#jiwon x gn reader
strawberryya · 2 years
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jiwon x reader
synopsis: You adopt a fish, but you do so with a stranger that you just met and will now co-parent said fish with. It goes pretty well, especially since your co-parent is gorgeous and hilarious...
word count: 3.8k
genre/contains: Fluff, sick pet, kissing, fated mates, hurt/comfort, everyone is gay, straight people don’t exist obviously, not technically a crackfic, just unapologetically unhinged, strangers to lovers but we move fast as fuck, reader is gn-neutral, probably a ton of incorrect fish facts, ft. roommate seoyeon.
a/n: So, this is the result of me trying to do that tiktok trend with the filters and you write something based on what you get from them. The "fated mates, hurt/comfort, everyone is gay, straight people don’t exist obviously, not technically a crackfic, just unapologetically unhinged." are the ones I got from that and they now exist here in some way I think so tadaa!
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“Fuck it, I’m getting a fish!” you shouted, barging into the living room where your roommate, Seoyeon, was peacefully eating cereal for lunch. 
Putting down her spoon and phone she hesitated before asking, “May I ask why you have decided to get a fish, and also why it was necessary for me to know this information?” 
“Because I just spent an hour crying over these videos on youtube about people decorating huge tanks for tiny fish, and it was so adorable, and I’m a bit emotional today, so we’re getting a fish to fix it,” you said in one breath, making you breathe in and out very deeply once you finished. 
Seoyeon only nodded and went back to her phone and cereal, not bothering to question you any further. You were in sweats and an oversized t-shirt and decided not to concern yourself over your choice of attire as you put on the first shoes you could find before running out of the apartment, shouting “Bye! I’ll be back with my fish child soon!” while you flung the door shut behind you. 
Running around the city for a fish you just decided on adopting wasn’t what you wished to do this day, so it was a very pleasant surprise when you waltzed into a pet store after only a couple of minutes of walking from your apartment. 
You headed directly towards the big sign with FISH on it. 
It smelled like aquariums and fish food in the designated FISH area, but you weren’t in the mindset to notice the less-than-pleasant smells; too busy strutting along the isles of lit-up tanks to pick up the scent. 
You passed tanks of various sizes, filled with sand, water, plants, and of course fish. In some tanks, you even spotted some crabs and shrimps crawling around along the rocky bottoms of their tanks, and the seahorses had you stopping to look at them where they swam around for quite a while. 
There were hundreds of adorable little fishies, and you stopped in front of maybe a dozen or so tanks looking at the small creatures making their way through the water. But none of the ones you saw had you on your knees begging to take it home, that was until you reached the end of one of the rows, where a single fish resided, swimming slowly through the clear water in the tank. You were mesmerized the moment you saw him. 
“You’re the one!” you excitedly exclaimed as you stood there, bent over and pressing your face close to the glass of the tank while looking at your new son in complete awe. 
However. As you said that, it was as if you could hear the echo of your voice coming from the tank, but it wasn’t from the tank that the sound was coming from, and it wasn’t exactly your voice either. No, it was coming from behind the tank on the opposite end of it. 
You managed to force your eyes to look past your (in your mind) already adopted son, and look through the glass tank to the other end, meeting, not just an empty isle on the other side, but a face staring right back at you, the expression seemingly just as surprised as yours. It took you both a while to try and comprehend what was going on, both of your simply staring at each other through the tank, looking at each others’ distorted faces, your eyes going between each other, and the fish still calmly swimming in the water in between you. 
This person had said the same thing that you had, at the exact same time as you had, about the very same fish that you just had. What are the odds of that even happening? You blinked one last time before you pushed yourself up from the position you had been standing in and instead of staring at each other through the tank, you were now face-to-face with the prettiest girl you had ever seen. (this also made you instantly regret not putting a bit more effort into your outfit, but that regret would have to be postponed for a later time.)
“Hi,” you managed to cough up along with a small wave to the person standing across from you. 
“Hello,” she responded, waving her hand back in an absent-minded way, still staring at you with an unreadable expression. 
“You… like my fish?” you finally continued, not even aware enough to be mad at yourself for how stupid that sounded. 
She looked back at you, her expression turning into more of a questioning frown than the unreadable one she had had since you saw her through the tank. 
“Your fish? Did you already adopt him??” she said, sounding rather flabbergasted. 
“No, I mean, technically I haven’t, but I was just about to!” you tried to explain. 
She looked down at the fish, and you did the same, a couple of seconds passed while you both stood there, mesmerized once again by the adorableness of the creature swimming around in there. 
“I was about to do the same,” she said after a while, looking back up at you and meeting your eyes with a fiery passion you weren’t prepared for at all. 
Now you were the one who was flabbergasted. “I- uhm, I don’t know how we should…” you began. You weren’t sure what to say or do, to be honest; because what does one do when two people have decided that their fish is the same exact fish and that they both want to adopt that fish? However, you didn’t have to think too hard or long about what to do because the woman in front of you soon interrupted your thoughts. 
“What if we co-parented him?” she asked, her tone implying that her proposal was a very logical solution to your problem. 
You took a moment to process the proposal before nodding and agreeing to try. “Okay, but - how exactly does one co-parent an aquatic animal?” you questioned, hoping that she would have some experience or at least a plan on how to execute the idea. 
She did not, but, she very quickly came up with an ingenious plan: “What if one of us keeps him at our place, and then the other parent can just come over to care for him when it’s their turn? I’m thinking that would be easier than carrying the entire tank between our places every week. Also, that doesn’t seem very nice to our son either…”
“Yes, you’re right, we must consider the trauma that he would suffer through having his entire life moved around so often, especially since he will be living all alone instead of with his friends like he has been so far in his life,” you added, and you both nodded with serious faces before looking at the fish in the tank next to you. 
Your grim faces dissolved into adoring ones as soon as you laid eyes on him, “Yes, we must keep our son’s best in mind through it all,” she agreed. “Our son” already sounded natural in her mouth. You had to admit that your heart fluttered a bit, hearing her refer to you two as one unit like that, like a pair inseparable from one another. 
No, this was not the time to catch feelings for someone, a crush on your now co-parent would only complicate everything - not a good idea, you thought as you mentally slapped yourself. 
“I’m Jiwon by the way,” she said as you walked over to the front desk to request someone to help you get everything you needed. 
“I’m y/n and I’m looking forward to co-parenting with you Jiwon,” you responded, your smile growing wider as you continued walking. 
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In the end, you had decided that your place would be best, you had a bit more space that could easily be cleared out to fit the tank, and Jiwon said she was okay with him staying at yours as long as she was free to come to visit often. The whole process of installing the tank, and then the water process, and on top of that trying to choose how to decorate your son's tank had been a full day commitment, or, a full seven-day commitment it had turned out. Not that you were complaining, quite the opposite actually, this was the most fun you had had in a while, and it was largely due to the fact that your new co-guardian was one of the funniest people ever. 
She had made you laugh over the silliest of things so many times you wouldn’t be able to count them even if you tried. Then there was the whole issue of how she turned out to have this weird superpower when it came to you. 
Whenever she looked at you, it was as if you could tell how her attention shifted. You felt all the attention in the world shifting over to focus solely on you, and every single time it made you so flustered you wanted to poof your way out of the situation before you did anything stupid; like telling her how much you love the way she looks at you, or how she makes you feel so special you get a teeny tiny bit of hybris each time she smiles at one of your stupid jokes, or the stupidest thing of all - kiss her. 
Anyways… now your son had his own brand new castle with a tower on the side since you both came to the conclusion that he would love to have that as a bedroom. (because who wouldn’t like his own tower to run back to when life gets too hectic?) And today was the day when he could finally come home to his new home in the corner of your bedroom. 
But, there was one thing that you had just now begun pondering: what do we call him? You had been throwing out names left and right for a while now, but everything just seemed so silly when you said them out loud. Marty, Bob, and Andrew had all been discussed and declined by both of you in the end. 
“What about Bartholomew Timothy the First, but we will just call him Timothy?” 
“It’s perfect! You’re a genius!!” you responded and smiled from ear to ear making Jiwon look away, her face flushing slightly. You noticed how she tried to hide it, but it was too late, your heart made a flip in your chest at her adorable awkwardness. 
A few moments passed where you both just stopped and gazed into each other’s eyes, both of you unable to look away or speak. 
“Weren’t you two supposed to pick up your fish?” a voice asked, snapping you both out of your little moment. 
“Weren’t you supposed to leave for your ice cream date with your girlfriend like 10 minutes ago??” you responded, a bit more sassy and defensive than you had planned. Fortunately, Seoyeon didn’t remark or seem to care about that too much, she just smiled a bit and waved her hand. 
“She said she would be late so I’m just waiting a bit so I don’t get there too early. You two, however, what’s your excuse? Trying out telepathy by staring at each other long enough?” she snickered a bit at herself as she watched you both fiddle with the edges of the couch you were sitting on in the living room. 
“We were just leaving, and yes, we are currently talking about how much we would love you if you would be so kind as to bring home some of that ice cream for us through our minds. Witchy right?” Jiwon said back, smiling at you as she began getting up, naturally making you follow her lead and get up from the soft cushions. 
“Good luck with your witchy communicating, and we’ll see about the ice cream,” Seoyeon said, smirking a bit when both you and Jiwon awkwardly headed out, both of you unsure of how to handle the tension that kept being constantly present in your relationship. 
You made it through the day though, and Bartholomew Timothy the First adjusted quickly to his new home. It took a while to figure out the routines surrounding your co-parenting, but after a bit, it seemed as if it had always been just like this. Jiwon came over every other day to occasionally feed but mainly just spend time with Timothy, (and in the end you), and on the weekends she came over for as long as possible, at times the entire day. You watched movies together (along with Timothy of course), showing each other your favorite movies and shows, listening to music together (still with Timothy of course), and sometimes you just talked for hours, getting to know each other (and letting Timothy get to know is new parent, of course). 
It was comfortable, but those moments, where you felt that pulsating intense feeling of having her focus all her attention on you had become increasingly difficult to handle. But for Timothys’ sake, you weren’t sure if it was a great idea to let feelings into your co-parenting relationship just like that. 
Nevertheless, this moment was not the time for thinking about things like that, you told yourself and pushed the feelings and the thoughts deep down as you scurried over to the front door, begging her in your mind not to ring the doorbell one more time. 
“Hi, come on, hurry and be quiet,” you hissed after you opened the door, letting Jiwon into the hallway before dragging her with you to your room by her hand. Once you had shut your door behind you, you let out a deep sigh and leaned back against the door. 
“Why are we whispering??” Jiwon whispered to you, pulling you out of your moment of letting go of the stress you had just experienced from not wanting to be too loud. 
You opened your eyes to answer her, but Jiwons big eyes staring at you, her face lit up by the dim lighting of the room, and the close proximity she was in since you were still holding her hand in yours distracted you before you could explain your behavior. 
“Woah,” you accidentally let out under your breath. 
Jiwon’s eyes became even bigger, her pupils growing as you let your thumb drag over her hand. “What?” she said in a hushed tone. 
“Uh, nothing, it was nothing really… we’re whispering because Seoyeon - date - shouldn’t disturb…” you tried, but she didn’t care about the reasons for your actions anymore, so she asked again about what she wanted you to actually tell her.
“Woah what?” she said, her tone still low and seductive, but she had managed to still copy the exact way you had said woah before. The teasing in a moment like this was too much for you to handle, and your face cracked up in a wide smile and you chuckled a short chuckle before collecting yourself. 
“Woah, you look so pretty right now, is what I was thinking,” you said with a teasing smirk on your face as you saw how Jiwon’s pupils grew even wider than before and her cheeks became tinted a shade of pink that was hard to define in the low light of the room. 
“...oh,” she murmured, her eyes landing on your grinning mouth. “You look… really pretty too,” Jiwon said under her breath. 
Ok, fuck pushing down the thoughts and the feelings, Timothy can handle it. You thought as you let the words on your mind fall off your tongue. 
“Jiwon, I like you,” you whispered with a trembling voice and her eyes shot up to yours with lightning speed. 
Now she was the one smirking. “I like you too…” 
Her words hit you like the heat when getting out of an airplane in Spain, and suddenly you felt very lightheaded, the lights of the room blurring a bit around the edges. Your breath was still caught in your throat and your heartbeat was going feral inside your chest. 
“You like me too…? Oh my god,” you said in a slightly more high-pitched voice than you meant to let out. She suppressed a laugh at your shocked state before saying, “Yeah, I like you too.” 
That was the last drop, you couldn’t not kiss her now when she’s standing pressed against you with eyes staring at you like you were a freaking jewel, telling you that she liked you back! So you leaned forward, her breath hot against your skin when you stopped, “Can I…” you began, but your words were interrupted when Jiwon murmured “Yes,” before leaning in the rest of the way and letting your lips fall onto hers. 
Her lips were so perfect, and it took you a while to pull off of each other and stop the makeout session that had been initiated by your confessions. And once you had left her warm and unimaginably soft lips, you wanted nothing more than to go right back to kissing her again. But the need to simply hold her, and look at her in your arms overpowered the need to kiss her, if only momentarily. 
“So,” you began, both of you giggling when you made eye contact and saw the others’ puffy lips, “are we… more than friends?” you asked, subduing the giggles while waiting for a response. 
“I mean, I would love to be your girlfriend, if you want that too…” she said, looking away for a moment before you could feel the shift in the air yet again. The attention feeling like fluffy clouds surrounding you, embedding you within it, and letting you float through the air as if you were literally flying. 
“I’d love that,” was all you could say before you let your lips meet hers again, sweet kisses combined with whispers, confessing just how much you’d love calling her your girlfriend, and countless tiny words confessing all the big feelings you were feeling for her and she was feeling for you, all of them spilling out at once and leaving you both in a sea of all that you wanted to say and all that you wanted to hear. 
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“He’s sick!” you cried out, sobbing into her shoulder as soon as she stepped into your apartment, embracing you tightly as she asked, “How, what’s wrong with him?” The worry she felt filled her voice when she spoke. 
“I don’t know,” you whispered, “he’s not swimming around like usual, and he won’t eat, and he won’t come out of his castle!” 
Jiwon patted your head, hushing your sobs as her own eyes filled with tears of worry for both you and Timothy. 
Once you had calmed down a bit, showing her the signs of Timothy’s sickness, Jiwon pulled out her phone, searching for a couple of minutes before chuckling just a little bit and then looking up at you, her eyes shining with joy and relief. 
“What??” you practically screamed, wanting to understand why she was suddenly seemingly the opposite of worried for Timothy. 
“Babe, this says all those signs are just signs of him being pregnant…” she finally said, laughter hanging in the previously very tense air around you. 
“He’s… going to have babies? But, when…” 
“It’s possible that he hadn’t been alone in that tank before we showed up that day… and we only got him like a couple of weeks ago and this says they usually pregnant for a month or two, so he was probably already pregnant when we got him,” she explained, showing you the page and the signs that it was, in fact, a pregnancy and that he wasn’t dying.
“So… WE’RE GOING TO BE GRANDPARENTS!” you shouted, now exuberant from both the relief and the thought of your son becoming a parent of tiny little Timothys’. 
“Oh my god, you’re right!” Jiwon exclaimed, “We better get ready, let’s go and get a rocking chair, and we should learn how to make little knitted waterproof fish hats, and we absolutely need to learn the rules of chess so we can teach them when they get a bit older,” she began, now completely absorbed in the idea of becoming the absolute best grandma that she could possibly be for the little ones. 
You felt that extreme joy about Timothy quickly turn into something else, your heart became filled with pure love and adoration for your girlfriend, and then she looked at you, and you felt the air shift just like it had done so many times since you met her, and you couldn’t help yourself. 
“I love you,” you said under your breath.
But it was definitely loud enough for her to hear you loud and clear. 
“What…” she said, visibly still trying to process what you had just said. It had only been a couple of weeks since you had met, and it was definitely wayyy too soon to say that, but you felt it, and when she looked at you like that it was simply impossible to not let your feelings be known.
“I- I love you…” you repeated it, trying your hardest to keep eye contact with her even though your brain was screaming at you to run and hide, however, another part of your brain was screaming to stay and say it a hundred times more if she wanted to hear it, and that voice was so much louder than the other one, so you basically had no choice but to stay and wait. Fortunately, you didn’t have to wait too long, because once the fact of what you had just said had been processed, her face cracked up into a smile, “I love you too,” she said. It was simple, but it was everything that mattered in the entire world, she loves you, and you love her, and you giggled, pulling each other in and kissing her so deeply you were sure you would weld yourself to her lips someday and never let go. 
Once you pulled your lips away, still unable to take the smile off your lips, and her smile sticking to her own lips, you placed your forehead against hers, staring into one another's eyes.
“You know, I think we might have been fated to meet that day in the pet store,” Jiwon said, breaking the comfortable silence of you two just floating in the moment. However, you had decided that there had been too much sappiness for one day already at this point.
“Pfft, yeah, no, I mean sure, it could’ve been destiny, or just pure luck, orrrrr it was just unavoidable since I'm so hot. Guess we will never know for sure…” 
Your tone and statement made Jiwon chuckle before she grabbed your face again and pulled you towards her lips, “You’re right, you’re hot and it was definitely inevitable for us to fall in love,” she said once she pulled back making you both fall into a fit of giggles and laughter as you pushed her playfully before kissing her once again and then a hundred more times and hoped that you would be able to do just that for the rest of your life. 
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[navigation post!]
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moonbyulsstuff · 1 year
Maybe, In Another Life.
GN Reader.
Not Requested.
Request Rules.
It's seen through the reader's perspective.
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You watched.
You watched from the sidelines, you knew you never got the chance or will never had one. But you had hope, that maybe someday that he will look at you instead at her.
But you were only dreaming, it would never happen. You weren't given a chance from the god themselves.
You watched as he fallen in love deeper with her as time pass, so, being a good and supportive friend. You supported him in everything that he did and giving him advies.
It hurt... so badly. Your heart ached, telling to get away from him and never speak nor see him again. But you knew, he needed someone. So you stood by at his side.
Every single night, you cried onto your bed, soaking the pillow with your tears. Making the stars feel bad.
Nobody knows that you are in love with you, you... just never told anyone about it.
Yoo JI Hyuk.
Oh how your heart aches, every time you hear that name and how you wish you never the owner of that name.
But if you had taken action before he met her again, would things have changed? Would he be looking at you the same way he looks at her? At this point, you felt tired. Watching as your heart keeps aching every time you hear on how loving he keeps talking about her.
You wish you could shout at him, tell him how much you love him but you can't, and now you're here. Attending their wedding.
'She looks beautiful.'
You thought as Jiwon walked down the aisle, as Ji Hyuk was looking at her like she was a goddess sent form above. You bit your lip, trying not show the bitterness you had, not wanting to ruin the day for the couple.
You looked down and took a deep breath before looking back at the happy couple.
'Maybe in another life, it's me with you...'
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niki-phoria · 1 year
Hii~ it’s the hybe game caterers anon! Hope I could request one about the finale of the random play dance where it’s down to Soobin and the two girl group members (sorry I don’t remember their names 😭) and it’s idol reader’s group song that plays and Soobin gets first place for it bc they’re secretly dating and he’s helped reader practice.
And one of reader’s members is like wow, he dances your part just like you do. Meanwhile txt be exposing their leader for watching reader’s fancams all the time thinking Soobin has a massive crush.
That’s how far the idea went, feel free to change it up! Thanks for being such an amazing writer!
p.s. could I be added to your anon list as 🎶anon?
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pairing: soobin x gn!idol!reader (they/them pronouns) genre: fluff word count: 1.2k
includes: blushy soobin, some of the enha members are briefly mentioned bc i love them, i tried my best to get all the names correct but i'm not familiar with the other groups featured, their relationship isn't really secret lol but i tried my best, one of my fav works ngl
a/n: thank you for requesting !! i love this idea sm, i hope you like it :))
based on this and this !!
requests open !! read my rules first
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“stand outside of the line,” producer nah announces, pointing to a string outlining a large circle on the field. you nervously wipe your hands off on your pants as you stand up from your seat, following the crowd towards the edge. 
“y/n,” soobin calls, waving you over. you smile as you rush over to where he’s standing. his hand immediately finds its home around your waist as he tugs you a little closer to him. 
“are we dancing?” you murmur, nervously looking down to check your shoelaces. 
“it’s okay,” soobin smiles. “we’ll dance together.” 
“this is the last segment. good work everyone.” you applaud with the others, grateful to have an excuse to be close to soobin again after weeks of your schedules keeping you apart. “we’re going to play the random dance.”
you let yourself focus on soobin’s arm still resting around your waist as producer nah explains the rules of the game before calling seungkwan over to judge with him. 
three notes chime out to announce the practice song before “blessed-cursed” begins playing. you follow soobin further into the grass field as you dance along to the choreography. you chuckle when kai rushes forwards immediately, taking the stage with ease. 
the music fades out once the first half of the chorus ends. soobin reaches over to grab your hand once you return to your place behind the line, giving you a reassuring squeeze. you smile when he does, letting some of your worries go as you relax and let yourself have fun. 
the rounds continue on smoothly with a similar routine each time: part of the chorus of a song plays, you step out into the field and complete the choreography as well as you can, then you step back where soobin takes your hand into his once again. it’s almost second nature to intertwine your fingers together with a small smile. 
your jaw drops as the song for round seven plays - “hey mama” by guetta. you let out a nervous laugh as you step over the line. beomgyu chuckles as you haphazardly follow yeonjun and soobin as they easily dance along to the song. “you don’t know it?” he asks over the music. 
“i didn’t watch street woman fighter,” you reply. 
sunoo gestures for a microphone with a small wave as producer nah hands it over. “beomgyu, sunghoon-hyung, jake-hyung, and y/n,” he calls. soobin smiles as he reaches over to reassuringly pat your shoulder. with one final raised fist and his whispered “fighting,” you step forwards to join the others in the line. the others slowly join you, including the seventeen members, jiwon, and kazuha. 
“let’s have yeonjun in front.” you chuckle at how flustered he looks as he steps forwards, hiding his face behind his hands in his embarrassment for a second. you poorly follow along to the choreography once again before following after sunghoon and jake when they leave. beomgyu reaches over to pat your shoulder with a small smile as you sit down in between him and jungwon. the grass is uncomfortable - even underneath the fabric of your pants - and pollen irritates your eyes, but you ignore it in favor of watching soobin. 
you watch as the group slowly dwindles down until there are only three people left standing: soobin, eunchae, and soyeon. “is txt going to crumble?” seungkwan teases as taehyun joins you on the other side of the field. yeonjun dances his way over after playful protests from the judges spur him to leave. he smiles as he sits beside you and taehyun in the grass. 
“wow!” you cheer, applauding with the others as “into the new world” ends. 
“what’s yeonjun's identity?” jay asks beside you. 
“something unexpected just happened,” producer nah says. “the man who looked like he’d survive to the end was eliminated!” 
yeonjun chuckles as you help beomgyu hand the microphone over to him. “my dance teacher is gone,” soyeon jokes. 
“we should hear from him,” seungkwan prompts. “we all thought he was gonna win.”
“ah, i had so much fun. i’m happy,” he smiles. 
“he was just a placeholder for soobin, who’s the real ace,” taehyun jokes.
“soobin!” you call, raising your fist. “fighting!” he laughs as he brings a hand up to hide his slightly flushed cheeks before standing back up and returning the gesture. 
“fighting,” he smiles. 
your attention remains glued to soobin as the group continues to dwindle down. yunjin is the next to leave, laughing as she’s welcomed back to the group with open arms. his eyes never leave yours - even when the sun slowly begins to set and the rounds continue to drag on. 
“ah,” seungkwan says. “i think they’re all winners.”
“i’d say they all won,” hoshi agrees. 
“can’t we try one last song?” beomgyu asks. 
“yeah, one more song,” others from the group chime in to agree. 
“okay, here’s what we’re going to do,” producer nah says. “all three of you won the coffee truck. we’ll do one final round to determine who wins the snack truck. the person who shows the most artistic expression will win.” 
“instead of eliminating them, we’ll pick first place,” seungkwan agrees. 
you raise your fist in a fighting gesture towards soobin once again as he laughs. “they haven’t played any of my songs yet,” you murmur. 
“they haven’t played ours either,” kai comforts. 
“the last song. music, cue!” your eyes widen when the chorus of the next song plays - your most recent comeback. soobin laughs as he rushes forwards, dancing to the beat with ease. the crowd around you erupts with cheers as his smile grows. he dances effortlessly while you hide your face behind your hands in embarrassment. 
“this is y/n’s song?” you can vaguely hear hoshi ask. beside him, minghao nods.  
niki laughs as he watches. “he dances exactly like y/n.”
“soobin-hyung watches their fancams all the time,” taehyun laughs. 
“it’s true!” beomgyu smiles. “he’s always talking about y/n and watching their content.” 
“we’re friends!” you defend. “he’s being supportive.” 
the round ends when the chorus finishes. soobin smiles at you from across the field as he holds the ending pose - the same one that you do during promotional performances. 
you join the others in applauding for them as you watch soobin bow to eunchae and soyeon. they do the same as they cheer for each other before seungkwan takes the microphone once again. “that was beyond respect. i’m in awe. however, i think the killing part determined the winner.” he pauses for dramatic effect before continuing. “congratulations… choi soobin of txt!” 
you can’t help your bright smile as you stand up. soobin smiles as he rushes over to you, wrapping his arms around your waist. you’re quick to reciprocate; clinging to him as you celebrate. he presses a kiss against your forehead when he sets you back down on the ground, bringing a hand up to cup your cheek. “congratulations love,” you smile. 
“i couldn’t have done it without you,” soobin whispers. his arm remains tightly around your waist as the rest of the txt boys join you. kai keeps you tightly in their group hug as you jump around in your excitement. 
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brrrkdslek · 10 months
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❒ ateez x gn! reader
❒ idfk, gossip girls???
❒ your friend ditches you and is replaced with your favourite group, ateez.
❒ 0.8k
❒ fyi i was like half asleep when i wrote this. im not even gonna bother to edit btw im not making fun of anyone n shit just go with it pls im begging😭🙏🏻
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your heart stops for a whole minute as you watch ateez walking across from you, just getting off their flight.
you rubbed your eyes multiple times as you shamelessly gawked at the boys that walked farther and farther away from you. damn, is this how lucky you are???
apparently not as you waited at the parking lot, checking your phone every few seconds waiting for your friend to arrive to pick you up.
you squatted down as fatigue took over your body and knocked you to the ground. you sighed, not even bothering to move.
just then, your phone vibrated in your pocket as you pick up the call. "jiwon! where the hell are you, i'm fucking starving!"
"uh... i might not be able to make it, heh." your eyes widen as you silently cried. fuck it's already 11pm, who's gonna take you home now???
you decided to sit there and cry your ass off until a miracle happened, which it did. you cried and whispered words of curses directed to your supposed 'best friend'.
"waaa, that stupid bimbo... i bet she ditched me 'cuz she's hooking up with some man whore," "who did?" you jumped as you looked to your right.
is that,
jung. fucking. wooyoung. question mark.
you stare at him for a few seconds before suddenly slapping yourself across the face, taking him by shock. "fuck! focus y/n, you shouldn't be fucking hallucinating right now..."
you sighed as you looked in his direction again. his figure still and very real. "wait, what the hell? you're real???" you put your hand over your mouth, why were you so fucking unlucky????
wooyoung then laughed as you stared at him like he was on something, "ah- sorry, i've just never met a fan like this before! wait, you're an atiny, right?"
you nodded, face still red from embarrassment. "what are you doing out here at," you glance at your phone, "almost 12am?" wooyoung shook his head, "no, what are YOU doing out here? and why are you on the ground crying????"
you explained your situation to wooyoung as you cursed your friend in anger. you also told him that she hooks up with the randomest dudes ever and worst of all, she's your roommate.
the miracle finally happened when wooyoung offered to drive you back, not mentioning that he was with his members too.
as you approached the black van, he opened the passenger door, pulling san out and shoving him in the back. you side-eyed wooyoung as he kicked and shoved san into the back, no explanation.
"yah! jung woo- ow, don't kick me!"
"what the fuck are you doing???"
"hey, get off me!"
"what is going on???"
the members clamoured as they adjusted their seating due to the extra fatso being shoved in. extra fatso as in choi san of course!
"you saw nothing!" wooyoung exclaimed happily as he opened the passenger door for you, you got in and sat awkwardly as the members gawked at you.
maybe you should've stayed outside until you got kidnapped by a sexy man/ woman and lived in their basement forever, okay maybe it wasn't that bad.
"uh, who are you?" okay maybe it was that bad.
"uh-" wooyoung got into the driver's seat and started the car, "our little atiny's friend dumped her on the streets so we're gonna take her home!" ouch, why's he word it like that???
mingi's face lightened up, "you're an atiny!? ooo, who's your bias?" fuck, you didn't expect that. um, what were you supposed to say now???
suddenly your phone rang. for the first time ever, you thanked jiwon for calling you at a random time. wooyoung put on some music and started driving, "oh- right, where do you live?"
the members tease wooyoung for his stupidity as you entered a location on the gps, then answering the phone. "hello- what?"
the members eyed each other quietly as they, not very discreetly, listened in on your conversation. not like they couldn't, right?
"what did you say just now?" "uh- so my hookup might've stolen your yeosang photocard." you gasped so loud. wooyoung looked over, "what, what is it?"
the members eyes widen with curiosity, silently rooting for you as you screamed at your 'friend' on the phone. unlucky day it was.
you hung up, turning to wooyoung, " actually, take me here instead." you enter another location. "what- wait why, what happened?"
then began your rant of your slut of a roommate. how she was messy, never giving you space and always up your ass about everything. you also mentioned that you were finding a new apartment so you could finally get away from her.
"what! that's so insane, she let the guy sleep naked on the couch??" seonghwa cringed in disgust. "yeah, he was so damn ugly too." san snorted and laughed, "i even have a picture, you wanna see???"
the rest of the car ride was filled with gasps and 'no way!'s and 'omg's and more! but of course, the boys deliver you to your location safely and you've never felt happier.
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eternallyhyucks · 2 years
late night | ji changmin
pairing: bf! changmin x gn! reader
word count: 345
genre/warnings: fluff / none
—note: i got bored and wrote this quickly last night LOL
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𖤐 ྀ
“im so tired” you say as you put down your phone and stretch your body.
“me too” says changmin. “do you wanna go to sleep now?”
“mm i need to do some skincare first” you say sighing and getting out of changmin’s arms. as you made your way to the bathroom, you heard changmin get out of bed as well.
you turn to see him following you to the bathroom. “can i do skincare with you?”
you giggle at how adorable he looked, “of course”
the two of you wash your hands and began to wash your faces when changmin pauses, “do you have any face masks?”
“i think i might!! let me check” you open the cabinet under the sink and sure enough you found some.
“here!” you say smiling and handing him one
he giggles, “a giraffe and a penguin?”
“ARENT THEY SO CUTE” you say excitedly
“yeah and theyre just like you” he says kissing your cheek and opening one of the packages
you take the other package and open it as changmin begins to take the mask out of the bag and lifts it towards not his, but your face. “what are you-“ but the mask was already on your forehead.
as changmin puts the mask on your face, you continue to take the mask in your hand out and place it on his.
he giggles as soon as it touches his face, “it’s cold!”
after about 5 minutes of fixing each other’s masks, the two of you look into the mirror to see a giraffe and a penguin.
“this is so freaking cute, i need to get a picture” you say squealing.
you quickly left the bathroom and grabbed your phone drom your room. once you came back, you immediately took pictures of changmin, but before you could take more, he took your phone and posed for pictures with you.
“i want pictures with my penguin” he says turning your head to make it face the mirror
“you are the most adorable giraffe” you say leaning into him
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@izchone , @yejicrossing , @baekswoons , @jiwon-44 , @renjunn1es , @junityy , @pr0dbeomgyu , @yyx2 , @sungsunnie , @wccycc , @jscvpid , @koishua , @changminurheart , @rainbowglitteramythyst , @amouryu , @baekhyunstruly , @soobin-chois , @yjwfav , @fairybinie
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—send an ask if you would like to be a part of my taglist!!
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averagefanficwriter · 3 years
Ideas I Have For Here.
I was thinking of some ideas for one shots (and you never know a short series) for my Tumblr page here. - If you do have any ideas please tell me! I would love to write any of your ideas and I do want to make you guys feel welcome here. - I do just want to say real quick is that if you are female, I don’t mind. The only thing I wish is that you don’t fetishize MLM content because recently I’ve seen it happening more and it makes me and some others uncomfortable. I am a trans man and just seeing it makes me feel sick sometimes. That is all. - FTM Bakugou x M! Reader (Basically like the reader is helping Bakugou out because he was having a mental break down, telling him he’s ok and all that).
- Kusuo Saiki x GN! Reader (Most likely head cannons for their relationship). - Finished ! (Linked in Masterlist)
- Ahn Jiwon x M! Reader (Probably 3 parts - when DJ basically rejected him).
-  Joe Tazuna x GN! Reader (I can’t cope so I’m saying he lived on).
-  Koushi Sugawara x GN! Reader (Probably on how they met). 
-  Mitsukuni Haninozuka (Honey) x M! Reader (The nice and simple sweet boy with some badass boy getting together - we stan).
- Sebastian (SDV) x M! Reader (Thought about them just having a lazy day at the farm). - Finished ! (Linked in Masterlist) 
To be honest that is all I can think of - sorry I haven’t written for a bit I’ve been really busy lately with some things. Hopefully I will be able to write more.
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springday-aus · 4 years
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Updated As Of: 04-14-23
A/N: these works should be gender neutral unless stated otherwise. 
[M] - mature content (minors DNI)
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Established Couple!AU with Jin [Kim Seokjin]
Museum Date with V [Kim Taehyung]
Boyfriend!AU with Jeon Jungkook
College!AU with Park Chanyeol
↣ GOT7
Neighbor!AU with Park Jinyoung
Established Couple!AU with Wang Jackson
↣ iKon
Awkward Meeting!AU with Hanbin
High School!AU with Haechan [Lee Donghyuk]
College!AU with Johnny Suh
College!AU with Lee Taeyong
Friends to Lovers!AU with YangYang
↣ Nu’est
Neighbor!AU with Baekho [Kang Dongho]
↣ Red Velvet
Coffee Date!AU with Seulgi
↣ Stray Kids 
Established Couple!AU with Felix
College!AU with Felix
Awkward Meetings!AU with Lee Minho
↣ Seventeen
Awkward Meeting!AU with Junhui
Opposites Attract!AU with DK [Lee Seokmin]
Multi-Group + Multi-Member
Anti-Cucumber Club
Bowling Team!AU - 92 Line vs 97 Line
Amusement Park!AU - American Chaos Line
Roommates!AU - American Line
Time Stamps:
↣ ATeez
[11:28PM] - With San [M] (fem. identifying!reader)
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One Shots: 
↣ iKon
Bobby [Lee Jiwon]: The Second Chance → {4k words}
➸ pairing: iKon’s Bobby x gn!reader
➸ soulmate!au, romance, comedy 
➸ summary: in this world, everyone has a destined soulmate, which can be found through a timer and the words of their first exchange. It was created by the gods to help the humans, in leading a less-chaotic life. Ironically enough, this whole soulmate fiasco is unneeded chaos you would rather live without.
↣ NCT 
Na Jaemin: Taking A Hit → {5.1k words}
➸ pairing: NCT’s Jaemin x gn!reader
➸ college!au, romance, comedy
➸ summary: you don’t like Jaemin, but refuse to explain why. Maybe it’s because he accidentally hit you once during volleyball practice. Maybe it’s because he’s super nice to you and you’re paranoid. Maybe it’s because he looks stupidly handsome in his uniform and you’re repressing your feelings.
↣ Seventeen 
Jeon Wonwoo: Daytime Scares → {11.6k words}
➸ pairing: Seventeen’s Wonwoo x [fem. identifying] reader
➸ college!au, fluff, romance, comedy
➸ summary: Wonwoo is nothing more than an attractive stranger in your ethics class. You have no relation with him whatsoever, but that changes when you suddenly have a nightmare that he tries to kill you. That’s a whole level of psychoanalyzing you would rather not dive into. But now things get weirder when he’s starting to talk to you.
➸ warnings: attempted murder (it was a dream) and scary depictions of a horror movie
Lee Chan: Just Another Foodie Call → {6.5k words}
➸ pairing: Seventeen’s Chan x [fem. identifying] reader 
➸ college!au, waiter!au, romance, comedy 
➸ summary: first dates are always awkward, but not for you. In fact, you actually became a master of them. But, what are all of these dates for? Easy, free food. Now that you think about it, there’s only one other person who seems to know your real motives—Chan, the waiter from your favorite restaurant. 
Solo Artists 
↣ Sunmi: Untold Mermaid Tales - Sunmi’s Story → {6.3k words}
➸ mermaid!au, fantasy, historical-ish, revenge story
➸ summary: Sunmi dreams of leaving home to be a sailor. Her opportunity comes when her brother is sick and she’s sent to care for him overseas. However, the journey goes sour as the real implications of her presence are revealed and feelings get hurt.
➸ warnings: sexism, sexual harassment, implied rape, attempted murder
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↣ BTS 
Kim Namjoon: Plus Two 
➸ pairing: BTS’s Namjoon x gn!reader 
➸ wedding date!au, friends to lovers!au, romance, comedy
➸ summary: getting older is never easy, especially with all the weddings Namjoon has been starting to attend. Fortunately for him, a run in with an old friend of his, i.e. you, makes all these weddings a bit more bearable. 
✎ part one || part two
↣ Seventeen
Yoon Jeonghan: Love, War and Everything Between 
➸ pairing: Seventeen’s Jeonghan x [fem. identifying] reader
➸ arranged marriage!au, gender role reversal, royal!au, historical, romance, drama
➸ summary: Korea’s most distinguished military general arrives home, carrying back glory and honor from the war. However, the general has been revealed to be a woman! Due to the prominent military accomplishments you have made as the highest ranking general, by orders of the Empress, you are arranged to be married to the second-eldest prince, Yoon Jeonghan. Only one problem lies between you two: your reputation as a ruthless killing machine, which scares the living daylights out of your new husband. 
➸ warnings: graphic violence, glorified war, murder, sexual harassment, sex discrimination (mainly against women), poly relationships (i.e. concubines), political corruption, and homosexual tendencies 
✎ prologue || part 01 || part 02 || part 03
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eternallyhyucks · 2 years
txt when you hang out with a different member
~ txt ot5 x gn! reader
genre/warnings: fluff , none !!
note: lol i havent posted in so long😭 im still too lazy to write anything but heres this :)
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note pt2: also idk how to get dark mode on this app so im sorry for the light mode fr <//3
@izchone , @yejicrossing , @baekswoons , @jiwon-44 , @renjunn1es , @junityy , @pr0dbeomgyu , @yyx2 , @sungsunnie , @fiantomartell , @wccycc , @jscvpid , @koishua , @changminurheart , @rainbowglitteramythyst , @amouryu , @baekhyunstruly , @soobin-chois , @yjwfav , @fairybinie
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—send an ask if you would like to be a part of my taglist!!
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