#jfc this should be illegal
Watched Sharper last night and i am NOT OK and possibly never will be again
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blmpff · 8 months
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james.spmk igs 17.01.24
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bleaksqueak · 1 year
The fireworks have somehow gotten 20 x worse.
Pretty sure one of our rats sprained her foot from the scare she got from them. Sigh. My own anxiety hates them, and it’s impossible to concentrate on anything.
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drowzyscatterbrain · 1 year
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jamboard scribble went wild fr
everytime i draw this muppet in a different tool, his eyes changes. i’m starting to lose hope for finding that one way to draw him :”)
still reeling the feeling from that dream i had 2 days ago too. it was...very real, but also not, at the same time. 
cuz i can feel it when i touched his face, and i remember a faint scent of apples when i’m close to him...but i can’t see his face clearly. seemed to change when you try to focus, and his ‘skin’ felt like silicone and felt fabric at the same time...
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dreamed-for-not · 2 years
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could you speak more to the point you made about seals in your post about moo deng? i see a lot of videos of seals at aquariums and want to know like, bad things i should be looking out for. thank you for your thoughtful writeups!
Thank you for your question! It's just a pet peeve I've had about people "dog-ifying" seals so they ignore a lot of behaviours that are indications of stress or aggression. And as long as it's memeable the facility's conditions aren't questioned.
Like this:
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That water is absolutely filthy and belly slapping (unless it's a cued behaviour) is a threat display. But these videos seem to still be considered acceptable meme content...
A lot of "funny seal videos" are of unsafe wildlife interactions, like divers allowing seals to chew on their gear or people letting their dogs chase and interact with seals. Because seals appear more dog-like and is cute, they are more "meme-able".
A big example of this is Neil the seal, a juvenile elephant seal demonstrating a disturbing level of habituation towards humans and, as he's grown up, is also showing signs of hormonal aggressive behaviour towards things like traffic cones, in preparation for future fights against other elephant seals for territory.
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Because he's become a meme though, no one is taking his behaviour seriously and people get way too close to him, despite it being illegal to do so. He shows aggression towards to authorities trying to move him off the road and away from danger as well.
Marine mammal experts had to stop sharing his location so people would stop tracking him down to shove a camera in his face for their viral videos
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His aggressive displays are still laughed off as "Neil just being silly and having fun" - but it won't be funny when he's a full grown elephant seal male body slamming cars and fences down. He has been relocated several times and continues to come back because he's been habituated so throughly by the locals.
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That's a threat display. He's not a dog. jfc. This guy was even hosing Neil down with water, which was reinforcing enough that he kept coming back.
Remember who else got lots of memes for being so "iconic"?
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Yeah.... Poor Freya. She just was looking for a place to haul out and rest and people wouldn't leave her alone.
But the reason why I feel this is similar to Moo Deng, is because she's also having stress and threat displays distilled to "haha she's so mad" memes.
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lol it's so funny how mortified she looks..... probably because she's a baby being constantly poked, chased, prodded, picked up, hosed and harassed when she should be hanging out with her mother in peace.
Neil is showing threat displays and aggression, but being ignored and memed into obilivion.
Seals are unfortunately more vulnerable to social media hype, as well as any animal the public deems as cute and "marktable".
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slutforpringles · 6 months
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Jfc this angle, the expression and the pose has got me thinking deep in the gutter thoughts 🥵🥵🥵 honestly should be illegal
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johnwickb1tsch · 7 months
I just watched Siberia for the first time. It was so gooood! But JFC my heart! 😭😭😭 What is it about grouchy Keanu tho? Srsly should be illegal for what it does to my brain... Anyone else like the movie???
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awfuckbuddy · 7 months
should actually be illegal to be this horny at 5:30 pm on a fucking thursday jfc
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pillarsalt · 2 months
Wikipedia anon here, i feel SO embarrassed for misremembering so much about that article. the concept of the cotton cieling and the reminder of the sheer amount of institutions/resources that have been taken over by tims/tras makes me so upset i didn't want to recheck the article again, even though i should have. (it was some time ago i saw the rb of your comic and did my first check, then saw your comic again and remembered about doing so, to clarify. yes i'm an absolute mess i apologize)
i appreciate you so much for not only getting what i was trying (and failing lmao) to explain but also looking into and linking the talk page because JFC!!! so sharing differing opinions for a topic (with cited sources!!) on wikipedia is a no-no, but it's totally fine when you and your friends retroactively decide pro-topic views make you look bad and so you delete the entire article and rewrite the definition of said topic to be about generically "being left out of spaces :.-(" instead of being honest about it being homophobic, rapist rhetoric (which is the reason you're trying to hide it in the first place) hoooooooly SHIT
if genderism ever blows over (with how long it's stuck around for, and with no one being willing to talk about objective/legal concerns like the WPATH files and Maya Forestater, let alone even have a conversation with a GC person, at this point i'm not hopeful...) everyone who contributed to the widescale abuse and trauma of women (especially lesbians), girls, gay men, gnc people, and tip (medicalized or not) could spend the rest of their lives begging for forgiveness and it wouldn't be anywhere near enough. not that i'm expecting them to do that, of course. it's not even blown over yet and we can see from the cotton ceiling article that they'll absolutely try to just gaslight everyone and pretend it never happened (and if it did, it wasn't that bad, and if it was bad it was your fault for not doing your research, etc etc)
ANYWAY i'd rather end on something positive, so thank you again for sharing your wonderful art on here!! seeing there's a talented, feminist female artist who's into pokemon and mlp but hasn't bought into trans ideology is so healing for me. hope you have a lovely day!!! :) :) :)
I wouldn't be embarrassed, I mean the article's not completely empty but it's obviously been stripped down to next to nothing compared to what it used to contain, and half the cited sources aren't really relevant at all. They briefly mention the MTF porn actor who coined the term but failed to mention the scores of other popular MTFs who were vehement proponents of the rhetoric (Riley J Dennis is the first one that comes to mind). And yeah that dude in the discussion page saying he's going to be watching the page and reverting any edits he doesn't like, isn't that very wikipedia illegal? I don't edit wikipedia but I'm fairly certain that camping on an article to make sure your edits aren't edited is not allowed.
It's definitely been a trend with "progressives" to flip the script on anything they've done and can see was wrong in retrospect, claiming "no actually YOU said this, not me." It's a very good reason to keep things documented, and I have huge respect for people who keep the receipts so we can hold people accountable for the harmful bullshit they've spread around. (Speaking of which, I think now is a good time to remind everyone that Eli Erlick is a rapist, another interesting fact that has been unsuccessfully scrubbed from the internet.)
Thanks for your wonderful words as well :) Have a great day too!
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uchidachi · 20 days
I just finished reading a book about the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and (four day) fire and like everything in life, the Army made it worse by A) just showing up without being invited (which is illegal since they're federal troops and have to be asked by the mayor/governor to go into a US city) and instituting Martial Law when they had no right to B) getting so trigger happy to stop "looting"/pressing people into helping when they had no right to issue such orders C) improperly using dynamite to try and create firebreaks which only caused *more* fires/make the existing ones worse and D) telling people to evacuate their houses/business's when those people were clearly trying to save them, making the loss of buildings worse than it should have been. Also the SF Fire Department and the US Navy were goddamn heroes against the fires and stacked odds against them and it's such a crime that there's almost no recognition of how hard they fought the fires/saved the rail yards & shipping piers which were critical in the rebuilding efforts afterwards. (also I saw on a map how close the bay & city is to the San Andreas Fault Line and JFC)
Omg i got all into fighting with Spotify i missed this message! Also I am riveted now and wish to know the name of this book! It actually sounds like the kind of book my dad would really get into (thats a good thing! He has very good taste in non-fiction)
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green-blue-heller · 2 years
I don’t understand people not wanting to give The Winchesters views so they are watching illegally.
Seriously. What?
This is what we have been fighting for and you’re just going to throw it away?
We burned down the network.
We got TW.
This is exactly what you should be giving them the views on so they can see THIS is what we want… more SUPERNATURAL. That we want them to have a better ending.
By watching illegally, or even not at all, especially because you don’t want to give them views, is counterproductive at this point!
Maybe this isn’t the story you want, but if it doesn’t do well, there won’t be ANY more stories in the future. It’ll just die, and there won’t be another resurrection.
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archeracy · 10 months
I'm sorry that you have apparently unresolved psychological issues (you reblogged a post that implies that children committing assault is some kind of ingrained male trait jfc) but having orgasms does not rewire your brain and I think maybe you should consider therapy for whatever it was that drove you to that conclusion instead of seeking refuge with the radfems who are teaching you shit like that
There’s nobody who has *no* psychological issues, but I’d say overall I’m doing okay. I don’t actually have any sexual trauma. Not because I’m special in any way—I’ve just genuinely been lucky thus far.
Radfems didn’t “teach me shit like that.” Grad school professors taught me that. Working professionals taught me that. Doing clinical research taught me that. I wrote my undergrad thesis on the topic, then pursued it further in grad school in a master’s program that was quite focused on that field of study.
I actually went into grad school assuming I’d focus on femicide/women who get murdered (which, spoiler alert, still sours you on men, the overwhelming majority of murderers) but then I did my internship working with sex offenders and realized there was a much greater need for people specializing in that.
I don’t really tell people details about what it’s like to work with sex offenders because honestly? It’s gross as fuck. If you don’t need to know the online slang offenders use to describe their child sexual abuse material, you really should’t have to ever know it. I’m not gonna teach people things they’ll wish they hadn’t learned. Even while maintaining clinical distance and having a good work/life balance, it’s still nauseating.
Regardless, I’ll say this much: more research needs to be done on the impact of pornography, but most of it is showing negative impacts. Especially for young people. Especially for young boys. Adults aren’t immune either (viewing violent porn is unlikely to make someone become violent but does increase the likelihood that they condone violence/victim blame), but kids are really susceptible to the influence of pornography. Americans don’t get good comprehensive sex education. Pornography IS sex education for our youth, and it IS a public health emergency. And yes, the euphoric experience of an orgasm does have the capabilities to condition you.
The reason research is difficult on this topic is that you can’t ethically have a control and experimental group. That would require people to watch illegal and disturbing material (like CSAM/CP) and test how they respond, which is unethical to them AND the victims in the CSAM itself. So obviously we don’t do that. We have to observe people who already did so of their own accord. I have yet to meet a hands-on offender who doesn’t cite their pornography experience as a major factor in their lives. I’ve also looked at their internet history, and you better believe it’s the most vile shit you can imagine. Starts on your average MindGeek porn site, stimulus gets habituated, and they seek out worse and worse material.
Anyway for people who actually want to know more please feel free to message me any time and I can send links to articles and studies. I’m always happy to talk more about my research interests.
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Sooooo. You said I was trying to kill you with Sir Ackles' hands and mouth ? I wasn't, actually. But now I will 😏
Enjoy 😇
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I also have a bunch of pics of his hands if you ever need some 😊
You've succeeded in murdering me, my friend.
JFC!! It should be illegal for him to suck on his fingers, or wipe them across his mouth, or sing into a microphone like that - as though he's seconds away from making out with it! 🥵
And how is it that pics and gifs of him quenching his thirst turns me into the thirstiest bitch ever! 🤤😮‍💨🫠
Brava, my dear, brava.
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favvnsongs · 7 months
jfc being an adult is fucking exhausting. having to make important phone calls without immediate post-call compensation (snacks ;__;) should be illegal
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madam-o · 2 years
Jfc. Talk about the episode that launched a thousand kinky darkfics.
Stop it, Jimmi Simpson! Bad actor! Stop making me horny for a psychotic monster with a soft, soothing voice, shiny, beady little eyes, and absolutely no sense of personal space.
Jeez. He even looks like Jimmi Simpson a little bit.
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And then there's this suspiciously clone-ish one, who made Crosshair turn on his gun's stun setting for the first time in his life.
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So much fic fodder in one ep should be illegal.
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