#jaspar imagine
toxtricity-v · 9 months
I get it if you didn’t want to hear “applejack” as a response to “name a butch lesbian character” but like. she is a butch lesbian. idk what to tell ya. yes she’s also a pony. idgaf.
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niuttuc · 1 month
It was only a matter of time before I sent this ask around... I know you prefer if I tap specific ocs of your but I want to know for as many as your willing to share... what animals would some of your walkers turn into turn into on Bloomburrow?
Have a wall of text to explain why I tend to prefer not to do all of them typically!
Vaalin... Is already half merfolk, but given Fish are food and not people on Bloomburrow, probably defaults to some other kind of amphibians. Axolotl maybe, we see Kiora as one of those.
Zarunpel I've decided not to ever send to Bloomburrow. It's hard enough to pick for the others and she has layers of additional stuff that kinda don't translate well to animals. Including a big magical panther living in/as her shadow. so No.
Anedia is most definitely a Rat, she fits all the requirements there and stereotypes of them on Bloomburrow.
Arnoss is probably some kind of Lizard, but bigger than any sapient lizard people of Valley are used too, they might assume he's a variant from another region. Which wouldn't be too shocking, the Lizards of Valley already come from another region. Probably something Komodo Dragon-inspired.
Farell... Well, just like everywhere, Farell would be whoever he wants. Although fun mental image of him trying to take familiar forms and getting twisted into their animal equivalent, divining at the same time what some folks would be on Bloomburrow.
Ivegard is an elemental of rock and fire. I don't know how THAT would translate to Bloomburrow, elementals are typically calamity beasts, but she ain't about to become flesh and blood, so probably an unsettling animal-shaped flamekin that make people double-take with typically calamity characteristics.
Dolores... Well, her Azra form probably becomes a Mink, and her demonic one a variation on it. Imagine a very angry (on account of being turned into a Mustelid) big mink with scary wings.
Dancing-Hands is already a Fox.
Lhur probably becomes one of the larger species of Bats of some sorts, and is very confused about the whole star and religion thing.
Nyrhen's entire magic is specialized in keeping him himself. I imagine that centered on himself, he'd manage to keep himself an elf and a disaster for Bloomburrow. With that said, that feels WRONG for the plane and for him, be quite an effort to constantly fight the very will of the plane, and he'd likely leave quickly to avoid that.
Jaspar lines up perfectly with the Squirrels of Valley, quite scarily, and a visit is definitely in order with them having Cosmos Beasts, a magical tooth sword taken from the most dangerous of those that could reach other planes, and some really interesting locations for him.
Arega is in a similar boat to Zarunpel where they have A LOT going on that's part of what their body is like so, uh, let's not try. Bloomburrow would get as confused as them, three planes worth of magical modifications mixing in complicated ways is enough. OUTSIDE of Bloomburrow they'd qualify as being... An Insect Fish Elf Owl Bat Lizard Shapeshifter Mutant?
Madaya... I want to say frog for what she does, but she'd probably prefer being a Bird, so we'll go with the latter. A peafowl seem fitting, even without as grand displays for a woman.
Regellen and Quzawe would of course be Calamity beasts of some kind or another. Don't need much in the way of modifications for them tbh, Quzawe is already a Hurricane-Serpent and Regellen a Moonlight Dragon.
Kinahel is already a bird as a Phoenix Aven. Type of bird would be whatever they currently are. That one's easy.
Jibea... Has vibes from all three normal types in their colors. So I'm gonna go with a Skunkfolk, to side completely and arbitrarily.
Sezashi is already a Lizard who had his legs taken, essentially, so I think he can come through looking mostly like himself but cuter.
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junii-moony · 1 year
Seeing as you only know what Anna looks like, would you like to tell me your interpretation on how characters look?
Wooooooooo okay... Now this'll be fun! (I'll list them by earliest appearance in the chapter summaries) note: my insane interpretations on what these characters look like is exactly as advertised, insane. double note: i will be adding visuals for some of these characters, so this'll be a mess of text and random images Starting with the MC, Arlet. I'll be honest, I have no clue. With a Fire Emblem MC you can never be sure what they'll look like.
Reinhold definitely gave off Vander from Engage vibes, but like a Vander who didn't age well. A slightly scary Vander (if that makes sense).
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For Hewe, my immediate thought was Ky Kiske from Guilty Gear, but a younger Ky. Bit more energetic as well.
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Kester, and hear me out. Reminds me of Shulk from Xenoblade (specifically his XC2 design, but imagine he has black hair). Take away his Monado, replace it with a lance and give him a "Fire Emblem" attire and boom!
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Fletcher (like most archer-type characters) made me think of Juniper from Xenoblade. Take away the cat ear things and they'd fit right in with the "Fire Emblem" aesthetic (aside from the outfit).
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Mary is just Aerith from Final Fantasy. Need I say more?
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Hal is... i actually have no idea.
Niall feels like Raven from Guilty Gear, obviously not as weird and emo and old as Raven, but design-wise Raven fits the "thief" aesthetic.
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Condor is another one of those "I have no clue" characters.
Laura was easy (and hear me out). Konoe (or Nine) from Blazblue. She definitely fits the whole "dark mage" thing (although she is a little scary looking) ((plus every Fire Emblem game has a fanservice character, here you go)).
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Gareth being a brawler immediately made me think of Akihiko from Persona (with a shirt on of course).
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Jaspar is another "I don't know" characters.
Harsent gave off Zelda from- duh. Specifically her BOTW design. Zelda just looks like she'd ride a pegasus.
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Sparrow being a "bad guy" made me think of Gaol from Kid Icarus (although Gaol's design is a lil over the top for Fire Emblem standards).
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Ricon just makes me think of Robin. Being an elemental mage, I can imagine him flipping through different tomes and whatnot, so my mind jumped to Robin (forgive me for using the Smash render).
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Kaen is another idk character.
Lily being a light mage made me think of Mythra from Xenoblade (obviously a "toned-down" design but the point still stands).
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Alastor feels like an N from Pokemon (don't ask couldn't explain).
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Balsinde I also don't know.
Raven being a dark knight made me jump to Zelgius. Not much besides that.
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Adam is just Akechi from Persona, tell me I'm wrong.
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Finch (despite just being Alastor) is N... but with a hat! (can't even tell it's him).
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Lucille is one of those "I have no clue because they're related to the MC" situations Okay that's not every character but I've taken long enough getting this out, so this'll do for now.
note: sorry for the long wait, got a handful of stuff going on lol
double note: again these insane ideas are insane so don't take them too seriously lol. i just take a character's personality and match it with another. adam is a good example, he's just insane, so i thought of akechi. stuff like that.
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ykoriana-imperatrix · 2 years
SDC Month - December 2022 - Wednesday #1
Introducing the other new weekly project for this SDC month: what-if scenarios. In a sense, I feel one could consider it similar to the theories project, as a theory tries to piece together a scenario that might have happened through available canonical information, while a what-if focuses on a scenario that could have happened had some change, great or small, impacted the events of canon. They may not be sister projects exactly... but perhaps one could call them cousin ones?
Just a few notes before we start: for this project, I tried to choose scenario ideas useful enough to generate some (hopefully interesting) speculation and discussion, but which would keep the resulting posts to a reasonable length as well (say, of a maximum around those of the theories from June, but more than just a handful of sentences along the lines of "well, I guess this would happen, that's about it"). I also wanted concepts that would result in more canon-based speculation and not something more akin to fanfiction — for instance, a scenario where some random lord accompanied Aurum and Jaspar on the journey to the Hold instead of Vennel would be far from ideal, because I'd have to completely make up everything about what said lord would be like in terms of personality and motivations, how would those influence his actions, etc. Basically, I wanted scenario ideas that would allow for some degree of freedom of speculation, but at the same time still be grounded in canon and the characters at their core. Did I succeed? I'll let you be the judge of that.
Should the Gods Ever Grant Him a Son of His Own Blood
(I thought it only fair that, like their theory cousins, the what-if scenarios had their own individual titles. This one comes from a quote from George R. R. Martin's novel Fire & Blood.)
My first concept proposal for this project: what if Aurum and Sardian's sister had a son born not too long before the events of canon? (For the purposes of the subsequent speculation, let's say this hypothetical boy would be under the age of one by the time The Masters begins, born in early 15 Kumatuya or thereabouts.)
Now, given what we know about Aurum, I'm sure we can all agree that this would be a hugely significant change to him. The reason he married Sardian's sister in the first place was in order to produce a son and heir to replace the one born from his first marriage, who died young. It might have taken over two decades to get a son from this second marriage, but in this scenario, he'd finally have the heir he'd been dreaming of for years. And I very much believe this would lead to a major change in Aurum's behaviour: this version of him would be far less desperate. So yes, while I'm certain he would still absolutely want to cling to what power and influence he held for the remainder of his natural life, I think this Aurum would perhaps reevaluate his priorities in the wake of the son’s birth, which would lead him on a somewhat divergent path from that of canon!Aurum. Yes, politically speaking, managing Nephron's faction would be a huge plus in terms of the eventual potential rewards... but recall that in canon, he would almost certainly have been hoping to secure a third marriage (in order to have a chance to produce the much hoped-for heir) as part of said rewards. What-if!Aurum, as I said earlier, would lack that factor of urgency and desperation, and while yes, his infant son could still end up succumbing to child mortality, I think securing an additional match for the purpose of having a just-in-case backup heir wouldn't exactly be high in Aurum's list of priorities. (Remember that matches with pure-blooded ladies are very costly and not exactly easy to come by; I imagine this hypothetical idea would be seen as a more than a little frivolous waste of iron from what-if!Aurum's perspective.)
No, instead, I feel like the son would have become his number one focus. By 15 Kumatuya, Aurum would be an elderly man (if one in implausibly good health), and he would know that even in the best case scenario, he was likely to die while his son was still quite young. And I believe he might actually seriously think beyond his own death and be concerned about how the election for his successor might go — what if any supporters his young son would have might not prove enough to stand against some too-ambitious second lineage lord, and his treasured bloodline, his precious long-awaited heir, ended up being ousted from the Ruling Lordship? (Additionally, I imagine the threat of assassination would be very much present — even if it wasn't as much of a risk while Aurum himself lived and was in good health — since a small, vulnerable child would be too tempting a target for scheming relations...) So Aurum would know that the best way to avoid these dreaded outcomes would be to make sure his son was as old as possible when the election came about — that is, that he would need to live as long as possible. Of course, there would only be so much he could do in that regard, though he did already seem to canonically have a healthy lifestyle (a definite plus), and I'm certain he would be vigilant enough regarding any potential assassination attempts on his person as well. There would not be much that could be done regarding the threat of any fatal genuine accidents or unexpected medical conditions... but he could avoid unnecessary risks. Such as, say, going on a cross-continental journey fraught with all sorts of dangers for several months.
Yes, you read that right, I do believe Aurum would not travel to the Hold in this scenario. I think he might still see trying to convince Sardian to return as potentially useful in terms of strengthening Nephron's faction, and it is quite possible he would still discuss it with Kumatuya, but I really cannot see him going himself, taking into account everything that could go wrong for him (and/or his baby son in his absence) in the meantime. Instead, I think he would safely stay behind at Osrakum, continuing to channel his efforts into gaining more support for Nephron (and drawing support away from Ykoriana and Molochite if the chance presented itself; for instance, he might make far more of an effort to try and win Jaspar's father and his faction over to his side in this timeline). As for who might be sent as the faction representative on the journey in Aurum’s stead... well, we do know said faction did canonically include more lords of standing than that of Molochite, so it may not have been as difficult for Aurum to select a good candidate as we might think, one who would have enough loyalty to the cause (or at the very least, enough fear/respect of/for Aurum himself) to do exactly what was expected of him and not even entertain the thought of betrayal.
There you have it, my best attempt at trying to explore what might have changed in comparison to canon in this particular what-if scenario! What did you think about it? Do you feel it was an interesting and/or entertaining choice of idea, or not particularly (though if the latter, perhaps you will enjoy some of the future installments more)? Do you agree with my views of how this might have played out (even if, as with the theories, these topics tend to be fairly subjective), and if not, in which way(s)?
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thecrystalcharmer · 2 years
“He is literally a Sith Lord,” I hold in a shutter, “I can’t imagine he cares about punishments.”
“He might. I’ve heard the Emperor is worse. I thought you would love the chance to go to Coruscant. Of course Jaspar won’t be there but- oh well.” He shrugs.
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vivalavili · 2 years
Vader chuckles, shrugging again, "I think you'd be amazed at how strong I am. I've been training with Cody and Jaspar. And Cody doesn't go easy on me at all."
I laugh softly and kick my boots off by the door, “no- no I can’t imagine he does.”
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suggglifeee · 7 years
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i'm speechless.
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graphiccreativemind · 4 years
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Parallelism / Twilight - New Moon
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who: ror & @ofjaspars​ what: a little run in at the asscrack of dawn <3 where: where ELSE tbh
Nightmares were old hat to Rory at this point. Nightmares, night terrors, blah blah blah been there done that. If Zev and Zahra are to be believed, she occasionally talks in her sleep too. But sleepwalking? That was new. And unwelcome. And it made for a grumpy Rory, especially when she opened her eyes in the damn Town Square in her pajamas(!) at 5 am(!!) on a Saturday(!!!). Thank god she didn’t sleep naked. Unfortunately, she also didn’t sleep with money in her pockets, as if she somehow did not foresee needing cash when she put her stolen Pit tshirt and sleep shorts covered in little rainbows when she went to sleep the night before! Luckily, the cocktail of exhaustion, stress, and frustration she was feeling also meant that Rory was severely lacking in shame. She was fully prepared to beg the next familiar person she saw for a couple dollars so she could buy coffee to fuel her barefoot walk home, but recognition flashed across her face as her eyes landed on Kamilla’s assistant. 
“Hey! Jaspar, right?” Running into him here sends the strangest wave of deja vu through her, enough to make her feel a little ill. Or maybe that was the no coffee / 5 am combination at work. “What’re you doing here?”
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mysummertimemusings · 7 years
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Jaspar rainy day ☔☁
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Tell You || Joe
all masterposts found here
pairing - Joe x reader [ft Caspar] word count - 1,061 warnings - none A/N -
summary - The one where Joe feels responsible and confesses
“I can’t do this anymore, Caspar!”
“You’re being ridiculous.”
“I’m being reasonable! You’re the one who’s ridiculous.”
You had this fight a million times before, but this time it was quite clear there was no solving it. Five months with Caspar and you were already fighting more often than you weren’t. Your honeymoon stage was fun while it lasted, but then there was the partying and the forgetfulness and the boys nights and the sleeping until 1:00 and the never growing up despite the constant wake up calls that he needed to and then, the cheating. You had had it.
Both you and Caspar were quiet. You sat on the couch with your forehead in your hands and Caspar was standing behind you, his hands on the back of the couch and his head hung. “What are we doing, (Y/N)?” he said quietly.
You let out a breath through your nose, “I don’t know.”
“Is this over then?” he said.
“I don’t see how we can move past this,” you said.
“I said that I was sorry, (Y/N),” Caspar sighed. “I don’t understand why you can’t just forgive.”
“Caspar,” you huffed, burying your face deeper in your hands. “How do you not get it? Sorry does not fix this. Sorry does not change the fact that you kissed another girl and lied to me so that I had to find out through fucking We the Unicorns. Do you know how humiliating that was? To get all those tweets to that article link and to go on there and discover through a fucking social media page that my boyfriend cheated on me? I can’t believe you don’t understand how horrible this is. Sorry cannot undo what you did, the utter hurt you caused me.”
Caspar said nothing. You stood up and grabbed your phone, purse, and keys. “I’m done,” you said as you turned to walk to the door. “Don’t call me. Don’t text me. Please just, just leave me alone.” Not hearing any protests from Caspar, you walked out and closed his door behind you.
Instead of driving back to your flat, you found yourself driving the familiar trek to Joe’s flat. You and Joe grew up together. You were the same age so you were always in the same class. You were practically inseparable as kids. He was how you met Caspar in the first place. He didn’t really set you two up but he also didn’t stop you from getting together. You were curious to see how he would react to what you were about to tell him.
Joe let you into his flat almost immediately, greeting you with his usual smile. However, it quickly faded to a frown when he saw your tear stained cheeks. You hardly even noticed that you were crying on the way to his place. You didn’t know what you were feeling. Obviously you were sad that you and Caspar ended the way you had, but surely it was something you had sensed was coming for a few weeks now. Why then were you crying?
Joe brought you in and asked what was wrong. So, you told him everything. The whole time he sat beside you on the couch, rubbing your back and listening to you speak. Joe wasn’t always the best at comforting others, but he somehow always knew how to help you. “Are you okay?” he asked once the tears were completely gone and your breath was relaxed.
“I don’t know,” you said honestly. “I don’t know why I’m acting like this. We’ve been fading for a while. I think it’s just the shock, y’know?” You took a deep breath, then said, “I’m fine. Or, I will be.” Joe was quiet, still rubbing your back even though you hadn’t been crying for a few minutes now. “Joe, are you-”
“I need to tell you something,” he said, his hand leaving your back and running through his hair. “Now is probably the worst time to say it but I have to get it off my chest.”
“Are you okay?” you asked, turning to face him fully.
“Yeah, I just, I gotta say this, okay?” he said. You nodded and reached out to hold his hands in yours, giving them a reassuring squeeze. “(Y/N), I’m in love with you.” You pulled your hands back immediately. “I’m so sorry,” he said. “I know this is so bad. I don’t want things to be awkward and I don’t want you to be mad at me. I didn’t know things with Caspar were gonna be so bad in the end. I thought, well when you guys got together I thought that was it and that I needed to move on and back away so I tried to push away all my feelings but they didn’t go away. And now I feel so bad that things ended with you guys because one stupid, stupid night I was drunk and I told Caspar how I felt and he got so mad, and then he started to feel bad and I can’t help but feel like I’m the reason you broke up and if I am I’m going to hate myself forever.”
“Hey, I need you to relax, okay,” you said, grabbing his hands once again. “Just breathe.”
“I’m so sorry,” he said again, shaking his head and not bringing his eyes to meet yours. You put your hand on his cheek gently. He looked up at you.
“Why didn’t you just tell me?” you asked, your voice small.
“I didn’t think you’d ever feel the same,” he said. “I mean, remember that time when I kissed you and you freaked out?”
“Joe we were 11,” you laughed. You could see his body relax slightly.
“You’re not mad?” he asked.
“I’m not mad,” you said honestly. “I’m a little confused. Pretty overwhelmed. But I’m not mad. I could never be mad at you, Joe.”
“I’m just sorry things had to go like this,” he said.
“I am too,” you said honestly. “But some people come into your life and they’re not meant to be there forever. They’re there to teach you a lesson and so you take them and you learn them and hopefully you grow a bit in return.” You put your hand on his cheek again. He leaned into your touch. “Don’t worry about us, Joe,” you told him. “You and me are gonna be okay. I promise.”
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suth-sardian · 6 years
Jaspar: wtf are you doing???? i'll die!!!!!!
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ykoriana-imperatrix · 4 years
To this day I’m kind of confused about Flama’s names in light of the information we have about Osidian... If Flama Ykoria is how she’s referred to officially in terms of given names (which seems to be true, since Jaspar does so), then why do Ykoriana and Osidian refer to her by what appears to be one of the official names? Given how close they both were to her, wouldn’t a personal name (or more than one) used within the family make more sense in this case?
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Jasper x reader
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