#jay merrick cameo
selfish-solace · 2 years
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what (day 8 crossover)
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plushmon · 8 months
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2013 / 2014
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spellboundcities · 1 year
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Ive been on the road for the past few days so there hasn't been a lot of time for art stuff. Have another compilation of (mostly Tim centered) clownery
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11 with evan/jay pwease UwU
Jay rubbed at his temples. It was a Friday night and Brian decided to bring the crew to a night club to celebrate passing his exams. Jay would rather had spent his Friday in his quiet apartment listening to horror podcasts, but with those sad puppy dog eyes, he couldn't reject him.
Jay wished he had a will of steel sometimes.
Jay put his head down on the granite table and closed his eyes.
"Hey. Are you okay?"
Jay reluctantly lifted up his head, squinting at the bright, neon stage lights and covering his ears from the music blasting from the gigantic speakers.
Jay looked over to the source of the voice.
He was a short male, had chocolate brown hair, a muscular build, and had a toothy grin adorning his pale face.
"May I sit down here?"
He sat down and wrung his hands in his lap.
Jay went to check his phone for any messages from his friends. Nothing. Sigh. The shouting drunk people, the neon flashing lights, and the booming music was nauseating. The pounding in his skull was not alleviating at all. Jay was a few seconds away from leaving the party altogether, but, this was Brian. The Brian who had helped him study, the Brian who had comforted him when his dad died. He couldn't abandon him.
Just bare your teeth, Merrick.
Pretend you are somewhere else.
"Need a distraction?" The stranger was staring into space with a blank expression on his face.
The stranger fished in his pocket and pulled out a.... Pokemon card?
"This is my Charzard! He's a bit battered, and someone whom I will not name stole it from me during recess." The stranger frowned and glared at a random person in the crowd.
"I have others if you like to see them."
Screw it. It's better than being overwhelmed.
"Show 'em."
The stranger squealed. His dark brown eyes sparkled and his freckled cheeks were red.
"The name's Evan by the way. Nice to meet ya."
"That's a really pretty name for a cute guy."
He.....he called him cute?
His breath hitched.
"For such a cute guy, you can have my Blastoise card." Evan winked at him and handed out the card.
The card looked pretty old. There was a slight stain in the corner of the card.
"Oh. Uh...thanks."
Jay re-examined the card. It was a little worn with random stains on the corners of the card. The ink on the description of the creature was faded and smudged.
Jay put the card in his satchel.
"He saved my ass a few times. Vinny would think he would be close to winning the game, and BAM! I'd whip out this guy, and he would be crying and yelling at me. Ha, good times."
The pounding in his skull was lessening. The noises around them were drowning out. Jay chuckled at the story.
"Hey! Vin! Want to tell how you would cry and hide my cards every time you lost?"
Out of the crowd, a stocky tall man with thinning hair emerged from the crowd. His middle finger was raised.
Evan returned the gesture.
Jay snorted and, in an act of bravery, he also gave Vinny the bird.
"This one's a keeper I tell's ya."
Jay blushed and shyly smiled at Evan.
Evan winked back.
"May I....kiss you?"
"We don't have to! Just wanted to, um...." Evan looked out at the crowd.
Jay scooted closer to him and slotted his lips against Evan's.
"I'm sorry. Are you sure you-" Jay inserted his tongue into the other man's mouth. Jay was slow with his movements and ensuring that he doesnt bite Evan's tongue.
Evan cupped Jay's face.
But, this couldn't last forever. Both men were panting for air. They disconnected and Jay laid his forehead against Evan's.
After they had collected their breath, Evan laid Jay down on his lap and kissed his nose.
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plushmon · 8 months
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more starter squad au doodles (more under read more)
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