#jinx x silco x thieram
porchtart · 2 years
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Took part in the Jilco server gift exchange again this year, and had an absolute blast! This piece is for the lovely @tacky-tramp. <3 Same as last time, I unfortunately can't share the full piece here on Tumblr due to the content - but here's a little teaser for you. ;^) See the full (very explicit) illustration on my Twitter!
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jinxs-gf · 13 days
chuck’s favorite regular
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jinx x bartender!reader
summary: it’s your first night working at The Last Drop. the stories of jinx being an…interesting customer are true
content, warnings: bar & drinks? jinx calls r ‘toots’, idk how much I like this writing style (bear with me now)
word count: 1.1k
a.n. this was requested but the ask disappeared 😭
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It was your first night bartending at the Last Drop. Silco's bar. He owns a lot of them, close to owning all in the Undercity. This one just so happens to be special. Previously the Hound of the Underground's place. Now Silco proudly resides inside it.
Your future bartending partner, Thieram warned you about your boss's daughter. How she was a wild card and if you happened to get caught in her wrath there was no escaping until she decided to let you out. Not unlike a spider's web, you could only hope she'd let go and not eat you alive. To have mercy.
Though he insists Jinx has none.
He's...kind of right you decide. She's not done anything crazy yet. But she gives off this certain energy, one that screams be careful, to not turn your back on her.
She looks fairly innocent at the moment, at least compared to the bar that's in full rage. Loud music, dangerous games, dancing bodies...who could believe this is the girl that torments Thieram on the daily? Maybe she won't be so bad...
You’re contradicting yourself you realize. It's only your first time meeting, you shouldn't set your opinions on her just yet
She sits on the bar table, kicking her legs and looking at you expectantly.
You gulp, "Can I uh...help you?"
"Yeah you can, toots. Mind getting me my drink?"
Dammit Thieram. He didn't tell you what she orders. He spent so much time warning you about her yet he couldn't simply give you what she drinks?! What if she gets upset that you don't know and unleashes her-
"Earth to toots! Yoohoooo" her hand is shaking aggressively in your face, snapping a few times.
You stand in your spot, completely dumbfounded, eyes wide and pulse jumping.
"Uh...what is your drink?" Your voice is meek and careful (and a bit shaky), you felt as if you were poking a bear with a stick. Stupid stupid stupid.
Jinx cackles suddenly and very loudly.
"You crack me up, toots. It's only blood in a bottle."
She drinks blood?! Thieram! How could he not mention-
You try to be as nonchalant as possible despite your own blood running cold.
"So you're like a...vampire? Or-"
She laughs in your face once more, "Oh you poor thing," it's said quite mockingly, "it's a joke! You were totally convinced!"
You blink your eyes once, twice, and shake your head. As if it'll erase the image of a blood sucking Jinx. Your blood...from your neck. A very graphic image your mind unfortunately conjured up.
As if she wasn't intimidating enough, knowing she's loaded with guns and bombs at all times. Imagine if she was a vampire?! You'd be doomed.
However, you were curious now, what if she did have fangs? Maybe you could get a peek-
"My drink is the bottom cabinet in front of you. It gets a special place for Chuck's favorite customer."
You squat down in search for her drink, reach for the lone bottle, "Oh um, who?"
"Oh you've got to know Chuck! He's hilarious! A friend of mine, not my best friend of course. He's a little weird—you can tell him I said that."
You nod along, terrified of the blue eyed menace (one of the many nicknames given by Thieram, you agree. Though even thinking it worries you, what if she can hear your thoughts?). Speaking of Thieram—oh! That’s who she’s talking about.
"You two must get on well," if the man in question's stories were anything to go by, you'd say they didn't get on well. He doesn't enjoy her company, but she certainly enjoys his. By tormenting him.
You only hope you don't land in the same boat as him.
"Oh we definitely do, toots. Who’da thought a girl like me could befriend a scaredy-cat like him? I'd say we'd make good friends too someday. Maybe tomorrow!”
"What's that supposed to mean?" Because to you it sounds like a threat. If you become a good "friend" to her like Thieram is, does that mean you'll get the same treatment? And as soon as tomorrow?! You've barely worked at this place for a few hours and she's already planning on tormenting you by tomorrow!
She doesn't answer your question, instead pointing to (what you assume is) her cup. If the colorful scribbles were anything to go by. And a straw lying right next to it. At least you didn't have to go searching for those.
You nod, gulping. You're hoping to please her, not get on her bad side.
Jinx brings her feet up the counter, crossing and holding them with her hands, rocking playfully back and forth.
She’s dangerously close to the edge, one miscalculated move and she’ll go splat onto the sticky floors.
Maybe it’ll knock some sense into her? Okay that’s rude.
You quietly hand her the drink, plopping the straw in.
Jinx jumps down the counter to sit on the stool, hunched over the bar table to sip. She dramatically smacks her lips, as if taste testing. You’ll admit you were a bit nervous, what if you forgot something in her drink? What if you poured it in wrong the wrong way? Would she get upset over that?
After a few seconds she smiles and nods manically, “10 out of 10! You pour a good cup o’ juice, toots.”
You breathe out relieved, deciding to play along, a little humor could ease your anxiety surely, “Thanks, am I already better than Th- Chuck?”
"You're certainly prettier than he is."
You blank, unsure of what to do with that information. Be flattered? Terrified? Or is she being sarcastic? You continue to play along,
"Flattery will get you nowhere," you joke and only hope it lands.
"It'll get me a free drink," she wriggles her eyebrows.
"Don't you automatically get free drinks? I heard the last guy that asked you to pay mysteriously disappeared."
"You heard right, toots."
You gulp for the—how many times have you done that tonight? She's great at making one sweat.
“It was great getting to know ya toots, but I’m a busy girl. Gotta bounce—think you’ll be okay? Ya know what? You seem like you can hold your own, here—just in case!”
Jinx goes in for a rough hug, and it’s over before you process it at all.
But wait—what was that noise behind you? That sudden weight on your back…
Uh oh.
And explosion goes off on you, and for a second you think it’s over.
But no, it’s simply a colorful, glitter bomb. The damage is done though, you’re sweating at your hairline. And your poor heart, it’s practically begging to run out of your chest.
There’s a note left on the counter, is it too hopeful to think it’s a ‘sorry for the bomb I just planted on your back’?
Nope. It’s simply a winky face in purple ink.
And you can't help but wonder...is she flirting with you?
How sick and twisted.
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first time meeting and already down bad for each other? hmm
the request:
Reader is a newly hired bartender that Silco hired. One night it's the usual busyness. Loud music, shimmer people, etc etc. Similarly to "chuck" Jinx enjoys fucking around with them. Little powder bombs and stuff like that.
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ace-of-zaun · 1 month
Pas de Deux Pt. 10: 
Silco x f!reader, 4.6k words, NSFW(ish)
cw: (please see chapter 1 for full series warnings) angst, fluff, sexual tension, references to masturbation and sex
also, the story rating is going up to explicit from here on out, but i’ll keep including individual chapter warnings so you can decide if that’s your vibe or not :)
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 | PART 5 | PART 6 | PART 7 | PART 8 | PART 9
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It really shouldn’t be a surprise when Silco reverts to his overprotective ways after the Jinx incident, where you’d been tied to your bed and interrogated by his surrogate daughter. And having been followed by the bar incident, in which you’d been held hostage in the middle of The Drop with a broken bottle to your neck, it's no wonder he’s acting like you’re a porcelain doll. 
But you’d grown so used to even just that sliver of freedom, the speed in which he’d torn it from your grasp quite honestly stings. 
Oddly enough, the thing that hurts more is that after the harsh reprimanding he’d given his staff for letting someone get to you, practically nobody but Silco will make eye contact with you anymore. It’s not like you’re allowed to go anywhere by yourself, but you’re pretty sure that if you were to wave a flag and scream in Thieram’s face, he wouldn’t even look you in the eyes. 
So, alone again. 
Well, alone except for Silco, who not only won’t let you go down into the bar by yourself, but also insists on having you escorted to and from his office, and even to your studio. What’s worse, he’s reverted to wanting you by his side all hours of the day and most of the evening, as if you’ll slip through his fingers the very moment you’re out of his sight. 
Of course, protesting is no use. 
The times you’d asked why you needed a babysitter all day everyday, and why you couldn’t just go back to the one guard instead of a ridiculous three, his dismissive, drawling responses of, “I cannot take any precautions with your safety, you are too important to me,” and, "I need to protect you, my lovely," had awakened a deep urge to scream until your throat burned out.
You never do scream, of course. And since you categorically refuse to plead with him, after only three days of letting him shepherd you around, you resort to the only method that will get through to such a petty soul.
So, as you sit on your bed, arms crossed petulantly, you futilely contemplate the odds of being able to smash the window, jump to the nearest rooftop, and just run until you reach people that have never even heard of Zaun, all without being noticed.
The newest guard, who’d made the mistake of infuriating you when he’d looked over your shoulder instead of at your face like a decent human being, had tried to escort you to Silco’s office, to which you’d responded rather emphatically, “Tell Silco I’d rather gargle water from the River Pilt and spit it in his face.”
By the time Silco arrives at your still-open bedroom door, a brief glance at the worried look etched upon his face indicates that the guard may have told him something slightly different. 
“Are you not feeling well, darling?” Silco asks, lithe fingers curling around the wooden frame. 
“I'm fine,” is your short response. You continue to stare blankly at the empty space of wall above your dresser.
“Why don’t we go to my office? Lunch should be ready soon,” he tries again, far more patient than you’d ever expected a crime lord could be. 
“I'm not hungry.”
“Sweetheart,” he breathes out in a tone that’s so soft, you practically feel your heart clench at the unfairness of it all. 
“Just put it on a tray and slide it through the door,” you bite out, building your walls even higher with every sarcastic word. “May as well, since you insist on treating me like a prisoner.”
Across the room, the door shuts with a loud, forceful click, and your head whips over to it, alarms instinctually raised. 
Your eyes widen at the sight of him stiffly leaning back against the closed door, his expression unreadable and hands clenched behind him. A part of you automatically panics that he’s going to get mad and turn this against you. But his promise rings in the back of your mind. 
“You truly think of yourself as a prisoner?” he asks, voice tender but thankfully filled more with frustration than anger. 
You sigh, immediately backtracking. 
Perhaps you were too harsh. He’s only trying to help. 
Elbows digging into your thighs, you allow your head to drop into your hands in defeat. 
“I just feel like you don’t trust me, Sil,” you tell him. (He shouldn’t, but that’s besides the point.)
Silco traipses over to you, carefully kneeling down between your legs as one hand links with yours, the other resting soothingly on the top of your thigh. Now face to face, he searches your expression. 
“Why won’t you let me do anything by myself?” you continue before he can suggest anything that will make you want to knee him in the stomach. "I don't understand what I've done wrong."
"You haven't done anything wrong, my love," he says, the fingers on your thigh squeezing gently. 
“Then why won’t you let me do anything anymore?”
You’re toeing the line of pleading, but won’t allow yourself to cross it. Not this time. 
He sighs and shuffles closer, strong arms wrapping around your waist until you can rest your forehead on his shoulder, a dance that almost feels natural at this point. 
“To keep you s-”
You cut him off by digging your nails into his lower back. 
“Silco. If you tell me one more time that you’re doing it to keep me safe, I’m going to spray perfume in your eye while you’re sleeping.”
He huffs a breath of air, pulling back ever so slightly to peer at you down his nose. His expression is entirely too cheeky and it makes you wonder just what ridiculous thought he’s entertaining.
“Your perfume or mine?” he asks playfully. 
You glare at him, clearly unamused by his antics, so he decides to clarify with a languid sweep of his hand up and down your spine. 
“I wouldn’t necessarily object to being reminded of your gorgeous scent every once in a while, even if it may bring some slight discomfort.”
The rolling of your eyes is accompanied by a muttering of freak under your breath, which only serves to bring out that crooked grin of his, much to your dismay. 
Silco reaches up to tuck a stray section of your hair behind your ear, letting his fingers rest delicately on your cheek as he looks into your eyes, expression suddenly grave. 
“I’m afraid I cannot let you wander about by yourself, my love, not after you were put in such an egregious amount of danger,” he tells you solemnly.
You have to physically hold in the bark of laughter that threatens to erupt from you. 
Egregious amount of danger? Did he even grow up in the same Zaun as you? 
It’s probably not the best course of action, but you can’t help your response. 
“Then, I’m afraid I can’t join you for lunch or dinner anymore,” you bite back, a little bit childishly if you’re being truly honest with yourself. 
Right on cue, Silco’s good eye narrows, his lip twitching in indignation as his hand drops once more to your thigh. 
“Darling, do you not think you’re being a tad unreasonable?” he asks, clearly trying to keep a lid on it. “Can I really be blamed for wanting to keep the ones I love close to me?”
You practically blanch at the gall. 
“I’m being unreasonable?” you gape at him. “You’re the one who’s trying to keep me locked up forever!”
“I am not trying to lock you up,” he snipes back before huffing out a sigh, running a frustrated hand through his hair. “All of this is for you, my darling. I brought you home from that wretched city and its people. I commissioned you a custom-built studio. I have spent hours upon hours ensuring your safety.”
You really could scream now. You never asked him to do any of this, never wanted this. 
Recognising that you’re about three seconds away from completely exploding, you try to remove yourself from the situation before you do something you’ll regret. 
“I’m not doing this-”
You push on his shoulders lightly, attempting to shuffle yourself backwards on the bed and decidedly away from him. 
Unfortunately, Silco tries to stop you.
One hand darts around to the small of your back whilst the other hooks underneath your knee, and in one smooth move, he pulls you towards him until you’re flush against him.
And your body floods with heat completely against your will, partly in awe of the pure strength needed to manoeuvre you so effortlessly, and partly because in doing so, the angle and position has pressed his broad chest and waistcoat buttons up against the most sensitive part of you. 
You jolt in surprise, a stuttered gasp escaping your mouth as your brain suddenly conjures the sordid image of your legs wrapped around his sinful waist, the look of shock he’s currently sporting twisted in your brain to fit an expression of pure ecstasy. 
And just as soon as it happened, it’s over. 
Silco immediately lets go, allowing you to shuffle back on the bed, but only far enough that you can hug your knees to your chest, as if it would hide your now racing heart and burning cheeks. 
You cut him off before he can voice even one more word. You do not want to discuss it (and you’re already blaming it on the raised adrenaline levels from your argument).
“You said you want to keep your loved ones close to you but you let Jinx go wherever she wants.”
Luckily, Silco also appears to be amenable to moving on without acknowledging what just happened.
“Jinx grew up here, sweetheart,” he says after swallowing hard, hiding his unease about as well as you probably are. “She can handle herself.”
Well, you can’t really argue that point without revealing yourself to him, so you’re forced to accept defeat on that line of defence. 
A wave of exhaustion sweeps through you, legs dropping into a cross whilst your forehead drops into the hand propped up against your knee. 
It’s only in the silence that you realise just how heavily you’re both breathing. A cursory glance at the man still kneeling in front of you reveals just how torn he looks, and for some reason, it puts you on the verge of frustrated tears.
He clearly wants to comfort you. 
Slowly, a hand reaches out to rest gingerly against your knee, giving you plenty of time to reject him if you wanted to.
You don’t. 
In fact, against all better judgement, you press his hand firmer against your knee with your own fingers just to show him that it’s okay. 
“I know you don’t trust me,” you repeat softly.
And if he didn’t look heartbroken before, now, it’s practically radiating from him. 
“It’s not you that I lack trust in, darling, it’s everyone else.”
You sigh, flexing your fingers over the top of his. 
“I want to be more for you, Silco. But I just can’t like this. Not when I feel like a bird trapped in a cage,” you say with as much sincerity as you can muster. 
That seems to do the trick, his hand flipping over to entwine his fingers with yours as the other reaches to absentmindedly tug your shirt collar back into place. 
“I’m afraid I’ll have to keep the security for now, but I will… endeavour to find safe ways to help you feel less restricted,” Silco says gracefully. 
You try not to focus on the fact that you’re a million steps back and try to focus on the single step forward. As if this dance couldn’t get any more complicated. 
You achieved partial freedom before, you can get it again. 
“That would make me feel a lot better,” you say, hoping you sound grateful as you shakily climb onto your knees on the mattress. “Thank you.”
Arms encircling him, you feel the moment Silco relaxes in your hold, and you hate how much relief it brings you.
It’s quiet for a moment, the two of you lost in thought while Silco traces patterns on your back until he speaks over your shoulder, asking if you want to accompany him on one of his factory rounds, to see his ‘empire’.
Of course, there’s a list of rules and considerations he insists that he must put in place before you go, but in truth, you barely pay attention to it when you nod your assent. 
All you can think is that maybe there can be some compromise in this fucked-up situation you’ve found yourself in. Maybe this doesn’t have to be all bad. 
Almost a full week later, after Silco had meticulously planned out every single detail regarding this trip, you’re finally en route to the factory he’d chosen for your visit. 
Of course, one of the stipulations you’d agreed to whilst blissfully tuned out during Silco’s monologue was that you’d wear a face mask on your trip with him to the factory, one that obscured most of your features.
To protect you from the fumes, he’d said…
His levels of delusion are genuinely astounding at this point. Honestly, you should write a book about him, the real him. You could probably fix Zaun’s economy solely with descriptions of his insanity. 
You’re still fiddling with the edges of the mask by the time the carriage arrives at the large building, drawing to a stop in the darkened alleyway. 
Silco immediately exits the car without a word, and it’s his hand that is waiting to help you out and to swiftly escort you into the monstrosity that is one of his many Shimmer factories. 
At first, you’re not entirely sure how you feel about it all. 
Obviously, the conditions aren’t great. It’s hot, and noisy, and all the oversized pipes, vats, and crates filled with vials of Shimmer make the whole place feel far more cramped than it probably is. It’s like walking into the belly of the beast. 
But then again, you’d struggle to find a job in Zaun that was luxurious or even particularly nice, for that matter.
Silco meanders across the main floor with your hand tucked closely into the crook of his elbow, overseeing the nervous workers who scuttle about completing their jobs, all whilst trying to avoid eye contact with their stoic employer. 
Honestly, you’re unsure why he even suggested bringing you here, given that there’s nothing to really look at and you’re pretty sure half of his working policies aren’t even legal. 
That is, you’re unsure up until he begins yet another monologue. Except this time, you find yourself oddly captivated by his words.
He tells you in low, dulcet tones of his humble beginnings; how he started with nothing, much like the majority of Zaunites. He briefly describes the time he nearly lost his life as a young adult which prompted him to build all of this. How he plans to bring Zaun the independence and prosperity its people deserve, have always deserved. 
And by the time he’s finished speaking and has stopped for a moment to check in with one of the floor managers, you can’t help but stare at him, watching each careful movement and microexpression. 
Here is a man who’d had almost virtually the same start as you, who’d used every last shred of his resources to build himself an empire, all with the goal of elevating his city. 
Of seeking justice.
Silco returns to you after only a few minutes, where you instinctively reach to take hold of his arm again as he continues to walk. You let him lead. 
“Who will they think I am?” you ask when he offers you nothing more than a curious glance, nodding to the workers who keep shooting anxious glances at the both of you as you pass by. 
They definitely can’t see your face with the mask, but by your proximity to their boss, they must presume you’re somebody important.
“I suspect they’ll think you’re a potential business partner,” Silco responds diplomatically. To anyone else, he would appear just as impassive as ever. But you’re able to spot the twitch in his lips that tells you he’s holding back a smirk. 
You huff a short, sharp breath of air in amusement. 
“Do you have many of those?”
He finally comes to a stop at the bottom of a metal, spiral staircase, turning his head to glance down at you as he purses his lips. 
“None as beautiful as you.”
The roll of your eyes is thankfully covered by the mask. 
Now out of view from prying eyes, Silco delivers that smug little smirk he’s been holding back, almost as if he already knows your reaction, before elegantly gesturing with one sweep of his hand to allow you to climb the stairs before him.
And as you climb up and away from the toils of labour, you allow yourself to run away with the idea. 
If you’d met Silco in another life, one where’d you’d never conned your way into a privileged, Piltovian home, perhaps you could have worked your way into owning a large, successful business in Zaun. One that would have brought you into Silco’s world in an entirely different way.
You might’ve even been his equal, a chem-baron with almost as much power as the megalomaniac behind you. 
It’s this thought that inches you one step closer to the dangerous line you’ve been toeing, increases the pressure by just a notch. 
“I don’t think I’m entirely convinced that I should invest in this so-called business of yours anyway, Mr. Eye of Zaun,” you say coquettishly, adopting the air of an entrepreneur with unwavering confidence. 
“Well, that won’t do at all,” Silco drawls, clearly amused enough to entertain your antics. “What must I do to convince you otherwise?”
Perhaps it’s the fact that you’re not facing him that propels you to push it just that little bit further, just a little bit flirtier. 
“I can think of a few things.”
“Oh?” he intones, almost innocently. “Perhaps you’d like to share your thoughts so I can… accommodate.”
The heat that’s rapidly spreading through you must be from the factory machines, the cramped conditions. It must be. 
Reaching the top of the stairs, you find a darkened corridor lined with what must be office doors and for some gods-forsaken reason, it sends a thrill down your spine. 
Turning to face him, you walk backwards a few steps, letting him catch up to you in that slow, smooth saunter. And without thinking, you reach up to undo your mask, letting it drop to the ground as you take in Silco’s heated gaze, catching the way the pupil of his seafoam eye dilates in hunger. 
You allow him to come to a stop in front of you, but he doesn’t stray any farther. He seems hesitant, almost like he’s waiting for your next move, so you carefully loop your arms up and around him, forearms resting on his shoulders, hands clasped at his nape. 
“Hmm, in that case,” you tilt your head to the side, a tap to his shoulder blade with every demand. “I’ll take your crown, and your throne, and all your precious little treasures.” 
Then, you can’t help but lean forward ever so slightly, looking directly into those devastating eyes as you whisper.
“I want it all.”
It’s like watching an eclipse, the rapid darkening of his gaze an abyss, as the hands you’ve watched choke out a man come to rest oh so lightly against your waist. 
“And what would you give in exchange?” Silco asks with a rough swallow. The bob of his throat is simply captivating. 
“What do you want?”
“You know what I want,” he bites back, low growl a dichotomy to the gentle fingers tracing your sides. 
“Do I?”
Your attempt at coyness is met with a spine-tingling amount of conviction. Like he’s never been so sure of anything in his life. 
“I want you.”
Your legs guide him to slowly walk you backwards until your back hits the wood of the door behind you, your arms still looped around him whilst Silco’s hover nervously above your hips. 
He stares down at them, almost as if he desperately wants to but something is holding him back. 
His eyes dart up to yours in a brief look of trepidation, a question in his pointed gaze. So you nod once and resolutely ignore the voice screaming at you to just wait a minute, to stop playing with fire for just one moment. 
Silco’s hands finally press into your hips sending a jolt of fire racing up your spine. He stands between your spread legs, revelling in the proximity. 
“How much?” you ask. Silco only tilts his head in response, eyes distracted by the grip he has on your hips, so you grace him with clarification. “How much do you want me?”
That catches his attention, gaze snapping up to meet yours. 
And gods, you’re suddenly in need of air when Silco finally closes the distance, slowly leaning down to deliver his gravelly response directly against the shell of your ear.
“More than the body needs blood.”
Your hands instinctively reach up to thread into his hair, and Silco hips pitch forward into your own, a gasp escaping your lips at the joint sensation of his warm breath on your neck and the feeling of his arousal pressed firmly up against you. 
“That’s sir to you,” he commands, scarred lips trailing down your jaw until they finally rest against your neck, pulse beating double time. 
Fuck, why can’t you think? Why can you only focus on the feeling of him pressed up against you?
“Yes, sir,” you repeat, forcing yourself to take a deep breath, in and out. 
He chuckles darkly against your skin as long fingers begin to slowly trail down your body, the other hand briefly snaking up into your hair, as if he just wanted to give it a short tug, just to see what it feels like.
You shiver bodily when that same hand travels back down to cup your jaw, his nose falling into place alongside yours, impossibly close now. 
Silco’s lips hover tantalisingly above yours, barely grazing them as he begins to speak again, tone low and rough. 
“Good g-”
He’s interrupted by an indignant voice from a little ways down the hall. 
“Excuse me.”
It’s like being startled awake - ripped from a dream - the way your body freezes in shock. 
Your hands drop to your sides as Silco inhales deeply, placing one hand flat against the wall next to your head. 
Slowly, he turns to look over his shoulder with a deadly precision and you watch as the worker’s blood drains from his body. It must be his office door that you’re currently blocking and in the darkened corridor, he must not have recognised the back of his boss’ head. 
For a brief moment you worry that Silco is going to literally drain the blood from his body right in front of you, but to your relief, he simply issues a sharp, cold command.
“Go. Away.”
The poor man practically scrambles away without another word, his footsteps tapping back down the metal stairs at a, frankly, quite alarming pace. 
Alone once more, Silco twists back around to face you, seemingly content to continue where you’d left off if his fervid expression is anything to go by. 
But you gently stop him with a hand splayed on his chest. 
The moment is broken, and there’s one thought ringing through your brain over and over again - what the actual fuck are you doing?
“We should get back home,” you tell him, watching as disappointment floods his features. “The fumes are giving me a bit of a headache.”
He pauses, just for a moment, as if he’s considering a counter-argument, but instead he just nods, accepting your lie at face value. 
“Alright, my love,” he says, carefully taking your hand in his and pressing a chaste kiss to your knuckles, not entirely dissimilar to the way he did when you were first brought to his office, all that time ago. 
Then, Silco wordlessly leads you through the winding maze of the factory and out to the carriage, where you begin the journey back home, the silence charged with something entirely different to the one you’d shared on the way there. 
It isn’t the first time Silco has laid flat out on your bed, legs crossed at the ankle with his hand linked atop his stomach. And it’s unlikely to be the last. 
He stares at the plaster on the ceiling above your bed, mentally replaying that delectable little gasp you’d made the moment he’d pushed himself up against you. 
For months now, all he’d craved was just a little taste. Just a little sample to tide him over. 
But now that he’d finally experienced the sensation of your lips grazing his, of your waist under his fingers, he wants more. He wants everything. 
And it was that everything he’d been imagining just minutes before in his shower, until he’d finished with one shaky hand on the tiles holding him up, head hung low, his panting breaths slowing down incrementally until he’d finally had the strength to turn off the water.
At first, he’d simply recalled the delectable feeling of your body pressed against his. Then, it had devolved into a sordid little fantasy of what could have happened. 
Perhaps one of you would have dropped to your knees right there and then. 
Or maybe you’d have dragged him through the office door you were blocking and he could have scratched the wooden floor beneath the desk and left a bouquet of bruises on your hips all in one go. 
It had all come to a crescendo quite soon after that particular image had graced his thoughts and once he’d dried and dressed, Silco had found himself wandering over to your bedroom before he was truly conscious of what he was doing. 
And now, as you bathe, completely unaware of his presence in the adjacent room, he lays on your bed and thinks. 
Of course, when he envisions you in the bath, some part of him naturally thinks of going for another round, this time surrounded by your heady scent, your clothes held against him. And if he were a younger man, he might’ve done just that, a race to finish before you discovered him. But now, he knows that his body is too tired to keep up with his overactive brain. 
Instead, Silco placates himself by turning his head to inhale deeply against your pillow. 
The fact of the matter is, he wants you. Badly. 
But he’d never forgive himself if he hurt you again or pushed you too far. 
Now that the bliss is beginning to fade, he realises that whilst it may be an incredibly arousing situation, he decidedly does not want your first time together to happen on a dusty old desk in one of his factories. 
He wants it to be absolutely perfect. And for that, he needs your full, unadulterated trust and love.
The sound of you rising from the bathwater next door jolts him from his daydream, and as the water rushing down the drain covers his swift exit from your bedroom, Silco shelves his fantasies for now and focuses his mind on the next problem to be solved. 
It’s only a matter of time now until he wins you over. He’s sure of it. 
a/n: hello everyone, i somehow managed to convince myself this was the worst story ever and had a whole-arse crisis about it, but we’re finally back on and i’m gonna continue to wrestle my demons in a boxing ring until this story is finished 🥊
Also, thank you so much to everyone who has left such lovely comments since i posted the previous chapter, I genuinely appreciate all of you so much <3 
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Excerpt - Convalesce
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Young Jinx flees to the safety of Silco’s arms in search of refuge from the cacophony in her head. He obliges. As always. And a small game is played.
Confirming she possesses no further inclination to retreat, Silco reaches around her to retrieve his cigar, flicking off a generous nub of ash built on the tip. He holds it off to the side as he considers it, mindful of the curling smoke. Silco tilts his head to briefly touch his temple to hers, a silent affirmation.
He holds the next puff of smoke in his mouth until his lungs scream for relief. A hand returns to her back, fingers compelled to draw inane patterns while he resumes watching dust dance in the pale green light.
For some, fear is a sapling to be plucked, grasped and uprooted, giving way with a clod of dirt and a strained tug.
But her fear is not a weed, no. That much is painfully obvious. It is a shadow stitched to heart, a dark mimicry echoing her past mistakes and whispering her shortcomings in her ear, a cacophony silent to all but her. He cannot silence these voices, but he tries to speak over them, drown them out with sense, and for the most part he is at least partially successful. And on the rare occasions when he isn't..
He flicks some ash from his cigar.
The less said about those sleepless nights, the better.
Warm breath wrapped in a giggle settles against his neck, bringing Silco back to the present. ‘Si~ilco, what're you doing, algebra on my back? That's boring.’
The unmarred corner of his lips lifts into a faint smile she cannot see, then parts a sliver's worth to allow the smoke to languidly trickle out from the cavern of his mouth in a thick ribbon-like stream.
Her back transforms into a typewriter in his mind's eye. His fingers switch to skittering and pattering up and down the small expanse with the deftness of a secretary as he taps out a coded message. J-I-N-X-J-I-N-X-J-I-N-X. She giggles again, and the rest of the smoke gusts out from his toothy half-smirk like steam from a grate as he joins her with an amused huff. Such a wonderful sound. He wishes he could bottle it up and distill it into a tonic for occasions like this.
Do you remember the taste of your happiness, child? Drink, and recall.
If only it were that simple. "Or it could very well be nonsense."
Warmth is returning to the youth in his arms, spring swiftly bleeding into summer to leave dreary memories of winter behind. The wires are sparking, filling the air with the scent of sunshine and wax crayons.
She pulls back to grin at him, wiggling like a worm on a hook, or an overly-excited retriever. 'Write something else! Oh, oh, draw something and I'll guess!"
He hums in faux consideration. When she is distraught, her sense of self requires some time to return to form, her whimsical proclivities swinging ungainly between two stark poles, pitifully infantile or soberingly mature for her present age. A broken slot machine with its wheels ever-spinning. He is well aware of the strangeness, but he has never turned away anyone for being odd.
Dustin is oft times unintelligible in his speech, harboring brain damage from inhaling sump fumes in his formative years, yet when given a microphone can sing with the clarity of a lake lark.
Ran has no memory of their life before the age of fourteen--their genesis was upon that of a stained mattress within a rotting room, laces to their breeches untied and their hand trembling around the handle of a shiv sunken into the throat of a naked, disheveled woman looming above them like a gaunt spider—āyí. Auntie.
The Last Drop's bartender Thieram sometimes comes into work as Chella, the heavy-lashed dame with a spine of steel and nails to match; 'she' claims to be a soul residing within Thieram, a psychic fragment formed in childhood of whose existence he still remains starkly unaware.
Zaun as it stood now served as the dumping ground for Piltover's slag and refuse, a rubbish bin into which all things unsightly and ill-reputed were cast off.
Genius often wears the mask of madness, and this child was a prodigy tenfold.
So he honors these innocent, childish requests. Anything to keep her afloat.
He draws a waverider, which she guesses incorrectly as an alligator, then a gecko. 'Wrong genus.'
She groans dramatically. He can practically feel her eyes rolling in her head. Sapphire marbles. 'As if I know what that means!'
'You should,' he teases.
But he hums again, and draws a circle, the basic shape of a Poro. Funny little things, embodying empathy and cat-like curiosity. Thick white or yellowish fur, two curved goat horns, and a comically large panting tongue. Generally as big as an ottoman, though he's heard they can grow to dwarf even men. Their kind are as scarce as sunlight in Zaun given their sensitivity to suffering and conceit. They are fixtures in children's story books as heroes down here in the Lanes just as they are Topside, though a cunning and shrewdness has been allotted to their natures by his fellow Zaunites to afford them more..practicality and believability for the little ones. It did no one any good to fill their heads with naive notions of pure goodness and altruism as unshakeable forces found in nature. The world was not fated to be soft to those born on this side of the Gate.
There is a static-y pause, a taut coil of anticipation. She is waiting for more. He remains still, and when she eventually pulls back, he stifles a chuckle at how her brow furrows and her nose scrunches as if suddenly blinded by floodlight. 'That's it? That's just a circle!’
‘That is the animal's shape.’ He says from behind his cigar. The flaring of her nostrils makes him raise a challenging brow, though he maintains an unaffected air. ‘Anything more than that and it would be too easy. I know you're clever enough to figure it out without a hint.'
It is like a switch is flipped. The mirth buzzing within her stalls, stilts as her head lolls, a secondhand doll with a broken neck socket joint. Her expression darkens, her mouth twisting tight and bunching up like a ruined seam as she glares out from under a contorted shelf formed across her brow. Her eyes, still unchanged from the same brilliant blue that cloud of magic that blew his dockside shimmer operations sky-high, are no longer illuminated by sunlight glittering atop ocean surf. Instead they are mute, flat as cold stone. Unmerciful as kerosene flame.
Silco watches this quiet anger seep to the surface in equal parts caution and patience. He will never tell her that she is disallowed from feeling as she does, to the degree that she does. However, emotions were energy, and among his scores of lessons was how to best economically harness and direct that energy. The hungry black flame that shaped her ire could be better suited to tinkering or testing her projects than gouging out chunks of her flesh, or his. And energy disconnected from a proper set of conduits and outlets was inevitably fated to combust in a multitude of messy ways, perishing the host.
Needless waste.
The seconds tick by.
The tip of her small finger darts out to stab his lapel, a spiteful peck with enough force behind it for the point of contact to well with transient ache.
Silco’s aloft eyebrow is joined by its painted brother to form a banner of quiet challenge. But as expected, this gesture only further deepens the creases of her mulish pout, reminding him of those pitiful inbred lapdogs adored by Piltovian ladies.
In her grousing, she fails to consider, or forgets, the presence of his hand hovering over her back. Another lesson to impart. Maintaining one's awareness of the world around them even whilst simmering in their own recalcitrance.
With a bored look, he pokes her in the back. Hard. Right between the vertebrae.
Jinx jolts forward, more so in surprise than propulsion, and makes a show of twisting and turning to dart her attention between his face and his hand, her sullenness now resembling that of a runt resentful of its target status by local bullies.
Her fingers curl into fists, fury building..
But she has not yet raked her nails down his cheek nor grabbed him by the ears to scream in his face, or made a lunge for his hair..
And suddenly, the clouds break. She gives him a thousand watt gap-toothed grin and begins to assail him with a series of rapid pokes upon his chest, little pecks with her pointer fingers that he can feel through his waistcoat. She pairs it with small sounds that simulate punching--'pow pow pow pow pow pow!'
It takes all of his self-control not to displace his cigar. His teeth sink into the filter as his lips pull back in a grin wide enough that he feels the familiar sharp numb-ache of his scarred cheek muscles pull and tug to accommodate. Pain she is able to make him relish as a gift.
'Come on, come on,' she chides, 'you gotta give me more than that, ‘wise 't's too hard! Powpowpowpowpowpow!!'
"Fine." She pauses in her assault, expectant. Bright, bright, bright with held breath.
He pokes two dots to serve as eyes, and grins even wider around his cigar when her anticipation crumples into another one of her frustrated groans.
'Is it a pet rock?'
'A what?'
'A pet rock. You know,' she drawls, bobbling her head as if it was obvious, 'a rock you have as a pet?'
Silco turns this absurd explanation in his head, and comes up blank. 'I still do not understand, but no.'
'Well if you don't get it, then it's a freebie! Point for me!'
'Mm. And how is it your point?'
She wiggles in his lap, pride threatening to spill out of her like unfiltered sunlight. Endearingly volatile and pure. 'I know something you don't know!' She sing-songs, lifting a finger from his vest to wave it back and forth in a tiny circling dance.
'That is not the game we're playing.'
'It is always being played.' She rebuts.
Deeply, madly, truly appreciate any comments. I have a whole lot more but the pieces are stuck in between very unsatisfactory paragraphs.
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abitohoney · 2 years
Suffocate Me
(A sequel to the sequel to Roses are Red)
Ch1, Ch2, Ch3, Ch4, Ch5
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This contains Explicit smut, so NSFW, MDNI Sevika x female reader 4.8k words
AN: Thought I was done with this ficlet, but then anon sent me a funny video in this post and I was inspired to write another chapter, so here you go!
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It's only been a week since Valentine's day, and you're already dying to have another night with Sevika. She certainly hadn't been exaggerating about leaving you tired as hell after fucking you in the tiny supply closet. Took you several days to get back to walking like you didn't have something stuck up your-
The door to The Last Drop swings open, pulling you from your horny thoughts. It's closing time, so you're prepared to shout at whatever hooligan decided to let themselves in, but your scowl immediately shifts to a smile spread so wide your cheeks hurt.
Speak of the devil.
And she's looking right at you with an equally wide smirk.
Leaning on the counter, you push your boobs together and further out of your blouse. A blouse that already barely contains them.
"Hi Sevika," you say coquettishly as she saunters up to the bar across from you.
“Hey beautiful,” she replies smoothly. She makes no effort to hide how her gaze drops to your obvious display. Zero shame. As a matter of fact, she goes so far as to pull a small, folded piece of paper from beneath her cloak and slip it between your cleavage. And not without making sure her fingers graze over the curves before she pulls her hand away to rest her arm on the counter. “Since you seem to like poems so much,” she husks, finally meeting your eyes again.
You try but fail to keep your massive grin at bay as you anxiously pull the note out and unfold it. 
Roses are Red The sun gives off heat If your legs are tired Use my face as a seat
When Sevika catches how your eyes go wide after reading the last line, she adds, “You did tell me your feet were tired last time."
Smiling coyly up at her from beneath your lashes, you reply, “I did. And they’re so much worse tonight. I really could use a nice place to sit.” You fold the little note back up and slip it beneath Sevika’s leather sleeve, making sure you run your hand over her bulging bicep before pulling back.
The two of you enter some sort of flirty standoff. Eyes locked and teasing smiles in place. Hers; a sexy, lopsided grin. The one that makes your knees weak and your stomach flutter. Yours; a sweet, playful grin, which you’re pretty sure has a similar effect given how her pupils dilate when she sees it.
Your little game doesn’t last long before you catch the approach of a pair of swinging blue braids.
“Hiya Toots!” Jinx exclaims to you as she takes a seat on the stool beside Sevika. Like, right beside her. Nearly touching her. “Ogre,” Jinx grumbles when she finally regards Sevika.
You watch as Sevika’s shoulders tense and her demeanor does a complete one-eighty. Brows knitted into a deep frown, she’s about to spit out something nasty to the tiny girl next to her, but Jinx beats her to it.
“See! I told ya she’d like the poetry! Gotcha laid too, didn’t it?” Jinx exclaims far too loudly, evident by the strangled sound Thieram makes from the back of the bar. She turns back to you again. “The ogre’s got some pep in her step now. She’s prancing like a fairy rather than clomping like an ogre.” After a glance at Sevika, who is fuming beside her, she amends, “Yeah, maybe not a fairy. Still an ogre, but you get my point, don’t ya, toots?”
You try to hide your smile and stifle your giggles behind your hand. Sevika may detest Silco’s nutty adopted daughter, but you think she’s actually quite amusing. Especially with how easily she can get Sevika riled up.
Jinx’s bright eyes flick between the two of you. She’s just grinning from ear to ear. She leans towards Sevika, her gaze still on you. “And see! There’s those heart eyes I told ya about! She’s just swooning over there like a lovesick puppy!” She leans her forearm on the table, getting herself closer to you and ignoring the fact that she’s pushing Sevika’s arm out of the way in the process. Poking the very angry bear. She curls a finger, beckoning you closer before putting the side of her hand to her mouth like she has a secret to tell you.
You lean in closer, trying so hard not to smile at her antics because you know Sevika is damn near blowing steam from her ears. But for the love of Janna, this is all too funny.
Jinx whispers, but still very clearly loud enough for Sevika to hear, “Listen, I need you two to keep doing whatever nasty shit you two have been doing. I mean she has been a lot less cantankerous and… ogre-y than usual, ya know? Can you do that? For me?”
You simply nod, not trusting yourself to refrain from bursting into a fit of giggles.
“Knew I could count on you!” she exclaims as she leaps from her seat. “Hey, Chuck! A drink please!”
“It- It’s Thieram.”
“Nope. It’s definitely Chuck.”
After Jinx skips to another seat further down the bar, you turn to regard Sevika. And if looks could kill, Jinx would most assuredly be dead. Literally full of knives with how Sevika glares daggers at her. Trying to diffuse her anger, you reach up and gently trace a finger along the scars decorating her cheek. She turns to you, and that anger starts to fade rather quickly. “This gorgeous seat still open?” you ask seductively as you run your thumb over the plush of her bottom lip. And there goes the frown. Completely replaced by that sexy little smirk of hers.
"For you sweetheart? Always," she purrs. Gently taking your wrist into her hand, she brings the back of your hand to her lips to place a kiss there.
If you weren't already grinning like a fool in love, you sure as hell were now. "Your place then?"
"Mhm," she hums and takes a step back as you hoist yourself up onto the bar as you did last time. Her gray eyes go wide when she takes in the tiny, tight shorts you're wearing. They leave very little to the imagination. "Wear those for me?" She asks with a cocky grin.
"What makes you think I didn't wear them to get more tips?" You tease. You have definitely been wearing more revealing clothes since your last night with her in hopes of pulling her in for another. But she doesn't need to know that.
Sevika raises a brow. Probably in a mixture of disbelief that she was wrong, and that you'd even have the gall to say such a thing. But her crooked smile quickly returns as she runs both metal and flesh hands over the tops of your exposed thighs.  "Doesn't matter. They'll be coming off with the rest of your clothes."
Your cheeks flush and you take the opportunity to try to hide it by calling over your shoulder to Thieram, "See you tomorrow!"
He stammers some sort of response, but you're too focused on Sevika pulling you down and into her strong arms to give a shit. Sevika gazes down at you ravenously, both hands gripping the backs of your thighs and the curves of your partially exposed ass cheeks. And if you didn't have a damn audience- particularly the young blue-haired Jinx- you'd let her fuck you right here and now. Instead, you settle for a quick kiss. Hands on her shoulders, you pull her down to you as you stretch up on the toes of your knee-high boots.
Well, you thought it would just be a quick kiss.
Sevika's grip on your backside strengthens as she greedily returns the kiss. She forces her tongue between your parted lips, chuckling quietly when you moan into her mouth.
Fuck. She tastes so good. Like danger and sex and confidence and-
"Bleh! Gross!"
Jinx's loud complaint pulls you back to your senses and you break the kiss, much to Sevika's dismay.
"I know I told ya to keep doing the nasty shit, but I didn't mean right here! Geez! Get a room!" Jinx gripes.
You smile bashfully at her as she rolls her eyes so hard you're certain she's going to fall right out of her seat. "Sorry, Jinx. We're heading to her room now." Before Sevika's mood can fully sour at Jinx's interruption, you give her a quick kiss on the tip of her nose. "Let's go. I really need to sit down."
Smirking, Sevika releases her death grip on your backside and slips her human arm protectively around your waist to guide you out the front door.
The walk back to her place is chilly and uncomfortably clammy. Wrapping your arms around your chest, you hug yourself to try to fend off the goosebumps that start to creep over your exposed skin. "I'm cold," you pout when you catch Sevika eyeing your puffed-out chest.
Without a word, she switches sides with you and pulls you under her cloak.
Though you can feel the cold press of her metal arm wrapped around your waist, the heat radiating from where your body presses to hers is more than enough to make it worth it. Not to mention the scent of her that permeates from where her cloak sits just below your nose. You inhale deeply and close your eyes, allowing Sevika to guide you through the dark streets of the lanes.
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The moment Sevika gets you inside her apartment, she doesn't even wait for the door to close before scooping you up into her arms bridal style.
Though you should have expected that, you still release a startled yelp. With one arm wrapped around her upper back, you grin up at her as she carries you toward her bedroom. “You’re so strong,” you swoon, relishing in how that stroke to her ego earns you a toothy smirk.
Sevika gently lays you across her bed and places an entirely too-sweet kiss on your forehead before not-so-gently ripping your boots and socks off.
“Impatient again?” you tease as you watch her from where you’ve propped yourself up by your forearms.
She doesn’t grace you with a reply, but her lopsided grin remains as she leans over you to pull your shorts and panties off in one fell swoop. After kicking her own boots off to the side, she starts to kiss her way up your body.
Her kisses begin sweet and chaste, trailing from an ankle to the top of a knee. But as she leans over you, hands pressed to the mattress beside your hips, those kisses turn into little love bites along the top of your thigh. Teeth sink into soft flesh before tongue laps and soothes the sting.
"Sevika," you whimper breathlessly as that warm mouth draws ever so close to the apex of your thighs. You want her there. Need her there. So bad. But she ignores your unspoken plea and lifts your shirt up to reveal more skin. And as she continues her path up your abdomen, you can feel the sinister curl of her lips against your heated skin. She knows exactly what she's doing. Teasing you. Getting you worked up and needy. And you'd be lying if you said it didn't turn you on. Your whole body burns and aches for her touch, but the longer she makes you wait, the better it will feel when she finally gives it to you.
When she reaches the band of your bra, she uses one hand to yank it down, revealing both breasts before latching onto one. She wastes no time in sinking her teeth into the sensitive bud, tugging just hard enough to border on pain.
Again, you can feel her sexy little smile press against you when you release a startled gasp. Her tongue swirls around your singing flesh to ease the sting of her bite.
"Fuck," you curse as you arch your back, pushing your chest toward her mouth. But she doesn’t give you that control long before she pulls back, leaving you teeming with desire for more.
Knees and hands now on either side of your body, caging you beneath her, Sevika smirks down at your expression. Your half-lidded eyes. Your furrowed brows. Your parted lips. You look desperate for her. You are desperate for her.
You slip your fingers through the soft strands of hair at the back of her head and pull her down for a kiss. She gladly obliges, her tongue slipping between her lips to slide over yours. That damn tongue of hers, you’re certain, is one of her greatest weapons against your defenses. Not just in her wit, snark, and sexy little quips, but in how she uses it to assert dominance. The way she uses it to tease along your lips, only to pull back when you try to take it. How she trails it across the backs of your upper teeth, again refusing to let you stake your claim. How she finally finds yours and all but assaults it with how wild and deep she kisses you.
But right now, you need that mouth and tongue of hers elsewhere. So with your palms pressed to her chest, just below her shoulders, you push with all your strength. To your surprise, and hers, you manage to toss her onto her back against the mattress. Quickly moving to straddle her waist, you grin down at her victoriously as she blinks up at you in shock. That wide-eyed look doesn’t last long though before it's quickly replaced with a taunting smirk.
“Who’s the impatient one?”
“You’re the one who offered me a seat,” you reply as you remove your shirt and bra before tossing them somewhere behind you.
“Best seat in the house,” she replies and you have to bite back a laugh at how cheesy that is, and instead offer your own equally cheesy response.
“Best seat in all of Runeterra.” You flash her a sly smile to match hers.
Sevika merely grins up at you as she trails metal and flesh hands up the back of your thighs and guides you up over her body on your knees.
“Are you sure about this?” you ask, recalling how your legs had given way the last time she used her mouth down there.
She raises a single brow.
“Last time you were down there I lost control of my own damn legs,” you remind her, “I might end up suffocating you.”
“I want you to suffocate me,” she replies with a sinful smirk that disappears between your legs as she moves you into position.
That unexpected and sexy remark wipes the cheeky little smile clear off your face. Arousal winds like a tight coil deep within your belly and you take your bottom lip between your teeth to fight back to moan that threatens to escape. And fuck, the mere sight of Silco’s deadly right-hand woman lying between your thighs is enough to leave you speechless and at her mercy. Your thighs nearly shake with how bad you want to feel that hot mouth pressed against your wet and wanting-
“O-oh fuck,” you moan with a shaky breath when the tip of her tongue teases just outside your entrance.
Unlike your previous encounter, Sevika seems to favor a slower, more teasing approach this time. Using only the very tip of her tongue, she traces along the wet outer edges of your cunt. Gray eyes watch with entirely too much satisfaction, you think, as you struggle to remain still for her.
“Don’t tease, Sevika,” you whine as you clutch at your own thighs. Janna, do you want so badly to just take control. To grab her by those lovely ebony locks and just grind against her gorgeous face.
“Patience, sweetheart,” she murmurs. But the sexy brute beneath you lets her lips graze over your folds, clearly intentional given how she chuckles at the way your thighs tremble.
“We’ve already established neither of us are pa-” your rebuttal is cut short by the unexpected flick of her tongue against your clit. And this time your restraint flies right out the damn window, hips thrusting towards that devilish muscle of hers. “Fuck!” you cry out. And damn it, you get at least one good drag against that sweetly soft, round nose of hers before she’s pressing her fingers bruisingly hard into your hips and putting you back in place.
“I told you to be patient,” Sevika growls, accenting her words with a sharp bite of nails into your flesh.
That certainly gets your attention. You freeze, blinking several times as you stare down at her in surprise over the sudden change in tone. But, oh, she doesn’t look angry. She looks wickedly pleased. Too wound up with arousal, you simply offer her a small nod that you understand, hoping that will be enough to placate her.
“Good girl,” she purrs.
You no more than drop your jaw to release a moan at that sweet praise when you feel her pull you down to her mouth. And this time, she presses those soft, thick lips fully against your core, tongue delving deep inside. Your hands quickly find purchase on the iron rails of her headboard, gripping tightly as pleasure wracks your body.
Patience be damned, Sevika immediately drags her tongue back out, withdrawing not only the slick coating your walls, but also a broken, deep moan from your throat. Before you have a moment to recover, to regain the strength in your aching legs, she’s pulling you back down around her tongue again. She repeats the motions, this time dragging your clit over her nose. And for the love of Janna, she’s fucking you with her tongue and it feels so ungodly good. You don’t even notice the bruising grip she has on your hips as she repeatedly lifts you off her face only to pull you back down against it over and over again. Not when she’s left you desperately trying to contain the mewls, curses, and moans that build with each wave of pleasure that motion brings.
Mind completely clouded with unadulterated lust, the need to release that searing hot pressure that's built in your abdomen, you release the headboard to run your hands up your body. You need more stimulation. You let your head fall back as you grasp at your own breasts- kneading, squeezing, and rolling fingers over the hardened peaks- all while she fucks you with her mouth faster and faster. You no longer attempt to withhold your cries of pleasure. It's not as if you can hear them with how your pulse throbs in your ears.
Climax quickly approaching, you let your body take over, hips bucking in tandem with each descent she brings. But before you can reach that peak, you feel a sudden decline, Sevika losing her momentum. One of her hands, her human one, slips away from your hip.
Heart racing both with arousal and now the panic of losing grasp of that sweet release, you peer down at her through the slits beneath your lids. Sevika’s eyes are just as heavily lidded and dazed. However, you notice her gaze, though not focused, is on your hands where they still play with the supple flesh of your breasts.
“Sevika,” you plead softly.
For fucks sake you need her to pick that pace back up. You try, with little luck, to pick up her slack, thrusting using what little strength remains in your aching legs. It’s just not quite enough and she doesn’t seem to hear your plea, so you make one more attempt.
“Sevika! I- I need you to go faster!”
Somehow, through the blood roaring in your ears, you hear something rattle behind you. Slowly, you glance back over your shoulder, and you nearly cease your movements altogether at the sight before you.
Sevika’s thighs are spread, belt undone and jingling as she touches herself beneath her underwear.
Oh, fuck. That is so hot.
She’s touching herself to the sight of you getting off on her face. You turn back to her and wrap one hand around the headboard again, determination renewing your strength just enough to get your rhythm where you need it. You focus on her face, nearly crumbling as you watch her struggle to keep her eyes from rolling back behind her lids. Deep, quiet groans pull from her chest, muffled by where you now mercilessly grind your wet cunt against her face.
Janna, you’re practically suffocating her. But isn't that what she said she wanted?
Both of you struggle to focus, watching the other fall apart with the fast approach of that euphoric release. Neither you nor Sevika can keep your eyes completely open. Brows- glistening with beads of sweat- pinch together in a mixture of concentration and pure ecstasy. Movements becoming jerky and uncontrolled. Your hips stutter. Her fingers falter. Breath leaves both of your bodies in heated, ragged bursts between your mewls and her groans. Yours echo freely through the room as they fall from your slack mouth, while hers are muted against your cunt.
With just a few more drags of your swollen clit across her nose, you’re the first to fall off that sweet precipice. Your thighs clamp around Sevika’s head like a vice as the pleasure consumes you. A string of expletives mixed with her name falls from your mouth while you cling desperately to the headboard. Vision fading to black, you don’t notice how the sight of your orgasm, the feel of your release seeping onto her lips and chin, finally pushes Sevika over the edge.
Her metal fingers dig into your hip, piercing the skin. Her hips jerk erratically against her hand while her fingers carry her through the waves of pleasure. When she slowly recovers from her high, she opens her gray eyes to stare up at you in a daze.
As you start to come to your senses, your thighs release their death grip against the sides of Sevika’s head, trembling as they threaten to give way to your now dead weight. You peer down past your heaving chest to meet her gaze. Mind still fuzzy from your post-orgasmic bliss, it takes you a moment to realize she must have reached hers as well.
Fearful your legs won't be able to hold you much longer, you use what little strength remains to push off Sevika and roll into your back with a heavy sigh.
"Shit, Sevika," you say breathlessly towards the ceiling before turning to face her. Her eyes are already on you, her slick and drool-coated lips pulled into that damn sexy smirk again. So proud of herself. As she should be. "You really are amazing."
You no more than finish your sentence and she's on top of you, her face hovering mere inches from yours.
"I want to fuck you with my strap," she husks. She tries to lower her head to steal a kiss, but you press your palms against her chest to stop her. And it takes every ounce of willpower not to laugh at her stunned expression.
"On one condition," you reply as you reach up to gently tuck an errant strand of hair behind her ear. When she doesn't reply, merely cocks a brow, you continue, "I want to stay the night and you make me breakfast in the morning." Once again Sevika graces you with a hilariously stunned expression. As if she's never been given a list of demands for anything before.
Sevika's lips finally curl into a snarky smile as she chuckles, "Sweetheart, I don't make breakfast for anyone." She makes another attempt to kiss you, but you smoothly roll away, sitting up with your back to her.
"Guess I need to go then. I'll need some extra time to get home and get up early enough to make my own breakfast." You don't dare glance over your shoulder, lest she catches your devious smile. But you don't need to see her to know her face is plastered with a look of pure astonishment at your audacity. Before you can stand to fetch your clothes, you feel her cool metal fingers wrap around your wrist.
"Wait," she says quietly. And you swear her voice is almost shaky.
Now you can't resist the temptation to take a peek at her. You glance over your shoulder, but keep your chin tucked low to hide your smile. Your heart nearly sinks at the sight of her frown. She's sitting up and looking anywhere but at you. She really isn't accustomed to being turned down. That, or she's just really into you.
"Okay. Just- stay. Please," she pleads, stormy gray eyes finally meeting yours.
Oh shit.
Well, now you feel terrible. Damn near brought Zaun's scary lady to her knees.
"Of course," you say softly and offer her a sweet smile as you crawl up onto the bed to straddle her lap. With your arms wrapped over her shoulders, you finally bring your lips to hers.
Sevika snakes her arms around your back, holding you tight and flush against her as if you might float away if she let go. The deep hum of appreciation she releases reverberates through her chest to yours. At the feeling of your gentle prodding, she parts her lips to let you slip your tongue inside.
The taste of your release lingers in her mouth. It reignites the flame of your desire, leaving you with the urge to grind against her lap. You break the kiss to rest your forehead against hers. Both of you are already getting worked up again, exchanging warm breaths between parted lips.
"I want to be on top. Like this," you whisper.
Sevika pulls back to quirk a brow, but her lips curl into a tiny smile. "Any more demands, princess?"
That's a new one.
"Mmm…" you hum exaggeratedly, "Not off the top of my head, but I'll let you know." You give her a playful smile and hop off to allow her to get up.
Lying on your side, head propped up in your hand, you watch Sevika move to the opposite side of the bed to pull a harness and strap-on from a small bedside drawer. Before she can step into it, you're hit with another idea.
"One more thing."
This time Sevika shoots you a warning glare over her shoulder, but she waits to hear your request.
"I want you naked this time."
Her expression remains unchanged.
"Please?" You ask, pushing your bottom lip out. And for just an extra little push, you trail a fingertip down between the valley of your breasts, taking note of how those gray eyes follow with obvious interest. "I'll make it worth it."
With a shake of her head, Sevika releases a sigh of defeat. "You're lucky you're so beautiful," she says as she starts to remove her top.
Those words don't quite sink in immediately. You're too distracted by the sight of Sevika's bare back. The muscles that stretch across her neck and shoulders. The curves of her hips and waist. And oh heavens, there's that gorgeous ass she reveals when she bends over to pull her pants and underwear down.
If she thinks you're beautiful, what does that make her? A damn goddess. That's what.
Wait- Did she tell you you're lucky you're beautiful?
"You only like me for my body?" You ask incredulously as she turns to you, in all her naked glory, while adjusting her harness. "Don't you like me for my personality too?"
"I'm not fucking your personality," she teases as she gets back onto the bed and positions herself upright against the headboard before stroking her faux cock with her flesh hand. With the curl of a metal finger, she beckons you over.
Obediently, you crawl on hands and knees across the bed towards her, but not without making sure she sees your pout.
Sevika gently grasps your chin between metal thumb and finger, tilting your head back until you look her in the eye. Her crooked smile is taunting, but not mean. She thinks your little act is cute. "Sweetheart, you know I'm just toying with you."
It's true. You do know that. But that doesn't mean you're not going to milk her for all she's worth. Get her to confess just how bad she's down for you. You avert your eyes, pushing your bottom lip out further.
She pulls you closer, speaking in a hushed tone as she does. "Your personality, though bratty and demanding-" She pauses, waiting for you to meet her gaze again and continuing once you do, "-is just as beautiful as your body."
You finally let loose a devious little smile, just as she closes the distance to press her lips to yours.
Hook, line, and sinker.
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heroinejinx · 2 years
Post recommendations for your ten favourite fanfics and tag the authors if possible. Tell us what you like about their work.
Tag five people of your choice to do the meme too.
okay well there’s more than ten because i’m indecisive & these are all too good not to mention!!
for some sense of order, i’ve separated them by ships, and then further by if they’re canon or au, because the 2 are essentially different genres so 🤓 
i’m also not gonna expand too much on what i like about each of these because it’ll just be me waffling & saying ‘i love this ship and this person writes their dynamic so damn well’ over and over lol 
- ‘Ill-Fortune and Illumination’ series by @questionablecuttlefish 
ft. scenes of extreme chaos and extreme tenderness, sometimes in the same chapter, always brilliant 🤌
- ‘The energy that pumps through my veins’ by @ghostofyaz
in which jinx is the ultimate masochist & lux aims to please ✨
- ‘Flashbangs and Frag Grenades’ series by @calchexxis (which there’s also a podcast on Spotify for!!🔥)
‘jinx is crazy, lux is crazier’ - a must read
- ‘Bright Eyes’ series by @calchexxis
college au in which jinx is a ‘tattooed punk on a motorcycle’ - need i say more? 👀
- ‘Friction Coefficient’ by @blood-lich-crow
and so they were forced to be study buddies 😙
- ‘Fight and Flight’ by @onegraycat
the closest to top gun i will ever willingly get, ft. angst and planes ✈️
- ‘My Boy Savior’ by Elssandra on AO3 (idk their tumblr)
wherein jinx’s journey to becoming a firelight is cute, dark as hell, dramatic and frequently heartbreaking - yay 🥲
Pistolwhip / CaitJinx
- ‘Dancing After Death’ by @prettyaveragewhiteshark
jinx and caitlyn bond over their grief & it hurts & it’s so satisfying to read 💔
- ‘Hollow bones and bird song’ series by @natsukashenby
the fic that got me into the crackship, so much angst and pining, god bless 🙏
- ‘Lithium’ series by @ravenkinnie
okay i need to re-read this asap but the angst in this knows no bounds 🖤
- ‘Love Sonnet aka Escort AU’ series by @ravenkinnie
this fic is so tender and their connection feels so real - idk how else to describe it other than saying just go read it right now 🥺
- ‘Lover, will you look at me now? I’m already dead to you’ by @natsukashenby
ft. caitlyn and jinx bonding a little too much at a party… gotta love the drama
Liquorbomb (Jinx x ‘Chuck’)
@unknownstellardepths has this monopolised lololol thank you for your service
- ‘Toy Guns with Real Bullets’
jinx turns to ‘chuck’ after killing silco and things get *complicated* ❤️‍🩹
this fleshes out thieram/chuck so so well, and the writing in this? the crafting of the fight scenes, the sex scenes, and character development? yeah, read it.
- ‘Scissors and Heartstrings’ 
more thieram and jinx antics - can’t get enough tbh 🫶
Honourable mentions for some non-Arcane fics I adore:
SPOP (Catradora)
- ‘Falling feels like flying (till the bone crush) by ehj on AO3 (idk their tumblr)
what if catra and adora started secretly fucking while still at war with each other? yeah this is that & it’s bloody great 😌
- ‘Break a Leg (and break the bed)’ by @dandyvela 
catradora as stunt workers who are secretly fuck buddies, minus the friendship & add on a whole lot of repressed feelings. genius 💖
- ‘Take me home’ by feistypants on AO3 (idk their tumblr)
exes running a farm together and slowly confronting the past… when i tell you i cried 😭
Killing Eve (Villaneve)
~~what everyone in the old fandom wishes could’ve been canon~~
- ‘Saving Eve’ by DontShoveTheSun on AO3 (idk their tumblr)
okay i’m not exaggerating when i say that this fic has improved my mental health lol anyone still reeling from that abysmal finale needs to read this. this whole thing is like the most comforting hug ever & idc it’s canon to *me* 🥹
tbh i’d also extend this rec to anyone who enjoys the murder wives trope in general, even if you haven’t seen the show - this fic truly delivers everything that kind of story needs. can’t praise it highly enough.
okay, this was super fun to do so i’m tagging all the authors mentioned here, plus anyone else who wants to do it! 💕
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m-feline · 2 years
To adapt, to survive, to live - Ch 16
Silco x Freader
Tags: talk of relationships, trauma, mention of rape, new clothes, fluff;
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Soon I went with Silco to visit Signed, so I would get a full check-up. Signed had time to read my journal and he had some ideas as to what new "quirks” I might have gotten. So he began to make some tests, despite Silco's displeasure. So we figured out some of the effects. Turns out that I do "taste the air” but only if the scent is fresh enough. Besides that, I can build immunity against any kind of poison. Silco didn't like it, especially when suddenly Signed made me drink poison without a word. Yes, it made me feel bad and sick but after several minutes it went away. And after getting Silco from threatening Signed, we figured out that I also heal faster than normal. Not superhumanly, more like my cells began the healing sooner than normal. Again, Silco almost attacked Signed when he made a cut to my hand. It bled but only for a couple of minutes, but for a wound of that size I thought it would take more time to stop the bleeding. Signed explained that despite my faster healing if the wound is too deep or serious it will still kill me. There were other tests but not so… drastic as the other two. Some blood tests, eye tests, reflexes, and so on. All and all Signed said that I'm alright. And if something does happen I should sleep it over.
So some days went by, and soon we would return to the Last Drop. During that time I spent my time either with Jinx and her new projects or taking over the kitchen of the inn and cooking up something delicious. But most of the time Silco was one way or another always keeping an eye on me. When he had work to do, it was Sevika keeping an eye. Others were acting the same. They said they wanted to see my signia but Silco always gave them a menacing look and they would drop the topic. I managed to show them my signia when I moved it to my face or hands but to show it on my back required me to remove clothes. And that is when Silco would butt in.
His act recently reminded me of jealous boyfriends I have heard coming to Babette’s and causing trouble. That always ended with Vander visiting the guy and "convincing” him to talk it over with his girlfriend, instead of busting the place and making a scene. I tried asking Sevika about what's his problem, but she simply said that I should figure it out myself. But I wasn't ready for that, at least in my opinion.
One day, I was outside with Jinx testing her newest creation. It blew up nicely but not as big as the question she popped at me.
“Are you and Silco an item?”
“Wha-what?”, I asked in shock when I picked up the remains of the blown-up project, and almost dropped it again.
“You and Silco, are you two together?” Jinx asked innocently.
“We… no… not that I… where did that come from?” I asked trying at the same time to collect my thoughts.
“Others talk about it,” Jinx said.
“Others who exactly?”, I insisted.
“Dustin, Matt, Ran, that new guy, Thieram, Sevika,” Jinx said as she counted her fingers.
“Seriously? Practically all the regs,” I sighed.
“So, are you?”
“We… aren't. I mean… not like that. Do you even know what being an item is?” I asked.
“That you and Silco are together and that-sort-of-stuff,” Jinx said.
“That-sort-of-stuff?” I repeated her words.
“You know, that-sort-of-stuff,” Jinx with a bit of emphasis as she moved her hands. I didn't know what she meant with her hands but the way she spoke and changed her face, told me enough.
“What? No! No, we haven't… I didn't mean... He doesn't… We haven't slept together!” I shouted as all the blood rushed to my head.
“I didn't say anything about sleeping together, although if we’re honest you have slept in his bed. With him,” Jinx reminded me. My hands came to cover my face and I could feel the heat on my cheeks and forehead from all the blushing. This was so not okay.
“I think it would be great if you two are together,” Jinx said innocently and picked up one of the pieces of her blown-up project.
“You do?” I asked peeking through my fingers.
“M-hm, I like Silco. And I like you too. You two together would be fantastic,” She said. I know she likes Silco. In fact, I think she sees him as a father figure. Maybe even more than Vander. When I was sick Silco spent many days with Jinx and always made time for her. He encouraged her to try things and to improve her skills. When I was healthy, I saw many times Jinx sneaking into Silco's room and asking his opinion on things. I could tell, he liked her too. Whenever she came to ask something, or simply wanted to hang out, Silco dropped all his work or found a way to continue his work and still keep company for Jinx. When I saw those moments it warmed my chest and I felt happy.
“It's at your neck now?” Jinx said and brought me back to reality. She had come very close to peek at the snake that was indeed coiled around my neck, its head almost at my chin. "So it goes to your neck when you are blushing.”
“Blushing? Me?” I asked stepping a bit away from her.
“Yup, you're as red as a tomato now,” Jinx said smiling.
“I'm not!” I shouted embarrassingly.
“Are too, are too,” Jinx sang happily. "So, I'm right. You like Silco, don't ya?”
“I-I… I don't h-hate him,” I said looking away.
“Come on! What's so hard about it?” Jinx asked. "Even I think you guys are so good together, and I'm a kid. How come it's so hard for you?”
“I… I have never been with anyone. In any… way,” I said.
“Yeah,” Jinx sighed. "All you ever did was look after us, clean the bar, and cook for us, and blaa blaa blaa.”
I scoffed at her dramatics but she got the point at least. She was soon a teen so it shouldn't come as a surprise that she may sometimes be the "adult” of the two of us. Despite her trauma that causes her to sometimes revert to a kid again.
“But still, I would love it if you guys could be together,” She said kicking some dust with her feet.
“M-hmm,” I hummed looking at her. I get what she meant but I was still a little… not sure. As I said to her I don't hate Silco, I don't dislike Silco. But… I was not sure of him. Jinx cut my thought again as she rushed behind me and pulled up my shirt.
“It's back to your back again,” She said happily as if the awkward conversation never happened.
“Do you have to check it every time?” I asked pulling my shirt back down.
“I wanna know where it is. It also tells me your mood,” She said happily.
“Really now?” I asked. "Alright, when the snake is at my back what is it?”
"You are happy, calm, or bored,” Jinx said mimicking the emotions she mentioned. "When it's at your stomach, you're all giddy and excited.”
"When did you check that?" I asked.
“When you were changing before going out on your own for the first time,” Jinx said.
“You saw me change?” I asked in shock.
“Yeah,” Jinx admitted. "I was bored and there was room at the ceiling at the support poles so…”
"We have to talk about giving others some privacy, missy,” I told her. "But if you're going to keep peaking at my signia, I need new clothes.”
"What are you thinking of wearing?" Jinx asked curiously.
“I thought I’d switch to a backless look,” I said pondering.
“You? Showing your whole back? Oh, Janna, what did you do to (Y/n)?” Jinx said all dramatically.
“Hey, manners,” I chided her.
“Come on, all the time I've known you, you have never shown more than your wrists or your arms on the best day,” Jinx said. "And now you're going backless?”
"Okay, I admit, I have been hiding for a long time but I had good reasons,” I defended myself. "One, the mark before looked like I took a beating, and I couldn't let people see me as a punching bag. Two, since I don't need to worry about being pure for the ritual, I don't need to worry about getting too much unwanted attention.”
"I think Silco is doing that for you, Jinx said. "Haven't you seen how he looks at others when they want to approach you?”
"No, how does he look at others?” I asked.
“Like he will kill them if they say the wrong thing in the wrong way,” Jinx said. "One time he almost had one guy thrown out for looking at you the wrong way.”
“When was that?” I asked.
“You were cleaning the tables, it was the late shift, not so many people around, and this creep really ate you with his eyes,” Jinx explained.
“Yup, and I saw Silco walk past him and make him fall back to his seat when he tried to get up to stand. Silco said something to him, couldn't hear what, but the guy remained still in his seat, finished his drink in a rush, and went out through the door.”
“You’re sure you didn't imagine that?” I asked raising one eyebrow.
“Absolutely,” Jinx said. "Because I heard Silco ask Lock to go after him and 'remind’ him.”
“It could have been business,” I said.
“I'll quote what he said,” Jinx said clearing her throat and making her best impression of Silco. "Lock, go after our little friend and remind him what happens to those who disrespect my people.”
“Aha, he said my 'people’, not necessarily me,” I said holding down a grin from the acting Jinx did as Silco.
“Oh, come on~,” Jinx groaned. "He did it for you. Why don't you get it?”
“The people who did things 'for’ me are dead,” I said with a hint of seriousness in my voice.
“My point exactly,” Jinx said almost losing her patience. "Why make yourself a hermit when a nice guy is willing to care for you?”
“Silco? A nice guy?” I asked chuckling.
“You know what I mean,” Jinx said.
“Alright, alright,” I sighed and rubbed my neck. "I'll talk with him. I will also ask permission to go visit Lottie for new clothes. And if you can come along.”
“Okay,” Jinx said happily and pulled out from her bag another bomb. "Now let's blow up this one.”
I was nervous as I walked to the room that was now Silco’s bedroom and his office alike. It's like an unspoken rule, not to go in unless you were called, or you had important news. Asking permission to go shopping didn't fit either category. At least, Sevika wasn't here. I understood she had a job to do. Though maybe her presence would have meant that I could ask her and avoid facing Silco altogether. But I had said that I would talk with him, and that is what I must do. I came to the door and knocked a couple of times. If I'm lucky he will be too busy to see me.
Guess not. I opened the door and stepped in. Silco’s room was bigger than mine yet it felt smaller with all the papers at the table and him behind it all. To fit an office and bedroom into one space did make it look a bit… chaotic.
“What is it?”
I set my eyes on Silco who sat behind the table facing the door yet his eyes were glued to the papers in front of him. He must have not seen it was me coming in.
“I…” I began and I stopped when his eyes raised to look at me. I swallowed and continued. "I c-can come back later when you aren't busy.”
"Nonsense,” Silco said and pushed the paper to the side of the table. "I have always time for Jinx when she comes to me. It's only fair that I give you the same privilege.” Why? Why give me that privilege? I felt small pressure in my chest. Why was I so nervous?
“I… wanted to ask if it's okay for me and Jinx to go to Lottie’s? I want to get new clothes and at the same time see if there is something new that Jinx might like,” I said.
"That's all?” Silco asked. Why do I have a feeling he was expecting something else from me?
“Were you expecting something else?” I asked. Silco sighed and got up from his seat. When he began to walk around the table towards me, I felt my chest tighten again as I turned to face him.
“I thought, you might now address the situation between us,” Silco said as he came to stand right in front of me.
“Do we have a situation?” I asked. I either missed the point completely or Jinx was right for many things than just what others were talking about.
“You tell me, do we?” Silco asked.
“I… don't know,” I said defeat.
“You don't know?” Silco asked in confirmation. "Is this because you really don't know… or you are playing coy with me?”
"I don't know,” I sighed. "I don't even know how to play coy.” The look Silco gave me could have been of surprise but I thought it was of shock. Of all the people in the Lanes, I was truly oblivious to all-that-Jazz that people considered normal in relationships. I simply ignored it as I tried to find a way to survive and remain pure. Now that there was no need for it… I had no idea how to even approach that topic. And with who.
“To be honest I know enough as to where it leads in the end,” I said trying to save at least some of my pride. "And I… I'm not eager to do it.”
"By that you mean…?” Silco invited to continue.
“I know it leads to fucking, okay,” I said, feeling annoyed that I had to spell it out. "I'm not completely an idiot.”
“M-hmm, and you know that, how?” Silco asked.
“Milo, one of the kids I had to watch after, managed to get his hands on a book which wasn't exactly child-friendly shall we say,” I explained. "I confiscated it quite fast from him. But…”
"You took a look at it, didn’t you?”
“I was curious and… Yes, it was very explicit,” I admitted. "However, the reason why I'm not eager to do it is because… of what happened to my mother.”
"Right,” Silco sighed. "Your mother was violated. I'm sorry.”
"No need to apologize,” I said and leaned against the desk. "That sort of thing is both hard to forget and the first thing you try to ignore.”
“You witnessed it happen?” Silco asked.
“I didn’t see it happen. My mother hid me in a cupboard so I wouldn't be hurt. But those bastards did it to her in the next room,” I said. "I wanted to cover my ears but my hands were occupied silencing my cries so I wouldn't be found. So yeah, that left me with an ever-lasting impression on… you know.”
“Yes, I know,” Silco said softly and leaned to rest his forehead against mine. It made me a bit tense but it didn't feel bad. "I also understand that it was hard to tell me that.”
"I just... I don't know what to do,” I said. "And I'm sorry for what I did… back then. I didn't know I was… arousing you.”
“No need to apologize, dear,” Silco chuckled. "I'm glad you didn't do it to anyone else. Unlike me, they may not have understood that you were… not quite yourself.”
“So… we have now addressed the situation?” I asked.
“Most of it,” Silco said. What did he mean by most of it? "As for your visit to get new clothes, I'm coming too. I believe I should have a say about what you are going wear.”
Silco had much to say at Lottie’s. At first, he just came along quietly and watched in silence as I explained to Lottie why I had come. She was over the moon when I told her I was now willing to try new types of clothes. Before she could begin to gush over any particular style I told her it had to be backless. After that, she made me try many tops, tunics, and dresses. And to most of them, Silco said no the moment he saw them on me, either for real or inside his head. Some he didn’t even let me try on.
“Your man is pretty possessive, isn't he?” Lottie whispered to me as she helped me with another tunic. I didn’t care to correct her this time unlike before. Though we weren't together for real, it looked like that to many. For some reason, I wasn't too eager to correct them.
“Absolutely not,” Silco said the moment he saw the tunic on me. I should have expected that. If he didn't like the top with a low neckline in the front he wouldn't like this tunic with the front open right in the middle showing my chest.
“It isn't that bad,” Lottie said. "This shows even less skin than the other one.”
“It shows the wrong kind of skin,” Silco said ending the conversation there.
“How about this one?” Jinx asked as she showed another top.
“No,” Silco said when he took a look at it.
“Because the only thing it does cover is the front?” I asked.
"Precisely,” Silco said. Figures. I did ask for backless but if it showed beside the back too much of my neck, my sides, my chest, my stomach, my shoulders, Silco said no to it. That was almost everything Lottie brought up. Except for that one shirt but I didn’t like the color.
“But I like it,” Jinx whined.
“Maybe you can have it once you are big enough to fit it. Or I could customize it for you,” I said. Jinx was beaming when she went to set the top on the counter despite the sour look on Silco’s face. "What? She likes it.”
“Really?” Silco asked sarcastically.
“Hey, she is growing if she wants to wear something who am I to stop her?” I said.
“Careful what you say, sweety. I had to raise you and three others, and this is the first time I hear you want to wear something this nice. You shall regret that in the future when this girl wants to wear a new look,” Lottie said as she set the last piece of clothing to the pile of rejected clothes. "But thanks to your man, I believe you can't even wear these. The only thing approved was those two shirts and the corset with matching pants.”
I gave a tired glance at Silco. Despite our little chat, I still don't get why he doesn't want me to appear wearing the clothes I have tried on. Why was he fixated on what I wear? He wasn't going to allow me to were my old boring clothes, but the new choices were also off-limits. But I had decided to boast about my signia and I will do just that.
“Do you have any fabrics to see? Maybe I could order a custom job,” I asked Lottie.
“Well, in that case. I got some very nice choices,” Lottie said. And she didn’t lie. I bet some people at Piltover would kill someone to get their hands on the fabrics Lottie had. How did she get them was beyond me? Many were gorgeous but one particular caught my eye.
“I should have known you would choose it,” Lottie said.
"How did you get this? And don't tell me you found it behind the boutique,” I inquired.
“Even better I was given that in exchange for a piece of dark velvet,” Lottie said with pride. "See the little scorch mark here? Some sewer in the boutique made a mistake and the whole fabric was thrown away.”
"You're kidding me,” I said.
“No. Apparently some high noble had ordered a long fancy dress and this fabric had to be used in all its length. With this mark it became useless to them,” Lottie said. "What do you say? A nice suit of this to highlight your snake?”
"What did you have in mind?" I asked.
“Well,” Lottie said as she walked behind the counter and pulled out the design catalog she had made as her employer made clothes. She set out an empty page, took a pencil, and began to draw the design. "Since you want it backless, and he doesn't want you to show much skin, I thought something about figure hugging design for the top and a frock design for the bottom.”
"Sounds good,” I said as I watched her sketch. “How long the hem?”
“Depends, do you want sleeves, short or long?” Lottie asked.
“Long, she has a habit of pulling the sleeves over her hand,” Silco said as he too came to watch the sketch. Jinx also came to see it. She climbed over the counter to get an extra close look at the design.
“Cool! Does it have any pockets?” Jinx asked.
“For what?” I asked.
“For treats, for me,” Jinx said innocently.
“We could put a pocket here and here,” Lottie said as she drew. "Collar will be low turtle neck. And I could ask another girl to make you some dark leather pants to go nicely with the suit. For a special occasion, a long skirt with an open seam.”
"Again, how long the hem of the suit?” I asked.
"About this long,” Lottie said as she drew the line to show the hemline. It looked great. Maybe even a bit fancy. I don't think would wear it during the bar shifts. But on special occasions, maybe.
“Put your best workers for this one,” Silco said and placed a pouch of coins on the counter. "We shall take the clothes that were tried with us now. I'll pay more when we come for the finished product.”
And soon we were out of the boutique and heading back to the inn. Silco had work to do in his room. While Jinx and I began to play with my new clothes. Later in the evening I went to the kitchen and made dinner for everyone.
Next ->
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queerofzaun · 3 years
Hiii so glad you exist! I know you’re swamped with requests so I’ll be patient. I absolutely am in LOVE with Sevika. Can I request a snippet of her first encounter with fem reader who now is in a relationship with her? Thank you!
𝒇𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓
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𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 : sevika x fem!reader
𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 : fluff, alcohol consumption
𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 : reader is in a relationship with Sevika, and the two talk about their first encounter after a few drinks
𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 : 584
𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒔 : heyoo! i'm glad you exist too <33 this is just a little snippet so it's a lil shorter than my other fics. also, i am also working on the part two of the sevika smut i wrote, so keep an eye out for that y'all. anyways, as always, hope u enjoy!!
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After finishing two bottles of cheap liquor, you were plastered beside your girlfriend. Who was much better at handling her alcohol, and was only tipsy compared to your inebriated state. Your legs draped over her lap as you laid your head back against the sofa with a sigh.
She was still sipping on her glass, running a hand up and down your leg. You smiled, "Hey, Sev?"
Her brown eyes shifted to meet your e/c ones, "Yes, doll?"
"Do you remember the night we first met?" You asked, sitting up a bit.
It was just another typical day in the fissures. It was filled with trading, getting into a few fights with brawlers that lingered on the streets, and with you on your way to get a drink at the last drop before you headed in for the night.
Sevika chuckled as she played with her glass, "I remember saving your ass."
You were sitting at the bar, a drink in hand as you made small talk with Thieram. Music was blaring throughout the small building, the bass shook the stool you were sitting on. People were dancing on the floor drunkenly, playing their card games at the round tables, enjoying drinks with their friends and partners. Smoke could been seen throughout the whole place from the cigars and shimmer.
Some dude, probably twice your age, came up to you. He begged you to come with him. You said you weren't interested in men before telling him to get lost. That only enraged the man, and resulted him in your face as he started to scream at you. Calling you names. He was close to hitting you before he was suddenly thrown across the bar. The entire bar fell silent as they gathered around him with weapons drawn.
"You did." You smiled, "Everyone always said you were scary, but that night.. It made me see you differently."
Sevika looked down at you, with a very subtle look of concern. It was shocking that to see someone who was so tough, soften towards you. Especially that person being known as the scariest woman in Zaun. Before then, you believed the rumors. That she was not someone to fuck with. But there she was, standing above you with worried eyes. It changed how you saw her. No longer scary, but a protector.
"That never changed. You're lucky you managed to make me go soft on you, I don't let anyone see me the way you do." She told you before slowly taking a sip from her cup.
She ended up having a few drinks with you to make sure no one bothered you for the rest of the night. The two of you hit it off immediately. You spent hours talking to her, telling her about how you grew up on the streets. How your parents had passed away when you were ten so you had been on your own for a long time. That you often snuck up into the upper city to steal items to trade for coins and items. She told you about her as well, how she grew up. Opened up about Vander, and why she made the decision to side with Silco. Even went on a little rant about her annoyance for his daughter, Jinx.
"Oh, please. You're just a giant, sometimes aggressive and murderous teddy bear." You teased with a giggle.
She gave you a look with a raised eyebrow. "And you're lucky I love you because if anyone else called me a teddy bear, my blade would be in their chest."
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sevikitty · 3 years
AAAA THE RAN HEADCANONS WERE JUST PERFECTION OMG! If you’re not busy do you think you’d be able to write a one shot of ran x a waitress reader who works in the last drop sometime? If not that’s alright! :OO
🖇 ♡。゚. # moonlit eyes ♡ °・🖇
🦋 PAIRING: Ran + Reader.
🦋 GENRE: fluff. it's just thieram being thieram and ran inviting you out on a date.
🦋 CW: cursing, suggestive themes (for like one sentence, but still)
🦋 AUTHOR'S NOTE: Please know this is the first time I've seriously written something in like nine years when I used to write MysMe fics in class, so tell me if you like it. Sorry I'm late to it-- med school got me a bit busy and this request came in my exams week.
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Working at the Last Drop was not an easy task. Sure, it wasn’t the same as dealing with the Firelights on the daily or risking the safety of your neck for the sake of protecting the shimmer cargo like Sevika, Mek and many others did, but it was still a living hell. It was all about running around, cleaning tables, washing the dishes, serving drinks, avoiding the insistent attempts to talk of some patrons, all at the same time, nonstop.
Not much could distract you, since as much as it was challenging, you were the best worker the Last Drop had (at least for now, if you were lucky enough and didn’t get killed in the next few weeks), but a few things -actually, people- did help you soothe the physical and emotional pain the whole thing got you. After all, who doesn’t enjoy watching a good bar fight, when you’re not involved? Or who doesn’t let a laugh or two when Dustin decides to be a menace to society and starts purposefully bothering the most intimidating clients?… Other than Sevika.
Damn, you could even think some of Jinx’s antics were funny enough (again, when you’re not the one on the receiving end).
Still, between the clientele with their sunny personalities, the strong mixed odor of sweat, smoke, shimmer, and alcohol, and the utter disaster this all created, you didn’t have the time to amuse yourself. Even now that you’d think you’d be able to take a breather during your break, the universe seemed to enjoy your suffering, the vibrations of the way too loud music went through the walls amongst the yelling and talking, and now, you were also stuck with the new kid, Thieram, and his nervous questioning.
Well, on one hand, you understood, you really did, no one would like to fuck up during their first weeks at a new job, and in the case of this specific job, the best thing would be to never make a mistake. He needed guiding, but you definitely needed your 15 minutes of napping before going back to that hell hole.
“Remind me again, the blonde, lanky guy, the one who’s constantly startling random people… and licking that bald guy’s head is…”
“Dustin, good. And the couple, uh, the girl with short white-ish hair and the- uh, the guy, S-something, Smiler?”
“Who? Schyler and Secora?”
“Mhm, yes, and the ponytail guy-”
“Jumbo, good. Can I… ask you one or two more questions? One’s about Jinx… She came to give her something called Snake Venom… which I’ve heard is kind of-”
“Highly flammable? Yes, we know, give it to her if she asks”
“But, isn’t that too dangerous? Should we really-”
“Look, Thieram, never say no to Jinx, never. You get me? It doesn’t matter how dangerous it is for her, she’s not your responsibility. So, don’t bother too much about it, give the girl what she needs, and you’ll live. Next question.”
“...Right. Uh, next question, well, there’s this patron who’s always around Rusty– I mean, Dustin, sorry. Uh, they’re always like, playing pool, sitting around,...”
You met Ran through work, they’re one of Silco’s goons, and one of the most devoted to the man himself. From what you’ve seen, they’re extremely reserved and quiet, but also so, so charming, so alluring… at least to you.
You didn’t know exactly which part of their entire existence was the one that fascinated you the most, maybe it was the fact that they were constantly appearing and disappearing through the crowd to the point sometimes you wondered if they were ever there to begin with, it made them look so mysterious; or maybe it was seeing them interact with Dustin, their all-time best friend, when most patrons have already left, and only the closest to Silco stayed behind drinking, softly talking, humming to the soft music coming out of the machine in the far corner of the main room. Seeing them look at the guy with the sweetest guy, like a proud older sibling, might just be the sweetest thing to witness. From what you’ve heard, they’ve been best friends since birth, their mothers had been close, neighbors or friends, so they usually let the two children play around together. Apparently, they’ve been there for each other since then, through thick and thin.
Other than that, you didn’t know much about them. It was that type of crush where you’d see this person, who you have basically no chance with, so you just resign to watching them from afar, content with making eye contact with them every two weeks, for at least two seconds. Nothing more, nothing less.
“...but they usually don’t drink much, at least not by the general standards of Silco’s friends and all that stuff, you know? I haven’t heard much of them, have you… Are you- Are you listening?”
Honestly? Not for like the last three to five minutes, no. “Yeah, of course. I think their name’s Ran, if I remember correctly, I don’t know. Why are you asking?”
“Because two days ago, I was on duty while you were at home and, like, they came to me, Ran, Ran came to me, when it was almost time to close, Dustin was outside, and said, they asked me for some schedules”
“What schedules?”
“Your work schedule, like your work times, you know?”
…My what now? “They asked for me?”
“No, your work schedules” Janna give me patience because if you give me strength I’m going to need bail money too.
“It’s the same thing, Thieram. What did they say?”
“...They asked for your w-”
“For the love of Janna, THIERAM, other than that, what did they say? What did you see?”
For you, this could be one of two things. One, somehow they found out about your crush, took offense on it, and is now coming to kill you with their dual spades… Which is honestly not as bad as one would think; or two, for some reason, in some sort of delusional fantasy your brain just created, they like you back, and want to tell you.
Or they want to make new friends, and you’re taking it too far.
But, in all honesty, who asks for work schedules other than murderers and people with crushes?
“Oh, well, they seemed a bit uncomfortable, and I did see Dustin sort of hype them up before they came here. They asked if you were around that night and I said no-”
“What face did they make when you said that?”
“I don’t know, I didn’t even see them react. They asked me for your schedule and I told them I couldn’t give it to them”
“I don’t know, maybe I thought it was THE RIGHT THING TO DO? And even then, when they insisted for a second time I was too scared to say no, sorry”
“So they do have it?... or not?”
“They do, I don’t know what for though, so don’t ask more”
“Oh, so now you want to stop talking?” And before he even had a chance to speak, Delphi, the other waitress, came in to tell the two of you that the break was over. And so the relaxation came to an end, and it was the moment to go back to hell.
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It’s been a few days after your small talk with Thieram, and you couldn’t help but feel your nerves go insane every time you caught a glance of them playing or sitting around in the room. The possibility of them wanting to know more about you made your head spin and your heart go faster, did you really have a chance? I mean, how bad could it really be if you did manage to get them to date you? Would it really put your life at risk or something? Because if it did, you weren’t completely sure if you really cared about it.
For a second, you chose to look in their direction, only to find they were already staring back at you from across the room. Now, eye contact with Ran is not what you’d commonly think, it’s not uncomfortable in the way it makes you want to look away. It’s actually the opposite, their gaze was captivating, more like bewitching, magnetic, it made you feel the need to drown in their eyes and stay there, looking at them, for the rest of your days.
You were so enticed by this you barely even noticed their hand raised to give you a quick, but in some way soft, wave, accompanied by a gentle smile that you gave back. Once they noticed they did catch your complete attention, they made a sign to tell you to wait for them. You could only stare at them, full of nervousness and thoughts about what they could possibly want from you, while they finished their game of pool and said goodbye to the other players.
Your heartbeat only got quicker when you saw them patiently making their way to the bar, stealing one last glance at Dustin who gave them a double thumbs up. This can’t be happening, there is no way this is what it looks like-
When they finally got to the seat right in front of you, Ran sat down and leaned on the counter with their arms crossed, and spoke in a low, soft voice.
“Hi, I’m Ran… I’ve seen you around for a while and I was wondering if I could ask you something, out of the blue, I’d just like to get it off my chest”
What is going on- “Sure, go ahead.”
“Do you think you have the time to go out soon?... Everything around here, Silco’s business, has been moving slowly lately, and I’ve been lucky enough to have more time to rest and hang out around here.”
“... It’s perfectly fine if you don’t, I won’t bother, but just know the offer stays up for you, for whenever you’d like to take it and-” It’s now or never.
“Yes” Ran looked at you with surprise in their eyes, which was quickly replaced by the same peace they always carried in them.
“Excuse me, could you repeat that?”
“Yes, I’d love to hang out with you, or go out, or whatever you’d like.”
Ran chuckled, “I may have a few ideas, hm, if you’d like, we could go to my room- Not with sexual connotations, no, but just to relax and talk for a bit, get to know each other…”
The mere thought of spending more time with them made you feel butterflies right in the middle of your chest. There were so many possibilities.
“I got the message the first time, don’t worry. Is there anything specific you’d like to do? You don’t strike me as the type to go to a restaurant or… anything like that”
“No… I’m not that excited about that type of plan... But I guess I do have a few ideas, I’ve been thinking about taking you to the market, we could buy beads, I have some wires at home, we could make some bracelets, or you could meet my cats”
Do they have kitties? I have won my entrance to heaven with this one. “I’d love to do that, meeting your cats and everything”
“And my rats”
“Your what?”
“My rats, do you mind rats?”
“...They’re sweet,” and not an uncommon pet down here in the lanes, “I don’t mind them, how many do you have?”
“Three, four, five, it depends on the day,” They said with a short chuckle.
Hm, cute.
“Excuse me?” Did you seriously say that out loud-
“I said your rat, your rat, it’s cute, would you like a drink?”
“From you? Anything” Janna don’t let me faint right now.
You started their drink, something simple, yet you put your whole heart into it, just for the sake of being a show off in front of the prettiest little thing in Zaun “...So, what’re your babies’ names?”
Ran seemed to light up at the pet name you used for her loved ones. Bingo, the way to an enby’s heart is through their pets.
“Dustin helped me name them, my cats are Bebe, Luna, and Glitter, and we usually name my rats with my friends’ names, Vika, Lockie, Jumbo Jr.” As they kept on listing the names of their beloved pets, you couldn’t help but be smitten by the way they were rapidly losing their calm composure over the conversation. You noticed how their words started coming out faster and faster, they were getting so excited just by talking about it, it was so angelic and sweet, and you were head over heels for their little expressions.
“The next time I find a new one, I could give it your name, if you allow me to”
“Mhm, I’d love that”
You gave them their drink, and a comfortable silence took place, just you and them, with the longest eye contact session you’ve had in your entire life. You took a seat right in front of them, crossed your arms, and rested your head on them, still looking up straight into their dark gray eyes while they slowly sipped their drink, you felt like you both spent hours in that position, until the front door was slightly opened and Dustin’s head peeked in.
“Psst, Ran, psssst, pssssst”
Ran snickered and turned their head to him, “Yes?”
“Is everything going fine? Super good or like did you not- Did you smooch? Canoodle? Sweep them off their feet? Did you do the wink I taught you?”
Ran gave you a side look and you giggled, making them show a soft smirk, “I did, it worked perfectly fine, thanks”
“Good, I knew it’d work, it always does” He proceeded to come inside and sit on the chair next to Ran’s, “Now, uh, Silco called, we gotta go in a few minutes, you gotta get ready”
“Right now?”
“Yeah Rannie”
Ran huffed and looked at you once more, “Sorry, I gotta go now…”, they whispered.
“Don’t worry, duty calls. Would you like to talk later about the date or…”
“Uh, no, you’re free on Friday night, right?”
“I’ll pick you up if you’re ok with it, and we’ll go to the market together”
“Nice, should I bring everything?”
“No, I’ll pay for everything, don’t worry about it”
“No, no, but-”
“Ran, Silco’s calling” Now Sevika’s outside, it’s getting serious.
“I should leave now, bye”
“Bye- Ran, please take care”
“..Will do, please go home soon, stay safe” You didn’t even notice how they leaned on the counter once again to plant a short kiss on your left cheek, at least not until they had already left, and you stood there, shocked.
Dear Janna, or whoever is up there, I’m so glad to be your favorite.
And with that last thought, you took your things and prepared to close The Last Drop for the day. On your way home, you couldn’t stop replaying the events in your mind, over and over again, and when sleep caught you in your bed, your dreams were full of their moonlit eyes. You could only hope for the best, pray for their safety, and for Friday to come sooner.
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Anyways, please tell me if it's good or if it is what you wanted, I could rewrite it if you'd like to. It's pretty much my first official fic-- I had a lot of fun though, so if anyone would like to send more requests, I'd def like to write more.
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arcade-writing · 2 years
WAIT YOU DO TRANS CHARACTERS??? I need more trans!Silco content in my life 😭
Maybe he finally feels comfortable enough to share his first time with male!reader? Idk, you could write anything and I'd read it lol
Aww shucks~ hope I've made it worth the wait!
Trans silco is perfect! You really gonna tell me that man is cis? No way
This is set during the pre-time skip. Silcos empire has been made but he's not at the level of power he is when we see him in the show.
A follow up smut to this ask: here
First time
pairing: trans!Silco X Male!reader
Warning: AFAB body & some language for Silco, penetration, Creampie, slight virginity kink from reader, oral on silco, vibrators, prepping, goofy interactions between acts
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Your relationship with silco was interesting. He saught you out for advise or to look after jinx. To keep him company when he was stressed. But as time went on and you two grew closer - one thing lead to another and your view of each other changed.
First it was just, employer and employee. You were ranked up and made his assistant. Jinxes babysitter after seeing you two become close. The lines began to blur. You were family. He began to cherish you. Trust you with things he didn't trust with others. He cared for your opinion above others. You made him weak.
He loved you.
But you didn't know that. You loved him too but thought he'd want to be professional. Despite the drifting touches and gentle moments. You kept your longing to yourself.
Silco had a meeting today. He was out for the entire evening. You were left to clean up the work he had left. Paperwork needing signatures, the bar had to be managed and you need to check the menu. The boss was growing bored of the usual mixes and wanted someone else's perspective.
You looked down at the list jinx gave you before she scurried back to the depths of her room. She overhead your conversation earlier and wanted to give her suggestions on new drinks.
They were... unique. But what would the last drop be without chaos in every corner. You handed the list over to the bartender and he poured you small glasses of each drink. Using his knowledge to tweak them so they'd actually be drinkable.
You took a gulp out of each. Each one left your tongue sizzling. You couldn't tell if you hated them or loved them. You took another sip and was still left unsure. They were perfect!
"Add them to the menu, we can have a special night - monkey mania or something cheesy like that."
You waved your hand, skulling down your favourite of the bunch. Yep, you still couldn't tell.
"Oh and...expect Jinx to come by with new cups, she was very excited about this."
You tapped the counter with a knowing smile. Before Perking up. "Hand me the scotch, won't ya, Thieram."
He placed the bottle on the counter, ready to pour. Your face dropped as you rolled your eyes.
"The good scotch."
Thieram gave you a knowing look. Raising his brow. "You don't think it went well?"
"It never goes well if Finn is involved, that's why I'm here." You grinned.
He handed you two freshly cleaned glasses, pouring a generous amount in each. You thanked him as you slid a tray over, placing the drinks on before snatching the entire bottle.
"Have some faith, (Y/N)." He barked out with a laugh of disbelief.
You just shook your head. Taking the tray up to silcos office. You placed his cigars by them before putting on his favourite vinyl. Refusing to start it until Silco arrived. You drew the curtains just enough for light to peak through. Switching on a few lights on a dim setting. Dusting off and fluffing each pillow.
You clicked your fingers. "Where's the lighter?" You checked your own pockets before searching any of his left over jackets and coats.
You couldn't find a thing. You rolled up your sleeves as you began snooping into his desk. Your cheeks going red as you found a golden vibrator in one. You slammed it shut as you continued your search.
with a sigh of relief you finally found it. Keeping it in your hand as you lifted the tray with the other. Steadying in on your palm as you waited in the middle of the room.
It wasn't long before you heard the familiar trudging footsteps coming up the stairs. You took in a deep breath as you tried to soothe your racing mind. Forcing back the mental picture of Silco pleasuring himself with the vibrator you found. Espically now that he was about to open the door.
"You're already here."
Your boss lowered his knife. He had a feeling it was you but you can never be too careful in his line of business.
"I had a hunch." You shrugged. Panicking as you almost dropped the tray.
Silco sighed as he went straight for his seat. Leaning back in his chair, you trailed after him. Lowering the tray so he could reach his cigar, you flicked on the lighter and lit it for him.
Moving the papers out of the way you played down the tray. You walked over, playing his favourite record with a smile. Returning back to his side as you stood with your hands behind your back.
"I've finished everything off and have piled it by date the contract was received, you'll just need to look over it and give it your signature."
"Thank you." Relief clear in his voice as he let out a drag. When he noticed you weren't moving, he sighed. "Sit."
It was an order. Not an offer. You pulled the nearby footstool from under his desk, sitting down next to him. It was humourous but you held back your snickers. Seeing as you were taller than the man so even at this low seat you were a fairly good height.
Silco took a large gulp of his drink. Rubbing his temples after as he slid the drink over to you. You refilled his glass before taking a swig of yours.
"What happened."
He let out a groan as he chewed at the end of his cigar. Getting frustrated at the mere thought of that meeting. As if the room was suddenly too hot from his flaring anger he hastily took off his suit vest. Holding it with a snarl over his chairs arm.
"The usual, no respect or competence from any of them, Finn making a performance of his own stupidity to win their favour."
"Did it work?"
"of course not." He barked out an amused scoff.
"and here I thought it went awful - sounds like normal business."
"But they did agree to his meaningless suggestions, now plans have been delayed but that's to be expected."
"Yikes." You poured a little extra in his glasses before skulling yours.
He chuckled as he took a long sip. He crushed his cigar before turning to you. His eyes softened as he wiped away the pencil smudge on your cheek. No doubt you got it whilst doing your tasks.
"Silco... would you--" the words died in your throat. Heat rising to your cheeks as your heart thumped in your ears.
Oh god how strong was that drink? Or were you just more of a light weight than you realized. Your brain was hazy as you rubbed your hands up from his knees to his thighs.
"Do you want me to relieve your stress?"
Silco was caught off guard by your question. Stiffening under your touch as you stared up at him. A longing in your eyes he only noticed in moments like these. Where you sat together and talked as equals. He tried to ignore it. Dismiss it. Claim it to be wishful thinking but here you were.
"How would you do that?" His voice was dripped with curiousity, disbelief hanging on the edge of his words.
"However you wanted me to, it's your stress not mine." You chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.
"Is that mouth of yours only for show or can you actually put it to work?"
The implication went straight to your dick. Your smile twitching as you tried to hold it back. You forced the chair to move, making silco sit right Infront of you as you pushed his legs open.
"Tell me how I do after, who knows I could be god awful." You teased.
Unpopping his trouser buttons, Huffing as you had to unbuckle his belt before you could properly pull down the front. Those damn pants. You're never letting him wear these again. What even is this?
With his help you pulled his trousers down to ankles. He hummed disapproving as he stepped on your thigh. It took a moment to figure out what was wrong before it clicked. You carefully unlaced his shoes before slipping them off, one by one. Taking his trousers off too. Leaving him in his shirt.
There were many secrets Silco kept. His body was not one of those. Sure, he was private about it but anyone in his close circle knew. He was not ashamed of it. Simply, he found no need to share it with the world. He is a man. That was it.
Your hands trailed up his bare thighs as you reached for his briefs. Pausing to give him time to reconsider but he just shook his head.
"I thought you wanted to help me?" He mocked. "Are you nervous?"
"Just giving you space to decline."
You pulled them down and placed them along with his trousers. Which were folded next to his shoes.
There it was. A sight of real beauty. You savoured every second you could to look at him. Watching his twitching brow as he shifted his hips. Giving you better access as you lowered your head. Maintaining eye contact as you licked up the wet slick from his folds. You moaned against him, the vibrations going straight to his cock as you sucked on it.
Silco groaned as his hands found their way on your head. Gripping you closer as you sucked and kissed his sensative sex. Your eyes rolling as he grinded against your mouth.
"Ah- good pet."
The nickname only made you more eager. Lapping him up as your tongue dragged up him. Rogue swirling around his clit as your fingers rubbed his folds.
Each noise he made drove you closer to completely loosing yourself. You didn't even realize you closed your eyes as you focused on devouring his wet cunt. Grabbing his hips to press him more against your mouth as you slurped and licked.
You kept prodding at his hole as you greedily ate him out. Gathering up his slick as lubricant. Pushing one finger in as you thrusted it in with a slow steady pace. His legs twitched and shifted. Wrapping around your head loosely as he used your back as a way to keep him propped up.
He was unable to speak. Just moaning as he jerked his hips up. He saw white as his climax crashed over him. Feeling sensative as you gave small kisses to his clit.
"How was I? You asked, mouth glistening from your feast. Leaning back to get a better look at him.
"I'll need you to do that more often." He sighed out. Catching his breath.
"Oh? Was I really that good?"
You were grinning. Utterly smug and chest puffed out with pride. You helped him move his legs from your shoulders. Rubbing them up and down as he sat there. Relaxed and smiling.
"Don't let it get to your head too much, I doubt that brain of yours can handle it."
You let out a fake offended gasp. Clutching your chest as you loudly sniffed. "Wounded - truely."
Silcos eye landed on the prominent bulge in your pants. Smirking as he pressed his foot down on it. You let out a strangled moan as he rubbed it. You gripped his leg as you grinded against his foot. Needing relief more than you thought.
"You talk too much, pet, since you did such a good job-" he leaned back spreading his wet folds with long slender fingers. Your eyes immediately snapped to it.
"I'll let you put it inside."
You immediately tried to scramble up. Rushing to get your pants off as your dick took over your brain. All you could think about was feeling him clench around you. How warm and wet he'll feel. You needed it so bad.
Silco watched with clear amusement. Using it to his advantage to hide his nerves. Whilst he was no blushing maiden, he's had plenty of experience. He's never had someone inside him. He didn't trust anyone enough. But he trusted you. He wanted you.
You picked him up from his seat, propping him up on his desk as you moved everything to the side. Trying not to break anything as you finally kicked off your pants. Your shoes flying off too.
You lined yourself up to his entrance, tracing circles into his hip as you moved forward.
"Wait-" Silco pushed on your shoulder. You immediately stopped as you looked at him.
Was he already regretting this? Did you do something wrong?
"I've never had anyone inside me before."
"You're a virgin?!" Genuine surprise was in your voice. How?! He was him! He was so handsome!
"I used toys, that privilege was reserved for me only."
Fair. You nodded, showing you understood. You tried to calm down your racing heart as another grin tugged on your lips.
"But no one's ever fucked you before?"
"No." He shook his head.
You looked down at his sex. Mind was screaming at you to ruin him. To think, no one has ever fucked him. You'll be the first. First to fuck that delicious pu-
You cut yourself out of your perverted thoughts. Your face was burning as you nodded to yourself.
If he's never had anything other than toys then prep will most definitely be needed. You were prepared to finger him until he was ready but you wanted to give him the extra effort. To go beyond the basics.
You opened the drawer, taking out the vibrator much to his surprise. Just as he was about to ask you how you knew you shushed him. Turning it on as it had a light vibration. You placed it on his clit as you drew light circles. He shivered at the action. Slowly dragging it up and down his sex before pressing it to his hole.
You slowly pushed it in, pressing it to the next mode where it picked up in speed. The vibrations traveling up to his aching clit. You rolled in with your finger as you fucked the vibrator into him slowly. He hissed as it stretched him. He was wet enough he could take it but it still needed abit of a nudge.
As soon as it was inside you began to fuck him with it. Wet sounds coming from his pussy as your hand moved faster. Aiming for quick and deep as you stretched him out.
With attention on his cock and being fucked he was growing more sensitive. Absolutely Dripping as he gripped your arm. Steadying himself as he threw his head back. A loud moan echoing through the room as the vibrations grew more fierce. Now on the third setting.
"Fuck me-!" He demanded. Gritting his teeth as he tried to force back the familiar sensation. His release coming quicker than he desired.
You slowed down your movements as you turned off the vibrator. Linging yourself back up with his entrance before you stopped. Scanning him up and down. Before silco could ask you suddenly flipped him over. Pushing his chair closer to the desk. Pressing his ass to your cock as he had one leg propped up on the desk and the other just balanced on the chair.
You finally pushed yourself in. practically drooling at how snug he felt around your shaft. Clenching around you as you thrusted in deeper. Doing exactly as what you did with the vibrator. Easing in until there was less resistance.
It wasn't until the last few inches were in did he start grinding back. Trying to take you in fully as he let out a moan. His brain needing one thing and he was losing paitence.
"Go on , fuck me."
You let out a shaky breath as you pulled out enough. Just leaving the tip in before thrusting back in. Hitting right past the stubborn ring of muscle and exactly where he needed. From this angle he could feel how deep you were thrusting into him. Hitting a spot even he couldn't.
Silco leaned on the desk as he gripped the edge of it. Barely able to prop himself up as you grabbed his hips.
Your moans mixing together as you watched your cock sink into him. Everytime you came out you could see how wet he was.
"You really like this, huh? Like me fucking your pretty little hole."
Your ears were burning. Oh god what were you saying.
"All this power and yet here you are." You pounded into him with one hard thrust. "Letting some nobody fuck you like this."
"You're not some nobody." He gritted out. His words mixing with his Groans. There was still a slight ache but the pleasure was too much to focus on that. It felt too good to stop.
"You're mine."
Your brain suddenly went blank as you stared down at him. Your eyes meeting. A dark possessive fire in his eye as he looked back at you. It was if something posses you. You were moving faster than you thought you could. No longer sparing him as you chased your every desire.
To feel him be stuffed with your cock moaning for you. To please him. To make him come undone. To make him yours. You were his and he needed to be yours.
The words 'your mine' repeating in your head making you whimper.
"Just like that." He breathed out. Enjoying the rougher treatment. Feeling your nails dig into his flesh.
"I fucking love you, I love how good you feel - how you take me- made for me."
The words came out your mouth before you could even process them. Silco clawed at your wrists as he moaned desperately. Neither of you caring for volume.
"You're so perfect for me, pet." His words came out shaky as he felt his sensative he was becoming. "There's no one I trust more than you."
You hooked your arm under his waist, pulling him up as you jerked your hips up. He was bouncing on your dick as he held onto the desk. He reached out with one hand for you tie. Pulling you closer to him as his lips messily met yours. Barely able to kiss from your position but you both tried none of the less.
It was sloppy. Teeth getting in the way. Tongues just getting inside the others mouth as you moaned. It was passionate. Messy. But that's how you liked it. That's how Silco was. Under all his classy looks and composed facade. That who he was. You couldn't ask for anything different.
"Thank you." You kept thanking him as you felt yourself getting closer.
Why were you thinking him? Too many reasons to count. you couldn't think of a single one in that moment. Just focusing on how wet he was and his noises.
"I'm gonna-" you stuttered out.
"Do it." He gasped out. "inside."
You thrusted deep and hard as hot ropes of cum filled him up. He shivered as your released prompted his own. Overstimulation hitting him as you slowly fucked him through both of your highs.
As soon as you slipped out you helped him down from his desk. Picking him up and taking him the much more comfy sofa. Laying him down as you pulled out a Handkerchief from your pocket. Cleaning him up before doing so with yourself.
His hair was a mess. Drool was running down his chin. Shirt crinkled and folded up to show his stomach. His makeup smudged from sweat and when he his face was pressed against his desk.
You sighed dreamily. Running your hands through his dark hair, spotting more grey hairs. Silco hummed as he grasped your wrist.
"Did I do good?" You asked. Voice soft as you watched him kiss your palm.
"Better than good." He locked eyes with you. Smiling, loopy and relaxed.
You adjusted his position. Laying behind him as you held him close to your chest. Kissing his shoulder as you buried your face into it. Neither of caring for the future. Just blissful and shimmering in the afterglow.
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noctovigant · 3 years
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pairing: silco x f!reader
summary: the top of the food chain is a perilous place in zaun. you intend to steady it.
(im a whore! gif credits to @physicalturian <3)
@wrynne my beloved
Up here, beyond the throbbing hubbub of the Last Drop and past Sevika’s sentry turret style protection, it’s much quieter. There’s no one up here, not this close to his office. Only the most trusted lingered so close to the dragon’s den.
There was no need to have a guard posted on the great wooden door on a night like this. It was quiet. Loyalists lingered in the bar below, living it up on free drinks and music from the street band taking up the third table from the door. Free drinks because Silco needed something to distract them with.
You’d hesitated behind the bar when he entered. Stormclouds followed over his shoulders and even Sevika, being Sevika, looked mildly embarrassed. A bad day. A nasty one. He had blood on his gold-capped shoes. Blood on his trousers. Blood on his hands.
As soon as the patrons of the Drop started hawking Thieram for a sip of whiskey, you escaped.
Sevika nodded as you passed, didn’t give a look to the book in your hands. She assumed it’s a routine visit. She’s slow to catch up, sometimes, when it suits. You stop still outside the mahogany door, fist raised to knock.
His cologne lingers in the hallway. Cigars and Zaun smoke. You breathe in and knock, fist against wood. There’s a long moment of silence.
Maybe he’s not in there–
You open the door in one mighty swing and slip inside. It’s regal like a ballroom in here, darkened by the stained glass window and the night beyond it. His chair is turned away from the door. You can see the clipboard balanced on his knee, but not a single other limb on him.
His chair turns when you make it to the edge of the desk. The knife is still there, dug an inch deep into the rich wood. Books are piled up left right and centre. You blink at it all, then meet his eye.
Any tension from the night isn’t showing. He looks as handsome as when he left, regal in the red button up and the gilded gauntlets. The clipboard hits the desk and his fingers steeple, thumbs touching the waistcoat broadening along his check.
You swallow.
His gaze is ever-penetrating.
“Good evening,” he says. “My crown jewel.” You aim a cursory look to the rafters, where only the ghosts of hanging monkeys linger. No Jinx. No little bird eavesdropping. “She’s working on something. At her special place.” He waves a hand. You swallow hard, again. It’s getting harder to ignore his natural movements.
Every shift, every turn, wave of his hand, flick of his brow, fall of his hair. You touch your hand to your mouth when he lifts his head backwards.
“What happened?” A bruise is spreading across his jaw, below his good eye, accompanied by a slim cut. You lean forward. He lets you tilt his jaw with a hand, a careful one, practised by time. It’s gentle.
He likes it. He’d never tell you that, though.
“A buyer wasn’t pleased with the stock,” he hums through gritted teeth. You lean against his desk. “Brought a few unpleasant creatures with him to right our wrongs, he declared.” Silco squeezes his jaw with a grunt. “It was Sevika and I. We handled it.���
“Handled it?” He shrugs. “Handled it… it’ll be handled the next time, too, when Sevika carries your corpse home over her shoulder.”
“That won’t happen.”
“I don’t care if you tell me that, Silco,” you hiss. He looks at you, affronted. You round the desk and whip a handkerchief from the top drawer, where three lay folded perfectly. You snatch up the discarded bottle of champagne from the corner and fish ice cubes from the bottom, half-melted. He watches you with a sullen warmth. One that makes your spine burn and your stomach ache, in the kind way.
“It won’t happen.”
“You should take a break,” you tell him. He nudges up on his tufted chair and allows you room to set a knee between his. The look he offers says it all.
“How could I possibly take a break?” You’re too busy shifting his face to the light to reply. “I’m not in a position to relax, or go on vacation, if that’s what you’re trying to suggest.” You scowl, pushing the handkerchief and ice to his jaw. He winces.
But he leans into it.
“I can control things here.” Silence. You continue. “Take some time.”
“I don’t need time,” he mutters. Venom laces his tone. It’s not a subject he likes being questioned on– he’s lost too much. Too much time, too many souls. Lost too much to let this seat at the high table go. He’s king and his subjects are loyal enough.
“Take it anyhow,” you whisper, softly. “I can do it, Sil.” He turns his head and the ice slips from the handkerchief, clattering off the armrest, to the floor. “Brilliant.”
“I don’t want you controlling anything.”
You straighten and take a step back. It’s not a perfectly poised thing to say, and to Silco’s embarrassment and frustration, you take it the exact wrong way.
“You’d never want me sat there, no. Never want me to do anything important.” You snatch the ledger from the table, red leather softening against your worn fingers. “Just have me write every transactions, every contact… have me negotiate any Topside problems. No dirty work. Nothing important.” Silco stands in a rush. You make a beeline for the door. “I’m better than this.”
“Don’t leave.”
“You’re ridiculous, Silco, you know that?” You raise a finger in anger. It’s anger you like to keep back with a lock and key, but sometimes it’s just too strong. It breaks through the chainlink and laps at your self control. It’s a practise you’ve had plenty of time to master. In fact, it’s embarrassing every time it happens.
Piltover made that clear.
“What you’re thinking, it’s not what I meant,” he says. Without his coat, he’s lean and lithe. A perfect assassin. You reach for the doorknob anyhow. Ego versus control. It’s a constant struggle.
One that vexes you infinitely.
“I don’t want you doing the work I have to put myself through. Every day is a challenge I cannot survive without support.” He raises his hand to his brow and turns, tails of his red shirt flapping. Tension runs along his shoulders like an elastic ready to snap. “Sometimes it’s like drowning all over again. Like being submerged but not being able to fight back. Being a pacifist in a dogfight.”
You drop your hand to your side.
“I would never subject you to that torture, my darling.” He turns again and catches your eye with his own sharp gaze. “Never. Not before I was dead.”
Your heart does that little jumpy thing whenever he opens up. Like progress is being made. It’s not fanciful joy as comes with a music box’s song, but a dark, devout passion as comes with discovering lost treasure. You wet your lips and step away from the door.
Tension seeps from his frame. His brow softens trifold.
“I… I understand.”
It says it all in one troubled word.
‘I care for you, too.’
The words always escape you, when you’re scrambling to cover yourself, to protect yourself from ridicule and embarrassment. Later, maybe, they’d be shared beneath a bedsheet, between arms and under him.
When you’re woven into him like a tapestry and strung tight like boot laces.
He approaches you with four taps. His shoes strike the wooden floor with sharp, steady beats. You let him take your face in his rough hands, slim and elegant fingers crawling into your hairline. Your own hands clasp his.
“Let’s not have this misunderstanding again,” he whispers. His eyes are mystifying. You’re lost. “You matter more to me than this place.”
You tilt your chin so he can slant his mouth over yours. Unspoken words hover in the air like butterflies, ones that creep into your stomach, but they sink in through your lips against his. His tongue. His taste.
You take his wrists and push them downwards, to your waist. It’s what you’ll allow, always. He’s patient, considering.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper. It’s so quiet he can barely hear it.
“Don’t be sorry.” He kisses your mouth, your forehead, and taps his cheek against yours. “Don’t be sorry.”
“Okay, Sil.”
“Now, come, tell me about your day.”
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queerofzaun · 3 years
omg hi i am so glad to see people writing for arcane!! if you take requests, could we have more jinx content please? thank you!!
𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒗𝒆 𝒖𝒑𝒔𝒆𝒕 𝒎𝒆, 𝒎𝒐𝒏𝒌𝒆𝒚
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𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 : jinx x fem!reader
𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 : gun violence, gun play, fingering, scissoring, dom!jinx
𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 : jinx is very possessive of her girlfriend. reader decides to make her jealous, which results in punishment
𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 : 1.8K
𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒔 : so I had a few jinx requests, and I only have one fic for her, so I thought I would tackle this one next. This one is a little dark compared to my others, so read with caution lol. I let my imagination run wild.
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Your girlfriend was out doing who knows what, probably causing mayhem somewhere. Something she was prone to doing. Most people in the under city hated her, thought she was insane. And she was, but you saw what laid beneath the crazy. She was more than what met the eye, you loved that about her. That you were the only person who got to see the soft sides her. Well, and Silco. But that was different.
You sat the bar, metal tankard in hand as you sipped on the spirits. Thieram was babbling about something that had happened the other day but you just toned the bartender out. You didn't hate the man, he just was incredibly annoying.
"Mind if I buy you a drink." You heard a male voice from beside you.
You looked at him from the corner of your eyes, seeing it was just some random brawler. You scoffed, "Not interested, bud."
"Come on, it's just a drink. There's no motives, just want to do something nice for a woman." He pressed.
You rolled your eyes, slamming your mug onto the counter before turning to face him with a raised brow. You looked up as you considered the offer, before deciding to accept as you were sure to get an interesting reaction from Jinx later. That girl had a weird way of finding out everything.
You turned back in your seat, "One drink."
Thieram looked at you with a shocked expression but continued to make the drink the man had ordered for you. He set it in front of you, which you took and quickly downing it. You wiped your mouth off with the back of your hand.
There was a loud boom that sent you jumping in your seat. You saw the man that was setting beside you go limp, falling off the seat. You felt slender fingers running up your back, before gripping your shoulders tightly. Suddenly, there was a soft breath against your ears.
"You've upset me, monkey." Jinx whispered, lips brushing against your ear.
She let go of you before taking a seat where the man before had been. She kicked his dead body, making me roll away from her seat. Her face scrunched in anger as she looked down at the corpse. She was violently possessive, and tended to get jealous if anyone even dared to lay their eyes on you. You were hers. And she didn't like sharing.
She twirled the pistol in her hand a few times before tapping the barrel to her chin as she let out a hum. She seemed to be thinking, so you patiently waited for her to gather her thoughts. You knew that interrupting her when she was upset would only lead to her getting more angry.
"Tell me, monkey." She finally spoke, snatching your jaw and making you look at her. "What made you agree to accept that drink? Do you belong to all of them too, now?!" She pointed to the rest of the people in the bar.
She then dropped her hand with a chuckle, "Maybe I should shoot them all."
She bit her lower lip with a wicked grin, spinning the gun on the counter before face turning serious as she looked you dead in the eyes as she waited for your answer. Those pink eyes staring deep in yours. She tilted her head just a tad, enough to show you that she wasn't in the mood for jokes from you.
"It was just a drink, babe. I don't belong to anyone but you." You assured her, resting a hand on her thigh.
"Just a drink?" She exclaimed before slamming the gun away from her and grabbing your unfinished drink.
She then reached over to grab Thieram by the collar of his shirt, pulling closer to her. "If you ever do anything like that again, Chuck. I'll put a bullet through you just like your little friend."
She then laughed, patting his cheek before pinching them to open his jaw as she poured the rest of your drink down his throat. She giggled as he choked, trying to pull her hands off yet failing. Her strength sometimes surprised you.. And turned you on.
She threw the mug behind him and picked up her gun from the table before putting the barrel to your back. "Up."
You slowly rose to your feet, letting her guide you downstairs as she kept the gun held against you. As you walked down the stairs, you could hear chuckling from behind you. You felt the barrel lift, making you feel relieved. She walked past you, opening the door and signaling for you to walk in.
You entered the room, walking to the couch and plopping down with a sigh as you watched your girlfriend shut the door and approach you. Her braids swaying with each step. Jinx grabbed her chair, dragging it so it was set in front of where you were sitting. She took a seat, looking up at you with an angered expression.
Her arms were draped over the arms of the chair, legs spread as she sat in silence. You felt panic wash over you. You liked making her jealous, but she hadn't reacted quite like this before.
"You know," She finally spoke as pointed the gun at you, "I don't like sharing what's mine."
She then broke out in a sinister grin, standing to her feet. "I think I need to teach monkey a lesson, don't 'ya think?"
Within moments, she was leaning over you with a hand on your shoulder. Not wanting to set her off, you nodded your head quickly in agreement. She cupped your face with a giggle, "I'm glad you agree."
She then crawled on top of you, her fingers grazing your face gently as she pressed kisses to your face. Her hands dropped your hands, tying them together as she continued to pepper your cheeks in kisses. You looked at your bound hands, wondering where the fuck she got rope.
You were then pushed to your back, as she straddled your lap. Her hand roamed your body with her bottom lip tucked between her teeth. "You're so cute, I almost don't want to punish you."
Her hands were then on your throat, squeezing roughly. "But, I need to make sure you don't upset me like that again."
She pressed a soft kiss to your lips, before bringing her index lip to them. You watched as she moved off you, tugging off your pants. Left in just your underwear, you shivered as the cool air nipped your bare skin. She brought the barrel of the gun to your mouth, letting it rest on your lips. She smirked, "Open up, toots."
You opened your mouth, letting her slide the gun inside. She watched you with a look of excitement. You began to suck on it, bobbing your head slowly. She studied you intently. Once she pulled the gun out of you mouth, she held it up. "Perfect, now we can get started."
"Wait, what?" You asked, lifting your head a bit as you watched as she brought it down against your clothed pussy.
Her fingers hooked on the side of your panties and pulling them to the side, before slowly sliding the barrel into your entrance. You let out soft moan. You were surprised by how much liked this, despite the fact she had never done anything like this. You weren't too shocked she was doing this though, your girlfriend had always been crazy in bed. Another thing you loved about her.
"I wanna hear you say you're mine." Jinx demanded, slowly fucking you with her gun.
"I'm yours." You moaned, hands struggling against their binds.
Her smirk faltered as she watched how you enjoyed the feeling of her gun inside of you. It arose more jealousy, quickly pulling it out and throwing it across the room. "No, she's mine!" She yelled out, towards the gun before snapping her head towards you with darkened eyes.
The look in her eyes only made you more wet, loving when she got rough with you. She immediately slipped two fingers inside of you, fucking you as fast as she could as she leaned down and kissed you with hunger. Her lips moved against yours sloppily. You kissed her back with the same hunger, whimpering at the fact you couldn't touch her.
Her free hand slipped under your shirt, fondling your tits. She squeezed them, before taking one of your nipples between her fingers. The way she made you feel was amazing. It felt good to have putting so much attention on your body. Her lips trailed to your neck, kissing the skin of your neck aggressively.
"I want to be the only who makes you feel like this, monkey." She cooed, letting her hand that was playing your breast move to cup your cheek.
She made you look at her, as she still fucked you with her slender fingers. You could feel her fingernails scratching your inside, another moan falling your lips. "No one can make me feel like you do." You assured her, breath heavy from the pleasure she was giving you.
She removed her fingers, bringing them up to your lips. You didn't hesitate to suck them clean for her, keeping your eyes glued to hers as you did. She smiled at you, "Good girl."
You watched as she removed her pants and underwear. You bit your lip, admiring her body. She was so beautiful, everything about her you found perfect. It wasn't long until she was tearing your shirt open. "I want yours off, too." You told her, wanting to see her fully.
She listened, pulling her tank top over her head. She lifted your thigh, letting her leg slide between yours. She lowered herself until her pussy was pressed to yours. You rolled your head back, moaning her name loudly as she began to roll her hips against yours.
Her clit rubbed against yours, her movements growing more rushed. She was getting excited, enjoying the way you squirmed in pleasure. She loved that she was the one who did this to you. The thought of anyone making you feel the way she did, angered her. Just thinking about it, made her press against you harder.
"I'm getting close." You moaned out, hands pulling against the ropes. Desperate to hold onto anything as your legs began to shake.
"Are you going accept drinks from anyone again?" She asked, to which you shook your head in response.
"Say it." She demanded, wanting to hear the words out loud.
"Fuck.. No, I won't accept any drinks again." You answered her aloud this time, just wanting her to give you permission to cum.
"Cum for me, monkey." She permitted, grinding against you harder to help you reach your release.
You came against her, your thighs shaking as you rode out your high. It wasn't long after until she came as well. She slipped out from between you, moving up to you and untying your hands. You brought your hands up to her face, cupping it. Her stern expression now replaced by a softened one.
"I love you. I am yours, babygirl. Only yours, I promise." You assured her, pressing a kiss to her lips.
She laid on top of you, wrapping her arms around you as she nuzzled her nose into the crook of your neck. "I love you, monkey."
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