#jill and ash birthday bash
The One with the Giant Poking Device
Characters - Dean x Reader Summary - An awkward moment while sharing a bed leads to an interesting morning.
Word Count - 5864
Warnings - Swearing (duh), injury (very slight), smut, oral sex/face riding (female), fingering, unsafe sex (remember irl to wrap it before you tap it)
A\N - This was written for mine and Jill’s Hubba Bubba Birthday writing challenge. Thank you to @sis-tafics for reading through and encouraging me. And a special thank you to @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog for betaing. You ladies are the absolute best!
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Long, calloused fingers grip you tightly, digging into your soft curves as his hands pull you flush against his body. The heat spreads, radiating from him to sink into your bones, flowing through you to settle heavily in your center. The strength in the arms wrapping around you, the firmness of his chest against your full breasts, the gentleness of his hands as they caress you, all of it makes your breath slow, your heart race. You can’t hold back the low whine in your throat when you feel his hardening length pressing against your lower belly. He dips his head to nuzzle into your neck, his warm breath fanning over you. He nudges your head back further, the scruff on his jaw a delicious burn on your skin. Soft sighs catch in your throat as his lips glide over you and you can feel his cock twitch against you in response.
A few rooms down a door slams, the noise slicing through the murky darkness of predawn. It reverberates through your head, trying to pull you from the hottest dream of your life. You resist, fighting to fall back into the pleasure of your subconscious. Jesus, you can still smell him. The combination of gunpowder, leather, and whiskey that always clogs your brain with lust. You swear you can still feel him, too. The long, lean body - created by a lifetime of digging graves, fighting monsters, and running from evil - that you’re always itching to get your hands on in more than just a Nurse Betty kind of way. And his hard cock - which you’ve gotten a quick glimpse of a time or two over the years of sharing motel rooms and, yeah, may or may not have fantasized about more times than is strictly customary for a best friend - rutting against you. His delicious, hard…
Your eyes pop open. What you see makes you gasp in both shock and pleasure. Dean, laying on his side with you wrapped tight in his arms, his face buried in your neck. Your left leg is thrown over his hip and he’s rocking lazily into you. Your sharp intake of breath so close to his ear must pull him from his own dreams because you can feel his muscles tense up as he realizes the situation the two of you are in. Dean slowly raises his head from your neck, his green eyes immediately looking over your shoulder, searching the bed behind you. When they slide over to meet yours, you figure that Sam must still be peacefully sleeping.
“So, uh, Fireball Whiskey.” Dean clears his throat. His voice is low and husky and you can’t tell if it’s from sleep or arousal but you’re damn sure that the throbbing between your legs doesn’t care. “Told ya that shit’s awful.”
“Uh huh. I’d be more likely to believe that if you weren’t so eagerly wishing me good morning.” You whisper back. Smooth, Y/N. Your body may be a traitorous mess of lust attempting to block out all rational thought but your damn brain just can’t ever get on board.
Dean chuckles as he presses a kiss to your forehead before untangling himself and rolling onto his back, “What can I say? It makes me appreciate having a beautiful woman in bed with me.”
“I’ll keep that in mind for later.” You say with a flirty wink. You start to mentally high five yourself for that one - score 1 for me! - when you’re distracted by the way the sheet tents, and that’s a big tent, around Dean’s morning woody as he stretches out sleep-stiff muscles. Muscles that ripple under his tight, worn-thin gray t-shirt. You tear your eyes away as you heave yourself up in bed. Damn. That’s going in the slush fund.
Dean stops mid stretch, arms above his head, eyebrows drawing together as he slowly turns his eyes on you. “What?”
“Hmmm?” You freeze. Fuck. You really didn’t just say that out loud. Did you? “What, what?”
Dean sits up slowly, “The fuck is a ‘slush fund’?”
“Nothing. It’s, nothing.” You laugh nervously, quickly crawling out of bed. You back away from Dean, moving slowly, as if he’s a dangerous animal and you can’t take your eyes off of him for fear of your safety. But your damn brain continues to betray you and your mouth just keeps spitting out words. “Just, ya know? The uh, the rub club. Or the, the jill till, the bean…” You bump into the wall outside the bathroom, the corner jabbing into your back. “Screen.” You wheeze before you scurry into the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind you.
You hear Dean giggling out “jill till” in the other room. When Sam, God help you, sleepily asks what he’s talking about, the adorable giggle turns to a full belly laugh, and no, you are absolutely not seeing that glorious sight in your mind’s eye. You let your head fall back against the door with a thud. Why? Why must he make you go stupid with want?
“Not. Fucking. Fair.” You mumble to yourself. You push yourself off the door, and since there’s no way in Hell you’re going back out there so soon, you slide the shower curtain back and turn the tap on. You strip out of your pajamas, flannel sleep pants and one of Dean’s stolen band tees pooling on the floor, bright pink lace panties landing on top. You let the water heat up as you turn to inspect yourself in the mirror. Your hair looks sexily sleep tumbled, but, you have a crease from the pillowcase marring your right cheek. Figures. You let your eyes continue their downward path and your hands follow along your body as you critique yourself. Your breasts are definitely not as perky as they used to be - maybe you should start wearing a sports bra more often? - but they still look damn good when you wear your lace balconet bra. Your waist and hips, even with all the cardio this life gives you, have a little extra fat hanging around, but that’s thanks to all the greasy diner food you just can’t say no to. And your thighs and ass, well those still fill out your skinny jeans nicely, though you did have to go up a size. As steam begins to swirl around you to fill the room, you let your eyes skim back up and then down again, quickly taking in the full picture. You decide with a shrug of your shoulders - shoulders that are nicely toned, thank you very much - that overall, you are one fine piece of ass.
You hop into the shower, the warm water falling over you. You refuse to ruin a perfectly good shower with thoughts of Dean so you start to sing, belting out the words to the first song that pops into your head. You dance along as you wash your hair, your words gurgling out as you duck under the water to rinse, your worries disappearing down the drain with the suds. When you do a fancy spin to the tune in your head, your feet slip on the slick tub bottom. Your hands shoot out, one sliding down the cold tile wall, one grappling at the dingy shower curtain as your feet come out from under you. You manage to contain the shriek rising in your throat as you topple, your hand yanking the shower curtain off the hooks as you go. You can’t quite hold back the cry when your ass hits then slides you down so you smack your head off the back. Your arm comes down hard on the lip of the tub, then bounces back toward you, bringing the shower curtain, rod and all, tumbling on top of you. You don’t even have time to mentally finish taking stock of your body, ticking off boxes to check for serious injuries, before you hear pounding on the door. Or is that in your head?
“Y/N! You ok?” You hear Dean holler through the door.
You groan in utter frustration. And pain, can’t forget the pain. You move like a fucking dancer when you’re fighting but in normal, everyday life, you’re about as graceful as a newborn deer, tripping over flat surfaces and walking into walls. And Dean just loves to tease you about that fact. This will be fantastic arsenal for him to use for the next, oh, I don’t know, fucking year.
Dean apparently doesn’t take your groan as the answer it was meant to be since you hear the knob turn just seconds before the door starts opening, steam billowing out. “Dean! I’m naked in here!” You have mere seconds to use the shower curtain to cover the important parts before he’s peeking his head around the door.
“Wouldn’t call that naked, princess.” His eyes travel over you, worry clouding the gorgeous green as he checks for any obvious broken bones or gashes that are gushing blood. He steps into the room to reach over, turning off the water that’s still spraying down on you, before crouching down next to the tub. “Though that’s a good look on you. You alright?”
You glare at him, goosebumps breaking out now that the warm water is off and the air is cooling down. You clutch the shower curtain tight to your breasts as you struggle to sit up. “I’m fucking fantastic, Dean. Thanks.”
“You really should be more careful, sweetheart, tubs are dangerous things.” Dean teases as he helps you. One big, warm hand settles on the small of your back, making you shiver from the slide of his fingers on your wet skin.
“That’s funny,” you sass, “coming from the guy that once died in the shower.”
Dean’s laugh rumbles out at that, the sound washing over you, warming you right up again. He watches as you raise one arm up to gently probe at the tender bump at the base of your skull, laughter dying on his lips as he sees the bruise already forming on the underside of your arm, “Jesus, Y/N/N. You must’ve whacked yourself good”
“That’s what she said.” The words are out before you even fully finish the thought.
“Hardy har. I meant this, smartass.” Dean says dryly as he reaches up to poke at the bruise. “It’s already turning black and blue.”
You recoil at the dull pain in your arm when Dean’s finger barely touches you. You slap at his hand, the curtain slipping down your breasts since you’ve loosened your death grip on it. “Then stop poking it, jackass!”
“Yeeeeeah, that’s definitely not something she said.” Dean jokes as he fights the urge to let his eyes follow the curtain as it falls lower. A quick glance down and he’s able to just see the top of the darker pink skin around your nipple.
“A-ha-ha-ha” You laugh back, overly sarcastic. You twist your body so you can get a better look at the back of your arm, letting out a disgusted sigh when you see the ugly discoloration of skin. “I bruise like a fucking peach. It’s ridiculous.”
Dean just hums in response, obviously not listening. Oh, God, you’re not bleeding from your head, are you? You reach up to touch the back of your head again and look over to see why Dean’s so distracted. And…huh, his eyes are quite a bit south of your head. What the hell is he…?
“Dean!” You grab the curtain, pulling it practically up to your chin.
Dean’s eyes snap back up to yours. He just shrugs and gives you a smile that’s a little bit shy but a whole lot of sexy. Is he blushing? You seriously think that Dean Winchester is blushing. You know that you are, you can feel the heat flushing your cheeks. “I”m naked and injured and you’re sneaking a peek? Why don’t you just cop a feel while you’re at it?”
“Hey, if you’re offering.” Dean wiggles his eyebrows at you. When you mutter an “unbelieveable” under your breath, he backtracks. “Oh, come on. It wasn’t even a full Janet Jackson, it was more…nipple adjacent.”
“Nipple adja…Oh, my God, Dean. What are you, twelve?” You’re gawking at him, you know you are, but you don’t know whether you should be offended or laughing.
This time Dean gives you one of his sideways smirks, the one that always makes you instantly wet. “Yeah, twelve inches.”
Yep, now you’re laughing. I mean, you’re guessing he’s probably not real far off the mark, but, seriously? Who says that? If the look on his face is anything to go by, Dean’s the offended one, which just makes you laugh harder. You’re laughing so hard now that you can’t catch your breath and when you let out one very unlady-like snort, Dean rolls is his eyes, moving both hands to the lip of the tub to push off as he stands.
“Wait! Deeaaannn.” You manage while gasping for air, one hand reaching out and grabbing his before he turns away. You’re staring up at him now, and holy fuck, he looks so big and broad from this angle. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bring your pride and joy into-oooo…” you stop your vague motioning at his crotch when you notice the bulge in his sleep pants, right in front of your face. So very close, yet not near close enough. That can’t still be from your rather pleasant wake up call. Which suddenly makes this all very interesting.
Dean clears his throat, shifting his feet as he readjusts himself with a sheepish grin. “Can’t even blame it on the whiskey this time.”
“Uh huh. Ya know, I’ve been working with you for years and I’ve never seen you pack that particular weapon to save the damsel in distress.” You shift around in the tub, struggling to get up while still maintaining a bit of curtain coverage.
“That’s because,” Dean reaches out when you wave a hand at him for help, taking your waving hand in one of his, the other gently gripping an elbow, “they weren’t naked and wet in a tub.”
“I thought you didn’t consider this naked.” You go to motion at your curtain dress as you finally get righted.
But, as this day has decided to fuck you right up the ass, you manage to step on the corner of it, your foot once again slipping, sending you tipping over the edge of the tub. You release the plastic covering you, both hands flying out trying to stop your forward motion, coming to land on Dean’s chest. You feel his hands slide over your skin, thumbs brushing just under your breasts, arms wrapping around you to keep you standing as your face comes to rest on his sternum.
You feel Dean shaking, your face bouncing against him as he tries to not laugh out loud at your multiple misfortunes. “You were saying?”
“Fuck my life.” You slap your hands on Dean’s chest once in frustration before pushing yourself away, his arms slowly falling away. You stand there dejected, arms out, offering yourself up for his viewing pleasure. “Alright, Winchester, seems fate really wants you to get a look so better make it fucking good.”
Dean’s eyes are wide but he keeps them on yours. For all of 10 seconds. As they drop, you swear you can feel the caress of them on your breasts. Your nipples harden from the way the gorgeous green darkens to a color you’d only ever seen before in a sun dappled forest. Your heart races from the heat in his gaze as he drags his eyes further down your body. Dean’s eyes finally settle on your neatly trimmed pussy, licking his lips at the sight, making you bite your own lip to hold back a whimper.
His eyes flash back to your face, pupils blown wide. “Changed my mind, princess, I like this look a whole lot better.”
“Dean.” Ok, wow. That was not the clipped, reprimanding tone you were going for, instead it came out as a breathy whine.
Dean’s watching you, eyes focused on yours, sincerity shining through the want, “Y/N, if you don’t want this to go further than a friend simply helping another friend get safely out of the tub, that’s fine, but I need to know.”
You shake your head quickly, almost furiously, at that. No. That is not what you want.
“But,” Dean’s hand comes up to brush away some wet hair that clung to your face after your adamant no, “if you want this to move into the next room so I can show you just what I was dreaming about, then I need to hear you say it.”
You nod your head, yes, in the name of all the gods and goddesses, please.
“Come on, princess, I need to hear the words.” Dean cups your cheek, fingers tangling in your hair, thumb stroking your cheekbone.
“Yes, Dean.” You whisper, “Please.”
Dean pulls you in, fingers flexing against your neck, cautious of the goose egg at the base of your skull. He touches his lips tentatively to yours, just a sweet whisper. He’s still watching you, looking for any sign that you’ve changed your mind. As if that would happen. You reach out and get a handful of his t-shirt, pulling his lips to yours more firmly. Your lips press and glide against one another, learning the feel of each other, taking great pleasure in the gentle pecks. But desire soon takes over the first kiss uncertainty and you need more.
You go to lift one foot to step out of the tub but Dean surprises you and sweeps you into his arms with a quiet chuckle. “Not taking any chances here, sweetheart.”
You’d punch him, if your heart hadn’t leapt into your throat when he so easily picked you up.
“Dick.” You mutter, your lips finding their way to his jaw. He hasn’t shaved for a day or two and the scruff tickles against your lips, making you throb at the thought of it scratching against the soft skin of your inner thighs.
“Don’t you worry your pretty little head, darlin’” Dean drawls as he carries you to the doorway, “I’ll show you what a real dick is.”
You give a quick nip to his chin for that comment but then a rather disturbing thought sinks in through the haze of lust. “Sam.”
Dean pulls up short at that, “Just how hard did you hit your head that you’re already calling me by the wrong name?” And now he’s looking down at you liked you’d crashed his beloved car.
“What? No, Dean. I don’t want Sam seeing me naked.” You speak slowly, as if he’s the one that hit his head.
“Neither do I. That’s why I sent him packin’ after our joint sex dream.” Dean shrugs casually and saunters out into the main room. “Figured if a better in hadn’t shown itself in two years, it was never gonna.”
Huh. This morning just keeps getting curiouser and curiouser. Dean sits at the foot of your shared bed and settles you across his lap. You arch away from him with a hiss of pain when your sore tailbone comes into contact with his thigh.
Dean is quick to stand you up, relieving the pain, but then he spins you to get a look at your ass. “Jesus, woman. That’s it. No more solo showers for you.”
“Yeah, sure, I’ll just never shower without a buddy around.” You arch and twist, trying to see if your ass is as bruised as your arm. Or your pride.
Dean leans down and presses a tender kiss to your discolored skin. “Guess I’ll just have to make sure I’m around to wash your back.”
“Oh.” You sigh as Dean continues laying gentle kisses up your spine, fingers tickling up your sides. “Well, uh, you wash mine and I’ll wash yours.”
“I don’t like seeing you hurt.” Dean murmurs against your skin.
You’re not used to Dean being so sweet. Not that he’s ever a complete douche to you, just a little more rough around the edges and a little less serious, than Sam. But this, this is definitely something you could get used to. “Dean, you patch me up all the time.”
Dean’s hands slide to your hips, spinning you around to face him, one arm slips under your ass to lift you and his hand behind your knee guides you to straddle him. He pulls you tight against him, his cock trapped beneath his sleep pants and the heat of your bare pussy, your breasts pressed to his chest, the soft fabric of his shirt feeling like heaven on your sensitive nipples. His hand is gliding up and down your thigh, thumb teasing the soft skin pressed against his waist.
“And you’ve just never noticed how pissy I am while doing it?” Dean asks quietly, the words rumbling through his chest and into yours.
“Sure,” You press a little closer, winding your arms around his neck. “But I just figured it was because you’re an ass.”
Dean leans in, letting his lips just brush yours, “As long as I can be your ass.”
You ‘hmmm’ in agreement as you crash your lips to his. The slow, easy kisses aren’t happening this time. Dean runs his tongue along your bottom lip, asking for entrance and you’re only all to happy to grant it, opening to him with a whimper. Your tongues slide against one another, learning the other’s taste, building up the fire. You start rocking your hips without thought, grinding your clit against him. Dean groans into your mouth, his hands gripping you tighter. You can feel your arousal dampening the fabric of his pants, making it tacky against the lips of your pussy.
Dean drags his lips from yours and starts planting wet, open mouthed kisses down your throat, his scruff dragging across your skin in the most delicious way. He laps along your collarbone, working his way to the valley between your breasts. He nips the rise of your left breast, earning a deep whine from you, then soothes the sting with his tongue until you’re begging for more. Dean moves to your nipple, feathering barely there kisses over and around it, teasing you, until you fist a hand in his hair and pull his mouth firmly onto you. He groans, whether from the hair pulling or you taking control you’re not sure but you make a mental note to test that out later.
You arch your back with a sigh when he sucks your nipple into his mouth, teeth grazing the sensitive flesh before he rolls his tongue around it. Dean cups your other breast, his large hand learning the feel of you against his palm, his thumb running over your nipple. He releases the nipple he’s been laving attention to and quickly moves to show the other the same care. You lean back, resting a hand behind you on his thigh, the other still gripping his hair, keeping that glorious mouth of his close to you. Your hips are rolling now, moving you over him with slow, steady pressure. Dean drops both hands back down to your hips, gripping your curves with a deep moan. He follows your rhythm, bucking up into you and pulling you tight against him for a bit before he stills you. You whine at the loss of friction on your tingling clit.
“Princess,” Dean breathes heavily as he kisses his way back up your body, “if you keep grinding against me like that, I’m gonna lose it. And it would be a damn shame if I don’t get to feel that pretty pussy first.”
“Fuck.” You try to buck against him but his hold isn’t budging. And dammit if that doesn’t make you even wetter.
Dean chuckles as his lips collide with yours in a bruising kiss. He takes control this time, biting your bottom lip so that you open to him with a gasp. He kisses you until you’re breathless, dizzy from a lack of oxygen and an overload of lust. Until you’re so immersed in the flavor of him that you don’t notice his hands have moved to your thighs. That is until you feel his thumbs brush over the outer lips your pussy, the nail of one just barely grazing over your clit.
You jump from his touch, a cry bouncing out of your chest. “F-ffffuck!”
“You keep sayin’ that,” Dean teases, thumb resting just above where you need it, “there somethin’ you’re needing baby?”
“Jeeeesus, Dean. Two years of teasing isn’t enough?” You’re whimpering, twitching up into the contact.
Dean just smirks at that, the asshole. Then he snakes his forearms under your thighs, hands on your ass, and as he starts falling back to the bed, somehow manages to lift you so when he’s flat on his back, you’re straddling his face, knee on each side of his head, hands catching you from falling face first into the mattress. You don’t even have time to process the panty melting strength that move took before he’s licking one stripe up your wet pussy with the flat of his tongue. You hang your head with a shaky exhale only to inhale with a gasp at the sight of him under you, fingers wrapped around your thighs, broad shoulders holding your legs spread wide, mouth already glistening from your juices.
Dean’s circling his tongue around your entrance, moans vibrating through the delicate skin. “Taste so good, baby. So fuckin’ sweet.”
You shiver from the heat in his voice, the press of his tongue. You buck your pussy against his lips, earning you a growl from the man beneath you. You worry that he might prefer you to be still but Dean’s hands tug you down, urging you to rock into him. You quickly take the hint and start rolling your hips, a weak cry falling from your lips when Dean pushes his tongue into your pussy. Dean fucks you with his tongue, thrusting as deep as he can get, swirling it around your walls each time he pulls out. His nose is nudging your clit with each thrust in but it’s not giving near enough friction to build up the pressure like you need. You’ve been worked up all morning and fucking ready to come so you reach a hand underneath you, fingers tangling in Dean’s hair, tugging his head back until his lips latch onto your swollen clit.
“O-ohhh God.” You can’t believe that his mouth is actually on your pussy and it feels even better than the millions of times you’ve imagined it.
Dean’s alternating between flicking his tongue over your clit and sucking on it. He doesn’t falter in his steady pace or pressure, just keeps working you higher, his grunts and groans adding surges of pleasure. You feel one hand drop from your hip and stroke up the inside of your thigh, his fingers gliding through the juices that have coated your skin. Dean runs one fingertip up and down your slick entrance, then thrusts slowly up into you. He drags the pad of his finger down the front wall of your pussy, adding a second finger on the next thrust in. Dean works his fingers in and out with the same steady pace his tongue has been using. When he crooks his fingers inside you, the tips rubbing against the soft spot that makes you see stars, you lower with a high pitched whine to brace yourself on your elbows.
You are so blinded by pleasure that you start riding his face, the rhythm of your hips speeding up as your get closer to the edge, your chest heaving, filthy noises falling from your lips with each panted breath. Dean increases the pressure against your g-spot, flattens his tongue to press against your clit, letting you grind into him, encouraging you to chase your release at a flat out run. You feel the coil tighten, tighten, wrapping around itself until its wound so tight that when Dean grazes his teeth over your clit it snaps, sending you reeling. Your head falls to the bed, your cry muffled in the bedspread. Your body is bucking, muscles so tensed they burn. Dean slows his fingers, eases the press of his tongue, works you with such gentle coaxing that it draws your mind-numbing orgasm into small shocks that make your burning muscles twitch.
You have to finally raise your hips, pulling your sensitive clit from Dean’s mouth with a yelp. He slowly removes his fingers from your fluttering pussy, both hands now on your thighs, thumbs easing the tension from the muscles, lips pressing gentle kisses wherever he can reach. You weakly boost yourself back up so your on your hands and knees again when you feel Dean scooting up the bed underneath you until you’re face to face.
Dean smiles up at you, all proud and smug, lips and chin shining with your juices. “Was that worth all the teasing?”
“Fuck.” You huff out with a weak laugh.
“There’s that word again.” Dean wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you down until you’re laying over him, bucking his hips up so you can feel he’s still hard as steel. “Is that a request or a demand?”
You lean down until your lips are hovering over his, “Whichever will get you inside me the fastest.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Dean answers before crashing his lips to yours.
You moan at the taste of yourself on his tongue as he pushes it into your mouth. He kisses you with barely restrained need, all tongue and teeth. Dean’s hands push at your hips, urging you to raise up to your knees so he can work his flannel pajama pants down his thighs. You feel him struggle, kicking his feet to get them off, you laugh against his busy mouth when you hear them thud against the far wall. Your laugh dies on your lips when he brushes his fingers across your entrance, teasing you, working you back up. Dean pushes two fingers into you, scissoring them slightly, easing you open.
“Dammit, Dean.” You whine in impatience. “F-ffuck me, please. Need you.”
“I know, baby, but I don’t wanna hurt you.” Dean says, with the patience of a fucking saint, and that’s something you weren’t expecting either.
Jesus. He really is just fucking perfect, isn’t he? You can’t wait anymore so you sit up, batting his hand away. You wrap your fingers around his cock, stroking up and down the velvety length of him a few times, thumb spreading the pre-come that’s gathered at the tip. Dean throws his head back with a groan, eyes squeezed shut. You brace yourself with one hand on his chest, fingers twisting in the t-shirt neither one of you have taken the time to remove yet, leaning forward slightly to line him up with your entrance. You press down slowly, humming in pleasure when the tip slips inside of you. You work yourself down his length, your arousal easing the way, the stretch making you shake above him. Dean tips his head back down, eyes glazing over, teeth gnawing on his lip as he watches his cock being swallowed by your greedy pussy. You’re panting by the time he’s fully seated inside of you, your thighs coming to rest on his hips. He’s so fucking big. Perfect.
But you want to feel all of him so push at his t-shirt with urgent hands. Dean arches his back so you can get it up to his chest, then sits up halfway so you can pull it over his head. You moan at the sight of all those long, lean muscles flexing under freckled skin. You run your hands up his stomach, watching it tense and release. Really just fucking perfect. You brace both hands on his bare chest, the heat of his skin soaking into your palms. You start moving, raising your hips then sinking back down, setting a slow pace to torture you both. Dean’s hands are all over you, running over every inch of skin, memorizing every curve. His eyes flick between your face, following the path his hands are taking, and watching your slick spread over the base of his cock with each move. Just back and forth, here and there, like he can’t decide what he needs to focus on. You start rolling your hips each time you meet his, grinding your clit against him with a moan and the attempt to focus on any one thing is given up.
“Goddamn, baby. Fucking perfect.” Dean growls, his hands grabbing the globes of your ass, pulling you down harder onto him as he plants his feet on the mattress, thrusting up into you with more force. He brings his thumb to circle your clit. Your head falls back with a cry, the tip of his cock rubbing against your g-spot each time he lifts his hips to meet you. “Shit, so close already, aren’t you princess?”
You’re beyond speaking full sentences, just “Dean” and “please” on a continuous loop. You’ve never been with a man who so quickly finds what drives you crazy, so eagerly takes advantage of what he learns, and so easily brings you to the edge. You fall forward, your mouth showing him the gratitude your words can’t express. You feel your second orgasm setting off sparks in each nerve ending, singeing you with flashes of heat. You’re panting into Dean’s mouth now, unable to even focus on kissing him.
Dean presses his thumb down onto your clit, gritting his teeth to hold off his own release. “Come for me, Y/N. Wanna feel you.”
You feel the heat spread, licking over your skin as you come with a strangled gasp of his name. The flames of your orgasm roar through you with the rage of a forest fire, stealing your air, sending flashes of white behind your closed eyes. The feel of your walls fluttering around him, the sound of you gasping above him, it all sends Dean over the edge right behind you. He turns his face into your neck, thrusting up deep into you and holding you against him, letting go with a groan of soul-deep pleasure. You cling to each other and roll through the aftershocks together; small jolts of residual pleasure, hands caressing sweat slicked skin, harsh breaths, and blissfully blank minds.
“Seriously, guys?” You both raise your heads and look towards the open door at the sound of Sam’s aggravated voice. He’s already turned, his back facing the bed. He sets down a to-go carrier of coffees and a bag of what smells like greasy breakfast food onto the table by the door. “Just, uh, text me when you’re done.”
Dean glances back at you when the door slams shut again, eyebrows raised, eyes wide in mock horror. “Guess Sammy got to see you naked after all.”
“Dick.” You laugh, dipping down to capture his lips again.
@sis-tafics @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog @salvachester @mrswhozeewhatsis @littlegreenplasticsoldier @sleep-silent-angel @demberly @aprofoundbondwithdean @heckyeahjensenackles @luckygrahams @feelmyroarrrr @silver-and-green @demondeansdomme @savingapplepie-eatingthings @wheresthekillswitch @highonpastries @awhiskeywithawinchester @oriona75 @manawhaat  @winchesterenthusiast @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @writingbeautifulmen @but-deans-back-tho @the-mrs-deanwinchester @supernatural-jackles @mamapeterson @rizlow1@misswhizzy @katnharper @kayteonline @wheresthekillswitch @nichelle-my-belle @kittenofdoomage @oriona75 @sammit-janet
If you would like to be added or removed from my tag list, please let me know!
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megansescape · 8 years
This is my incredibly late entry for @sis-tafics and @eyes-of-a-disney-princess challenge. I am so sorry for it being late. My prompt was ”The one where they stayed up all night.” Tags are below the cut. I used the tag list from the SPN Fanfic Pond and @mrswhozeewhatsis lists. If you have been tagged incorrectly, I apologize, please let me know and I will remove you asap. This was beta-d by the amazing @angelsandhuntersgalore and the talented @inmysparetime0, I also had help on a part I got stuck on by the brilliant @maraisabellegrey and the fantastic @teamfreewill-vs-theworld .
Summary: Whilst waiting for a Werewolf to show up, you and Dean get bored and you get curious.
Pairings: Dean X Reader.
Warnings: Crack, Smut-ish, swearing, talk of private parts.
Word count: 1353.
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It had been a long day, the three of you had found yourselves on what appeared to be a Werewolf hunt. You had been working all day to track this thing down but you had only been able to narrow it down to two separate places. Sam had taken the smaller place on the other side of town whilst you and Dean had taken the creepy abandoned warehouse.  It was large enough to need two of you to scope it out and you would be able to cover the two points of entry from one spot in the car. Dean had insisted that you be in the pair with him, you knew he trusted Sam to be safe. You had been hunting for years but Dean still felt the need to protect you, it would be really cute if it wasn’t so darn annoying.
You had been waiting in the Impala with Dean for about three hours now and there had been no sign of the Werewolf. You checked in with Sam every thirty minutes but he had seen no sign of the creature either. The three of you had agreed that you would wait as long as it took but you were really starting to get bored, there wasn’t much to do in the Impala, unfortunately. You had already tried to coerce Dean into a game of I-spy but he wasn’t having it.
You were sat in the Impala’s front seat next to Dean, who was drumming his fingers against the steering wheel. The rhythmic tapping was soothing at first but was quickly get annoying. Every tap against the leather wrapped wheel was like a dull thud inside your skull. THUD THUD THUD
“DEAN QUIT TAPPING YOUR GODDAMN FINGERS AGAINST THAT WHEEL OR SO HELP ME I WILL RIP OFF YOUR FINGERS!!!” You screamed at him, making him jump and quickly drop his hands from the wheel. He turned to face you sharply, a look of shock etched onto his face.
“Sweetheart, you wouldn’t want to rip off these magic fingers. How else would I warm you up for the main show?” He leered at you, wiggling his eyebrows with a cocky smirk on his face.
“I doubt I would need much of a warm-up with you, Dean. A guy as cocky as you could only have one thing: a pencil dick.” You scoffed at him, rolling down the window, letting the breeze flow into cool your overheating face. You had always been attracted to Dean but you had never let it show. Honestly, you knew there was absolutely no chance of a relationship but he would be one hell of a lay.
“Sweetheart, trust me if it’s one thing I don’t have; it’s a pencil dick. I would be more than happy to show you proof, though.” Dean looked so confident that you couldn’t help but wonder what he did have going on in those boxers. Surely it wasn’t as great as he was making it out to be. Whilst it was true that the Winchesters had been blessed in the looks department, there had to be a drawback; the only thing you could think of was a tiny dick.
“Whatever Dean. If you’re so confident, get it out. Right now.” You challenged him, a smirk on your face. You knew he wouldn’t do it, he was just trying to save face, he thought he was God’s gift to women and you were determined to prove him wrong.
“Wait...what?” Dean did a double take, looking at you shocked. “You actually want me to…?”
“Take your cock out...yes.” You nodded at him, a look of indifference on your face.You were internally screaming at yourself, you were unsure of where this confidence had come from but you were kinda loving it.
“I...I don’t think that’s such a good idea. I mean the Werewolf could show up at any minute.” Dean stammered slightly, the confidence slipping from his face.
“Come on Dean, it won’t take long. If the Werewolf comes along then we will deal with it.” He looked at you dubiously, you decided to add in one more thing to sweeten the deal for him. “I’ll show you mine, if you show me yours.”
A large grin spread over Dean’s face, the fear of ridicule became overshadowed by the promise of seeing a naked woman. He quickly undid his belt and undid his pants, pushing them down his muscular thighs. As you looked over you could see his half hard cock bulging against his boxers. He stopped undressing, his pants just above his knees and his boxers still on. You looked at him, wondering why he had stopped, he looked right back at you.
“What? You said that you would show me yours. How do I know you won’t back out?” He asked you with a serious expression etched into his face.
“Well, what do you want to see?” You asked him playfully.
“Tits. Tits. Definitely tits.” He rushed out. You laughed at his enthusiasm and began to take off your jacket and top. You stopped at taking off your bra, looking back at him as he stared at your chest, mouth gaping.
“Tell you what Dean, we both show on the count of three.”
“Okay.” He nodded to you quickly.
“One…” You reached behind you, undoing your bra.”
“Two…” He grasped the waistband of his boxers and lifted his hips, ready to pull them down.
“Three…” “He pulled down his boxers revealing his thick, semi-erect cock. Just as you started to reveal your breasts, movement caught your eye. It was the werewolf! The werewolf was running into the building quickly, as the dim rays of the sunrise began to fill the dark sky.
“Dean, Werewolf!” You motioned over to the door that the werewolf was currently pushing it's way through.
He quickly grabbed his gun with one hand and opened the car door with the other. He stepped out quickly, tripping slightly on his jeans. Grasping the material in one hand, he pulled them up as much as he could before giving chase to the werewolf. You took off after him, only covered by your bra, gun in hand ready to kill this monster quickly. Dean had rushed into the building, you were lagging behind slightly as you took the path round to the back door.  You heard a gunshot just as you entered the door, you ran to it as quickly as you could.
Entering the room, you broke down laughing as you took in the scene. Stood above the dead werewolf was Dean, his pants loose around his knees and his soft cock bouncing softly in time with his heavy breathing. You fought for breath as you dropped your gun, your hands falling to your knees as you bent over. Dean stood there staring at you, one hand on his hip, the other loosely gripping his gun. His stance just made it all the more comical to you. It took you a few minutes to calm down and even then you still had small giggles escaping you.
“I don't know what you’re laughing at.” Dean said playfully. “You're the one with your tits out.”
You looked down and sure enough, your breasts had fallen out of your bra cups, somewhere between running and laughing. The two of you looked at each other and broke down laughing together. You were the last to calm down, watching as Dean covered himself up and quickly did up his belt.
“Right, I’m gonna call Sammy. Get him to clean this up. We have been up all night and we need some rest.” Dean said taking his phone out of his jacket pocket. “You might wanna put those away before he gets here.”
“Why's that? Scared I might damage his sensitive mind.” You asked cheekily.
“Nope, just don't want him seeing what's mine.” He told you with a wink, turning around and lifting his phone to his ear. You started to tuck yourself back into your bra. 
Maybe this wasn't the worse way to stay up all night.
Forever tags:  @inmysparetime0 @mamaredd123 @your-average-distracted-waffle @whywhydoyouwantmetosaymyname @atc74 @babypieandwhiskey @idreamofhazel @chelsea072498
Tags: @aprofoundbondwithdean @manawhaat @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @purgatoan @nichelle-my-belle @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @notnaturalanahi @bkwrm523 @salvachester @roxy-davenport @impala-dreamer @samsgoddess @frenchybell @scorpiongirl1 @for-the-love-of-dean @mysupernaturalfics @spn-fan-girl-173 @deandoesthingstome @jelly-beans-and-gstrings @fiveleaf @deansleather @curliesallovertheplace @waywardjoy @imadeangirl-butimsamcurious @kayteonline @supernatural-jackles @wevegotworktodo @ilovedean-spn2 @jpadjackles @quiddy-writes @wi-deangirl77 @deantbh @supermoonpanda @sinceriouslyamellpadalecki @deanwinchesterforpromqueen @chaos-and-the-calm67 @memariana91 @plaidstiel-wormstache  @chelsea-winchester @fandommaniacx @writingbeautifulmen @revwinchester @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell @castieltrash1 @supernaturalyobessed @ohwritever @ruined-by-destiel @winchester-writes  @maraisabellegrey @deals-with-demons @faith-in-dean @winchestersmolder @bennyyh @clueless-gold @vintagevalentinexx @theficlibrarium @bowtiesandapplepie @itsemmyb @ezauraemmaline @charliesbackbitches @deerlululucy @walkingencyclopediaoffandom @mrsjohnsmith @growleytria @thegleegeneration @samtomydeanwinchester @i-never-said-a-pilot @sis-tafics @meganwinchester1999 @kittenofdoomage @samanddeanwinchester67 @ferferelli @lilyoflothlorien @iridianuniverse @the-morning-star-falls @ackleslaugh @eyes-of-a-disney-princess  @kreborn17 @winchesterfiesta @zanthiasplace @skybinx-blog @beachy2014 @tia58 @faegal04 @jotink78 
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The One with the Girl from Poughkeepsie
Pairing: None - Sam, Dean and Reader- mentions of John Winchester
Word Count: 848
Warnings: Swearing, alcohol use, mild violence, crack fic probably
Author’s Note: Written for @eyes-of-a-disney-princess and @sis-tafics‘s Have a Hubba Bubba Birthday Writing Challenge. My Prompt was “The one with the girl from Poughkeepsie”  As always I hope you enjoy, thank you for reading and feedback is always welcome!
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“So, I have a question,” you said as you snagged a second slice of pizza from a box off the yellow linoleum table and taking a bite before reaching into the green cooler at Sam’s feet. “What’s the deal with the word Poughkeepsie? Where the fuck did that come from?”
Sam and Dean shared a look, the younger Winchester shaking his head before pointing the neck of his bottle towards his brother. “Not my story, dude.”
“Fuck.” Dean’s head lolled forward before he looked back up at you, licking his lips as you sat back down in the middle of your bed, beer in hand. “It’s kinda your story too.”
“Didn’t start that way.”
Dean laughed, “no, it started with dad.”
“It started with your dad? Okay, this is a story I gotta hear.” You sipped at your beer and waited for Dean to start telling his story.
“Back in ‘94 we were in New York, Poughkeepsie, and dad saved this waitress from a ghost in her building. As women sometimes do, she thanked him.”
“He fucked her,” you said nonchalantly.
The Wincester boys wincsted at your words and Dean nodded. “Yeah, dad slept with her and he ended up spending the night. The next morning he said he woke up to her making breakfast in his shirt. No big deal until he told her he had to go and get back to his kids. Woman freaks out, screaming at him for sleeping with her when he was married.”
“Dad never took his ring off. Wasn’t much of a surprise,” Sam interrupted.
You nodded listening intently as Dean continued his story.
“Anyway she starts throwing stuff at our dad, calling him names, and just before he gets out her front door she tosses a hot frying pan full of eggs at him. He had this nasty burn on his back between his shoulder blades but he said he’d never take another girl home from New York again.”
“Okay so your dad found a crazy girl in Poughkeepsie and now you use the word to let each other know you need to cut and run. Makes sense.”
Sam snorted, “oh just wait, it gets better.”
Dean glared at Sam. “Yeah I wouldn’t call it better but a few years later in early ‘01 I was working a small case in Albany. Turned out to be a bust but I stuck around and went to the bar looking for some entertainment for the weekend.”
“I’ve a feeling this is about to get weird.”
“Oh, you have no idea.” Sam laughed and again Dean glared at his brother before telling him off.
“Yeah, so I meet this girl and she’s hot. I mean, legs for days and the best rack I’d seen in awhile. She was easy to talk into getting out of there and she takes me back to her place. I thought cool she doesn’t care if I know where she lives.” He pauses and takes a long pull from his beer, snapping his fingers towards Sam to get him another as he finishes off the one put to his lips. “But it wasn’t she didn’t care it was she wanted to share. Her husband, this huge fucking Samoan guy walks into the bedroom she pulled me into and he’s dressed head to toe in fucking leather. I fucking lose my shit cause I have no idea what's going on.”
Sam starts to laugh openly and Dean snaps at him. “Shut up, Sam! It’s fucking terrifying seeing a  300 pound dude in full leather coming at you while his chick talks about how her daddy wants to play. That I need to be a good boy for him. I was like fuck that shit and I make my move to leave. This guy is standing there blocking the door and he asks where I think I’m going. I told him out of here because I didn’t sign up for this shit and I kid you not the girl starts crying. Full on sobs about how no one likes to play with her and her daddy.”
By this point your mouth was slightly open and you couldn’t believe the story Dean was telling you. “Then what happened?” You muttered.
“I fucking left. I was like damn right I ain’t playing with your daddy and drove my ass out of there. I passed a sign about a mile from her house that said Poughkeepsie and I just fucking knew I’d found another crazy girl from there.”
“You and your dad hooked up with insane women from Poughkeepsie. No wonder you use the word to get away.” You said with a laugh.
“Yeah that’s why and I vowed same as dad. No more New York. No more girls from Poughkeepsie.” He shook his head as he spoke and you giggled. “What’s funny about that?”
“Nothing really, it's just I was born and raised in Poughkeepsie until I was 10. You ride around everyday with a girl from Poughkeepsie.”
“Son of a bitch!” Dean cursed and Sam joined you in peals of laughter.
@feelmyroarrrr @love-me-some-pie21 @skathan-omaha @atc74 @docharleythegeekqueen @deansgirlria @letsdisneythings @mrswhozeewhatsis @purgatoan @nichelle-my-belle @chelsea072498 @highonpastries @growningupgeek @firebreathinngbitchqueen @teamfreewill-imagine @charliebradbury1104 @dorky-and-i-know-it @babypieandwhiskey @therosecolouredpost @meganwinchester1999 @riversong-sam @kayteonline @aingealcethlenn @mogaruke @mamaredd123 @just-a-touch-of-sass-and-fandoms @bitch-jerk-assbutt-xo @just-another-busy-fangirl @holywaterbucketchallenge @lady-of-the-bunker @winchester-smut @adaliamalfoy @narriy @love-kittykat21 @winchesterswantmypie @allinhishands @devilgirlsarah @thetalesofmooseandsquirrel @celahcain @smoothdogsgirl @percussiongirl2017 @faith-in-dean @autopistaaningunaparte @xtina2191 @whenlucasmetmaya @CelticFire21 @sleepywinchester @supernatural-jackles @winchester-writes @deductions-in-time-and-space @avasmommy224 @torn-and-frayed @littlegreenplasticsoldier @moonstar86 @salvachester @waywardjoy  @for-the-love-of-dean @percywinchester27 @fuckyeahfeysand @my-supernatural-dreams @gabavaldman @deans--chevy--baby @rizlow1 @noisilyyoungpuppy @tennesseewhiskey-and-pie @supernaturalyobessed @impalalala @buckysmetallicstump @impalaimagining @mortallymagicalobject @plan3tmadison @justfangstvdto-mia @wwecrazed2010 @righteous-mans-girl @gryffindorable713 @blushingsamgirl @winchesters-princess   @trench-coated-angels @celahcain @wwecrazed2010
221 notes · View notes
Let Them Eat Cake
Relationship: Sam X Daughter, Dean X Niece!Reader
Words: 1,448
Summary: When the Reader proposes a cure for Dean’s boredom, things don’t quite turn out as planned.
Warnings: Major Uncle Dean fluff. Like, so much that it’s disgustingly cute
Tagging: @winchesters-favorite-girl @deathtonormalcy56 @mysaintsasinner @sis-tafics @beholders-chroniclers
A/N: This was written for three different challenges. One was @supernotnaturalcas‘s SPNNC Challenge, and my prompt was “Have you ever actually done anything just for fun? Anything that didn’t involve violence?”. The second challenge was @sis-tafics and @eyes-of-a-disney-princess‘s Have A Hubba Bubba Birthday Challenge, and my prompt for that one was “The One with the Cake”. And finally, the third challenge was @daughters-and-winsisters‘s Writing Competition. (Also this was just really fun to write!) Enjoy!
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Though they were very few and far between, you relished those rare lazy Saturdays you got to spend in the bunker. At home in Kansas, under no pressure to gank a monster and save the unappreciative public, you finally had a chance to relax and unwind. Throughout the hallways, and the war room, and the library, there hung a calm, blessed silence, until…
“God, I'm so bored!”
You cringed. Every time you had a day off from hunting, without fail, your uncle always managed to exhaust his sources of entertainment before the clock even struck noon. To be honest, it was really freaking annoying.
Across the table from you, Sam groaned. “Oh, no, not again.”
“Don't worry, dad,” you told him, putting your book down and pushing back your chair. “I think I have an idea to keep him busy.”
“If you can get him to quit complaining, I'll owe you big time, sweetheart,” he promised, gratitude evident in his voice.
With a playful smile, you draped yourself over his shoulders. “You always owe me, remember, daddy?”
“Of course I do, munchkin,” he said, squeezing your hand.
You gave him a quick peck on the cheek before going off to find your eternally petulant uncle. As you came to the edge of the library, you called out to your dad over your shoulder. “You can make it up to me with those new jeans, pops!”
“Hey! Who you callin’ pops?”
When you finally tracked him down, Dean was sitting in the kitchen on his laptop. From head to toe, the boredom seemed to radiate off of him.
“What's wrong, Uncle Dean?” you asked.
Sighing, he rubbed a hand over his face. “I'm bored out of my damn mind, squirt. There's nothing to do, nothing to hunt. I've cleaned all my guns twice, and I tested every single one down in the shooting range. I organized my room, I washed Baby, hell, I washed every other car in the garage, too!”
Silent for a moment, a thought occurred to you. “Uncle Dean, have you ever actually done anything just for fun? Anything that didn’t involve violence?”
“Of course I have!” Dean exclaimed. “I think washing Baby is fun, and that's not violent.”
“Not really,” you said, scratching the back of your head. “I've seen you wash the cars and when you're bored, you get pretty… aggressive.”
The older Winchester opened his mouth to protest, but nothing came out. For once, he was speechless.
It felt like an accomplishment.
“Huh,” he said. “I guess you're right.”
Smirking, you made your way over to the pantry. “I'm always right, Uncle Dean. However, as much as I would love to talk about how right I am, I have a better way to spend the afternoon.” You rummaged through the food before finally finding what you wanted. Pulling out the cake mix, you turned back to you uncle with a mischievous glint in your eye. “We're gonna make a cake.”
“A what?” Dean asked, dumbfounded.
“A cake. You know, that thing with frosting that you eat with a fork,” you told him sarcastically.
“Yeah, I know what cake is, smartass. Why are we making one?”
“Because,” you explained as you tossed the box near the stove and began pulling out the bowl and mixer. “You're bored and need something to do. Baking a cake is something to do. Besides, it'll be fun! Just you and me in the kitchen, wearing stupid aprons and making a mess. What's not to love?”
Dean sighed in defeat, shaking his head. “Why does it have to be cake?”
One trip to the store later, you and your uncle had all the ingredients set out on the counter, ready to use. In his floral apron and gigantic oven mitts, Dean looked like a Food Network reject, and you knew you had to get a picture at some point because it was perfect blackmail material.
“I think the flowers suit you, Uncle Dean,” you teased.
“Ah, shut up,” he snapped playfully. “Let's just get this over with. What do we do first?”
With the box of cake mix in your hand, you glanced at the directions. “Well, according to this, we need to preheat the oven.” Dean fumbled with the knobs for a minute before finally figuring it out. Smiling in triumph, he looked back at you expectantly. “All right, now we need to get a big bowl and mix all the ingredients together.”
“What's after that?” Dean asked.
“We put the whole thing in a pan and shove it in the oven,” you responded as you grabbed the pan and spatula for later.
Confused, Dean stopped for a second. “Wait, that's it? That's all you have to do?”
“Well, yeah,” you said. “It's boxed cake mix. You really don't have to do all that much.”
“Oh, and you're some kind of cake expert now, squirt?” he chuckled. “When was the last time you actually baked a cake?”
You shrugged. “Not for awhile. Trust me, I'm not an expert, but I've watched enough Food Network to know the difference between boxed cake and one made from scratch.”
“Well, alrighty then, Miss Food Network guru,” Dean said, holding his arms open in an invitation. “Teach me in your cake-y ways.”
Smacking his shoulder with a smile, you glanced at the directions once more. “So it looks like we need to throw the cake powder stuff, water, eggs, and vegetable oil in one giant bowl, mix it together with the beaters, and then pour it in the pan. After that, we toss it in the oven for half an hour and presto! One bona fide, moist chocolate cake, ready to be eaten.”
“Sounds fun,” your uncle said with a grin.
“That’s why I suggested it in the first place, dummy!” you told him. “Now, go grab the eggs, and be careful with them. We can’t lose too many or we’ll have to go back out to the store.”
With the eggs held in his hand behind you, Dean’s mouth drew up in a sly smirk. “So what you’re saying is, I shouldn’t do this?”
You turned around, mouth open to ask what he was talking about, when he cracked an egg over your head and its contents spilled all over your hair. Cold and sticky, the yolk dripped down your face, into your eyes, your mouth, your ears.
“Gross! What the hell, Uncle Dean!” you shouted. “What was that for?”
But, head thrown back, howling with laughter, he didn’t hear you. With vengeance on your mind, you reached into the pantry behind you for a handful of flour and flicked it at him. He jumped back, his face pasty and white like a ghost from the movies.
“Oh, it is on!”
As Dean reached out to grab you, you squealed loudly and twisted away from his hands, racing around to the other side of kitchen. The two of you were in a standoff, one Winchester on either end of the counter. Then, deciding to make a break for it, you bolted for the steps, giggles erupting from your mouth. Just as you were about to reach the doorway, the way to freedom, your uncle’s arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you back, lifting you in the air as you let out a little scream.
You fought valiantly, punching and kicking at him, but alas, it just wasn’t enough. He held you tightly, his grip like iron as he chortled in your ear.
Suddenly, Sam came running in, eyes wild and gun at the ready.
“I heard screaming,” he said, breathless. “What’s going on? I thought you guys were making a cake.”
“She threw flour in my face!” Dean told him.
“Yeah, after somebody cracked an egg over my head!” you protested. Tipping your head down, you showed Sam. “Dad, look! Look what he did!”
With his hand over his face, Sam sighed in exasperation. “Seriously, guys?” He glanced at his gun and tucked it into the waistband of his pants. “Dean, put my daughter down, please. And go clean up, man. You look like Casper the Pasty Ghost.”
Grumbling under his breath about annoying nieces, Dean gently placed your feet back on the ground and let go of you, ruffling your egg-covered hair before trudging out of the room. As you watched him go, you couldn’t help the smile that fought its way onto your face.
“So,” Sam said, throwing his arm over your shoulders and squeezing you against his side. “You think he’s still bored, kiddo?”
“Nah,” you told him as you reached around to hug him. “I think Uncle Dean’s learned his lesson when it comes to boredom.”
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sis-tafics · 8 years
The One After ‘I Do’
Summary: Dean and you say ‘I do’ and get ready for your life together. You never expected ‘until death do us part’ to be so soon.
Characters: Reader, Dean, Sam, Bobby (mentioned)
Pairings: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 5600
Warnings:  Language, multiple POV, light smut, fluff, ANGST (canon typical torture), death
A/N: Thank you guys so much for reading. And a thank you to my lovely beta @bluescluesandtattoos.
This is for mine and @eyes-of-a-disney-princess‘s Birthday Challenge
Tags are at the bottom. If you would like to be put on my Forever Fic Tag List, I’m changing my process because I know I have been forgetful. You can add yourself to my tag list on a Google Doc…LINK HERE
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This is one of the happiest days of your life, standing here in a simple white dress across from Dean. Of course there was the day you met Dean, the day he had asked you to marry him, or maybe it was everyday in between. But you can’t help but smile at his excitement, the giddiness radiating off of him contagious as you say ‘I do’ in what you are pretty sure is the world’s smallest church. But Dean had planned everything, and it was beyond perfect.
You don’t hear anything, don’t see anything but Dean as he pulls you close, kissing you with zero hesitation, no holding back as he pours himself into it, everything he feels about you, how much he loves you. And you give it back, moving your lips against his, after all there are only a few people here, most of whom were victims of your and Dean’s constant PDA, so this was pretty tame in comparison.
You hear a couple whoots, but it's the disgruntled, “get a damn room you two” from Bobby that makes you laugh. Dean chuckles against your lips but pulls you in one more time before breaking away, peppering kisses across your cheeks and nose that make you giggle and turn red. You manage to catch his face between your hands, pressing a kiss to his lips a final time before shoving him away playfully, “You’re such a dork, but I love you.”
“I love you too.” He breaks away, olive eyes shining, crinkles near the edges from his ear to ear smile, “Let’s get the hell out of here sweetheart.”
“Okay.” You smile, beaming as he holds your hand tightly, leading you down the small aisle to go outside. You pass the cheering faces of people you love, friends, fellow hunters.
The Impala is parked outside, Dean had offered to let you paint the back window with ‘Just Married’ but the pained expression on his face when he had said it the other night threw you into a laughing fit, and you had told him no, it was fine the way it is.
Dean opens the door for you, making sure your dress is all the way in before closing the door gently, “Y/N?”
You glance up, finding Dean already halfway through the open window, lips quickly against yours, hand cradling the back of your head. Dean pulls away too quickly, leaving you dizzy, your head spinning as he jogs to the driver’s side, sliding in and starting the engine, pulling away from the curb.
“We could keep driving sweetheart.” Dean jokes, but you know he is partially serious.
“They’d kill us...Think of all that food.”
“They’d still get to eat it.”
“Plus our clothes are still at the house.”
Dean chuckles, “I threw them in the trunk already. I packed your bag this morning.”
You groan, leaning into the seat, looking at your husband, “You’re making this really difficult for me to tell you no.”
Dean smirked, “C’mon, we could stop at the nearest wayside, change and be there by morning.”
“No Dean.” You chide, trying to keep your resolve.
“Fine.” He leans forward and turns the radio up for the remainder of the short drive.
The reception is at Bobby’s place; you, Dean and Sam had spent almost a month cleaning up the house and the yard in between hunts. Yes it would have been easier  to rent somewhere, but it felt right for it to be here, this is where you had met Dean after all.
It had been a hunt years ago, and well, you’d been the thing the monster was after, you were the only one left out of your family. You were freaking out, scared and confused, but Dean had spent hours talking you down, making sure you were okay. Actually, you had thought you would never see him again after it, but Dean had awkwardly asked you out as you had been getting ready to leave. You thought it was going to be one, maybe two dates, a little fling.
Here you were four years later, sitting in the front of the Impala with your husband, the love of your life. You and Dean had your share of ups and downs, hell, you hadn’t been a hunter before meeting him. To be honest, Dean had tried like hell to keep you out of the life for a long time, but you’re the only person more stubborn than him, and you had gotten your way on this one. In reality, it had brought the two of you closer.
Dean pulled into the drive, the simple decorations blowing in the breeze on this sunny day. Dean had taken the long way so there were already people here talking as you gazed out the window. Dean’s warm hand on your thigh bringing your attention back to him, “You want me to sneak you past so you can change back into jeans and chucks?”
“Nah, I guess I can look pretty for one day.” You roll you eyes, motioning at the dress.
Dean chuckles low, scooting across the seat so he can kiss the side of your neck, “I like the jeans and chucks...And anyways, you’re pretty everyday sweetheart.”
You cup his chin, squeezing slightly, looking into the playful green eyes, “And you’re full of shit Winchester...But I love you anyways.”
“Good, you’re stuck with me now.” He kisses you, “And, you can’t use Winchester as an insult anymore there Misses Winchester.”
You roll your eyes again, mocking horror as you shove him away playfully, “Ugh, don’t even remind me.”
“Shut-up.” He laughs, getting out. You scramble out, his strong arm around your waist, making your way towards the one garage that had been cleared out and set up with tables.  
You eat and laugh and dance with everyone; it’s so much fun, you lose track of time. Dean is what brings you back to reality, tugging your hand gently, leaning to whisper in your ear, “You ready to get outta here?”
You nod slowly, knowing that was his nice way of saying that he was ready to go and you were running behind schedule on his plans. Letting him pull you away, you follow him into the house and up the stairs, your road clothes laid out on the bed in the room you two always took: jeans, a hoodie and chucks.
“I thought you had everything packed?”
Dean shucks out of his jacket, “Yeah, but I knew you wouldn’t let me keep driving...Here.” He spins you around, undoing the laces on the back of your dress, loosening them for you, pressing his lips to your bare shoulder, “There ya go.”
You lean back into his touch, turning your head to kiss him, “Thanks.”
“Always willing to take clothes off you sweetheart.”
You shake your head, too exhausted to make up a comeback to that. You both get dressed, sneaking out the back before anyone can stop you to talk as the sun begins to set. Dean revs the engine and you are gone, singing classic rock at the top of your lungs, stealing kisses at stop signs and red lights until you doze off in the passenger's seat.
“C’mon sweetheart.”
“Nuh-uh.” You protest, still mostly asleep. Dean’s warm arms wrap around you, pulling you out of the car and to his chest, “We there?”
“Nah…I need a couple hours of shut eye. We’ll go in the morning when we get up.”
“ ‘kay.” You mumble as he carries you through the door of the motel, setting you gently on the bed. You smile sleepily as you look around, this was as home as it would ever get, a roadside motel, but it was Dean and that made everywhere feel like home.
You lean forward, untying your shoes, kicking them off before shimmying out of your pants and hoodie, crawling under the covers as you watch Dean fold his clothes neatly over the back of a chair. You’re a little more awake than you were a minute ago and you finish stripping your tank, bra and panties as well.
“Boxers off too Dean.”
His expression is momentarily confused, until he looks up and sees you watching him and all your clothes on the ground, “Yes ma’am.”
He drops them down as he’s walking and you don’t know how he doesn’t trip on them or fall on his face, he’s in such a damn hurry. Dean practically dives onto the bed, totally enveloping you with his huge body as you giggle, trying to push him off as he crushes you under his weight.
Dean playfully pokes you in the side, keeping you pinned underneath him, “Sorry, did you want something sweetheart?”
“C-can’t breathe.” You manage to choke out between laughs.
“Can’t hear you baby.” He laughs.
“G’off.” You are able to squirm, shoving your thumbs up under his ribs, making him jump, propping himself on his elbows so his weight isn’t completely on you anymore.
Dean smiles, leaning back down, nuzzling your neck, kissing your shoulder and across your collarbone. He stops, moving back so your noses touch, his forehead resting against yours, “I love you so much.”
You smile, giving him a quick kiss, running your hands over his face, tracing the little lines before threading them through his hair, “I know. I love you too.”
He chuckles low, kissing the tip of your nose, “I can’t believe I finally got you to marry me.”
You stroke his cheek, “Shut-up...I think I said yes pretty fast.”
“You hesitated when I asked.”
“I didn’t think you were serious.” You giggle, he looks offended for a moment, scoffing. You roll your eyes, pulling him down for a kiss, “But I’m glad you were.”
He kisses you deeply, slowly, pressing his lips against yours softly, sliding his tongue over yours, exploring you. He does this every time, takes his time like it’s your two’s first time all over again, and it makes your heart flutter and pound.
You moan his name against his mouth, Dean smiles, still taking his time, lips trailing over your face and down your neck. Your fingers card through his short hair as he places a kiss between your breasts. He tries to keep going, but you tug his hair gently, “Nu-uh…C’mere.”
You guide him back to your mouth, your legs hooking around his hips, pulling him down against you. Your hands drop from his face and he immediately laces his left hand through your right, and as he squeezes, you can feel the pressure from his ring. You glance over, smiling softly as you look at the thick, simple silver band on his finger.
Dean stays still, his warm breath fanning over your face. When your eyes move back to him, he has this little grin on his face, olive eyes watching you with a level of love that makes your heart wrench and flutter in your chest. He presses his fingers through your other hand, mirroring what you had just done, feeling the pressure from your ring, a little silver band that looked just like his.
It’s funny, when you met Dean those years ago, you never would have thought you would be here. Dean could be a total hardass, could go out and face people’s worst nightmares, push your buttons and make you wanna scream. But when it was the end of the day, just the two of you, he was the sweetest, most giving person you had ever met. He just cares so damn much.
“I love you Dean, more than anything.”
He brushes the tip of his nose across yours, giving you eskimo kisses as he rests his forehead against your own, “You’re the best thing that ever happened to me Y/N.”
You scoff.
“I’m serious Y/N.” He kisses your lips, accenting each word, “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
You chase his last kiss, catching him by surprise. He laughs against your lips, pressing you down into the pillows as the kiss gets passionate and sloppy, tongues crashing against one another, barely breathing like you are each other’s lifeline and this is all that matters.  
Dean lets go of your one hand, reaching between the two of you, fingertips trailing lightly over your stomach, down to the juncture of your thighs. He parts the lips of your pussy as you let out a moan, rolling your hips against him, body looking for some type of friction.
Dean buries his face in the crook of your neck, kissing and mumbling against the skin as he runs his fingers over your clit, across your entrance lightly, barely touching you, leaving you wanting more, “Please Dean.”
“Mhmm.” He mutters, nipping at your sensitive skin, making you gasp, your free hand gripping his shoulder. The head of his cock rubs through your folds as he rocks his hips, covering himself in your slick as your head falls back, his name a plea on your lips.
When he pushes into you, it’s agonizingly slow, his cock stretching you, filling you in the way only he could; giving you butterflies in your stomach and an inexplicable high that that was only Dean Winchester. As he bottoms out, you bite you lip, eyes closing as you revel in that moment, that feeling. And every little whimper you let out, you can feel his cock twitch and jerk within you.
“Let me see those pretty eyes gorgeous.” Dean mumbles and your eyes flutter open, taking in him; the freckles, the little bit of scuff, the crinkles around the corners his eyes, the laugh lines by his mouth.
Dean shifts, pulling you up with him so you are wrapped around him, straddling him, legs hooked around his back, and you don’t know how it is possible but you feel closer to him than you were before, and it’s hard to tell where you end and he begins.
You’re the first to start moving, just a slight, slow grinding of your hips, barely moving his cock in and out of you, but enough to make your nerves feel like they are on fire. Dean grunts low, matching your movements, finding a leisurely pace that burns through you both, leaving you both a panting mess, searching for sloppy kisses and clinging to each other for support.
You’re so caught up in him, that when he changes the angle of his hips slightly, making his cock drag across your sweet spot, your orgasm takes you by surprise. You come with a sharp gasp as the the warmth spreads through you, your pussy clenching around Dean, pulling him into his own orgasm. You hold onto each other, not saying a word but knowing all the same as your bodies convulse and tremble, that you both are right for each other, made for each other, that there is something right here between you that’s going to make everything worth it.
Dean wraps a strong arm around your waist, lifting you off him gently before cradling you in his embrace. He pulls you under the covers with him as the fog in your brain starts to clear, your body still shaking, fingers barely working as you run them over his cheek, down his neck, coming to rest on his broad chest over his pounding heart.
He wraps his hand over yours as he rolls to his back, pulling you so you lay halfway over him. You turn, leaving lazy kisses over his collarbone before your eyes start to close on their own, the exhaustion from the last day settling in while he plays with your hair.
You’re dreaming, dreaming happy dreams of you and Dean. But something starts to wake you up, Dean calling in the distance.
“Y/N!” He bellows, and you’re confused because seconds before you were cuddling together but now he sounds so far away.
Tossed across the room you are woken up, head spinning, blood rushing so fast it makes you dizzy. Hitting the wall, you crumple, not sure what the hell is happening. All you can hear over the ringing in your ears is Dean’s voice, “Run Y/N...Dammit! Run!”
But you don’t, already disoriented as hands wrap around your throat. You fight hard, Dean’s trained you after all, how to protect yourself, but it’s too late, blindly trying to stop your attacker, running out of air too quickly.
“Dean!” You choke out.
Dean watches helpless, yelling for you as he is punched in the face over and over, you see it and you want so bad to help him. He tries to fight back, throwing kicks and punches, but he’s too worried, too worried about getting to you, getting the bastard whose hands are choking you out off of you. He hollers as you feel yourself turn blue, his own blood dripping into his eyes, clouding his vision before the men holding him hits him over the head with a lamp and you drift into unconsciousness, vision fading to black.
Water dripping into a puddle, that’s what drags you to consciousness. Everything hurts so much, arms numb, fingers tingling.
You jump awake,taking in a gasping breath. Fighting against whatever is holding you, keeping your hands above your head.
“Hey, hey, hey...sweetheart.” Dean’s voice rings, “C’mon sweetheart, focus on me.”
Your eyes search wildly, looking for him. Your arms are chained above your head, shoulders burning from your unconscious weight being supported by them. It’s a big open space, maybe a warehouse, the entire place damp, dead bodies piled in a corner, some mutilated ones hanging how you are and you aren’t sure if they are dead or alive. You might be a hunter, but you had never gotten used to the gore,  “Oh god, Dean.”
“Look at me baby.”
You find him, chained maybe ten feet from you, his arms above his head, leaning forward, green eyes focused on you, “Dean, wha-.” You can barely remember anything, your wedding, the night with Dean. And then it slowly starts coming to you. The man’s hands around your throat, the guys attacking Dean.
“Oh g-god, Dean.” You begin to cry, panicking, starting to hyperventilate. You’d been held hostage before, but Dean had always been out there, you always knew he was coming to get you.
“Hey sweetheart...I’m right here, alright? I’m gonna get us out of this, okay? You and me. Just like always.” He sounds so sincere, so sure and you want to believe him, but you know that voice, it is the one he uses on the people you guys save, the ones where you find them close to death and he is trying to calm them down.
A door creaks, metal clanking and behind you and you feel like you're drowning, the fear overtaking you.
“Just keep looking at me sweetheart. Okay? Just keep looking at me.” Dean says low, you nod quickly, head bouncing as you bite your bottom lip to control the tears.
“Well, well, well, awake now, are we? I was getting a little bored with your boy toy here.” A female voice coos, heels clicking against the stone as she steps beside you. For the first time you look away from Dean’s eyes and realize the t-shirt he had on is soaked with blood, torn and cut. His jaw is swollen and bruised.
A hand grabs your shoulder, spinning you to face her. She’s short, petite, a dark brunette whose hazel eyes flash onyx, the smile on her face sickening.
“Get your hands off her you fucking bitch.” Dean snarls as her fingers trail over your sweat and tear stained cheeks.
She grips your cheeks harshly, nails biting into the skin, “We’re going to have a lot of fun Y/N.”
“What do you want?” You manage to whisper.
She giggles, high pitched, letting go of you, turning to a table behind her where stuff clatters and clinks as she goes through it, “Nothing that I don’t already have. See I got you.”She turns back to you, a wicked grin on her face and a small blade in her hand.
“Why?” You pull at the cuffs, hoping you could keep her talking, shove off the inevitable.
“Because old Dean-o over here took something from me, now I’m going to take something from him...Slowly.” She steps forward, grabbing a handful of your hair, ripping your head back, pressing the tip of the blade  to the underside of your jaw, looking over at Dean, “You ready for this big boy?”
“Leave her the fuck alone!” He shouts, the chains clattering, his feet scuffling over the cement floor, “You fucking bitch, leave her alone!”
You can feel the sharp edge press through your skin, the searing pain spreading through your face as she carves up to the corner of your eye. The blood leaks out, warm over your cold skin as you try not to scream, “That’s cute, trying to be brave for him, but you’re gonna die Y/N, screaming and begging for your life.” She reels back, punching you in the gut, the air rushing out of your lungs.
The demon alternates between the blade and her fist, and it feels like hours, but you can’t be sure, you no longer have any concept of time. There’s blood everywhere, getting in your eyes seeping into your mouth, mixing with the blood already there from when she slugged you in the face and you bit your tongue.
The knife passes through you in places that won’t kill you immediately, she is going for shock and awe, the pain it is causing you, not the kill as she picks away at your skin. Your brain slowly gets more and more foggy, you can’t focus, numbness slowly overtaking your extremities.
The pain slowly becomes too much, tunnel vision starting, body trying to blackout, but you can’t let it, focusing on Dean’s voice, how he talks to you, then yells at the demon.
Dean. All you can think about is Dean.
You’re so weak, body trembling, when she stabs you in the leg. Unable to support your own weight anymore you lurch forward, sore, bloodied arms protesting as you dangle there. There is no relief, no way to escape the pain.
The chains spin slowly as you hang there, until Dean comes back in your line of vision again. His face is twisted, heart wrenchingly so, “Y/N? Stay with me baby, stay with me.”
“Dean?” You gurgle, choking out his name.
“I’m right here sweetheart. It’s gonna be fine.”
“D-Dean, I-”
“Take it easy sweetheart.”
“I’m f-fine, don’t worry about me Dean.” You gotta stay strong, you gotta stay strong so he doesn’t worry, doesn’t blame himself.
Dean’s POV:
The demon laughs maniacally, I wanna rip her goddamn throat out with my bare hands. She pulls Y/N’s head back, making her look into her eyes as they flash back, “You won’t be for long.”
“I’m going to kill you bitch!” I snarl, fighting against these goddamn handcuffs.
“Not before I kill her,” She giggles, this happy sound that makes my stomach churn, “What do you think Y/N? I think we can still have some fun first.” She reaches up, Y/N fighting slightly, squirming, still trying to get away when the demon grabs her fingers, pulling Y/N’s finger back, the one with her wedding ring on it, slowly, making it obvious what she's going to do, “You ready for this Dean?”
“Stop! Fucking stop. Stop...Do it to me instead.”
“No.” She snaps it back, the sound of bones breaking filling the space before Y/N’s scream pierces it. The demon does it again and again, waiting fo Y/N to stop screaming before she breaks the next one. I don’t even know what I’m yelling anymore, how I’m going to fucking kill her, how I’m going to torture her, how I’m going to stab every single black eyed bitch I ever find until I get my hands on her.
“Ma’am?” Another man pokes his head through the door, stopping her in her tracks.
“What?” She snarls at him.
“You have a call.”
“Dammit.” She tosses the knife back on the table, grabbing Y/N’s chin, “You stay right here, I will be right back.”
As soon as the door closes behind her, I can hear Y/N’s wheezy breaths, the gurgling in her throat, “Y/N, baby, hey… look at me sweeheart.”
Her head bounces a little bit, groaning, I don’t think she has the strength to, “C’mon, stay with me baby.”
“I’m-I’m fine D-Dean.” She coughs, somehow lifting her head. Her one eye is swollen shut, the cut from the corner of it that runs down her jaw oozing blood.
“Listen, Sam’s going to come get us. You’re going to be okay.” I’m lying and if she was half there she would know it. Sam wasn’t expecting to hear from us for a week or so. No one was coming, but she just nods, head slumping back down.
Her hair is mangled, stained with blood, some of it is starting to dry. She coughs, choking, spitting blood on the floor. She is totally supported by her arms now, ankles at a weird angle, knees bent, “Hey, look at me, talk to me sweetheart.”
“Let me see those pretty eyes gorgeous. C’mon.” I beg her, trying to keep my voice even for her.
“I can’t.” She sounds so tired and far away.
“Please Y/N.”
She rolls her neck, leaning against her arm, every breath moving her entire body.
I force a smile, “There you go.”
“Dean.” Her eyes close again, head lulling back, “I-I can’t feel my legs...Or m’ arms.” She mumbles.
“That’s alright Y/N. You just gotta stay awake, okay sweetheart? Okay?” I try to hide it, how damn scared I am because she looks like hell, can’t focus, can barely talk.
“Mhmm.” She mumbles.
I gotta keep her here, gotta keep her talking, “Hey you remember that hunt we went on two years ago, the one with the windigo?”
She half smiles, letting out something that sounds like a pained laugh, “Y-you were shitting your pants.”
“I was not.”
“Y’were.” Her eye kinda opens, mouth moving, but it takes a couple tries for words to get out, “You were su-ch a-...you wouldn’t let me be bait.”
“And you kept fucking bugging me and bugging me.” I have to blink a couple times, keeps back the tears, coughing a little bit, “I didn’t want to let you...And then you went out there, and kicked fucking ass. And I-all I could think of was you were the craziest, stupidest, most badass chick ever.”
“ ‘cause I am.” She leans back, smiling a little, tears sliding down her cheek as she buries her face in her arm.
“Damn right you are. And you are going to be alright.”
She doesn’t talk for awhile, I just listen, make sure she’s still breathing. Every once in awhile she moans and whimpers a little when her body trembles. Her hands try to grip and move, I can see her try, but every damn finger is at an angle that makes me want to throw up.
“Yeah sweetheart. I’m right here.”
“I...l-love you.” Her voice tapers off, eyes staring in my general direction, but they’re unfocused.
“Don’t you fucking do that!” I yell, “You’re not saying goodbye. You’re not gonna give up.”
“No!” my yells are bouncing off the stone, echoing, my gut twisted in knots as I fight against the chains, “No! You keep talking to me sweetheart. Keep those eyes open, okay?”
“M’so cold.” She murmurs, blinking slowly, body heaving with each struggling breath.
“I know baby…” I try like hell to calm myself down, keep myself together for her, “But you gotta stay with me just a little longer, alright?”
“ ‘kay. I-I’ll try.”
God no, she keeps slumping forward, her breaths not coming for longer spans. Her head rolls forward, chin against her chest, “Sweetheart?”
Nothing, “Y/N? Baby?”
Nothing. “Answer me please. Y/N? Y/N! Fuck, Y/N!” And I’m begging her, begging her to answer me again, one more time. Just one more fucking time, “Please Y/N. No. Answer me dammit!” And I’m crying and shouting, “C’mon sweetheart, talk to me.”
I don’t even notice that demon bitch come back in until she is right beside Y/N, clucking her tongue, “Damn shame, I had some more planned for her.”
“Get away from her you fucking bitch. I’m gonna-”
“You’re gonna what Dean? Kill me?” She laughs, grabbing Y/N’s chin, holding her face up to look at it with a disappointed expression, “Such a waste. She’s such a pretty girl. I’d have liked to take a joyride in this meatsuit.”
“Don’t you fucking dare.” I snarl, feeling my left shoulder dislocate, hearing the snap as it does when I rush forward.
She giggles, “Don’t worry, suit is damaged goods. I don’t think it would be worth the fix.”
“When I get out of this…”
“Empty threats there Dean-o. You’re free to go, I’m all done here.” She smirks, winking, “See ya.”
And I blink, she’s gone, the handcuffs clink and my arms fall free. All I can see is Y/N, her body still dangling there as I fall to my knees,  “Y/N?”
I stumble forward, my legs not wanting to work, falling to the hard, wet floor, “Baby?” I keep pushing myself forward, trying to ignore the burning in my fucking shoulder. Making myself get up, I push her hair sticking in the blood away from her face, “Y/N? Please.”
My eyes burn, I cup her chin gently, “No Y/N, please, n-no.” I search wildly, seeing a set of keys lying on the table with all the knives covered in red. I snatch them, turning them in the handcuffs until her body falls free, weight slumping into my arm.
I slide down to the floor, cradling her against my chest, brushing her hair away again, tucking it behind her ears. I can barely recognize her face, but it’s Y/N, my Y/N, fuck. I feel like I’m going to be sick, like I’m falling apart, like someone is stabbing me in the gut only a million times worse. Like someone is bare hand ripping my heart from my chest., “Please, you can’t leave me. We’re just getting started. I need you, please Y/N.” I can barely recognize my own voice as I press my forehead against hers, sobs making my whole body wrack, rocking her back and forth in my arms.
She’s stiff and cold against me and I press my lips against her cheek, “I’m sorry baby. I love you...I’m so sorry.” I crumble to my side, still holding her in my arms as I lay there on the concrete, having no will to move. She was gone, I let this happen, fuck, why?
We’re there for forever, she almost looks like she's sleeping beside me, and god I wish she was. I wish she was warm and soft and laughing with me. But she is bloody and bruised, cold and gone.
There is something poking me in the leg, between me and the ground, it takes me a long time to care. But eventually, I scoot, digging in my pocket. It’s my phone. That damn bitch left my phone in my pocket. I dial the only number I have left.
It rings and he answers, laughing, “I didn’t expect to hear from you, I figured you and Y/N would still be holed up somewhere going at it.”
“Sammy.” I choke out.
“Whoa Dean...Hey man, what’s wrong?”
“She…” I close my eyes, “Y/N’s gone.”
“She...Sammy, a demon killed her. She’s gone. She’s gone.” I don’t even realize I’m repeating myself over and over, rocking, pulling her lifeless body back into my arms, dropping the phone. I don’t realize it, don’t think about it until hours and hours later. When Sam tries to pull her out of my arms and I’m still mumbling to her, “No.”
“Dean.” I look up and Sam’s face is tear stained as he pulls her away from me, “I’m so sorry.”
“I’m gonna get her back Sam, I gotta get her back.”
forever tags:
@shadowandsoul * @percywinchester27 * @deandoesthingstome * @luckynumbrnelly * @fayemenelmir * @love-me-some-pie21 *  @deangirl96 * @cici0507 * @nichelle-my-belle * @salvachester * @1967-wayward-angel * @arikas5744 * @thing-you-do-with-that-thing  * @ocaptain-mycaptainmorgan  * @sherlock44 * @sleepywinchester * @thinkwritexpress  * @idreamofhazel * @crapythings * @frenchybell * @deanscherrypie * @im-the-nerdiest-of-them-a11 * @holywaterbucketchallenge * @kduran04  * @ashiewesker  * @mrswhozeewhatsis * @manawhaat * @aprofoundbondwithdean * @appleschloss * @britney8793 * @sdavid09 * @mrsjohnsmith * @tiffanycaruso * @winchesterprincessbride * @winchesterenthusiast * @poemwriter98 * @mysteriouslyme81 * @faith-in-dean * @the-mrs-deanwinchester * @jxackles * @daydreamingintheimpala * @bloodysideofhell * @gryffindorable713 * @feelmyroarrrr * @supernaturaltookover * @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog  * @vintagevalentinexx * @mysupernaturalfics * @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid * @i-never-said-a-pilot * @oriona75 * @fandommaniacx* @latinenglishfandomblog * * @jcqln-fhr * @fabulouslyboredeveryday * @supermoonpanda * @nnoxygen * @thetalesofmooseandsquirrel * @itsemmyb * @charliesbackbitches * @deascheck * @ho-ne-y * @lobveemo25 * @theplaidshirtmadness * @winchestersnco * @kmfinn21 * @sammysbadluck * @moonstonemystyk * @nocsa * @what-if-i-want-to-be-a-unicorn * @ackleholic96 * @darkx143 * 
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wvnchxstxr · 8 years
The One With The Proposal
Title: The One With The Proposal
Author @wvnchxstxr
Prompt Write a one shot (or in this case, a drabble) using the title of a Friends episode for inspiration for @eyes-of-a-disney-princess and @sis-tafics birthday bash
Word Count: 638
Characters: Dean x Cas, Sam, mentions Gabriel and implies Sabriel
Warnings: FLUFF, seriously there’s an unhealthy amount of fluff in this, it is pure fluffiness, okay but an actual warning is the profanity (there’s a tiny bit)
A/N: I had a lot of fun with this challenge! Did I mention there’s fluff? Also, it’s written in Dean’s POV because why not?
I could tell Cas was up to something the minute I walked in the kitchen this morning. My little brother Sammy and Castiel were sitting at the table, whispering and huddled so close together.
“Good morning, guys”
Cas jumps up and immediately shoves his hands in his pockets. Sam chuckled softly and pats him on the shoulder. “You got this, Cas,” Sam said before winking at me and walking out.
I shake my head at my brother, shrugging it off. “You okay there, Cassy? You look a little nervous.” I walk against him and head to the fridge, only to find it empty. “Son of a bitch, Hey, babe. I’m gonna go on a supply run later. Do you wanna come with? Maybe a date night?” I turn around to look at Castiel for a response to find him down on one knee holding out a gold ring. “Castiel, babe,  what are you doing?” I can’t help the smile growing across my face.
“Dean Winchester, I love you very much. And, I think we’ve come to the point in our relationship where we could take the next step. We have been through a lot together and I know I’ve made a lot of mistakes in the past. I understand if you’re not ready or you can’t overlook those mistakes. But, um, will you, er- m-maybe, marry me? You can say no, I-I’ll understand if you think I’m being too forward and sh-”
I cut him off with a kiss. A slow one too. One that says the answer to his question for me. I take the ring gently from his hand and somehow manage to put it on my finger. I pull his relaxing body closer to mine, our lips never separating. He wraps his arms around my neck, slowly reaching up to play with the ends of my hair. I smile and pull back gently. “Of course I’ll marry you, Cassy. I love you so much. You mean everything to me.”
He looks up at me. “I love you too, Dean.”
Sam walks back in. “See, Cas? I told you you had nothing to worry about.” He claps Castiel on the back and walks over to the fridge. “Damn it, Dean. Did you eat everything in here?”
“Cas and I were gonna go on a supply run later. Calm down. I’m gonna go get dressed real quick and then we’ll go.”
“Don’t worry about it. I’ll get Gabe to go with me. Why don’t you two lovebirds just sit and cuddle or something?”
“Oh, shut up, Sam. We don’t cuddle.” Sam raises an eyebrow. “Okay, this doesn’t count.” I sigh, “Just go kiss Gabriel or something.”
“Gladly.” Sam laughs and walks out.
I sigh again and turn to Cas. “So? What do you want to do now?”
“Can we go cuddle and watch Netflix or something? Maybe have a date night like you said?”
I smile widely and kiss his nose. “Of course, babe.” I pick him up and he lays his head on my shoulder. “What do you wanna watch?”
“Can we watch one of those cooking shows? I like those a lot.”
I roll my eyes slightly. “Sure, Cassy. Whatever you want.” I carry him up the stairs and to our room. I open the door and walk through before closing it behind me. I set Castiel on the bed and set up the tv.
Cas crawls under the covers and laughs.
“What’s so funny?” I ask him.
“I always thought you’d be the one with the proposal. But, it looks like I beat you to it.” He beams at me.
I smile and crawl in next to him, wrapping my arms around his waist. I place a kiss behind his ear, earning another big smile from him. “Yeah, I guess you did.”
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The One with the Race Car Bed
Title:  The One with the Race Car Bed
Summary:  Dean and Donna have to stay in a motel with themed rooms. Their room isn’t quite what they expected.
Author:  Dean’s Dirty Little Secret
Characters:  Dean Winchester x Donna Hanscum
Word Count:  954
Warnings:  light smut, language,
Author’s Notes:  Written for @sis-tafics and @eyes-of-a-disney-princess Have a Hubba Bubba Birthday Challenge. My prompt was The One with the Race Car Bed.
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The only motel in town with a vacancy was on the outskirts of town, The Take Me Back Motel. Their big draw? Themed rooms. He couldn’t help but laugh as he made his way back to the Impala, the key on its themed key ring clutched in his hands.
Donna, of course, wanted to know what was so funny as soon as he climbed back in the car, her eyebrows raised inquisitively.
“Why are you smirking?” she asked.
“You’ll see,” he chuckled as he drove the car around the back of the motel, parking in front of room thirteen. Every door was painted a different color - red, green, blue, yellow, pink. The door to their room was a crazy shade of purple, the number thirteen hand painted in bright red with orange and yellow flames coming off of it.
“What is this?” Donna said as she climbed from the car, hefting her bag onto her shoulder and slamming Baby’s door. She looked at Dean across the roof.
“All of the rooms have a theme,” he replied, gesturing to her to follow him, twirling the key on his index finger. “I guess the door colors match the themes? Come on, let’s take a look at what we’ve got.”
“Do you know what we’ve got?” Donna asked, immediately suspicious, thanks to the grin he couldn’t keep off of his face. She hurried to catch up with him.
“Maybe,” he shrugged, pausing after slipping the key in the lock just long enough to press a kiss to her lips. “But, it’s all they’ve got, gorgeous.” He pushed open the door, stepping aside so Donna could go in ahead of him.
“You have got to be kidding me,” she laughed. She tossed her bag on the floor and glanced at Dean over her shoulder before crossing the room, kicking off her shoes, and dropping to the bed. The race car bed.
It was red, with blue blankets, larger than a normal kid-sized race car bed would be, obviously meant for an adult, though it wasn’t a lot bigger than a bed made for a kid, maybe full-sized instead of one of those tiny twin-sized ones.  
She stretched out, her head hanging over the end, her feet on the pillows, her hands flopped out to the side. She giggled, that breathy giggle of hers that made Dean’s hands itch to touch her.
“How are we supposed to sleep in this?” she grinned, her brown eyes sparkling.
Dean crossed the room in two long strides, shrugging out of his jacket and flannel as he came to a stop at the end of the bed, looking down at Donna. Her blonde hair was spread out beneath her, the v-neck shirt she was wearing pulled down in the front, giving him a glimpse of her cleavage, making his cock jump with interest. He took a deep breath and put his hands on his hips, one side of his mouth tipping up in a smirk as he looked down at her laying across the bed.
He put his knee on the edge of the bed, next to her head and leaned over her, one hand on either side of her shoulders, his lips hovering over hers, so close their breath was mingling. “Who said anything about sleeping?” he murmured. He tipped his head, his lips skimming hers.
Donna wrapped her hand around the back of his head, her mouth opening to accept his kiss, sighing as Dean’s tongue slipped into her mouth. He slid his hand down her side and over her stomach, pulling up the edge of her shirt, his fingers slipping past the waistband of her jeans, tickling the soft skin.
She giggled, her head twisting, her chin coming up and smacking Dean in the nose. “Ouch,” he grumbled, rubbing his nose, which just made Donna giggle harder.
Dean couldn’t help but laugh, after all, it was a little awkward, hovering over her, kissing her upside down. But at the same time, it was also freaking hot, especially her little giggle. God, he loved it when she laughed. He could listen to it for the rest of his life.
He pulled the hem of her shirt up higher and cupped her breast, his thumb circling the nipple over the top of her shirt. Donna’s back arched, inviting him to press a kiss to her now bare stomach while he popped open the top button of her jeans. She wrapped her hand around his bicep, moaning, her nails digging into his arm. He slid the zipper down and pulled the shirt higher, moving to her side, his lips still on her perfect white skin, his fingers slipping beneath her simple, white cotton underwear, his half-hard cock straining against the denim.
Donna shifted, her leg hitting the side of the bed hard enough that it must have hurt, because she mumbled in irritation and tried to push him away, a blush coloring her cheeks. “Stop it, Dean,” she protested. “It’s a kid’s bed!”
Dean sat up, chuckling under his breath. “Alright, gorgeous.” He slid his hand under her head, pulling her mouth to his, a deep kiss that made her toes visibly curl. “Maybe, I’ll sleep on the floor. Or out in the Impala. Baby loves me.” He made to stand up, but Donna reached out and grabbed his hand.
“Get your ass back in this bed,” she ordered.
“Yeah?” he smirked.
“I guess we could take it for a test drive,” she shrugged, winking.
Dean burst out laughing, his head thrown back, his shoulders shaking. He stripped his clothes off, tossing them into a pile on the floor. He climbed onto the bed beside Donna.
“Scoot over, sweetheart, I’m drivin’,” he grinned.
Tagging:  @mamapeterson @aprofoundbondwithdean @sweetmisseddreams2002 @catsandteacozies @katnharper @ultimatecin73 @thebunkerismyhome @deathswaywardson @chrisatplay @geekylibrarian24 @jessica-bones-winchester @winchesterswoonathon @for-the-love-of-dean @tonifish @nichelle-my-belle @torn-and-frayed @ksgeekgirl @missandmrsgalxy @prettyboydean @tia58 @nerdyplantbasednurse @madamelibrarian @icantthinkofaname-oops @bringmesomepie56 @waywardjoy @iwriteshortstuff @piratedaydreams @that1seniorchick @starswirlblitz @pizzarollpatrol @lazairahel @hidingfrommychildren @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @district12-erudite @castiel-angelofthelord @misswhizzy @deansdirtywhore @wonderless-screwup @downworlder--impala @superbluhoo2 @deanwinchestermybae @deandoesthingstome @jencharlan @feelmyroarrrr @okay-okay18 @spnbrennafae @rattyretro-blog-blog @ladyroche @climbthatmooselikeatree @rizlow1 @smoothdogsgirl @mischief-maker1 @winchesterprincessbride @just-a-touch-of-sass-and-fandoms @sckslife @youwerelikeadream @i-dream-of-dean @oriona75 @writingbeautifulmen @meeshw777 @mrswhozeewhatsis @gemini75eeyore @vote-for-pedro @tom-is-in-my-tardis @percywinchester27 @atc74 @chelseafartnoise @missbeccamay
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feels-andmorefeels · 8 years
The One Based Off ‘The One With the Nap Partners’
On a Saturday, Castiel, Jody and Charlie meet at a cafe for brunch; it is Castiel's idea. “Charlie. Jody. I brought you two here for a reason.” At Castiel's words, Jody and Charlie perk up making sure to pay close attention as he clasps his hands together. “I want to discuss which of you will be my maid of honor.” Jody smiles with excitement as she glances at Charlie, who grins and states, “I hope it’s you.” Jody beams at Charlie’s words. “I hope that it is me too.” Charlie rolls her eyes in response to Jody’s reply before focusing her attention on Castiel once more. “I love both of you very much and I have come to a decision..” The girls lean in with anticipation as Castiel continues, “the decision that I don’t have to decide. The two women look at him in disbelief. “What?” Charlie spits out. “I’m not deciding. The two of you will do that for me, but I have come up with a system to make things a little easier.” Charlie and Jody nod in response, waiting for Castiel to elaborate. “Let’s say, hypothetically that Charlie is my maid of honor.” Charlie grins with the clap of her hands, “Oh my god!” She cuts Castiel off, “Yes!” Jody rolls her eyes at Charlie before speaking, “Hypothetically Charlie.” “Still.” Charlie states as Castiel clears his throat, getting the attention of the two back on him. “Anyway, if Charlie were my maid of honor, I would be Jody’s and Jody, you would be Charlie’s.” “That is actually a good idea, we would each get to be a maid of honor.” Jody says with a nod. “So Castiel how do you feel about marrying the one and only Dean Winchester?” Castiel smiles warmly at Charlie’s question before answering. “It feels wonderful, like it is meant to-” Castiel is cut of by a woman. “You’re getting married to Dean Winchester?” Cass turns to the voice with the tilt of his head. “Uh..yes I am.” He answers wearily. The woman scoffs out, “Good luck.” Then saunters off with an arrogance in her step.
As the credits begin rolling Gabriel looks between Sam and Dean, “Ready for round two?” he asks as he begins to pull out the second film- the sequel to Lethal Weapons. Dean grabs the film from Gabriel’s hand, looks it over then rolls his eyes. “Gabe this is just a second copy of the first movie.” Gabriel offers a small frown as he takes the movie from Dean, seeing that Dean is right, he shrugs. “I’m down to watch it again.” Gabriel states as he looks to Sam and as if on que both the men shout, “Lethal Weapons!” On not hearing Dean say, Sam and Gabriel turn to look at him. “Dude, you didn’t say Lethal Weapons.” Sam accuses to which Dean nods in response. “Yeah because Im not going to watch the first film again.” Dean adds while he stands up from the couch. “I’ll catch you guys later.” He quickly leaves the apartment. Sam and Gabriel exchange a look. WIth a shrug they both whoop out, “Lethal Weapons.”
Jody is sitting in her prefered booth at the local coffee shop they tend to visit often. She gently sips on her peppermint mocha latte reading a book of ancient egypt lore. She barely notices when Charlie sits across from her, the movement would have gone undetected if the girl didn’t have bright red hair. Jody looks up from her book with the sip of a coffee. “Hey. Jody I’ve been thinking for a bit and I have a question.” Charlie baits. “Go for it.” Jody responds with a nod then a sip of her coffee. Charlie smiles slightly then asks, “Would you like to be my maid of honor ? I think you would do such a good job at it.” Jody smiles warmly while shutting her book, focusing her full attention on Charlie, “That means you would be Castiel’s maid of honor.” Charlie nods slowly with a small sigh as she had hoped Jody would have just said yes and not caught onto what Charlie was doing. “For a professional hacker you aren’t real good at being sneaky.” Charlie lets out a frustrated huff. “Okay Okay fine. You caught me, I just..I really want to be Castiel’s maid of honor.” “Well so do I.” Jody interrupts. Charlie frowns before she continues “But you have been a maid of honor before and I haven’t!” Charlie pouts. Jody sighs and nods slightly. “Okay. Fine but only because you haven’t done it before.” Charlie jumps up from her seat, running the short distance to Jody and hugging.   “Thank you so much! Oh man this is exciting.” Jody smiles at Charlie, “You’ll be a great maid of honor.” Charlie ends the hug skipping out of the shop.
Gabriel found himself waking up slowly with a yawn while admiring how amazing that nap had been and just how warm and cozy he is; he didn’t bother to check where the warmth is coming from, not until he feels it move beneath him. As he looks down, it finally clicks what is happening, he is cuddling. This wouldn’t normally startle him but it did, only because of the person it was with. Sam. Beneath him, or more accurately around him. As their eyes meet the panic in both of them build and they jump up and apart trying to get as much space between each other as possible. Sam stammers over his words as he cries out, “We don’t talk about this. We never bring it up. Ever!” Gabriel quickly nods in agreement. “This never happened. It never will happen!” Gabriel adds to Sam’s demands. Sam heads to do the door as he finalizes, “Not a word!” Once Sam leaves, Gabriel flops onto the couch, letting out a sigh of relief and disappointment; that really was the best nap he had ever had and goddamn he would not actually mind doing it again.
Dean is flipping through one of the many wedding magazines that they own when Castiel walks in the apartment, “The weirdest thing just happened.” Dean glances up from the magazine to his fiance. “Yeah?” he asked urging Castiel to explain as he looks back down at the magazine noting that a yellow or purple would be a good accent for the wedding, it would highlight the both of their eyes. “Yeah. I was at brunch with Charlie and Jody when this girl confronted me about getting married to you.” Castiel walks to the couch sitting down as Dean closes the magazine and puts it down, making eye contact with Cass. “What’d she say?” Dean asks with a raise of his eyebrow. “Good luck” Castiel responds. Dean offers a small smile. “That’s sweet.” Dean offers. Castiel shakes his head, “No. Dean. She didn’t say it in the kind sense of good luck. She said it with this scoff like it was aiming to tell me that our relationship wouldn’t work out.” He finishes with a sigh. Dean’s eyebrows pull together in confusion, a few moments later Dean’s face smoothens out in realization. “Wait, What did she look like ?” Castiel hums softly at Dean’s question as he thinks, “Long, Dark brown hair, brown eyes. Attractive.” “I think that might have been Lisa.” Dean mutters as he stands going to one of the shelves. He pulls out a small photo book before going and sitting next to Cass but this time a little closer. Dean licks his lips as Castiel’s scent wafts over him. He clears his throat trying to gain some composure as he flips open the book. He skims a couple pages then he points at a picture of a girl, “Was that her ?” “Yeah that’s her.” Castiel answers. “Yeah. We met at cheer camp and went out for a couple of summers.” Dean explains. “Well why did you two break up?” Castiel explores curiously. Dean’s eyes avert to the ground as he debates whether or not to actually tell Castiel the reason. Castiel nudges Dean to encourage him to answer the question. “Well She got..faa awh ah ah..” Dean cuts himself off as he realizes that Castiel could be very offended seeing as Cass had struggled with weight before. Castiel raises an eyebrow. “Were you about to say because she was fat ?” Dean sighs and looks up at Castiel. “Yes okay yes. I broke up with her because she was fat.” Castiel scoffs while shaking his gently. “You are ridiculous.” “I was sixteen! I was dumb.” Dean defends. Castiel laughs almost in a bitter way, “Clearly. You do realize that damages people's self-esteem.” Dean sighs, “Yeah I know. But I’ve changed.” Dean states. Castiel shakes his head and leans in kissing Dean’s cheek. “I swear to god if you end this relationship because I get fat, I will kick your ass.” Castiel whispers softly. Dean laughs and nods. “Message has been received loud and clear.”
Charlie and Jody sit on the couch in Gabriel’s apartment in anticipation to tell the man. They had broke in, to be able to surprize Gabriel and then give him the big news of who is maid of honor. As Gabriel walks in he gasps in slight fear, “Jesus fucking Christ...You guys scared the hell out of me.” He sighs walking over to the fridge and pulling out a beer. “What are you two doing here ?” Charlie stands up with a smile, “I’m going to be Castiel’s maid of honor!” She claps her hands in joy as she speaks. “That’s awesome.” Gabriel smiles, then takes a sip of his beer, “ Hope it doesn’t go as bad as the last time you did it. Remember, the girl downstairs.” He lets out a chuckle. Charlie’s eyes are now wide as Jody jumps up off the couch with a small frown. “You’ve been maid of honor ?!” She asks accusingly. Charlie sighs defeatedly with a small nod. Jody shakes her head tisking in disapproval while pulling out a coin, “I can’t believe you Charlie! It’s decided, we are going to flip a coin.” Charlie pouts, “But the coins hate me! They never let me win. So it isn’t a fair game.” Jody rolls her eyes. “We are flipping the coin and that is final. As Jody goes to flip it Gabriel steps forward. “Why don’t we just do an audition interview thing.” He offers. Jody and Charlie focus their attention on him. “What do you mean ?” Charlie asks trying to get an explanation out of Gabriel. “Well, I will come up with some scenarios and you guys will just respond to them and they will be judged.” He adds. “Will be the judges ?” Jody asks. “Sam and I will judge. I’ll go get him and we’ll meet back here in an hour?” Both of the girls nod in response as they retake their spots on the couch.
Gabriel quickly makes it to Sam’s apartment, he knocks a couple times and Sam answers right away. Gabe smiles slightly, “Sam I need to say something to you.” Sam steps aside to let Gabriel into his house. Sam always hated conversations that started this way because it ninety nine percent of the time it means that it was going downhill. “Go for it.” Sam responds as he closes the door. Gabriel swallows nervously before he spits out, “That was the best nap I have ever had and I am not afraid to admit it!” “I have no clue what you are talking about Gabriel.” Sam states accusingly, after all they did agree that it had never happened. Gabriel huffs out in frustration. “Don’t fuck around Sam. You know that was the best nap you have ever taken, admit it.” Gabirel locks eyes with Sam. Sam blushes then sighs with a nod, “Okay! Fine yes! It was the best nap I have ever taken.” “I knew it!” Gabriel shouts in success. Sam blushes lightly as he shrugs, “Shut up.” They share a look and laugh slightly with a tint of awkward. “You know..I’m feeling kind of tired now.” Sam adds. Gabriel licks his lips, drawing Sam’s eyes to follow the movement. Gabriel then lets out an over dramatic yawn. “I am as well. Bed or couch ?” Gabe asks. “Couch.” Sam walks the few steps to the couch and lays down, Gabriel climbing on with him. Once they are settled, they close their eyes and quickly fall asleep.
Castiel knocks on the bathroom door a couple times, “Dean I figured it all out!” Dean lets out a small groan just wanting to enjoy his bath in peace. “I'm kinda busy Cass.” Dean responds. “You’re my Andy!” Castiel continues. “I am severely confused as to how I am Andy and Cass I am busy.” Dean almost complains. Castiel opens the door and quickly walks to the tub, sitting on the edge. “Andy wouldn't go out with me because I was fat. And that hurt. Dean...you have to apologize to Lisa.” Dean groans at Castiel's idea. “That is just...it is a bad idea. I'm sure she doesn't even want to hear from me.” He mutters. “It will make her feel better Dean. She needs the closure, plus it will be good for you to practice making amends.” Castiel smiles warmly. Dean shifts under the bubbles in the bath and sighs. “Fine but only because I love you.” Dean leans up a little and kisses Castiel softly. “I love you too Dean.” Cass breathes out when they pull away.
Gabriel and Sam walk into Gabe’s apartment around 3:30 pm. Charlie and Jody are mindlessly chatting and when they hear Gabe and Sam, they jump up and offer smiles. “Looks like we’ve got work to do.” Sam states with a grin. “We’ll be giving you two multiple scenarios of what could happen at the wedding. We’ll score each of your reactions. It’ll be a one to ten rate scale.” Gabriel nods and adds, “one for the best, ten for the worst.” Sam shakes his head “No...Gabe ten is the best and one is the worst.” Sam corrects. “But don't they want to be number one ?” Gabriel retaliates with the lift of an eyebrow. Sam shakes his head as he chuckles. “That's not how it works. Ten being the best because it is greater than one.” A look of realization spreads across Gabe’s face. “Right, I know that.” Gabriel clears his throats softly, “Alright. Jody, you are up first.” She nods, steps forward and clears her throats in anticipation. “Okay, situation number one. It is a few minutes before Cassie has to walk down the aisle when he gets cold feet, what do you say to him ?” Jody takes a deep breath as she quickly preps her answer, “I would tell him, ‘getting cold feet is perfectly normal. Getting married can be scary as hell but remember that you love Dean and that he loves you.” Sam and Gabriel exchange a glance with a slight nod before they scribble down the score. Sam looks up saying, “Charlie..” she steps forward slightly. “Right as Castiel goes to say I do one of his drunk uncles begins shouting, what do you do ?” Charlie grins, “I’d tackle that bitch.” Gabriel lets out a laugh. “You think you could tackle a man ?” Gabriel asks, Sam sucks in a sharp breath as if showing his automatic regret for Gabe. Charlie lifts an eyebrow with a nod the jogs a little before tackling Gabe. “You bet your sweet ass I can!” He groans and pushes Charlie off him. “Okay okay. I see that now.” Gabriel states while standing up. The group all let out a small laugh as the two boys take their places again and write down the score. Gabriel grins with a wickedness behind it, “Jody. You catch Cassie and Sam napping together the day before the wedding.” Gabe pulls at Sam's arm as he lays on the ground, “Here, we’ll demonstrate for your reaction.” He curls close to Sam causing the girls to show a slight confused expression. As Gabriel gets closer, Sam jumps up protesting, “No. nonononono. Nope.” Sam looks between Charlie and Jody before explaining, “ That round doesn't count for anything.” He licks his lips almost nervously as he reads the next prompt. “Give your maid of honor speech.” Gabriel is now standing as he declares, “Jody. You first.” Jody nods taking another small step forward, “I first met Castiel when he was a freshman in high school. He was Dean’s tutor while Dean was recovering from the accident and I remember Castiel would come over every single day putting one hundred percent effort into helping Dean, not with just school but with everyday life. Castiel would come over early and stay late to help me around the house and with taking care of Dean. Through those times, we bonded. He would confuse in me with his struggles, his successes and everything that was going on in his life. Through the years, I have seen Castiel change people's lives, he's changed my life in every positive way and I am forever grateful for that. But most importantly I saw and still see him impacting Dean’s life in a similar manner. He only gives love to that man, he gives to him unlike any other person and for that, Castiel, I would like to that you for taking care of Dean and showing him the meaning and beauty in life.” Sam and Gabriel stare at her in awe as she finishes her speech. Jody smiles sheepishly at them as she asks, “How was that?” Sam grins at her, “That was beautiful Jody. It was amazing.” Gabriel smiles warmly, “Castiel would have loved that.” He then looks at Charlie, “Okay Charlie, your turn.” Charlie nods and begins, “I can't believe they are finally getting married! I remember talking about this with Jo while we were gingerly washing each other's naked bodies in the shower..” Charlie is unable to finish her speech due to the boy's interrupting with a small cheer of, “And she's back in the game!”
Three times Dean knocks and when there is still no answer he turns to Cass with a huff of frustration, “She probably isn't home, let's just go.” Castiel frowns slightly but before he can speak the door opens. “Dean.”  A woman's voice accuses. Dean turns to look at her then smiles nervously. “Hey Lisa. Long time no see.” She nods in response then asks, “what the hell are you doing here ?” Dean sighs looking at Castiel who hits Dean’s shoulder while nodding toward Lisa, encouraging Dean to answer her question. Dean looks back at Lisa, “I’ve come to apologize to you.” “For what ?” She spits out. Dean rolls his eyes slightly warning him a jab from Castiel. “For breaking up with you because you were fat.” Lisa’s eyes widen at Dean’s half attempt of an apology; at first he thought it was in response to the fact that he had apologized but quickly finds out that was not the reason for the physical reaction. “You broke up with me because I was fat ?” Lisa scoffs our. Both Dean and Castiel’s eyes widen in realization, “I thought you knew that.” “Of course I didn't fucking know! Wow Winchester, you're a bigger asshole than I thought. God! I wish I had milked Laceass more.” Dean groans then turns to Cass, “It was a nickname I got, long story short-” Castiel cuts Dean off, “Yeah. I know, you accidentally sent a picture of yourself in lacy panties to the quarterback,” Lisa laughs, “Oh honey..that was no accident. That's actually why I thought you broke up with me,” she turns her attention back onto Dean, “for that piece of shit of a boy.” Dean shakes his head, “yeah, no,” Lisa frowns deeply, “Well thanks for letting me know laceass.” She slams the door. Dean sighs and turns to Castiel, “That just went over swimmingly didn't it ?” Cass rolls his eyes, “Don't sass me.” Dean laughs gently before grabbing Castiel's hand and leaving the building.
Charlie, Jody, Sam and Gabriel sit at the couch in their local coffee shop to go over whom will be the maid of honor. “You both should be proud of yourselves. You guys did super good, but at the end of the day only one of you can be the maid of honor and that title goes to Charlie.” Charlie claps her hands together with a grin. “Oh my god thank you guys!” Sam smiles at her, “you earned it.” Jody frowns, “No. I demand a recount.” Sam shrugs then adds, “she won by a landslide Jody. Sorry.” Jody frowns at Sam's response as she pulls out a coin. “No. We’re just flipping a coin. Heads!” She calls out quickly as she flips the coin. She looks to see what side it landed on then groans. Charlie grins, “Wow! This is the first time the coins have favored me!” Jody narrows her eyes slightly before standing and walking out.
The next day Jody approaches Charlie, at the same spot they were the day before. She sits next to the red head with a sigh, “I came to say sorry about acting so Immaturely yesterday.” Charlie smiles a little, ah it's okay.” Jody smiles as she pulls out a small bag and hands it to Charlie. “I started putting this together once I heard Dean and Castiel were getting engaged.” Jody adds as Charlie looks down into the bag. Charlie looks through the small items before looking at Jody. “I want you to be Castiel’s maid of honor.” Jodys eyes widen in surprise as she locks eyes with Charlie, “Relaly? What ?! Why ?” Charlie smiles softly, “It means so much more to you. I mean how long have you dreamed of being the maid of honor for Castiel's wedding...years ?” Jody nods in response, “Just looking at this..I know you are better for the job.” Jody sniffles gently as she pulls Charlie into a hug, “Thank you so much!” Charlie pulls away as she notices Castiel standing near them. “What's going on guys ?” He asks with a smile. Charlie grins. “Just decided that Jody will be your maid of honor.” Jody stands up as Charlie Explains and is quickly pulled into a hug by Castiel. “Oh this is amazing! Okay we’ll meet four times a week before and after work! Let's start tomorrow about 6:30 am! This is exciting.” He quickly adds before leaving the shop. Jody turns to look at Charlie with a small glare, who just smirks slightly while taking a sip of her coffee.
Sam’s eyes fluttered open, taking a couple seconds to adjust. He quickly realizes that he is being watched by his brother and friend, and quickly becomes more aware that he is tangled in Gabriel’s arms. As if on queue, Gabriel wakes up, going wide eyed as he sees the people watching them. A smirk is dancing on all of their friends’  lips and the two men jump apart rambling our justifications that no one believes.
@eyes-of-a-disney-princess @sis-tafics
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Here it is, the masterlist for the Have a Hubba Bubba Birthday Writing Challenge, hosted by @sis-tafics and yours truly! If you’ve posted your fic and it’s not on here, please let me know. This was a fantastic challenge, thank you to everyone who participated!
“The One Where the Stripper Cries” @karlee-fay-my-wayward-son
"The One with the Butt" @squirrelchester
"The One with the Blackout" @torn-and-frayed
“The One Where Nana Dies Twice" @butiaintgonnaloveem
"The One with the Boobies" @notnaturalanahi
"The One with the Stoned Guy" @darknightfrombeyond
"The One with All the Poker" kbthleen-universe
"The One with the Evil Orthodontist"
"The One with the Ick Factor" @purplejellybean
"The One with the List" @wheresthekillswitch
"The One with the Princess Leia Fantasy" @roxy-davenport
"The One Where No One's Ready" @today-only-happens-once
“The One with the Jam" @luckynumbernelly
"The One with the Flashback" @inmysparetime0
"The One with the Race Car Bed" @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog
"The One with the Giant Poking Device" @eyes-of-a-disney-princess
"The One with the Breast Milk" @avasmommy224
"The One with All the Jealousy" @mypopculturediva
"The One with the Morning After" @supernatural-jackles
“The One with the Hypnosis Tape" @fangirling-equestrian
"The One with the Tiny T-Shirt" @deanwinchester-af
"The One with a Chick and a Duck" @supernaturalyobsessed
"The One with the Screamer" @kayteonline
"The One with the Jellyfish" @spontaneousam
"The One with the Cuffs" @mrs-squirrel-chester
"The One with the Dirty Girl" @bulletscrossbowpie
"The One with the Girl from Poughkeepsie" @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid
"The One with the Free Porn" @latinenglishfandomblog
"The One with the Fake Party"
“The One with All the Wedding Dresses” @jensen-jarpad
"The One with the Invitation" @mysteriouslyme81
"The One with the Worst Best Man Ever" @stephizzle94
"The One with All the Kissing" @lipstickandwhiskey
"The One with the Yeti" @poemwriter98
"The One with the Inappropriate Sister" @sassy-losechester
“The One with All the Resolutions" @chelsea072498
“The One Where Everybody Finds Out” @nichelle-my-belle
“The One with the Cop” @mg-writes
“The One with the Ball”
“The One in Vegas” @winchesterenthusiast
"The One After Vegas" @jalove-wecallhimdean
“The One on the Last Night” @chaos-and-the-calm67
“The One That Could Have Been” @writingbeautifulmen
“The One with the Mix Tape” @wayward-mirage
"The One with the Proposal" @wvnchxstxr
“The One with the Nap Partners” @feels-andmorefeels
"The One Where They're Up All Night" @megansescape
“The One After 'I Do' “ @sis-tafics
“The One with the Red Sweater" @kas-not-cas
"The One with the Videotape" @mylifeasafangirlforever
"The One with the Stain" @thegreatficmaster
"The One with the Stripper" @bloodysideofhell
“The One with the Secret Closet"
"The One with the Zesty Guy"
"The One with the Blind Dates" @winchesterprincessbride
"The One with the Mugging” @thetalesofmooseandsquirrel
"The One with the Boob Job" @scarygoodfanfics
"The One with the Memorial Service"
“The One with the Cake” @teamfreewill-vs-theworld
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sassy-losechester · 8 years
Confess Your Love
A/N: This is for Jill and Ash’s birthday bash. Thank you so much ladies for hosting this. I had so much fun writing this!
 Prompt: The one with the inappropriate sister
Characters: Dean, Cas, OC
Words: 1k 
Warnings: Binge drinking
Tags:  @sis-tafics  @eyes-of-a-disney-princess
Summary: After the angels were cast out of Heaven, Charmeine finds Castiel. He tries to help her with understanding humans. She took a tip from Dean and discovered alcohol.
Since having been cut off from heaven Charmeine could feel her powers growing weaker. Castiel had been with her almost the entire time but she felt lost without her powers. She still had her grace but her time as an angel was slowly coming to an end.
Charmeine had wandered until she found Castiel. The vessel she had found was a thirty-two-year-old bartender that had dreams of being a movie star. Keeping the women’s soul locked away in a fantasy that she was a movie star had made Charmeine feel better about taking a vessel. This was the first time in her entire existence to have ever done so. Having heard about Castiel and his love for the Winchesters, she was glad to have find him instead of one of her other brothers or sisters.
Nestled away in the bunker Charmeine found herself become overwhelmed with human emotions. They were very particular, emotions. They each had a different way that she could express herself. Charmeine learned fairly quickly what some emotions meant: happy was feeling contentment, sad was feeling sorrow, angry was a strong feeling of displeasure, and love was an intense feeling of deep affection. She had yet to feel what love what, but knew she had felt happy, angry, and sad before. All of these were because of losing her powers.
 There were things that Charmeine didn’t find difficult, learning human behaviors was one of them. Because she was staying in the bunker with Sam, Dean, and Castiel they were the main subjects that she was learning from. Charmeine had learned that Sam likes to eat healthy and spent a lot of time on his computer. She’d yet to ask him what he was searching for. Why didn’t he ask Castiel for information? Castiel had a vast knowledge of the universe and could be helpful. Dean had taught her that pie was life and that you drink alcohol when you’re feeling upset. Castiel had taught her the most. He had taught her that angels could live as humans.
 Sitting in the bunker’s library Charmeine looked through Webster’s dictionary looking at the definition of emotions. A natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one’s circumstances, mood, or relationships with others. It made sense but she lacked the skills to know what emotion she was feeling.
 Glancing at the clock it was seven o’clock at night. Sam was nowhere to be found, neither was Castiel, however Dean sleeping on a book that was made out of human flesh, “That does not seem right,” she whispered getting up from the chair she walked over to Dean staring at his sleeping form. Gently poking his cheek, she thought how different human’s bodies were to angels. It was mind bottling, “Interesting.”
Walking around the bunker Charmeine ended up in the kitchen. It was very clean for having two human men living here. Perhaps one of them had Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and the kitchen had to stay clean.  
 Going through the cabinets Charmeine stumbled upon Dean’s hidden liquor stash. Pulling out the bottles one by one you uncapped each of them individually taking a sample from each bottle. These taste disgusting.
Even though she hated the taste of the whiskey she wanted to try some more. Searching through the cabinets she grabbed a glass and headed back towards Dean’s liquor stash. Taking all the bottles out of the cabinet she set them on the countertop. Pouring a large amount into the cup it was almost over flowing at the brim. 
Charmeine didn’t know how much time had passed until she saw all the bottles lying empty on the floor. Why am I sitting on the floor? She questioned herself attempting to stand. The room immediately began spinning as she stood.
 “How can he drink this much?”  Charmeine giggled at herself as she stumbled her way to the library, “DEAN WINCHESTER!” She yelled making her presence known in the library. Startled out of his sleep he looked at Charmeine, “I need your advice on a subject matter that Castiel couldn’t possibly answer.”
 Rubbing the sleep out of his eyes Dean watched Charmeine, she was swaying slightly while she gripped onto the back of a chair, “Are you drunk?”
 Laughing at his comment she moved closer to Dean, “Yes. I found your liquor stash and drank it. I noticed that is what you do when you’re upset. That is beside the point,” Charmeine sat in the chair closest to Dean. He could smell the whiskey on her breath as she stared at him.
 “I can sense your heart rate increase anytime you see Castiel. Your epinephrine and norep-epinephrine are secreted at an astonishing rate. You get that look – oh what is it called? That puppy dog, that’s right, that puppy dog look when you stare at him,” Charmeine began babbling at Dean, giving him facts about love, “Anyways when are you going to admit to Castiel that you love him?”
 Dean stared at Charmeine, his jaw slack at her boldness, “I don’t. I don’t feel like that towards him.”
 She patted his cheek, a little rougher than she anticipated, “Of course you do! I’m an angel you can’t lie to me, your body loves him at least.”
 “I don’t—“
 Pressing her fingers to his lips she shook her head, “Yesss, you do. Are you afraid that he might reject you? It seems to be a common occurrence in your life. Would you like me to list them off?”
 “No, Charmeine, just no. We do not love each other, there is no underlying love between us to.” 
Charmeine chuckled at Dean, “Of course you do! Again, are you afraid he might reject you? Everything he’s done is because of you Dean! Let me get him for you, don’t move,” Charmeine didn’t wait for Dean to say anything instead she zapped away. It was unwise for her to do intoxicated but several seconds later she appeared back with Castiel in hand.
 “Charmeine I do not understand,” Castiel spoke as she grasped onto his hand pulling him towards Dean.
 She scoffed at his reply, “Castiel you have been among humans for years, why haven’t you told Dean about your love for him?” She tried to push Castiel onto Dean’s lap, “Sit sit sit,” she muttered.
 “This is inappropriate sister,” Castiel stood up from Dean’s lap, “Have you been drinking?”
 Flinging her hands in the air she tried to move Castiel onto Dean again, “That doesn’t matter. Confess your love, Castiel. Have you been around the Winchesters for so long that you ignore your angel instincts? Can you not sense how he feels about you?”
 They looked at Charmeine in confusion, “Charmeine—“
 She cut Dean off before he could speak, “No I know what I’ll do,” Grabbing the both of them by their shoulder she zapped them into an empty room, “Now you cannot leave until I hear you profess your love for each other,” Leaving without another word she zapped herself outside of the room.
 A few moments later Dean and Castiel walked out of the door, “I did not calculate that,” She muttered watching them, “Did you confess your love though?”
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spnfanficpond · 8 years
Characters - Dean x Reader
Summary - An awkward moment while sharing a bed leads to an interesting morning.
Word Count - 5864
Warnings - Swearing (duh), injury (very slight), smut, oral sex/face riding (female), fingering, unsafe sex (remember irl to wrap it before you tap it)
A\N - This was written for Ash and Jill’s Hubba Bubba Birthday writing challenge (Interested in seeing more? Check the tag #jill and ash birthday bash)
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I love your writing so so much!!! Question...I know you took a bunch of requests a while ago. Can you tell us which one you're working on first? 😎
Thank you!! Awesome question!
Right now, I am a huge mess so everything is everywhere! So I am working on:
Kari’s #Anti-Valentine’s Challenge
Jill and Ash’s Birthday Bash Challenge
Hasta-impalasta’s 1k Challenge
A Standford!Sam x Reader One Shot requested by @darkinsidelight
A Dean x Badass!Reader one shot
My Perfect Series which was inspired by @livsly11 request awhile back.
And the Final part of WIAB
oh boy.... 
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sis-tafics · 8 years
Tumblr media
Challenge: Have a Hubba Bubba Birthday Writing Challenge
What in The World?: It’s a birthday bonanza! In celebration of upcoming birthdays for both Ash (January 10th) and Jill (February 8th), we’ve decided to team up and create a challenge for all the amazing fanfic writers out there. But challenges are all over the place so we wanted to shake things up a bit. Enter the idea of drawing inspiration from episode names from the tv show, FRIENDS. These are just overflowing wells of fanfic motivation.
ANYONE is welcome to join!
Send either @sis-tafics or @eyes-of-a-disney-princess an ASK with the prompt you would like (title and number please) and maybe a backup or two in case it is already taken. First sign ups will be until Jan 15th . After that if there are any left and you would like to double up, we can talk about it :)
If we happen to run out of prompts, we can make some more!
There is NO word limit. All we are asking is if your fic is over 1000 words to please use the Keep Reading feature
When you post it tag both @eyes-of-a-disney-princess and @sis-tafics. We will also track the tag #jill and ash birthday bash, If we haven’t liked it, we haven’t seen it. Neither of us bite so shoot us a message. 
Your fic can be any SPN character, any pairing, any ship, any genre, whatevs (who are we to stomp on creativity)…Just make sure you tag it appropriately for other people
Your fic can be used for another challenge or request. It can be part of an existing series, just make sure you include links in your fic.
The deadline for this challenge is February 10th. If you need an extension, need to backout, whatever it is (real life happens people) please just shoot either Ash or myself an ask. The Masterlist for this will go up soon after.
Any other questions, feel free to ask.
“The One with the Butt” @squirrelchester
“The One with the Blackout” @torn-and-frayed
“The One Where Nana Dies Twice" @butiaintgonnaloveem​
“The One with the Boobies” @notnaturalanahi
“The One with the Stoned Guy” @darknightfrombeyond 
“The One with All the Poker” @kbthleen-universe 
“The One with the Evil Orthodontist”
“The One with the Ick Factor” @purplejellybean 
“The One with the List” @wheresthekillswitch 
“The One with the Princess Leia Fantasy” @roxy-davenport
“The One Where No One’s Ready” @today-only-happens-once
“The One with the Jam”
“The One with the Flashback” @inmysparetime0
“The One with the Race Car Bed” @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog
“The One with the Giant Poking Device” @eyes-of-a-disney-princess
“The One with the Breast Milk” @avasmommy224
“The One with All the Jealousy” @mypopculturediva 
“The One with the Morning After” @supernatural-jackles
“The One with the Hypnosis Tape" @fangirling-equestrian 
“The One with the Tiny T-Shirt” @deanwinchester-af
“The One with a Chick and a Duck” @supernaturalyobessed
“The One with the Screamer” @kayteonline
“The One with the Jellyfish” @spontaneousam
“The One with the Cuffs” @mrs-squirrel-chester
“The One with the Dirty Girl” @bulletscrossbowpie
“The One with the Girl from Poughkeepsie” @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid
“The One with the Free Porn” @latinenglishfandomblog
“The One with the Fake Party”
“The One with All the Wedding Dresses” @jensen-jarpad
“The One with the Invitation” @mysteriouslyme81
“The One with the Worst Best Man Ever” @stephizzle94
“The One with All the Kissing” @lipstickandwhiskey
“The One with the Yeti” @poemwriter98
“The One with the Inappropriate Sister” @ sassy-losechester
“The One with All the Resolutions" @ chelsea072498
“The One Where Everybody Finds Out” @nichelle-my-belle
“The One with the Cop” @ emilytehrani
“The One with the Ball”
“The One in Vegas” @winchesterenthusiast
“The One After Vegas” @jalove-wecallhimdean
“The One on the Last Night” @chaos-and-the-calm67
“The One That Could Have Been” @writingbeautifulmen
“The One with the Mix Tape” @wayward-mirage 
“The One with the Proposal” @wvnchxstxr 
“The One with the Nap Partners” @feels-andmorefeels
“The One Where They’re Up All Night” @megansescape
“The One After ‘I Do’ “ @sis-tafics
“The One with the Red Sweater" @kas-not-cas
“The One with the Videotape” @mylifeasafangirlforever
“The One with the Stain” @thegreatficmaster
“The One with the Stripper” @bloodysideofhell
“The One with the Secret Closet"
“The One with the Zesty Guy”
“The One with the Blind Dates” @winchesterprincessbride
“The One with the Mugging” @thetalesofmooseandsquirrel
"The One with the Boob Job” @scarygoodfanfics
“The One with the Memorial Service”
“The One with the Cake” @teamfreewill-vs-theworld 
“The One where the Stripper Cries” @karlee-fay-my-wayward-son
Tagging some lovely people who might be interested or help spread the word:
* @percywinchester27 * @deandoesthingstome * @luckynumbrnelly * * @cici0507 * @nichelle-my-belle * @salvachester * * @thing-you-do-with-that-thing * @writingaworldofmyown * @deanwinchester-af * @thinkwritexpress  * @idreamofhazel  * @frenchybell * @deanscherrypie * @mrswhozeewhatsis * @manawhaat * @aprofoundbondwithdean *  @mrsjohnsmith * @tiffanycaruso * @winchesterprincessbride * @winchesterenthusiast * @poemwriter98 * @mysteriouslyme81 * @faith-in-dean  * @the-mrs-deanwinchester *  * @bloodysideofhell * @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog  * @vintagevalentinexx * @mysupernaturalfics * @ilostmyshoe-79  * @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid  * @oriona75 * @fandommaniacx * @latinenglishfandomblog * @charliesbackbitches *  @winchestersnco * @nocsa *  @callmesweetheartifyoumeanit * @loveitsallineed * @kittenofdoomage * @kazchester-fanfiction   * @chelsea072498  * @chaos-and-the-calm67 * @deanssweatheart * @supernatural-jackles * @littlegreenplasticsoldier * @adriellej * @kas-not-cas *  @writingbeautifulmen *  @whispersandwhiskerburn *  @dancingalone21 * @waywardlullabies * @jensen-jarpad * @inmysparetime0* @unefemmedelettres * @avasmommy224 * @lipstickandwhiskey *  @its-my-perky-nipples *  @squirrelchester * @torn-and-frayed * @stephizzle94 * @mamaredd123 * @deathtonormalcy56 * @babypieandwhiskey * @mysteriouslyme81 * @unefemmedelettres
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