fundiepredictions · 1 month
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Nora was flower girl
Katey looks good
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countingandsnarkingon · 2 months
Jed and Katey are expecting TWIN GIRLS!!*
*the capitals are my shock not my excitement at Jed Duggar of all people having Twin Daughters
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fundieshaderoom · 4 months
Duggar Spottings: Nora Duggar's 1st Bday Vlog
Jed, Katey, Truett, and Nora Duggar
Jim Bob, Michelle, James, Johannah, Jennifer, and Jordyn Duggar
Jessa, Ben, Spurgeon, Henry, and Fern Seewald
Laura DeMasie
Hannah, Eden, and Edelweiss Keller
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spurgie-cousin · 2 months
Spurge, wake up! The first duggar grand-twins were announced!!!
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duggardata · 2 years
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Katey Might Be Pregnant. Again.
Thank you to the many, many people who sent in Asks about this!
Katey (Nakatsu) Duggar has a public Pinterest profile. It’s definitely hers; her half–sister and Hannah (Wissmann) Duggar follow it. One of her "boards" is also entitled "Esther's shower!," and we know that Katey planned / hosted Esther (Keyes) Bates's baby shower back in September.
Direct your attention to the latest "board" on Katey's account, which is entitled "Christmas photo." Per Pinterest, Katey's latest pin to the "Christmas photo" board was 1 Month Ago. When you click into the board, you see that the most recent pin is... An idea for a Christmas–themed pregnancy announcement.
Now, Duggar Data isn't a Pinterest whiz, by any means. I'm not sure if "1 Month Ago" actually means 30 Days Ago, or possibly if Pinterest treats everything that happens in October as "1 Month Ago" as soon as November rolled around. Regardless, snarkers—Reddit, I believe, was first to find it—discovered the "Christmas photo" Pinterest page yesterday (November 2, 2022). So it's safe to say that Katey pinned the holiday–themed pregnancy announcement in October 2022.
I'm sure you're all eager for the data, so let's get on with it.
When is Duggar–Nakatsu #2 Forecast to Arrive?
As of November 3, 2022, Katey was expected to announce her 2nd Pregnancy on December 27, 2023, and give birth August 22, 2024. That's based on Jed + Katey's Marriage–to–Firstborn Spacing (394 Days), the Duggar 2nd Child Multiplier (1.7949), and a Maternal Age Multiplier for Age 25–29.99 (1.1928). All that works out to an Age–Adjusted Procreative Pace (AAPP) of 843 Days (27.7 Months). The Projected DOB (August 22, 2024) is 843 Days after Truett's DOB of May 2, 2022—so, there you go. Their ESOQ is 8 Children.
(Note—Savvy followers might be objecting at this point, like: "Katey isn't 25! She doesn't turn 25 until July 2023!" That is true; however the Maternal Age Factor kicks in because she will be Age 25–29.99 for her next birth.)
TL;DR—If Katey is pregnant, Jed + Katey are early for Baby 2. How early, you ask. Well, that depends...
If They Found Out In October...
Apparently, she was pinning announcement ideas—so, it seems like maybe she's pregnant. We have no way of knowing when she found out, but let's just assume it was close in time to the pins and go with mid–October (October 16, 2022). In the Pregnancy Announcement for Truett, Katey was shown using an "early detection" test, which is capable of detecting a pregnancy on Day 23 of a 28–Day Cycle. We can estimate that, if Katey used that test and found out on October 16, 2022, her Approximate Due Date (ADD) is June 30, 2023. The Duggar–Nakatsus announced at a mere 41 Days Along last time, so they'd be expected to announce on November 3, 2022. (Hey, that's today! Nifty.)
If Katey is due on June 30th, 2023, her child can't be GrandDuggar #29, since her Due Date is after Joy's and Joy is having #30.
If Katey is due on June 30th, she's 419 Days and 2.34 SDs Early for Baby #2. Her and Jed's Baseline Procreative Pace (PP)—without a Maternal Age Adjustment—would be 424 Days (~14 Months), which is faster than Kelly Jo Bates (456 Days), Kendra Duggar (483 Days), Michelle Duggar (491 Days), and Tori Smith (454 Days). The couples who are faster are Grace + Kord (366 Days) and Nurie + Nathan (414 Days). Factoring Maternal Age in, Jed + Katey's ESOQ would be 13 Children (+5 vs. Current ESOQ).
If They Announce On Christmas...
Okay. Maybe Katey isn't pregnant, yet. She's just planning ahead... Last time, Jed + Katey announced at 41 Days Along. Assuming they announce on Christmas of 2022, again at 41 Days Along, that yields an Approximate Due Date (ADD) of August 21, 2023.
Again, Duggar–Nakatsu #2 can't be GrandDuggar #29, since Joy is due in May and hers is #30.
If Katey is due August 21, 2023, she's 367 Days and 2.05 SDs Early for Baby #2. Her and Jed's Baseline Procreative Pace (PP), prior to Maternal Age Adjustment, would be 476 Days. That's a little slower than Grace Etbauer, Nurie Keller, Tori Smith, and Kelly Jo Bates, but still faster than Kendra or Michelle Duggar. Factoring Maternal Age in, their ESOQ would be 12 Children (+4 vs. Current ESOQ).
If Katey is pregnant again already, Kendra better watch out.
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fundiebabynamebible · 2 years
2022 Duggar Predictions Review
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Michelle has been pretty quiet this year but the reason for this doesn't seem to have been leaked. Unfortunately no holiday to the clink for Jim Bob.
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Thankfully Josh was sentenced to 12 years in jail with all appeals so far rejected. Anna has been very quiet, apart from hinting that there is more to the story (there isn't).
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Another quiet year and no courtship for Jana.
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We did get a pregnancy announcement (in late Spring, not summer), the baby was indeed a boy and Charlie arrived in September. There have been more trips this year to 'help' people around the world, including Ukraine.
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Jill and Derick welcomed a baby boy, Frederick in July. Thankfully I was right and they opted for a planned c-section. Jill has been seen with the family but I don't think it's been at the TTH. Derick passed the bar and is now an attorney in Oklahoma and Arkansas. There haven't been hints of changing views as of yet but hopefully soon. No signs of starting school either but I think they will enrol the boys when they find the perfect school.
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No dog and no pregnancy announcement. Lots of speculation though, especially recently.
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They are releasing another book, Becoming Free Indeed, in January. Jinger and Jeremy are also moved house, albeit still in LA. No pregnancy announcement. Jeremy Vuolo is still Jeremy Vuolo's biggest fan. No trip to Arkansas but various family members have been to see them.
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No pregnancy announcement as pretty much all Duggars are staying out of the limelight. Joe and Kendra did welcome another baby this year, confirmed through fine tuned snarking skills, and it's looking increasingly likely that it's a boy. No house move as far as we know.
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Josiah and Lauren did welcome their second child, a girl named Daisy. It was confirmed through the church's Facebook page. Daisy is estimated to have been born in March.
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I was off - but only by a few months. Joy is pregnant with her third child, a boy and due in May.
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Indeed we did have the sex reveal in January. Baby Truett was born in May. Katey is currently pregnant with her second child, a girl named Nora Kate, and due in May. No attempts at politics. I guess it isn't the right time after recent events.
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We still don't have confirmation on when they got engaged but they announced they were on 6th January. They married on 26th March, eight days before Jed and Katey's first anniversary. They didn't leave Arkansas and live in an RV. They are expecting to welcome their baby girl any day now.
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It's been pretty quiet from everyone else, although whispers about courtships have circled.
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So, Duggar Data just came out with another amazing post about Katey possibly being pregnant with Duggar-Nakatsu 2 and that baby being Duggar GrandBaby 31. Or that Jed and Katey are at least planning for that eventuality.
What if Katey thought she couldn't get pregnant while breastfeeding Truett and was not expecting the pregnancy. Could that not account for the much later pregnancy announcement?
What if the "Christmas Photo" board is actually for a gender reveal announcement and not just a pregnancy. With a due date in May, then Katey could be 20 weeks at Christmas.
Then Duggar-Nakatsu 2 could be the mysterious Duggar GrandBaby 29 instead of 31.
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fundie-predictions · 2 years
Breaking: Jed and Katey might be expecting again
A user on r/DuggarsSnark noticed that Katey pinned a Christmas pregnancy announcement photo to her “Christmas photo” board on Pinterest about 6 weeks ago. Truett is only six months old, so if she found out she was pregnant 6 weeks ago the babies would be only about 14 months apart. Yikes.
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thefundiesaga · 5 days
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Presenting the Mr. Riley Naylor family 🔔💍👰🔔
Riley and Joy tied the knot in our very own back garden. They exchanged vows with my dear Ralph leading the ceremony. The vows were SOO romantic I've added them below.
Riley" Dearest Joy , I promise to be faithful to you. To guide you and lead you as the watcher commands. I pledge here in these witnesses to leave the size of our family up to the watcher and to raise them in his image. Your are a beckon of womanhood who strives everyday to be watcherful and a true gift to me , my family and you parents. I am honor to make you my wife."
Joy "To my Riley, I am so thankful that the watcher has brought us together. The time we have spent getting to know each other the last few days months has been so memorable. I cannot wait to serve and obey you in this life before we meet the watcher. I hope that he finds me a worthy woman to become a mother one day in this I have prayed nightly. I also pledge to leave the six of our family up to the watcher. It is my honor to become your wife today."
Aren't these vows so Beautiful! This momma's heart was weeping for JOY. I have to say Joy reminds me a lot of myself growing up and I am even more happy to say that Riley and Joy will be staying with us in our house. Since it is so hard to accommodate big families these days we giving the house to him. It's only fair since Riley is the youngest and his brothers already have homes of their own.
AN: It's also because he's your *cough* favorite* cough*. I took inspiration from jed and katey duggars vows which are something else 🤮🤮
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fundamental-cactus · 2 years
Duggar Family Christmas Live Blog
Jed! posted a video of the Duggar Christmas. Here are my thoughts/what happens as I watch (so nobody else has to watch it).
- Jed and Katey have matching jammies. They all slept until 7:30
- Truett has massive eyes
- they started the morning reading the Bible. The baby was also expected to sit and listen to his father read the Bible in the most boring, nasaly voice possible.
- they claim it was a white Christmas, but I see less than a cm of snow?
- Jed! has the most annoying voice I’ve ever heard. 100% baby talk all the time. Just stop. Please. I wanted to rip my ears off. I am also pretty sure they didn’t call Truett by his name the entire video.
- Truett is more interested in the boxes and wrapping paper than the toys his parents bought. Until food comes out. Then he wants all the solid foods. He literally ignores his mother reading The Gospel in favour of snacks.
- They head to the big house with the obnoxiously big tree. Anna is there! Her smallest one is cruising. I don’t see Anna interacting with any of the other siblings.
- No sign of Jessa or Jill. We already know Joy was planning on spending Christmas away from the big house. Did not see Kendra/Joe either.
- They have a white bouncy house with white balls set up where they used to have a pool table. This actually looks like fun and where I would probably spend my day.
Sorry for the awful pics. I was watching on my ipad while typing here.
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Sighted: Anna, Jana, John/Abbie, Jed, Jeremiah, Josiah (but no Lauren?), some of the lost boys, and all the little girls.
Missing: firstborn, Jill-Joseph, Justin.
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thefundiemuseum · 2 years
I've been busy with work and trying to potty-train my toddler so I've missed out on a lot fundie goings on lately.
Here's what I know.
Jinger's book is out and gaining a lot of press.
Jed, Katey, James, and Jana are in Italy for some reason?
Tiffany and Lawson might also be in Italy, I'm not sure.
Jrod is teasing some big announcement. I think it's Timonthy courting.
We still don't know about the Mystery Baby in the Duggar fam, right? Grandbaby #29, presumably? (My money is on Claire.)
And Whitney Bates is pregnant with #5. I'm curious how long before Tori overtakes everyone with The Most GrandBateses.
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fundiepredictions · 2 months
What happend in july
An overview of all the things that happend related to the fundies I follow.
Lincoln&Susanna Bontrager (Helferich) apparently had a boy
Nathan&Nurie Keller (Rodrigues) had Naomi Christine
Jed&Katey Duggar (Nakatsu) announced they are expecting twin girls
David&Priscilla Waller (Keller) had Desiree Hope
Lawson&Tiffany Bates (Espensen) had William Daniel
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countingandsnarkingon · 10 months
Y’all think Jed and Katey will announce Baby #3 this month? Keep the tradition of May babies?
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fundieshaderoom · 6 months
Which Duggar Has The Most Nieces and Nephews?
56 nieces and nephews
30 from Anna's side
26 from Josh's side
56 nieces and nephews
25 from Hannah's side
31 from Jer's side
50 nieces and nephews
19 from Abbie's side
31 from John's side
46 nieces and nephews (11 are half ones)
16 from Austin's side (11 are half ones)
30 from Joy's side
34 nieces and nephews (3 are half ones)
3 from Katey's side (all are half ones)
31 from Jed's side
Jana, Jason, James, Justin, Jackson, Johannah, Jennifer, Jordyn, Josie
33 nieces and nephews
32 nieces and nephews
2 from Derick's side
30 from Jill's side
31 nieces and nephews
0 from Jeremy's side
31 from Jinger's side
30 nieces and nephews
2 from Ben's side
28 from Jessa's side
30 nieces and nephews
0 from Lauren's side
30 from Josiah's side
29 nieces and nephews
0 from Kendra's side
29 from Joe's side
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spurgie-cousin · 2 years
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Duggars in Rome
No kids spotted, and I haven't seen them in any pics with Lawson and Tiffany (which some people have speculated is why they're overseas).
I'm hella jealous though I want to go to Italy in general so BAD
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duggardata · 2 years
It Katey IS pregnant, and her due date is BEFORE Joy’s, what would that mean for her PP? Their ESOQ?
[ Follow–Up to This Post ]
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If Katey is Pregnant w/ #29…
If Jed + Katey are, in fact, expecting the elusive 29th GrandDuggar, they’re way early, and they'll be setting a truly incredible pace. Also, their Pregnancy Announcement is really late, based on the timing of their 1st Pregnancy Reveal—but not yet late, based on family data.
Joy (Duggar) Forsyth is currently pregnant with GrandDuggar #30. She’s due on May 23, 2023. If Jed + Katey are expecting #29, then Katey's Due Date must be before Joy's. (We can be fairly certain of this. Katey had True on his Due Date, while Gideon and Evy arrived just 1 Day Late and 2 Days Late, respectively. So, there's no reason for us to think Jim Bob might be thinking, like: "Yes, Katey is due a day or two after Joy, but Joy is always really late, so Katey probably will deliver first.") She'd be due on May 22, 2023, at the latest.
Using May 22, 2023 as Katey’s Due Date, the Predictor thinks she'll once again give birth on that Due Date. Currently, Duggar–Nakatsu #2 isn't expected until August 22, 2024. Doing the math... Katey + Jed would be 458 Days (15 Months) and 2.56 SDs Early, if Katey is due on May 22nd. That's in the 92nd Percentile. And that's if she's due on May 22nd; if she's due earlier, it'd be even faster!
Just to hammer this home... That'd be a short spacing. Like, short. Really short. Counting from May 2, 2022 (Truett's DOB) to May 22, 2023, it's just 385 Days (1 Year, 3 Weeks). Even among the top, top producing Predictor Couples, that is extremely fast. Going off Non–Firstborn, Non–Post–Loss Child Spacings, with adjustment for any unexpected, unlikely to recur prematurity (e.g., Josie D.), Truett–to–Baby #2 would be beaten only by 11 Child Spacings. And, that's out of 500(!) Spacings, across my entire spreadsheet. Here's the list—
331 Days Timothy David Rodrigues [Jill's 2nd]
342 Days Audrey Kress Morton [Alyssa (Campana)'s 3rd]
345 Days Grace Ann ("Gracie") Wikstrom [Kristi's 3rd]
348 Days Renee Crystine Rodrigues [Jill's 4th]
359 Days Ronald Michael Smith [Katie (Morton)'s 2nd]
361 Days Coralee Jean Rogers [Courtney's 10th]
364 Days Toby Malachi Mueller [Mary Jane (Stoll)'s 6th]
366 Days Etbauer–Wikstrom #2 (Approx.) [Gracie's 2nd]
367 Days Callie Ann Rogers [Courtney's 4th]
375 Days Colt and Case Rogers [Courtney's Twins]
382 Days Michael Dean Tull [Kaleigh (Holt)'s 2nd]
Clearly, it's not unprecedented—but, it would be impressive!
If Katey was due on May 22, 2023, her prior data indicates that she and Jed would've announced on September 25, 2022. As of today, November 4, 2022, their Baby News would be 40 Days Late. (And, they announced True at Day 41—so, they're already 98% Later than last time.) If we were to use the Overall Duggar data, however, they wouldn't actually be late to announce, at all. They'd be expected to announce at 94 Days Among, on November 17, 2022.
If Duggar–Nakatsu arrives on May 22, 2023, 385 Days after Truett, Jed + Katey's Baseline Procreative Pace (PP) would be 385 Days, which trails just 1 Couple—Gracie (Wikstrom) + Kord Etbauer (366 Days). Their Age–Adjusted Procreative Pace (AAPP), from <25 to >40, would be just 385–508 Days (12.6–16.7 Months). And finally, their ESOQ would be 14 Children, which is 6 Children / 75% More than the Predictor currently thinks they'll have. That's a lot!
Duggar Data thinks Duggar–Nakatsu #2 is probably GrandDuggar #31 or #32, or something. Not #29. But, we'll see! If it is #29, it's unexpected, although not unprecedented, and Jed + Katey will be the Duggar Couple to watch re: Procreative Pace.
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