#jiffy mart
nekomaddie · 11 months
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Jiffy Mart Chronicles 🥤🥤
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boyswanna-be-her · 1 year
Im still really shaky and dehydrated and i wanna go to the store for gatorade or something else sugary & palatable but bfr had to go to an appt and im all alone and dont wanna drive 😭 waah
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someotherdog · 8 months
@thewolfruns / sonny & dottie! / outside bj's minute mart after two am.
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since that night he came across dottie novak in bj's after work, he visited the store every night afterwards. for a whole week, he had been kicking his own ass for not being confident enough to ask for her number. katie briar had killed his self-esteem long ago and kim liu hammered the nails into its coffin not long after. sometimes he hooked up with newcomers, but they rarely turned into anything real and most of the time, their new toy shine faded until he couldn't distinguish them from the rest of boot hill's citizens. he was lonely and never would he readily admit that. so, instead of trying to seek dottie out—boot hill was only so big sometimes—he just hoped she'd have another late night craving for jiffy pop and surge cola.
it had been a week though, and nary a glimpse of her striking blonde hair and catlike eyes. sonny almost convinced himself to give up hope; perhaps dottie had been a newcomer that actually left town (though sonny wasn't consciously aware she couldn't leave, he didn't put much stock into the theory) or had been some ghost out of a sixties movie. perhaps boot hill was keeping her away for him. he promised himself this would be the last night he'd sit outside bj's for hours. dottie hadn't even said she was interested in him and yet he was giving devotion that he used to—and occasionally still did—give to katie. what a pathetic loser i am, he thought, the lovesick macclean. his one last night, and if she didn't stumble upon him, then he was going to stop for good.
and, of course, just when he was going to stop for good, who did he see? sitting on the stoop outside bj's, a svelte figure came out from the shadows. "dottie novak." sonny gave a sidelong smile, as if he hadn't been waiting to see her again for days. stop by bj's minute mart and see the lonely dog that longs for their master to come back! "fancy seein' you here."
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xoagray · 1 year
Photo a day 100-112/365 coffee
You see people all the time talking about how they prepare coffee, usually with hundreds of dollars of equipment. So as a foil to the idea that you have to spend tons of cash to get a good cup of coffee, here's my process to get a good cup of coffee out of my 1950's percolator.
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First, measure your beans! You don't need anything fancy to do this, I used a little glass bowl and a $10 Wal-Mart Mainstays scale. It'll read in grams so it's just fine for this. Just put the bowl on the scale before you turn it on so that it 0's out with it and doesn't count the weight of the bowl when you're measuring your beans.
Getting the right amount of coffee is paramount to getting a good cup. My percolator is a 4 cup, so between 40 to 45 grams makes pretty good coffee in it. As a rule about 10-12 grams per cup if you're using a larger / smaller pot.
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If you want to grind your own like I do, you'll need a grinder. You CAN spend hundreds on one, but honestly as long as it makes a decent grind any grinder will do. This one was about $45 and has worked well for me for years. A burr grinder is going to give you the best results, and the most uniform grinds. But if you have a blade one that's fine too. In this case, I want a coarse grind for the percolator.
If you have one like mine that has the cup measurements on it, don't trust them. These measurements are very seldom correct, and can be inconsistent as well. It's always better to just measure what you need and grind it all on the spot.
It can be a little messy, but I'll tell ya' a secret, just grab a little hand vac and keep it handy. 2 seconds with that will suck up all the grounds that spill in a jiffy!
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This is what a good coarse grind for percolators should look like, grains about the size of say Kosher salt.
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Water up to the 4 cup fill line. If you don't have good tap water, you might want to get a filter or bottled water. It can make a big difference in the taste of your coffee.
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Drop the basket in, the water level should be below the bottom of the basket so that the water can filter down through it, if it's not, pour a little out.
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Ideally, you want to put the coffee in so that it's level all the way around the basket. This isn't perfect, but it's close enough. Make sure to not let any go down the tube when your filling, I like to use a spoon to pour it in, like in the picture below.
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If you want your coffee fast, you're better off with a Keurig, this takes a little time. ;)
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Pop the top of the basket on...
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... then the lid, and we're ready to go.
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Depending on the percolator, you may have a dial like this on the front, but most percolators now a days are just on or off deals without any kind of adjustments. In my case, I have to set the dial and then watch for the light to go off. Usually this takes 8 to 10 minutes.
If you've never heard one of these, and wondered what they sound like, now you know. :)
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And that's it, coffee. :) The whole process takes about 15 minutes and in my case all the equipment costs about $100. It's not a fancy espresso machine with a pretty caramel colored pull, but if you just want a good cup of coffee it's all you need.
You can get a modern percolator for about $50 from makers like Hamelton Beach, Farberware, etc. Grinder was in my case about $45, If you want to go even less expensive, and less prep, you can swap out the percolator with a regular old drip coffee maker and just change the grind from coarse to medium. (about 3/4 the size of the grounds you see in my photo.)
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Oh, and this is the coffee I was using, getting good coffee makes a huge difference in flavor. Most store bought coffee sits around for some time before you get it, that can lead to stale tasting coffee. This is especially likely if you buy preground coffee. This is the part of the whole process that's really worth putting the money out for. On that note, you don't have to buy stuff that's crazy expensive, this is Crazy Fox Coffee's Hoot Owl Blend. Goes for about $30 a pound with shipping.
Anywho, all this isn't to say that the hobby of making craft coffees and going for the expensive gear isn't cool, it definitely is. But if you don't have the cash for a thousand dollar espresso machine and all the assorted trappings to get the most out of it, you can still get a good cup of coffee.
Happy brewing!
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jobkash · 19 days
Guest Service Associate/Cashier - Jiffy Mart
Job Description:About Global PartnersWith nearly 1,600 locations, primarily in the Northeast, Global is one of the largest independent owners, suppliers and operators of gasoline stations and convenience stores. Our convenient stores are comprised of: Alltown, Jiffy Mart, T-Bird, Mr. Mike’s, Alltown Fresh, XtraMart, On the Run and Fast Freddie’s. Global is a publicly traded master limited…
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kratomspoon · 8 months
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This can’t be fucking real LOL. BY THE JIFFY MART 😭
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goblinselfshippr · 3 years
When you hear Arnbjorn talking shit about your boyfriend (✿◉‿◉)🗡 ミ=͟͟͞͞(✿ʘ ᴗʘ)っ🗡
Rip this wouldn't fit in the tags:
I have massive beef with this guy. Astrid come get your dog before I smack him
Stop calling me food names. Ew.
I bought a blue dress from Solitude specifically to be extra af when Cicero arrived and this dude unprompted tells me he HATES the color blue. Mf I am not here to decorate your world, go look at your WIFE.
He walks around barefoot in a musty ass cave. He probably has gangrene in between his toes or some shit.
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mrs-gucci · 3 years
THOT: werewolf!Clyde In Rut (and Jimmy being forced to supervise him)
author’s notes: helloooo! I’m writing a seperate werewolf!Clyde piece and this little thot came to my head, and I just HAD to write a little something for it. 😂
tagging: my werewolf-loving friend, @safarigirlsp​
warnings: werewolf rut. humor. couch humping.
(possible) tw’s: werewolf stuff.
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Jimmy checks out at the Jiffy Mart, basket full of as many packs of chicken, pork, and steak he could fit in the damn thing, heading out to his car in haste. 
Clyde’s ruts are bad, real bad, and Jimmy’s the poor schmuck that lives with him, so he’s got no choice but to look after his younger brother. He doesn’t mind much, usually he just stays in his room with the stereo or TV turned up to block out the aggressive squeaking of the bed or heavy grunting coming from the room across the hall. 
Poor guy hasn’t had a mate in years, that’s part of the reason he’s got such bad ruts, Jimmy thinks. Clyde disagrees, and Jimmy ain’t gonna press the issue with him, since he’s not the werewolf of the family.
He pulls into the driveway a few minutes later, shutting off his truck’s engine, taking a deep breath in preparation for whatever hell he’s about to walk in on. He’s never keen on leaving Clyde alone at the trailer during ruts, even if it’s only to run down for a snack or some waters or something, but he’s got no choice. 
There’s a muffled grunting when he approaches the door and puts the key in the lock, and he’s already preparing to take about five sleeping pills to drain the memory of whatever he’s gonna see next. 
The door creaks as it opens and Jimmy wants to bleach his eyeballs when his brain registers the sight before him. 
Clyde, who’s now a large black wolf-man, has mounted and is now desperately humping the sofa. He growls, grunts and whimpers as his hips move rapidly. 
“GODDAMNIT, CLYDE!” Jimmy yells. dropping the shopping bag at the floor. “HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YA THAT YER NOT ALLOWED TO HUMP THE FURNITURE?!”
His brother halts abruptly, looking over and whining softly, ears drooping. Jimmy crosses his arms, giving the werewolf a stern look.
“Bad wolf. You know better than this.” He scolds, pointing to the door of Clyde’s room. “Git in your room. Now.”
The wolf dismounts the couch in shame, whining the whole way he trots to his room and kicks the door closed with one of his back paws.
Jimmy shakes his head, rubbing his eyes.
“Why can’t anythin’ normal happen in this family?”
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thepoetsnotebooking · 3 years
Laughing at shadows on the wall
that looked like circus animals,
my best friend Ricardo and I
made our way from the living room
into the kitchen in slow motion,
hoping to find something to eat,
but when we opened up the refrigerator,
there was only packets of ketchup
and mustard we'd stolen from the Jiffy Mart,
which we found hilarious,
as we opened them,
and ate them like candy.
Then we started to search for money
in the couch, beneath the bed,
in the pockets of our jackets,
but still nothing,
as we'd spent it all on weed,
which we also found hilarious
as we laughed our way
all the way down to the local Safeway
where we got
some free sausage samples from an old woman
at the back of the store,
who had been sizzling Jimmy Dean's pure pork links.
She was our savior this woman,
with kind face, and sad wrinkles around her eyes,
and it made me even sadder to think she still had
to sling sausage at her age,
when she should be retired at home.
The sausage tasted like the home we missed,
and couldn't go back to
because Ricardo and I were in our early twenties now,
lost in that awkward limbo between boys and men,
where nobody wants you around
because you are no longer cute,
and you haven't built anything for anyone to admire.
Nobody, but this woman at the back of Safeway
who fed us seconds with a smile,
and told us not to tell.
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flavorcountry · 5 years
A whole new Federation fleet
A while ago, I fed an online neural network a bunch of Federation starship classes and got a bunch of extremely excellent new ones. Quite frankly, after Wolf 359 and the Dominion War, I figured Starfleet could really use some new ships to fill out the ranks again, so I went back and gave the neural net some existing starship names. What I got was a list of names sure to make any shipyard proud. See you at the next christening ceremony, officers:
USS Waveaulo USS Wallace USS White Man's USS Ysaen USS Afraid USS Rebel USS Boomstick USS Bulbereeker USS Captain Ginger USS Auzura USS Hotel Doom USS Club Circus USS Platform Melbourne USS Antmiral Prelower USS Billion Bush USS Bubble It USS Blagnum Project USS Beebee USS Beebe Initiative USS Blanket USS Pixel Team USS Santiago USS Wells USS Weswee Experiment USS Whoo USS Wntr USS Today's Art Show USS Only the Super Leaguers USS Shackles USS Bright Skink USS Ashley USS Adopt USS EMC's USS Mr Pritt PA USS Bi-ionsy NZ USS Dragon Simulations USS Anonship USS Ninai the Wooden Skulker USS Ninth Wonder USS Neurodiversity USS Nighthawks USS NASA Robotics Observer USS Sky Orbiter USS Ita Monoprice USS It's a Small World USS Switcheroo USS Sunday Trust USS Mr Soames USS Kylie the Nighthawk USS Spectrum USS globelia steward USS Broadfield USS SBS Click USS VRIU USS Nocturne USS Ariomo USS 5 Days Driving Drive USS Collectiv USS ACR4 Reviews USS Tuesday's Smart Bus USS The Imitation Game USS Games Marketing USS Crash Course USS Camping USS Awesomenauts Casino Resort USS Dyscopus Battle USS Hateraa USS Apollo Mining USS Crash Course USS Comfort Thyself USS By my Vindicator Things USS Tell Them - There's No Such Thing as Business LLC USS Camp Smoke USS E-Mart - There's No Such Thing as Business LLC USS Camelot Tea - There's No Such Thing as Business LLC USS InterForm - There's No Such Thing as Business LLC USS Giro + Sea Life USS Bourbon's Racing Car USS Main Flint USS Changed Wings - There's No Such Thing as Business LP USS Forte St. Pete USS Red Alert (OP HIM HOT ALERT) USS Burbank Stadsons USS TRS 8 Spa USS Basque Rover USS Gillette Brand USS Missörårlind 65 USS Lättgur - Artode Unter Rinke USS Norge USS NODECT USS African Radio USS Trombon Realistic USS 20 Manners Of 440 USS Nouveaux Dupont USS Sierra Science USS Doonemann USS Undestroyable Planet USS Skysurfing USS La Trigger USS From Earth To Mars USS Flight Hymn USS Auriac In London USS D.O.M.G.M dana Kaiju USS Mining Jumper USS Hop Sideboth USS Neo Geo USS Club Rocs USS QVRF Hit Parade USS Green Spain USS Guardian Angels USS A Union of the Universe USS Cabo V Fermi USS 37 Supers USS Fabulous Iowa USS Fanatics ATV empkm USS Eric Fan Bus USS Razorcrop USS Anton Dev Factory USS Fenton USS Bryan Hatters USS Bushelfunk USS Waspsquest USS Black 'n' Brown Frontier USS Rocket Stagger USS Anthraxs and Travels USS Advertising USS Mythbusters USS Time Gap USS Exxon In The Business of Mining USS NOSDER USS Seventh Hour USS Elicia sitcom- The Top Gear Three USS Jiffy Bhongrazhi Nada Jam ♡ USS Chronicles of Capitalistic Dynamics USS Narc Flow USS DW International USS 200B Articles
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taiorathai · 5 years
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เฉลิมฉลองครบรอบ #25ปีแกรมมี่โกลด์ แทนคำขอบคุณแฟนเพลงทุกคนจากใจที่ร่วมเดินทางด้วยกันมาถึง 25 ปี ด้วยเพลงฮิตที่ดีที่สุด คุ้มค่าที่สุด ในอัลบั้ม “แกรมมี่ โกลด์ 25 ปี ชุดที่ 1” มีขายที่ 7-Eleven, Family Mart, Lotus Express, Big C, B2S, Jiffy | Follow me on instagram ▶▶▶ https://ift.tt/2QWjFCA
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wemadeitbyfoot · 6 years
S03E03: Oceania
XXXX Gold and the Lost Boys
English version
Tuesday, 28th of August 2018
Current location: Melbourne
How long does it take for a crocodile to attack you? They are supposed to  be 'lazy' predators and they normally take up to three days of seeing you in the same spot before jumping out of the water and doing the job. However, they go on land every now and then to sunbathe and to get their body on temperature again. And that's when we got to see one; on a safe distance, from a bridge, of course. It is a huge animal, king of the northern waters of Australia. They cross between lakes though the sea, which is the reason why you will not see many people swimming in these beautiful places. Fair enough.
One of the things we liked most of Australia was the huge variety of animals that we got to learn about. Together with our friends, we had the chance to work in an old house in the Daintree Rainforest; the oldest in the whole world. We were asked to clean the inside of the house and to work in the garden. At first, we were a bit scared, since we didn't not know what kind of spiders and other dangerous animals we could encounter. Luckily, only a huntsman spider and small scorpion paid us a visit in our bedroom. Jorge was brave enough to kill the scorpion and he also saved the spider by using a jar —one needs to watch their karma. However, as we put it outside, it disappeared in a jiffy: one of the turkeys sprinted towards it to have a nice supper. Do turkeys watch their karma?
Despite the crocodiles, there were fortunately a few places where we could swim, among which we would like to highlight the Great Barrier Reef and the Blue Hole (only women allowed). Probably the adjective 'unique' falls short for such wonders. The former: universally well-known, filmed, dreamt by many; the latter: hidden, sacred, protected and easy to access at the same time. Under the clearest, cleanest, most magical waters, a world of colours, coral dancing and another incredible turtle; and out of them, a couple of wild whales jumping in and out as if we were in the middle of a documentary. We were not dreaming.
'Is it safe to be in the water if they are coming our way?', I had to shout a bit since our guide was on the boat and I suddenly became worried and had to ask. 'You don't want to be there if they are coming'. We called it a day. And if that was not enough, the following one, we got in a small plane and got to see the reef from up above. Blues, greens, even purples maybe? Maybe we were daydreaming, after all. But reality always knocks the door and it was time to say 'hasta pronto' to our friends, full of experiences and lessons learned. What will it be like when we see each other again, without crocodiles and spiders?
Versión en español
Martes, 28 de agosto de 2018
Ubicación actual: Melbourne
¿Cuándo decide un cocodrilo que es el momento idóneo para atacar? Supuestamente, estos 'perezosos' depredadores, observan los movimientos de su futura presa durante tres días desde el mismo punto antes de salir del agua y convertirla en su almuerzo. No obstante, de vez en cuando, también salen a tomar el sol, para regular su temperatura corporal. Fue en una de esas, en la distancia, desde un puente, por supuesto, cuando pudimos ver uno. Son animales enormes: los reyes de las aguas del norte de Australia. Se mueven de lago en lago a través del mar, razón por la cual no son muchos los que se atreven a bañarse en estas playas increíbles.
Uno de los motivos principales por el que nos encanta Australia es por su fauna. Aprendimos muchísimo sobre la gran variedad de animales que en ella habitan. Además, tuvimos la oportunidad de trabajar en una vieja casa situada en pleno Daintree Rainforest: el bosque selvático más antiguo del mundo. Debíamos limpiar el techo interior y trabajar en el jardín. Al principio, nos dio un poco de miedo, pues no sabíamos qué tipo de arácnidos ni qué otros animales peligrosos nos podían sorprender. Por suerte, solo nos visitaron una araña Huntsman y un pequeño escorpión. Jorge tuvo las agallas necesarias para deshacerse del escorpión y, a la araña, la salvó con la ayuda de un frasco —el karma es importante. Sin embargo, en cuanto quedó libre, un pavo hambriento y espabilado se abalanzó sobre ella y se la comió en milésimas de segundo.
Afortunadamente, por aquella zona, sí pudimos ponernos en remojo en algunos lugares, entre los que destacaríamos la Gran Barrera de Coral y el Blue Hole (solo para mujeres). Probablemente el adjetivo «único» se queda corto para describir tales maravillas. El primero: conocido universalmente, y soñado por muchos; el segundo: escondido, sagrado y de muy fácil acceso al mismo tiempo. Bajo las aguas más claras, limpias y mágicas, nos esperaba un mundo de colores, corales bailarines y otra tortuga increíble. Y en la superficie, un par de ballenas que saltaban incesantes haciéndonos sentir como en un documental.
«¿Es seguro estar en el agua si vienen hacia acá?», inquieta, tuve que levantar la voz un poco para que nuestro guía, que estaba ya en la zodiac. me oyera. «Créeme, no quieres estar ahí si se acercan». Dimos el día por finalizado. Y por si fuera poco, al día siguiente nos metimos en una avioneta y lo vimos todo desde arriba. Azules, verdes, ¿lilas? Quizá se trataba de un sueño, después de todo, porque pronto la realidad llamó a la puerta y tuvimos que despertar y decirnos 'hasta pronto'. Llenos de experiencias y lecciones aprendidas. ¿Cómo será volver a vernos sin arañas ni cocodrilos de los que preocuparnos?
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krapalm · 2 years
คริสต้า กระดาษชำระ ยับยั้งแบคทีเรียได้ถึง 99.99% และสามารถย่อยสลายได้
เหนือกว่ากระดาษทิชชู่แบบม้วนหนาพิเศษกว่า 40% ขั้นกว่าของความนุ่ม ปลอดภัย เพราะผลิตด้วยเยื่อกระดาษบริสุทธิ์ 100% สามารถยับยั้งแบคทีเรียได้ถึง 99.99% ด้วยเทคโนโลยี N9 Pure Silver จากประเทศสวิตเซอร์แลนด์ สามารถหาซื้อได้แล้วที่ Lotus BIG C Foodland Gourmet Market Home Fresh Mart TOPs Market Home Pro Jiffy KRYSTA, กระดาษชำคริสต้า, เคลียร์ทุกสิ่งสกปรกสะอาดทุกสัมผัส, กระดาษชำระยับยั้งแบคทีเรีย,
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spacemartpodcast · 6 years
Due to some unforeseen events, this weeks episode of Space Mart might be coming out a little later than normal! Thank you so much, and we’ll get back to you all in a jiffy! 
See you soon space nerds!  
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