#jasmine pikake
brooklynislandgirl · 7 months
@nightmarefuele may have had a certain Corvid-Boy ask how often does she self-pleasure....for science, of course.
To Add a Little Spice || -
In an instant Beth comes to several different conclusions after he crisply bites out each word of the question. The first is that she is grateful they occupy space in a coffee shop that lies in a triangle between his place, her place, and the university library where they'd begun this latest assignment. An exercise in verbal intimacy and navigating emotional openness in a clinical setting. Becoming familiar and empathetic toward one's patients. The second is that despite being at this for over two hours, the permafrost in his gaze remains. A shiver runs down her spine. One that tasks her will not to allow be visible, though maybe if she weren't wearing her knee-length cardigan, he'd see the rush of chicken-skin it provokes. Third is that this is the first time in weeks she's seen a touch of amusement curve his lips. By no means a full smile, there's a grim sort of tilt to his mouth. Something she'd more likely call smug than welcoming. Beth considers refusing him an answer. There are hundreds of other questions on the list that they'd been given. It would only be fair as Jonathan at various intervals refused certain ones; anything about his family. Anything regarding his childhood in general. Not that she blames him, her first refusal came over the question about the relationship she has with her parents. Sea is her mother. The earth is her tutu. He would likely never understand what she means by that and it skirts too close to a truth that can not ~must not~ be spoken aloud. Not that he'd believe her if she told him. He's too much a creature of logic and reason. Even if she were to flay him down to the bone, down to the soul, Beth would be hard-pressed to find any wonder at all in him. Jonathan isn't an old man for banality to have him so tightly in its claws. She picks through the ways she could answer him. How truthful she's willing to be. She can't quite shake the feeling that she's going to both bore him but also make him question how many of the rumours are true. Will he ask about her brother, then? Make a lot of the same assumptions? If she were anyone else, would she do the same? Will he think she's frigid? Disdainful of anyone she deems beneath her and not in the way meant in later questions? Will he think she's lying? Their notes aren't due for review until next week. Maybe she could suggest reconvening? No, that would be a victory for him. Knowing he got the better of her. Beth sighs. Leans forward and picks her chai off the table and takes a sip. She looks at Jonathan's hands ~elegant, aren't they? expressive~ at his notes, at everything but his eyes, vivid behind his glasses. She takes hers off and perches them in her hair. She can almost hear him purr the words 'staling tactics and furtive movements'. "I…uh….I tried it once. Alone one night, anxious an' maybe a small kine irritable. Night was too hot, too close. Almost felt…alive. I'd try yoga, a bath…." She enunciates the word pitifully so there is no misconstruing her meeting. Her hands end up folding in her lap, knuckles fitted together, fingers upward and curled before lacing together. Her pulse ticks at her throat. Her breath is shallow, uneven. "Swimmin' in da indoor pool. Reading. All da usual sort of t'ings, right? An' jus….put on some music. Saint-Saëns ~ Le Cygne, f'ya curious. Poured myself some wine, lit some pikake flower candles. Uh…jasmine. Dat's what pikake means. I pick up my phone, look at some videos jus' so I had an idea. But….but it no work f' me, you know? No reaction suppose t' have. No heat or passion, no…you know. If anyt'ing it was awkward. Uncomfortable." Her voice lowers to just a bare movement of her lips. "Guilty. Sinful." She swallows and shrugs, now not looking at anything but her hands, almost accusatory. "Don' see a point in it. Don' really see one to any of dat." Now he knows. Now he can dissect her, make fun of the fact that she's … "Wha' ya firs' memory of bein' sexually 'roused?"
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sergeantpixie · 9 months
tag game!
tagged by: @woodswit
name: bella
pronouns: she/her
where do you call home: Upstate New York!
favorite animal: wolf!
cereal of choice: chocolate koala crisps (it's basically the hippie version of chocolate rice krispies)
visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learner: I do okay with visual and auditory, I'll remember most of what I hear or see, but I don't fully understand most things until I do them myself so kinesthetic.
first pet: well my mom had a fluffy (angry) yellow cat named Govinda when I was a baby but I think my first own personal pet was a little white bunny named Snowball.
favorite scent: I can't wear perfume regularly anymore because I work in a restaurant but I've been wearing Gucci Flora's Generous Violet since I was about 18. When I'm truly homesick I like to wear Pikake oil perfume, which is Hawaiian jasmine. It's very expensive so I try to make it last.
do you believe in astrology: not really! I think it's fun and I don't look down on people who do believe but I've never felt like my chart was particularly accurate. My mom is a believer and she did my chart like the day I was born so I have it memorized though! Even she agrees I am not particularly Taurus-like.
how many playlists do you have on your music service of choice: oh man, I can't even imagine, it's gonna be a lot, I'm a playlist addict. You know what, that number is too big...I have 4 public playlist, we'll leave it at that.
sharpies or highlighters: sharpies!
song that makes you cry: The Toy by Hana Zara
song that makes you happy: Sleep on the Floor by The Lumineers
and finally, do you write/draw/create: Yes! when the stars align I write fanfiction, but lately I've had a lot of ideas for original stories so I've kind of been focusing on that. I write a lot of poetry, too. I am not great at drawing but it does happen, same with painting (mostly watercolor and mostly as an excuse to mix colors). I also do a lot of crafts and embroidery.
tagging: @randomestfandoms, @constantcravingmp3, @juliablackthorns, @meredithbeckham, and anyone else who might want to!
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sarah04sblog · 9 months
Discover the Enchanting World of Hawaiian Flower Names 🌺
Discover the Enchanting World of Hawaiian Flower Names 🌺
Aloha, flower enthusiasts and nature lovers! 🌴🌸
Hawaii, with its lush landscapes and vibrant culture, is a paradise not only for your soul but also for your senses. One of the most magical aspects of Hawaii is its stunning array of flowers, each with a unique name and story. So, let's embark on a fragrant journey and learn about some of these Hawaiian flower names that will make you smile and sigh with wonder!
🌼 Plumeria - Known as "Melia" in Hawaiian, plumeria flowers are the epitome of tropical beauty. Their sweet fragrance and vibrant colors often grace leis, adding a touch of elegance and charm.
🌸 Hibiscus - Meet the "Hibiskus" in Hawaii! This iconic flower is not just a pretty face; it's the state flower of Hawaii. With its bold and showy petals, it's no wonder it's a symbol of beauty and hospitality.
🌺 Bird of Paradise - The "Laua'e" flower, as Hawaiians call it, resembles the vivid plumage of a bird in flight. Its striking appearance makes it a favorite in tropical floral arrangements.
🌻 Pua Aloalo - Also known as the "Hawaiian hibiscus," the Pua Aloalo boasts a dazzling range of colors and represents the seven main Hawaiian Islands.
🌹 Pikake - A fragrant gem, Pikake, or "jasmine" in English, is often used in making perfumes and lei. Its sweet scent will transport you to a fragrant paradise.
🌷 Lehua - The Lehua blossom, or "Ohia Lehua," is sacred in Hawaiian culture. Its bright red color symbolizes the fiery volcanic goddess, Pele.
🌾 Maile - Although not a flower, the Maile vine is vital in Hawaiian traditions. It's used to make beautiful, fragrant leis, symbolizing love and respect.
🌿 Orchids - Orchids, known as "Okika" in Hawaiian, come in countless varieties and colors. Their exotic allure is a true testament to Hawaii's diverse flora.
🌱 Ti Leaf - The Ti Leaf, or "Ki," is a symbol of good luck and protection in Hawaiian culture. It's often used in ceremonies and for wrapping food.
So there you have it, a glimpse into the world of Hawaiian flower names! These names are not just words; they're a connection to the rich culture and natural beauty of Hawaii.
Feel free to share your favorite Hawaiian flower name or let us know if you'd like to learn more about any of these floral treasures. 🌺🌿🌸
#HawaiianFlowers #NatureWonder #AlohaSpirit
Read Complete Article Here.
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cuddyclothes · 2 years
These are the flowers Ed wears in his hair when they go to the hoity toity party. They symbolize romance and love. Excuse me, I need to go scream.
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bloomingflowers-posts · 3 months
How to grow Pikake plant
In the world of amazing plants, the Pikake plant stands tall, providing a special experience that goes beyond the usual. This plant, with its lovely scent and beautiful flowers, has become a favorite among gardening fans. Let's take a look at why Pikake plants are so special and why they should have a special place in your garden.
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The Pikake Plant: A Fragrant Treat Experience the Lovely Scent
When you first encounter the delightful scent of Pikake's flowers, it's like stepping into a flowery paradise. The sweet fragrance, similar to jasmine, captures your senses and makes the air enchanting. Enjoy the pleasure of nature's perfume with Pikake.
Growing Pikake: A Gardener's Joy Planting Pikake: Tips for Success
To help Pikake thrive in your garden, careful planting is key. Choose soil that drains well and a sunny spot for the best growth. These plants do well with plenty of sunlight, creating a flourishing haven right at your doorstep.
Watering Wisdom
Pikake plants like moderate watering. Find the right balance, ensuring the soil stays consistently moist but not waterlogged. This creates a healthy environment for the plant to display its full beauty.
The Pikake Legacy: Full of Meaning A Symbol of Love and Purity
Beyond its pretty appearance, the Pikake plant has deep symbolism. Respected for centuries, it's often linked with love and purity. In Hawaiian culture, Pikake flowers are a popular choice for leis, representing affection and the delicate essence of true love.
Read also https://flowerjoyful.com/pikake-plant/
Connect with Like-Minded Fans
Are you a fan of Pikake plants? Join our lively Pikake community where enthusiasts share tips, insights, and the joy of growing these lovely plants. Connect with fellow nature lovers and expand your knowledge of Pikake gardening.
Conclusion: Embrace Pikake, Embrace Nature's Best In Summary
As we finish exploring Pikake plants, it's clear they're more than just amazing plants—they're ambassadors of nature's beauty. Invite Pikake into your garden, let its scent captivate you, and become part of the growing Pikake community. Embrace the beauty, embrace the fragrance, and let Pikake work its magic in your green sanctuary.
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kaisgroove · 1 year
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Introducing our popular oil in the Blossom Collection, Pikake Sunrise! This beautiful perfume is a delicate blend of organic and natural pikake essential oil, bergamot essential oil and coconut oil. The result is a refreshing and uplifting fragrance that will take you on a journey to a tropical paradise.
The pikake flower, also known as Hawaiian jasmine, is a popular flower used in Hawaiian leis and is known for its sweet and alluring scent. Our Pikake Sunrise perfume captures the essence of this beautiful flower and combines it with the citrusy and fresh aroma of bergamot essential oil.
We take pride in using only the highest quality organic and natural ingredients in our products, and Pikake Sunrise is no exception. The addition of coconut oil makes this perfume gentle and moisturizing, leaving your skin feeling soft and silky.
Experience the beauty of Hawaii with our Pikake Sunrise perfume, and let the sweet and refreshing aroma transport you to a tropical paradise. Mahalo for choosing Kai's Groove! 🌺🌴🌅 #KaisGroove #PikakeSunrise #OrganicPerfume #NaturalFragrance #BlossomCollection
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puppyluver256 · 3 years
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[Image Description: Two people hanging out together. The man on the left has light skin and messy dirty-blonde hair. He is wearing aqua green and navy blue robes over a blue shirt with green accents, green pants, and a green belt with a silver buckle. He is holding a long wooden staff that curled around a large aqua green stone. The woman on the right has tanned skin with elaborately styled reddish-brown hair and reddish-brown lipstick. She is wearing golden robes over a beige shirt with orange accents, orange pants, and an orange belt with a silver buckle. She has a golden gauntlet with silver claws and pink, blue, and green jewels mounted onto her arm. The background is a pixellated gradient of green, blue, gold, and orange. End ID.]
Sometimes you just gotta show your OCs some love for no real reason (well, aside from making some nice headers for my Refsheet pages with new or at least different art hehe), so here's Chartreuse and Jasmine :3
💖🐶 Check out my pinned post for ways to support my artwork, among other things! 🐶💖
~If you like, please reblog to show your friends! Likes are appreciated, but reblogs let more people see my content! If you have something to say, feel free to give feedback in tags/comments/replies as well!~
Chartreuse Ariary, Jasmine Pikake, and artwork © PuppyLuver Studios
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tanuki-kimono · 3 years
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Hawaiian themed yukata, with beautiful hibiscus, and flowing lei made from plumeria/frangipani and pikake (Arabian jasmin).
The soft obi is called an heko obi, the obijime here is purely decorative and adds balance to the outfit by bringing out the white of flowers.
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boxthoughtsblog · 3 years
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A quick CLOSER LOOK daily photo exercise - November 7, 2021
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PIKAKI Hawaiian Jasmine Bath Butter Whip Artisan Soap https://etsy.me/3eh6g0i . . #etsy #floral #polynesian #tropical #pikake #jasmine #flowers #hawaiian #summer #foaming #bathbutter #bathwhip #soap #whippedsoap #weekendwanderlustsoapco #liquidtdesign #handmade #artisan #bathandbody #handcrafted (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCcp5Gtnrjv/?igshid=shcmnt455c9u
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brooklynislandgirl · 3 months
[ 𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭 ] : receiver is hugging a coat / cape / etc. that belongs to the sender.
Lost Sparks || -
When Chris wakes up, the half the bed is empty. Residual warmth demarcates where she might have been curled up, the question-mark of her back pressed into his side forming some kind of strange new punctuation. The ghost of her perfume ~she makes her own essential oils~ lingers on the sheets same as that fading warmth. A faint combination of lily and jasmine, which she calls pikake. With its black-out curtains and no lights on their hotel room is dark and time is nebulous. It could be early morning or still late at night. When he gropes around for the light and turns it one, the pale yellow glow lights on the second bed. Their suitcases are packed. Everything is orderly. The bedside table has their tickets and their phones. But there's no Beth. Neither is she in the bathroom. In fact when Chris finally finds her, she's in the suite's sitting room. Thick socks rise up to her knees and each individual toe is a different colour. Foot gloves, she calls them. Her sleep shirt ~one of Andy's old tee-shirts~ falls to her knees, and over all of that she's wearing his bathrobe which could explain why he hadn't found it when he abandoned the bed. It dwarfs her and the hem brushes the ground by some inches. The collar is raised to cover her lower jaw and she seems to be cuddling into it as she stands by the window, one hand twitching the curtain aside. Even that makes it hard to judge time but does suggest dawn. "I hoped I nevah wake you but uh… O'Hare is shut down, all flight's cancel," she murmurs without turning. Her features are softly illuminated, the grey world beyond caressing her like bright moonlight. She sucks the corner of her lower lip between her teeth and chews gently for a minute or two. They were supposed to head back to Arizona today, now that the holidays were officially over until spring, and she knows that having the bakery closed for so long might make him panic for business and customer base. She isn't a storm-wife. She flows with the primordial elements, but neither does she create or destroys them. Transmutation of them is one thing and she doesn't have the hubris required to believe she was an actual god. "No can change dat, but I also don' know how long we might be stuck here. So tell you what… I'll pick up anoddah day or two of dis suit. If…f'ya worry about da bakery, I can cover da profits f' January, take da pressure off, yeah?" Then she grins. "But ya not gettin' dis back," she shrugs inside the robe, "unless you plan on carry me back to bed an' ordah room service."
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cipher-p0 · 2 years
Some questions for you! 6, 17, and 18? <3
6. signature/favourite scent?
my signature scent would be pikake (i think it’s a jasmine flower in english?) but my favorite scent is the sun dried linen candle from bath and body works
17. your favourite book(s)?
what if its us ❤️ a fun gay little love story
18. what do you daydream about?
uhhhhhhh luffy zoro and/or law at any given moment of the day bc they’re my babies <3
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planabee · 4 years
If Gen 9 is truly based on India, I believe Mina will make another appearance.
Why? Her name is short for Jasmine 
which in Hawaiian is “Pikake”
which literally means peacock
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jongintricacies · 5 years
melaco, blue elf, and wooly rose ~
ty for humoring me Danielle 💕💕💕
melaco: how would you describe a perfect date?Food HAS to be involved - not even anything fancy, but I love to eat and try new things so going somewhere I’ve never tried before is always a great start to a date. I also enjoy just walking around, talking, and people-watching!!! In like a busy park or downtown area :’)
I’m also cool with the classic dinner and movie (either in the theater or at home snuggled up!).
blue elf: do you have a favorite scent? I think my absolute favorite scent is jasmine - specifically pikake (no clue what it is in English lol), it’s sooooooo fragrant. I also love lavender! As for non-floral types of scents, the smell of frying garlic and onions is awesome!!!!
wooly rose: what are some names that you like? I’ve always really really liked the name James - I don’t personally know anyone with that name but it’s so classic and strong to me! I also like the name Keiana (kay-ah-nah), in part bc of the actual pretty name, and bc the girl I know by that name is hella talented and sweet.
✨send me some succulent asks!!!!!!✨
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elifeldman-blog · 5 years
Welcome to the Islands
Hawaii Island Bath Hawaii Island Bath & Body Cologne 3 fl. oz. Pikake Jasmine by Welcome to the Islands Neutrogena LOT OF NEW SEALED Neutrogena ULTRA SHEER DRY TOUCH 30 SPF SUNSCREEN 3 OZ
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quotesuniteposts · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Terranova | Perfume Pikake 0.4 Oz New.
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