#jesus fuckin christ dude
kevin-day-is-bi · 3 months
any part of me that had been lured in by the nice Canadian trope has entirely evaporated upon watching Edmonton play
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briearesea · 10 days
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Things a totally normal and well-adjusted person who is not a creepy fucking weirdo say.
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blacktobackmesa · 3 months
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Gee, Tumblr user. That's a really interesting set of things that you have presented as ideologically equal in your comment. Tumblr user I gotta say I'm darn curious, do you want to tell me more about that second point? And why it bothers you? Why you don't like seeing a biracial woman taking traits from her African-American parent? Because I'm really interested in hearing your insight.
Go on. Tell me. Tell me why you hate to see Alyx looking more black than in canon. Let's hear it.
Out loud.
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achillean-knight · 5 months
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REDRAW TIME! 3-year difference ;0;!
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introspectivememories · 10 months
four months into getting to know each other, shouto finds him by touya-nii's shrine. his little brother gently sits down beside him and offers a small prayer.
"yumi-nee-san," natsuo wonders if his little brother will ever drop the second honorific, "said you were the closest to him," shouto says quietly.
after all these years and the use of past tense still makes his heart break. 'you are the closest to him' he wants to correct but that wouldn't make sense anymore. touya-nii hasn't been talked about in the present tense since before middle school. does shouto even remember a time before nii-san's dea-, disappearance?
"yeah, i was," he says, eyes never leaving the photo. it's the one nii-san took for sixth-grade picture day. kaa-san had got him all dressed up and he had hated it. somedays he thinks if he looks close enough, he'll see the displeased pout on nii-san face. "why?"
his little brother says nothing for a long time, back ramrod straight. natsuo has no idea what's going on in that head of his. shouto has so few tells that he's practically a blank slate. natsuo hates his father.
then slowly and so quietly, he has to strain his ears to catch it, shouto stammers out, "do-, do you think he would have liked me?"
natsuo's immediate reaction is to say 'yes'. yes, of course, touya-nii would've loved you. yes, of course, touya-nii would've crossed the heavens for you. yes, of course, he would've loved you shouto; you're his precious younger brother.
but he remembers the way nii-san used to spit out shouto's name when he was a kid. the way his brother's mouth wrapped around it, the face he made, like he had just eaten something disgusting. he remembers the way touya-nii had become almost crazed by the end, hellbent on proving himself the rightful heir to their shitty father's legacy. he remembers the way touya-nii had said, "i just need to prove that i'm better than him,"; the 'him' said with such bitterness and contempt.
he knows instantly that touya-nii would not have liked shouto. that this house and his father would have twisted any ounce of love, nii-san would've held towards shouto, into jealousy and hatred.
(this house may have ruined all of them but it only ever broke two of them.)
natsuo can't say any of that to shouto. his kind little brother who forgave him for not being there. his amazing little brother who falls in love with every cat he sees. his wonderful little brother who has a wickedly dry sense of humor. his soft baby brother who loves him and yumi-nee with a passion. his tender-hearted baby brother who still worries if his long-gone older brother would've liked him.
no, natsuo can't tell shouto that nii-san wouldn't have like him. shouto will internalize it like he does with everything else that hurts him. and there is already so much that hurts shouto, he will not add to that list. his baby brother smiles these days, nothing big like his green-haired friend, but quiet, lovely, ones all the same. shouto talks more these days. they have dinner together when natsuo is home. his baby brother laughs now. it's a miracle like nothing else in this world.
shouto is the best thing to come out of their house and natsuo will die before he ever hurts his little brother. so instead, he curls an arm around shouto's shoulders and pulls him into a loose side-hug.
"of course!" he lies cheerfully, ignoring the ache in his chest, "touya-nii would've loved you. you're his — and our —precious little brother after all. there is no universe in which he wouldn't have loved you."
the tips of his baby brother's ears go red and his pleased little answering smile makes the ache of lie go away. natsuo will tell a thousand more lies if it means shouto never stops smiling like that.
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saucy-mesothelioma · 8 months
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jam-packed · 20 days
what a beaute of a win man. god, he is a masterclass act
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benilos · 3 months
Sometimes I forget how big Cole is...
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shmothman · 6 months
i am so tired of being honked at by fucking undergrads who think i should be able to make my turn when i literally cannot. girl if i go right now i will block a lane of traffic Shut The Fuck Up
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knightelf · 25 days
incredibly wild end to an otherwise chill workday. god
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chipistrate · 9 months
It's been 3 years since we were first introduced to Princess Quest and we've only been given more questions than answers with every new installment
I kinda love it but also pleaseee Steel Wool what the FUCK is going ON with this GAME!!!!!!
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cyber444angel · 10 months
sometimes i think about the type of media i was into from 2017 to like mid 2020 & i genuinely want to throw up
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andromedasummer · 1 year
i ended up having a like. 30 minute conversation with some of those "freedom convoy" people. was at the bus stop. they were wearing trump hats. i ended up roped into the conversation because i was so taken aback at seeing one in public i was just. staring at it. ive never felt more depressed about someone elses life and beliefs than when i talked to them.
#they fucking. tokd me about the litterboxes in schools for kids identifying as cats and i had to#break it to them that that wasnt true and explained that. also explained. what its like yo be autistic. how i find it joyful#and also discussed how they believe trump has been spoken to by god and chosen to lead and how they arent christians or catholics like they#used to be but instead talk directly to him and have him inside them#and also apparently how 15 minute cities in china are used to keep people imprisoned where they are#and we arent a democracy anymore. which was so funny considering. they are participating for a party#running in the election#i gave them my perspective on being transgender and gay and watched them have like. 3 or 4 ''are we the baddies'' moments#explained what puberty blockers actually do. that surgery is paid out of peoples own pockets. that we literally only have#one doctor who can perform these surgeries and hes abt to retire#and at the end of the convo they were like ''youre so pleasant. youre really smart young lady'' and i was like ''ty? i just. read a lot'#god i hope they learned. something. or i changed some opinion. they seemed to have a more positive view of autistic people at least#i just like. fuck dude. these fuckin right wing grifters are ruining these peoples lives.#the lady has been unemployeed since covid cos she got sucked into this antivax stuff and now theyre both financially unstable#perfect targets for tamaki and the freedoms people who were known for squeezing money out of people through bogus religious stuff#those two have been twisted into just. hateful and scared and are saying the most. insane shit and they dont even realize it.#and the worst part of it was the amount of young people there. so many people my age just deluded into this nonsense.#and kids JESUS CHRIST so many kids holding signs about ''protecting the kiwi way of life'' like bro every single thing#you are getting upset about an imported culture war. you arent threatened by this shit.#youve latched onto american culture war stuff because youre insecure in your whiteness and existence in a colonial country#its so fucking evil.
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irl · 6 months
i fuckin hate my coworker so much i think i should be allowed just a little bit of maiming.. as a treat..
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piplupod · 3 months
really wish she would just hit us. we can block out physical pain, we can block out hunger, we can also block out exhaustion to a certain degree. but the mind games cannot be escaped, unless we are fully dissociating and that cannot happen often enough for this to be bearable, it is not safe, it is not realistic. it cannot be kept up long-term.
the bullshit she is pulling is so fucking dangerous and I want to say Juno's just being a pussy about it but jesus christ even I can see and have to admit how fucked up this all is. it's inescapable. it's not something you can just cope with, not for long, not like this. i can handle a lot of shit but this is pushing past even my limits.
and that makes me wonder, if I can't deal with it, who will be able to? what kind of person would be able to handle this mountain of mind fuckery? that kind of person should not exist, and I can only hope they do not show up one day, or we'll all (the system and body) be so unbelievably fucked.
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
I love RE4 remake, but if there’s one thing I feel that we were absolutely robbed of, it’s the scene when Leon attacks Ada. It had so much potential. They could have really expanded on it. We’ve seen throughout the game that Saddler can command people who are infected with the Plaga without being near them. Imagine if they had included that scene and we could actually see/hear Saddler give Leon the order to attack Ada. We could've seen Leon desperately trying to resist Saddler's control and ultimately losing the fight over his own body. We could’ve seen him trying to warn Ada as she approaches to see what's wrong, knowing that he’s not going to be able to stay in control for much longer. The scene would have also shown us that even if there is some tension between Leon and Ada, they still care about each other. This would be apparent by Leon being desperate not to hurt her, and Ada showing concern for Leon while he’s fighting with the parasite for control. Maybe this could even be when Ada finds out that Leon is infected (I’m not entirely sure if she knows at this point in the game since he never brings it up to her. She only knows that Ashley is infected, I think). The scene would've also worked as a parallel to Ashley attacking Leon earlier in the castle.
I've thought about this quite a bit tbh because I also wanted a violent Leon plaga freakout for various reasons don't kinkshame me, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized it was removed for a reason.
Or, rather, a few reasons.
His plaga freakout in OG never really made much sense, and it definitely wouldn't make sense in the context of remake. In OG, he almost just kind of goes berserk and starts attacking Ada because... ???? The ganados attack people, I guess? But in this version of the lore, Saddler would have had to have given that order directly, and if Leon and Ada are alone in a room together, there's really no way for Saddler to know where she is, because he doesn't have full control over Leon as part of the hivemind yet. So how would he give the order? With Leon and Ashley, it was easier, because her plaga was more advanced than his was, and it's a given that if Ashley's not in the hands of the Los Illuminados, then she's with Leon.
Ada's goals in remake where Leon is concerned seem to have changed. In OG, Ada keeps checking up on Leon because she needs his mission to succeed because her plan the whole time was for him to get the sample by killing Saddler, and then she'd take it from him. So, she was always checking up on him to make sure he'd get to where she needed him to be. In remake, Ada's using him as a distraction. She makes sure that he's always pointed in the right direction so that he can go fuck shit up while she does things in the wake of his chaos -- but she doesn't need him, necessarily. It sounds like she and Wesker have a contingency plan already in place if Leon was to get killed and/or blow it. There's no need for her to be checking in on him in person this time around the way that she does in OG. So, there'd be no reason for her to approach him in order for this scene to happen in the first place. It'd run counter to Ada's character motivation this time around.
Having Leon successfully fight off Saddler's influence undercuts Saddler's power and menace as a villain. Neither Leon or Ashley successfully break away from Saddler's hold on them at any point (it seems like Saddler either lets them go voluntarily or he's reached the limit of what his influence can do with their plagas being as early in development as they are), so for Leon to randomly do that makes the threat less threatening and lowers the stakes significantly.
The scene itself is unnecessary when it comes to conveying that Leon and Ada still have concern for each other. The boat scene does a lot of heavy lifting this time around. Ada is downright warm towards him in the boat scene, and Leon conveys that he very clearly still wants to think the best of her, even if he's wary about doing it.
Their relationship is not meant to be the same in remake as it was in OG. Just. Straight up. Unlike OG, RE4R is very aware that Ada is a significant part of the trauma that Leon's still trying to process from Raccoon City. Leon distrusts Luis up until the moment of Luis's death because of what Ada did to him -- is still doing to him. In OG, that part of Leon does not exist, which is why he trusts Luis instantly in OG. For remake to put in a scene of Leon trying to fight off Saddler's influence in order to not hurt Ada, it really takes away from the efficacy of that part of his character arc, and it's a distraction from all of the ways that Ada's already hurt him. It would show that Leon is still in the same place he's always been in terms of putting everyone before himself, regardless of who they are, when that's not supposed to be who he is anymore in remake.
So. yeah. While I want plaga!Leon, too, (and also maybe wish that Ada still kneed Leon in the balls), that scene was removed for a very good reason, and I'm glad they cut it.
#resident evil 4#leon kennedy#ada wong#meta analysis#also i couldn't tell if this was a thinly veiled aeon ask#but it's probably worth mentioning that we do not respect that ship in this house#i'll acknowledge it for what it is in canon#and that tends to piss off aeon shippers because what it is in canon is unhealthy#and it directly contributes to leon's downward mental health spiral and his drinking problem#like if you didn't have red flags waving and alarm bells blaring in your head during that part in RE6#where he cradles her after she's been shot and manically begs for her to not die#like#jesus christ dudes#get your radars checked#like i always knew that leon's mental health was in a bad way#but even that moment where he admitted he's been suicidal since RE2 was not as alarming to me as that moment there ^#that was the moment where i went#oh no#leon's not fucking okay and needs help holy shit#(not really related to leon/ada at all but the other moment that made me really fuckin scared for his mental health#was in vendetta#where he's sitting there plastered and chris is yelling at him to get his shit together#and leon finally stops being a brat and opens up#and starts talking about how he feels like he's trapped in a loop where he just watches people die over and over and over again#and he says very painfully and very sincerely#'is this what my life's supposed to be?'#holy shit#the way that i did the full lisa simpson lean forward bug eyed mouth agape thing in that moment#fuck dudes#just fuck)
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