#java junkies
boldlyanxious · 2 months
Luka looked nervous. He never looked nervous; he was always cool as a cucumber. Until now. Marinette had ended up in a lot of unusual situations and he always knew exactly what to do. Unfortunately what he did was take the surviving coffee out of her hands and gulped it down before turning back to her.
“Start at the beginning and tell me how we got to this,” he said.
He looked swiftly back at the car she had driven up in when a thumping noise drew his attention.
“I was just getting coffee for us,” Marinette said.
She reached out for the coffee as Luka stepped away from her and tipped the cup back all the way and drank until it was clearly empty. He handed the empty cup back to her and she batted at it knocking it out of his hand. He glanced back at the car again as it thumped.
“You have got to stop starting stories that way. It is becoming a habit. Can’t you ever just get coffee and come back without a major problem?”
Marinette huffed, “It isn’t a major problem.”
“Then, tell me how you ended up with a car you don’t own that hopefully doesn’t have a person locked in the trunk.”
It was way too sunny, but Marinette braved it in order to get to the coffee shop. She would definitely need the caffeine to make it through all her work tonight. She already made her schedule fit her preference for sleeping late and tendency to be hit with inspiration at night. But tonight she was determined to finish all the outfits for Jagged’s big show in Gotham where Luka would join him for the rest of the tour. The show wasn’t for a few days but she wanted to have time for anything that might go wrong, even if it meant staying up all night.
It didn’t feel like anything could go wrong when the guy she had noticed ahead of her turned and smiled at her as he grabbed his coffee. It could just be friendly, but it had felt like more. She was more anxious for the coffees to be finished now. She rushed through a “thanks” and nearly sloshed the coffee in her rush to catch up with the man. She hadn’t even heard his name when it was called so she had nothing else to go on. She was planning on staying in Gotham for a while so it would be great to meet people.
His cup flung at the door when she was stepping outside. She jumped to the side to avoid the splash. She barely had time to avoid it past the glare of the sun. The reason for the coffee being thrown was obvious when she looked back at the trajectory. Two men were shoving the man from the shop into the trunk of the car while a third one jumped out of the driver’s seat and started hitting him to get him in. It took a few blows, but they managed to zip tie his hands and one reached to close the trunk while the driver got in a couple more hits.
Marinette froze for a second, unsure of what to do, but knowing she needed to do something. She looked around frantically and there was nothing for her to fight back with. The only way she could help was if she jumped into the open door and drove away. She hadn’t even made the decision before she was running for the car. One of the men saw her as she was getting in and rushed at her. She chucked the coffee at him and that was just what she needed to get away.
She pressed the lock button and then floored it.
She immediately remembered that she had next to no experience driving. She had managed a few times in France but that was never in high traffic times. Turning onto the street, away from the men chasing the car, the other cars started honking immediately. She needed to get back as soon as possible before she got herself in trouble.
Turning left would get her back, but she couldn’t get into the lane so she kept going straight, hoping she could find an opening soon and figure out how to get back to her new apartment. The other drivers were pulling out behind her and keeping her from getting in her lane; she slowed down to try to get in but the other cars kept honking. Instead, she ended up in a right turn only lane.
There was a cop car sitting there, clearly watching for traffic infractions right as she nearly made a turn onto a one way. She slowed down even more and turned onto the next street. The officer pulled out behind her and followed. The street slowed down and was quiet, except for the trunk that was thumping so loudly she was certain it could be heard from the car behind her. Hopefully there were no windows down. The street curved around a few times and she was careful about staying in the lines, but she had no clue what the typical speed was. Slow was the only speed she was comfortable with so that should keep her from getting pulled over for speeding.
None of the connecting roads led anywhere useful for several minutes. She had ended up in a neighborhood with dead ends and streets that looped around, unconnected to the main streets. After all the twists and turns, she wasn’t even sure which direction she needed to go. There was a light changing up ahead of her so she pushed the pedal down just enough to get her through as it turned yellow. The car behind her had left just enough space that it couldn’t make it without using the flashing lights. She held her breath, hoping that she was in the clear when the flashing behind her was a turn signal. The cop turned right and she released her breath slowly.
Her higher speed made her cringe when she hit a bump hard. She bounced in her seat and heard yelling from the trunk. After the car stopped bouncing, there was renewed pounding. It was right as she was passing a few smaller shops with more pedestrian traffic. People were definitely looking. But she was fairly certain the area was familiar. She and Luka had been here earlier today. She took an unnecessary left turn at the stop sign so she could go around the area where the coffee shop was.
It wasn’t very much further before she came to a familiar street sign and turned. There was very little traffic now which made it easier. She no longer felt the need for the remaining coffee, but she might require a drink. Another left turn followed immediately by a right turn and she pulled up where she could see Luke out on the sidewalk looking around for her. He looked at the car confused when the trunk started screaming and kicking again.
He just didn’t quite look shocked when she parked in a no parking space and got out. He looked resigned.
Tim wasn’t sure he knew where he was.
He had definitely been trained to remember the movements of a car and count how far it went, but the person was clearly driving in a way to make that impossible. They slowed down and sped up randomly. It definitely wasn’t moving as a typical get away. He could tell by the honking of the other cars around that they were pissing everyone off.
Now, the car had been stopped and parked but they weren’t ready to open the trunk up yet. He could hear them arguing as they stood nearby but he couldn’t quite make out what they were saying. He really hoped they wouldn’t realize that he was ready for them, or better yet, walk away and decide to come back for them later.
He stopped kicking in hopes that they would decide to leave him here until it was darker. He had gotten the zip tie off his hands nearly immediately but the trunk latch had taken him some time. The easy latch on the inside had been damaged to prevent him from escaping. He had nearly gotten the latch open when the car made back to back turns and then parked. He had to be sure they were far enough away before he made a break for it.
He heard them moving around in the car and then the clicking of the keys against the trunk. He pulled the zip tie out of the latch so they could unlock it and then light suddenly blinded him. It didn’t matter though. He kicked out at the dark shapes and shoved himself out of the small space.
He fell over trying to get his legs to work, but then pushed himself up when he felt a hand close around his arm. He swung out and hit the smaller shape, luckily it fell into the larger one and he could try to get some distance. He took off running, hoping that he could find a place to call for help. But his legs were hit hard as one of the assailants tackled him. He froze as a car zoomed right past them and he could feel the wind on his skin.
Once it passed, he rolled further away and kicked his feet. His vision was nearly fully back and he could see the man who was holding his legs. He definitely wasn’t one of the ones who had grabbed him originally. The other person ran up and whacked him with something several times on the shoulder. He was still kicking, but he stopped when he recognized the cute lady from the coffee shop. She had smiled back when he smiled at her on his way out. It was part of why the kidnappers got the drop on him.
When he froze, so did they and he could finally hear what she was yelling at him.
“Stop this now. We are trying to help you,” she yelled.
“Having me in the trunk of a car helping me?” he asked, sardonically.
She looked sheepish for a moment before speaking far more confidently, “You were in the trunk, but I didn’t put you there. I just slightly stole the car when I saw you being put in the trunk.”
“You stole it?” he asked, “From the kidnappers?”
“Well, I was already running after you to get your number. I didn’t know what else to do. I guess you could say I unkidnapped you.”
tag list-I haven't used this in ages so let me know if you are done being tagged
@maribatserver |
@theymakeupfairies | @emjrabbitwolf | @vixen-uchiha | @trythisagainlove | @trippingovermyfeet | @tbehartoo | @izanae | @kittenmywaythrulife | @folk-ever-lore | @jayjayspixiepop | @achaoticmess
@adrestar | @zynna | @jeminiikrystal
@technicallyburninggarden | @iloontjeboontje | @certainmuffinbagelcalzone
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Timari Betrothed AU
The Dupain-Chengs see a sad child at a charity gala and are instantly like 'adopt'
But it doesn't work like that when the sad child already has parents. How sad. The legal system fails us all again
So they settle for marrying off their child
What can I say it's wild out there
Months later, Marinette groans, flopping back on Kagami's bed, glowering at the engagement ring on her finger
She could admit that it was a nice ring, but that doesn't mean that she has to like being engaged to someone she's never met
She has never cared about marriage all that much, she can understand why her parents would assume that meant she'd be fine with a mostly fake marriage
Especially because...
"Didn't they ask you about all of this ages ago and you agreed to let them try?"
"I mean, YEAH, but I didn't think it'd WORK. We have no money, why the hell would the Drakes even agree to marry him off to ME?"
"Probably because you're in France. If he lived on another continent, they'd have every excuse not to come visit him"
Marinette looks at her hands. She could sympathize with that, but it didn't mean that she was HAPPY about her current situation
Kagami seems confused by her being uncomfortable with an arranged marriage. Marinette probably should have gone to someone else
But it's not like any of her other friends would understand any better. They're all rich. Why does she have, like, rich kid pheromones?
Adrien might have understood, but his dad just got into NFTs so, like, he clearly had bigger problems to deal with right now
She sighs and complains about him being American. She works at a reasonably popular bakery, she's seen enough American tourists in her life to know that a vast majority of them are annoying as hell. Especially when they're rich
And she'll have to speak English the whole time. Ugh
But she's surprised when she meets him and finds out that he speaks French (it's slightly broken French, and he definitely needs practice, but it's still French)
Apparently, the nanny he had as a kid was a French immigrant. Who knew
She agrees to take him around on a tour of the city
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userlaylivia · 6 months
please nobody say anything about stydia, they are still endgame to me idgaf about the movie and it's implied they'll get back together eventually anyway they are show endgame that's all that matters!! and pls don't say anything about chair/roschel their my otps and I'm allowed to ship them! I also ship dair in gg and have more of them on my blog so!!
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abyssal-ali · 1 year
Tim Drake x Marinette Dupain-Cheng Moodboard
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For my love @the-coffee-fandom
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rosiesh0w · 5 days
Multi couple edit
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prxdk · 1 year
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3x17 | 3x01: Lorelai’s Dream
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beanzykin · 2 months
Does anyone have javajunkies (Luke x lorelai) fanfiction recs plsplspls
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serenescribbles · 1 year
We Found Love Right Where We Are Moodboard
For the Tag Team Tournament 2023
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*Pictures and music are not mine, but the edit was made by me using Canva.*
Check out my fic "We Found Love Right Where We Are"!
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mzannthropy · 2 years
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L.M. Montgomery works & Gilmore Girls parallels
Once I made an Anne of Green Gables related post (I don't remember which one it was) and it got reblogged by someone with a Gilmore Girls url. It was then that it hit me, AOGG, or generally L.M. Montgomery (will shorten it to LMM from now on) works would be enjoyed by people who also like Gilmore Girls. Sure, one is contemporary, the other historical, but there are some parallels. When I started thinking about it, I couldn't stop, so here I give you my list of LMM/GG parallels (note when I say LMM I mostly mean Anne, as it's the series I know the details of best):
Stars Hollow is LMM-typical place name and that you may tie to
tight-knit community settings
ambitious young heroines
the Rory/Paris rivalry is a lot like the Anne/Gilbert rivalry
Rory and Lane are bosom buddies just like Anne and Diana
slow burn romance: Anne x Gilbert and Lorelai x Luke
typical way of talking: GG has that fast dialogue, Anne talks a lot
accidents: Rory got into a car accident with Jess, Anne almost drowned in the lake (though in Anne's case her love interest was the one to save her, while Rory's love interest kinda got her into that)
men work around the house for women they're infatuated with: Luke fixes things for Lorelai. Now, I'm not sure if Gilbert does any such work for Anne, but in Anne of Avonlea, when Anne is dreaming up her house of dreams for the first time (when she still imagines her beloved to be a tall dark emo king), Gilbert somehow manages to get into her fantasy, helping her arrange pictures and lay out gardens. In Avonlea people likely helped each other with jobs/tasks, so it might not mean anything, still it's interesting that Anne saw him doing that, it was more subconscious than anything
difficult parents/grandparents/caregivers: oh boy. I insist that many of the caregivers in LMM books are straight up abusive (Emily's aunts Elizabeth and Ruth, but also in the case of some of the minor or side characters, such as Little Elizabeth in Anne of Windy Poplars, where it's made more clear), but okay, if you don't want to go that far, at least you have to admit that often they were very difficult. So are Emily and Richard Gilmore. And Lane's mum is mega strict. With the Gilmores too, they have this pride and if LMM knew anything, it was family clans and traditions.
generally cosy, comfort fiction (though I maintain that LMM had some dark themes in her stories)
GG opening theme shows autumn trees when the show's logo appears. One of the best known quotes from AOGG is "I'm so glad I live in the world where there are Octobers."
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amtrak12 · 1 year
Oh! Happy Purple Ribbon Day to all who celebrate!!!!
I drank some coffee this morning and had burgers and fries for dinner in honor of the day, but I won’t be watching any Gilmore Girls eps. Too deep in my Lucifer era to pull myself out.
Still! Purple Ribbon Day!! Yay!!! :D
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boldlyanxious · 1 year
Still Bitter
Tag team tournament
She had wondered whether her neighbor was interested in her. Marinette had never quite mastered the art of figuring out when someone was flirting and also never quite managed to get across her own flirting. Over the months, there had been several attempts with Tim but he had never quite seemed to pick up on it. He had been dating someone but she was fairly certain that had ended. In the past few weeks, there had been an uptick in odd encounters that seemed too targeted to be anything but made up reasons to talk to her.
With the thump in the hallway she went to the door and there was a coffee cup. It even had a little heart drawn on the side. Tim was nowhere to be seen so she smiled as she picked it up. She had a really busy day today and had just discovered she was out of coffee. She grabbed the rest of her things and a croissant and headed out the door. The coffee was perfect. She tipped it back as she walked and barely saw Tim before she stopped suddenly.
She gave him her best killer smile but rather than smiling back, he looked annoyed.
“Did you find that in the hallway? I had a coffee but someone took it,” Tim said.
Marinette looked at the cup guiltily. Everything she thought of was worse than the last.
“It was really good,” she said. “If you’re looking for reviews, I would give five stars.”
“I have my own review in mind,” he grumbled. “Somehow my day just got even worse.”
He stormed off before she came up with a response.
She was avoiding him. He couldn’t really blame her, he had been unnecessarily harsh when he last saw her. She had left him a coffee and macarons the next day. He had found baked goods two other times but he had never seen or heard her when she dropped them off. He would have to find a way to get to her to apologize. He had been so busy the past couple months that he barely managed anything and when he needed something, he had come to depend on her. She seemed to be able to solve anything. Possibly he had pushed too hard and she felt she deserved repayment. She had taken the coffee which shouldn’t be a big deal, he could afford it but the timing had been bad for his mood.
He would still blame the stake out.
After all the work he put in at Wayne Enterprises to block what appeared to be a silent take over, he still had a stake out. B had not been happy with the results. Three team members were taken out of commission and civilians were injured. Not to mention the crooks got away. That always made him testy but the fact that it was all due to mistakes on the part of every person had led to a long discussion until it was nearly daylight. Too bad when the series of accidental rights led to an unexpected take down they never got a happy talking to, only when they all missed a little clue that led to an embarrassing mess.
He shifted and rolled his shoulder.
He should be fine to go out tonight but he had just finished a very long day. He submitted the report about the take over attempt so Lucius would be working with security to put new preventative measures in place. When Tam asked Bruce’s response to the report Tim grunted and shrugged. She turned away with a sour look on her face. He didn’t mention that he didn’t think Bruce had read any of the reports recently, but she seemed to understand what he had left unsaid.
He needed a vacation. But instead he ended up with a stack of financial records and bad take out. He should have gone to the other place but he learned about it through Marinette, it didn’t feel right to get food from her spot after the way he treated her. Perhaps if he had, he could invite her over to share it and apologize for being a jerk.
She barely had time to fit in the appointment between consultations but it was on the way. She would much prefer someone to go with her but Adrien was back in Paris for now. They took turns heading back to check in with the citizens as they were able. It should have been her turn but she had been booked solid after Tim had worn one of her suits to the last charity gala. Everyone wanted the chance to get on her books before she was famous. She even raised her prices and that hadn’t seemed to deter anyone. The less available she became the more they wanted her.
The building looked clean and had a security check. It was more expensive than her current place but she was fairly certain that Adrien would be interested in sharing it with her. It was mostly separate but had a shared area. Very roomy and the building was out of the way and wouldn’t get excess traffic. She wondered if she was silly for even looking but her lease was nearly up. It wasn’t necessarily just because she had alienated her only friendly neighbor. She tried not to over think everything but it was her natural state.
It was very clear that Tim valued his coffee above nearly everything else but that was why she had thought it was such a sweet gesture. It had been a slow build up to it over a few weeks where he had asked to use her wifi one week. A few days later he had her come over to help him when he was stuck under everything falling out of his cupboards. She still wasn’t sure how he managed to call her while holding every breakable dish he owned but they had managed to save everything and then they ordered take out. She probably couldn’t go back to that place now. He said he would probably eat there twice a week.
Even her Papa’s famous shortbread recipe had not seemed to soften him. He hadn’t called her since and she wasn’t going to bother him with another apology. Sometimes you learn the hard way where the line of friendship was. She turned back to the agent.
“I’ll take it,” she said firmly. “I need to get to an appointment now but I can sign first thing in the morning. Send me the details of what I need with me.”
“Okay, I’ll have the email sent right away and we can just meet here to sign. I have another unit available in the building to show.”
She looked back over at the space. It would definitely be perfect for her sewing needs. It was all the room she would need. Although with her fabric hoarding habits, she might have to be careful about filling up the new space too. She barely had time to get to her next consultation but there was a coffee shop right outside and she couldn’t help but stop in and get one.
She let the aroma wash over her as she walked in. She ordered her coffee to go and was happy that they finished it very quickly despite the line. She stuck a couple dollars in the tip jar and picked up the cup. She nearly ran into someone when she noticed the logo. It was the same as the one she had accidentally stolen from Tim.
Then, she nearly spilled it by almost bumping into him.
Tim had no plan but when he saw Marinette at his favorite coffee shop, he rushed over to her. They nearly collided but he reached out a hand to steady her. She flinched.
"Is that for me?" He asked, gesturing at her coffee.
He was trying to make the situation lighter. She paused for a moment before thrusting the cup at him.
"Oh yeah, of course."
She wasn't actually smiling when she moved past him. She rushed to the exit. He turned as his name was called and his own order was put on the counter. He grabbed it and rushed after her. She was moving quickly, halfway down the block before he caught up to her.
“Marinette, wait,” he called out.
She paused when she heard him. He could see as she started to walk again but then turned to him right as he walked up. He held out a coffee and she looked uncertain about whether she should take it. He extended his arm further and she finally reached out for it, waiting until he lifted his cup to his mouth before she did the same.
The awkwardness stayed in the air and he wasn’t sure what to do. He just wanted things to go back to normal.
“What are you doing right now? I could take the rest of the day off and we could order too much food and watch bad movies.”
She smiled a little but then her phone started beeping.
“oh no, I’m late.” She reached in her bag to silence the phone and then turned back to him. “I would love to but I have back to back meetings today until after seven.”
“Then tonight?” he offered. “I could show up with food so you can just relax.”
She nodded, “That sounds perfect.”
“It’s a date then.”
Her eyes got really wide for a moment and she bit her lip. He loved that little motion she did to calm herself. Then she suddenly seemed to remember she was in a hurry and bolted off. She called out bye when she remembered and gave a little wave as she ran away. He just smiled, already making plans for tonight.
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#Chatty Wife + Amused Husband
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userlaylivia · 6 months
@gothicbarbie, @maya-matlin, @jessmcriano (idk if you all ship them but idk who to tag lol)
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jakeperalta · 10 months
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2023 most played songs: @lorelaigilmo requested gilmore girls + #23
it's knowing when you need to pull me closer and when you need to give me my space, it's wine and vinyl, my head on your shoulder, don't gotta treat it like a first date (the little things by kelsea ballerini)
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anewkindofme · 4 months
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Happy June 3rd: Lorelai Gilmore’s favorite and not at all cursed day.
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