mylifeisjoesugg · 7 years
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I’m so excited for this band! This sounds sooooooo good! #bandwithoutaname 🤩😍❤️
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thatchedsugg · 7 years
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«It’s the last night of us hanging out as a 3.»
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Hi! Can u describe me this Buttetcream team? I am sooo new to this thing🤷🏼‍♀️😭😄 And maybe something more about Jack Maynard? He is the cuttest😏😏
Describe them? Are you sure? Alright, you asked for it
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First off we have Caspar Lee
Caspar is 23 years old and has had his YouTube channel since 2011. He was born and raised in Knysna, South Africa and first came to London to film a collab and stay with Jack Harries (Jacksgap). Caspar is such a kind soul. He deserves every good thing in the world and he’s one of the most unproblematic boys of the group. Have you seen his #PositivityOverNegativity video? What a good guy. Outside of his YouTube success, Caspar has acted in a few movies (some including Spud 3 and Laid in America) and also has his own book which he wrote with his mom. He now resides in London and makes weekly videos (upload date usually Mondays). He is a beautiful human being who enjoys pizza, video games, and hanging out with his friends.
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Next there’s Josh Pieters
Josh is also 23 years old and has had his YouTube channel since 2015. Also born and raised in Knysna, he and Caspar have been best friends since their school days. They weren’t always friends, as Josh used to be quite mean to Caspar and they didn’t always get along. As they grew, they became closer and are now best friends (and roommates) in London. He makes weekly videos with a fairly consistent upload schedule of Wednesdays. Josh is an adorable ginger who has grown so much in the past two years and we are very proud of him.
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This is Conor Maynard
Conor is 24 years old, born and raised in Brighton and now lives in London. Conor found success back in 2012 with his first album, Contrast. Since then, he’s focused mainly on his YouTube channel. He films a lot of covers but has also come out with original songs alone as well as with his friend Anth and his brother Jack. Conor is very dorky and sweet and adorable but then he sings and he’s very sexy and serious. There are many sides to this Brighton boy and we love all of them.
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Here is Jack Maynard
Jack is 22 years old and is the brother of Conor. He’s had his YouTube channel since 2015 but had a channel once before that. He too was born and raised in Brighton but now lives in London. Jack is often referred to as the player/pretty boy of the group, but I think there’s much more to him than that. Not only does he make banging videos, but he also dabbles in DJing. Look at him in his fucking yellow shirt and fucking hat and fucking glasses thAT HE DOESN’T NEED FUCK WHY IS HE LIKE THAT HE’S TOO MUCH. *clears throat* anyway. Jack, Conor, and Josh were once roommates but moved out from the apartment they once shared a few months ago. Jack is also now working on a music project with Conor. Their “group” is called GOAT and their first single is titled Grenade. It’s hard to give Jack a solid upload date, but it’s usually either Tuesdays or Wednesdays. Jack is a smokin’ hot motherfucker whom we all love.
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This is Mikey Pearce
Mikey is 24 years old and is from Brighton. He’s a childhood friend of Jack and Conor and also resides in London. He’s had his channel since 2016. Mikey enjoys making skits and collabing with the other buttercreams. Arguably his most popular videos have been his sponsored videos with Tinder. Mikey’s sort of the problematic fav but he is still part of the group and we love him for it. He has a very inconsistent uploading schedule, pretty much just posting whenever he’s ready to. Mikey is an awkward stuttering goofball who surely has a good heart inside him.
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This is Joe Sugg
Joe is 25 years old and has had his YouTube channel since 2011. He’s from Wiltshire, England and is the oldest member of the buttercreams and also has the most subscribers. Joe’s always had very original content (whether it’s pranks on Caspar or new challenges) and has come a very long way since his first videos. His sister is Zoe Sugg (Zoella) and he first started his channel with her help. He was once roommates with Caspar but they have since moved out of their shared apartment. Joe is very funny and genuine and has accomplished so much, even outside of YouTube. Joe has two graphic novels and the third is coming out later this year. Additionally, he and Caspar have two films together: Joe and Caspar Hit the Road and Joe and Caspar Hit the Road: USA. Joe uploads regularly on Sundays and has called them Sugg Sunday Specials for many years now. Joe is an incredible, good looking, down to earth, successful guy and deserves every good thing that happens to him in the future.
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And here is Oli White
Oli is 22 years old and has had his YouTube channel since 2012 but once had a YouTube channel before that. He is from Iver, Englad. Oli is such a sweetheart and is considered one of the most underappreciated buttercreams. He loves his family, friends, and fans so much. A regular guest in his videos is his younger brother James and they have a very good relationship with each other. Oli is known for his generosity, giving his friends and family incredible presents and surprises (whether for holidays or for no reason at all) and surprising his fans with his merchandise. Outside of his YouTube success, Oli has written two books: Generation Next and Generation Next: The Takeover. He uploads consistently on Saturdays. Oli is an amazingly sweet and beautiful human being and he is too pure for this world.
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This is Byron Langley
Byron is 24 years old and has a YouTube channel called Langley and Mash. He is from South Africa and came into the group via his fellow South African friends, Caspar and Josh. Byron is one of the original buttercreams (according to Joe) but we weren’t aware he existed due to his infrequent appearances on the other boys channels and the small size of his own channel. Outside of YouTube, Byron has done a bit of acting (appearing in all of the Spud movies) and is a model and a bit of a musician. Byron appears in a lot of the other boys vlogs and has been in some main channel videos as well. Byron is one of the most beautiful and sweet human beings I’ve ever seen and I felt he deserved to be in this post.
There are you, that’s the buttercreams. I hope you’ve gotten to know them a bit more now. Welcome to the family! xx
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suggglifeee · 7 years
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i'm speechless.
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luminescent-jaspar · 7 years
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jaspar-ism · 7 years
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» Jaspoli + Tumblr Posts
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the-youtubeimagines · 7 years
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[REQUEST] Oli White - He Meets You For The First Time
"Oii, Americano!" You hear from somewhere behind you, your cheeks instantly start to heat up as multiple people around you are looing around to see where it came from.
You never needed to see Joe Sugg to know that he was close.
"Y/N!" he yells again, this time you give in and spin around, about ten metres away is a grinning Joe Sugg and Caspar Lee. You, a fellow YouTuber, had met both of the boys in your home country - America - while at Vidcon. Despite only being with them for such a short amount of time, the three of you clicked and you had daily messaged each other and planned for you to come to Britain for a visit.
"Hey boys" you grin unable to keep a straight face when they were both projecting a smile, they hurry towards you and both scoop you up in a massive hug
"We've missed you Y/N!" Caspar exclaims producing a take-out coffee cup
"Tea?!" you smirk as he hands it too you
It was a running joke between the three of you that America didn't know how to make a 'cup of tea' like the Brits did, you always argued this so they both promised that when you came to stay with them the first thing you would do would be to have a cup of 'good ole English tea'.
You take a sip as both the boys watch you in anticipation, they smirk knowingly when your eyes widen... What. The. Heck
"That's so good, you're right! American tea sucks" I grimace at the thought of what I used to think was good
"We knew it" Caspar nods
"Told you" Joe adds looking extremely proud of himself
"Anyway, whats on the agenda for today?" you ask, silently begging them to change the topic, you had been so ademant that you either wouldn't taste the difference or you would think American tea would be better, you hated being proven wrong!
"Oh yes!" Joe says thinking about what we were going to be doing as he starts to drag your case alone
"We are filming with Oli in about an hour, we hope you don't mind but it needs to be done, then after that we can do anything you want to do" Caspar smiles apologetically as he swings your large carry-on bag onto his back leaving you empty handed.
"Oh, that's fine. It'll be nice to meet him finally. Hopefully I won't leave Britain with some sort of virus though" you giggle thinking about Vidcon when you, Joe and Caspar had met, Oli had meant to be there but at the last minute he had been strook down by some mysterious illness and couldn't go.
You arrived back at Joe's flat where you would be staying over your stay, you had chilled out while Joe and Caspar had set up the lights for their video. They were busy arguing about how the camera set up should be that they didn't hear the alarm that someone was requesting to come into the building.
With a playful huff, you slid off of the couch and from your comfortable position to walk to the telephone that had a camera on it to see who was outside, you noticed Oli from his videos that you had always watched.
"Come on up Oli" you grin even though you remember he cant see you "I'm not really sure which button I press" you murmur but from the chuckle that Oli gives, you know he has heard you
"Type into the keypad, 268 then the hash button, it's his apartment number and it should open the door for me" Oli explains so you do as he asks and a click sound confirms it has worked
"See you soon Y/N!" Oli shouts as he disappears out of view
You unlock the door and wait by it to meet who Oli whose face lights up with a big smile, there was no doubt in your mind that Oli was extremely attractive - Caspar and Joe were more the annoying, protective brothers but you loved them so it was fine but Oli was different. You could feel your cheeks heating up like Oli could hear all of your thoughts.
As you walking back into the living room with Oli, Joe and Caspar turn around looking shocked
"When did you get here?" they question Oli
Since Oli had arrived all the boys has been acting strange, they had been having secretive chats in the corner of the room and then they kept trying to tell me all these positive things about Oli.
They finally sit down to film, you are paying a small amount of attention but you didn't want to disturb their filming so you sit across the room on your phone trying to stay out of trouble
"Did you hear that Y/N?" Joe shouts over, you lift your head up
"Huh?" you ask shaking your head
"We were just saying how Oli is now a man" Joe says with a wink that looks like I should know something that I don't
"Guys..." Oli sighs while blushing
"Yeah I mean look at all this chin hair" Caspar grins as both the boys on either side of Oli use a finger to rub under his chin making you laugh while Oli just looks bewildered.
"Wha'dya say Y/N, go on a date with our manly man Oli White" Joe winks again while its your turn to blush
"So the secretiveness was you two trying to get me and Oli to go on a date together?" you giggle
"You noticed that? We were trying to be discrete!" Caspar sighs
"About as discrete as a bull in a china shop Caspar" you laugh again while Oli sits in the middle of them, very quiet and very embarrassed.
"Of course I'll go on a date with you Oli" you smile while he whips his head up as if he is hearing me wrong but you nod to confirm that yes, he did hear right
You were going on a date with Oli White.
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bradleybearr · 7 years
so , yep , I do miss this old jaspar moments instagram: @_its.all.about.joe_
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mylifeisjoesugg · 7 years
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This guy makes me so happy with his videos. When I feel down or bored, I watch his videos and I feel happy! He is one of my favorite youtubers and I hope that I can meet him someday. He’s amazing and the Sugglife hoodie is pretty amazing too! 🤗❤️
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thatchedsugg · 7 years
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“The three amigos back together.”
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The Ibiza boys are going to Croatia!! That means all the boys are going to be together (except Mickey, Conor, Anth, Grant, Phillip and Abe unless some of them are joining as well) The lads holidays are about to start! Can't wait for all the vlogs💕
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suggglifeee · 7 years
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luminescent-jaspar · 7 years
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some birthday tweets to joe!! happy 26th!!!
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jack-maynard · 7 years
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this week’s Joli moments 
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