#java solo world
convexicalcrow · 8 months
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I need you to know I built that fence to keep them OUT of the water ffs. >.<
There's a layer of glass one block down that they're standing on, so no drowning, and i have nfi how they all got in there either. I was sure I'd cut off all potential entry points. D:
Also I do NOT remember having this many villagers wtf. o.o I guess I'm going to have to build more houses tonight wtf.
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mamadkhalik · 8 months
DM 2 Solo
Pertama, saya ingin mengucapkan terimakasih kepada para BPH, Pengurus, kader, dan peserta yang telah menyukseskan agenda DM 2 Solo. Sungguh tidak mudah memegang amanah pengkaderan besar ini, atas izin Allah semua berjalan lancar.
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Kedua, teruntuk para peserta, Prof. Rhenald Kasali telah memberikan gambaran yang jelas tentang perubahan dunia. Dakwah kampus yang terasa "jumud" itu perlu segera disikapi dengan bijak tanpa mengurangi esensi dakwah.
Dari buku "Menuju Kemenangan Dakwah Kampus" kita disadarkan mengenai pentingnya makna kemenangan, bukan sekadar menduduki jabatan strategis seperti BEM, namun kebermanfaatan yang dapat kita berikan bagi mahasiswa dan masyarakat.
Bagian penting dari buku ini adalah seruan untuk kembali ke Ashalah Dakwah Kampus, memahami kembali makna Islam, pentingnya tarbiyah untuk manusia, pentingnya dakwah sebagai seruan kebaikan, dan yang pasti fiqih dakwah sebagai rambu dasar yang dilengkapi oleh manhaj dakwah. ADK perlu paham itu.
Masuk ke bab metode, setelah memahami Ashalah Dakwah Kampus, kita perlu membaca perubahan pemuda saat ini. Bagaimana memahami diri sendiri, memahami orang lain, selanjutnya memberi pembebanan yang tepat dalam setiap amanah yang diberikan.
Kita para aktivis dakwah, berangkat dengan mimpi, ekspektasi, dan juga pengalaman spiritual yang berbeda. Jangan menganggap sama, jangan menuntut banyak hal sebelum memberi pemahaman, jangan mematikan mimpi mereka! Jangan berlindung dengan term "ini amanah dakwah."
Mengutip dari buku "Di Kekinian Dakwah" dalam proses tarbiyah, terkadang para aktivis banyak melupakan proses pemahaman dari perangkat-perangkat dan rukun-rukun ukhuwah. Apabila 2 step ini dilupakan, dakwah akan runtuh dari dalam.
Ingat kembali klasifikasi basis dakwah, mana basis pendukung, mana para penggerak, mana ideolog gerakan. Saat berada di fase penggerak, sudah sepantasnya sadar akan peran, pun saat hilang arah tujuan, bukan sibuk mencari kesalahan atau pembenaran, namun kembali lagi ke 2 poin atas, harus saling memahami dan menguatkan ukhuwahnya.
Kita sudah sama-sama membaca umat ini. Kita familiar dengan kalimat dakwah tak butuh kita, namun kita yang butuh dakwah. Namun dalam tulisan ini, saya tegaskan bahwa hari ini dakwah butuh kita semua! orang-orang dipersimpangan jalan itu butuh kita, orang-orang terzalimi butuh kita, saudara seperjuangan pun butuh kita, jangan sampai mengecap manisnya iman sendirian namun kita tutup mata di luar sana.
Manhaj kita menuntun manusia untuk menuju kemuliaan, melepaskan diri dari perdebatan khilafiyah, dan yang paling penting mengupayakan persatuan umat.
"kita adalah dai sebelum apapun"
"Sampaikan walau satu ayat"
bukanlah menjadi pembenaran untuk kita tidak menambah ilmu. Cari majelis ilmu, carilah guru, jagalah adab dengan guru, orang tua, dan saudara sesama muslim. Carilah bekal sebanyak-banyaknya, tenangkan hatimu, sucikan hatimu dari niat-niat untuk pujian, harta, dan dunia dan segala isinya.
Tempat kita berdiri saat ini, Solo, bumi yang diridhai oleh Allah memiliki jenama "The Spirit Of Java." namun menurut Ustadz Syihabuddin Al-Hafizh, Solo ini bukan hanya jawa semata, tapi "Spirit Of The World"
Peranakan china di pasar gede, peranakan Arab di Pasar Kliwon, India di Laweyan dan jawa sebagai etnis mayoritas berkumpul di kota ini.
Tak cukup dari itu, di kota ini juga ada bekas Kraton Kerajaan Mataram Islam yang besar di Kartasura, Kraton Mangkunegaran pimpinan Pangeran Sambernyawa dan Kasunanan pimpinan PB X yang gigih melawan belanda, lalu munculnya SDI yang memicu pembentukan SI sebagai perlawanan oligarki kolonial di Laweyan.
Di zaman ini, ormas dan kelompok Islam meliputi : MTA yang besar di Karangayar, LDII Sukoharjo sekitarnya, Hidayatullah di Mojosongo, DSKS dan laskar Islam di Ngruki, Muhammadiyah di Sukoharjo, dan Para Habaib tarekat yang besar di Pasar Kliwon.
Faktor historis dan landscape ormas ini menjadi bukti bawah Islam adalah pemersatu bangsa, sebuah spirit yang harus kita bawa sembari menyerukan moralitas kepada peradaban barat yang rapuh itu.
Maka, saat berkumpul kembali kelak, kita sepakat untuk mengesampingkan perbedaan pendapat dalam suatu perkara, kita berfokus merangkai persatuan antar umat, sesuai dengan prinsip kita, persaudaran adalah watak muamalah KAMMI.
Terakhir, dimasa yang penuh fitnah ini, kita harus membangun optimisme akan kejayaan umat. Bukan toxic positivity, namun berputus asa dan berpangku tangan itu bukanlah karakter seorang muslim.
Selayaknya Bilal bin Rabbah dengan ketauhidanya, Rasulullah Shallallahu alaihi wassalam saat memukul batu di Parit Khandaq, Umar bin Abdul Aziz dengan reformasi birokrasi Umayyah, Imam Ghazali, Nuruddin Zanki, Shalahuddin Al-Ayyubi sebagai aktor Islah dalam menaklukan Al-Quds, Muhammad Al-Fatih yang menaklukan Konstantinopel, dan kita semua para aktivis dakwah kampus yang tengah mempersiapkan diri untuk kejayaan Islam.
Semoga dimudahkan dan dikuatkan!
"Kenyataan hari ini adalah mimpi hari kemarin, dan mimpi hari ini adalah kenyataan hari esok" - Imam Hasan Al-Banna
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zvaigzdelasas · 7 months
[SCMP is Hong Kong Private Media]
Indonesia’s long-drawn-out presidential election process has officially entered its final stages, with some of the country’s biggest political names formally submitting their nomination papers and launching their policy platforms.
Ahead of the opening of the nomination process, much of the national intrigue involved the identity of the running mate for Prabowo Subianto, current President Joko Widodo’s former rival-turned-ally. As long speculated, the 72-year-old defence minister revealed last weekend that his running mate would be Gibran Rakabuming Raka, Widodo’s 36-year-old son and mayor of the city of Solo.
Speculation has also swirled around who would get the outgoing president’s stamp of approval: Prabowo or former Central Java governor Ganjar Pranowo. Pranowo, 54, leads the ticket for Widodo’s ruling Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle, alongside his vice-presidential candidate Mohammad Mahfud, 66, the outgoing coordinating minister of political, legal and security affairs.
Rounding out the list of candidates is Anies Baswedan – like Widodo, a former governor of Jakarta – and Muhaimin Iskandar, 57, deputy speaker of the House of Representatives. Supported by a coalition of parties named the Coalition of Change for Unity, the 54-year-old Anies has styled himself as the antithesis of Widodo, who is constitutionally barred from running for a third term.[...]
All three candidates have vowed to maintain Indonesia’s long-standing commitment to a neutral and non-aligned foreign policy, while also being active on the international stage to champion world peace – including by advocating for Palestinians amid the ongoing Israel-Gaza war, with Prabowo going the furthest in this regard by saying he would push to open an Indonesian consulate in Palestinian territory if elected.[...]
“Anies and Muhaimin will tend to be more critical of China in terms of maritime territorial integrity,” said Ahmad Rizky, an associate lecturer and researcher at the University of Queensland’s School of Political Science and International Studies in Australia. “But I am not sure that Anies will eliminate the engagement with China that Jokowi has been doing so far.”
Anies, who has trailed in opinion polls in recent months, said in his manifesto that he aims to “position Indonesia as a balancing force in the global order” so that the country can “prevent the domination of certain powers”, which Ahmad interpreted as a criticism of China’s rising assertiveness.
Prabowo [...] has been the most explicit when it comes to addressing fraught geopolitics, underlining that a major strategic challenge for Indonesia would be “rivalry between the two superpowers over Taiwan that could threaten the smooth supply chain of food, energy and trade” that passes through the Malacca Strait and North Natuna Sea.
The former special forces commander, who is making a third tilt at the presidency having twice lost to Widodo in 2014 and 2019, has pledged to “restore Indonesia’s foreign political authority as a large and sovereign country in the eyes of the international community”.
Twice last month, Prabowo made speeches warning against foreign influence, telling an audience of students at Muhammadiyah University in Malang, East Java on September 27 about Indonesia’s long history of colonisation and exploitation, and cautioning that the country should never again become “a puppet” of outsiders.
In another speech just a few days later, [Prabowo] again warned Indonesians not to become “the playthings of major powers” who “clearly set forth a strategy of divide and conquer”.
In past elections, [Prabowo,] the former son-in-law of late strongman president Suharto [and son of a major state economist in the Suharto government] had held the establishment responsible for society’s ills, but [an analyst] said this tactic would no longer work, as Prabowo was stripped of his opposition credentials when Widodo made him defence minister in 2019.[...]
“He wants Indonesia to engage with all major powers, not just the US and China,” Ahmad said, adding that the outgoing defence chief would “want Indonesia to play a bigger role outside of the context of [ASEAN] regionalism” and also “change his stance to no longer being anti-China”.
“He would want to encourage stronger engagement with China, something that he has already done in a diplomatic and defence context,” Ahmad said, further predicting that “Prabowo could tend to be closer militarily to the US”.[...]
[Prabowo] has led efforts to overhaul Indonesia’s ageing air fleet – mainly US-made F-16 and Russian Sukhoi Su-27 and Su-30 jets – securing a deal in February to order 42 Dassault Rafale fighter jets from France for US$8.1 billion; confirming in June the purchase of 12 Mirage 2000-5 jets previously used by Qatar for US$800 million; and in August signing a deal with Boeing for 24 F-15EX aircraft, the most advanced version of the US company’s F-15 jet, for an undisclosed amount.
Anies and Ganjar have likewise committed to modernising Indonesia’s military, with the former focusing in his manifesto on upgrading the country’s coastguard and protection of outlying islands.
Ganjar, meanwhile, outlines in his campaign manifesto Towards a Superior Indonesia a plan to introduce anti-access and area denial weapons and strategies – which can span missiles, electronic warfare, mines, aircraft and coastal artillery – “to secure territorial sovereignty and the implementation of sovereign rights” in the country’s exclusive economic zone.[...]
Ganjar was essentially signalling that the US and China should “not use Indonesian waters for their military interest” [according to an analyst][...]
All candidates have said they would uphold Widodo’s flagship “downstreaming” policy, whereby exports of critical raw minerals such as nickel are banned and producers are required to build refining facilities onshore, with Prabowo even vowing to widen it further to include “copper, tin, agriculture products and maritime products”.
Yet Sulfikar Amir, an industry, innovation, and technology spokesman for Anies’ campaign, said under his candidate “there will be a ban on commodity exports, but it will not repeat the current downstreaming order”.
As it stands, downstreaming “basically gives away our materials to foreign investors who come to build processing facilities in Indonesia and ultimately export them,” [Sulfikar] said. “Ultimately the ones who enjoy the [added] values are foreign investors.”[...]
The spokesman added that Anies would also not prioritise another of Widodo’s big-ticket projects: moving the country’s capital away from Jakarta to the new city of Nusantara being built on the island of Borneo.[...]
Ganjar, by contrast, said he aims to complete the new capital’s construction if elected, calling it “a symbol of futuristic Indonesia”.[...]
Anies took a stronger line, openly criticising Widodo’s dealings with foreign investors, particularly within the context of the Belt and Road Initiative and other multilateral economic forums.[...]
Belt and road projects offer “benefits for Indonesia, we cannot deny it,” Sulfikar [Anies’ campaign spokesman] said. “But the scheme and relationship between Indonesia and [the initiative] needs to be reviewed so that we would not deeply depend on [Chinese investments] that could harm Indonesia in the long term.”
“Look at the [Jakarta-Bandung] fast train [project]. Indonesia has to go into debt because the project is delayed. So everything [agreed under the belt and road] will be reviewed.”
27 Oct 23
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nix-writes-mcyt · 10 months
Hey all
I wanted to come on here and maybe pitch an idea to yous, see what kind of interest there is.
So, I'm considering picking up Live Streaming again. Where? I'm undecided yet.
I was thinking maybe it would be fun to get a small group together of people who are interested in starting Streaming, creating videos or have already given it a go solo. I'm thinking an SMP, whether that's on Bedrock or Java as I have access to both, that just depends on what others have.
So if you're interested in joining an SMP and are interested in streaming or creating videos please let me know. You can dm me here or message me over on discord (nixoxia).
You don't have to be the world's best builder or redstoner, you don't have to be good at the game. That's okay, I'm just looking for people interested in creating content and telling stories, so as long as you can dedicate some time to it let me know :)
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catoblepon · 10 months
Hi, I'm Catoblepon!
I have a lot of hobbies and I keep finding myself unable to stick with only one, so expect me to talk, ramble, or follow stuff related to spreadsheets, CSS, digital art, videogames & TTRPGs, worldbuilding, web development, etc.
I've been on Tumblr before, but I've barely done more than follow a couple posts, doom scroll, and then leave again. This time I have friends backing me up and I hope my stay is more permanent than temporal. I just hope I don't forget about this again. I also have no idea what I'm doing but I saw there's an HTML editor and I'm a happy web nerd.
I love languages, both natural speaking (like English, Spanish, etc) and artificial (such as C++, Java, Python, etc). I have two beautiful dogs whom I love with my life. I'm not good at intros and I dunno what to add.
Worldbuilding as of right now is the "main" hobby I'm focused on (other than playing video games but I don't do much other than playing them xD). Most of the art, CSS, and spreadsheets (and perhaps other stuff) are related to my worldbuilding worlds. So far, I have four (working on starting a fifth) settings.
What do I enjoy reading in worldbuilding?
Lava related worldbuilding
Wild Magic
Magic and technology!
Species (especially animals)
Settlements (tell me all the weird details!)
Daeliha is a dark world filled with magic and your typical fantasy species but with twists, such as Elves having a symbiotic relationship with bacteria. Its people are constantly quarrelling, with anger and fear brewing for centuries. Now, however, people are rediscovering forbidden knowledge that had been hidden away in dusty temples, threatening to release old powerful magic upon the world.
Fifty years ago, magic appeared in the world, and with it, new places, flora, fauna and worse, people. As those newcomers start to claim lands for themselves, the people indigenous to Iphars have to fight to adapt and keep what is theirs.
Humanity always dreamed of interacting with aliens. When no aliens arrived on Earth, humans decided to take matters into their own hands and travel themselves to new planets. There, they become aliens to meet other people, the technologically advanced society invading other worlds. But humans did not confine themselves to physical worlds; they also discovered access to a dimension of dreams. Of course, they immediately started to transform and adapt it for their own needs and entertainment. Thus, Altrea dimension was born. Will they manage to mess it up?
Shattered is a place of brokenness, as its name says. It is composed of many islands and giant animals floating in space and surrounding a single star-like object, which has three states: light, dark, and rain. On these islands, one finds life, civilized and not-so-civilized societies; outside of them, one finds death and corpses of unknown creatures floating in a never-ending state of decay.
I enjoy games! Videogames, tabletop games, all the games! I mainly play solo games or games I can play with my friends (with them, of course!).
Favourite videogames
Pokemon (the last good for me was the fourth-gen)
Legend of Zelda
Favourite TTRPG
D&D 5e
Fragged Empire
Solo journaling ttrpg (Even made one!)
I love trying new games!
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herbertmckay71 · 10 months
Getting Started: Downloading Minecraft for Beginners
Minecraft, the renowned sandbox game, has captured the hearts of millions of players worldwide with its endless possibilities for creativity and adventure. If you're new to Minecraft and eager to start your blocky journey, this article will guide you through the process of downloading Minecraft and help you embark on your first steps in this captivating virtual world. - Minecraft Editions: Before downloading Minecraft, it's important to understand the different editions available. The two primary editions are Minecraft Java Edition and Minecraft Bedrock Edition. Java Edition is the original version and offers the most extensive modding and customization options. Bedrock Edition, available on multiple platforms, offers cross-platform play and compatibility with consoles and mobile devices. Choose the edition that best suits your needs and platform. - Minecraft Website: To download Minecraft, visit the official Minecraft website (minecraft.net). On the homepage, you'll find information about the different editions and pricing options. Select the edition you prefer, and you'll be directed to the purchase page. - Creating a Mojang Account: To download and play Minecraft, you'll need to create a Mojang account. This account serves as your gateway to Minecraft and other Mojang games and services. On the purchase page, click on the "Create Account" button to begin the account creation process. Follow the instructions to provide the necessary information and create your Mojang account. - Making the Purchase: Once you've created your Mojang account, you can proceed with the purchase of Minecraft. Select the edition you want and follow the prompts to complete the transaction. The price may vary depending on your region and any ongoing promotions. Ensure you have a valid payment method available. - Downloading Minecraft: After purchasing Minecraft, you can proceed to download the game. On the purchase confirmation page, you'll find the download button for your specific edition. Click on the download button, and the game installation file will start downloading to your computer. - Installing Minecraft: Once the download is complete, locate the installation file on your computer. Double-click the file to start the installation process. Follow the on-screen instructions to install Minecraft on your computer. The installation process may vary depending on your operating system. - Launching Minecraft: Once the installation is complete, you're ready to launch Minecraft. Look for the Minecraft icon on your desktop or in your applications folder and double-click it. The game will launch, and you'll be greeted with the Minecraft launcher. - Logging into Minecraft: In the Minecraft launcher, enter your Mojang account credentials to log in. Once logged in, you'll have access to your Minecraft profile and preferences. The launcher also provides options for selecting game versions, installing mods, and accessing the Minecraft Marketplace (for Bedrock Edition). - Singleplayer and Multiplayer: After logging in, you have the choice of playing in singleplayer or multiplayer mode. In singleplayer mode, you'll embark on solo adventures, explore the Minecraft world, and build to your heart's content. In multiplayer mode, you can join servers, collaborate with friends or other players, and engage in various activities, such as mini-games or cooperative building projects. - Begin Your Minecraft Adventure: With Minecraft successfully installed and launched, you're ready to begin your Minecraft adventure. In singleplayer mode, start by creating a new world and exploring the vast landscapes, gathering resources, and building your first shelter. In multiplayer mode, find a server to join or invite friends to play together. The Minecraft world is yours to explore and shape as you please. What Servers Are On Windows 10 On Minecraft Remember, Minecraft is a game of discovery and learning. Take your time to experiment, follow tutorials, and engage with the vibrant Minecraft community to enhance your skills and knowledge. Download and Unleash Your Creativity: Downloading Minecraft is the first step toward a world of boundless creativity and adventure. Whether you're building grand structures, surviving in challenging environments, or collaborating with friends, Minecraft offers a captivating experience that will keep you engaged for hours on end. So, visit the official Minecraft website, select your preferred edition, create a Mojang account, and download Minecraft to begin your exciting journey in the blocky world of Minecraft.
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churchchair3 · 2 years
Ridiculously Easy Methods To enhance Your Minecraft Java Download
Minescape is top-of-the-line Minecraft worlds ever constructed. In one among their survival recreation modes, you start on an island largely submerged in acid and need to discover a method to survive. Because this stuff are in extremely restricted supply in the game world (and venturing right into a populated space to find them normally results in a player-fired bullet to the brain), it's nearly a necessity to buy them in the shop. Gamers have enjoying around on the planet of Minecraft for nearly ten years at this level. In the event you allow cheats in Minecraft: Home windows 10 Edition or Xbox One, players linked to your world will not have the ability to earn Xbox achievements for anything they achieve while related to your world. 3. As you enter the above command, Windows will uninstall gaming companies out of your Laptop.4. It should come in a compressed file, so open it utilizing an archive utility. I in your keyboard to open Settings. F3 on Mac) to watch your frame fee as you attempt completely different settings.
He is a former lead author for TheGamer's YouTube channel who has been a hardcore gamer since the age of four. Justin has been writing articles for over four years. Over the previous few years soft launches have change into more and more widespread -- particularly for creators of on-line games. Second, a wired ethernet connection is really useful over the usage of wireless web. Shaders are a few of the preferred downloads on the web. These are all nice selections, however there's one recreation mode that’s performed much greater than the remaining. You’re put right into a replica of Los Santos where there are essentially no guidelines. There are very minimal pay-to-win parts with Manacube, making it a preferred alternative. I do not have a good example of software for this one, however there are a lot of firms use it. Manacube is an excellent alternative for many who don’t need to spend cash in-recreation. Ever wish to get more severe together with your in-game fashions of St. Paul's Cathedral, the pyramids, or every other historical landmark that involves mind?
Now, we'll get the shader recordsdata installed. Now, carry up the Minecraft client and once again click "Edit" on your profile in the bottom left corner. Minecraft java Click on "Choose file". Then upload. Run the .dmg file to put in Minecraft to your Applications folder. 3. At the underside-right, select "Shaders Folder." It will open the folder where all of your shader files will go. Click on "Set up shopper" and then "Ok." Forge will set up the required files and folders. Click on Open to LAN. If you do not, shut"Minecraft"and open it once more. Shaders make "Minecraft" extra graphically intensive, to the point where some older graphics playing cards may battle to sustain. It’s up to you to make your strategy to other skyblocks and find higher supplies. It has helped people to do better and sooner works with using the most recent sort of expertise in the sphere. Some people are inclined to spend their leisure time by travelling to totally different locations, some desire to go through interesting books, some want to play games, and so on. Many of us spent so much time in front of our PCs grinding the game, and now you could possibly do the identical in Minescape.
After all, this server is going to be much more violent than anything you’d usually find in vanilla Minecraft, however it’s still an incredible time regardless. You may discover several completely different internet hosting plans and options, together with WordPress internet hosting, electronic mail hosting and domains and transfers. 3. 2. Find the .jar file you downloaded. Don't unzip the file. While there are tons for you to do, you possibly can solely do them solo. There are dozens of internet sites to get them from. You’ll want to keep your head on a swivel to outlive on this server as there are primarily no rules. The primary choices you’ll need to make to your server are what to name it (something you like) and, more importantly, how a lot RAM to provision for the server. Customize "Minecraft's" graphics. The exact methodology to install and set it up will differ slightly relying on whether you utilize different "Minecraft" mods, but listed below are the general steps. Each jetpack presents completely different armor rankings and velocity, depending on what your wants are. There’s quite a lot of content material value checking out in Manacube. Accumulate all of the Pixelmon, discover the Pixelmon wilds, or conquer all gyms to prove your price as the ultimate Pixelmon coach!
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exeton · 1 month
Nvidia Partners with Indonesia to Launch $200M AI Center in Global AI Expansion Effort
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Nvidia's gaze turns to Indonesia, marking a significant leap in the global AI expansion saga. In a world where AI is no longer just buzz but a revolution, Nvidia's initiative to plant a $200M AI powerhouse in the heart of Indonesia is a game-changer. But what's this all about, and why should we keep our eyes peeled for this monumental project? Let's dive in and get the lowdown.
The Collaboration that Spells Future: Nvidia, a titan in AI and semiconductor innovation, has joined forces with Indonesia's government and the telecom titan, Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison, laying the foundation for what promises to be an AI mecca. This isn't just any partnership; it's a strategic move aiming at a grand slam in the AI arena.
Surakarta: The Chosen Ground: Picture this: Surakarta city, already buzzing with talent and tech, now set to be the epicenter of AI excellence. With a hefty $200 million investment, this AI center isn't just about hardware. It's where technology meets human genius, promising a fusion of telecommunication infrastructure and a human resource haven, all set against the backdrop of Central Java's vibrant community.
Why Surakarta, You Ask? Surakarta, affectionately known as Solo, isn't just chosen by chance. It's a city ready to leap into the future, boasting an arsenal of human resources and cutting-edge 5G infrastructure. According to Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka, Solo's readiness is not just about tech; it's about a community poised to embrace and lead in the AI revolution.
A Memorandum of Understanding with a Vision: Back in January 2022, Nvidia and the Indonesian government inked a deal not just on paper but on the future. This memorandum isn't just administrative; it's a commitment to empower over 20,000 university students and lecturers with AI prowess, sculpting Indonesia's next-gen AI maestros.
Riding the Wave of AI Frenzy: Post the unveiling of OpenAI's ChatGPT, the world hasn't just watched; it's leaped into the AI bandwagon, with the AI market ballooning from $134.89 billion to a staggering $241.80 billion in a year. Nvidia's move isn't just timely; it's a strategic chess move in a global AI match.
Beyond Borders: Nvidia's Southeast Asian Symphony: Indonesia's AI center is but a piece in Nvidia's grand Southeast Asian puzzle. From Singapore's collaboration for a new data center to initiatives with the Singapore Institute of Technology, Nvidia is weaving a network of AI excellence across the region, setting the stage for a tech renaissance.
A Global Race for AI Dominance: Nvidia's strides in Indonesia reflect a broader narrative. Giants like Google and Microsoft are not just spectators but active players, investing billions in AI ecosystems worldwide. This global sprint for AI supremacy is reshaping economies, technologies, and societies.
Tethering AI to Crypto: The AI craze isn't just confined to traditional tech realms. In the cryptosphere, firms like Tether are expanding their AI horizons, scouting for elite AI talent to pioneer new frontiers.
In Conclusion: Nvidia's foray into Indonesia with a $200M AI center is more than an investment; it's a testament to AI's transformative power and Indonesia's rising stature in the global tech arena. As we watch this partnership unfold, it's clear that the future of AI is not just being written; it's being coded, one innovation at a time.
Muhammad Hussnain Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Linkedin | Youtube
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convexicalcrow · 6 months
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nether pyramid progress! did all the layers above the glass layer tonight in about 2 hours or so. everything below has taken ... significantly many more hours. but it's all spawn-proof now. i just gotta finish the pyramid itself, and then add some more decoration around the base. pillars or columns or something, and make the doors more interesting.
the portal in the centre goes to the desert village base. the other portal goes to the savannah mining base. there's a zombie xp farm there.
stopping now tho bc migraine wooo. -_- so we'll get back to that later.
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thoughtsofjessica · 1 month
Key Skills of Successful Mobile App Developers
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In today's digital age, mobile applications have become an integral part of our daily lives. From ordering food to managing finances, there's an app for almost everything.
Behind every successful mobile application, there's a team of skilled developers who possess certain key skills essential for creating top-notch apps.
Whether you're an aspiring developer or a seasoned pro looking to enhance your skills, here are some of the key attributes you need to succeed in the competitive world of Mobile App Development.
Proficiency in Programming Languages
A solid understanding of programming languages such as Java, Kotlin (for Android), and Swift (for iOS) is crucial for mobile app developers.
These languages serve as the foundation for building robust and efficient applications.
Additionally, familiarity with frameworks like React Native and Flutter can expedite the development process by enabling cross-platform compatibility.
User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) Design
Creating an intuitive and visually appealing user interface is essential for ensuring a positive user experience.
Mobile app developers should have a keen eye for design principles and be proficient in UI/UX design tools such as Sketch or Adobe XD.
Understanding user behavior and incorporating feedback into the design process is also key to delivering user-friendly applications.
Problem-solving Skills
Mobile app development often involves overcoming various challenges and obstacles. Successful developers possess strong problem-solving skills and are adept at troubleshooting issues that may arise during the development lifecycle. Being able to think critically and creatively to find solutions is essential for delivering high-quality apps within deadlines.
Adaptability and Continuous Learning
The field of mobile app development is constantly evolving with new technologies and trends emerging regularly. Successful developers embrace lifelong learning and stay updated with the latest advancements in mobile app development. Whether it's mastering a new programming language or learning about emerging technologies like augmented reality (AR) or machine learning (ML), staying adaptable and open to learning is crucial for staying ahead in the industry.
Collaboration and Communication
Mobile app development is rarely a solo endeavor. Effective collaboration and communication skills are essential for working in multidisciplinary teams comprising designers, developers, and project managers. Clear communication helps streamline the development process, ensures everyone is on the same page, and fosters a positive working environment conducive to creativity and innovation.
Attention to Detail and Quality Assurance
Creating bug-free and seamless mobile applications requires meticulous attention to detail. Successful developers pay close attention to every aspect of the app, from coding to design elements, to ensure a polished end product. Additionally, conducting thorough testing and quality assurance procedures throughout the development process helps identify and rectify any issues before the app is released to users.
Time Management and Project Management Skills
Meeting deadlines and delivering projects on time is essential in the fast-paced world of mobile app development. Developers should possess strong time management and project management skills to effectively prioritize tasks, allocate resources, and track progress. Utilizing project management tools such as Jira or Trello can help streamline workflows and ensure projects are completed efficiently.
In conclusion, successful mobile app developers possess a diverse skill set encompassing technical expertise, design proficiency, problem-solving abilities, and effective communication skills. By continually honing these key skills and staying updated with industry trends, developers can create innovative and impactful mobile applications that delight users and stand out in the competitive app market.
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speedyposts · 3 months
Scepticism as Gibran Rakabuming Raka runs for Indonesia’s vice presidency
Solo, Indonesia – For more than 40 years, Sarti has been cycling his pedicab around the streets of the Indonesian city of Surakarta, or Solo.
It’s a tough job, especially in the relentless heat, and the wiry 67-year-old’s muscles strain as he pushes on the pedals to manoeuvre his vehicle through the traffic. Sweat drips from his brow and he puffs his way along the narrow backstreets, his passengers seated in the canopied cab in front of him.
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For all the effort, business can be slow, and Sarti sometimes earns just one dollar a day.
Government support has been crucial for his survival, and he has nothing but praise for President Joko Widodo, better known as Jokowi, who was Solo’s mayor from 2005 to 2012.
“I liked Jokowi, I liked him so much. He was such a good mayor of Solo. He would visit all the areas of the city, handing out aid and groceries to people and providing financial assistance,” he told Al Jazeera.
“He really cared about people who were struggling.”
But when it comes to Jokowi’s son, it’s a different story.
Gibran Rakabuming Raka followed in his father’s footsteps to run for mayor of Solo in 2020 and is now a vice presidential candidate in the elections scheduled for February 14.
Gibran is just 36, and despite being mayor since February 2021, Sarti says he has never met him.
“He has never visited many of the poorer parts of the city, like his father used to,” he said.
“Gibran picks the people he wants to help. He doesn’t help everyone. He doesn’t help all the residents of Solo.”
Solo, despite its stature as the former home of the president and the historic royal capital of Java, is a relatively small city with a population of about half a million people.
Known for its old-world charm, it boasts two royal palaces, is renowned for the quality of its traditional batik and is surrounded by rice fields.
When Gibran, the eldest of Jokowi’s three children, announced that he was planning to run as Solo’s mayor, many residents were surprised, even those who had known him since he was a child.
“He is a good kid, all of Jokowi’s children are. They are polite and hard workers, but I was surprised when he became mayor of Solo because I thought it was too soon for him to hold that kind of office,” Slamet Raharjo, a longtime friend of the family, told Al Jazeera.
“Logically, you have to take it step by step. You can’t create leadership in a moment. It is a psychological process that takes time, but he has been forced to grow up quickly.”
Gibran, who was born in 1987,  had never appeared to harbour any political aspirations.
He studied at secondary school in Singapore and then in Australia before returning to Singapore and earning a bachelor’s degree in management. Most expected him to join the family’s now famous furniture business, as his father had done.
Instead, Gibran opened a catering business in 2010, and five years later a chain of pancake shops. Markobar, as he called the business, focused heavily on digital marketing, but has since closed.
Local residents laughed when asked if Gibran had ever personally fried any of the sweet treats.
Markobar had been designed to appeal to a social media crowd and featured signature dishes of eight and 16 flavours such as chocolate and green tea, priced from $2.50 for a single topping.
In a city where the pancakes, called murtabak, are known as a cheap street food snack, Markobar was considered expensive.
While the pancakes flopped, local residents say Girban’s tenure as mayor has been more successful.
They say he made efforts to improve the city by further developing infrastructure and public transport, as well as designing initiatives to foster inclusivity.
These included setting up decorations in front of the town hall to celebrate various religious holidays, including during the Christmas period, which some saw as an effort to enhance religious tolerance in a country where 87 percent of the population is Muslim.
Fransiskus Xaverius Hadi Rudyatmo, who was deputy under Jokowi and took over from him in 2012 until 2021, told Al Jazeera that he had been blindsided when Gibran’s vice presidential candidacy was first mentioned.
“I was disappointed when Gibran ran for the vice presidency. He isn’t old enough and has only been mayor for two years. If you work in an office for two years, you are still in your probation period,” Rudyatmo said.
When Gibran originally stood for mayor, Rudyatmo said that he rallied behind the young candidate because they were both members of Indonesia’s Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P), a secular-nationalist party that champions workers’ rights across Indonesia.
But he was shocked when Gibran announced that he would run as a vice presidential candidate alongside three-time presidential hopeful Prabowo Subianto, who was twice beaten to the presidency by Jokowi and is leader of the Gerindra Party, and backed by Golkar, which has close ties to the Indonesian military and was the ruling political group under former presidents Soeharto and BJ Habibie.
Following the shock announcement, PDI-P said that Gibran had left the party, which already had candidates for president and vice president in the form of Ganjar Pranowo, the governor of Central Java, and Mahfud MD, the current coordinating minister for political, legal and security affairs, as vice president.
Many wondered whether Jokowi, who had advanced to the very top with PDI-P, had shifted his support away from the party in favour of his son and Prabowo, a former general, although he has not formally endorsed the duo.
“It’s like they forgot where they came from,” Rudyatmo said of the apparent rift between Gibran, Jokowi and the PDI-P.
Gibran’s path to the vice presidency has also been controversial.
Under electoral rules, he should have been ineligible because all candidates for the presidency and vice presidency must be at least 40 years old.
But in October last year, following a series of legal challenges to lower the age limit, Indonesia’s Constitutional Court ruled that while the minimum age would remain at 40, it did not apply to candidates who had previously held publicly elected office, like Gibran.
The decision, handed down by the head of the court, Chief Justice Anwar Usman, Jokowi’s brother-in-law, created a firestorm and allegations of nepotism and corruption.
Following an investigation, the Constitutional Court Honorary Council removed Usman from his position for failing to recuse himself from the proceedings. He was, however, allowed to remain a Constitutional Court judge and the court’s original decision on the age limits was upheld.
“There were pros and cons, but it seemed like it shouldn’t have been allowed, and they forced it through anyway,” Edy Saryanto, the chairman of the trader’s association at Notoharjo Market in Solo, told Al Jazeera of the Constitutional Court furore.
Saryanto described Gibran as “fine” but “not like his father”.
“It is not the time for him to think about the country. He shouldn’t try to force things. He needs to be mayor of Solo for two terms like his father, and then run for governor. His knowledge needs to be fully baked,” he said.
Some, however, like family friend Raharjo, disagree.
They note that the legal challenge preceding the Constitutional Court ruling had not been filed by either Gibran or Jokowi but by a number of people including university students, members of the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) and several regional heads.
“If the Constitutional Court decision had only had Gibran’s name in it and said that only he was allowed to run despite not meeting the age requirement, that would have been one thing and people could have rightly complained,” he said. “The decision was absolutely legal.”
For now, Gibran’s meteoric rise, and particularly his split with the PDI-P, has made many voters uneasy.
Some Solo residents said they were still deciding which pair to back.
Pedicab driver Sarti said that while he voted for Jokowi twice when he ran for president, his loyalties were with the PDI-P and “Gibran is not there anymore”.
For others, such as 58-year-old car park attendant Tawar, the minutiae of Gibran’s political affiliations are less important than his origins.
“As a son of Solo, of course, he will be good, and I am proud of him,” he said, saying that Gibran had ensured the city was safe.
“I am so grateful that I was born and work here,” he said. “I will be proud to tell my grandchildren that a child of Solo is the vice president. Whoever is chosen will doubtless be a good leader, because they were chosen by the people.”
Raharjo said that he too would be voting for Gibran because he was not familiar with any of the other candidates. The third duo in the race is former Governor of Jakarta Anies Baswedan and Deputy Speaker of the People’s Representative Council, Muhaimin Iskandar.
“The only person I know personally who is running for office is Gibran,” Raharjo said.
“Gibran is my friend’s son, and I will always support my friend.”
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partolasikim · 6 months
Knowing Denny Ja: Inspirational Author who tells the story of success and luck
In the world of Indonesian literature, there are many inspirational figures who through his work are able to bring interesting and meaningful stories. One of the authors who stole the attention was Denny JA, a writer known as the story of his success and luck that inspired many people. Denny JA, or Denny JAnuar Ali, is an Indonesian author who was born on January 9, 1961 in Solo, Central Java. He is known as a figure who is full of enthusiasm and inspiration in the work. Through his writings, Denny JA often invites readers to see life with a positive perspective and dare to face challenges. One of the famous works of Denny Ja is an essay poem entitled "The Success Story of Inspirational Entrepreneurs". This essay poem contains a collection of inspirational stories from successful entrepreneurs in Indonesia. In this essay poem, Denny Ja described the journey of life and obstacles faced by these inspirational figures until finally success. This story not only inspires, but also provides motivation for readers not to give up and continue to struggle to achieve their dreams. In addition to the story of success, Denny Ja also often raises the theme of luck in his work. Essay poetry "from the coast to the peak" is one of the works that shows how luck can be an important factor in achieving success. Through inspirational stories, Denny Ja teaches the reader that luck is not something that comes just like that, but must be pursued with hard work, perseverance, and courage. In addition to writing essay poetry, Denny Ja is also active in various activities to motivate and inspire Indonesian people. He is often invited to be a speaker at seminars, talk shows, and workshops at various national and international events. Denny Ja is also active in inviting young children to dare to dream and achieve their images. He believes that every individual has extraordinary potential and can achieve success if it has a strong determination. The success and luck that Denny told him in his work was not just a mere fictional story. He often takes inspiration from true stories and real figures who face challenges in their lives. In each story, Denny Ja always presents positive messages that can motivate readers to face all difficulties with enthusiasm and optimism. In recent years, Denny Ja has also been active in social media. Through his accounts on platforms such as Instagram and Twitter, he often shares inspirational quotes and wise advice to his followers. Denny Ja utilizes the presence of social media as a means to spread enthusiasm and inspiration to the wider community. Denny Ja is an inspiring author whose work is able to present the story of the story of success and luck. Through his writings, he invited the reader to see life with more optimistic and brave eyes to face every challenge. The story that he tells not only entertaining, but also provides valuable lessons that can be used as a guide in living life. With his inspirational work, Denny Ja has succeeded in inspiring many readers in Indonesia. Check more: Know Denny Ja: Inspirational Author who tells the story of success and luck
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fundesk1 · 6 months
Get set for algorithm interview prep at Fun Desk!!!
In the competitive realm of tech interviews, algorithmic prowess is often the differentiator that propels candidates to success. Fun Desk, a dedicated platform for programming enthusiasts, takes the challenge head-on by offering a comprehensive algorithm interview preparation program. With focus on Java and Python coding practice, it equips users with the skills and confidence needed to navigate algorithmic interviews successfully.
Algorithm interview prep at Fun Desk begins with a curated selection of coding challenges that span various difficulty levels. These challenges are meticulously crafted to mirror the types of problems encountered in real-world technical interviews, ensuring that users not only grasp theoretical concepts but also develop the problem-solving intuition crucial for success.
Java and Python, two of the most widely used programming languages, take center stage in Fun Desk's algorithm interview prep. The platform recognizes the importance of language flexibility, allowing users to choose their preferred language for coding challenges in Java. This dual-language approach ensures that both Java enthusiasts and Python aficionados can sharpen their skills in a familiar coding environment.
The Java coding practice encompasses algorithmic challenges that delve into data structures, sorting algorithms, and dynamic programming. Whether it's implementing a graph traversal algorithm or optimizing code for time and space complexity, Java enthusiasts can leverage the platform to hone their skills in a Java-centric coding environment.
Simultaneously, Python coding practice provides a similar set of challenges, embracing elegance and simplicity of the language. From exploring Python's list comprehensions to employing its built-in functions for efficient problem-solving, users can refine their coding skills within the context of algorithmic challenges.
One distinctive feature of Fun Desk's algorithm interview prep is its emphasis on explanation and understanding. Each coding challenge is accompanied by detailed solutions and explanations, enabling users to unravel the thought processes behind optimal solutions. This not only aids in comprehension but also instills a deeper understanding of algorithmic principles, preparing candidates to articulate their thought processes during interviews.
To complement the hands-on coding challenges, Fun Desk integrates Java and Python coding tutorials specific to algorithmic problem-solving. These tutorials cover a spectrum of topics, from fundamental data structures to advanced algorithms. By intertwining theory with practical application, Fun Desk ensures that users not only solve problems but also grasp the underlying concepts, fostering a holistic approach to algorithm interview preparation.
The collaborative environment at Fun Desk extends beyond solo coding challenges. Users can engage in discussions, share their approaches, and learn from diverse perspectives. This community-driven aspect enhances the learning experience, allowing participants to refine their skills through peer collaboration and constructive feedback. In conclusion, Fun Desk emerges as a powerhouse for mastering algorithm interview preparation, offering a blend of Java and Python coding challenges and practice. The platform's commitment to providing a diverse set of challenges, detailed explanations, and a supportive community creates an immersive environment for honing algorithmic skills. Whether aspiring to land a coveted tech job or simply seeking to strengthen coding proficiency, Fun Desk stands as a go-to destination for those navigating the challenging terrain of algorithmic interviews.
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meikaserlya · 6 months
Get to know Denny Ja's closer: Pandemic Era Heroes and Great Poet
Introduction Denny Ja is a familiar figure for the people of Indonesia. He is a figure who is very influential in various fields, especially in politics and literature. In addition, Denny JA has also become a hero in the Pandemi Covid-19 era that we are experiencing today. This article will review more deeply about Denny JA's journey and contribution as a hero of the Pandemic era and a great poet. Denny JA's life journey Denny JA was born on January 5, 1951 in Solo, Central Java. He is the youngest of seven siblings. Since childhood, Denny Ja has shown his interests and talents in the world of literature. He often writes poetry and short stories which are then published in various media. After completing his primary and secondary education, Denny Ja continued his studies at the Faculty of Literature at the University of Indonesia. Here, he increasingly honed his ability to write and speak. Denny Ja is also active in student organizations and became one of the important figures in the student movement at that time. Contribution as poet As a poet, Denny Ja has produced very inspiring works. His poems often raise deep social and political themes. Denny Ja is also known for its distinctive and poetic language style. These works have inspired many people and are an important reading material in the world of Indonesian literature. Denny Ja is also active in holding literary activities, such as seminars and discussions. He often became speakers in various literary events and shared his experiences and knowledge with young writers. This makes Denny Ja an influential and respected figure in the world of Indonesian literature. Heroes of the Pandemic Era Aside from being a poet, Denny Ja has also become a hero in the Pandemi Covid-19 era. He has made various efforts to help the people affected by Pandemic. One of these efforts is to raise funds and provide assistance to people in need. Denny Ja is also active in providing education to the public regarding health protocols and the importance of maintaining personal hygiene. He often gives lectures and insight into pandemics to the wider community through various media. This helps increase public awareness of the importance of maintaining health in the midst of pandemic. In addition, Denny Ja is also involved in various social and philanthropic activities. He has established a charity to help the people affected by Pandemic, such as the provision of food and basic needs. Denny Ja's contribution as a hero of the Pandemic era is very large and should be appreciated. Conclusion Denny Ja is an extraordinary figure in various fields, both as a poet and as a hero in the Pandemic era. His contribution in the world of literature has inspired many people and is a guide in writing. In addition, his efforts in helping the people affected by Pandemic showed his sincerity and concern for others. Denny Ja is a hero that we should respect and examples for the younger generation. Hopefully the work and contribution continue to inspire and provide benefits to the people of Indonesia.
Check more: Get to know Denny JA's closer: Pandemic Era Heroes and Great Poet
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aksaraer · 6 months
Dismantling the secret of Indonesian famous paintings: Denny Ja and Pesona Ai
Introduction  Painting is one form of art that has existed since prehistoric times. In Indonesia alone, painting has become an important part of the nation’s culture and identity. There are many famous Indonesian painting artists who have created beautiful and stunning works. One of the leading painting artists in Indonesia is Denny JA. However, what is the secret behind the famous painting works of Denny JA and how the development of artificial intelligence technology (AI) has influenced the world of painting?    I. Denny JA’s life and work  Denny JA was born on August 15, 1956 in Solo, Central Java. He is a famous painting artist who has produced many amazing works. Denny Ja is famous for his unique and expressive painting style. He often uses bright colors and contrast that creates a strong impression on his work. Some famous works Denny Ja include “Sun Rising” and “Old City”.    II. The secret behind the works of Denny Ja  There are some secrets behind the famous painting works Denny Ja. First, Denny Ja has extraordinary expertise in describing human emotions and feelings through his paintings. He is able to present a strong and deep mood in every brush stroke. Second, Denny Ja is also very skilled in using a good composition in his paintings. He pays attention to every detail and ensures that every element in his painting has a perfect balance. Third, Denny Ja has extraordinary abilities in describing light and shadows. He is able to create a dramatic effect by using light games and shadows.    III. AI development in the world of painting  The development of artificial intelligence technology (AI) has brought a significant impact in the world of painting. AI has allowed artists to create more creative and innovative artwork. One example of the application of AI in painting is through a generative algorithm that can create unique works of art. Artists can use AI to produce complicated patterns and forms that are difficult to achieve with human hands. In addition, AI can also be used to improve image quality and correct errors in paintings.    IV. Ai Ai charm in Denny Ja’s paintings  In recent years, Denny Ja has used AI technology in his paintings. He has used AI algorithms to produce complicated patterns and shapes in his paintings. With the help of AI, Denny Ja can create more complex and interesting works of art. In addition, AI also allows Denny Ja to reach a higher detailed level in his paintings. Denny Ja has succeeded in combining his expertise as an artist with artificial intelligence to create extraordinary works of art.    Conclusion  Denny Ja is one of the famous Indonesian painting artists who has created beautiful and stunning works. The secret behind his painting works is expertise in describing human emotions and feelings, the use of good composition, and the ability to describe light and shadow. The development of AI has brought a significant impact in the world of painting and has enabled artists to create more creative and innovative works of art. In his painting, Denny Ja has succeeded in combining his expertise as an artist with artificial intelligence to create extraordinary artwork. The future of Indonesian painting with the use of AI has become more interesting and promising.
Check more: Dismantle the secret of Indonesian famous paintings: Denny JA and Pesona AI
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fitaamel · 6 months
Revealing the Secret of Denny Ja's Chosen Work to 28: A stunning professional journey
Revealing the Secret of Denny Ja's Chosen Work to 28: A stunning professional journey In the world of art and literature, Denny Ja is known as one of the figures who have a stunning professional journey. His work that was chosen to number 28 is a concrete proof of his dedication in producing high -quality work. In this article, we will reveal the secret behind Denny JA's success and how he succeeded in achieving this extraordinary achievement. I. Denny JA Professional Journey Before we discuss the secrets behind Denny JA's elected work, it is important to see his professional journey as a whole. Denny JA was born in 1951 in Solo, Central Java. He is an intellectual and social activist who has a strong interest in literature and art. Denny Ja began to write and contribute to the world of literature since a young age. In the 1970s, he was active in literary organizations and received recognition of his quality work. II. Denny JA's chosen work Denny JA has written more than 28 chosen and stunning works. Some of his famous works include the essay poetry "Peter and the Guard of the Heart" and "Human Earth". Both of these essay poetry received extensive recognition in the world of Indonesian literature and became Bestseller. In addition, Denny JA has also written various essays, short stories, and poetry that also received an award. III. Denny JA's Selected Secret Work Here are some of the secrets behind Denny JA's chosen work that made him so successful: 1. Dedication and Discipline: Denny JA is a very dedicated and disciplined writer. He has a daily routine in writing and developing his work. He never ignored the quality and details in his writing. 2. In -depth research: Before writing his work, Denny JA conducted a deep research on the topic he would write. He ensured that his writing had a strong and reliable foundation. 3. In -depth understanding of culture and history: In his work, Denny JA shows a deep understanding of Indonesian culture and history. He combined these elements intelligently to create rich and original works. 4. Typical Writing Style: Denny JA has a typical writing style that makes it different from other writers. He uses beautiful and descriptive language to describe the atmosphere and characters in his work. IV. The influence of Denny JA in the world of literature The work of Denny JA has a great influence in the world of Indonesian literature. He has inspired many young writers and helped elevate Indonesian literary standards. His work has also been translated into various languages and gained international recognition. V. Conclusion In this article, we have revealed the secrets behind the success of Denny JA and his chosen work. Denny JA is a writer who is dedicated, disciplined, and has a deep understanding of culture and history. The typical writing style makes it one of the best writers in Indonesian literature. The work of Denny JA has had a big influence in the world of literature and inspired the generation of young writers. With this extraordinary achievement, Denny JA continues to prove that he is one of the important figures in the world of Indonesian arts and literature.
Check more: Uncover the Secret of Denny Ja's Selected Work: A stunning professional journey
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