#I’m not kidding. I’m socializing blorbos.
caterpillarinacave · 9 months
7 (something fandom does that you like) for Henry and 20 (ideal best friend) for literally any (or all of) the triplets
“7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?”
Ngl, I find a lot of the way the fandom talks about him somewhere on the spectrum of disappointing; however I do like how everyone knows just how much Henry and Charlotte love eachother. It’s universal knowledge that they love eachother more than life itself <3
“20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?”
Peter: Alexander Lightwood, from the beginning. Peters got a little trio going on with Alexander and Zachary Carstairs, plus there are his sisters, but Alexander and Peter are Will and Jem level parabatai. They love each other dearly, and really are perfect for each other.
Marigold: Honestly she’s not great at the whole friendship thing. She gets along really well with Grace, her older brother but, you know, if Christopher had lived? They would have absolutely loved each other.
Thelma: If we’re looking at younger, roaring 20s aged Thelma, despite being a lot younger she gets along really well with Eugenia Lightwood- Thelma was convinced she was the coolest person ever as a wee little child, and once she got a little older they hang like old friends.
Also, her wife. Thelma enjoys her day to day company as much she enjoys everything else about her.
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franzkafkagf · 5 months
Hi! Sorry for bothering you but I’m curious ,what are your thoughts on Otto and Alicent’s relationship? Because I think we have the same vision .
Have a good day/night !
omg not a bother at all! i love talking about my favorite blorbos <3
i mostly look at alicent's and otto's interactions with the lense of how alicent treats aegon later on (because he is most like her- it's so obvious). turns out the poison drips through.
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young alicent only had otto, they seemed to be quite close too. it seems that she doesn't seem to have any other adult influences in her life -> once he left, she latched onto another male adult influence; larys strong (yuck!!!)
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war of the foxes – richard siken
otto is a second son- set to never inherit anything and remain irrelevant. he obviously can't have that, so he rises through the ranks; no matter the cost. He goes to the point of sending his daughter into the bed chambers of the king (in the book he also had her sent to actual geriartic pervert jaehaerys, yuck!) he is very similar to petyr baelish; a scheming social climber
marrying alicent off was the means to an end to see his blood on the throne -> he does say there will be war if rhaenyra ascends because he thinks the realm won't accept a woman. i do think he somewhat believes that, but seeing his own blood on the throne is his main goal, alicent is the vessel for that dream.
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so what does he do? he scares alicent, he scares her by saying her sons will be sent to the wall or will be murdered or another horrible thing. he makes weary of rhaenyra, makes the two girls (then women) grow apart more and more. he needs alicent to act like he does, think like he does.
and what does alicent do? she played her role perfectly. she does what he asks her to do, how could she not? he is her father. the cycle continues, she subjects her kids to the same abuse and fears her father subjected her to; it's the only love she knows.
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what does aegon do? he turns into a mess, whoring and drinking all day, weary of responsibility. alicent can't understand. why isn't he like her? why did he grow into what she wanted him to grow into? why isn't he like her? i once saw somebody on here say (i can't link the source; can't find it, sorry!):
she was a stradivarius in her father's hand. aegon is a dull knife in hers.
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strayheartless · 1 month
So I don’t know if I’m ever really going to be able to write it coherently because it’s a mess of an idea but I need it out of my brain box. But I have an idea for a fic I’ll probably never write -because as I say ✨coherency✨- and it kinda goes like this:
Cloud is a pretty lonely kid. Even when Tifa tries to include him, he struggles socially and the others don’t really like him. As a way of coping with this Cloud falls back on his imagination and essentially creates the entire universe of kingdom hearts in his head like a maladaptive daydream to cope with his situation.
He has drawings of Sora and the gang all over his room and every note book is filled with complicated plots and backgrounds and ideas for characters. His Ma worries that he spends too much time in his own head. However, she quickly realised that moving his drawings and Writing causes him great distress so she tries to leave them be.
For Cloud Sora is an extension of the outgoing hero he wants to be. The kid who wasn’t necessarily the chosen one but is the best version of himself and is the hero because he’s good.
Riku is his sephiroth type character. He’s the cool kid that everybody wants to be like, and just like us he lives for torturing his blorbo. What Clouds not really aware of as he writes though is that Riku becomes more and more like an extension of himself. There’s an intense loneliness to his character and a repression of something Cloud is really not ready to look at.
Kairi is probably his romanticisation of Tifa and an extension of Clouds own desire to protect the people that matter to him most. Sora wants to protect kairi in the same way Cloud wants to protect Tifa. But like Tifa as the Kairi develops she has a certain strength of her own and a story worth telling.
More characters develop along the way and by the time he joins shinra military he’s got a whole fantasy world (or worlds in this case) planned out in his head that consumes his every waking minute.
Cut to being in the army and Clouds usually got a small field journal with him that he uses like an ideas book that’s full of scribbles and drawings. He’s incredibly territorial about the notebook and has gotten into altercations over it multiple times.
By this point he’s established some other stories. Sora feels really distant to him and he can’t quite reach him. It’s upsetting but around the time he meets Zack Ventus sort of emerges from nowhere.
Ven is quirky, he’s a bit silly and a lot sarcastic. But he’s smiley and friendly and exactly the person Cloud is around a certain second Class soldier…
Hiding his sketches from Zack was never an option. He was never going to get away with carrying his journal around without Zack popping up over his shoulder to ask “whattcha doooin’?”. Once Zack got a little snap shot into Clouds world(s) he wanted to grill Cloud about it every time they hang out. What Zack doesn’t really get though, is that for Cloud it’s not a story… not really.
These are Clouds friends. This is where he feels safest. Being able to talk of them makes them more tangible more real and when the Genesis war starts to get that bit more tense Cloud is stuck in his head As Sora and Riku make a reappearance.
Waking Dreams and nightmares plague Cloud for hours to the point of exhaustion because there’s someone on his island! Someone who shouldn’t be. Zack suddenly gets the feeling that maybe there’s something a little off about Clouds stories. He unfortunately gets his answer when he opens the door to Clouds room in the barracks and finds him crying into his knees and rocking.
“He opened the door, he opened it Zack! He shouldn’t have done that!”
“Who? What door Cloud? Where’s your head at bud?”
“Riku! He opened the door to darkness”
From that point on Zack is very careful about how he approaches Clouds stories. He notices Clouds staring; the times when he will start crying for no reason; nights when Zack will come to get him for dinner and find him scribbling out drawings of dark little shadows and a sword that looks like a key… The night before sephiroth burns down Nibelhiem Zack leaves Cloud scribbling a drawing of Ansem rising up covered by a monster gagged with bandages.
When cloud dreams in the Mako pod it’s confusing. He dreams of Sora Trapped in a white room. He dreams that none of his friends know him and that Riku isn’t what he remembers. He dreams of some of his lesser characters in Black coats and his brain confuses Ventus and Sora to make Roxas.
He dreams that Lea is no longer Lea he’s Axel. He dreams of Kairi with Black hair and Blue eyes but she’s not Kairi she’s- shes…. Xion? He dreams that there’s a girl that’s making Sora forget things, and he’s struggling to remember things himself.
He dreams that Riku won’t show anybody his eyes. What’s wrong with his eyes?! He dreams and dreams and dreams of Sephiroth, in the colosseum, in Radient Garders… no Hollo- hollow bastion… why are you here?!
Get out get out get out get out!
When Cloud wakes up in the sector seven train station the first thing he registers is that summer vacation is over. No that’s not right. They were going to the beach right? Roxas and Heyner and Pence and Ollette. They were going to the beach, to get pretzels and watermelon and…
He blinks and he’s lying on his back in a bed on stargazer hights and When Sora Cries so does he. Why is Sora crying? Where is Roxas?
There’s a tower surrounded by stars, and a wizard who tells Sora that the darkness still exists. He tells him about Nobodies that are the husks of people who have lost their hearts and Cloud wonders if he is a nobody too…
There’s a black feather in the underworld. And one on Mount Olympus when Sora parks the Gummi ship. Cloud thinks someone should be running to meet them with a big smile and questions about Terra… no that’s not right?
There’s a figure in a black coat in hollow ba- radient- hollow bastion. And another one in the underworld. Half way up a mountain in the land of dragons there’s another one, different from the others who won’t fight back.
As Avalanche reach Kalm Cloud makes a beeline for an art supply shop and suddenly there’s flowers in radiant garden again.
When he gets splashed with Mako in Corel he’s sees Riku and Roxas in loveless avenue. No that’s not right. What… what is this place.
“Come on sora, you can do better then that!”
“Oh yeah look which one of us is winning!”
“Stop by once me and him are both hero’s!”
“Oh so never come back!”
… Hello?
This is where I got up to with this idea and I can’t figure out the rest of it, but it’s been bugging me for months. So ✨here✨
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smilesrobotlover · 5 months
I hope you don’t mind, but I’m gonna deposit my Hero of Shadow amidst your Strangers Across Eras blorbos because holy Hylia this kid needs a good dad. It will keep him away long enough for me to figure out what the heck I’m gonna do with giving Abel a break 😂😅
Also Green Flag guy?? 👀👀👀 Is there potential with Mr Phantom Hourglass Lover?
Omg all of the dads will adopt him. He’ll be the designated child. They will dad him till he dies. It’s just their natural instinct <33
And be NICE to Abel!!! Give him kisses and hugs!! And loves!! Give him his favorite treat! Idk anything 😭😭😭 the poor dude
And yeaaaaaaah we sit by each other in math but I’m socially awkward and he doesn’t seem entirely social himself but…. I don’t knoooooow like I said I haven’t genuinely fallen for anyone in years, even when I had a bf freshman year of college it didn’t feel like romance (it lasted for a week 😭) and rn there’s nothing but… the fact that he loves phantom hourglass, he’s so based.
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bardocks-tiddies · 8 months
Bingo made by @sepiamestus
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Going into excruciating detail under the cut because i love bardock so much i am so autistic for this man
I like them in theory. I mean duh?? Goku’s dad? Rad as fuck
Squashing him like a bug (/affection). I mean, yeah. Would he let me? No ofc not. But idc
He doesn’t get enough canon focus. He really doesn’t. He got a little screen time in Xenoverse 2 and Super, but they’ve changed his personality so much, and I don’t think Xenoverse 2 counts as ‘canon’.
LEAVE THEM ALONEEEE. How many times have we watched him die to Frieza? In movies and games and stuff? Leave him alone.
No one understands him but me and my circle of mutuals. His personality has been horrible morphed by FUNimation, and then Toriyama himself in Super
Banger design. His blood-soaked headband? Rad af. No I’m not including Super.
Doesn’t get enough fanon focus. He gets some fanon focus, but so many people write him as a tragic hero/loving father and it makes me cry every time. He’s canonically a terrible fucking father.
Like them better as part of a dynamic. I love his dynamic with Team Bardock (Fasha/Celipa, Pumbukin/Shugesh, Tora/Toma, and Toteppo/Borgos). I may not like his changes in Super, but I do love his relationship with Gine.
I know what you are. I interpreted this as “Character is Not Straight™️” and Z Bardock is certainly not straight.
I need them to be weirder. I need Saiyans in general to be weirder.
Transing their gender as we speak. I don’t think Saiyans really have the same gender social construct that Earth does, and I of course love a good trans HC, but I genuinely dont think it really works for Saiyans? If anyone else has any trans Saiyan HCs I won’t judge ofc, but I personally don’t.
Free space! The blorbo himself <3
I hate them (I think about them constantly). I do ofc think about him constantly, but I would never say I hate him.
They gave me new mental problems. Tragic hero Super Bardock (as opposed to Z Bardock) has certainly given me mental problems. Like from DBS: Broly. He gave absolutely everything and his priority being his two kids? All for Goku to just forget who he is? Genuinely some of Toriyama’s best writing.
I need them to be less weird. No.
I like them but everyone is weird about them. I don’t think so? I don’t interact with a lot of DBZ spaces tho.
I cri
I miss my wife, Tails
Hate all their popular ships. I think the only “popular” ships are Bardock x Gine (which I adore) and Bardock x Toma (which I’m also absolutely on board with).
I don’t get the hype. There isn’t ENOUGH hype tbh.
Autism beam. He’s the most autistic bitch except maybe Goku, which makes sense since autism is genetic, we just know where Goku gets it from. Although I’d also make the argument that Gine is autistic, too.
Who was I before you… I mean I have dissociative amnesia so I thought it fits lol
I NEED them to be happy. After all the remakes of the destruction of Planet Vegeta, he deserves a rest.
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dianaladrislovebot · 8 months
politely begging you to say more about autistic caine. if you are so inclined
it is my duty to serve dear anon, here are your autistic!caine hcs, i hope i’ve done him justice 🫡
incredibly picky eater. pushes his food miles away from each other so nothing touches before he’ll eat it.
very particular about food textures too. hates anything crunchy.
will not eat sandwich crusts out of principle. always gives them to either diana or drake.
he’s very socially inept and most of the time doesn’t actually realise that what he’s doing is considered as wrong. doesn’t recognise that other people have thoughts and opinions either. he just forgets other humans exist. the concept is lost on him. has the same thing w animals.
he’s really bad at recognising faces. he understands what is considered conventionally attractive but doesn’t seem to care. he’s more focused on particular features (for example, he likes how nice diana’s skin feels. it’s very smooth. he doesn’t notice her face a lot of the time.) he’ll just see a face and think it’s a good face rather than an attractive face. bad at recognising expressions as well.
is super sensitive to touch, almost repulsed by it. he absolutely hates people touching him and is why he isn’t affectionate w diana at all. (he soon realises that sometimes it’s okay but only if it’s diana)
he’s really sensitive w specific sensations too, he can’t wear specific clothing bc they feel wrong. clothing tags make him crazy, he can’t deal w silk or scratchy materials etc
has had the same safe food (gravy. literally puts it on everything even if it’s gross) since he was a kid and will get violent if he can’t have it (they’ve made special arrangements at the school so he always has access to it)
doesn’t actually understand how relationships work (partly by autism partly by parental trauma). it’s really hard for him to truly open up and trust someone and most of the time he simply doesn’t want to. doesn’t understand that people are friends bc they care about each other and it’s not just transactional and/or business like.
when he gets too overwhelmed (too much noise, too much light, too many sensations, etc) he’ll just freeze. he’ll completely shut down, his thoughts will stop and he will practically disassociate to get away from the “too much”. he will have to be directed away from the situation by somebody else bc he’s not in enough control to do so himself
biting his thumbnail is a stim. bites his other fingernails too. also cracks his knuckles a lot (which bothers everyone around him). playing w his hair is also a stim bc his hair is important to him and it makes him feel safe
wears his socks inside out. absolutely despises the stupid grooves and bumps that socks have so he just turns them inside out. diana makes fun of him for this
that’s all i’ve got for now but if you’d like more i’m always obliged to write funky little words about my # 1 blorbo <3
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bizarre-blorbo-bracket · 10 months
Round 3 Poll 6: Leonardo the Robot from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology vs Casey Murphey from the 2019-2020 Florida Mock Trial case: “State of Florida v. Casey Murphy”
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Leonardo is a social robot who was created by MIT in the early 2000’s. He is designed to be accessible and user-friendly for people who want to work with robots but may be inexperienced. He can learn and perform tasks on par with what a toddler is capable of. He’s designed to be cute so you’ll want to bond with him. He has a whole visual tracking system to respond to emotional cues and even mimic expressions the same way a pet dog or cat might mirror you to bond with you. He can emote with a great deal of complexity while responding to human interaction and the stimuli around him. One day I was bored and thumbing through my college psych textbook that I way overpaid for because we barely used it. I ended up on a page about Leonardo, found him fascinating, and had to learn more. And then there was a sentence that absolutely floored me. It might be slightly inaccurate because this was years ago but in essence it said: “Leonardo will never know love.” Something in me died that day and I started crying over a robot. To be so complex, years ahead of its time for the advancement of technology and robotics in the early aughts. To be purposefully engineered to be endearing, and for humans to pack bond and want to form connections with it. To even be intelligent enough to distinguish between itself and other beings, to help humans with tasks while accounting for human error, and to even understand the difference between intention and action. Feats of engineering and innovation that remain impressive over 20 years after its creation. And yet. The soul-crushing pathos that Leonardo will never be able to give nor receive love. It’s a lot. It’s all deeply heavy, but also deeply fascinating. He’s definitely hit blorbo status for me, he’s such a little guy who I just have very intense emotions about.
Casey Murphey:
I have a lot of obscure mock trial blorbos but I’m going to start with Casey Murphy because I think they best encapsulate the depths of weirdness some of my blorbo relationships with these characters can get to. So to start, I have never been enrolled in a school in Florida. Or even anywhere near there. I visited a few times as a very little kid, but my schooling has been in the Midwest and the Northeast. I also was not remotely involved in high school mock trial in the 2019-2020 school year. I only know Casey Murphy because I used to be part of an online mock trial group that picked up the case a few years later. In fact, I took Casey as a witness as a joke because I had also been a defendant named Casey in the case we did before State v. Murphy. But Casey is my tragic scrungly. The autism took hold on them. BASICALLY they were a slightly “below average” kid grappling with the huge academic expectations their family had. Specifically, there was a college (Southern Coastal University) that their family had been going to for generations. But when Casey applied, they got waitlisted. They managed to make it in right before the school year started, but they were put on probation because of the short notice. A few weeks into the year, though, Casey was talking to their older brother Patrick (basically their closest friend) and they find out about a secret society called SCU Underground that their family has been in since it was founded. Originally called SCU for Change, it was a student activist group. They learn about some shady things happening at the school and how SCUU planned to combat it by holding a protest bonfire. Patrick invited Casey to the next meeting, and Casey was very excited to prove themself. Later psychological testing showed that Casey was among the most easily suggestible in society, so it’s clear that this was important to them. Here’s where things get unclear. All we know for certain is that Casey bought lighter fluid and vodka (likely using a fake ID considering they were only 18) from a liquor store. They brought those things, along with their laptop, in their backpack to the meeting. There was an argument which ended in someone named Cal Robbins storming out of the old student union building which the meeting was being held in. Then, the building burned down, and Casey came out later than everyone else before being arrested and confessing to burning down the building. The prosecution’s claim is that Casey brought the materials to burn down the building to prove their loyalty to the cause. They might have been influenced by Patrick to do it, but either way they actually committed the act. The defense’s claim, which I find more compelling as a story, is that the lighter fluid was to show that they were prepared for the bonfire, the vodka was as a peace offering considering that they were a new member, and the fire was caused by a projector overloading the old building’s power. Casey ran back in to get their laptop so they could continue their school work, and also didn’t know the layout as well as the returning members, so they came back out later than everyone else. Then they were arrested, treated poorly, and were coerced into a false confession because they were lead to believe Patrick would be found guilty if they didn’t. It’s all just so sad and angsty to me, especially seeing as they were found guilty at the trial I did so I always mentally fill in them being falsely imprisoned at the end. They just wanted to prove themself to their family, to step out of their brother’s shadow, and this is where it lead them. Also here’s my playlist lol https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2ccMwC9xV83ddZoANpejE1?si=nGtWp7MvS7WXJEWLMrBNVw Also also, like most mt witnesses, no canon gender or pronouns which is very cool of them
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aeternallis · 10 months
i know it was a personal post, but can i ask if you'd be able to give an example of a fanon idea that needs more examining? i'm in the kpts fandom, but it's not something i've ever thought about with particular headcanons...
//looks at this ask like it’s a damn behemoth, especially considering I just spoke with a friend about this.
I’m gonna preface this answer with a disclaimer and say that I’m not here to act as fandom police, nor am I well-versed in Thai culture. I’m not Thai, I’m Filipino. The two cultures are very distinct and different, but there are shared cultural norms, since Thailand and the Philippines are considered part of the SE Asia region.
Play in the fandom as what makes you happy, my dear anon. I’m not here to ruin your fun, I’m just here in my own little sandbox to play with these blorbos with a few select people I’ve come to know as friends.
Having said that, let’s begin with a fanon idea that I'm gonna dissect for you.
There’s a particular fanon idea that Porsche would have been enthusiastically open to having the sex talk with Chay, since Porsche himself is a proud whore (affectionate).
And the sentiments behind that headcanon—for what it’s worth—is nice. I’m definitely for the idea that sex education needs to be more readily available, so that the masses are properly armed with the tools and knowledge they need to live a healthy, sexual life, in whatever form that may be.
Be that as it may, there are a couple of factors that that fanon idea is most likely not taking into account.
And again, just to be clear: I'm not against the idea that Chay knows a lot about sex. What I have issues with is the framing of how he would come to know about sex, his sexual identity, etc. and the cultural context that would surround that situation.
1.) Does the HC take into account that, like most if not all Asian countries, Thailand is a high-context culture? In other words, not just the words being spoken, but body language, tone, gestures, social position, etc.—all these things factor in to what would be a sensitive conversation like the sex talk and is mutually understood between both parties, most times; it’s not something that’s easily translatable, yknow? Due to this, you could ask yourself: Porsche is a sexy slut, but would he deal with Chay as a sibling who casually sleeps around (as an equal), or as an older brother and parent who knows he has the responsibility of keeping Chay happy, safe, fed, and clothed (as one in a position of higher authority)?
2.) Does the HC take into account that, like most Asian countries, talking about sex openly in Thailand is still considered somewhat taboo? Be that as it may, culture is never static. It’s a bit better now with the availability of the internet and the younger generation’s more open mindedness, but it’s still nowhere near as the west’s general social fabric that contains within it something akin to ‘the talk’ for the parents once their kids are of age to talk about that sort of thing. The topic of sex tends to be more easily spoken of and discussed with amongst equal peers, so in which case, I can actually see Chay being more comfortable talking about sex with his friends (Ohm, and even Kim), rather than Porsche.
3) Finally, does the HC take into account that one of SE Asia’s shared cultural norms is the general collective’s mutual goal of trying to maintain social harmony? That to speak openly of sex, to talk about it “enthusiastically” to the point that comedic examples like the cucumber are used, would be seen more as disruptive than anything else? In my opinion, if Porsche were to even talk about sex with Chay, he’d be more likely to point Chay towards books as sources of reliable information, rather than give a crude visual aid. Lol
From my own experience anon, it's much easier to disregard the cultural context of a show like KPTS, because it has the optics of a western tv show: the business suits, the fancy cars, the high rise-buildings. Compared that to a show like The Untamed or a movie like ManSuang, where fans are much more aware to be mindful of the cultural context, because it's set in a historical setting (although in The Untamed, it's more fantasy than anything).
The HC we talked about is harmless enough, yes. But having said that, you now have to ask yourself: is it appropriate and acceptable to disregard the cultural context of KPTS, just because it has the optics of a western tv show?
And frankly, that's something you need to figure out and find the answer for yourself.
So, there you have it. Am I stopping people from having fun with HCs such as the one I talked about? Hell no; fly free, little bird. Do whatever makes you happy in this fandom, and I will do the same.
Is the HC I talked about something I can enjoy as an enjoyer of KPTS and would interact with? Hell no, because said HC is also ignorant in a lot of different ways, and I like playing with my blorbos as accurate as they are in the original show, and in the cultural context I understand the show in.
And this take on Porsche’s character, plus the cultural context I have as an Asian, is not something that matches up at all.
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mygeekcorner · 1 year
eight shows to get to know me. allegedly.
Tagged by @silversoulstardust
Babe what does this even mean??? What do you mean “get to know me”?? Shows that are the reason that I am the way I am?? That make people watch them and then go “yeah this explains so much about you”? Blorbos I project too hard on?? The vibes? The core memories??? The quoteability?? Which ones make me scream out loud the most?? What does it all mean?? You already follow my blog, you know which shows I'm obsessed with, but what shows do even give insight into anything besides what I like in stories??
But uh yeah. My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. Easy pick. Whatever reasoning you want from the potential meanings of this tag game up there, it has it. The first three seasons are so good! Though I did drop it when Twlight became an alicorn, that just felt too much toy-selling show to me personally, same with equestria girls. But like I grew up watching old school MLP (G1), and I adored it. Then I reach 20 and suddenly FiM (G4 for those keeping track) comes out and it is such a gigantic blast from the past and damn if I didn't get hooves over head from the start. I was obsessed. I was one of the “mods are asleep, post ponies” people. And the way they fucking based Pinkie Pie on me? Like right down to the Pinkamena rock farm backstory? Scary stuff right there I’m tellinng you. 
But 7 other shows to pick?
Monarch of the Glen is an old show, and I will admit that I haven’t Really watched it since I was in school but it has stayed in the back of my mind since I was like 10 so. I never cared for the main couple, as characters they are fine but even back then it felt like a “oh yeah, here’s two pretty people from opposite genders (and social status) and so we have to make them get together” which was Not what the show was about To Me! But just all the other interpersonal relationships? The parents romantic relationship? Top notch.  The struggle of trying to please your parents but still doing your own thing? Trying to find out what that thing is? It does never get old. Also I had the biggest crush on Duncan and that does tell you so much about my type still lol
Galavant released the trailer and at first glance everyone already knew it was a very Me show. I’m not sure what it says about me, but it fits me very well. With the sense of humour, disney references, bursting into unprompted song, wanting to dress like a ren fair character, horseback riding, daring sword fights. A prince in disguise! I mean what. I don’t project on anyone super hard, but I do vibe like crazy to the whole thing, and the soundtrack is a banger that never truly leaves my brain.
Scrubs might just look like the silly little doctor comedy show, and it is! But it also has SO MUCH heart and I just love the lessons it comes with. Again, it’s been a hot minute since I watched it so I won’t vouch for how well the humour has aged, but that was never the point of the show either. The point of the show was watching people care about each other in all different kinds of relationships and so many of the more heartfelt exchanges still live in my soul even now. Like that time JD went to the “evil lab guy” everyone was scared of because he didn’t want his patient to have what the results said they did and the lab guy asked “do you Think I made a mistake or do you Hope I did?” and JD just said “I’m kinda hoping you did” and the whole scene softened and lab guy did the test again. I don’t know, that scene has lived rent-free in my mind for like 20 years whenever I hope things aren’t as bad as they seem, hoping that some higher power lab guy will take pity on me and say they mixed some tests up.
Malcolm in the middle is again just that silly chaotic show from when we were kids - sibling edition - but again it just has so much heart and I don’t know. Watching it again as an adult, yes sure, it has aged, but the big bits stay the same. How the parents Chose each other every day. How the kids might beat each other up with bricks but wouldn’t hesitate to turn to arson if anybody else tried to do the same to their brothers? Yes, it means a lot and even though I might not have “learned” as much from it as Scrubs, it still resonates with me about how growing up felt.
Until We Meet Again because at my heart I am a hopeless romantic who wants to believe in soulmates. It’s a pretty recent show in general, and I only watched it a year ago, but it felt like it understood me more than I understood it, so it is on this list anyway. But I will always hope that if someone meant enough to you and you meant enough to them you Will find your way back to each other, in this life or the next. Not saying this show didn’t absolutely destroy me, I spent 3 hours just crying and shaking after the first episode, and I think I spent a majority of the show being a dehydrated little blob, but it was so worth it. To watch both timelines fall in love and choose each other? To watch the modern timeline have friends and be happy among more than just each other? Everything I could have asked for. 12/10. For real.
Not sure what Goblin has to say about me. We’re all depressed and deserve a good cry and a hug? I guess it means that there is always hope for things to get better, in some way. Even if it doesn’t come about as you thought it would, or when you hoped. But there is always someone out there who cares about you, whether or not you know they do.
I can’t believe I almost forgot about Black Books! Fran is me and I will turn into Fran if bf ever does leave me rip. For real. I even used to have a marriage pact with a friend who was just like Bernard that stated if we both reach our 40s and are single we can be drunk and miserable together. So many of these moments get referenced on a daily basis in our home, everything from how “on no accounts must they know the real you!” to the Cleaner. Yes, if you watch this show it will explain so much about me. (Please don’t do that)
Okay, yeah. This only took like 4 days to complete lmao. Might have taken it a bit more serious than intended, but the theme of the game is just to wide and I didn’t only want “these are the shows I’m currently obsessing over” cause yall already follow me and know which ones those are.
Anyway to pass this on - and feel free to not take it as deadly serious as I did unless you are so inclined - I am now tagging @krippe90 @jacquelinesrumbottle @hobbitsus @imaginarydragonling @tbiris @ablazenqueen @topcatnikki @7nessasaryevils @wanderingwistfulness @happygomadhatter @nevergonnafallfor @genderfluid-faerie-bf and anybody else who might want to play
Edit: added links to the shows~~
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whumpy-wyrms · 8 months
🔴 for aspen (or any other blorbo of your choice!!) for the ask game!
- @whumpy-written-works
(from this ask game)
🔴 Red- What is a trait your OC has that those around them don't see very often? Is it seen by a rare few or completely overlooked?
hmmm i’m not actually sure! Aspen is the embodiment of a cringefail loser (affectionate) who is literally not afraid to be himself around others. he doesn’t mask or try to fit in, he’s literally so unapologetically Weird and i love that about him.
anyway i’m gonna infodump about him real quick :3
so ASPEN. this ended up being a disorganized mess but i dont care <3 so he talks all the time and is the most talkative person ever and never shuts up about his interest or passions. he will talk and listen to anyone about anything and never gets tired of it. he stims a lot in public but tries not to disrupt people, he just loves outwardly showing his emotions and being himself and not caring about people judging him.
he wears his headphones almost everywhere he goes because he’s sensitive to sound but loves blasting his favorite music into his ears and dancing/jumping around to it. he LOVES music, he loves to sing and plays a lot of instruments and he sounds amazing like he has a genuine talent for music and he does not give up on his dreams at all. he likes to write poetry and short stories also and definetely had a whole bunch of cringey deviant art ocs as a kid. he's a terrible cook but he tries anyway, and makes the messiest food you've ever seen but it honestly doesn't taste too bad.
he’s a picky eater and when he’s with other people, he doesn’t force himself to eat food that he doesn’t wanna eat because of the texture or taste. he literally doesn’t care how people view him, he does what brings him joy and won’t make himself uncomfortable just to fit in. he hates eye contact and does not force himself to make it. if people get annoyed by that, he’s not afraid to stand up for himself. like if he sees anyone picking on someone for being weird or different, he will drop everything and stand up for that person so fast.
he’s a genuinely nice and kind-hearted person and loves spending time around people and animals. he’s a very very social and loyal friend and an overall delight to be around, literally the embodiment of golden retriever energy. whenever he sees something that reminds him of another person, he brings it to them as a gift and shows affection just by being around people and understanding them. he goofs around a lot and is super hyper and playful, and is literally such a fun person to hang out with. he loves running around outside and climbing trees and making blanket forts and playing tag and hide and seek.
he loves hanging out in nature because that is his life. he knows everything about different kinds of plants and fungi and animals and just everything you could possibly know about nature. he goes into forests and forages for berries and knows which ones are edible and which ones are poisonous. he befriends every animals he sees and animals love him too because he’s so gentle and kind and literally would never hurt a fly (y’know, until he turns into a werewolf. and he also ate random animal carcasses he found in the woods but never got sick because he’s immortal). he loves to travel and wants to travel the world and see all the different types of nature everywhere.
he’s a wolf therian (otherkin) and he wears fake wolf ears and a tail because it makes him happy, and he barks and rolls around in the grass and howls at the moon because it makes him feel alive. he’s also a furry and has soo many cringey furry ocs and even though he’s not that good at art, he still makes art and is proud of it. he literally expresses himself in every way he can, and is not afraid of judgement. he loves himself and his ability to be cringe and free.
he tries not to let death bother him too much. he hates the cold. but he overcomes those obstacles in the end, just like every single other obstacle he’s faced. he finds happiness and joy in the worst of places, despite being constantly surrounded by death and constantly dying.
Aspen is just like the embodiment of harmless cringey weirdness and honestly i aspire to have his confidence to be himself around people!!! so, no, there’s not really a trait that those around Aspen don’t see very often
except maybe his immortality. nobody else in the world knows that Aspen is immortal besides Silas and eventually the ghosts and werewolf who turned him
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I support autistic Amity but since only one girlie per series can make it in I’m going to fight so hard for Lilith, call that bitch (affectionate) diagnosed as an adult autism. Call her gifted kid to late in life autism diagnosis pipeline. Canon special interest (neurotypical people do not get excited about balusters Like That). Understands social cues until someone deliberately deceives her, so valid. She is my blorbo my scrungly my beloved I love her. Her dyed and straightened hair not only symbolizing her allegiance to the emperor but as a visual metaphor for masking. Please I’m so not normal about her.
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kudzucataclysm · 2 years
i'm very new here, would it be okay to ask of you to infodump about "dez"? they seem very blorbo material and i'm curious :3 (if not i'll totes understand if you wanna keep things hush-hush due to spoilers lol)
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his names Desmond O. Arkady and he’s the main protag of SE and is…tbh the only normal person out of the entire cast. he’s just a normal superpower-less kid who gets involved in world altering events on accident becuz everyone else is mean to him and likes using him cuz he craves validation and can’t say no :( unfortunately for all the ppl who like pushing him around, he’s got extremely serious, repressed anger issues (due to his dad's emotional/verbal abuse and his mom abandoning the family) and is eventually pushed beyond his breaking point which at some point involves making a nuclear bomb so. good work guys-
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he’s also super fucking smart and loves everything to do with science even tho he isn’t too good at math. he excels at biology and chemistry and likes to take home dead animals to cut open and look at. he also practices necromancy- he’s a distinguished little victor frankenstein just. one who doesn’t steal dead bodies v-v he particularly likes reviving dead cats (one of which becomes a supporting character at a later point) but other than natural sciences he's pretty adept at taking things apart and putting them back together. he can look at a radio and know exactly how it works and what the components are that make it function. he also loves fun facts and will randomly drop them on people, especially morbid ones that he finds 'funny and interesting' but isnt to others :( so while he's pretty intelligent he doesnt do well socially which resulted in him being bullied VERY badly when he was younger but he tries to take everything in stride....even tho he almost drowned once becuz of it and one other time almost beat someone unconscious during one of his 'rage blackouts' (he definitely fucking cried for like 3 days straight after that even tho he doesnt rmm)
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while relatively normal he’s related to like, arguably the most powerful person in the world which is something he’s super unaware of. he’s the heir to a shit ton of scientific endeavors and intended future owner of ALL ANDROIDS. but again he’s unaware of this so when “certain things” tend to happen to him or around him he just tends to brush it off and doesn’t think it concerns him. the person who he’s related to, Lupe, is struggling to get into contact with him cuz 10 years ago she astral projected so hard she caused her subconscious (i’m not explaining) to time travel so. she’s just been in a coma for a long while annnnd she very much might never wake up again so OH WELL looks like her TRILLION DOLLAR FORTUNE is just in fucking limbo for now >:/
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hmm what else..very much a people pleaser, he's got this really weird inclination to freak the fuck out if he thinks people don't like him- he also ignores a lot of his feelings?? like if he feels anything intense other than happiness he's prone to crying fits and throwing up which his bodyguard francis thinks is INSANE and STUPID. despite ppl treating him like shit he's genuinely a very hopeful person and loves the world and everything that takes up space in it. like he tries to and does see the good in everything and while the events of the story kinda wear down on him he ultimately doesn't think humanity or Martiankind deserves pain and/or suffering; he persistently keeps a strong sense of justice/morality and thinks that anyone or anything is ultimately capable of good.
hrrrrm thats all i can seem to say off the top of my head for now...anyway yeah he's literally the best :3 like out of the entire cast of SE he's definitely the guy the root for imo v-v
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waaaa but tysm for the q
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Getting-acquainted questions from the lovely @waitmyturtles​, who I’ve been enjoying getting to know and would love to continue to know better. Thanks for the tag!
I’m going to skip the tagging part myself, sorry. Tagging people on things like this always makes me off-the-charts anxious. If you see this and are interested in it, though, please feel more than welcome. The tagging prompt, should you choose to accept it, is to tag nine people you would like to get to know better.
Three Ships:
Hira x Kiyoi - These two are frustrating and deeply weird but their story is so compelling in a way that’s relatable despite, or maybe because of, their weirdness. And then occasionally they are the absolute sweetest. Their relationship isn’t likely to closely resemble viewers’ real-life relationships, yet the issues and emotions that get explored in their story resonate much more broadly. My forever blorbos.
Togawa x Nozue - Old Fashion Cupcake is like the Jane Austen novel version of a BL. Things look calm on the surface but so much emotion is simmering underneath and every stray word, glance, or social gesture is invested with an immense amount of meaning (and often, misinterpreted). Totally my wheelhouse. Nozue’s mixture of charm, competence, and frighteningly low confidence is super endearing, while Togawa’s assertive, purposeful side is undercut by how vulnerable his feelings for Nozue make him.
Seo Joon x Ji Woo - I love the subtle, complex way their story developed in season 1 of To My Star and although season 2 was like a punch in the gut, it ended up working well for me in the end. There’s something so special about when an incredibly guarded person finally opens themselves up to caring for and being cared for by others, like when a feral cat finally lets you pet them.
First Ship:
Like, first in my lifetime, or first since I got into BL, or something else?
The first time I ever heard about ships/shipping as a term was when I was watching Veronica Mars in my 20s. I was pro-LoVe, Logan and Veronica, 100%.
I think the very first time I rooted for two characters on TV to get together was probably watching Moonlighting as a kid and wanting Cybil Shepherd and Bruce Willis to get together. That or Sam and Diane on Cheers. In both cases, when those people finally got together, the aftermath was a huge letdown. I think I still have baggage from both those shows!
I think the first BL ship I really felt strongly about was probably Hira x Kiyoi. I’d already seen some BLs and enjoyed them but hadn’t gotten really invested in that way until Utsukushii Kare.
Last Song:
KAYTRANADA fr. H.E.R. - Intimidated
This song is a bit outside my usual area but I’ve been trading song recommendations with a friend lately, and as a result, I’m listening to a bunch of things I normally wouldn’t. This is one of my favorite things my friend has shared with me so far.
Last Movie:
I’m part of the way through watching Minari with my husband and really enjoying it (although it’s also stressing me out). I have young kids so seeing a movie from start to finish with no interruptions is rare. If we’re only counting movies I’ve seen from start to finish, the last one I watched was Broker, which I loved.
Currently Reading:
I’m listening to the audiobook version of How the Word Is Passed by Clint Smith--I highly recommend the audiobook specifically. Smith is a poet as well as a journalist and his style of narration in the audiobook is engaging, artistic, and just contributes a lot to the work.
Re-reading portions of The Dance of Anger and The Dance of Intimacy by Harriet Lerner for a post I’m thinking about. 
I’m also reading a couple of books about UX research for job search reasons but y’all don’t want to hear about that.
Currently Watching:
Utsukushii Kare season 2
Ameiro Paradox
note: I keep almost starting Bad Buddy but there are a bunch of options for watching it online and I’m getting a little paralyzed by too many possibilities. If anybody has any advice about the best place to watch it, please let me know.
Kamen Rider Build
Kamen Rider Revice
Avataro Sentai Donbrothers
American stuff:
Poker Face
Abbott Elementary
His Dark Materials
Currently Consuming:
Just had an everything bagel. Currently obsessed with an NYT recipe for “creamy doenjang pasta.” Probably going to raid my husband’s stash of dried mangoes at some point here. Well, raid in the sense of stealing a couple of pieces.
Currently Craving:
Chinotto (the Italian soda). I had a place I could buy this stuff in Austin but I don’t know of a place that has it here in the Seattle area. It’s bitter and aperitif-ish, made with a kind of sour orange. It’s basically like if cola was a bit more complex and weird.
It’s such a cliche, but chocolate. I’m not a big fan of the chocolate we keep around the house for the kids (Cadbury’s Dairy Milk) and don’t have any of my own, so I may have to bake something.
Utsukushii Kare season 2, episode 2. I’m not used to watching BLs as they come out weekly so the wait for next Tuesday is making me a bit cranky.
Diptyque Eau Capitale - I’m obsessed with this perfume but I only have a small sample so I’ve been hoarding it. It’s a really classy, complex, well-blended rose-patchouli thing. Super cozy. I should honestly go put some of it on right now, to heck with hoarding.
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the-passenger-if · 2 years
Had a dream last night I played The Passenger and so I did. Just in time to avoid spoilers. And wow I'm so glad I did because getting to discover everything by myself was amazing!!
Where do I even begin? First, I love the characters a lot. I was not romantically interested in her but Fiama is one of my favorites. I love her and I hope she can raise Bruno well. She's doing amazing. I lover her. And Livvy!! Oh my god Livvy!! I love her so much. She's wonderful. For an idea of how my playthrough went, I got the Roach/Horizon polyam route, I befriended everyone and kept them alive, I got to 100% essence and got to heal Livvy (wow!) and now my Newman Keres and xyr lovers Roach and Horizon are gonna go on a cool roadtrip together. And I broke the cycle by not eating the Hunter. So I think I got the best ending, go me!
I got so attached to my Newman. I love how autistic the writing of Newman as a kid feels in general, being autistic myself, I just recognized myself a lot. Well I never bit down my fingers to the point of almost severring them. Keres (xe/xem/xyr) is pretty imposing, doesn't emote well, doesn't understand so many social cues and has pretty low empathy, but xyr humanity stat was pretty high. Because xe doesn't feel much empathy but go at it with logic. Kind of like "I know this is a bad situation and so I'll be compassionate". At first it was to blend in. Then it became because xe really did care. Xe didn't want to leave this world also, mostly because of Livvy at first, but then because of Roach and Horizon as well- But a lot of it was Livvy.
I was just terrified when Tzr'nekre blinded Livvy and had Horizon possessed and everyone captured. I was so worried I picked the worst choices and made a huge mess. I'm so, so glad I was able to work everything out in the end. The ending I got was so satisfying. The revelations along the way felt like gut punches, like Newman being responsible for killing Roach's kind? Ouch! I loved The Passenger back when it was a demo, and I absolutely adore it now that it's out. I'm not sure I'll replay doing different routes (I just love Roach & Horizon too much lol) but I'll definitely replay in the future building another Newman with completely different stats. Keres was imposing, responsive, cautious and goal-oriented, it'll be interesting having a Newman who's very different from that. But I definitely will stick to the nice choice, can't begin to think about hurting my blorbos lol. I love all of them. They deserve the best ending possible.
Also love to imagine post canon shenanigans. I think Roach, Keres and Horizon should all wear dresses. Roach would have one that fits pretty well probably. With pockets everywhere to hide stuff in. Horizon would probably have a very fancy one, long and pretty that suits them perfectly. Keres would throw on whatever fits as long as it's comfortable. Roach probably laughs a lot at xyr disastrous fashion sense. Horizon tries to help gently. Because Keres is 100% capable of putting together the worst outfit known to humankind and cosmic horrors without even trying.
Alright it's been a pretty long message so I'll end it here but I'm definitely keeping this IF in mind as one of my favs of all times. It was amazingly fun, and I loved every second of it. Thank you for writing it!! Can't wait to see the spoiler asks you'll answer to and see more stuff being shared! I'll also definitely stick around for your future IFs if you choose to publish more, your writing is top notch.
Hope you have a good day!
(hey that’s the medicine seller! sexy bastard)
Thanks, I’m glad you liked TP and had such a fun (if nerve wracking) time :3
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piastrinorris · 1 year
I’m gonna open Pandora’s box: cheerscoops 💕
i don't?? think?? i've ever heard of that shiAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH MY BABIES!!!!!!!!
i know i'm biased bc they're my fave ship but they literally make so much sense, i feel like if you just think about both characters for like, a minute, it's all right there. both have troubled family lives. both seek out validation through climbing the school's social hierarchy, but also show that they're far more comfortable being around people of a lower social "status" (chrissy + eddie in the forest scene, steve + dustin/robin). we see how steve's "loser-fication" ultimately benefits him by giving him robin, and i feel like he could lead by example to show chrissy that she doesn't have to burn herself out trying to meet her parents' expectations in order to live well.
i think they'd both have a very similar bond of like. okay yeah we're both rich kids but that doesn't mean we've not got problems, too. and they have that unique shared experience of both feeling that way, so even if like, say steve is upset about his parents but dustin just dismisses it bc "at least you live in a huge house/at least you have a pool/at least they're barely around" bc dustin thinks that's the dream. chrissy understands that the more money that comes in only equates to their parents' personal happiness, not the family's. and that sometimes you'd rather trade all your material possessions for just one genuine hug from the people who made you.
and as a result of that, i think they'd really thrive at helping support each other to break that chain, to become the total opposite of their parents. unafraid to show each other their love (even if it does mean eddie making audible retching noises the whole time), unafraid to show other people that they love them, too, being way better at communicating their issues and being way more open to compromise rather than insisting only one of them is right.
tl;dr they're my blorbos and i'm obsessed with them <3
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defilerwyrm · 2 years
what morally-grey, tormented wizard who helped save the world and had a dark elf wizard student/boyfriend* who betrayed him was caleb inspired by? :o
Raistlin Majere of the Dragonlance series! There was time travel fuckery in that, too. It was either in a Talks Machina episode or in Between the Sheets that Liam made this reveal; I forget which, but I’m leaning towards the latter.
Raistlin was like…the OG blorbo for me. If social media had existed when I was reading those books as a kid in the late 80s/early 90s, I would have been the most obnoxious little bastard about him. So finding out my latest favorite was inspired by my first is kind of a treat!
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