#jikook mysteries
akookminsupporter · 6 days
Something that’s always struck me as amusing and maybe a bit telling is how the other members don’t comment on certain things Jimin and Jungkook do, but they have no problem commenting when other members do the same thing. For example, when they dress alike.
This came to mind again when I saw the clip of Jungkook telling Yoongi they were wearing the same shirt, calling it a ‘couple tee, twins.’ But when Jungkook and Jimin do the same thing, nobody mentions it. This seems to apply to a lot of things, and it makes me wonder why. Why don’t the members joke about them like they do with other pairs? Why don’t they ask questions or make jokes when Jimin and Jungkook are sharing something about just the two of them? And why do they often go quiet, seem a bit uncomfortable, or change the subject/ignore it? Why is that?
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stormblessed95 · 1 month
Does anyone have any questions from the trailers that you hope the show answers?
Me personally, I want to know what happened to make that bathroom so wet in Sapporo? 😂😂
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The matching fits and the water EVERYWHERE in the hotel bathroom with the shower head off. Please God tell me they had some kind of silly goofy water fight and we get to see it 😂😂🤣 Jikook don't look wet at all though lmao so what happened!!
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I'm so sorry about this but something about the hand situation is keeping me up. Do you remember when everyone was convinced it was jimin's hand in taeyang's insta post before vibe?
"I SEE JIMIN's HAND" ?? "I zoomed in to see and that's jimin's hand alright" ??? And I won't mention some big pjm stans but "those are Jimin’s fingers" was a thing here and there
But suddenly now with jungkook's brother it's questionable and unlikely that it's jimin's hand? A photo in black and white taken from a distance is clearer than a close-up photo under a bright light? Nahh I'm fed up. Some people are just optionally blind aren't they. And we've seen that shirt before too :)
The article in the ask:
Hi anon,
Ahh yes. Wow. That seems like ages ago but it wasn't 😭😭😭 I still remember Vibe phase fondly. I wish I could go back. I freakin love that song.
Lol yes! I was on board with that hand situation too.
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That was Jimin's hand.
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Just like this hand is also Jimin's.
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No doubt.
Thanks for sharing!
p.s. Where have you seen that shirt, though? Lol
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floradinterlunium · 1 year
Jikook Unsolved Mysteries Pt. 1
I Know for most the biggest questions are: (1) Why did JK take JM’s tissue? (2) What did he do with said tissue (3) And why did he look so guilty taking it? 
Tell me what normal human being just grabs a tissue, wipes their tears away with it and then chucks it! And not just anywhere, like in front of him. NOO he chucks that sucker behind him towad JK! And then JK grabbed it! ADND JM LOOKED BACK ALMOST LIKE HE KNEW JK WOULD GRAB IT? DID JIMIN THROW AT JK KNOWING HE’D THROW IT IN THE TRASH FOR HIM? LOL
But if that’s the case I don’t think JK understood the assignment. The boy guiltily grabs the tissue and just like holds it. Did he think it was possibly a secret message in it? LOL or does he have like a Jimin shrine LOL
It’s given Helga Pataki vibesl🤣
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heybaetae · 1 month
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jimin riding the struggle bus all over connecticut feat. jungkook sometimes helping and sometimes not helping
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akookminsupporter · 4 months
I still think about this photo. I still wonder what possessed Jimin and Jungkook to pose like that. And I still wonder why, out of the many photos they surely took that day, the staff decided to post that one. I wonder if this was the most… tame of all the photos? Or were they all like this? And finally, I’m still amazed at how fluorescent Hobi’s hair was 😹
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
Hello Stormy,
Before your anon goes off, I wanted to ask what’s the significance of “Laguna”, if there’s any, with Bangtan. If you’ve already posted about this, I’m sorry for bothering you…but I’d appreciate if you could kindly link me. 💜 Thank you.
It’s sort of an old one, but I wondered if you had any insights on this… I’m aware there’s an American interview segment where a female reporter asks what they’ve done or where they’ve visited in the U.S., to which NJ answers a few things/locations mentioning Laguna, then the members react by giggling.
Was the fandom talking about this moment just because Laguna Beach is a safe place for 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ LGBTQ community, or is there more to it? I’ve even eavesdrop fans mentioning a secret Laguna 👨🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻💍 rumor about KM once(!) but I was too shy to join the conversation.
Thank you for taking the time to read my anonymous ask. I hope this weekend is a relaxing and a fun one leading up to Halloween (if you celebrate it) for you and your lovely family. Some of those recent nasty anons’ rude and personal insults to you have been very concerning, and my heart goes out to you as I am a mother of three myself. Sending love, kindness, and all the protective healing thoughts your way.
Hi lovely anon! Thank you for all your kind words. I've spoken a few times before on my opinions of the marriage rumors regarding jikook in terms of toyko and laguna, aka, they make me cringe a bit. Lol and are often incredible illogical, far fetched and rooted in fantasy shipping. The most important being illogical. Lol but those rants would probably be under my masterlist of correcting misinformation. But REGARDLESS. Yes, let's talk Laguna. I do not know why Jikook got all giggly over Laguna. You can watch the clip here
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Full interview here:
There could be a few reasons. I'll give you a few I can think of that, to me, make infinite more sense than they secretly got married. Lol but yes, jkkrs tend to note this moment and Laguna as a jikook place because of this reaction. Their immediate turning to each other and giggling as well as Jin looking between them and smiling. Made it seem like a place of importance to the 2 of them. And jkkrs of course, would make note of Laguna Beach being very LGBTQ friendly.
So to me, the reason they got all giggly could simply be:
1) they are listening to all this English passing by fairly quickly and reacted to a word that they immediately recognized as one that they knew. And jikook, in typical jikook fashion, turned towards each other to share in each other's joy. As they often do.
2) they have spoken about and talked about wanting to plan a vacation there or a trip there together one day. Not to get married, but just to enjoy each other's company together in a beautiful place that is also queer friendly to a queer couple. Even if they would still have to be aware of their fame and not outing themselves, etc. There would be a margin of extra freedom there I'm sure. Even just in seeing more LGBTQ freedom and happiness being openly expressed. Especially because in 2019 when this interview took place, they'd already joked and talked about wanting to take a trip together again and maybe it came up on the "maybe one day we will go here" list. Therefore causing a reaction when it got brought up as a place BTS would like to go to.
3) it caused a fond and happy reaction when it got brought up because it made them remember a fond and happy memory they had together at Laguna Beach. No, not a romantic memory (unless they went back sometime between 2017 and 2019 that we don't know about, which with how much of a popular and populated spot Laguna is, they probably would've been spotted). But rather a fun or silly or just happy memory they shared on the Beach there together when they all went back in 2014. In August 2014, BTS visited Laguna Beach while they were there for KCON. And JK said that out of all the 5 beaches he has been to, Laguna is the best one in his opinion. And Jimin said like 8 times that he is dead serious about really wanting to come back to Laguna one day and how much fun he had. We see all this during Go! BTS when it was released about their trip was filmed
Any of those are probable reasons, or it could be something we couldn't guess at all. Who knows! I love how they share things and the way they look at each other though. It's so cute and sweet. The word clearly meant something, we just might never know what. And I do think this is something the jkkr fandom blows a tad bit out of proportion too. But that's just me!
Bonus SugaKookie from their 2014 visit to Laguna Beach!
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Hope this helps for at least a little bit! Thanks for the ask 💜💜
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do you have completely white bedding at home without any patterns? I don't have one, and I've lived a long time and I've seen a lot. one thing I've never seen to buy in a store: white bedding... and JK has such bedding. like in a hotel is it not? just asking
Hmm this is an interesting thought.
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It is all too hotel like when you put it that way.
To be fair, I do have all white bedding but I have a ton of bedding in different colors too because I'm a bit intense about those things.
I found it odd how he didn't have better curtains to block the sunlight. And how the room is so bare. Which could indicate a hotel or he doesn’t care much for this room. And what kind of headboard is that? Lol
And if we go extreme delulu: if he is in a hotel, he did it from this area because we have never seen his bed and will never see it again.
Edited to add this observation by @wingedbelieverglitter: If this is his real home, wouldn't he know how the ac works?
I can't believe a super simple live caused all this commotion lol Jk what have you done?!
Thanks for sharing!
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seoul-bros · 4 months
Jikook at Gangsikdang Restaurant in Budapest
Jungkook went to Budapest last year to film the MV for Standing Next to You and Jimin went in November for what we suspect was a video shoot but as usual he's an International Man of Mystery and we know nothing for certain yet.
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Must be pretty good food to get the JK seal of approval and for him to perhaps recommend it to Jimin.
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TwiX Link, TwiX Link 2
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akookminsupporter · 9 days
Jimin went snowboarding with Jungkook’s friends… but without Jungkook? What I find interesting is that Jimin said ‘your friends’ instead of ‘my friends’ or ‘our friends’. Or was that a translation error?
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ggukkieisintominnie · 2 months
The choreography. The vocals. The lyrics. The video. The charisma. The SONG.
EVERYTHING IS GIVING PERFECTION 😌 G.O.A.T type shit😫 proving that his truly Park "can't make a bad song" Jimin 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
I love WHO 😌😤 that a jam and I'm gonna stream the hell out of it... so you better do to 🤗
Muse is a 10/10... I guess his Muse (inspiration)is Love because the album centers around that...
So who can that be ? Who holds the Park Jimin's love ?? Who is his MUSE ???
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Is it the person behind the mysterious eyes? And if so who is behind that intense gaze 🤯
🫣 ¿¿ ♡u♡♡k♡o♡ ?? 🫣
Stream ❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️
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Some people are saying they hear JK talking to JM in the background. I don't know what to think. How about you? It does kinda sound like him tbh. But idk
Good morning anon,
My delulu heart is always ready to go to delulu thoughts. Like the last live...I think Jimin was there. But this one...
I'm going to have to go with no. I've listened to this so many times and I try to hear a second voice but I just don't. To me it just doesn't sound like Jimin's voice at all.
I don't find it weird that he would "answer" himself so fast or that he talks to inanimate objects lol
But this is my take on it. I know a lot of people really do hear Jimin's voice. So it's one of those Jikook mysteries...like everything basically lol
Thanks for sharing!
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thoughtsonkm · 20 days
Was just reminded by Twitter that Disney+ japan owns AYS and also had so many advertisements around for it (in subway stations and on buildings in Tokyo etc) so it’s not like Saporro isn’t coming 🤣 but it’s strange they’re not pushing the preview already seen as though the first episode comes out on Thursday - and they’ve been calling it “summer edition” but clearly saporro is winter sooo
I mean there's plenty of days until thursday anyway, I'm sure they're gonna post smth by tomorrow. The delay could also be about conflicting schedules, for example Jin's ep.4 is in two days, Kook's birthday was today, Joon's song drops on friday so there's a lot going on and things they have to promote.
I don't know if there'll be a winter edition poster at this point. It's a little bit late for poster + announcement + teaser, all in a few days. As to why they haven't even shown a teaser of Sapporo at the end of ep.5 is beyond me. Cannot imagine them holding onto anything "insane" so I'm trusting it's a scheduling/editing error, cause it's not like they couldn't at least have shown us the Sapporo clips we've already seen before for example.
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irishhorse-blog · 1 year
We know it wasn't CT because the boats are different so the assumption is that it's korea tae posted on the water too so honestly it's probably taken the day it was posted and the 3 of them were together
We don't know. I think there are probably multiple boats in Korea.
If the three of them were together, that's wonderful. They need to spend more time with friends before they go into the military.
The fact remains that we know very few things for sure. We know: there was a boat. We know that JK doodled on JM's photo. We know that JM posted said doodle. We don't know they were together. We don't know what day all this happened. We don't even know for certain that they're even dating.
Not trying to rain on anybody's parade, but it's just impossible to tell what's going on and who was where with whom. I think that's why Jimin felt safe posting it - it told us that JK is silly and draws silly sharks on pictures of clouds, and that's about it.
Hella cute, though.
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rosethornarchive · 2 years
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🌙21k+ words🌙
🌒Dark Fantasy
🌒Greek Mythology
The fast turning of Jungkook's life hits him harder than he anticipated. His own actions came up so quick that the opportunity to think about what he'd done came and gone. And now, there was no going back for either his or Jimin's actions.
This is where the story truly begins.
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shellbells-things · 2 years
Lord have mercy. The great jacket debate has descended upon us.
Tae posted on Instagram today. I loved it. It was great to see them in a casual setting having some fun. JK was carrying a black jacket. We have NO IDEA who’s jacket it was. Let’s just say THAT right now. People can make guesses (I know I did, wink wink) but that’s strictly up to them. But for the RUINERS (aka the cult/subgroup) to say “it HAS to be Tae’s, it looks like his, it’s the same as what he showed in his solo pics”…..ugh. Seriously? So here. Just for you, red circles and all, are screen grabs for comparison.
Exhibit A: the jacket in Jungkook’s hand is black. (It could be his, Jimin’s, the mailman’s…)
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Exhibit B: the jacket on the floor beside Tae. Most likely his because why would there be a lone jacket sitting in the middle of the floor right beside him….just sayin’ 🤷🏼‍♀️
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Ok, now it’s up to you to use your critical thinking skills to make an educated guess, IF you care to. Or…you could just enjoy the moments that Tae shared with us and move on with your day!
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