#jin snapchats
secretsecretbunny · 4 months
bf!seokjin snapchats? 🙏🏼
here's your worldwide handsome, pookie 😌💕
photo editing by: @runbulletproof 🐈‍⬛
all captions added by: me
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sleepover weekend from me!!
-> would you rather go to a party with jin guangshan or do coke in a gas station bathroom with wen ruohan/joke (i missed this joke tbh i had to make it)
-> yunmeng jiang sect headcannons! c'mon heap them on me. thoughts on them making, dyeing and exporting silk? i love worldbuilding.
-> choose between chengxuan and chengsu! reasons if you wanna give?
-> tell me three good things that happened to you or around you since the start of may, and also tell me about any random ass thing that irritates so, so much.
-> rec me anything honestly, i'll take it. i know you've got tolkein stuff on your alt, but if have to start lotr/similliarion (did i get that correctly), where do i start?
-> tell me about your first crush (no pressure at all, feel free to skip this)
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I would do coke with Wen Rouhan in the bathrooms at Annandale Waters Service Station. They have clean bathrooms and a Burger King, I feel as if Wen Rouhan would enjoy a Whopper
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YMJ headcanons
Yunmeng Jiang has the strongest trade relations with Meishan Yu out of the four greatest sects for obvious reasons.
The people of Yunmeng 100% have songs about the amazing Sandu Shengshou, which the Jiang disciples would obviously then sing just to piss Jiang Cheng off (they taught them to Jin Ling when he was merging from babbling toddler to chatty 5 year old).
All new disciples (and the older ones if they're acting in a way Jiang Cheng deems irresponsible and hazardous) are required to sit a Water and Boat Saftey Course. There's a written and a practical at the end, obvs. If you fail well then tough shit, you're resitting the course along with the disciples who have been reckless. This headcanon is inspired by my 90 year old grandpa who has sat the British speeding awareness course 2-3 times
Chengxuan vs Chengsu is actually really hard. However, Chengsu is more realistic I feel, especially during the time skip and after it. I love childhood best friends AU for Chengxuan and also all that Sunshot Campaign Chengxuan and modern AU's. But Chengsu takes the win; a high profile affair, raising a child who isn't yours with someone who isn't your husband, saltiness and self pity over the people you love choosing a Lan over you. Incredible.
On Sunday, my dad felt bad about forcing me to help him put up 2 coat racks, so he bought me jolibee and bubble tea
I went to Jolibee again yesterday
I had pepsi max for breakfast this morning
There are many, many things that truly piss me off but I can't be bothered going into detail right now so to keep things plain and simple, im gonna stick to something that's pissed me off today. Snapchat has this filter where you and a friend put in a photo of yourself and then it uses AI to generate what your child looks like. Me and my best friend, one of my favourite people ever, make ugly children. And I hate that. Why was that little girl so fucking ugly what was the reason snapchat???
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I'm not sure what you mean so I'm just gonna link some of my fave fanfiction but also explain how I feel is the best way to get into the Tolkien fandom
Inexplicably around each other by adasinon = I just think this is sweet. Zhancheng nation ig
The Bounty of Our Days by remiges = Yu Ziyuan x Zhao Zhuliu, God I love them. It's like a character study and a backstory, I think it's really nice and fleshes out the characters
Sappy song on the old radio by Morethancupcake = oh my lord. Chengxian, modern au, childhood something. Past wangxian, past jiang cheng x literally anyone that is remotely bad for him. Couples therapy except Jiang Cheng didn't want to be there and they're not a couple anymore/yet, angst, coming back to each other later in life. I've only read this once but it's just that memorable.
Love you to death by KayllanBreak = Jiang Cheng kills Yu Ziyuan but no one can work out why (police inspector song lan). Wei Wuxian and Jiang cheng rocky relationship, Jin Ling idolising Jiang Cheng (naturally), Jiang Yanli lying her ass off for him, Jin Zixuan being his lawyer. Jiang Fengmian bashing 💗💗💗💗. Lan wangji is barely in this but when he is he's an utter arsehole.
Keep making trouble (till you find what you love) by Silveryogus = I FUCKING LOCE THIS FIC!!!! CHENGXUAN!!! Modern AU road trip to Lanling after the Xuanyu cave. Jin Zixuan has a talent for shoplifting (Jiang Cheng sent him to get clothes and he came back with too small trousers, yellow shirts, and sunglasses). Oh yeah and Jin Zixuan gets shot in a corner shop. Fellas is it gay to get into a high speed police chase whilst the guy you're semi unwillingly travelling with leans out the window and tries to shoot out the police's tires? Especially when said guy mentions smoking once and you spend some of the limited money you have on cigarettes??? Apparently I've visited this 70 times
Stray Dogs Parable by natcat5 = Post burning of Lotus Pier, no golden core debacle, jiang cheng recognising that his parents leadership strategies won't work in his situation/are just plain ineffective, proving his worth as a Sect Leader and earning the loyalty of his incredibly small number of disciples (the ones who survived), also Jiang Cheng sucks poison out of someone's ankle
Anyways, if you're getting into the Tolkien fandom I would recommend watching the hobbit films first, even though they're not entirely book accurate it's still a good way to get a feel of the story and work out if it's something you'd like. Then I would read the book. Same process for Lord of the rings. The silmarillion... God i actually can't say anything, you've just gotta re read the first 3-4 chapters a couple of times and then you should be fine...
My first crush is a dickhead who has progressively gotten worse and worse looking as time has gone on. I genuinely have no idea what I ever saw in him except for the fact that he laughed at my jokes and used to give me the answers in class. It was very embarrassing for all parties involved, I feel 😭
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casualwriterssideblog · 5 months
Master list ~
Romance club -
Secret Heven Face Claims
Lucifer moodboard
Screen shots
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Love Island the Game -
Claudia Fake social media
Chloe moodboards
Jude and you on the Outside head Cannon
Jamal teaching Mc how to skateboard
Kyle Moodboard
Finn Has a farther
Dating Jin and and this your guys Snapchat story
Hannah moodboard
Jamal Moodboard
S8 May Information
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To hot to handle -
Weasley moodboard
Screen shots One
Taz moodboard
Theo Moodboard
Oc Maya moodboard/information
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mayura-chanz · 1 year
Kagerou Daze VI — over the dimension — Posfácio ~ Uma História que Faz com que Alguém não Tenha Onde Procurar ~
E acabou! Mais um volume! Agora restam 2, yei! Apenas uma notinha, antes de irmos ao posfácio: pelo que pesquisei, a versão japonesa tinha um posfácio do 5° volume, mas que por alguma razão não foi traduzido para o inglês oficialmente. Ou meu volume está com problemas, ou foi por algum motivo que não sei ao certo. Enfim, então não estranhem quando falam do posfácio do livro anterior. Boa leitura!
Tradução feita a partir da tradução em inglês da Yen Press.
Apoie o autor comprando a novel original.
Jin aqui. É uma honra tê-lo segurando Kagerou Daze VI – Over the Dimension -.
No posfácio do último volume, Kagerou Daze V – The Deceiving —, escrevi o seguinte: “Acho que seremos capazes de lançar o volume VI em breve.” Tee-hee! Verifiquem, verifiquem, verifiquem, caras e moças!! Já faz mais de um ano desde então.
...O quê? O que aconteceu comigo? Bem... quero dizer, ugh, é um ano. Um ano inteiro. Em termos de hamster, isso é, tipo, metade da sua vida. Eu realmente não pude acreditar nisso. Estou produzindo esses livros muito devagar. Aposto que você gostaria de passar por essas páginas e torcer meu pescoço, não é? Não? Bem, (caindo de quatro) eu sinceramente me desculpo por isso.
Embora, em minha própria defesa, tenha sido um ano agitado. Teve o anime, os shows ao vivo e toda a produção musical que tenho feito. Farei um esforço para acelerar o ritmo um pouco mais, então agradeceria (disse ele, em lágrimas) se você não me largasse na beira da estrada ainda.
Então, para todos que estão segurando este volume em suas mãos — mais uma vez, desculpe. O volume VI está pronto.
O herói desta vez foi o Notório Garoto Tímido, Haruka. Esse personagem foi, digamos, um desafio escrever. Foi a primeira vez que eu realmente o enfrentei, mas tentar descobrir como retratar completamente a “pureza” de sua personalidade foi um verdadeiro cão. O que você quer de mim, afinal? Quando estou escrevendo, estou em um lugar tão impuro quanto o impuro pode ser. Positivamente mal, de fato.
Assim, enquanto escrevia, gritei para mim mesmo: “O que o Haruka diria nessa situação?! O quê?! Gaaahhh!!” em mais de um par de ocasiões.
Quando ele e Ayano se conheceram, a primeira frase que eu disse para o Haruka foi: “Cara, você é gostoso, você está no Snapchat?” Infelizmente, meu editor — você o reconheceria na rua, ele é o da máscara de ferro — estava prestes a pegar um alicate e arrancar minhas unhas com ele, então hora de reescrever. E aqui eu pensando que poderia me divertir um pouco para variar!
Não posso deixar de fomentar um carinho pelos meus personagens enquanto escrevo para eles. Hoje em dia, estou perdidamente apaixonado pelo Haruka.
A segunda metade da história tem uma cena em que o Shintaro o visita em seu leito de morte, mas, de alguma coisa, eu gostaria de ser aquele quem aparecesse.
— Uau, Haruka, você está muito animado hoje!
— Obrigado por enfrentar o calor para me ver, Jin.
— Ah, não se preocupe, amigo! (sorriso pretencioso)
Teria sido maravilhoso. Por que eu não poderia me jogar para — Over the Dimension — ? Quando eles vão inventar esse app para mim?
Independentemente disso, agora estou aqui, escrevendo o posfácio do último volume... mas na verdade estou com um pouco de dificuldade.
Uhmm, bem, eu sou um sem-teto (Gasp!).
Eu estava tão ocupado que não consegui encontrar um novo lugar para alugar antes que o contrato do meu antigo expirasse. Graças a isso, atualmente estou em uma sala do escritório, onde me prendi à cadeira para escrever esta novel. Não é o ideal.
Meu coração está com todos os funcionários também. Sabe, quando escrevo uma novel, geralmente me escondo no meu quarto, apenas para escrever sem parar até terminar. Não há uma programação diária rígida e rápida, então pode haver momentos em que estou escrevendo dez horas por dia, ou até mais, se não tomar cuidado.
Isso resulta em muito do que darei o nome chique de “garbaggio” se acumulando pelo quarto. Eu tenho que comer também, então se eu não limpar isso, o “cheiro” fica muito ruim também. Ter esse tipo de coisa ocupando um quarto inteiro em um prédio de escritórios... tenho certeza que não é tão tolerável, não. Já posso sentir todo o “ódio” do resto da equipe. Desculpem pessoal. Mesmo.
Assim. Eu sei que estava mantendo isso um pouco real nos últimos parágrafos, mas ainda tenho que lembra-los de que não poderia escrever isso sem o apoio de todos ao meu redor. Eu realmente não posso dizer coisas boas o suficiente sobre Sidu, cujos desenhos modernos e atraentes decoram todos os volumes desta série.
Eu sei, eu sei. Eu realmente sinto que preciso trabalhar mais nisso. E vou.
A prioridade número um é conseguir um novo apartamento, mas a prioridade número dois é começar a trabalhar no volume VII imediatamente.
Este volume terminou com Shintaro em uma situação em que não temos ideia do que está acontecendo com ele, afinal. Vou tentar resolver isso no próximo volume, então fiquem de olho.
Eu também gostaria de tentar abordar um volume spin-off em algum momento, como sugeri no volume anterior. A história principal vem primeiro, é claro, mas...
Na verdade, discuti com o editor há pouco tempo atrás. Foi assim:
Eu: “Eu gostaria de fazer uma série spin-off com [censurado] como personagem principal, mas...
Editor: “Seu idiota!” [sua maneira de dizer: “Claro, ótimo!”]
Eu: “Ah, Sr. Editor... [lamenta, lamenta, lambe]”
Acho que foi assim, de qualquer forma. Portanto, fique de olho nisso também, mas não fique muito interessado, se você entende o que quero dizer. Na verdade, se você já pensou consigo mesmo: “Quero ler mais sobre esse cara!” avise. Eu adoraria ouvir seu feedback.
Então! Farei o meu melhor para lançar o próximo volume rapidamente, então aqui está para o futuro!
JIN (Shizen no Teki-P)
<<anterior — Índice — Novels
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sleepysarah13 · 2 years
Unit 7: Emotion on the Internet
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Emotional contagion is the tendency to feel and express emotions similar to and influenced by those of others.
This can also be understood as the phenomenon of one person’s negative thoughts and feelings affecting another person’s mood. This process is automatic and occurs subconsciously when we may not even be aware of its presence.
This idea of the spreading of emotions via interpersonal communication has been studied in more contexts than in-person interactions. Kramer et al.’s (2014) article, “Experimental Evidence of Massive-Scale Emotional Contagion through Social Networks” investigates whether emotional contagion occurs online via social networks. 
Kramer et al. (2014) manipulated the emotional expressions that people saw on their Facebook news feeds. When researchers minimized positive emotional expressions, people produced fewer positive posts and more negative posts. When negative emotional expressions were reduced, the opposite pattern occurred. This suggests that the emotionality of the posts we view online influences our moods, supporting emotional contagion via the Internet.
This is important because self-disclosure online has been found to have stress-reducing effects. Zhang’s (2017) article, “The Stress-Buffering Effect of Self-Disclosure on Facebook: An Examination of Stressful Life Events, Social Support, and Mental Health Among College Students” investigated whether sharing personal information about a stressful life event on a social network site like Facebook was beneficial for college students. They decided to study this because prior studies had demonstrated that college students are likely to participate in self-disclosure online, but there was uncertainty surrounding whether this was beneficial for students or not.
This means that the psychological relief of opening up to someone and talking about your problems in person can also be translated into opening up to somebody on the Internet as well.
Research done by both Kramer et al. (2014) and Zhang (2017) focused on Facebook, which may not be the social network of choice for most young people nowadays, but the emotional posting and sharing that takes place on Facebook is also found on sites like Twitter, Instagram, or even Snapchat. 
Furthermore, emotion on the internet is captured in many other ways. Cats have become a distinguished feature of the Internet from classic cat memes like Grumpy Cat and Nyan Cat. Nobody really knows why cats have become such viral sensations, but many individuals have proposed theories that may explain the online success of cats.
Tian Jin’s (no date) article, “3 Hypothetical Reasons Why Cats Are Popular on the Internet” proposes that nobody expected cats to be funny because dogs have always done it first. Dogs have always been considered silly and goofy, just look at the Famous Disney dog named “Goofy”! Meanwhile, cats have been taken seriously by humans and we may not expect them to make us laugh at how they have been on the Internet. Jin also suggests that introverts prefer cats and extroverts prefer dogs. If the Internet is ruled by introverts, then this could explain cats’ success online. Lastly, Jin suggests that weird is totally in. This could mean that strange and unexpected images, videos, and other posts about cats pique the Internet’s interest in the odd and unusual.
Elizabeth Fish’s (2012) article, “Why Does The Internet Love Cats?” suggests that cats have always ruled the memes even long before the Internet. Captioned photos of cats predate the Internet by several decades with books like Kittens and Cats: A First Reader (1911). Fish also suggests that cats outnumber dogs and the sheer amount of cats could contribute to their success online. Fish also suggests that the cuteness of kittens could contribute as well. Lastly, Fish proposes that cats are easy to personify because of the vast variety of emotions that they are able to express.
Amy-Mae Elliott’s (2010) article, “The Million Dollar Question: Why Does the Web Love Cats?” proposes various explanations for cats’ success. First, she proposes that their cuteness can explain their success, but she contrasts this with the idea that their cuteness alone is not enough of an explanation. Elliott suggests that the complexities of cat’s personalities are what makes them a success. She also suggests that cats are successful because they’re a perfect canvas for human projection and because they are not dogs. She even suggests that maybe cats are jerks and geeks who use the Internet own cats more than dogs. Elliott ends her suggestions by proposing that it is all a cat conspiracy and that the Internet success of cats is just another facet of cats domesticating humans.
Jack Shepherd’s (2014) article, “Why the Internet Loves Cats – Not Dogs” proposes that dogs are trying too hard to please humans whereas cats are indifferent to human validation. The raw humor that comes from cats’ behavior cannot be translated in the same way that a dog’s humorous behavior for rewards is. Shepherd also suggests that people on the Internet have bought into the cat hype and are perpetuating this cat hype themselves.
Perry Stein’s (2012) article, “Why Do Cats Run the Internet? A Scientific Explanation” proposes that there is a link between cats and human babies that explain their success. Stein also points out that cat lovers may lack public outlets where they can express their love for cats safely. Dog owners have dog parks and take their dog for walks in public, but cat owners may turn to the Internet to share their affection.
 Radha OʼMeara’s research suggests that the indifferent nature of cats is what draws people in. Cats typically seem unaware that they are being observed and appear oblivious to cameras which contrasts dog’s urge to please their owners. Therefore, people may be amused by cats’ indifference to their observers.
Keith Spencer’s (2017) article, “Goodbye Kittehz, Hello Doggos?” suggests the opposite. Spencer suggests that dogs are actually more popular than cats online because the personalities of cats are better-suited to still images while dogs are better-suited for videos. Spencer also suggests that this could be because of the comfort dogs provide during these anxiety-ridden times that the sassiness and poise of cats can’t provide.
Finally, did you know that happiness may be more about what’s going on inside your head than what’s going on in the world around you?
Harvard psychologist Dan Gilbert’s (2004) TED talk, “The Surprising Science of Happiness” and Shawn Achor’s (2011) TED talk, “The Happy Secret to Better Work” both suggest that happiness is more about how you perceive the world than the external conditions you may be living in. There are also ways you can train your brain to be more positive through activities like journaling that focus on the positive aspects of your life.
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busan-boyzz · 7 years
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This picture of him is really precious.
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frozs · 4 years
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strxnged · 3 years
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zhuilingyizhen · 4 years
social media + the juniors✨
oyzi can’t believe i haven’t done this yet. gonna be doing them by app & not by junior this time cause my memory is shit. :)
// youtube //
i won’t go too in depth with the youtuber au (unless y’all want me to in a separate post?? I think I’ve done it already but y’all can ask ig) & their individual channels so i’m gonna talk about their shared channel. 
i realize that they can be called the juniorz if they’re all juniors in hs and even after they graduated the name stuck, so... yeah
their vlog/shared channel pretty much documents their friendship (we appreciate good platonic relationships) + have many guest appearances from other friends & family.
they post collabs w/ all four of them on the shared channel, though they also have a series of movie/book/other media reviews, which is really just jl nitpicking everything.
sizhui has a series where he discusses chinese & canto dramas!! he does the videos in mandarin (or cantonese if it’s a hk drama) and adds english subtitles
honestly sizhui can cater to such a wide audience bc of his music that it’s amazing
the juniors started a parody/crack band (oyzz & the boyz, as @yoitsamy put it) but it ended up being good?? and popular??
jingyi’s singing talent + sizhui’s musical prowess honestly carries them
the lans have done legendary covers together while jl and oyzz are just reveling in it all
they have an ongoing joke where they make jl buy them stuff except it’s not a joke bc he does it
shit i delved into youtuber au territory too much, time for other social media stuff
// snapchat //
i knew i should have done tiktok or instagram first but i have no idea how tik tok even works so snapchat it is
so jingyi is the one who has like a billion stories, but he uses four main ones: our story, my story (basically everyone he has a personal connection to/acquaintances and some og fans), story for close friends and family, and a story for just the juniors. they all have obnoxious names too, but jingyi changes them so much that nobody has no idea what they’re doing.
jl and ljy have a 284 day streak purely bc of their competitiveness. lsz and ljy will sometimes accidentally start streaks but lsz doesn’t purposely send them. 
he has the poop emoji next to all of his best friends on there, but jl is his #1 Best Friend cause of the streaks. plus, the juniors don’t really use snapchat. oyzz has it for the filters but it isn’t public knowledge.
// tik tok //
oh dear me. honestly, i would’ve preferred to do reddit or ao3 than this one (are they even considered social media?? i don’t think so but i will have to do a post w/ ljy and oyzz’s fanfiction writing habits.)
oyzz doesn’t use tik tok at all, he doesn’t understand it. jl doesn’t use it either, but refuses to admit that he doesn’t get it and instead just says that it’s stupid.
uhhh jingyi has an acnh tik tok. like. gaming stuff, but it’s mostly him doing acnh stuff.
he also gushes over cute villagers bc he’s jingyi. like, what would you expect??
sizhui probably has tik tok to like all of jingyi’s posts but doesn’t use it himself lol
// instagram //
jingyi posts consist mostly of cute selfies of him and sizhui. honestly their shippers are spoon-fed content cause of jingyi’s obliviousness (he doesn’t realize that he’s practically dating sizhui, at least to the internet)
oyzz has a lot of aesthetically pleasing stuff. pictures of his plants, rays of sun on literally anything, a random cat. it’s not even his cat, where did he get the cat-
jl uses insta to mostly post pictures of himself, like some people do. his look the most professional though, if that makes sense. like if he’s gonna post something, it has to be at his best. cute fairy photos? check. slight makeup? hair done up? vibrant colors/background? lighting? check check check check.
he also has an instagram for fairy, bc fairy deserves nice things. most people chalk up his perfectionism in pictures as him being narcissistic, but jl grew up being relatively famous (their family probably had a reality tv show like kuwtk lol), so he takes social media quite seriously.
sizhui posts food pics and candid photos of the other juniors. it’s basically shipping central, w/ all the adorable posts lsz has.
// twitter //
don’t feel like talking bout it, so here & here
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askthelovbutnot · 4 years
*give Oboro a cloud plushie, Shigaraki a corgi plushie, Twice a frog plushie, Toga a cat plushie and Dabi a bunny plushie* here you guys deserve these
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Shigaraki: This...reminds me of something? But I don’t know what.
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sirpainbagel · 4 years
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Shirt is sponsored by Walmart
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secretsecretbunny · 8 months
🩷Bunny's Masterlist🩷
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-> all banners made by @runbulletproof <-
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how you have him saved in your phone.
Chan x overworked producer!reader.
you text him while he's live
Married!Chan x reader.
Chan x simp m!reader.
Enemies to lovers.
Random texts with Minho.
Flirting with friend!reader.
Minho x simp!reader.
Needy Minho.
Married!Changbin x reader.
Enemies to lovers.
✨Han Jisung✨
Random texts with roommate Han.
Flirty friend Han.
Flirty Han pt2.
Married!Han & reader.
Married!Felix & reader.
My hands are better.
Random texts with Seungmin.
He finds out he's not your bias
You send threatening pics of Chan, Felix, and Minho's skzoo.
They watch you dance without you knowing.
Chan & Minho text when you leave after an argument.
Drunk texts part one.
✨Jealous mini series✨
Chan, Minho, & Changbin.
Hyunjin, Han, & Felix.
Seungmin & Jeongin.
Just Friends: (ongoing) Lee Minho x Reader.
Character intro/story set up. (Please read first.)
Part one: There are no flaws in ghibli.
Part 1.5: The Rumor.
Part two: MewMin.
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Random texts with bsf!Woo.
jealous bsf!Yunho.
Soft bf!San texts.
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What ur snapchat would look like if Jin was ur bf.
What ur snapchat would look like if Yoongi was ur bf.
Jealous!Yoongi texts.
Hobi x disabled!reader.
New idol!reader drabble.
What ur snapchat would look like if Hobi was ur bf.
What ur snapchat would look like if Joon was ur bf.
Jealous of your bias.
What ur snapchat would look like if Jimin was ur bf
What your snapchat would look like if Tae was ur bf.
What ur snapchat would look like if Kook was ur bf.
Roommates!BTS discover your secret insta.
Ex roommates situation: groupchat.
The emergency: groupchat
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Not fics.
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✨My gifs✨
Bunny's gifs.
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Snapchats from your boyfriend Kim Seokjin 💖
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pippytmi · 5 years
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tagged by @kaorujin for 10 pictures that describe me (the rule being i can’t download new ones for this) 💕
tagging: @amaltheaz , @thisainthealthy , @sapphicswimmer , @nataliawhite92 , @xxpaper-flowersxx , @suchplausibilities , @cardiaceyes + all my mutuals, ever, you all know this 😌
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sugapop-rp · 5 years
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LAST TEXT RECEIVED: jdslakda i will sound like your mother all i will want! why would i not worry about you ???
LAST TEXT SENT: i’m doing alright lol, i promise yuo have nothing to worry about. you’re starting to sound alot like my mom there😅😅
send me ☎ to get a peak at what my muse has your muse saved on their phone!
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