#jay Briscoe fic
daddyhausen · 2 years
• kinktober — day eight : cockwarming — jay briscoe •
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{ masterlists } | { kinktober 2022 }
{ warnings } — 18 + { minors do not interact }, fem!reader, cockwarming, rough sex, biting, breeding kink, penetrative sex, vaginal sex, multiple orgasms, male + female orgasm, squirting, internal cumshot, vaginal creampie
{ word count } —387
{ pairing } — fem!reader x jay briscoe
{ genre } — smut
{ taglist } — @stxrrlightwrites13 @boutmachines @thewrestlingbitch @omg-im-such-a-masochist @baysexuality @legit9thlunaticwarrior @slut4kennyomega @wardlow @alexisquinnlee-bc @sammiejane22 @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @omegasluvbot @damnnhausen @writtingrose
{ comment if you want to be added to the taglist }
the both of you laid breathless, bodies flooded with release
you steadied yourself on jay’s chest, cunt full of his cock
your warmth dripping with his cum
it was a comfortable silence that befell the bedroom
a thin layer of sweat coated his inky skin, making it glow under moonlight
you felt so full with him
his size stretched your walls out so deliciously
he had an arm wrapped protectively around your waist
placing sweet kisses to your hairline
“i ain’t gonna stop until i fuck a baby into you, y’know that right?”
jay remarked with a small chuckle
that southern drawl you love so much radiating through your ears
you leaned into his chest, listening to the soft thrums of his heartbeat
your cunt beginning to pulse around his cock
an act which made him groan slightly
“i wouldn’t ask for anything else”
you leaned up to kiss him greedily
lightly rocking your hips back and forth
feeling his cock swell inside you once more.
“feel so fuckin’ good around my cock, baby”
his hands fell to your hips, holding you in place
his cock thrusting viciously up into you
you whined into his shoulder, biting the flesh to try and silence yourself
a primal growl ripped through his throat
your cunt gripping his cock tightly as you bounced up and down
“jay please…i’m so close”
“not yet, baby. hold on for me”
he thrusted into you with a force so strong that it made your thighs shake
he kept you still, holding you against his chest, arms wrapped around your waist
“fuckfuckfuck-“ he chanted, voice like sinful hymns
“jay…” you reiterated, desperate and on the verge of release
“cum for me now, sweetheart. fuck-“
his grunts were met with feverish moans on your part, slamming your hips down as you wetness gushed down your thighs
sweetness coating his cock as he emptied himself inside you
“oh fuck-“ you cried, collapsing into his chest
jay remained silent for the moment, focused on filling you to the brim with his cum.
he gave an exhausted exhale, a buildup of sweat glistening at his hairline
he kept himself inside you, leaning down to plant a soft kiss to your lips
“what do ya think, baby? how about round three on the front porch?”
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sheinthatfandom · 2 years
I mean if he’s really gonna try and go through all the former champs I really wanna see homicide or jay briscoe just end Chris cause you know he’s just gonna keep beating aew guys
Watch now that the fucking ref is down Bryan will lose and miss the count
Here comes the belt
You mutherfucka!!!!!! WTF TK WHY!!!! FUCKING WHY!!! Why we sliding back
Hey BCC!!!!
imma need all the fics with Bryan asking for yutas forgiveness and cutting off daniel and fucking Eddie whipping that ass raw
Wtaf is happening is jade on vacation? This is the strangest interim belt I’ve ever seen lol
Nyla does not need a mouthpiece god she’s so good I needed her to cleanse me after daniels betrayal…. Smdh just can’t trust a twink now a days
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corneroffandom · 1 year
Weekly Writing Update #29 (January 23rd, 2023)
I started working on this file just now, and my first thought was, "Why did I do so little writing this week?" and then, "Oh. Right." Walked into the week with every intention to work on my holiday stories and finally finish them, upload them, and move on, keep rolling on my other story ideas. Then Tuesday night happened. The fandom of wrestling, as a whole, can be very gatekeep-y and fans territorial of their wrestlers, their preferred companies, their everything. It can be difficult to navigate sometimes without finding some toxic stance or another, but there are moments when you realize just what a tightknit family most of us really are.
When we lose one of our own, and every wrestler from every walk of life and every company you possibly could know of starts sharing stories and passing along well wishes and condolences. Which is what happened when Jay Briscoe unexpectedly passed away in a car accident at the age of 38 Tuesday evening. It's always hard to focus when you know so many fans and wrestlers, people who you've been letting into your homes every week for the better part of two decades, are suffering over the sudden, unexpected loss of a brother.
So my writing took a hit this week, but I gave myself a break from writing on Tuesday night in the immediate aftermath of it all, and I'm going to tell myself this is ok too, because we all need time sometimes, and this week definitely was not at all what I expected it to be. I plan on picking my stories back up tomorrow after Raw and hitting the ground running. Fingers crossed I have a much more positive update next Sunday for you all.
All my sympathy and well wishes to the family of Jay Briscoe, and hope for a full recovery to his two daughters.
Back to Basics: 481 World Wrestling Digidestined: 281 Encontrar una Manera: 692 Back to Basics bonus story: 0 Original story: 0 raffle story 2: 0 raffle story #3: 0 Twenty Five-- Questions: 0 New Years drabbles: 0 Passenger: 0 Evidence: 0 In total: 1454 Annual Word Count: 7666 New fic plot notes: 2 Team Work chapters booked: 0 Old fics uploaded to AO3: 1
Find me on Ko-fi at https://ko-fi.com/corneroffandom Any questions or comments, please let me know!
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What do you think is your best fic?
Uh, that’s an interesting question! I’ve been writing for over an year now, so I feel like choosing just one would be too difficult 😂. So I’ll name a few (apart from headcannons because there’s literally to many of them lol) by category:
Favorites One Shots:
Cold Blooded (w/ Jay White)
One Last Time (w/ Jay Briscoe)
Being With The Elite (w/ Kenny Omega and Matt/Nick Jackson)
Just Pray (w/ Damian Priest)
Favorite Series:
Insania (w/ Malakai Black)
Capitali Poena (w/ Damian Priest)
Favorite Drabbles:
I’ve Got To See You Again (w/ Eddie Kingston)
Prettiest Star (w/ Matt Jackson and Adam Page)
Period Sex (w/ Wardlow)
Lazy On A Sunday Afternoon (w/ MJF)
Favorite Drabble Series:
7 Deadly Sins
This was so fun! Thank you for sending this 💕
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plentyoffandoms · 2 years
Can I get a Jay Briscoe 2 part story where the reader is odb's sister and a wrestler too and when odb starts to hang out with Jay and Mark the Reader falls head over heels for Jay and Jay is a manhoe but the reader doesn't care about that she wants to be with Jay so one night she is talking to odb about the situation with her and Jay and Jay overhears the conversation and he can't help but feel something he hasn't felt before and he wants to change his ways and be the man the reader wants so he stops sleeping around and then get closer to the reader and they head up hooking up and the reader thinks it's a hit it and move on but Jay doesn't want that any more he wants her as his but something happens that first time and the reader ends up pregnant with Jay's child and Jay is over the moon about it and the reader can't believe it but she is happy too and they head up getting married after the baby is born!!!!
Jay Briscoe x f/Reader
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Main Masterlist ♡ WWE NXT Masterlist ♡ Jay Briscoe Masterlist
Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Warnings: Some swearing.
Gifs & Photos do not belong to me.
Hope you like it.
Jessica - ODB
Summary: f/Reader is the sister of ODB & is a wrestler. She becomes friends with Jay & falls for him. He wants to be with her & decides to change his ways.
My sister was talking non-stop about what her, Jay and Mark got up to this past weekend.
Just like every story, the three of them ended up at a bar and they found random people to fuck.
"But Jay went outside with two women. They were all over him and he figured why the hell not? Can get my dick wet."
Jessica continued her story, telling me every single detail.
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Doesn't seem to matter what the three end up doing, Jay seems to find some willing woman to suck his cock or to bend over behind the dumpster and fuck her.
At first it didn't bug me. I mean, he is a grown ass man and can sleep with as many women he wanted too.
But then I got to know him. I got to know his likes and dislikes. His favourite colour and his favourite food.
I learned about his favourite music artists and his favourite book. The real Jay I got to know. Not the one who he betrays everywhere he goes.
"Can we change the subject Jess?" I asked my sister.
"Sure, but you have always enjoyed when I talk about our adventures."
"Lies, but just not in the mood to be listening to you talk about your random hookups."
She gave me a puzzled look. I knew she was confused. "No, that isn't it. You were fine when I talked about Mark and I, but the moment I mentioned Jay, you got quiet and,"
It was like a light bulb went off in her head. "You like Jay?"
"Yeah I do. Haven't really hidden it."
"So why not just ask him out YN?"
"He isn't the type of person who dates. He fucks and moves.
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Jay Briscoe's POV:
I was about to announce my presence to YN and Jess when I heard my name.
"You like Jay?" What?
When YN confirmed it, I knew I had to listen in.
"He isn't the type of person who dates. He fucks and moves on."
That part is very true. I have lost count at how many women I have slept with.
"And you find that appealing?"
"I kind of do. I mean, you never hear anything bad about him in bed. He obviously knows what he is doing."
"So you would be happy if he just fucked you silly and then moved on to the next one? You two pretending like nothing happened between you guys?"
"All I am asking for is one night with him and maybe, just maybe I can move on and be in a relationship with someone who hasn't slept with half of the population." YN said.
I walked away at that point, not wanting to hear anymore of the conversation. I found myself in the washroom. Just trying to clear my head.
I placed my hands on the counter top and just replayed the conversation I just heard.
YN wants to be with me. But I don't date. I don't like romantic attachments. The thought of coming home to only one woman used to make my skin crawl.
But the more I thought about, the more I can imagine a life with YN. Our own house, a bunch of kids who will be the next generation of wrestling.
The thought stunned me. I have never pictured myself with anyone before. No one has ever held my attention like YN has.
She is the opposite of her sister. She is quiet and enjoys the simple things in life. When YN isn't wrestling or training, you can find her in a hotel room, curley up on the bed or the couch, enjoying a good movie.
YN is the one I go too if I need anything. She is the one person I trust more than anyone else in the world and it finally clicked into my head why.
Because I love her. Been in love with her since her sister introduced her to us, but I just played it off that I just wanted to fuck her.
But I didn't want to ruin my friendship with Jess, so I just became friends with YN instead.
But knowing that she likes me, I can't just push that aside knowing that she could be mine one day.
I looked at myself one last time in the mirror and I knew what I needed to do.
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It's been a few weeks since that conversation with Jess and I asked her not to tell anyone...
But Jay has been acting how do I say this, kind of odd since that day. I confronted my sister and asked her if she told anyone.
She swore up and down that she didn't and I wanted to believe her, but from what I have seen and with the way how Jay is acting, I don't know.
I watched from our booth, stunned as Jay turned down yet another woman. Every place we have gone too, he has turned down every single woman who has so much looked at him.
Even Jess mentioned it to me earlier. "You know how Mark, Jay and I went out?"
Here we go. Another Jay sex story. "Yeah."
"Jay didn't hit on anyone. When women came up to him, he just turned then down." She looked absolutely puzzled at her friends behaviour.
Tag List: if you would like to be added, please let me know. @lghockey @wwenhlimagines @hungmanhorsecarriagge @anaeve @ecarroll1978 @crowleysqueenofhell @thenerdybaker523 @eddiekingstonsgirl89
"Maybe he just didn't find then attractive or his dick didn't. I don't know how his mind works." I pointed out.
She didn't say much else after that. I know she was confused on how her friend was acting and I actually didn't believe her at first.
Until I saw it for myself.
Bar after bar, club after club. He turned down every single person and didn't leave my side.
When the music was loud, he would lean in close to me and talk into my ear. I couldn't help but close my eyes the first few times he did that.
"Let's dance YN." He called said to me as the DJ was playing some good music.
I wanted to ask him when did he start dancing, but instead I took his hand that he was offering and joined him on the dance floor.
That night I found myself struggling to open the door to my hotel room as Jay had me pinned against it, his face in my neck. Doing a damn good job leaving his marks all over me.
Even if this is the only night I get with him, then at least I know he was mine for just one night.
Part 2 coming soon.
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spotofimagines · 6 years
That’s My Girl ~ Jay Briscoe
A/N: It’s his birthday and you bet I wasn’t gonna let the day go by without a fic for him. Requests are open!
Requested by: no one
Warnings: implied smut
Based on this song(That’s My Girl- JLS)
Summary: Everyone’s eyes are on you, one wrestler’s in particular, but only Jay gets to take you home and he loves that everyone knows it.
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It was the night after Global Wars and, since both Ring of Honor and New Japan were together again, everyone had decided to go out to a local club. This only happened once a year so when it comes round, it is definitely taken advantage of. There were several people you hadn’t met properly yet, and you couldn’t wait to get to know them.
You were wearing a pink dress that was probably too short for anybody’s good. It hugged you waist and showed off your cleavage. You had matching heels and a sparkly purse too. On nights like this, you knew anything could happen, but one thing you knew for sure was that Jay’s jaw would hit the floor when he saw you.
“You ready to go?” Deonna called out. You checked your makeup one last time before stepping out towards the door where she was waiting. “Wow.” You giggled at her reaction and complimented her on her outfit as you walked to your cab.
The music blared in your ears as you entered the club.  Your eyes scanned the building for Jay. You had greeted a few guys already who were smoking outside, so you knew exactly where he was.
“Ladies.” A strong British voice sounded from behind you as Deonna turned and excitedly hugged the man. “Hey, Marty.” You said offering him a fist bump which he took. “I’ll catch up with you later, I know where Jay is.” You smiled at them and made your way to the bar, opting to grab a drink before heading over to your boyfriend.
After ordering a drink you noticed the people next to you started talking oddly quietly. You moved your head to look at them and instantly recognised their faces. Evil and Sanada. You had never met them, so this was going to be fun.
When you saw the younger man studying your body, you turned and faced them fully. “Sanada.” You addressed him. “Y/L/N.” He replied, focusing on your face again. You shot Evil a smile and he nodded back at you, taking a gulp of his drink.
“I must say, Y/N, look absolutely amazing. Quite a change from what I’ve seen.” You had built a reputation at Ring of Honor for being the hardcore chick that beats the crap out of everybody, and it seems like it broke the walls of your company. You smiled down at the floor and quickly inspected his attire. He had a navy button up shirt tucked into black jeans with a leather jacket on top, his hair slicked down.
“I wish I could say the same, Seiya. You’re looking handsome as always.” He smirked down at you and moved a little closer to you. You peered over his shoulder at Evil who had started a conversation with someone else. Grabbing the collar of his jacket, you leant close to his face and stared deeply into his eyes as he put his hands on your waist.
“Too bad you’re not taking me home tonight.” You told him. He let out a breath that was warm on your face. “You bet.” He muttered. You stepped back and grabbed your drink off the bar, throwing down some money. “Til next time.” He nodded his head slightly, looking you up and down one last time before you left to talk to Jay. He watched you leave, staring at the way your hair bounced off your shoulders, and how your hips swayed. His hand brushed through his hair. “Damn.” He uttered to himself as he faced the bar again.
You walked confidently over to where Jay was sat with Mark and a couple others, finding him staring at you intently. You realised he must have seen the whole situation. As you got closer, he stood and met you halfway. He wrapped his arms around your waist as he kissed your cheek and nuzzled his head into your neck, your hands resting on his biceps.
He pulled his head up and looked all over your face before settling on your eyes. “You’re looking sexy as all hell babe.” He whispered to you. Laughing, you pecked his lips and thanked him. “I don’t like the way he had his hands all on you though.” His eyebrows furrowed slightly as his eyes grew darker. “Kinda makes me wanna take you to that hotel and remind you I’m your man.”
You move your hands to the back of his neck. “Maybe I’m not the one that needs reminding you’re my man.” A smirk appeared on his lips as he shook his head slowly, amusement in his eyes. “Those damn heels, they turn you into something else.”
Leaning closer to him, you whisper in his ear, “You should see what happens to me when they come off.” You feel him take a deep breath in as you nibble his earlobe. His hands twitch at the base of your back.
“Screw it.” You hear him mumble under his breath just before he went back to the table to tell Mark you were leaving. Mark put up a bit of a fight, claiming you had hardly even been here. He was right, you hadn’t even reached the table yet. You gave a small wave to Mark with a pleading look in your eyes.
“Yeah, fine, whatever. I’ll cover you.” Mark grumbled in defeat. Jay turned to you with a mischevious smile, grabbing your hand and leading you out the door.
When you left, you felt eyes watching you, some wandering down your body. Jay seemed to notice too as his hand got tighter around yours. Really he didn’t mind because he knew everybody was seeing you leave with him, and everybody knew that you were his girl.
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ghostofviperwrites · 4 years
Jay Briscoe Masterlist
Fics marked with * are 18+ only, more than likely featuring sexual content
Jay Briscoe
Pillow Talk *
Brotherly Love *
Anonymous *
Apocalyptic *
Jealousy is a Good Thing *
Bluntly Speaking *
Future - sequel to Mine 
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ghostofviper · 6 years
Masterlist - No Longer Write (wwe, nxt,etc)
This master list is for all the wrestlers I no longer write for
Adam Cole
Aleister Black
Dean Ambrose
Donovan Dijak
Finn Balor/Prince Devitt
Jay Briscoe
Matt Riddle
Pete Dunne
Roman Reigns
Seth Rollins
Trent Seven
Is that a Tattoo? - Trent Seven/FC -  Fluff
Open Up - Trent Seven/FC - Angst/Fluff/Smut
Panic - Trent Seven/FC - Angst/Fluff
Watching and Waiting - Trent Seven/FC- Suggestive
Mercy on the Battlefield - Trent Seven/FC - Fluff
Dining Out - Trent Seven/FC - Smut
Catch Me If You Can - Trent Seven/FC - Smut
Good Morning - Trent Seven/FC - Fluff/Smut
Sobering Reality - Trent Seven/FC - Angst  
Hanging On - Trent Seven/FC - Angst/Smut
Love - Trent Seven/FC - Angst
Tyler Bate
You’re A Genius with Facts - Tyler Bate/FC - Angst
Is That My Shirt? - Tyler Bate/FC - Smut
But Not Today - Tyler Bate/FC - Fluff
First Sleep, Then… - Tyler Bate/FC - Fluff
Naive - Tyler Bate/FC - Suggestive/Angst
Done - Tyler Bate/FC - Angst
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sxndeeh · 6 years
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You got more of them Jay Briscoe fics? 🤔🤔😂 @wwesmutdonedirtcheap
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earl-01 · 6 years
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Since your posting 2 Jay Briscoe fics today. Here’s this lil gem I found. 😁 @ghostofviper.
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littlebluespoon · 7 years
Wrestling Fics
Marty Scurll - Moving On
Minoru Suzuki - Surprised
Minoru Suzuki and Midnight Walks (would include)
Minoru Suzuki and Pregnancy (would include)
Bushi and Spa Days (would include)
Tama Tonga - Sleepover
Tetsuya Naito - “Don’t Cry”
Hiromu Takahashi - “Stop Interrupting Me”
Minoru Suzuki - “Do you think I’m scared of a woman?”
Hiromu Takahashi - “Stop being such a baby”
South Pacific Power Trip and Valet (would include)
Nick Jackson - “It’s not what it looks like”
EVIL - “Who hurt you?”
Minoru Suzuki and Dating (would include)
Taichi - “I Could So Kill You right Now!”
Hiromu Takahashi - “Why are you naked?”
Tetsuya Naito - “Are you going to talk to me?”
Matt Jackson - “I’m Tired of Being Your Secret”
Chuck Taylor and Dating (would include)
Minoru Suzuki - Whine (smut)
Matt Jackson - More than One Surprise?
Kota Ibushi - Drabble
Adam Page - Drabble
Jay Briscoe - Drabble
Zack Sabre Jr - Drabble
The Adventures of Hiromu Takahashi and The Cats - Part 1
Kazuchika Okada and You Having a Bad Day (would include)
Kazuchika Okada - Unlovable
Adam Page - Unburdened
Sanada and Evil - Drabbles
Evil - Drabble
Hiromu Takahashi - Hope
Minoru Suzuki and Tetsuya Naito - Pain
Jimmy Havoc - Broken Glass
Marty Scurll - Running
Tetsuya Naito - Tailspin
Kenny Omega - A Little Slice of Hell
Jimmy Havoc - Blood Thirst  Interlude
Kazuchika Okada - In The Wrong
El Desperado (Kyosuke Mikami) and Minoru Suzuki - Busy Night
Nick Jackson - You Won
Minoru Suzuki (With Zack Sabre jr and El Desperado) - Home Safe
Home Safe Alternate Ending
Bushi and El Desperado - Masked Mischief 
Naughty Hearts Are Fickle 
Chuck Taylor - Naughty
Trent Baretta - Affairs of The Heart (sequel to Naughty)
Chuck Taylor - Painful Heart (sequel to Affairs of The Heart)
Chuck Taylor - Revenge Sometimes Hurts (sequel to Painful Heart)
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So, even though I have a few more fic requests I’m going to fill, I’m announcing that requests will open this Sunday at 11 am eastern time!!
This doesn’t include Alphabets or Includes lists. Strictly One Shots.
Please choose from the following list of Wrestlers because they are the ones I need new ideas for:
Jay Briscoe
Tomaso Ciampa (for @sonjashuterbugjohnson )
Jeff Hardy
Mojo Rawley
Samoa Joe
Bray Wyatt
Sami Zayn
Trent Seven
Karl Anderson
Finn Balor
Hopefully, there is someone on this list that interests you!
I will take the first TEN. That way I don’t overwhelm myself lol
I’ll post reminders all week!
Love you guys!!
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Drabble Requests Open for these Wrestlers....
Hey, guys so I’ve had a question on my mind that has been bothering me for a couple of days. We need fics for the people that hardly get any love. Not only is it refreshing for me but hopefully it will bring you guys more interesting Content in the upcoming days on this account. So here’s who you guys can request for ~Tacha  
☆Tyler Breeze  ☆TJ Perkins  ☆ Noam Dar  ☆ Fandango  ☆ Zack Ryder ☆ Neville  ☆ Kenny Omega  ☆ Enzo Amore  ☆ Big Cass ☆ Drew McIntyre  ☆ Scott Dawson  ☆ Dash Wilder  ☆ John Cena ☆ Trent Seven  ☆Braun Strowman  ☆ Bray Wyatt ☆ Luke Harper ☆Eric Rowan  ☆Mustafa Ali ☆ Tye Dillinger ☆ Marty Scurll ☆ Dalton Castle ☆ Big E  ☆ Xavier Woods ☆ Akira Tozawa  ☆WolfGang ☆Jack Gallagher ☆ Mark Andrews ☆ AJ Styles ☆ Sheamus ☆ Karl Anderson  ☆ Luke Gallows ☆ Tony Nese ☆ Austin Aries  ☆ Zack Sabre Jr  ☆ Jay Briscoe  ☆ Jimmy Havoc  ☆Sami Zayn ☆Elias Samson
Remember I’m taking Drabbles requests from this list  http://lailadermott.co.vu/post/159426658165/send-me-a-number-and-a-character-and-ill-write
This shall be interesting Also I’m working on Pete’s Drabble now.....
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winedwords · 7 years
Do you still have that jay briscoe fic?
i’ve never written an actual jay briscoe fic
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Headcannons Masterlist
Soft Updates: Once A Month
One Shots/Series Fics Masterlist: Here
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Plus Size Reader
Birthday Edition
Sub! Roman w/ Plus Size Mistress
Public Sex
Hair Kink
Playroom Details
Fighting and Make up Sex
Face fucking
“The Missionary Position“
Taking Care Of A Sick SO
Tribal Chief and Bálor Contest
DD/LG Fluff
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SFW/NSFW (Aleister)
Dad!Edition - Baby Girl (Aleister)
Goth Reader (Aleister)
Jealousy (Aleister)
Comfort - SFW (Aleister)
Sexting (Aleister)
First Time Meeting The Doc (Malakai)
Smut (Malakai)
Plus Size Insecure Reader (Malakai)
Possessiveness (Malakai)
Stripper Reader
Stripper Reader Pt. 2
Dad!Edition (Malakai)
Accidently calling him Tommy
When He Falls In Love With His Psychiatrist/Reader (Malakai)
Calling Him “Daddy” For The First Time (Malakai)
Corruption Kink w/ Priest Malakai
Corruption Kink w/ Priest Malakai Pt. 2
Reaction To You Getting Injured
HOB resident pet fuck
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CNC Knife Play
Voice Kink
Brat Taming
Cheering Bee up
AU!Businessman Jay
Overstimulation/Forced Orgasm
Pregnancy Sex
After Forbidden Door
Student!Jay / Professor! Reader
Plus Size Reader
Teasing with a cock ring
Frat Brother ft. ELP
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Insecure Reader
Frat Brother ft. Jay White
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Male Reader
Male Reder NSFW
NSFW Honeymoon!Edition
When You Win A Championship
Asking You To Be His Girlfriend
Trans Male/Female Reader
Dad!Edition Part 1
Dad!Edition Part 2
Period Edition
Tickle Fetish And Kinks
Praise Kink
DD/LG Relationship
Angry But Passionate Sex
Short Reader
Teasing NSFW
Comfort (SFW)
Comfort (NSFW)
Non Binary Reader
Singer Reader
Living Together
Wheelchair Bound Reader
Public Teasing
Mirror Kink
Going To Sleep
Black Plus Size Reader
Dating Someone From Wardrobe Department
Domestic Edition
Voice Kink
Reader Who’s Insecure About Her Vagina
Reader’s Water Breaking + Home Birth
Shower Sex
Riding him + the risk of getting caught
Reader with an abusive relationship in the past
Submissive Reader
Losing Your Virginity
Being His Masseuse
Celebrating His United States Title
Casual Intimacy
Pregnancy Sex
Quickie In The Pool
Stripper Reader
Impact Play Knowledge
Curvy Girl Lingerie
Damian x Reader x Rhea 
Soft and Reassuring
Single Mom Reader
Breeding Kink
Magic Mike! Damian
Creative Way To Tell Him You’re Pregnant
Angsty Sex
Random Theme
Actress Reader who’s part of the cast of The Witcher
Winter Honeymoon
Sleeping during sex
Michael Myers Kink - gone wrong lol
Valentine’s Day - Stripper Reader and AU!Bouncer
NSFW with Edge and Reader
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Demon King Edition
Biting Kink
“Submissive“ Demon King
Shy Reader
Face Fucking
Voice Kink
Super Horny And Tries To Tease The Reader
Knife Play
Pregnancy Sex
Reader’s Reaction To His Promo on SmackDown Against Roman
Brat Taming (Prince Devitt)
Bálor and Tribal Chief Contest
Black Tongue
Ask Drabble 
Dirty Talk w/ Demon King
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Enemies To Lovers
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NSFW with Damian and Reader
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Brat taming
“Make her cum with your tongue, put her sleep with your dick“
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Breeding Kink
Mafia Boss
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Mood Board HC
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Dirty Talk
When You Get Injured
Angry Rhea/Teasing
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Celebrating after Summerslam
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Reader Calling Him Daddy For The First Time
Birthday Sex
Comforting When A Family Member Passes Away
Rough Sex
After winning the NXT title back
Halloween Smut
Angsty Sex
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Riding Him
Rough Sex
Possessive/Breeding Kink
Soft and NSFW
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Plus Size Reader Fluff
Comforting After a Break Up
With A Stripper Reader
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Dad!Edition (Baby Girl)
Dad!Edition (Baby Boy)
Dad! Edition (Teenage Girl)
Siblings w/ Mox
Uncle Edition
When A Woman Hit On You
When A Man Hit On You
Husband Edition
Plus Size Reader
Jealous Reader
Nurse Reader
Virgin Reader
General Kinks
Riding Him
Movie Date
His Reaction To When Someone Sees Your NSFW Videos
Comforting Him
Fighting And Making Up
Shy/Introvert Reader
Giving Head To Female Reader
The Reason Behind The Nickname “Fox”
Tooth Extraction
Sick Reader
Make up Sex
First Night In New Home
Pregnancy Sex
His Reaction To Your Celebrity Crush
Dirty Talk
Dad!Part 2
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Student x Teacher
Dirty Talk
Angsty Sex
Sneaky Sex
Professor Hangman - Blowjob 
Professor Hangman - Jealous
Professor Hangman - Jealous 2
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Reader With Panic Attack
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Predator and Prey
Roommates NSFW/SFW
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Brat Taming
How he treats a sensitive Sub
Flirting with The Elite in front of him
“Where Do You Think You’re Going?“
Random Prompt
With Plus Size Reader
Feral Matt
Sexual Punishments
Needy Matt
Vampire!Matt 2
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Plus Size Reader
Jealousy/slight smut
Sexual Punishments
Enemies To Lovers
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Reader Caught Masturbating
Virgin Brat
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Male Reader
Pet Name
Finding Out That You’re Pregnant
Celebration after winning a championship
Celebration after winning a championship pt.2
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Blindfolded NSFW
Jealous Elias In The Club
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Office Edition
Breeding Kink
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Shower Sex
Soft for his SO
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Agressive Make Out
Con Non-Con
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Single Mother Reader
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Taking Care Of A Sick SO
Hate Fuck
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Photo Prompt
Sammy x Reader x Ethan
Sammy x Alan 5 Angels x Reader
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Johnny Gargano/Tommaso Ciampa/Reader
Jon Moxley/Eddie Kingston/Reader
Matt Jackson/Nick Jackson/Reader
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Kane NSFW  (to ava-valerie)
Undertaker DD/LG (to ava-valerie)
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plentyoffandoms · 2 years
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Jay Briscoe x f/Reader
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Main Masterlist ♡ WWE NXT Masterlist ♡ Jay Briscoe Masterlist
Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Warnings: Some swearing.
Gifs & Photos do not belong to me.
Hope you like it.
Summary: f/Reader is the sister of ODB & is a wrestler. She becomes friends with Jay & falls for him. He wants to be with her & decides to change his ways.
Jessica - ODB
"Come on babygirl. Yes just like that. Fuck YN."
I had to pull myself out of my own memories of that night I slept with Jay five months ago. I have gone back to what we have shared when I have been alone so many times.
I get why so many women want to sleep with him. He knows what he is doing. He knew how to work my body just right and had me screaming his name as I came over and over again.
But I woke up and just like I was expecting to happen, he was gone.
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I knew it was going to happen, but did it hurt? A bit, but I have to move on. I started to focus more and more on working out and getting stronger.
But about two months ago I started to get tired easily. The smell of certain foods made me want to throw up, but thankfully I didn't.
But I found myself crying at the drop of the hat about anything. Like the other day, I cried because Mcdonalds ran out of apple pies.
Like who cries for that? Well I did in the drive through. The poor teenager working the window had to deal with me.
I made sure to go back the next and apologise because my behaviour was just ridiculous.
I just thought my period was coming and that is why my emotions are so out of wack.
It came but even I have to admit, it wasn't very much, but a females body can play tricks so I waited for my period the next month.
It didn't arrive and that is when I knew it was time to see a Doctor and get tested. So that is where I am right now.
I went to the nearest walk-in-clinic and it was confirmed that I was indeed pregnant. When I asked how far along, even though I knew the answer.
"Roughly 4/5 months."
Yup, I am pregnant with Jay Pugh child. Well this isn't something I wanted to happen.
Do I tell him? What will his reaction be? Will he deny the child being his? So many things could go wrong once I tell him.
But first I have to stop wrestling. Can't really wrestle while pregnant.
I told Jessica first and she was stunned but then started to ask so many questions that I had a hard time keeping up with all of them.
"Who is the father?"
Her eyes got real wide and I thought she was going to fucking hit me for getting pregnant with his child.
"Of course you got pregnant by him. It is only your luck." I just gave her the middle finger for that remark.
I then told my work and I asked to do some commentary or something. I still needed a job.
It took them a few days but the came back to me with an offer to do commentary and I took it. I still get to be around the thing I love and no harm will come to my child.
Now to tell Jay. This I have been putting off just because I didn't want to deal with it.
I found him alone, which is unusual as his brother is usually right there beside him. So I sat down in the empty chair that was next to him.
Jay looked up, angry at whoever disturbed his peace, but his facial expression changed once he saw it was me.
"Can we talk Jay?"
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Jay Briscoe's POV:
"Yeah sure." I said to YN.
This is probably the first I have talked to her since that night. I left before she woke up, not because I wanted too, but because I had to get up to catch a flight. I had to go and grab my shit and leave.
But I haven't talked to her since then. Not because I didn't want too, but because I had no idea where she would want to go with our relationship.
I know she thinks I am a man whore and I was, but I have only been with her since I decided to change all those months ago.
"You remember that night we spent together?"
Do I ever. It has been my most prominent thought when I am jerking off. "Yeah."
"Well Jay, I am pregnant. You're the Dad."
Shit! How is that even possible? 'Because the condom broke you dumbass.'
I completely forgot that it broke. I didn't even realise it did until I pulled it off of me and threw it in the garbage.
And YN was already asleep and I didn't tell her. I didn't want to wake her as I fell asleep next to her.
"When you due?"
She told me. She told me she has an appointment tomorrow to see what the gender is.
"If you want, you can come. I just thought you had a right to know."
And I went to the appointment and every single one after that. We didn't know the sex of the baby as every single time we were going to find out, they were laying a certain way so that way we wouldn't know.
"Looks like it will just be a suprise Jay." YN said to me as she squeezed my hand.
After that appointment, we went out to eat. Just like we have done every single time. But as I sat there, listening to YN talk, I couldn't hold it in any longer.
"I love you."
"Jay, you don't love me. You love the fact that I am carrying your baby."
"No, that isn't true. I have been in love with you for so long. Just never thought I would ever get a chance with you."
"Can you just say something YN?"
"You know I love you Jay. Mark told me you heard me and Jess talking about you. I just don't want you to think you love me because of our situation."
What a frustrating woman!
"Then let me show you how much I love you. I will not stop until I convince you how much I love you."
So I did everything I could do. I bought her flowers. Put together the nursery. Bought her jewellery. I even wrote her a poem. Was it good? No, but I poured my heart and soul into it.
"You know you can stop sending me flowers Jay." YN said as she walked towards me backstage, with a massive bouquet of flowers in her arms.
"Got to prove to you how much I love you."
"I am convinced Jay. Have been for a bit now. Just enjoyed all the gifts." She teased.
I pulled her gently into my arms, cupped her face in my hands and kissed her. Just like what I have been wanting to do for months now.
I found myself moving in with YN. Our relationship progress nicely. But after the third week of me living together, her water broke.
I rushed her to the hospital and after sixteen and half hours, our baby girl was born. Kayla Anita Pugh.
As I watched the woman I love breastfeed our daughter, I asked her to marry me. It just came out of no where, but I didn't take it back when YN asked me if I was kidding.
"Marry me."
"Okay Jay. I will marry you." I gave her a kiss and told her how much I loved her.
Our wedding was small. Only close friends and family were there. Kayla was our flower girl and it was adorable to see Uncle Mark holding her through out the ceremony.
As YN and I had our first dance, I leaned down and said to her softly.
"I love you Mrs. Pugh."
"And I love you Mr. Pugh."
Tag List: if you would like to be added, please let me know. @lghockey @wwenhlimagines @hungmanhorsecarriagge @anaeve @ecarroll1978 @crowleysqueenofhell @thenerdybaker523 @eddiekingstonsgirl89
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