#jeanne alter x reader
the-ultimate-puppteer · 3 months
Heya , I have Fate Grand Order request:
Jeanna and Jeanna Alter argue about who Male!Reader loves more. Reader just sits on the sidelines, looks at them like they’re stupid, and when the argument gets heated, he throws at them with a straight face:
“You know that I love both of you, no? You idiots.”
what would their reaction be?
(Like your content , it’s cool)
Jeanne and Jeanne Alter arguing about who Male!Reader loves more
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•Honestly you have no idea how this argument started in the first place, well actually it was probably jalter who started it
•At first it was entertaining to watch cause we'll call him sexist but it was kinda hot to watch two girls fight over him
•Though he should probably intervene before they start hands start getting thrown
•Though both girl really couldn't have expected what would come out of your mouth when they yelled out, “S/O who do you love more outta the two of us”
You glance at both of them with a blank look on your face and say “That's a weird ass question to ask me, you know that I love both of you, no?" you then give an exasperated sigh and say,"Idiots sure you both may look the same but you are two different people with different personalities and it’s what I love about both of you”.
You then smile at them and softly say, you're both so precious to me that I’d feel incomplete if one of you was gone ya know”
•That left both girl both surprised and Incredibly embarrassed, especially since given your carefree nature they didn't think you responded in such a way much less think so much about them
•Needless to say that argument got dropped real fast and both girls instead focused their attention on you.
•After hearing such words they were feeling pretty affectionate
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akiraak4 · 3 months
Champange, Cocaïne, Gasoline
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A/N: This is the second part of Champange, Cocaïne, Gasoline. It is inspired by Don't Threaten Me with a Good Time by Panic! at the Disco. I do not own the character Cú Chulainn, yada, yada, yada, English is not my first language and all. CW: self-destructive behaviour,(slight) addiction, misuse of drugs and alcohol, drunk driving, self-harming behaviour, depression Wordcount: 1400 Underlying Cú Chulainn x Reader PART 1|PART 2
You crumbled right in front of your servant. Your sobs and whaling filled the night as he pushed the cart. You were halfway wrapped up in the crimson coat, stopping the trembling cold from getting under your skin. But now you trembled for a whole other reason - the reason being him. He said nothing after this and let you weep in silence. Pushing the cart through the empty, dimly lit streets. The only sounds were your soft whimpers and the rattling of the wheels of the cart. 
It took you a long while to calm down, but as you became more and more silent your eyes started to settle on his figure. You bluntly stared at him with so many questions in your eyes he really didn't want to answer as he headed home with you - well, the direction where home is on a long road ahead of him. His crimson eyes were tucked on the street, blankly staring at the asphalt. 
"Unlike your usual class, you had materialized as a Berserker. Some factor has caused your equipment to change, and your personality to be altered as well. Your expression is cruel, your crimson spear has been mixed with black, and is overflowing with an ominous aura."
You muttered, not really clearly, so he needed to listen closely to understand your words, as your eyes slowly started to drift off into the emptiness of the city. You fumbled a little with the coat, throwing off these ugly hot pink heels, so you could fully submerge in his coat. It smelled like iron - probably because of the blood it was soaked in.
"That was the description they gave me after I summoned you. I thought to myself 'Great, another asshole that does what he wants'. But I think they gave me the wrong description."
He said nothing to your rambling, probably because he knew this would have been true with every other master. Because for every other master he had, he was like this. But even with you, he was not very friendly, but you probably had no comparison. You were not even lucky enough to get another version of him - which would have made his job a lot easier because they would have taken care of her, instead of him.  
But it was only him. 
And you. 
Your words just floated out of your mouth - without you thinking much about what you said. Your head slightly bobbed down, as your eyes shut close, before jolting up again and blinking hastily. Your fingers slipped from under the cloak up to reach for the hand of your servant. You could not see his reaction as he hesitantly placed his hand over yours, still pushing the cart in silence. 
"You are the best servant I could ever ask for"
Cú stopped his movement for a short period of time before he started moving again, still going in the same direction. He never thought he would hear such words from any master he ever had, but here he was - still in disbelief as his eyes moved every so often towards you. You, who was mumbling to yourself, eyes fluttering shut and jolting up, grasping his hand a bit harder and shyly softening your grip again. It was really strange, how the tables turned in the span of mere hours.
"If it wasn't for you, I would have ended this shit a long time ago. But you are my strongest spear. You are the pillar I've built my life upon. Crazy to think about it"
Your muttering was not unheard by your servant, who carefully watched you. He knew he was your strongest active servant (Jeanne d'Arc Alter * was benched after she reached a certain level due to some misunderstandings between the two of you), who would protect you as long as you didn't turn on him. But could he even protect you from the things you fear? What you feared most was probably your mind. It scared you with its thought of a senseless life, a senseless death, a hell of nothingness, never having accomplished anything - after all, you were just someone. Someone who is able to summon powerful heroic spirits to battle the evils of the world. But, at the end of the day - there were more of your kind. You were not special. You never will be special. Because all you do is summon the personifications of destruction and disaster - selfishness and misery. They've all chosen you as their master. And after every fight, they've got themselves into, the field of battle was a huge mass of destruction, never to be rebuilt again. 
Your grip tightened around his hand and did not soften while your eyes were just unfocused into the void - as if you were to sunken into your mind, trapped in your thoughts, so he lightly squeezed your hand to awaken you from your trance. Your eyes wandered towards him, still in a haze, clouded from everything that happened tonight and it pains him to see the tears that formed in the corners of your eyes. Wait - why did it pains him to see you like this? 
Confusion took over his mind as he looked at you - his sobbing master. He wanted to comfort you - even though he did not know how. How could he? He was the shadow and not the light - he does not have the inherent kindness of his other selves. He could only watch you, as you crumbled jet again before his very eyes.
And he pitied you for your misery. 
Because he could not help you escape it.
"I'm a fucking failure, Cú. Why do I even exist? It would not matter if I just kill myself- "
"It would matter, Master, because you're not a failure. You've never failed in anything you've tried to accomplish. I have never seen you falter and you will not do it right now. Because you have a life to live and you will not just throw it away, just because. And I will not allow you to get killed, because I will always protect you. Whatever it will be.
I am your servant.
You are my master.
We are bound to be together, whatever will come our way."
Your world came crumbling down, but still, there was one pillar in your life that still stood, was still steady. You looked him into his crimson eyes as you looked at him - his rage, his frustration and the slight sadness. A sadness that lies so deep beneath the surface that you've only realised it right there and then. You only now realised it - that your thought process saddened him, that your state pains him and your words anguished him. You were selfish to think, the only things that mattered were your feelings and your thoughts. Your fingers, still intertwined with his, tried to detangle themself as you tried to free yourself from the huge coat. He had stopped somewhere in his tracks - probably while you were drifting off into negativity. You tried to wiggle off the coat - which took you a while due to your problematic hand-eye coordination. 
After a short while, you aligned yourself, standing as straight as you could in the cart, smudged mascara under your eyes and on your cheeks, your hair was a literal mess, your tight-fitting dress (that still smelled horribly like gasoline) was ruffled up and you were still barefoot. 
And you smiled at your servant. 
An honest and loving smile, which bewildered your servant to his core, it seems. Your movements were stagnating and you nearly fell as you - quite literally - stumbled into Cú Chulainn's arms. He looked even more puzzled as you crawled into his arm.
He was befuddled by your sudden change of behaviour, but he silently accepted it. Now having to carry you he threw his coat over himself again as he slowly started walking again. It seems like you've made yourself comfortable on his arm. He hadn't heard a noise from you and as he looked down, you were sound asleep. He started to jog at a steady pace to reach his destination -your home. 
Eventually, the rest would be resolved.
* Jeanne d'Arc Alter has the highest max attack with 13244 
Cú Chulainn Alter has 12805 ATK
Jeanne is first on the list and Cú is fourth (between them are Kama(Avenger) and Kingprotea)
Everything is according to the Game Fate/Grand Order
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shikiii-skadi · 2 years
What it would be like if the Fate characters had a crush on you:
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Rin Tohsaka
She is a Tsundere as we all know so you wouldn't probably know that she has a crush on you. She is also very serious so when you two have a conversation it's school-related and you would feel like you have a business meeting with her.
But while it may not seem like it, Rin truly cares for you and would protect you from possible harm. For example, if someone made fun of you in school, that person has to get ready for a conversation with Rin.
Rin would also seek contact with you. For example, she likes to eat lunch together with you. While it may look like it's not a big deal for her, she will be sad and would sulk a little if you eat lunch with your other friends.
Rin would notice her crush relative quickly but she would deny it. She couldn't be in love with you, right?
She can't deny her feelings forever and would want to take your relationship a step further. But she is too flustered to confess to you.
You will have to confess to her first. She can be harsh sometimes because she has to figure out her own feelings but she will gladly accept your feelings.
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Archer Emiya:
He would notice his feeling for you but like Rin, he would deny and ignore them. But of course, no one can ignore such strong feelings forever.
He is such a mom honestly. Be ready to get asked if you had eaten enough 24/7. He would cook for you and make sure you sleep enough so you can give it your all.
He also sympathizes with you. You are a new mage and he knows too good what it is like to suddenly have this responsibility. He would train with you and show you some tricks so you can become better.
He cares for you a lot and would always be ready to protect you but Archer wouldn't tell you about his feelings because he thinks he isn't worthy of your companionship. It's enough for him to be a good servant to you.
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Alter Jeanne d'Arc:
Something will get burnt when she has a crush. Someone talked to you and made her jealous? Or someone said something rude to or about you? Yeah, they are now a burnt chicken.
Jeanne Alter wouldn't accept her feelings for you. That's why she will be pretty rude to you so no one will know about her crush. But her over-the-top reactions when you talk to her or her flustered face will make it pretty obvious for everyone.
She thinks she is subtle and no one knows about her feelings.
While she tries to hide her feelings if something would ever happen to you, she would be right there to protect you and burn whoever did this to you alive.
She would know that she has a crush on you but wouldn't accept it. Jeanne Alter tries to prove to herself that she is not in love with you by being rude to you.
But she is deeply in love with you and wants you all for herself. She will slash at everyone, who tries to make a move on you.
She would never confess to you first. You have to do the first move. And as always she would be rude to you when you confess. It will feel like a pretty bad rejection. But the way she will sneak into your room the night after to be with you will tell you that she is in fact happy you confessed.
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You will feel like her pupil. She wants to teach you everything she knows so you don't have to be dependent on her and can protect yourself in Battle.
She is very wise. So if you have a problem Scathach would have good advice for everything. She would support and help you but at the same time, she would leave you your space so you can search for your own answers and learn from your mistakes.
When you are successful, be it in battle, learning a new magic trick, or something simple as backing a cake you wanted to try out for a long time, she would be really proud. Everyone would notice. She would praise you as well.
She would notice her feelings for you as soon as they occur. But no one would notice that she has. Not even you. She is good at hiding it. Everyone would think you have this pupil and teacher thing going on. And you would probably see her as sort of a big sister.
She is wise and knows that a bond between master and servant should never be conflicted by anything. Her confession could change your relationship as master and servant. If you accept her feelings you could be ready to sacrifice yourself for her. She would never want that. And if you reject her feelings your trust could be broken and you won't have the same dynamic in battle as before.
So she is fine with just being your mentor and teaching you to be a worthy master.
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Ruler Jeanne d'Arc:
Jeanne is so sweet to you honestly. She is always trying to support and help in battle as well as in your everyday life. You can be certain that the moment you would walk into the kitchen to cook something, she would be there as well, so she can help you.
But at the same time, she would always respect your personal space. So you would never feel like she is babysitting you.
Ruler Jeanne is not aggressive and rude like her avenger counterpart. She would never say something that would upset you and if she made you upset with something she would apologize instantly and would feel so bad.
At first, Jeanne would be a little conflicted with her feelings for you. She never felt like this before and on top of that, she is a saint and war general and you are her master. She is not sure if it's alright for her to have feelings for you let alone be in a relationship with you.
It's not like Jeanne doesn't want to confess to you but she doesn't know how she should confess to you or if it's better if she doesn't confess at all because you are her master.
In the end, you are probably the one who confessed to her. Even if you didn't have feelings for her when she began to grow feelings for you, you would probably feel for her. After all, you spend so much time together and learned to trust each other unconditionally. And I mean how can you not fall for Jeanne when she is this sweet to you?
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Arthur Pendragon:
He is your knight in shining armor. Literally. You are his master as a knight he would be ready to sacrifice himself for you at any given moment. His feelings for you would make his devotion to you a million times stronger.
Arthur would be a little shy around you. Every time you would smile at him, his heart would flatter.
After some time, when you two are comfortable around each other he would start to tease you a little. Nothing too serious, of course.
He would notice his feelings for you the moment they appear.
He hesitates to confess because it could affect your master-servant relationship. And that could lead to you dying or getting hurt. That's the last thing he would want.
And of course, there is the whole thing of him disappearing after his purpose is fulfilled.
You are probably the one, who is confessing. Let's face it, there is no way you could not fall for him when he is this considerate of you and always ready to protect you from every possible harm. He is also naturally charming.
Even if he is worried about the consequences of your romantic relationship there is no way he could reject you, when his heart is beating this fast every time he sees you.
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You would definitely know that he is interested in you. He would just straight out tell you, that he wants you to be his wife/husband and that you should feel honored he chose you.
Your answer to his proposal doesn't matter. There is only one right answer. He will only accept a yes. He gets what he wants. That includes you as well.
He thinks you are desirable but I wouldn't call it love. Gilgamesh sees you as part of his treasure.
In some quiet moments, he might be a bit nicer to you. But his desire for you doesn't change the fact that he doesn't see you as an equal.
But he would see you in a higher position than everyone else.
He would go out of his way to protect you but it's not really out of affection. He doesn't want what belongs to him to get hurt by some low-level mongrel.
Also better no one is talking down on you when he is around because he will not tolerate that. These mongrels should know their places. No one is allowed to talk bad about someone he chose to be worthy of his companionship.
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fandom-go-round · 3 years
Anime Masterlist
Katekyo Hitman Reborn!:
Hibari Kyoya x Yamamoto Takeshi Dating HCs (fluff)
Tsunayoshi Sawada x Gokudera Hayato [smut]
Stuck in the Wall Kink (Reaper, Michael Myers, Dante, Xanxus) [smut]
Mermaid HCs (Hibari, Xanxus)
 Fate Grand Order:
Cu Chulainn:
Vampire HCs (Lancer Cu Chulainn)
General Knight HCs: Lancer x Reader (Cu Chulainn)
Courting HCs (Lancer Cu Chulainn)
Yandere HCs (Lancer Cu Chulainn)
Mermaid Courting HCs (Lancer Cu Chulainn)
Taking Care While Sick HCs (Lancer Cu Chulainn)
Command Seal HCs (Lancer Cu Chulainn)
NSFW Alphabet HCs Cu Chulainn: K, O, E [smut]
First Time: Lancer x Virgin!Reader (Cu Chulainn) [smut]
Rut HCs (Alpha!Lancer Cu Chulainn) [smut]
Chase that Leads to Swallowing HCs (Lancer Cu Chulainn) [vaguely sexual vore]
Yandere HCs (Lancer, Caster, Proto, Alter Cu) (Stalking, Implied Sexual Violence) {dark}
Accidently Swallowing Master HCs (Lancer, Caster, Proto, Alter Cu) (Softcore Vore, Swallowing, Slight Body Horror)
Love Letter Event
Vampire HCs (Archer Gilgamesh) (fluff)
NSFW Alphabet HCs Gilgamesh: A, N, H (Harem) [smut]
Mermaid HCs (Archer Gilgamesh)
Reader Teasing Gil HCs [teasing, overstimulation]
Unrequited Love HCs (Lancer Diarmuid) {angst}
Diarmuid as an Original Servant HCs
Flower Prompt: Forget-Me-Nots
Alpha HCs [smut]
Hanahaki Syndrome HCs (Implied Body Horror, Blood) {dark}
Helping Through a Depressive Episode HCs (Depression, Depression Episode) {angst}
Soulmate HCs (fluff)
Reader Wanting to Self-Harm HCs (Implied Self Harm, Emotional Struggles) {dark}
Mermaid!Reader x Mermaid!Emiya HCs (fluff)
Dragon!Reader x Emiya HCs (fluff)
NSFW Alphabet HCs Karna: F, A, E [smut]
 Antonio Salieri:
Love Letter Event
 Sakata Kintoki:
Keeping Reader Warm (Trapped in Cave) (fluff)
Reader x Kintoki NSFW HCs [smut]
 Arthur Pendragon:
Yandere!Arthur x Reader {dark, implied stalking}
Soft Dom! Arthur x Reader [smut]
Blood Mage!Reader x Arthur HCs
Eyes Like Stars: Oberon x Reader
 Mori Nagayoshi:
Flower Prompt: Queen Anne's Lace
Reader x Shark!Mori Flirting HCs (fluff)
Reader x Mori Praise Kink [smut]
Reader x Werewolf! Mori HCs
Male!Reader x Ozymandias Wooing HCs
Fem!Reader x Service Top!Astolfo [smut]
NSFW HCs [smut]
 Jeanne D’Arc:
First Time HCs
 Saito Hajime:
General Relationship HCs [smut]
 Yamanami Keisuke:
General Relationship HCs [smut]
Love Letter Event
 Okada Izou:
Reader x Yandere!Izou HCs {dark}
 Chevalier d’Eon:
General Relationship HCs [smut]
 Vlad III:
Asking About his Outfit HCs (fluff)
 Calamity Jane:
Love Letter Event
 Saint Georgios:
Love Letter Event
 Brynhildr, Sigurd:
Poly Brynhildr x Reader x Sigurd HCs
Black Cat/Witches (Halloween Prompts): Lancer x Reader x Archer (Cu Chulainn, Gilgamesh)
General Mermaid HCs: Lancer x Reader (Cu Chulainn, Diarmuid)
Poly Lancer x Reader x Archer Relationship HCs (Cu Chulainn, Gilgamesh) [smut]
Type of Lover HCs (Lancer Cu Chulainn, Archer Gilgamesh) [smut]
Absolute Boyfriend HCs (Lancers) [smut]
Absolute Boyfriend Lancer x Reader x Lancer (Cu Chulainn, Diarmuid) [smut]
Family Beach Day HCs (Archer Emiya, Lancer Cu Chulainn, Archer Gilgamesh) (fluff)
Colorful Leaves (Halloween Prompt) HCs (Archer Chiron, Rider Achilles)
Fall Festival, Harvest (Halloween Prompt) HCs (Lancer Cu Chulainn, Lancer Diarmuid)
General A/B/O HCs (Lancer Cu Chulainn, Archer Billy the Kid, Caster Nitocris, Saber Mordred)
Yandere Servants for Master HCs (Nameless, Cu Chulainn, Gilgamesh) {dark} [implied smut]
SFW Alphabet HCs (Gilgamesh, Cu Chulainn, Edmond Dantes) (fluff)
Reader who Can't Take a Compliment HCs (light angst, fluff)
Reader Crying During Sex HCs (Oyzmandias, Arjuna, Leonardo Da Vinci) [smut, overstimulation, crying]  
Matching Halloween Costume HCs (Chiron, Achilles) (fluff)
Master Thinking They're a Monster HCs {angst, low self-esteem}
Master is a Drider HCs
Playing Dumb for No Nut November HCs (fluff)
Master Owning a lot of Pet HCs (Gilgamesh, Cu Chulainn) (fluff)
Discovering Merfolk HCs (Cu Chulainn, Diarmuid) (fluff)
Masting Hiding They're a Zombie HCs  
Meeting the Mer Family (Cu Chulainn, Diarmuid) (fluff)
Drider Mating Season HCs (Cu Chulainn x Reader x Diarmuid) [implied smut]
Shrunken!Reader HCs (Moriarty, Ozymandias)
Shrunken!Reader Flirting HCs (Cu Chulainn, Ozymandias)
Poly! Selkie! Cu Chulainn x Reader x Selkie! Diarmuid Comforting HCs
Reader Embarrassed by Praise HCs (Cu Chulainn, Achilles, Proto Arthur)
Reader with Medical Issues HCs (Merlin, Mori Nagayoshi)
Cold Weather (Winter Prompt): Romano x Reader X Spain [smut]
Fuzzy Blankets (Winter Prompt): Germany x Reader x Italy (fluff)
Sledding (Winter Prompt): Itachi x Reader x Kisame (fluff)
Soulmate AU Sasuke x Naruto {angst}
 Hunter x Hunter:
New Year’s Resolution: Leorio x Kurapika [smut]
Reader x Kurapika Picnic Date HCs (fluff)
Reader x Byakuya Aftercare [smut, Dom/Sub]
Reader x Naraku Flower Prompt: Red Fuchsia {dark}
 Sailor Moon:
Male Shapeshifter! Reader x Makoto Kino HCs
Reader x Alucard Rainy Night Part 1 (fluff)
Reader x Alucard Rainy Night Part 2 [smut]
Reader x Alucard After Dracula's Defeat {angst}
Katekyo Hitman Reborn!:
Hibari Kyoya x Yamamoto Takeshi Dating HCs (fluff)
Tsunayoshi Sawada x Gokudera Hayato [smut]
Stuck in the Wall Kink (Reaper, Michael Myers, Dante, Xanxus) [smut]
Mermaid HCs (Hibari, Xanxus)
 Fate Grand Order:
Cu Chulainn:
Vampire HCs (Lancer Cu Chulainn)
General Knight HCs: Lancer x Reader (Cu Chulainn)
Courting HCs (Lancer Cu Chulainn)
Yandere HCs (Lancer Cu Chulainn)
Mermaid Courting HCs (Lancer Cu Chulainn)
Taking Care While Sick HCs (Lancer Cu Chulainn)
Command Seal HCs (Lancer Cu Chulainn)
NSFW Alphabet HCs Cu Chulainn: K, O, E [smut]
First Time: Lancer x Virgin!Reader (Cu Chulainn) [smut]
Rut HCs (Alpha!Lancer Cu Chulainn) [smut]
Chase that Leads to Swallowing HCs (Lancer Cu Chulainn) [vaguely sexual vore]
Yandere HCs (Lancer, Caster, Proto, Alter Cu) (Stalking, Implied Sexual Violence) {dark}
Accidently Swallowing Master HCs (Lancer, Caster, Proto, Alter Cu) (Softcore Vore, Swallowing, Slight Body Horror)
Vampire HCs (Archer Gilgamesh) (fluff)
NSFW Alphabet HCs Gilgamesh: A, N, H (Harem) [smut]
Mermaid HCs (Archer Gilgamesh)
Reader Teasing Gil HCs [teasing, overstimulation]
Unrequited Love HCs (Lancer Diarmuid) {angst}
Diarmuid as an Original Servant HCs
Flower Prompt: Forget-Me-Nots
Alpha HCs [smut]
Hanahaki Syndrome HCs (Implied Body Horror, Blood) {dark}
Helping Through a Depressive Episode HCs (Depression, Depression Episode) {angst}
Soulmate HCs (fluff)
Reader Wanting to Self-Harm HCs (Implied Self Harm, Emotional Struggles) {dark}
Mermaid!Reader x Mermaid!Emiya HCs (fluff)
Dragon!Reader x Emiya HCs (fluff)
NSFW Alphabet HCs Karna: F, A, E [smut]
 Antonio Salieri:
Love Letter Event
 Sakata Kintoki:
Keeping Reader Warm (Trapped in Cave) (fluff)
 Arthur Pendragon:
Yandere!Arthur x Reader {dark, implied stalking}
Eyes Like Stars: Oberon x Reader
 Mori Nagayoshi:
Flower Prompt: Queen Anne's Lace
Reader x Shark!Mori Flirting HCs (fluff)
Reader x Mori Praise Kink [smut]
Male!Reader x Ozymandias Wooing HCs
Fem!Reader x Service Top!Astolfo [smut]
Black Cat/Witches (Halloween Prompts): Lancer x Reader x Archer (Cu Chulainn, Gilgamesh)
General Mermaid HCs: Lancer x Reader (Cu Chulainn, Diarmuid)
Poly Lancer x Reader x Archer Relationship HCs (Cu Chulainn, Gilgamesh) [smut]
Type of Lover HCs (Lancer Cu Chulainn, Archer Gilgamesh) [smut]
Absolute Boyfriend HCs (Lancers) [smut]
Absolute Boyfriend Lancer x Reader x Lancer (Cu Chulainn, Diarmuid) [smut]
Family Beach Day HCs (Archer Emiya, Lancer Cu Chulainn, Archer Gilgamesh) (fluff)
Colorful Leaves (Halloween Prompt) HCs (Archer Chiron, Rider Achilles)
Fall Festival, Harvest (Halloween Prompt) HCs (Lancer Cu Chulainn, Lancer Diarmuid)
General A/B/O HCs (Lancer Cu Chulainn, Archer Billy the Kid, Caster Nitocris, Saber Mordred)
Yandere Servants for Master HCs (Nameless, Cu Chulainn, Gilgamesh) {dark} [implied smut]
SFW Alphabet HCs (Gilgamesh, Cu Chulainn, Edmond Dantes) (fluff)
Reader who Can't Take a Compliment HCs (light angst, fluff)
Reader Crying During Sex HCs (Oyzmandias, Arjuna, Leonardo Da Vinci) [smut, overstimulation, crying]  
Matching Halloween Costume HCs (Chiron, Achilles) (fluff)
Master Thinking They're a Monster HCs {angst, low self-esteem}
Master is a Drider HCs
Playing Dumb for No Nut November HCs (fluff)
Master Owning a lot of Pet HCs (Gilgamesh, Cu Chulainn) (fluff)
Discovering Merfolk HCs (Cu Chulainn, Diarmuid) (fluff)
Masting Hiding They're a Zombie HCs  
Meeting the Mer Family (Cu Chulainn, Diarmuid) (fluff)
Drider Mating Season HCs (Cu Chulainn x Reader x Diarmuid) [implied smut]
Shrunken!Reader HCs (Moriarty, Ozymandias)
Shrunken!Reader Flirting HCs (Cu Chulainn, Ozymandias)
Poly! Selkie! Cu Chulainn x Reader x Selkie! Diarmuid Comforting HCs
Reader Embarrassed by Praise HCs (Cu Chulainn, Achilles, Proto Arthur)
Cold Weather (Winter Prompt): Romano x Reader X Spain [smut]
Fuzzy Blankets (Winter Prompt): Germany x Reader x Italy (fluff)
Sledding (Winter Prompt): Itachi x Reader x Kisame (fluff)
Soulmate AU Sasuke x Naruto {angst}
 Hunter x Hunter:
New Year’s Resolution: Leorio x Kurapika [smut]
Reader x Kurapika Picnic Date HCs (fluff)
Reader x Byakuya Aftercare [smut, Dom/Sub]
Reader x Naraku Flower Prompt: Red Fuchsia {dark}
Reader x Alucard Part 1 (fluff)
Reader x Alucard Part 2 [smut]
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shuttershocky · 4 years
Going to sound elitistic here but I'm slightly salty the hype over Caster Artoria surged when her busted skillset showed up. She could have had three skills that killed her whole team and I would have loved her anyway because she's not just a Saber, she's the Saber* in a poofy hat.
Takeuchi draws so many Saberfaces but when was the last time he actually drew something close to the original (and still the best) Saber? Lily? That was all the way back in Year 1 of FGO. Everyone else since then has been a variation of Saber Alter, or other Saberfaces like Jeanne and JAlter. The other Artoriafaces would have different artists, and even completely different personalities. X, X Alter, and XX might as well be considered as different characters altogether.
But Caster Artoria? A couple of lines in and she's already talking about food. Her temperament and overall maturity is stated to be somewhere in the halfway point between Lily and the legendary King of Camelot. She wants you to think of her as your fellow friend and adventurer than you can rely on rather than a legendary hero and mage to be awed by. She has a competitive streak and really hates to lose, but also a tendency to hide her true feelings. She is headstrong in the face of both adversity and criticism, but also places great value in the general atmosphere. Her true power is in her magical ability to inspire others to fight harder when they are alongside her, and yet also make them feel like she is someone who can be depended on, who can be your hero when you need one.
This is the closest we got in a long time to the Artoria that became Shirou's inspiration and partner in battle. The one that thousands of readers fell in love with. The one that carried the franchise into being one of anime's biggest juggernauts. The one who's been largely absent for the majority of FGO.
I'm so glad to have her back.
* Artoria Pendragon, Drawn by Takeuchi, not an Alter, close to the Fuyuki version's characterization.
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supimjustwriting · 4 years
Not Another Copy
Jeanne d’Arc (Alter) x Reader
Trigger Warning: Light Gore, Death, light cursing
Summary: Created from the image of Jeanne d’Arc. Alter finds herself always compared to her ruler self. How the Dragon Witch should be kinder, softer, more like her original self. Even her own master paid more attention to the original. Having no history to call her own. Jalter puts it upon herself to create a singularity of her own. One where she is the ‘Jeanne d’Arc’. Not some copy with an unstable spirit origin. Finally she’ll have her own story.
Author’s Note: This was the piece that Tumblr mobile decided to eat. I know that flowers are edible but please don’t eat my works. I’d like to share their full bloom and not just the title.
Inspired by the song Victim ~ Mili Listen to the song here
“Then it dawned on me that all I wanted was An approval that you're never willing to give” Mili ~ Victim
“Little sister! Would you like to join Santa Lily and I to lunch? I believe it’d be a good bonding moment for the four of us since Master is coming along too,” cheered a woman who mirrored her looks in every way. No. That wasn’t right. It was her who was the copy. Not this bright sun before her.
“I’d rather pass. Besides I have better things to do,”
“Don’t be like that. Come on!” The blonde woman grabbed Jalter by the collar, dragging her double along with her as Lily followed behind obediently. Mouthing ‘I’m sorry,’ to her older self.
‘There’s no way I could be based off that woman,” thought the silver haired maiden as she boredly watched her ‘older sister’ feed Santa Lily while she absentmindedly poked her food around.
“You really are the sisterly type, huh Joan? It’s really cute seeing the three of you hang around together. It’s like watching a real family sometimes,” Y/N said with a cheerful grin. “What do you think Jalter?”
“It’s whatever as long as it keeps her happy. I guess I can tolerate it,” There goes that nickname again. Why couldn’t she be referred to as Joan? Then again the simple thought brought a bitter taste to her mouth. Maybe a different name would suit her. Yes, she has the title of The Dragon Witch but that was given to her by Caster Gilles. The one who created with his selfish wish.
There are many timelines are there not? Surely, she could create a place of her own. A country separate from the world where she could ‘be herself’. She wasn’t even sure what that meant anymore.
Finally, she had a place of her own. Tears pricked her eyes at the quaint village before her. She wiped her eyes, a light chuckle escaping her lips.
‘How pathetic,’ Jalter thought to herself, resting her head on her dining table. ‘I swiped one of master’s lesser grails just to create this. A countryside where everyone knows me and I know them. Just how more mundane could this wish be?’
Those were her final thoughts before heading out of her cottage, greeting those who passed her by with a genuine smile. The Avenger servant went along her day normally, buying groceries, playing with the village children before finally heading back home.
Would this have been the life they lead if they never became a saint? Shaking the thought from her head. She laid in her bed, closing her eyes as she wished this simple life to stay with her.
She awoke to the sound of screams. The scent of smoke and scorched flesh stung her nose. Throwing the front door open, her eyes were greeted by a familiar sight. Flames consumed the village she learned to love with Gilles in the middle of it all. That bastard.
“Come out. Come out wherever you are, my sweet Jeanne. Where is my beautiful Dragon Witch?”
“Lady Jeanne is not a witch! She’s my friend and older sister,” screamed a young child. Burn marks peppered her pure flesh, her tears only bringing more pain to the fresh wounds.
Gillies’ turned to look at the innocent little thing, a maniacal grin painting his lips.
“Ohh! How adorable of you to protect something you have no knowledge of. It just makes my whole body shiver with excitement!” He glanced over to his ‘beloved’. “Why don’t you show them oh great one! Show them what you can truly do!”
Flames licked Jalter’s fingertips. Her face contorting into an all too familiar scowl painting her features. The silver haired maiden stood in front of the frightened child, muttering a quick apology before reducing them into ash.
She truly was foolish to try to run away from fate. The flames that burned her will forever be a part of her. That pain, the people’s curses. All those things made Jeanne D'arc Alter.
“Jalter! Stop this at once!” Her master’s voice rang in her ears causing a sharp pain in her chest. 
‘I’ve come this far, might as well continue the role of the villain,’ she thought to herself before laughter just spilled from her throat. No matter how much work she’d put into something it’ll all be reduced to ash in the end. She’ll never be able to leave behind these flames.
“I was wondering when you were going to show up. To think I was actually-” a lump caught in her throat as she watched the villagers cower behind her true self. Their blonde hair waving in the wind like a protective sunlight, a halo that she had no choice but to break. She never did stand a chance in the end, did she?
Soon enough she was surrounded by other servants. Gillies being easily defeated by a handful of riders, not even being able to summon any of his beasts from his grimoire.
Her mind went blank as she blindly burned each servant that went after her. Choked screams filled her head. Whether it came from her old comrades or herself. She didn’t know anymore. All she could do was swing her flag pole and reduce everything around her to ash once again.
Was her dream of having a simple village life impossible? Did she have no choice but to burn each bridge she came across? Was there even a chance for her to change?
With her spirit core weakening. Tears slipped from the dragon witch’s eyes.
“I just wanted something to call my own. I just wanted a life, a history of my own. Is that too much to ask for!”
Master smiled apologetically, running their fingers through Jalter’s hair before they disappeared back to the throne of heroes.
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writer-and-artist27 · 4 years
Hi, wanted to try this ask thing out! I guess I'll go for 4, 34, and 44 if I can. Sorry if you don't like any. ( Just realized there's way too many 4s to be a coincidence).
Hi, Aqui. :) Thankie for the ask. Anything from you is a gift to see. 
Still, the ask, hm.
4. Favorite pairing?
...Can I put down @cyb-by-lang‘s Kei and Kakashi? Since I can’t see any other greater Naruto ship aside from the canon Kushina and Minato. I still love my childhood ship of NaruHina, but I avoided the Ship Wars for a VERY GOOD REASON. 
Otherwise in other fandoms... 
Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun: HanaNene (Toilet Ghost and Daikon Girl SO CUTE)
Fate/stay night: ...This is hard. If only because all the three main ships from the original VN (Shirou/Saber, Shirou/Rin, and Shirou/Sakura) are valid, not to mention Shirou/Rider growing on me a little. I think I’ll go with Kiritsugu x Irisviel and Saber x Irisviel because goddammit, Fate/Zero is great.
Fate/Apocrypha: I did have a small affection for Sieg/Jeanne, but to be honest, the Platonic Life Partners in Achilles and Atalante won me over. I still want to tear up at their last scene in Episode 22 and is why I took my Achilles to fight Atalante Alter at the end of Lostbelt 1. 
Danganronpa: NaeGiri. Because Makoto and Kyoko grew on me. Also Hinata x Chiaki.
Fruits Basket: Kyo and Tohru! They remind me so much of Leo and I, so they grew on me when watching the remake. :) 
This is all I can think of at the moment.
34. Do you like UAs (universe-alterations, when the main universe and characters are the same but one plot point/decision/outcome is altered)?
I do! I really appreciate these when they’re written well, examples including Fate: Sword Order (where Shirou ends up in Chaldea with Fujimaru) and Three-Point Shot (where thanks to some meddling, V3′s first trial goes very differently, causing the Butterfly Effect to better writing). 
I mean, my own stories are based on that aspect to a sense, so yes, I do enjoy it a lot. :) 
44. How fluffy is too fluffy?
I have no clue. I usually judge based on reader reactions. And considering how I had my first written character death in S&S 27 earlier this year due to urging by Os and Lang, I need to break up my fluff a bit. ;p 
But hey! When shit happens in the world, fluff is great! That’s my motto. 
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What would you say is the best fanfic you’ve read so far, any pairing (or lack thereof) and any fandom?
Uma vida escolar nada comum by @littlefairyinabottle . Yeah, that’s right: 262 chapters. How that’s possible? Even the writer doesn’t know! However, you know how important this fanfic is to me? I was one of the first readers. I saw this small fanfic to grow up and helped to become better. I was there when the plot twist was revealed; to be honest, that plot twist wouldn’t exist if the writer didn’t have done a mistake. But it made it even better! Also, I made a lot of the characters!
Anyway, what would happen if humans started to study with our lovely countries?
O choro dos pássaros by @amaranthine-sins . YES, ROMECHU! THIS BEAUTIFUL ONESHOT ABOUT ROMECHU MADE ME CRY!
Card Castle . YES, AGAIN OF MY MOM! SHE MAKES ME PROUD! ANYWAY, THIS IS A FRUK WITH SPAPORT AND OTHERS SHIPS (LIKE SEBORGA X ME; YEAH, I GOT THE BAE!) Ok, she is not going to finish this fanfic, however, she wrote another fanfic about FrUk, reusing some plots of this one and is…
White Canvas THIS ONE, THIS BEAUTIFUL FANFIC, IS JUST… AMAZING! IT’S NOT OVER, HOWEVER, AAAAAH! Ok, the main ship is FrUk, ok, but Arthur is dating with Andrés (2P!Spain), AND YOU WILL LOVE ANDRÉS. Now I want to read the next chapter. Damn. Aaaah, you will see here more about Arthur’s brothers and their abusive father, Richard. One of my guilty pleasures is Richard. Such complex character with a terrible past; still an asshole. ACTUALLY, ONCE WE WERE ROLEPLAYING HIM WITHOUT THAT DARK PAST AND, BOY, NICEST FATHER EVER!
Anyway, this woman is so talented. She gave great fanfics that she didn’t post, but I have read it. SHE HAS A TERROR FANFIC ABOUT APH WALES! GIVE ME THE NEXT CHAPTER, WOMAN! I NEED TO READ THE SEAURA!!! Ok, I’m calm… She also has a 2P!SpaPort!~ Basically, Andrés is writing a carte about his life and his crush for Filipe (2P!Portugal). I just love it.
Arranha-Céus Flutuantes. Aaaah, Francis and his three loves: Marie Antoinette, Arthur and Jeanne. It’s so well-written, I’m???? This is very old and I’m still waiting for an update, but still??? Amazing. I hope she updates. Her other fanfics are very good.
Moonlight. An angsty DenNor fanfic. Ok, the main character is Iceland, but still. 
Just give me new chapters.
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Here are the fics I have written so far!
Agents of SHIELD
Staring at their Ass
BioQuake + Reader
Jealous BioQuake + Reader
Realizing Their Feelings For You
The First “I Love You"s
Being Part of the Secret Warriors
Reacting to Wet Dreams
MorseCode Angst: Our Light | Our Loss
Daisy Johnson 
Cute Girl Like You
Real | Rise
Baby Sunrose
Kitty, Kitty | Bitchy Witchy
Is There a Doctor in the House?
Hello Again
Rainy Day, Lazy Day
A Hunting We Will Go
Peanut Butter and Jelly
A Letter
(No) Sex on the Beach
Protective Daisy Johnson
Dating Daisy + Going on the Run
NSFW Headcanons
Jealous Daisy Johnson
Being Coulson’s Daughter + Crushing on Daisy Johnson
First Time with Daisy
Being Steve’s Little Sister + Dating Daisy Johnson
Dating Daisy Johnson + Having Tattoos
Being Melinda’s Niece + Dating Daisy
Beach Time Headcanons
Being Daisy’s Younger Sister + Being a SHIELD Agent
Crushing on Daisy + Being Part of the Secret Warriors
Having a Sonic Scream + Dating Daisy Johnson
Being a Reporter + Crushing on Daisy Johnson
Sparring with Daisy Johnson
Being Daisy Johnson’s Teen Sister
Dating Daisy Johnson + Being an Avenger + Having  Fire Powers
Clingy/Needy Daisy Johnson
Mama May and Papa Garner
Team Noticing Shit
Having a Lil Cat with Daisy
Having a Puppy with Daisy
I Am “This” Close
Fly Me To The Moon
She Shines
Make Her Happy For Me
Hi, I’m Dad
Give Them Back
I’m Just Curious
I Got You
Come Back Home
Never Picked, Never Chosen
 Elena Rodriguez
Dating Elena Rodriguez
Wanda Maximoff
How to Hook Up Witches
Dating Wanda Maximoff
NSFW Headcanons
A Birthday to Remember
Being an Avenger + Crushing on Wanda
The Manual
Celebrating Hanukkah with Wanda
Paint Me
Abraca- FUCK YOU
Cuddle Puddle
Jemma Simmons 
You’re Cute
Why Daisy Should (Not) Be Cupid
Being Daisy’s Lil Sis + Crushing on Jemma
NSFW Headcanons
Brother Not So Dearest
I Burn (All Those I Touch)
Silly Ol’ Peter
Melinda May
Melinda May
Opposites      Attract
First Time      with Melinda May
NSFW      Headcanons
Jean Grey
Bandages and Tickles
NSFW Headcanons
Bobbi Morse
I Wish…
NSFW Headcanons
Jealous Bobbi Morse
Domestic Bobbi Morse
Freak in the Streets, Sweet in the Sheets
Peggy Carter
NSFW Headcanons
Human!Aida/Ophelia Falling for You
Take Out
Lady Sif
NSFW Headcanons
Dating Sif + Not Being a Fighter
Swan Song
Surprise Times 2!
Natasha Romanoff
Eye of the Beholder
Maria Hill
NSFW Headcanons
Michelle Jones
Dating Michelle Jones
Protective MJ
Liz Toomes
Dating Liz Toomes
Seasons of Waiting
Jessica Jones
Dating Jessica Jones
Diana Prince 
Dating Diana + Meeting the League
Dating Diana Prince
NSFW Headcanons
Being Bruce’s Secretary + Being Hit On By Diana
  Harleen Quinzel/Harley Quinn
Dating Harley Quinn + Poison Ivy
Apartment with Harley and Ivy
Pamela Isley/Poison Ivy
Dating Harley Quinn + Poison Ivy
Apartment with Harley and Ivy
Kendra Saunders
Jesse Quick
Wherever You      Go, I Go
Kate Kane
Dating Kate Kane + Papa Batman and “The Talk”
Sara Lance
First Time with Sara
Dating Sara Lance
Dom!Sara Lance
NSFW Headcanons
Thea Queen 
NSFW Headcanons
Lena Luthor
Dom!Reader and Lena
Dating Lena Luthor
 Kara Danvers
NSFW Headcanons
Felicity Smoak
First Time with Felicity
Legends of Tomorrow
The Andersen Accords: 
Chapter 1: Going Down (Not Like That)
Caitlin Snow
 Peaches and Cream
Fate Franchise
Best Cuddlers
One Good Turn Deserves Another
Dating Medea
Oda Nobunaga
Shy Lover
Nero Claudius
Dating Nero
Dating Nero + Being A Servant
Marie Antoinette
Dating Marie
Dating Passionlip
Attila the Hun
Dating Attila the Hun
Florence Nightingale
Dating Florence Nightingale
Dating Scathach
Jeanne d’Arc
Dating Jeanne d’Arc
Mashu Kyrielight
Mashu Asking You Out + Afterwards
Dating Mashu Kyrielight
Jing Ke
Dating Jing Ke
Ibaraki Douji
Dating Ibaraki Douji
Realizing her feelings
Olga Marie
Olga Maria Having a Crush on You
Married to Olga + Having A Child
Crushing on You + Revival 
Jeanne d’Arc Alter
Dating Jeanne d’Arc Alter
Dating Kiyohime
Dating Medusa
Dating Ishtar
Dating Mordred
Dating Atalanta
Arturia Pendragon | Lancer Alter | Tituria Alter
Dating + NSFW
Miyamoto Musashi
Dating Musashi
Voltron Legendary Defender
Princess Allura
Starlight, Starbright
No Matter What
 Power Rangers
Admitting Feelings
First Kiss
Realizing Their Feelings For You
Take A Hint
Trimberly x  Reader: Sweetest Kisses
Having a Small Tattoo
Trimberly x Reader Headcanons
The Dudes Getting the OT3 Together
That Should Be Me
Campfire Confessions
Too Cute
Can I Kiss You?
Hottie from Down Under
My Hero
Brotp: Black and Pink
Dating Trini + Being the Medic
Dating Trini + Being Sick
Christmas With Trini
Kimberly Hart
Green Means “Stop”
Et Tu, Bae?
Dating Kimberly + Having a Subtle Accent
Pink With Envy
 Disney’s Descendants
Baba Yaga’s Granddaughter
If the Love…Fits?
Kiss My Ass
La Belle et la Sorcière
Bad Girls Go…Goods?
Dating Mal
Dating Evie
Jealous Evie
Protective Evie
Of Assholes and Faeries
A Nice Day To Be With You
   Joan Watson
Dating Joan Watson
Jealous Joan Watson
 Wynonna Earp
Wynonna Earp
Safe and Sound
Better Late Than Never
Carry Me to Valhalla
Fishsticks and Alcohol
Waverly Earp
Haught Damn Times 2
Nicole Haught
Haught Damn Times 2
   Chloe Bennet
Dating Chloe Bennet
  Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Polya Relationship: Rosa Diaz, Amy Santiago, and Gina Linetti
Rosa Diaz
Dating Rosa Diaz
Kiss My Fist
The Rainbow Connection
Amy Santiago 
Dating Amy Santiago
Ace Attorney
Athena Cykes
Sweet, Sweet Victory
Klavier Gavin
Turning The Tables
Star Wars: Sequel Trilogy
For You
Rose Tico
For You
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