eienias20 · 2 years
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What else was I to draw but my main gal once again! It's Jaynix Copeland from my Xenoblade Chronicles X Fanfiction: Xenoblade Chronicles Mira!
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4 years of being stranded alone in a remote corner of the planet, Elma finds her and from that point on 2060 to...who knows how long, the pair does their best to restore and rebuild their relationship as well as their own personal psyches.
I really do want to finish that story some day and tell the ending I've already written a long time ago. One day, it'll happen!
Hardest part with this was the lineart. I dislike my lineart half the time and after telling myself to stop trying to fix it so i can color and detail it, the final version looks so much better and I'm happy.
I'm sure most people have a far more detailed idea of what internal mimeosome structures actually look like, so here are some of mine. I planned for Jaynix to be holding her signature weapon Feuervogel in one hand but I decided to take it easy on myself. Unlike Jay whose overuse of the sword's ability to control fire ate away at all the artificial skin along her left forearm.
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xmrnothingx · 4 years
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Jaynix (OC)
got commissioned to draw Jaynix on Twitter by @/Eienias
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tusaraame · 5 years
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9 Days till Pre-orders
Here is a preview for the Gruvia section by the talented artist Jaynix . Be sure to check the zine out once it comes.  
This zine revolves around the main 4 ships the year fairy tail disbanded. More information about the zine can be found here.
@zineapps @zine-scene @zinefeed
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zenworldofpower · 6 years
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Whilst I deal with work, a lot of video games and writing in the midst of it, have some more shots of my kids, I don’t have anymore of Kruse unfortunately so I threw in one of the countless Jaynix shots I have. She counts.
I’ll grab some more Kruse next time I get into Soul Calibur VI
Until then, go kick ass Zen heroes!
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kentucky-the-fried · 7 years
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Twitter dump!! <p>Feat. Kruse, Gen, Flame, Hara, Aevi, Ely, Schwarz, Danny, and a birthday gift for Eien! @eienias20 @noot-scoot @flametorchic @chimehara @aeviann @elysia-cross @anryl @shiro-hunter
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baevi · 7 years
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Another birthday doodle, this time for @eienias20- (sorry I'm a bit late) The colour palette was a bit challenging this time, but enjoy this Jaybird nonetheless!
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kentuckywrites · 7 years
@eienias20 ‘s Jaynix goes to meet up with Pongo at his stand, only to find that he’s not there. With the help of @/love410 ‘s Rosetta, they find out where he is.
The sun hadn’t peeked over the city walls yet, but its light emanated over the darkened sky. Civilians were waking up, BLADEs were getting to work, Ma-non were surrounding the pizza parlor demanding their first meal of the day. It was a familiar sight for Jaynix, who walked past quickly. She already had her destination in mind, and she had sworn to be there early to get the most out of the day. After all, she and Pongo hadn’t seen each other in a long time. It would be good to see him again.
Their meeting spot was at none other than the Free Hug Stand, in the northeastern part of the commercial district. Pongo had opened it up with the intention of brightening everyone’s day - not that he didn’t have a habit of doing so already. It had been a huge success, and still was. She grinned to herself; she was a frequent customer to his stand, even if it was just to talk. If their messages last night reigned true, then he’d be working by the time she got there.
But by the time it came into her view, Jaynix was surprised to see that the stand was empty. She glanced around to see if he was nearby, but no indigo eyed Interceptor entered her view. She shrugged her shoulders, thinking that he might be out to get a caramel macchiato or some other coffee, and leaned against the stand, patiently waiting for her friend to arrive. She checked the time on her comm device. Early. Okay, understandable. He probably ran to get a coffee before meeting her here. He would be back soon.
Fifteen minutes passed. Thirty. Forty five. An hour. Jaynix had passed the point of believing that the cafe was busy, and she decided to shoot him a message, asking where he was. Another hour flew by with no response, and she started to wonder if something was wrong. Maybe he was in trouble? Maybe he forgot? No, it wasn’t like him to forget. Something had to be wrong.
A familiar voice called out to her, and she spun around, thinking too quickly that it was Pongo. However, this voice was feminine, so her hopes were dashed. But it was still nice to see another good friend of hers, Rosetta, waving hello.
“Rosie! Been a while, how’ve you been?” Jaynix asked as she approached.
“I’ve been well.” Rosetta said, “I’ve been looking for missions to take, but everything seems quiet. Too quiet..”
Jaynix nodded. “Yeah, missions have been sparse haven’t they? But that means more time to spend with friends! In fact, I’m waiting to meet up with one now, only…”
“Only what?”
“It’s been two hours since he said he would meet me here. I think he might be in trouble, he’s not one to forget meetings like this.”
Rosetta frowned. “That’s a cause for concern. Have you tried contacting him?”
“I did, a while ago. No response.” Jaynix said with a sigh.
“Well...where would he be?”
“I thought he was going to get a coffee - he loves those things more than life itself - but it doesn’t take two hours to get one from the cafe, even on busy days. He did say he had a mission last night when we were making plans, a simple gathering assignment in Cauldros…”
“Maybe the mission is running long?” Rosetta suggested, “Gathering missions can take a very long time depending on the material he’s looking for.”
Jaynix shook her head. “He would’ve told me if it was running longer than expected. I just...I don’t have a good feeling about this, Rosie.”
“Then let’s go find him,” Rosetta told her, “I’ll help you.”
“Aww, Rosie, you don’t have to -”
“He’s a friend of yours, and he sounds important to you. Besides, it’s our job as Interceptors to help people out on the field.”
“Thank you…” Jaynix said, head bowed. “Alright then, we can take my rover, though I don’t know where exactly he would be in Cauldros.”
As they walked away from the stand, Rosetta asked, “Did he tell you what he was collecting?”
“Charged Cayennes.” She responded quickly.
With a nod she pulled out her comm device and searched up the vegetable on Frontiernav. “They’re more commonly found in caves. We can start there.”
“Awesome. Let’s get to it then!” Jaynix said, leading the way to her rover, parked near the transport pilot’s station on the other side of the commercial district. She put on a smile of fierce determination, but deep down she was pushing back that little voice in her head.
You’re his teammate. JZAP, remember? You’re supposed to be there for him. This is your fault.
Shaking her head, she continued on her way. Hopefully it wouldn’t be too late to find him - for all she knew, he got launched into a wall so hard he got stuck. Wouldn’t be the first time that happened.
In the sweltering heat, their armor didn’t do much to keep them cool. But underground in the caves they trekked through, the air was refreshing and crisp. They had searched through a good number of caverns and underground areas in the continent, and yet, no sign of Pongo. Jaynix grew more anxious by the second, but she knew better than to give up. At least she wasn’t in this alone. Rosetta kept a sharp eye out for anything and everything. Focused on the task at hand, her electric blue eyes were open, alert, showing no signs of visible emotion. Many would call it a cold stare, but Jaynix liked to think they were full of warmth. They were very beautiful eyes for a very beautiful woman, indeed.
Standing next to a wide pool of lava, Jaynix looked ahead at their next point of interest. It looked like a normal cave entrance at first glance, but inside was one of the most dangerous and prominent Ganglion bases. She’d had her fair share of experiences in there, none of them good. But it was still a cave, and Pongo was still out there, so she had to look.
“Ready?” She asked Rosetta, who stood to her left staring down at the lava.
Looking up, Rosetta frowned. “Wait, Jay, are you planning on running across this? It’s deep; you could get hurt.”
“Don’t worry! We’ll be fine, we just have to be quick!” She chirped a response, boldly taking the first step towards the lava. As soon as her foot made contact with the flaming hot substance, she sprinted as fast as she could towards the entrance of the base. The heat made her sweat buckets, but her armor was absorbing most of it. When she reached dry land, she took a few deep breaths, checking her body for any signs of open wounds. There were none, not even a scratch on her armor. She smiled as Rosetta came up from the lava, breathing a little heavier than Jaynix. Her armor was thinner; the run took more of a toll on her body. She stood straight within a few seconds.
“That was reckless. We both could’ve gotten severely injured by doing that.”
“Well, we’re both here in one piece, aren’t we?” Jaynix chuckled, though it quickly faded as she realized how serious Rosetta was being. “Mims can handle a lot of the things Mira can throw at us. I’ve run through lava a ton of times, you just need to be quick.”
“Next time, bring terrain damage reducer arguments,” Rosetta sighed, walking ahead. “Those work miracles. Better safe than sorry.”
“I get it,” Jaynix said as she tagged along after Rosetta.
They reached the entrance to the Antropolis, a narrow corridor that was too small for Skells to pass through - not that Jaynix ever thought about bringing Skells here. The idea made her shiver with fear, but she pushed it aside as they made it inside. A Definian and a Prone stood watch near the open area, though with Rosetta’s guidance they were able to slip past them both. Against a wall, they looked around.
Jaynix shook her head. “Don’t see him. But this place is massive, so he very well might be. We just have to -”
Jaynix had stepped forward and onto something that squished beneath her feet. Raising an eyebrow she looked down, but quickly averted her gaze as the spiciness radiated off of the object. She could feel tears in the corners of her eyes, and with a sniffle, she laughed. “Charged Cayenne.”
“He was here, then.” Rosetta concluded, turning to face her right, where an entrance to a smaller area beckoned to them.
“Fucking Ganglion…” Jaynix growled under her breath. Of course Pongo didn’t respond to her messages, he was in this god-forsaken place! Captured or hiding or dead, nothing added up to a positive turnout. And nothing except the need to stay focused kept her from blasting the nearest Prone to bits with her gatling gun.
After a few minutes of sneaking around and no sign of him, Jaynix shook her head. “I’m worried, Rosie. If he’s not here, what if he’s -”
“We won’t know until we find him. For now, stay on task.” Rosetta told her calmly. “The sooner we find him, the better.”
Jaynix nodded, following Rosetta into another open cavern. The place was close to empty, with a few crates and boxes lined up against some of the circular walls. Upon hearing voices, they both bent down behind some of the convenient cover and listened.
“I still think we should kill him now.”
“That’s no fun! He will provide more if we use him as a bargaining chip. The humans will do anything for us if we offer the right conditions.”
“How do we know the humans are looking for him? He is blind. Useless.”
“They will come. Trust me. Stay on guard.”
“Pongo. They have him.” Jaynix whispered.
“Wait...he’s blind?” Rosetta tilted her head.
“Well, no, but he’s got very special eyes. It looks like he is, but he isn’t.”
Rosetta nodded in understanding. Her dual swords were out in the blink of an eye, but she didn’t move from her position. “Can you take them both? I will have to stay guard. No doubt reinforcements will come once they hear the noise.”
“Oh, am I ready to wreck shop.”
Whipping out her gatling gun, Jaynix stood up. The two Prone standing guard saw her immediately, but it was too late for them. In a matter of seconds her bullets tore through their body like paper in a shredder, and once their bodies hit the floor, she got a good look at her surroundings. Next to one of the corpses sat Pongo, wide eyed at the scene before him. His hands were tied behind his back, his feet tied at the ankles, and though he was attempting communication, tape covered the bottom half of his mouth.
Jaynix jumped over the boxes and ran to him, putting her gatling gun to the side as she worked to undo his restraints. “Damn it, Pongo, you had me worried sick! Did they hurt you at all?”
“MmmmPHmmmm!” Pongo shook his head. “Gnnyphks mmmph mmm nmmmph aidmmph hmmm -”
Off came the tape with a flick of Jaynix’s hand. Pongo’s eyes became as wide as the largest Miran moon. “Ow.”
“Sorry, figured you’d like to tell me what happened rather than have your mouth taped shut for the rest of your life,” Jaynix giggled, undoing the restraints around his ankles.
“Oh goodness, that would be awful! How would I ever be able to compliment people or ask Jo for the usual caramel macchiato or sing songs to people who come to the stand - THE STAND.”
“It’s fine, Pongo, nothing happened to it.” Jaynix couldn’t help but chuckle. Man, was she happy that Pongo was okay - and in his usual state of childish excitement.
Pongo sighed with relief as Jaynix undid the binds on his wrists. He shook them out, and they stood up together. Jaynix towered over him, and he had to crane his neck upward to meet her gaze. “Good to hear. Now as payment for rescuing me from this dark and terrible place I will prote -”
His gaze had wandered towards Rosetta without Jaynix realizing it - how could she?! He didn’t have pupils!! - and his lips parted ever so slightly. Her back was towards them, but that was probably for the best, because as with most new people, Pongo was starting to blush.
“J-Jaynix?...Who…” He stammered.
“Oh, that’s my friend, Rosetta!” Jaynix told him, “She’s with the Interceptors just like us! And she offered to help me find you!” With a playful nudge she added, “Isn’t she drop dead gorgeous?”
Pongo’s blush only continued to grow stronger. “Y-Yeah? D-definitely!! Just, ah...I d-did not...I…”
“C’mon, I’ll introduce ya!” She offered, beckoning him to follow her. Pongo gulped loudly and followed, his hands clenched up tightly at his sides. Jaynix knew he had trouble with new people, especially pretty people - well, who didn’t he think was pretty - but it was in his best interest to get some confidence.
As they approached, Rosetta turned her head. “Good to go?”
“Yep! Pongo, this is Rosetta. Rosetta, Pongo.” Jaynix made the appropriate hand gestures towards them both as she introduced them to each other.
“H-hi!...Pongo, yes, me! And you! Rosetta! Beautiful name, outstanding name, I should shut up before I say something stupid.” Pongo rubbed the back of his head. Jaynix had expected this, but at least this encounter was going better than what usually happened!
Rosetta began to blush herself upon hearing the tiny compliment, but with a swish of her hair she gave him a curt nod. “A pleasure to meet you.” Now addressing them both, she told them, “The coast seems clear. We’ll have to be quick, though, I don’t know if reinforcements are on their way or not.”
“Got it. Let’s get the fuck outta here,” Jaynix agreed.
Just as they had gotten in, they quietly made their way out - though Pongo was never one for stealth. Once or twice Jaynix had to drag him behind a wall to stop him from running into a pugilith on patrol. He did his best to stay with them, knowing very well that this place was dangerous, and the sooner they got out, the better. Jaynix could see that intense concentration in his eyes and was reminded of Rosetta’s focus. Maybe they had more in common than met the eye.
At the entrance of the cave, the three faced the lava. Pongo stepped out in front of them, glancing around to see if the nearby indigens would pose any threat to them. “Looks like we can run across without any concerns. Will you two be alright?”
Rosetta nodded. Jaynix stood next to Pongo, the lava’s light igniting the fire in her eyes. “We’ll be perfect. C’mon, let’s get outta here!”
She sprinted into the lava with no hesitation. Pongo giggled and was about to follow suite, but with a small turn of the head he noticed that Rosetta was simply standing there, watching Jaynix run. He offered a grin.
“Th-thanks, by the way.”
“Hmm?” She looked confused as he addressed her.
“For helping Jaynix find me. I am a total stranger to you and yet you came out here and…”
Understanding what he meant, she said, “I never turn down an opportunity to help. It’s what we do as Interceptors, right?”
Pongo nodded a few times. “Definitely! Helping people is a lot of fun, and I could never imagine doing anything else! Just, I felt it was right to thank you anyways because that is polite and I am polite - I think? Oh, I hope I am not being rude, tell me if I am being rude and I will -”
“You’re not,” Rosetta interrupted. “I understand. But I’m just doing my job.”
“And you are doing spectacular at it!” He chirped, turning to face the lava. Jaynix was across already and was waving to the two of them next to her rover. “I mean, you got in and out and only had to strike down the two Prone that kidnapped me - at least, I did not hear any other Prone dying while I was in there, you can tell me if I am wrong.”
“You’re right. We only killed the two.”
“That is awesome. I know the Ganglion are our enemy and all, but...well, killing more than we are supposed to kill, that is awful.” Pongo shrugged. “Going after them and slaughtering them after all we have both been through is excessive. I hope that makes sense.”
A warm breeze pushed back Rosetta’s bangs, and she moved them behind her ear as she replied, “It does. I can respect that. Now, let’s not keep Jaynix waiting.”
“Right!” Pongo said before he stepped out into the lava. It felt like warm water around the bottoms of his jeans, a strange tickling sensation that was nothing akin to the usual feeling of lava. But before he got too far, his head picked up and he turned back towards Rosetta. He pulled a tiny spherical object out of his pocket - an augment. “Oh, ah, do you need one of these? I always have extras on me just in case!”
She blinked. “Is that a terrain damage reducer?”
“It is!”
“I’ll take you up on the offer then.”
He tossed it over to her and she caught it with both hands, pressing it onto the hilt of her dual sword. Now, Pongo walked across calmly, feeling no need to run. After all, it wasn’t hurting him to take his time. Rosetta, however, ran across just as Jaynix had despite having the augment on. Once they were all together again, Jaynix laughed, hopping into the front seat of the rover. “C’mon then, off we go! This place is way too hot!”
Pongo chuckled. “Right. Definitely hot. Though maybe it is because of both of you being here at once - oh my gods no I did not mean -”
Rosetta felt her face flushing up again while Jaynix gave a confident nod. “I wouldn’t be surprised if that were the case, Pongo. Now, do you want shotgun?”
“Why would I want a shotgun, I have my dual gu - oh, you mean the rover, right!” Pongo giggled at his own mistake. “So long as Rosetta does not want it, I shall ride the shotgun!”
Rosetta couldn’t help but give a small grin. “Go for it.”
And so they all climbed in, and in moments the rover raced off into the distance, tossing up rocks and dirt in its wake.
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gramophoneturtle · 7 years
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Style practice with some Xenoblade X Crosses! It was going to be using a variety of different styles, but it ended up being me mostly using cleaner lines and sharper shadows than what I’m used to.
Elysia @elysia-cross - Elysia is adorable, cats are adorable, this style is adorable, so combine it altogether and it’ll be extremely adorable, right?
Danniel @anryl - Discord was being flooded with Danny wearing glasses (might be exaggerating), so I contributed! This style combines the line art and the shadows into one “layer” so that way the gradient coloured shadow applied to both. Sparkle were in the reference for the style so I added them in. 
Aevi @aeviann - the colours were inspired from the headgear’s lights that Aevi wears.The headgear’s lights slowly shift between the yellow and pink so I thought I’d try to use it as the gradient coloured shadow. I wasn’t sure what to do with the line art layer, but leaving it as a solid colour seemed to balance it out the best.
Videra @whitefire321 - Also a birthday gift! This one I used the gradient shadows again but also layered them over the darker colour parts of Videra’s design - the hair and gear, rather than combining them like I did for Danny’s.
Kruse and Jaynix @eienias20 - A combination of the usual style I’ve been using lately before this, but mixed in the new style I’ve been practicing.
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!!!The official Contributors list in now here!!!
We are so excited to finally introduce you to the talented artists and writers helping to make this zine a reality. We have a total of 44 contributors. There has been a lot of great progress on the zine pieces, and we are already nearing our first check point. 
Our cover artist should be revealed soon, as today is the last day to apply for cover artist. I hope you all continue to support the zine. There may be a few contests and give aways in the near future, so I hope you stick around for it.
(contributors and their social media handles are found under the keep reading)
Guest Contributors
Celia Kus @gajevy--redgarden
@kagomenesan (Twitter)
@matchaeco (twitter)
Samoe893 (instagram)
@masondarts (instagram)
@mageofspace924 (instagram)
Kurokaen (instagram)
@akittyk (instagram)
Ari (instagram)
Issa Hera (instagram) 
@kayfullcolor (instagram | Twitter)
@seabunnyart (instagram | Twitter)
@endgaims (instagram)
Leaf (Tumblr | Twitter)
@fairy--light (Twitter | Instagram)
Jillian Emeneau @j--mno-art
Napacool (Instagram)
@countcaviar (Instagram | Twitter)
@locco49 (Twitter | Instagram)
@kagomenesan (Twitter)
Jaynix (Instagram)
Vanessa Lowe @mysteriousacorn
@solafhusain (Twitter)
@lkityan02 (Twitter)
Erie.nazu (Instagram)
Morioriohno (Twitter | Instagram)
Taiya Degens @shadyhydrathesnekqueen
Water Lock @ikhnyshy
Celia Kus @gajevy--redgarden
Armageddon Angel @leonalmalsy 
@petri808 (Twitter | Fanfic.net)
Merch Designers
@matchaeco (twitter)
alexyanlila (Instagram)
Snowey @0snowey0 (Twitter)
@eleerra (Instagram)
Morioriohno (Twitter | Instagram)
Paradox (Instagram)
Sandra Moua (Instagram | Twitter)
@akittyk (instagram)
@seabunnyart (instagram | Twitter)
@fairy--light (Twitter | Instagram)
@fandomzines @zineapps @zineforall @zinepolice @zinesubmissions
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sjbigthreezine · 5 years
Hello! I applied under the name of Jaynix. I wanted to make sure that you received my application because I didn’t get a confirmation email.
Hi! Sorry for the late response, after the email problem Mod Sasori has been sending them manually and it might take some time for him to get to you. But no worries, your response has been recorded!
Mod Chopper
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camille-jacieon · 5 years
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Good evening, everyone! (Camille Coughing)Thank you to all that reached out. I really appreciate it. (Camille Coughing) I'm feeling a little better. Trying to get some stuff done because I made a promise. (Camille Coughing) @jaynixs don't be mad I'm going to lay back down as soon as I finish. (Camille Coughing) 🤧🤮😷🤒 https://www.instagram.com/p/B0RRkCFFixo4Q7CFBRYtlerXYpQpp1P_lFS3-80/?igshid=jdn7v6simf8r
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eienias20 · 2 years
Remember Xenoblade Chronicles Mira?
Published December 7th, 2019 with the last uploaded chapter being 40 on December 21st, 2020. it's been over two years since I update it and yeah i'm super mad at myself for that
Recently i've read a really long and really good fanfic. add my feelings on XC3 to the mix and i've finally pushed myself to try and write more for my Xenoblade Chronicles X AU
to answer why the long hiatus for those who want to know. i do this a lot when i write a long story. i get really into it, i write like 75% of the story, update regularly. then it slows down and stops.
at first it was just a break, then it kept going and i couldn't find the drive. i did try in 2022 to write chapter 41 and it was awful. i tried to reread the last few chapters but i couldn't get back into the mindset
so i'm trying something new. i'm rewriting the entire fic. how? well i have the story open in one window and a blank doc on another. i transcribe the old version, changing some sentence structures, actions and whatnot. scenes are reworked and even new scenes are added. its a big ol update to the whole fic.
currently i have rewritten 7 of 40 chapters and i say its going pretty well. once i've rewritten and edited them i post them on my discord. anyone want to join the discord and get a sneak peek, i'll get a link to you.
the goal right now is to rewrite part 1 (21 chapters that cover 4 years on Earth and 2 aboard the White Whale) then once that's done, i will update the fic on archiveofourown with the new chapters, then the same with part 2, then what i wrote of part 3 and the hope is that this will spur me beyond 40 and push me to the conclusion cause i really do wanna finish this fic.
AO3 link to the current version of Xenoblade Chronicles Mira
All this is just to say for anyone who still remembers or is still curious after 2 years. i'm working on it for real and i really do want to complete it.
For those who don't know, XCM is my own version of Xenoblade Chronicles X most of the main cast is in it, i've got quite a lot of OCs. The two main protags are Elma of course and my girl, Jaynix.
The fic is divided into 3 parts.
Part 1 covers two timelines, 2050 - 2054 (ends when humanity leaves Earth, the Exodus) and 2054 - 2056 (ends when the white whale crashes on Mira)
Part 2 covers two timelines 2056 (the first two months before the game would begin, ending with Elma in Starfall Basin) and a certain set of events in 2060 (3 and a half years after the end of XCX itself)
Part 3 has one single timeline continuing right after part 2 and is the final part
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omega-lps · 8 years
Noroma No Kappuru
Zack looked at his comm again. 11:34 AM. Xenth was supposed to be here over thirty minutes ago. The Advance Recon Scout was sitting on a bench in Deliverance Park, dressed in his casual black and grey sweatshirt and pants, still keeping his Veyes on as always.
It was several weeks after Xenth had revealed to him that she was a Definian. Since then she had told Athena, Jaynix, and Mavis about it as well. And as she suggested back then, they were meeting up at the park to plan the afternoon's activities. Whenever she decided to show up, that is.
He passed the time by observing his surroundings; civilians and off-duty BLADEs milled about the park grounds. A dog chasing a multi-colored butterfly. Looking over to the middle of the park he could see his friends Draco, Aeviann, Athena, and an unknown male in glasses. Zack assumed he was the husband Athena kept talking about. They appeared to be on some kind of double date.
"Sorry I'm late!" Zack turned his head in the direction of the yell, and sure enough there was Xenth running over to him. Dressed in a black jacket and leather jeans she skidded to a halt in front of him. trying to catch her breath,
"Had to talk to Erio about a few things, but I'm here now!" Zack got up with a nod, "What do you have in mind for the afternoon?"
"Well, Athenie told me about some of these great new cafes opening in Barista Court, so we can start with lunch there, and then-"
As Xenth continued to speak, they were being watched from the bushes by two pairs of eyes. The owner of the fiery red pair narrowed them in anticipation.
"There're the targets, Scarlen," She said to the one with the blue pair, an impish grin splitting her face, "You remember the plan?"
Scarlen nodded to her with a smile of his own, "Sure do, Jaynix, I'm ready when you are."
Meanwhile Xenth continued to list off destinations. Zack arched his brow at how many suggestions were vintage comic book and video stores, but that was to be expected from her. At least she'd be semi-distracted during their conversations.
Lately an odd feeling formed in the pit of his stomach whenever she was around or when thinking about her, though he couldn't pin down what it was. Zack had noticed that Xenth was beginning to behave strangely too, no longer making eye contact when talking with him and occasionally stuttering. Perhaps with something to keep them occupied they could have a productive night out without any awkwardness.
His musing was interrupted when he caught a blur of red in the corner of his eye. The fast moving object moved in between him and Xenth, Zack feeling the air move across his face as his Veyes was torn from it.
"Wha-" Zack and Xenth both looked in the direction it had gone, catching the culprit rounding the corner to the Administrative District.
"Was that Jaynix?" Xenth asked, Zack nodding slack-jawed.
The raven-haired BLADE opened her mouth to speak again when a dark-skinned man in white armor bowled into her while yelling, "Hey Jaynix! Wait u- oof!"
The force of the impact knocked Xenth forward into Zack, who stumbled backwards to avoid being hit and in doing so tripped on the bench behind him. Like a domino effect Zack fell backwards with Xenth falling towards him, his large frame combined with their momentum tearing the supports out of the ground. The back of his head hit the ground with a thud while something slammed into his face, feeling weight on his torso and face.
The brief headache from the impact had made Zack shut his eyes. When he opened them he found himself staring into Xenth's own red pair, which were extremely close and wide in shock.  Zack quickly realized why. She was on top of him. And their lips were making contact.
Every muscle in Zack's mim locked up in his usual response to physical contact, made worse by the compromising situation they were in. His mind raced as he felt his face turn a dark red. Neither of them paid attention as Scarlen got up and ran off after Jaynix.
Xenth was frozen in place too, her mind spinning uncontrollably as she continued to stare into Zack's grey orbs. A short while passed before she had the presence of mind to pull her lips away from Zack's and awkwardly slide off the large man. Once she was off Zack's muscles released so he could sit up, still in shock from what just happened. The two friends' eyes met again for a second and looking away from the other out of sheer emberassment, both blushing furiously.
Meanwhile, Cain had seen the chaos unfold and pointed it out to the others. Aevi mouthed, "Oh my," behind her hand, while Athena commented on how cute they were. Draco glanced at them over his glasses before taking out his comm device and took several photos of the 'kiss'.
Zack's hypersensitive hearing picked up the sound of the camera shutter and saw Draco. Throwing a death glare in his direction he scrambled to his feet and charged at the Squad Dad, who ran for the A.D. with the giant Curator hot on his heels and leaving Xenth sitting on the ground. Reaching up she lightly brushed her lips with the tips of her fingers, a jumbled mess of emotions flooding her brain as she stayed there while Athena came over to talk with her.
From the upper level of the Administrative District the blue and silver frame of an Urban model Skell watched silently. It nodded once, the incident providing the A.I. inside with the evidence it needed to confirm its hypothesis. Receiving a priority message from its Pilot to assist in hunting down a certain sunglasses-wearing BLADE, he sent his affirmative and took to the sky in the direction they'd gone, playing a track inside the cockpit that only it could hear.
"Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down...~"
After the incident things became awkward for the two BLADEs; anytime they passed each other in the street or when with friends caused both to avoid eye contact and blush. Although Draco denied sending the photo of the kiss to anyone it spread like wildfire through FrontierNav, even Vandham and Nagi became aware of it. Zack went on another of his mission sprees to avoid the heckling he got from his friends, his fellow Scout Paige and his brother Max in particular, as well as try to clear his head with work.
But no matter how hard Zack tried, he couldn't stop thinking about the kiss. He knew it was purely accidental and that neither of them had meant it. So why was he feeling these foreign emotions when he recalling the incident, and why did they amplify whenever he was around Xenth?
Meanwhile Xenth was dealing with the same problems he was, although she knew exactly what she was feeling. She was terrified by it, especially since she was feeling this way for a close friend, and one who was like an older brother figure for her at that. Xenth wanted to adress the elephant in the room with him, but whenever the oppurtunity presented itself she couldn't find the words.
After a week Xenth had had enough. Athena had told her in passing that Zack was back from his missions and would be meeting a client in Deliverance Park, so that's where she was now, hoping to catch the giant Curator before he left. It was an overcast day, though there was no rain in the forecast today.
The Definian BLADE waited for what felt like hours, until finally she saw him. Zack was talking to an Orphean and handed him a specimen of a wild Miran flower, which the insectoid Xeno promptly gobbled up before handing over payment. Apprehension twisting her stomach, Xenth walked over to him as the Orphe left. He was typing up a mission report in his comm device and didn't notice her approach.
She cleared her throat to get his attention. Hearing the noise Zack turned and froze once he saw her. His expression set itself to his usual blank expression as she spoke, "U-uhm, can I talk to you for a minute?"
Zack nodded a small affirmative, so she asked, "Zack... remember when we kissed that time?"
"Ah...er- um..." Once she brought it up Zack's defenses crumbled and he became a stuttering mess. This was no way for an Advance Recon Scout to act. He had to keep a cool head, but no training had prepared him for this situation. All he could do was say, "Eh, y-yeah?"
Xenth gulped. She was going to ask him, she had to know.
"W-Well...uh...did you...uh...er...."
Zack's core processor accelerated while his plasma pressure was increasing at an alarming rate. She was having trouble saying what was on her mind, but he knew exactly what she meant, and he'd dreaded this moment. The Scout in him told him to deny his feelings like he had before, that he couldn't afford to be in a relationship when humanity was still far from settled on this planet. But... he wasn't just an amnesiac Scout anymore. In the few months since he was brought out of stasis, the experiences he's had and the friends he shared them with shaped him into a much different person than he was back then. I
t was then he realized it wasn't just him, Xenth had just confirmed the feelings Zack had were mutual. Falling back into self-denial would hurt her, and that was last thing thing he ever wanted to do to.
He closed his eyes for a second. Opening them he looked straight into hers, giving his answer with a slow nod. But that wasn't enough. Zack got down to eye level with her, removing his Veyes shakily. Xenth was nervous too, her heart beating rapidly against her chest as they stared at each other. Slowly his face edged towards hers, Xenth's eyes closing in anticipation.
Stopping just before making contact Zack realized something: he didn't know how to kiss properly. So he went with how he recalled seeing other couples do it, and pressed his lips to hers. The sensation of her mouth against his own flooded his system with endorphins, an incredible sensation he'd never known until now.
In turn Xenth, overcome with warmth and joy wrapped her arms around the large man's neck and deepening the kiss, all the nervousness and apprehension she'd felt before melting away. Even though she'd watched this scene play out hundreds of times in anime and movies, none of them compared to this moment.
Breaking for air, they stared into each other's eyes for a few moments. Eventually Zack broke the silence with an awkward grin, "Does... this mean we're in a mutally exclusive romantic relationship?"
"You mean dating?" Xenth giggled, releasing his head to hug his body and lay her head against the chestplate of his Bodywear, "Then yes. Yes it does."
The new couple embraced, unaware they were being watched from the bushes. Jaynix lifted up her fist and Scarlen bumped it with his own with grins spread across their faces.
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zenworldofpower · 6 years
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 Alpha Knight Maya Psi Shark
Maya is a cynical, quiet, closed off individual. Kruse, Janie, Orion and Rickard all understand why and while they wish to help her, Maya refuses to open old wounds. She aids them and trusts them to an extent. But when not in battle, few words pass her lips.
Maya was once a confident, proud and happy individual. Growing up she was part of the defense unit of her hometown, during her time there one of her superiors was recruited to the Alpha Knights which was essentially the defense unit of the world. Maya saw it as her ultimate goal to defend more than just her immediate family and friends.
One day she rescued a traveling knight named Frings and they began spending time together, growing stronger and talking of their hopes and dreams. Eventually making the journey to Rein and becoming Alpha Knights at the same time. Maya resonated with the soul of the shark and as Alpha Knight M, the Psi Shark, she served Zen faithfully with the man she now grew to love. Then. The Pliskin Incident.
Eienias Speaks
Maya is an archer who also wields a hatchet hooked to her side. The tonfas is just cause there is no equivalent in SCVI. She is also in a lot of ways, the progenitor of Jaynix’s other half, her personality. Maya suffers from depression and other such mental issues due to the aforementioned Pliskin incident. More on that later.
Trivia Time
Maya and fellow core character Rickard were originally only supporting characters. The main cast was only Kruse, Janie and Orion but I fell in love with Maya’s design and I liked the personality I gave Rickard so I promoted them to core, rounding out a 5 man team.
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baevi · 8 years
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Into and back out of armor hell! The beautiful family, featuring, from left to right: @kentucky-the-fried's Pongo @killerdraco's Draco my baby girl @eienias20's Jaynix @omega-lps's Zack
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kentuckywrites · 7 years
Let There Be Blood
Knowing the Blood Lobster is still on the loose, Pongo makes another chance encounter and puts an end to it, once and for all, and with @eienias20 ‘s Jaynix and @killerdraco ‘s Draco bearing witness.
“Tyrant hunting eh? Sounds like fun!”
Jaynix flashed a smirk towards Draco, whose gaze remained focused on the comm device in his gloved hands. She had found him searching the mission board for potential work and was about to do the same herself, but working with the highly recognized Squad Dad seemed like a much better option. She was itching to get out into the field, and what better way to busy herself than with a tyrant?
Draco lifted his head, tilting it in her direction. “I wouldn’t call it fun...but either way, this tyrant has been crushing base camps left and right, and the Harriers are having a hard time taking it down.”
Jaynix crossed her arms over her chest, still giving him a confident yet curious smirk. “Good thing I bumped into you then. I’m always up for tyrant bashing!”
“The more, the merrier,” He responded, placing his comm device in his back pocket. Adjusting his shades ever so slightly, Draco stepped away from the mission board, and Jaynix began to walk alongside him, feeling the sheath of her longsword hit her back with every step she took.
“So the tyrant we’re fighting...what is it?”
“It goes by Luciel, the Eternal. It’s a millesaur that roams Primordia, and according to the recent updates, it’s been getting closer and closer to the city, and it even destroyed a few base camps around the area.”
“Damn,” Jaynix said with a small frown, “Good thing you’ve got me then, huh? Would’ve been hell to try and take down alone.”
He chuckled as they walked out of the East Gate and into the grassy continent of Primordia. The stars shone bright, with hardly a cloud in sight to obstruct their radiance. Jaynix found herself wondering how Alexa was doing. She knew she had work in the Industrial District tonight, but she wondered if there was a chance that they could go stargazing one night. Mira’s night sky never ceased to amaze her, and she knew that seeing them reflected in Alexa’s irises would be a dream come true.
They walked along the dirt road, passing by one of the base camps. The BLADEs stationed there were sitting on top of their rover, chatting over their midnight snacks, and as they passed by Jaynix returned their wave.
“Do you think I should’ve brought my rover along?” She decided to make conversation with Draco as they moved quickly past the tiny shoreline to their right.
He shook his head. “No need. Our target isn’t too far away.”
“Good to know. Then...we’ll be able to take it, just the two of us.”
“I hope so. Aevi and Zack busy with Curator work, I know. They discovered a new flower the other day that’s supposed to contain healing properties. They were thinking of using it in personal patches, but they’ve got more research to do before any decisions are made.”
“I remember Aevi telling me about that!”
Draco smiled softly as they left the base camp behind, continuing further into the continent as the moons shone down upon them. Jaynix’s eyes closed as she thought about how close their team had gotten over the past few months. The five of them, one big happy family. Her. Draco. Aevi. Zack. Pongo.
“Hey, Draco?” She stopped walking as her fellow Interceptor’s name popped into her head. “Have you seen Pongo in a while?”
Noticing that she had stopped walking, Draco did the same, and turned around to face her with a small scowl. “You know...I haven’t seen him for a few weeks, actually. But he’s probably been busy with work, just as we all have.”
“Hmm.” She looked off to her left, where the plains stretched out for as far as the eye could see. In the night, there weren’t many indigens to be seen, but she knew that some of them - the Ictuses especially - were on the prowl, using the darkness as their cover. Her mind flashed back for a moment to the mission in Oblivia with Zack, Aevi and Pongo - and she shuddered. She had healed almost completely, but it didn’t stop her from thinking of how terrified Pongo had been, how he had charged in despite his fear because she was hurt…
But since then? She hadn’t seen him. He hadn’t even visited her in the MMC when she was recovering. And now there was a large part of Jaynix that wondered if there was a reason he hadn’t come to check on her. There had to be a reason that Pongo hadn’t spoken to Draco at all. There had to be.
“I’m worried.” She told him.
“Draco cast a glance off to his right side, taking a deep breath. “...Me too.”
Suddenly, a swift breeze flooded in from the west, pushing against the fabric of their clothes and pushing their hair every which way. Draco’s mouth opened as his light brown hair drifted in front of his shades, and with his shoulders tense, he addressed Jaynix with a darker tone.
“Something’s wrong. I don’t know what, but I know something’s wrong.”
Jaynix took a wild guess, knowing that sometimes, he got this sense for people close to him. “Pongo?”
Draco took a deep breath. “I think so.”
~~~ Tired.
Pongo was tired. Every fiber of his being was being dragged down by fatigue, and there was nothing his coffee could do to help him. This fatigue was not physical, he knew, but rather it was emotional. Everything that had happened over the past few weeks had taken its toll on his mind, and he could only find peace in the quiet of the night. No missions to get to, no people to talk to. Only the night sky, the rippling waves on the coastline, and him.
The stars were beautiful. They reflected upon the ocean waves, their images disrupted only by the occasional ripple. The air was crisp and clean, the smell of salt water in the breeze. His hair blew into his face and fell back into place moments later, and he grinned to himself, enjoying this quiet time to himself. His mind wandered to strange places, asking questions he couldn't answer - but he didn't want answers. He only wanted peace.
But one thought, reoccurring, haunted Pongo's conscience. Where is Justin now? He was aware that he shouldn't care, he should just move on and forget the man who had betrayed him - but he couldn't. Ever since that night outside the barracks, he couldn't forget the feeling of Justin's lips on his, how nice his light brown hair felt in his fingers. The strange feeling of desire emitting from the Blood Lobster as he pushed Pongo against the wall...
Pongo's eyes closed as he forced himself to think of something else. But no matter how hard he tried...
"Lovely night, isn't it?"
Pongo could swear that he could hear Justin's voice in the back of his mind. But one quick glance to his right told him that it wasn't his imagination. There stood Justin Wright, the Blood Lobster, the man that Pongo had considered his first true love. He found his hand clenching into a fist as he turned to face him, a dark scowl on his face. He opened his mouth to speak, but Justin beat him to it.
"Didn't expect to see me so soon, I'm guessing. But I couldn't stay away."
"What do you want?" Pongo tried to keep his voice calm, but deep down he was doing everything in his power not to lash out at him.
Justin gave him a sickening smile. Gods, how Pongo hated that smile. He used to find innocence in it. How could he have been such a damn fool?! "It's simple, really. You made me realize something. The story of the hero and the villain is one that can be interpreted many ways. My interpretation, my belief, was that the hero had to kill the villain for a happy ending. You were the hero, I was your villain, and yet...you didn't kill me."
That stupid decision. Pongo grit his teeth, reliving the events from inside the Ganglion Antropolis. The pointed guns, the tears streaming down his face -
No. He wouldn’t let himself fall down the same hole again.
Justin continued, “But there’s another path. One that doesn’t involve killing. One that will satisfy the both of us. What if we both forgive and forget, and live together happily? Isn’t that what you want?”
Pongo stared at Justin with a burning hatred, but mixed with his feelings of hope he began to look more and more lost. The crevices of his eyes burned with unborn tears and his knees shook as a breeze swept through the area. The scent of sona herb cologne hit his nose and he cringed, taking a step back.
“This story could have an even happier ending,” Justin said with a determined smirk, “We could both have our happily ever after - together. I know I want this. I know you want this. Just say yes.”
Pongo couldn't help himself. As his mind raced with possibilities, tears streamed down his cheeks, his vision went blurry and his heart beat at a thousand miles an hour. He was experiencing the night at the Ganglion Antropolis, the night outside the barracks, all over again. He knew that if this continued, he would be left broken again. He didn't want to be weak. He wanted to be strong, he wanted to do the right thing, he didn’t want to be this helpless husk of a human being.
So when his hands moved to grab his dual guns, Pongo didn’t stop himself. Slowly, surely, he pointed both of them at Justin, whose copper eyes widen with shock. “Wait...no, you wouldn’t. You couldn’t do it at the Antropolis, you won’t do it now. You’re not strong enough. You wouldn’t. You couldn’t.”
“You have no right to tell me what I can and cannot do,” Pongo told him, his voice rising slightly. “You made me believe that you were a good person. You made me fall in love with you. And I hate these feelings I still have. I want this story to end. I want to put us both out of our misery.”
“But I’m finally seeing things clearly!” Justin cried out to him, “I’m sorry for everything I’ve done! I just wanted to be happy!”
“And killing innocent people, threatening an entire city, that made you happy.” He growled.
“It did! Past tense! Please, my hero, forgive me!” Justin sounded more desperate with every word he spoke. “Please…”
Pongo’s eyes closed. He couldn't let this facade deceive him - how could he trust Justin, after everything he did to him?! To the city?! But he couldn’t bring himself to kill him - he had never killed anyone willingly before, even in the war against the Ganglion. There had to be some alternative, some way to cheat the system, some way to find peace -
But there was only one option that he knew would work.
“Justin...I loved you.”
A faint spark appeared in Justin’s eyes. “See? We can -”
He was interrupted by a bullet piercing his skull. Choking on his own words, his body collapses into a heap on the ground, blue fluids pouring out of the wound. Pongo opened his eyes again, and they were indigo.
“Past tense.”
When Jaynix and Draco heard the gunshot, they knew exactly where to look. They ran to the strip of beach right outside the East Gate, where they had passed by moments before. At first, Jaynix could only see one figure, but as they grew closer, she spotted a human body, sprawled out on the ground with blood covering the grass. He wasn’t alive, not anymore.
“What the…” Draco whispered, staring at the scene in utter shock.
The dark figure turned to face them, and in the darkness of the night, Jaynix could only pick out the unmistakable, pupiless indigo eyes that belonged to one of her best friends.
Pongo gave them a tired smile.
“It is over.”
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