#jason vs leatherface
scrapnick · 2 years
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They’re flirting 🥰
Sorry for being madly in love with comic book Drayton… as if it’s my fault…
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fandomgamersimp · 8 days
I'm having a silent beef with those who deemed Jason as an unempathetic monster and someone who kills without any thought in the world, becase Jason vs Leatherface showed me how big the potential of deepening him as a character is \( ̄▽ ̄)/
Also TW for abuse, ableism, blood, gore and death; there are also spoilers for the comic!
Brief summary: Jason gets unknowingly "fished out" with Camp Crystal Lake water, where a giant company dumps their waste which they want to quietly transport to Texas while flying under the radar- and he ends up meeting Bubba and his family.
Him being unempathetic in any way, shape or form kind of butchers his establishing as a character in my opinion- he kills because his mom got murdered, he resurrects because his mom wants him to stay alive and they promised each other they'd always be together and "no one will take him away from her", in another FT13 comic called How I spent my Summer Vacation he spared a teenager who had the same/similar disability as him, he doesn't really go after children and animals. Not feeling empathy for anyone? That just sounds ridiculous to me.
And same goes for his interactions with Bubba.
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Him, even when he's in the "zombie" form, remembering his own domestic abuse and therefore not standing for seeing it happening to someone else- someone similar to him- is such a missed opportunity when it comes to other releases to me; and this comic came out in 1996!
I just think it would make him more complex, playing around with different ideas of the fact that someone you see as a monster is still capable of more empathy than many humans- especially when I barely see any character showing even an ounce of empathy for what happened to him. I obviously still love classic slashers and horrors- I just think they had a diamond laying around and barely anyone takes it.
This comic also did something which pretty much none of other FT13 works did, and that's showing what's happening inside his mind.
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I just felt it right in my heart when I saw him being so confused while experiencing something else than negative emotions for the first time in years (ಥ﹏ಥ) Remembering what he had and maybe what he still could've had if his life turned out differently.
He barely had any time in his life to simply be happy, and laugh, and be full of joy due to his house situation and everything else that occured- and I think it also poses an interesting idea of maybe introducing a character that would try to help him experience these things, because currently the only feeling he has is hating on anyone else who is happy and has a loved one- because he doesn't experience nor have these things himself (totally not a possible plotline for a story I made up for him and another slasher OC I have, haha... unless (ง ื▿ ื)ว )
And you want to tell me so many thoughts and feelings are experienced by someone who kills with an empty head?
The Sawyer family and Jason unfortunately had a fall-off, because Jason tried to protect Bubba again, and because he's very much not okay with abuse, knives went flying, with Bubba- of course- protecting his own family at the end of the day. And damn, did it hit hard.
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Not only disappointed in others- again- but also with that deep-rooted hatered he has for anyone who has what he didn't. Because he actually tried to be friends in a weird way considering he doesn't really know what friends are, or how to behave. For once, he tried - and people failed him again, even when he gave them a chance.
I also think they even nailed his feelings towards his drowning.
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I think it's a portrayal of how tied to a lake his life is, disregarding his saying on the matter. Whether he likes it or not, that one situation of his life will haunt him forever and will always be tied to him- despite the fact that not him nor his mom ever asked for their lives to be that way; interwined with him so much that he finds his own trauma comforting.
And now some of them want to tell me that this is the guy who just simply kills and doesn't think about anything, and doesn't deserve empathy in any way is capable of being portrayed with so many thoughts, feelings and perspectives on things- and you're not doing it? As I said, all of what I posted above shows me that you can create some existencial, amazing stuff right there.
Because I think despite him being a killer, the biggest horrors often happen in our own heads: if a brutal murderer can have those thoughts and still feel empathy, what does it say about some people? If we, as society, have put more effort into taking care of each other and learning from our own mistakes, and listened more to those who suffer, then maybe Crystal Lake wouldn't be rocking with such a high body count. If Jason Voorhees, a person who slaughters people and experienced so many bad shit that to an extent his revenge is understandable and justified, can feel for others, what about you?
Not to mention the fact that it was a great opportunity to show that someone who has a disability shouldn't be dehumanised, because they're complex just like anyone else; and there's no excuse, ever, for being bigoted.
There were some ableist comments* (see below if you desire to, and again tw for ableism) made by some creators in the past after all, so I feel like many of how they portray Jason and this whole "empathy" situation has more to do with seeing him as someone lesser, even if not openly rather than not being empathetic towards a criminal (which can be a separate rant completely); rather than being motivated by an artistic choice. But that's just a theory.
*(Betsy Palmer, and I think others too, refered to him as a "mong*id"; also they made some weird comments about the character "Mark" from FT13 pt. 2 saying "you see a kid like him getting a girl, and then you just want him to be killed" - paraphrased from Friday the 13th documentary when they were talking about making the audience root/cheer when Jason kills someone; excuse me, what do you mean "like him"? Friendly reminder that literally the only thing that made him different from other stereotypical slasher guy characters in FT13 was the fact that he was in a wheelchair)
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mister-voorhees · 5 months
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why he sleep like that
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randomly-a-fan · 1 year
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From a comic called Jason vs Leatherface #2 Drayton (obviously his name) has an origin of his sister called Velma (Bubba’s and Hitchhiker’s a.k.a Nubbin’s Mother) before she died. It was heartbreaking, so you’d see the reason for his grouchy ways.
I know @scrapnick would love this! 
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marioggy · 2 months
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Fav Horror Icons
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eggxcellent-blog · 9 months
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I need to share the gift of this stupid shirt. It's perfect, the pointless friends logo, the chibi anime art style, fnaf pennywise jpeg, what more can I say?
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doodle-empress66 · 7 months
🎃Halloween Edition!🎃
Horror Movie Icon Brawl!
They are all in a void where they can be revived after being slain. The one who inflicts the most kills wins. They are limited to 3 separate abilities/attacks. Time limit is an hour.
Who will cause the most bloodshed? You decide!
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rickrakontoys · 5 months
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NECA toys horror shelf grows
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spazzy-voorhees · 1 year
MKX Jason x FEM! Leatherface x FVJJason
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Voorhees sandwich
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scrapnick · 2 years
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“Well now you know!”
Horror selfie redraw!! I’ve been reading all kinds of horror comics lately, Jason vs. Leatherface and Junji Itos Tomie to be exact so here’s a selfie that’s a mix of both 👹
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fandomgamersimp · 28 days
I just want to ramble a little, because one of the latest reblogs evoked something in me, and I just want to make sure I'm not the insane one; also I've finally got around listening to Pamela's tapes from the FT13 game, and I'm kdjfksfjjefj-
! I may be adding something here and there throughought, because I seriously have a lot to say about all of this 😭
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Because no matter what anyone tells me, I can't for the life of me be on anyone else's side, but Jason's. The franchise has some likable protagonists, obviously, and I rooted for them. My heart? Always on the Jason's side.
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Like, I want you to picture what I'm seeing here, with added info from those tapes I mentioned.
TW sexual violence, abuse, ableism
Pamela- a woman living through 40s and 50s- already a tough situation if you know the historical context. At one point, a tragedy happened; an unknown man raped her- she doesn't want to talk about him, she doesn't want to remember him, she doesn't want to see this monster ever again. "It doesn't matter" she said to the police in the tapes. "What happened, happened." But she felt like he was still out there. Looking for her- and for the child he gave her with unspeakable violence. So she found Elias. Because he looked like someone who would be able to protect them. She married a different monster, it turned out. He also abused her - sexually, mentally and physically.
I feel like throughout it all, she managed to find strenght in her kid - someone who, due to his disability and ableism of the world, seemed far more vulnerable than her (and maybe because thanks to his disability, she just saw an innocent child rather than her rapist's face). And someone who loved her unconditionally- so she loved him back, despite how he came to be. I think she tried to be a strong person, and to shield her son from how cruel the world could really be- she knew it first-hand after all. The world already disappointed her, so maybe her child can have a shot, and she clearly tried her best- he was her perfect, little kid, no matter what kind of disgusting and atrocious things people were saying about someone who never did anything to them. She knows bad people. Her son wasn't one just because he looked different.
But Elias abused him too. She obviously snapped at that point. She murdered him for what he did - because unlike with the other despicable man, this time she was in control of what to do with him. Her son told her to do it too, he knew it too - or it was the first sign of how mentally disturbed she was because of her trauma.
She heard about Camp Crystal Lake later. It made itself to be something like a paradise, for kids especially. Of course she took it. Not only for work, but I think they made it out to be this beautiful and promising place for children - and her son deserved happiness too. But it wasn't. Other kids were cruel, and councelors were rude. Just because someone is born different. She tried her best to make him socialise, to protect him too. She was shielding him from others a little too much, sure- but considering her past experiences and the fact that she didn't get professional help, I don't blame her. In her eyes most likely, the world proved to her how fucking disgusting it can get to people who never even did anything to it.
Then, she heard it. Her child begging for help - probably just like all those times he screamed for help while his dad was hurting him. They told her that they can't find him later. She told them he couldn't swim. That they had to pay a little more attention. Her child- Jason- was probably her biggest, if not only, reason to still be alive, because he deserved to have support and genuine love, to experience what she didn't get to. He needed her, but suddenly he was gone. The police was called, she demanded justice.
She demanded something that she didn't get- so at least give it to a damn child. And they didn't.
On one of the tapes, the police even assumed that "he's probably dead already". You know why they automatically assumed that? Because he has a disability. They didn't even consider the smallest chance of him being alive, just decided he's no longer alive without even doing the search. She tried to find Jason on her own, of course. But obviously she couldn't, she's only one person. Not only the police didn't do anything useful- the councelors that were too busy with themselves were hired again. Without consequences. Without an apology. Without justice. Horrible people doing horrible shit and then living like nothing happened while others suffer. And she snapped again- trying to do anything in her power to have the camp permanently closed after her murders, so no other mother can suffer like her- like your heart was ripped straight out of your chest.
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Jason had to live years in the woods alone. He probably wondered why all of this had to happen to him. In the comic of him and Leatherface, he still remembers his dad's abuse too. All of that because of how he looked- hating it himself up to the point of covering his face (I think the fact that the bag on his head is tied perfectly shows that he really doesn't want to give anyone/anything a chance to take it off and see it). Only his mom loved him, no one else in his life showing him this much care and genuine appreciation for existing.
And then, he sees them. Everyone just happily visiting Camp Crystal Lake. Partying. Living. Nobody even once wants to genuinely acknowledge what happened. Nobody visits his mother's grave, the councelors do whatever they want. Nobody pays respect in any way. They act like it never happened. Like their lives thrown away means nothing. Like- I think- no one wants to look into themselves and ask whether or not they contribute to what kind of society we've created- one where victims don't get justice, where an ableist "joke" is accepted and laughed at, where you'd rather ignore what's around you rather then contribute to change- because maybe if someone, even one person, thought that way, his mother wouldn't be raped and killed while mentally unstable, and maybe he could have a chance at living just like able-bodied people are, and maybe the other kids would have been a little nicer to him. Maybe if they stopped to think about others for one second, it all wouldn't happen. We could change the world- but are we just choosing not to?
And then you see the same people kill your mother. Was her snapping after everything made her a horrible person? The same that raised her child, despite from who he came? She didn't even get to find him and live like a family. He was probably so excited for that split second, seeing his mom alive. She didn't even get to see he's safe when he found his way back onto the Camp. What did they do to the world for everything to end up like this?
Because I think after all that, they decided they're going to give them a reason.
I personally enjoy DiSanti's interpretation in his fanmade movies- where the blood of Pamela entered Jason, with all the hate she gathered for the world. Because in my eyes, that's the perfect depiction where they both, in a way, decided that they're going to show people how it really feels when your entire life is ruined, where your innocence and hope are stripped away, and there is no justice served, and no one believes you, and no one does anything. These people are going to know how it feels to have the entire world against you while hatered and pain eat away your humanity.
While, maybe at one point finally, realising that it all could've been avoided if you thought about someone other than yourself.
It's "if you want to hate me, hate me for an actual reason". And the Voorhees decided they're going to give them a damn good one.
You would stay alive if you just fucking listened for once.
Also: honorable mention of Rennie who was made an "empath" in the comics
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Because apparently empathy and morality are mutually exclusive, and feeling empathy towards someone, even someone doing horrible shit, is a super-power and not just something we all should strive to have. (Me wants to say it's because the world has had us convinced that commiting a crime is a perfect reasoning for getting rid of empathy for those who commit the crime and for circumstances of them ending up in certain positions, so we don't realise just how broken we are as a society and we all have certain responsibility for how we treat the disabled, the poor, the abused, the mentally unwell etc. and most shit happens for a reason; but not everyone is ready for this conversation. Or maybe everyone's angry that they see Jason-with all his background provided- and unlike many people, he doesn't really go after children and animals still, so they realise he still has more rigid of a moral spine than them).
And also they kinda keep doing this shit- I understand screaming while a huge guy is chasing you with a clear intent to kill you; but excuse me, why are you screaming upon seeing someone's deformity caused by a disability? 🤨 (he even raised his mask in pt. 3, because like, HE KNOWS what kind of reaction he's gonna get - because so far no one proved him otherwise).
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1,2,Freddy’s Comin for you…🫀
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pinkberry1rxx · 1 year
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blowflyfag · 1 year
So I read Jason vs leatherface and just. Man. Like a lot of it was very wacky to me but the genuine unspoken bond that had formed between Jason and Leatherface was so personal to me. Like they didn’t speak to each other. But Jason was able to relate to Bubba and wanted to care for him. Of course he was trying to care for him with the only way he was shown how to and that was with violence. But then the dilemma of leatherface of needing to protect one’s family… idk maybe I’m reading to much into it but in those last few pages where leatherface threw the flower into the water said a lot to me. In conclusion. MY BOYS AUGHHHHH
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 2 years
What do you think of Slasher Villians fighting? Do you have any "Fair" 1v1s?
I like the idea of the slashers interacting, which is why I actually enjoyed Freddy Vs Jason a bit, despite its many mistakes. (Lori is one of the worst final girls in the Friday the 13th series, and I stand by that.)
Fair 1v1s are hard though cause so many slashers are either immortal or extremely hard to kill. (Any Ghostface would lose against most slashers, cause they’re, for the most part, just people.)
Though I feel like there would be some fights that would be interesting to see, like maybe Candyman vs Freddy Krueger, or Leatherface vs Michael Myers. And there’s the matchups people have wanted, like Jason vs Leatherface, Jason vs Michael, and other ones that I can’t think of right now
I’m not sure, there’s a few fights I’d like seeing. Jason already fought Freddy, Ash, and Leatherface if you count comics, and alien vs predator is a thing, so I mean there’s room for stuff like that. Hell, I’d see another Freddy vs Jason movie if they made one.
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