#fate headcanons
shikiii-skadi · 2 months
Shiki! I humbly request Jeanne Alter, Nobu, Okita, and Osakabehime with reader that is taller than them and will at random just *Scoop* them up nearly scaring them out of their skin to give them a hug or kiss then gently set them down and walk on like nothing happend, Bonus points if they're in the middle of a conversation or trying to be scary.
INCLUDES: jeanne d'Arc (alter), okita souji (saber)
NAVIGATION: Fate Masterlist
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Alter Jeanne d'Arc:
Arguably not a smart decision when it comes to Jeanne Alter
If she doesn't see that it is you, because you approached her from behind, you will get burned. If she does see it is you, you probably will still get burned, because how dare you do something like that.
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It was a stupid dare Mordred forced upon you. Being the reckless mage you were, you obviously agreed with little hesitation. You have defeated countless singularities and lost belts. So of course you couldn't just back down from a little dare like that, even if it meant finding yourself on the other end of Jeanne's wrath. It can't be that bad… right? If everything goes wrong, you still had your command spells. Even if you'd rather not have to explain why you used one to the Director.
But now it was probably too late for second-guessing anyway. You could see Jeanne with her back turned to you talking to Andersen and Shakespeare. None of them noticed your arrival, being too engrossed in their conversation about German tales.
You take a deep breath before approaching the group.
"Jeanne!", you call out, so she will know it is you, before already slightly embracing her and placing a kiss upon her cheek.
You hoped Jeanne would be too caught of guard to react, which actually seemed to be the case until...
"How dare you, you dummy!!! La Grondement--"
You've never run faster in your life as you try to get away before Jeanne's Noble Phantasm pulverizes you.
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Okita Souji:
Does not know how to react.
Okita has no idea about romance and such so it went right over her head what your show of affection could imply.
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You thought it would be a fun idea to surprise Okita with a kiss on the cheek to see how she would react.
You begin to search for her. It didn't take you long to spot her together with a few other Servants of the Saber class discussing swordsmanship.
As always, Okita's expression was neutral. You took the chance and approached her. A second later you had scooped her up and gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek before setting her down again and walking away as if nothing happened, leaving the other servants rather flabbergasted to what the hell just happened, while Okita stood there with a very confused expression.
She turns to her fellow servants. "Was that Masters way of showing our friendship?", she asks, causing some Servants to facepalm at her obviousness and others to snicker in amusement.
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re-re-redline · 2 months
-General Headcanons: Constantine- 1st Addendum
No Spoilers For Traum
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Foreword: Looking back on it now, I feel as though there wasn’t that much meat on the bone when it came to the original general headcanons, so I decided to make an addendum. I don’t want to call this the General Headcanons 2, ‘cause A. that’s pretty dry and B. there isn’t enough here to warrant labelling this a sequel per se to the original. Plus I won’t feel odd making more of these when the mood strikes me! So without further ado… Let’s jump into it.
Had this shit in my back pocket while I was writing that long ass (but absolutely worth it) fic, so it’s nice to set this free while I write my internal character bible for Micheal and Mehmed as well as working on the other things on my to-do list. So I do hope you all will accept this bite-sized (by my standards) offering while I do that ‘cause I can’t keep anything short to save my life, good grief.
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The best gift you could ever give Constantine is a pair of bluetooth noise cancelling headphones. Seriously. We know this guy hates too much noise and that’s why you’re most oft to find him in quieter places in Chaldea, but if you gave him these? Dude. You’re a lifesaver, genuinely. Now Micheal doesn’t have to psych himself up to pass through certain areas or have to leave a room he was comfortably chilling in. It’s great. You’ll see him with those on his neck all the time and he’ll even have the charging cable on him and the wire for when it dies and he can’t charge it. Just, uh, don’t be too mad when you have to put effort into getting his attention sometimes, ‘kay?
I sorta mentioned it in passing within previous posts, but Constantine is cold to the touch. He’s so cold that he can just hold an ice cube in his hand until it fully melts without squirming or even feeling it for that matter. Now that’s not to say that he NEVER gets cold, but it takes quite a bit to get him to shiver. The first Lostbelt is the obvious example. The reason why our man is so GODDAMN COLD is because of the legend that floated about after his death that he’s a marble statue in a cave under the Golden Gate of Constantinople. Statues get cold and underground caves are really cold, hence how low this man’s temperature is on main. He never really noticed it until you held his bare hand for the first time and felt that you were really warm. He mistakenly took it as you being sick but he quickly found out that your hand isn’t really warm because you have a fever or something, he’s just cold. Man’s not sure what to think of this since he doesn’t remember anyone telling him in life that he was frigid to the touch. Strange.
So let’s say, hypothetically in a Normal!HGW AU, that you both win and things are cool and good. The lesser grail manifests and over the course of the grail war, you and Micheal have gotten kinda close (romantic or platonic, doesn’t matter.) If you say, oh I dunno, casually mention in passing that he’d be a pretty cool dude to exist with and that you’re gonna miss him a lot when the war ends, then our emperor might be compelled to wish on the grail to be a person again. You know, like a certain Grand Caster we all knew and loved. And that’s like, a segue into a whole other list of headcanons about your life with him and all the stuff you’d do together. So I’ll, uh, clip that there.
He’s no prude, but he’s not the type to frequent those kinds of places or sleep around. He doesn’t feel comfortable baring himself out to others so easily and will only do so if you’ve known him for a long time. While the likelihood of it is low considering how much Constantine masks his issues or is in complete denial of them, there is a chance that he would accept an offer to be friends with benefits. The only caveat is that you don’t tell anybody about it. Y’know for the sake of his rep. …And because he’s slightly embarrassed to admit that he has those kinds of needs.
Just like with concerts, parties aren’t really his scene either. The noise level is already bad enough, but being jammed into a room with a bunch of people AND very loud music? Get him outta there, he’s not going to last! Well, he is. But he’ll be in a sour mood afterwards. Another reason why Constantine doesn’t really enjoy parties all that much is…well, what’s he gonna do? Dance? The only dancing Micheal knows is waltz and that ballroom shit he was forced to learn when he was younger. There’s no way you’re going to see him bust a move, not even when he’s drunk. He’ll be standing with you in the corner of the room holding a red cup of punch and’ll talk with you the whole time until it ends. If you’re honestly gonna call Micheal to go to a party with you, it’d probably be as a bodyguard or a chaperone. It’s what he excels at and he’d be more comfortable that way since he’d have a defined objective instead of the very vague “have fun” that implicitly comes with being invited to be a partygoer.
Speaking of drinking, how does the last emperor of Rome hold his liquor? Quite well actually despite not drinking that much on his own time. You can thank his pops for that (headcanon). He can out do a fair few people before getting tipsy himself and even then he can can drink with the best of them…until either his self-restraint kicks in or you and Johanna drag him out that is. That being said, he won’t get into too many drinking competitions. Just a few to let everyone know that he’s no lightweight, he’s learned his lesson from fucking around (not literally) in his youth with George. Now that we know his abilities, one has to wonder what kind of drunk he is. Does he laugh? Cry? Talk nonstop? Maybe get…saucy? No, no, no, and no. It’s so much worse than that. Constantine is a philosophical drunk, but not the ‘lasagna is just spaghetti flavored cake’ kind. I’m talking the psychologically damaging kind. That man will make you question your belief system and your reality if you make the mistake of indulging in conversation with a drunk Constantine. He will deadass rewrite your principals and grill you about folding so quick as to let him do this. If you start to weep, he’ll just sling an arm over your shoulder…and continue lowering your sanity by talking some more. If you record the conversation with him in that state and show post-hangover Constantine he’ll flush beet red and put his head in his hands, groaning. He’ll apologize to you and kindly ask you to delete the recording. He’ll tell you to not take any of what he said to heart, those are a drunk man’s words after all. Can’t trust what them drunk people say. And, uh, maybe don’t talk with him when he’s like that? Please? …With some of the things he says, you can’t help but question his mental health. Can you really say he’s okay when he’s calmly going off like this without even stuttering or pausing to think? Is this really just a drunk haze or is it a peek into the mind of your good friend Micheal? Who knows.
Note: Sober Mehmed and drunk Constantine are a crossover that the world just isn’t ready for. So maybe you should prevent this from occurring as best you can. These two could theoretically go on and on for days if Constantine doesn’t sober up or pass out and Mehmed has his schedule cleared. I’m dead serious. Micheal has a ton of shit on his mind that he never gets to talk about because George isn’t here and the alcohol has hoisted that treasure trove of opinions and thoughts to the surface. Mehmed fucking lives on not only talking (or yapping as the youth say) and debating his ideas and beliefs but also this is the golden opportunity to talk with Constantine without him writing him off and ya boi is going to milk the everliving shit out of it because it may never happen again. For the sultan, this is going to be a very interesting and enlightening conversation and for Micheal… well, he’s drunk so who knows what he’s getting out of this. And don’t worry about Mehmed’s sanity, he’s resistant to pale damage seen and heard some shit in his day, so he’ll be fine. You should really worry about yourself and not listen too hard into the conversation… or you might hear something you wish you didn’t.
If you give Constantine a bouquet of flowers, he will take at least one—usually a few—and press them near the time that he receives them. Y’know so that they’ll always look as pristine as they did when he received them. He has a nice set of acrylic tiles on a wall in his room that’s just a bunch of flowers he’s pressed in the past. He’ll smile when you point at one and he’ll happily explain how he got the flowers in the tile. Hell, he’ll be glad to explain every last one of them to you if you’d like. If not a tile then he’ll press them into a bookmark he uses. Man’s got a rotation going and a specific set per genre for his bookmarks so that they all get used equally. He might one day, if you show enough interest in this small hobby of his, press some flowers into a tile or a bookmark for you. The kinds of flowers one should expect are…The red rose, the aster, the white carnation, the anemone, the calendula, the echinacea, and lavender. One can also expect this for any bouquets he might give you—eh? Some of those flowers have a romantic connotation? Pfft, no! The red rose symbolizes Rome! Of course Constantine is gonna give you some of those and, uh, don’t worry about the other ones. They just…look nice, yeah. ANYWAYS, he has seen those videos of people making beautiful custom chess/checker boards with acrylic and he 100% wants to make one himself. He’s just stumped on what the aesthetic should be. Like, should it have a Roman aesthetic? Or should it be more focused on flowers since that’s what most of his acrylic doodads are about? Maybe he should try something new and make it like a beach? So many choices…
Note: He’d be so thrilled to receive anything like that from you, even if it looks and functions like ass. Oh, the bookmark has jagged edges that cut up the pages and his fingers? Nah, it’s fine. He’s learned how to finesse it to where it doesn’t happen anymore. Please ignore the band-aids on his fingers, they came from elsewhere. No, he refuses to elaborate. Stop asking.
Another Note: People do, in fact, commission him to make bookmarks and acrylic stands. The first time it happened was when Osakabehime came to him with a piece of printer paper and asked him to make a stand of the character on the sheet. Apparently, the stand in question was a Comiket 55 exclusive and the ones on the eBay run for about…600 to 1,000 dollars. After seeing the sheer despair on her face, he took the paper and made a stand. Batty was so happy with results that she told her friends, then they told their friends. And that, my friends, is how Constantine ended up with a side hustle making acrylic stands and bookmarks. It does decently well as a business if he does say so himself.
Constantine, to an extent, knows how to do small architectural repairs on a building. To explain this, allow me to give you a watered down history lesson.
In the year 1204, the 4th Crusade happened. Stay with me on this. Previously, Jerusalem was taken over by the Ayyubids after the 1187 siege along with a ton of crusader land; the 3rd Crusade took back most of it except for—you guessed it—Jerusalem. And that’s motive for crusade number 4. After the gang gathered their forces and had gone through some financial disputes with each other, they set off to Zara to get some moola to pay off a debt via taking the city. They took the city and stayed the winter in Zara. Now, the gang decided to go Constantinople—their fellow Christian country—because the son of the recently deposed and subsequently blinded ex-emperor, Alexios IV Angelos sweet talked the crusaders into going there to overthrow Alexios III Angelos for cool shit like: money to pay the debt, tons of troops, their navy—fuckin’ you name it, he’d give it. The broke crusader army gleefully accepted and then they did that and Alexios IV was emperor, yay. Turns out that keeping ridiculous and frankly desperate promises is very hard and often leads to having to make serious and embarrassing concessions which then leads to bad things happening as a consequence, who knew! Thanks to rebellions caused by his subjects, Alexios IV was killed and replaced by the leader of the anti-crusader gang in Constantinople, Alexios Doukas (How many of them are there?). Anywho, the crusaders were pissed that their guy was killed and ‘politely asked’ the new guy to uphold the deal and ya boi told them to fuck off. War happens and the cards just weren’t in Byzantium’s favor leading to the city of Constantinople getting sacked for three days. The destruction was on another level my friends, it was so bad that it never fully recovered under the Byzantine Empire and the 57 year long Latin occupation really didn’t help either. I’m pretty sure you can see where I’m going with this.
In Constantine’s bond 5 profile, third paragraph, it states that Constantine lived ‘in a small, only barely habitable section” of the palace. It also states that they—Constantine and his family—were powerless to stop it from crumbling. Now, it’d be quite sad and perhaps a bit silly to believe that they didn’t at least TRY to stop their home from falling apart, and that’s where this headcanon comes from. In his youth and the times when he was home away from the Morea, Constantine pitched in as much as he could to make the palace better to live in, not only for himself but for his family too. Thus a young Constantine would sometimes be found—either with George or his brothers and sisters—clearing out dirt from collapsed sections or reinforcing the little supports to keep another hall from caving in during his free time. Of course a bunch of kids and teens trying to keep a building up with zero knowledge of how architecture actually works is a recipe for failure. And while I’m pretty sure that Constantine was smart enough to realize that himself, I still think he took it hard when that hall caves in despite his best efforts. No one blames him for it; he gets a few pats on the back from his two sisters for at least trying, his brothers tell him that they just have to do better next time, his dad shrugs it by saying that there’s more important things to be worrying about and his mom tries giving Constantine hope by saying that someday things will get better and they’ll be able to build a brand new and big palace on top of this old one. That all this Ottoman business will blow over someday and everything will be fine. He just has to have faith.
Later, when Constantine would be emperor and the nightmare scenario is unfolding right in front of his eyes, I’d like to think that Constantine was there—whenever he could be—to help fix the holes in the Theodosian Walls. As we know, despite the might of the Ottoman’s artillery, their reload time betwixt volleys was absolute ass. It was so ass that it allowed the Byzantines to reliably patch as many holes in the wall as they could before the next rain shower, hence why this siege lasted for as long as it did. It was a phenomenal effort to be sure, an effort that would go down in history, no doubt but as we know, the walls did come down in the end.
In Chaldea, or more specifically out on rayshift, if you’re camping out in an abandoned building then you’ll find Micheal patching holes in the roof and walls as best he can. If asked why then he’ll tell you that it’s to keep everyone from getting sick thanks to the draft and the elements. It’s best not to go digging too deep into this line of questioning as the roots of it all are deeply personal and riddled with the loathing of his believed personal failings. So just let your buddy do a lil’ housework—hell, maybe pitch in! I’m sure he’d appreciate the help.
Note: I feel like Constantine might have had a small childhood fear of the roof coming down on him while he sleeps. Like, a stone just slipping out of place and icing him while he’s snoozing or the whole ass roof, either scenario kept him awake at night some of the time. And, while that fear has mostly fallen to the wayside thanks to the wonderful losses he experienced in life, he does once in a blue moon wake up in a cold sweat after having a nightmare of his noggin getting rocked. And worse yet? He has a nasty headache when he wakes up.
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And that’s the first addendum to the General Headcanons. As you can see, it’s most just me spitballing and adding fun and not fun little bits to his character. While I did want to keep it relatively light, it’s kinda hard when you have a man as drenched and marinated in tragedy as Constantine XI. It’s like: “*Gently pats the Micheal* This boi can fit so much trauma, depression and overall tragedy in him!” So it just kinda writes itself. He’s such a sad individual and has ensnared me, heart and soul, into his solemn existence and I am living it like a possum in the ceiling of a government building from 1999. It’s stuff like this that really makes me wish that Lasengle would go in deep and just rip his character to shreds and make him bleed narratively. I want the deepest of cuts on this man’s life and I want an autopsy for all to see on why this man is one of the least okay individuals in Chaldea and I want everyone to come together and help Constantine resolve his issues one step at a time and show him that everything is okay now and that he doesn’t have to suffer alone and that he’s a greater man than he thinks he is. GOD what I would give for a canon interaction between Romulus and Constantine. Just Romulus patting him on the head saying that he did his best with what he had and he let Rome go down with a bang and that’s all Romulus could’ve asked for. That shit would do wonders for Micheal’s self-esteem.
But a gal can dream.
And write fanfiction.
My lamentations aside… In small Redline news, I’m feeling a lot better and thankfully I had most of this written before I got sick so props to past Redline. I got Angra Mainiiu to bond level 10 a few days ago, Constantine is almost to bond 9 with 53k-ish to go, Douman is halfway to bond 10 with 204k-ish to go, Koyayaya of Light is bond 9 and my Hajime-chan is 361k away from bond 12. Okuu Rerun and Traum definitely pushed Constantine and Angra to where they are now but ultimately… Triple bond CE Bloodfort grinding on dead weeks with Douman and Van Gogh always crosses the finish line, so to speak. That’s how the last of my pre-Lostbelt 6 crack team got to bond 10! I’ll be grinding 90++ with the same team (Koyayaya, Support Castoria and Proto-Merlin) and having Constantine soak up that juicy ≈1.3k bond until the event ends.
P.S: Apologies if the history lesson on the 4th Crusade was a slog to read through. I just felt like historical context was needed to best understand the headcanon and it wouldn’t have hit as hard—or perhaps at all, had I not placed it there and I tried keeping it as short as I could.
Anywho, I’ll be getting back into the swing of things. So I leave you with this humble offering and have a nice day, everyone.
—Redline, over and out!
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Hey!! Hope you have fun in your new fandom!! Also any headcanons for uhhh Mandricardo Orr Dantes?
I'll go with Dantes since I'm more familiar with him
While he enjoys his coffee black, he won't give his master too much flak if they like putting things in their coffee. Just don't expect him to be standing in a line at Starbucks anytime soon.
Dantes takes care of problems silently before his master is even aware of them. You're about to run out of juice? Suddenly there's a brand new bottle in the fridge. The garden gate is starting to squeak? Not anymore. Someone's contemplating robbing you in an alley? I think you get the idea.
If you just need a quiet moment where no one really bugs you but someone's still nearby to just...vibe with you, he's the perfect servant to have around. You two could either be right next to each other or on other sides of the room doing your own things, and there will only be a comfortable silence.
Please, don't call him Edmond. He'd prefer that you just call him Dantes or maybe even a nickname you gave him. Just not Edmond. That name's off-limits.
If he falls for his master, he may never confess. He believes that even if you do return his feelings, he doesn't deserve your love. It'll take a lot to convince him otherwise.
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arifuretaboy · 1 year
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sb tagged my other tez drawing talking about tez having his obsidian foot in every ascension and i’d actually been thinking about that myself so here are my two cents on that^^
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300iqprower · 1 year
at least with the Servants of Stay Night, how do you think each Servant individually though of Archer (EMIYA) I've seen many fanfictions in where whether he and the other Stay Night Servants are interacting with each other, the other Stay Night characters usually hate him, or just dislike him. I get that he can be a jerk, but that was only specifically towards Shirou, so do the other Servants think negatviely of him as well, except Gil cus it's obvious why he'd hate him
Nah, Nameless/Emiya is basically the edgy new guy who everyone either humors him or loves giving him shit for being a tryhard.
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simplytheevebest · 2 years
Headcanon Time: Farah's Recovery (from the opinion of a non-doctor who did surface-level research and absolutely doesn't claim to know what she's talking about)
Considering how involved and concerned Terra was with Musa's magical recovery, I can only imagine how involved she'd be with Farah's. Musa gave up lost her magic but Farah was "dead" for an indeterminate amount of time(? I can't remember if it was said how long), came back as a force ghost trapped in a fern, and then had to recharge her magic and strength to regain her corporeal form (this is what happened, fight me canon).
But like, taking away the death-not-death magical aspect and just looking at a physical recovery, and setting aside that canonically Farah's body would've needed to be "regained" because I personally much prefer the headcanon that she rose from the grave, spirit and body intact, you can't just jump up from such a lengthy period of inactivity and be fine. It's been anywhere from a few months to a year since the events of season 1 (if season 1 took place during the winter semester and Rosalind took over for the spring semester it's been a few months; if we pick up during the new fall semester it's been about half a year). That's a long time not to be moving or working your brain (also depending on when she was found). Terra mentioned physical therapy for Musa concerning her wounds, and I personally know people who have had surgeries and recovered from horrible injuries and had to relearn how to walk, talk, eat, etc. So I definitely subscribe to the idea that Farah will need this too.
Combining my love of angsty realism and the magic of Fate, Farah has a long road of recovery ahead of her and she's never going to be just as she was before. Like even if you injure yourself in some smaller way, it can impact your health years into the future. I almost broke my toe over a decade ago and to this day it aches in the rain and humidity. Farah's likely already got scars from serving under Rosalind, which isn't going to help her recovery from literally dying either. So right out of the gate she's probably definitely going to have to regain motor function and she's highly likely to need to regain mental strength as well. And realistically there are other world doctors who would step in to properly assess but that sounds exhausting so instead, Ben and Terra are in charge of Farah's recovery and Terra is absolutely going to make sure Farah sticks to it because lord knows Farah won't be diligent. Yet she'll be impatient and frustrated at herself for not being able to walk short distances without her legs shaking or running out of breath, or being unable to pin up her hair because her arms can't support themselves. She might struggle to get her fingers to cooperate to write, or muddle words and phrases in her head and be unable to coherently express them. She won't be able to teach a class, or go on walks, or maybe even eat without assistance at first. She won't be able to do paperwork, or speak her thoughts clearly, or write down what she wants to say if she can't speak it.
There's a whole host of other things that could impact her: impaired motor function, nerve damage, brain damage, crush syndrome, respiratory issues, cardiac issues, seizures, numbness, organ failure, paralysis, etc. Like I've never been buried alive so I can't speak from experience nor do I know anyone that has, but just imagining, magic aside, that she was essentially in a coma underground for a week at least definitely means she's not coming out unscathed. And considering the magic would've saved her from the worst of it (the irreparable life-threatening complications like necrosis or organ failure) I still choose to believe she's going to have to relearn some skills and rebuild her strength because even if she remembers how to walk, she might not have the muscle strength to do so.
Which of course opens the door for so many angsty hurt/comfort fics (and I have read some excellent ones that are escaping me, forgive me) of the teens convincing Farah to take it easy on herself because they love and care about her, or Saul helping Farah with her hair after she tearfully concedes she needs the help. Because Farah is strong and proud and she won't want to admit weakness even when she has so many to support her. And sure, perhaps her recovery isn't that extensive, it depends on your interpretation of her injuries, but these are just a few examples of ways she could be impacted.
And then there's her magic. She's a mind fairy, so if her mind itself is healing there's no way she's going to have total control over her powers from the get-go. Which means intrusive thoughts and feelings of others in her head without being able to block them out, accidental projecting onto others, headaches, and that's just the mind. Farah is also a master of the other magics, so now we're considering random lights going on and off or exploding, liquids boiling over or freezing solid. Plants growing out of control, random flying objects from her haywire telekinesis. We had a glimpse into out of control magic when the Winx channeled it into the stone and forgot to cut it off. Farah is unfathomably more powerful than them, so her magic going off the cuff is problematic and potentially dangerous.
The magic is what's going to get to Farah the most, I think, because so much of her identity is rooted in being the powerful fairy she is, and especially because of Rosalind's influence. With her magic being so uncontrollable, she's going to suggest that the runic limiters be put on herself, and there's not a single person who will agree to that. Farah is going to have to practice what she preaches and be patient and kind with her own magic rehabilitation just as she is with her students. And I think Stella would be an excellent candidate for this, because she's benefited from Farah's teachings the most. And for all of s2's faults, I really did love and enjoy the character development with Stella because she really came into her own this season and demonstrated, to me, the kind of queen she will be, which according to her positive feelings towards Farah in the prequel, is likely very much influenced by Farah. So to have Stella directly involved in helping rehabilitate Farah's magic as Farah did for her is, I think, a great little parallel moment.
Again, I'm not a doctor, nor do I possess any reliable medical knowledge beyond my obsession with medical dramas, which is to say I have no clue what is and is not something that could be a side effect of being comatose and buried alive while also spreading your life force into the plants around you. But this is a show about fairies and magic so I'm allowing myself a bit of slack with accuracy here, because it's become my personal headcanon that Farah required physical, mental, and magical therapy after her nap and it was a long, slow process hindered by her own impatience and final confrontation with Rosalind, in which she was definitely not up to full power and probably would've died for real if, say, Bloom hadn't stepped in to vaporize Rosalind to save her headmistress. I'm just drawn to the idea of Farah's recovery having that ounce of realism that means she doesn't just wake up and go about like it's a normal day. Let her injuries be real and life changing as is the case for so many people, and let her have the support and love of others to rely on. No quick fix. But that's just me.
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novena-proxy · 2 years
Various Cu's fursonas
I know that Cu is associated with dogs but thats his assigned fursona and I'm not 100% sure he'd choose it lf he got to pick. So here's what I think the Cus fursonas would be.
Caster Cu : cat what kind idk
Lancer Cu : wolf
Proto Cu : Fox
Berserker Cu: Maned wolf
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hello, it's been a long time. i hope the crew is alright. this is not specifically a sprite comment ask, i would just like to know your thoughts on this. What do you think Izou would be like in the role of a malewife? very interested to know (for research purposes) thank u ^^
Hm. This is a difficult question that I do not know, but primarily because I don't even really think about or know what qualifies as a 'malewife' that much. No, really, what even is a malewife?? Does it just mean they do stereotypical housewife things like laundry/cooking/cleaning while the other partner does Job™ things??? I do not know, but I am going to assume it is somewhere in that direction probably ?? I am hoping I am doing this right.
Anyway, I think Izou would probably either downplay what he does housekeeping-wise (saying he was annoyed by or "couldn't stand" something not being done so he did it very begrudgingly, definitely totally not because he cared about picking things up around the house for you, or just doing things "on a whim"), or take his responsibilities very seriously (aka hyper-vigilant about making sure you both have everything you need, arriving places not just on-time but early, etc). Maybe both, depending on how openly expected or not it is of him.
I don't know if he'd be good per se at like. General housekeeping stuff like cooking/cleaning, since I don't think he ever had to do that kind of thing much in life and I don't think it's important enough for him to learn now as long as it gets done somewhat passably well, so I think food getting burnt might be a somewhat common occurrence, as well as perhaps occasionally disregarded instructions when "following" recipes (saying it's "good enough" otherwise) lol
I think he'd also get kind of frustrated with paying bills and such, since I don't think he has the greatest sense of money/budgeting/due date management/understanding of how things like credit cards or loans even work.
Depending on the kind of relationship you have with him, I could maybe also see him being kind of wary/suspicious of anyone new you introduce to him?? Not necessarily that you'd run off with them or anything, but rather, not automatically trusting that they don't have some sort of ulterior motive or intent to harm you. As such, I think he'd be fine with whatever you get up to, but would probably want to stick around in one way or another when you head out on your own someplace to make sure you stay safe and don't like. get beat up in an alley somewhere or anything.
I think if he's not allowed to follow you to wherever though (as a +1 or in spirit form or questionably hanging out in the parking lot for several hours) he'd probably be very productive with the housework, getting a lot of things done by means of anxiety to keep from chewing on the curtains while you're gone. Perhaps routinely checking in with you (via text or telepathy or however) just to keep the anxiety down, too.
So basically, I uh, don't really know if he'd make for a great housewife, but since that may have different qualities than a malewife does, perhaps the dream is still alive??
Listen, I don't go here because I think he makes for a great wife, I'm just here because I think his pathetic and/or spiky nature is sexy. I might trust him with my life as he points his sword at me but I would absolutely not trust him with my bills as he says he'll take care of things.
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notherpuppet · 8 months
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How the old timey prick got his pet
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copperpipes · 3 months
I cast transgender :p ✨✨
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Here since its pride month i give you my Jaime reyes head canon
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panipancakes · 8 months
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Shirou discovers something new about herself.
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shikiii-skadi · 2 months
Oooh~ I saw: what they would they act like if they had a crush with some fate characters. Would it be possible to get some ones with Artoria pendragon, Penthesilia, Caenis, and Martha?
includes: artoria pendragon (saber), caenis (lancer), penthesilia (berserker) warnings: none
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Artoria Pendragon:
Artoria takes pride in the close bond you and her share as Servant and Master, as she believes that unconditional trust is one of the most important aspects of your relationship.
She wants to protect you and is always ready to sacrifice herself if necessary.
Artoria always respects your wishes and would discuss everything with you beforehand. And she expects that in turn, you would do the same for her.
In the beginning, when her feelings for you develop, she is somewhat oblivious to her own feelings. She would think it's just because of your friendship and master-servant relationship.
The moment she realizes her feelings, it hits her like a truck. It wasn't even that it was anything special that you did or said. It was a simple smile you gave her. Artoria could feel her heart beating faster and the desire inside her to see you smile like that forever.
Artoria felt a little more shy around you after this realization.
She is worried that feelings might interfere with your Servant-Master relationship, but ultimately she knows that you have a strong bond with each other based on mutual trust. Even if she confessed her feelings to you and you didn't feel the same, she was sure that your friendship wouldn't change. So she would take the plunge and confess her love to you.
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Penthesilea was very conflicted by her arising feelings for you, it would take her a good while to acknowledge them and even longer to accept them.
Penthesilea is a warrior. Her worst trauma was being called beautiful instead of being recognized as a fearsome opponent. The world would have to end five times before she would even think of swooning over you like a pure maiden.
It would take a lot of time and patience from you and a few other more empathetic Servants to make her realize that love doesn't make her soft or “feminized”. She is a berserker, you will have a tough time getting through to her in that regard.
She generally treats you the same way as before, she sees no reason to treat you differently just because she is in love with you.
Despite empathetic words from others or enough time to fully understand and accept her feelings. Penthesilea wouldn't confess her feelings to you first. You could be the most oblivious person in the world or simply not have the courage to confess, she still wouldn't give in and make the first move.
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Another one who would not acknowledge or accept that she had caught feelings for you.
To catch her attention, you will need to have a strong character. A strong goal she can resonate with, or the ability to withstand everything that comes your way no matter how dire the situation may look.
Caenis is very blunt and straightforward. If she thinks something you thought of or did was stupid, she will tell you straight away without masking her words, even if it might hurt your feelings.
She is in general pretty rude to you. Part because it's just who she is and another part because of her denial of her growing fondness for you.
If Caenis confesses to you, it would be an angry confession, that was not planned at all. For example in the midst of battle, an opponent servant nearly killed you, causing Caenis to fall into a stage of complete fury. First, she would kill the servant, not leaving even the faintest fragment of them intact, while screaming at them how they could dare to hurt you and every known curse word.
After that her fury would be directed at you. Telling you very harshly how stupid you were and that if it wasn't for her, you would be dead by now.
Honestly, you probably don't have either the time nor the state of mind right now to fully process what just happened.
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re-re-redline · 3 months
—General Headcanons: Mehmed II—
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Foreword: You have no idea how long it took me to center the left and right squares, good grief I never want to do that again. It’s a famous portrait of Mehmed by Gentile Bellini which cropped to get the left and right squares as well as the header and the footer. The header has the nice squares that I put for Constantine’s headers and footers. The middle square is my drawing of Koha-ace Mehmed. I am working on something else to put there because, don’t lie to me, he looks kinda goofy, right? It has been changed! That is my depiction of Mehmed II and I have to say, he’s lookin’ good. But that’s just me, hehe.
On another note…Wow, who knew that working on the same thing would cause my writing abilities to slow down significantly? Definitely learning new things…Thus, I have put myself together and taken the time to work on this! Do trust that it’s definitely getting finished as the idea is way too good not to write about.
Ladies & gentlemen, germs & worms, this list of headcanons is based entirely on the vibes that the two pictures I have of Mehmed from Himuro’s World and what I picked up from looking up the real slim shady. This shit’s being held with glitter glue, popsicle sticks and a dream. Speculation of the highest order here. I’ll probably get proved so wrong when he comes out I am so on that hopium in FGO. While you munch on this, I’ll be working on an addendum for Micheal’s general headcanons and some headcanons concerning how he confesses to you. Then it’ll be Mehmed’s turn for some long ass romance headcanons. I have plans…just need to work on plans. Should I put a ‘Read More on this? It’s about as long as Constantine’s GHcs but shorter than his RHcs…
Regardless of my writing plans, I hope you get something out of this filtered crack of a hcs post.
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When he was first summoned, exactly three people (technically two) felt what many would call “a disturbance in the force.” These three (technically two) were Constantine XI and both versions of Vlad III. Constantine was having tea with Miss Crane when he felt a cold chill descend down his spine and he found himself barely able to hold his teacup without leaving a sizable crack in the ceramic. Vlad (Berserker) was working on one of his crocheting projects (a sweater for Jack The Ripper) when he also felt a chill down his spine and dropped his needles. Vlad (Lancer) experienced the same thing except he was in the middle of grilling some excellent sirloin for the boys. Case in point, all three of them wandered around a bit to find the source of this anxiety, somehow bumped into each other, found out that they’re all experiencing the same thing and next thing you know…The trio enters the summoning room to find none other than the man they all hate the most in this world, Mehmed the Conquerer. And that’s when a fight immediately broke out with you and Mash desperately fending off two pissed off Vlads and one bloodthirsty Micheal to keep your level one Mehmed alive all while our favorite sultan is smugly flipping off all three of them and goading them to attack him. Thankfully, Watanabe-no-Tsuna and Kintoki happened to pass by and they both aided you in suppressing the trio. After that, Astraea punished all four of them by forcing them all to write on a chalkboard. She was notably disappointed in Constantine since he’s such a model servant and was one of the few who didn’t have a disruption on their record. The attacking triplet were told to write “I will not kill or maim my teammate, regardless of my history with him.” 45 times and Mehmed was told to write “I will not goad my teammates into killing or maiming me.” 75 times. Needless to say, this is the definitive start to a laundry list of incidents started by our favorite sultan.
After he received his first disciplinary action from the lady justice herself, he soon found himself enamored with the technology around him. Yeah, sure, he knew about developments in tech thanks to the Throne giving him this knowledge pre-packed with his summoning, but that didn’t stop him from wanting to know more. After one month of hard studying on his part, Mehmed went from having a passable understanding of smartphones and computers to being the most tech savvy servant you’ll ever meet. He can type five long ass paragraphs with both his thumbs on his phone in under thirty seconds with near perfect punctuation. He’s jailbroken all his devices and is running Linux on his phone and tablet. He’s talking shop with Odysseus about the logistics and R&D of producing Power Armor for everyone as a thought exercise. With how comfortable he is with technology, one would easily mistake him for a man of the modern era instead of a man from the 1400s.
One has to wonder what our favorite sultan will do with his now extensive knowledge concerning modern technology. First he tried building a ‘Big Fucking Cannon’ (one that he can use separate from his NP) but was denied unanimously by administration. So, what does a guy do in place like this? With the current state of affairs with the world being bleached and all, instead of conquering all countries like he wanted to…why not conquer a new frontier? He put in much the same gusto into studying pop culture and came out simultaneously confused and very intrigued. Both came from how slang developed into its current complex form and the intricacies of it. But nevertheless he came out with an interest in the interwebs and that interest turned into…the next bullet point.
Much to the chagrin of his detractors, Mehmed is a very popular gentleman on the socials. He has a Youtube Channel, he has a Twitch Channel, he has Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, a Tumblr— he’s got it ‘em all and a huge following to back them it up. He mostly does vlogs, shitposts, and occasionally collabs with Sei Shonagon, Suzuka Gozen, and Osakabehime. Mehmed also does a history stream when the mood strikes him. He’ll either have MSPaint or a browser open as he goes on and on for hours off the cuff about various time periods and historical events he finds interesting. While the live viewers are understandably halved, y‘know ‘cause he’s the guy you watch when you want to see him shoot a mini cannon not relive your world history class, he still finds it to be an enjoyable way to fill a gap in his streaming schedule and an excellent opportunity to debunk the ‘he’s just a dumbass vlogger’ allegations. All this social media stuff is just a way to stave off boredom during his downtime on saving the world. If he didn’t have this then hoo boy, things will start getting really interesting and not in a good way! So please, just hold the camera during battle and make sure to get his good side, you’re doing Chaldea a bigger service than you think you are.
Now. You may have noticed a running theme here so far. Mehmed does quite a bit of studying. At a young age, he was taught by a ton of teachers and picked up on all the stuff they were putting down real quick. The art of studying and his innate curiosity combined to get us the intellectual we have today. It’s said that Mehmed had a strong interest in Greek and Byzantine culture, his collection of latin and greek works of art and literature are a testament to this. Hell, he even had a few portraits done of himself by the likes of Gentile Bellini. Back to his studies, Mehmed is the kinda guy who wants to know everything. If he was offered omniscience and had a strong reason to believe that he’d actually receive it, then Mehmed would have a VERY difficult time passing an opportunity like that up. Ultimately, he’d decline for two reasons. One, only god should have that kind of knowledge, humans aren’t meant for that. Two, he’d much rather earn that level of know-it-all instead of cheesing the system. The joy Mehmed gets from having that aha moment when he realizes that he’s fully grasped something is unmatched. He lives for that shit. Oh and something that miffs him about being a servant is that he just knows by default every language there is. It takes away the potential fun he could’ve had learning a new language. He was really looking forward to learning Korean, you know?
So, in between conquering the hearts of the people and his secret arms projects (c’mon, he’d totally try and build the BFC whether Da Vinci and Gordy allowed it or not), he’s reading up on various subjects that either didn’t learn about in his lifetime or updating his info the stuff he already knows, like mathematics. Many servants and staff alike got severe whiplash from stumbling across Mehmed—resident social media star—taking notes on Combinatorics and Differential Equations. Fun fact, mathematics is how Moriarty (Archer) and him became friends. Mehmed was practicing working with matrices and accidentally fudged a number which Moriarty pointed out as he was passing by. Then a conversation about the best ways to deal with matrices ensued which then turned into a conversation about cool shit like how to financially devastate your enemies. Needless to say, you’ll often see the two of them in a room together talking about…not evil things. Mhm. 100% kosher convos about math. Nothing else. You have the papa seal of approval on that.
Keeping in line with how much Mehmed studies concepts and the world around him, it should be known that this level of inquisition is also applied to the people around Mehmed. Every single member of Chaldea, servant or not, has held at least one full length conversation with Mehmed II. It doesn’t matter if you have low-ranked Madness Enhancement, Mehmed will at least TRY to hold a conversation with you. Obviously, it doesn’t quite stop there. He’ll go through Chaldea’s index and research his fellow servants and their lives along with their abilities. Mehmed has, tucked and encrypted in the darkest depths of his computer, entire dossiers on everyone. From what incidents they started to gossip and beefs involving them. He goes deep. Disturbingly deep. The reason why our favorite sultan has acquired this knowledge is so that he feels more in control. There’s nothing this man hates more than surprises, and Chaldea is chock full of ‘em considering the wide range of servants on deck. He at least wants to be able to predict how his teammates will fuck up so that he can make the save in time, instead of getting blindsided from just believing in them and getting fucked anyways. It’s already bad enough that he’s not the big kahuna here, so just let him have this, okay?
For all the learning he does, you may feel compelled to ask him questions since he seems like he basically knows everything. And you know what? That’s the best decision you’ve ever made. Mehmed absolutely loves proving how much shit he knows AND he loves teaching just as much. Ask him anything you’d like! He’ll answer it to the best of his ability and dumb it down for you as much as he needs to until you get it. He’s already smiling and pulling out the small whiteboard he has on him at all times when he sees you walking up to him with that inquisitive look on his face, he’s already unscrewing the caps to his markers before you’ve opened your mouth; man’s 100% ready to impart his wisdom unto you. The best questions you can ask him are history related questions since that’s his jam and he’ll be barely containing his excitement if you ask about the illustrious history of the one and only Ottoman Empire. He already has your hand in his as he drags you to his room for it so that he can hold show off all the shit has from his time to supplement his lecture. This might go on for so long that you two could be missing dinner and having a sleepover while he goes on and on about the empire he loved and helped grow.
Speaking of being in his room, for all the innuendoes and dirty jokes he makes, Mehmed is the kind of guy who would pull you into his bed and softly tell you to get under the blankets with him, and instead of anything seggs related it’s actually just glow-in-the-dark dinosaurs. He’ll pick one up and tell you facts about it and after he’s done with all 13 of them, he’ll then shoot ideas on how to make real dinosaurs glow in the dark like these ones. It’s pretty cute. Oh, and if anyone walks into this, then the little shit will immediately wrap his arms around your neck and start cooing about ‘how good you were for him’ and ‘how sore he feels’ and other riveting suggestive comments.
One of his favorite ways to spend time with you is watching historical documentaries! Please give it a chance, it’s not as boring as it sounds. Not with Mehmed the Conquerer sitting next to you that is. He frequently pause to give more context, point out neat things they did and—more importantly—absolutely raze them for getting shit wrong. His full name’s not Pablo Picasso, it’s Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno Crispín Crispiniano María de los Remedios de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz Picasso, dumbass. Get your shit together. You’ll end up learning a lot and your sides will be hurting from how Mehmed goes off on these documentaries. See? Not boring at all. Oh and by the way, his favorite movie is Night at The Museum. Just thought I’d tack that in there.
Vlad and Mehmed do not like each at all. Neither of them want to be in the same room as the other if they can help it. To add onto it, Vlad’s always trying to stealthily take Mehmed out of the picture through some means and it didn’t really bother him until he was nearly poisoned. That’s when Mehmed stopped messing around and nearly turned Vlad into a donut via his cannons the moment his throat started burning. Needless to say that there is a zero percent chance of either of them reconciling or working well together. There’s too much historical bad blood between them and it carried over with a vengeance into their second lives at Chaldea.
Note: If these two get into an argument—which is kinda low since talking takes SO much more effort than killing—then Mehmed will bring up, as a diss, that he fucked Vlad’s brother. Depending on who you ask, this may be true. But regardless, he’ll bring it up and that’s when the fistfight will break out. If you ask Mehmed if he actually did it, then he’ll just wink and say that’s his secret.
As for Constantine… it’s much different. While Constantine hates Mehmed for basically getting him killed and ending his empire, Mehmed on the other hand feels very differently. I implore you to look past the teasing, mean spirited “you’re an old man” jokes and pranks on Constantine for a moment, ‘kay? He’s only doing that shit to act tough and conceal how he really feels. The reality of the matter is that Mehmed actually admires Constantine. It takes balls to run headfirst into your certain doom and it takes a special kind of person to get as far as Constantine did with barely anything to hold Mehmed at bay, and you know what? He thinks that that’s the coolest shit ever. Was it fucking stupid to not accept the deal he gave to him so that he can continue ruling the Morea—you know the place he managed a while ago that really liked him—and be left alone mostly? Yeah. Was it fucking badass? Hell yeah! After Mehmed set foot into Constantinople, he understood why Constantine was fighting so hard to keep the city and he vowed to himself that he’d take care of her. Hence why the name was never changed during his lifetime and long afterwards. It’s why Constantinople became the new capital and was brought from the ground up to greatness. Was the prophecy a big part of it? Yeah, of course it was. That’s how this whole thing started in the first place. But it morphed into something more, and Mehmed really wishes that someday he and Constantine can just have a nice conversation for once about the city they both loved. And maybe… just maybe they both can be friends sometime?
Note: There is a chance for Constantine to reconcile his differences with Mehmed. It’s actually possible! You just need to do the herculean task of getting Constantine to actually talk and be direct about his feelings and what’s bothering him. And if you’ve read the romance headcanons for Constantine, then you know exactly how allergic he is to doing that. You should probably ease him into it by forcing the two of them to work towards the same goal. Like, I dunno… get fucking kidnapped by Douman or something and have those two be your only hope. Trust me, you’ll be saved in the end because Constantine is—unlike Vlad— capable of putting his beef with Mehmed aside for the greater good. And hey, he’ll realize that maybe Mehmed’s not that bad. But y’know, the man to man talk has to happen. And once it does, you’ll soon have two dudes geeking out over the Roman Empire. It’ll be wholesome, but until then, it’ll be a one-sided thing on Mehmed’s end.
To get back into a more lighthearted topic, let’s talk about how Mehmed acts. Man’s not what people expected when they heard that ‘the Father of Conquest’ has arrived at Chaldea. He’s pretty relaxed. There’s not really an aura or a vibe of regality to him at all, he just feels like a normal ass dude to talk to and his usage of modern slang is making it worse. It’s definitely a conversation to hear him talk with Blackbeard, it sounds like they’re both speaking a different language. “I understand these words separately” type shit. The reason why Mehmed’s not putting that much effort into say, intimidation factor or being cool, is because he has such a long ass list of personal achievements that he feels like he doesn’t have to act a certain way. He’s him, he has been him and will continue to be him. …Or at least that’s how he sees himself.
One of the jokes he often makes is that you have to pay him tribute and will sometimes point to his cheek or open his arms. Again, it’s a joke, so don’t feel compelled to give him a smonch or a hug if you don’t want to, Mehmed’s expecting you to say no and he’ll just say that he’ll ‘put it on your tab’ for later. Said tab does not exist and he isn’t keeping track. Though, he certainly doesn’t mind if you do peck him on the cheek or hug him as he’s a physically affectionate person by nature. On another note, uh, don’t ever let him be the event shopkeeper. You may find that things cost a bit more than usually do. Like your Corona Fous cost will 475 currency instead of the usual 400. If you ask why, then he’ll just smile and say that he’s ‘funding a personal project.’ It’s the BFC.
I want to loop back to something I said at the very beginning of these headcanons. I said that Mehmed will start a long list of incidents. Well, these incidents don’t come from Mehmed’s ‘inner desire to sow chaos for his entertainment’ something wack like that. Nope. It actually comes, surprisingly enough, from wanting to improve Chaldea. See, this guy took a look at the rules and found himself disgusted. There’s just not enough rules here! And the punishments are so lenient! This is awful, said he to himself. And thus, the incidents Mehmed starts are based on loopholes he found in the rules and technicalities and he hopes that with how much trouble he’s causing, that Chaldea’s administration will step up their game and bring the hammer down. …Yeah, they don’t. But that’s no reason to give up, he’ll just have to— oh shit that’s Astraea. Run!! Mehmed’s unfortunately made an enemy of Astraea with all his shenanigans and she has made it her mission to give Mehmed exactly what he deserves in place of Chaldean administration. So if you see him with an icepack on his head and a couple of bandages, it was probably the Lady Justice drop kicking him. Don’t worry about it too much, he knows he deserves it.
All in all, Mehmed II is a nerdy and learned type of guy who shows off his knowledge and loves imparting his wisdom to others just as much. He’s pretty goofy and laidback for a sultan and often rolls the jokes made at his expense. Seems like a simple guy, right? Well… what if I told you that this is actually just the light side of the moon? That Mehmed, in fact, has another side to his personality. A ‘gap-moe’ if you will. As much as our favorite sultan likes to hide it from others, he’s not all that good of a person deep down. Don’t get me wrong though. The man I just described is very real and is by no means a facade, that is Mehmed II. But where there’s light, there too is darkness.
Talent is a thing people are born with, it’s described the dictionary as a natural aptitude for something, after all. Mehmed believes that, those who are bestowed talent by god will at some point pay for that talent in some manner. And when you look at some of history’s best geniuses, you can see why he thinks that. To him, he believes that since he’s so talented, god has cursed him with the worst inner demons a man could have to balance him out and stop him from being too powerful. And honestly, there are times when Mehmed really wishes that he was just a regular person so that he doesn’t have to hold those wretched things at bay.
You will find, at times when Mehmed hugs you, that he’s squeezing a bit too hard. You tell him in a strained voice that you can’t breathe and for two seconds he’ll squeeze even harder before letting go and apologizing, stating that he doesn’t know his own strength sometimes. You’ll also find that Mehmed sometimes will squeeze your hand too hard when he’s holding it in his, and you just barely catch him looking away when you turn to ask him why he did that. When you’re in the kitchen cutting veggies, you’ll feel a pair of eyes burning into the side of your head. You don’t find who it is but, conveniently, when you cut your finger, guess who’s already at your side with a band-aid? Honestly, it’s like he was waiting for this to happen. I’m sure you see where I’m going with this, right?
Mehmed II is, in fact, a sadist. He likes watching your face contort in pain, he likes seeing the minute differences in your expression for different injuries, how you sound different too. It’s all so morbidly interesting to him and he wants to know more. He wants to see your face when you sprain your ankle, he wants to hear how different you sound after being nearly choked to death, he wants to see you deal with missing a hand. It’s another facet of his curiosity and he won’t stop thinking about it until he’s dealt every injury known to man onto you and sees the results for himself.
Now, you may be saying: “Redline, this is just Beryl 2: Electric Boogaloo. This headcanon is ass.” But I dare to disagree. See, Beryl flopped because he’s an undercooked loser who appeared straight outta left field and did jack all in his own damn Lostbelt. He has zero character to him other than “hehhe, breaking Mashu’s fingies is gret show of love, eye hop she luvs me when aye snap her neck tomorrow <3 <3” Mehmed, as I see him, is more than this. Way more. Go back and read the paragraphs before this if you don’t believe me, and for that matter go and read about the his history while you’re at it, the man’s a legend.
Not only that, but Mehmed—unlike shithead mcgee here—actually has self-awareness. He knows that causing you pain is a bad thing and that it only serves to satisfy his sick and twisted desires as opposed to being anything constructive or enriching for either of you. He knows that it will drive you away from him in the end. He knows that this isn’t healthy and that feeding the demons is going to end with you lying dead on the floor. He knows, he knows, he knows. Trust him, he knows.
There’s also the fact that his sadism is not how he shows love, it directly comes from his want and need to know things. Mehmed shows love like a normal person would. He gets enjoyment from hugging people, holding hands, giving gifts and spending quality time with his loved ones. You know, like a normal person. He feels genuine guilt when he actually harms you and he’s quick to right his wrongs in any way that he can. You can see the self-loathing and the guilt in his eyes when he sees the bruise on your arm from when he grabbed you too roughly. His self awareness and the subsequent guilt, that which compels him to hold the inner demons at bay, puts him leagues above Beryl Gut. His internal struggle and how he deals with his self-control waning along with his thoughts and feelings on the matter make him more than just a sadist. It makes him Mehmed II. An ultimately good man burdened with desires that harm others which in turn hurts him too, leaving him all alone to beat the hell out of himself when those desires hit their logical conclusion.
And ideally, you’ll never ever have to know about the awful awful thoughts around wriggling in his skull. You’ll just see him as your nerdy Archer class servant who likes goofing around, making posts on the internet, and shooting cannons and stuff. That’s all he is and that’s all he should be. ( :
P.S. If you tell him about the Elixir of Immortality, then he’d immediately tell you to destroy it. Good on you for not drinking it yet but seriously, that shit needs to go now. That is not something that should be in human hands and who knows what’ll happen if the wrong person finds out that you have it. If Qin Shi Huang has a problem with him destroying it for you then they’re going to have to deal with the Father of Conquest himself. Immortality only brings infinite suffering to poor soul cursed to have it, forcing them to watch the people they love wither away time and time again for the rest of forever. And that’s not getting into the prospect of you witnessing the horror that is the heat death of the universe. It sounds like a nightmare and Mehmed doesn’t want that for you. End of story.
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And that’s that. Those are my headcanons straight from my cranium put into words for your screen’s depicting pleasure. Am I reaching? Are these headcanons awful? Or perhaps I have done something right? Let me know, and um… I am considering opening my inbox, not for requests but for talking, so I’ll pondering that. And I hope you all got who you wanted for the GSSR and Destiny Order ‘cause I sure as hell didn’t! Murasaki I love you but I wanted Castoria And I’m gonna sit on my 400 SQ until September when a certain very beautiful saber who shares a seiyuu with Kakyoin comes out on NA. I’ve folded a few times but I’ll save as much as I can for real! Wait for me! Uh, ahem. But yeah, that’s all from me. Until next time!
—Redline, over and out!
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Any headcanons for best foreigner Yang Guifei?
I'm gonna apologize ahead of time if these come out bad. Even after digging through the wiki for more stuff on her, I still know next to nothing.
Yang Guifei
While her childish personality can cause people to believe that she's not the brightest of the bunch, she's a lot more intelligent than people realize.
If you have anything lychee-flavored that you want to keep for yourself, hide it. Hide it in a place only you would ever think to look. She will find it, she will eat it. She pouts and apologizes everytime, but she will do it again. Your lychee is never safe.
She's one of the few servants who would be 100% okay with things staying purely platonic with her master. She'll still love her master, but she'd much rather you be happy and comfortable than forcing yourself to be in a relationship with her.
Compliment her about something other than her beauty. Watch her melt. Tell her that you love her music, or that you have fun hanging out with her, and she will be completely flustered.
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diraxxer · 2 months
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The portrait of the last sons of Fëanaro
It was supposed to look like a stained glass window
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300iqprower · 2 years
I'm curious about how you brotp Anastasia and Mordred. I don't disagree, I just want to know if it's comparable to how I brotp them. (also brotp Sei and Anastasia? that sounds so cute!)
Anastasia: Yeah the rebels killed my father, the king
Mordred, rebel and king killer with daddy issues: I don't see the problem-
Anastasia: and then they gunned down the rest of my family one after the other because of our shared blood, until I tried to get away alone and they finished me off.
Mordred, professional with standards and also still technically knight sworn to protect the innocents and save princesses: Wow, what a bunch of fucking clowns. I would have killed them then and there myself for being such cowards.
[pretend this happens in servant therapy circle led by Shakespeare, and Mordred is petting a small shadowy Viy like a void-cat the entire time]
Also Anastasia annihilated Mordred in a snowball fight during the santagale incident (armor and all) and they're trying to learn her secret ever since
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