the-youtubeimagines · 5 years
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Daniel Howell - You don’t kiss him goodbye
“What’s the plan for today?” you ask your boyfriend Dan of 2 years. Having a youtuber as a boyfriend was never simple, one day he could have nothing planned and the next he had 3 meetings and a video he and his friend Phil had the film for the next day (because they always left it to the last minute)
“Just got to film a video with Phil today, I think he’s setting up now actually - do you really have to go?” Dan asks wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you into his chest stopping you from getting up off of the couch.
“Yes Dan, I really do have to go - it’s my job and it’s only for 2 days” you say with a sigh, you’d already been over this a million and one times with him. You had been invited to attend a conference with your boss which meant a weekend away but the way Dan was acting you would’ve thought you weren’t going to see each other for a month.
You were going to miss Dan just as much he was was going to miss you but one of you had to at least pretend you were strong and him being so cute and needy was not helping you right now. You felt Dan kiss the back of your neck, you smiled as you felt him do the same against your skin 
“I know what you’re doing and it won’t work” you giggle making no effort to move away 
“Are you sure I can’t convince you to stay” Dan smirks running his hands down your arms leaving a trail of goosebumps
“Daniel! Stop trying to corrupt me!” you grin leaning back against his chest
“In that case, I’m just going to have to kidnap you” Dan warns before letting out  a big laugh no doubt at some strange image he’s created in that head of his 
You looked down at the time on your phone, a car had been booked to pick you up in 10 minutes exactly but you really just didn’t want to move and burst this perfect little bubble you were in.
“DAAAAN!” Phil yells bouncing into the room breaking the comfortable silence, all you can do is smile and shaking your head at Dan’s playful best friend.
“Go film” you say in a fake serious voice but you don’t even move and considering you’re leaning against Dan’s chest he can’t actually move anywhere.
You look down at your phone again and notice a text from your boss saying they were outside but it had been sent 5 minutes ago and you hadn’t noticed it.
“Shit, they’re here early” you squeak bouncing up from the couch, surprising Dan so much so he didn’t have the opportunity to hold you close to him like he planned to, to prevent you from leaving - he was going to miss you so much, you barely ever spent time apart especially not consecutive days.
You throw your shoes and jacket on doing a quick once over to make sure you had everything including your overnight bag.
“I love you, I love you, I love you. I need to go. I’ll call and text okay? I’ll miss you!” you exclaim barely even thinking. You just grab your keys and fly out the door. This was a new job for you and you wanted to impress your boss.
You get in the lift and notice a call coming through from Phil, frowning in confusion you pick up the face time call and see a beaming Phil cover the screen.
“You can’t miss me that much already” you say jokingly 
“Um, I’m having to deal with this currently” Phil says before turning the phone towards Dan who had the biggest frown on his face with his bottom lip pushed right out, it was completely adorable “You didn’t give him a kiss goodbye”
“Oh no...” you realised he was right, you hadn’t given Dan a kiss goodbye but there wasn’t time now to turn the lift back around was there “I’ll see what I can do”
You rush out the main door to the building and sure enough your boss is stood beside a sleek black car.
“So sorry, I didn’t see you message” you explain throwing your overnight bag in the trunk.
“No worries, we were early” she smiles 
“in that case... I just need to run back upstairs - I’ve forgotten my... keys” you lie not very well
“They’re in your hands” she laughs 
AH fuck
“Okay I forgot to give my boyfriend a kiss goodbye and I know its lame but i’d like to go back up and say bye” you explain feeling your cheeks heat up 
“Yeah its fine, hurry up though” she grins 
You burst through Phil’s bedroom door where they are filming and Dan’s face breaks into the biggest smile ever 
“You’re staying!?” he asks hopefully already knowing the answer 
“No but I can give you a quick kiss goodbye” you smile dashing towards him.
Dan stands up and pulls you into his arms and dips you down in the most dramatic kiss ever but yet you completely loved it.
“Feeling better now?” you grin your cheeks now flushed for a completely different reason
“Much - now get gone, you’re going to be late”, Dan teases 
“Oh you’ve changed your tune” you smile heading towards the door, just before you close it to leave, Dan sends you a wink and the most heart warming smile ever.
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the-youtubeimagines · 5 years
Do you do requests?
yes - would you like me to do one for you?
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the-youtubeimagines · 5 years
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Shawn Mendes - he makes you feel bad
It was no secret that long distance relationships were hard and since your boyfriend Shawn Mendes had become a household name due to his amazing singing career that was how your relationship felt. Shawn shared a home with you but he was often travelling all around the country for tours or to write and record music with the best in the business.
You tried to travel with him when you could, you wanted to do everything you could to support him but you also worked part time meaning that there unfortunately wasn't a lot of time that you could take off to travel with him.
Shawn was more than comfortable to be able to support the two of you due to his rising sucess, he never bragged about this, he was one of the most down to earth people you had ever met (it was one of the many reasons that you fell for him) but he was so generous he would offer it from time to time when he saw you were stressed from work or he just wanted you by his side when you couldn't. Despite this offer, you didn't want to rely on him, yes he was very successful but you were your own person, you didn't want to ask somebody else to cover your bills or ask to get some spending money. You liked the independence, earning your own money gave you but even you had to admit that there were times when you wanted to throw the towel in but you stood your ground.
These thoughts of 'throwing in the towel' were whizzing through your brain when Shawn explained that he would be heading off to Australia for a whole month. Shawn wasn't sad about being in Australia, he loved it there and he couldn't wait to meet as many fans as possible but he knew he was going to miss you.
Shawn had bounded up to you excitedly the second you walked in from a stressful shift - the perfect time for him to win you over!
"Please come!" he begged pushing his bottom lip out after hearing the sigh come from your lips, you had, had millions of similar conversations like this
"You know I can't take the time off of work" you explained greeting him with a kiss, he wrapped his arms around you and picked you up bridal style, he carried you across the room until he threw you on the couch making you squeal
"What are you doing!" you exclaim through bursts of giggles
"I am holding you captive until you say yes" he grinned mischeaviously but the sparkle in his eye made it clear this was all just a big game to him
"You know I cant" you say looking at him pointedly, you had also said this line (what felt) a million times and yet Shawn always tried to change your mind.
"It's a once in a life time opportunity" Shawn said with a grin on his face thinking he had got you with a good point
"Not for you Mr I travel everywhere because I am amazing" you reply sticking out your tongue and sitting up across from him on the couch
"Okay so maybe not quite a once in a life time but its an amazing place, you can't deny that" Shawn argues but not in a mean way, he was just desperate for you to join him
"No, I'm not denying it, it is one of the most beautiful places and you know I really want to go to Australia but I really don't have the holidays at work" you explain and nearly cried at his face dropping
Shawn's smile completely upturned as he did a dramtic sad face as he dipped his head and hunched his shoulders over.
You could barely control yourself as you burst into laughter, Shawn looked up at your laughs and realised how silly he looked and how he wasn't fooling you so he was soon laughing too.
"I just wish i could always be with you, I hate when we're apart" Shawn explained once again pulling you into his arms, he pulled you into his lap and just craddled you there for a moment, to anybody else this would look so ridiculous right now but you just cuddled yourself into his shoulder
"I wish I could come, maybe we'll think about this some more okay and I'll see if I can come up with something... no promises though!" you say finally admitting defeat
Once again, Shawn's face instantly changed again to a huge grin
"I can't wait!" he exclaimed.
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the-youtubeimagines · 5 years
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Phil Lester- He reveals your surprise party
You were lay in bed with your boyfriend Phil Lester with a laptop balancing on your knees as you watched some YouTube with him before bed. In two days time it was your birthday and each and every year you begged your friends and family to not make a big fuss out of it. If anything you wanted to see your family in the day and then have your two best friends over to the flat to watch a film and cuddle with Phil your boyfriend but each year they tried to surprise you with something.
So far this year everything had been kept very quiet, they seemed to agree with your wishes of a quite night in which you knew was not like them at all and you didn't buy it yet you had no way to prove that they were up to sometimes. Phil was the weak spot of the group, he was just too open and honest to hide things for very long so for the past 4 days you had been grilling him for answers and so far he had not said a word and it was making you impatient.
You knew something was going on because Phil was more secretive around his phone but you would never invade his privacy by going through it no matter how much you wanted too. Turning to him in bed he looks down at you with a small smile on his face while glancing up every now and again to look at the laptop screen that was showing Shane Dawson's new video.
"What is happening on Saturday?" you ask like you already had so many times before, in response Phil just sighs while looking at you with raised eyebrows, silently asking why you were bothering
"Phil you know how much I don't like surprises and you know how much I like to have quiet birthdays, I know you're up to something so why don't you just tell me?" you ask trying to be angry but his sweet personality and cute face could never make you angry for long which was another that you loved about him but partially hated because sometimes you wanted to be angry but you couldn't. Not with him, even when it did concern your looming birthday.
"Y/N, We've already told you. We are staying in and having a movie night like you request every year" Phil sighs but he has the smallest smile on his face that tells you he is lying
"And every year you ignore my request so what's different about this year?" You ask, Phil can't even come up with a response so he just shrugs. You then decide to change the topic hoping to catch Phil off guard, the first couple of times it doesn't work but you continue trying the more engrossed he is getting to a Netflix show now.
 I need to go dress shipping tomorrow , do you want to come?" You ask. Phil tears his eyes away from the screen and looks down at you with a smile on his face
"Tomorrow isn't the best day, what is it for?" he questions placing a soft kiss on the top of your nose
"Well Friday I'm going to get booked in for hair and nails and Saturday is the party so tomorrow is the only day that I can go and look for it really" you shrug avoiding eye contact with Phil not wanting him to realise what you were doing, he seems to have been fooled so far
"Plus, I don't want people thinking I can't make an effort" you add and you hear Phil tut behind you, you think that he knows what you are doing but he isn't even thinking about what you're saying
"Every one that is going to be there on Saturday already loves you! They don't care what you look like not to mention that you're always beautiful anyway! But seriously, if you want me to come with you then of course I will, I could do with something to wear too" Phil says
"AHA!" you yell jumping up to your feet to do a victory dance while Phil crawls to the edge of the bed with wide eyes realising what he had done
"You can't tell anyone that you know!" Phil says panicking "I promised I wouldn't tell you this time!" he yells remembering the multiple occasions where surprises had been revealed early from Phil who more often than not didn't think about what he was going to say before he said it.
You stop giggle, proud of yourself for finally figgering out a way to get Phil to admit that there was going to be a party
"Don't worry, darling. Your secret is safe with me" you grin winking at a worried looking Phil
"I was trying to hard" Phil says throwing his head into his hands and you start to feel bad as it was clear that he had tried really hard, you should've just given up and waited to see.
"I won't tell anyone" you says with a comforting smile which Phil mirrors.
"I am going to bloody kill them though!" you giggle while Phil's eyes widen
"Do not kill your friends!" he orders pointing his finger at you before cracking a big smile
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the-youtubeimagines · 5 years
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David Dobrik - he thinks you are adorable
You looked at your watch once more and sighed, it had only been two minutes since you last looked at it and your boyfriend David still wasn't here. You knew exactly where he was, it was where he always was - with the 'Vlog Squad'
You couldn't even be mad at the friendship they shared, you had been brought into it by everybody, they welcomed you like you had been best friends with them right from day one when really you and David had only been dating a year.
That, in fact was what was causing you to be annoyed - you and David had been dating for exactly a year today, you had planned a dinner date that you had cooked at his house (you didn't live together yet but he had let you in before he had to go and film to let you do what you needed to do) but he still wasn't back yet despite promising he would be.
At that very moment you hear the front door open, you see a red-faced, frantic looking David flying through the front door, he has wild eyes that search around the room until they land on you where he instantly relaxes. You start to walk over to him.
"You're still here!" he pants clutching his chest "You should count yourself lucky. I just ran!" David winks as she swipe a hand to hit his arm gently
"Yeah you ran ten metres from the car to the door" you grin and roll your eyes at the same time which he laughs at
"I am really sorry that I'm late" David says planting a kiss on your forehead, you close your eyes and relish in the moment. David is always sincere when he apologises and you know he gets caught up when he is filming, it had been a year now - you were used to it!
"It okay" you smile jokingly rolling your eyes again "Let's eat"
After eating, David pulls out a small wrapped box with a little ribbon on top, you stared at him for a couple of seconds with raised eyebrows
"What?" David grins innocently
"We said no presents!" you yell before laughing, you could never be angry at that cheeky face - not that you every truly needed to be
"It's not a present as such... anyway just open it!" David says sliding the box accross the table nearly knocking a glass over as he did
"Oh shi...." David manages to keep the glass steady as you take the lightweight box into your hand - you honestly had no idea what it could be
You peel away the lid of the box and inside it, wrapped in tissue paper is a small key.
"it is a car?!" you squeal jokingly - David laughs too knowing you are joking. Like with everyone else, David had wanted to give you a car but you had point blank refused, you already had a car, granted it wasn't the best but it got you where you needed to be and you weren't with him for him to buy you expensive gifts
"I just thought that you spend most nights here, I want to be able to come home to you and well I miss you when you're not here to I thought.. you know if you want too... don't feel like you have too, I'll understand if you don't want too but if you do would you like to maybe..." David was growing increasingly nervous barely able to get his words out so you decided to put him out of his misery
"I would love to move in with you David" you grin and go to his side of the table where he stands up and pulls you into a bear hug before kissing you.
"Anyway..." you grin sheepishly as you go into the kitchen and come back with your own similar sized wrapped box
Now David looked at you with rasied eyebrows before saying "I thought we said no presents"
You both laugh before David starts to open the box as you speak
"It's not a lot and I could never afford to do the things you do to other people but you are one of the most generous people that I have ever met and I am so glad that I get to be in your life"
David pulls out a tiny tesla key chain to which he instantly grins, his eyes crinkle in that cute way that it usually does when he is genuinely smiling.
David doesn't hug you or come close, he turns on his heel and runs off - you watch him go to the couch where he threw his car keys earlier, he instantly places the car key chain on his real tesla keys.
"Perfect!" David smirks waving the keys at you, the key ring shining in the lights
"I know it's silly" you shrug but smiling none the less
"It's adorable, thats adorable!" he grins not sure what to look at you or the gift that he loved.
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the-youtubeimagines · 7 years
Do you write imagines for Theodd1sout?
I can do
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the-youtubeimagines · 7 years
Odd1sout imagines?
What kind of imagine do you want?
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the-youtubeimagines · 7 years
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Dan Howell - He Brings You Into His Livestream
You were laying in your boyfriend Dan's bed while he was doing a live stream, all of his fans knew about you but you weren't wearing makeup so didn't want to be directly in front of the camera but you weren't excactly hiding from the camera either. Dan respected this and turned the camera away from you and whenever he wanted your input he would ask you then briefly turn the camera towards you before turning it back.
Dan was answering questions from people in the chat, mostly teenage girls so he sometimes struggled to answer properly, he of course had been a teenager but he had never been a teenager who was a girl - that was a complete different ball game so that's when you came in to help sometimes.
Something Dan had got much better at was talking about his feelings, before he had been with you he avoided questions about emotions and love but now although he didn't jump to the chance to answer them he was much more open. Knowing that he was now in a relationship, Dan's fans often bombared him with questions about love and about your relationship but you didn't mind if he spoke about the two of you - as long as it wasn't something private there was nothing to hide.
"Oh, I feel like give good advice for this one Y/N" Dan says making you drop your phone to the side of the bed to give him you full attention as he turns the camera over in your direction
"I'm a 19 year old girl and I've been in a relationship for 5 months, my boyfriend has said I love you for a while now but I can't bring myself to say it back - how do I know if I really love him instead of saying it?" Dan reads from the chat before turning to you
"That's tough - I never had any doubt about loving you" you shrug as the comment section is filled with girls freaking out at how cute the two of you were
"Come here" Dan says patting his lap, you decide to just ignore how terrible you must look and go and sit on his knee - you weren't a cringey couple like that there was simply just one chair
"How did you know you loved me?" Dan asks clearly wanting to know for himself more than for the person asking the question
"I had butterflies in my belly when I saw you - even when I saw that I had a message for you, everytime you touched me my skin would tingle - that sounds so weird but its true" You laugh covering your face but Dan just kisses your forehead
"You're so adorable" he grins "Maybe... you just haven't met the right person" Dan shrugs looking over at you before turning back to the laptop and smiling
"So how did you know you loved me?" you ask Dan with a smirk
"Well, when I first saw that face without makeup and knew i wanted to stick around... I knew it must be love" he says with a wink
Your jaw drops as you slap Dan's chest as he brusts out laughing
"You know I'm only joking, I think you're beautiful with or without makeup on" he says this time sending a kiss to your lips
"Yeah whatever" he says raising your eyebrows
"Seriously though, I knew I loved you because everytime I tried to speak to you -before I knew you felt the same way - it felt like I had to get past a lump in my throat because I was so nervous of saying something that would make you not like me and I second guessed anything I did for the exact same reason" Dan says and you feel your heart melt a little bit
"Plus!" Dan exclaims "You could ask Phil, that poor boy had to listen to me rant on for I don't know how long about how much I loved you but didn't want to scare you off by telling you"
"You're lying!" you burst out taking Dan aback
"No, Why?" he says with a nervous laugh
"I did exactly the same thing!" you say before you both burst out laughing, you had been friends with Phil since high school so you had spoke and known him way before you had ever met Dan so any troubles you were having you spoke to Phil about it
"No way" Dan laughs shaking his head
"How he didn't just explode from boredom and tell both of us what the other had said, I'll never know" you grin, you always knew you could trust Phil not to saying anything that you had told him about Dan but this just confirmed it
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the-youtubeimagines · 7 years
Request. PART 1 - David & Dom find out you're a vampire
"Y/N get your lazy butt out of bed, Josh and Jason are on their way over" David, one of your flat mate yells walking into your room before pulling back the curtains to reveal the bright sun
"Ugh what does that have to do with me?" You groan pulling the covers over your head unable to stay annoyed at David when he had that big goofy smile on his face
It isn't true what you hear about vampires you know? You should know better than most since you, yourself were a vampire. Yes a living, breathing vampire... well actually scratching the living part... and the breathing part.
You were a vampire and knew exactly how ridiculous the films were at portraying vampires. You didn't just come out at night and sleep all day, most vampires preferred going out at night as there would be less chance of them being seen while they were feeding but it was necessary as the sun did cause any trouble, it could be irritating when he was particularly bright and hot but manageable. Therefore, we stayed up very late each night and slept in late every morning but it wasn't something you had to do, the sun wouldn't cause you to sparkle - like one film said - and you wouldn't burst into a ball of flames like most other films said. If any of what the films said was true there would be no way to share a flat with two non vampires which you did.
Those two people were David Dobrick and Dom Zeglaitis, two people with a huge social media influence which made them even more dangerous as they could send out one tweet telling everyone what you were and there would be a witch hunt to find and kill you quicker than you could say Garlic..
Having said that, since moving in with the two boys you had become incredibly close with them and their friends who had now become your friends too. You trusted them with everything but this one secret. They were now considered two of your closest friends and almost every part of you was convinced that they would keep your secret and never tell a soul, you had even come close to telling them but each time to pulled out at the last second because you got too scared and how they would react.
When talking about it with you vampire best friend she tried to convince you that it might be a good idea
"They seem to accept anyone.. I mean they love big Nic" she shrugs
"He has dwarfism... he doesn't drink human blood for a living and could potentially kill them" you replying shaking your head at her inconsiderateness
Later that day the boys invited you to go out for food with everyone else who they were going to be meeting up with but you decided not to go, not because you could only drink blood. That was another thing that wasn't true in the movies, you could eat 'Normal' food... You couldn't imagine a world where you couldn't eat chocolate. You of course had to drink blood to stay strong but even if you didn't it wouldn't actually kill you, you had chosen to drink animal blood and although you weren't as strong as you would be if you drank human blood you felt it was a better choice morally plus there would be less chance of you hurting your friends.
The night before you hadn't been feeling too well when you were hunting so had ended the night early so now with the lack of blood in your system you hadn't been feeling too well so after the boys left you had a rest before going to you secret stash of blood in your room. It was hidden in a place that you would never find unless you were told to look there, it was extremely rare that you ever used it because you didn't want the boys finding out but if you ever had to it would be while the boys were out and presuming they would be out a while and had locked the door you pull out three bags and started drinking them.
As you were nearly finished with your second bag of flood your bedroom door floor open
"BOO! hahah... what the hell?" Dom exclaims looking from you to the bag of blood that has now gone all over your bed as you threw it in fear when the door opened.
David eyes fill with terror as he starts to join the links in his head without really believing it, your own eyes match his at the thought of how they were going to take the news about You- not to mention David was holding a camera in the direction of your face and bed which gave him all the proof he need in this obvious playful prank gone wrong.
"I can explain" you mutter with tears filling your eyes. In reality you were just a normal girl who had come to grow to love living with these boys.
"I think you had better and quickly" David says finally clearing his throat to speak but his voice is still shaky and both him and Dom take a not so discreet step back as if ready to run.
"I can out run both of you so there is no point" you sigh before you realise that would just freak them out even more.
Time to tell them the truth
"So yeah... I don't drink human blood so you're safe from me. I've never even thought about hurting You, I love you guys like my brothers and I never choice to have this life but I have to deal with what life has chosen for me" You stutter and tumble over your words nervously
There is silence for a couple of seconds before Dom sighs loudly
"Am I high? Like seriously this is not happening... did I smoke something and not remember?" He mutters more to himself
"I can go and pack my bags and move out right now if that will make you feel safe but I beg and plead you not to tell anyone and please delete that footage of my on your camera" you say shaking as you stand up but David stops you as he is doing something on his camera
"Its gone.. look" he smiles softly but still nervously showing you his camera
"Thanks" you smile back gratefully
"I deleted it almost straight away, you're apart of the family now Y/N your secret is safe with us - even Dom" David grins standing up, he pulls you into a hug and although you still feel his body shaking nervously in your arms you know everything is going to be okay.
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the-youtubeimagines · 7 years
Hi! Could you do one where y/n is a vampire and she's living with David dobrik and Dom zeglaitis and they find out? Maybe in the end they wanna be vampires too? I know this is weird but I've been thinking about it a lot :)
Of course! I’ll get on it as soon as possible EDIT: IT'S DONE!
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the-youtubeimagines · 7 years
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Dan Howell - Fans ask if he is single
You had been dating YouTuber Dan Howell for 3 months and so far you had managed to keep it out of the public eyes, Dan was ready to tell his fans there and then about the two of you but you still didn’t feel ready but it was becoming increasingly more annoying when he was filing to leave the room or when he was doing a live stream particularly that you would have to stay silent so nobody knew you were there. Of course Dan could’ve introduced you to the fans as a friend but no doubt they would start doing research then find out and plus neither of you wanted to lie to his fans.
Dan was currently doing a live stream so you were sat outside the video shot playing on your phone while Dan was chatting with his fans and answering some questions.
“Yeah so me and Phil we were… is Phil still alive?” Dan burst our laughing at the question even though his was mid way through a story from ealier in the week. That was one thing you had noticed about Dan, he could never stick to one topic for very long especially when it came ot his fans because there was so many meaning so many questions to answer, it was adorable but sometimes it drove you crazy, you just couldn’t keep up.
“No, currently, Phil is not alive” Dan says with a chuckle again making you smile at him
“Hey Bethany!” Dan grins waving at the camera before he starts getting floods of messages of people wanting to say their name “Hi Jessica, Katie, James. Thanks Molly and Abby”
You watched your boyfriend in awe, he wasn’t keen of you watching him so much but sometime you just couldn’t believe how lucky you had got by being able to experience life with him. It was times like this when you wanted everyone to know that you were together so that you didn’t have to hide Dan and Dan wouldn’t have to hide you away either.
Dan continued to answer different questions, he was reading the questions one by one only thinking about what they had said after he had said it out loud.
“Are you seeing anyone?” He says before stopping in his tracks like a deer in headlights
With an awkward laugh Dan looks up at the camera then glances over to you not knowing what to say, “ Of course I’m not seeing anyone… I’m speaking to a camera” he says with an even more awkward laugh while you shake you head with a muffled giggle at how ridiculous he was “But… um no, I’m not” he says sounding completely transparent. Dan usually wouldn’t answer these questions so he wasn’t sure how to act but all you kept thinking off was how everybody would know he was lying and how much you loved him, why not let everyone know that you were in a relationship?
“You liar” you yell faking anger, Dan looks at you with wide eyes silently asking what the hell you were doing. Dan had been asking if he could tell everyone so he wasn’t annoyed that you were but he just wasn’t expecting it.
You slide over to be beside Dan and in the camera frame, you know that there would be thousands of teenage girls taking screenshots right now to scrutinise your appearance but you didn’t care.
“I’m Dan’s girlfriend” You smile pressing a kiss to his cheek while there was comment after comment  was asking what the hell was going on, there was of course also a few odd ones of people calling you a cover up because Dan was secretly gay and was really in a relationship with Phil but they didn’t want to admit it, that was to be expected so you didn’t really care.
“It’s true” Dan shrugs with the biggest smile on his face “We wanted to stay low for a while before we released it to everyone so don’t be mad”
You couldn’t have been any happier at how you both told everyone that you were in a relationship. 
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the-youtubeimagines · 7 years
That last durte dom imagine is SO GOOD
Thanks! Feel free to ask for anything else☺
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the-youtubeimagines · 7 years
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[REQUEST] Oli White - He Meets You For The First Time
"Oii, Americano!" You hear from somewhere behind you, your cheeks instantly start to heat up as multiple people around you are looing around to see where it came from.
You never needed to see Joe Sugg to know that he was close.
"Y/N!" he yells again, this time you give in and spin around, about ten metres away is a grinning Joe Sugg and Caspar Lee. You, a fellow YouTuber, had met both of the boys in your home country - America - while at Vidcon. Despite only being with them for such a short amount of time, the three of you clicked and you had daily messaged each other and planned for you to come to Britain for a visit.
"Hey boys" you grin unable to keep a straight face when they were both projecting a smile, they hurry towards you and both scoop you up in a massive hug
"We've missed you Y/N!" Caspar exclaims producing a take-out coffee cup
"Tea?!" you smirk as he hands it too you
It was a running joke between the three of you that America didn't know how to make a 'cup of tea' like the Brits did, you always argued this so they both promised that when you came to stay with them the first thing you would do would be to have a cup of 'good ole English tea'.
You take a sip as both the boys watch you in anticipation, they smirk knowingly when your eyes widen... What. The. Heck
"That's so good, you're right! American tea sucks" I grimace at the thought of what I used to think was good
"We knew it" Caspar nods
"Told you" Joe adds looking extremely proud of himself
"Anyway, whats on the agenda for today?" you ask, silently begging them to change the topic, you had been so ademant that you either wouldn't taste the difference or you would think American tea would be better, you hated being proven wrong!
"Oh yes!" Joe says thinking about what we were going to be doing as he starts to drag your case alone
"We are filming with Oli in about an hour, we hope you don't mind but it needs to be done, then after that we can do anything you want to do" Caspar smiles apologetically as he swings your large carry-on bag onto his back leaving you empty handed.
"Oh, that's fine. It'll be nice to meet him finally. Hopefully I won't leave Britain with some sort of virus though" you giggle thinking about Vidcon when you, Joe and Caspar had met, Oli had meant to be there but at the last minute he had been strook down by some mysterious illness and couldn't go.
You arrived back at Joe's flat where you would be staying over your stay, you had chilled out while Joe and Caspar had set up the lights for their video. They were busy arguing about how the camera set up should be that they didn't hear the alarm that someone was requesting to come into the building.
With a playful huff, you slid off of the couch and from your comfortable position to walk to the telephone that had a camera on it to see who was outside, you noticed Oli from his videos that you had always watched.
"Come on up Oli" you grin even though you remember he cant see you "I'm not really sure which button I press" you murmur but from the chuckle that Oli gives, you know he has heard you
"Type into the keypad, 268 then the hash button, it's his apartment number and it should open the door for me" Oli explains so you do as he asks and a click sound confirms it has worked
"See you soon Y/N!" Oli shouts as he disappears out of view
You unlock the door and wait by it to meet who Oli whose face lights up with a big smile, there was no doubt in your mind that Oli was extremely attractive - Caspar and Joe were more the annoying, protective brothers but you loved them so it was fine but Oli was different. You could feel your cheeks heating up like Oli could hear all of your thoughts.
As you walking back into the living room with Oli, Joe and Caspar turn around looking shocked
"When did you get here?" they question Oli
Since Oli had arrived all the boys has been acting strange, they had been having secretive chats in the corner of the room and then they kept trying to tell me all these positive things about Oli.
They finally sit down to film, you are paying a small amount of attention but you didn't want to disturb their filming so you sit across the room on your phone trying to stay out of trouble
"Did you hear that Y/N?" Joe shouts over, you lift your head up
"Huh?" you ask shaking your head
"We were just saying how Oli is now a man" Joe says with a wink that looks like I should know something that I don't
"Guys..." Oli sighs while blushing
"Yeah I mean look at all this chin hair" Caspar grins as both the boys on either side of Oli use a finger to rub under his chin making you laugh while Oli just looks bewildered.
"Wha'dya say Y/N, go on a date with our manly man Oli White" Joe winks again while its your turn to blush
"So the secretiveness was you two trying to get me and Oli to go on a date together?" you giggle
"You noticed that? We were trying to be discrete!" Caspar sighs
"About as discrete as a bull in a china shop Caspar" you laugh again while Oli sits in the middle of them, very quiet and very embarrassed.
"Of course I'll go on a date with you Oli" you smile while he whips his head up as if he is hearing me wrong but you nod to confirm that yes, he did hear right
You were going on a date with Oli White.
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the-youtubeimagines · 7 years
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Durte Dom - You admit your feelings for each other
You had been at a party with a large number of people for a YouTube event but the person who you had truly come with was your best friend Dom who was seemingly no where to be seen.
Probably fondling some girl in a closet... you think to yourself bitterly, for as long as you had been friends with Dom you knew there was an attraction but the more you got to know him you knew a relationship wasn’t on his cards and you didn’t want to get hurt so you decided that being his friend without him knowing your true feelings would allow you to stay close to him without things being too complicated. You were sure the feeling was only one sided anyway, even if Dom had tried it on with you after one too many drinks... it was no secret that Dom would try it on with anything that moved. You didn’t want to become another number.
“Where’s Dom?” David Dobrik questions looking around the room
“I was just thinking the same thing, I’m going to ask around then try to find him” you shrug while David gives you a sympathetic look. According to him, everybody BUT Dom knew that I had feelings for him and David was another close friend who had consoled you in times when you were so upset by the amount of girls that Dom seemed interested in.. none of them you.
After asking around, you found out that Dom was last seen heading to the roof. With a roll of the eyes you head in that direction hoping and praying that you don’t find anything that you shouldn’t or didn't want too.
You get to the door to the roof and notice that is propped open meaning somebody is out here, the familiar sound of a girl giggling which makes your stomach turn but taking a deep breath you pull out your phone with a grin.
“OMG DOM!” You squeal running towards the pair, Dom is sat on the edge of the building filling you instantly with anxiety but the girl is stood next to him thankfully not on the edge. You did not need a dead girl on your conscience.
“Dom... who is this little whore... you told me you loved me last night. You’re going viral on youtube bitch” you spit out to the girl, you desperately want to laugh but you manage to hold it together until she runs off nearly in tears
“Y/N?!” Dom exclaims with a less than impressed look on his face
“What?” you smile innocently
“Why did you have to do that?” he sighs leaning over the edge of the building in a mood
“You need to stop being with all these girls and you also need to get away from the edge of this building, you’re putting me on the freaking edge” you yell barely able to look
“Woah!” Dom yells fake slipping as he climbs off of the building
“Dom!” you scream lunging forward only to hit his shoulder when you realise he is completely fine “You idiot! Now get down!” you order
“Why?” Dom smirks and he goes to turn back around to sit on the edge of the building but this time he does slip slightly, just like before you lunge forward and grab onto Dom’s arm again and pull him over the side of the wall.
“You bloody idiot!” you yell pulling him to your chest
After catching his breath Dom leans back slightly to look up at you but you don’t let him go yet.
“I should go find that girl and apologise” Dom whispers his eyes not leaving yours... he doesn’t even know her name
“Don’t go” you plead still neither of you moving
“Why?” Dom mutters his eyes flicking from your eyes to your lips, how much has he had to drink?
“Because I love you” you say not even thinking about what you’re saying but when you day you recoil in horror with a gasp escaping your lips, Dom’s eyes also widen
“I’m sorry” you say your eyes filling with tears as you pull away and walk to the edge of the building as you lean against it, suddenly you feel one of your hands being taken into the familiar hand of Dom, he spins you around but you sink down to sit on the wall of the building. Dom crouches down between you
“You don’t mean that” Dom days lowering his head as each of his hands are on my thighs
“But I do, you stupid idiot. I always have done” you sigh a tear rolling down my cheek
Dom stays silent for what feels like forever before he suddenly puts both hands on either side of your face before pulling you in to kiss you, your lips feel like they have exploded with tingles and when he pulls away they feel swollen
“I don’t want to be hurt Dom” you sigh as your fingers linger on your lips where his had just been
“I love you too” Dom grins “It’s always been you but I was too scared to ask you because I thought you just wanted to be friends, I still wanted you in my life so I didn’t want to risk using you” Dom says all of a sudden shy, a side of him that you very rarely see.
“We are both stupid” you grin before Dom pulls you in for another kiss
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the-youtubeimagines · 7 years
Hey love your blog! do you think you could do one with Durte Dom? Do whatever you want!
100%, I will get onto it now!☺EDIT: DONE!😁
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the-youtubeimagines · 7 years
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David & Liza - they announce their engagement
"Hey Fiance" Liza grins walking towards david who is sat spread out on the couch with a similar smile lighting up his face
"Hello my Fiancee" he winks which makes Liza's smile even bigger which she didn't even realise was possible.
David had asked Liza to marry him the week before while they were on holiday in the Mexico for a holiday, usually David would've vlogged but he has made everyone aware on twitter that he was taking two weeks off for the holiday even though it only lasted 9 days, Liza was somewhat suscpicious but quickly got over it with the excitement of the impending holiday.
While in Mexico, David had planned a romantic picnic by the beach while the sun was setting, round the corner waited a guitar player and singer who would appear moments before he popped the question, there was also someone recording from a short distance away to capture the whole moment.
They walked through the sand before reaching the blanket laid out on the sand decorated by brightly coloured foods and candles to add the extra romantic mood.
"How cute, I wonder who this is for" Liza asks looking around to see if anyone was walking towards it but after realising it was only the two of them her hand flew up to her mouth
"David!" she giggles nervously while playfully hiting his arm "There isn't going to be a snake under there is there?"
"Not that I planned" David teases with a wink
The two of them sat down, ate good food and watched the beautiful sunset before Liza lay down with her head in Davids lap just taking in the moment and the beauty of the area they were in.
"Get up baby" David whispers, Liza instantly lifts her head and stares sleepily at David who takes a moment to take in Liza's beauty, even the view couldn't compare to her. Even though David knew he was making the right choice, this just confirmed it. David gets to his feet and lifts her to her feet, he scoops her up in his arms and starts to slowly dance around with her as the singer and gutarist comes out which is another shock to Liza.
"Elizabeth Shaila Koshy" David starts as he pulls away from, as she rolls her eyes at the use of her full name "I have honestly loved you from the monent I set my eyes on your big brown eyes, crazy, curly hair and that beautiful smile"
"David" Liza giggles trying to cover her face but David takes a hold of her wrists and gently pulls them down
"Let me get this out so I don't chicken out" David says with a shaky laugh
A look of knowing but uncertainty crosses Liza's face as she wonders what is going to happen next but she keeps her mouth shut just liked David had asked her too.
"You have accepted every single part of me, the good, the bad and... well the ugly. You have made me feel like the luckiest man in the world just by letting me be in your life and I want to let you know that I will always love you and because I like it, I wanted to put a ring on it" David winks as he sinks to one knee, Liza's eyes fill with tears as she watches him intently
David's fingers are sweatily but tightly wrapped around a small box that contains a diamond ring which he opens up shakily to reveal it to Liza whose eyes fill with tears
"Will you marry me?" David asks nervously, without warning Liza lunges forward into Davids arm, without preparation he tips over almost instantly onto the sand before they both burst into fits of giggles.
"Of course I'll marry you! Are you sure you can put up with me for the rest of your life?" Liza winks
"It would be my pleasure" David replies placing a soft kiss onto Liza's nose moments before sliding the perfectly fitting ring onto the correct finger.
"There you go guys, I hope you enjoyed that footage of our engagement" David grins
"And yes... this is real" Liza giggles holding her hand up to show the ring clearly
"So many people are not going to believe this" David laughs shaking his head
"They'll be thinking im pregnant next" Liza says before turning the camera to wink over exaggeratively
"Shh... we're revealing that in the next video" David replies with a smirk.
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the-youtubeimagines · 7 years
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Dan Howell - He doesn't listen to you
"Now we've made this mess and the cakes are in the oven we need to who is cleaning up" Phil says looking around the kitchen praying it wouldn't be him
"It's alright Y/N can do it" your boyfriend Daniel Howell smirks
"HA good one, next joke" you laugh back with raised eyebrows while Dan holds his hands up in defence
"Total joke babe - I'm all for feminism so a woman doesn't belong in the kitchen... well unless she choose to be because she's a chef or baker or something but you that..." Dan goes off on a tangent making you roll your eyes
"Dan... shut up"
"Yeah, sorry. RPS?" Dan asks turning back to Phil
"Sounds fair" Phil replies while you just sit still confused
"RPS?" you question - you'd been living with these two for nearly 6 months and ye they still managed to confuse and shock you every single day. Both of them turned at exactly the same time with their jaw dropped
"You're dumped... just kidding... love you" Dan laughs with still wide eyes
"Rock, paper or scissors" Phil says in a 'Duh' tone
"Of course..." you reply
Turns out, it was Dan's turn to clean up - decided by the RPS God's apparently according to Phil who happily skipped off to his room telling Dan to shout him when the cakes were done so they could carry on with the video. You decided to relish in the moment and sit at the breakfast bar so you watch Dan with a 'HA!' smirk on your face.
Dan puts a spoon in a mixing bowl and moves it from one area into another before he manages to distract himself with some baking soda that had landed on his arm.
"I wonder what it tastes like on its own" Dan wonders out loud while twisting his skin to look at the white powder on his arm
"Don't you dare!" you say sternly, sometimes you felt more like Dan's mother than his girlfriend but you loved him all the same
"Whyyyy?" Dan drags out while you once again roll your eyes
"Because it isn't good for you Dan" you reply looking at him pointedly
He continues to aimlessly clean up not really cleaning anything, you watch him and notice that he continues lo at the baking soda on his arm instead of just wiping it off. When you are on your phone and Dan thinks you are not watching he sticks his tongue out and goes to lick his arm
"DANIEL - NO, I'm warning you.." you say raising your eyebrows "Don't make me do something we'll both regret" you warn holding back a smile at his innocent looks
Dan continues to clean up and you go back to your phone. You continue to look up every now and again but start to do it less frequently as he seems to forget about the baking soda but as you look up again you just catch him licking his arm looking extremely proud of himself, looking round widely you pick up the softest, closest thing to you which happens to be a small teddy which you launch at Dan, he doesn't have enough time to move out of the way so he starts to duck allowing the badly aimed toy to hit his shoulder.
"Y/N!" Dan exclaims
"I warned you!" you laugh looking at the shocked expression stuck on Dan's face but at much as you were laughing you almost felt bad so you slide off of the chair and walk around to him. You force yourself into his arms so that he is hugging you.
"I'm sorry" you say stifling back a laugh
"No you're not" Dan said and you can feel his chest shaking as he also tries to hold back a laugh
"Come on, lets get this kitchen cleaned" you smile starting to help him clean up
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