acid-attacc · 1 year
1, 8!
from this prompt
OTP(s) for your muse?
My OTP's for Mina: SeroMina, BakuMina, TokoMina, ShinMina, IIdaMina, KiriMina, KamiMina, MidoMina, TodoMina, OchaMina, TsuMina, MomoMina, JirouMina (im a multi-ship whore lol its one reason mina is panromantic)
8. Does your muse get jealous easily?
Mina can get jealous, but usually she trusts her partner. (this is just a way to have a cute jealous mina that wants to "claim" her partner by climbing onto their laps and giving kisses)
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shippingcrumbs · 3 years
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bxtchbxtes · 2 years
Shinkami Month: Music Au
“I can tell you’re just here for the aesthetic of a music festival,” a snide voice commented from the side, “they aren’t what they used to be, now they are just full of fucking posers.”
Denki Kaminari was not a poser- and even if he was, these pretentious music fuckers needed to be put in their place. They have the audacity to come at people whose aesthetic is even slightly off, or girls, especially both. You would think they would back off when he snapped back, and some did! Those were the best, but they don’t always- and when Denki turned to look at where the voice came from-
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l1ght-0f-y0ur-l1fe · 4 years
Okay, so, I have recently kind gotten back into 'My Hero Academia' and my Multishipper heart can't can't handle it, so if you ship/like any of the following shops please come scream with me about them:
Poly Bakusquad (bakugou/kirishima/kaminari/sero/mina/jirou)
All might/inko
Present mic/aizawa
mineta/my fist
I didn't include all my ships, these are just the ones I find comfort in and some I don't ship unless its poly. Also, I am on season 3 so my thoughts could change.
Please come talk to me about any of them ships, please, I don't have anyome and I have thoughts.
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anotherlamebnhablog · 2 years
omg hi besties
so yea, i’m alive, i posted some things to surprise u guys,
also!! i’m rebranding a little bit, i think i’m going to try and focus more on ship work on here? i also have some fics that i’m working on that i will post both on here and my personal blog! (my personal blog is @bxtchbxtes) 
so, please send in any request you may have! i’m dropping some of my favorite ships in the tags if you want me to write for any of them!
and final note, i’m clearing out my inbox because most of that stuff is years old- if you remember having a request in there that you are dying for, please resend it! 
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Poly Bakusquad Part 6 (SFW)
- Mina and Jirou like taking baths together so they can wash each other’s hair and get tough to reach spots on their backs.
- The guys always suspect they’re doing other things in the bath.
- But they aren’t.
- They just enjoy peaceful bath time together.
- Sero makes a tape hammock.
- All of them pile on at the same time.
- Mina, Sero, Kirishima, and Bakugou sitting directly on the hammock.
- Kaminari laying across Mina and Sero.
- Jirou snuggled up in Kirishima and Bakugou’s arms.
- Jirou, Mina, and Kaminari planned a coup to sneak into Sero’s room and steal his hoodies.
- He had exactly three.
- Sero has to steal one of Bakugou’s.
- It fit like a crop top with 3/4 sleeves.
- He was too much of a string bean to get the proper boyfriend sweater experience.
- He still wore it though.
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theriverstyxx · 4 years
i wanna ruin our friendship (we should be lovers instead)
Ship: Minajirou
Summary: disaster lesbians, mutual pining and feelings
warnings: None really but Mina doesn’t have a great relationship with her mom
Day one @bnhararepair Fake Dating
“One sec my mom is calling,” Mina said, pulling her phone out of her thigh holster. Her hero costume was usually fine because she didn’t carry her phone with her, but it made it difficult to wear it outside of hero work.
She brought the phone up to her ear as she closed the door to a little meeting room behind her. 
“Hey mom, what’s up?” 
“Where are you?!” her mom screamed.
“At Fatgum’s agency? I told you that,”
“No you didn’t you snuck out to go to a party and get wasted didn’t you!” Mina rolled her eyes, one more week until they were in the dorms again.
“Mom I told you about this like two weeks ago, Fat Gum is hosting a get together for heroes in training, the whole class was invited?”
“You need to get home right now young lady, I will not have you getting wasted and letting some boy take advantage of you,”
“Mom no one is going to take advantage of me, I can take care of myself. Plus it’s a room full of pro heroes and heroes in training, if someone tried they wouldn’t get very far, and there’s not even any alcohol!”
“I don’t trust some of those people, they are a bad influence on you,”
“Sorry mom I gotta go,” She lied hanging up on her, she could not deal with that woman.  
“You good Mina?” Denki asked when she got back.
“Yeah, my mom is just being insane as always,” 
“Oh?” Kyoka asked.
“She is claiming that is snuck out to ‘get wasted and get taken advantage of’ despite the fact that I told her about this two weeks ago,”
“What a fucking bitch,” 
“But who cares about her? We are here to party!”
Mina had been ignoring her phone vibrating aggressively against her leg for the better part of an hour before she finally pulled it out again.
“Your mom?” Kyoka asked, Mina nodded, answering and putting it on speaker, not leaving the dance floor.
“You know you blowing up my phone isn’t going to make me leave any faster. I should have left my phone at home. Then you couldn’t be so fucking insane!” She yelled.
“If that’s how it is then find some other place to stay tonight,”
“I will!”
“You alright?” Kirishima asked, rubbing her arm.
“Yeah, just got kicked out of my house for the day,” 
“You wanna stay at my place?”  asked.
“Yeah, that would be great, thanks Kyo” She pulled her into a hug.
“Of course, I’m not going to let you sleep on the street,”
“You’re the best,”
“I’m just being a good friend,”
It was only as Mina stood at the counter in front of the mirror taking off her makeup, Jirou standing next to her, that she realized this might be more difficult than she realized. See the issue is that she had been harboring a crush on the punk for the last god knows how long, and most of the time she was able to ignore it, but the domesticity of the situation hit her like a freight train. She couldn’t keep her mind from wandering to what it might be like if this was their future, a little apartment, or maybe the bakusquad would live together, and the two of them would have their own bathroom.
She shook her head, now wasn’t the time to get lost in fantasy. 
“You look insane,” Jirou teased, knocking their hips together, Mina looked up, her makeup everywhere, and her face shiny from the oil cleanser, if only Kat could see her now, truly looking like a racoon. 
“Yeah yeah,” She laughed, knocking their hips together with more force, “Can you pass me the face wash please?” 
“You wanna do face masks afterwards? My mom just bought a bunch,”
“Oh hell yeah!” 
“Okay, I’ll go steal them from her then,” Mina’s heart stopped as she ruffled her pink curls. It was official she would die from gay panic before the night was out.
AlienQueen: EI HELP
SharkBoi: Whats wrong??
AlienQueen: Hnnnnnnng girls
SharkBoi: ahhh gay panic?
AlienQueen: Kyo is so cute im going to die 
SharkBoi: I’ll give you the same advice you told me
AlienQueen: But this is different!!!
SharkBoi: If you say so
AlienQueen: dont sass me young man
SharkBoi: ;P
“You wanna do a clay or sheet mask?” Jirou asked walking back into the bathroom.
“Clay! Awww Kyo, you know matcha is my favourite,” She smiled looking at the bottle she had handed her.
“Of course, anything for my esteemed guest,” 
“Here, you can borrow these,” Jirou tossed a pair of fuzzy pyjama pants at her, a t shirt quickly following them.
“Thanks bb,” Mina smiled, “Can you unzip me please?” she rubbed the back of her neck, turning around so Jirou could see the zipper on the back of her outfit.
“Yup, here you go,”
“Thanks hun,” Mina smiled, changing into the pyjamas, both girls paused as Mina’s phone started buzzing from her bag
“Just ignore it,” Mina said after a minute, grabbing her phone out of her bag and putting it on airplane mode so her mothers calls would stop going through, and so she couldn’t track her.
“What’s that?” Jirou bent down to pick up the little red pouch that had fallen out of her bag.
“Oh! Those are my runes!”
“Runes?” Jirou tilted her head adorably.
“Yeah! Do you wanna do a reading?”
“A reading?”
“Its like tarot, I can do past present and future, answering questions, or specific layouts for different things,” Mina paused at the confused look on her face, “I mean only if you want to though!” she panicked, “I get it might be a little weird or something,”
“No! I had just never heard of it before, I would love a reading,” she smiled shyly, playing with ther earphone.
“Okay! Come sit!” She patted the floor infront of her, so that they were facing eachother. “What kind of reading do you want to do?”
“Whatever the basic one is,”
“Past present future it is then!!” She smiled, laying out her teal casting mat. She reached in, pulling out the little booklet, and the little pouch with cleansing herbs, leaving just the runes in the pouch. 
“So you want to keep the question in mind, what you want the answer to, it could just be insight into what may happen or more specific, when you do that reach into the bag with your left hand, and you should have something that draws you to a specific rune, grab that one and set it on the mat,” Mina explained, smiling so hard her face mask cracked. 
Kyoka closed her eyes, reaching in, grabbing one that she had a gut feeling about and pulling it out, setting it on the mat. 
“Okay! Now do that two more times for present and future,” Jirou smiled at her, reaching back into the pouch.
“Lets see here, okay first one is Kenaz,” Mina trailed off pulling up her booklet of notes on her phone, “so keywords: vision, revelations, knowledge, renewed clarity, passion and sexual love, ummm associated with femininity. And coming to new understandings. So that’s like the main things from your past that you need to keep in mind for present and future actions,” Mina smiled at the slight blush on her friends face.
“Present! Uruz! Keywords: energy, strength, vitality, sexuality and sexual desire, wisdom, tenacity, endurance, assertiveness, overcoming obstacles, collective strength and common good. Okay let's see, ‘Drawing Uruz shows that you have the strength within you to fulfill your dreams, goals and desires, but with that strength comes responsibility. Use your strength to keep focused on your path and to stop yourself being off-balanced by others. There are always some people who project negativity and are negative within themselves. That is their choice and life path with many hard lessons to learn along the way. Strength comes from not letting those people and their antics upset you. This comes from mastering the ego’,”
“And finally we have Nauthiz, ‘Keywords: Responsibility, discontent, obstacles, frustration, delays, restrictions, resistance leading to strength, confusion, the power of will to overcome obstacles, self-reliance, endurance, survival, determination, caution, self-initiated change, creative, pro-creative, motivating force,’ So a bit of a double edged sword this one the future may be a little confusing but if you have the endurance and determination you can get through it ‘When Nauthiz is drawn in a spread, it is an indication not to allow occurrences, situations, incidents or memories from the past hold you back from living your life – today. It is an indication that you may not be living your life true to yourself and therefore, may not feel like you are in the ‘right place’ in your life. It is your own will that is paramount in directing the force.
Learning to deal with hardship, constraint and the pain of lack are lessons of the Nauthiz rune. It shows the obstacles we create for ourselves as well those we encounter on a day to day basis in the world around us.’ So yeah pretty much it might get rough but you can get through it!” She finished, looking up from her phone to see Jirou wiping tears from her eyes.
“Woah! Kyo are you okay? I’m so sorry if something went too far-” She was cut off by her throwing herself into her arms.
“No it’s not that I just,” She paused for a moment “That was exactly what I needed to hear,” 
“Oh! I’m glad, the runes have a way of doing that, I know when I first did a reading for myself I pretty much had an existential crisis for the next two days,” 
“I didn’t know you were in to this kind of thing,”
“Oh yeah, I’ve always been interested in magick and witchcraft but my mom would lose her mind if she found out about it,” She laughed, rolling her eyes as she looked at her phone, “I only really got into it that much over the summer, and even then I’ve pretty much only done research, then I’m going to start practicing more once we move into the dorms,” 
“That sounds awesome, if you ever need a guinea pig I would be happy to help,” Mina giggled at her proposal, her hand coming up in front of her mouth.
“I’ll have to keep that in mind,”
“So I had a thought,” Jirou started, playing with her earjack and looking off to the side.
“Oh?” Mina raised an eyebrow, leaning over to get into Kyoka’s line of sight.
“You wanna piss off your parents right before we go to the dorms?” her eyes were conviving and Mina couldn’t help but staring.
“Hell yeah,”
“Well I’m sure they wouldn’t be very happy if they thought you were dating a punk girl with tattoos,” Jirou winked, confidence coming from nowhere.
“Yeah, okay,” Mina breathed, her brain nothing but Micheal Scott screaming about it happening. After a moment her brain caught up with her and she realized Jirou meant they would pretend to date. “My mom would probably lose her mind. Fake dating to piss off my parents, sounds like a movie plot or something,” she laughed, ignoring the pain in her heart.
“Yeah, it’ll be great,”
Mina frantically pulled out her phone as she stepped into the bathroom, turning it off airplane mode.
AlienQueen: EI I FUCKED UP
SharkBoi: what happened??????
AlienQueen: Kyo asked if I wanted to fake date to piss off my mom and I agreed before I realized she meant fake dating and now i feel like a fucking dumbass
Eijirou laughed as he looked up from his phone to see Katsuki in a similar conversation with Jirou.
“What's so funny dumbass?” He asked.
“Mina just texted me panicking over how Kyoka asked her if she wanted to fake date and she agreed before she realized she meant fake dating,” Kirishima shook his head at his friend. Bakugo just raised an eyebrow, turning his phone so the other could read his conversation
Ears: Kat i fucked up
Dyna: what the fuck did you do
Ears: okay so Mina gave me this rune reading and it said I should follow my heart and shit so I tried to ask Mina out but she thought I meant fake dating 
Ears: Or maybe she just deflected to fake dating bc she didn't wanna hurt my feelings but she doesn't like me
Ears: HELP
“How are they both so oblivious?” Kirishima asked, pausing to comfort his childhood friend
AlienQueen: Ei????
AlienQueen: Help me you little bitch
AlienQueen: Im having a crisis and if I stay in the bathroom too long itll look suspicious
SharkBoi: umm. maybe she didnt mean fake dating
AlienQueen: Ei i need actual help not bullshit to make me feel better
SharkBoi: i mean it!!
AlienQueen: I need advice on how to survive you whore 
SharkBoi: just tell her how you feel?
AlienQueen: Youre impossible >:(
SharkBoi: listen Mi, either u tell her how you feel or you go along w it
AlienQueen: I hate the fact that youre right
Dyna: Just fuckin’ tell her that you meant actual dating 
Ears: But what if she doesn’t like me! What if she thinks its creepy that were sharing my bed if i like her??
Ears: What if she thinks im creepy??
Dyna: Calm the fuck down
Dyna: She is very openly a lesbian
Dyna: She isn’t going to judge you for liking girls
Ears: I guess your right
Ears: But what if it ruins our friendship????
Dyna: What if it doesn’t
Ears: Not helpful!!!
Dyna: Either you tell her or you suffer
Dyna: This is your problem
Mina sighed, leaning against the bathroom counter. Ei had a point, but also there was no way in hell she was about to confess. She was about to head back to Jirou’s room when her phone went off again.
Mom: Fine, you can come get your stuff tomorrow, I talked to your teacher and you can move into the dorms early.
“Hey do you wanna come to my place tomorrow and help me pack my shit since I’m apparently moving into the dorms a week early now?” Mina threw up a peace sign as she walked into the room.
“What? Why are you moving in a week early?” 
“I don’t know, my mom just told me I was. Probably because I was ignoring her,”
“Mi, that’s fucked up, I’m sorry,” Kyoka held her arms open, a silent invitation in an attempt to comfort the other girl.
“It’s alright, It’s just, after dad left, and then Hotaru moved out not long after, mom just feels like I’m trying to abandon her to, but Haru still lives in the city, and I’m just trying to live my life, so we pretty much spent the whole summer arguing,” She ranted, burying her face in Jirou’s shoulder, hugging her as tight as possible.
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waka-waka-im-gay · 4 years
Number 3 tho
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acid-attacc · 2 years
Ships for Mina: [Under a cut because its long af]
OTP(romantic otp):
basically i ship Mina with any bnha character thats of age that means no student/teacher, even though i have it that mina is 18+ i still do not feel comfortable shipping her with Aizawa or Yamada or any male/female/nonbinary teachers. at least in a romantic sense. dadzawa/dadmic are totally fine and i think its adorable tbh.
Types of Ships i enjoy:
Friends to Lovers, Unrequited Love, soulmates (can be first words, first touch, hearing the music your soulmate is listening too, seeing colours for the first time), hurt/no comfort(angst but like not alot of it cuz it can be too much), hurt/comfort (little bit of angst but its smothered out by the comfort)
Types of AU's im comfortable with writing for:
Soulmates, Pirates, Fantasy(witches/dnd/cryptid/mermaid), No-quirks, College, Artist(dancer/crafter), Pokemon, Consensual bdsm(my mina is a bottom.. lol)
*If you have any questions or ya know wanna talk ships with me please feel free to dm me. or send in a ask.*
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everyjirou · 5 years
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Anonymous: Could you draw jirou getting a group hug from all the people typically shipped with her?
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shippingcrumbs · 3 years
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gayfaerights · 5 years
broke: all the 1-a girls have boyfriends
woke: all the 1-a girls are dating eachother
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l1ght-0f-y0ur-l1fe · 3 years
I have very recently heard the song 'Alian' by Lauryn Marie, and I can't stop thinking about either Jirou or Kaminari (or both 👀) singing it about Mina, so... If any fanfic writers wanna write about this, please do! And tag/share it with me!
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lillabellecolors · 5 years
♡ Edit I made for the @bnha-femslash-bigbang ♡
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Poly Bakusquad Part 10 (SFW ish) 
- Bakugou was the last person Shinsou kissed.
- It didn’t happen for almost two months after Shinsou joined.
- Shinsou’s insomniatic self was downstairs at 4 in the morning, drinking sleepy time tea(it wasn’t working).
- Bakugou came downstairs to get some water.
- The two of them nodded at each other.
- Bakugou joined Shinsou on the couch.
- They were quiet for a long time.
- “I bet you’re a terrible kisser.” Shinsou broke the silence.
- “The fuck did you just say, eyebags?”
- “You’re probably a terrible kisser.”
- “I’m the best kisser.”
- “Oh yeah? Prove it.”
- Shinsou hates to admit it, but Bakugou was, in fact, an amazing kisser.
- The kiss soon got more aggressive.
- It was very unlike all the others.
- Definitely something he expected from Bakugou.
- Despite all the friction between the two of them, one thing they could agree on, their make out sessions were intoxicating.
- They happened often.
- The others were completely unaware.
- They just assumed the two didn’t get along enough to kiss, let alone make out.
- Sometimes Shinsou and Bakugou would disappear for an hour just to make out as a form to relieve tension from a stressful day.
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ladislavsad · 5 years
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My newest cosplay dump. Follow my Instagram for more @// ravenous.cosplays
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