lesbianbluesey · 8 months
re: that old cc post about Tessa and slut shaming i rbed earlier, on a related subject I love Jem he ranks high on the ~male chars S has a soft spot for~ scale/list, but honestly DEATH to anyone (straight women who read tid what I would call the “the wrong way”) who looks at Jem and gushes over how perfect and flawless he is and that makes him great and then complains about Tessa being a bad character because she “doesn’t have a personality outside of liking books” (skull emoji knife emoji etc.) while also criticizing her for having complex feelings for both Will and Jem and reacting to them differently than you want your ideal self insert to like… gurl do you Hear yourself the transparency
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allthefawkesigive · 1 year
A poem about a subject of your choice.
She had forgotten the precise blue of his eyes and the depth of his laugh
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[the left image has a hand holding up a piece of paper in front of the sign for "Blackfriars Bridge", the right image has a hand holding up the piece of paper on Blackfriars Bridge with St Paul's Cathedral in the back ground.
The paper reads:
she had forgotten the precise blue of his eyes and the depth of his laugh
it reminded her of a lifetime long lost a love she'd outlived as she would everyone, beloved or otherwise all the colours of everyone's eyes would dissolve and fade into invisibility and all the laughter she would hear would echo away and end in a silence for her to enjoy, alone, immortal, unable to put an end to anything left to savour the sadness of it all forever. ]
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ohmyfairies · 1 year
I’ll never understand how CC wrote Tessa, Jem and Will as the most perfect potential polyam love triangle and then wrote Cristina, Mark and Kieran as an absolute mess that clearly should’ve ended as just Mark/Cristina
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PERFECTION. I CANNOT- 😩 i drop on the floor dramatically screaming.......
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desssertsoul · 6 months
Opinion on The Shadowhunter Series:
I love every trilogy in the series but Infernal devices is my favourite favourite one ever!! Except, after Infernal devices, my favourite is The Dark Artifices. Like, after Will and Jem, it's the son of thorns, Julian, who ripped my heart apart and the best thing about him was that he isn't as morally perfect as Jem (no James Carstairs slander will ever be tolerated) and as far as Will is concerned then imma say that Will wasn't perfect but he wasn't as morally questionable as Julian was (Apologies in advance but William Herondale is mine).
Back to the topic tho. Julian is a perfect character. I love him with all my heart. I don't know whether I would ever love any Male character in this category as much as I love him. I might be morally questionable because family above all is my rule. The line where Jules went that the world can burn[...] I died because I thought that was??!!!! okay.... I am a grey person. I think the same. No one comes above family. The desperation of an elder sibling that is always present with Julian is heart shattering and too relatable because hello! I am the elder sibling, except I am a girl.
Julian will always be my favourite character and there is nothing as relatable as him in the Shadowhunter series. As a character, his flaws are his definition. His love for his family makes me relate to him a lot. As an elder sibling, the sheer fear of thinking that your younger sisters or brothers might get hurt and they might not tell you or they will outgrow the age of tenderness and innocence and you have to let them go and not think of them as little babies anymore is appalling and trust @cassandraclare to put it all in while making Julian.
As far as his love for Emma is considered then.... I love the angst. The Infernal devices angst was top tier but I saw the real angst from Clockwork Prince (only my opinion. Everybody is free to think in their own way) but with Julian, I saw the angst from the very first chapter of him being introduced. I am a simp for Blackstairs angst and that cottage scene😭😭Don't get me started!!! Likeee "break my heart into pieces. I give you permission".
If I ever write any novel—correction: if I ever COMPLETE writing any novel then I'll be damned if I don't use this line in my angsty scenes. More than Julian and Emma's scene and their heartbreak over whether it was Emma breaking up with him or Julian having the most sad and angry outburst of admitting that he was still in love with Ems or having Emma realise that Julian had gone to Magnus and turned his emotions off, I cried like a non-human person at Julian's jealousy of Ty being comfortable with Mark or Livvy and Ty giving gifts in their own way to Julian before he was leaving for Cornwall Cottage or Livvy dying (that's the cursed chapter) or Julian running after Ty even if his emotions were flipped like damn light switch to darkness or him saying to Dru that she was the heart of the family.
It's crazy to say that Julian was this relatable and..... Well...... Guess time to re-read the Dark Artifices again
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rinadragomir · 1 year
yk Cassie's warning for TWP how it was like "something will change the shadow world as we know it" or whatever — what if the angels get involved at the end, and fix the world's wards? the ones that keep the demons out? bye bye Shadowhunters, warlocks pretty much go extinct, and probably a bunch of other shit that'll leave us gapin like a fish.
also, what if the protective glamours hiding the shadow world from the mundanes fell?? that shit would be chaos! literally everything would go to shit. I'm so excited but I'm so scared 🤧
So I was thinking about it for a while (see~ I'm not ignoring your asks for days, I'm just ✨ thinking ✨ about my answer for too long)
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Oh oh I really hope the mundane world would never know about anything. Imagine the CHAOS we'll have to face in the epilogue, cause if it' happens it probably will be somewhere in the end. And it's just a mess. But in that case....WE CAN HAVE OUR OWN MARVEL UNIVERSE. More like a ✨Shadow Universe✨ eternal sequels which cannot be stopped 💅🏻
And about "demons will cease to exist" ending, which actually sounds valid, like something Cassie would definitely do...
It seems like a perfect logical ending. And still I hope it'll never happen, cause I simply can't imagine what it's going to be like for our little shadowhunters🥺
Yes, demons are their enemies. Yes, they are the reason lots of our beloved characters died. But fighting them is the main purpose of Shadowhunters's lives. They learn how to fight since childhood, they pray to the Angel so he can protect them during the fight, they're ready to give up on their dreams and leave their families so they can dedicate their lives to protecting people, fighting on the side of the Angel. Cecily Herondale/Lightwood once said:
As I trained to become a Shadowhunter, I felt the stirring in my blood, the same stirring Mam always spoke of feeling every time we came from Welshpool into sight of the Dyfi Valley. With a seraph blade in my hand, I am more than just Cecily Herondale, youngest of three, daughter of good parents, someday to make an advantageous marriage and give the world children. I am Cecily Herondale, Shadowhunter, and mine is a high and glorious position. But how could I tell you I had chosen glory over peace?
One of the main punishments for Shadowhunters is marks stripping. Being left without their strength, their weapons and their purpose. Remember what happened with Edmund Herondale after that? He became a gambling addict✨ Because of this, his family lost their house✨ Of course we can remember Jem Carstairs who's living his best life not being a Shadowhunter anymore. But before that, he's been living as a Silent Brother for decades.
So 👁️👁️ I can't imagine the level of depression our babies we'll have to face in such case.
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misericors · 7 days
[ he/him, cis man ] greetings to all of our listeners! we start today’s potterwatch with a long-awaited update on rahim lestrange who was finally spotted alive just last night, wandering the streets of london. for those of you who haven’t tuned in before, they are a 24 year old pureblood wizard who is oddly reminiscent of a healer’s hands forced into a warrior’s purpose,trying to cling to mercy when your duty is destruction, the loneliness of hollow devotion, and a heart growing cold, which makes sense considering their dedicated, compassionate, strategic, calculating, detached, and proud nature. you might know of them as the adopted child of rabastan lestrange and we’re sure that their family will be relieved to hear they’re safe and sound — or at least as much as you can be, in times like this. to all our listeners, if you catch a glimpse of someone who looks a bit like that muggle mena massoud, that’s them. before approaching, please be aware that they’re rumored to be affiliated with the death eaters so best proceed with caution. these are dangerous times we’re living in. well, thanks for tuning in, folks. we’ll play ourselves out with silence by marshmello ft. khalid. [ jess, 27, she/her, aest, n/a ]
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Full Name: Rahim Ayman Rabastan Nasr Lestrange Date of Birth: February 16 Place of Birth: Nasr Palace, Alexandria Parents: Rabastan and Octavia Lestrange (adoptive); Ayman Nasr, Zahrah Hassan (biological) Siblings: TBD Lestrange (adoptive) Other Family: Rodolphus Lestrange (uncle); Bellatrix Lestrange (aunt); Carina Lestrange (cousin) Allegiance: Death Eaters, with questionable loyalty Gender: Cismale Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Relationship Status: In an Unbreakable Vow of loyalty to Lily Potter’s cause (it’s like marriage but with more chance of death!)
Known Languages: English, Egyptian Arabic, French Education Level: Healer training Occupation: Healer, Death Eater combat division Clothing Style: Elegant, formal Traits: +: Dedicated, compassionate, strategic, courageous -: Calculating, detached, proud, stubborn
character parallels/inspiration: peeta mellark (hunger games), will parry (his dark materials), stefan salvatore (vampire diaries), jem carstairs (infernal devices)
rahim was born to the powerful nasr family, a sacred pureblood family that dominated the egyptian ministry of magic. one of the international families that were loyal to voldemort's cause, in his twenties, rahim's father ayman came to england during the first wizarding war to become a death eater.
while there, he was known as the closest companion of rabastan lestrange. together, the two went on many missions for voldemort, committing countless murders, torture, and kidnapping on his orders. but it was only rabastan who was caught and arrested for the torture of the longbottoms. with the end of the war, and rabastan imprisoned, there was nothing left for ayman in england. he returned home, reputation unblemished. the nasr family rarely faced consequences - money and power had a way of securing that.
some years later, when voldemort returned and took power, ayman returned, a loyal death eater once more. with him he brought his wife, zahrah hassan, a pureblood witch from an important, powerful family - the perfect alliance. zahrah, however, was a dedicated healer, who cared little for politics or power or even ideas of love, obsessed by her work. so the two found themselves in agreement; they'd each let the other do as they pleased. the son they had in time was primarily born to please their parents, an heir. this son they named rahim ayman rabastan, after his father, as was traditional, and another name ayman added to honour the man he considered his best friend.
rahim was raised by distant parents. neither had particularly wanted a child, and neither had much to do with him. his father was consumed by lust for battle, his mother dedicated far more to her work than to people, and growing more disturbed by the world she found herself living in, the people she found around her, with their seemingly endless appetite for killing and destruction.
rahim therefore grew up solitary, something of a loner. more cautious than reckless, more considered than impulsive and with a fierce determination that even his quiet nature could not mask, he was eventually sorted into slytherin. perhaps partly because of his mother, and partly due to his own gentle, empathetic nature, the accidental magic rahim had performed growing up had always been healing magic. fixing his own wounds if he'd injured himself playing, or those of other children, he had a gift for it, and continued to be drawn to it, despite it being the antithesis of what was expected of him as an heir of the death eater inner circle.
the world would soon change, though. ayman nasr was killed in battle by harry potter. zahrah saw this as her chance to get out, to return home, but she did not count on rabastan lestrange, ravaged by grief for his closest friend, who had no intention of seeing his son go anywhere, or that it was not so easy to leave the death eaters, especially not with one of their future soldiers.
she was extended some grace due to her powerful family: she could leave by herself, but it she tried to take rahim with her, they'd both be killed as traitors. without a word to rahim, in the middle of night, she left, quickly seeking refuge with her family in egypt. in rahim's eyes, he had suddenly been abandoned by a mother who had never loved him.
and so, rabastan adopted rahim as his own, and raised him with one thing on his mind: vengeance for the death of his father. for that rabastan wanted the death of harry potter and anyone close to him. if he could not do it himself, rahim would be the tool that got vengeance for them both, the idea drilled into rahim's mind every day of his life.
it wasn't that he didn't feel a sense of honour to his father's memory. but above all, rahim loved rabastan, the man who had given him a home, his true father, who wanted him when his own mother did not. so despite the fact that the idea of killing people made him sick, rahim joined the death eaters, tried to be what his father wanted, tried to prove himself. perhaps for a while he even believed that he could kill harry potter. there was almost a feeling of relief at the thought, as if that might be the end of it. he could kill harry potter, and then somehow, it could all just stop.
but the more he got into the death eaters, the more he realized it would never just stop. it would always be more blood, more death, and the more of it he dealt out, the more he hated himself, hated the blood on his hands, couldn't twist his nature. he was meant to heal people, not kill, and that was what he started doing. on the battlefield, on missions, when he could get away from it, when he could make up a good story to hide what he'd done, just one or two, here and there, at first - he healed people. fortunately, quiet, reserved rahim had a skill for lying.
then he started trying to do more - to help save them before they needed healing. for that, he needed help. but despite turning against the death eaters, he couldn't bring himself to actually seek out the order, to be one of them. it's a mix of shame about who he is, and an unwillingness to completely betray his father (either one of them). then there was the fact that war sickened him - he didn't want to turn from being a killer for one side to being a killer for the other. naive, but what he craved was peace. instead, he turned to lily potter. he'll work with her, give information to her - but just her. only her. never the order. never her father.
and then there's his younger sister. a weak spot for rahim - no matter what she does, he can't see her differently, can't see her as a killer. he doesn't want to leave her behind, turn his back - not like he believes his mother did to him.
it's playing both sides in a way - do what he thinks is right, relieve his conscience, and - or so he reasons to himself - not utterly betray his family altogether. (though part of him knows rabastan won't see it that way.) either way, it can't last forever. at some point, he's going to have to choose a side.
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queenie-blackthorn · 1 year
theories for chain of thorns
i had these posted on my gr from like december, im just posting them here
- lucie will now be an antagonist lets be honest we all know it. necromancers are NOT good people and thats the path lucie chose for herself by wanting to save jesse
- someone major will die idk who it is yet, but my instincts tell me its matthew or alistair. the second wouldnt make sense tho – if alistair dies, how would the carstairs line continue down to emma??? hopefully itll be tatiana that bitch
- jamie x daisy its inevitable guys, have you seen the snippets? im rooting for them theyre perfect
- thomas and alistair are NOT gonna end up together this was a gut feeling when i wrote it but as of jan 5 i have a legible reason as to why they would not be happy and its the next theory
- IM SCARED THOMAS IS GONNA DIE the “found family tree” says that thomas died TWO YEARS before barbara. i understand cassie has repeatedly stated that its been manipulated (she hinted that it was changed by the silent brothers) and isnt reliable. but isnt that disturbing?? esp considering theres at least part of it thats reliable, and thats the fact that alistair will 100% go on to marry a woman despite being gay. if alistair doesnt have kids, and cordelias children are all herondales, then the carstairs family would die out and emma would not be related to jem (even tho its been stated that they are related by blood). “oH bUt SoNa iS pReGnAnT mAyBe ShEs GoNnA GiVe BiRtH tO a bOy” first of all, theres a chance the baby is born a girl second of all, the baby might die third of all, where is the son on the family tree? fourth of all, SONA IS, ACCORDING TO THE TREE, DEAD BEFORE THOMAS. PLEASE.
- grace x christopher i despise grace but she acts like a different person around kit… maybe he can fix her
- anna x ariadne she cant fuck up ALL the gay relationships, now can she?
- the merry thieves are gonna forgive alistair (specifically matthew) bro he literally made out with one of them TWICE. if matthew doesnt think “well shits gonna get awkward if i dont forgive the sorry bastard” istg~ 💀
- this is more of a hope than a theory MATTHEW FAIRCHILD SHALL ACHIEVE THE HAPPINESS HE DESERVES smth tells me he wont get a happy ending tho… i mean, if my above theory abt thomas is correct~
- SO DOES ALISTAIR I MEAN CMON GUYS #justiceforalistair he regrets the shit hes pulled and therefore your hate against him for it is invalid PLUS HE GOT BULLIED BY RACIST PIECES OF SHIT HE DID WHAT HE COULD TO MAKE IT STOP
- matthew will open up abt his secret its like a routine at this point, in every shadowhunters series. a character has a secret that nearly kills them outta despair, they open up to friends, theyre met with love and support. jace loving his “sister”. wills “curse”. emma and jules’ relationship. ty bringing back livvy. alec being gay. you get used to it lol
- either lucie or matthew would have their marks stripped lucie for attempting/committing necromancy, and matthew because sobh said he doesnt have a specified death date (also i think cassie just hates him)
- jesse will be evil bro wouldnt that be cruel… like imagine after lucie brings him back hes like “haha i manipulated you to bring me back i never loved you” and then sHe GETS HER RUNES STRIPPED FOR NECROMANCY and its worse bc the shadowhunters are already out to get the herondales bc they refuse to accept tessa as anything but a warlock no but in that case she would prolly go to live with wills parents OKAY BUT IMAGINE HOW HEARTBROKEN CHARLOTTE WOULD BE WHILE DOING IT WHILE JAMIE IS CRYING AND MATTHEW SCREAMING AT HER NOT TO AND WILL TELLS HIM TO STOP WHILE TEARS ARE GOING DOWN HIS FACE
- a “seven husbands of evelyn hugo” thing with anna x ariadne and thomas x alistair (credit to my good friend wiz/nisha for saying this) maybe cassie is going to have thomas marry ariadne and anna marry alistair so that they could have a good old switcheroo, so they can swap lovers?? obviously it cant be anna and thomas lmao theyre cousins but thomas and ARIADNE…
- matthew and cordelia ARE going to kiss at one point HOL’ UP I DONT SHIP EM, i think its gonna be a climon kinda thing where they kiss and dont like it as much as they thought they would, and end up deciding to stay friends i think thats the best way cassie could deal with matthews crush on her without breaking anyones heart, i hope to god it wont be like him confessing and her rejecting him plz oml
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tetsunabouquet · 9 months
Heir To The Lands Chapter 3
Closing In masterpost
It didn't take long for Dru to be pulled into a hug by Emma. Dru hugged her back, inhaling her familiar scent. She had truly missed her and Jules both. It was so strange, not living under the same roof as them anymore. Sometimes she felt like she could never get used to it. "Oh I missed you Dru!" Emma squealed as she hugged her so tight Dru couldn't breathe. Despite it all she was laughing. "I missed you too, where's everyone?" "Jules went to prepare you some tea so that you're ready for a very British weekend." Emma said, her voice light with humor. "Neither Ty or Kit and entourage have arrived yet." "Thank the Angel, I haven't missed out on anything yet." Emma chuckled, and nudged for Dru to follow her. "This place has a very spacious dining room, I wonder if all ancient mansion come with them, but our sweetie does." Emma expressed with very fond look at the walls. She had grown pretty attached to the place. It had really became her baby. Dru smiled at her, happy to see her be so in love with Blackthorn Hall. Emma led her to a beautiful, big room indeed. The large table was made of a shining, warm wood that Dru bet her money on being fancy and expensive. It was also very old looking, and Dru wondered if it was part of the furniture that Emma and Jules had restored instead of getting new ones. The tablecloth was lemon yellow, which gave the table a cheerful look. Dru did think the white trays of biscuits and sliced bread that had already been placed down, paired with the cloth, strangely reminded her of Easter for some reason. "Now, here are two of some of my favorite girls." Jules teased as he entered the room, a tray with teacups and a vintage looking kettle resting on top. Dru smiled brightly at her brother as he placed the tray carefully on top of the table. "You know, you'd make a very sexy waiter." Emma remarked as Dru fake-shuddered. She sat down on one of the soft looking dining chairs, just as the doorbell rang. "I bet those are Kit and co. I'll let them in," Emma said as she left. Jules poured Dru some tea, hoping for the best for this weekend.
Anyone looking outside, could see Jules' hopes were in vain. Ty had made the tiniest miscalculation at the very last second, still distracted with his and Anush' tinkering on the sensors. They definitely were close to perfecting a sensor that had a sensory function for each species, the ultimate sensor. Which is why he had landed in the garden shed of Blackthorn hall. By the time he had made his way out of the gardenshed, he could see Kit and his family approaching from the gate. Worst timing ever. Mina sat on Jem's shoulders, using her position to spy on every little detail and Kit seemed to be in covesation with Tessa. Ty wondered how he could navigate this situation the best way possible, and by the time his mind had gone over all the ideas, Kit had already spotted him. Fuck. Kit's relaxed posture looked a bit strained, but not as strained as Ty felt his own body growing with the tension. Tessa, with a gentle hand on Kit's shoulder, seemed to slowly drag him alongside her to where Ty was standing, Jem not too far behind. Kit gave Ty a strained nod, before he went on ahead to the doorbell. He rang the bell, as Ty stood around awkwardly with the Carstairs-Grey family. It didn't take long for Jules to open, and to see Kit in front of him, and to see Ty's fingers fidget frantically as Mina seemed to want to reach out towards him. "Welcome everyone, to the opening of Blackthorn Hall!" Jules greeted, inviting everyone in so he could wedge himself between Kit and Ty. None of the Blackthorns except for Dru, truly knew what had transpired between Ty and Kit other then they could clearly see there was a fall-out between them. Jules at least wanted to find a way to fix things between them, as Ty had so obviously had gotten attached to Kit and he could imagine Kit didn't wanted to lose their friendship either. He led the group inside, and Tessa especially seemed to eye everything with particular interest, having known the original Blackthorn Hall better then Jem did. Her eyes glided over everything fondly, seeming to sparkle whenever she recognized decorum they had kept from Rupert's time. That made Jules' clearly happy, anyone could see his chest puffing with pride over his new, beautiful home. Mina stared at everything curiously, having already seen Blackthorn Hall as a work in progress. Her little kiddie brain was going over every little detail she saw was changed, and looked at them with childish wonder. Ty also allowed himself to get lost in the new details, almost in an attempt to mask the way he felt from himself even. Kit entertained himself by listening to Tessa and Jules' conversation, until the group came to a halt by the dining room. Both Kit and Ty smiled at the sight of Emma and Dru, who hadn't been able to contain themselves from keeping their hands off of the breakfast. Dru smiled sheepisly with a piece of bread smeared with jam in her mouth. As the group seated themselves onto the table, the opening of Blackthorn Hall had truly commenced. None were aware of the sounds of hooves not too far away from the edge of London, and none of them would be, until it was too late.
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caterpillarinacave · 6 months
7 (something fandom does that you like) for Henry and 20 (ideal best friend) for literally any (or all of) the triplets
“7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?”
Ngl, I find a lot of the way the fandom talks about him somewhere on the spectrum of disappointing; however I do like how everyone knows just how much Henry and Charlotte love eachother. It’s universal knowledge that they love eachother more than life itself <3
“20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?”
Peter: Alexander Lightwood, from the beginning. Peters got a little trio going on with Alexander and Zachary Carstairs, plus there are his sisters, but Alexander and Peter are Will and Jem level parabatai. They love each other dearly, and really are perfect for each other.
Marigold: Honestly she’s not great at the whole friendship thing. She gets along really well with Grace, her older brother but, you know, if Christopher had lived? They would have absolutely loved each other.
Thelma: If we’re looking at younger, roaring 20s aged Thelma, despite being a lot younger she gets along really well with Eugenia Lightwood- Thelma was convinced she was the coolest person ever as a wee little child, and once she got a little older they hang like old friends.
Also, her wife. Thelma enjoys her day to day company as much she enjoys everything else about her.
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vierss-herondale · 1 year
Re: The Shadowhunter non-warrior job question
So, since the Shadowhunters were basically designed to be perfect warriors™, I'm assuming they're all abled-bodied? Unless there are physically disabled Shadowhunters that have adapted fighting techniques (that would be cool)
But, what about Shadowhunters that become injured and then disabled? I know it depends on the disability itself, but it would drastically change fighting.
I guess I'm asking this because disability rep is important to me, and I was curious if there is any.
Also Shadowhunters remind me a lot of how clans work in Warrior Cats.
Well, honestly I don't know/remember if Shadowhunters can be born with physical disabilities, I don't remember a character (that we know of) who was born with one. I mean, theoretically they could, because they are part human, but I don't know about any 😅 I don't know if the Codex says something about that topic, I haven't read it completely
But yeah, there's a case of a physical disability caused during a battle on the books. Henry Fairchild/Branwell (I'm assuming you watched the show or the movie, so you know that Clary is a Farchild, well Henry is an ancestor of hers) was injured on his back during a battle and lost the sensation on his legs, in The Infernal Devices trilogy.
At twenty-two years old, Henry was working on developing his hypothetical transportation portal. Magnus Bane was impressed by his inventions and offered to help him. Through Magnus's magic and warlock runes, they were able to make the Portal work in time for their trip to Cadair Idris in Wales.
Once at Cadair Idris, the small group was faced with an army of demonic automatons. When Henry tried to examine one that was motionless by touching the box that contained the demon energies in it, the clockwork creature seemingly activated and severely injured Henry. Henry almost died, though Magnus saved him with magic but, like the Silent Brothers, was unable to bring back the lost sensation to his legs.
Surprisingly, Henry took his paralysis fairly well. He merely met the news with his usual fortitude. Henry was instead driven to design and build himself a wheelchair with self-propelling wheels and other accouterments that would allow him to ascend and descend the stairs to the Institute's basement, particularly to his inventions.
And Jem Carstairs (from The Infernal Devices trilogy too) had a Cane during his books, because he was sick (he was not born sick though), so he used a cane as a walking stick in case he needed it for support but it also served as his weapon, with a blade hidden in it.
Like I said, Shadowhunters' purpose in life is to protect the world of the demons, it's their nature, so taking Jem and Henry as a reference, and taking into consideration that pregnant Shadowhunters keep going into missions using a special/different fighting gear until they are too far along, I think it's safe to say that Shadowhunters would keep going to battle, as long as their injury allows them to keep fighting, as you say, with a different technique or maybe a special weapon. It would depent on the level of mobility they have I guess (:
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edwinspaynes · 4 months
What are your favorite sibling/platonic dynamics in TSC? I really appreciate Cordelia and Alastair as well as Gideon and Gabriel, but I think basically all the sibling sets are incredibly well written and deserving of love
Probably unsurprisingly, my favourite familial relationship dynamic in TSC belongs to Cordelia and Alastair as well. They're two of my favourite characters, which definitely helps a lot. But I also think they just have such an authentic and layered relationship.
Alastair has done everything he can to protect Cordelia and keep her safe, but at the price of pulling away emotionally from her; the loss is worth her safety to him. But Cordelia, who doesn't know this, feels abandoned by him and talks to mirrors for company. It's a really realistic relationship for two siblings who are simultaneously isolated and living in an abusive household, and I find it fascinating. But there's no argument that there's a lack of love between them, and I adore that so much.
Some of my all-time favourite TSC moments are them in ChoT, when they finally have escaped The Horrors(TM) and are allowed to reacquaint themselves with each other as normal siblings. They're close again, they're co-conspirators again; they're messing with each other and teasing and joking and they're peers, finally, and I love that.
Other TSC siblings I really like are Thomas/Eugenia/Barbara, Anna/Christopher, and Alec/Isabelle/Jace.
My favorite TSC friendships are essentially every iteration of the Merry Thieves and the Carstairs siblings. I especially am fond of James/Matthew, but even more so Matthew/Thomas and Matthew/Alastair because I'm me. Thomas/Christopher hits every single one of the good buttons, too. Really, it's just all iterations.
I'm also extremely fond of Matthew and Anna's friendship. It's wonderful. Love seeing the absolute unashamed queer vibes from them. True gay/thespian solidarity.
Another friendship I love (totally switching gears) is Tessa/Sophie. They're so lovely whenever they're hanging out and also the SoBH letter Tessa writes to Sophie broke me. I also love both of their friendships with Charlotte, she's a great mentor/mother figure to him.
All six TMI characters also of course have one of the most touching friendships out there. They're the perfect found family, so well-balanced.
The immortals - Magnus, Ragnor, Catarina, and Tessa - also are a great friendship that hits the good spots.
Finally, I can't end this list without nodding to one of the objectively best platonic bonds Cassie has ever blessed us with - Will and Jem. I love the way that Will makes Jem more lively (as he does with almost everyone) and Jem has been a sort of salvation for Will.
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allineedisabook-18 · 2 years
Top 5 fictional crushes ✨
This was so hard: I felt exactly like this tiktok
Anyways after much deliberation:
Simon Lewis
James Herondale
Jem Carstairs
Gilbert Blythe
Percy Jackson
Simon Lewis - my favourite character from TMI; I couldn't see why Clary was going for the broody angsty type when Simon was right there! I especially love him in TFTSA when he's not putting up with any of the shadowhunters' bs. So much more I could say but you also love Simon so I'm sure you already know why.
James Herondale - I love this boy so much. He's so polite and shy especially when he was younger; bookish and so loyal; it was so nice seeing him come out of his shell a bit and be confident and comfortable with the people he loves. Also!!! the people he loves he loves them with everything he is; he's also just so charming but without being cocky? Also very cute; I 100% see why Cordelia likes him so much
Jem Carstairs - I feel like at this point you can probably recognise a pattern in terms of my type lol. Jem is the sweetest human being alive and gentle and kind and so strong. He chooses to be kind and a good person everyday, despite all the horrors and suffering he has faced and the cruel hand he has been dealt. Even the small bit I've said does not fully encompass who he is as a person and fully capture why I love him so much
Gilbert Blythe - this man!! Honestly I love the romance between him and Anne so much; especially over the course of the first three books. He's hardworking, he tries so hard to be Anne's friend and just is so earnest in his efforts? He sees Anne exactly how she is and loves every single part of her - that quote in Anne of Avonlea where it says if Gilbert had been asked to describe his perfect girl, it would have been Anne, right down to the freckles on her nose that she hated so much? *screams* that is the kinda romance I want; also the way when Anne rejects him and he respects that and takes that step back to create that distance between them that he needs cos all those little things had meant so much to him and he needs space to just be her friend.... this man, just I love how respectful he is while also being able to acknowledge what is best for him. He never punishes Anne for not being able to give him more than friendship and respects her decision and does continue to be friendly; but also respects his own boundaries and knows how to put himself first. Gilbert was never cruel; I also just love their friendship and how close they were in Anne of Avonlea especially. He also pushes Anne to do her best and sends Anne the lilies of the valley when she graduates, the necklace as well at Christmas(?), letting Anne know there's no hard feelings and still showing her love and caring in a way that honours the years long friendship they've always had. Going to stop now cos otherwise I will never stop but yes Gil is just the perfect gentleman and I adore him.
Percy Jackson - this one especially I was like I love Percy - in what way ???? Percy Jackson is a character I have so much love for and his relationship with Annabeth is my absolute favourite thing to read about. I started reading Percy Jackson when I was 12 and then flew through pjo and hoo in like a year or so, so I went from being the same age as him to younger and then slowly over the years with TOA etc eventually becoming older than him. It's been a weird experience. I have so much love in my heart for Percy Jackson and I will always be so happy that I picked up these books all that time ago
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thesoulprophecies · 2 years
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My Favourite Book Characters.
As a socially awkward introvert, I often prefer book characters to real people. There’s just something about being able to relate to people in fiction that is so much more interesting than the real world, although, any good story should be able to transport the reader out of the real world. I particularly love characters that are honest, sincere and quirky, and I can’t get enough of strong and smart female characters, and emotionally in-tune male characters, they are great role models for young people today. Imperfections bring characters to life, perfect characters are nice, but they sometimes lack the humanity of characters who have some flaws. Here are a few characters who have stood out to me over the last decade…
R – Warm Bodies
‘None of us are particularly attractive, but death has been kinder to me than some. I’m still in the early stages of decay. Just the grey skin, the unpleasant smell, the dark circles under my eyes. I could almost pass for a living man in need of a vacation. Before I became a zombie I must have been a businessman, a banker or broker or some young temp learning the ropes, because I’m wearing fairly nice clothes. Black slacks, grey shirt, red tie.’ R, Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion.  
R is a zombie who has thoughts and even, sort of, feelings. He is the first character that made me ask myself: ‘what if zombies weren’t just mindless killing machines like we see in films all the time, what if they actually did have thoughts? What would a zombie even think?’ It’s an intriguing question and puts a new spin on the zombie stereotype.
The zombies’ need for brains is clever as when they eat a living person’s brain, they see the memories that person had, and they experience a glimpse of life. It’s almost as though the zombies crave brains because they crave being alive again. R first ‘sees’ Julie through eating her boyfriend’s brains and for once feels something more than just a desire to eat living flesh, he chooses to protect Julie. I loved how R’s character viewed the world around him and questioned his existence, despite being technically dead. His awkward friendship grows slowly with Julie, and as he gradually becomes more human and starts to fall in love with her, he feels guilty for being responsible for her boyfriend’s death. The complex nature of R and Julie’s relationship, and the burdens of being alive and being dead, along with the desire to live life breathes realism into these characters.
R is a character people can relate to, he’s done a lot of ‘wrong’ things whilst being a zombie, he’s literally been to the lowest point you can go, dead, and he’s trying to rise above it and find reasons to live life again. It’s also nice to see a male character getting in touch with their emotions.
James Carstairs – A Clockwork Angel
‘He wore a light loose-fitting set of trousers and a collarless shirt, with a black silk dressing gown tied loosely over them. She had been right. He was young, probably the same age as Will, and the impression of youth was heightened by his slightness.’… ‘No wonder that in the moonlight his pale skin seemed to shine like Will’s witchlight. His hair was pale silver as well, as were his angular eyes.’ JEM, A Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare.
Jem is a musically talented, kind and intelligent character. He is quiet and reserved but brave and doesn’t like people worrying about him or his illness. He has a quiet confidence and strength; unlike his friend Will who is loud and brash.
Jem is the definition of ‘life not being fair’. He is fighting an illness that has no cure and he also falls in love with the same woman as his best friend. I think for a lot of people there are times when life isn’t fair, so having a character embody this feeling immediately makes him relatable. He’s also another male character who seems to be in-tune with people’s feelings and his own emotions.
Ophelia – A Winter’s Promise
‘The nose kept coming. Soon after, a pair of glasses emerged, then the arch of an eyebrow, a forehead, a mouth, a chin, cheeks, eyes, hair, a neck, and ears. Suspended there, above the shoulders, in the center of the mirror, the face looked to the right, then to the left. Next, a bit further down, a bended knee poked through, and in tow came a body that pulled itself right out of the mirrored wardrobe, as if from a bathtub. Once clear of the mirror, the figure amounted to nothing more than a worn-out old coat, a pair of gray-tinted glasses, and a long three-colored scarf. And under these thick layers, there was Ophelia.’ Ophelia, A Winter’s Promise by Christelle Dabos.
Ophelia is a petite, intelligent character who prefers museums and books to people. She lives on an Ark called Anima and has the ability to ‘see’ the history of objects that she touches in the form of visions. Ophelia is practical, fearless and shows virtually no interest in romance. This is in complete contrast to how a lot of female characters are portrayed in other works of fiction. To quote Shakespeare ‘Though she be but little, she is fierce’ accurately describes Ophelia.
Arya – A Game Of Thrones
‘Sansa had gotten their mother’s fine high cheekbones and thick auburn hair of the Tullys. Arya took after their lord father. Her hair was a lusterless brown, and her face was long and solemn. Jeyne used to call her Arya Horseface and neigh whenever she came near.’ Arya, A Game Of Thrones by George R. R. Martin.
Arya feels like a misfit compared to the other girls and her sister. She’s not good at needlework or musically talented. She prefers the pursuits her brothers are allowed to enjoy; riding horses, archery and swordplay. After devastation hits her family, Arya is forced to flee and turns away from the life of a gentle lady and becomes stronger and skilled with weapons. Brienne of Tarth, the only female knight in A Game Of Thrones is similar to Arya, both being women who choose to pursue stereotypically male pursuits. It’s the feminist statement that women can do commonly male associated things just as well as any man, and it’s great to see characters like Arya.
Frodo – The Lord Of The Rings
”A stout little fellow with red cheeks,’ said Mr. Butterbur solemnly…. ‘[Taller] than some and fairer than most, and he has a cleft in his chin: perky chap with a bright eye. Begging your pardon, but he said it, not me.’ – Gandalf describing Frodo and leaving a letter with Barliman Butterbur, The Lord Of The Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien.
Frodo is a loyal and brave character who takes on the burden of The One Ring when nearly everyone else is afraid to touch it. He is compassionate and is not afraid to go to Mordor alone in order to protect his friends, although Sam does not let him go off by himself. Frodo is almost a perfect character; he is recognised as being uniquely different by other characters in the story, namely though his ability to carry the ring for so long. Though Frodo is full of doubt, every obstacle he faces he doubts himself but with help from his friends and some determination he manages to get through. Frodo is a weak character, lacking strength and the power of typical heroes, but his will is strong.
Hermione Granger – Harry Potter
‘She had a bossy sort of voice, lots of bushy brown hair and rather large front teeth.’ – Hermione Granger, Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s Stone by J. K. Rowling.
Hermione is strong, brave and book smart. Her intelligence often saves her, Harry and Ron as they go through the years at Hogwarts. It’s great to see a female character portrayed as strong and intelligent and not immediately obsessed with boys and relationships.
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sowacream · 1 year
TV series (but can I go with book instead?)
Shadowhunters :3
Favourite character: Jem Carstairs! He's just perfect actually
Funniest character: Magnus Bane
Best-looking character: well it's a book so idk. I'm going to say Jace because that's what all the characters say
3 favourite ships: Magnus/Alec, Maia/Isabella, and uh. thats a hard one actually I'd have to say Gideon/Sophie
Least favourite character: Honestly? Jace. I just don't vibe with him.
Least favourite ship: Jace/Clary. I know it's like the point of the first series but they definitely can be classified as siblings
Reason why I read it: the sheer autism
Why I started reading it: My aunt reccomeded it
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drunkonimagination · 2 years
tysm for the validation on this, i feel much better ab it lol cuz that was the main difficulty i was having with the character distribution
and as for the snootiness, i feel like thomas's shyness combined with a bit of ignorance as to what life is like for the carstairs family and the difficulties they go through could come across as aloofness, so maybe it could work !!
and then in my mind it goes:
alastair - lizzy thomas - darcy cordelia - jane james - bingley matthew - caroline bingley (since he and james are practically brothers) kamala - charlotte charles - mr collins (except im not gonna have him marry kamala bc i don't wanna) eugenia - georgiana augustus - wickham
now my only question is do we find a way to fit in lydia or leave it be? i think the story could work without it, and perhaps add a different twist that makes alastair trust thomas more (something to do with elias perhaps?) instead of bringing in another character... would love ur thoughts on the matter lol
+ cannot wait to see the art, v exciting indeed!!! <33
yessss!! thomas's shyness and ignorance about alastair's difficulties could be easily perceived as aloofness !!! i love it, problem solved (also darcy's extreme awkwardness is just so thomas ksksjsj and the sappy love declaration too)
omg your mind!! i haven't thought about matthew as caroline before, but it makes so much sense *chefs kiss*
and kamala and charles too!! god, you couldn't have picked a more perfect character to impersonate mr collins *giggling at the simple thought of the rejection scene but with alastair*
you know what? i think we can put lydia aside at this point and create a big drama around smth elias did. like, idk, the family finds out he has tons of debts to pay (let it be the alcoholism or not) and since they don't have the huge amount of money required to settle up they are forced to leave the house (or smth just as tragic)? and of course their name and reputation would be compromised in the process. and alastair, who's used to deal with his father's messes by now, doesn't know what to do this time, like he has no idea where to find all this money. eventually uncle jem (?) pays all the debts and of course it turns out it wasn't uncle jem but actually thomas, who did everything for alastair's sake...
you know, something like this 👀 either way i like the idea of elias being the main catalyst of the family drama, it's very spot on!! (and it probably makes much more sense than creating a random lydia just to follow the original)
also rain my beloved i can't stop thinking about this scene:
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“do you not think him a handsome man?”
“yes. yes, i dare say he is”
JWKSHGJSJ if this wasn't specifically written for mr michelangelo's david and his art enthusiast boyfriend-
i love it here, this au is going great <3333
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