#jimmy and martyn the honorary hermits
sprinklesharkie · 2 months
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they need to be given nerf guns more often
(martyn doing first person shooter style with scar was so good)
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jimmy and martyn were at the charity event with no explanation. at one point, martyn read a donation that called hermitcraft chaotic good and said "yup, that's the way we roll." jevin called Jimmy and Martyn, especially Martyn, "honorary hermits."
let me dream
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fagidarity · 2 months
i really do love that martyn and jimmy were on the hermitcraft charity stream. honorary hermits
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riacte · 2 months
is it too soon to start the "martyn will be in hermitcraft season 11" bullshit? i m just saying, atp lots of people seem to consider both him and jimmy to be honorary hermits, and they would be a great fit imo... martyn actually mentioned during the charity stream this weekend that he doesnt really expect to join, but that he was surprised that jimmy didn t in season 10 along with skizz and joel (btw jimmy and martyn s friendship is incredibly cute and should be talked about more yes grian and jimmy s dynamic is incredibly fun and deserves all of the popularity it has but there s just soo many hours of streams of just jimmy and martyn being dumb together and making each other laugh i just don t get why it is such an underrated duo thank you for coming to my ted talk)
Anon lmao I always thought Jimmy+Martyn were like a very solid and liked duo because they teamed up in MCC a lot and you know how I feel about the MCC duos [stares off into 2020-21]. My theory is that if a duo spends enough time (like using the unit of years) together and hanging out and doing stuff it becomes so natural that the audience reaction is just like. oh yeah they're besties. doing stuff together. yeah we all know. what else is new. and people get distracted by the Shiny New Duo (who have known each other for less time so we get to see their bond develop which is fun). But this also doesn't make sense because Grian and Jimmy have also known each other for years lmao. What it is with people and duo blind spots [stares off into 2023-24 HC Reddit]
Anyways re: HC I feel like there's a difference between close friends of the hermits who help out with events and actually playing on the server and becoming involved in the entire logistics and process? The episodic content you make has to mesh well with the server, also the workload and production etc etc. Like ofc HC is a server of friends but I also think it's a specific job and identity and you are expected to fit in with their customs. (Eg. Grian used to be known as a creative builder and posted videos focused on that but he's mostly moved on to post HC.) It is very much a serious and long term commitment then, let's say, Life series. And I think it's fine for people to remain at the periphery and sometimes get invited to events and it's all good fun.
I still Martyn is the perfect fit for hosting hermit related events, he's friendly, charismatic and quick witted, good at improv, knows how to get the atmosphere going, etc.
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simplydm · 2 months
“Jimmy and Martyn are like honorary hermits”
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coswinx · 1 month
I wanna draw some hermits or honorary hermits (Martyn Jimmy etc.) I don't usually draw (my sketchbooks are full of Grian and Etho and occasionally Scar)
I'm aware of the hermit a day May thing drawing challenges aren't my thing
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corlds-world · 2 years
i saw a thing about like who are the honorary hermits and i’m just gonna put a list of people who i think are cool and should be honorary hermits and i was gonna put an explanation but like i’m way too tired and i didn’t want to make this post super long so here’s the list. 
definition of honorary hermit: actively hangs out with hermits. bonus points if they are good at building. 
good builders: joel, sausage, smajor
they’re always hanging out with hermits: skizz
mcc s-tiers so hermits have teamed with them: fruit, pete, hbomb, illumina
evo smp peoples: jimmy, martyn, bigb
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sprinklesharkie · 2 months
jimmy gets GOT by grian
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riacte · 3 years
MCC 16 hermit team thoughts:
Cub will likely be in this one, he plays every other MCC
Dunno about Pearl’s trend, she skipped 13 and 14, but she was in MCCP and 15, so probably she’ll be back
False is pretty much confirmed because she hasn’t skipped any canon MCC
Grian pretty much confirmed too
Ren will likely be in this too, he only skipped twice
5/5 hermits pog?
This season, Grian has been pretty much teamed with Evo buddies and Pete. He has not teamed with any hermit another than Pearl
Pearl also been with Evo buddies / Grian instead of being with FRC
FalseRen have been with Fruit and Illumina
You can feel the trend here (what am I saying lol, there’s only been two MCCs), and that’s 1) hermits x mcsr 2) falseren(cub) 3) grianpearl + evo + old friends
Martyn is not joining, so no Renchanting
We can assume H isn’t joining, so no H and hermits as well
Grian has been with Pete three times, and pretty much consecutively (MCC 13, 14, 15), so maybe it’s time for G to team with Fruit again?
I don’t feel we’ll get Lime Liches, because at this point we’ve seen a LOT of FalseRenFruit trios, and no way in hell are FalseRen splitting up
I can see Grian Cub Pearl Fruit maybe (*Lime12 noises*) if we go with Scott nerfing Fruit AGAIN, but I sincerely hope Fruit gets a strong team this time. It’s not about him winning, it’s just sad to be in the 10th when other players around his skill level get stronger teams. Fruity B is nice and chill and adaptable, but they’ve done him dirty. Would love to see Fruit on a strong team for ONCE
That being said, Illumina and hermits (and co) got along extremely well, I can see Illumina being “the next Fruit” and starts teaming with hermit trios
You know what? Jordan is an honorary hermit now. And he has NOT teamed with a single hermit. This is a crime. I’m sure they’ll get along well because Iskall adores him. He has the Hermit Seal of Approval
Quig and hermits would be cute tbh. Let them adopt another one. I want to see Ren and Quig in a vc after their practice Dodgebolt ;-;
Fun facts: Grian and Cub have not been teamed together. Neither have Ren and Pete.
One interesting case is Wilbur…? We could get like MCC P Pink redemption (RIP TECHNOBLADE </3) or at least a 2/4 because that team is so beloved. I hope we get Jimmy and Wilbur because I’m low-key sick of the Grian-Wilbur clout domination sorry. C’mon, we miss Mr Gaming.
Ah yes, my guilty pleasure team: False and Wilbutt. She legit gave him a nickname and she told her teammates?? He bothered her frequently??? They had more interaction than gRiAN ANd wiLbUr before MCCP????
False had more two-sided interaction with SBI than Grian with SBI before MCCP. Fight me.
You know what, Phil and hermits would be nice as well. Like Phil and Pearl. Or Phil and Wilbur and False. Oh fuck now I actually want this.
Phil Wilbur False Ren— the “do not separate” duos
Is it bad that I want the clout people to team with any hermit that isn’t Grian, because some parts of the fandom pretty much only talk about Grian. Yeah it’s probably bad of me
At this point, I don’t have any teams I actively want because H and Martyn aren’t participating
But I want hermit duos more than hermit trios. Hermit duo teams are just SO GOOD *blows kisses to Blue9 and Purple15 in particular because I’m biased*
If Doc is in this MCC I fully expect Rendoc team
If Iskall is in this MCC I fully expect Renskall team
I’ll patiently await my FalseRen team as always. For the 11th time. Yes it literally never gets old.
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