#jay stt
gracklekeyer2000 · 11 months
Art Drop!
Yooooo sorry I've been kinda on hiatus lately my internet connection is like total dogshit rn. Hopefully gonna get started on fixing that tomorrow.
anyways I've been making some art on my phone while I was gone! feast!
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Bonus arts that are not stt related!
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Sorry I kinda fell off the face of the earth, y'all - i got moved to transitional housing and the wifi here sucks ass. Currently posting this from my mobile browser because I'm using my app account for a side project.
I love my moots and followers and followees and i promise I'll be back online asap!
Feel free to keep tagging me in bird posts - I can't wait to see what y'all have found for me!
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here. a silly little concept art sketch of a scrapped scene from my fic in which harvey is lost in the sauce flour.
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birdenjoyer · 1 year
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Thanks Byrd
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hongjoongpresent · 1 year
pls talk about all your favourite things in heavenly blade
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Lol thats ok
Tbh I might just answer my own questions
@insomniac-jay and @unusualshrimp all the answers are here both the ones you did and did not ask for hope this helps
1. Favorite speed combo?
K so I will be adding how to do the combo but I don't feel like typing it out every time so
S = square
T = triangle
K cool
ANGEL'S CROP!!! (Sttss) This combo is so very satisfying. Just a shame you only unlock it pretty late into the game but literally from the moment I get it I don't use a single other speed combo. Except maybe once in a blue moon if I feel silly and decide to use angel's harvest (sttst) instead, but they're really similar so my point still stands
Even besides these 2 combos, in my opinion the only speed combos worth using are ones that start with square triangle triangle. They're the prettiest and most satisfying
2. Favorite power combo?
I only ever use two (2) heavy combos because there's literally only two power combos that are actually worth using, considering how slow power stance is you don't really wanna spend too long doing a combo that isn't worth it in the end
The only 2 power combos I use are laughing devil (hold r1 ttst) (tip: if you use laughing devil against whiptail while she's down the last hit will hit and stunlock her even when she already got up. I've tried multiple combos against her and this is the best one to open with while she's down). Mainly use this one against the heavy guys with the axes
The other one is striking hell (hold r1 ttss), this one is really effective when theres a large group of enemies with shields/helmets since I've found speed stance block breakers don't Always work against them?? Idk why, so I prefer using power stance and this one is really good for multiple enemies
3. Favorite aerial combo?
Probably falling blossom (go into aerial combo mode, then stt hold r1 ss)
It's the last one you unlock and when you do unlock it it's the strongest, and for aerial combos it doesnt matter that it takes longer so it's the only one that really is worth using after you unlock it
4. Favorite level with Nariko?
Can I just say the entirety of chapter 4 it's my most replayed chapter for SURE. If I have to choose one specific level though,, I'd probably say on silent wings, because I find ninja enemies the most satisfying enemies to fight.. Idk why. Yes even when I fail my counterattack for the 10075th time. Idk I just really love fast attacks I love when I can use speed stance against guys
5. Least favorite level with Nariko?
I won't count boss fights,, otherwise it'd be to kill a fox, lol. But tbh, all nariko Levels are fine really because her playstyle is very fun. But I would probably say both dawn siege and bohan's army, simply because you don't get to actually fight with her in it. I've never cared much for shooting the cannon.
6. Favorite level with Kai?
Shen's escape. Literally the only correct answer to this question. I fucking love sniping I love being a sniper I love it when Kai plays as a sniper. Next question
7. Least favorite level with Kai?
Hoooo boy. Fucking. PLAYTIME. There's only 2 little redeemable things about playtime and thats (1) the music and (2) the fact that for the last wave of enemies, you can run past them into the door they just came out of and jump over the barricade and then they cant follow you its really stupid and doesnt make any sense but it is funny. I'm currently replaying this game and I can't believe I just got all 3 glyphs in this level it's a miracle
8, 9, and 10 I already answered here but I do want to add one of the most boring things about whiptail's boss fight is that you always get all the glyphs because of how easy breaking her waves is. The most fun I have in this game is when I have to really struggle to get all the glyphs and the fight with whiptail fully trivializes it, it's really lame
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character lore
filled out a character sheet for Jay (not to be confused with Jay from STT, mind you) - i lost the link to the op but if someone finds it i'm more than happy to add it.
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Notes: The "unknown" is just additional text, the amount of space the bar behind it takes up pretty accurately about as much space as would be by what is known of his power level. He doesn't really go around testing his abilities unless it's necessary.
His species, the Upright Kakapo, originates from the magical embodiment of reincarnated Kakapo spirits from our realm. Capable of flight and equipped with hands hidden under the feathers at the wrist of the wings, he's able to do more physically with his new body.
Some kakapo remember their past life, most don't. It's difficult to hold onto memories without words or symbols of some kind to stabilize them around. The thing that Jay remembers most is the taste of rimu fruit, and as such he has devoted himself to archiving plants of all kinds from every realm.
He does have a few magical artifacts: his staff, which he mostly wears around his back to ground and channel in case of emergencies, a small carving of his familiar's species (artistic rendition pending) that serves as a key to his 'tower' (which is a burrow that's basically an upside-down tower) and as a smaller-scale channeling tool, a porta-portal frame, and a sentient, hollow orb that he fills with bioluminescence from plants for light when he and others may need it (he does have dark vision but you need light to see color).
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hohohi1999 · 2 years
Hướng Dẫn Phát Âm Bảng Chữ Cái Tiếng Anh
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Muốn học tốt tiếng Anh thì bắt buộc cần nắm rõ cách phát âm bảng chữ cái tiếng Anh chuẩn xác. Nếu bạn chưa nắm rõ về cấu tạo, cách phát âm tiếng Anh chuẩn nhất thì có thể tham khảo bài viết dưới đây. Phân loại English alphabet Trong bảng chữ cái English bao gồm những nguyên âm và phụ âm sau: - 5 nguyên âm: A, E, U, I, O. - 21 phụ âm: B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, X, Y, Z. Các nguyên âm và phụ âm này khi được ghép với nhau sẽ tạo nên 44 cách phát âm khác nhau. Tuy nhiên trong các trường hợp ghép âm cụ thể thì có thể sẽ có cách phát âm khác. Bạn không nên tự ý phát âm mà nên dùng từ điển tra cứu tin cậy. Hướng dẫn phát âm bảng chữ cái tiếng Anh Tùy theo từng chữ cái tiếng Anh mà sẽ có cách phát âm khác nhau. Cụ thể, bạn có thể tham khảo bảng phát âm sau đây. STT Chữ cái Tên chữ Phát âm 1 A A /eɪ/ 2 B Bee /biː/ 3 C Cee /siː/ 4 D Dee /diː/ 5 E E /iː/ 6 F Ef (Eff nếu là động từ) /ɛf/ 7 G Jee /dʒiː/ 8 H Aitch hoặc Haitch /eɪtʃ/ 9 I I /aɪ/ 10 J Jay /dʒeɪ/ 11 K Kay /keɪ/ 12 L EI hoặc Ell /ɛl/ 13 M Em /ɛm/ 14 N En /ɛn/ 15 O O /oʊ/ 16 P Pee /piː/ 17 Q Cue /kjuː/ 18 R Ar /ɑr/ 19 S Ess (es) /ɛs/ 20 T Tee /tiː/ 21 U U /juː/ 22 V Vee /viː/ 23 W Double-U /ˈdʌbəl.juː/ 24 X Ex /ɛks/ 25 Y Wy hoặc Wye /waɪ/ 26 Z Zed/Zee/Izzard /zɛd/ Hướng dẫn phát âm chữ cái tiếng Anh theo phiên âm tiếng Việt Trong quá trình học bảng chữ cái tiếng Anh thì phần phát âm thường là khó nhất. Bởi vì cách đọc của người Việt sẽ khác với người nước ngoài. Để giúp cho quá trình phát âm được dễ dàng hơn thì bạn cần nắm cách đọc theo tiếng Việt dưới đây. Chữ cái tiếng Anh Cách đọc theo tiếng Việt Chữ cái tiếng Anh Cách đọc theo tiếng Việt A Ây N En B Bi O Âu C Si P Pi D Di Q Kiu E I R A F Ép S Ét G Dzi T Ti H Ét’s U Diu I Ai V Vi J Dzei W Đắp liu K Kêy X Esk s L Eo Y Quai M Em Z Dié Lưu ý là bản phiên âm tiếng Việt trên chỉ mang tính chất tham khảo. Bởi các chữ cái khi kết hợp trong nhiều ngữ cảnh có thể thay đổi khác nhau. Cách đọc phiên âm nguyên âm tiếng Anh Để phát âm chuẩn xác nhất thì bạn cần nắm rõ vị trí xuất phát âm thanh. Âm đầu lưỡi sẽ phát âm khác với âm tắc xát. Bạn có thể tham khảo bảng phát âm dưới đây. Bộ Âm Mô Tả Vị trí môi Vị trí lưỡi / ɪ / Âm i ngắn, giống âm “i” của tiếng Việt nhưng phát âm rất ngắn ( = 1/2 âm i). Môi hơi mở rộng sang 2 bên. Lưỡi hạ thấp xuống. /i:/ Âm i dài, kéo dài âm “i”, âm phát trong khoang miệng. Môi mở rộng sang 2 bên như đang mỉm cười. Lưỡi nâng cao lên. / ʊ / Âm “u” ngắn, na ná âm “ư” của tiếng Việt. Môi hơi tròn. Lưỡi hạ thấp. /u:/ Âm “u” dài, kéo dài âm “u”, âm phát trong khoang miệng. Khẩu hình môi tròn. Lưỡi nâng lên cao. / e / Giống âm “e” của tiếng Việt. Mở rộng hơn so với khi phát âm âm / ɪ /. Lưỡi hạ thấp hơn so với âm / ɪ /. / ə / Giống âm “ơ” của tiếng Việt nhưng phát âm rất ngắn và nhẹ. Môi hơi mở rộng. Lưỡi thả lỏng. /ɜ:/ Âm “ơ” cong lưỡi, phát âm âm /ɘ/ rồi cong lưỡi lên. Môi hơi mở rộng. Lưỡi cong lên, chạm vào vòm miệng trên. / ɒ / Âm “o” ngắn, giống âm o của tiếng Việt nhưng phát âm rất ngắn. Hơi tròn môi. Lưỡi hạ thấp. /ɔ:/ Âm “o” cong lưỡi, phát âm âm o như tiếng Việt rồi cong lưỡi lên. Tròn môi. Lưỡi chạm vào vòm miệng trên khi kết thúc âm. Bảng cách đọc phiên âm tiếng Anh Bộ Âm Mô Tả Vị trí môi Vị trí lưỡi /ɑ:/ Âm “a” kéo dài, âm phát ra trong khoang miệng. Miệng mở rộng. Lưỡi hạ thấp. /ɪə/ Đọc âm / ɪ / rồi chuyển dần sang âm /ə/ Môi từ dẹt thành hình tròn dần. Lưỡi thụt dần về phía sau. /ʊə/ Đọc âm / ʊ / rồi chuyển dần sang âm /ə/. Môi mở rộng dần, nhưng không mở rộng. Lưỡi đẩy dần ra phía trước. /eə/ Đọc âm / e / rồi chuyển dần sang âm / ə/. Hơi thu hẹp môi. Lưỡi thụt dần về phía sau. /eɪ/ Đọc âm / e / rồi chuyển dần sang âm / ɪ/. Môi dẹt dần sang 2 bên. Lưỡi hướng dần lên trên. /ɔɪ/ Đọc âm / ɔ: / rồi chuyển dần sang âm /ɪ/. Môi dẹt dần sang 2 bên. Lưỡi nâng lên và đẩy dần ra phía trước. /aɪ/ Đọc âm / ɑ: / rồi chuyển dần sang âm /ɪ/. Môi dẹt dần sang 2 bên. Lưỡi nâng lên và hơi đẩy ra phía trước. /əʊ/ Đọc âm / ə/ rồi chuyển dần sang âm / ʊ /. Môi từ hơi mở đến hơi tròn. Lưỡi lùi dần về phía sau. /aʊ/ Đọc âm / ɑ: / rồi chuyển dần sang âm /ʊ/. Môi tròn dần. Lưỡi hơi thụt dần về phía sau. Trên đây là những hướng dẫn chi tiết về cách phiên âm bảng chữ cái tiếng Anh. Mong rằng những chia sẻ trên đây sẽ hữu ích đối với bạn. Read the full article
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tuyetthienduong · 6 years
Ad gio fj lyon a vl nh
Gf nghua la ko tu ko dyic kit thing hen vl
Day by t3
O doi dung co chua suobg kui cho ai het tru cho va bom levsl
Atr soc nl
Nhin la biet
All of ys em mb. Cay nay kho vl
Ziu la main
S tr het gian
Don tjo khi xiu
Via sau river ganh ko niu
Haiz len khoi
Str hay
Giay cuoid
Hwhe do thang kia
Non too con kia
Ngua lua dep trai max xiu moi do
Team ko de y that em too
Bun 2 tr helo qua suc
Xiu fo
Ad nh vl 3 canh moi du wia nan do non lam diy bhat
Tu nguyenbdo
Dac thiwn duong
Ganh di may me
Non len o do sach vk
Hieu ko secshit a igs nhuc
Nen em noi hoai
Str nl aong dubg
S15 len lai
Xiy do ci sys
Tu ka dep khuc truoc a khuc sau vl du de ko oi a
Ko oi la che do xu
Lim max....
Str helo oi
Vai vua hay
Su mii ha a23 kbn viet ong ma do a
Vai j2 nguoi jy
Chi ne
Not you
Vl lac hon em
O rieng
Ai xhi
Hieu ko tinh jai lan a co cai ten a
Roi team cu vl doi doo nhanh by me
Str hay
Em nua o rieng do cm ss
Thi wua choi co hoc dau
Sao co ve si ma nguu ft a
Scooter nau
Str nl so cm
Help em so cm copy
Hay hihi
Het team vl
Em hiua nen giut
Bs tr
Nghai la khoo verfisy a ma lan hn
Bao cap thinf yeah do
Dac canh ma dull bc an that
Str help ss
Nhuc gium co cuu canh shit hay vl
S co y moi la ss
Team nh thua xa
Em tr
Tuoi lau tnt a att
18 moi het
Xiu the mang a
Q kia kbn co nao
No gia dan thuong a
Do detected
O samg cm
S help tjieu si that nguoc su cho
Vai canh gi vay full etc
Im vl tra xoi s xon em du tinh tao a
Diet no dau teu vu as lam a
Aoc s tr le
Toi 59 luon nh bang
Vu bc ko co hho law cho vu nay em tu che roi ap sung roi paht etc luon
Atr nl tot vl
Song kau phai vay
Ht ne nay gio a
Pika help st nhu nay gio ganh lo cm
Haiz do lay het khoo tam daily
Pika tr
Bang ma poke bao oi me kia ngay dau bao ba
Do thi im hehe
Pika giut dien yui no live
Pika noi dong wua thixh
Ziu ai diwt vay oitsoder
Noi lon len
S xao xjo ban than team 2 bang so quen so noi dai me do
Pika a
R doi nevrr si
Vl nhin ko buet ha
Chua team copy em giua
Vai nh
Em mb
S xao cho do doi
Vsi 3 a diet hrt 0s sc jy
Poek lua lo cm
Fire nlast chieu sx cua lua
Dao X a
Dac fao Y
Love hoi phuc xiu doi do vl
Hieu chua bua nay lo 12 chuc luon ganh a du ra
Xiu do
Q teleport
Soc em too
Nhu cu kieu kia
Burs ganh so Gr ch xiu roi
Di nha co biz
Vl heko ua ttuum nah vareon ghw. Mox han eoi
Do qia
Tele a bua xo lam ma so voo fio sx lo ro luon
Dung hoo kich ban kjac la nhu cu thoi j ctn
S nhje la biet ba ganh luon roi
1% vi can suc roi
W em bao lam
Hai wiu co gi muon noi
Haiz ytiumo no doi mang
Len ni di vai cth
Tui giet
Time qua khu em. Lam 2 h
Quy sao ranh vay
Het by lai
S vai ct mem co war
Vai em ganh 0% roi nghi nja
La 1 a vl w ngay dau hiem cjo
Co hai duabiet a
Rnr xo
Str nl
Lam ft me kia em hoai
No ranh nhat ream ma
W tr
Vai em mat co hong roi ai lay
Vai quy chua max
Co lai hien
Haiz tu tao
Hi sinh canh td
Vai xanh minh en ganh 11 nam yeam
Em tr
J so help 3 con ke nhau ganh att
Haiz ft a
E so co gi muon noi
Sox do
Help ua
U2 ice slask
Poek vl bao cao thuong ne chrt hon wuy ...
Lo xm poek yui nay bao nghi ti em luon str
Joi sinh tu koa
Do do
Godlduck mameaiak
Mum bao la. Dao. Me too stt
Nt noi vai let gioi do hem
Dp bao bang em
La ganh cm
Em bao q ha hwt noi roi
Aoc cju hi
Ma poel moi nao do nt coi lrn pika vua lion
Vain 1 dua hiua vl rui nau biey
Vsi do cua twma , 4 p16 len main vic tim luin rou em att
ARukl cap hai hyper beam us hibu2 nay gio
Help team cant stand
Het team nt
Con lai tu bao do
Hien tui nay
Don hiam vl
Lay hoang thionf tunh vl
Me kia con ghe hon cm kuon o chubg 1 deam cang bhieu cang tot. Ho do soc
May con kia ganh a
Limh yh dell gg deo nho xua em khi nao atr xao xho huhu ct shjt ganh gium
Ph cuoi hey
Lay team rtc duoc njan putp thuan tu nhien ko vo suyen song dung vl doi thy chinh cua G vo
Cm toan sap xhe r oro giong vu o cunv tau em nhan chubg song yy chan
Nhap vizen di khao than kunh qua
Thi hag ang a same huy tr
0 notes
bloojayoolie · 6 years
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Bailey Jay, Bowser, and Cats: end qDiv g7027 @ Manhattan ACC 7 yrs old, 52 lbs Very sweet Girl in need of some TLC A little Shy, Friendly and Gentle. Xena loves treats, enjoys caresses, sits on command and walks nicely on leash. She seems to be housetrained. ****TO BE KILLED 8/15/18**** Gentle Xena is in need of some TLC <3 A volunteer writes: Xena is a shy girl, across the board but she warms up quickly according to her former owners. She loved to spend time with her family and she is described as an affectionate, well mannered, obedient and loyal pet. No wonder that Xena appears to us like she is daydreaming, somewhere else. She prefers to stay in her kennel and needs coaxing coming out for a stroll. She does walk very nicely though and attends right away to business. I had almost given up on making friends with Xena when all of a sudden, she put her paws on my lap and gently demanded treats. Ha! What happened? Something had broken the ice and I am still to understand what ! Now we are talking! Xena follows me everywhere, she sits(even hops) for treats, jumps on the bench I am sitting on and accepts gladly petting all over. She even looks happy, me too. Xena is not a loner, she just needs people to be whole and a family pet once again. Will you open your home and your heart to Xena, unleashing all the love she has in her heart? Xena is waiting for you at the Manhattan Care Center. Video: https://youtu.be/fjRmFbCYdPY XENA ID# 37027 Manhattan Animal Care Center 7 yrs old, 52 lbs GRAY / WHITE SPAYED FEMALE Medium Mixed Breed Cross Owner Surrender / Reason: Owner going through a divorce. Medical Behavior: Green Intake Date: 08-04-2018 SHELTER ASSESSMENT: EXPERIENCED HOME No young Children (under 5) OWNER NOTES This animal came from: Breeder Basic Information: Xena is a grey and white medium mixed breed. The owner got her around 7 years ago from a breeder. She is being surrendered due to the owner going through a divorce. Previously lived with: 4 adults How is this dog around strangers? Xena is a bit shy at first but the owner states she warms up in a few minutes. How is this dog around children? Xena has spent time with children and can be a bit shy around them. How is this dog around other dogs? Xena has spent time with dogs outside and is reportedly shy around them. She lays down when other dogs approach her. How is this dog around cats? Xena has lived with a cat before whom she avoided due to the cat's behavior towards her. Resource guarding: The owner has never tried to touch her food bowl while eating but states she allows him to remove items from her mouth. Bite history: Xena has not bitten a person or another animal. Housetrained: Yes Energy level/descriptors: low to medium Has this dog ever had any medical issues? Yes Medical Notes The owner states that Xena is allergic to something, he is not sure if its food or environmental allergies. They have used oral medications and shampoos to try and control her skin issues. For a New Family to Know Xena can struggle during her baths and is tolerant with having her paws touched. She is shy around strangers but if they approach the family too fast, she can bark at the person. She is described as a friendly and loyal family dog that enjoys spending time with the family while they watch TV and go on walks. She does not like to play with toys and was fed dry food. She slept in the crate and was also kept in her crate when the family left. She does well for 8-10 hours in her crate. She is house trained and will go on cement. Xena knows how to sit, give paw, and stay. She tends not to pull on her leash as she is a leisurely walker. BEHAVIOR NOTES Upon Intake Xena stayed close to her owner as coordinator approached. Coordinator crouched beside her and present her hand and Xena, with a slight tense body, moved away. She allowed to be leashed by coordinator and collared by the owner. Means of surrender (length of time in previous home): Owner Surrender (In home for 7 years) Previously lived with: Adults and a cat Behavior toward strangers: Shy but quickly warms up Behavior toward children: Shy Behavior toward dogs: Shy Behavior toward cats: Avoided the cat in the home Resource guarding: None reported Bite history: None reported Housetrained: Yes Energy level/descriptors: Xena is described as having a low-medium level of activity. SAFER SCORES Date of assessment: 6-Aug-2018 Look: 2. Dog's eyes are averted, body posture is stiff and fearful, tail is low and not moving. Dog allows head to be held loosely in Assessor's cupped hands. Sensitivity: 2. Dog stands still and accepts the touch, eyes are averted, tail is between legs, body stiff, mouth closed, lip long, ears likely back, may lip lick. Tag: 2. Dog is fearful but unresponsive when touched. Approaches the Assessor when the game ends. Dog is likely crouching, may have a long lip or lip lick. Paw squeeze 1: 2. Dog quickly pulls back. Paw squeeze 2: 2. Dog quickly pull back. Flank squeeze 1: Item not conducted Flank squeeze 2: Item not conducted Toy: 1. Minimal interest in toy, dog may smell or lick, then turns away. Summary: Xena did not approach the assessor but allowed the assessor to approach her. She was tense throughout the assessment but allowed all handling. Summary (1): 8/5-6: When introduced off leash to the female helper dog, Xena is initially fearful and keeps to herself. She later approaches and sniffs with a soft body. Summary (2): 8/7: Xena keeps only to self. Date of intake: 4-Aug-2018 Summary: Tense, moved away ENERGY LEVEL: Xena is described as having a low-medium level of activity. BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION: EXPERIENCE (suitable for an adopter with some previous dog experience, especially with the behaviors outlined below) Recommendations: No young children (under 5) Recommendations comments: No young children: Due to the behavior seen in the care center, we feel that Xena may be intimidated by young children. Shee needs a slow approach and time to warm up. She should never be forced to interact with new people, and should be allowed to greet and initiate an interaction at her own pace. Older, gentle children should have an in-depth interaction prior to adoption. Potential challenges: Fearful Potential challenges comments: Fearful: Xena is reported to be shy with new people and is fearful at the care center. It is important to always go slow and give Xena the option to walk away from any social interaction. Xena should never be forced to approach anything that she is uncomfortable with or to submit to petting or handling. It should always be Xena's choice to approach a new person or thing. Xena would do best in an initially calm and quiet home environment and should be given time to acclimate to her new surroundings. MEDICAL EXAM NOTES 6-Aug-2018 Vet Statement Currently out of stock of diphenhydramine - it has been ordered and should arrive by the end of the week. Leaving this treatment in place so we can start when it arrives. 6-Aug-2018 Tech Exam Concerned about OS mucous-like discharge STT: AS-20 mm, AD-15 mm Fluorescein stain: Neg - no uptake 6-Aug-2018 Tech Exam Medical Assistant: 8:52 AM Bathed with Malaseb shampoo Cleaned AU 5-Aug-2018 Tech Exam Medical Assistant: 4:29 PM Unable to give bath today - will reschedule for tomorrow 8/6 4-Aug-2018 DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: adult, ~ 7 yrs Microchip noted on Intake? scan positive Microchip Number (If Applicable): # History: owner surrender Subjective: QARH Observed Behavior - timid, shy, allowed PE Evidence of Cruelty seen - no Evidence of Trauma seen - no Objective P/RR wnl BCS 5/9 EENT: OU mild mucoid ocular d/c; AU alopecia, mod. yellow crusting d/c; no nasal discharge Oral Exam: nsf PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: nsf; NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic ABD: soft, non-painful, no masses palpated U/G: spayed, green tattoo on abdomen MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted; severe generalized alopecia, thickened skin, mild crusting dermatitis to head, trunk and extremities, mildly pruritic (appears to be a chronic skin condition) CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: alopecia, nosf externally Skin scrape: negative Assessment: severe generalized dermatitis r/o inflammatory (allergies) condition with bact. infection vs metabolic disorder vs other Prognosis: open Plan: Diphenhydramine 75 mg PO BID x 7 days Simplicef 200 mg PO SID x 21 days SURGERY: spayed * TO FOSTER OR ADOPT * BOWSER IS RESCUE ONLY! You must PRIVATE MESSAGE our page or email us at [email protected] for assistance with fostering or adopting him. He cannot be reserved on the ACC ARL online list, nor can he be direct adopted at the shelter. If you would like to adopt a dog on our “To Be Killed” list, and you CAN get to the shelter in person to complete the adoption process *within 48 hours of reserve*, you can reserve the dog online until noon on the day they are scheduled to die. We have provided the Brooklyn, Staten Island and Manhattan information below. Adoption hours at these facilities is Noon – 8:00 p.m. (6:30 on weekends) HOW TO RESERVE A “TO BE KILLED” DOG ONLINE (only for those who can get to the shelter IN PERSON to complete the adoption process, and only for the dogs on the list NOT marked New Hope Rescue Only). Follow our Step by Step directions below! *PLEASE NOTE – YOU MUST USE A PC OR TABLET – PHONE RESERVES WILL NOT WORK! ** STEP 1: CLICK ON THIS RESERVE LINK: https://newhope.shelterbuddy.com/Animal/List Step 2: Go to the red menu button on the top right corner, click register and fill in your info. Step 3: Go to your email and verify account Step 4: Go back to the website, click the menu button and view available dogs Step 5: Scroll to the animal you are interested and click reserve STEP 6 ( MOST IMPORTANT STEP ): GO TO THE MENU AGAIN AND VIEW YOUR CART. THE ANIMAL SHOULD NOW BE IN YOUR CART! Step 7: Fill in your credit card info and complete transaction Animal Care Centers of NYC (ACC) nycacc.org HOW TO FOSTER OR ADOPT IF YOU *CANNOT* GET TO THE SHELTER IN PERSON, OR IF THE DOG IS NEW HOPE RESCUE ONLY! You must live within 3 – 4 hours of NY, NJ, PA, CT, RI, DE, MD, MA, NH, VT, ME or Norther VA. Please PM our page for assistance. You will need to fill out applications with a New Hope Rescue Partner to foster or adopt a dog on the To Be Killed list, including those labelled Rescue Only. Hurry please, time is short, and the Rescues need time to process the applications.
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The Surge From Drone Criminal Activity And Also Exactly How Police Officers Could Stop This.
James Cordier is the founder of, an investment company specializing exclusively in marketing alternatives. They assist channel the nation's wealth right into successful activities that produce tasks and make financial development possible, combining investors as well as companies as well as aiding Americans save for retirement life or even a child's education and learning. So a lot of it, even when there were actually to throw down the gauntlet today, our team would not sort of hannahsport-diet.info possess it off the ground up until occasionally in the next year. After his demise business was actually referred to as the biggest drape business in the North Isle", and he as a very most enterprising, progressive and well-known homesteader." By now he was actually important and wealthy - being one of the original shareholders and also among the leaders from the Wellington as well as Manawatu Railway Business as well as a member from the New Zealand Board from Supervisors from the National Mutual Life Organization from Australasia. The bottom line is actually maintaining profile costs sensible additionally includes selecting affordable expenditure automobiles including dividend-paying ordinaries shares, affordable shared and also exchange-traded funds; plus cash instruments to hold completely dry grain from additions, capital gains, and returns. Nevertheless, even with not accounting for any type of capital increases or even returns, these example collection possesses five premium positions for an annualized cost from around $2.30 per $1,000 committed, or even 0.23%. China March 2017 electricity vehicle sales were actually 32,000, up 89% on March 2016. Since then, 10s of thousands of individuals which share Occupy Wall Street's concerns have taken to the streets throughout the United States and around the globe, switching the nationwide discussion far from the government deficit and towards economic troubles of an even more individual attribute, like trainee financial debt. Principles additionally appear encouraging, says Jay Hatfield from Commercial Infrastructure Capital Advisors: economical growth is boosting energy requirement; a weaker buck helps make dollar-denominated oil extra cost effective; and the rate void between Brent crude and WTI has widened, which urges UNITED STATE oil exports. As our group acquired that morning in a slender, broken-glass-and-gravel-strewn parking area along with a handful of lots road people loitering in lumps around us expecting one more charity distribution from meals or even alcoholic beverages, our team hoped and also read through Psalm 55 all together - among the most grievous phrases from each fear as well as religion in the Bible.
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In regards to comparison, the evaluations are kind of - have an excellent size array and part of that is actually as you probably understand properly, the income tax advantage financial investments which look at the GAAP line possess differing results on scopes for different business, to some extent based upon just how much they are carrying out the tax benefit expenditures and also mostly due to our few various ways to account for all of them. " The potential for AR is huge," he claimed at the Stock market Diary's seminar today, including that while AR on phones is a really good beginning, the utmost objective would be actually to possess increased truth on glasses. Self-reliant capitalists that are loyal to Exchange players such as BlackRock (BLK) or State Street (STT) are leaving money on the table through higher charges and also extra market threats. As we predicted throughout the year, our same-store NOI development moderated in the third one-fourth, along with cash BRAIN up 0.8% and also GAAP NOI up 2.4%. The moderation in same-store end results was actually driven by reduced occupation as a result of the expected 90,000 straight feets of move-outs.
0 notes
j2madhatters · 8 years
i agree with the other anon jared didn't say "jen and i" he said "jen..." and stopped himself to reformulate his thought and go on, you can see his lips stop moving after saying "jen", there's no "and i" after that and it's not about being the "most controversial thing ever" it's about being unbiased and accepting reality as it is, if we don't, then we're no better than cockles shippers who twist reality to fit their fantasies, i don't know about you but i really don't want to be like them 1/5
What's weird is how jared not actually calling jensen "jen" seems to threaten you so much you can't accept that you may be wrong and automatically try to imply passive agressively that the anon was a trolling het when they were just trying to be objective and not act like j2 live in a fanfic. honnestly if you have real inarguable instances of jared calling jensen "jen" i'll be more than happy to see them 2/5
(the interview with aisha doesn't count btw since the "gen" jared mentionned was genevieve in that context) because i've seen instances of jensen clearly calling jared jay and of jensen's friends also calling jensen jay and we've seen friends, co workers and j2 calling them(selves) jay and jay or j+j but i don't remember jared ever calling jensen jen. 3/5
And no im not a het, im not a troll, im not saying j2 aren’t together because jared doesn’t call jensen jen, i’m just a hat who cares about being unbiased and who doesn’t think jared would ever be happy to nickname his real SO like he and everyone else call his beard and who doesn't think jensen would enjoy being called like her4/5
it seems tinhats are so obsessed with jared calling jensen jen because it would make it more obvious that when he says how much he loves gen he actually means Jen but then what ? you think that when jensen says how much he loves danneel he isn’t thinking about jared because their names aren’t similar ?? 5/5
Actually no. I’m not “obsessed” with Jared calling Jensen “Jen”. I thought that’s what he said, I STILL think that’s what he said, and I thought it was a cute moment. Period. 
Now I’m going to tell you something. I finally understand why tin hats shut down their blogs or just flat-out leave the fandom (like the person who wrote STT for example): no matter what you say, someone will tell you how wrong you are and how much you suck. It’s not the constant hate and wank from hets and cockles people trying to stir up trouble that gets to you. No, those things are at least understandable. It’s the other hatters who eventually break you. If you say anything, you’ll get an ask with 50 reasons why you’re dead wrong. And if you post that ask and say “Oops sorry”, you’ll then get another ask about why the first anon was completely wrong. If you say you think the guys like their wives, you’ll get piled on by people who are sure they can’t stand Danneel and Gen. Oh and if someone asks a question and you say you don’t know the answer, you’ll get a snide remark like “Why are you an admin on a hat blog if you don’t even know that! Everyone knows what happened back in 2010 blah blah blah...” After awhile it wears your soul down and stops being any fun whatsoever. 
So if I was being defensive in my other answer, it’s because I’m really tired of all of it. I think of myself as a strong person but right now I’m not up for dealing with being called worse than cockles shippers or being self-righteously preached at about how I don’t know reality from fan fiction. This blog used to be my happy place and I really loved it. Ever since November, I’ve done nothing but run around trying to help my dad while still trying to keep my family at home happy. I didn’t have as much time but I still very much enjoyed talking to people on here whenever I could because I need a connection to other adults. But I’m sitting here crying and angry now and really I just can’t do it. I can’t spend what little free time I have dealing with this at the moment. 
I’m stepping back for now. I’ll still post gifs and I’ll finish any requests that are in the inbox right now. Maybe eventually when the world and my life are less of a chaotic mess, I’ll be strong enough to come back but right now I’m just not. Sorry. --Admin N
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gracklekeyer2000 · 1 year
Ignore the terrible hair, here's a ref for Jay!
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Again, shoutout to fatphotoref for making this possible!
If you like this, please consider reblogging it so more people can enjoy it!
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Um so. I read your fanfic, entered hyperfixation mode, and then this was in front of me.
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I hope you like it <3
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sigappurojakal · 4 years
மாவட்ட வாரியாக இலவசமாக ஹோமியோபதி covid19 நோயெதிர்ப்பு ஆற்றல் மருந்து வழங்கும் மருத்துவர்கள் பட்டியல்
மாவட்ட வாரியாக இலவசமாக ஹோமியோபதி covid19 நோயெதிர்ப்பு ஆற்றல் மருந்து வழங்கும் மருத்துவர்கள் பட்டியல்
(தமிழ்நாடு முழுவதும்,)
( சேவை மனப்பான்மையுடன் செய்கிறோம்/ வசதி வாய்ப்புகள் உள்ள பெரிய மனிதர்கள் இம் மருத்துவ சேவைகளை அனைத்து மக்களுக்கும்  எடுத்துச் செல்ல உதவலாம் வரவேற்கிறோம்)
LIST OF Places and doctors in TAMILNADU – Giving  immune boosting homeopathy medicines FOR COVID-19 (Free of cost/ As social services)
1. Dr. S. Shenbaga, Saidapet, chennai, ph: 9841140920
2. Dr. Mathi, Allcure homoeopathy clinic, Velachery, Chennai 9500468800
3. Dr.Priyanka BHMS, Prithvi homeo clinic, Thandhai Periyar Nagar, Taramani, Chennai 600113. Ph: 9894513099
4. Dr. Malini T Sri Eswaran Homoeo Clinic Madipakkam, Chennai-91 Ph no: 9094999919 9941370595
5. Dr. Nirmal, Niveena Homeo Clinic, No 304B, Konnur High Road, Inside 24 hr hospital, Near Noor Hotel, Ayanavaram, Chennai, 9842788997
6. Dr.Ilaiyarani, Arul Homoeo Clinic, Urapakkam 9443787375
7. Dr. S. Gowri, BHMS, SM Homoeo clinic, Sai gardens, dhandeeshwaram 10th cross street, velachery, Chennai. 8056080745
8. Dr. tamaraicelvan Vanilla Homeopathic Medical Land Coimbatore. 9443060609
9. Dr.parthiban Coimbatore 9442070643
10.Dr.P.Hemalatha,B.H.M.S, Deepam Homoeopathy clinic, karumathampatti, coimbatore. 9865420605
11. Dr. Bibin T Varghese, s.v.Homoeopathy Clinic, 1, Sathy main road, Near water tank, Ramakrishnapuram, Ganapathy, Coimbatore. Pin 641006. Tamilnadu. Phone: 9894696306
12. Dr.P.Kalyana sundaram Dr.P.K.Siva sankar S.R.K. Homoeo clinic Sheela devi complex Rajendra main road Karimedu ccb school opp Contact:9487602782 9952136616
13. Dr Ramanan homoeopath. Aswini homoeo clinic kavundampalayam Coimbatore 9843064149
14. Dr.P.Kathiravan, NPC clinic, Madurai main road, near KVB Bank, Nilakottai, Dindugal CELL 9994212101
15. Drsanthoshkumar Homeopathy consultant 2 / 133b, bazaar street Post by Rishivandiyam Kallakurichi district 606205 Cell: -9843132680
16.*Government homeopathy medical college hospital Tirumangalam- 625706 Madurai
17. Dr.U.S.U. kalpana, Sarada homeopathy clinic, Tirumangalam, Madurai, 9842845846
18.  Veltai Homeo Clinic, 8/19 Kakkan Street, Senai Nagar Madurai - 20. 9080718567
19.Dr.Sivakumaran, Genuine homoeopathy clinical Research center, Madurai -625006, 9842477482
20. Dharshini homoeo clinic ..2 / 764 mahatma veethi ..marudhupandiar street .gomathi puram 6 th main road, MADURAI. 9487417732
21. Taj homeopathic clinic Munichalai Madurai 9842028727
22. Dr.Bharathi@sana B.H.M.S Cure Homeopathy Clinicic 155B, Vakkil new street Opp Harish Bakery Simakkal Madurai-1 Ph no: 7010634425
23. Sivabalan gayathri homoeo clinic 15, Kannaya complex, Bose street, sellur, madurai-2 8754734982
24. Dr.B.Aarthi Sugan, JAS homoeo clinic, H-97, tnhbcolony,tamilnagar anaiyur, madurai-17. 6380386329
25. Nalvazhi homeopathy clinic 380,Bharathiyar road jaihindpuram Madurai-11 Ph: 7010634425
26. Dr R. Sindhu B.H.M.S Sri meenakshi homoeo clinic 5 /2, Moulana saheeb Street, annanagar madurai - 20, phone no :9488463342
27. Dr.Karthika Suresh Karthika Homoeopathy clinic Pandian Tower Manthai Amman kovil Street Near SBI Bank Narayanapuram Madurai - 625014 Mobile : 9894376286
28. Mahathma Homoeo Research Center, Dr. Dhananalam, 62/21 Soniyar Kovil Street, Narimedu, Madurai, Ph:0452252600
29. Dr. Rajarettinam. B.H.M.S., Homeopathy doctor. 5, Poorna Towers, State Bank opposite, Neela South Street, Nagapattinam. 7200976779
31. Dr. Dinesh Sivaram Homoeo Clinic 178 Lakshmipuram, PALANI. 9786126755
32. Dr.Vimaladevi, BHMS., Annai homoeo clinic, Neikkarapatti, palani_624615. mobile_9952349245, 9894848479
33. Dr. Prabunayagam bhms Vinayaga homeo clinic Pollachi. 9865785810
34. M.Thiyagaraj Thiyagu clinic Steel plant Salem 9790209939
35. Dr.subbulakshmi Sankaran kovil 9597412105
36. Dr. Sureka Eswari BHMS, Sri Yogiram Homoeo clinic, 967, Sri Yogiram Bhavan, National colony, ( opp. to Gupta printers back gate), Sivakasi -626189. Ph no : 8148215857
37. Dr.Revathy, shop no-208, Near SBI ATM, Jubilee towers, Ramanathan roundana, Trichy road, Thanjavur-7. 9442413543
38. Dr.K.M.Anu, Jai Homoeo clinic. Shop no -7, Arokya Nagar, E. B. Colony, Nanjikottai road,. (near Indian Bank) Thanjavur-613006. Mob_9791758164
39. Dr r Ramesh, Lakshmi hospital 35/15 cumbum road moondranthal periyakulam theni dt 9790661895
40. Dr.A.Abdul pazith BHMS,M.A.N.Homoeo clinic,47 sungam Street near big masjid, cumbum.Theni dt, 9894476001
41. Dr Sathiswaran, Sree vinayaka homoeopathic clinic, Near hotel theni international Theni 9944242451
42. Dr.karthiyaini Trichy 9944946621
43. Dr.karthick babu .b Sri Homoeo clinic, 12 krr lay out1 stt, mangalam road tirupur -641604 9843449966
44. Dr Dhana Lakshmi, Hemanth Homeo-Dental Clinic, No.1, Airport Road, Tagore Nagar, Lawspet, Pondicherry 605008 Mobile 9842680841
45. Dr. Arul Ulundurpet 7204600465
                                                                   Government hospitals
46. Homoeopathy wing , All government head quarters hospitals
மக்கள் பணியில்
தூய ஹோமியோபதி மருத்துவ ஆராய்ச்சி நிலையம் மதுரை 625006
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daotaolienthong · 5 years
Bảng chữ cái Tiếng Anh, phiên âm chữ cái tiếng Anh chuẩn & đầy đủ nhất
Bảng chữ cái tiếng Anh là nền tảng cơ bản đầu tiên và quan trọng nhất cho quá trình học Tiếng Anh sau này. Việc nắm không chắc bảng chữ cái, cách đọc bảng chữ cái tiếng Anh, phát âm, phiên âm và hiểu biết về âm sắc lại là một điều khá phổ biến, đặc biệt là đối với những người mới bắt đầu học Tiếng Anh. Bài viết này dean2020.edu.vn sẽ sẽ giới thiệu đến bạn bảng chữ cái tiếng Anh và phiên âm chuẩn nhất nhé.
[caption id="attachment_4954" align="aligncenter" width="594"] Bảng chữ cái Tiếng Anh chuẩn & đầy đủ nhất[/caption]
Tổng quan về bảng chữ cái Tiếng Anh
Bảng chữ cái tiếng Anh là một bảng chữ cái Latinh gồm 26 kí tự được sắp xếp theo 1 thứ tự cụ thể như bảng bên dưới. Ngoài cách viết thông thường bảng chưc cái tiếng Anh cũng có bảng chữ cái thường và bảng chữ cái được viết hoa
Bảng chữ cái tiếng anh viết hoa
Bảng chữ cái tiếng anh viết thường
Chữ cái thường xuất hiện nhiều nhất trong tiếng Anh là chữ E được sử dụng trong nhiều kí tự khác nhau và chữ cái ít dùng nhất là chữ Z. Danh sách dưới đây cho thấy tần suất tương đối của các chữ cái trong một văn bản tiếng Anh nhìn chung dưới sự nghiên cứu và phân tích của tác giả Robert Edward Lewand dẫn ra:
A 8,17% N 6,75% B 1,49% O 7,51% C 2,78% P 1,93% D 4,25% Q 0,10% E 12,70% R 5,99% F 2,23% S 6,33% G 2,02% T 9,06% H 6,09% U 2,76% I 6,97% V 0,98% J 0,15% W 2,36% K 0,77% X 0,15% L 4,03% Y 1,97% M 2,41% Z 0,07%
Phân loại bảng chữ cái tiếng anh
Trong bảng chữ cái tiếng Anh có:
5 nguyên âm: a, e, o, i, u
21 phụ âm: b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y, z.
Các nguyên âm và phụ âm đơn có cách đọc khá đơn giản, tuy nhiên khi chúng được ghép với nhau lại có thể tạo nên những cách phát âm khác nhau lên tới 44 cách phát âm khi ghép từ cơ bản.
Với từng trường hợp ghép âm cụ thể bạn lại có thể phát âm khác 1 chút, nên bạn tuyệt đối không được sử dụng cách phát âm đơn này để làm tiêu chuẩn cho cách phát âm các từ khác nhau. Để đọc chính xác được từ, chữ cụ thể bạn phải sử dụng từ điển tin cậy để tra cứu cách đọc và sử dụng phiên âm quốc tế của chúng để đọc chuẩn.
[caption id="attachment_4955" align="aligncenter" width="527"] Bảng chữ cái Tiếng Anh cho bé học chuẩn & đầy đủ nhất[/caption]
Video học cách phát âm Tiếng Anh
[dzs_video source="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Og3XK_yU1EY" config="skinauroradefault" autoplay="off" cue="off" loop="off" type="normal" responsive_ratio="default"]
Cách đọc phiên âm chữ cái tiếng Anh 1
Phiên âm tiếng Anh là những kí tự Latin được ghép vào với nhau để tạo thành từ. Cách đọc phiên âm tiếng Anh khá giống với âm tiếng Việt, ngoại trừ, một vài âm không có trong bảng phiên âm tiếng Việt.
IPA là viết tắt của International Phonetic Alphabet – bảng kí hiệu ngữ âm quốc tế.
[caption id="attachment_4953" align="aligncenter" width="595"] Bảng phiên âm tiếng Anh[/caption]
Phiên âm của nguyên âm và phụ âm được chia ra làm 2 bảng sau.
Nguyên Âm
Bộ Âm Mô Tả Môi Lưỡi Độ Dài Hơi / ɪ / Âm i ngắn, giống âm “i” của tiếng Việt nhưng phát âm rất ngắn ( = 1/2 âm i). Môi hơi mở rộng sang 2 bên. Lưỡi hạ thấp. Ngắn /i:/ Âm i dài, kéo dài âm “i”, âm phát trong khoang miệng chứ không thổi hơi ra. Môi mở rộng sang 2 bên như đang mỉm cười. Lưỡi nâng cao lên. Dài / ʊ / Âm “u” ngắn, na ná âm “ư” của tiếng Việt, không dùng môi để phát âm này mà đẩy hơi rất ngắn từ cổ họng. Hơi tròn môi. Lưỡi hạ thấp. Ngắn /u:/ Âm “u” dài, kéo dài âm “u”, âm phát trong khoang miệng chứ không thổi hơi ra. Khẩu hình môi tròn. Lưỡi nâng lên cao. Dài / e / Giống âm “e” của tiếng Việt nhưng phát âm rất ngắn. Mở rộng hơn so với khi phát âm âm / ɪ /. Lưỡi hạ thấp hơn so với âm / ɪ /. Dài / ə / Giống âm “ơ” của tiếng Việt nhưng phát âm rất ngắn và nhẹ. Môi hơi mở rộng. Lưỡi thả lỏng. Ngắn /ɜ:/ Âm “ơ” cong lưỡi, phát âm âm /ɘ/ rồi cong lưỡi lên, âm phát trong khoang miệng. Môi hơi mở rộng. Cong lên, chạm vào vòm miệng trên khi kết thúc âm. Dài / ɒ / Âm “o” ngắn, giống âm o của tiếng Việt nhưng phát âm rất ngắn. Hơi tròn môi. Lưỡi hạ thấp. Ngắn /ɔ:/ Âm “o” cong lưỡi, phát âm âm o như tiếng Việt rồi cong lưỡi lên, âm phát trong khoang miệng. Tròn môi. Cong lên, chạm vào vòm miệng trên khi kết thúc âm. Dài /æ/ Âm a bẹt, hơi lai giữa âm “a” và “e”, cảm giác âm bị đè xuống. Miệng mở rộng, môi dưới hạ thấp xuống. Lưỡi được hạ rất thấp. Dài / ʌ / Na ná âm “ă” của tiếng việt, hơi lai giữa âm “ă” và âm “ơ”, phải bật hơi ra. Miệng thu hẹp. Lưỡi hơi nâng lên cao. Ngắn /ɑ:/ Âm “a” kéo dài, âm phát ra trong khoang miệng. Miệng mở rộng. Lưỡi hạ thấp. Dài /ɪə/ Đọc âm / ɪ / rồi chuyển dần sang âm / ə /. Môi từ dẹt thành hình tròn dần. Lưỡi thụt dần về phía sau. Dài /ʊə/ Đọc âm / ʊ / rồi chuyển dần sang âm /ə/. Môi mở rộng dần, nhưng không mở rộng. Lưỡi đẩy dần ra phía trước. Dài /eə/ Đọc âm / e / rồi chuyển dần sang âm / ə /. Hơi thu hẹp môi. Lưỡi thụt dần về phía sau. Dài /eɪ/ Đọc âm / e / rồi chuyển dần sang âm / ɪ /. Môi dẹt dần sang 2 bên. Lưỡi hướng dần lên trên. Dài /ɔɪ/ Đọc âm / ɔ: / rồi chuyển dần sang âm /ɪ/. Môi dẹt dần sang 2 bên. Lưỡi nâng lên & đẩy dần ra phía trước. Dài /aɪ/ Đọc âm / ɑ: / rồi chuyển dần sang âm /ɪ/. Môi dẹt dần sang 2 bên. Lưỡi nâng lên và hơi đẩy ra phía trước. Dài /əʊ/ Đọc âm / ə/ rồi chuyển dần sang âm / ʊ /. Môi từ hơi mở đến hơi tròn. Lưỡi lùi dần về phía sau. Dài /aʊ/ Đọc âm / ɑ: / rồi chuyển dần sang âm /ʊ/. Môi tròn dần. Lưỡi hơi thụt dần về phía sau. Dài
Lưu ý:
Khi phát âm các nguyên âm này, dây thanh quản rung.
Từ âm /ɪə / – /aʊ/: Phải phát âm đủ cả 2 thành tố của âm, chuyển âm từ trái sang phải, âm đứng trước phát âm dài hơn âm đứng sau một chút.
Các nguyên âm không cần sử dụng răng nhiều => không cần chú ý đến vị trí đặt răng.
Tổng hợp
Đối với môi:
Chu môi: /∫/, /ʒ/, /dʒ/, /t∫/
Môi mở vừa phải (âm khó): / ɪ /, / ʊ /, / æ /
Môi tròn thay đổi: /u:/, / əʊ /
Lưỡi răng: /f/, /v/
Đối với lưỡi:
Cong đầu lưỡi chạm nướu:  / t /, / d /, / t∫ /, / dʒ /, / η /, / l /
Cong đầu lưỡi chạm ngạc cứng: / ɜ: /, / r /.
Nâng cuống lưỡi: / ɔ: /, / ɑ: /, / u: /, / ʊ /, / k /, / g /, / η /
Răng lưỡi: /ð/, /θ/.
Đối với dây thanh:
Rung (hữu thanh): các phụ âm, /b/, /d/, /g/, /v/, /z/, /m/, /n/, /w/, /j/, /dʒ/, /ð/, /ʒ/
Không rung (vô thanh): /p/, /t/, /k/, /f/, /s/, /h/, /∫/, /θ/, /t∫/
Cách phát âm bảng chữ cái tiếng Anh 2
Cách phát âm bảng chữ cái trong tiếng Anh được cố định cho từng từ. Tuy nhiên, với mỗi kí tự khác nhau khi được ghép cùng nhau lại có thể có cách phát âm khác nhau. Hãy cùng Anh ngữ Ms Hoa xem 2 bảng phát âm sau:
Bảng chữ cái tiếng anh và phiên âm quốc tế
Chữ thường
Chữ hoa
Tên chữ
Phát âm
Ef (Eff nếu là động từ)
El hoặc Ell
Ess (es-)
Wy hoặc Wye
Bảng chữ cái tiếng anh và cách phát âm theo phiên âm tiếng Việt ( Gần giống)
Nếu đọc bảng chữ cái được phiên âm theo chuẩn quốc tế có thể khiến bạn gặp nhiều vấn đề thì việc tham khảo phiên âm tiếng Việt này sẽ hỗ trợ bạn rất nhiều trong việc cải thiện và làm quen với cách đọc bảng chữ cái.Lưu ý: Cách đọc bảng chữ cái theo phiên âm tiếng Việt này chỉ mang tính chất gợi ý và giống tới 80% cách bạn phát âm thực tế. Bạn chỉ nên sử dụng bảng dưới đây để làm gợi ý giúp bạn dễ nhớ và dễ phát âm hơn, không phải là quy chuẩn phát âm trong tiếng Anh nha.
Chữ cái tiếng Anh
Cách đọc theo tiếng Việt
Chữ cái tiếng Anh
Cách đọc theo tiếng Việt
Đắp liu
Esk s
Lời kết
Trên đây là những tổng hợp của dean2020.edu.vn về bảng chữ cái tiếng anh cùng với cách đọc phiên âm của bảng chữ cái, giúp chúng ta có thể dễ dạng học và luyện tập hơn. Đọc đúng phiên âm tiếng Anh chuẩn góp phần giúp bạn phát âm tốt và viết chính tả chính xác hơn. Thậm chí kể cả đối với những từ chưa biết, một khi bạn nắm chắc kỹ năng này thì lúc nghe được người bản xứ phát âm, bạn cũng có thể viết khá chính xác từ ấy.
Coi thêm tại : Bảng chữ cái Tiếng Anh, phiên âm chữ cái tiếng Anh chuẩn & đầy đủ nhất
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alfredrserrano · 5 years
State Street’s Hooley named to Liberty Mutual board
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bukimevieningi · 6 years
Prezidentūra naikina savo nusikaltimų įrodymus – ką veikia STT ir prokuratūra?
Prezidentūra naikina savo nusikaltimų įrodymus – ką veikia STT ir prokuratūra?
Dalia Grybauskaitė nuo apkaltos gelbėjasi melu. Prezidentė Dalia Grybauskaitė pareiškė negalinti patvirtinti laiškų, esą rašytų tuometiniam Liberalų sąjūdžio lyderiui Eligijui Masiuliui, autentiškumo.
Tai matyt reiškia, kad Dalia Grybauskaitė rengiasi blogiausiam ir jau pasitarė su advokatais, kaip jai elgtis per būsimą apklatą
Pastarieji matyt patarė viską neigti, vilkinti apkaltos procesą iki…
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