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using your law degree for evil (fucking over supernatural beings)
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inonibird · 1 year
After a charged delay, the holoprojector sputtered to life and spat out a fuzzy blue display of a seated Kaleesh. In Barzivh’s experience as overseer of the spaceport, he’d seen very few independent Kaleesh travel offworld, and even fewer return. They all shared something in common, however, as they did with this individual: none of them wore traditional Kaleesh clothing, having adopted the fashions of the offworlders. This man had no kakmusme, yet he was certainly built like a warrior. He leaned forward, presumably to peer at Barzivh’s own projected likeness, long twisted locks spilling over his broad shoulders and well-defined brow crumpling in skepticism. “Urukishnugal has an actual spaceport?” he demanded.
“He is Kaleesh,” whispered the communications officer unnecessarily.
Barzivh was less surprised, nor impressed. A returning Kaleesh might have been rare, but protocol was protocol. “Once again, I must ask that you identify yourself.”
Claws drummed the cockpit console. “Is this spaceport under full Kaleesh control? There are no Huk there with blasters at your backs?”
“It is under my control,” said Barzivh, now bristling a bit. “Who are you?”
The projected figure settled back in his chair, posture exuding cautious relief. “I am Grie—” He abruptly broke off with a startled expression, then barked out a brief sound, a cross between a huff of annoyance and an incredulous gasp of laughter. Shaking his head, he began again. “I am Sahuldeem. I would like to make port.”
Chapter 1 of Part Five - Martyr of the Sahuldeem series is up! (chapter art will be posted...soon???)
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brambys-art-archive · 9 months
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Mechsona ref and shitposting because I went livid while being home with covid
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hana-loves-bumblebees · 4 months
In my times of need, Jindra Hojer comes to me speaking words of wisdom
“Nepij na třešně”
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mioritic · 1 year
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Czechoslovak postage stamp depicting a dancing couple in national dress
From a series of stamps commemorating the First National Spartakiad, Prague, 1955
Designed by Karel Svolinský, with engraving by Jindra Schmidt
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yxizor · 4 months
RŠ21 #3
Rychlé šípy 21. století: Jindra Hojer
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zluty-spendlik · 5 months
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dunno how to do these
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rychle-sipy-brainrot · 3 months
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morti0re · 4 months
nudil jsem se tak tady máte video s mými RŠ band au designy
(nevim jestli zvuk sedí s videem a tbh je mi to právě jedno)
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Bracket C Round 1
Poll 2
Hellion (@transjackkennedy) vs. Jindřiška Kovářová (@mist-the-wannabe-linguist)
131. Hellion (@transjackkennedy)
hellion is like really pathetic and toxic. he hit someone in the head with a rock and gave them amnesia because he was gay for them. hes canonically queer. he's a town mystery. he's the aromantic agender disabled rep no one wants. he walks out without paying his diner bills. he just took someone's house and left them to die in the woods and NO ONE noticed. he collects playing cards and pool balls. he's just some guy but if you made that guy terribly bad at understanding his emotions and let him nearly kill someone. he commits tax fraud and is the worst person in town,but at least he respects women. not enough to pay his DINER BILLS for them though. fucking asshole.
hellion is a pale humanoid with a horned sheep skull for a head. xe has a red sweater, tan pants, and a long brown coat. xe also has a stereotypical devil tail with a spade tip.
132. Jindřiška Kovářová (@mist-the-wannabe-linguist)
Jindřiška, or Jindra for short, is the daughter of the village blacksmith from a small village in Southern Moravia in the 1830s. She and her many siblings grew up around the forge and all were trained in the blacksmiths' art from a young age and Jindra is particularly proud of their trade. But though she loves her home, she longs to get out into the world as a true apprentice like her brothers, and she gets that chance when two rather odd travellers stop by to have their weapons repaired. Monster hunters, they say. Sure, why not - she directs them to a local tormented ghost, and after they help the unfortunate soul find peace and prepare to move on, she decides to join, captured by the promise of adventure. Jindra becomes an invaluable member of the team, as the two are foreigners unfamiliar with local folkloric beasts and human customs alike, she becomes their guide, translator, weapons repairer, and of course a fellow hunter. Things become temporarily a bit complicated on the revelation that one of her new friends is really a vampire and the main reason of their travels is the hope of somehow breaking his curse, but soon enough all three grow to be inseparable companions willing to give their life (if immortality allows) for each other.
A blacksmith by heart and soul, her skill is not limited to the forge and like many other persons of her trade as far as history remembers, Jindra is able to use certain simple spells and hexes, though if anyone asked her, she would deny doing any magic. To her, it's just ""something her da taught her.""
Jindra is almost never seen without her gigantic draft horse Saffron, she loves dance, resorts to making flower crowns whenever she needs to keep her hands occupied and there is no hammer and anvil in sight, has an ever growing collection of colorful ribbons, and as a Catholic, her typical method of facing dangers of the supernatural kind is such - first try the cross, then try the crossbow. She fears few things, but there is one being that is always sure to send chills down her spine. Ever since the tragic loss of a younger sibling, you never find her out in the fields at noon, as she does not want to risk coming face to face again with the one who people call Polednice.
A rather short and strongly built woman with a round face covered with freckles and a long braid of red hair. Typically wears a traditional dress, a way to show where she comes from and to remind her of her home no matter how far she goes. Always wears a little silver cross on her neck, a gift from her grandmother when she was a baby. She considers it her main protective charm.
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they're everything to me
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inonibird · 1 year
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Chapter 1 of Part Five - Martyr of the Sahuldeem series is up! (I couldn't resist drawing a few interactions for this chapter~)
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justineportraits · 1 year
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Jindra Noewi No Telling
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muchadoabout · 6 months
About last night...
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PUCCINI: IL TRITTICO – from right, Ambrogio Maestri, Lise Davidsen, Yonghoon Lee, Robert Jindra (C), Elsa Dreisig, Ermonela Jaho, Granit Musliu
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mika-invin · 1 year
Drazí plantážníci,
v první řadě bych se chtěla omluvit za mou dlouhou neaktivitu. Moje zdraví šlo do kytek a kvůli tomu a škole bohužel musím přerušit projekty s fanfikcemi, zahrnující i Bradavice!AU...
V rámci odpočinku (a taky abych někdy vůbec sáhla na klavír) jsem začala skládat hudbu se Stínadelskou tématikou. Ráda bych v tomto pokračovala a složila i skladby pro všechny hlavní hrdiny a možná z toho i vytvořila soundtrack rádoby k filmu... Již jsem se o tom zmínila pár lidem a byli celkem nadšení a ochotní mi pomoct... A já se tedy ptám:
Byl by zájem o film s Rychlými šípy?
Pokud ano, mělo by to být pokračování a nebo zfilmování Poslední tajemství Jana T.?
Moderní doba?
S radostí přijmu návrhy a pomoc je vítaná. Samozřejmě pokud by zájem byl, rozhodně pomoc budu potřebovat. Přinejmenším herce (nemusíte být herci, stačí když vypadáte jako dotyčný a máte chuť do toho jít).
Nadšeně však vítám i hudebníky (momentálně nejvíc asi klavíristy)(názor se hodí vždy...) a kohokoli.
Pokud znáte někoho, koho by to mohlo zajímat, dejte mu prosím vědět
Děkuji za dočtení až sem a přeji krásný den
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porvalis · 2 years
Paper Sketch of Jindra
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Due to hurricane Ian I haven’t had access to my computer for awhile. So I decided to do a small paper sketch of my dnd oc Jindra after a small time skip.
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