show us how you'd rp......... jaune?
I've just been ruminating on this for a day.... I really just cannot picture writing Jaune unless it's in an au on my other blog...
That said...
"'M Jaune!"
The sincerity of the tiny human teenager catches her off guard. The fae tilts her head, wondering if the kid realizes what he'd just offered her, before relaxing her expression into a smile and taking his hand.
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"You may call me Pyrrah." A name for a name was only polite, and Jaune was so earnest in greeting her and assisting her in finding her lost weapon. She allows him to help her in standing, even with the fact her glamor has her taller than him.
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"So you're like, training all the way out here? isn't it dangerous? Grimm an stuff?"
Jaune looks up at the pretty woman he'd encountered this day in the woods, and doesn't stop to consider that she may count as the an stuff he was worried about.
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tigereyes45 · 1 year
That's Not Fair - RWBY Edit V.9 SPOILERS
Instead of going to bed I edited this. I hope you all enjoy! Please feel free to share and reblog this video.
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rwac96 · 3 months
Yandere au
Jaunce arc x Weiss schnee
Are you worried that weiss is bit proessive over you?
Jaune: *nervous chuckle* "Weiss? Possessive? O-Of course not."
Ruby: *blinks* "Then, why are ya wearin' that shirt?"
*Ruby points to Jaune's shirt, which says 'Schnee Dildo, Harlots back off'*
Jaune: "...B-Birthday gift."
Ruby: *slowly backs away* "Okay."
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brokentrafficknight · 6 months
Genderbend Jaunce x ruby because I love Sapphic relationships
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I can dig it. Best ship becomes best Sapphic ship
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thatanimewriter · 1 year
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➳ request: Can you do jaunce arc x reader who can read into the future when touching someone on forehead?
➳ character/s: jaune arc
➳ warnings: violence, mentions of blood, mentions of death, spoilers for volume 3 to volume 9, mild angst
➳ notes: an edge lord in training and our boy desperately needs therapy-
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 / 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭  / 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬 / 𝐰𝐢𝐩 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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honestly, you hate telling people your semblance
because they always want to know what their future is gonna be, but hate the outcome
you also feel that it is a serious matter to tell someone their future, because it's something that shouldn't be changed
and telling someone that their loved one is gonna die in the battle of beacon is a bit of a yikes
initially, you didn't even want to tell jaune what your semblance was
you were content with pretending as if you hadn't unlocked it like he had
but becoming closer friends with him, you ended up spilling
of course, he thought it was super cool and wanted you to look into his future
but you refused because you know what happens when people find out their future
and you're a little bit sick of being a party trick instead of a person
you're not a fortune teller at some fair
after you started dating, you eventually caved and read into the future when he asked
but you had to disclose that you wouldn't be telling him what happens
which he agreed to, cause he just wanted to have the experience
you didn't want to break his trust in you either, because technically you knew pyrrha would die but didn't say anything to him
accidentally bumping heads during sparring let you know, but you knew that jaune would also die if he tried to stop her
so you kept it to yourself
and as you rested your forehead against his, you frowned at the rapid series of images you saw
penny dead yet again, oscar kidnapped, falling into the ever after and being alone for many years weren't the nicest things to tell someone
but you do tell him some of the nice things that happen
once he wanted to know if he'd ever get a glow up-
he's mindful not to rest his forehead against yours in a relationship actually
he doesn't want you to have to see future traumatic events every time he wanted to be more intimate with you
and he wants to make sure that you get to enjoy the present instead of dreading the future that is to come
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platinumrosetail · 2 years
Jaunce arc x cat!reader headcanons
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Alright and thank you for telling me the prompt as I would have liked to do this as it’s rwby and rwby is one of my favorite fandoms! 😁 and I didn’t want to have to delete your requests
Warning: noob author, female reader, ooc (out of characters), angst? Maybe, and possibly others.
Characters: jaune arc
You’re the younger sister of Blake belladonna, you had been with her most of the time as she’s basically all you knew besides you mother and father though she made sure you didn’t join the white fang once Adam came into control and she was soon aware about his goals and intentions. You made it to beacon about the time future team rwby though you had to be put on solo until further notice as the others were already on a team and with the sudden un even amount of students being there for a four squad team for you, though you did become an honorary member to both team rwby and team jnpr so you got to be with you sister and soon to be crush.
You and your sister share the opposite of cat features with Blake having ears that she hides with a bow and you having a tail that you hide ion your top/pants, as the Faunus discrimination is still going on and both of you don’t want to go though that in case some of the people wanted to tease you tow or others for it.
You and jaune had a good friendship though you soon realize that he probably wouldn’t want to be with a Faunus sop you just tried to be his friend even though you soon came to realize you developed feeling for the sweet boy.
Though sadly it seems like he has eyes on weiss then afterwards Pyrrha even though you’re the one to have spend most of the time with him and helping him improve, you go to Blake for any sisterly advise she might how.
Though she only said that if he doesn’t love you for al the help you give him then maybe he doesn’t deserve your help if he can. See who is the one putting the effort of helping and getting to know him more than cause he’s the team leader.
(Some things between Pyrrha and jaune won’t happen, sorry if you wanted something from tthat.)
It wasn’t until the attack on Nora and rens home town when Tyrian had poisoned you and qrow did he realized that he loves you and it wasn’t Pyrrha that did all those things for him but you, though he doesn’t know if you were doing that because you two were friends or was it more than that so he did the only thing he could think of at the moment which was act like he and you were only friends.
Instead of Weiss it was you that got injured and he thought he lost you so he finally confessed as he wanted you to know before you possibly died but thankfully because of him you survived and was able to tell him you feel the same as he did. His sister that you guys had soon met after some more things (that i can’t remember as it’s been a while since i seen the season.) happened was both happy and sad that her little brother is all grown up and has a girlfriend.
(A/n: i hope you like what i could do as i didn’t really know how to lead it up to season 6 plus i sadly couldn’t think of anything else from what i got from what little you gave me with the prompt. Hope y’all have a wonderful day/evening/night!!!)
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tropicalsnuggles · 2 years
Entry #1
I am Dr. García, as you know one of the head professors at the University. Over the past two years, I have traveled all over the world in search of information regarding a creature called The Dealmaker.
If the bits of information that I have collected are true, which I am led to believe are so, then it is in my best judgment to acknowledge that the university has stepped into a puddle that is much deeper than expected. 
Please read the first account of The Dealmaker that lured me into my harsh two-year-long journey. It was written in the year 1568 by a shoemaker named Basil Smith --
T is hath said yond just by m'rely bethinking about h'r, thou art in h'r controleth.  
but the ones who is't has't been did slam 'gainst the mure of despair; moth'rs and fath'rs with with'ring infants, seni'rs who is't art did stick to the confines of their coffin-like mattresses, and doct'rs who is't res'rt to the lasteth possibility of desire.  
those gents bethink.  Then those gents act in 'rd'r to escapeth their m'rtality.  Liketh a rat who is't hopelessly scraping 'gainst the walls of its death chamb'r.  The dying jaunce into the f'rest.  
deep, deep, deep into the f'rest those gents walketh.  Wh're the travelling lamp doest not maketh t through the luscious leaves.  Wh're the smelleth of moss nips at the nose.  Wh're the trees despite their unnatural grandeur and fruitful floweth'rs who is't reak of death.  
just at which hour the humour of anguish threatens to killeth.  Just at which hour the vultures circle ahead.  Just at which hour a bawbling misstep turns into a collision with the f'rest flo'r.  A howling is hath heard.  Hath followed by furious snarls and whines.  
wolves em'rge from the shadows.  Their gurgling growls and en'rmous sharp teeth causeth the bravest of the brave to shudd'r in feareth.  Alloweth high-lone the decaying who is't art on their lasteth stepeth.  Crows bruit from the canopy.  The f'rest becomes alive as a hive mind of muscular h'rnets swarm.  
h're is wh're i kicketh the bucket.  The hopeless can feeleth it.  Th're is nothing yond i can doth to escapeth death.  This is wh're i kicketh the bucket.  
the lady wast just a fairy tale aft'r all.  
those gents waiteth f'r the stingeth of the h'rnet, the biteth of the wolf, and the brutality of the crow.  But all those gents feeleth is the soft breeze of the windeth 'gainst their hath raised hairs.  
the wolves, the h'rnets, and the crows art all still.  Then in unison, as if 't be true suddenly gaining the consciousness of a human, those gents treateth the fearful individual with gentleness.  A deer appears from the shadows and gently nudges the shaken individual onto their wobbly forks.  Snakes warily gaze from the und'rgrowth.  
the f'rest becomes alive.  The strange behavi'r of the animals casts a dumbfound'd fog ov'r the dying.  But those gents has't nay strength to intermit.  
so those gents art lur'd into the deepest depths of the f'rest.  Nev'r to beest seen again. 
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quackitytheduck · 4 months
guyds i think im attracted to the jaunced (jaudince'd) up mf from smiling friends
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diebyyourhand · 1 year
You only live sconce. You only live the jaunce. Whatever. Jack and coke baby
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steve-explores · 1 year
Birthday Celebrations at Restaurant Zén
This year marks an important milestone for me as it is the first time that I am celebrating my birthday with my little girl who arrived during Christmas last year. For my celebrations this year, my wife surprised me with a visit to the only Three Michelin Star restaurant in Singapore that we have not tried: Restaurant Zen. 
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The unconventional restaurant is renowned for pushing culinary boundaries with high quality seafood produce from Japan, delivering precision and warmth in its signature dishes such as  the Råraka, French toast and Onion Soup. The restaurant is celebrated for its consistency and professionalism, maintaining its Three Star Michelin award and receiving a rank of 27th in Asia’s Top 50 Restaurant List in 2023.
Our dining experience at Restaurant Zen began with a visit to The Kitchen at Level 1 where we were served canapes and introduced to the fresh ingredients that will be going into our dinner for the evening.
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Canapes served at The Kitchen included:
Raraka Kalix Lojrom.
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Blini chutoro, bafun uni, coffee.
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Croustade manga 'mala', sea buckthorn.
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Vol-au-vent sweetbread, long pepper.
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Gunkan suckling pig, Zen reserve caviar.
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Every bite is exquisite, providing a glimpse of the grand meal that we will be enjoying for the evening, with a sense of balance and sophistication earned through years of experimentation and fine tuning to perfection.
Next, we were guided to The Dining Room at Level 2 to enjoy our mains for the evening. And this is where the fun truly begins.
Tataki sakura masu, konatsu dashi, wild trout roe: A fantastic starter to the repertoire of mains with fresh salmon and wild trout roe blending seamlessly with the dashi.
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Mollusks scallop, hamaguri, hotaru ika, Jaspnese barigoule, uni: A seafood extravaganza that could only be described as divine. It is a dish that I regret trying as I will keep dreaming of it for years to come.
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Chawanmushi smoked oyster, fermented white asparagus, Zen reserve caviar: A milky custard concoction that breaks the conventional view of a chawanmushi, with smoked oysters and white asparagus accentuating the milky notes in the dish.
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Onion almond & liquorice: The signature onion soup with a complex deep flavor profile that resonates with you on a whole different level, providing a familiar sense of warmth and comfort, similar to the famous scene in Ratatouille involving Anton Ego with his childhood flashback.
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Kinki teardrop peas, kinome, kohlrabi, Kujo negi, garum: The only dish of the evening which I thought might require a bit more fine tuning as the teardrop peas overtook the Kinki fish as the main star of the dish.
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Lamb glangal & vin jaunce sabayon, ramson, morel: The way this dish is prepared and served is simply breathtaking, resembling an afternoon grill in the garden during spring time. The way the dish plays with all of your senses to deliver happiness in every bite is the reason why Restaurant Zen will continue to dominate top culinary awards for years to come.
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French Toast 'Grande Tradition 2008': This black beauty is the perfect marriage between truffle and aged vinegar to deliver a decadent bite with a flavor so complex and unique that it is forever imprinted into your palate.
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Sorbet cucumber & shiso, spruce: A refreshing palate cleanser to gently cushion our taste buds for the eventual end to the evening.
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Tarte tatin nashi pepper, celeriac, woodruff, lingoberry: An excellent dessert which plays with sweet and savory profiles to create a memorable finish to our stay in The Dining Room.
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And with that, we are guided to The Living Room at Level 3 to for some sweet delights to send us off on a pleasant note:
Muskmelon & Manzanilla. Kinkan, honey vingear & clove. Miyazaki mango & yuzu.
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Waffle Party served with Tea, milk, honey.
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As a final surprise, a small donut cake was served with macarons to celebrate my birthday.
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And we come to the question of the day yet again: Is Restaurant Zen deserving of its place as one of the top restaurants in the world? Is it worthy of your precious calories?
It comes as no surprise that the answer is a thousand times yes. Every single detail was impeccable, from the service and the music to the decor and the menu. I had to nitpick really hard to find flaws and it is truly a wonder what the team at Restaurant Zen is able to build: a modern, edgy culinary experience that is able to blend fresh ingredients into unconventional dishes that still speaks to our heart, providing a sense of warmth and comfort which made me feel like I have returned home for a cozy meal with the family.
Special thanks to my dear wife for making my birthday this year extra special.
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mmality · 5 years
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becomeshield-a · 5 years
@dreadpoured || cont.
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          “saphron got a complaint from the neighbors after we left, you know,” he crosses his arms over his chest, “about some vagrant laid out on her doorstep.”
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pervy-king-taijitu · 3 years
RWBY smut idea:
Yang, Summer, and Raven take turns seducing and fucking Ruby’s new boyfriend behind the young girl’s back. Poor Jaune is unable to refuse the advances of his Girlfriend’s family~
"Wait. How is this not cheating?" Jaune asked. He put his hands on Yang's head to push her back a little.
Yang frowned up at the other blonde as he stood in her room with his pants lowered. She was upset that he kept taking her mouth off of his dick. They only had a short time while Ruby was still in the shower. "Because, Vomit-boy, you and Ruby haven't done this yet, right?"
"Well, no," Jaune admitted and rubbed the back of his neck.
"Then all you're doing is getting some experience before you have an opportunity to do this with Ruby," Yang said and stuck her tongue out. She just barely reached the underside of the tip of Jaune's cock.
He shuddered and let go of Yang's head. She quickly resumed sucking on his firm shaft. "I guess that makes sense," he said before letting out a groan.
Yang slid a hand down her shorts with one hand while her free hand started to stroke Jaune's dick. She began to take more and more of the length into her mouth. Both blondes were getting into the act now. Jaunce moved his hips to start fucking Yang's mouth, and Yang was bobbing her head to meet his thrusts.
"Ah~!" Jaune exclaimed. He didn't give Yang a warning and came into her mouth.
The brawler's eyes widened as she started swallowing. She was determined, or too stubborn, to let any of it go to waste. Yang kept her mouth around the cock until Jaune was finished. "Not bad. Guess I got a taste of what you can give Ruby." Yang smirked up at Jaune as she wiped her face with her hand and licked her fingers clean.
"Are you sure we should be doing this?" Jaune asked. His eyes were glued to the sight in front of him. Summer was bent over her bed, bare from the waist down, with her shapely ass on display.
"Of course!" Summer nodded. "Ruby isn't experienced enough to know about this position. It isn't something I can just show her, so I have to teach you." she shook her rear end a few times. Her daughter was only going to be at the store for a quick trip, so she didn't want to waste time.
"Oh, in that case, thank you for taking the time to teach me." Jaune smiled. He pulled down his pants and stepped out of them. After grabbing Summer's sides, he rubbed his cock between her thighs and along her pussy. She was already wet from the anticipation, which caused Jaune's length to become slick.
"Go on, stick it in." Summer said, trying not to sound desperate for his cock. Jaune nodded and pulled his hips back. He gave a thrust to push himself into the mature woman. Not paying too much attention, Jaune accidentally pushed his cock into Summer's asshole. "Wrong, ugh, hole~!" she moaned. While unexpected, Summer wouldn't deny that it felt good.
"Oh! I'm sorry! Should I stop?!" Jaune asked and started to pull out.
"No!" Summer quickly said and moved back to get him buried deep inside her again. "Just..." Summer moaned some more as she wiggled her ass, enjoying the feeling of having her ass stuffed. "Just keep going."
Jaune nodded and grabbed Summer's hips again. He started to thrust slowly at first, but Summer soon told him to move faster. As he fucked her, Summer let her tongue roll out of her mouth. When she came, her ass tightened around Jaune's cock. "I'm cumming!" he said, unable to hold back any longer.
"I think that's a good place to end the lesson." Summer mumbled. She had a big smile on her face as she moved to lay down on the bed.
Jaune had his hands on Raven's hips as she rode his cock. The two of them were on the living room couch while the others were all outside. They were both still clothed, but Jaune's pants were unbuckled and lowered enough to keep his dick unrestricted. Raven had simply torn a hole in her pants to take the blonde's shaft. Rave had pushed her top up as well so her large boobs would bounce with their movements.
Raven tossed her head back in pleasure as she fucked the blonde. She already came a couple of times and wanted to get one last orgasm before the boy couldn't take anymore.
"Um." Jaune suddenly spoke up. "Isn't this just cheating?" he asked her.
"Shut up, boy," Raven said and started to pinch her nipples. She ground her hips into his, making him moan in pleasure and stop talking. Then, letting out a moan, she soon came again. Jaune couldn't resist the feeling and came with her. Raven got up and went to clean herself up, leaving the spent Jaune lying on the couch.
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"Jaune'd be a better protagonist."
"Jaune's stealing the spotlight."
Jaunce is just a tool for them to express their contradictory rage. Consistency doesn't matter so long as they can be right in the moment.
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thatanimewriter · 1 year
Can you do jaunce arc x reader who can read into the future when touching someone on forehead?
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man really needs someone to love and to be loved by-
have cool concept!
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bluefanguy · 7 years
RWBY: Unforeseen Complications: Reaction (Spoilers)
Even the best-laid plans can have a snag.
When learning about Ozpin’s power, it wasn’t clear if this is a semblance or something that just makes him different from most humans, similar to how Ruby’s speed semblance and Silver Eyes power are different abilities. His past does give some perspective to this conflict, namely that it has been going on for far long than we realized. That’s almost scary when you think about it. It’s one thing to think of Salem having been from Ozpin’s past over the span of over a decade at most but for millenia? It gives you an idea of how crazy Ruby and her allies’ lives have been since before they were born. One thing we can understand though, they all need to become stronger. Ozpin is right that Ruby needs to learn how to fight without relying too much on Crescent Rose. That’s as much of a crutch as was Yang relying too much on her semblance to win fights and it reminded me of when Ruby tried apprehending Mercury during the Pyrrha vs. Penny fight and she went down after only one hit. Maybe Ruby should ditch the cape during training. Also, we’re finally going to see Jaune’s semblance! As for Oscar, he needs to learn how to protect himself as well since there may be times it’s more dangerous for Ozpin to take control and he needs to learn how to adjust to Oscar’s younger body.
Speaking of, based on Ozpin’s story, I believe his previous body was one he was born into rather than one he shared. He mentioned reincarnating so that implies at times he is reborn rather than just popping from body to another.
I highly doubt this may happen, but I wonder if Ozpin will try to make Qrow lay off the alcohol. With the conflict growing as it is, they need all the sharp minds they can get. During Ozpin’s talk, Qrow was still drunk and ended up breaking the coffee table. While I admit Qrow is one of the more powerful fighters, his alcoholism is something that can easily be used against him and, as odd as this may sound, if he sobers up and is in a state where he can’t function without a drink, then that’s another strength for Salem’s side.
After Illia’s appearance in Menagerie, I would’ve liked if someone asked her how they could follow someone who opted to wear a mask? I mean, the Belladonnas gave their speech out in the open. Blake still seems intent on protecting Ilia since she could’ve easily called her out right there. I guess she still has hope for Ilia and doesn’t want her imprisoned. Also, it was pretty obvious Corsac and Fennec had no intention of catching Ilia so their loyalties are soon to come to light.
Good thing Weiss mastered her summoning ability because I look forward to seeing what kind of havoc she’ll let loose. Due to the amount of bandits around she may have a hard time, if not end up getting caught again but who knows, maybe I’ll be surprised and she’ll be a one woman army. Especially considering the different types of Grimm she’s defeated over the series.
Thanks for reading! Likes, reblogs, comments, questions, and followings are all appreciated. Until next time.
Bluefanguy, out.
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