#jericho is fun because he's so compassionate and kind but he's also SO down to fuck shit up
mer jericho crawling on land
there's a whumpy version of this (too injured/weak to shift into his 'human' form, trying to escape OR trying desperately to get to one of his friends and help them)
there's also a comical version (army crawling with a knife between his teeth to absolutely RUIN some nefarious humans' days)
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bearlee-giggling · 3 years
The Thing About Humans
summary: Connor is struggling to cope with his newly acquired emotions. Hank, however, is a pro.
warnings: cursing, mentions of death/suicidal thoughts, tickling
In the time that Connor had been living with Hank, post-deviation, he had been warned about dwelling on the past. It was a mistake Hank had made far too many times, one of which nearly resulted in him ending his own life. And Connor knew that Hank spoke the truth.
But there he was, curled up into a ball on Hank's couch, plagued by the memories of his days as a deviant hunter. He was thinking about Daniel. The look of terror and betrayal in his eyes after being shot by the snipers.
"You lied to me, Connor. You lied to me." Those were Daniel's last words, the pitch of his voice gradually deepening as his system shut down. If Connor would have known what would happen to Daniel... he would have done something to stop it. Anything.
Connor could feel himself shaking as his thoughts continued on. Where was Hank? Gone for lunch, I think. It wasn't like Hank to go to the Chicken Feed truck without him. Had Connor done something wrong? Was Hank mad at him?
Just as Connor was starting down that new thought train, he heard Hank fumbling with the key to the front door just outside. Hank finally managed to unlock the door and stumble into the house, half-empty soda cup still in-hand.
Hank was almost startled to see Connor curled up on the couch. "Connor?" No response. "Connor! What happened?" Hank quickly abandoned his soda on the kitchen table and hurried over to the couch, kneeling on the floor next to where Connor was sitting.
"Connor, talk to me. What's going on?" The genuine panic in the lieutenant's voice surprised Connor. He had only heard him speak like that during missions, when Connor's life was in jeopardy. But Connor wasn't in danger now. No, at least not physically.
"Connor!" A firm hand on his shoulder brought Connor back to reality. He looked to Hank, slightly startled. The lieutenant was taken aback by the tears streaming down his android companion's face. His voice softened, the panic fading into genuine concern. "I'm right here, son. Just breathe." Hank paused for a moment to allow Connor to catch his breath. "Can you tell me what happened?"
Connor took a moment to swipe the tears away from his eyes. "Those d-deviants-" his voice wobbled as he spoke. "They just wanted freedom. And I just-" His voice broke into a sob as he tried to continue, hiding his face in his hands, but Hank had already figured out what Connor was trying to say.
"That wasn't you, Connor. I know that, you know that, even all of Jericho knows that now. The real you, the you we all know now, is kind, compassionate, empathetic... and anybody who doesn't see that is a fool."
Connor sniffled, once again looking up at his human friend. Hank's words were genuine, and Connor knew it. "When you used to tell me I was showing empathy, I didn't believe you." Connor choked on some odd mix of a laugh and a sob, remembering his stubborn attitude prior to his deviation.
Hank chuckled at the memory of Connor back at the police station, begging him to help with locating Jericho. "No denying it now, huh?"
Hank stood up from his position on the floor, plopping down on the couch next to Connor. The android now sat upright, legs crossed beneath him.
"Feeling better?"
"I'm starting to, all thanks to you, of course."
"I'll say, I never imagined I would meet an android more empathetic than most humans. Talk about character development, huh?"
"I'm sure you're exaggerating, Lieutenant."
There was a short pause in conversation. A comfortable silence. It didn't last for much longer than ten seconds, but it was there.
"Still the same stubborn wise-ass though." Hank nudged Connor with his elbow, attempting to lighten the mood.
"Hey!" Connor yelped, pushing Hank's arm away. "As if you're not just as mule-headed as me!" Connor shot back with a grin that one could only describe as shit-eating. Oh, he was gonna be like that now.
"Holy shit, now you're giving me attitude? Where the hell did you learn that?"
"You know, Jericho may not be the greatest influence for your sweet innocent android, Lieutenant." Connor's grin grew wider with each passing second.
"Okay, now you're just asking for this." Hank jumped to his feet, grabbing Connor's hands to pull the android down onto the sofa completely, both of his wrists trapped inside one of Hank's large hands. Connor was now laying face up on the couch with his hands pinned above his head. "You knew this was coming, didn't you?"
Hank had learned a lot about Connor over the past couple of months. He learned about his fascination with dogs, heard him laugh for the first time, and discovered the android's true personality. And as sweet as Connor could be, he could also be a little shit.
Hank, however, had discovered a fool proof method of knocking Connor down a few pegs. Oddly enough, the discovery of that method just happened to go hand-in-hand with hearing Connor laugh.
"Connor, how long has it been since you laughed?"
Connor swallowed the nervous lump in the back of his throat. "Approximately 36 hours."
"You know, studies show that laughing on a regular daily basis has a significant positive impact on mental health."
"Of course I knew that, Lieutenant. I am, quite literally, a living database." If smug remarks could kill, Hank would have been six feet under.
"You pretentious motherfucker!"
Connor was about to fire back with another cocky remark, but he was cut off by his own startled yelp as Hank tazed him in the ribs. "Wait! Hank, you don't have to do this-!"
"Of course I do! You were in a shitty mood, you gave me attitude, and when I pinned you down, you continued with the attitude? Come on, Connor, you weren't exactly subtle about wanting this."
Connor attempted to defend himself, despite the fact that Hank had figured out exactly what Connor was after, but he was once again cut off, this time by his own sudden burst of laughter as Hank began repeatedly poking him in the ribs. "Don't you dahahAHAHARE-"
"Oh, I dare." Hank chuckled at the android beneath him, eying the hem of Connor's oversized DPD hoodie."
Hank quickly shoved both of his hands underneath the android's shirt, now leaving Connor with complete control over his arms. Obviously, Connor made no attempt to defend himself from Hank's attacks. He was too caught up in his own wild laughter to do so even if he wanted to.
"You know, I'd never heard any androids laugh before you, Connor. Although I can't quite say I'm complaining. It's kinda fun watching Mr. Look-At-Me-I'm-So-Serious get destroyed, and by something as childish as tickling?"
"No, I don't think I will." Hank's nonchalant yet teasy reply in combination with the feeling of his hoodie riding up gave Connor goosebumps. "Hey Connor? How much air can fit inside the average human's lungs?"
Connor paused for a minute, confused by the odd question. "Well it all depends on a number of factors like age, size, overall health-"
"Too slow!" And with that, Hank took a deep breath and blew a huge raspberry right over Connor's belly button.
Connor all but screamed in response, flailing his arms until he felt one of his hands make firm contact with Hank's face with a pained "Ouf-!" from the older man.
"Hank! Oh my... I didn't mean to, I'm so sorry!"
"Oh relax, will ya? I'm fine! Not really surprised either."
"Why would you do- that- if you knew I might hurt you?" The concern in Connor's voice was genuine.
"Oh my God you can't even say it!" Hank snorted as Connor's face flushed bright blue.
"Hank, I'm serious! Why would you do that?"
"Okay, look. The thing about humans is that, more often than not, they're willing to get hurt for the folks they care about. Even if that means getting smacked in the face after a very well deserved tickle attack- I wanted to cheer you up, not to mention you wanted to get wrecked. Neither of us wanted me to get smacked, but it happened. And it's okay, because you're feeling better now right?"
Connor thought for a moment. "Yes, Lieutenant. I do believe that's true."
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valkerymillenia · 4 years
@animecat33​ tagged me for this
Rules: Name 10 characters from 10 different fandoms that you like, then tag 10 people.
I enjoyed this but... At first I thought, do I even have 10 I consider favs? And then I ended up with a list of, like, 25, and couldn’t pick 10 so I chose more or less at random. And I admit I cheated seeing as some kind of fit in the same fandom in some way.
It’s just too hard picking favorites. 
Undercut, cause it’s gonna be a loooong post.
1. Morticia Addams (Addams Family)
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My tattoo probably makes this one obvious. 
I love Morticia so much, not only do I love her aesthetic, I just love her personality and attitude, not to mention her marriage is ‘goals’ and as a mother and matriarch she’s incredibly supportive and loving despite the unorthodox life the Addams’ live. I love a character that can be a mother without having it define her completely.
2. Catwoman/Selina Kyle (DC)
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Selina was one of my OG crushes back before I even understood what I crush was or that being queer was even a thing (looking at you, Michelle Pfiffer).
I love her style and strength and personality (when she's well written), her grey morals and competence, and cats are just my thing, ok? Plus bisexual icon.
Have you noticed I have a thing for a dark women with grey morals?
3. Raven/Rachel Roth (Teen Titans/DC)
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I kinda share a name with Raven but that's not why I like her. I've always loved the emotional complexity of this character, her incredible power (and how it's also her weakness), and style as well. I'm not too thrilled about some more recent incarnations of her but she'll always be an OG fav.
4. Nightwing/Dick Grayson (DC)
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Yeah, yeah, DC again, look the other way, please (they have individual comics anyway).
I couldn't leave out my darling Dickie. I grew up with this dude and I love his backstory and relationship with his family. He's a beautiful ray of sunshine with a dark streak, a competent leader without being a broody bossy jerk like some and he's very well rounded and consistent in his characterization (plus that design is top notch). I know the Romani thing was a ret-con on something just vaguely implied in the past but honestly it was a good one and some much needed rep despite the constant whitewashing (though not as bad as others in his family).
Also, he drinks his 'respect woman juice', he's flawed without being edgy, and has been queer-coded and female-troped for decades which makes him much more likeable as a male character. He actually became an LGBT icon despite the cowards at DC constantly trying to shove heteronormativity into his storyline.
5. Rose Quartz/Pink Diamond (Steve Universe)
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Is she problematic? Yes and that's part of the appeal.
I already loved Rose when she was this sweet, compassionate and wise old soul, this rebel and leader and mother with many secrets.
I guessed really early on that she was PD so that part didn't surprise me but when the backstory of her as PD finally appeared to give us so more in-depth knowledge I was surprised by the amount of hate the character got. To me, her flaws, pain, mistakes and growth were part of the allure.
Also, gorgeous and much needed plus-size rep. I loved cosplaying her more than anything.
6. Princess Leia (Star Wars)
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Did I like her style or design? Nope, I much prefer her mother's but Leia is an immensely competent, wise, strong female character that takes no bullshit from the male-dominated plot around her, she deserved so much better. Honestly, she deserved her own goddamn movie.
Carrie Fisher was a feminist icon and an advocate for mental illness visibility. She's was also fucking hilarious. All this translated into Leia's character very well and she deserved so much better from society than being sexualized in a metal bikini and remembered that way forever.
7. Hela (Thor Ragnarok/Marvel)
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I already loved Hela's character in the comics (except the arc where she sexually abuses Thor, that was shitty edgelord writing and I refuse to acknowledge it's existence) but Ragnarok gave her a whole new meaning.
Firstly, my God is she hot! Just.... Umpf! Step on me, queen.
Secondly, she's dark and evil but she has a goddamn point (people are hypocrites). And in the comics she's not even evil, she's neutral and only a villain because she opposes Thor on a personal level. She's also incredibly competent at what she does and if that isn't a turn-on idk what is.
8. Korra (Legend of Korra)
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Korra will always be bae. There's a reason my behemoth of a fic revolved around her.
Not only is she incredibly well-rounded and fun, she's also very competent, has a fascinating backstory and is immensely powerful, plus she grows beautifully through her show. Not to mention she's GORGEOUS.
POC and LGBT rep, plus she showcased one of the most incredible arcs on disability and recovery that I've ever seen in a family show.
9. Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff (Marvel)
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You can pry Wanda from my cold dead hands.
I'm not even the biggest fan of her movie version, I'm all about comic Wanda.
POC rep and an incredibly visceral portrayal of mental illness and trauma. And she's beautiful beyond reason, morally grey, and powerful as hell.
Most of all what I like about Wanda is how loyal and family-oriented she is without letting it diminish her as an individual or as a powerhouse character, so many female characters loose all agency and individuality when they have kids, they get delegated to role of mother and lose their heroics or become extensions of their husbands and children, Wanda was nothing like that. Her relationship with her brother is fascinating too (let's pretend the incesty vibes in certain alt universes don't exist).
I only hate that she and Pietro always get the short stick in adaptations and their origins keep getting needlessly retconned (Magneto's kids with his Romani wife, raised by someone else- that's it, stop trying to change it and then change it back over and over). That and how she's not allowed to have her well deserved relationship with her babies because of stupid old-fashioned comic rules that led to a needlessly convuloted and far-fetch story arc (the erasure, reencarnation and hyper-aging of her sons).
10. Jessica Rabbit (WFRR)
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For most people, Jessica's appeal is "she's hot" and yes, this "pinup femme fatale" look really does things to me, I won't lie about that, but that's not why she's my favorite.
Jessica is fav because she's loyal and loving to her goofy husband, she completely turns the femme fatale trope upside down for love and doesn't give a damn about looks, she uses her appearance as a weapon and she's confident but she's clearly not vain ("I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way" and "He makes me laugh"). She's also hilarious in her own deadpan way.
Other worthy mentions to this list are:
Wednesday Addams
Mystique (Marvel)
Shuri (Marvel)
Maleficent (Disney)
Vanya Hargreeves (TUA)
Blind Mag (Repo!)
Venom (Marvel)
Lust (FMA)
Evelyn O'Connell (The Mummy)
Alice Lidell (Alice Madness)
Jessica Jones (Marvel)
The Kagamine twins (vocaloid)
Amon (LoK)
Sesshoumaru (Inuyasha)
Loki (Marvel comics)
Liadan (Sevenwaters)
Furiosa (Mad Max: Fury Road)
Crowley (Good Omens)
Jericho (Titans/DC)
Sadako Yamamura (from the Ring BOOKS)
Susan Sto-Helit (Discworld)
I tag... @dymosara @abnaxus @polyx @bluetalesoftheheart @adka2333 @shinladyanarki @i-have-all-these-freaking-uwus @frank-a-lank @fluffynexu @teddy-fluffnhugs
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Encounter With My Beloved Sin
Author's Notes: Hello, guys! This is another NNT fic, this time featuring my favorite pairing, Banlaine. With the occasion of @banlaineweek, I decided to write it down, as I always wanted to write about these two cuties. Also, huge shout outs to @ship-ambrosia, @but-iamadisaster-blog, @sesshlidia and @galfridus1 for beta reading it and pointing out the flaws this fic had. I can never thank you enough, girls. Without taking more of your time, enjoy (or endure)!
“My dear comrades, tonight we all gathered here so we can bid our farewell to our friend Ban, the Fox’s Sin of Greed. We are going to miss you so much, my dear friend!” Meliodas sniffled, as his hands quickly managed to cover his emerald eyes.
“I cannot believe that we got to see the day Undead Ban will pass away! It’s… unthinkable” said King in his solemn voice, his black suit trying to suit his… eccentric new hairstyle, as he accidentally transformed into a human and into a fairy again, for the third time that night.
“My guess is that no one expected this twist.” Escanor murmured, biting his lower lip. “Oh, my dear bandit, / All greedy and proud, / This earth, tonight you’ll leave it, / Can you hear this sound?” His melodious voice could’ve been heard throughout the Boar’s Hat, alongside the flutter of King’s wings and the sound of Meliodas opening yet another bottle of booze.
“Oi, cut it out! Don’t make it sound like I just kicked the bucket!” Ban exclaimed angrily, his face paling with every second.
“Actually, according to my calculations, and considering the circumstances, I’d say you still have less than 12 hours of this life of yours. Kyupin!” Gowther intoned, as he stroke a pose.
“Here’s for Ban! Rest in peace, my precious friend!” Meliodas cried as he raised his Aberdeen ale bottle, in an attempt to toast. He knew this one was his best friend’s favorite.
“Cap’n, you’re overreacting! I am not dying!” Ban hollered, the sweet scent of the ale dancing in his nostrils.
“This version of yourself is dying, Ban! Shut up!” said Meliodas, wiping a few tears quickly - even Ludociel’s Grace wouldn’t have rivalled it - before Ban’s punch sent him flying to the closest wall.
“Oh, for the love of… Cap’n, I’m just getting married! Stop acting like I’m dying in front of you!”
“Well tonight, all of… THIS” King pointed at Ban, “is dying. And let me remind you… that if you hurt Elaine, I will not hesitate to turn you into stone.” King glared at his future… brother-in-law. Oh, God. THIS is how he’s gonna call him from now on?!
“Who the hell are you again?” Ban asked while patting King’s pompadour, making his best friend laugh out loud and Escanor chuckle; even Gowther tried his best to hide a forming smile.
“You lousy liar! You know very well who I am!” King stuttered, and for the rest of the night, the guys have been drinking and having the time of their life making fun of the Fairy King’s haircut, because you only live once. And Ban was okay with that. As long as he lived it with her by his side.
In the meantime, Elaine was also enjoying her bachelorette party, when Merlin had just teleported in the chamber with a bottle of Merlot.
“Oh, come on, Merlin! You are always the one arriving late to parties! You could’ve arrived earlier this time!” Diane pouted, trying to braid the golden locks of her sister-in-law’s hair.
“I don’t mind her coming a bit later. Come on, Merlin, or we’re gonna start the game without you.” Elaine claimed, as her wings were fluttering happily, their sound accompanied only by the murmur of the wind outside.
“Elaine, careful! I know you can’t wait for the wedding, but let’s keep the hype to a minimum.” Diane struggled so she wouldn’t damage Elaine’s silky wings.
“Oh, right. I’m sorry. Also, thank you for letting us have the party here, Elizabeth! Are you sure no one will mind that we’re having a bachelorette party in your chambers?” Elaine asked the Goddess.
“There is no issue with that. My sisters are on a trip with their own loved ones, and as long as we don’t make too much noise, Father is okay with it.” Elizabeth explained, her kind smile illuminating the room.
“Good to know.” Elaine smiled as well, her golden eyes catching a glimpse of one of Elizabeth’s paintings. A forest.
As soon as the picture caught her attention, flashbacks of Elaine guarding the Fountain of Youth for seven centuries have started playing in her mind, and finally that faithful encounter. As she was brutally reminded of her past in solitude and what followed, Elaine’s wings stopped altogether, her eyes losing their sparkle, her smile turning upside down, and her lower lip starting to quiver. The rose-scented room had become silent; something the girls noticed in a heartbeat.
“Elaine… Are you okay?” Elizabeth rushed to the Fairy Princess’ side, putting her hands on Elaine’s petite shoulders, as sobs were shaking the latter’s body, as she tried to shake her head.
A stray tear rolled down the blonde Fairy’s cheek, and others followed suit, as a soft sniffle escaped her lips. Elaine started crying as she remembered what they’ve been through: her death, her vengeful resurrection, Ban giving up on his immortality so he could revive her… All of a sudden, it was too much for her.
“Elaine…” Elizabeth and Merlin rushed to the Fairy’s side, as the Giant girl, who had stopped braiding her hair, didn’t hesitate to hug the little girl, taking a breath of the scent of lilies – Elaine’s scent. They were family, after all.
“Are you remembering about the past?” Elizabeth asked. And as soon as Elaine nodded, she started caressing her hair. “Elaine, stop dwelling in the past. No matter what happens, we can’t change it. However, we can change the future. We can make it better for us. Leave the pain behind.”
“Elizabeth is right, Elaine. We don’t say that you should forget about what happened, but forget about the pain. Say farewell to those awful moments, and leave place for new, and hopefully, happy ones.”
“What they say is true, Fairy Princess.” Merlin continued. “Life is neither pure pleasure, nor endless pain. It’s a mix of both. What you and Ban have gone through was indeed beyond painful, but what happened helped in building this future. And I can feel it, the two of you have a bright future ahead.” The mage finished, smiling compassionately at the blonde girl.
At that moment, Elaine realized they were right. And she didn’t need to read their hearts to realize that they weren’t lying. There was no need to suffer because of the past. They had suffered when those horrific events happened, and that was more than enough.
“Thank you. You are right. Like you said, the past is in the past, and this moment is now. Let’s turn it into a memory we’ll fondly remember of.” Elaine acknowledged, a smile finally on her lips. And that smile grew even bigger as the girls approved rather loudly.
“Well then. Let’s drink this wine already. While I do enjoy older wine, I believe that this one has spent over 1000 years in the cellar; I’d say that’s enough.” Merlin stated, eager to fill her glass with the blood red liquid.
The other girls applauded the idea, ready to keep the party going, by discussing about their own loved ones and maybe some baby names, because while she didn’t show it, Elaine definitely couldn’t wait to have a nephew or a niece or maybe, a little bundle of joy on her own.
“Farewell, pain. Welcome, bright future.” Elaine resolved, and deep down, she knew she was right. Because Ban will always be by her side, and she couldn’t be happier at the moment.
As Ban was waiting at the aisle for his beloved Fairy bride (“Because seeing her in her wedding gown before that moment was bad luck”, as stated by Elizabeth), he realized that while many things would remain the same, others would change. And now, there he was, waiting for his future wife.
Lost in thought, he almost missed Elaine and King’s entrance. God was she beautiful! No, beautiful was an understatement. She was gorgeous, and only his.
Once King walked his sister to the aisle, so he could hand her to Ban, he whispered in Ban’s ear:
“Hurt her and I’ll turn you to stone with my Chastiefol. Again.”
After getting an exasperated “Brother!” from his sister (mentally, of course), he hurried up next to Diane, so he can witness the happiest moment of his younger sister’s life.
As Ban and Elaine recited their vows and were declared husband and wife by the King Bartra Liones, they hadn’t looked away from each other, and decided to seal their vows only after Jericho yelled “Just kiss!” at them, followed by Meliodas’ “How about no?!”, and him getting punched in the face by Diane and scolded by Elizabeth.
After a long moment of silence followed by their kiss, Ban realized that this was his new life. And so, his words were whispered in a low voice, a stunning smile on his lips and his forehead touching Elaine’s.
“Hello there, my beloved wife.”
Elaine was confused. Why was he greeting her? And why didn’t he simply call her by her name, like he’s done so many times?
“Because this is our first encounter as husband and wife.” She heard his reply. Did he really not have the power to read one’s heart?! This human was so weird, but he was HER weird human, and hers alone. And she was his.
With a smile on her face, she finally replied. “Hello, my dear husband.”
Because they were both greedy, and they would remain like this until death would do them part.
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notaethyras · 8 years
ME:A Countdown Ryder Meme
21 Days: What are Ryder’s personality traits? Describe 5 strengths and 5 flaws.
Claire Ryder is very friendly, as in she wants to be your friend even though you just met. She’s the girl that makes friendship bracelets and hot cocoa for everyone. Very protective as well, if you talk shit or take down one of her squadmates she will literally hunt you to the ends of the planet. Claire is super family oriented and goes out of her way to take care of them, trying to fill the role her mother left open (lets be real she's so dead, or missing, or whatever). Very goal driven, nothing is left hanging or undone, whether it be a mission, a favor or just something that fits into her routine. But most of all she is creative, and not in the artsy sense, she can't even draw a stick figure. Claire is the MacGyver of space babies, if she's pinned down by the Kett she can use a rubber band and a bone from Drack's armor to get them out and blow up the entire base.
Alternatively her friendliness causes her to be over trusting or leave her open to having her feelings hurt. Hence Papa Ryder putting her through tough love hell. Claire is also a burden handler, when something is wrong she finds a way to put it all on her own shoulders which stresses her out endlessly. She has anxiety, and when Christian's cryopod gets messed up it made her very unprepared during the first mission. Which leads into her other flaw, she hates not being in control of a situation. It irks her really bad when she feels powerless or following orders, it is fortunate she became Pathfinder. And finally, Claire questions everything. This isn't always bad but it can be.
Jericho Ryder is everyone's cool big brother. He was born five minutes before Cass so he just inwardly considers himself one even though they're twins. But this extends to everyone he comes in contact with. Jericho is very self confident of himself, he knows his capabilities and he takes pride in what he has accomplished. It is hard to get him down. Meaning he is also mentally and emotionally resilient, no backhanded snide remarks bother him. If anything he finds them amusing. Jericho is an excellent leader, direct and to the point without risking the admiration of his crew whom he also sees as his friends. Finally he is also a joker. Even Jaal gets the humor, most of the time.
On the down side all that bravado makes Jericho arrogant at times. When you go so long having everything go your way it is a real punch in the gut to think you're wrong. Leading into his second negative trait, he hates being wrong, in fact he hates it so much he rejects it until it gets heated. When he is mad Jericho can be very cold and distant, wanting little or nothing to do with anyone until he has calmed down. More often than not he works off intuition and not logic, which has gotten him in trouble many times. Finally he is extremely awkward around women he likes, meaning Cora. He still can't help but see her as his commanding officer and him the son of the Pathfinder.
Astrea Ryder is extremely intelligent, straight A's in the best school on the Citadel smart. She's very peaceful and is the type of friend to make flower crowns for everyone on board while still able to keep the flowers alive and healthy. Very bookish and soaks in knowledge like a sponge, going to Andromeda is such a big deal for her because Astrea gets to immerse herself in a new world with new concepts and lifeforms. She's the type of person to stop and try to talk to animals, every life means something to her. Call her empathetic or a flower child. Finally she's very open minded and tries to see things from both sides of the spectrum, she won't just side with someone cause she might be more fond of them.
Astrea is very introverted and hates confrontation. Some days she'd like to recede from civilization and just sit with her digital pad and read articles while eating chocolate. She also has anxiety with being Pathfinder, it is way too much pressure on someone like her but she knows her duty and tries to keep her loved ones in mind. Astrea can also be a bit of an ass when it comes to believing things. She won't accept anything without the proper sources to back it up. Don't ever say 'did you hear that-” because she will want to know how you heard it, and how that person knows until you realize it was either a rumor or fictional to begin with. Oh, she's very spiteful. She has a tattoo just to rebel against Alec, also lots of eyeliner. Astrea can be rather emotional, cry at the drop of a hat. Even if it seems trivial to others.
Siren Ryder is very outgoing and vivacious. The world is her oyster and boy does she love sea food. She can come off as annoying but that annoying usually catches onto others and becomes that nifty little quirk everyone can't deny they love about her. If it isn't already obvious Siren is a major people person, she can't thrive without being surrounded by others. A real life of the party. She acts like the big sister to just about everyone, willing to get in the face of someone who has wronged her squad and intimidate them. Finally she has this soft inner core hidden within her spunky attitude that she rarely shows but when she does, you know you're special to her.
On the flip side she is very antagonistic with her family, especially Alec. But there is some sibling rivaly with Seth too. Siren is very careless and will take the fun dangerous route instead of the safe logical method, as long as everyone makes it out in one piece what's the harm? Siren has a bad temper that can and will get her in a lot of trouble, that is for sure. She can be slightly selfish but only because her mind works things out with how she wants things to be before considering others. Last but not least she hates following orders, her whole childhood was living beneath Alec and Ellen's rules, now that she is an adult she hates having others demand things of her.
Maxson Ryder is honest, that is his key trait. He refuses to lie to anyone about anything. He is very outspoken and won't let something pass by the radar if he doesn't like it. He's a fantastic puzzle solver, his sister jokes that in a former life he was either a detective or the record holder for most rubix cubes solved in one minute. Maxson is very well spoken and persuasive when the fighting stops and rules/plans have to be put in motion, swerving them to favor his own interests. Not sure what the word for this is but Maxson will put himself in a risky situation before others. For example when they were kids he climbed up a tree with no certain way to get down in order to grab Kenna's kite, knowing he'd rather be the one in harms way than her.
On the other hand his honesty can be harsh. Blunt during times when a nice little white lie would have been preferable to the truth. He can become absorbed in what he is doing and become somewhat neglectful. He likes to be in control of every situation, as programmed in by his parents, and becomes edgy when he isn't. Maxson is known to push himself too far for the sake of his responsibilities and exhaust himself, as well as expect the same amount of effort from others. And he's a huge perfectionist. If things aren't on par and above he deems it all a failure.
Rey Ryder is very chill, she wants no trouble but doesn't mind ending it. She likes art and immerses herself in the culture of it, she's super curious as to what kind the new worlds have waiting. Rey is very analytical and likes to understand things about mortality, such as those conversations you can have with SAM about the meaning of life. She is a huge mama's girl and since Ellen has been gone she's tried to fill a role at least for herself, Lincoln doesn't need it and Alec sure doesn't want it. Rey is a huge animal lover and volunteered her free time to them on Earth in shelters. Her favorites were the pyjaks.
Rey can be spiteful, going out of her way no matter the task to bite back at people she feels wronged by. Such as getting several tattoos and telling Alec about them. She's not wholly accepting of views she deems unworthy even if they mean a lot to the other person. If it sounds dumb to her it is dumb. Rey is possessive of people and tends to like to be the center of attention. But most of all she is extremely intimidating. When she does get angry few forget it, and due to her RBF, everyone is convinced she's mad 24/7
Remy Ryder is dedicated to his sister, she is his #1 best friend and confidant in the world. He's very good with guns and has the record for disassembling and reassembling one in under fifteen seconds. Remy is very athletic, works out once a day and eats like a rabbit with the appetite of a large wolf, aesthetic driven. He tries to help everyone he can since he has a sensitive conscience, he thinks if he doesn't help no one will. His biggest strength is trying to work with others in any way possible, as in he will figure out how best to help someone whether it be talking it out, going a few rounds in the gym or shooting cans with lasers.
On the other hand he is very self conscious and worried about his image, he can be irritable and say things he doesn't mean. Remy can put himself in places people don't need or want him while trying to be helpful towards them. Sometimes he just does things at the last minute and rushes it having forgotten it. He's more likely to lie and say he didn't do something to skirt blame, or come up with an excuse as to why it happened.
Lexa Ryder is loyal to the bone, if you trust her she won't let you down or turn her back on you. She's very compassionate and flirtatious even though she's never had a boyfriend/girlfriend. Lexa is very brave, few things scare her and rather than fear she will get this rush of excitement. She's a walking talking lie detector, you literally can not lie to her and her not know it. She does yoga and meditation to keep herself healthy and centered, Cade refuses to join her in this.
Loyalty can be to a fault, there are times you have to draw the line or your choices conflict how something has gone down. Her flirtatious nature has gotten her into some confusing situations, but she just loves doing it. Lexa can be judgmental and see the outside before thinking about who someone is behind the cover. A little over dramatic when she feels overwhelmed and prone to throwing things when displeased.
Gage Ryder always tries to give back. When she was little her mom gave her a birthday present and in return she gave Ellen a bunch of flowers from the neighbors garden. She's always open to new things from food to, oh you know, going to a new galaxy. She's a jack of all trades, knows a little about a lot of things. She puts effort into how she looks to make herself feel good and Gage has a very soothing singing voice that you can hear when she thinks she is alone.
However Gage can be a bit of a brat, she tends to take her wild teasing too far and ends up hurting feelings or making someone mad. She can be lazy if the activity or chore doesn't hold any endgame value. Her pride in her looks has made her arrogant and rather obsessed with what people think of her
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