#jax tadc backstory
ethanthespookymonth · 11 months
Heyo Jax!
What was it like when you first got in the circus?
If it's sensitive you don't have to talk about it!
-Jay ^^
Jax: GET BACK!!! GET BACK!!! *Crying while scooting back to the wall on the floor*
Ragatha: It's okay! Everything will be okay!
Jax: I just want to go home!
Ragatha: ...T-this is your home now...
Jax: ...*Sobs and holds legs with ears flat*
Caine: *Flies over and lands in front of Jax* Hey... *Tilts head and smiles* Everything will be okay... *Rubs Jax's knee*
Jax: *Looks up with a teared stained face* ...
Caine: *Opens arms*
Jax: *Ears lift up and hugs Caine*
Caine: *Holds Jax* There there.....
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cheatsykoopa98 · 6 months
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Zooble is extra angry because its the first time in days Gangle had the energy to take a bath due to how sad she was
read dad au | <<prev | next>>
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alicornze7 · 7 months
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Bonnie’s tragic origin story
For those of you wondering why Bonnie is so silly (nobody)
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theloraxisgoat · 1 month
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i guess some things are hard to accept for an ai I am afraid.
this lovely art done by Chasm Craft - YouTube give them a like and subscribe
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estro-gem · 10 months
Zooble x Gangle: Anywhere the wind blows
The Amazing Digital Circus AU: Oasis
Author's note: Welcome to this long-boi fic!
It's long and probably tedious to read, but overall, I'm actually pretty okay with how this turned out. Eh, kinda... I almost decided to scrap this entire thing and write something else, but I already got too far by that point and pushed through - trying to make the best of it.
It has a little bit of everything; some body dysphoria, action, violence, mutilation, stalking, maybe some bad-written tension and a nice section lil' of not-smut.
Good ol' not-smut!
Sorry to all the bunnydoll lovers, this is a zoogang story - and it's a pretty long one.
Bunnydoll is only briefly mentioned, but you also get some messed-up 'bromance' between Gangle and Jax, as well as Zooble losing their marbles while Jax is being Jax, doing Jax stuff...
Suggestive/vulgar language (Mostly censored, but worth mentioning)
Body dysphoria
Panic attacks
Questionable dancing (?)
Zooble was making their way to the lake to go dancing with Gangle. Upon arrival, the sight of Gangle caused Zooble to reminisce about their arrival in The Amazing Digital Circus and the chaos that followed.
“You off to harass your crybaby with your terrible dance-moves again?”
Zooble rolled their mismatched eyes to the sound of Jax’s annoying voice. They were in a good mood; and begged whatever higher power there was for the bunny to just leave them be tonight.
“Sure am!” they spoke with an obviously false, chipper tone, deciding to give the menace a taste of his own medicine, “Are you off to make out with your plushie again?”
Zooble peeked over their shoulder to see if he had the reaction they were hoping for. Unfortunately, Jax still wore his stupid, smug grin, causing them to pause, attempting to find the words that would force a crack into the rabbit’s shield.
It wasn’t long before they spoke again, “Or would you rather be our little peeping tom – again?”
Finally, the Cheshire grin fell and Zooble had the honor of basking in Jax’s unimpressed scowl.
“That was one time!” the rabbit cried, then relaxed his stance to recollect his composure, “Ya know why I was there – and it definitely wasn’t to get an eyeful. You two are disgusting, in case ya didn’t notice. Who could get off to that?”
“You, apparently.”
“Whatever… freak.” Zooble turned around and continued to make their way to the tent entrance, smiling to themself. They would never let him live that down – context be damned.
“Yeh, go drown yourself, will ya?” They vaguely heard Jax’s voice call after them.
They definately prefered the rabbit as carefree as he carried himself these days, compared to how intense he used to be when they first arrived...
They were on their way to the lake, where they knew Gangle would be.
The ribbinoid had many hidden talents; dancing happened to be one of them. She could move as if she was gliding, and she could leap like she was flying. Zooble already felt the girl entice them from a distance as they approached the bank of the lake.
Gangle was always a beauty unlike any other when she was dancing on her own. Clearly, in her own world, she practically floated with grace as her ribbons – usually coiled and shortened to form a make-shift body – stretched out and twirled, elongated, and reflecting the moonlight with every scarlet shape they drew in the air. The stars that were mirrored on the water surface made it look like the masked ribbon was dancing in the sky.
The sight gently guided Zooble’s mind back to the first time they lost their heart to their masked princess. Back then, they were so different to how they acted now. They were traumatized by the realization that they were trapped in an unknown Digital hellscape, only accompanied by a handful of other prisoners.
Stuck in an abomination of body that they never wanted.
Zooble didn’t always look the way they did before. Then again, Zooble never even looked the way they did the day before! They liked to swap, match and mix their parts, storing them safely in a box that they kept in their room.
Sometimes they could feel them clawing at the confines of said box to get to her, but it was best not to think about that.
When they first fell prey to the Digital Circus, they were what many would describe as a monster. A mess of arms, heads, eyes, and limbs; all with a mind of their own. They couldn’t find their feet – there were too many of them!
Upon arrival, Zooble stumbled around like someone who was possessed, moving more like a spider than a human. They were disoriented and desperate as they helplessly tugged and pulled on the strings of this puppet that was apparently their new body. They had no mouth and yet they heard someone screaming hysterically. It would only be in the far future, when Zooble thought back to their arrival, when they would realize that it was them who was screaming.
They just had no mouth to realize it at the time.
They screamed as they witnessed the excessive limbs and eyes that sprouted from differently-shaped structures that only vaguely felt like their torso – only that it also felt like nothing of the sort, because it wasn’t normal to have 3 torsos.
Or eyes on your knees and arms that gave you 5 different perspectives of the room all at once…
They moved like a sandstorm, forcing the circus inhabitants into a blind panic. Their monstrous form resembled an abstraction; so much so, that they heard one of them cry out in question to Caine.
“Can humans abstract upon arrival?!”
They didn’t know what it meant. They didn’t care.
All they cared about was ripping off the excessive limbs that they never knew they had. To the creature’s horror, the limbs popped off with unnatural ease and scrambled on the floor to maneuver its way back to them. It was something that would keep even the bravest of souls awake at night.
When the ragdoll of the bunch slowly approached Zooble, (as they were in the process of tearing their own limbs off) something else possessed them.
Dolls should move or talk like humans!
It didn’t help how much the doll tried to talk them down – one moment, they just stared at the doll in disbelief, and the next, they charged her like a steam train. They were so inhumanly fast, but that didn’t phase Zooble at the time. They were only focused on one thing.
The raggedy-monster in front of them.
In a flash, the doll was within reach for Zooble to tear her apart. They were beside themself as they threw themselves onto Ragatha, only to feel the wind being knocked out of them when something abruptly crashed into them from the side, causing them to stray off course and stumble to the floor.
Claws were digging into their brightly-coloured shell and flesh. Claws swiped burning trenches of pain in their wake. They caught the blurry image of yellow eyes and a feral grin that was pulled into a snarl before they felt one of their eyes pop between its jaws.
It was a pain worthy of unlocking the gateway of the fourth horseman.
Zooble fought and scrambled for grip on the gaint, rabid hare. They were terrified and acting in blind desperation as their many limbs with multiple claws, digits and shapes grabbed and thrashed at anything that could get the purple creature off them. They were going to fight until at least one of them was lying motionlessly on the floor.
Zooble wasn’t going to die to a bunny.
Neither were prepared to be yanked from each other and held apart. Two other creatures grabbed the purple rabbit by both arms in attempt to restrain him, but even with 2 against one, the rabbit put up one hell of a fight. While the bunny only had eyes for Zooble, desperate and mindless in his pursuit to rip into them, they took the moment to spot the scarlet ribbons that were rapped around their being. They followed the trail of ribbons that kept them immobilized, only to see it led to a mask with a painted face, scrunched up in effort, yet strangely smiling while keeping them restrained.
They tugged and twisted, but the ribbons seemed to have metal in them as they were unable to tear them up. It was but a few moments that Zooble struggled before they were overcome with a wave of dread that crashed over them, leaving the poor creature to sink down into a lowered stance.
They couldn’t escape.
They were a monster.
They were going to be eaten by other monstrous creatures and there was nothing else they could do about it.
When did they start trembling so violently?
Although they awaited the onslaught of the other inhabitants to tear into them, they were only met with the tight grip of the ribbons that held them down. The events that followed, all happened in a blur. They saw the rabbit slowly grow still and lose interest in them, only to fix his gaze on the ragdoll Zooble attempted to charge before. He seemed to be talked down by what looked like an oversized chess piece with a purple robe.
In the next moment, the rabbit was free. He rushed to the doll. He looked her over with a rough hand, only to grasp her forearm and drag her off to somewhere that was out of their line of sight. He didn’t react to anything or anyone else – clearly on a mission to get away.
There was a commotion…
And suddenly, Zooble was alone, while still being restrained by the ribbon-creature with a mask. They numbly wondered why the others would leave this one alone with them.
The thoughts didn’t last too long, as they were suddenly weightless and free.
They stumbled back and curled into themself as they fixed their eyes on the mess of ribbons that shrunk and coiled into something that resembled a body while the owlish gaze of the painted mask danced over their unusual, messy form. She averted their eyes and tilted her chin down, almost in shame.
There was a beat of silence until she spoke in a pleasantly soft voice.
“Are you still hurt?”
Zooble refused to answer but enjoyed hearing the ribbonoid creature speak to them in the now quiet, empty space. Taking a moment to consider her question, they came to the sudden realization that they were mauled and bitten before. Unintentionally startling the ribbinoid, they grabbed at their body, feeling, and grasping at their form and eyes with their many limbs, only to find that the damage was suddenly gone.
As if it never happened.
The Zolo-being looked back to the masked ribbon, who was studying them closely.
“Yeah, that’s something we all were rattled by at first” She said carefully, trying to decide on what eyes she should be looking to, “We can get hurt here - and it wouldn't matter. We… we can’t die here... It’s hard to explain." the girl shook her head, then assumed a more confident tone, "But this Digital Circus is your home now, whether you like it or not. You need to understand this to survive.”
Even though the woman’s voice was working to a swell in intensity, Zooble didn’t understand anything that was said. Even though they didn’t have a face, it was evident. The girl, of course, noticed this and sighed.
“Look, if you are going to hurt my friends every time you become overwhelmed, you should just stay away.” she spoke firmly, “If you don’t, it’ll be me you’ll need to answer to.”
With that, she turned on her heels and walked without looking back.
For days - weeks, that was the last time Zooble interacted with anyone. They took Gangle’s advice, having learnt her name while creeping around the tent. They stayed away, hiding among the debris and structures that was scattered around the tent. The inhabitants were somehow assured by Gangle, who just shared that ‘the newcomer will remain out of their business.’
Zooble actually got to know bits of all of the inhabitants of the Circus, like, for example, that the doll who they launched themself at. She was called Ragatha and she was unfortunately a saint. They wanted the earth to swallow them whole with how ashamed they felt for ever thinking to harm her of all people. They also came to know that Jax was the animal that attacked them – and that he was the most unpleasant of the bunch, bullying everyone for his own personal enjoyment.
He especially mistreated Gangle… and for some reason, that just didn’t sit well with Zooble, but they were too busy staying out of sight to think about it too much or do anything about it. They couldn’t even move around properly, let alone stand up for someone they barely knew. To their surprise, it seemed like all of the inhabitants just swallowed Jax's bullying - no questions asked.
There was something seriously wrong with this place.
Other than unholy screeching when they first arrived, Zooble was stunned to silence. It felt too alien to speak with no mouth, let alone allow anyone to see what a horrifying monstrosity they’ve become. They settled on watching the cast interact and live their lives. It was slowly becoming Zooble’s new reality – living in the shadows and remaining unnoticed.
Well, almost unnoticed.
The abomination never comprehended it fully, but Gangle always knew exactly where they were. She could walk into the area and in a matter of seconds, their eyes would meet. It came to a point where Zooble didn’t care about Gangle exposing their place of hiding anymore, as there were countless times that she would spot Zooble and just nod in quiet acknowledgement. She even saved Zooble from being spotted or disturbed a handful of times.
It was like a special, unspoken agreement that only they shared.
An exchange.
Gangle intrigued Zooble to no end. She was so quiet, but always watching - always aware. Always thinking. Zooble would give anything to know what was going on in her head. She was also unique in the sense on having 2 faces! One bright and smiling, and the other muddled and tearful.
Zooble liked to see her smile, but that damn rabbit always had the nerve to break her mask...
They should've killed him when they had the chance.
It wasn’t until one fateful night when Zooble managed to evade Gangle’s eyes while exploring the grounds, only to mistakenly stumble onto the lake. Not only that, but they also unintentionally found Gangle on the bank of the lake.
Words couldn't describe the beauty that they saw.
She was dancing under the stars, while Zooble could only watch in awe. It was the most beautiful event they have ever witnessed, suffering at the rush of heat the overtook their form as the quietly looked on... trying to move closer for a better visual…
With the snap of a twig, Gangle’s dance was over.
She quickly retracted her ribbons to form her body once again, calling out to whomever crept up on her private moment. She called Jax's name first, much to Zooble's annoyance. Gangle was flustered; eyes darting around to find the intruder, only to miss Zooble’s form that was cramped and crushed behind a bush.
They were annoyed with themself for ruining such a beautiful scene. Zooble silently hoped for the girl to brush it off and continue, longing to see the blissful look on her face as she danced once again, but to their dismay, Gangle turned to walk towards the direction of the tent, not quite smiling as brightly as before.
That couldn’t be the end of it!
“Wait!” Zooble’s voice cried out before they could think to keep quiet.
Was that what they sounded like?
Gangle visibly jumped at the new voice, before darting their eyes to the source – the bush Zooble was hiding behind. Zooble would’ve commended the girl's auditory skills in any other situation, but there was only one thought that came to mind at the time. They huffed out a breath, before speaking again, trying to look past the dissociation they felt to their voice.
“Stay.” They pleaded, while awkwardly maneuvering into the moonlight, casting a long, spider-like shadow to trail behind them, “Dance.”
Gangle’s eyes were initially wide, but eventually fell into an unreadable expression once the shock of seeing Zooble – of hearing Zooble for the first time, faded. The ribbonoid was overcome with an unexplainable joy upon hearing them speak - but they could not make a fuss! She wouldn't want the poor creature to be scared away again. She already regretted to only official conversation the had...
The silence stretched for so long, that the multi-legged creature nearly jumped when Gangle lifted her arm to hold it out to Zooble, “Dance with me.”
That was not what they expected.
Dumbfounded, Zooble looked down at their mess of a body, using the highest arm to gesture to the excessive number of limbs they had, before hesitantly speaking up. “I can’t.”
“You can if I can.” Gangle stretched and twirled her body into a little sequence, before resuming her form and looking at Zooble in a challenge, “You and I are the same, aren’t we?”
How was it possible for a woman to be so timid, and yet so steady?
“What?” Zooble frowned in confusion, blurting out before they could think, “How? You’re a bunch of ribbons with a face!”
“You’re a bunch of parts.” Gangle countered, seemingly brimming with confidence, “We are not one body, we are more, aren’t we?”
“I’m a load of junk.” Zooble tore their gaze away to attempt at hiding the blush that crept up their form, ashamed of what they resembled, “Spare parts that don’t even fit together. I don’t even have a mouth.” There was a brief pause, before they quietly added, “You make it look so beautiful…”
They never thought that they would admit it, but they were at the mercy of the truth. Gangle officially became their muse and they didn’t have a say in the matter.
Gangle surprised Zooble with her giggle, only to sigh in retort, “You’re unlike anything I’ve ever seen before.”
The statement made the misshaped being scoff, “Geez, thank you for your oh so sweet compliment. Look at me, I’m practically swooning at your praise.”
Zooble was insulted, but the genuine laugh that Gangle let out was so lovely that it almost didn’t feel like they were being gutted by a ribbon.
“Well, I don’t see what could be beautiful about a freakshow like me.” Gangle chuckled gesturing to herself to emphasize her point. Zooble couldn’t believe what they were hearing.
“You kidding?” they huffed in expiration, “Did you not see yourself just then? It’s alien, sure, but you were great! You were-”
“-unlike anything you’ve ever seen before?” The girl cut them off with a cheeky grin.
“Fine, touché.” Zooble mumbled reluctantly.
The atmosphere was lighter than before, and Gangle took it as an invitation to take a tentative step closer to her new aquantance. She was itching to know more about them; desperate to close the gap in the odd relationship they managed to build over time. Despite not directly interacting with each other, Gangle had to admit to herself that she did feel a level of attachment to the creature that she once told off.
It was a shame that things turned out the way they did.
If Gangle had known that a conversation, like this one, could’ve had her laughing in enjoyment, she would’ve tried harder a long time ago. For now, she just focused on keeping the conversation going. Her mind was racing - deducing that this creature could become a part of their group if they managed to hold out on their own for this long.
It definitely wasn't because her stomach flipped every time she felt their eyes fixate on her from their hiding-spots.
“When you, um, walk…?” Gangles spoke, hoping to keep the conversation going, “Move around-?”
“Keep going, I get it-”
Gangle huffed a laugh, before hesitantly gushing what she intended as praise, “You look like… a force. You look powerful and strong – like you’ll pummel anything in your way.”
Zooble cringed slightly, not knowing how to feel, “Thanks?”
“I wish I could be that.” Gangle breathed, before sinking into herself slightly, “One mistake – one tug, one knock – and I’m broken.”
“What are you talking about?” Zooble spoke in disbelief, “You held me down while almost being torn apart by a savage animal! You ARE a force.  You are probably even stronger than I am!”
“You don’t understand.” Gangle’s smile was bitter, causing Zooble heart sink, “I wasn’t talking about my ribbons.”
Suddenly, it clicked.
“Oh yeah… You have two faces.”
Gangle placed a ribbon on her cheek, dragging it down along the side, “This one is fragile. It needs replacement almost every other day. Even then, I can’t wear it too much. I lose myself to insanity and sadism. I become – dependent on it… Do you understand what I’m saying?”
“No.” It didn’t benefit Zooble to lie.
“That’s ok.” Gangle laughed in thought, though it seemed darker than her previous giggles, “The others do.”
Zooble took a step closer to the ribbonoid, deciding that her previous statement was something akin to a personal confession. Other than that, they wanted to see Gangle really smile again.
“Should I be worried?” they asked with genuine concern. She only shook her head, before explaining things that Zooble didn’t really understand, but indulged the girl any way they could.
“If something happens to me, it’s best that you get Jax.”
If something happens?
“Jax, the bunny guy? Isn’t he an $&%#@$?” Zooble jolted at the harsh, sudden sound of a horn drowning their voice. “Wha-?”
“Live censors – You’ll get used to it.” Gangle dismissed too easily for Zooble’s liking, “Jax - he knows his place. He’s my best friend.”
Upon Gangle’s fond smile, Zooble felt their gut – where-ever it my be – twist. A thought ghosted over their mind that Gangle may have been delusional after all.
“I don’t think you understand how badly he’s been treating you.” They spoke curtly.
“You just don't understand what it takes to stay sane here. Don't worry, you’ll come to learn how we all work together.” Gangle dismissed once again, only frustrating Zooble more, “Jax has his place. I have mine – everyone here has theirs.” She smiled up to the amalgamation, “One day, you’ll find yours.”
“Ok. Whatever.” Zooble simply said, frustrated, “We don’t have to talk about this now."
Gangle just chuckled as if she knew something that they didn’t.
They decided that it was best just to give up trying to understand the Circus and everyone’s dynamics. Zooble was cut short by Gangle holding out her ribbon for Zooble to take. They almost did it out of sheer compulsion.
“Will you have this dance with me?” the ribbonoid invited once again.
Her smile was like a drug, inhibiting Zooble from opposing her. The Zolo-being rolled their eyes to themself and took a breath to muster the will to remind the Gangle that they couldn’t dance.
For all they knew, they could be dancing themself into selling their soul or something.
Damn it all...
What did any of this matter anyway?
“Shut up and come here.”
With Gangle’s melodic laugh echoing in their mind, they dragged the girl to the open clearing on the bank of the lake.
It started out as a messy, clumsy jumble of limbs and ribbons, but as they relaxed and laughed into the night, their movements gained purpose and sequence. Together, they found their rhythm in the presence of no music, and their forms moved in sync.
Before long, their bodies were no longer separated.
They were one.
One in touch, mind, soul, and breath. They’re hands became their news eyes. Their bodies bloomed into voices that spoke words of unfathomable desire and yearning. They melting to each other’s caress and motions.
Two people dancing under the moonlight, living in the moment, and lost in the little world of heated passion that they have created for themselves.
They were somewhere else.
Both hoped for the magic to last forever...
It ended all too soon.
Zooble opened their eyes again. They were met with the harsh reality of a milky, porcelain mask smiling at them. They already longed for the woman from before; the one who they allowed to soar with the stars. That woman was everything they ever wanted in this life; maybe even in the previous life. How they would crumble for that woman to smile at them… but seeing such a petite little being smile at her as she was currently doing…
Zooble decided that it would suffice to see this smile too.
What they would give to have lips…
As if reading their mind, Zooble suddenly became aware of the intimate embrace of ribbons wrapped around them. Gangle felt so sure and steady, while they felt like they would crumble into a pile of useless parts. They couldn’t tear their gaze away from the soft, owlish stare given by the ribbinoid, suffering under the sudden burst of butterflies when they felt her new dance partner squeeze.
Nothing could stop the sound that left them.
Nothing could stop Gangle's forehead from colliding with what she assumed to be Zooble's head with a soft ‘clink,’ sharing breaths they didn’t need. If they had a say in the matter, they wouldn't let her go, but that just wasn't how Zooble's mind worked. Unlike Gangle, they couldn't cling to a dream for long - they always found their feet planted on the ground of reality - this new reality.
Zooble knew this moment couldn’t last.
Based on what Gangle said before, they realized that staying sane was the key to survival in the digital world.
It was only a matter of time before another day started at the Circus. Zooble didn’t know much, but they did know that Gangle and the others had grown used to sleep. As much as they just wanted to die in her arms that night, they didn’t want to break her routine – anyone’s routine for that matter. From what Zooble could tell, it was one of the things that the members had to do to stay sane. Now, grown fond of Gangle, they wanted to see her make it through this torment of a life they were trapped in.
So, they had to let the girl go for now.
“We need to go.” Zooble’s voice was so low and hushed, they almost didn’t recognize themself.
“No, wait! We can stay a bit longer.” Gangle sounded so pretty when she was desperate. Zooble clung to the pride of causing the girl to beg for them.
So soft. So delicate.
“I’ll still be here when you wake up. We can have this again, can’t we?”
“You don’t know that!”
“Gangle.” Zooble was stern, but still gentle, “We need to stay sane. We need routine. It’s so wonderful that I found you…” they trailed one of their many hands over the ribbons wrapped around their torse, reveling in their trembling as her touch glides by, “I want to keep you. I need you sane. We need to survive this together.”
It was a strenuous reality check, but it was necessary. They couldn’t dwell in their dreams forever.
“Ok, but we’ll meet each other here again! At least once a week! This was…” Gangle looked off to the side, seemingly bashful, “This was magical.”
“Call me a magician, then!” Zooble jested, earning a giggle from the girl as they did their best to nuzzle into Gangle's mask, “Go on to your room. I need to make sure I didn’t lose any arms while we were throwing our sick moves for the world to see.”
After a cackle, Gangle loosened her grip around Zooble to form the shape of her body once again, “I can help you look?”
“Don’t make it weird, Smiley. Go!”
Gangle seemed to like that one.
“I’m sorry! I’m going, I’m going!” Gangle almost sprinted off, only looking back to call back to Zooble, “I’ll see you tomorrow!”
"You always do!"
Zooble was smiling to themself, but got cut short when they heard Gangle let out an ‘oof,’ followed by the sound of a thud. Spinning around to see just how the ribbonoid embarrassed herself, Zooble’s body was jolted with the shock of seeing two sadistic, yellow eyes gleam down at Gangle, who had tripped over a deliberately extended foot. Due to the padding of the grass, Gangle’s mask didn’t break – thank goodness – but the abomination’s relief was short-lived as those golden orbs slowly focused on them.
The bunny was casually leaning against the trunk of the tree with his gaze fixed on them. This time, his ever-grinning expression was unreadable, forcing a shiver to crawl up their back.
That creep.
Gangle’s eyes shifted from Jax to Zooble, again and again, until she seemed to hiss something to Jax, soft enough for the Zolo-creature not to hear from the great distance. Jax didn’t pay her any mind, as his predatory gaze set straight onto them and them alone. Gangle gave Zooble one more worried glance, to which they just reluctantly nodded; the girl should leave them be.
It was high time for Jax to face the music, Zooble decided.
Gangle also seemed reluctant, but slowly stood up. It was then when Jax closely traced her movements with his eyes. All the while, Zooble was left with a lump in their throat as they waited for Jax to try his luck again. They were so far away, Zooble would only be able to watch him do whatever he wished before they could come to Gangle’s aid. He looked ready to rip her apart and there was nothing they could do but watch.
They watched – holding their breath, as Gangle stood up…
They watched – as Gangle turned and noticed Jax's eyes on her.
They expected the ribbonoid to fearfully back away, but Zooble's world was flipped onto it's head when they saw her stand her ground by giving Jax the most sinister smile they had ever witnessed.
Bone-chilling. Wicked.
Jax’s smile couldn’t ever match what was painted on that theatre mask. They were almost certain that Jax would retaliate any second…
But his assault never came.
 There was only a slight shift in his stance – enough to let their breathe hitch. The silence was a cacophony of chaos pounding into Zooble’s head.
For a moment there was nothing, until Gangle finally moved.
She slowly turned on her heels and walked off to the tent, as if nothing happened. It was so bizarre, they almost thought that she managed to cast a spell over Jax, who was frozen in place at the time. By the Lord, she already cast a spell over them with her charms.
Scary smile or not, that woman was irresistable!
It was only when Gangle disappeared into the tent, that Jax’s eyes were fixed onto them again.
“So, it can speak.” At least Jax’s voice rung as annoying as ever, “Nice moves you got there... What do you call the one where you two practically #@% each other in public? And by that, I mean ALL of it?”
“What do you want?” Zooble spat.
They didn’t want anything to do with him.
“I want us to come to an understanding.” Jax pushed off the tree trunk and strolled his way closer to the amalgamation, “I know you gave Raggs quite a scare before… now you’re throwing yourself at Ribbons, huh? Quite the womaniser, aren'cha?”
Zooble took note of the glimmering flash that came from Jax’s hand, letting their eyes drift to see what it could be. Dread had Zooble’s soul sink to their many feet.
He was holding a cleaver knife this entire time.
He was standing over Gangle – knife in hand - and one swipe away from tearing their muse apart.
All for a sick little laugh?!
At that moment, they were human again, forgetting about their digital immortality that they all were cursed with.
“Now you listen to me very carefully,” Zooble growled as Jax’s icy grin stalked closer, “I’ve been watching you for a long time now, and I still don’t know what your deal is. You are lower than dirt and you think you just own the tent, don’t you? Thinking no one would care about you making everyone’s lives difficult? I wasn’t even here for that long, but even I can see that Ragatha is an ANGEL, and you didn’t think twice about throwing an axe into her face the other day! It’s disgusting! You are scum! Filth! And I don’t care what your deal is with me, but if you ever hurt Gangle o-or Ragatha... or ANYONE else for that matter, I will make it my life mission to make you beg me to kill you instead of what I have planned.”
That brought Jax to a complete stop.
Not only did he stop, but his face fell to one of confusion, then dread, then confusion again. It was so uncanny, it was almost funny. Zooble found themself so dumbstruck by that reaction, that they forgot what their train of thought was leading to.
They never saw this side of the bunny before.
Moments crawled by in complete silence, with nothing but confused expressions meeting each other. It wasn’t until Zooble awkwardly cleared their throat before Jax seemed to snap out of whatever state he was in.
“Well, wouldn’t you know…” Jax mused almost to himself, casually shoving the knife into his front pocket, “You actually managed to fib me, huh? And here I thought that you’d be something I needed to take care of.”
He laughed. If Zooble didn’t know any better, she’d think that he was relieved.
“What’s happening?” Zooble asked dumbly.
“What’s happening is that you, my friend, are one of us now! Jax-approved! You killed me with your flattery - I knew I was good, but I didn't know I was that good.” Jax flashed them the smug, know-it-all smile that they still hated so much. He was probably planning to make a fool out of them, but still, they didn’t understand the sudden, genuine shift in Jax’s aura – it was suddenly almost… bearably benign.
It was whiplash!
“Again, what's happening…?”
“Sheesh, what does she see in you? You’re so slow!” Jax sighed, but continued to boredly explain, before they had the chance to retort, “I couldn’t get a read on ya before! Ya seemed mighty interested in Ribbons though – sneaking around, staring at her, and stalking her to the lake and all-”
“I wasn’t stalking her!”
“Yeh, yeh, whatever – so I just happened to swing by and… step in… if you ended up trying somethin’ with the crybaby. That’s all there is to it.”
Zooble blinked before glancing down to the cleaver knife in his pocket, slowly piecing it all together.
Did he have a heart after all?
“You were going to shank me if I messed with Gangle?” Zooble narrowed her eyes.
“Shank ya? Nah, not my style, toots.” Jax abruptly plucked the cleaver knife from his front pocket and threw it into a nearby tree without looking. If it wasn’t for the squawk, followed by the sounds of glitching, Zooble would’ve missed that Jax successfully hit a bird with a lethal blow – now pinned to the tree trunk with a knife through its chest. It disappeared soon after it started glitching, only leaving the blade in the trunk. It seemed to Zooble, now clear as ever.
Jax didn’t miss.
Feelings of intimidation aside, Zooble recalled Gangle’s words from before. She called Jax her best friend, not even hesitant to say it, despite how badly he was treating her – how badly he was treating everyone! And yet, he came out here, thinking that they were stalking Gangle… armed with a knife...
They leaned unto one hip to relax their stance, “You were looking out for her…”
“Bah! I’m just makin’ sure you don’t steal my schtick.” Jax rolled his eyes, “I do what I need to do.”
His words made Zooble’s thoughts flip back to what Gangle said before.
'You’ll come to learn how we all work together. He has his place. I have mine – everyone here has theirs. One day, you’ll find yours.'
“What exactly is it that you do?” They asked, hoping to get some answers for once. “Gangle said something about you all ‘playing your part’ or whatever…”
“Yeah, no, not having this discussion with ya, sorry bub.” Jax started walking off in the direction of the tent, seemingly done with the conversation. Zooble’s eye twitched.
“What do you mean?!”
“Not what I do, ugly. I just play my part.” Jax smile creeps up to a taunting grin, “Go talk to Raggs. Explainin’ these things to new suckers is her part.”
“But what’s your part?” Zooble raised their voice not only in frustration, but also because Jax was making greater distance between them as he continued walking.
“This is my part!”
“What do you mean ‘this is?’ What’s ‘this?’”
“Ask Raggs~!”
“And what do I do? What's my part!?”
Some fanart of this fic: (CLICK HERE TO SEE)
Oasis: TADC AU list
Additional Author's note: If you read the whole thing with all of the mistakes I didn't notice to fix, you are a legend!
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raandom-encounters · 11 months
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ridthewaste · 10 months
Since I may or may not actually start posting on here more, I thought I might as well figure out from public opinion what else I should post. I’ve got a few ideas cooking (that I’ll probably post regardless) but I’m unsure which one to blurt out next.
(I’m also open for suggestions! Don’t be afraid to throw some ideas out)
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prof-ramses · 7 months
What we (indirectly) learned from the TADC update
So many adventures and characters announced!
Where do we start? How about we do (sort of) chronological order
Starting with...
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The only one we have a name for! This is also the one we see the most of, so it's probably in episode 2.
And here we have some colorful denizens of the seeming medieval and western confectionary realm:
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So we have a gummy-gator sheriff, a chocolate blob, what might be a more distinct varirent of Dr. Football (the bath mannequin) and a literal Candy Queenie.
This just proves to me that TADC will pull a Psychoville and give the oldest main cast member the first spotlight episode. The actual character significance is something we'll get to later.
Now, adventure no. 2. Spudsy's!
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You can see the brand name on the bag, btw.
The glove might belong to Spudsy, themselves, it might actually BE Spudsy, or it might just be a floating glove. Time will tell.
But Jax being so freaked out makes me wonder if this will actually be his episode. I'm actually not sure if this is episode 3 or 4 and, again, we'll get back to this.
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We also learn the blue sphere person is (likely) the base template of the Spudy's customers.
Now, The Ghost Manor!
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The only confirmed shots we get of it are of a little ghoulie and the Ghost Hostess from the teaser. This is my other contender for episode 3 or 4. The reason I'm unsure is this:
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We get these very similar shots of a recorder classed as a new character, and Kinger beating someone with a shotgun. The light makes it seem like this might be in the ghost episode, or it might be a Kinger's backstory related flashback/delusion.
And lastly, the sport adventure we get teased with:
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As the only unrelated asset we see, I'm guessing this will be in episode 5.
On the production side, we have this in the description:
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From how she's talked about it before, it seems Goose currently plans on 1 season while planning to leave enough room to continue the series with a second season at some point.
And most importantly, we're looking at May as a likely, though importantly, not confirmed, release window for episode 2.
In conclusion, GET HYPED!!!
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tadcdreamlandau · 3 months
STATUS: [Updated Gangle picture & desc, Zooble now being a knight]
[AU still in development AND will update regularly]
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Showtime (Caine x Pomni) [heavily implied but it detaches from the AU]
Bunnydoll (Jax x Ragatha) [somewhat implied but by interactions, it's up to ya'll if you want it to be officially part of the AU or not]
Abstradegy (Gangle x Zooble) [similar situation as prior mentioned]
Chessboard (Kinger x Queenie) [married]
Pomni [Alias: "the dreamer"] (Designed God/Goddess/Host: Caine)
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Caine [Alias: "Dreamscape's Host"]
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Ragatha (coming soon) [Alias: "The Solar Servant"] (Designed God/Goddess/Host: Sun)
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Jax (coming soon) [Alias: "Melancholy Valley's Mischief/Trouble maker"] (Designed God/Goddess/Host: Moon)
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Kinger (coming soon) [Alias: "The Astronomer"] (Designed God/Goddess/Host: Formely Caine's, now Eclipse's)
Gangle (coming soon) [Alias: "Tarot, the chancellor, Advisor, Tragedy (sister/left mask) Comedy (brother/right mask), the conjoined twins"] (Designed God/Goddess/Host: Eclipse)
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Zooble (coming soon) [Alias: "guard, knight, 'that thing' (only by Eclipse)"] (Designed God/Goddess/Host: Eclipse)
Sun [Alias: "Daydream's goddess/ ruler/ queen/ empress"]
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Moon [Alias: "Melancholy Valley's goddess /queen/ empress"]
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Eclipse [Alias: "the insane one, the gatekeeper, the madman, Deity of The Ephialtes"]
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☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆STORY (it's gonna be long, so brace yourselves. Or don't. You COULD skip the whole thing and pray everything will be explained in the comics/animations)⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。 :
[Take note that Dreamland's timeline is divided into three factors.]
BACKSTORY ERA (Before Pomni's arrival)
IN-BETWEEN PERIOD (before Pomni's arrival but with all the other members already set inside the world)
PRESENT TIME (Present day/after Pomni's arrival)
Dreamland takes the place of an outside world beyond our 'astral bodies'. Where, due to an ancient temple made thousands of years ago, became its own physical plane and had, at first, two main gods. First is the goddess of light, day and daydreams, The Sun was in charge of both to rule the day with its giant light ball we all know and love, and to rule above and beyond the daydreams, whenever its people, who dream for a future, a purpose, or stay zoned out, everything related to detaching yourself from reality and make a second you in the DreamLand's plane (basically your conscience is torn into two- one half stays in the mortal realm and the other lives for the rest of their lives in Dreamland). Then was the Goddess of sombre, melancholy, night and, you guessed it! THE MOON! She does something very similar to what the Sun does, but instead of detaching from reality due to ambition, it's due to a mortal feeling sad, depressed and in need of comfort- in this case, the Moon helps the conscience be split and comforts the much sadder side in the 'other world', that way the one that stays on earth feels an unknown feeling of care while BEING cared for.
Though one day, the Sun and the Moon realized that their jobs were very overcrowded. Dreamland millions of years ago was WAY too tiny for them to have control over, and some were complaining about how 'off-putting the emptiness of the clouds and sky' were, so, they collaborated to expand Dreamland. Creating two new attached realms: The Daydream and its glorious Heaven City where all is perfection and happiness under the Sun's rule; and the Melancholy Valley, (which is also HEAVILY inspired by Undertale's waterfalls), which serves as a much more tranquil escape that is ruled by the Moon.
Of course, soon they realized that the original plane was getting too empty, so to still honour the ancient temple that brought everything together, they created Hypnos. Or later on, known as Caine. Now, Caine had a LOT of development through the years- at first, he started as a confused being who was being kind of babied by the Moon, only to then slowly become the Sun's disciple to learn how to manipulate clouds into any wish a Dreamer (human) desires! His main priority was that if any Dreamer were to appear on neither Sun's nor Moon's realms then he had to be in charge and to be nothing but entertainment to them. And so did he! Dreamers began to appear in the place known as the 'Dreamscape', where Caine would reside and do his absolute best to make them all smile. That is, until a new problem came to be for some reason, whenever a Dreamer wasn't satisfied with Caine's entertainment, they slowly began to grow conscience of their in-earth conscience.
Feeling dread and despair in realizing that this. All of this. That all of this wasn't real. Nor were they. Thus, they began to slip- and no matter what Caine tried to do, the dreams that they were meant to feel slowly turned into agony. From there they turned into Nightmares (Dreamland's abstractions). Of course, Caine, the Moon and the Sun don't know what to do. It slowly tormented all the dreamers in each realm and, with the threat of them turning into a Nightmare. They had no choice but to create a new realm. A realm that worked as a cellar, a prison, for all Nightmares to be imprisoned and confined. This is called 'The Ephialtes', where a new god took form. One much more powerful than the rest of them. Eclipse, the god/dess of madness, dementia, hallucinations, and hysteria.
Even with all the security and protection that was promised with Eclipse's arrival and the Ephiltes, none of the gods felt any ease after the incident. To them, it was something that they were never prepared for. Not when the temple was first built, not even when they passed on to their own seperate realms, this was simply to them the impossible. So, just like the humans began to slip, so did the goddesses themselves and taking all the blame and hate on poor Caine. Sun, as the original tutor of Caine, felt like he had disappointed her expectations. She felt like it her responsibility for Caine's 'incompitence' and only blame it on him for being 'imprefect'. His 'imperfection' tinting on her reputation, and therefore Sun snapped and became a control freak. One who banished Caine out of Dreamland and implemented a cruel system on her city. All just to do two things; make sure her little heaven was "clean from impurity" and for everyone to be too distracted on becoming little perfect mannequins to question their exsistance. In a very strange and messed up way, it worked. As for moon, well, she deeply tried to reason herself into understanding Caine's situation as simply an accident, but yet she couldn't live with the feeling of dread of the possibility of it being on purpose, which obviously was not, but yet still it CRUSHED her.
So much so that she became an emotional, crying mess. Sob after sob, Melancholy Valley began to have terrible floods by the Moon's endless tears. Resorting in, instead of Moon being the one to comfort others, she was one who deeply needed comfort. It did, however, helped her little realm. Because everyone fell into the manipulation of either "comfort her or else we'll drown" or "we owe it to her, she had been the one who gave us tranquility so we have to do the same" that nobody thought of the impending doom, nor the feeling of dread of their de-attached bodies. Therefore, nobody got turned into Nightmares by how busy they all were trying to makeup to the goddesses's expectations. Everyone except Caine. He was devastated. Sun had banished him from Daydream and will continue re-enforcing security everytime he tried to reason with her or even come as close as APOLOGIZING, and Moon couldn't handle even LOOKING at his direction without letting out a hurricane! Every. single. time did a dreamer coem into his realm and tried to give his absolute all to entertain them, only to end up with them turning into Nightmarish monsters the very next 'day'. It made Caine desperate. Hopeful even. For perchance maybe, in some way, somehow, he could make a change. But he wasn't like the other gods. He couldn't make people feel incredible pity for him like Moon, neither could he be strict and strong as Sun. Hell if he could even come as close as Eclipse.
There was one time, however, where a dreamer came by and had a lot of pity on him. This beign Queenie who probably was the one of the only people who did have any care for him at the moment, which was an absolute RELIEF. He tried his very best to entertain her, make a show, enjoy the dreamer's company which it all lasted, and surprisingly enough, she did manage to stay up for a long time! She even fell inlove with another dreamer that came into Caine's realm, which... well, on his own fault, thought the man was about to turn into a Nightmare and threw him into Eclipse's realm without realizing Kinger was just... Kinger. But oh well, everythign was going very well for Caine and he even had a mother and son relationship with Queenie. Only to... well... turns out that Queenie was terribly ill. So much so that neither in her dream state could she run away from her body changing and eventually leaving her in her death bed. Her last wish being...? Well....
Mhm, might sound very shocking, but she dearly wished that Caine would've some forever company with him, even when there were no dreamers alone. So there you have it, clubble. You didn't expect that, would you? Of course, that STILL didn't save Caine from his terrible loneliness. Even less from griefing on Queenie's death. He became anxious, desperate even, to make up for his mistakes. So very much so that the colours of the world around him CONSTANTLY changed. When it was grey and lifeless, it was his heart aching for the want of company, to want and need of hearing a dreamer's laugh, and even when he's feeling despair and sadness, he starts to wish to see someone bright up his world. When there's colour, you can tell by the static filter that it's him wanting to go back in time, to when there was still a blue sky, when there was still laughter and joy, when the goddesses still considered him family. Those times, where there were moments of colour, were when Caine could do the impossible for a god. To dream.
(Coming soon...)
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alicealmost · 11 days
I'm sick ;-;, as I can't "art" today:
Things I want to be canon in TADC:
• Bunnydoll (put those rocks down! I said things I *want*, not things that *will* be);
• Jax calling Ragatha "Raggs" (I love how we always make him call her that, but it's only a fanom thing till now);
• Japanese Pomni (Pomni has to be from Japan. Because I want her to)
• Jax blackmailing actually backfiring to him;
• Jax being a broken character, not unreasonable evil;
• Being able to see everyone's room;
• No one gets abstracted;-;
• If they escape the circus, they all will stay friends and in-touch (I know I am making TADC a lot more colorful than it really is, but whatever)
• See Queenie backstory and her relationship with Kinger;
• Meet the former characters, especially more about Kaufmo;
• Gummigoo back and he will remember Pom-Pom:-:
• Jax acting like a bunny (purring, thumping his foot, zoomer) XD this would be both cute and hilarious. I love hiw bunny mode Jax is a thing in bunnydoll community
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lavalamp-juice · 4 months
hey hello nice to meet you I didn't know you're also Spy x Family fan too other than TADC fan so yea anyway do you think Jax will get a redemption arc or not? Because I just found this
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well at least she didn't say no
Hi! Thanks for the ask! :D (especially about my interests hehe)
Hmm I still don't think Jax will get a FULL redemption arc. But hopefully he lessens being mean, especially gangle.T_T
Oh and she also has said this about Jax:
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Goose has also mentioned there will be 8 episodes so we have 6 left :P.
I am really excited to see what's the worst thing he has done, and if it will take place in a backstory/flashback OR if it will take place with this current gang.
Sum other things Goose has mentioned about Jax:
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(keeping this blog family friendly lol)
I do hope he grows a little bit and in nicer to his friends <3
I do like that some things are being left unsaid! Super excited where this show will go.
TL;DR I do not think he will get a full redemption arc but we will probably see his story and why he does the things he does...
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cyrusthemagician · 4 months
Name: cyrus
Age: 26 (joined at 20)
Gender: trans ftm
Pronouns: he/him ………………………………….
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Likes: magic, wonder, amazement, performing, caring for and watching over the others, talking to his friends, chatting with sun and moon after adventures, writing, mermen, sparkles, going to the beach, rainy days, his MANNNNN (speedy), roses and flowers, romantic movies, sight seeing, sunsets
Dislikes: being alone, silence, thunder, his cards, accepting the future, accepting loss, Jax, mentions of the exit, abstractions, mentions of abstraction, arrogant(selfish, greedy, toxic, ect) people
Personality: Cyrus is a sweet and loving guy, he is always caring for those around him and using his magic to help anyone with their struggles. He is selfless and gentle, being patient with others needs and behaviors. He sees the good in almost anyone but this dosnt means he's oblivious to the bad in the world and its people.
Backstory: As a human he was rather well known, his names was Ciri Princin (pronounced: seer-e, Prince-In), he was a performer/magician. Often hired for birthdays or special events. One day he was reached out to by C&A. They had heard the buzz around Ciri's name and were hosting an opening event for their new headsets. C&A wanted him to test it out in front of their "guests and clients", show how it worked and introduce it to them, all of that, hype it up! after thinking it over he gladly accepted. when the night came he was buzzing, so excited and honored to be able to play such an important role, C&A promised to pay well too. When he got up onto stage and placed the headset on after a lengthy introduction to the headset and himself, it was lights out. one thing he didnt know or get to figure out for himself, was that the "audience" he was infront of, was just C&A staff to convince and trick Ciri into a false sense of security.
!Relationships chart!
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has 6 cards (shown on ref and not including my other ocs/friends ocs as this is adjusted at times) that each have vauge almost riddle like explanations of each members futures (in the circus obvi)
the glass of his crystal balls changes colors to compensate for the lack of expressive facial features.. or any at all:
yellow: happy red: angry orange: hatred green: nausea blue: sadness light blue: worry purple: normal pink: love/flustered/embarrassed gray: null black: depressed/disasosiating white: scared/terrified/surprised
playlists: Cyrus Speedball (Cyrus and Speedy) Cyrus (opposite au)
he has been in the circus for the second longest!
his hobbies include writing, wood carving, and ofc magic
----Now cyrus has magic right? but how far can it really go?---- cyrus's magic info!
!More art!(au vers included)
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saytrrose · 4 months
Do you have any theories about Kinger?
- He perhaps put himself in the circus on purpose, unlike the others and knew what he was getting into or knew the risks of what could happen
- He possibly worked for the company, C&A
- He quite literally is insane, and has lost his marbles but the real reason and cause being abstraction is not based on your mental state because if it was his is just literally so atrocious
- Kingers room has something very significant to his backstory or something to do with lore. The TADC pins showcase all the characters rooms, all except Kinger, and Jax. Now I can go into the absence of Jax’s room because I believe in the NPC theory- but that’s something else. Kingers background his his pillow fort- how come everyone else gets their room? At least the Jax pin shows his door.
- If a way to leave is revealed, then I think Kinger will not leave. If TADC really is based on IHNMAIMS, then there’s surely got to be more to it that just “people trapped with an ai ruler.” One person will be left at the end, someone who knows more than the other do- and has no mouth. Sounds like Kinger to me. The idea behind this is that Kinger has to watch everyone leave or abstract, and then watch new humans come in so the entire cycle just restarts. Again. And again.
- The reason behind his state may not be due to the time their itself as the others have also been there a long time and experienced many abstractions- I think Kinger saw Queenie abstract in front of him, contributing to his spacey and jumpy personality
- Lastly, the above theory but the reason behind his state is because he found a way to the void. Considering his time there and how he is likely the first of any and all victims, im sure he might and could have been the prime example for the affect of what “she could get spoiled!!” Means from Caine when he learned Pomni had arrived there.
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Zeno info dump
If this is confusing I am SO sorry
Ok I'ma bit this in bit and pieces since I have NO idea on how to explain it....
As a kiddo he was very chaotic, this led to him getting into a LOT of trouble. One day while messing around with a lighter this is when he was ten btw he decided to start burning blankets, but it went farther than blankets MUCH farther. He accidentally burnt down the house! The incident killed both of his parents leaving him to have between home to home. Eventually he ended up in a house in a small Italian town, it was in this town that he met Peppino's mom! He ended being VERY good friends with her, she was actually his first friend. I'm only stating this cus I needed to explain a little something that happens in @chatting-with-peppino :]
Ok now there's a little gap in the story that I'm working to fill, so I'ma go ahead and hop forward around 15 years.
One day while roaming the streets he found a poster, the poster was a help wanted poster to help build a tower.... Zeno, or as a human, Zaarib decided "know what? Let's do it! It's not like anybody else wants to give me a job...." It's at this job that he met PizzaHead! They ended up becoming best friends, Zaarib worked as the mechanic for PizzaHead, or as Zaarib called him, Totino! When working on Blood Sauce Dungeons Zaarib accidentally fell into one of the spaghetti sauce pools, and since this was a early build of the stage the sauce was EXTREMELY hot, skin melting, bone BURNING level hot. It was here that he died.... He ended up in hell because he did drugs and was an alcoholic as a human......
And now we are at the present! Where Zeno now spends his time with Peppino and Marhia. His death was around 30 years prior btw he's 50 years old in the present
Design traits
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- he is a goat! When angry his horns will properly grow out and wrap around his ears
- he has a cape on
- he wears gloves to hide his hove'ed hands
- one of his purple are square shaped and the other is a oval
- he also has hove'ed feet, he wears shoes to hide them tho
- he has a swirl on his bowtie
- he usually floats above the ground Cain likes as in tadc style
- he can't stop smiling like Alastor from Hazben Hotel
He is VERY chaotic, but not in the usual Noisy style, no it's the "stealing candy from babys" style, it's also really similar to Blitzø from Helva Boss
He doesn't really understand his emotions so he ends up resting to everything with anger or chaos. Surprisingly he regrets EVERYTHING that he does, he HATES being mean to others but it's all that he knows, he can't NOT be mean.
Ok I explained that like absolute shit, hears a better explanation of it
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He a lot like Blitzø in a many ways
His voice claim is Meowth from Pokemon
Since he knows ZERO social skills his way of showing affection is just aggressively staring and or getting into others personal bubbles. When he does this it's his way of saying "hi, I trust you and you're my friend now!" He's like a really weird cat to be honest lafmo
His literal only friend is Marhia. The only reason that he was able to become friends with her is because she is not fazed by ANY of his dumb shenanigans, also cus she is actually able to physically knock him out if he's doing something bad lafmo
He will purr aggressively when happy
He can shape shift! Altho he can only turn into a Fox, Goat, Deer, and Dog
He fukin LOVES pizza. Unfortunately he's always too scared/prideful to ask for any. Marhia usually ends up giving it to him anyways since Zeno usually just stares at her while she's eating
His personality is basically if you mixed Jax (tadc), Blitzø (Helva Boss), and Bill Cypher (gravity Falls)
Marhia generally really really likes him as a friend! Her main goal is to help redeem him! This is going by Hazben Hotel logic btw
I made. A playlist for him btw :3
@mrfellsans @cutechan555 @luigigirl12
Gah this took me so long to do 😵‍💫
Also hears a video do y'all have an idea of what he sounds like
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hihimihwa · 6 months
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Used Easter Day as an excuse to finally draw Jax lololol-
I'll be real, i will NEVER like something on the first try. Even if I do, i only truly appreciate it a 2nd or 3rd time repeating. When i first watched the pilot of TADC, i was kinda... eh. I liked the art and animation, but there were some gaps in the pacing that lasted a bit too long it was awkward sometimes. Then i rewatched it. And watched other peoples reactions. Then watched faneorks and OH MY GOSH I LOVR POMNI LOK AT HER MISMATCHED EYELASHES TEHEHE
When I saw Jax I thought "Oh the generic sadistic character that actually has a deep backstory, boohoo." But what I failed to realise was that... that's exactly my type 😭 Hanako. Shin Tsukimi. NAGITO KOMAEDA. I'm never gonna do a reaction or playthrough to a story game, bec I'd definitely drive a lot of people crazy.
The fan songs are such bangers too, like DIGITAL HALLUCINATIONNNNNN door after DOOR after DOOR AFTER DOOR day after day after WELCOME TO THE DIGITITALLY WHIMSICAL ETERNAL PARADE say GOODBYEE TO THE REAL WORLD MY LITTLE SUPERSTARR and when our purpose starts to fade we feel our minds decay our memories become so distant IT STARTED SINKING IN WE'RE NEVER LEAVINGG ENTERTAINERS OF THE SHOW THAT NEVER ENDSS 
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nobody-nexus · 9 months
Mafia and Barista tadc au
Are we going to have more of Agatha lore? In the fic she mention to Pomni (I don't remember the human name you gave her xd) that she was trained by her parents to continue the business. I want to know how she lose her eye owo
I assume you're referring to Amanda lol. Alright, I'll bite. I don't have the entire backstory; however I DO have some bullet points!
-Amanda's parents were two mafia leaders who wedded in order to make their numbers stronger. They fell in love later on, but in a sort of morbid fashion
-Her heart shaped scar came from an acid incident. That was the closest thing to actually killing her
-How her eye was lost was because of a fire-based explosion that actually killed her dad. She was 21 when it happened
-She learned how to shoot a gun at age 5
-Her handy six shooter pistol is from her mother as a hand-me-down before her mother died. She died before her dad- specifically when Amanda was 16
-She used to legit babysit Jax when he just started out working for the mafia
-Amanda has a love for dolls and has a collection of them due to her aunt having them. Her aunt's still alive btw
-Her love for shooting people's kneecaps was due to an incident where she accidentally did so with her uncle
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