#jawbreaker au
squidthesquidd · 10 months
Art request. Baby-fy the robot.
Metal owlet thats inexplicably fluffy
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YESYES YES YES HES YESYES EYSEYSYE YOU ARE ENABLING ME !!!!! so i drew all the terrans as squishy babies <3333 new au dropped lmao. im calling it the squishy baby au
send me literally ANY transformer character in an ask and ill turn them into a squishy baby PLEASE im addicted to babifying things
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lightbulb-warning · 1 year
I survived Danganronpa and all I got was this hoodie...
he got one (1): hoodie and one (1): unimaginable amount of survivior's guilt.
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shapeofmetal · 1 year
EARTHSPARK SPOILER ART WARNING I have watched the new episodes for Earthspark and the following doodles are VERY spoilery.
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He's shaped for hugging. I love that they got Keith David for Grimlock he did such a good job being Jawbreakers new dad.
Man is Thrash the only one who dosnt have a second dad yet?
Gotta get him some dad time.
Okay MANDROIDS NEW BOD holy shit this dude is SHAPED
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Look at this guy he's so SHAPED and GROSS
Park and Sparkbite definetly end up experimented on by this weirdo.
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I want Sparkbite and Parks final form to look like this I'm OBSESSED
-but for them its more like a Silas body suit situation with more gross wires.
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I can't wait till we meet the Quintessons. I hope thats what Mandroid rant into. He DID have Sharkticon buddies so I don't think thats a bad bet.
and finally OH MY GOD HOLY SHIT
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When this bit happened I lost it
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I MEAN if that neck rope was pulled just a bit harder ...
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greetingsfromuranus · 6 months
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Chippy chippy eddy!
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camellia-salazar · 25 days
Ed Edd n Eddy Pony Redesigns.
Ed Edd n Eddy; Friendships are Jawbreakers. (Ed Edd n Eddy rhymes with My Little Pony)
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I did this last month, but for some reason put off posting it until now.
I was into both shows at the time, so it was easy for me to understand the characters as well as the rule set of the MLP universe.
I would tell you each explanation of their cutiemarks, but maybe in another post. For now, I'll explain at least a few distinct facts about each of them.
Ed: Him and Sarah's family are relatively stronger than the average earth pony thanks to them actually being hella strong in canon. AJ would be tripping on the sight of Ed casually lifting a boulder.
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Edd: Does pretty well with certain spells, less than Twilight and Starlight, but more capable than most unicorns his age. It takes a lot of energy to even do them, tho, like teleport.
Eddy: Pretty much what Scootaloo has when it comes to his wings. A lot of his insecurities are from his lack of flying. He can barely hover for about 3 seconds but ultimately crashes hard at the end. He blames it on not being taught.
Kevin: Not many ponies ride bikes. He's one of the exception. Wanted to be a Wonder Bolt at one point, but eventually dropped it on account of the day he earned his cutiemark. (I'll explain eventually).
Nazz: Like all unicorns, her magical ability depends on her cutiemark/special talent. She can spark up visions that resonate the stories she would tell. She was also trained in defense magic to protect the kids she would babysit along with herself.
Rolf: His family is the only one that have a stipe across their torsos. It just develops like a cutiemark, but only when you figure out the role you play for the family. So basically, there's a little more pressure on this kiddo.
Sarah: If my pony version would be a version of the show, she and Jimmy would earn their cutiemarks at around season 3. She would be a teeny tiny bit more empathetic, too, since she's a pony now.
Jimmy: He and Sarah were a lot like the CMC prior to their cutiemarks. Mostly inspired by the fact that they act like so in canon, always trying new things essentially. He also struggles with his magic like Sweetie Belle did for a while.
Jonny 2×4: He acts a lot like Pinkie Pie and often would stim by bouncing on his tail. Also, much like how I thought of Sarah and Jimmy, he would learn to fly later on, but most likely the end of season 2, beginning of season 3. Most likely, the former.
Plank: Was supposed to be an imagined pony, but idk if I want to keep that or have him be a dragon. He would give off griffin vibes at times, tho. Idk. Maybe I should just draw his face like the OG so that the others would keep guessing.
Lee Kanker: I couldn't think of her with normal mare hooves, so she inherited her dad's hoof look. Rather, she shaved it, or it was just developed that way is pretty unknown. I thought of the latter at first.
Marie Kanker: Much like Kevin, she loves cloud bucking. The only difference is that she loves it while he sees it as more of a chore. She would often get away with chores because her mother would tell her to. But even then, she would have fun doing it.
May Kanker: Most would be threatened with her magic being red, that is, anyone but her sisters. Not only would anyone know it's her, but also red magic is usually frowned upon. The judgment doesn't bother her, tho, giving the fact that she's used to it.
Eddy's Bro: He got one of the biggest pare of wings anypony had seen on a pegasus. Because of his huge wings, Eddy would have another reason to not only look up to him but also envy him. Stupid bro taking all the flight genes.
So that's it for now, I went from EEnE to other things, so it'll take some time before I get back into EEnE again.
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Thanks for reading all of this. Have a good one. 👍💖✨️
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cityzenshark · 5 days
Firsts to Grow Up - One's own feelings
With Robby hospitalised, the Maltos got rocky with each other. The three humans went back and forth to Philadelphia hospital for days. Dorothy forbids the Terrans and Bumblebee from the leaving the farm. Alex puts his foot down when the Terrans insist that the magic cave water might help, reminding them of increasing GHOST activities due to the wrecked Bot Brawl in the city and Grimlock's PTSD attack near Witwicky town. Mo distances herself from the Terrans, fearing she might say the wrong thing in front of them again.
Assuming her adopted family no longer wants them, Twitch disobeys Dot and Alex and brings her younger siblings to the cave where she and Thrash starved at in the middle of the night. Thrash calls out Twitch's lack of empathy, leading to a fight between them.
Meanwhile Hashtag, who proposed the cave water idea in the first place, feels she wanted to drown.
"I thought I'm the rule breaker out of us." Thrash said loudly, surprising his siblings to a stop on their not-so sneaky trek up the hill. Twitch recovered from her shock first and turned to her twin angrily.
"Thrash! Are you trying to make GHOST hear us?"
Thrash crossed his arms in disbelief. "Look who's talking. Us being out here is enough for GHOST to see us."
Twitch scoffed, "Why are you following us then, Thrash?"
"To bring you back, duh. Now let's go home before Bee notices we're missing."
"No." Twitch said firmly. "We're going to the cave with the mural in it. It's nearby."
"And then you'll come home?"
Twitch looked away. Realisation dawned on the rest of the Terrans.
Jawbreaker said in disbelief. "Are we not going home after this?"
"No, JB." Twitch replied, avoiding eye contact. "We're going to stay in the cave."
"What!" the triplets cried out in unison.
Nightshade spoke up, "Mother and father will be worried sick--"
"They don't care about us anymore, Nightshade!" Twitch yelled, floating at the owl Terran's face. "You saw how angry they are at us. You heard what Mo said. 'I wish we never found the Emberstone.'"
"Mo didn't mean that," Jawbreaker retorted. "She's super upset about Robby."
"Oh yeah? Why won't she see us anymore? Care to answer that, JB?"
"People say things they didn't mean to when their upset."
Jawbreaker felt his spark twinge when Twitch scoffed at him, "Sounds like she means it to me!"
Thrash approached his twin angrily. "You think everything is about you, Twitch? What Mo said hurts me, too. But like Jawbreaker said, she didn't mean it! Mo will come around again when Robby gets better."
"And what if he won't?" Twitch asked, challenging. "What if the hospital can't cure him? What if they take him and Mo away to experiment the sleeves?"
"If they don't…" Hashtag began. She stopped under Twitch's glare.
"If they don't what?" The drone Terran probed.
"Twitch." Thrash warned.
"I want to hear it. If they don't what, Hashtag?"
Hashtag stammered. "If-- If they don't examine the sleeves, we'll never know what got Robby sick in the first place."
Twitch groaned exasperatedly. "You've got to be kidding me! We know exactly what got Robby sick -- our lost link! The moment we can't feel each other, Robby almost died. It's so obvious."
The Terrans stared at their small sister in disbelief.
Nightshade broke the silence with a calm tone, "Twitch, sister, Robby didn't almost die because of the lost link. Our emotional link was lost because Robby almost died."
"Same difference. I thought you're the smart one, 'Shade."
Nightshade felt a hurtful pang. And then they were angry. "Is our link more important than our brother's life? Is that why you don't want to return to the farm?" Nightshade didn't wait for Twitch to respond. "I understand how important the emotional link is. Without it, we won't know how we're doing when we're not together. We literally used it so Hashtag can fight the mind control device off of her."
Hashtag slowly coiled as her triplet continued.
"Do you want to know what I really feel about the link?"
"I'm disturbed by it."
Nightshade's triplets and Thrash were aghast.
Twitch had a look of betrayal.
"How could you?"
"How could I?" The owl Terran echoed. "How could I not! I keep feeling what you feel about things I love. I know how annoyed you all feel every time I didn't join your playtime. I understand that you want me to spend time with you, but none of you bothered to spend time with me while I tinker. I'd rather only acknowledge how annoyed you feel about my hobby, not feeling it directly."
"You could've asked us to stop feeling annoyed." Twitch said.
"'Stop feeling'? I can't ask you to not feel something, Twitch. I just don't want to feel emotions that's not my own."
"So you never wanted to be part of our family, is that it?" Twitch asked accusingly.
"Twitch!" Thrash and Hashtag cry out.
"All I want is privacy on my own thoughts and emotions. That's how it should be!" Nightshade clenched their claws into fists as they reply as calm as they could muster. "Does it ever occur to you how much the link burdens Mo and Robby?"
"They never say anything wrong--"
"They never said anything for OUR sakes!" Now Nightshade was screaming, tears prickled their eyes. "Every morning, Robby and Mo get headaches because they feel every emotion we felt the whole night before. Even our parents didn't say this to us because they love us! They don't want us to know how much we've been hurting them. Now I know I sound awful and I want to clarify I wish we never lost it like this, but perhaps losing this link is a blessing for all of us. Especially for Robby and Morgan."
Continuation here
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beemochi-art · 22 days
what sort of mischief do the Terrans get up to? :-?
All kinds!
When Twitch was first taken in she would cry a lot. Her screeching made it impossible for the rest of the autobots to sleep (except chromia).
Twitch liked to get into stuff and take things see deemed pretty, Ratchet would often find his tools missing
She’s in the walls… SHES IN THE GODDAMN WALLS!!
She scratches. And hisses. All things autobots don’t find appealing but something Scavenger encourages. The
She used to have a bad habit of trying to take off into the ground bridge.
Most of her mischievous behavior stop when she gets older. She’s still as energetic and curious as ever. But now she wants to follow more rules and learn how she better the lives of human, Terran and cybertronian.
Nightshade was an elusive Terran. Often being spotted by the autobots but nearly impossible to catch. This is how they discovered nightshade was very smart. The Autobots set a trap, when they looked back at it, the trap was completely dismantled, many parts were missing. So instead they just stared leave machine parts fit Nightshade to find.
Twitch convince Nightshade to come with them. They agreed but Nightshade was slightly aggressive towards the other bots.
Nightshade took an interest in Optimus and stated crawling all over him. Ratchet tried to stop that behavior but Optimus told him to lay off.
Also scratches and hisses
Gets frustrated and cries, they try very hard to hold back tears but it never works.
Nightshades inventions can be destructive. Trial and error is their motto.
They are generally the most well behaved Terran if not sometimes a little sassy. Very eager to help and learn. Especially discovering more about their species.
Jawbreaker used to be a very clingy sparklings. He demanded almost all of Kilo’s attention. Pretty much attached at the hip. Kilo didn’t have time to do much else and especially didn’t have time to spend with Megs. This pissed Megatron off greatly.
In the beginning Jb used to be deathly afraid of Megatron (for good reason, Jb could feel he didn’t like him). Leading to a lot of crying and Jb running to Kilo’s side. Megs often felt like he was being kicked out of his own quarters (because he was).
Jb is very big and would try to get into spaces he could. Often getting stuck.
Turn around for 5 seconds and he’s gone. Jb likes to explore. Pretty fast 💨 very quiet
Sure, he doesn’t have classes and isn’t the most destructive Terran but, He bites. Hard. Mostly when he’s excited too, so it’s not even him being angry. He just… does it. Lucky this behavior has stopped when he got older.
Special addition Thrash!
He used to be able to fit in the Malto household. But pretty quickly that changed. He’ll still try to get in and his siblings usual try to let him in (monstly Moe.)
He gets zoomies. Very destructive when he bumps into things.
Has repeatedly gotten stuck in trees
jumps off cliffs (also repeatedly.)
He can sometimes be a bit of a wuss
Home schooling Thrash is more work then Alex could have ever realized
Thrash is apart of the Malto family. He’s good but gets lonely sometimes. He knows something’s or someone’s out there calling too him. Lucky for the Maltos he makes it know before he goes out exploring in his own.
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es-wallflower-au · 3 months
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made a pfp nandejsjdbdh
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theanoninyourinbox · 1 year
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@mommyclan The Collective Made Creature, made by @irldragonart aka @askwhipandcrackle (Whippaw and Cracklepaw), @emperormoth101 (YEEK), @tasteless-tea (Blubberspine), and myself (Draculapaw)!
Jawbreaker is a real southern gentleman, with a heart of gold, muscles of steel, and dumb of butt. Absolutely HUGE, a real long big Boy! He runs a junk and goods trading store out of an old cart he totes around, with goods from the local kittypets and the Twoleg Item Depository aka That Dumping Spot In The Woods. Has lived a long storied life, with scars to prove it. Extremely sweet, but will thwomp bad customers or rouges. Is dear Friends with a cat named Wilhelm Turkish Delights Wonka. Ace Aro, you cannot flirt for discounts. Met a squad of mommyclan cats on patrol and decided to join up for a change of pace.
Does he Pass the Test? Is He In?
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yabsthesquare · 10 months
🍬 Jawbreaker ‼️🍬
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"I swing both ways. Violently. With a bat. Come get some motherfuckers"
(Not my quote)
New OC! Part of the Paradise Blues AU ;)
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transingthoseformers · 11 months
Somewhere between SG and Earthspark
Yes Jawbreaker gets two mentors! Grimlock is just happy to help out. He and Breakdown are so happy when Jawbreaker picks his alt form. Even if Breakdown is a little disappointed that Jawbreaker didn't want to be a car like him. They are both so proud of him.
I liked the idea of Bumblebee trying to take over the autobots or the sudden lack of autobots and I also like the idea of him being redeemed and mentoring Thrash. I'm not sure what to do with him. Or we could do both.
Yes, Shattered glass Ratchet is so interesting I love his complexity especially because I already love to thrash baseline Ratchet around like a rag doll. I hate him in the most affectionate way. Nightshade definitely takes interest in him even if Shockwave and Prowl are very worried about Ratchet being anywhere near Nightshade
Twitch gets to keep Megatron as her mentor and they still get to be close. Megatron and Soundwave take care of all of the malto kids when Dorothy and Alex want to have a date night
Hashtag gets to be jet and she has Starscream, Novastorm and Skywarp as her mentors(and perhaps a certain writer when he comes back around)
Yesss exactly exactly
Yep yep I'm thinking both, SG Bumblebee tries to take over the SG autobots, fails, and somehow through that process starts his redemption arc.
Of course, Nighty my beloved child, is consistently curious about SG Ratchet
And perhaps a certain writer when he comes back around
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annabelle-creart · 2 months
The 13 Primes Au
The Malto family finding out Nightshade was Quintus Prime was something like:
Nightshade: Guys! Mom! Dad! Look at my new friend!
Dot: Aw, how cute!
Twitch: Isn´t that the training gadget you did but with antennae and claws?
Nightshade: Is actually the Emberstone! I found some of her dust in the mountain and kept it to study it, and then, she took control over it
Alex: Did you say Emberstone?
Hashtag: What do you mean with 'her'?
Emberstone, in a robotic voice: Greetings, Maltos, I am what remains of the Emberstone, but my dear Prime call me Ember for short, you can as well, and also I chose the she/it pronouns for fast identification, but any kind or none pronouns are also okay
Nightshade: Isn´t Ember super cool?
All: ...
Trash: dude, what the-?
Jawbreaker: COOOOOL!!!! So, the Emberstone has a conciseness?
Ember: I always had, but only reveal to the ones I trust the most, and due to my trust to my Prime, I trust in you
Mo: Who´s supposed to be "my Prime", did you talk with Optimus?
Ember: I pay no service or hint from any other living being except from Primus and my Prime, Quintus
Robby: ...and that means...?
Ember: ...Nightshade, dear, you said your family was smart
Nightshade: Ember!
Ember: Sorry, dear.
Nightshade: Can you tell us more of Quintus? Pleaseeeeeeee?
Ember: Sure, what else do you want to know?
Mo: I have a question! If Nightshade is Quintus incarnation, then, that means indirectly that Quintus died at some point, right?
Ember: That´s correct, Morgan
Mo: In that case, how did he died? Because, what can kill a Prime?
Ember: ...that´s a conversation I will have with my dear Nightshade first when they´re ready
Robby: and when that will be?
Ember: Not today
Hashtag: Oh, come on!
Twitch: but, why?
Ember: as a Prime Relic I don´t only care for my function but for my Prime´s integrity and protection, keeping some information until the right moment is part of this function
Jawbreaker: it was that bad?
Ember: ...
-- Ember never answered that --
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sweetpeaches666 · 1 year
When Teenage Starscream sees the Terrans adoring Fluffy Ears, it reminds him of his precious but temporary time with his beloved Crimson Wing.
Seeing how much the Terrans love Fluffy Ears, the tiny former Seeker wants to protect the newly born bots from the heartache of having their beloved calf die from natural causes because of her short lifespan.
Starscream tells the Terrans to cherish their time with Fluffy Ears and count each moment with her a blessing since the little calf will only be here temporary. He even tells them about his pet cardinal.
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jackoino · 4 months
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666melvin666 · 1 year
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As dusk settled over the cobblestone streets, Streber's heart pounded with both fear and a desperate need to escape. He knew his life depended on his ability to outrun the vengeful mob that pursued him. The once-familiar faces of the townsfolk now wore expressions of anger and determination, their torches casting an eerie glow in the night.
Streber sprinted through the winding alleys, his footsteps echoing against the stone walls. His mind raced, trying to find a way out of this nightmare. He had always kept his true nature hidden, struggling to suppress the primal thirst that coursed through his veins. But the rumors had reached a boiling point, igniting a frenzy of paranoia and hatred.
The townsfolk's shouts and the sound of their pursuit grew louder with each passing moment. Streber's heart ached, for he had known these people his entire life. They were his neighbors, his friends. But now, their faces twisted with hostility, they had become a relentless mob, their only aim to vanquish the perceived evil that plagued their beloved town.
With each step, Streber pushed his body to its limits, adrenaline surging through his veins. His vampire speed allowed him to evade capture momentarily, but the mob was relentless. He dodged obstacles, his movements a blur of desperation and agility. Yet, he couldn't escape the weight of their hatred, the heavy burden of their fear.
The familiar landmarks of the town passed by in a blur: the towering clock tower, the peaceful chapel where Streber sought solace, and the bustling marketplace now abandoned and shrouded in darkness. The place he once called home had transformed into a labyrinth of danger and betrayal.
Determined to escape the clutches of his pursuers, Streber veered into a narrow alley, hoping to lose them in the maze-like streets. But the mob, driven by an unyielding fervor, persisted in their hunt. Their shouts echoed off the walls, pushing Streber to the brink of exhaustion.
In the midst of his frantic flight, a flickering light caught Streber's attention—an open gate leading out of the town. Hope flickered within him as he pushed himself to run even faster. The night air filled with a mix of adrenaline, fear, and the desperate need to survive.
With one final surge of energy, Streber reached the gate. The townsfolk's cries grew distant as he vanished into the unknown. His heart was heavy with the realization that he could never return to the place that had once been his home. Meet STREBER
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the-iceni-bitch · 2 years
On the Tip of My Tongue
Kinkmas Day 9: Dirty Talk
Relationship: Andy Barber x TJ Hammond (jawbreaker and sugar, NLLYL)
Words: ~1k
Summary: Andy really is going to be the death of TJ.
Warnings: explicit language, explicit sexual content (all just dirty talk, but it’s nasty, salad tossing, unprotected anal sex, feminization, bimbofication, multiple orgasms, anal cream pie, big ass daddy kink), age gap (not mentioned but present), ANDY’S MOUTH, baby TJ being all flustered and cute, mentions of waxing, lingerie, SMUT!! 18+ ONLY!!
A/N: Andy is going to kill ALL OF US, holy fucking shit.
I am no longer doing taglists so if you want to stay up to date on all the latest filth, follow my sideblog @the-iceni-library and turn on notifications!
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TJ was shaking. He could hear the ice in his drink tinkling against the glass when he brought it to his lips as he struggled to get himself under control.
But he couldn’t, and it was all Andy’s fault.
“God you smell so fucking good.” TJ tried his best not to whimper when Andy growled in his ear again, the feeling of the older man’s arm sliding around his waist and squeezing making his knees weak as he just looked at the bottom of his soda glass. “Like sex and vanilla. I bet that boy pussy smells even better, wanna suffocate myself in it while I make you squeal, sugar.”
He was sure he was going to start sobbing and begging Andy to fuck him if this kept up, fuck the fact that they were surrounded by Andy’s partners and clients at the firm’s holiday party, TJ’s prick had been hard for the past half hour and it didn’t seem like that was going to change anytime soon.
Maybe he should have waited to show Andy his surprise until after they got back to his house, but he wanted to tease his Daddy. How was he supposed to know that telling Andy he’d gotten everything waxed and given him a little peek at the dark green panties he was wearing would turn him into… this? Damn Johnny for telling him to be more forward, as soon as he saw that asshole here he was going to smack him, or kiss him, he couldn’t decide.
“Know that cunt is so goddamn soft and warm now, I wanna make it wet.” Andy was so worked up TJ was sure he was only seconds away from actually ripping the well-tailored suit right off his body and eating him out with an audience. “Make a fucking feast out of that pretty pink hole. Are you extra sensitive, sugar? Are those soft little panties making that pretty prick of yours leak for your Daddy?”
They were, all TJ could do was nod as he blushed up to his ears, batting his eyelashes like a little coquette as he gazed at Andy and not helping the situation at all. He couldn’t look at the man for long though, the intensity in his eyes making his gut burn and his head swim as he fought the urge to bare his throat and whine.
“So fucking pink and sweet for your Daddy.” TJ could feel Andy’s smile against his cheek when he choked on a whimper, trying not to openly pant when he felt teeth scraping against the shell of his ear while he picked out a spot on the wall to stare at. “Poor little thing. And I would’ve made you feel so good, baby boy, would’ve taken my time kissing and licking that pretty, smooth little pussy until it opened up for Daddy before I fucked you nice and slow. But you had to be mean and tease your Daddy.”
Oh no…
“Daddy was gonna be so nice, sugar, was gonna give you just one before we left, was gonna make sure you felt it in your toes and got all syrupy sweet for me since you had to be on my arm all night.” Andy took a sip of his bourbon and smiled when TJ let out a pathetic hiccup, nuzzling against the younger man’s temple and purring as he kept detailing exactly what he was going to do to him. “You made me wait, though, and fuck, baby, I’m gonna wreck that boy cunt.”
TJ was sure everyone saw him jump when Andy bit his ear and slid his hand down to grab his ass, barely swallowing his squeal when Andy’s fingers slipped even lower until they were teasing along his taint over his trousers. Someone was going to see them, or hear the way TJ was practically keening each time he breathed. Andy was being so brazen, and as embarrassed as TJ knew he should be, all he could feel was warm and aroused and achy in his core.
“I’m gonna eat that pussy like a fucking buffet, gonna make that smooth, pretty cunt so fucking wet and messy it makes a stain on my damn sheets.” Andy was so close, TJ felt like he was suffocating in the man, like he was about to be shoved up against a wall and have every single breath stolen from his lungs. “Want it all slick and swollen for Daddy’s dick, it’s gonna look so pretty swallowing my cock whole, gonna feel so fucking good when I dig into that sweet spot until my balls are nestled right up against that soft skin. Then I’m gonna fuck you, look at me.”
Andy was gentle when he gripped TJ’s chin and tilted his face up to his, but the look in his eyes was absolutely feral. It made TJ start vibrating as his entire body drew tight with anticipation, his breath shallow and warm against Andy’s lips while he looked at him stupidly.
“I’m gonna fuck you so hard, sugar.” He wasn’t sure if it was just the anxiety of the situation, but Andy had never seemed bigger than he did right now, and it had TJ swooning. “Gonna make that pussy squirt, you’re gonna come so hard. And I’m not gonna stop, your tight little cunt is gonna come on Daddy’s dick so many times you won’t be able to walk, I’m gonna ruin you, gonna use that sweet body of yours however I want until you’re jelly. You aren’t even gonna be able to hold on all the cum I’m going to pump into that pussy. You feel how fucking full I am for you, sugar?”
Andy groaned as he grabbed TJ’s hand and pressed it against his bulge, the way his baby gasped when he dragged his palm down until he was cupping his balls making him barely hang onto his composure as he smashed their lips together. TJ couldn’t handle it, he was done, if Andy didn’t do everything he had just detailed within the next ten minutes he was going to explode.
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