#jester vs sheriff
mavgoo · 4 months
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voxggaming · 4 months
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mavgo · 1 year
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scomic22-blog · 12 days
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stitcheswashere13 · 2 years
how do you think the slashers will react to their S/O doing a "Kissing Booth" for charity? What would the slashers do about it?
Could you include Jason Voorhees, Michael Myers, Bubba Sawyer and Thomas Hewitt? And I would like for you to add your choice of slashers ;)
I know it's a weird one, but I thought it would be interesting to see
lol! sorry, I got to this a lot later than planned Tumblr was glitching a lot! I added Brahms & Tiffany to the mix because I feel like he'd be a mixed one to write about lol.
on to the story!
Warnings!- Clingy slashers (mainly in Brahms) violence/ murder. & Fluff.
Slashers x kissing booth.
Brahms Heelshire!
Brahms loves the sweet caring side of you, he loves the fact that you are doing charity. However, he hates the kissing booth. He will try to convince you to sell lemonade and cookies instead. Brahms would even spin you around and give you a kiss and hand you 20$ while muttering "There, now you have a kissing booth here, how about you do cookies instead? I don't want my love getting hurt." If you insist to Brahms that you can only do the kissing booth or want to do the kissing booth, he would hesitantly agree to it but only on a few conditions.
Malcome MUST come with you to keep any creeps away
ONLY Forehead or cheek kisses NO Lip kisses or any other kiss, those are only for him.
Only if you promise him, you won't leave him and you'll come back for hugs and kisses.
Those are the only rules Brahms gave you as he sent you away with Malcome, already waiting for your return. (Yes, he did threaten Malcome to watch you, and to not true anything funny with you he will make his pet cat love him more the Malcome.)
Jason Vorhees!
Jason likes the idea, he just has to watch you from the trees. Jason will do this because 1. He doesn't want you getting hurt and 2. so if a creep comes up he's going to slit their throat. (He would probably grab out their wallet and give you whatever cash is in there). Before running back to the woods he would check that you are ok. Pam would be right by you with a sign that says "Don't want a kiss? How about a pie! 5$ Each." You two made a whole lot of money (Pam's Pies sold so quick and she was so happy people liked her pie.)
Micheal Myers!
Micheal isn't fond of this idea, but he says it's ok. He agrees but he has to stand by as a "little" attack dog. If a creep comes up he will do what Jason would do and kill them and take their money to give to you for the charity. If you get few customers because of the small town, when Micheal goes on a killing spree every person he kills's money would go to you and the charity. After you are done for the day, expect Micheal to be a bit clingy, he would want lots of hugs, kisses, and cuddles.
Bubba Sawyer! & Thomas Hewitt!
(I put these together because they would do the same thing.) So Tommy and Bubba both wouldn't mind the kissing both, both of their hearts would melt at you sweet jester and both of them would give you a kiss on your face and then hand you 10 dollars to make sure you have a nice start. The only difference they would do is that Tommy if he had to work in the field or help Mama Mae, would have Hoyt right by you. Hoyt (though being a fake sheriff) Would scare away any creep. Vs Bubba who if he had to leave to go help, would have most likely had Drayton out with you to scare the creeps away and attract the good ones or he would throw Nubbins out there to scare away the creeps. However, if no one is free then he will resort to Chop top, which Chop top would both scare the creeps away and also kiss a few people for money. (75% of the money only Chop top makes will go to charity and the rest would go to him lol.)
Tiffany Valentines!
Tiffany loves the idea and goes out with you with some Swedish meatballs to sell right by you. Any creep that comes out would be killed by Chucky and the money he gets from that person would go to you and Tiff. for charity. (Chucky would also buy some Swedish meatballs from Tiffany because he fucking loves her Swedish meatballs.) Glen would love to help but he sure as hell is not gonna help Chucky with the killings and won't be the one being kissed in the booth so You and Tiff. put him to be in charge of counting and organizing money, he loved his little job so much. Chucky and Glen were even laughing and having a Father-Son bonding time.
END NOTE! Thank you for the request! Sorry if it is a bit short! Request are open, I just may get to them slow! That's all I have to say for today sooo! Have a Very lovely day!
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missn11 · 5 years
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You Son of A Bitch! by NK11
I'm surprised in all the years of me being in the Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines fandom I've never seen a Nines Vs LaCroix fight scene picture or fanfiction. Maybe perhaps we all know that without the Sheriff backing LaCroix up Nines would pretty likely be the winner in that fight! XD Especially considering the fact Nines took on a Werewolf solo and won! Anyway here's a drawing of a fight between Nines and LaCroix with the Jester Prince trying to turn the tide of the battle by diablering the Anarch leader but I wonder if he could do it in time before Nines just twists his head off! As much I love LaCroix my bets are on Nines winning this fight After all, there is a reason why LaCroix teamed up with Ming Xiao to frame Nines for Grout's murder! Overall I wanted to have a go at drawing something a little different than my usual fanart. I would've posted this one sooner but I kind of got distracted doing my watercolor paintings. XD  
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turtlechix · 7 years
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(from a book I bought in Barns & Noble, of which I am going to use)
Angel’s Wings Dr.Seuss Hat Your Reflection Asteroids The Milky Way Comic Book Cover Lotus Flower Looking Through a Keyhole Tree of Life Something with Two Heads Light saber Grim Reaper Fountain of Youth Man in the Moon Lightning Strike Goddess Psychedelic Portal A View from the Top Masquerade Mask Poseidon Jackal Deer Antlers Medusa Carousel Voodoo Doll Tiki Idol Sugar Skull Something Abstract Aladdin’s Lamp Tooth Fairy Blue Prints Cyborg Totem Pole Magic Kingdom Beach Scene Packman Video Game Your Zodiac Sign (Normal or Chinese or both) Something 3-D Anaconda Something Upside Down Computer from the Future A bright Idea Grand Canyon Lion Mad Hatter Football Dollar Bill Koala Bear Hummingbird Woolly Mammoth Giraffe Wishing Well Bull’s-eye Bouquet of Roses Aurora Borealis Sky Boombox Ticket Stub Captian’s Hat Something Nautical Banjo Bowling Alley and Pins Labyrinth The Kraken Armadillo Eiffel Tower Jack-in-the-box Goblet Mutant Weeping Willows Grappling Hook Shepard Your Country’s Flag Water Slide Didgeridoo Power Lines Olympic Medals Warrior Stop Sigh Piñata Coliseum Artichoke Bushel of carrots Bubbling cauldron Crystal ball Alphabet soup Rubber ducky in a bubble bath Red riding hood Flamingo Fler-de-lis Noah’s ark Lit candle Hourglass Three Blind Mice Honeycomb Compass Comet Snow globe Stonehenge Your school mascot Racetrack Jungle Lily pad with frog Your favorite emoji Hologram Robot Hawaiian lei North Pole Rainforest Gecko Sheriff’s badge Grandfather clock Tribal spear Sundial Eggs frying in a skillet Gingerbread man Nutcracker When pigs fly Tacos Bowl of macaroni and cheese Your favorite superhero Castle Talking parrot Atoms & molecules Scary cemetery Stained glass window Personalized license plate Charm bracelet Skyscraper Sorcerer’s wand Field of sunflowers Abandoned ghost town Cool mailbox Four leaf clover Angel Monkeys Bumper sticker Hammock Garden gnome Good vs. Evil Peeled oranges Pomegranate center Giant moth Snowflakes Parachute Frankenstein Science experiment All seeing eye Roller coaster Roller coaster Your favorite cartoon Kangaroo Donut with sprinkles Barbed wire Treasure map Pirate ship Nautical scene Princess tiara Sombrero Fedora Fireman’s helmet Mandela Oil rig Spinal cord Wheel of fortune Layers of the Earth Drawbridge and moat Chariot Phoenix rising Wrecking ball Phone booth Egyptian pharaoh Exit sign Old pocket watch Cocoon metamorphosis Brick wall Tire swing Perfect garden Ball and chain Dove Henna tattooed hand Cowboy boots Moccasins Bird’s nest Bonfire Aquarium Battleship Army tank Dungeon Dragonfly Tarantula Carnival Crocodile Catfish Twilight zone Mansion Jester’s hat King’s crown Spartan Trojan horse Haunted house Box of crayons Megaphone Mohawk Candelabra Dream car Rainy day Tugboat Ship’s Anchor Dreamcatcher Cobra head Rusty truck Potato head man Cheshire cat Polka dot bow tie Party hat Barracuda Piranha Coffin Scary shadow Maze Conch shell Great white shark teeth Utopia Brass Scuba helmet Lobster Cherry blossoms Park bench Hula dancer Slice of pie Something bohemian Something bursting into flames Chandelier Ice skates Tree roots underground Locket Class ring Kimono Nerdy glasses Factory Inside your refrigerator First place ribbon Quilted blanket Maracas Jackpot Star constellations A nightmare Tiger claws Titanic Your favorite logo Famous sign Rastafarian Laboratory the Abyss Poker chips Loaf of bread Wild animals Phases of the moon Roulette wheel Orchid Biplane Banana split Laughing donkey Solar system Fireflies Witch’s Wooden clogs Cassette tape Celtic design boomerang Centipede Dark alleyway Locomotive Something Imaginary Baseball diamond Leprechaun Internal clock mechanisms Santa’s sled Satellite Something melting Palace Padlock Dart board Something funny Your closet Dream house Kaleidoscope New cartoon character Time capsule Panda bear Something futuristic UFO Postage stamp Crow’s nest on a pirate ship Purple people eater Sunset Coat of arms Excited face Lucky dice Animated Martian Circus tent Skyline
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tos-experiences · 7 years
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Player: @invenblocker (John Willard) Mode: All Any
Sarah Bishop left the game before day 1 even started, so I saw myself in the mafia log as the sole mafia member in the form of a lone mafioso; I got close to rage quitting simply from the outlook of being a non-immune killing role that can be caught by sheriffs with no allies against 14 players, but I’m happy that I didn’t.
Night one, I shot PraiseThePun, while an sk stabbed Jonathan Corwin, meanwhile Sarah Bishop died from leaving the game before it started, and I got promoted to the Godfather.
The day went by without any events, except for a few players urging the mafia to report the godfather.
The following night, was a massacre. I killed Angel of Death, but so did a serial killer and a werewolf. Another serial killer killed Blank, while Cuboner, Desdemona and PraiseTheSun all got killed by the werewolf. I was very happy to see two dead sk’s on n2. The death note which the sk left on Blank claimed that waaaassuuuuppppp was night immune, but no one seemed to notice that, Margaret revealed as mayor, but didn’t really do anything.
The third night, I killed Cyndaquill, not my proudest moment, but I missed the part where they claimed survivor. Then, I pointed out to the town, that the sk who killed Blank said waaaassuuuuppppp was night immune. They responded by claiming survivor, but Margaret didn’t believe them, and they got lynched, turned out it was the Werewolf.
Now I was down to 5 players: me, a mayor, and 3 others. I attack pikachiu, who turned out to be night immune, and got surprised when I saw Margaret get stabbed by a serial killer, since I thought there were only 2 of them.
I instantly claim sheriff and accuse pikachiu of being the serial killer, they claimed escort, and we each voted up each other.
Being down to 4 players, I knew that if I attacked someone, I risked that the sk would attack the other remaining player, and I would lose in a gf vs. sk situation, so I remained at home, only to see myself get attacked (Which was a bold move from the sk, since if mafia didn’t attack that night, and I actually was a sheriff, they could do nothing to prevent being lynched).
The following morning, it turned out that Lydia Dustin had been afk, I explain the situation to her, and we both vote up pikachiu, but Deodat “obvious jester” Lawson didn’t do anything except make drunken songs in the chat.
The next night, nothing happened.
On the following day, I decided to point out that none of us had been roleblocked, yet pikachiu claimed escort. Lydia and I voted them up, and Deodat started randomly spamming different vote buttons, accidentally voting up pikachiu as well. Lydia and I vote guilty while Deodat votes inno, and the last sk was lynched.
The last night, I went to attack Deodat, and found out what Lydia’s role was when I was transported, concluding that they were a transporter who transported me with themselves, my attack goes through and kills Deodat.
Since a godfather wins a 1v1 stalemate against a transporter, I claimed the victory, becoming the only winner, as a one man mafia, against 3 serial killers and a werewolf.
Winners: Mafia
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rurifrenchfries · 7 years
My most recent game of Town of Salem was amazing. I was playing classic mode and I got the Mafioso role. The Godfather was coincidentally named 'God father' (no joke). Framer had one of those randomised names. Framer died night two so he wasn't much help. But here's where the fun began. On night one, Gf said not to attack anyone so I didn't. Instead I decided to frame a player named Smol Bean on my kill note. Investigator called out the GF for being GF but no one listened (bc what are the chances). There were literally no lynches for the next three days cos two people kept saying who they thought the mafia was . In the end they didn't listen to the actual investigator so jester got lunch and killed a townie on the following night. I also managed to guess who was the sheriff based on the chat log (cos they were the only person to believe invest). Oh and Gf managed to kill jailor in night two. Anyway to the second last day, Exe decided to lynch his target (but we didn't know who the target was and they were afk) but left for some reason (dunno why since he completed his objective). Doctor also admits to self healing (wtf why would you do that). Of course, mafia (aka I made the choice) killed the doctor during nighttime. I was unfortunately attacked but was healed by the doctor (thank god). I checked the dead list and the role list and guess whose role is gone yet: the Serial Killer. But luckily the mafia had more people ( 2 vs 1 ). Guess who tf was SK. If it wasn't obvious by now, it was motherfcking Smol bean. I have no idea how I managed to guess that but it was an amazingly lucky guess.
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mavgo · 1 year
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voxggaming · 3 months
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mavgo · 3 months
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voxggaming · 3 months
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mavgoo · 3 months
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mavgo · 3 months
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voxggaming · 3 months
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