#jimmy and sea deserved better
hotasfahrenheit · 5 months
i had a thought while i was watching the ending of the Last Twilight finale and i think part of what threw me so much about the ending of this series is that it felt a lot like what happened that i hated about the finale and ending of How I Met Your Mother.
what???? no really hang on i know that sounds like a wild comparison but it makes sense hear me out.
looking back on HIMYM there's plenty of problematic shit with that show in general, but when it was airing it was HUGE with one of my friend groups in particular and we were all crazy about it. constantly quoting it, watching and rewatching it together, one time some of us watched the whole first season in one night and stayed up to get through it all. and the show grew and changed over the years and so did we, i moved away, but the show still was a nice connection point. and then the finale happened.
they took the original idea for the ending that they had when the show started and when they probably figured they'd get 2 or 3 seasons out of it instead of 9- that Ted and Robin would end up together- and ignored all of the years of character growth and plot development that had happened, including Ted literally processing his feelings finally and really letting go of Robin and falling in love with someone else, and Robin and Barney growing into their relationship and figuring out how to be healthy and good partners for each other- and just threw it all away and RAMMED the ending cap of Ted and Robin onto the last episode and were like "lol cool we finally did it" and just.... that was that. and it made me never want to watch the show again.
Last Twilight is giving me the exact same feelings in a much shorter time span.
it felt like someone had the idea that Day should get his sight back at the end when they first started writing this show, and then even tho they wrote a beautiful narrative of accepting your disabilities and learning how to live life happily no matter what and how anyone can find love etc etc etc they really liked the idea that Day would get his sight back after all and just rammed it onto the end of the series. it didn't fit the story anymore with how the characters were developing or the direction the story was taking, but that mattered less than hitting this plot point so everything just went out the window for it to happen.
it's true that in real life, sometimes people are only disabled temporarily even if they accept the fact that they their disability may be permanent. it's true that in real life, people can get cornea transplants and have their vision restored. but in a story that presented itself for roughly 10 episodes as being about the fact that you can learn to live with a sudden, unexpected disability and that life can still be full of joy and love even when it changes, having a magical disability fix at the last minute just feels like a betrayal of that message, the entire plot, the character growth, all of it. the idea of the cornea transplant was presented early on, yes, and mentioned a few times throughout, but the way it was dangled in when Day had hit some kind of level of meaningful acceptance then yanked away, then popped up right at the very end once more when he had again made meaningful progress in his life, made it feel like a disservice to the narrative/message instead of meant as something to give anyone dealing with a temporary disability hope or a meaningful story that is about the potentiality of overcoming a disability.
like one of the only narrative reasons i can maybe see behind it is if you really lean into Day having any lingering doubts about Mhok being with him because of pitying his blindness, having his vision restored and Mhok still being there removes any reason for pity so his love must be real? but forcing them to break up then get back together and have Day get the surgery and Mhok stick around to prove Mhok really genuinely loves him feels like a wild stretch and needlessly cruel to Mhok (which i have a lot of feelings about anyway with the whole lack of allowing Mhok a single ounce of grace or time to process his grief but-) but at this point who even knows.
i never thought i'd be relating a Thai BL series to HIMYM but they really made me feel that way and here we are, frustrated and disappointed all over again.
at least Night and Phorjai got the happy ending they deserved and this story only took a few months instead of literal years of my life to get through.
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sexsellz · 2 years
★̲ ⤻ 𝒂𝐦𝒆𝐫𝒊𝐜𝒂𝐧 𝐛𝒐𝐲, karl jacobs 。 ᥫ᭡ ‧₊˚
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🇫🇷- 𓄹 S͢UMMARY: 𝒙𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
After Karl falls head over heels for a pretty French girl, their meeting during a Mr.Beast challenge turns out to be more than meets the eye.
🌠- 𓄹 P͢AIRING(S):
karl x reader
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You and Karl had been dreaming about meeting up ever since the two of you had an electric connection on his Love or Host, and with his dear friend Jimmy needing a friend from a foreign country for one of his challenges, the stars had perfectly aligned in favor of you and Karl. Needless to say, France was quite the trip away from where you’d be staying in Los Angeles, but as Karl had reassured you several times, “It won’t be as scary once you get here! :)” So, with your hoards of suitcases packed into an Uber, as well as about a dozen different interpretations of what the so-called ‘Surprise’ Jimmy and Karl had planned for you, you set off for the airport.
Karl had been ever so eager for your arrival ever since the day you’d agreed to do the challenge with him, and though you weren’t supposed to land for nearly 12 hours, he couldn’t contain his excitement any longer- which made him voluntarily spew his emotions on Twitter.
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The flight was more or less a full experience in itself, which you were more than grateful for- seeing as your flight had been scheduled to keep you up all night long, this being in hopes of making it to Los Angeles in time for the games, the small amount of sleep you’d managed to get in during the flight was more than well deserved. Just before the plane has landed at LAX, you forced yourself awake just in time to collect your things and prepare for your departure. Prying yourself from the cramped airplane seat, you retrieved your bags from the overhead compartment, pulling your phone from your jeans pocket to check the time. 1 pm, or better known as 4 am in France.
Jet lag had definitely begun to settle into your sleep deprived mind, but luckily with the amount of Starbucks’ lining the airport kiosks, you assured yourself with a few hefty shots of espresso you’d be able to wake yourself right up. You clutched your bag tightly against your chest, as other passengers around you started their departure off the plane. In no way did you plan on fighting through the line of stampeding people for one reason or another. After the last person was clear and out of sight, you lugged your suitcases from on top of you, and onto the walkway as you made your way off the plane as well.
You left the terminal gate that led to your plane, eying the sea of people, some concerningly not wearing masks, looking for the group of boys you’d traveled all the way from France to meet. While doing so, you couldn’t help but overhear the distinct laughter of your sweet boy Karl- which eventually ratted out their direct location out to you. Nowhere near where Jimmy had described them to be, but still, you went to greet them nonetheless. Before Karl had initially noticed your arrival, you locked eyes with Jimmy, who seemed just as excited to behold your presence as the rest of the boys were. Jimmy cleared his throat, gathering Karl’s attention from the bit he and Chandler had gotten themselves into, beholding you, the pretty french girl, to Karl.
When his eyes had finally fixated themselves on you, there was a bright twinkle in his ashy gray eyes, as a sensation of ‘love at first sight’ filled his heart. He stuttered over his words, and even though his mask covered the majority of his face, you could still see the faint blush that flushed across his cheeks. You smiled at him, parting your lips to confidently say, “Bonjour Karl, can I have that hug now?” He nodded, and invited you into his arms. The two of you hugged for a moment, and before he pulled away he said, “Finally good to meet you, pretty french girl.”
It’d been roughly an hour or two since you’d landed in Los Angeles, and while your pure born French heart had dreamt of aimlessly discovering everything that the American streets had to offer, you knew that Jimmy had other plans for how you were going to spend your time. So, while you finished getting ready to appear on Karl’s stream, Jimmy and Chris helped Chandler set up the various amounts of cameras and microphones needed to successfully record the Creator Games. Of course, you were incredibly nervous, but as Karl opened stream labs and the notification had been sent out that he was live, you pushed all your previous fears off your chest, preparing for a fun stream.
Karl greeted his chat, while you Jimmy, Karl and Chandler all piled behind a table where they’d presented a whiteboard with the words ‘Mr.Beasts Creator Games!’ printed in bold lettering. You’d sat yourself next to Karl, pulling a smaller white board from under the table, and writing your and Karl’s name at the very top. Karl took the whiteboard from you, replacing the empty space around your name with hearts. He looked to the camera, happily introducing you, as well as the others, to his viewers.
“Chat, you have absolutely no idea what we’ve got planned today! We’ve got Jimmy, Chandler and the very very lovely Y/n, and,” he paused to turn to Jimmy, and with his permission he finally announced the contest you'd all been competing for. “We’re all gonna answer some questions, and whoever wins in the end gets tons of money!” And with the initial announcement of the game, the pairs had finally been chosen, ending up with you and Karl being the proclaimed ‘OTP’ of the game. Karl’s chat had definitely taken a liking to you, chanting your ship name in chat. TTS spoke making your entire table, except for the two for you, cringe.
karlsimp donated $100: “Hello Karl, I’m here to say you and Y/n are very cute :D. We’re rooting for you!”
𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚜𝚔𝚒𝚙 —
The stream had been going for over three hours, segwaying through the various amounts of creators, where Jimmy had asked them the most mind boggling varieties of questions, which ended up leaving the final contestants being your team, versus Dream. Jimmy held the contestant questionnaire card to himself, reading off the following question. “What is the most used word in the English language?” You and Karl looked at each other for a moment, while Dream laughed from across the call. Karl racked his brain for any possible answers he could think of, seeing as you were a native French speaker, you weren’t exactly the most capable of knowing that much about the English language. The word he'd ended up writing down was, “what”, which he secretly knew wasn’t correct, but he just wanted to finish things up in order to get to his special question.
The timer had eventually gone off, and Jimmy raised the question of, “Alright Karl, show us your answer!” to Karl, making him reluctantly slide his board across the table. Jimmy read the word off aloud, chuckling to himself. “And you’re absolutely sure this is your answer?” Karl looked across his shoulder to you, furthering a smile and a thumbs up to be seen, before agreeing to submit his answer. “I’ve got the entire French nation backing me up on this one!” You laughed at his corny joke, as Jimmy announced that indeed Karl’s answer had been wrong. But luckily there was room for redemption, because dreams answer had been wrong as well. But, before the next question had been introduced to the two of you Jimmy paused the games, preparing himself to read off the special question Karl had brought you all the way to LA to ask you.
“Okay now, this is a question specifically for Y/n,” The initial question had definitely piqued your interest, as you nodded along with his words. “Okayyyy,” Karl’s entire face had turned into the deepest shade of red, watching your every move as he continued with the question. “Karl didn’t actually bring you out here just to play the game with us, he was too shy to ask you over the phone, so he got me to do it! He wants to know if you, the one who he has practically fallen in love with ever since you’d been in his Love or Host, would do him the honor of being his girlfriend.” You looked at Karl with a goofed expression, who’d now had just a similarly silly smile planted on his lips. “So, what d’you say?” Once again you laughed, “Me? Falling in love with an American boy? Sure, haha! Why not!”
Needless to say, for the rest of the stream karl had been more than elated, and even if the two of you hadn’t won the 300k dollars- he’d won something much more precious to him, which was being able to call you his.
𝒓𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒔 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒏!
if you enjoyed, consider reblogging! :)
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morkofday · 11 months
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23.7.2023 - Last Twilight Filming
This is the first time we properly see Ohm (August?) interact with Day and Mork. I'm very curious to see what type of role he will play in the series bc the trailer showed us very little of him. I know people expect him to cause jealousy in Mork, and I've personally accepted that it might as well be. But I refuse to believe that will be his sole purpose in the series. Rather than that, I keep thinking he might make Mork question his motives for being around Day (he comes for the money but grows to care for him, more than as a caretaker on top of that) or even question his capability to help Day with all the things he's going through. I've also seen ppl on Twt theorize that Ohm might be involved with Day's accident or might have been in the accident with him (judging by the wrap he uses around his wrist. Maybe he got hurt too? Or is it just a strain caused by all the training?).
Then there's the character played by Kun. He's another mystery as this production chooses to keep all the roles under tight wraps (Who is Film even going to act as? Will we see her soon?). But judging by that one video clip we got of their workshops, I assumed Kun and Sea were practicing to play similar roles with Ohm and Jimmy as their "guides". With this, my brain instantly went to a) Ohm and Kun will get paired up as the side couple and b) Ohm will bring Kun to help Day as someone who has similar experiences. This would probably make Mork question his own place in all of this even further bc how is he able to help Day in the way he requires and deserves when he doesn't have the knowledge or the experience? How is he in any way better than Ohm? This might make him step down until it becomes clear that Day needs Mork bc it's Mork and they come to understand their feelings are the same.
Very curious to see how all of this actually plays out tho. For now, I'm just happy to see more of Ohm and Kun! Also, catching a glimpse of Mork's arm tattoo is always a plus hehe
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a-lil-rat · 6 months
It is nearly 4am so here are my
2024 Predictions
1. Elon Musk attempts to sell Twitter in a last ditch effort to make back some money (it doesn't work)
2. Flash mobs become a trend again
3. Donald Trump dies
4. Twitter officially shuts down
5. A minor tiktok drama accidentally reveals a major scam/conspiracy
6. Nasa releases communications with aliens
7. JKR dies
8. Return of the tumblr hipster aesthetic on tiktok
9. More billionaires die at sea
10. 9 month cruise becomes a reality show panopticon nightmare and is cancelled early
11. Jordan Peele anounces his next movie
12. Ron Desantis gay sex tape leaked
13. Gen Alpha vs Gen Z become the new Gen Z vs Millenials and it is just as pointless
14. Booktok causes all book genres to become smuttier (god please dont let this one happen)
15. Jimmy Buffet summer
16. New tiktok health trend lands people in hospital
17. Irish Unification (Star Trek better have been right about this one)
18. A country gets their artefacts back from the British Museum (we can only hope)
19. Starbuck workers revolution (successful)
20. Increase in the popularity of libraries
21. A celebrity memoire is found out to total fiction
22. Rubber ducks become a mainstream trend
23. Streaming services lose billions to piracy (deserved)
24. 1st openly gay pope
25. AI language modules become so overrun with omegaverse they become functionally unusable
25. I get a healthy sleep schedule (unlikely)
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talkingbl · 2 months
GMMTV 2024 pt. 2 (Mostly) BL Prediction Thread
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JimmySea. And they DESERVE it. Listen, I was not a JimmySea truther until I saw them in Last Twilight. And while the series went downhill from me, and both Jimmy and Sea have some improvements they can make, it is clear is day they have talent and SPARK together. Their chemistry is different from any other pair I've seen. They give a very soft/comfortable vibe that's not really romantic but more like enduring and domestic. It's like two people who really trust each other come together in their pairing instead of a fleeting but passionate trounce. I really enjoyed them in the Last Twilight and I think the series did so well GMMTV won't hesitate to put them in something new.
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PondPhuwin. They've been lying about going on hiatus for quite a while now and I'm no longer inclined to believe them. I haven't been too tapped in to them lately but it's clear by how much stuff they keep getting casted in and how overexposed they are that GMMTV sees something in them. I think they will either have another series as a couple or both star in the same series but not as a couple. But, at the very least, they'll continue to promote as a shipped couple with fanmeets/concerts/etc.
On that same note, one of them will definitely have a het series.
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FirstKhao. Don't see a world where GMMTV's not looking at the success of SandRay and saying "yeah, run that shit back." They just have way too much fan support and forward momentum that it'd be weirder if GMMTV didn't have something for them.
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Lead role for Tay in a non-BL. For every BL TayNew does, they do 20 non-BLs to offset it 😂. I think the success of Cherry Magic, even in spite of all the production woes, proves that there's still a demand for TayNew together, and Tay and New individually. And while I would not be shocked to see a TayNew BL, I feel like GMMTV has set a precedent of giving Tay and New a lot of variety in between their BL roles.
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Het series for Joong/Dunk. At this point their overexposure seems like it'll continue, for better or for worse. But I do see a world where Joong gets a het series. I can see it slightly for Dunk too just from a novelty standpoint, but at the same time no competent showrunner is going to cast Dunk with no promise of the JoongDunk-stan gravy train. He just doesn't have the chops for that IMO.
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KristSingto. Obvious to everyone in the room lmao. If they don't get a series I'll be genuinely shocked. The way the pillars are moving these days it's like the girlies saw what TayNew did and said "Lord (P'THa), what you did for them, I want that for me!" That said, I can just as easily see them in separate BL series...
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GL featuring Jan or Ciize. I don't know how well 23.5 is doing altogether (can only go based on the YT views), but it doesn't really matter IMO. I think GMMTV will do one or two GLs a year just to keep their portfolio diverse until GLs take off like BLs did. And for that, I see them casting either Jan or Ciize (or both?) since they are the most exposed female actors in GMMTV's queer media.
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Lead role for Mark Jiruntanin in a BL (though I don't think Junior will be his partner?). This is more of a dark horse preduction. I'm not going to pretend like his story was one of my favorite parts of Cherry Magic, but the way GMMTV has moved with him, I can totally see them re-pairing him with someone younger/newer and seeing how that goes. Purely from a visual standpoint, I almost want to see him with Sky Wongravee but that feels like a pipe dream...
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MarkOhm. surely I don't need to explain this one lmao.
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Gem to take a break from acting to focus on music, otherwise his first non-BL role. Weirdly, Gem and Fourth seem to be at a point where they can pretty much dictate what roles they will and won't take. I have a feeling Gem is going to try his hand at being a full-time singer since that seems to more so be his dream anyway.
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Soft launch of SeaKing as a GemFourth replacement. The mere fact the Only Boo! exists tells me all that I need to know. Sadly, the trailer for Only Boo! left me (and others) completely disengaged. Like I do not care to watch that show AT ALL. It's a poor concept with acting that seemed severely unpolished. It COULD pull an MSP and actually be good, but I just don't see that being the case (especially since the main reason why MSP was so good was because of P'Au and its unique cast...).
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WinnySatang*. Asterisk here because I'm not sure GMMTV sees it for them to have a lead couple role just yet. I wouldn't be shocked if they get the recent Marc Pahun and [REDACTED] treatment until they can prove their acting skills in We Are (in fact, I suspect GMMTV has been doing this with many of their couples since the flop of My Gear Your Gown). They're not a super popular ship so, like FirstKhao, they'll need to break out on talent alone (can't believe this is a real sentence I just wrote...like what is wrong with this industry).
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EarthMix. Now THIS is a bold prediction lmao. I heard Earth and Mix were in their divorce era? Not sure if that's true but these two honestly deserve so much better. Mix has been hard carrying GMMTV's BL talent (along with Gun and Fourth) and I would hate to see him not have more of these stories to his name. The hype for Moonlight Chicken was through the roof, but, unfortunately, Aof did what Aof does best and ruined the viewing experience like halfway through. I know they have that Ossan's Love remake allegedly happening within the next 2 years, but GMMTV is known for fucking up distribution of Japanese remakes, so I just don't think that's the best use of these two.
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Only Friends 2: Electric Boogaloo. This was actually teased in the finale of Only Friends. But if they do this, I pray they don't bring back TopMew and minimize SandRay to focus on Nick and the new characters. Still, the status of this show could be up in the air given all the bs going on behind the scenes while the show was airing and months after...
We pray for:
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An actually good series that's good from Episode 1 all the way to Episode 12/14. This would likely require some highly specific combination of story selection (something original with strong themes and consistently interesting plot), spectacular directing (P'Au or P'Nuchy only ATP), BUDGET (GMMTV, give this what you'd give Bright/Win in a het role), and acting (always love Gun but he stays casted, so would love to see some more for Fourth, Inn, First, some of the other newer folks, etc.). This is asking a lot because, honestly, no BLs have delivered this since...Linger?...but if GMMTV is smart, they'll see what some of the fan favorites did and recreate that.
On that same note, a period piece. I'm not sure how it'll work on a GMMTV budget, but I need Ayutthaya-era Thailand, with a deep and complex story.
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Perth getting another screen partner. I THOUGHT PerthChimon was going to be very interesting since Perth is a good actor and Chimon is not too shabby as well. I neglected to consider that Chimon would so abhor kissing anyone that Kanghan looked like he was trying to violate a corpse in any of their kissing scenes. I demand that Perth gets re-paired with someone who actually wants to star in a romance.
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(Not because of anything having to do with Gemini), I just want to see Fourth try another pairing, particularly with someone whose acting is out of this world. Unfortunately, I just cannot think of someone from the new crop who is not Gem who will be able to match Fourth's talent. Like, we haven't seen Chokun or Java actually act yet so it can't be either of them. As for Mark J., I don't think his acting is at Fourth's level. And I don't think Fourth would match First's energy well... It's just difficult to see who would complement Fourth in a role when so few people are at his level.
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stormyoceans · 11 months
Have a nice day, Monica! 🌸How are you feeling? Do you sleep better or are you worried about insomnia? I have a question for you: what are your favorite interviews with JimmySea? Can you make a top? I like their interviews, where the boys tell something special about their character, about hobbies outside the set or about their family. But I think the most favorite interview is Mint Hang Out. Very beautiful bright cafe, delicious dishes, Jimmy and Sea in flirting mode, and Jimmy, who did not come out of the image of Puen, because there were shootings the day before, and driving everyone crazy with gentle looks. Take care of yourself!🌸
hello, dear anon!!!! 💜
this is such a sweet message and that’s also a very interesting question!!! unfortunately im not the best at keeping track with interviews and events, so im probably going to miss some major one, but im going to try to make a small list of my favorites anyway!!!
praew magazine Q&A. YOU WILL NEVER GET ME TO ADMIT HOW MANY TIMES I’VE REWATCHED THIS INTERVIEW JUST KNOW I WOULD HAVE ORDERLIES AT MY DOOR READY TO DRAG ME INTO A PADDED ROOM IF I ADMITTED IT OUT LOUD. im not sure why i like it so much tbh, maybe because it’s a recent one and you can really see how much more comfortable they are in front of the camera and with each other, especially sea. my favorite part is how after the 15th time sea touched jimmy’s leg in the span of 3 minutes even the editor of the video was like if im forced to bare witness to things not even god could withstand then so are y’all [zooms in]
mint hang out vlog. jimmy truly be having some residual method acting left in his system with how ridiculously FOND he looks throughout the entire video. the only reason it doesn't get first place to me is because technically this isn’t exactly an interview but more of a vlog, as the title says, however since i love it and the ACTUAL interview doesn’t have any subs (if anyone asks this is my villain origin story btw) i’ve decided that i don’t care and that im gonna add it to the list anyway. ALSO THIS PERFECTLY SHOWS WHY WE NEED A JIMMYSEA EATING PROGRAM @ GMMTV LISTEN TO THE PEOPLE!!!!!!
our skyy vice versa interview. LISTEN i know it doesn't have any subs so it's not fully accessible to international fans, however it deserved a place here even just for THEE HUG™, i know it was for a challenge but sea clearly didn't expect it and you can tell he is SO DELIGHTED by it AND SO AM I OKAY IDK WHAT TO TELL YOU I AM ONLY HUMAN. also even if you don't know what they're talking about the vibes are just so immaculate and unmatched i would listen to them FOR HOURS
open the world interview. im so very fond of this one because i feel like it's a very good starting point to get to know them. sea is still very shy here, but you learn a lot of things that if you follow them for a while you find out are true: that behind the scenes sea is clingy and determined, that jimmy is always there to guide him, that the way they express their love (even the platonic kind) is by supporting and taking care of the other person, that they do end up spending time together swimming and singing and wakeboarding......
let's talk BL podcast. i knew i could trust them with my life when they were asked which was their favorite vice versa episode and jimmy replied that it was episode 10 (because he is so proud of himself for the derangement he unleashed upon us) while sea eventually picked episode 11 (because he is a man of culture) TRULY KINGS OF TASTE VISION AND CORRECT OPINIONS ONLY!!!!!!! honestly it's just a great interview all-around and i always love how both jimmy and sea try their best in everything they do
i wish i could add more but sadly all the other ones that come to mind (like the oishi magic of zero episode with milklove and the jd's birthday party live with earthmix) don't have any subs ;;;;;; let's hope we're gonna get a lot more when last twilight finally airs!!!!!
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toxicrevolver · 6 months
BL People I Desire Carnally
Tagged by @loveable-sea-lemon thanks for the tag!!!
Tagging (no pressure): @boysbeloving and any other bl fans who wanna participate are more than welcome to blame me!
Bestie. I’ve watched one BL. This list is gonna be sad (and mostly kinnporsche characters).
Also. I’m ace so have fun figuring out what I mean by carnally bcs it changes on a case by case basis.
Vegas Theerapanyakul (Kinnporsche) - he is my dude. I would both fight him and fight FOR him. He is sad and pathetic and soggy and I LOVE HIM OKAY.
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Tay (Kinnporsche) - I would treat him right!! He could be my pretty trophy wife and I would pamper him! HE DESERVES BETTER. LOOK AT HIM. HES SO PRETTY. HE DESERVES TO BE LOUNGING AROUND EATING GRAPES NOT DEALING WITH DUMBASSES.
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Big (Kinnporsche) - shut up. We don’t talk about what happened bcs it WASN’T REAL. HE’S ON A BEACH SOMEWHERE WITH HIS LITTLE PONYTAIL BEING SAFE.
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Payu (Love in the Air) - idc that I haven’t watched the show. He’s gender. And a whore from what I’ve been informed. We love that for him. also. Manbun. WAIT I SAW A GIF. DOES PRETTY MANBUN GUY RIDE A MOTORCYCLE OR SOMETHING?? BCS BONUS POINTS.
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- Bonus round bcs I am extra and feel like this isn’t enough people since I haven’t watched many shows -
Whoever the fuck the main driver guy in Pit Babe is (not little glasses supreme alpha guy. The other guy. I am so shit at names) - he’s pretty.
Jimmy Jitaraphol (idk what he’s in. Someone told me before and I forgor) - Why is fancy doctor man acting in BL dramas? Obviously bcs he needed a legit reason to convince his homies to kiss him.
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singto-prachaya · 2 years
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So after I made gifs it’s time for a round up where I talk about all BL’s and the GL’s for GMMTV and the one non BL/GL I am interested in. Along with my rank in order of which ones I like the most.
Midnight Museum
So hold on! P’tor and Gun in a series together? Wow. That alone already had me interested. Then I saw the trailer and wow this looks interested and definitly something I want to watch.
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QGCM2PO9vU
#1 Only Friends
Yo friends with benefits? Messy as hell story? Upgraded version of Fahlanruk! And that from GMMTV? GMMTV being bold here. I am totally here for this. I loved Friendzone and this is from the same director so bring it on. Also we see a new pairing here which is NeoMark. They are going to be in 2 BL’s together.  I wonder why GMMTV is trying out a new pairing with Neo? Do they feel like NeoLouis isn’t good enough? I am afraid they might sink that ship and I would be sad about it since I really like them. 
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=veex4hF7wj4&t=4s
#2 Cooking Crush
Offgunnnnnnnnnn. Enough said. I totally didn’t expect this but I am so happy. This looks like a light hearted romcom so bring it on.
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDabs7Cc_yA&t=4s
#3 Last Twilight
I have not watched Vice Versa and I also don’t plan on doing so. So I have no opinions on Jimmy and Sea’s acting. But I trust P’aof. This story is definitly something we have not seen in a Thai BL. 100% sad story and unless he doesn’t end up going blind in the end it’s a sad ending no matter what. So I will prepair tissues once it airs. I also really like the cinematography here.
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oCqs7Ikfxo&t=6s
#4 Hidden Agenda
So I love JoongDunk but why another uni BL with them? I wish it was something else and I am also not 100% sold on the story. But I will watch this because it’s also not a 100% turn of for me.
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMLWl6xVt-U&t=3s
#5 A Boss And A Babe
Seriously change the title! I beg you! This sounds rediculous. This one is pretty low because while I do not mind office romance the trailer was messy. We saw a bit of e-sports only for it to be thrown out the rest of the trailer. This is also by director New so my hopes for this being good is low.
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=388W0CMt2bw&t=6s
#6 Our Skyy 2
Lowest one on the list of what I would watch. And it’s simply because it’s just one special ep for each pairing. So no priority for me to watch this.
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vaVz3vwzKm8
#7 Dangerous Romance
The plot looks interested but it has Perth in it so I have zero interest in watching this. If someone else but Perth was paired with Chimon I would have watched this. Also will they let Perth sing the OST? Because for the love of god no. I am still traumatized by his OST for Tell The World I Love You.
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PAnFhQxpVo&t=1s
#8 Cherry Magic
Look a Cherry Magic remake it self I have no problems with. But TayNew? New the guy who made fun of disabled people and never apologized for it? Yeh I will pass. But I also I wonder how Thailand will try and pull this off since Japan has a very specific type of humour only Japan can pull of.
Since this is a GL no rank for it since I will watch anyways. I am glad we are getting another GL. But I wonder if if GMMTV put in a side BL couple hoping it will attrack more viewers? 
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72jftPTXeMA&t=3s
Anything else I want to say?
Yes I am upset by the lack of Louis and Pawin. Both only have 1 side role and they deserve better. I just hope they will let Louis sing lots of OST’s then. And that’s also how I feel about Arm. I know he has lots of other work but come one give him a lead role somewhere.
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theflagscene · 2 years
Fuck off with that Lays advert proposal, I guess I should just be glad Puen didn’t put a ring on a KFC drumstick 🙄
But seriously, for all the shit I give/gave the series, Sea and Jimmy did their best, and did have believable chemistry. Also I think they kissed the most out of all the BL couples that come to mind, they legit just kissed randomly like a normal couple. That kind of regular everyday couple interaction is what I like to see in queer romances, normally every kiss has a build up in queer media, no one just walks up and kisses their partners cheek for the hell of it. It was nice that they tried to put some of that normalcy into their characters, even with such a strange story. I’ll admit won’t miss the 20 minutes of being sold products in a 40 minute show every week, but I will miss the characters nonetheless. Just maybe not Tess, screw Tess, he was a jackass.
Although a Not Me rewatch taking over the Saturday spot is totally okay with me, thank you GMMTV.
Also, Dol, totally deserved better than Foei playing him in universe one. Blech!
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dribs-and-drabbles · 2 years
Random thoughts on Vice Versa ep 3
We got to see more of Jimmy this ep - much more than ep 1 and much more than we really saw him do in Bad Buddy - and my fears are slightly alleviated about his acting...I think he's improved. He's still a little awkward and (pardon the slight pun) green but seems much more comfortable and natural. Or maybe the character of Puen suits him better than the asshole (affectionate) Wai.
Anyway, I also thought Jimmy and Sea work well together and I'm so glad we have both of them now. They seem comfortable with each other and there doesn't seem to be too much of a imbalance between them. I guess even though Jimmy is older, Sea might have more experience in the industry (whether with training or work) than him and those things balance themselves out...
Speaking of the actors... Neo is just fantastic and I demand him in a lead role now please. I'm adding him to the list of actors who deserve a main role (including but not limited to Poppy, of course).
But on to the actual ep... I thought the dialogue between Puen and Talay at the end of the 'green' intro (outside the association) maybe should have been swapped...it felt like Talay was relinquishing too soon for his earlier desire to go back, especially since I've seen Jimmy talk about his character as not wanting to go back and yet here he did. It was a little confusing...but on my second watch I didn't mind as much.
I thought the "Don't judge the book by its cover" line was a nice little inclusion - basically pointing out that both Puen and Talay are in the wrong 'covers' and their opinions of each other can't be formed by how they look - for them, who they are is only the 'content of the book'. It was also nice that it was said about the pink ice cream...is that what it was?...because it's a little hint for Talay to let go of his dislike of pink and open up to the possibilities it might bring (especially if the 'pink' is representative of Puen).
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And I couldn't help to think of @absolutebl when Talay said "strawberries!"
I really loved the not-a-date date that Puen and Talay went on. It just built so well and didn't take itself too seriously. Sometimes some series try too hard to make something like this work...the *nudge nudge wink wink look we're doing boyfriendy things* but this was cute and funny.
I already mentioned in another post that I hoped the 'number 5' hand gesture would return/mean something at some later point...but someone helpfully pointed out that they may already have done it within the ep - using it as small foreshadowing of the pinky-promise Puen and Talay made at the end.
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I've seen others mention this but I wonder if we're being set up for an open ending - or if we're being trolled or given a red herring...I hope it's the latter.
And lastly, for the part of my brain that goes feral over cool linguistic things...I wonder when Puen and Talay will go from saying "jer gan" to "fan di na" when they say goodbye to each other...I will squee when they do...actually I'll squee when Talay says it first.
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mywingsareonwheels · 2 years
Shetland season 7 (eps 1-3) observations. Spoilerific, including mildly spoilerific for ep 4 which we haven’t had yet.
Behind the cut for spoiler reasons.
- insufficient Duncan, and very insufficient Cassie.
- this is not a particularly compelling central mystery, awesome as the acting is. I’m fed up with the organised crime element, I’m fed up with Shetland being treated as an absolute hotbed of Everything Bad. It just... the first few seasons portrayed the horrible stuff happening as an aberration and that is so much better and more interesting.
- it is good to see Sandy being a bit competent at last.
- I am assuming that Tosh will be fine, thank God. But also, in that case... what’s the point of that cliffhanger? Ugh. Cheap.
- if they break Tosh and Donnie up I will riot. They are both wonderful and deserve the world and they are by far the best canon romantic relationship in the show.
- on which note.
- UGH.
- look if they really want Jimmy to end up in a happy het relationship for Douglas Henshall leaving, then... fair, I guess. This is a thing that happens, and I wasn’t really expecting that they’d go canon Jimmy/Duncan. But they couldn’t in that case put more effort into said het relationship than this?!! Jimmy and Meg have absolutely no discernable chemistry, we’ve not seen them at any point bonding as friends before attempting to date. They’re awkward with each other without seeming actually attracted to each other. The kiss was... weird. And they don’t *smile* with each other. Duncan made Jimmy smile and laugh and obviously feel safe and cherished on the day of his beloved mum’s funeral. That’s what you want for a love interest for the main character, if you want to give them a happy ending. It’s a bit of a whopping difference! At the very least, even without a romantic relationship between the two men, centering their friendship has been a really good emotional choice up to now and I’m annoyed that they’ve stopped that.
- I mean on the upside, I guess, whatever they do and however much they force Jimmy and Meg together and ignore Duncan, they are simply not going to sell the audience on the concept of Meg supplanting Duncan as the second most important person in Jimmy’s life after Cassie. Even if they outright say it, no one’s going to buy that, I think, however heterosexist.
- no Cassie at all in the show so far is a massive loss, even more in some ways than the mostly-gone Duncan. And unlike Duncan she’s not in Aberdeen!! I guess Erin Armstrong was very busy? But we’ve not even seen Cassie’s emotional reaction to a) both her dads being arrested, b) one go to prison, c) the other being suspended, d) and come back to Shetland and resume his work. All while she’s living with one of his employees. Oh and also she lost her grandfather during that time too. I mean, really? Nothing? Nothing even about how she’s coped with all of this? Even without Erin there, could we not at least have a conversation between Jimmy and Alex about how she’s doing? Cassie’s relationship with Jimmy and her gradually starting to trust and have a proper relationship with Duncan too has been one of the joys of the show from day one. She’s absolutely key! Grrr.
- the central mystery of the show wasn’t great in season 6 either, but at least in 6 we had the Duncan & Donna stuff. This one is just... not enough. It feels like they’re repeating earlier themes and beats. (Lost child, frantic mother, flawed and damaged father; that’s 5 and 6 rolled together, and both did it far better.)
- I’ll watch to the end of the show, obviously, but as far as I’m concerned this just isn’t canon, especially not relevant to all the fanfic! Partner and I were noting earlier that if this had been the standard of season 1 we’d probably not have become fans. Which is a massive shame, especially as this is Douglas’s last season.
- after watching last night I then showed Partner Endeavour 1.3 (”Rocket”), which was the one episode they’d not seen yet. They loved it, even though it’s hardly the best of that show. And ooof the contrast in quality was honestly a bit appalling. And in its first four seasons I’d say Shetland absolutely is on a par with Endeavour. I mean, I can’t say that Endeavour series 8 was the best thing ever either, but it was so very much better than Shetland 7 that it’s a bit embarrassing.
- if Endeavour 9 disappoints like this I’ll be frankly devastated. But I will also be surprised.
- just, ugh, frankly.
- so, yeah. Shetland continues to have great acting and scenery and good individual moments, but the writing and direction this season are really really not there, at least not yet. I hope the last few episodes redeem it somewhat. And at least we hopefully get Rhona back next week, and that should help matters. :-)
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tachvintlogic · 2 years
The Lightning Conductor 12/14 entry commentary
Ooooh, we haven't heard from Molly in a while. I wonder if her dad and Lord Lane know each other.
...It would hilarious if Lord Lane was her father. I don't think that's going to be the case, but by god, what if it was?
Thank you a thousand times for both, which have just been forwarded along the route of this "wild-goose chase," as you call it. Well, if it is one, I don't know who the goose is, unless Aunt Mary.
It's more of a "wild-goose avoidance" than a chase.
If you ever lose all your money and come a nice, gentlemanly cropper in the street called Wall, we might come to Biarritz to live, just you and I. [...] [I]t's always gay and fashionable, and yet you needn't be either unless you like. And the sea and sky have more gorgeous colour in them than any other sea and sky, and the air has more ozone; and the brown rocks that go running a hippopotamus race out into the beryl-green water are queerer and finer than any other rocks.
God now I want to visit the French countryside. I love everytime that gay and queer and used as words to complement something. It's great.
A particularly handsome boatman wanted to row us, but Brown would do it himself, either to show how well he can manage the oars, or else because the boatman had abnormally long eyelashes, and Brown is rather sick of eyelashes.
Ah so Jack's nickname for the Frenchman who followed them hadn't gone unnoticed! That's hilarious! Lmao
But suddenly a handsome young man appeared from a side street, and stopping in the middle of the road, vigorously tinkled a musical bell. [...] Each house door showed a man; women hung over the gaily-draped balconies; children ran out and clustered round the bell-ringer. He began to speak very fast in guttural Spanish [...] When he had finished everyone laughed. [...] The handsome bell-ringer laughed too, and then vanished as suddenly as he had come. All the life of the quaint street seemed to fade away with him. Slowly the people took themselves indoors; the balconies were empty; the street silent as in a city of the dead.
I feel like this is a reference to something and I want to know what.
As we got into the town the Lightning Conductor, who was driving, whisked us through a few streets
Title drop!
Just as we were acquitting ourselves quite creditably who should step out from a group of the very people we were hoping to impress with our superiority but Jimmy Payne! Oh, you wicked old man, I believe you must have wired or written him a hint.
I wonder if Jimmy Payne knows and can recognize Jack Winston.
You know you have a weakness for Jimmy, or rather for his family. But I can't go about marrying the sons of all the pretty ladies you were in love with in your vanished youth.
Oh no Jack, you got competition!
If only the friend doesn't proceed to bore you by insisting on being something more than a friend, which I hope Jimmy is by this time tired of doing, I think I shall rather enjoy the encounter than otherwise.
Oof. Never mind, Jack, Jimmy is not competition at all. She is not interested, and is a bit tired of everyone insisting she should be.
I thought his face changed a little, though I don't know why it should. "Oh," said he, "I've lent it to my friend Lord Lane; charming fellow I met last year in Paris. He'll meet me with it a little later. Where are you going after this?"
Oh. Jimmy's here because of Lane. He's trying to ruin Jack's deception! This is so much better!
We're working slowly on to the Riviera," said I. "Oh, isn't that funny," said Jimmy, "that's where Lord Lane and I are going to meet!
Jack, you got big problems. I cannot wait to read Jack's letter later. Molly, you're going to be so pissed, and you deserve to be pissed, but go a bit easy on the guy. Or don't. You don't have to. He has been lying to you for a while.
I like how Lightning Conductor is Molly's pet name for Jack.
Your Molly-who-loves-only-you.
Her sign off was simultaneously sweet and also and not so subtle "stop trying to set me up with boys, dad!"
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trustresource · 2 years
Thing one thing two costume
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#Thing one thing two costume full
When she interviewed with Schweikart & Cokely years and years and years ago – the first job interview when she declined the job – they asked her, "Why did you leave your small town?" and she said, "Because I wanted more." So I looked at Florida as almost like an Icarus thing, where Kim thinks she flew too close to the sun. We've seen her and heard her talk about how important that all was to her, and she was truly in love with Jimmy. I mean helping the world and practicing law. She has this life that we know is much less than what she wanted out of life. I think she thought that was her penance. The call with Jimmy does send Kim into action, with her creating the affidavit and sharing it with Howard’s wife Cheryl, who asks Kim why she is doing all this. I just need to drive my car exactly the speed limit and keep my head down, make a decent living, have nice enough friends, a nice enough boyfriend and a jigsaw puzzle, and that's what I deserve." I can't be trusted to pass judgment on things. I can't be trusted to make any decisions. She created this other persona and decided, "This is all I get in life. She didn't really come out of it, I guess is what I'm saying. It's the absolute anguish and pain of what she went through and her decision to have to leave everything behind – Jimmy, the law, and her entire life. Does she seem content with this life she's living in Florida or can we see Kim in there struggling to suppress everything? When she gets the phone call from Jimmy, you see, "Oh, there is a piece of the old Kim we know in there somewhere." I had to come to a place in creating this new Kim that very much was a different person but that's still on the shoulders of who Kim had become before, if that makes sense. We had long talks about how long has she been like this. She wants to just be gray and blend in and disappear really, and that informed a lot of stuff for me. She is a shell of a person who just doesn't want to be looked at anymore. The conversations about what that wig should look like and what these costumes should say were all around the idea that she's not hiding from the law. But the conversations with Jennifer Bryan and Ruth Carsch and Cheri Montesanto – costume, hair, and makeup – and with Peter and with Vince were just as instrumental. Once I finally got the wig on and was wearing the costumes, they do change you. Between the costume and hair and her state of mind, did you feel like you were playing a new character entirely? Kim may be alive, but she is certainly different from the Kim Wexler we’ve known all these seasons. But I wanted to stay in the sandbox as long as I could, just because I love these people and I love playing this role so much. We have lots of characters and when the story necessitates a character dying, then that is what's going to happen. He did not say that to me, so I was thrilled just because nobody wants to leave the sandbox early. Peter is always very respectful of actors though to let them know when they are going to be written off and when they're going to die. I didn't know Kim's fate at the beginning of the season. Were you relieved when you finally learned Kim’s fate? Perhaps the only thing fans wanted more than your Emmy nomination was to know if Kim was alive during Breaking Bad and if she would survive this show. It's not exactly something like I sat around crying until it happened But having the fans and the critics being so supportive of me over the years, it was a wonderful thing that so many people had expressed so much goodwill towards me. It's been amazing for six seasons that our show always gets nominated in a sea of hundreds and hundreds of shows on the air. It's amazing! Of course, being recognized by the Academy and getting a nomination is amazing.
#Thing one thing two costume full
Rhea Seehorn, who plays Kim Wexler on AMC’s Better Call Saul, discusses how she approached playing a “completely different” Kim in the final episodes, having an emotional breakdown on a bus full of strangers and why she viewed Kim’s confession as an “act of love” for Jimmy.įirst off, congratulations on your long-overdue Emmy nomination for Better Call Saul, as well as your nomination for Cooper's Bar! How did it feel to have that come to fruition after so much talk about it from fans and critics through the years?
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fatedmus3s · 2 years
Good Dreams and Goodbyes
Summary: Her years as spiderling are finally over. Against all odds, she proved herself to be worthy of the title "Black Widow". What happens to the Winter Soldier and Natalia Romanova next? They are bound to finally part ways. Or is Natalia's little discovery of the inseparable Captain America and Bucky keeping them together?
Word Count: 7,082 words
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
Once the Winter Soldier was dismissed, she dropped her arms and moved her head slightly to get the tension out of her shoulders and neck. Natalia was about to get up when she saw Kudrin arrive at the sea of people. Unsure of what to do, she kept kneeling, watching the men surrounding them. She looked at the mule who had trusted her and didn't feel regret for making him come with her. He or better, the drugs inside him had spared her life after all.
Kudrin walked over and told her that she would finally be able to get up, so she did. She listened to her speak in false pride. The redhead would've loved to wipe that satisfied smile of the older woman, but she simply stood and listened. Her gaze shortly went to the man, who deserved the self-praise and pride. But once she was addressed as a Black Widow at the graduation ceremony, Natalia noted how it wasn't a question anymore but a statement. 
"Thank you, ma'am," she spoke, knowing that was what Kudrin wanted to hear. 
<"When will the ceremony take place?">, she asked to which Kudrin simply said <"Soon. Hold yourself ready."> 
Natalia nodded obediently and stayed quiet. It was still evident that the two women couldn't stand each other much. The redhead tolerated Kudrin because of those dancing lessons and because she wasn't allowed to do anything against her.
She was dismissed with a wave of Kudrin's hand. Natalia walked towards the building to go to her room, thinking of her future outside the Red Room. Little did Natalia know that she would rise to be the most famous and efficient Black Widow in this program.
He could feel his head lull to the side and murmured under his breath.
“Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes of the 107th regiment… 325557038... Brooklyn, N.Y. ….” He repeated under his breath, repeating again and again… So that's who he was… not what this freak German scientist kept repeating and repeating and repeating… hydra… no… Sergeant James…
His eyes trained on a point across the room, and he continued to mutter hours after the latest experiment. His body felt drained from whatever they’d injected him with, but the light was gone, that swayed back and forth in jerky movements. It was gone like the scientist was. 
He could hardly breathe, but he still kept at it. His voice grew weaker until he thought the mantra more than saying…
“Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes… of the 107… 32..557…” he continued, his voice growing hoarse and his eyes slid closed without him realizing it. He was... so tired... so, very tired. All he wanted was to rest... 'compliance will be rewarded'...his heart beat faster. 
No. He'd never listen to that. He'd never give in to these nazis. He couldn't rest; James just couldn't. Because he was James Barnes... his mother's little Jimmy, and his annoying sisters Rebecca's confidant, he was Bucky, Steve's friend and protector... God knew he needed one. Someone to stop him from his stupid escapades.
He couldn't give up, couldn't give in. But he wouldn't die, either... James didn't want to die. He wasn't ready to. But he just wasn't sure how long he could keep going. The clear thoughts dispersed sooner and he mumbled along his words to draw strength from them when his mind grew weaker. To remind him of all that.
A voice drew him out of his mantra and he opened his eyes. 
He stared above him and resigned himself to more of it… more of the bright lights and the shouts, the prodding and the needles… the creaking... cold metal under him… he couldn’t really feel his body just now, and his mind drug behind him sluggishly from being forced to stay awake for who knew how long.
He almost felt them pulling at the restraints he'd long forgotten was there. One shook him hard near his chest and his head lolled to the side again. He blinked once… this wasn't…
“Who… who's there…?” He slurred, finding words hard to find, and he focused on a helmet… blue… he could almost see blue in the dark light from the moon shining in the room.
“It’s me…” James looked harder at the face. “It’s Steve.”
His mind stuttered. “Steve,” He said, a smile pulled at the muscles on his face oddly and he felt a wash of homesickness over him. Of the little punk back at home, waiting for him to get back from the war, who wanted to come galavant in this hellhole, so God damn much… his thick-headed friend who was probably still picking fights in back alleys and stuffing his shoes to pass stupid tests…
“Come on.”
The voice pulled his mind back, away from the fond memories of home, of his friend. He looked up and felt he was imagining it. “Steve?” He muttered, letting out an amused breath. Of course, Steve couldn't be here… but as he looked at him and got hauled up off the metal table, he could swear he saw Steve's stupid face in front of him.
He felt disoriented as his body moved, and he could feel the stiffness in his bones. Steve hadn’t left, his face hadn’t turned into something else and his friend clapped him on the cheek and he blinked again wildly. 
His brain finally seemed to register that Steve was in front of him and they were still in the isolation ward. Steve…. what the hell…?
“I thought you were dead,” His friend breathed out worriedly, but he couldn't really take in words. So instead, he looked at Steve, trying to tell if his mind was tricking him again, taking him somewhere else besides the pain of the experiments.
It didn’t seem right, it wasn't real. Little detail were wrong... even sitting, why was Steve so tall? He used to have to set his arm on his friend's shoulders. His shoulders so broad and yeah, it didn’t really work did it?
“I thought you were smaller,” He mumbled back, a little confused at the whole scenario. 
He stared and stared at him, balancing his arm on his friend’s and he practically begged God to please not let this one be fake. That his friend was somehow here, rescuing him from this place, that he’d lied his way into the army and somehow ended up with a group here to save them all from this… just so he could get out. So it could all end. So he could rest. James was too stubborn to die and never submit... but he was so tired.
“Come on,” Steve said and he helped Bucky adjust his grip... and as he hauled him to his feet… Bucky was starting to realize this was real. This wasn’t his imagination. Steve was here…. and he was helping him stand up. Bucky couldn’t feel his legs, and his knees buckled as soon as they stood.
Steve lifted him… Steve lifted him… Steve Rogers was carrying him and huffing a 'here goes' as he pulled Bucky's deadweight and tried to pick up his tangled feet to make them work. He could barely stand on his own… dammit; how tall was Steve suddenly? Could this be real?
It would have to be one really realistic dream. He stumbled over the step and glanced back up… no, this was real. He could hear the gunshots now, he could feel Steve holding up his weight, and he could feel the pain arching across his shoulders and in his chest.
“Wh-What happened to you?” He pushed the words from his throat.
“I joined the army!” Was Steve's doofy reply and Bucky knew this was his friend, alright. Even he couldn't dream up that sort of dumbass answer. No one else could be so light-hearted in the middle of this place, either. He could finally feel his feet and wrapped an arm around his injured side as he struggled to stay up on his feet and not weigh Steve down.
They continued down the hallway and he continued his questions….
"Steve...." He murmured, hardly a whisper in a hushed, soft tone. He shifted in his sleep, rolling onto his back as his flesh hand clenched and his eyes darted beneath his eyelids. 
Natalia was on her way back from breakfast as she passed two guards. It was a regular occurrence and people stopped caring about her appearance as her graduation ceremony was only a few days away. She was one of them now and not the psychotic scared girl who had shot and murdered several people on the run. Yet she liked to remind them what she was capable of. It helped keep the nosey and talkative guards away from her and allowed her to walk freely in the facility.
<"You go wake him! I did it the last time..."> one of the men said to which the other just violently shook his head, irritated <"Not a chance! You heard the stories. I don't wanna end up dead because that asshole cannot set his alarms.">
Natalia stopped and listened to them speak. She tried to figure out who they were talking about even though she had an excellent idea of who it was. She had heard the stories herself and they painted the Winter Soldier worse than he actually was. Sure, she had initially been a little afraid of him, but at least she hadn't shown it openly.
The redhead finally walked over to them. <"What's the matter?"> she asked harsh having her own fun by scaring them. Her cold gaze basically pierced them and she had a welcoming smirk on her lips. Her whole demeanour seemed like she was about to use them as her prey. She was bored so they were the perfect toy. 
<"I'm listening, dear..."> she said, flirty placing her hand on the man's upper arm. The one who declined to do it and talked about those stupid children's stories. Both men quickly shook their heads, refusing to speak. But, of course, everyone knew about the close relationship between her and the Soldier.
<"We were...uhh...we were just talking about an order,"> the one she had attempted to flirt with.
Natalia stepped closer to him and purred while batting her eyelids <"Perhaps I can be of help?"> It was ridiculous they were eating out of the palm of her hand already. The redhead was sure they should know that she was waaaay too nice to him. Though she first, the first man had caught on and looked around, uncomfortable, for a way out.
<"The Soldier, Natalia. We are supposed to wake the Soldier,"> he spoke, which made her raise her eyebrows and break her character.
<"First of all, it's Black Widow for you!> she spoke and outlasted a hand slapping with the back of her hand. She even left an imprint of her hand on his cheek. Next, she threw a knife toward the first man who was running away now. It scratched the man's leg and he stumbled and fell.
<"Secondly, you're a disgrace to the guards. Both of you! Afraid of waking a man up and stupidly even telling that. Thirdly, you better run before I slice you open for ignoring a direct order and running away like frightened pigs. Lastly, you are more than lucky that I am feeling gracious and will go wake him for you two. Oh, and get a new partner: he will treat your life for his own,"> she hissed at the second man before walking past the first and picking her knife up.
"Pathetic," she spoke merciless and stepped on the wound before continuing her way. She knew they wouldn't go kiss and tell. They were way too afraid of her by now and she wasn't a student anymore, so they couldn't even be sure if she was to be punished.
The redhead turned right and quickly found herself in front of the Winter Soldier's quarter. <"You better be dressed ‘cause I'm entering,"> she spoke lighthearted and looked around in his room. 
Natalia quickly found him lying in his bed while she closed the door again. He was shifting, unsettled as he dreamed. She walked over to him, already thinking of ways to wake him up, until she heard a name. Not any name but the name of Captain America. She tilted her head to the side and listened. She had already given up on the file and had been about to place it back in the office. But here they were. Natalia shook her head, thinking she had misheard things. Yet there it was again. So shortly after another, it couldn't be a coincidence, could it?
She crouched down next to his bed and watched him sleep. She closed her eyes trying to listen to each word the man was saying. No matter how silent it was. Thought you...smaller. Was he really dreaming about the infamous Steve Rogers? It matched; she had finished reading the man's biography after buying the books. She rested her arms on his mattress with one hand placed over the other next to his head and leaned her chin on her hands.
What happened...and there it was again, Steve. It was enough for her to make the file exciting and relevant again. She opened her eyes and looked at the man. He seemed so peaceful despite his dream. He seemed different to her than the Winter she knew - almost like his dream made him into another person. For a moment, she wondered what he was dreaming about.
But there was no use to dwell over it. Winter needed to get up. On one thing, the two men were right, he was late for whatever meeting and he should've set the alarm. Breakfast was most likely over. She thought of holding down his arms and shouting at him for a moment. But that one would backfire on her. There was no way she would be able to hold down his bionic arm and handcuffing him to the bed would only break his bed, so it wasn't a good idea either.
Then an idea struck her; she walked over to his sink, wet a small towel with cold water, and filled a glass with the cold liquid. She wrung the towel out, so it wasn't dripping wet anymore. Afterwards, she returned to his bed, holding the towel behind her back.
 "Good morning, Sleeping Beauty. Time to wake up," she purred into his ear. 
Her face was only mere inches away from the side of his face as she grinned to herself. She kept repeating that until his eyelids would flatter open and she spilt a bit of the water on his face. Natalia waited for him to open his eyes to shove the wet towel into his shirt. Again, she grinned and kept her face only inches away from his. So he could feel her warm breath on his damp skin. She was optimistic that he wouldn't hurt her. But just in case, she kept holding the water glass to splash the rest into his face in defence as she didn't intend to fight him.
Words, or movement at all, usually threw him out of sleep. Usually, it was fitful at best and he rose at the same time each morning. Oftentimes earlier than he'd like and he'd wait in bed until the time arrived. When he was heavily dreaming, often, he did nothing until someone touched him.
This was different, though, a different sort of dream. Or the soft words were unlike those he usually received. It was almost enough to lure him away from sleep. Eventually, it did just that, but instead of jumping into action at someone so close to him without his knowledge, his eyes simply lifted groggily. The headache his dream formed left him waking harder, too.
Until a splash of water rained down onto his face. It wasn't much, but it made his shoulders jump up in surprise and in the quiet room, his arm's position changing made a loud whine. He was used to waking to the cold; he always awoke to the silence or the cold. Whether it was the room or the actual cold that bound him. The loose splash of water was so the opposite it caught him off guard instead of his usual instantly guarded nature.
Something equally wet but warm shoved down the shirt he'd been wearing and his shoulders bucked. His blue eyes dashed to the side, to the perpetrator and he blinked, shocked at who he found grinning widely at him.
"Natalia?" He accused, yet there was no bite to his voice, none of its usual weight. Instead, he felt her warm breath on his face, drying the water and it was so surprisingly different. He could hardly focus on it feeling nice as he quickly sprung up to dig the cloth out of his shirt, sliding down his chest.
Was this a joke of hers? Perhaps a prank before her graduation? He was no longer half asleep, but the strange events after waking had him reacting oddly.
Without thinking about it, he threw his metal arm out and grabbed her wrist to keep her near him, at least when she was sure to squirm. He tugged her loosely towards the edge of the bed, leaned over her and swung the damp towel around her head to shove it down the back of her uniform. A smirk danced on his face as he leaned back from her and looked down at her victoriously. Two could play.
She tried hard not to start laughing as the tiny splash of water obviously shocked him. It was new to her to see him react humanly to things happening around him. Fresh but also pleasant. It reminded her of her Winter than the Soldier everyone saw. Waking him was fun. Perhaps she should do it more often. Her grin, though even widened in amusement.
Once he sprung to action to get the cloth out of his shirt, Natalia couldn't keep to herself anymore. She started laughing as it just looked too funny. Oh, she would definitely do this again. She laughed hard and held her stomach as she got stitches from laughing. 
"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty.", she repeated again.
Her eyebrow rose as his hand darted out and his metal finger wrapped around her wrist. It wasn't so tight that he would break her wrist but still tight enough to make her crinkle her mouth in discomfort. 
<"Oh goddammit!">, she suddenly squealed as he pushed the wet cloth down her back. 
"Winter!" she complained and used the rest of the water to splash it into his face in defence. Next, she would use the moment of surprise to wrap one leg around his midriff to push him back onto the bed and sit down in the middle of his stomach. So she would at least be on top while trying to remove that goddamn cloth from her back with one arm.
Who was the sleeping beauty now? If he'd had time to pause, he would have wondered that he had been sleeping, but he was too caught up in their sudden game. His smirk widened as she shouted joyously. She complained and retaliated with a burst of water thrown into his face.
He let out a boisterous laugh, shoulders shaking with it until she threw her water in his face. He spluttered, water spewing less than it was running down his face. She threw him back down on the bed, and he landed with a soft grunt. He looked up at her and his breath caught. She was no longer young....
He swallowed the feeling, and instead, he chuckled once again at the situation.
The strange laughter made him realize where he was and he glanced around. No one was there and Natalia, suddenly on top of him, had him distracted.
"It's only fair," He grinned as she struggled to get to the rag. "You did start this."
He seemed to be caught off guard, and for once, it didn't seem like he looked at her like she was his student. It was an unusual feeling and she didn't really know how to react to this adequately. Her grin widened, though. This time it wasn't only amusing but perhaps a hint of gentleness, or was it pride? Something about being to surprise him like this made her feel proud and satisfied. Natalia definitely would need to do this. Perhaps not shortly because this man would be prepared. But in two weeks or so, his usual stoic ways would come back and this little game would've been forgotten.
"Oh really? I don't see why!" she complained, still trying to get it out. But instead of pulling it out of her suit, she pushed it further down, which made her jump a little.
"It's not me who slept over the breakfast and had guards fighting over who was supposed to wake our Sleeping Beauty here," she said and leaned forward even though her arm was still restricted. Again she stopped only mere inches away from his face as her lips were right next to his ear. 
"Can you let go of my wrist, please, Winter? Or at least remove the wet cloth from my suit? It's getting kind of uncomfortable because of that," she asked him with a soft voice, almost purring again. It was the same way she demonstrated to guards all the time to get her way instead of being reported.
"I do not usually sleep very long," He explained, unsure why he took the liberty to. Usually, he'd start awake much earlier than the rest of the world, but he never rested well. Sleeping late like this was unusual, but he did every once in a while. A dry, short laugh left him at her statement of the guards. "I recall one snuck up too close to me," He raised an insinuating eyebrow at her. "It didn't end well for him," He shrugged. When he slept like this... he awoke groggy, out of his senses and having anyone so close so suddenly, he attacked instantly.
Except... apparently for Natalia. He wondered if that meant he trusted her. It must; perhaps it was their mission together. She was indeed as effective as he, and she kept up.
Natalia came close to him, her voice lowering in an attractive lull. It was alluring... as he was sure it was meant to be, and his body did shiver in response. But it was not quite Natalia. It was missing that fire of hers.
With a very subtle whine from the position control in his fingers, he released her wrist as asked. He hadn't realized he'd still had a hold of it. 
"You can have your wrist," He said, and a smirk dragged up his lips, and he sat up swiftly, tossing her backwards onto the small bed.
 "But you'll have to get yourself out of what you started, Natalia." 
"What did he do? Kiss Sleeping Beauty awake?" she asked with a chuckle and tried her best to stay innocent. 
"Perhaps you prefer being woken by women. After all, it did end up well for me, didn't it?" she spoke casual and smiled at him. 
Natalia tilted her head as she had an excellent idea of what happened when people angered this man. She had seen it often enough to know how to dodge it and not be on the receiving end of it. In fact, she was aware that she had been playing with the fire this morning, but she also knew how to press his buttons correctly. She usually didn't end up doing it, though. So she was pleased to see that she could slip past his guard. In fact, she was really happy about it. Perhaps he did care for her more than a simple mission.
She could feel his body shiver lightly in response to how she spoke. It was almost disappointing that at least his body seemed to react the same way to her as most men did. 
"Thank you very much, Soldier..." she continued to lull him in as he released her wrist. Natalia was about to press a soft peck on his cheek to double the effect. Just as she was about to get off of him to remove the wet cloth from her back.
But he had been faster and sat up, sending her falling onto her back and off of him. She squealed a bit as the wet cloth touched even more of her bare skin. She was sure it left damp patches on the back of her suit.
"Oh, I will," she sat and elegantly moved her leg around him and rose to her feet swiftly like she was dancing.
"By the way, I think men usually react differently to having women suddenly in bed on top of them." she joked and sent him a flirty wink to give him an idea about what she was talking about. Finally, she reached backwards and managed to get the wet piece of fabric from her back.
She let out a high-pitched squeak and he smirked again. She confidently moved away and rose off the bed as if she were starting one of her ballet lessons. Truthfully he didn't know much about the subject for her, or any of the girls, it wasn't where he was supposed to be and he hardly strayed from that.
He didn't have time for his thoughts to stray to wondering if this was a new exception. Because Natalia's words and the wink made his thoughts falter. His eyes searched her face and mentally stretched for an appropriate response, but his mind fumbled for words. He... didn't really know what to say.
His face twisted slightly, and his lips pressed down as he fought for a response. He was thankful Natalia was busying herself with the cloth and he still tried to resist with a reply. Although obviously, he knew what she was speaking of, that wasn't what was making him stall. So, instead, what did he say to her? To the young girl, who was not so young now, he had trained thus far. She was to graduate in a few days and would no longer be part of his mission to teach the Red Room Academy girls.
What did that make her? Nothing was the logical response. But Natalia was far from nothing, and he couldn't wrap his head around that.
<"How would you have me react?"> He asked very seriously. The Soldier didn't pay attention that he'd switched back to Russian, or rather, he hadn't noticed he'd been speaking in English with her.
Even though she retrieved the washing cloth from her suit, she did notice his falter in answering her. She hadn't thought he would take her joke so seriously. In truth, she hadn't thought of her own statement a lot. It just slipped her lips like so many things before. She felt his gaze on her and tried to stay calm and not have her cheeks heat up.
Had she crossed the line from appropriate to inappropriate between the two? To her, the line was still blurry even after all this time together. She had seen him as her only friend and somewhat older brother. But obviously, things had shifted a bit. No one flirted with both options. This wasn't a thing she liked to dwell over. Yet she probably should soon. Her graduation from this program was only days away, which meant a parting between the two. But she didn't want that at all.
His question caught her off guard and she dropped her luring smile. She didn't have an answer. Natalia even noticed his slip back to Russian, which meant her to watch her words even more. She tended to speak the truth and questions, which better were left unanswered, in English. He tolerated that habit, but Russian meant watching her words. There was the switch between what had just happened and his usual cold self. 
She raised her chin and answered with a question herself, falling into Russian herself <"Why does it matter? It was just a game, wasn't it?">
She raised her chin and usually seemed displeased by something when she did this. His question must be the cause. He couldn't understand why but he let it go. Natalia had her quirks. 
He shrugged his right shoulder in response and could not possibly answer that. It was her game. Although reflecting, he had followed along quickly.
How strange.... his face grew distant as he searched for some memory to correlate with all this... But he could not come up with one. The Soldier finally shook himself, and as he appraised the situation more clearly and Natalia stood there, he refocused.
<"You were sent because I am required, yes?"> He asked her and glanced about the room for the time. But there wasn't any clock for him to know. He must need to train the girls or do some other task by this point. His continual mission here did not wait. 
Her tactic to make him think of something else seemed to work out. He shrugged and Natalia guessed that meant that their prior behaviour was gone. So it seemed like they were back to business.
And she was correct. Here he was back to the mission or whatever reason they had sent for him. 
<"I don't know. I just overheard them talking about waking you. But I suppose you are needed or missed a class with the girls,"> she spoke and looked at him with a guarded gaze.
<"Who is Steve? Did you know him before the Red Room, Winter?">, she asked him suddenly and looked at him. She probably shouldn't mention it now, but this moment was as good as any other. Even though he probably wanted to get started.
<"You mentioned the name in your dream..."> she explained, hoping he would buy the explanation. This time she stayed in Russian, hoping he wouldn't catch on to how important the answer to that question was to her.
Missed a class? He frowned sharply. No, surely someone would have retrieved him. He could not forget their class, for that would be a failure of his mission. That would not be acceptable.
He looked over at her as she asked of a man. Steve.... the headache that had fled since he woke seemed to return hurriedly and he could feel the throbbing beat in his temple.
<"I..."> Before the red room... before that.... the space between his eyebrows knitted together as he thought hard on the question. It troubled him greatly and his eyes dulled and distanced with the effort. The headache grew... he could... only remember the cold. The stiff, painful cold. He.... he remembered waking, retching as he stumbled from a machine unable to move his numbed body.... so cold... he'd fallen onto the floor and was later dragged elsewhere when he'd stopped.
His face pinched further, and before that.... he... He did not know. There were his missions, he was sure. But, yes, his handler told him of the red room, that he would be doing something different. Training to bring the state more assets.
His face smoothed some thinking on that. That was surely the answer.
Natalia continued, but she must be confused.
<"I did not dream,"> He explained, his voice calm and stoic. He didn't dream. He would remember if he did, surely. He woke with a headache, but he didn't dream. Certainly not of a man, sometimes of pain... of shocks that burned... sometimes of debriefings, but he didn't really dream. He hadn't last night. Something so fresh he would remember.
Natalia watched him as he seemed greatly confused. She received more facial expressions from him than she mainly did. He was a blank man and she had grown used to it. As a teenager, she had searched for feelings and expressions more times than she could count but never found any. Eventually, she had grown tired of it and busied her curiosity with something else until recently. Things had shifted again when she discovered that cursed file. Of course, she had lost interest again after their mission until this morning. He could tell her what he wanted, but she knew he had been dreaming.
She walked over to him and placed her fingers gently on his temples. She could almost feel how tensed up he was becoming.
<"We all dream. Even you, Winter. We just forget those dreams from time to time,"> she spoke gently and started to massage his temples in circle motions of her hands. She applied light pressure while she did so. It helped her when she had headaches from time to time. She wasn't even sure if he did have one, but she felt somewhat guilty over bringing confusion to him.
<"I know you don't want me to think this way. But sometimes, it's good to question them. It's what keeps me sane.So perhaps you should for once try it as well and learn something about yourself.">, she told him just above a whisper. 
She knew that it was dangerous for her to voice this. Depending on who she talked with, they wouldn't hesitate to alarm Kudrin or even other higher-ups. It was essential to think of a mission's success, stay quiet, and follow orders. She dropped her hands to her side and looked at him with a frown. She stood there quietly and moved out of his room to search for her own answers that she wouldn't get from him.
He fought the sudden urge to throw his hands up and push hers away from his head. It came on so suddenly, and after being so relaxed with her earlier, he fought the rushing instinct to protect near his temples where she touched. Instead, he still felt tense as she massaged his temples. How did she know how much his head throbbed now? It was soothing, somehow, despite how her hands near his head made the hairs on his neck stand.
<"I've never dreamt,"> He spoke unsteadily. His hushed voice was throaty from the pain in his head. It felt more like he was confessing something to her, and he didn't know why that was. What could he possibly have to admit?
Forget them? He wasn't sure of it, but he wasn't sure of this gentle but sad look that had fallen on her face. With her so close, he had ample time to study it.
<"Natalia,"> He sighed as she spoke of treason. It wasn't actual treason; he knew Natalia would never betray the state. But she had never truly complied with the red room's way either. Her focus always wandered. But she would graduate soon and needn't worry about her thoughts so much.
He didn't argue with her, but he didn't think he was capable of that. So instead, he struggled with this sudden, hard-to-decipher feeling her words coaxed from him. Dread... maybe, not fear so much as a fleeting feeling of loss. For some reason, the Soldier didn't honestly believe there was as much to know as Natalia wanted. He was Russia's and Hydra's Soldier... and he wasn't sure there was anything more in him. Or ever had been, as much as she looked for it now.
He let the thoughts slip away; the pain was growing too much. But his hand hesitantly reached up to grab the one she had near his temple. He'd unknowingly relaxed to her soft touch there. But before he could reach her, she was already withdrawing her hands and stepping away.
She stepped out, that same look on her face. It was not a good one, but it softened her features. He watched her leave, and an errant thought came to mind. 
He wondered if that would be the last he saw of Natalia Romanova.
The Soldier hoped not. 
It was the type of thought he simply did not have; thoughts towards his own future were foreign. But there it was, stuck there for him to think of over and over. So slowly, he dressed, changing out of his wet shirt she'd made, and with slow and heavy steps that, he headed towards the training rooms.
Most of the time, Natalia was surrounded by Kudrin, to her displeasure. That woman really hit a nerve and she didn't even know why. Perhaps it was how she still treated her and had approached her as a child. After that, it was simply a mutual dislike. But Kudrin had considered it her role to help Nat with the precautions for her graduation.
The bit of leisure time, she either used the empty ballet room to dance for herself or used to learn things about James Buchanan Barnes. The deeper she dug, the more she found out about the man. Natalia was sure there was something accurate about the file even though the Winter Soldier didn't seem to remember anything. So she reread the books of Captain America and checked those facts with the stolen file. The only thing which made absolutely no sense to her was that her Winter Soldier was still so young. The described man would be at least in his 40s or 50s.
It was only one more day until her graduation ceremony, and she grew nervous about her future. The feeling was doubtful for her and she tried her best to simply ignore it. She entered the Winter Soldier's room to say goodbye and thank him. Neither of them knew what was coming next for them and Natalia was sure she would never see him again.
<"Hello.">, she spoke and continued <"Hopefully I'm not bothering?"> She walked over to him and felt like she didn't belong there. The redhead hadn't talked to him anymore since waking him up the other day.
<"I...I just wanted to thank you in case...in case we don't see each other again,"> she tried to explain and gave him a short smile. 
She looked at him, unsure and finally gave up on her charade. Natalia hurried over to him and enveloped him in a tight hug. She knew this would catch him off guard and she shouldn't hug him. Natalia was lucky if he wouldn't throw her through the room. But the redhead couldn't help herself and she was able to take the pain. He was the closest thing to a family she ever had.
"I'm going to miss you, Winter," she whispered into his ear and placed a kiss on his cheek. 
"Thank you for everything. And remember to question - do it for me!"
He'd just finished a training session with three of the younger girls. They were new, and he had to go much easier on them than he was used to. They were still young teens and while they'd been in the program for years, their fighting techniques were not honed well. That was his purpose here, of course, so he would slowly school them as they grew.
He was in between two sessions when Natalia slipped in. It seemed some time since he'd seen her. The Soldier didn't say anything, but he simply nodded negatively as she asked if she was bothering him. She seemed... nervous, or perhaps just around him?
That thought made it all the more surprising when she suddenly swept towards him and wrapped her arms tightly around him. He was shocked, but he didn't move to break or return it. She... thanked him? Expressed she'd miss him, and he was still silent.
She kissed his cheek and as she told him to do it for her, a ghost of a shadow passed over his face. But it wasn't until she'd almost reached the doorway when words pressed out of him.
"Be careful," He called. It was impulsive, but he knew without any real thoughts that she would need to be careful about what lay ahead. She should be cautious with the way they worked, the way it always worked for him.
She left, and he then went for his next session, too.
Relief washed over her as he didn't move to fight her. Instead, she simply hugged him and to her, it didn't even matter that he didn't reciprocate her hug. Of course, Natalia hadn't expected him to do it, but just for once, she needed to express how much she genuinely liked him. Of course, she was aware that it was unusual, but still...
She moved to the door and she was almost disappointed that he neither said nor had done anything. The slightest bit of reaction would've been nice. She hadn't seen the ghost moving over his face for once. She had simply enjoyed the very one-sided hug. Her hand was on the doorknob as he called out. She turned her head and smiled, almost sad, at him "I'm always careful, Winter."
He had no idea what she had done for him already. But, it was too late for careful. If someone found the file in her bedroom... Things wouldn't end well.
The next few days were a blur for her. Nothing made sense. She remembered waking up day after day with pain in her lower body. The wound had opened itself once after the operation. So she had required more rest than necessary. Soon she was restless, though and they included her in a mission. Her wound had primarily healed but still was very sensitive to touch. At least it hadn't become inflamed. She dressed and checked the bandage around her lower abdomen one last time before she closed the jeans. Natalia dressed casually again, but this time had the Widow Bite hidden underneath her sleeves. She followed a guard quietly to the room where she was supposed to meet her partner.
Natalia didn't have high hopes for her partner. In truth, she had argued against doing it independently, but the others had declined, saying she needed backup. It might've seemed like most people had sulked the rest of the debriefing. But in truth, she had listened and accepted. No questions on her part. 
The guard opened the door for her to walk through. She nodded at the man politely and stepped inside. <"Your partner will be here in a few minutes,"> the guard told her and Natalia ignored her, waiting for the door to close again.
Notes: This is the first story of a full series around Bucky and Natasha's unseen past in the MCU. Stay tuned!
Leave a like or comment on what you think will happen next or what you loved! It'll be great to hear from you! If you enjoyed the story, feel free to treat me to a coffee on KoFi!
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nudgeling · 2 years
Just for fun I assigned the dsmp characters and the few hermicraft members I know of(+ some honorary guests) to empires I think they would belong to.
Philza. The wings, and also I just think he would look neat as an elf.
Jackmanifold, just because I saw that one flower husbands fanart featuring Jack as a stag elf man, and I agreed.
Mumbo Jumbo. Tall and aristocratic. I'm a bit on the fence with this one, I just couldn't think of anything better.
Callahan. Antler boi, also he deserves to be an elf.
The Grimlands
Tubbo. This should be obvious. The kid makes DIY nukes, of course he would be a Grimlander. He would definitely have large burn scars and a robot arm and leg.
Tommy. He could go pretty much anywhere, but I wanted clingyduo. Also, the story potential! Imagine them as 2 steampunk kids. Tubbo makes and sells some pretty damn impressive gadgets so that they can pay for food, while Tommy makes trips to scavenge for the parts needed to make them.
Ranboo. He's not actually a Grimlander and it shows, but Tommy and Tubbo just found him one day and decided to take pity on him. He got no memory of how he got there.
Micheal. He's Tubbo's robot son.
GoodTimesWithScar. You can get really creative with a steampunk wheelchair, plus I can imagine him owning a steampunk shop and being charming and capitalist af.
Fundy. It's the only pro-salmon empire.
Crystal Cliffs
Nikki. I just really want wizard Nikki ok?
Eret. Same reason. She would be royalty as well, but have no actual political power, it's just tradition.
The Lost Empire
Antfrost. If we can have a Tiger Prince we can have a catboy.
RedVelvet. This is the only empire that remotely matches his chaoticness.
House Blossom
Hannah Rose. This one's pretty obvious.
ZombieCleo. I just love the imagery of a flower infested zombie, plus her horror love fits with the whole severed heads thing.
Joe Hills. Where Cleo goes, Joe goes.
The Ocean Empire
Sally the s- oh wait NO
Awesamsude. I just love the imagery of him as an atlantis-type warden with a trident.
BBH. Just picture a 7ft demon hybrid blood magic sorcerer that draws the line at swearing.
Punz. Part of the assassin's guild.
Purpled. Also part of the assassin's guild.
Xisuma. I don't know him that well, but I like the idea of him being a professor or architect who does blood magic and pottery on the side.
Gilded Helanthia
TECHNO. It’s perfect. He would be a potato farmer that battles the queen in his spare time. Every now and again he hops on over to Mythland and sacrifices blood sheep to let out steam.
Ponk. Just let them grow their lemon trees in peace.
Quackity. Remember how Pearl made a brewery? Yeah, not every Helanthian is a chill farmer! Some brew their own liquor, open illegal casinos and have a gambling problem!
Mumza. She doesn’t technically live there but she's still the godess of death soooo...
Philza. Yes I know I've already mentioned him, but I’m torn between elf Phil and devout Phil, so now there's two.
The Undergrove
Wilbur Soot. Now I know this might seem strange but consider this: Shrub is friends with Wilbur. Jack is friends with Scott. Scott is friends with Shrub. They all go ghost hunting on the weekends.
George. Mushroom.
Foolish. He's an architect and he gets to live close to the sea.
BduoubleO. He's barely even a citizen, he just dashes around in the moss like a mole.
The Cod Empire
Grian. If you know you know.
Slimecicle. Slime. SLIME. Jimmy will definitley use him as a spy once his villain arc starts.
Traveling between them
Skeppy. He's a messenger! But when he isn't out and about he's crashing at Mythland.
Karl Jacobs. He's a traveling storyteller/prophet!
Cpt. Puffy. She’s a captain dawg, she gotta be out on the sea! She’s either a pirate, a merchant or in the navy, I don’t know which one I like more. When she isn't out on sea tho, she's spending time with her son on the shores of Mezalea.
Dream. Mans on the run.
Sapnap. Mans on the hunt.
Jschlatt. I just have no clue.
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theminecraftbee · 3 years
silly au ideas that appeal only to me: fire emblem au for empires. no we don’t have enough characters to fill out a whole fire emblem cast. no i don’t care. anyway i’m going to assign them classes (that work like the traditional fire emblem classes work - base class that promotes to a new class using a fancy seal, not the way that three houses classes work.)
scott smajor as our lord because of his main character energies. he’s cool like hector though he’s an axe lord. when he promotes he gets weapon ranks in bow and gets a stag mount. he has an icy theme. axe lord cool lord. he gets a prf that’s like... an axe that can do magic damage with an ice flavor. i think he has like. eliwood stats. even though he’s an axe user.
jimmy is like... i think it’s funny if he starts as a trainee class, like the villager. you have to BABY this man, but once he snowballs he snowballs. so starts with terrible stats but great growths in everything. i think, like many trainees, he has several class options he can take, but i sort of feel cavalier path for him? lance user. (also in the plot i think he’s related to lizzie but didn’t get the dragon genes, because...)
lizzie can be our manakete. she can have the cool awakening design for the manakete that looks like a sea dragon, except in blue and pink. i think lizzie deserves to be able to transform into a fuck-off dragon, is all.
joel gives me myrmidon vibes for some reason? speedy sword users that crit a lot. he has a bit of that slightly mean myrmidon personality that’s classic in fire emblem too. i say this with love.
pixlriffs is... actually hard for me but i think i personally like him as a white mage/healer. he gives me healer vibes. i’m also going to be nice and say “he gets the ability to cast nosferatu as white magic even though that’s less common than the healers not being able to attack” because i think he should get offensive white magic and staves from the getgo. when he promotes he also gets anima magic.
gem is, obviously, a mage class, and probably promotes to a sage and just can cast every type of magic after promotion. of the three magic types though i feel like her initial affinity/tomes is wind. no reason i just think it fits her.
sausage strikes me as an armorknight. big armor, big defensive stats, sits on the front lines and tanks every hit... as long as it’s not magic. somehow, that feels fitting for him, alright.
fwip is a wyvern rider i think. axes and lances and a wyvern. he names the dragon something fun i think. it’s black and has red wings and gem also dotes over it, almost more than fwip does.
and pearl is a classic axe warrior! she’s got big hp, a big axe, and is willing to kick your ass for free. i think in the plot she was just a farmer who joined the gang to help with their Big Quest because she likes fighting and is better at it than basically everyone else. she promotes to something that can use several weapons, i think. that or an axe and a bow.
katherine is an archer. i have no good reason for this other than “she gives me kind of archer vibes”. i like the idea of her taking up the rear, helping all of her allies by sniping from the back. when she promotes she definitely gets a mount to become a bow knight.
joey is... another hard one. i think joey is a dark mage, uses dark magic, and would prefer not to talk about why dark magic specifically. he has kinda dark magic vibes i think. i don’t know you could convince me something different for him OR katherine i’m very undecided on them.
and lastly, shubble is our pegasus knight. she found her beloved pegasus after being the lone survivor of the destruction of her farming town by the Big Evil of whatever fire emblem plot we have going on, and bonded with it. she’s lances on pegasus-back, but she eventually gets staves and swords when she promotes to a falcon knight. she has the really good speed and kind of low attack of the pegasus knight early on but is probably like. one of the best units once you use her. because she can fly.
and those are the vibes i’m feeling so far. self-indulgent fire emblem au. yes. anyone who has other ideas about this feel free to propose things. xonorth is probably an evil dragon that scott discovers is related to him or something. or, well, maybe like in empires, the dragon wasn’t the evil, this time...
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