#jilytober celebration
wearingaberetinparis · 11 months
Happy Place - A Jily Fic - Chapter 1
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Because I couldn't get anything else finished this week, I thought I'd post the first chapter of my new Jily AU Happy Place (I have to do something to fill the CIWYW-void, right?), inspired by Emily Henry's novel of the same name.
James and Lily have always been the perfect couple that everyone aspires to be: from Head Boy and Girl at Hogwarts School to university students in a loving long distance relationship to – eventually – a happily engaged duo, destined to go the distance. They go together like cream and tea, pride and prejudice, fish and chips. That is, until – for reasons they refuse to discuss for fear of making everything so much worse – they really, truly don’t. For one week, however, they have to act as if all is well for they have yet to tell their friends that what had always seemed perfect, is now very much broken. Inspired by Emily Henry’s Happy Place.
Read Chapter 1 HERE!
This fic is gifted to @joyseuphoria for being such a dedicated Jily and Jilytober enthusiast without whom many of the Jilytober celebrations would not exist. (Plus... she was really excited about Happy Place!)
Chapter 2 to be updated on Sunday 29 October 2023!
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kay-elle-cee · 11 months
Woke up to find I’ve hit a MAJOR follower milestone 💕💕💕💕 love you all so much. I want to do something fun to celebrate once Jilytober ends. Taking suggestions!
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oneofthesirens · 2 years
dialogue prompt "You really thought that?"
“You know, I thought you were over me,” Lily mused out loud. She was lying on James’ lap, reclined out on one of the more comfortable sofas in the Gryffindor common room. It was the one that had a prime position in front of the fire, and now that she was dating James she could appreciate the Marauders unquestioned claim over the seats.
James laughed, his hand brushing through the curls that were sprawled out over his lap. “Don’t be daft, Evans,” he said, fondly. He smiled down at her and the earnestness of his expression caused her breath to catch in her throat. “I don’t think I could ever be over you. Not even when I tried, and I tried very hard.”
Warmth blossomed in her chest; a heat, which she couldn’t attribute to the fire, spreading through. No, it was James that made her feel that way. Even after months of dating, she still felt giddy when he would say things like that, was still astonished over the way he rendered her senseless in the wake of his unconstrained affection.
“You really thought that?” Sirius asked, from his seat beside them. He was idly flipping through a book, intermittently throwing them exasperated glances when they were too sappy for his liking. “Merlin, you’re as bad as each other.”
Lily let her eyes flutter to a close, appreciating the easy contentment that came with spending the evening with James. The soft scrape of James’ fingernails against her scalp lulled her towards the midpoint between awake and asleep.
She stifled a yawn, and said, “We’re just the same amount of clueless, I guess.”
“Perfect for one another,” James replied, his voice soft. Lily’s lips quirked up into a smile, and she opened her eyes, their gazes catching.
“That we are,” Lily agreed. James dropped a kiss on her forehead, innocent and chaste, but Sirius still made a gagging sound at the sight.
To celebrate Jilytober, send me a dialogue prompt and I’ll write a drabble in return
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billsfangearring · 2 years
Happy Jilytober to all who celebrate
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stonedregulus · 2 years
Jilytober as in celebrating the month Jily dies
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thejilyship · 2 years
Okay so
My tumblr is ten years old this month. 
A whole forking decade. I have many thoughts and feelings but mainly I just can’t believe that I’ve had this blog for that long and I think the only time I’ve ever changed my url was for jilytober and it was thejilyghostship or something like that lolz
I want to do some stuff to celebrate but I’m not sure what I want to do yet. I should have planned more but I’ve always been more of a panster
I have one (1) singular fic idea for this month, I know I always do a prompt voting thing for jilytober, but idk if I’ll do that this year. I’m actually super busy this month and it’s just started today and I’m already stressed out. 
Anyway, this is a mess of a stream of consciousness, but I want to say that through it all, I’m grateful to the community that has continued to create such wonderful content that has been comforting and fun and absolutely beautiful for the last decade. You all have gotten me through a lot of shit and I’m so glad that my brain chose jily as it’s hyperfixation 
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nought-shall-go-ill · 2 years
Please help me choose my Jilytober one shot
Hello, friends! I’m back — sort of, maybe — and, though life is hectic with a capital H, I really want to write a longer form one shot to celebrate the wonderful creative month of Jilytober.
I’m stuck between two choices:
A bittersweet piece based on “The Cowherd & the Weaver Girl” in which Jily are separated for years under a spell and can only see each other once a year.
An angst-with-a-happy-ending piece with a fantasy bent in which an accident renders Lily invisible, untouchable and absolutely silent to anyone but Severus and Petunia.
Both have a bit of a magical realism vibe.
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I LOVE YOU OMG ❤️❤️❤️ hahaha but you’re so right it IS spooky season and we need to celebrate it!!
This made my day omg stop 😭😭 it’s so conflicting cuz I love spooky season, I love Jilytober, but it also makes me wildly depressed because it’s Jilytober….. it’s so tragic
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tumbledfreckles · 4 years
I reckon… probably… I mean, definitely
HAPPY JILYTOBER!! My first as a writer, and @magic-girl-in-a-muggle-world has given some great prompts to work with. I’m not delusional enough to do them all, but I’m going to do the ones that speak to me! 
Day 1: Trapped in a broom closet. 
James thumped his head against the door. He stayed there, forehead resting, hands braced against the hard wooden surface, as if he was about to push it open. But he knew it was useless. The door was locked magically, and to his great shame, James was wandless. He would have to wait.
He thumped against the door with one of his fists, a slow, rhythmic beat. His best hope was someone would come along this corridor and hear him and decide to investigate. Hopefully they wouldn’t decide a Boggart rested in the broom closet and let it to scare the next poor soul instead.
The first three sets of footsteps obviously didn’t feel the need to investigate and carried on despite James calling for help. The next several only confirmed a growing fear that formed a pit in his stomach. The broom closet could be soundproof, and if that was the case, no one would hear the banging, much less his cries for help.
And I can’t even rely on the others using the Map, James thought, followed quickly by, Sirius will never let me live this down.
The Marauder’s Map rested safely in James’ pocket, having been put there by Sirius seconds before he took the fall for some classic but immature dungbombs, left around the entrance to the Slytherin common room like landmines. James had been on his way back from waving his mate off to a detention with Slughorn, safely hidden behind a suit of armour, when he’d gotten himself stuck.
The next time he heard footsteps he tried to shoot sparks out the keyhole with wandless magic, but unfortunately all that seemed to do was almost blind himself permanently as the uncontrolled sparks ricocheted off the metal lock and flicked back at his face, crouched close to the door handle.
It went quiet for awhile and James figured it must be close to dinner time. Traffic would be slow for awhile on the fourth floor and he settled in to wait.
Time allowed his thoughts to become inventive, and he did think grimly that all those History of Magic lessons really had given rise to some of the Marauder’s best pranks.  Feeling around the ground next to him and on the lower shelves James was able to locate several bottles of liquid. Must be cleaning supplies, he thought. Thank god the caretaker didn’t have magic.
Opening several of the bottles at once, James tipped them all into a bucket he found near his feet. It seemed about three quarters full. He set it within a short distance of the cupboard door and resumed his wait.
What felt like an age, but was probably about an hour, the dinner hour, James thought hungrily, more footsteps came. They sounded confident in their stride, and from the sharper clicks on the flagstone floor, they sounded female. Hopefully it’s someone observant, he willed as he tipped the bucket toward the door, allowing the mix of liquid to flood under the door jam and into the corridor.
The clicks stopped abruptly just south of the door. James held his breath. A faint screech and sound of distaste floated into him, before the several mutterings of what James assumed was cleaning charms given the strong smells that had admitted from the liquid since he opened the bottles started to dissipate.
After a couple of minutes of fair agony for James, who was close to being on his knees praying the person would open the door, the footsteps resumed, decidedly less clacky and confident as before. James’ heart sank, and his forehead crashed into the door once more.
That’s it. I’m stuck here. Survived multiple full moons running with a werewolf, not to mention the transition into Animagus without adequate supervision, multiple detentions in the forest, living with Sirius for an entire summer, living with my mother, and I’m doomed to die alone and forgotten in a broom cupboard. Oh, what a wretched end to an otherwise exciting life. I shall come back and haunt –
James never did get to declare who he would haunt for the rest of his days, as he tumbled headfirst into the corridor as the broom closet door was unceremoniously swung open. He just barely caught himself from smashing yet another pair of spectacles thanks to his quick reflexes that allowed his hands to fly out and hit the ground first, cushioning his fall.
“You,” a voice dripped with derision came from above. “You did this. That mess.”
James stayed low, his shoulders tensing towards his shoulders as he recognised the voice of his rescuer. Of bloody course, he grumbled to himself. The one person who’ll enjoy taking the mick more than Sirius. I should have guessed.
“What mess?” he asked innocently as he started to rise, facing out into the corridor as the voice came again from behind him.
“The bloody flood of chemicals that just ate away at my shoes,” Lily cried, with so much annoyance in her tone that James couldn’t help but turn around. By Merlin she was a vision when she was cross.
“What did I do to your shoes?” he asked, one hand reaching up to ruffle his hair as he stared down at them. They did look rather tatty, when he looked closer, and as Lily lifted one foot, the sole of the shoe remained on the ground, flapping in half to form a tongue that wasn’t unlike Sirius’ Animagus form when he got overexcited.
“The stuff must have been acidic, it corroded them until I figured out a counterspell and stopped it,” Lily said exasperatedly. “Why on earth did you think it would be funny to spill cleaning solution out into the corridor?”
“It wasn’t a prank,” James admitted with a shrug. “It was a cry for help.”
“A cry for –” Lily stopped mid thought, and her expression changed from annoyance to confusion. “Why did you need help?”
James frowned and ruffled his hair again, “I, er… well, you see… I… and then… uh… Sirius and I… then er… well… I guess.”
He was interrupted from his stammering by Lily’s peel of laughter. He blinked at her owlishly and wished he could fade back into the shadows of the closet and wait for the next passer-by.
“James Potter,” she crossed her arms, positively brimming with mirth. “Are you tell me that you, the great self-entitled Marauder, prankster, Head Boy, one of the smartest wizards of our generation, got yourself locked in a broom closet?”
“I definitely did not tell you that,” James crossed his arms as well and looked off down the corridor with a grumpy frown.
“But that’s what happened.”
“Didn’t say that.”
“You didn’t have to.”
“You can’t prove anything.”
“I probably could.”
“Yeah, alright,” James sighed, hands moving to his pockets as he scuffed his feet. “You probably could prove it.”
Lily grinned and tried to meet his eye, holding back her giggle. The fact she did it to avoid further emasculating the boy in front of her was not lost of James.
“In my defence, we really shouldn’t have any magically locking closets in a castle cleaned by a Squib. This was a disaster waiting to happen and I’ve really just taken one for the team. Filch should be thanking me.”
“In fairness to Filch, he probably would never have been stupid enough to get himself locked in this cupboard.”
“Oh yeah,” James kicked at the door frame. “And why’s that?”
Lily took a step closer to James, bringing herself chest to chest with him. The stray hairs from her ponytail ticking his nose as he tried not to be obvious about his deep inhale as her flowery shampoo filled his senses. She reached past him, wand extended and lit, to illuminate the previous dark space.
James could now see it was filled with hundreds of bottles, all filled with various colours and textured liquids. Some appeared to be moving, giant gas bubbles floating around within the bottle. Others appeared to have luminescent glow, pulsating in way that made James wonder how he hadn’t seen them in the dark.
“What the hell is this stuff?” he recoiled back, hitting his head on the edge of the door behind him.
Lily smirked as he rubbed the back of his head, “This isn’t Filch’s closet, Potter.”
“Whose is it?” James looked back into the closet and felt a shudder run through him. “What is it?”
“Slughorn’s storeroom for some of the more belligerent concoctions, things that can’t be flushed down the drain at the end of class if we want to have in-castle plumbing.”
“Just sitting here? For anyone to accidentally stumble upon?!” James was aghast. His fingers gently propped the already swelling bump on the back of his head.
“Well no, it’s normally magically locked and protected, so no one accidentally finds it. Slughorn normally only opens it when he’s putting things in it.  I wonder that he left it unlocked. It’s very unlike him,” Lily peered into the room again.
James felt a bit sheepish, “Yeah… well… uh, see there was… and then… and so… you see… it was probably…”
Lily interrupted his stammering yet again with a peel of laughter. This one James felt quite literally, as her hand came to rest on James chest, bracing her as she half folded over. “Let me guess, Potter. He was probably interrupted in the middle of storing some new jars by some kind of elaborate prank?”
“Er, maybe?” James hands went back to his pockets again as he shrugged.
“So not elaborate,” Lily surmised, looking at his body language. “And your alone,” she glanced up and down the corridor. “And by the fact you were stuck in there, probably wandless,” she glanced at his pockets and then back towards the closet, nodding to herself.
“Evans, what?” James’ face was one of shock as he regarded her.
“And we’re down in the dungeons, so… hmmm,” Lily tilted her head to the side, a smile forming. “I’m betting you and Sirius were caught throwing dungbombs at some Slytherins. You hid, he took the fall.”
“How did, but we were, you were, you just, and we, I mean, Sirius, that was,” James’ surprise was really quite verbally, sending Lily into yet another giggle, her hand clenching in his shirt
“I know you, Potter,”
“We’ve been on one date, Evans. That was a lucky guess,” James growled, but his hand was already curving around her hip, pulling him closer.
“You wish it was a lucky guess. I know you, you disaster,” Lily’s other hand glided up around James neck to feel the back of his head. “How’s your head?”
“Sore,” he whined, but it quickly turned to a soft moan as Lily’s fingers slid through locks of his hair, her fingernails gently scraping along his scalp. “Better now.”
“Hey Potter?” Lily was right up against him now, raising on her tiptoes to bring her mouth closer to his.
“Evans,” James brought his forehead to meet hers, their breaths mingling as his other hand shifted through the hair at the nape of Lily’s neck, gathering it.
“Reckon one date’s enough to get a girl a snog in a broom closet?” Her lips moved to his neck, giving it a small nip.
“Yeah, I reckon… probably… I mean, definitely,” James was cut off as Lily’s lips fairly slammed into his own, soft, insistent, and utterly mind robbing. She pushed him back, urging him back into the closet he spent so long trying to escape.
James gathered her up, lifting Lily by her thighs against him as he eased backwards. Lily’s wand closed the door behind him, and her legs wrapped around his waist as he pushed her back against the solid wood. Her wand clattered to the ground as both her hands twisted into James hair. Their lips formed a seal as they slid and tugged at each other.
Lily moved back to James neck, leaving a trail of tingling kisses that had him moaning again, tipping his head back to give her better access.
“You were wrong, you know,” he couldn’t resist pointing out, given his mouth was unoccupied. His hand slid further up Lily’s leg to grip her bum as he spoke.
“About what?” Lily sounded incredibly distracted as she worked on the top button of James’ shirt.
“We didn’t chuck them. The dungbombs,” Lily stopped her attentions on his neck to look at him in confusion. “We planted them around the Slytherin Common Room like those war fields you were telling us about. So, they’d stand on them and get hit.”
Lily stared at him for a long moment. “I don’t know whether I’m seriously appalled that that’s what you took from that story, or seriously turned on that you actually listened to me.”
James took the opportunity to have his own tryst with Lily’s neck, while one hand moved under her shirt and up her back. “You did call me the greatest wizard of our generation. Hopefully it’s the later,”
Lily gasped as his lips sucked gently as her pulse point, “Definitely the later.”
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startanewdream · 3 years
For @jilytoberfest
Prompt #1: "Prove it"
“Here. Prove it,” Lily says, voice dripping with a glee that James hasn’t heard in a while.
He can’t help his nervous glance at the piece of cake she’s offering him.
“What’s this?”
“What it looks like, duh. Chocolate cake.”
“Hmmm and you made it?”
Lily nods, still smiling. There’s a smudge of flour on her cheek that’s adorable, but he still eyes the cake with trepidation.
“And are you sure it’s… edible?”
“Of course it’s,” she says defensively, and when James lifts one eyebrow, Lily blushes. “It won’t be like the Christmas incident of the roast potatoes.”
“Or that Christmas Yorkshire pudding I still have nightmares about?”
“Luckily this isn't Christmas-related, is it?" she rolls her eyes and again offers him the piece of cake. “I’ve improved a lot, promise you.”
James breathes heavily, then he tries a bit, feeling very daring even as expects to taste something weird—the cake might be all salty or mixed with Bertie Bott’s beans (Lily is nothing but creative when it comes to cooking)—but it’s actually very tasty.
“It’s wonderful,” he says, unable to hide the surprise out of his voice, but Lily doesn’t look offended.
“I finally got it right, I know. I’ll just finish the topping." She picks a pot with whipped cream. "Would you get the candle?”
James nods, going to the first shelf of the kitchen cabinet and taking a sparkling white candle in the shape of the number 2.
He places his arm around Lily’s waist while she finishes the decoration of the cake. “Harry will love it,” he says, kissing her forehead.
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jilytoberfest · 2 years
Jilytober 2022
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Jilytober is coming soon!!!
And what that means is that we at the Jily community are going to have a month of celebration!
Last year, we had bingos, trivias and games and hope to bring back some of those for this year too. Jilytober prompts gave us some beautiful stories and art all created in the common love for Jily. If have any ideas for jilytober this year, or just are interested in participating in it, please do consider filling out this Google form (it'll take only you a few minutes).
Thank you to @carlav-blogs @constancezin for the icon and the header, respectively!!
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wearingaberetinparis · 11 months
Happy Place - A Jily Fic - Chapter 2
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I am forever clowning and posting this a day early... I'm ill and I thought: "I need to get one thing out of the way to focus on the next thing," meaning that I just finished editing Happy Place Chapter 2 and thought: "Let's just post it!"
James and Lily have always been the perfect couple that everyone aspires to be: from Head Boy and Girl at Hogwarts School to university students in a loving long distance relationship to – eventually – a happily engaged duo, destined to go the distance. They go together like cream and tea, pride and prejudice, fish and chips. That is, until – for reasons they refuse to discuss for fear of making everything so much worse – they really, truly don’t. For one week, however, they have to act as if all is well for they have yet to tell their friends that what had always seemed perfect, is now very much broken. Inspired by Emily Henry’s Happy Place.
Read Chapter 2 HERE!
Just as a reminder: this fic is gifted to @joyseuphoria for being such a dedicated Jily and Jilytober enthusiast without whom many of the Jilytober celebrations would not exist.
Chapter 3 to be updated on Sunday 5 November 2023!
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kay-elle-cee · 11 months
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Alright! So I wanted to do something to celebrate hitting a big follower milestone during Jilytober and, surprise, I’m indecisive. SO, while my ask box is ALWAYS open, consider this a formal invitation to come in and…
Ask me anything! (about fic, about life, about me, you choose! Check here for past ask game questions if you need inspo!)
Send me prompts from this Taylor Swift list (going to attempt to stick to ~500 words and Jily…also please give me some time 😅)
Talk about my fics with me! I'd love to hear if you remember the first one of mine you read, what your favorites are, and am happy to self-rec for anyone new here. Also always down to share any tiny details or headcanons I can think of. 💕
On or off anon, you choose! It's my birthday week and it just feels nice to have you all here with me 🥰 🥳 Thanks for being here!
(I'll probably reblog this periodically throughout the week...so this is going to be a drawn out thing.)
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jilyarchive · 2 years
Best muggle au one shots?
Our search feature will let you filter posts by multiple tags. This link brings you to a filtered search for muggle AU one shots that we have tagged as favorites.
Plus here are some newer one shots that are great:
Title: Seeing Red Author: AnnaBtG Rating: G Genre(s): Muggle AU, Modern AU, College Chapters: 1 Word Count: 799 Summary:"I mistake you for someone else from behind and jump on your back so we both fall down and you’re reasonably pissed." James Potter mistakes a beautiful redhead for his friend Mary.
Title: In it For Me Author: mppmaraudergirl  Rating: T Genre(s): Muggle AU, Modern AU, Celebrity AU Chapters: 1 Word Count: 3,260 Summary: Going through a break-up is never pleasant, and even less so for famous actress Lily Evans who, along with the rest of the world, has to watch her ex move on at lightning speed.  James Potter is also no stranger to being under the microscope, finding his good name under fire in every medium possible. That is until they give the world something else to talk about [Jilytoberfest Masquerade fic - Begrudging wedding dates]
Title: A Slip of the Thumb Author: oyprongs Rating: T Genre(s): Muggle AU, Modern AU, Texting AU Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2,073 Summary: "Lily Evans has followed him on Instagram." for jilytober masquerade with the prompt: You accidentally like a photo from wayyyy back in their Instagram history after they follow you
Title: Summer Slipped Us Underneath Her Tongue Author: sirenicc Rating: T Genre(s): Muggle AU, Modern AU Chapters: 1 Word Count: 3,306 Summary: “Mary Macdonald, if you don’t stop laughing I am going to strangle you with my sun cream-coated hands.” Mary cackled louder. Lily sighed, closing her eyes and praying for a sinkhole to open up beneath her. Or a large wave to sweep her out to sea. Really, anything would be preferable to —  “You know, I’ve heard redheads burn easily but this seems excessive, Evans.” Written for the August 2021 Jily Challenge for the prompts "I saw you staring and so decided to try to put on my sun cream ~sensually~ but omg the lid just popped off and the whole bottle came out stOP grinning oMG" and "topless!lily August"
Title: throwing chances Author: theroomofreq Rating: T Genre(s): Muggle AU, Modern AU, Coffee Shop AU Chapters: 1 Word Count: 4,522 Summary: written for tumblr's jilychallenge august 2021 prompt: “I’ve spent the summer climbing through your bedroom window so no one sees, please won’t you give me a chance?”
Title: Group Project Author: SaffronSnitch Rating: T Genre(s): Muggle AU, Modern AU Chapters: 1 Word Count: 4,345 Summary: James didn’t need his friends’ judgment to tell him pretending to date Lily Evans for a school project was a bad idea — he knew it was bad from the moment she asked. That didn’t stop him from agreeing, and if he fell even more in love with her by the day, it was entirely his own bloody fault.
Title: you cake my dreams come true  Author: abby10 Rating: T Genre(s): Muggle AU, Modern AU, Texting AU Chapters: 1 Word Count: 3,031 Summary: Texting/Social Media AU: Lily has a surprise party planned for James's birthday. James also has a surprise planned for Lily. Sirius and Remus think it's like a sitcom. And they're not wrong! Featuring emergency therapist appointments, cake, and quite a few surprises.
Title: about time Author: jilyss Rating: T Genre(s): Muggle AU, Modern AU, Celebrity AU Chapters: 1 Word Count: 6,268 Summary: 'sure, yeah, I can accompany you to that black tie event for your work tonight. wait. why are we on a red carpet?'
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joyseuphoria · 3 years
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I proudly present to you, the JILYTOBER FEST!
There’d be LOTS of events, LOTS of themes, LOTS of challenges for this year’s jilytober.
I feel that it’s safe to say that this year, we have more people in the jily community than EVER! And naturally, it calls for a HUGE celebration for our favourite idiots in love’s month!
The form to apply for the challenges will be open till the 20th of September, so that I have ample time to give out the prompts and the writers and artists also have ample time to finish their prompts!
1. Themes
There’ll be A TON of themes for this event! The general theme is just Alive jily! No one gets to write them as though they’re dead on my watch.
Seasonal themes:
1 Oct-7Oct: Summer season
8Oct-16Oct: Autumn season
17Oct-24Oct: Spring season
25Oct-31Oct: Winter season
Trope themes:
1 Oct-7Oct: Coffee shop AU’s
8 Oct-16Oct: Workplace rivals
17Oct-24Oct: Tricksters
25Oct-31Oct: Halloween
2. Interviews
Interviews of authors, and artists!
You can submit your questions, here. If I don’t include your question, it means that it was too personal for the person to answer.
3. Challenges
Challenges for artists, writers and readers!
Who can participate: writers! (You can also be a new writer!)
Description: If you’re given a fluff prompt, you will have to write it as angst. And vice versa.
How to participate: You can give your name for this challenge, here!
Masquerade challenge
Who can participate: everyone!
Description: A few writers will write and submit their fics to the challenge, and these will be posted anonymously on the page. Readers have to match the fics to the writers! Authors can submit their names to write a fic, here!
Winner: A scoreboard will be maintained, and the person with the most right guesses at the end, will win this challenge!
Who can participate: writers and artists! (You can also be totally new to it)
Description: You’ll be given a bingo template with selective prompts and you’ll have to complete it by the end of jilytober.
How to participate: Interested participants can submit their names to write a fic, here!
Winner: Whosever finishes the bingo first, wins. They should also post a photo of their finished template on Tumblr.
Readers Bingo!
We all know that all of us readers consume jily content like hungry dogs, so we will be having a separate bingo template!
Who can participate: Everyone!
Description: Get a bingo by reading all the fics on the template
How to participate: Interested participants can submit their names, here!
Winner: Whosever finishes the bingo first, wins. They should also post a photo of their finished template on Tumblr.
Who can participate: Everyone!
Description: A trivia on jily fics. You can send in one of your own questions, here!
How to participate: Interested participants can submit their names, here!
Winner: Who gets the most correct answers, will be crowned the winner.
Collab companion
Who can participate: Authors, Artists!
Description: You’ll be paired up with a random author/ artist and you’d have to come up with a fic based on the prompt you’re given. You can also be someone who makes moodboards for it.
How to participate: Interested participants can submit their names, here!
5. Prompts
There’ll be 31 prompts for 31 days! I’ll be posting all the prompts by mid September. You don’t have to finish ALL the prompts. You don’t even need to post the work of the prompt on the day of the prompt. These prompts will just be helping you to get your creative wheels turning!
I’ll be making a separate account for this event to be used as a page where I’ll share more about the events and as a reblog page.
Hope to see you guys have fun during the month! Take care!
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arianatwycross · 3 years
masterpost of my fics
Updated 2/06/22
The Art of Fake Dating - WIP written with @vertraymer
For the Mixed Up Writer Fest 2022
Prompt: Fake dating AU! They fake a relationship to get *annoying person* of Person A's back. It's not real. Definitely not. Except everyone believes it's real, and they just might start believing it too.
Unlearnable - WIP, Rating M
this is a story about lost love, growing up too fast and needing to unlearn how to love
Strawberry Lipstick State of Mind - Rating E
Coming back to Hogwarts as Head girl, Lily shocks James as she walks onto the train with a sense of confidence she hadn't had in years. Her head held high, and a devilish smirk that makes James shiver.
Just a touch - Rating E
A collection of prompts put together to tell the story of a very horny James Potter and Lily Evans. (Still ongoing so pls send in prompts)
Teenage Kicks - Rating M
It all starts with Lily being hired to be the bands tour photographer, then she actually meets the band and she quickly becomes absorbed by their fast lifestyle, their pranks and the hot lead singer. But its not exactly simple to be crushing on a famous Rockstar, is it? Celebrity AU for the September jilychallenge
One Shots:
The One Where Petunia Can't Drive - Rating T
APRIL JILYCHALLENGE meet uglies theme + prompt "i hit you with my car/broom and was the only one to visit you in the hospital"
two fools - Rating T
JILY CHALLENGE romance theme + prompt " “It’s not like I've thought about kissing you, or anything…”
please please go check out the masterpiece that is @constancezin's artwork that accompanies and embodies this fic perfectly!
Shut up & Kiss me - Rating M
December JILYCHALLENGE winter theme + prompt: "i was trying to rush home for the holidays when we got stuck in a broken lift and this might actually be the worst way to spend the friday before christmas if you weren't so ruddy charming"
Crush Phase - Rating T (One Shot)
James has to live with the fact that him and Lily will never happen. Lily lives for the crush phase, the chase, the casual flirting but James wants Lily in her entirety, he wants the cheesy, romance that comes with commitment. So he settles for being her friend, or so he thought.
A Year Later - Rating M (One Shot)
Prompt: This water fight was such a good idea but oops now your shirt is see-through and Damn you look good
James is plagued with a bikini-clad Lily that acts friendly one minute and flirts with him the next. Muggle AU
you are the sun - Rating M (Three-parts)
She feels someone brush a piece of her hair behind her ear, a flyaway from her messy ponytail. She turns to her side to find Daniel smiling sweetly at her, he leans over to grab his beer from the table before lounging back in his chair. She stares dumbly for a few seconds, before her eyes hesitantly reach the man opposite her. James is staring openly at her, one eyebrow raised in question. She tries her best to stop a smile gracing her lips but she loses miserably. Muggle AU/Secret Relationship
consciously unaware - Rating GA
From an outsider, it would seem that Lily Evans and James Potter were already dating, but that wasn't necessarily the truth. Jily acting couple-ly but really they’re just friends, for Jilytober 2021 bingo (5 prompts in one)
Say my name - Rating T (One Shot)
here we take a steamy move from 'Potter' and 'Evans' to 'James' and 'Lily'
Backseat Rider - Rating T
He pulled up and somebody else was sitting in the passenger’s side, so she sat in the backseat. She tried to not let it bother her at first, but five weeks of sitting in silence behind her, which he talked of movies they’ve never seen. She realised that’s how they used to be.
One Shots:
Willow - Rating GA
Fifth Year, Christmas Break at Grimmauld Place. Hermione's crush on Ron has snowballed. Written for M.Windsor for the 2021 HP Romione Discord Secret Santa!
It’s better In the front seat… - Rating M (Backseat Rider One shot)
A Backseat Rider story - Ron & Hermione revert back to their old/new ways - this time Hermione's in the front seat.
Confessions - Rating E (One Shot)
Ron and Hermione take turns confessing their thoughts after the Battle of Hogwarts.
Books & Freckles - Rating T
A collection of Romione prompts (still ongoing - so pls send me prompts)
Nobody Compares - Rating T (One Shot)
Hermione runs into professional football player, Ron Weasley at the local pub.
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