyes.
     He's quiet for a moment before he takes a deep breath and orders a water.
     I nod, taking down his drink order and turning towards the kitchen.
     "Ooh, your friends brought someone new!" Chelsea crooned, coming to drape her arms over my shoulders as she watches me fill up the two cups in my hands. I roll my eyes.
     "Chels, why are you always back here when you're supposed to be doing your work?" I ask, dragging her towards the milkshake machine as I fill up Jared's strawberry shake.
     "I'm doing my side work! I got cut early." She says, smacking her gum in my ear. I cringe, reaching back to push her face away from mine.
      "Love that for you, girl, but get your smacking away from my ears, please." I told her, hearing her laugh as I add a cherry to the milkshake and a drizzle of chocolate syrup. She walks off to go finish cutting her lemons and I put all three drinks on the tray to bring them out.
     I set down the drinks and milkshake, turning the tray under my arm as I pull out my note pad to take down their food order.
     "Number three, no unions, large fry, and a chicken sandwich, unions, tomatoes, lettuce, with a large fry." Jared rattles out, and I jot it down quickly. I turn to Sam and notice a distinct lack of his friend beside him.
     "Chicken tenders and a large fry, number two and a basket of onion rings, please," Sam says, adding, "Paul will have the same as me, but without the onion rings and with fried pickles instead."
     I nod, writing it all down.
     "You want me to put a slice of pie in and bring it out later?" I ask, seeing Jared nod enthusiastically.
     "That'd be great, y/n, thanks." I again nod at Sam's words, turning away and hustling to the kitchen to put in their order.
     I service my other tables while the boys' food is being made, bustling around my section. I'm keenly aware of eyes on me, but I figure it's just someone waiting to get my attention so I can give them a refill.
     When their food is ready, I bring it out to Sam and his group.
     I set each of the baskets down before each of the boys, picking up their cups and going to get them refills.
     They each eat quickly, and every time I pass their table, my skin prickles.
     I try to see if it's one of them that needs my attention, but each time I look over, they're all engrossed in their food, or a conversation. Any time I look over, they're in tense conversation. I try and keep my distance so I don't disturb them, but I make sure to keep attentive to their cups and plates.
     I sigh after a while, deciding that I must be making things up. No one seemed to be looking at me.
     They ate quickly and I ran them their check. I was left with a good tip and a smiley face on the paper of the check beside Sam's signature.
     When I was finally cut to go home, I took a long shower and collapsed in my bed. When my eyes closed, I saw a picture in my mind's eye.
     Dark eyes framed by thick lashes. My vision slowly panned out, and I saw dark eyebrows. There was a slight wrinkle between them, like the person was frowning. Slowly, my mind put together a strong nose, then high cheekbones, full lips, and a strong jaw. Finally, I saw long, dark hair framing this handsome face.
     Slowly, I put a name to the face I saw in my mind.
     Why I was seeing Sam and Jared's friend, I had no clue. There was no denying that he was attractive, though. His angular face and sharp eyes made him look uninviting, but his sullen demeanor was softened by his full, almost pouty lips and well kept hair. His lack of facial hair made him look younger compared to Jared, who's scruffy chin made him look closer to twenty than to seventeen. The long, silky hair on his head had been messily pulled back, yes, but it served to make him look almost boyish, also.
     I was pulled out of my thoughts when my door creaked open, and I peeled my eyes awake to see Bella standing in the doorway. Wordlessly, I pulled back the blankets around me and scooted over. She shut the door behind her and fell into my bed, sighing as I reaching out to pull the blanket over her shoulders.
     I fell asleep shortly after, Bella's breathing steady almost immediately.
Word Count: 3157
Author's Note:
Hey guys!! This is my first fic ever! Please lmk what you think about it 🥰
Also, I plan to change some things about the story. I'm going on a mix of the books and movies, but I plan to change the timeline a little, change the logistics a bit, and make some of the characters a bit older because I don't like how literally everyone is like 16?? Anyway, I'll probably put out a chapter of all the stuff I change to get some feedback and stuff
All rights go to the original authors and publishers !
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xxsp3llb0undxx · 1 year
The Pack Imprint
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Fem!Reader x Uley Pack {2.9k}
Requested - Unknown
Summary: Reader is Bella Swan's neighbour, having lived beside the Swan's her whole life. The once close pair, now hate each other all because of the group of shifters that reside in the rainy state of Forks, Washington.
Forks, Washington - February 19th 2005
It had been a month since Bella came back to town, she was the centre of the school gossip, everyone trying to either be her friend or get a date with her. All but one person - Y/n L/n. Bella and Y/n grew up together, they were childhood friends along side Jacob Black. But after her parents divorced and she went to live with her mom, Bella had grown distant with the young girl she once saw as a sister. Two letters a week turned into one a month, which then turned into nothing. Y/n was heartbroken, her best friend had up and left. Jacob tried to be around more often but with school on the res and his dad nagging at him to help around the house, he couldn't fit Y/n into his schedule. Which in turn, made the pair grown apart from each other as well. That was until she came back.
The last month in Forks had been hell. Everywhere Y/n went, whispers about the Swan girl being back was all she heard. Every time she would enter through the school door the chatter about her once best friend would swarm through the halls, Y/n had enough. She was sick and tired of always hearing about her, Bella this and Bella that - it was giving her a headache. Jessica and Angela had gave Y/n's seat at the lunch table away to Bella, that was until she started sitting with the Cullens. It was infuriating, she's been back a month and she's already pining after the only Cullen available, it was pathetic. Bella was like a plague coming to ruin Y/n's life all over again, but she wouldn't allow it to affect her.
When lunch came around, Y/n found an empty table near the back of the cafeteria. Jessica and Angela tried to invite her back to their table but all they were met with was Y/n's middle finger held up in front of their faces, the two girls turned and walked away but not without Jessica muttering a not so quiet 'bitch' under her breath. Y/n had enough of Jessica's shit; the sly things she'd say about everyone, how she would point out peoples insecurities and worst of all - how she victimised herself all the goddamn time. Y/n had got up out of her seat, the screech from the metal legs dragging against the floor grabbed the attention of everyone in the cafeteria. "Hey Jess?" Before the girl could respond, Y/n had grabbed a handful of her hair and yanked her back - the scream she let out was loud, almost deafening the Cullens; who were on the other side of the cafeteria. "Don't you ever call me a bitch again, do you hear me? I'm sick and tired of your bullshit. You just never learn to fucking shut up." With that said, Y/n had let go of her and walked out the double doors leading into the parking lot of the school.
The Cullens had watched the whole thing unfold, Bella clinging onto Edward's arm saying she was scared. Emmett had the biggest grin on his face, he was enjoying himself too much, quiet little Y/n had turned out to be a badass and Emmett loved it. Rose had to stop her mate from joining in, a firm grip on his bicep - enough to hurt anyone that wasn't a vampire. Alice, knowing what would happen, had excused herself before the fight broke out. She wanted to see if Y/n was alright, so the pixie like vampire had decided to wait beside Y/n's car, hoping she would show up soon. But she didn't, at least not for awhile. Alice had gotten tired of waiting, she turned to leave when she heard the car door behind her shut with a soft click. Before she could do anything, the car had reversed and turned out the parking lot - heading as far away from the gates of Forks Highschool.
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March 5th 2005
It had been at least a week since the whole incident between Y/n and Jessica. No one had seen or heard off Y/n, people had started to spread rumours around saying she was expelled or she had ran away after what she had done but none of it was true, only no one would really know the truth at least not yet. Bella had rang Jacob after it had turned into two weeks of not seeing Y/n, at first the young wolf sounded unfazed, like he didn't care but in truth, it was all an act. He knew about what had happened, he heard it straight from the horses mouth the day it all occurred. Y/n had drove all the way to Jacob's house, he was in the garage when he head the screech of tires pulling up in front of his house. He had poked his head out the garage door to see who it was, not really in the mood for anyone to come rushing into his house when he was busy. The sight of a distraught Y/n had panicked the poor boy, he rushed over to her scanning her body for any signs of injury but he turned up with nothing. Y/n was on the verge of tears, he could hear her heart hammering in her chest. Jacob brought her in to his arms, the warmth radiating off of him helped calm the girl down a little though she was still shaking.
Y/n had brought Jacob up to date with what had happened, he was proud of her for finally standing up to Jessica but he was also upset that it had to get to this point for Y/n to finally step up and confront her about it. Y/n had stayed with Jacob and his dad for the last couple weeks, begging them to not send her back there. A couple weeks had then turned into a month, Jacob had started to ignore everyone and started to hang out with Sam Uley and his little pack of mutts. Y/n wasn't having it, she was sick and tired of waiting for Jacob to come home but he never did, no matter how many times Y/n had asked Billy where Jacob had disappeared to he never told her. She waited for as long as she could until it was too much, she had trekked all the way over to Sam's place; her hands clenched and face red hot with anger. She was going to get her answers one way or another.
When Y/n had made it to Sam's house, Bella just so happened to be there too. Her fiery orange truck parked in the drive. There was a indescribable feeling in the pit of Y/n's stomach, a mixture between anxiety and full blown hatred. She stomped her way over to the group, Sam was telling Bella to leave but she wasn't having any of it, like always. Paul was the first to notice Y/n, her h/l h/c whipping around with the wind. Before he could tell Sam she was here, Bella had shouted at him. "What did you do to him? He didn't want this. He just up and left without telling me anything because he's scared of you." Paul had laughed at Bella, Jacob wasn't scared of anyone and yet she still thought that. Paul was calm until Bella had gone and slapped him across the face, she clutched her hand to her chest, it was surely broken after that hit. Paul had started to shake violently, Sam had pushed Bella back telling her to back away whilst simultaneously trying to get Paul to calm down. Y/n had the dumbest idea ever, we all must admit she's not the smartest. She had slowly started to step towards Paul right as he had shifted.
Bella's screaming could be heard but that didn't bother Y/n, what did though was the huge dark silver furred wolf right in front of her. It's teeth bared, snarling at her. Though, she felt no fear. Her hand slowly reached up and gently lay upon it's muzzle. The wolf huffed, he wasn't entirely trusting the girl in front of him but he also felt no fear towards her. He looked into her e/c and everything stilled. The noise around him had calmed, all he could focus on was her. Paul felt like the centre of the earth had shifted, like he was finally where he was meant to be. Before he knew it, he had shifted back. Y/n's body flush against his own, protecting him from the eyes around them. Soon enough, a blanket had been given to him to cover up until he was able to make it back to the house and put a new set of clothes on. Paul was confused, how was he able to imprint on Y/n when he had already imprinted on Rachel, Jacob's sister?
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After the events of earlier today, Bella had told Jacob to never speak to her again and she left, just like that. Jacob was sat on the steps of Sam's porch, he just wanted to be alone but he knew that was impossible. Jacob felt a shift of weight beside him, he turned his head and saw Y/n wrapped up in one of Emily's blankets, she must've given Y/n the blanket to stay warm. Jacob threw his arm over the smaller girl, the warm his body provided her, soothed the chill that made a home in her bones. "You know, Bella doesn't deserve you Jake. You're too good for her." They both sat there in silence for awhile, the soft chime of the trees rustling in the wind settling in to the comfortable silence around them. The door to Sam's house opened, revealing the older male. "Come inside, we're having a pack meeting." The pair looked at each other before Jacob got up and walked inside, leaving Y/n to sit on her own to watch the trees dance around in the soft breeze.
Inside Sam's house, the pack was all sat around in his living room. Embry, Paul, Jared and Quil were sat on the sofa, Leah and Seth took up the two arm chairs while Sam and Jacob were stood; everyone waiting for Sam to start the meeting. "We all witnessed what happened between Paul and Y/n earlier, Paul imprinted for the second time. What we need to figure out is why that happened." All eyes were on Paul, he felt smug about having two imprintee's but it felt wrong, as if he were betraying Rachel. The meeting had gone on for the last hour, the pack had decided to try and see if they would all imprint or if it was only Paul to be lucky enough to have two imprintee's. The pack had left the house, Y/n completely unaware of what was about to happen. Jacob held his hand out to Y/n, pulling her up on her feet and leading her over to the small field where Paul had initially shifted. "I need you to be as calm as possible, okay? We need to see if what happened to Paul earlier will happen to all of us, I promise I will explain it all later." Y/n only nodded her head, giving Jacob the all clear.
The pack had lined up beside each other, Paul was the first to shift. He felt all the feelings from earlier flood back, his heart pounded as he stepped closer to Y/n. She reached out to run her fingers through this fur, earning a soft grunt from the silver wolf. Next was Embry, he was scared to look up at Y/n, he felt sick to his stomach; what if he didn't imprint? Y/n took careful steps to Embry, his fur was gray with black spots; he was slightly smaller than Paul. Y/n crouched down to be eye level with the gray wolf, his eye's locked with hers and it was like his whole body was set alight. Slight tingles coursed through his bones, he felt complete. Embry nuzzled into Y/n, small giggles erupted from the girl, the sound was like wind chimes clashing together. Embry left with Paul to shift back and change back into their clothes. Quil and Jared were next, Quil's wolf had chocolate brown fur while Jared had light brown fur with black markings around his eyes. The pair had imprinted instantly, their tails wagging behind them as they accepted the affection off their imprintee. Seth had imprinted fairly easy, though he was still scared. The sandy brown furred wolf cowered at the attention of his imprint, too overwhelmed by the feelings bubbling inside him. The young wolf left as quickly as possible, wanting to shift back and put this behind him for now.
Leah imprinted soon after Seth, she finally knew what it was like to have someone meant for her. The tingling coursing through her body was welcomed, Leah stayed beside Y/n refusing to leave the girls side. She would not leave her imprint, not now - not ever. Jacob and Sam were the only ones left, they had decided to shift at the same time, afraid of being rejected. Sam was a black furred wolf, he was like a shadow while Jacob was a rusty brown colour, almost like Seth. Sam was the first to look up at Y/n, her e/c stared straight back at him. His heart was pounding in his ears, he didn't feel anything at first. He knew what it was like to imprint and yet, he felt nothing. Sam was about to give up and just walk away, until Y/n sat in front of him and ran her fingers through his fur, an electric shot went straight though him. Images flashed behind his eyes, growing old with her, having a family of their own, loving her till his very last breath. Sam now had two imprintee's, what was he going to tell Emily? The black furred wolf walked off towards the house, his ears pinned against his head.
Jacob still had his head pointed down, his eyes trained on the dirt under his paws. "Jake? Look at me, please." Her voice was soft, almost a whisper. Jacob listed his head, his pupils blew as images of them laughing together, cooking dinner together, messing around with the pack flashed before his eyes. It was like his ears were flooded with water, he knew he would do anything, be anything for her. His whole world was centred around Y/n and what their life would be like together. A blanket of warmth wrapped itself around his heart, he felt content knowing his best friend would be his forever.
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Once everyone had shifted back and back in their clothes, they had all settled in to the living room. Y/n sat on the sofa, squished between Jacob and Leah, while Seth sat in front of her on the floor; his back pressed against her legs. Paul and Jared were fighting over what to watch, while Quil and Embry made popcorn for everyone. Sam was the only one missing, he was sat in his shared bedroom with Emily. They were arguing, everyone could hear it. "Is it my fault? Them fighting, I mean." Y/n felt guilty, she didn't want to tear apart Sam's relationship, she would gladly show herself out if it wasn't for Jacob and Leah physically holding her in place. Paul was the first to say anything, he had crouched in front of the sofa, his hand linked with hers. "Hey.. it's not your fault doll face, no one could've seen this happening. You are our imprint, you are what matters the most to us, it could never be your fault, okay?" Paul kissed Y/n's knuckles, his lips ever so lightly grazing her skin. She sniffled slightly as she nodded her head. Y/n couldn't have been more happy to have the pack, she finally felt loved and included for once. The rest of the night consisted of watching random movies and eating too much junk, Y/n had passed out on Leah's shoulder after the second movie had started. She was soon followed by the rest of the pack, all spread out in the living room. Seth cuddling into Y/n's leg, Jacob flung half on Y/n while Leah was now hanging off the sofa, Paul laying beside Seth on the floor; his head on Seth's arm. Jared and Embry passed out on the arm chairs, their bodies thrown across them like they were dolls tossed to the side. Quil was the only normal one out the bunch, he was cuddled into a blanket away from everyone else, a pillow under his head as he snored.
Y/n had made a family for life, she would not give this up for anything.
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babygirlbites · 6 months
Their Reaction to the Vampire Dairies
Wolf Pack Headcannons
Can’t explain why this is so important to me, it just is….
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Sam is definitely not the type to sit down and watch vampire dairies off his own accord.
That being said; Sam IS the type to want to spend every waking moment with his imprint.
The compromise being that he must deal with your favourite show being re ran every single time you face even a minor strain in your every day routine.
Sam will sit there silently, respectful enough to not grumble at your choice of viewing material but not particularly taken in by the idea of vampires being sex symbols.
He’s not a fan, but he knows you love it and he loves you, so it’s a bareable consequence.
Although I don’t think he’s particularly watching, he is definitely a team Stefan - this being the only topic he speaks up on, both surprising and assuming you when he does
It’s the Delena kiss scene at the end of season one (Damon and Kathrine, but Sam doesn’t understand the doublegagger plot yet, give him time)
“This is all wrong” he says, between mouth fulls of salty popcorn
You turn to look at him, a questioning look on your face,
“She should stick with the other one” he mutters under his breath, eyes returning to his bowl of snacks
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Unlike Sam, Paul can’t HELP but get involved.
Yer okay, he gives you shit for watching a teen romance about vampires,hybrids and the like, but he literally can’t keep his mouth shut when it’s on.
He’s FAR to involved; it’s got him gasping, laughing, often shouting at the screen.
I believe Paul to be a team Damon, he’s also a klaus fan.
Special mention to his HATRED for Tyler Lockwood; which has you a little confused until you realise it’s just Paul looking in a mirror.
Maybe an emotionally agressive, reactive werewolf is a little too close to home for Paul to enjoy.
When the pack bring it up, seeing the two of you cuddled up in front of another TVD marathon, he tries to deny his enjoyment of it but is also very defensive of the fact that it’s NOT for teens
“It’s pretty spooky actually, I only watch it to keep (you) from getting scared”
It’s a lie, and they all know it.
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Jacob is similar to Paul but HEAVY on the team Damon.
Thinks he’s a Damon, he’s actually a Matt, not that you’d be the one to tell him.
He’s the kind of guy to say he’s not watching and then ask you questions through the whole thing
“So what’s his deal again?”
“Is he trying to bang her?”
“What happened to her parents”
He’s so busy sending you tiktoks about the show he accidentally sends one to the pack group chat and it’s all either of you hear about at every meet up or bonfire for the next 6 months.
He definitely has a big crush on Elena, not as big as his crush on you of course, but a close second
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Embry & Jared
Rolling these two into one because they are both unapologetic vampire dairies fans
Jared has actually already seen the whole show, and recapped it twice by now, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t willing to watch it again with you - from start to finish.
He’s also seen the originals and legacies - Jared isn’t messing around guys, he’s a super fan.
I don’t believe Embry has seen anything TVD before you, but you suddenly realise you’ve unlocked something in him that you never expected to see.
Embry lives and BREATHES the show.
Unlike Jacob , he sends the tiktoks to the pack on purpose, hoping to get them into it too so he can talk about it when he’s on patrol.
Jared is team Stefan, Embry is team Damon - they fight (physically) about this often.
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Seth and Quil
Simp simp simp
These men are both rocking team t shirts in public
Quil gives team Stefan to me but I feel he eventually will change sides with elena - by the time we get the hotel scene/kiss he’s a full fledged team Damon.
Seth is team whoever, he just loves love. He’s happy to see any of them with anyone as long as they are happy - but he does really like the Stefan redemption arc of season 3.
I feel like both the lads would be caught watching the show without you, which would lead to apologies and promises to never do it again.
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Leah is a reluctant fan; like many of the others she’s not a fan of a vampire centric plot - but you’ll win her over with quality time, in bed cuddles and the Damon/Elena pipeline eventually.
Not so much a fan, but she watches it for you.
She knows you like to talk about it so she watches closely to be able to give you her educated opinion .
I feel she’s more team Damon but I KNOW she’s a Katherine apologist!
Elena tends to remind her of Bella, so she has a bit of a prejudice against the main character. Leah, as a general rule of thumb, has an issue with Mary sue type characters.
Katherine, being the anti Elena, steals Leah’s heart immediately.
There is three people in this relationship now, you will just have to accept that.
Also a fan of Rebekah!
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bangtanmix73 · 2 years
Omg so imagine if someone from the wolf pack imprinted on reader, reader went to a neighboring town while the Cullens are there (so they technically don’t break the treaty if I’m right). Reader gets hurt somehow and is close to death and one of the Cullens change them. The wolf that imprinted is all worried for like a week until someone figures out what happened.
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tyb1 · 2 years
Standing In The Rain
pairings: Seth x reader
summary: after weeks of not talking due to secrets being held Seth finally confronts the reader while standing in the rain
warnings: angst then fluff 😋
w/c: 1087
A/N: Thank you guys for 1,000+ notes on Rainy Days ♥️🥺
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“So you’re just going to leave me out in the rain!?” Seth yelled, his hands waving in the air as he tried his best to get your attention.
The rain poured down on the roof of your car, you sat watching the wipers push the hard rain off of your windows. Everything was calm for a few seconds, you had just arrived back from your night class. The news that was spreading on the radio caught your attention, and that was one of the reasons why you decided to sit in the car, the other was the rain that was pouring down. The final one was your boyfriend standing in the middle of your driveway blocking you from entering your house.
It has been approximately a week since you last spoke to him, it honestly didn’t bother you. Every time you thought about him you grew irritated with him and the situation he put you in. No explanation could honestly bring you out of this funk that you were in, however, if you didn’t allow him into your car your parents would come outside and invite him into your house.
With the most stoic facial expression, you unlocked the door, you kept your eyes on him as he made his way around to your car. Once he touched bases in your passenger seat you went back to what you were doing before he interrupted you. Seth on the other hand was pushing every button on the heat to get warm.
Your eyes raised with the utmost cockiness there was, “I thought you couldn’t get sick. Isn’t that the werewolf within you?”
Seth turned to look at you, from the corner of your eye you could still see the water pellets dropping from his skin. “Yeah, but I’m still soaking wet from the water. I’ve been standing out there for like 26 minutes.” He continued to ramble about the rain getting into his ears making them hurt when they dry. And how he was going to smell like a wet dog since his clothes were all muddy. He talked and talked until he finally stopped, he noticed that you weren’t listening to him. Your eyes were glued to your garage, too deep in your thoughts to even give a damn about what he was saying.
“Can I explain myself?” He asked, he reached into your back seat to grab a spare shirt of yours. His hands ran through his hair as he tried his best to dry it with the cotton material.
You looked down at your apple watch, it was already going on 9 at night. Your curfew was at 10 so that meant he only had approximately 10 minutes to explain himself.
“There’s honestly nothing to explain, I’ve heard it all Seth.” You turned to look at him, he was staring back at you with the utmost remorseful look. You could tell he meant no harm from the situation but it hurt knowing that he lied. “It hurts more knowing that I had to hear it from them rather than you.”
His eyes softened as he began to speak, “I know, trust me I was going to tell you but I didn’t want it to be too much on you. You know the whole werewolf thing is one thing but imprinting is a whole other situation. That was something special I was supposed to tell you.”
With your arms crossed you leaned back into the chair. The flashback of that day came dancing back into your head. The boys joking around with their girlfriends, Seth walked away from the group for one second and the beans were spilled. He could’ve warned the boys that you didn’t know, you sat there looking stupid with tears in your eyes. They told you what imprinting was, it sounded like Seth was only with you because he had to. You genuinely had a love for Seth Clearwater and it hurt to know that the same love that you had for him wasn’t the same for him. Seth's love was forced upon him, he had no choice but to you love.
Forcefully your eyes closed, and the hurt you felt from the weeks prior started to emerge. You could feel Seth pulling your arm into him. You didn’t bother to put up a fight, you allowed your body to melt into his wet one. “They made it seem like you’re only with me because of fate. Like we’re supposed to be in love because you imprinted on me. It honestly sounds creepy Seth.” You mumbled into his shirt, you could hear his heartbeat getting faster by the minute. He was nervous.
“See, That’s exactly why I didn’t want to tell you yet. It’s so much more than that (Y/N). I’m not with you because I imprinted on you, I’m with you because I genuinely have a love for you and I want to be with you.” His head rested on top of yours as he tapped his fingers gently against your skin.
“I don’t like the secrets Seth, that’s why I was so upset with you. You can’t hide things like this from me no matter how bad you think they are.”
“I know and I’m sorry. I was just trying to do the right thing. It’s a lot to take on but trust me when I say that I didn’t want to hurt you. I would never do that to you (Y/N). From now on no more secrets.”
He held out his pinky finger which you wrapped your own tightly around. That sealed the deal about everything you two just talk about Looking up at Seth you could see the moonlight reflecting off of his brown eyes, he looked like he was in deep thought. His eyes were panned out to the rain. Gently you shook his arm catching his attention, “Seth, I’m not blaming you for any of this. I guess I was just stuck in my own ways. I understand that you wanted to wait for my well-being which I respect so much about you. But next time could you please give your boys head-ups.” You laughed, Seth nodded his head. The biggest grin on his face.
With one hand under your chin, he brought your lips up to his. “You don’t have to worry about anything else princess.” He whispered those words against your lips before closing the space with his own.
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