Mrs. Plenty: Can you stop fighting with your boyfriend for a minute?
Mr Wines, baffled: ....This is literally your husband.
Jervaise: You tell her, babe.
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Harper fiddled with a touching love story, a letterlocked square of creamy ivory parchment faintly scented with violets. "A pleasure as always to see you, Mr. Wines. I, erm, don't suppose you've run out of Black Wings since we met last? I must... thank you for your generosity, of course, but that's the only spirit you've given me the past two dozen times you've had a sale." They said with a forced laugh. "I was wondering if, potentially, you might have something else?" Wines laughed, full-throated and resonant, for long enough that Harper's polite smile became rather strained. It wheezed, palm thumping against the table as if they had just told the funniest joke it had heard in millenia. "We thought you were supposed to be clever." It said in a high, shivery voice, plucking the love story free with a dainty claw before depositing yet another bottle of Black Wings Absinthe into Harper's outstretched hand. Harper suppressed a groan as they turned and walked away, and Wines's laughter followed the whole way down the sidestreet.
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irrigos · 2 years
obviously the bishop of Southwark is my #1 special guy, my sweet cheese, my rotten soldier, the blorbo of all time, but ALSO sometimes i think about mrs plenty and damn. she is a close second.
shes OLD shes FAT shes a FORMER SEEKER she has a GNC HUSBAND and her sidepiece is a LORD
unbelievably based
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bizarrebazaar13 · 2 months
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soooo I just finished the charwoman part of evolution and remembered that the naturalist has a girlfriend(?)
and Dexter would actually quite like to be friends with her, and the naturalist has two hands, and all that. but it is hilarious to me that he cannot stop falling for people already in relationships. Jervaise. the Naturalist. others.
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hotshotblackburn · 1 year
After my last string of posts, I figure I'll finish off with a list of the fake spouse-items I wrote up that haven't been turned into fake screenshots. Some of these were pure memetic inspiration, and others were challenges by people on Discord. Some are notable fan-favorite characters: - A Fingerking [An Ophidian Lover] - Virginia [, Heroine of the White City] - Mrs Plenty *and* Jervaise, in a poly relationship [A Rollicking Good Time] - The Last Constable [, Defiant] - The Red-Handed Queen [A Crimson Courtship] - The Empress' Shadow [The Kaiserin of Prussia, Indomitable] - The Efficient Commissioner [Relaxed Commissioner] - The Rubbery Yes-Man [Rubbery Consigliere] - The Yolk-in-Splendour [, Encircling] - The White [The Radiant White]
And others are just very, very silly:
- The Starveling Cat [Starveling Spouse] - The entire city of Hell [The White City, Wedded] - A very lucky ushabti [Oneiric Pharoah] - A polycule of 77 ravenglass knives [An Abbatoir of Shrikes] - A portable lamp-post [A Guiding Light] - The Corpulent Carriage [Corpulent Companion] - The Bestiary of Heart's Desires [The Bestiary of Your Heart's Desire]
Cursed? Perhaps. But then again, is Fallen London not a setting all about love stories - cursed and otherwise?
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the-masterless-press · 4 months
The ask game 🗝and 🔒
🗝- Would they ever want to live together?
Bonus round! I already answered this for Betriz, so you get Betty x Mrs Plenty (Blenty, Betiriam, Miretty, whatever) as a treat:
HELL NO. Betty and Mrs Plenty might have a lot in common and enjoy each other's company, both have baggage of their own they air out, but Betty would rather live with her alone. No Jervaise, you can't turn their encounter into a threesome, Betty's a lesbian! So no, no living together until Jervaise fucks off.
Back to Betriz with:
🔒- Something one hopes that the other never finds out about.
Betty's entire reason for throwing herself into irrigo. If Griz found out, everything they would've built up until that point would either crumble or break.
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house-of-mirrors · 1 year
Modern AU Jervaise trying to stop Mr Wines from drunk posting and then explaining to it that even if you delete a tweet it doesn’t go away
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sparingiscaring · 1 year
I'm playing Sunless Skies for the first time (I never got past the tutorial on my first attempt so that doesn't count-) and THE SCREAM I LET OUT AT JERVAISE'S REST-
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neathnights · 2 years
Mr Wines is holding a sale!
Mr Wines, the Master who deals in drinkables, is throwing open its cellars. Not personally, of course. Its servant Jervaise is overseeing the matter. What wonders lie within?
→ The unlabelled box Jervaise has a number of mysterious boxes from the far reaches of the cellars. No guarantee is made as to their contents. But they seem popular.
A sinister black bottle of absinthe The box contains a bottle of Black Wings absinthe. The roiling black liquid will take the pain away, however briefly.
A dusty bottle of fine wine The box contains a rare old wine. Huzzah! Something to be saved for a special occasion, or when the world really gets to be too much.
→ A discount for purchase in bulk The Masters of the Bazaar do not approve of discounts. However, you may be able to negotiate a good rate if you need a genuinely epic quantity of wine.
→ [F] Honeyed laudanum A radical creation, offered only to the most select of customers. It is unlabelled. Jervaise whispers that it ensures that dreams are never forgotten, even when nightmares become too much to bear...
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waxworks1992 · 3 years
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i thought the little matchmaking event this year was really cute... so i drew something with my fav couples (and naturally didnt even finish it til after the event was over. rip)
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Judge: You are sentenced to death and will be hung.
Miriam Plenty, from the back row: Your Honor, he's already hung!
Jervaise, on trial for murder: Your Honor, please uncuff me so I can go high-five my wife.
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irrigos · 11 months
a thing that happens frequently in FL is something will be heavily implied but never formally stated, and people will act like you're an idiot if you say its not canon but a different group of people are also very likely to say you're an idiot if you say it IS canon, and my particular autism way makes it hard for me to pick up on some of the implications in FLs writing so im never sure which of these groups has a stronger claim. do you know how long i spent being unsure if Jervaise was Mrs Plentys husband. YEARS.
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bizarrebazaar13 · 1 year
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Artists’ Book Display for the week of June 10th, 2019
A Month of Jeopardy by Joe McKay- Halifax, NS: Peter Brooks: NSCAD, 1993
Teaching and learning as performing arts by Robert Fillou- Koln: Verlag Gebr. Konig, 1970
Sentenced to light Photography by Eric Jervaise; Text by Fred Wah- Banff: The Banff Centre, Merida, Mexico: Conaculta- Fonca, 2002-2003
Blue book 8 by Greg Curnoe- Toronto, ON: Art Metropole, 1989
In three parts Stephen Clayton Ellwood- Halifax: Stephen Clayton Ellwood, 1996
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the-masterless-press · 6 months
Betty and Griz's disaster of a relationship is interesting, but there's also another ship for Betty I quite like:
Betty and Miriam Plenty!
Unlike Griz I don't have a big backstory for them and their relationship, but all I know is that they're some kind of friends-with-benefits. Betty is content with that (until a point in their hypothetical where I decide she wants more out of the relationship) and so is Miriam.
Their only big issue is that Jervaise wants in on the action.
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house-of-mirrors · 2 years
Blorbos, wines the merchant king
You had to give me this one didn't you, very well, I accept judgement
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I feel some explanation of my logic is in order:
Fruity: Wine. Grapes. Haha
Sidekick: Jervaise
Break the rules: keep one promise in your life challenge
More sex: This is mostly a joke, I headcanon that despite being the Master who oversees pleasure, Wines is painfully repressed (we do not partake! suuure), and also I think it's funny to imagine it hooking up with Spices 29380 times, bitter divorced space bats drama
(Despite checking off the horny boxes, I'm still incredibly ace, but I am simply a slut for the vast and it is better to be cringe and free)
Horrible bat. I wanna shake it around in a box again. We have so many ES of ruining its whole day but I always want more
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