#jens: but ok whatever lets continue to make out
smolwritingchick · 17 days
Hi! How’s your week going? I hope you’re doing okay. I was wondering, hypothetically, if Jennie had been diagnosed with a terminal illness, like cancer, how would the BTS members and her idol friends support her? I hope my question did not make you feel uncomfortable. If it did, I’m so sorry. That was not my intention at all. You don’t have to answer my question if you don’t want to.
Hey!! Busy week so far but getting by!! 😁❤️ also fangirling over this otome game like usual. Hoping to write more today as well! And gotta answer the rest of these asks!
No need to apologize! I like questions like this! You didn’t make me feel uncomfortable at all! So far everything I’ve been asked hasn’t made me feel creeped out or uncomfortable. You are totally fine!! I like this question so thank you for bringing this up to me, Anon 💜💜💜
I think it’s cool people are curious about what if my characters were in certain situations. It makes the characters more real tbh. And it makes me happy because I’m like wow I made a likable character, this makes me feel pretty good.
And it’s a very real thing too cause a lot of our favs are probably dealing with something especially in private. This actually reminds me of one of my favorite wrestlers who is wrestling with leukemia. It’s amazing how he’s still going strong while dealing with that.
Ok Angst for this answer so warning now 💔
Yeah so let’s say she’s dealing with cancer. Scary af for sure. She will keep silent about the illness besides of course telling Big Hit. She’d have a silent battle with it for a bit before the members and especially Jungkook start to notice her in pain and she’d finally admit it after having a sit down with the boys. I see the group spending the whole time crying. And Jen having one final wish to just continue like normal for her sanity.
I see it hitting Jungkook the hardest since he planned to spend the rest of his life with her and have kids and now this illness is taking over. Him and her will have a long conversation about everything and she’ll tell him that after she’s gone, to please love again after he takes time to heal. And that she will always be there with him
Definitely see the members taking turns attending the doctor appointments with her for support as well. And her friends too while doing things for comfort her like smarties and gift baskets. Her friends and family would go through old memories with her to boost her mood and reminisce on the good times too
Fans will notice a shift in Bangtan and how Jen’s body began to look different. Like her losing weight and looking smaller than usual as the illness slowly took over. I don’t want Jen to reveal the illness to fans. She’d want to do everything she can to remain happy and make fans happy on stage and behind the scenes. But she will leave a final letter to her friends, family and fans respectfully as a final goodbye when she is on her deathbed. Perhaps a final song too.
Jen will not want everyone to worry or look at her sadly or with pity. She’d be frustrated with whatever illness she has but would want to try to stay positive. Angry and frustrated at first, she will slowly begin accepting that she’s not going to have much time left and make a bucket list of things she always wanted to do. And best believe her loved ones will make it happen. And honestly, she’d want to avoid the topic of her being sick and want to just act normal, like business as usual. Although it’ll be hard with her family, the members and friends.
She’d spend her final moments with her friends and family in the hospital. And at one point when it’s just her and Jungkook, she’d pass peacefully with her holding his hand.
Smol brainstorm but hope this answers your curiosity for now!
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lowkeyerror · 3 years
Bonded For Life pt3
Jennifer Check x Needy Lesnicki x Reader
Word Count: 2114
Warnings: Sex in a car.
Pt1 Pt2 Pt4
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When Chip came back he asked you how it was. You told him that it was fine and that he was overreacting. He went on to ramble about the unhealthy relationship between Needy and Jen for an hour.
You couldn't care any less about what he was saying. All you could think about was the feeling of their lips on yours. For the first time in a long time you didn’t feel alone.
Your immortality didn’t seem so bad. The curse almost didn't feel like such a curse anymore. Not when you knew that you'd have Jen and Needy for eternity.
When you walked into school the next day all eyes were on you. At first you had thought they were on your brother because of his outburst but that wasn’t the case.
Everyone was staring at you because Jennifer and Needy were having a conversation right in front of your locker.
" I'll handle this, Y/n"
Before you could stop him, Chip pressed forward to confront the two girls.
" Plain lays, can we help you with something?" Jennifer was filing her nails, looking up for only a second at your brother.
" Ya you can actually, you're blocking my sisters locker"
" Chip it's not a big deal dude," you try to reason with him.
" I know who's locker it is," her eyes cut over to you and a smile rested on her lips.
" No it's not ok, these… these bitches are harassing you"
A silence swept over the whole hallway. Chip had definitely just crossed a line and everyone was waiting to see who was going to deal with it first.
In a surprise to almost everyone, you grabbed him by the back of his shirt and shoved him in the direction of his own locker," Get your shit and go to class Chip"
His eyes widened in disbelief," Are you serious right now? Y/n, I-"
" Go"
You watched him trudge over to his locker before turning your attention to Jennifer and Needy.
" I'm sorry about him. He has this hero complex"
" I think you're going to have to make it up to us; right, Needy?"
" I definitely wouldn't be opposed to that"
You let out a laugh," Okay first let me get some stuff for class and I promise that by the end of the school day I'll have made it up to the both of you"
The two share a look and step to the side, allowing you to get into your locker. You grab your books and shut the locker. You didn't have time to say anything before the bell rang.
Needy shifts over to stand next to you," We have first together"
" We do. Jen, I'll catch you in third?"
She checks you out, biting her lip," Most definitely"
The popular girl places a kiss on Needy's forehead and gives you one more look before heading to class.
On the way to class, you hand Needy the keys to your car," You think you could wait for me, in there?"
" For what?"
" So I can make it up to you"
Her eyes widened before a smile sprang on to her face," Don't keep me waiting too long"
You entered the class and waited for the teacher to take attendance. When that was over you sat for maybe 10 minutes into the lecture before you raised your hand, to go to the restroom.
The teacher dismissed you and continued on with the lecture. You calmly left the classroom and started walking to your car. You had to dodge a couple of administrators and security but you made it with no complications.
" Took you long enough"
You rolled your eyes," Whatever, we've got about fifteen minutes before this turns into me getting detention"
Needy smirks," Well seems like you better hurry then"
There was something primal about the way your lips latched on to Needy's. It was sloppy. You could saliva dripping down your chin as you ravaged her mouth.
You laid on top of her creating slight friction as you kissed. You trailed those same ravenous kisses down her neck before biting harshly. She cried loudly into your ear at the sensation. You soothed the bite with your tongue.
Needy was grabbing at the bottom of your shirt so you raised your arms allowing her to take it off. Her hands groped your chest, driving your senses into further chaos.
You didn't have enough time to enjoy this moment as you still had to make it back to class.
You tugged at Needy's jeans causing her to raise her hips, aiding you in taking them off. You could see the pool of wetness seeping through her panties, practically begging you to taste it.
You dipped a finger into her underwear and groaned when you felt how wet she was," Fuck Needy"
Instead of wasting anymore time you slid down to the floor of the car, moving Needy to the middle seat. You spread her legs apart giving yourself the perfect view of her dripping pussy.
Before anyone can say anything, you latched your mouth onto her pussy. Her hands greedily tugged on your hair forcing you against her pussy.
Your tongue aggressively circled her clit causing the girl to try to shut her legs. Your hands sharply smacked her thighs forcing her to keep her legs open.
She was trembling under you as devoured her. She was panting and her chest was heaving up and down. It was a sight that made you want to relish in the taste of her dripping cunt.
The grip she had on your hair tightened exponentially causing you to let out a throaty moan directly into her pussy.
" Fuck Y/n, make me cum, make me cum, yes, yes, please," at this point she was grinding herself on your face. Your chin was bathing in her juices.
When she finally came, she shoved your head out of her pussy," Holy shit" You watched as her body was riddled with aftershocks.
She yanked you off of the floor and smashed her lips onto yours reveling in the taste of herself on your tongue. Your head rested against her after she broke the kiss.
" You've got about 3 minutes to get back to class" she said through thin breaths.
You quickly put your shirt on and brushed your hair with your hands as much as you could.
" How do I look?"
Needy chuckled," You look like you have my cum all over your chin"
You wiped your chin and sure enough remnants of Needy were on the back of your hand.
You sucked the cum off the back of your hand before smiling at the blonde," Better?"
" Better. Now go because you can't have detention. We have plans for later"
You smirk at her," Oh ya"
She doesn't entertain you but instead pushes you out of the car. You use your speed to get to class right before things would've looked suspicious.
No one even glanced as you found your seat and started taking notes as if nothing had happened.
When the bell rang for the class to end you packed up your stuff and walked out the door. Needy and Jennifer were outside waiting for you.
Jennifer took in your appearance and laughed," I see you made it up to Needy"
" Do I still have cum on my chin?'
Jennifer shakes her head," No, but your shirt is definitely on backwards"
You look down and sure enough your shirt was on backwards," Shit, well I'm going to go fix this, I'll see you both later"
You went to the bathroom to flip your shirt around and when you walked out your brother was standing there waiting for you.
" So what are you friends with them now?"
You rolled your eyes at his angst," They haven't done anything but be nice to me Chip"
You could see the anger swirling in his eyes," What does that even mean? Yesterday you didn't even know Jennifer and now you're all buddy buddy. Needy literally dumped me and all of a sudden you guys are close. You're supposed to be on my side here, Y/n. You're my sister"
The bell rang for second period to start and rushed out a response," Look Chip there aren't any sides. Needy and Jennifer came over to get her stuff while you left and we got to talking that's it."
You didn't wait for him to speak again,, instead opting to go to class. What you failed to realize was that you had this class with your brother.
You could feel him glaring at you the entire class. His gaze burned into the side of your head making it hard for you to concentrate. By the end of class you had become irritated missing most of your notes.
You rushed out of the class but stopped outside the door so that you could talk to Chip.
" What the fuck was that about Chip?"
He kept walking," What was what about?"
You put your hand on his shoulder and turned him around so he was facing you," Don't play dumb Chip. You glared that whole fucking class"
" Well nothing we can do about that now is there?"
He was purposefully egging you on. You were trying your best to be composed, you really were but he was stirring the other side of you. The side that you worked hard to keep at bay. It was telling you to rip his head off.
" Chip, I'm trying my best to be patient with you but you're pissing me off. I'm sorry that you don't like me talking to Jen and Needy but I'm not going to stop just because you want me to"
You saw the anger sweep over his features," Fine, never would've thought you'd turn out to be such a bitch. Maybe they are the perfect company for you"
You couldn't help yourself. You grabbed him by the front of his shirt and slammed him into the lockers. He groaned as his head slammed against the metal.
You gritted your teeth and stared down at him. You were either seconds away from ripping him into pieces for dinner or punching him until his face caved in.
Before you could do any of those things you felt a hand resting on your shoulder. You whipped your head around to see Jennifer with worry in her eyes. Needy was behind her displaying equal concern.
You had the attention of everyone in the hallway. You let go of Chip's shirt and he slid to the ground. There was an imprint in the locker where you slammed his body.
You knew you had done enough damage but just because he had angered you so much. You bent down to his level and looked him square in the eyes," I fucked Needy in the backseat of the car this morning"
With that you stood up and walked down the hallway and out of the school with Jennifer and Needy in tow.
The adrenaline and anger was still coursing through your veins. The security guard tried to stop to question you but you shot a glare at him so vicious that he turned the other way.
" Would you slow down please?"
" You can keep up," you said, heading for your car.
Jennifer used her spread to cut you off. She rested both of her hands on your shoulders.
" Baby your eyes. You need to calm down."
You groaned before resting your head on her shoulder. She wrapped her arms around and soon you felt another presence hugging you from behind.
You took a steady breath in, inhaling the lite scent of Jennifer's perfume.
" I could've killed him. He just made me so fucking mad, I couldn't even think straight"
Jennifer pulled away so you were looking into her eyes," You wouldn't have done that Y/n. Stop talking like you're some kind of monster. The dweeb pissed you off and got what he deserved"
Needy chimed in," Let's ditch, we can go to my house to… decompress"
You nod your head," I'm not going back in there"
Needy hopped into the driver seat of your car while you and Jen sat in the back.
" I was going to fuck your brains out in the janitor's closet today, but I guess cuddling and watching Netflix is a good second choice"
You laugh at Jen's words," We can still do that just minus the janitor's closet. After all, I have a lot of pent up anger to work through"
Jennifer smirks before placing a quick kiss on your lips," It's so cute how you think you'll be bossing me around"
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xxblackballoonxx · 2 years
Maybe That Was New York: Part 2
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This is a work of fiction.
🎉Continuing on with the birthday week celebration🎉, here is Part 2 of my little birthday fic to myself. You can read Part 1 here! Stay tuned for a new chapter of The Heart Underneath this weekend and a new chapter of Electric next week.
This gif makes me laugh every time I see it. It’s clear he’s having certain thoughts and then remembers he’s being interviewed, it’s so obvious in the full video 😂
Part 1 Part 3
Maybe That Was New York: Part 2
Jenny woke up suddenly, the feeling of a warm arm around her sending her pulse racing.  
“You’re alright, Jen, it’s me.” A low voice from behind her mumbled into her shoulder.
She looked down and breathed a sigh of relief when she realized it was Joe’s arm holding her, his hand over hers. So last night did happen, she thought with a smile. She let herself relax into him again.
“Ok now?” He asked.
She nodded and he kissed the back of her neck, scooting himself even closer somehow. It had been a long time since she’d woken up like this. They had stayed up late into the night, Joe laying half on top of her as they kissed, his hand running up under her shirt and over her bra, but nothing more. She could feel how into it he was and she was both touched and impressed by his attempt to remain a gentleman. 
At some point they had gotten ready for bed, an oddly domestic moment in what had been a whirlwind day followed by a heavy make out session. She’d watched as he removed his shirt and jeans before pulling back the blankets of the hotel bed. He looked up and caught her eye, a small smirk as he reached out to gently grab her bare leg and pull her down next to him. She’d opted to wear an oversized shirt and underwear, but there was something about his hand sliding up her bare thigh that was doing things. To both of them.
Jenny managed turn over and found herself face to face with sleepy blue eyes. Joe had a small grin on his face, his hair messy from sleep. You are in so much trouble, girl.
“Happy Birthday.” He said, wrapping his arm back around her.
“Thank you. Pretty good start so far.” She replied.
“Only pretty good. I was aiming for amazing, fantastic, best ever.” He joked back.
“Let me restate that. A fantastic start to my birthday.”
Joe grinned and again and kissed her cheek. It seemed liked no time passed as they lay wrapped up together in the early morning light. He closed his eyes again but ran his fingers lightly up and down her back, pressing his lips against the bare skin that her loose t-shirt left for him. One of his legs was between hers, and it felt somehow more intimate to him than if they’d actually had sex.  
“Joe, this pains me to say it, but I really need to pee.” Jenny said and he could her the smile in her voice.
“Fine, as long as you promise to come back.” Joe responded as moved his arm.
“Of course.” She said, touching his hand before getting up.
An hour later, the pair walked out into the bright sunlight, heading towards the coffee shop they’d been at the morning before. It was close to the apartment Joe was staying in while he was in town, and he wanted to swing by to change into clean clothes.  
The barista nearly dropped the mug she was holding as the door opened and she saw them walk in. She quickly composed herself and raised her eyebrow at the girl, who gave her a shrug and a smile in return. The barista watched as the two waited on their order, turning in to face each other, the British guy reaching out to take the girl’s hand like he’d done it a thousand times before. It seemed that the spell had continued, and the barista found herself more interested in their relationship than anything else in weeks. Probably even months. 
Soon Jenny found herself in Joe’s apartment, looking out onto the cobblestone street several floors below. The apartment had a dream location, and whatever production company was paying for it certainly made a lot of money. Joe had gone into the bedroom to wash up and change. He came out a short time later to find her still standing in front of the windows, lost in thought.
“What’re you thinking about?” He asked quietly, sliding an arm around her waist from behind.
She was short enough that he could rest his head on hers, and he did, looking out into the street below.
“Oh, just how amazing this location is. I would love to have an apartment like this someday.” She replied dreamily.
“I know. I recently bought my flat in London, but this is certainly on my list now for the future, a place like this in New York. Gives you a whole different viewpoint, yeah?”
Jenny nodded and leaned back into him, closing her eyes. She was a planner, there was no doubt, but the one area of her life in which she planned nothing and sought nothing was dating. Relationships. Love. She very much believed in real life interactions bringing opportunities her way, and had always promised to herself to dive in head first when those opportunities came up. Like this one.
“What are you really thinking?” Joe whispered in her ear.
“Just … how I’ve kind of pictured this happening for years, and now it is. And that I should really invest more time in dating English guys, it seems well worth my time.”
Joe spun her around and she laughed at the little pout on his face. Her American sarcasm was hitting him right where she had intended.
“Who says you aren’t dating one now?” He asked, pulling her into him again.
“Is that what we’re doing?”
“I would say 4 meals and a sleepover constitutes at least 3 dates. We just had them all in one 24 hour period.”
“I’m on board with that formula.” 
Joe looked down into Jenny’s eyes, where he could see doubt creeping in, as much as she tried to hide it. They had covered the basics of their dating histories at dinner the evening before, and he knew she had trouble trusting male intentions, no matter how sincere he was.
“I like you, darling. There’s nothing to worry about.” He said gently but firmly.
Jenny nodded and hugged him, her face turned against his chest. 
“I like you, too.” She whispered back.
And the thing was, she really did. Sure, there was a fantasy aspect to it all, but in real life, standing here in this real moment, she did actually like the real person. All the years of taking in that feeling of the city, that anything could happen. Something major was actually happening.
“So, what do you want to do today?” He asked.
“My favorite thing - wander. I just want to wander with you and see what comes our way.”
Joe nodded with a smile and led her out of the apartment. He could feel the city buzz rise in the late morning light, like the streets were alive. He’d felt it in his previous trips to the city, but never like this. He looked over at Jenny, who was watching him curiously.
“You feel it, don’t you?” She asked.
“Feel what?”
“The city getting into your soul.”
And that was made him realize what the difference was. He was living in the moment, one tiny cog in the machine that hummed across an island too small for its population. He was a part of it.  
Jenny nodded knowingly and they crossed the street, white and grey cast iron buildings rising up along the cobblestone. Hand in hand, they made small talk about the sights they passed, store window displays, a photo shoot taking place on a corner. This was where art, music, fashion, entertainment all came together. The choices made on these streets influenced the entire world, and yet daily life also went on in the space between. He understood what she meant. Things happened here that didn’t happen anywhere else. Because it was New York.
Joe walked Jenny back to her hotel in the early evening, so that she could get ready for dinner.  He promised to be back in a couple of hours and returned to his apartment to get ready himself. He had just gotten in the door when his phone rang and he saw it was his brother, Finn. 
“Well this is quite the development.” Finn joked after Joe recapped the past few days.
“It feels right, like everything lined up for us to meet, or something.” 
“Is that what’s making you nervous? That it seems almost too easy?”
“I think so, yeah. Instant connection but more than that, we just, I don’t know, click in a way I’ve never experienced.”
“Maybe that’s it, then. That it isn’t difficult or confusing. You like her, she likes you. You understand each other. No drama, no games.”
“I know, you’re right. Update you later then, yeah?”
“Have fun, bro. And don’t forget extra condoms!” 
Joe laughed as he hung up the phone, his bother parroting back his own warning. He’d make sure to be prepared for any possibility of what might come that evening.
At exactly 7:30 pm, Joe called Jenny from the lobby and she came down to meet him. They were going for dinner at her favorite restaurant, and she felt like she might pass out when she saw him leaning casually against a chair. He was wearing dark jeans and a grey button down, the color setting off his eyes. He tilted his head and smiled at her, slowly letting his eyes drift over her as she walked towards him.
“You look beautiful, love.” He said in his notorious John Shelby voice before leaning down to give her a short but searing kiss.
“You, too. I recognize that voice.” Jenny replied with a laugh.
“Thought I’d give you a little John Shelby tonight.” Joe responded with a smirk. 
“I’m not sure I’ll survive that.” Jenny replied as he dropped his hand to her waist, leading her outside.
“Oh I’ll make sure you do, darlin’.”  Joe said lowly in her ear.
He took her hand as they walked outside and Jenny grinned. This was a game she was going to enjoy.
“I thought you were gone for good, Mr. Shelby.” She mused.
Joe stopped her on the corner, pulling her into him and the intensity rose between them.
“John’s a part of me, so in a way, he’s always here. Ready for you whenever.” Joe responded, continuing with John’s accent but Jenny knew he was speaking from the heart.
“Well, Mr. Shelby, I’m honored to have you escorting me this evening.”
Joe smiled and winked at her, pleased to see she was ready to indulge this game. It was the truth, he’d come into the character with a basic background, but had a lot of room to play and create John as he saw fit. The result was a character that melded his own personality with a darker version of himself that could only exist in fiction. The parts that Jenny found most attractive were the parts that were 100% him in reality.
The light in the darkened restaurant only enhanced the mood between them, heavy with flirtation and desire. Joe ordered a bottle of champagne, ignoring Jenny’s protest about the cost, and he watched her indulge happily in her favorite meal. She watched him over the edge of her champagne glass, knowing that her life had taken a dramatic turn.
They walked slowly back to her hotel, making their way up to the roof deck, finding themselves alone among the city lights and stars. They stood quietly for awhile, taking in the view, hand in hand. 
Joe pulled Jenny into him, as if to dance, and she laughed.
“There’s no music, Mr. Shelby.” 
“We don’t need any.” 
Jenny put her hand on his shoulder, trying to breathe as his other hand dropped to her waist.  He found a beat in his head and spun her around in a slow circle, pulling her back into him tightly. This is what it meant, to be lost in another world, with another person, in a place where dreams were made and broken every day.
Later, in her hotel room, Joe sat on the bed, with Jenny standing between his legs. He knew what he wanted, and knew that she wanted it, too. But he didn’t want to move too fast. She unbuttoned his shirt slowly, trying not to lose her mind as his hands slid up under her dress.
“I want this,” Jenny said quietly, “are you ready for that?”
“I am.” Joe replied, knowing what she meant.
She smiled at his response, so sure and steady. Her dress fell into a pool at her feet and he picked her up, turning them both over to lay on the bed.  
In the darkness, after, they laid tangled together, Jenny’s head on Joe’s chest as he pulled the sheet up over them. A pile of clothes on the floor, his shirt hanging off the edge. It was a scene neither wanted to forget. 
“So what do you think of dating English boys now?” Joe asked with a devious grin.
“I think I’m only interested in dating the one in my bed. Throw in a little John Shelby from time to time for the fun, and I’m in.” Jenny replied.
“That’s settled then. I’m not interested in anyone else, Jen.” Joe responded.
She looked up at the pure smile on his face and couldn’t help but return it. He kissed the top of her head and ran his hand through her hair as he told her another story about his John Shelby days.
Something was indeed happening and it was the the kind of thing that only happened in New York.
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darylsgirl · 4 years
The Farmers Daughter                       Daryl Dixon Smut 18+
Request: Hey i really love all your stories. Could you do one where, the reader is Hershel's daughter and she has just turned 21 and she has a massive crush on Daryl. She is tired of being babied by the entire family ( they won't let her out of prison gates cause she's young) so she asks to go on a run with Daryl as her 21st bday gift. On the run she kinda seduces him and smut ensues.
Also she has kinda tried to seduce him at the prison before too (just subtle hints)
Please please take my request 🥺🥺🥺
Hey guys! Here’s my first ever story written for a request! Hope you liked the way it turned out Anon! And i hope your all having a lovely day <3
Love Jen x
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You had to admit it was a beautiful day. Looking out across the prison yard, If you ignored the walkers groaning at the fences and well... the whole end of the world thing it might have been a perfect day. Everyone was feeling safe and relaxed for the first time in a long time and enjoying the day as you would have before the end. 
Approaching your dad seeing the relaxed look on his face, You’d thought this would be the perfect opportunity to ask him to let you go out on a run, You were the middle green daughter and he didn’t let you forget it. It was so unfair! He always let Maggie and Beth do whatever they wanted but kept you close by at all times wanting to teach you all he could about medicine, Treating you like nothing more than a baby even though you had just turned 21. 
As always when you asked to go with Daryl his face turned to stone. “You know my feelings on this Y/N, Your much too young, Everyone has a job to do and yours is here” 
“Dad please! I’ve been training, I can take care of myself. You let Beth go! She’s younger than me! Stop treating me like a child” 
“Y/N that’s enough, I said no” 
Knowing you wouldn’t get anything further out of him you stormed off it probably didn’t help things that you were maybe acting like a bit of a child right now. But you couldn’t help it, you were so mad! He had to know you were no longer a child. Most middle children get ignored but not you, He was more strict when it came to you, Babied you constantly. Even before the end Maggie and Beth loved it of course it meant they got away with more because he was always so focused on you. 
Part of you understood why. There had been a nasty incident a few years back with a boy from school which ended in your dad having to pull a shot gun at him to get him to stay away from you. Smiling you remembered the prick’s probably dead now, You’d definitely gotten the last laugh!
Ever since then Hershel had been extremely protective of you, He’d let you attend self defence classes and even taught you to shoot, Which is why it was so mind boggling that he wouldn’t let you do your part. You felt useless just sitting around all day reading old medical books and occasionally helping fix someone up. 
You wanted more than anything to be out there, Pulling your weight helping feed this family! You needed to be out there….With him.
When Daryl had appeared on your family’s farm that day on his motorbike, Your knees almost went weak. That was a man, He was sheer perfection. Unfortunately for you he was a bit of a standoffish man. 
You tried for weeks to get his attention shyly moving closer to him whenever he was around, Whenever he even looked at you he caused the blush to rise in your cheeks.
When he had fallen onto his arrow you were there mopping his brow as he slept. Sadly when he woke he only gave you a grunt of acknowledgement. But still it was more than he had before. 
Still you persisted, He had started warming up to you more since the trip to the prison. You were the one to make sure he ate and cleaned him up every time he managed to get another wound. It was slow going but before you knew it muttered thanks had turned into longer sentences from him. 
He still wasn’t much of a talker but at least he noticed you now. Not in the way you wanted him to but it was better than nothing.
You raised your hand in welcome to him as you saw him making his way across the yard to you.
“Hershel say no?” He asked when he came and took a seat with you on the grass. 
Nodding you sighed, pulling your knees to your ample chest.  Nudging you slightly “Ya don’t wanna be out there anyway, Get’s too dangerous” 
Rolling your eyes “Oh please not you too? How many times do i have to say i can handle myself! I just need a few hours out of here!”
An idea coming to your head you turned to him putting your hand on his shoulder, He froze slightly at this as he seemed to every time anyone touched him. Deciding to ignore it you turned his torso slightly to face yours. 
“You could convince him! You said yesterday there was a pharmacy not too far from here that looked untouched!” 
Shaking his head at you “No Y/N I ain’t goin against Hershel, He’s a good man” 
“Please Daryl, You could consider it a birthday gift to me? And i could be useful! I know what medicines to look out for” 
“Who said i was gonna get ya anything?” He grumbled. Moving closer to him and putting your hand on his chest. 
“Please Daryl, He’ll listen to you” You purred hoping it came across sultry. 
His eyes met yours very briefly, His eyes wide when he saw how close you were. Standing to his feet suddenly “Alright fine, If it’ll get ya to quit harpin on”
He turned leaving you on the grass before stalking off towards your dad. You waited there for what felt like forever watching the corner he had disappeared behind. 
When he finally reappeared you got to your feet meeting him halfway.
“Well?” He gave you a short nod of confirmation. Jumping up at him excitedly you wrapped your arms around his neck. “Thank you!!” He froze in place again before relaxing into your hug. 
Patting your shoulder once “Go on then, Get ya stuff we leave in 10” As you pulled away you saw a slight smile on his lips before running back to the Cells to grab a bag. Packing two bottles of water and some protein bars leaving the rest empty to carry anything you might find. Slinging it over your shoulder before strapping your pistol to one side of your belt and your knife on the other. 
Running back out you saw your dad waiting by the step. You almost knocked him off his crutches hugging him tightly
“Thank you Daddy”
He hugged you back “You be safe Y/N Listen to everything Daryl tells you!” Pulling away from him you nodded gratefully. 
“Ready to go?” Smiling you turned and started to walk away. Hearing your dad call “Take care of my little girl Dixon!” Daryl just raised an arm in response before leading you over to the bike. 
Swinging his leg over her motioned for you to do the same. Smiling happily you jumped on the back wrapping your arms firmly around his chest, Your fingers desperately wanting to touch all of him. 
“Ya don’t need to hold on so tight!” He grumbled at you. “Oh sorry!” You moved your hands slowly from his chest favouring every second until they were resting gently on his waist. As he pulled out of the main gate you put your chin on his shoulder grinning.
He hid the bike a few blocks away from the pharmacy before continuing on foot. On the way you only encountered one walker. Putting your hand on his arm as he raised his crossbow. 
“Let me do it” He nodded to you, letting you charge ahead with your knife drawn. Easily taking the walker down, Swiping the walkers feet from under it you plunged your knife into his head before turning back to Daryl “See i can take care of myself”
Handing you a rag from his belt you cleaned the blood off your knife before handing it back to him. 
“Never said you couldn’t Y/N” he said before continuing on to the pharmacy. As you reached the shutters Daryl Raised one slightly looking underneath before knocking on the shutter a few times making a racket.
“Daryl! What are you doing” You whispered urgently. 
He put his finger to his mouth while he listened for a moment before pulling the shutter fully open stepping behind it motioning for you to follow. Stepping in you noticed the door to the pharmacy was still closed and your bodies were pressed tightly together. 
Your breath was stuck in your chest, Your heart pounding as you felt his body on yours. He looked at you confused for a moment before moving his arms around you to the open shutter. Pulling it back down again, You felt as the muscles in his arms rolled down your entire body pulling the shutter. His head was at your crotch when you let in a sharp intake of breath as his head brushed you core. 
He darted upwards to you again “You ok Y/N? We can go back if ya scared”
His words snapping you out of it, You felt the blush rise in your face “m’not scared”
You were dying for him to kiss you, As you looked up you saw his lips were only inches from yours, Surely he had to feel this too? You closed your eyes inching closer till your lips were just about touching. You could feel his hot breath cascading over your lips. The world paused for a second while you waited to see if he would close the gap. 
Clearing his throat “Looks empty, Let’s go in” You opened your eyes as you heard the tinkle of the bell signalling the door had been opened. And just as quick as the moment had come it was gone. 
You stood frozen at the door for a moment trying to gather your thoughts. Could he really not see what just being in close proximity to him did to her? 
You walked after him further into the pharmacy jumping behind the desk “Jackpot! This place is completely untouched!” 
“Grab what we need, We’ll come back for the rest with more people” 
You filled your bag as Daryl went around the aisles picking up other essentials. 
You closed the pharmacy back up adding a lock to the shutter as you left, Hopefully no one else would stumble across it before you had a chance to come back. 
Daryl agreed when you asked to walk back through the woods. It was far too hot to go all that way in the sun. It was still hot under the trees but at least you were being protected from the sun, Daryl stopped and waited for you as you dropped your bag pulling off the loose over shirt your father always made you wear. 
You saw his eyes wander over you as it came over your head showing your curves to him for the first time in your tight white vest. 
His eyes were dark, You couldn’t tell if he was angry with you or if it was something else. 
Looking away from him now “Sorry, I just need some air….Wait what’s that?” He darted forward pushing his body in front of you looking for danger. 
Rolling your eyes you stepped around him picking up the bag and heading to the cabin you had seen. Stopping in the doorway you copied Daryl’s previous actions knocking on the doorway. 
All of a sudden his arms were around you lifting you from the ground pulling you inside the cabin, Closing the door behind you both his hand was over your mouth, His mouth to your ear “Shh, There’s a herd bout 50, Don’t think they saw us” 
As he put you gently back down you both made your way further into the cabin to check for threats, After searching the bedroom he pulled you inside before blocking the door with the set of drawers. 
He made his way to the bed before lying down “might as well make ourselves comfortable gonna be here awhile” You sat on the bed not facing him for a moment before taking a deep breath and lying down on the bed. 
You saw him looking at your chest before he sat back up “Almost forgot” He grabbed his bag. “Happy birthday 21 right?” 
Pulling out a bottle of whiskey and handing it to you. You looked at it nervously taking a deep breath and just going for it. You ripped the cork out taking a deep swig, Dropping the bottle back down you scrunched your nose a little in disgust
“What girl ya never had whiskey?” 
“Never had any alcohol, Dad never let us with him being in recovery and all” You shrugged taking another pull on the bottle. 
He snatched it from your hands then “Didn’ no it were your first. Ya can’t drink it like water, Gotta take it slow” 
You chuckled slightly at his words laying back down on the bed with him following you. 
“What’s so funny kid?” 
“Don’t call me that” You said as your eyes narrowed. 
He looked at you amused “It’s what ya are” 
Lurching forward you pressed your lips to his, feeling him freeze under you, You held your lips there urgently, Pulling your hands to his face and pulling it to yours. You pulled away slightly when he didn’t return the kiss.
“I aint a kid, I saw the way you looked at me earlier. I know you know that too” You said breathlessly. 
Looking down at your lips he replied “Ya still Hershel’s Kid he wouldn’ like this” He ran his hand through his hair.
Feeling angry again Your hands were still on his face “Does it look like i care what he thinks? Right now Daryl all I care about is this. Feeling you against me. I need it. I’ve needed it since the moment i saw you” 
His eyes darted up to yours seeing only the truth in your eyes. “Kiss me Dixon” 
His tongue licked his bottom lip slightly. Pushing your lips back to his you took his bottom lip in your mouth tugging on it slightly with your teeth. 
You heard the low growl coming from his chest as you tugged harder. 
“Fuck it” He muttered against your lips before flipping you onto your back kissing you back harshly. 
You let a moan escape your lips as he settled over you arching into his chest, He nudged your knees apart before putting one hand behind your thigh and lifting it around his hips. The other hand was on your waist. Both hands kneading your skin harshly. 
His hands felt like they were burning through your clothes. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as he pushed his tongue into your mouth, Moaning again you ground your hips upwards desperate to feel his heat against yours. 
He pulled away panting resting his forehead against yours. 
“You sure Y/N” Grinning at him you pulled your hands to the neck of your shirt ripping it open slightly. 
“Never been so sure Daryl” His eyes watched growing darker, pulling his hands to the rip you had started already he ripped the shirt from you with ease, hands going to the front of your bra tearing that too. 
You could feel his breath on your chest as he ducked down taking one of your nipples into your mouth and biting down on it. You moaned louder now reaching down, you pushed the vest from his shoulder before turning your attention to his shirt groaning as you realised you couldn’t reach the hem to pull it up. 
He chuckled watching you sitting up over you he pulled the shirt off himself. Glaring down at you now with his dark hungry eyes. Moving from you he stood next to the bed. 
“Take em off...Now” His thick southern drawl made your already wet panties soak. 
Your hand slowly went to the button on your jeans not wanting to take your eyes off him, His glare grew darker.
“Ya aint fast enough” He lunged over you gripping the pants at your sides and tearing them down, You gasped now realising you were fully bare for him, His eyes met yours as you looked towards his pants, Your thighs rubbing together in delicious anticipation. 
He untied the cord of material holding his pants up letting them drop to the ground. 
Licking your lips you stared at his huge length. Walking over to you he pressed his cock to your lips gently.
“This what you want?” 
“Mmm yes please Daryl” You stuck your tongue out tasting the tip of him, God he tasted good. You opened your lips intending to wrap them around him, When you felt a hand in your hair pulling your head back. 
“Say ya want my cock Y/N in that dirty little mouth” Looking at his eyes now you could see he was serious. 
Pushing him back from the bed you climbed off sinking to your knees in front of him. 
“Mmmm let me have your cock in my dirty….little….Mouth…..Please?” You breathed
His fingers caressed your face for a moment He murmured “Better Y/N….Go on take what ya want girl” 
Reaching your hands up to his length you held it gleefully smiling as you brought it back to your mouth. Swirling your tongue around the tip you let your eyes fix on his again as you sunk him deep into your mouth, As it hit your throat you let it choke you slightly moaning around his length. 
“Shit Y/N” Daryl let his mouth drop open and his head hang backwards enjoying your lips around him, Putting his hands back in your hair he pushed you fully down his length until your lips met his pubic bone, You choked again, Breathing through your nose you held yourself on him getting used to the feeling of him stretching your throat. 
Moaning on him again he pushed and pulled you over his cock until you felt it throbbing, Pulling you fully off him he looked back down at you wildly. 
“Shit, Ya too good at that. I almost -” You cut him off pulling him back into your mouth with determination bobbing faster over him until he fell over the edge spilling his huge load into your mouth. You heard him cry out your name whilst he fucked your face harder letting the last of his orgasm roll out. 
Once he slowed you pulled him from your mouth swallowing before licking every inch of him clean drinking every drop like it was life or death. 
He wrapped one hand around your throat now pulling you back up to him. 
“Get back on the bed, Knees up legs wide. Now” He growled. 
Still catching your breath you did as you were told. He kneeled on the bed between your legs rubbing his still hard cock up and down your folds. Grinning at you mischievously he pulled completely away, Watching you squirm from the lack of contact. 
Leaning over your body he whispered in your ear 
“Ya aint ready for that...Not yet anyway” He roughly pushed your chin upwards pushing your head back into the pillow. 
Kissing his way down your neck he moved to your chest, Lifting your breast he sucked just underneath your nipple hard enough to leave his mark, Moving down your sternum he left three more identical marks from your breasts to your belly button. Marking you as his. As he reached your dripping heat you tried to grind up towards him.
Using his hand over your hips he held you down, 
“Ya gotta wait Y/N You’ll get it when im fucking ready” He growled again before sinking his teeth into the inside of your thigh, You let out a loud mewl trying to stem the noise biting down on your forearm. 
He bit harder now before letting go and glaring up at you, “Dont ya dare stop it, I wanna hear ya”
Panting for breath you looked down at him “But the …...Mmm shit...The walkers..will hear us!” 
“Let them fuckin hear, I’ll kill everyone of those dead bastards if they try to get between me and this sweet pussy” He ran one finger softly down your folds to accentuate his point. 
Moving your hand back down onto the bed you gripped the sheets with both hands as he sucked and bit the inside of both of your thighs leaving multiple love bites. 
“Please Daryl! I can...ntt take it anymore”
Seeing the need in your eyes he harshly took your clit in his mouth sucking and nibbling on it before moving his tongue down to your entrance, He lapped at the juices flowing out of you for a minute before replacing his tongue with his fingers, Pushing two inside he rocked them in and out of you bringing his lips back to your throbbing clit. 
“God Y/N you taste so fucking good” You could feel the pleasure building higher and your moans getting louder as you were rapidly reaching your high. You could feel your walls clenching on his fingers as he started moving quicker. 
“Ahhh, Shit Daryl” You screamed letting your high crash around you, You could feel him moaning into your clit as you screamed his name. Pushing another finger into you as you rode them blissfully feeling him stretch them inside you before pulling them out, Leaning back over you he pressed his fingers to your mouth. 
“Clean em” You sucked on them happily feeling the slickness in your pussy coming back as it did every time you saw him. 
Once he had deemed them clean enough he dropped his hand back to you.
“Mmm ready for me again so soon?” You bit your lip gazing up at him with your best innocent face. 
“So ready baby, Please...Please fuck me Daryl”
“Ya only needed to ask Y/N” He quickly pumped his cock a few times before pushing it slowly into you, Gasping a little in pain he stopped. “You ok?” 
“Yeah….Its just so fucking big” He grinned as he continued pushing into you until he reached his hilt grunting as he felt your walls moulding around him. Staying still for a moment he let you get used to his length. Pressing his lips back down to yours he tugged at your lower lip with his teeth parting your lips before diving back in with his tongue. 
Your tongues danced together fighting for dominance, He moaned into your mouth as he started moving again slowly at first building his speed until he was pounding mercilessly into you. 
Rolling back till he was sat back on his legs he pulled your legs over his shoulders gripping them tightly using them to drive himself even deeper and harder into you. Your hands wound your way into your own hair pulling at it gently letting the pleasure of his relentless pounding completely take control of your senses as you feel yourself letting go to him again. 
You back arched high as you felt your high building. 
Daryl let one hand fall to your aching clit rolling it with his fingers. 
“That’s it Y/N cum for me, Cum all over this cock” He growled loudly. You felt him pulsing inside you and it sent you straight over the edge. 
“Fuckkkkk Daryl!!” You screamed bucking your hips against him as you rode out your high. 
Daryl couldn’t take it anymore watching you buck wildly against him screaming his name, He exploded thrusting deeper into you letting his hot cum wash over your walls. 
He let go of your legs letting them crash to the sides of him, Your entire body was trembling now as he collapsed forward on top of you, Both gasping for air. 
When he rolled off you, You looked him straight in the eyes “Told you i could be useful” You giggled. 
“I think we may need to convince ya dad to let you on more of these runs Y/N. Very fucking useful” he said pushing his lips back to yours for a sweet kiss this time. 
Putting his arm around your shoulders he pulled you to him letting your head lay on his chest. You could definitely get used to this. 
You sighed before continuing in awe “Happy fucking birthday to me” 
He chuckled kissing your hair. You lay happily in his arms until the sun started to go down, Only breaking the happy stillness to let your lips meet lovingly.
Looking out the window he murmured “C’mon best be getting back. Dont need em sendin out a search party and findin us like this” 
Groaning you let him pull you up, Both getting dressed. Daryl picked up your ruined shirt and bra stuffing them into his own bag with a wink, Thank god you had worn two shirts today. Daryl then pulled the draws away from the door running through the cabin to check it was still secure. You followed him out of the cabin and back to the bike. 
Happily putting your arms around him and running your fingers across his chest, Enjoying the last moments of your freedom as he drove you back to the prison and through the gates.
You sisters came running to meet you as you returned checking you over before giving you hugs in turn, Maggie took a step back staring into your eyes for a moment before leaning back into you whispering so only you two could hear
“I see you got your birthday wish lil sis” Your eyes went wide in panic, Grinning at you she whispered again. “I know the scent of cum when I smell it. It’s all over your breath, That and you're definitely no longer wearing a bra” 
You flushed embarrassed hoping no one else would notice looking back at her with a panicked whisper “Don’t tell Daddy!” She nodded at you looking behind you to the guard tower “Looks like it's time for round two” She nodded towards Daryl who was standing there staring at you drinking you in with his eyes again. 
“Don’t worry ill cover for you, Just go” She winked. Running over to the tower you slipped in closing the door as you felt his hand at your throat again. 
“Ya all mine now Y/N”
“So you don’t think I’m a kid anymore” You asked playfully. 
“Nah, Your definitely all fucking woman” He growled back before pulling you back into a room and fucking you till you were mewling all over again for him.
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imperiuswrecked · 3 years
Avengers (2018) #50
Ok, so I had time to think about why Aaron’s writing annoys and frustrates me, it’s because it’s so empty, like all his actions are so empty, I don’t care about them. He just moves things around, there is no actual emotional stake. Breaking Atlantis? Please at this point I would be more shocked if Atlantis is still standing after it’s been featured in a comic.
Now onto the actual comic, Namor is depressed/regretful, that’s fine that’s a Namor thing, he does this everytime he sees his city turned to ash, however She-Hulk saying Namor??? made this?? He wrecked Atlantis??? Namor has low standards???
Let’s back up to remember the events, I know its been a long time but like the whole thing STARTED with Atlantis being destroyed by the Avengers actions and a giant fucking robot dropped on them. Atlantis in the Avengers literally started this way! How did he manage to break something already broken??? Not to mention the reason it’s broken now is because of the Winter Guard attacking, again NOT Namor’s fault for Atlantis being destroyed. So you see how empty these words are? Aaron just writes whatever he wants to fit the narrative of the story without laying out the ground work.
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Secondly After the first destruction Namor had legitimate rights to be angry at the surface world and the Avengers, if Aaron had followed through with that rather than just turn Namor into another “Mad Sea King” plot I would have been ok with his less than good grasp of the character but nope! The Avengers are never blamed for their mistakes.
Aaron fails to realize that to Namor, the humans are the enemy, if had had leaned into that then it would make for an amazing story of grey morality and choices.
I refuse to even entertain The whole Phoenix b.s. that happened. However what exactly did Namor do wrong? His evil team attacked some scientists which he put a stop to? Him killing people who had harmed his people? Him fighting with the Avengers? Nothing Namor did justifies how shitty the Avengers have treated Atlantis, and how they ignore them and walk all over them making decisions and choices for them, I’ve state this before but Namor isn’t unreasonable, he can be talked to and he usually goes for whatever is more logical and best for his people. If Jen had just talked to them, just explained what was happening then she wouldn't have need to punch him and and be the savior. Also not to mention but I am gonna say it, during that whole Dark whatever event, Namor literally came with the Black Tide to help the humans. They love to use Namor for being a big gun/backup but then hate him any other time.
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Namor and Jen have worked togather in the past, they were on the Avengers together!!! (Jen even had a crush on Namor) So right off the bat, Namor and Jen would have at least a civil relationship, but I know I’m asking too much of Aaron to remember continuity. Namor is hot headed but he isn’t unreasonable.
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Honestly, Namor only joined the Avengers because Steve asked him to, I don’t understand why Namor would want to join the Avengers now but it makes sense after he gave Jen his word, Namor keeps his promises.
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However if Aaron wanted Namor on the team then he could have just written it without all this character assassination,. Namor only joins the Avengers if 1.) Steve invites him or 2.) Namor invites himself.
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Also I am not a fan of how misogynistic and stupid I feel Aaron writes Namor so I’m not looking forward to what might come in future comics.
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sritzthefirefly · 3 years
The Not-so French Mistake
Pairing: Slight Dean x reader
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: Language
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. Any and all comments on this are appreciated. I’m sorry for any grammatical errors that I might have made. This is my first fanfiction (as a one-shot, I've written a few earlier in poetry form) so please go easy on me.
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“You are going to die.”, he states nonchalantly, as if three men entering your house and telling you that you are going to die is an everyday occurrence.
“I…WHAT?!”, I shout, my eyes round as saucers.
Well, today was a seemingly normal day. Until the seemingly normal day wasn’t as seemingly normal as I thought it would be.
                                2 hours earlier
“Hey, I’ll be leaving now”, my best friend said as she packed the small handbag she always carried around with her.
“Don’t forget the pickle jar and then come back 15 minutes later telling me you forgot the one thing I reminded you about”, I shouted to her from the top of the stairs.
She turned around to pick up the jar from the centre table when her eyes landed on me and she whistled. I pulled the drawstrings of my silk dressing gown tighter as I walked down the stairs.
“Ooooh, would you look at that, someone’s looking good. So, are you going to sleep after I’m gone, or are you going to have some company tonight?”
“I…..I just can’t……not so soon after...ummm……I know I’m stupid but I just wanted to feel good about myself”
She closed the few steps between us and hugged me tightly.
“Hey, you know he’s an asshole. His words don’t count, ok? No guy has the right to make you feel bad about yourself”, she said, pulling away.
“But he…….”
“No missy, you listen here, he’s an idiot who doesn’t deserve you. He should feel lucky he’s not in town or I would’ve kicked him so hard in the balls that impregnating a woman would’ve been a foreign concept to him.”
I gave her a small smile.
“Thanks for hyping me up, love. I’m now going to have ice cream and cry my heart out to sad rom-coms.”
“Bitch, you hate rom-coms. You’re just going to binge-watch Supernatural and you’re not telling me that because you won’t admit that you’re obsessed with the show”.
“Okay, okay whatever……Aren’t you getting late for your train?”
 She looked at her watch.
 “Oh shit! Bye, see you later.” she said as she ran out of the door, slamming it behind her. I sighed to myself and walked over to the TV, switching it on.
“Self-care time for me now!”, I said to myself, as I opened the fridge to get my favorite ice-cream when suddenly, the doorbell rings. I immediately turned my head towards the centre table and sure enough, the pickle jar was there.
Shaking my head, I picked up her precious jar and walked over to the door, pulling it open.
“I knew you……..”, I stopped short when I saw who was standing outside.
There, standing on my porch were, none other than, Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki.
And then I woke up.
Yeah, if only it happened that way.
I knew I was looking like an absolute fool in front of them, opening and closing my mouth like a fish, my eyes wide and my breath short as I stood there, taking in the two handsome men adorning my doorstep. They were dressed in their Sam and Dean outfits -plaid, over layers of plaid- it seemed like a scene straight out of a set.
“Hi! You’re Y/N right?”, Jared said in his usual husky voice while Jensen stood beside him, strangely staring at me with something akin to awe in his eyes.
“W…what? I…uh…yeah…I…I am Y/N”, I somehow managed to choke out.
“You’re awesome”, Jensen Ackles breathed out with a sigh with literal heart-eyes in my direction. He cleared his throat and blinked twice and then seemed to step out of his reverie. He gave me a small smile and looked me up and down with a small smirk and I blushed furiously. Wait, was Jensen Ackles checking me out?!
Okay, so there were either of these two things going on- either I was dreaming or I had completely lost my mind. But since I had already pinched myself and well, that damn pinch did hurt, so the situation pretty much tilted towards the latter side. I mean, Jensen Ackles knows me and he thinks I am awesome?!
“Yep, definitely not a fan”, Jared whispers somewhat sarcastically to Jensen to which he replies under his breath with a “Shut up, Sammy!”
I would have paid more attention to what Jensen said had I not had my whole focus on Jared’s last words.
“Ummm…..excuse me? No offense but I’m standing right here and you can rest assured that I am 100% a fan, of both of you. If you don’t believe me, ask me anything about Supernatural.”, I say, crossing my hands across my chest.
“Wha-Supernatural? Like the book Supernatural? You have that here too?”, Jensen asks seemingly surprised.
Alright, is this a game for their show? I thought to myself, utterly confused and dazed. They seem to know my name and well, address too and that can be the only logical explanation as to why Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki are here, on my doorstep. But I couldn’t see any cameras nearby. Maybe they were hidden? Maybe I was meant to be taken by surprise? Oh shit, did I just challenge them right now? Was this being filmed? My mind rushed with a million things- ‘Oh god, I must be looking so stupid right now, acting like a blobfish instead of doing anything!’
I opened my mouth to say something, anything at all, when Jared cut through. 
“Ummm I’m sorry, Y/N, but it’s not really a good idea to be standing outside and talking. I promise we’ll explain everything. Can we please come inside and talk?”
“I….uh…..yeah sure. Come inside please.”, I was about to ask what their deal was but changed my mind when I saw Jensen nervously looking around and then back at me, pleadingly. 
I closed the door behind me as they settled on the plush red sofa. I walked across the room and sat on the chair facing them.
“Y/N”, Jared started. “There’s no easy way to say this but I’m Sam Winchester and this is my brother Dean. Like, from Supernatural.”
“Ummm…. I’m aware? Despite your contrary belief, I told you I was a fan.”, I said, confused.
“You’re our fan?!”, Jensen asked, somewhat stunned. “Haha sweetheart, am I living my dream!”, he added, his emerald eyes twinkling.
I stared at him through my eyelashes.
“Hold up, quick question, are you a Dean girl or Sam girl?”
“Dean, not now…..”, Jared sighed.
“Dean girl!”, I blurted out, immediately blushing deeply. Jensen’s entire face lit up and I hurriedly added, “No offense to Jared here.”
“Jared? You mean Jared Pada-whatshisname?”, Jensen asked incredulously.
“Padalecki, Dean”
“Son of a bitch! Fake us lives in the same universe as her!”
I started laughing and the both of them turned towards me quizzically.
“Ummm what is this? Some spin-off of The French Mistake?”, I asked.
“The French what?”, Jared looked at me, his eyebrow raised.
“That’s not important right now. Y/N, I know, it’s hard to believe us right now, but we are not your TV actors-we are not Jensen and Jared. I am the actual Dean Winchester and he is my brother, Sam Winchester. The trickster, the archangel Gabriel, owed us a favor and he let us travel into your universe.... Sweetheart please, you have to believe me. I umm uh, I have been a-”
I stood straight up from my chair, angrily.
“I’m sorry but what kind of prank is this? Going to people’s houses and-”, I started angrily when suddenly the entire room got spontaneously flooded with an immensely bright light.
“Cover your eyes!”, a deep, somewhat robotic voice filled the air and I immediately did so to lessen the risk of my precious peepers being completely burned out by an unknown source of dazzling light in my seemingly normal house in the middle of a seemingly normal (absolutely weird) day.
Slowly, the light faded.
And there stood Misha Collins-
No, that could not possibly be Misha. Unless Misha had suddenly evolved to be able to exhibit bioluminescence or had sprouted long black wings from the back of his trench coat or had learned to hover like a bee in mid-air. No, definitely not Misha. 
That means, this must…this must be-
“Holy mother of God”, I gasped out.
“I….am….not….the….I am the son of God”, he said, walking across the room to sit beside Jar-no, no......Sam.
Holy shit! CASTIEL?! That means that all this time, Jens- Dean, had not been lying. I collapsed on my chair, my mind, not being able to form a single coherent thought. Dean leaped up from the sofa and rushed to my side.
“Darling….darling, look for yourself, that-”
“He is Castiel.”, I said, boring into Dean’s green eyes, they brought me comfort. “I believe you…… Dean.”
A look passed between Sam and Dean and Dean immediately held my hand and squeezed my palm as an act of reassurance as he beamed at me.
Sam got up from his chair and smiled at me, “Thanks to Cas here, you believe us. At last. I thought you were two seconds away from throwing us out.”
I snorted. A really ugly snort through my nose. In front of three delicious-looking men, especially Dean, who was somehow still looking at me like I was God’s gift to mankind. Hah, no wonder I was single.
I cleared my throat to relieve the awkwardness and continued,
“Well, in my defense, you guys were acting real creepy.”
Yeah sure, not even in my wildest dreams would I actually throw Jensen and Jared out of my house, no matter how creepy they act, but they didn’t need to know that.
“But how…why……..”, I started asking the questions bothering me.
“Umm well, yeah, about that…”, Dean started, gulping.
Castiel walked over and looked at me with downcast eyes.
“You are going to die.”, he stated nonchalantly, as if three men entering into your house and telling you that you are going to die is an everyday occurrence.
“I…WHAT?!”, I shouted, my eyes wide.
“CAS!”, Sam and Dean both exclaim at him at the same time.
“She was asking.…..”
“No Cas, not like that!”, Sam tells him prickly.
“Please tell me what the hell is going on! Why….How am I going to die? What’s happening?!”, I say, hiding my face with my hair.
“Darling, promise me you won’t freak out.”, Dean says, staring straight into my soul. “You are a character from a book in our universe. My favourite book. And trust me, this...you…. I am a huge fan of you. Have been, since I was a child. Now you see, few months ago, we stumbled into your universe when Gabriel pranked us. And then I saw you. I met you. The real you....just….perfect….And I just wanted to.....I mean..... I came back...I came back because…..”
“I know everything. I know how the book ends and I have come back here to save you, darling.”
Tagging -  @thatmotleygirl @msmarvelouswinchester @athenapotter @mvdeanw​ @bts-spnlvr12​ @holylulusworld @jensengirl83
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calypsoff2 · 3 years
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It’s just funny to me now, since the whole situation with TJ I’ve been very upset about it. I’ve not let it affect my marriage but it’s upset me a lot, I’ve not let it just affect what Chris and I are going through but Chris is just there trying to find out which I won’t say anything but TJ is literally here more, he hasn’t gone to VA either with his son and that is pissing me off but my family are here for Christmas and that makes me happy, they have really taken that strain off me, the girls have so many people to go too while mommy is just thinking on what to do. I have been going through my accounts, researching things that Chris has paid for too. I mean it’s joint, I know what goes in and out, I don’t check on what he does but I did this time. I met my personal accountant, and we went through it, and he’s like Chris is a spender, he is. I don’t care for that, but I do for what he is on others. Just calculating things, extra activities meaning what the girls do and the fucking school. We are paying over a one hundred thousand, which I don’t care for when it’s my child but it’s now. We are paying for Camron, I am angered. He payed three grand to this academy on top of that, there is money coming out for shopping sprees and there was a random transfer which was under CC, I told my accountant to check that right on the spot. There is like two thousand a month going to it so I am tracking that. I am doing this so tonight I can bring it up, I have the information I need before I go to this and he’s like what you on about. It has to stop, and it stops now. He bought TJ and Camron season tickets to the lakers, Christmas gift so all three can go. I am just going insane, but I am keeping my cool about it. I actually want to know what Chris is saying about me to TJ also, he wants a son that much that he’s taken Camron in, I don’t want it and it stops now. We can’t continue to feed this child, a child Seiko or TJ don’t fucking want, if he wants a son so much then adopt him, I am sick and tired but when I find out what the CC is I will be having it out with him.
My home is super busy which I honestly love to see just because it makes the festive time even better, you can be with loved ones. The way the grandparents did this place up, my daughters are in love with the decorations, I love to see my kids happy. That is all I want, I work hard and do all this not just to live out my own dream but to also give my kids the best start in life, I always want my kids to work for it, but I will do my best to give them the best start I can. I do it for them, and myself of course “come here” picking up Imani as she ran at me “mommy look out there” Imani pointed, oh what is out there. Making my way to where she is pointing, this girl of mine is spoilt by her dad. I feel like more so then the other two, this one is too spoilt “oh wow! Oh my god!” I shouted; this looks like it’s been snowing “oh my” I said again “shocked huh? I just felt like you been feeling down and to do something sweet for us. Going to get Santa to come, we got the fake snow out there for the kids” I am impressed “did daddy make you happy?” Imani nodded her head “what did you ask from Santa?” I asked “he not come” I let out an oh “he’s not here yet just thought it’s dope. Kids are here, the family too. Make it a family thing, I love it” he got a point “well why don’t you go outside with your siblings” putting Imani down “go on, have fun baby” that’s sweet of Chris to do this for the kids and the family that are here to celebrate “have you taken the test then?” Chris asked as he made his way over to me “what test?” Turning to him “pregnancy test?” He said smiling “no, I’m not pregnant Chris” pushing him away laughing “but you been all over, emotions, you been crying. You been angry, just all over the place, you sure” shaking my head laughing, he’s funny.
He’s looking at me like I am crazy, I am looking at him like he’s crazy, but he thinks I am pregnant because I’ve been emotional which on his side is right, but I know I am not “I just don’t want to speak on pregnancies and babies, I am sick of the subject Chris. I am happy with what I got; I am content with my daughters. If you feel you ain’t then I don’t know what to say to you” he didn’t like that “but you said science, they have that thing they can do it. One last baby?” Sighing out “I know Chris and we can but right now no, we have too much going on. We have time do we not? What if it’s a girl? We throw it?” I snapped “but we make sure it’s not” he is unbelievable “why do you want a boy so bad? It’s not the end all? Like on a real what is your problem? All I hear from your mouth now is a boy, isn’t my daughters good enough for you” I am angered now “because to carry my name Robyn, it will complete our family don’t you think? I just really want something of me, a mini me. Your genes are strong, everything is pretty and girlie, and I love it. I love my daughters, but I want a boy, like I had the relationship with my dad, fine. You don’t want it” rolling my eyes “so you can bitch about me to your friends?” Chris’ face softened in confusion; my phone started ringing in my hand “what?” He said “I need to take this” walking off and answered the call “hi” I answered “hello Robyn, I have been tracking this transaction for you. Are you ok to speak?” Rushing to the office quickly, closing the office door “I am now, listening?” I feel nervous now, what if it’s something I don’t want to hear. What if he’s creating a fund to get away from me, I mean he wouldn’t do that, he loves me too much. I know my husband does but still, where the fuck is that money going too “yes so we have found more information and it is going to a separate account what looks like a savings account called Camron Chris, is it being deposited every month there” Camron fucking Chris, he is taking my money “oh I know that” I breathed out, I swear to god I am sick of him, and I will need to speak to him.
Stepping outside seeing my kids having the best time of their life, that is what means the most to me “Chris always does the most for them” stood next to Joyce “he does, I just hope that this is the last time he gets hurt. I get so scared for him” she said, nodding my head agreeing “he is stupid at times, Chris!” I shouted him “Joyce, tonight. Can you take care of the kids?” I asked before Chris came up to us “of course, will you both be late?” I shrugged not knowing if we will be “maybe but are you good with that? I know it’s late notice” Joyce waved me off “don’t be so stupid, I will take care of them” looking over at Chris “I am taking you out” crossing my arms across my chest “really?” he said in shock “yeah why not, my treat” I winked turning on my heels, I mean I am not going to be a bitch about anything. I am taking Jen’ advice, I will do this way and ask Chris to stop. This will either be an argument, or he does it and TJ shows his true colours but what if TJ doesn’t, what if TJ is like it’s whatever. That still doesn’t move on from the fact he was being so nasty to me, still to this moment he is coming to the home and if he thinks he is invited to Christmas then he isn’t, I am pissed off though. He has been putting our money aside, he shouldn’t be doing that. He shouldn’t be spending the way he does, this is our future. What the fuck is he playing at, I am just fucking shocked that he is doing this when he has no right.
My daughters think it is dress up because I am dressing up for tonight, they are using everything I am. Anything I put down they use, Rylee trying my heels on and Tianna putting my hoops on with Imani copying “mom” looking over at Rylee “yes baby?” I am just getting flashbacks to the things I did with my own mother right now “you are so pretty mom” I cooed out “thank you, that is so sweet” she knows how to make me feel good “super pretty” Tianna added, my babies are the best “You think daddy will like my dress and make up?” they nodded their head “they will hurt your ears Tianna, take them off. Anyways, please stop now. I need to go, dress up stops now. Look at the mess” I groaned out, Rylee walked off dragging my heels on the flooring as she did “I will mom, Ti. Come!” she shouted, rolling my eyes “Imani” snatching my lip gloss from her “ladies, are you all getting ready?” Chris said laughing “seems like it, just finishing off and I will be with you” Chris looked at me so impressed, I look good then “mhmmm Christmas present wrapped up” Chris came up from behind me “so I look good then?” he inhaled my scent deeply, his nose pressed against my neck as he did “my god” he breathed out.
Chris is acting like I would have taken him any other place, Giorgio Baldi is life. He really thought I was going to take him anywhere else “man, you really annoying for this” he is annoyed now “this is my date, the fuck? I just invited you” sipping my wine laughing “don’t play me, you took me out on a date, now you switching it?” pulling a face at him “I asked if you wanted to go out for food, that was all” I know I asked him out “then can I go home?” he is funny, asking about going home “you wouldn’t leave me here now, looking like this” Chris licked his lips “mhmmm I suppose, but it’s nice to be asked out for a change. I was geeked until you bought me here” rolling my eyes, he can be so negative because I bought him here “whatever, but how is Chris? Are you feeling good, even though you wanted to add more kids into the family. I think we are busy enough” downing the rest of the wine “oh we being shady now?” he laughed “shady, where? I was just saying, waiter. Pour me some more wine” Chris frowned at me, I could have poured it myself, but he can do it. The waiter was close by “anything for you madam” I smiled at Chris sitting back in the seat “fill it though, to the top” the waiter I laughed nervously “don’t get hard now bro” Chris said, he is so dramatic to be saying that “thank you” I breathed out laughing to myself “what is funny?” I shrugged “let’s have fun” now I am not looking to get drunk, but I need this to hype me up.
My mind is really not on food, its what I am going to say to Chris. Staring at the glass of wine, clenching my jaw thinking on how to start this “Robyn?” Chris said, looking away from my glass and at Chris “CC, what is that?” sitting back in the chair, Chris knows what I am speaking on already “It’s a little shady don’t you think, taking money from our account” Chris took in a sharp breath “I have been speaking to my accountant, I haven’t really had the time to check on those things. I am busy, but I thought it was time I check on the money. My husband likes to spend, which doesn’t bother me. But we are paying for four kids’ private school, a basketball academy, a motherfucking apartment and now some saving account, are you real right now? Are you being real? You are using my kids money on this nigga, don’t fucking piss me off Chris. I am angry, why the fuck are you paying for his shit!?” I spat; I am so angry “so you just checking on the accountant because you don’t trust me? Is that what it is now?” oh he is putting it on me “go back to the subject, why are you paying for this child? Is it your secret love child Chris? Huh? The long lost son you want” Chris looked taken aback “what? Don’t say that shit, you know I would never! I didn’t tell you because you would be irrational like now” I laughed out “you right, if we are being buck. That’s my money too nigga!? I have a right to fucking know now answer the question” he needs to not piss me off even more, I am sick of his stupid friend already.
I can’t believe he has been doing this right under me, but I have been too busy to check properly “look, you just don’t understand Robyn. The kid loves me, I am his uncle. His mom is wack and TJ just drags him around places, originally he was going to stay in VA, but I was like you’re not even there, so he came here. TJ said your idea and then Camron said am I going to the same school has Rylee, I felt bad. I just feel it’s wrong, this kid doesn’t deserve it” he is saying this to the wrong person “you stop this, and that saving account you put the money back, I don’t care. Good cause or not, you gave Black Pyramid to him, TJ has done nothing! He has just reaped the benefits. I want you to stop paying for his school fees, I want you to stop that now. And you listen to me, you get TJ to pay for the lawyer, I want my money back. You stop treating him like he is yours, he is not yours. He has a dad; you have three kids. Stop doing dumb shit by being so kind, nobody appreciates it. If TJ wants Camron back in VA then so be it, it’s not your problem. I don’t want to hear anything from your mouth sticking up for that man Chris, I said what I said. If you feel otherwise then go and live with him and see if he keeps you warm at night, would he pay for your kids!? No he fucking wouldn’t, I really can’t get over you using our money on some nigga child. Your nephew don’t even get that, now if you said Desean then so be it, maybe you just have some sick obsession with Seiko, you always there at the kids party with her” Chris is angered by what I am saying, he got up from the chair “I need the bathroom” of course he does, pisses me off and now he wants the bathroom.
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calypsoff · 3 years
Ninety Five.
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My smile grew, just being back in Barbados really just makes me happy. My home, my country. I feel so much at peace too when I’m home, I am just glad to be back and to be with my family so I can heal from the bullshit. I am not happy with how things have been, how I have been, and I’ve not been good. Just catching up with calls, texts and emails let’s just say Tina and Jen have done their best. Nobody knew mentally I was going through some shit, besides Chris, that is because I rather be with him than anyone else. I knew in my heart that Chris would have protected me at all costs; so yes I made sure that if I am having this breakdown that it was with the man I love. I would be lying to myself if I wasn’t nervous when I said what I said to chris, I wasn’t sure if chris was going to decide to stick by me or go his own way, I would have let him go but I would be extra hurt by all of it. I am just so glad to be in Barbados, our first night here and my mother should be arriving today, I am so nervous for her arrival because she is going to be doing the most, I know my mother. She’s going to be telling me how bad I am, but she isn’t wrong either, I was being selfish, or I wasn’t thinking but I was going through a breakdown, she needs to understand that part of it but we are here, I am here with my family. Rajad is here, so is Mel, but the rest of the family will be coming today, soon actually. I think the best thing I can do is clean the house for my mother, I am awake early anyways. I am awake reflecting on life, reflecting on things I have done wrong. I just need to see my dad, get that already dealt with but it’s been the most painful experience for me, to mourn a father I’ve always wanted. I wanted that, I wanted a dad that loves me, but I am over it, I will be better than ever. Walking back into the bedroom, I have been on the balcony taking in Barbados, my home but I need to start cleaning. I’m home now so I need too, looking over at Chris asleep in bed, I swear that husband of mine knows when I have left the bed he’s on his stomach laid out in bed, all comfy too. He looks happier anyways, looking over into the crib and my daughter is asleep still, both of my babies are at peace anyways.
I feel much happier, content I would say since I have mourned what I didn’t really have, it’s a hard pill to swallow and nobody will really understand what I went through because it’s my issue, it’s my pain. I hate that people think that I should accept and get over it, that doesn’t make sense to me at all. Why should I accept, why should I just not mourn something I have wanted all my life, it’s my right and I hate that my mother is going to say I taught you better than that, she’s gonna say it and I know it but I am cleaning the home, I hope the cleaning makes up for it, I appreciate my mother so much so what she has to say I will need to accept and let her say it, she will say things to upset me but she does it because she cares, I know she does care about me and I appreciate that so much. I just need to close that chapter in my life, I want to move forward with my husband and child, I want to know that I did try with him. My dad did this to me, but we will see what happens “kind of turns me on when you’re cleaning” looking up from the floor, Chris is awake holding Rylee “so you like me on my hands and knees?” He’s an ass “a little, why are you scrubbing? Since when does a millionaire do this?” Chris crouched down to me “since I have a mother that is backwards and would still beat my ass” I laughed “that is kind of funny to hear but you need help?” Shaking my head “I don’t, I mean I could have got cleaners to come but I want my mother to feel sorry for me” I laughed hoping it worked “you’re so sly, what is she like Rylee. We are hungry by the way” side eying Chris “you know where the kitchen is, I’ll feed you. Just wait” men are annoying, staring at my face for food. He’s literally stood in the kitchen he could make the food himself, but I know that his excuse will be he’s taking care of Rylee, of course so I will leave it.
I made Chris his breakfast, like the good housewife I am. I mean it’s just pancakes but it’s something for him, he is really eating all of it up. I must have made them nice, looking down at Rylee on my lap, she keeps slapping the dining table to get Chris’ attention and it is working, Chris is giving her all the attention she wants “you want daddy attention?” Chris looked at Rylee, she got all happy smiling at him the goofy girl she is “are you nervous for your mom coming? I see you a lot lighter, like you are happy. I know Barbados is your happy place” nodding my head smiling “this is my home; I just love it. I get away from all the drama which is California and New York, it’s away from work. I am also feeling ashamed of how I was, me as a person I wasn’t good. I was being selfish of me, yes I was going through something, but I was neglecting her, you. It was wrong of me” Chris shook his head “Robyn, if you aren’t feeling yourself. If you aren’t happy and you are depressed you ain’t going to be the person you want to be, I mean yes you could have dealt with this in a better manner, you could have said I want to go away for a while, but you didn’t. It happened, but I don’t want you to be ashamed of yourself or anything ok?” Chris is too good “thank you poppa” I said in a whisper “I think it’s something we both needed, we needed to learn. I got you, I see a brighter future for us, I feel we are going to be stronger then ever. We are all human so yeah, let’s just move on. Let’s do this together, we are just going to grow as a family anyways so yeah, be strong with maniac Monica” I gasped “Chris” he isn’t shit, but my mother can be like that.
I thought I would continue my cleaning; Chris is spending time with Rylee so here I am doing this kitchen still. I am honestly trying to get on my mothers’ best side, it’s not even the point that I am scared of her, I just respect her. She has been the best mother she can be to us all; she has tried to protect me from Ronald, but I never listened, that is just me. Stupid me I guess “I love Barbados Chris, of course I was going to come. I love it here” my ears perked up; they are here. I am nervous “yeah, well the maid is here. Don’t mind her mother, she is not in a good mood so please don’t look her way” Chris is an ass “oh the maid, she was lovely the last lady we met” I swear Chris can be so annoying “I know, she is cute though. Like honestly, she is so sexy, don’t tell Robyn that” they are taking their time to come in “son, what did I say. Don’t say these things” Joyce gasped “Chris, you are so stupid. Clinton he is being stupid” rolling my eyes “that husband of mine” walking around the counter “awww you’re cleaning, it’s so good to see you” Joyce came to me and gave me the biggest hug, I love her hugs “same, I am glad you both could come” moving back from the hug “you didn’t need to clean for us, come here” Clinton hugged me, I always get all giddy inside when Clinton shows me his caring side, a father figure to me “how are you feeling?” he asked, nodding my head “I am getting by, I am happy you are all here” I mean that too.
I am wondering where my mother is, everyone has come to the kitchen now to see me. I am here looking a mess for sympathy “why do you look a mess?” Mel asked staring me up and down “oh don’t pay her any mind, I mean we know what she can be like” Chris will not drop that, I think for me that is a good idea and it worked, he is a hater “what is the joke?” Joyce asked, I chuckled looking at Chris “nothing” I giggled and then busted out laughing “you!” feeling Chris’ arm snake around me “you are a pain in the butt” I am not going to lie but I find it funny “awww well I am glad you are laughing, whatever is funny to you both” Joyce is confused clearly, lifting my head up “home sweet home, I am glad to be back” oh my mother is here “Robyn was cleaning” Mel side eyed me and walked off “I love your home so much” Joyce complimented “you ok the both of you” my mom looked at me and then Chris, she is checking her kitchen out. This is her baby right here “Robbie can we talk” those dreaded words “oh goodie” I said under my breath “oh but you’re not dressed, you haven’t even washed your wash because you have been cleaning” looking behind me at Chris trying to make out I have been that hard at work “the dining table isn’t clean” my mother pointed out, looking back at Chris again, I told him to bring the plates “you!” I pointed at him, he laughed pointing back at me, looking ahead at my mom feeling like a naughty school child right now.
I am going to be not weak; I need to just take it and accept what she will say or not say. She may just be sad for me or be very angry and say how useless I am, but we shall see “I have missed Barbados” closing the door behind me “I have been wanting you to come home too, I am glad to have my daughter home” smiling lightly “yeah” I dragged out, this is so awkward because I just want it over with “I am not going to be angry at you, I am just not happy with how you left Rylee. I have been through the worst of the worst Robbie, but I never left any of you kids, I never turned my back on my kids because that is a Mother Robyn. Rylee needed you, she needed you so much no matter what the circumstances, your father should never ever stop you being a mother because he didn’t stop me Robyn, I taught you to be a better person, a stronger person. I have said and said again that man will bring you down, so what happened Robyn. What was your mindset then? Ronald is no good unless he is gaining and you know that” sitting down on the couch “I do but it wasn’t just that mom, I had so much more going on. You know I did; he just broke me, and I needed space that was it” I said defending myself “that’s it huh? You were acting crazy, and I did not raise that. Ronald doesn’t deserve this from you” now I am getting sad, putting my head down “he has always hurt me, I just wanted a dad” placing my hand over my mouth, trying to supress my cry “I know that I know what you want but he is no good to you. I am not going to shout at you, but I want you to be stronger than that, you don’t need to act that way, you’re a married woman and a mother. I just want you to be the woman you are, I am so glad you have a husband that is supportive of you. He was straight there on social media supporting you, I don’t want you to be drinking either, none of that” nodding my head, I know that this could have been worse “I am going to confront dad, I need to close the book” my mother looked at me in sadness as I looked at her “I am sorry baby” that was it, I am crying now “I just wanted better mom” she came over to hug me.
My mother pressed a kiss to my cheek “now you don’t worry about that man, let’s spend some time as a family” nodding my head “I will, thanks for not going full throttle on me” I know she could have been worse, my mother chuckled “get yourself out of those clothes, you not no cleaner now” I think it worked, she did feel sorry for me. Walking to the living room, I can hear everyone talking here “hey” looking at Chris, he is checking me out “I am alive” I laughed it off, my daughter is the most excited thing. Since she has been not well I feel like my daughter has lost her weight, I hate that for her, but she is still my little chunky “you good?” Chris asked, taking Rylee from Chris “yeah I am good, you happy to be home” pressing a kiss to her cheek “I was thinking we should try for a boy, what you think?” I huffed out side eyeing Chris “boy please, talking about a boy” walking off with Rylee “I am being deadass” sitting next to Mel “I think someone is asking for sex more then anything” I know what he is asking, I am not that stupid “I don’t think so, tell him Rylee. Say no more siblings, leave mommy alone” turning her to me “oh my gosh, you look so damn cute” standing her up facing me “you think she has lost weight; she has hasn’t she? It’s when she was unwell” she was my little fatty “she really has, but I won’t front. You both do make beautiful babies, so you need to reproduce again” rolling my eyes, I don’t need Mel agreeing to him.
Now we are in Barbados Chris is pestering me about sex “you want me to put you to sleep?” glaring at him, Chris just stared at me, and I tried to supress my smile “anything, I don’t mind” he wants to impregnant me, I don’t think so “rape me, I don’t mind” I gasped “what is wrong with you” Chris moved back from me looking behind me “dad” he said, oh no wonder he is quiet “I am glad you’re here, he is quiet” shuts him up about it anyways “yeah, I was thinking if you want to take me around Barbados” staring at Chris, I know his ass won’t want to do anything but be under me “you’re so rude, my dad is speaking to you” Chris said, pointing at myself in shock looking behind me “oh me?” I said in shock “yeah, not my stupid son. I was thinking if you want to show me Barbados and I can pay for a meal for us? Be nice to spend time with you, like old times. Minus Chris of course” I am shook “really?” I am shocked “yes, whenever you want. Just me and you” my face softened, I am shocked that Clinton wants to take me out “awww how boring” shushing Chris, he is so rude “aww yes, oh my god. I will get my clothes on, get Rylee changed” getting up from the chair “oh no, just us two” I thought he would want Rylee “oh ok, that’s fine” I am excited about this.
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alleycat97 · 4 years
Slippery Slopes Pt.2
Part two y’all! Sorry it’s late, I’ve been busy. Should be one more part to finish this up!
Tag list: @samanthadalton @fundamentalromantic @avalawrencefl @penda-bear @queen-arabella-of-cordonia @kamilahsayeet2063
It had been an interesting 24 hours since the accident on the slopes yesterday. No word had been passed on about Emma and that left her suitors restless. Mason couldn’t cope with the fact that his father or ex best friend had committed such a cruel act that hurt Emma.
Noah couldn’t believe he was even in this situation. He should have never trusted Jennings but he let his guard down for the sake of the trip and Emma, and this is what he got. He was looking at charges for trespassing and endangerment while Principal Jennings seemed to be clearing his name.
Mack couldn’t stop pacing, Dr. Price was doing an awful job of updating his own daughter on her sisters progress. Ava wasn’t fairing much better. She had organized their room over and over trying to make sure it’s perfect for when Emma came back to the lodge.
It was just a sit tight and stand ready type of situation. None of them had a personal car available, so trapped at the lodge they were.
Ava stopped her cleaning when she heard a cellphone go off, to no surprise it was hers and the caller was Bayla. She grumbled and put the phone back down, she had called 4 times already today. Ava couldn’t bring herself to talk to her girlfriend knowing Emma was hurt in the hospital. She would sound weak, vulnerable, all red flags Bayla didn’t need right now.
Another call rang out across the house, this time it was Mack’s phone, and judging by her facial reactions, it was with her father. Mack nodded enthusiastically and ended the call, yelling out to find Mason.
“Emma is ready to come back here, dad said she will be ok, we need to go and pick her up. Spare keys are in his room, I’ll grab them and we can go.”
“What all was wrong?” Ava rushed out of the room and into the foyer.
“He didn’t say. I guess we will know when we all get back.” Mack said noticing the gloom placed on Ava’s features. “She’s gonna be alright.”
Ava went and tidied up the room once more and without knowing what Emma would require, she just cluttered the entire nightstand with odd and ends eliminating the guessing.
The front door slamming was her queue to come running, she leaned over the balcony railing only to see Jennings and Noah.
“I don’t know how you got those signs in my bag old man, but this isn’t over.” Noah hissed shoving his way past Principal Jennings.
“Maybe you should think twice before doing illegal activities. You’re never going to learn trailer trash.” Jennings barked stopping Noah dead in his tracks.
Jennings was an asshole. This dude seemed to get off on making teenagers lives miserable. The tension was unbearable.
“I know you knew about the course being closed. I just can’t figure out why you’d try to hurt Emma. You’re a sick bastard and if I go down, you’re coming with me.” Noah said inching up into Jennings face.
The scene was split up when Mack came through the door. Mason in tow pushing an unconscious Emma in a wheelchair. She had a cast on her leg and looked so cold. Dave brought up the rear looking like hell. Looks like sleep wasn't an option for him either.
“Ah yes there she is. How did everything go?” Jennings asked unfazed of what transpired.
Mason ignored him and tried to walk past to the staircase with Emma sleeping.
“I said how did everything go?” Jennings said jerking Mason back almost causing him to fall. Noah shoved Jennings aside helping to stabilize Mason so Emma wouldn’t fall out of the chair.
“Ask Mr. Price dad! Let go of me, Emma needs to be in bed!” Mason snapped shoving his fathers hands away from him.
Jennings jumped at the outburst and gritted his teeth, turning to Dave. “Let’s talk in the kitchen, I’ll have the Chef whip up some coffee.”
With the adults gone and the room de-stressed, Noah assisted Mason in carrying Emma up to her room, Ava steering clear of them until Emma was placed in bed.
“Ok boys thank you. I can handle her from here.” Ava shot out shoving them aside to check on Emma.
The boys looked to each other confused but didn’t say anything about the outburst. Mason needed his own rest and Noah had a busy day ahead of him with Jennings and the ski patrol assholes.
“Just let us know when she wakes alright? Mr. Price has her medicine.” Mason said closing the door leaving Ava alone with a sleeping Emma.
Ava had no clue why she wanted the privacy with Emma. She was a taken woman and Emma was her bestie. Nothing else, she tried to convince herself.
But the longer she sat and stared at Emma, the more her heart pounded, the more she wanted to wake her and kiss her all better. The thoughts of such activities made her dizzy and she had to get away. But it was Emma, she had this way of keeping her grounded and for the life of her, Ava couldn’t drag herself away.
So she continued to sit in silence, begging for Emma to wake up, because quite frankly? She didn’t look too well.
Ava easily got up and slipped out of the room and looked for Mr. Price. She heard some quiet commotion from the kitchen, what a shock.
“Now you listen here Jim, I don’t know how it happened, all I know is my little girl just underwent a major leg surgery after she took place in your little race.”
“Now I know how it looks Dave, I’m quite sorry that it happened, but Mr. Harris is the culprit here. I should have known not to place trust in him. What a terrible thing, taking down those signs.”
Noah heard his name and flew into the kitchen,
“I told you Jennings! I didn’t take down any signs!”
“Quiet scum! Adults are talking here! Don’t you have a meeting with the ski patrol?” Jim teased.
“I don’t know how you twisted this on me, but I’ll get you back.” Noah inched closer so only Jennings could here, “Maybe I should call off our deal?”
Whatever was said, Jennings went pale and cleared his throat. Removing himself from the conversation.
“Mr. Price?” Ava said entering the room. “Emma is still asleep. And she’s so pale, she looks sick.”
“I feared that. It’s her medication, she should be awake anytime now for another dose. Here, please give her one of these when she awakes. I’m going to get some rest.” Mr. Price said handing over the medicine.
Ava returned to the room with the meds and hot tea to find Emma slowly awaking.
“Hello sleepy head.” Ava rushed over with a smile.
“Where am I?” Emma groggily spoke out.
“Back in the bedroom with good ol me.”
Emma rubbed at her eyes trying to get them to open, “Are you an angel?”
Ava snorted, “Oh now you wanna shoot your shot huh.”
“Worth a try.” Emma laughed. “I feel terrible.”
“You look it.” Ava agreed dodging the pillow Emma tossed.
“Here Mahomes, here’s your pill and I made your favorite tea.” Ava giggled as she sat down next to Emma to help her take the meds and give her a sip of tea.
“Psh, Mahomes wishes he had this cannon for an arm.” Emma tried laughing but she done exhausted herself.
“Relax, you just underwent surgery. I’m actually impressed they released you so quickly.”
“Perks of having a doctor for a dad. I’m not about that hospital food.”
The two sat in silence for a moment while Emma sipped her tea. It was so nice just the two of them, Ava had Emma all to herself, no intruders, no boys, and no Bayla. Crap....Bayla was still her girlfriend.
Ava came to and realized she was stroking Emma’s delicate hair, resting her hand on Emma’s soft cheek. She quickly composed herself and stood abruptly, creating as much distance as possible.
What was this? What were they? Friends? More than friends? Ava knew what the answer should be, but the timing was terrible. Bayla was her own girlfriend, and Emma had her own issues.
A text shot through to Ava’s phone, it was Bayla. “Speak of the devil.” Ava whispered. She had been putting her off for long enough and by judging by the text she received, Bayla wasn’t happy.
“Ava?” Emma called out oblivious to Ava’s aggressive texting.
Ava turned immediately to face her, “Yeah?”
“Where are the boys?”
Ava doesn’t know why, but with her issues with Bayla and her feelings for Emma, hearing her ask for the boys really added fuel to her blazing fire.
“Idk. Mason is resting and Noah and Jennings are with the ski patrol.”
Emma could hear the aggression in Ava’s voice, but she couldn’t tell if it was at her texting or towards her about her question.
“Is everything alright Ava?”
“Yeah. It’s just Bayla. She’s bugging me because I haven’t responded in awhile.”
“Oh. I wonder what has her in a twist.” Emma asked innocently.
Ava knew why. She told Bayla before she left the arrangement, so naturally she had to keep tabs on her at all times. Trust between the two were slipping, but Ava wasn’t helping her cause and Emma wasn’t either. “Because that’s what a good girlfriend does!” Ava snapped surprising Emma. “She’s just concerned!”
“Oh. I understand, I’m sorry.” Emma apologized.
“No Emma you don’t! You don’t understand and you never will!” Ava said slamming her phone down on the counter and stomping towards the door.
Something told Emma deep within this was more than just Bayla being worried, she couldn’t help but think this was all her fault and the reason Ava was upset.
Ava had to get out and breathe, she loved Emma, but she couldn’t take her indecisiveness. She couldn’t stand competing for her hand any longer, it was time to set the record straight. She stepped back in to grab her phone before heading back out again.
“Where are you going?” Emma tried.
“I’ve got a phone call to make.”
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sillyrabbit81 · 4 years
Her Heavy Cross
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Summary: Three years after tragedy hits, Lana she decides to start dating again. She meets Will through a dating app and they begin an online romance. After months of constant requests, Lana relents and agrees to meet and go on an irl date with Will. But is Will who he says he is? Lana is quickly pulled into an intense relationship forcing her to confront her tragic past. Will Lana face it or will she close her heart forever?
Pairing: OMC x OFC
Word Count: approx 3k
Warnings: swearing, angst, implied smut
Authors Note: The story started as a Henry Cavill fanfiction but I changed it to be an original character, but shades of Henry are still there. Hope you enjoy the story and thanks for reading.
Part 10 Part 12
Part 11
The next few days were monotonous. Most mornings, I would go to the gym. Then I'd head off to work. After work, I'd take Perrin for a walk. We stopped at the dog park a few times to throw the ball. Then I'd go home and read or watch tv. After dinner, I would FaceTime Liam before falling asleep.
Although I missed him terribly, it had been good to have some space. I was able to think about us a bit. Liam was always great on the phone, a gentleman even. Yes, he flirted with me and made inappropriate comments, but they were always in context. I'd be lying if I said I didn't flirt with him back. But it was nice to get to know him better, and I decided I definitely liked him as a person and a lover. He was sweet, sincere, funny and warm, the same as he was when he was Will. He seemed to accept who I was. There were no digs at me, maybe some friendly ribbing, but it seemed he liked me too. We spent a lot of time laughing. We had a similar sense of humour.
He opened up about some of his past relationships, how he felt about them and what went wrong. A lot of the times, he admitted to fault, especially in the early ones. I talked a bit about Andy but kept a lot back. No doubt, he noticed.
Thursday afternoon changed everything.
Liam called me when I was driving home from work at about four-thirty. It broke with our routine. We usually spoke around nine o'clock. I answered the phone, and Liam's voice came through the speakers.
"Hello, Sweetheart. How was your day?"
I smiled at this now familiar greeting. "Really good, Liam. How was yours? Have you finished work already?"
"Yeah, good. I'm supposed to stay for another hour, but I wasn't needed, so I left." Liam paused and said, "Listen, Lana, I have to tell you something."
"Oh, no."
"Yesterday, a parent from your school saw the pictures of us." I went cold. I was 10 minutes from my house, but I pulled over. "She left a message on one of the pictures that you look like a teacher from her kid's school." Oh shit. "Anyway, this morning, you were on duty at the "kiss and drop", whatever that is."
Robotically I said, "it's where the parents drop the kids off at school without getting out of the car." I could see where this is as going.
"Right." He sounded strange but continued. "Well, they took a picture of you, put that side by side with the others. Long story short, Sarah was called to confirm your name."
"Oh, for fucks sake." I was pissed off. "What did she tell them?"
"She said she couldn't confirm or deny."
"In other words, yes, but my boss said, don't say anything."
"That's a bit unfair, Lana. She can't lie to them, or they won't bother calling her when they get a story. They will just run it because they can't trust what she says."
"Fuck this," I said and hung up on Liam.
I slammed my foot down on the accelerator and spun the tires. I had a Toyota Camry SX. It's sort of sporty, but it's not meant to be driven like that, but I was fuming. Liam rang again, but I ignored it. I backed off and slightly and rounded a corner, tires chirping as I went. I fumbled in my bag, driving one-handed until I found and lit a cigarette. As stupid as it was, I drove the rest of the way home like that.
When I got home, I quickly changed into my Draggin jeans, leather jacket and riding boots. I grabbed my helmet, gloves and went for a ride.
I loved being on the bike. Andy was the first guy I'd been with who rode. I remembered the first time he got me on the bike. He hadn't even let the clutch out, and I screamed and jumped off. The second time was better, and I went around the block before I got off. The third time, I was hooked. I loved holding onto his waist as we rode, my chest pressed against his back, my thighs touching his, my hands under his t-shirt. I loved the heavy thrumming of the bike, the wind whistling past. It was exciting, erotic, but also calming. Calming is what I needed.
I was so angry. Not at Liam or Sarah. Or even the bitch who outed me or the others who put my photo out there in the first place. I didn't know who I was angry with. Hollywood? Gossip? Social media? Myself? Maybe I was mad at myself. I deserved it. I'd turned my back on Andy, fucked another guy, and now I'm in a relationship with him, according to public record. Every time someone googles my name, his will come up.
The parents at school will give me looks, and I won't know what they are thinking. Will they be laughing at me? And if it didn't work out, everyone would know. I would have to go through a break up while everyone watched, picked at it, chose sides and commented.
I rode for about an hour up through the Blue Mountains. When I stopped for petrol at Wentworth Falls, my thoughts had settled, and I was thinking clearer. I stopped at a cafe, got a coffee and checked my phone. Liam had called twice more and sent a few messages. Riza had called and texted me.
I checked Riza's first. It was a link to an article, Liam Cross's Secret Aussie Lover. Her text simply said, "Jen just found this. Call me if you need me." I didn't click the link.
I checked Liam's. He said he wants to make sure I'm ok. Then he said he wants to come over and talk to me.
I called Liam. He seemed to answer before it even rang. "Sweetheart. Are you ok?" He sounded a bit frantic.
I took a deep breath. "I'm sorry I snapped at you."
"I knew you'd be upset."
"Upset is one thing. I snapped at you and blamed Sarah. You're right. It's not her fault."
"Lana, don't worry about that. Did you read the article?"
Liam was quiet a while. Then he said, "Are you ok now?"
"Yeah, I'm ok. I just needed some time to calm down." I let out a short laugh. "I am a redhead after all. I have a temper."
Liam laughed, "Do I have to be worried about being stabbed in my sleep?"
"Nah, being a redhead wouldn't make me do that. I get that part of me from being a Scorpio."
"I don't know whether to be scared or turned on right now."
I smirked, "Why not be both?"
Liam laughed and then got serious. "You sure you're ok? Do you want me to come over? I almost did get in my car when you wouldn't answer."
"Stalker," I teased.
"And that's why I didn't."
"I'm not at home anyway."
"Where are you?"
"I took off on the bike to clear my head. I'm in the mountains right now."
"The mountains?"
"Yeah, the Blue Mountains. Look west tomorrow, and you'll see them."
"I'll do that." Liam paused. "I'm really looking forward to seeing you tomorrow."
"I'm looking forward to seeing you too. Bye, Liam."
"Bye, Sweetheart."
I finished my coffee and rode home.
I texted Riza to let her know I was ok. I played with Perrin. I texted my brother to remind him to pick Perrin up tomorrow afternoon. I ate some dinner before packing my bag for tomorrow and went to bed. It was a long time before I finally fell into a restless sleep.
Liam Cross's Secret Aussie Lover
"Pictures of Liam Cross, 38, with an unknown female were circulating on social media earlier this week, and tongues were set wagging.
"Users were quick to put their detective hats on and tracked down Cross's new flame late yesterday. The woman was identified as Mrs Alana Walker, 30, Sydneysider, and special education teacher. Not much else is known about Mrs Walker other than she was widowed in 2017.  Her husband, Andrew Walker, and father Brian Kelly were killed in a horrific Boxing Day crash when his car was destroyed by a truck driver who had a medical incident behind the wheel.
"Sources close to Cross say that he has been elated the past couple of months, and now they know why. They hope for his sake that this relationship will not be plagued by scandal like his previous relationships.
"For now, Cross's camp is remaining tight-lipped on the situation. While they don't deny a relationship, they will not confirm it.
"Cross is currently in Sydney for an adaptation of the widely popular and romantic fantasy epic Beyond the Stones series by C. W. Taylor. He will co-star alongside Australian Myra Roberts with an expected release in the northern hemisphere winter of 2022."
I woke on Friday morning and laid in bed for a while. I should have gone to the gym, but I just couldn't get my body to move. I wanted to chuck a sickie, blow off the whole day, maybe go for a swim, or just watch movies all day. I had an urge to watch Kill Bill for some reason. But I couldn't do that to the kids.
I knew I was just trying to avoid the parents at school. I'm sure most of them know by now. Gossip runs rampant at the school gate. We've all seen Big Little Lies. Probably all the staff knew too. It was one of those days where I wish I could just press fast forward and get to the part where I see Liam again. I didn't want to miss out on that.
In the end, I got up, showered and got ready for work. I tamed my hair, put on my war paint and dressed in black work pants, ballet flats and a pink knitted cardigan.
I started to pack my bag for the weekend, trying to work out what outfits I needed. I had decided what I wanted to wear for dinner tonight, but I didn't know what to wear to bed. Would I even need anything to wear? I blushed at the thought. I packed a basic set of pyjamas. I added jeans and a couple of t-shirts, a hoodie and my Dr Martens. I put some pretty underwear in there too. I didn't have much, just a white lace set which Liam had already seen and two black lace sets. I packed them all.
My phone beeped, and I got a message from Liam. It was a picture of his face all sweaty from working out. He had his tongue sticking out. He had written, I was going to send you a picture of my cock but thought that was a bit vulgar. So I decided to send you a picture of another part of my body that's going to fuck you tonight. Can't wait x.
My whole body grew hot, my stomach filled with butterflies, and I giggled. I started to reply with 'cheeky bastard', but then I had an idea. I sent him a picture of my face with my mouth open in an O shape, and I rested a finger on the corner of my lower lip. I wrote, I was going to send you a picture of my pussy but thought it was a bit obvious. So I sent you a picture of another part of my body that's going to get fucked tonight. X
Within a minute, I got a reply of: Game on, Sweetheart.
Well, if Liam wants to play a game, I can play a game.
I pulled my pyjamas out of my bag and put in a satin shift, pretty much my only sexy bedclothes. I thought about what other sexy photos I could take and packed a few other things. Then I made my lunch and headed off to work.
I rang Riza on the way to work. She asked me about how I was feeling. I told her I was dealing with it, but I said no more about it. I asked Riza about how she and Jen were going, and she said we would meet up soon.
"I miss you," she said.
"Yeah, I miss you too. Talk soon, ok?"
"Yeah, have a good weekend slut! Tell Liam I said hi."
"Suck a dick Riz."
We hung up, and almost immediately, Dave calls.
He doesn't say hello or anything, just launches in with, "Are you dating Liam Cross?" Fuck. "One of Lucy's friends just sent her an article about you and him."
No use denying it then. "Yeah, I am. He's the one I'm spending the weekend with." I braced for his reply.
"Fuck me dead. My fucking little sister is rooting Liam fucking Cross." His voice didn't sound angry. He sounded impressed.
I rolled my eyes. "It's not a big deal. Just don't forget to get Perrin and don't tell Mum."
"Not a big deal? The kids will go crazy when they meet him."
"Dave, we are hardly at the point where we are meeting families."
"Yeah, alright, keep your shirt on."
"I'll come by Sunday arvo to pick Perrin up?"
"Wanna stay for dinner?"
"Yeah, ok. See you then."
I ended the call and got to work not long after that. I went straight to my classroom, trying to avoid everyone. There was one person I couldn't avoid, and that was Marla, my teacher's aide. She was in her late 50s, though, so I thought she would be pretty safe. She didn't mention anything all morning, which was a relief.
At lunchtime, I stayed in the classroom. I told Marla I had some work to do, so she left me alone. I checked my phone and found a message from Liam.
It was a picture of Liam drinking from a bottle of pineapple juice, and it said, Me hydrating for tonight x.
His innuendo made me chuckle, but I had planned for something like this. I took a selfie of myself with a banana in my mouth and sent it with the caption: Presumptive much? Me carbo-loading for tonight.
Liam replied a little later with, I can't decide if I'm winning because my pics are better or if I'm still winning because yours are better.
Marla came back into the classroom about halfway through lunch. She pottered around the room, trying to look busy. She kept looking over at me. I felt myself start to panic. She wasn't acting like that this morning. She must know now. They all must know. I started wondering what everyone was saying about me in the staff room. They had probably sent Marla back to the classroom to see what information they could get out of me. The panic receded, and anger filled the void.
Eventually, I lost my temper. "Have you got something to say, Marla?"
Marla had the good grace to look ashamed. "No. Nothing."
I crossed my arms. "What are they saying?"
Marla sighed, "honestly? They're mostly pretty stoked about it. Happy for you."
I let my arms fall. My vision went a bit blurry. "Really?"
Marla came over and leaned against the table, and rubbed my back. "Oh, Darl, yeah, most of us remember what it was like for you. We just want you to be happy."
I smiled at her, but the tears still came. Marla gave me a tissue. "Thanks, Marla." I sniffed, "ugh, the parents, though. I'm not looking forward to that."
Marla smiled and said, "don't worry about it, Darl. I'll fill in for ya this arvo, and you can do my Wednesday lunch duty. How's that?" I thanked her. Relieved, I hugged her and cleaned myself up.
When school had finished, I made a mad dash to the car park. I knew I was just putting off the inevitable. I'd have to show my face in front of the parents sooner or later, but I decided it was Monday's problem.
I checked my phone before I headed off to Liam's place. He had sent me a shirtless picture of himself with some rope curled up around his shoulder and written, One of my costumes has a rope. It made me think of you. I'm about to leave. See you soon.
Dammit, I couldn't think of a response to that one! I sat and thought about it for ages. I was not about to give in easily. Then it came to me. I got my water bottle and one of my spare undies from my overnight bag. I wet them a bit, put the underwear and water bottle on the bag and took a picture of them both. I wrote. My water bottle leaked in my bag, and my panties got wet. It made me think of you. I'm on my way.
The three circles came up within seconds, and Liam sent, You are in so much trouble, Sweetheart. Park around the back.
And because I can't control my tongue in real life or texts, I wrote back, That's what she said.
I didn't wait for a reply. I just put an audiobook on and drove.
Part 12
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ayellowcurtain · 5 years
Will you continue with the childhood fic? // please write other part of the childhood sweethearts // Do you think you could write something with robbe and sander at bar/ shop/ school and someone is hitting on robbe and sander is laughing at how is boyfriend is trying really hard to be nice and then the person down but then gets jealous when the person does not get the hint // jealous Sander, Robbe getting proposition while out with the gang
Part 3
Robbe knows everything about him. The good and the horrible and somehow, they continued to be best friends through most of their lives. 
Now this is just an adjustment. They kiss sometimes and spend even more time together than what they used to. If Sander could make that decision, he would let Robbe live with them forever. Nobody knows yet, but Sander is not in a rush, he can wait for as long as Robbe wants him to. It is good the way it is. 
It’s Jens’ birthday and even though Sander would much rather stay at home, with Robbe, they had to come to celebrate with their friend. Jens loves a party, he’ll invite everyone just to have a good party, full of drinks, strangers, loud music and probably lots of weed. He hooked up with every girl they know so Jens is always in search of meeting new people. 
The people Jens ends up meeting are very much like him: party animals that just want to have fun and kiss a stranger every night. 
Sander is ok with that, he knows his limits, as long as the strangers know their limits too. Robbe is not his boyfriend and he knows how to take care of himself. But Sander lets himself have opinions about the people that try to hook up with Robbe, and this stranger talking excitedly with him right now doesn’t stand a chance. Sander watches from afar as the new guy - brown hair, broad shoulders - talks to Robbe while drinking his beer. 
They talk for a little, Robbe’s eyes meet his across the room a couple of times as in asking for help, but Sander doesn’t go to the rescue, he just watches as he drinks his beer too, the liquid getting bitter with every sip. He should look away, let Robbe deal with that by himself, but when he’s about to force himself to look somewhere else, he notices Robbe finally walking away. 
He wasn’t mean or rude, Sander saw how he smiled at the guy before walking up to Sander.
“Thank you, you’re such a helper.” 
“What did you want me to do? You need to learn how to say no, Robbe.” He raises his eyebrows and Robbe sighs, pushing his glasses closer to his eyes again, fixing his hair. 
Sander notices someone getting closer from where Robbe came from a few minutes ago, he recognizes the fancy button shirt and the styled brown hair. Before he can get too close, Sander gently pulls Robbe closer and he finally notices the guy a couple of feet away from them now, close enough that they can hear each other through the loud music. 
“I thought you were going to get yourself something to drink...” The guy tries to make a joke and Sander was really trying to stay out of this, to let Robbe do whatever he wants, but the words just slip out of his mouth. 
“Yeah and you didn’t get the hint, I guess.” He can almost feel Robbe’s body tensing up, ready to get in between him and the stranger to stop a fight if needed. 
Sander is well aware he can be reckless sometimes. The guy is clearly bigger - and probably stronger - than him, but if it comes to it, he’ll fight whoever he needs to. 
He doesn’t get an answer, but the guy doesn’t walk away either, when he opens his mouth to ask what he’s looking at, Robbe gets in front of him, putting his hands on the guy’s shoulders, talking to him and Sander just rolls his eyes. 
His heart is beating so fast and the adrenaline is making him dizzy, he could probably run a marathon now and win it. 
Robbe is attractive, the most beautiful person Sander has ever seen, but seeing people hitting on him makes Sander so jealous, so fast. It gets even worse if the asshole doesn’t know what no means. 
The guy finally walks away, still looking at Sander and he just shows him the middle finger. 
“Stop, Sander.” Robbe laughs, shoving his hand down, standing by his side again. They stay in silence for a moment, watching the party around them, but he notices Robbe looking at him from the corner of his eyes and he can’t help but smile at him. 
Sander puts his hands on his pockets, trying very hard to behave himself. He looks at Robbe, turning on his heels, noticing Robbe’s smile, whispering in his ear. “Nobody knows that we’re kissing sometimes...which makes it really hard when I suddenly have the urge to kiss you in public, in front of everyone.” 
Robbe laughs, covering his face with his hands and it doesn’t help Sander’s wants. 
He smiles and opens a new beer someone just pushed against his chest on their way to the kitchen. Somewhere inside Sander’s brain, it gives him a quick flashback to whose hand it was: Jens. 
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34. Part 3
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I snorted laughing at Dennis, he’s a funny guy but Robyn is staring at me that I’m playing about “you look like a single father, Robyn’ refusal to actively be in the pictures” Dennis came over to me with the camera in hand, getting up from my position to see “looks like it’s the Chris and Zeus show, the dog looks so smitten with Fenty” looking at the pictures “that looks like those cringy fucking People magazine pictures, I think the picture we want is Robyn being with me. How about your hand just in the picture, just let Fenty hold your finger. Just do something” Robyn rubbed her forehead, annoyed I asked “ok, do that. But I think we need you topless Chris, and Fenty out of that dress and just in a diaper. I just want it to be bare all. Holding her up to you, your nose just nuzzling the side of her face, just her cheek. Position you carefully and have Fenty looking at me in the camera. If we can angle it we can have Fenty holding your finger and also Robyn, we can figure it out. Just strip” nodding my head “we going to have to strip you baby” waking towards Robyn but Mel rushed over “let me hold her” nodding my head carefully letting Mel take Fenty “oh my god, look at her. I am crying again. Hi you beautiful soul, oh god. Hey baby. I’m crying guys! Again” Mel is so emotional “I am so happy for Rih, she’s waited on this moment and she’s got it. Praise to the most high. She’s precious, congratulations to the both of you. Wow, I’m staring at baby Rihanna, no offence Chris” I laughed “non taken, I wanted that” people don’t understand that I wanted that, she’s my mini Robyn, probably fiery like her too “I wanted this, I wanted to have a mini Robyn, so what she looks like my wife. That doesn’t offend me, who wants to be me anyways” I laughed, I’m crazy as fuck too so nobody wants that.
Robyn refused to even have her hand in the shoot because her nails weren’t done, she is just doing things beyond me now “Chris, look at me” Dennis said, I keep glaring at Robyn, I feel annoyed that she won’t even have her hand in the shoot, she is being so silly “uh yeah” looking at Dennis “hold Fenty up to you, kiss her cheek” I am just so annoyed “I can’t do this, I feel like you are being unreasonable right now, are you being real with this!? Like seriously, your nails are fine. How are you doing this to your daughter, she deserves better. You know what, I am deciding, I don’t want my daughter on the internet. I know you; I know what you wanted, you wanted to not do this like you’re acting erratic, now you’re doing things because of Ronald! Fuck him” Fenty whimpered in my arms, I may have shouted a little too loudly now, maybe too loudly “I am sorry” I apologised “he has the pictures of my daughter, he is using them Chris. I need to do it before he does it! Before he posts it, don’t you get it, just listen to me. I am not having it, this my news to tell! Fine, we stop the newspaper posting it but he has the picture and how the hell would I stop that!? He can still post it, you promised you would listen to me” I sighed out “I fucking did but you’re not playing ball, you read that article and now acting like this” walking over to Robyn “the depressed bitch I am, yes you’re right, just fucking listen to me because if my dad post it first and you stood there wasting time I will not fucking forgive you!” she pointed in my face “guys, come on now. Fenty, she looks sad, my sis is not happy. Let me just say my piece and then you both can continue to argue. I think Chris, that you should let her do it now, Ronald has the images and the information, Robyn. You look fine, I am looking at you now, you look good. Fuck your dad, he is a horrible man, how dare he say that about his own daughter, sickening, he literally dragged you. He did what the world wants to see, that you’re depressed and married also, now lets just do this. Robyn is right but we need to just gather together and make this a nice a little family event, come on Chris. I want some pictures with you too, I will be Rihanna” Jah is stupid, I try and not laugh at his stupid ass.
Robyn went off to feed Fenty, she is so moody and is just not happy and I understand “can I post this picture once Robyn does the whole reveal?” Jah asked “of course, I think we make a good couple” Jah hit my arm laughing “I am the top” he pointed walking off “ayo, Mel. I need to ask you, like I didn’t want Robyn to see the article because I honestly found it horrible, it made me sick to my stomach but like now what do I do. She is just shut down, she is stone face, you know?” Mel sighed out “I know, I didn’t want her to see it either but Chris, not going to lie. You know what to do, I am not going to tell you what to do. Just give her some loving, yes Robyn has now shut down. She is hurting, she is now on the war path. I think just give her a moment. Let her do it, and then you just love her Chris. You can do it; she may be mean. She may be rude, but she will break, her heart is hurt right now, and I don’t blame her. He stole her joy; her joy is her little family. She got it and he took it and ran with it. It’s so unforgiveable so I want you to just ride it out, listen to her. Let her do it, support her. She needs it right now, we know Robyn. When she shuts down she can be destructive but not as bad as she would be, she has a daughter now. Just that this is all new to us, to me. She is a mother so her bite will be different, she is angered. Like I haven’t seen her in a while and she looks great, she looks like a new mother. I don’t get what they want, they want the old Robyn back and that is not it. She is a woman, she is not fake and hasn’t done anything to her body, so they need to fuck off, my poor sis” nodding my head “thanks for being here, we were so happy earlier. She is there telling me we need to spend time together and the whole nine and now she has just shut down” I need to do what Mel said, support her.
I thought I would go and see what Robyn is up too, she is upstairs now being all quiet. I am just so fucking angry; I was about to go in the bedroom, but I turned back around. It just hit me, I have his number and I am just angry. Getting my phone out from my pocket, unlocking my phone and scrolling down. Someone needs to beat his fucking ass; I want to fucking beat that fucking ass I am so fucking done. Placing my phone against my ear, I just want to find something out and see how this plays out “hey” Rajad picked up the phone “was your dumbass big brother involved in that?” I said straight up “hell no, never. He was not involved in that and I can put my life on it, we just found out now from Robyn, she was crying on the phone and I can promise you, Rorrey is here he didn’t do that” Rajad didn’t waste no time in playing around “give me that” I heard Rorrey say “if I was going to sell any type of story it would be about you and how I dislike you, you think I would belittle my sister like that. I mean I do shit but to you, and that is it. That is all my dad, I can promise you that” Rorrey barked on, he has a point he would “and I wouldn’t stoop that low to sell my neice’ photo that way” I really want to beat Ronald’ ass “what y’all gonna do about it, sit there and take what he did?” I am trying to get them to do what I should be doing “he’s not at the home, I went to see him, and he has also turned his phone off. He does this when he has done something bad, I am not involved int hat. Don’t even think it” that clears that “you better find your dad before I do, he came in this home and took pictures of us in this family setting celebrating a moment, the more y’all pay the more you’re pushing Robyn away, trust” disconnecting the call, that is the most civil call Rorrey and I have had, I think he didn’t want to eb involved in that shit.
I am sure Rajad said Robyn was crying, maybe I heard wrong because she is hard faced right now “so what you are going to do, get your Instagram back up. I need you to” Robyn’ voice broke as she clasped her hands together breathing out “don’t, so yes. You need to bring back your Instagram and I need you to just post something nice about me” Robyn is so emotional, tears filling her eyes, how can she let that get to her “why are you asking me to do that” Robyn moved back from me “no, don’t just please. Stay away and do it, just please post something that you are happy or whatever, everything is just falling apart around me. Things were supposed to be quiet and slowly released, not this. Jen said that they accept but I don’t trust them. It hurts me to know they have my daughter’ picture, like how can I let that happen just do it and I am coming down” how can a woman beautiful like Robyn think that I don’t get it and I am confused. She is letting that article get to her “why are you taking in what that article said? You are so beautiful Robyn, when did that ever get to you?” I asked “it came from my dad, it hits differently” Robyn walked off, I really need to get her alone tonight after this.
I have missed Royalty’ Instagram posts, oh my god she is funny “why is my daughter hilarious” I said laughing “Roro, what she do?” Jah asked “this little girl is posting Rihanna pictures, her latest post is Fenty lipgloss day” turning my phone “awww, look at her Mel. She is Rihanna’ biggest fan, oh my god. I can’t wait to see her again, she is hilarious” I chuckled, my daughter is the funniest person alive, commented on her post ‘I miss you beautiful!’ posting the comment, as soon as I pressed send my phone started to ring, it’s Royalty “what’s up?” answering the call “you’re back dad!” she shouted “I am, I love all your posts. I really do, I can’t wait to see you though. I am back for a while” Robyn is here finally “Royalty, I need to go. I will call you back, I need to talk to Robyn. Love you, bye” disconnecting the call “so I have been looking through the picture with Dennis, and I like this one” she turned her phone to me, it’s the one where I am holding Fenty against my chest, she is facing the camera and staring at the camera “I thought, they know it’s your from your tattooed hand and your body tattoos but it shows your wedding band and Fenty is serving face too, I have been looking at these picture so hard to pick out an imperfection the world would do to her, and this is it and I am right now so angry I am doing this” nodding my head “it’s perfect” I agreed “so I wrote, To be releasing this out of spite hurts me, the people I love selling my daughter’ pictures for a quick buck. My daughter is not a pawn, but before this comes out I am the one to post this first. Fenty Clara Brown, a true blessing. God’s blessing, the peace I needed when I was feeling low. She will be loved; she will know love and her first love will be her father. Her immaculate features, her little smirk which exposes her dimple, when she stares with such love in her eyes. Perfection, perfection we created @chrisbrownofficial. So I am going to post this and then another one on our wedding day, let me get that open” nodding my head but I am too busy staring at Robyn in sadness, I just feel for her so much.
Robyn turned her phone to me “before the world found out, look at my smile” looking at picture, smiling at the picture “happier when the world is shut out” I said smiling “yeah so I wrote, this happened. I married my best friend, and I don’t regret a single thing, I married my best friend in Mexico alongside my best friends, sorry if you weren’t invited but if you are a friend to me then you will understand why. This alongside the birth of my daughter is the most special date for me, happiest when I am in his arms. The most misunderstood man with the sweetest soul and the most love to give, I am not going to say this was all easy because it wasn’t, we are human, we are not perfect. When I found out I was pregnant I expected him to be a baby father, that was all. That night in Barbados he turned to me and told me he wanted to make me an honest woman out of me, I thought to myself me, an honest woman nobody wants me to make me that. But he meant it, and he meant every word in our vows. He is with me now, looking at me in sadness knowing that my own family member is doing this to me. Some may disagree but it doesn’t matter, I married my one true love, and I am proud of him, proud to be his wife. Just call me Robyn Brown from now on” Robyn looked up at me, she got choked up “awww Chrissy is emotional, you baby” Jah patted my leg, she got me for real choked up here, I think it is a lot going on right now.
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onceinsomniac · 4 years
Snapshots of her Life Part 5
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                         Snapshots Of Her Life Part 5
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 6
Jennie was 16 years old when she realized she’d found her forever...
It was late on a Friday night and Jennie was just getting home after dropping Lisa off at her house after their weekly movie date. She had wanted to spend the night over but her parents had insisted on her coming home so they could all go to church the next morning as a family.
Jennie opened the front door, already fantasizing about her warm bed after the long week she’d had. A voice greeted her as soon as she stepped inside. “Jen, is that you? Could you please come into the kitchen? We need to talk with you”, Jennie’s mother called. Jennie started making her way up the stairs. “Sure mom. I’ll be right there. Let me just drop my things off in my room.”
“Now Jennie. It’s urgent.” Jennie stopped in her tracks at hearing her father’s tone. She was confused by what was happening but slowly made her way down the stairs again and entered the brightly lit kitchen. Her parents were sitting on the kitchen counter holding what looked to be cups of coffee. Jennie immediately noticed two things. Her mother’s red eyes and her father’s suitcase that sat besides his feet. A sudden feeling of dread started building up inside her. “What’s going on?” she asked. “Please seat down Jen”, her mother told her, pointing at an empty seat. Jennie, however, was getting impatient as her mind started overflowing with questions. “Just tell me what’s wrong.”
Her father sighted. “Look Jen, I know this is going to be hard to hear but I got a job offer in California.” We can’t leave. This is our home.” She immediately protested, thinking of Lisa. “No Jen. You’re not leaving. I am.” Her father said. Jennie suddenly understood why her mother’s eyes were red and why he had a suitcase. “What do you mean? Why are you leaving us?”
Her mother tried to smile at her but Jennie could see the fakeness behind it. “He’s not leaving you Jen. Your father and I have decided to get a divorce and we thought this was the right thing to do.” Jennie immediately saw right threw her. She was talking as if it had been both of their ideas but by the way she looked Jennie knew it was her father that was leaving her. Jennie couldn’t comprehend what was happening. To her knowledge, both her parents loved each other and were happy together. She felt the beginning of a panic attack drawing near and knew that she had to get out of there. She turned around and started walking out the kitchen but was stopped by her father’s voice. “Wait Jen, my plane leaves in an hour so I have to go. I’ll call you every day. Come give me a hug goodbye.” Jennie scoffed at that and turned to glare at him intensely “Don’t bother calling. I won’t be there to answer.” She turned around and ran up the stairs to her room, slamming the door shut.
She clutched at her throat as she gasped for air. It felt like the walls were closing in on her. She hurriedly opened her bedroom window and climbed out, making the small jump from the ledge to the roof. There was a small piece of flat roof right above her bedroom and she had been sneaking up there ever since Lisa had first discovered it years ago. It was the place where she went when she wanted some space to think. The fresh air helped clear her thoughts and she could feel herself regaining control. She laid down and squeezed herself into a small ball, trying to understand her new reality.
Jennie quickly lost track of time and it could have been either minutes of hours later when she sensed someone joining her. The familiar scent of lavender and vanilla let her know who it was. “Your mom called.” The person said. That was all the explanation Jennie needed. She knew her mom understood the depth of her and Lisa’s relationship and she must have realized she was the only person Jennie wanted to see at the moment. Jennie simply nodded, without turning around to look at her. She knew the moment she did, the fragile wall she had managed to build would come crumbling down. She felt arms wrapping around her waist, pulling her closer. “It’s ok. It’s ok. I’m here”, a voice whispered in her ear, “I’m right here.”
The gentle words proved to be too much for Jennie as she quickly turned around in her embrace and hid her face in Lisa’s neck, as the tears finally fell. Her body wracked with the force of her sobs. Lisa simply continued whispering assurances, rubbing circles in her back as she held her even closer.
They stayed like that until Jennie’s sobs eventually quieted down into the occasional sniffle. “I don’t understand. Why would he just leave. I thought they were happy. I thought they loved each other. Is it my fault?” Jennie’s words came out muffled as she was still hiding her face in Lisa’s neck and it took Lisa a few seconds to discern them. She took a few seconds to answer, worried whatever she said would make things worse somehow.
“Don’t you dare blame yourself for this. If anything, they wouldn’t have lasted this long without you. Besides, people fall out of love all the time. Just because they don’t love each other anymore doesn’t mean they never did.” Jennie didn’t look convinced. “What’s the point then? Why go through all that for love if it’s only temporary anyway?”.
Lisa sat up, bringing Jennie up with her. She needed to see Jennie, to make sure she understood what she was about to tell her. Jennie got the message and sat cross legged across from her. “There are different kinds of love. The point is looking for the kind of love that never fades, never lessens. The kind that lasts forever and can survive through anything. Even death. I think that’s all everyone wants. To find their forever love. Most people spend their whole lives searching for this other person but most never do. The love your parents shared may not have been this kind of love but that doesn’t make what they shared any less real. They truly loved each other. Their love simply ran its track. Besides, I doubt they would ever regret it considering it gave them you.”
Jennie didn’t respond immediately, trying to take in Lisa’s mini rant. After a few seconds, that felt like eternity to Lisa, she finally broke her silence, a small smile forming on her face. “When did you become so wise”, she teased. Lisa feigned annoyance. “How dare you, I’ll have you know I’ve always been this wise. You were just to busy ogling me to notice.” Jennie smiled shyly at that, knowing the words were probably true. Her smile disappeared a few seconds later, however, as she turned solemn once again.
“You said most people spend their lives looking for this kind of love, and that most never manage to find it. What if you think you’ve found your forever but then in the future you realize you were wrong?”
Lisa knew that they were no longer talking about Jennie’s parents. “I think that when you have the real thing, it’s impossible to confuse. It’s when you feel like a part of you is missing when you’re not with the other person. When you feel like the world is black and gray but it bursts into the most beautiful colors when you’re together. When you literally feel like you were put on this earth for the sole purpose of loving her.”
Jennie understood what Lisa was trying to say. “Oh”. She whispered. “In that case, I’ve definitely found mine.”
Lisa felt tears prickling her eyes. “Well how lucky was I to find mine in an adorable 7-year-old with an even cuter accent” she joked. Jennie responded to the teasing by shoving her. “Shut up”, she said, letting out a tearful laugh. Lisa simply smiled at the happiness that now coated the other girl’s voice and leaned over to grab Jennie, pulling her closer until her back was flush with Lisa's front, her arms wrapped around her waist. She leaned down and planted a kiss on top of Jennie’s head. A comfortable silence enveloped them as they both knew there was nothing more to say. They sat there watching the darkening night sky, Lisa’s embrace protecting Jennie from the bitter cold air. Jennie couldn’t help but notice how perfectly her body fitted against Lisa’s. She really was her other half.
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voidendron · 4 years
Whumptober 2020: Day 27
Day 27:  OK, Who Had Natural Disasters on Their 2020 Bingo Card?
Earthquake | Extreme Weather | Power Outtage
Words: 393
Spoilers For: Rise of the Hutt Cartel
Warnings: None
Characters: Jendrush Sept (Voidhound), Liolana Vetiko (Hero of Tython), Varrich Tophrik (Meteor), Synnda V’ehsz (Barsen’thor)
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“The planet’s tearin’ itself apart around us, and you’re all just standing around talking?!” Jen barked with his hands pressed against his forehead.
The two Jedi only glanced at each other, while even behind the visor on his helmet it was pretty obvious the Havoc commander was glaring at him.
“We can’t just rush in blindly,” Master V’ehsz said, which got nods from the other two. “We need a plan.”
Vetiko added, “We’re trying to evacuate an entire planet—that’s not something where you can just ‘wing it,’” she gave the smuggler a pointed look, “and hope everything works out in the end.”
Her astromech chirped the affirmative, and Jen stuck his tongue out at it—which only made it chitter in what he could only describe as laughter. Cheeky little bastard.
“Whatever we decide—” The Havoc commander (Tophrik. …why was that familiar? had Jen met a Tophrik before? maybe that’s why he kept glaring at Jen!) was cut off as the ground jolted beneath them. There was panicked shouting from the area outside, and it didn’t take long for Jen to lose his balance and hit the ground alongside his companions.
The groundquake was over just as soon as it had started, but one of the walls in Shalim’s office had a crack running down it. The overhead light continued flickering a few times before it went out completely to leave them all glancing at each other through darkness.
Jen wouldn’t admit how terrifying being on the planet was—it was literally tearing itself apart right under their feet!—but…okay, yeah. It was terrifying. Kriffin’ Hutts…
“Teeseven? Hey, you okay, buddy?” There was soft tapping as Vetiko patted the droid’s topper; it gave what genuinely sounded like a confused or alarmed chirp. Jen really needed to learn binary… Understanding astromechs was impossible.
Tophrik was already giving out orders to his team over his comm before sprinting out of the office himself to help them search for injured. The Barsen’thor wasn’t long to follow.
“That was the strongest one yet,” Jen muttered. “So we goin’ after that isotope or not?”
Vetiko’s tail lashed once before she hung her head. “…We…we need to get everyone off this planet. And quickly.”
“Oh! You don’t say?”
“Go find Ilosov or one of the Avestas. I’ll make sure our teams are gathered.”
“Finally! Let’s evacuate Makeb.”
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cph-dreaming · 4 years
Extract/dribbles # 18/9
Sander found Robbe back in his room, sitting on his bed with his phone in his hand, probably telling Jens and the rest of the Broerrrs that Sander was... whatever it was that he was. Well, he was still here at least. And he had made a promise to Robbe’s mama. And to himself.
He closed the door behind him and moved towards the bed. The painting above the head board caught his eyes once again and before he consciously registered it he found himself sitting on the chair by Robbe’s desk.
“The thing I said before dinner,” Sander tried, “I didn’t mean that.”
Although Robbe focused his gaze from his phone to him he didn’t reply at first. He simply looked at him. Not with any kind of angriness, Sander thought, rather with a face void of emotions. Anger, he could deal with. Hurt, well, maybe not that well, but this stare? It said nothing, and nothing Sander didn’t know how to take.
“I meant every word I said,” Robbe flatly stated, still looking at Sander.
“I’m... should I leave?”
“Do you want to leave?” Robbe’s reply came instantly.
“No, I just... I guess, I would just like you to say you want me to stay,” Sander said in a small voice, “but I don’t know if I’m even allowed to ask that of you.”
“Oh Sander,” Robbe sighed, finally looking away. “You’re allowed to ask anything of me, I would have thought you knew that by now.” His boyfriend let his hand run through his hair before he continued. “But maybe it’s your turn to tell me what you really want and then, I don’t know, act like you mean it?”
“I want to stay tonight,” Sander said, his heart crying a forever that Robbe must be able to have heard.
“And I would very much like you to stay tonight,” Robbe replied as he pressed play on his phone and the sound of Bowie’s ‘When I Live My Dream’ started to fill the room. Sander knew that the lyrics of the song was just as much of an answer as the words Robbe had spoken, and he realised he still had a long way to go when all he had done this past week was leaving the one he loved with nothing but dreams and a broken heart.
“I’m sorry,” he started on the path he had to go, “and fuck, you must be so tired of hearing me saying that! I’m sorry for just leaving last week, I mean, I know I have to do better, but I just couldn’t stay that night.” Sander again looked up at the picture that would now forever remind him of his failure as a boyfriend, as a man.
“And then the guilt came creeping and it overwhelmed me,” he continued. “I was so ashamed that I had left that I couldn’t answer your texts, and then I felt guilty for not answering and in the end it all just became too much and all my thoughts just kept on going and going and I didn’t know how to make them stop and then there was the fear that I had destroyed everything between us and the fear that whatever I did I would never be good enough for you and that there are so many boys out there that are so much better than me, easier to be with and they will all treat you better than I will ever be able to and...”
“Hey!” Robbe moved rapidly from the bed and crouched in front of his boyfriend, placing his hands on Sander’s knees.
“Look at me, Sander, look at me!” He said, evoking memories too poignant to ignore. “When I found you that Monday in the studio at the Academie and took you home with me to the flat share, I knew this wasn’t going to be easy, for both of us. But I made a choice that day that I have never once regretted since. I love you. You, Sander, as the person you are, with all that’s included. Is it really so difficult for you to accept?”
The words made Sander remove his hands from his face and look at his boyfriend in front of him. When he saw that the honey golden glow had returned to the eyes that found his own, he knew that his last barrier had fallen. And he knew if he had ever forgotten it that Robbe’s mama was right. His boyfriend understood.
“Come,” Robbe said, taking Sander’s hands, moving him to the bed where they settled next to each other lying on their sides with their faces just inches apart. Sander sighed after some time with a guilty feeling of relief.
“You deserve so much better than me,” he said. His remark made Robbe move, resting on his elbow as he looked at him with a forceful gaze.
“No, no I don’t! And fucking stop saying that! You really don’t get it, do you? I have chosen you, Sander!” Robbe said before he bent down and kissed him.
Once again his boyfriend managed to surprise him. Sander was used to being told that he had done wrong by others. That was nothing new. But with his friends, with Britt, it would normally take him hours if not days of apologising before he would be able to taste anything that could remotely resemble forgiveness. Robbe was the only one apart from his mother that had ever kissed him while telling him he had behaved like an idiot. His snort made Robbe continue.
“It’s not that you left, that you were gone when I woke up. I mean, I will never want to wake up alone when we fall asleep together, but I get it. If you need time to yourself, then you need space, and that is ok with me. If that is what you have to do then it is what it is, I respect that. And I’m not an idiot, I know that what happened that evening wasn’t according to plan, that it must have been hard for you. And I know that I should maybe just have left you alone, that I should never have texted you that I fucking missed you, that it would just make you feel more guilty, but hey, I’m still learning, ok? And I have missed you, wether you want to know or not, I miss you all the time we’re not together! Can I say that?”
“I’ve missed you too!” Sander reassured his boyfriend as his hand traced Robbe’s jawline. “And yes, it’s totally ok to say that now.” He felt sure enough of himself and the situation to let his lips move to his boyfriend’s for another simple kiss.
“I wish I could promise you that it will never happen again,” Sander said as their lips parted. “But I cannot... I’m sorry! But... if I promise that I will somehow try to tell you what happens in my head, that I’m alright, will that be enough?”
“That is all I ask for,” Robbe replied before he cupped Sander’s face in his hands and kissed him again.
“We can’t stop trying ‘til we break up our minds, ‘til the sun drips blood on the seedy young knights”, Sander quoted with a smile on his lips.
“I guess we could cruise down one more time. With you by my side it should be fine,” Robbe replied, nearly leaving Sander left for words.
“Then let it be, it’s all I ever wanted, it’s got me, it’s got you,” he managed to say, grasping that if Robbe had taken the time to memorise even the more obscure Bowie lyrics, then hope was in his favour.
The boys kept on talking for a long time before they got ready for bed and settled under the blue and grey checkered linens, Sander as always the big spoon with Robbe safely nestled in his arms, the soapy smell of his neck gently caressing his nostrils. In the safety of the darkness, thinking Robbe had already fallen asleep, he finally managed to whisper what he had wanted to say all evening.
“Will you teach me how to love you even when I don’t? When I have forgotten how to?”
“I will,” Robbe mumbled, “if you’ll let me.”
As the forgiveness of sleep finally embraced him, Sander knew he had come home.
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thebibliomancer · 4 years
Shadows of the Dark Crystal liveblog pt 9
Shadows of the Dark Crystal by J. M. Lee because NAIA AND KYLAN HAVE FINALLY TEAMED UP!!’
Last times on book: To defend her missing brother from accusations of treason against the Skeksis, Naia sets off on a journey to Ha’rar. She stops at Sami Thicket where the Spriton are rude to her, she sees some Skeksis for the first time and she’s hype, and she meets Kylan the Song Teller. The next day, Naia defends Kylan from some bullies and against her better judgement, lets the Song Teller join her journey.
Woo! Kylan!
Chapter 11
Kylan and Naia set off together and they discuss a lot of cool lore. So much lore happens this chapter.
Having someone else on the journey lets Naia be the cool, seasoned traveler in comparison so while Kylan gawks at everything in wonderment, Naia is like yeah whatev I guess its ok.
Then Kylan asks how the Drenchen fly. Because Naia is a girl but she’s wearing a pack like a man, with two arm straps.
Some more subtle worldbuilding about how wings affect things!
Naia is too embarrassed to admit that her wings haven’t come in yet so she just says that its her dad’s pack. And thankfully Kylan changes the subject because he’s full of questions.
He asks about her momdra (”The Blue Stone Healer” That’s a rad title) and if Naia is scared of becoming maudra.
She laughed. “My family has been the maudren for as long as there have been Drenchen. I’m learning vliyaya, and I’m trusted with a spear and bola. I know Sog blindfolded, above water and below. What’s there to be afraid of?”
But she admits that she would have liked to travel Thra, like she is doing now. But this is also duty and there’s a lot of Thra that’s not on the way to Ha’rar.
So she asks if Kylan has traveled beyond the Spriton lands. And he hasn’t, not any further than where the Dark Wood begins.
And their journey is taking them past the Dark Woods, oh snap. But the song of Jarra-Jen and the Hunter is just a song, right? Naia hadn’t even heard of the Hunter before the previous night. And everyone has heard of Jarra-Jen.
“Songs carry truth,” he replied. “Jarra-Jen was a real hero, and the Hunter is a real villain.”
I see that present tense there, Kylan.
Naia remembers overhearing him saying that the Hunter killed his parents. And Kylan gets frustrated because nobody believes him and thinks the Hunter is just a tale to scare children. Everyone thinks his parents were killed by some forest creature or fell into the river and were swept away.
He even dreamfasted the memory with Maudra Mera, she didn’t believe him and only saw darkness in his memories.
Huh! Another way that dreamfasting can be kept from breaking the plot! I can’t tell whether Mera didn’t see anything because she didn’t believe slash didn’t want to believe or whether the memories were too indistinct and there’s room for interpretation even if Kylan knows what he saw.
Because after what happened, Kylan dreamed the song of Jarra-Jen and the Hunter. Came right into his brain. Neat!
Did he dreamfast with the world in his dreams?
Naia asks if he’s going to Stone-in-the-Wood for VENGEANCE
“I don’t believe in vengeance,” Kylan replied. He looked up. “But I don’t want what happened to my parents to happen to anyone else. I don’t know what I’ll do when I reach Stone-in-the-Wood, but someday, I’d like to find the Hunter and stop him.”
You’re the goodest best boy, Kylan.
Naia teases Kylan a little but it goes zoom over his head because he’s thinking MY PARENTS ARE DEAD. So she changes gears and instead offers that if he doesn’t find what he’s looking for in Stone-in-the-Wood, he should come back with her to the Sog. She could teach him how to throw a bola and he could be the Sog’s Song Teller.
Because they don’t have one. They don’t hold with all them time-wastin’ fanciful stories. Just the historical songs.
Like Mesabi-Nera’s first steps into the Sog.
Hey, lore! And Kylan recognizes it because bards get a ton of skill points.
“Ah, Mesabi-Nara is the Maudra of the Deep, is she not? Blue stone Gelfling, born in the sea, with lungs as well as gills to breathe?”
She invented healing vliyaya!
I love it.
... aw, I just made myself sad. All of this lore may have been wiped out by Jen and Kira’s time.
Then again, if the universe is going to shoot stories into Kylan’s brain, it can do the same for Jen and Kira.
... MAYBE THAT’S WHY THEY NAP SO MUCH! They were reclaiming thousands of trine of lost Gelfling history and lore!
I like this headcanon.
The two Gelfling (best buddies) make camp and Naia goes hunting. She catches this weird furry shrub beetle. Kylan argues that it might be poisonous and Naia is like nah.
“Anything you sniff and still want to eat can’t be poisonous,” she said. “Drenchen motto: Trust your gut.”
But he’s still suspicious because what if thats what the beetle wants them to think? BUT he’s also carrying a ridiculous amount of papers and scrolls and books and he finds a monster manual among the mess. The beetle is a burrowing noggie and its safe to eat if they shuck off the outer shell.
Naia says yup trust your gut and Kylan counters did her gut tell her that if you don’t shuck off the shell you’ll be bedridden for a week?
This is a fun interaction. I like it. Good stuff.
Naia is also impressed that Kylan can READ. Drenchen don’t have books really. Too soggy.
Not only can Kylan read, he can write! With magic! Maudra Mera taught him dream-etching or writing vliyaya.
Sooo. Do the Gelfling not have non-magic writing? I’m unclear if there’s a distinction because Naia calls dream-etching “words that stay” which was the exact same description Jen gave to writing in general.
I guess if you can magically write, you don’t need to learn to do it manually but Kylan mentions he was the only one learning dream-etching in Sami Thicket so its not like everyone can do it!
He stretched his slender fingers and held them over the book, focusing. His hands brightened with a gentle blue fire, and as he moved his hands, delicate spirals, lines, and dots lit the air in the path his fingers took. The shapes he drew settled into the pages, smoldering into deep lines of charcoal black. The enchanted shapes flowed from his fingers like music from his lute, all intertwined in long lines across the pages. It was like an intricate tapestry and so mysterious, for Naia could tell that the shapes were not only beautiful but meaningful.
Ooooooh this is the coolest biz! I love this, this is relevant to my interests!
He wrote about the noggie and Naia. And he points to a specific shape that means her name. He also wrote her words “Always trust a Drenchen’s gut!”
Naia says that the Drenchen used to have dream-etchers who left behind some tablets and some stuff written in Old Smerth’s halls but the Drenchen only remember the meaning. The reading and writing have been left behind as not necessary to their day-to-day.
The next day, Naia and Kylan continue their journey. They travel in silence with Kylan still going ‘whats this whats this is it something new?’ and Naia just trucking along.
Then Kylan asks if he can ask about her business in Ha’rar.
Naia frets over how much of the whole situation to tell him and how much she feels like telling him.
“I’m looking for my brother, Gurjin,” she said instead. “He’s a guard at the Castle of the Crystal and he’s gone missing. The All-Maudra is looking for him, too.” And then there was the darkened Nebrie, and the crystal veins in the mud... “I have a message for her from one of her soldiers.”
Kylan asks her if anything is wrong and she doesn’t know what to say.
“I don’t know, but I do know that not everything is right,” she said.”
Except... Kylan somehow vanished while she was deliberating.
Dangit, I was enjoying this dynamic! Don’t leave me, Kylan!
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